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Ura VS Hokstandho.webm

🧵 /sumo/ - Off-Basho General

Anonymous No. 176961

Shattered dreams edition Vol I.
It's over
I tried so hard, got so far, but in the end it didn't really matter.
Making Kakuryu proud.
The next true Japanese hope?
Still making uncle mad.

FUCK divegrass. FUCK Hokuseiho.

Terunofuji will Intai before this thread dies.

Pastebin: (embed)

Previous Thread: >>171292

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Anonymous No. 176964

First for Oho kachi-koshi

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Anonymous No. 176965

Second for Yokozun-ACK

Anonymous No. 176970

Hokuseiho is my favourite wrestler to see lose

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Ura the boss 4.webm

Anonymous No. 176972

Same. When you're as big as he and Ichinojo are and are still trying to play the defensive game against guys way smaller than you, then fuck you. Glad to see Ura make that fucker pay for adopting that bitch-ass "style" of sumo.

I'm curious what Hakuho thinks about how timid he is...or if it's actually him encouraging him to be so boring and defensive.

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Anonymous No. 176974

I can't imagine he's too happy with him, sure Hokuseiho might look dominant with how he just stonewalls some people but his actual numbers are pretty middling

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Anonymous No. 176983

>Ura sanyaku
Should’ve happened a long time ago but uncles money talks

Anonymous No. 176984

Ura January Yusho clinching his final match by the first ever backflip kimarite

Anonymous No. 176986


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Anonymous No. 176988

Komusubi Ura
Kotozakura Ozeki run
Kirishima Yokozuna run
Atamifuji in joi
Onosato makuuchi debut

I'm very hype for January already.

This should be the first tournament since Nagoya 22 that we don't have any extra junior sanyaku.

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Anonymous No. 176989

>implying uncle has any clout over the nsk
you've been proven wrong multiple times

🗑️ Anonymous No. 176991

>implying japs won’t sell out for money
Very cute

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Anonymous No. 177003

Looks brutal, hope that guy's balls are still intact and properly functioning kek.

Anonymous No. 177009

>t. malding manlets

Anonymous No. 177011

>You're malding because he lost
Huh, is that how that works?

Anonymous No. 177013

so what color was the macaron this time

Anonymous No. 177014


Anonymous No. 177015

are there any pics?
I couldn't find any footage, I wanna see it

Anonymous No. 177026

His very existence in the top division causes (you) hairloss and high blood pressure

Anonymous No. 177035

Not sure where you're getting that idea from, I like seeing Hokuseiho in the top division, his losses are always entertaining

Anonymous No. 177037

Love me some Ura, but a 8-7 from M2 east isn't enough for a Komusubi slot imo. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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Anonymous No. 177038

>Komusubi Ura
>Kotozakura Ozeki run
>Kirishima Yokozuna run
>Atamifuji in joi
>Onosato makuuchi debut
>I'm very hype for January already.

FUCK YES!!!!!!!!

🗑️ Anonymous No. 177040

>t. used to have his lunch money stolen by 5'3" guys because he was pathetic lanklet that was too much of a pussy too defend himself

Anonymous No. 177041

>t. used to have his lunch money stolen by 5'3" guys because he was a pathetic lanklet that was too much of a pussy to defend himself

Anonymous No. 177045

I think bravura had precedent being he faced stiffer competition

Anonymous No. 177046

Isn't Ura maegashira 1? I dunno what alternative there could be since both Komusubi are getting demoted and the other Maegashira 1 as well as both #2s are also getting demoted.

Anonymous No. 177047

Wakatakakage two years ago is the only example in the past 12 of an M1 of either side not making komusubi after an 8-7. Atamifuji isn't high enough, so komusubi in January will probably be Ura and Takayasu. M1 will be Wakamotoharu and Atamifuji.

Anonymous No. 177055

Those double digit wins seem to be more important to the banzuke committee as they launched both Hoshoryu and Abi into Sanyaku from where they were.

Anonymous No. 177056

>Isn't Ura maegashira 1?
Yea, but he's M1 west, which is the lower rank. He SHOULD be good, but you never know with the committee due to the occasional bout of fuckiness that happens. They might push Takayasu and Atamifuji in front of Ura leaving him with just a promotion from west to east M1 because....reasons. Hope I'm wrong though.

Anonymous No. 177057

>M1 will be Wakamotoharu
I thought Sekiwake are only dropped to Komusubi when they fuck up?

Anonymous No. 177058

It's always possible.
I could see them pushing Takayasu over Ura and making Ura the west komusubi, but Atamfuji only deserves to be M1 by rank-record plus, the joi bias works in Ura's favor.

Anonymous No. 177059

>I thought Sekiwake are only dropped to Komusubi when they fuck up?
When a sekiwake finishes 7-8, he goes to komusibi, almost without exception. If they do worse, though, they always fall out of the sanyaku.

Anonymous No. 177060

Only if it's only 7-8. 6-9 and lower they never stay in sanyaku without public injury system or coof exemption.

Anonymous No. 177062

Ah, got ya...that makes sense.

Anonymous No. 177065

My guy Kotoeko getting sent to Juryo

Anonymous No. 177066

makuuchi just got a little less exciting.

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Anonymous No. 177067

takayasu will jump since he won against ozekis, beating kirishima and hoshoryu. ura's matched against the the ozeki, WMH and daieisho were painful to watch. i think 12 or maybe a few harder opponents would have gad atamifuji jump. losing the last two days hurt.
unless they want to push a promising new young guy. ura isn't in that category

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 177071

I can't imagine it being Atamifuji with this history.

Anonymous No. 177072

Any abemachads here? I didn’t hear the yuuuuuuushoooooo sound when kiri won. Kinda lame give the Mongolian mongrel his flowers.

Anonymous No. 177073

Yea, noticed that too. No YUUUSHOOOO sound effects was a bummer.

Anonymous No. 177074

Oh wow....all those 10-5 making Komusubi from lower than M3 where Takayasu is makes me wonder if there will be a slot for Ura.

Anonymous No. 177075

I'm too lazy to check all of those but I have to wonder how many of those jumps went over an M1 with a winning record. Wasn't the case in any of the ones I did check.

Anonymous No. 177076

It'll be Takayasu and Ura. Midori and Atami are too far down for their respective scores to make it, while Ura is literally M1.

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Anonymous No. 177077

I'd guess it's because he technically "won" the yusho when Atamifuji lost his match. Kiri's bout didn't matter at that point.

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Anonymous No. 177078

takayasu is pretty much guaranteed one of the two komusubi slots. like >>177075 said, youd have to dive into the individual basho to see what happened in each of them. could be the first winning record was 8-7 at m4.
my opinion is its going to be based on how much sumo wants to push the young guy to be babyface

Anonymous No. 177080

Why is American sumo so freakin bad? Looks like they're lining the circle with pool noodles

Anonymous No. 177082

it takes a lot of manpower and expertise to make a clay dohyo
There do not exist ten people in the US that know how to make a traditional clay dohyo(and also want to do it)

>why is american sumo so bad
because there is no money so other than a few extreme exceptions no athletes do it

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Anonymous No. 177086

I ran this query just to see how often they actually cockblock an 8-7 M1W, it's only happened twice in the last decade. Once because M1E had a 10-5 and there was only one Komusubi slot open, and the other time they let the M2W take it with an 11-4.

So yeah I'd say it's 100% Takayasu and Ura.

Anonymous No. 177087

Yeah ik right I was gonna participate and lean on people hokuseiho style since I’m 6’4 (193cm)

Anonymous No. 177088

That's just what sumo looks like when you strip out all the Shinto tradition, including fake tradition mimicing Shinto rituals, and Japanese setting.

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Anonymous No. 177090

I was doing the same with a wider date range and looking at who jumped. A 11-4J would be enough for them to justify the jump. the biggest komosubi jump over an m1 was m12 14-1 yusho. Worst was Aobajo got jumped by 3 guys. I didn't look past that.
forgot to write it, but 11-4 non-jun was what jumped wtk from m2
>100% Ura
I wouldn't say that. Like Ive said already, its going to depend on how much they want to push him.

Anonymous No. 177091

>Worst was Aobajo got jumped by 3 guys.
That M3 9-6 is bullshit too. That poor guy.

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Anonymous No. 177092

>professionals who train sumo at least twice a day, six days a week, for years on end since they were children
>people who are 20+ who train for an hour once or twice a week because they thought "hey sumo looks neat"
Gee, I wonder why it looks bad.

Anonymous No. 177093

Did anyone spot the macaron? What color was it?

Anonymous No. 177094


Anonymous No. 177095

Fuck, I was betting on red

Anonymous No. 177096

I don't think it can be red.

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Anonymous No. 177097

wasn't like he was an old guy either. ura may find himself in a similar situation. aobajo lost to the ozeki and yokozuna he fought, and only one against one on sanyaku not getting the boot next tournament. ura has the exact same story last basho

Anonymous No. 177098

I haven't seen a red one before but I went for the wildcard

🗑️ Anonymous No. 177099

I wouldn't put much weight in an outlier from five decades ago. None of the current sumo elders were even alive back then.

Anonymous No. 177100

hell, only two guys ura beat even had winning records, and gonoyama only pulled it out on the last day

Anonymous No. 177101

sure, but its not like they cant come to the same conclusion based on the results

Anonymous No. 177110

I highly doubt they're actually going to use prior precedent from five decades ago when there's five decades of examples going against it.
Here's what the line of thinking is:
- Both komusubi mk, so they drop and need to be replaced.
- WMH 6-9, not good enough to stay sanyaku, down to maegashira.
- Takayasu 10-5 from M3, obvious komusubi
- Ura 8-7 from M1w, should be promoted, only options are M1e or the other komusubi spot.
- Gonoyama also 8-7, not good enough.
- Midorifuji 9-6 from M5w. Is one extra win good enough to make up four full ranks? Doubtful.
- Atamifuji 11-4 from M8w. Is three extra wins good enough to make up 7 full ranks? Also doubtful.

The only question is whether Atamifuji's wins are worth more than Ura's based on quality of competition. However, Ura being joi-jin was also facing the highest quality of competition the entire time, while Atamifuji faced mostly mid-maegashira, including losses to two M11s. I doubt they'll swing it in Atamifuji's favour.
Keep in mind promotions aren't just about how well the guy does, but how well everyone else does too. This go around, most of the upper and mid maegashira had losing scores, with the ones that didn't mostly being too far down.

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Anonymous No. 177114

>I highly doubt they're actually going to use prior precedent
i wasn't suggesting that. i was suggesting thst they can come to the same conclusion when deciding how to rank everyone independent of what happened before
>three extra wins good enough to make up 7 full ranks?
its also a jun, even if its shared with kotonowaka and Ichiyamamoto. beating hoshoryu is a leg up, and he won against 3 guys with double digit wins. beating takayasu who is going up to komusubi may play in his favor. only beating two kk guys isn't helping ura
>Keep in mind promotions aren't just about how well the guy does, but how well everyone else does too.
this is the whole reason why im suggesting that the possibility of jumping ura is greater than what people are saying.
coin flip with k atamifuji m1e ura or k ura m1e atamifuji based on young guy nod or letting an old dog get a sanyaku rank to retire with

Anonymous No. 177115

I'm not saying they need to follow it to the letter but they need to do better than a tarp with foam noodles glued on top

Anonymous No. 177136


Anonymous No. 177137

>Why is American sumo so freakin bad?
Not enough interest in it here for it to be anything other than bad. If the NCAA got behind it and made it a part of normal college athletic programs, it would be a lot better and some of those athletes would probably be able to compete in world amateur sumo. Japanese pro sumo can't really be beat, though, as it's a way of life, and not just a sport.

Anonymous No. 177140

why should they do things according to your standards?

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Anonymous No. 177144

You're right, they should do it more like they do in Japan.

Anonymous No. 177145

>do better

Anonymous No. 177148

The canvas and foam noodles are actually developed by the Japanese Sumo Federation. Not pro sumo, but the guys who run amateur sumo in Japan, including high school and university. The intent is to provide a prefab kit that anyone around the world can order that's cheap, durable, lightweight, and easy to transport and set up, because accessibility to sumo is more important than insisting on rice bales on clay for tradition. So as >>177144 pointed out, you see them in Japan too for training and lower level competitions, even if the main senior championships are held on clay.

Rice bales on clay only happened because it was easy to set up in the feudal era, and has only carried on to the present because of tradition. While that shouldn't be changed for pro sumo, it's irrelevant for international sumo, and can be changed based on whatever's cheap and easily available, hence the prefab kit. Foam noodles on padded canvas is cheap and readily available in pretty much any gymnasium or athletic facility, allowing people to practice sumo without needing any special materials.

Anonymous No. 177149

>thinking it's glue

Anonymous No. 177150

>accessibility is more important than tradition
This is why amasumo will never rise above the status of a novelty sport. Sumo with all the sacred and traditional aspects stripped out of it is just fat men brawling.

Anonymous No. 177151

>Sumo with all the sacred and traditional aspects stripped out of it
and all the skill

Anonymous No. 177153

>sumo without the sacred and traditional aspects is just fat men brawling

breaking news, sports are sports

>mma is just men brawling
>boxing is just men punching each other
>basketball is just men throwing a ball and bouncing it around
>divegrass is just men kicking a ball

I know it's fun to be reductive but come on now

Anonymous No. 177154

The ritual and tradition are great, but I wouldn't care about sumo if I didn't connect to it on a sporting level. Competitively, it's an example of something being deep in its simplicity, without most of the needless shit you find in boxing and MMA. You have two guys and they wrestle each other until one wins, that's it.

Anonymous No. 177155

Yeah but I imagine what that guy meant is that without all those trappings you wouldn't have people willing to dedicate themselves to it to the extent that rikishi do, and so you wouldn't HAVE that depth. I don't think he was trying to denigrate Sumo.

Anonymous No. 177158

Don't know if this is your guess or somebody else's, but you've got at least one clear error here: Kotoshoho leapfrogging Churanoumi. It's a banzooky "rule" (i.e. not a written rule but they obey it) that no Juryo promotee is allowed to go over the rank of a Makunouchi rikishi with a winning record.

Anonymous No. 177159

Embarrassing to say the least

Also, what's the deal with handing out medals in sumo?

Anonymous No. 177160

americans will only ever do something if there's a reward for it
the idea of doing anything for the enjoyment of the pursuit isn't how we operate

Anonymous No. 177161

Yeah, they should only hand out sea bream and giant macarons, I'm sure the Americans can get behind that.

Anonymous No. 177162

>without all those trappings you wouldn't have people willing to dedicate themselves to it to the extent that rikishi do
Amateur anything is a hobby by definition, I wouldn't expect any amateur athlete to dedicate himself the same way a pro does.

Anonymous No. 177165

reward mechanisms are a good thing.
because the international sumo federation has been trying to get sumo added to the olympics for decades, so they try to emulate olympic sports where they can. That's why they have weight classes and medals.

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Anonymous No. 177167

>Also, what's the deal with handing out medals in sumo?
It used to be a lot more common, and was a normal part of the one-day-tournament events (there used to be far more of them).

Anonymous No. 177169

After this conversation I hope we can all agree that the problem with amateur sumo isn't the lack of tradition, it's the lack of dedication, the divide in skill is even bigger than it is between most pro and amateur sports.

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Anonymous No. 177171

I hope Abi falls on his neck and gets paralyzed next basho

Anonymous No. 177177

Not wise, anon. The good Lord tends to not appreciate that kind of thing.

Anonymous No. 177179

>the divide in skill is even bigger than it is between most pro and amateur sports
What do you base this conjecture off of

Anonymous No. 177180

This but unironically.

>because the international sumo federation has been trying to get sumo added to the olympics for decades, so they try to emulate olympic sports where they can. That's why they have weight classes and medals.
Huh. Freaky deaky, as the 1980s used to say.

See previous response.

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Anonymous No. 177181

Keep in mind amateur sumo includes Japanese amateur sumo, including the high school and university pipeline that pros come from. Additionally, while it's not as common now for various reasons, it's not unheard of for foreigners to be recruited from international amateur sumo competition. Tochinoshin, Kaisei, and Masutoo (never made sekitori) all got recruited after competing in international amateur sumo alongside Goeido.

Anonymous No. 177182

I think sensei Seth's sumo videos demonstrate this idea
He takes a judo class and enters a tournament and can't even beat yellow belts
He takes a sumo class and enters a tournament and starts winning medals and qualifying for invitationals

Anonymous No. 177183

>without all those trappings you wouldn't have people willing to dedicate themselves to it to the extent that rikishi do
Someone had to start it.

Anonymous No. 177184

I think more importantly it draws foreign eyes and money into the sport
For the old Japanese men they say they like to gamble
For the young Japanese girls they say "I rabu watch biggu fatto man! Soo kawaiii!!~"
And the gaijin piggus say they love like the culture and like the history and stuff maan

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Anonymous No. 177186

>See previous response.
My message was it isn't 'against tradition' or anti-sumo or anything silly like that. You can find lots of rikishi wearing medals throughout Taisho, Showa.

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Anonymous No. 177187

>This dumb nigger doesn't know about the special prizes handed out after each basho

Anonymous No. 177188

I think finically, sumo could really benefit from tapping into the delusional american pigfat market. Those fat fucks could project themselves unto sumo wrestlers and have a lose claim to be athletic.

If the JSA could afford to pay everyone a base salary of 100k, and 7 figures for the top performers, then they could attract much more talent.

Anonymous No. 177191

No, the previous response I meant was
>Huh. Freaky deaky, as the 1980s used to say.
Apologies for the ambiguity.

Anonymous No. 177192

I would absolutely destroy my body for money like that

Anonymous No. 177193

>Those fat fucks could project themselves unto sumo wrestlers and have a loose* claim to be athletic
Agreed, based on the posters itt who do just that

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Anonymous No. 177194

>Tochinoshin, Kaisei
There's a world of difference between these two and the average American though.

Kaisei competed in the Brazilian sumo scene, which is much deeper and longer established thanks to the large Japanese diaspora there. Former UFC LHW champion Lyoto Machida competed in amateur sumo in Brazil. Kaisei was also personally trained by a former sekitori. Tochinoshin trained in judo and sambo and won multiple European tournaments at the junior level before he started competing in amateur sumo (along with Gagamaru).

If you teleported their 2004 selves to today, they could give most people in the US scene a run for their money. If they competed right now, they'd mog everyone even with their broken old man bodies.

Anonymous No. 177199

My point was that there's far far more to amateur sumo than just whatever's going on in the US. The most you should care about with the US is whatever international competitions they host.

Anonymous No. 177200

>world of difference between these two and the average American
Yes, the "average American" doesn't come from a complete shithole of a nation like Brazil or Georgia, so they don't look at being a rikishi as a potential way to escape their poverty the way they did.

Anonymous No. 177201

That and the "average American" that has the ability to compete in sumo is already ear-marked to be a lineman in football. That's a big part of why the Hawai'ians disappeared from sumo.

Anonymous No. 177203

This guy gets it
Our Olympic athletes are people who aren't good enough to play real sports

Anonymous No. 177209

Imagine if in some alternative timeline where lyoto machida went pro sumo in japan and still drinking his own piss

Anonymous No. 177222

>That's a big part of why the Hawai'ians disappeared from sumo.
Not really, the previous Hawaiians were already football trained and either got injured or were clearly not going to make the pros.
What caused the Hawaiians to disappear was the Japanese bubble popping. Although the Hawaiians are associated with the 90s, they were all recruited in the late 80s back when the bubble was going strong and everyone had money to throw around. Back then people in the west were legitimately concerned that Japan would overtake the US in economic strength. Very easy to go up to Hawaiians and throw around how much money guys were making in Japan and sell them on that.
The last of the main wave of Hawaiians, Daiki, debuted November 1991, right when the bubble was popping. Since then only two Americans, one Texan and one Hawaiian, have been recruited. It's probably easier to recruit them to Japanese football than to sumo.

Anonymous No. 177226

yeah, sumo is a pretty shit way to make money. Literally most wrestlers would make more money from a career in MacDonald's than sumo

Anonymous No. 177228

That's cause Ura keeps buying all the McDoubles.

Anonymous No. 177229

Bald fatty detected. Who tf uses hair loss and high blood pressure as their default bants? Reddit-grade projection.

Anonymous No. 177230

Most yeah, but when guys are getting sold on the life they're told how much sekitori make, which is a decent amount.

Anonymous No. 177238

>thinking it's not glue

Anonymous No. 177239

>because the international sumo federation has been trying to get sumo added to the olympics for decades
Why? Mongolia already takes home tons of medals in other varieties of wrestling, they don't need any more

Anonymous No. 177253

>not compared to football, though.

The average sekitori makes about 120k USD per year, but only 70 wrestlers in the entire sport get a salary.
The average NFL player makes 2.8mill USD per year and every one of them gets paid.

Anonymous No. 177258

It's velcro. You are a retard

Anonymous No. 177259

It may surprise you that international amateur sumo consists of more than mongolians.

Anonymous No. 177262

Olympic sumo would be Mongoltown though. They would have as many mongolians on the podium as were allowed to enter.

Anonymous No. 177263

Mongols dominate pro sumo because of the wealth disparity making it a coveted career for kids who want to get rich by Mongolian standards. The actual influence of Mongolian wrestling on how well they perform in sumo is greatly exaggerated to the point of being a myth; at most it's a solid base to build on but in the same way judo or football would be. Hakuho's dad won his medals in freestyle wrestling, and that's closer to what Mongolian wrestling is for a wrestler who hasn't cross-trained. There's a reason why existing international sumo tournaments aren't dominated by Mongolians.

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hakuho vs mongoli....webm

Anonymous No. 177299

>Hakuho's dad won his medals in freestyle wrestling, and that's closer to what Mongolian wrestling is for a wrestler who hasn't cross-trained

Sumo is way closer to Mongolian wrestling than freestyle. Mongolian wrestling ends when someone touches downs with any part other than the soles of their feet (though some styles allow touching down with the hands like the one that Hakuho and his dad did). There's a complete absence of matwork which is half of freestyle.

>Mongols dominate pro sumo because of the wealth disparity making it a coveted career for kids who want to get rich by Mongolian standards.
>There's a reason why existing international sumo tournaments aren't dominated by Mongolians.
The reason is if they were any good, they'd have gone into pro sumo or gone to the Olympics for other grappling arts. Mongolia historically has done very well at not only sumo, but judo, shuai jiao, and western wrestling.

Anonymous No. 177303

Why Mongolians in particular? Are they just sturdy or is there more to it
Certainly Nords are large hardy folk as well

Anonymous No. 177309

There is a massive culture of wrestling in Mongolia relative to most other countries. Kakuryuu has the famous story of being someone who had joined sumo with no wrestling experience and only dreams of being a basketball player, yet even he has said something like 'of course, I had wrestled once or twice in my childhood' as though he imagines everyone has that experience.

Anonymous No. 177323

>Why Mongolians in particular?
First, there aren't that many sporting options to go with in Mongolia compared to other nations, so the talent pool isn't nearly as divided. Second, Mongolian traditional wrestling is very similar to sumo, so it's easy for them to apply what they learned in Mongolia to the sumo matches they face in Japan. IMO, the Mongolian style of wrestling gives them an advantage over traditional sumo as they incorporate their legs for throws far more than the traditional sumo rikishi who relies on their legs for balance and momentum more than to apply techniques.

No doubt that the Mongolians view Japanese sumo as an economic opportunity, though, as Mongolia isn't a wealthy nation.

Anonymous No. 177346

new chris schizo headcanon just dropped

>once again, judges demonstrate why they should have their shit slapped

Anonymous No. 177364

buy an ad chris

Anonymous No. 177402

Fuck, if Gou won that bout it would have been kino of the highest caliber.

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Anonymous No. 177413

Banzuke guess for January. Shit got pretty clustered in a couple spots. I think I'll get a lot of wrong east/west slots, don't know, because I usually suck at guessing the damn things.

Anonymous No. 177451

Asanoyama at M8 has a strong shot at competing for the cup, his win in 2019 was from M8

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Anonymous No. 177454

>mfw muscle manlet fans post

🗑️ Anonymous No. 177460

If Asa wins again, Trump will be president 2024.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 177461

>Trump will be president 2024.
The deep state will never allow that. They rigged the 2020 election, and they'll rig this next one too...or simply assassinate him.

Anonymous No. 177465

Trust the plan. Two more basho. Shodai, Agent of Chaos, will deliver.

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Anonymous No. 177480

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Anonymous No. 177483

look who i met /xs/

Anonymous No. 177484

describe the smell of both of these individuals

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Anonymous No. 177491

>mfw muscle manlet fans post


Anonymous No. 177495

You on the right?

Anonymous No. 177503

It was nice of your stablemaster to let you go to the twink jungyo.

Anonymous No. 177509

>describe the smell of both of these individuals
Left, Chanel No.5 Eau de Toilette
Right, the inside of an old ice hockey glove

Anonymous No. 177510

More schizo posting from Chris and Takatoriki

Mostly about elder stock.
>Terunofuji is sticking around to secure a share
>Kakuyu can't find one
>Takarafuji, Hoktuofuji, Myogiryu, and Onosho have already secured theirs (along with Endo, though that's been known forever)
>Hakuho is angling for Isegahama so he can lead an ichimon like Kisenosato

Anonymous No. 177513

They should make retired wrestlers compete in a single elimination tournament to acquire elder stock.

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Anonymous No. 177515


Anonymous No. 177536

Hakuhos ambition knows no bounds

Anonymous No. 177538

They're so tall yet so fat but also muscular at the same time... It's morbid

Anonymous No. 177541

Hakuho is going to become Ozumo itself.

Anonymous No. 177574

Honestly the more I hear about Hakuho's stablemaster life, the more I feel he's going to get Takanohana'd eventually.

Anonymous No. 177601

>he's going to get Takanohana'd eventually
That would mean him essentially attempting a coup, which seems out of character for the man. He hasn't been talking about revolutionizing the sport or how 'things need to change' at all, whereas Takanohana was doing that almost from day one.

Anonymous No. 177602

If he actually has his eyes on leading an ichimon this quickly (which granted is currently just Chris schizoposting), he's going to make a lot of powerful enemies just as quickly.

Anonymous No. 177609

How? I doubt he's expecting to get control of the ichimon at this point, just to start working towards it (if any of this is actually what he wants). And then I doubt any of the uninvolved oyakata seriously care if he actually gets the support/votes necessary to become head of an existing ichimon. If he were to say he wanted to make an ichimon, that's an entirely different conversation. That got Takanohana in trouble because he fucked up their voting blocks.

Anonymous No. 177611

This is sumo we're talking about, anon. Seniority matters, and a relatively new and young elder aiming for senior leadership is going to come across as aiming beyond his station.

Anonymous No. 177613

Yes, but it isn't as though every oyakata hates every other oyakata. The idea that he's going to get crucified for making plans to eventually have more power is ridiculous; that's what they all do. Shibatayama didn't luck into a director's seat at age 50-something.

Anonymous No. 177626

This. Taka had some sort of psychotic delusion of grandeur and probably thought he was immune to consequences as the yokozuna son of another yokozuna. Sure, Hakuho carried his own era way more than Taka did, but the ubiquitous mongol seething won't have let him get the same type of inflated head.

Anonymous No. 177652


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Anonymous No. 177657

>I doubt he's expecting to get control of the ichimon
A guy like Hakuho wants to be the chairman. Whether he has the poise, patience, and ability to command enough respect to win the votes is an entirely different matter. I don't know if there've been any gaijin chairman, but I know that Akebono did an interview where he asked if he could ever be the chairman as a gaijin, and he was told "no". He left the sumo association soon after.

Hakuho can be every bit as brash as Takanohana, but he's not even Japanese, so I imagine the tolerance will be even less.

Anonymous No. 177658

>Richard Millie
>loui V
Big dawg hak flexing on dez broke ass Japanese ozeki on god they have no motion like big Hak

Anonymous No. 177659

We're not talking about "eventually, when he's 50," we're talking about as early as next year. Hakuho can maybe think about ichimon or executive ambitions a decade from now, for now he needs to strengthen his stable and inter-stable relations instead of getting too greedy too quickly.

Anonymous No. 177660

Boss gonna' boss....

Anonymous No. 177661

>he needs to strengthen his stable and inter-stable relations instead of getting too greedy too quickly.
That would seem to be the best way to demonstrate ones competence. Let the performance of your rikishi on the dohyo, and your stable costs in the black do all your talking.

Anonymous No. 177662

More importantly, if he wants a leadership position in the ichimon, then he should start using his resources to help the entire ichimon instead of just his stable. It's also a good way to build up favours for later.

Anonymous No. 177665

>Hakuho can be every bit as brash as Takanohana, but he's not even Japanese, so I imagine the tolerance will be even less.

I think Hakuho is way too strategic not to know what happened to Takanohana and understand why.

I also think Chris is a schizo who probably privately believes he's being gangstalked by lackeys of the Sumo Association, so maybe none of us should waste this much time discussing his tinfoil-hat revelations.

Anonymous No. 177667

>start using his resources to help the entire ichimon
I think he's down with that concept as a result of all the yusho he earned in his career. There's a Gagamaru video where he goes to Miyagino stable to observe training and hang with the boss, and Hakuho mentions that when he won "x" number of yusho his stable was gifted like 7 entire sides of beef or some shit, so they divided it up among the stables in their ichimon. Hakuho was certainly a beast in the dohyo, but that's not the same as being an Oyakata, responsible for not only selection and training, but also making sure you can get enough donations and sponsors to keep the bills paid. I think the business side will prove to be his toughest opponent ever, lol....

Anonymous No. 177668

I don't watch that dude's vids. He may mean well, but he's just too much of a cringe pussy for me to tolerate.

Anonymous No. 177669

>I also think Chris is a schizo who probably privately believes he's being gangstalked by lackeys of the Sumo Association, so maybe none of us should waste this much time discussing his tinfoil-hat revelations.
This is true, this isn't even him reporting Takatoriki's schizo ramblings, it's something Chris speculated on himself with no backing. But it would be in Hakuho's own best interest to not get too ambitious right now.
The "Teru doesn't want to retire because no elder stock" is pretty obvious though, he's gone as far as getting Japanese citizenship and he doesn't want to risk a five-year grace period when Kakuryu hasn't been able to secure elder stock yet either.

Anonymous No. 177670

Kek. I'm not gonna give you a bunch of lip about it though, that other guy's just being a nigger.

Anonymous No. 177671

>Kakuryu hasn't been able to secure elder stock yet
That's a g'damn shame. That dude did everything right as a Yokozuna. Always acted with dignity and restraint.

Anonymous No. 177673

He got fucked so badly by not getting citizenship quickly enough. He probably would've been able to inherit Izutsu immediately, kept the stable building, and generally been better remembered for his actual accomplishments instead of his myriad pullouts. Instead it's delayed for so long that ex-Sakahoko dies, everyone got folded over to Michinoku, the stable building is sold and torn down for condos, the stock goes into rental limbo for a few years until Shimanoumi gets to squat on it while he's farting around juryo, and Kakuryu can't find a permanent stock of his own which means he also can't open his own stable.

Anonymous No. 177677

>A guy like Hakuho wants to be the chairman
When we see even the slightest indication that he wants any of these things, I'll be more amenable to agreeing. The whole conversation so far has seemed incredibly premature.

Anonymous No. 177692

Hell, Hakuho already seems to have given up on building his fancy new stable in Nihonbashi, favouring moving in with Takamiyiama.

Anonymous No. 177713

you think he could afford that?

Anonymous No. 177714

I think Hakuho has some powerful (as in more than the JSA) backers that hold gratitude for him for carrying sumo through 2 scandals and the Covid crisis.

a subtly worded letter would shut up all his critics real fast

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Anonymous No. 177731

Hoshoryu causing a tsunami sized seethe:

>Chairman Yamauchi of the Yokoshu umpire complained about Hoshoryu, an ozeki whose slowness in meeting at the Kyushu tournament was seen as a problem. He was scathing in his criticism, saying, ``I've never seen such a confrontation.To be frank, it's unseemly.It's truly unfortunate.'' The match against Gonoyama on the 5th day. Hoshoryu never lowered his hand while his opponent was waiting with his right hand, and was warned by the referee after the fight. Chairman Yamauchi added his order, saying, ``We expect guidance from the association's executives, and above all, guidance from the bosses in the room.This is what we heard so strongly.''

Anonymous No. 177743

Tbh it was pretty embarassing that Hoshoryu refused to lower his hand and just kept staring at Gonoyama

Anonymous No. 177746

Not at all. It was just a waste of time, and stupid on his part.

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Anonymous No. 177748

Terunofuji skipping winter tour due to back pain. YDC says that if he misses the Jan basho, they will "issue an opinion" on the matter...whatever the fuck that means.

>At its regular meeting on the 27th, the Yokozuna Deliberation Committee (Yokoju), an advisory body of the Japan Sumo Association, said that if Terunofuji's first venue (the first day of January 14 next year, Ryogoku Kokugikan) is also closed, the Yokozuna Deliberation Committee (Yokoju) will provide some kind of opinion as a Yokozuna referee. I agreed to send it out.

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Anonymous No. 177749

>Back pain
Someone give him steel torso

Anonymous No. 177750

We must rebuild him, we have the technology.

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Anonymous No. 177751

Probably one of these.

Anonymous No. 177752

Since he's Mongorian, they'll probably throw a warning at him.

Anonymous No. 177754

Will they reduce what "yusho equivalent" means?
Given 12-3 is the median winning tournament, wouldn't a 12-3 JY count?
It seems like there is a kind of parity at the upper ranks that will make it hard for 14-1 JY?

Anonymous No. 177755

For Kirishima? Doubt it. Especially if Terunofuji is out. I think a JY where the dude beats a couple yokozuna would have to happen before they counted it.

Anonymous No. 177756

You cannot beat what isn't there...

Anonymous No. 177757

>cannot beat what isn't there...
Exactly, which is why I don't think they would count it given the "light competition".

Anonymous No. 177758

>Will they reduce what "yusho equivalent" means?
Given that they have never once defined it, no.

Anonymous No. 177759

why was Takanohana not issued an encouragement or warning for missing 7 consecutive basho

Anonymous No. 177760

He was. They "recommended" that he appear in the next basho, and he did.

Anonymous No. 177764

>Given 12-3 is the median winning tournament
It's not even if you count all the yusho from before they went up to 15 days. 14-1 is the median, anything lower than that requires extreme extenuating circumstances.

Anonymous No. 177765

>Given 12-3 is the median winning tournament
according to sumodb 14-1 is the most common yusho in makuuchi
>15-0 - 78 results
>14-1 - 163 results
>13-2 - 143 results
>12-3 - 46 results
>11-4 - 4 results
There is only one result of a yokozuna promotion from a 12-3JY, the 47th yokozuna kashiwado back in 1961
He got promoted with a 12-3jy and a plain 11-4 alongside Taiho, no clue how yokozuna promotions worked back then
Also while doing these queries I found out in Nagoya 2001 there was a 9-6 8 way playoff in juryo

Anonymous No. 177768

>no clue how yokozuna promotions worked back then
YDC was still around, but promotion criteria weren't as strict.
That said, his 12-3 J involved beating both yokozuna Wakanohana and Taiho, before losing to Taiho in a playoff. Their likely mentality was, Taiho is obviously yokozuna quality, and Kashiwado is obviously capable of beating two yokozuna (with Asashio injured) so he should be yokozuna as well.

Anonymous No. 177788

I think they were trying to establish the pair as a parallel to the Ume-Hitachi era, but don't quote me on that.

Anonymous No. 177806

NAYRT but I also think that's accurate. They seem generally to have been a bit more about arranging compelling promos and a bit less rigidly precedent-bound back in the day.

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SUMO Kyushu Basho....jpg

Anonymous No. 177826

it's over

Anonymous No. 177831

the nerds on the YDC should be booted repeatedly in the nuts

Anonymous No. 177832

did this guy get paid off to dive?

the guy just goes limp mid jump

Anonymous No. 177833

Reminder that Teru was promoted with a 14-1 JY with his only loss being against fucking Hakuho that went 15-0.

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Anonymous No. 177836

Eh at that point, it's either you freeze midair and fall on the dohyo.
Or take your momentum into the crowd and potentially kill an old japanese man.
Watching itt back though, he just couldn't get his left leg forward fast enough with all his weight forward.

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Anonymous No. 177851

Kisenosato's 12-3 JY that counted for his rope run had him beat 2 ozekis and all 3 yokozuna. No one is getting promoted off a 12-3 JY if it doesn't match that.

Anonymous No. 177859

What a team

Anonymous No. 177867

>Given that they have never once defined it, no.

I remember reading somewhere that it was based around score as much as it was a feel thing. Like, if you looked really strong and your sumo was dialed-in, you would have won a yusho under any other circumstance.
It was a translation, though, so I'm probably missing something.

Anonymous No. 177868

Since the standards were tightened-up post Futahaguro/Onokuni, the only yokozuna to be promoted without a Y-Y were:

Kakuryu: 14-1 playoff loss JY and 14-1 Y
Terunofuji: 12-3 Y and 14-1 JY (and he had actually won two yusho in a row earlier in the year from sekiwake and ozeki)
Kisenosato 12-3 JY and 14-1 Y. Even though the JY was a slog through some extremely tough competition, it's still debated (even in Japan) as having been too generous a promotion.

Anonymous No. 177870

>12-3 is the average yusho score
Don’t say that the wakatakakage glazer will get upset and start pissing and shitting

6 of the last 10 have been 12-3 btw 7 if you don’t count kirishima’s latest

Anonymous No. 177871

>6 of the last 10 have been 12-3 btw 7 if you don’t count kirishima’s latest
That's an indication on how this most recent period has been an extreme outlier compared to sumo as a whole >>177765

Anonymous No. 177876

I kinda prefer this it’s not fun watching people get steam rolled the occasional 13+ is good enough

Anonymous No. 177878

>not fun watching people get steam rolled
Not at all. An even playing field keeps things interesting.

Anonymous No. 177887

I think it's fun to have 15 days on which you get to see a single competitor try to topple an apex predator who's probably going to go 15-0. Those matches are exciting precisely because their odds of victory are so slim. And, if enough challengers take down the yokozuna, suddenly the yusho is up for grabs - that's even more exciting. Would you really be entertained by an even playing field if it meant every sekitori went 8-7 or 7-8?
As such, I say it's just different approaches to the same thing.

Anonymous No. 177891

>Would you really be entertained by an even playing field

It's the fight, not the outcome that interests me. That's why I like the chaos fighters like Ura, Tobi, Midori and such, because you never know what they may pull out of their ass to get the win. Sports with huge talent or equipment disparities, like F1, are hot garbage exactly because they're so predictable. Obviously some people don't care, but I don't enjoy those types of competitions.

Anonymous No. 177896

>Sports with huge talent or equipment disparities, like F1, are hot garbage exactly because they're so predictable.
F1 is actually a good comparison, because you have one dai-yokozuna who's dummying everyone else (Verstappen) but then everyone else on the top half is pretty competitive with each other so it's still interesting if you're not hyperfocused on just the title race.

Anonymous No. 177907

>if it meant every sekitori went 8-7 or 7-8?
Conflicting situation. This is essentially chaos with certain playoff for an exciting yusho, but I still think it's more interesting with only a couple of challengers.

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Anonymous No. 177946


Anonymous No. 177949

>Tsurugahama won the individual championship in the spring tournament by sweeping all three yakuza (Yokozuna???) in the fourth maegashira division. This is a commemorative photo of Tsurugahama holding the silver cup he received. (At that time, the Emperor's Cup was not yet awarded.

Anonymous No. 177950

All the sanyaku. Have no idea how your MTL got yakuza

Anonymous No. 177951

The guy in the previous thread who said "god the wrestlers used to be so much bigger. look how small the cup looks next to him" is some of the hardest I've laughed in my entire life.

Anonymous No. 178007

Anonymous No. 178008

>World's Strongest Man
But I don't see Hafthor anywhere

Anonymous No. 178018

this one was one of the rare western videos that did sumo well

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Anonymous No. 178019

probably because he actually went there to earnestly experience it and not have the visit curated to make himself look as good as possible

Anonymous No. 178022

I don't think he would take the money to dive when Y is on the line. Getting Y would bring in way more money than whatever the yakuza would pay him to lose.

Anonymous No. 178032

I don't think the guy was in yusho contention by the time he faced takakeisho, also I think that wad keisho's Kk

Anonymous No. 178072

He was right for doing this and I won't pretend I didn't enjoy every second of the time wasting.

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Anonymous No. 178074


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Anonymous No. 178075

he's only 150kg now, or even less
retired from strongman. he's boxing now

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 178079

>t. Chairman Yamauchi

Anonymous No. 178101

nah, hes back into bulking for the arnold classic right now. he started putting weight on for powerlifting. he tore his pec doing a meet a few months ago

Anonymous No. 178149

My sister dated a guy that was 6'9". His life was pretty miserable because nothing fit him, be it clothes, beds, cars...nothing.

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Anonymous No. 178150

Has anyone who understands/follows sumo read this book? just wondering your thoughts on it in general

Anonymous No. 178151

>nothing fit him
Including your sister?

Anonymous No. 178153

Apparently not, as their relationship ended.

Anonymous No. 178154

concussion guy here. i started skating again today and already back at my shitter baseline but a lot closer to getting kickflips than before. im feeling endorphins again when i thought my brain was broken for good. wagmi

Anonymous No. 178157

I think you might not be better

🗑️ Anonymous No. 178158

Being too big for a girl's pussy is the greatest feeling in the world. I've legit never enjoyed fucking more than when I had a petite girlfriend who couldn't take it without pain. Feeling was great, plus getting her to come in spite of the pain was an incredible rush.

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Descent into Madn....webm

Anonymous No. 178164


Anonymous No. 178167

Apparently both Hoshoryu and Kirishima have serious cases of hemolytic streptococcus.


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Anonymous No. 178178

Tochinoshin Danpatsushiki scheduled for 4 Feb. Tochi is getting into wine importing as his new job.

Anonymous No. 178182

>ps5 in background
what games does he play?

Anonymous No. 178197

It's a PS5 so no games.

Anonymous No. 178202

PS5 has games?

Anonymous No. 178205

One game, I don't know why...

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Max Holloway &amp....jpg

Anonymous No. 178211

As someone who follows both sumo and MMA, the book is geared more towards the MMA crowd and people who aren't into sumo. There are some case studies of sumo wrestlers, but they're not very detailed. All of the sumo techniques are written for an MMA perspective and adapted as such. They're shown starting from either striking range or an over/under clinch and they usually end in a pin, sometimes a basic submission. None of the kimarite interpretations are outright bad, though some of them I raise an eyebrow at.

I give it 3/5.

Anonymous No. 178213

Yokozuna run was over before it started...

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Anonymous No. 178214


Anonymous No. 178231

Huh a pass
Thanks I will trust you

Anonymous No. 178255

it doesn't take more than a few weeks with proper treatment(which they are most likely getting). They'll be fine in time for Hatsu, especially with the general quality of hatsu being lower because holiday celebrations fuck everyones training up

Anonymous No. 178303

>Sakuraba's CTE face
man... the refs did not protect that guy

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Anonymous No. 178323

Who is the best candidate for marriage?

Anonymous No. 178326

Sorry, most Rikishi are already taken.

Anonymous No. 178327


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Anonymous No. 178329

look my eyes

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Anonymous No. 178340

I got it on pdf and can email it to you if you want.


>still fit and healthy for his age
>good at baking and crafts
>doting father
>salary+2 basho wins+multiple kinboshi+perfect attendance=handsomely payed

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Anonymous No. 178385

Posting my favorite Yokozuna just because, bad boy before asashoryu WAJIMA. He didn’t follow rules because he was THAT good. Only Collegiate sumo to make Yokozuna and only to use his real name but don’t let me lie to you

Jsa feared this man

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konishiki: royal ....jpg

Anonymous No. 178392

Are there any medical studies done on the "type of fat" rikishi have? In the street, IRL, I see fat men with very different types of fat-ness: Some have protruding belly, others are round, other have a large belly that hangs down, distended, but they arent round.
But in sumo theyre very strong, dynamic and skilful. Whats the medical study on their body comp?

Anonymous No. 178393

There are two main types of fat important to make the distinction. First is visceral fat, which is what you see in the gut. Second is subcutaneous fat, which is all around the body underneath the skin. Rikishi try to maximize the percentage of fat that's subcutaneous instead of visceral, for multiple reasons. First, it provides extra padding and stability throughout the body, giving extra support for the joints and bones. Second, it normalizes their centre of mass, which is important for grappling sports and allows them to be more agile. Third, subcutaneous fat burns off quicker than visceral and doesn't put as much pressure on the internal organs, so it's healthier. Because of the amount of subcutaneous fat, most rikishi don't actually have a large body fat percentage, you just don't notice the muscles as much because they're under the fat. In the most recent study I've seen, the median was 25.6% body fat, which is only slightly above the cut-off for clinical obesity (25%), which means almost half the wrestlers studied didn't qualify as obese at all.

Their daily training regimen has been developed over the centuries to maximize subcutaneous fat. First they train for hours early in the morning without breakfast, putting the body in starvation mode. Then they eat a fuck-ton of chanko. Then after eating, they go to nap. Since they're napping, they're not burning the calories they just ingested, but the body still thinks it's in starvation mode, so it stores the calories subcutaneously so it can be accessed quickly when needed.

Anonymous No. 178394

I think I read somewhere that most of the fat a rikishi carries is subcutaneous fat on top of a large, muscular body, as opposed to the typically high levels of visceral fat that an ordinary obese man has.

Anonymous No. 178395

>Only Collegiate [rikishi] to make Yokozuna

Only ONE? Wow...didn't know that. I would think they would dominate the Yokozuna ranks simply due to the selection process at the university level.

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Anonymous No. 178397

I open this video expecting some good classic sumo fun and I got Yoshimitsu, what's he doing here?

Anonymous No. 178398

>popular dude in Japanese entertainment
>big sumo fan
That's why.

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Anonymous No. 178401

Huh, I never knew that about him

Anonymous No. 178405

Dude knows his shit, too. Saw him on some sumo show and he was dropping deep facts. He's one of the celebs that gets invited to danpatsushiki's on the reg as well.

Anonymous No. 178407

Wait, is this ending or something?

Anonymous No. 178415

He's probably Japan's foremost celebrity sumo expert, and anyone who likes sumo can learn a thing or two from him.

Anonymous No. 178416

There's also Asahifuji, but I think he only spent a year or semester in university before leaving - something like that.

Anonymous No. 178417

Okay but seriously though, who is this guy?

Anonymous No. 178419

Demon Kakka, primarily a metal vocalist, was part of a band called Seikima-II in the bubble era before going solo and becoming an all-purpose entertainer in the 90s. His real name is unknown and he's in costume during all public appearances.

Anonymous No. 178423

Bassed Japanese metal dude.

Anonymous No. 178476

He was also friends with Wajima as well, I believe.

Anonymous No. 178510


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Kaguya Maki.jpg

Anonymous No. 178544

>Wait, is this ending or something?
>is this ending

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Anonymous No. 178573

Anonymous No. 178574

Gyoji's beard is fucking great.

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Anonymous No. 178596

Matsuda Koujirou was a jonidan-level Isegahama-beya rikishi who, in the 1880s, quit sumo and came to the USA, where he became known as the professional wrestler "Matsuda Sorakichi". He fought a number of American wrestlers famous in that era with some success. Unable to make much money, he then tried (and failed) to bring American wrestling to Japan; as such, he's sometimes considered the first Japanese pro wrestler.

I haven't found anything about why he left sumo for America, but if there are any wrestling fans who know anything more about the man, I'd love to hear it.

Anonymous No. 178598

Man I thought I knew about pro wrestling, but reading his wikipedia page I haven't heard of a single person in it. What an odd guy.

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myogiryu & ma....jpg

Anonymous No. 178605


Anonymous No. 178627


Strep throat is not that serious.

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hakuho tochinoshi....jpg

Anonymous No. 178629

Trying to find a rikishi. He retired within the past few years. Peaked at makushita (?) but got injured and decided to retire instead of climbing up the ranks. Lost weight before officially going intai and had a few matches while being completely shredded. Seen him posted before on /sp/ but can't remember his name.

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its this guy.jpg

Anonymous No. 178636

took me 30s to find using google. you got this anon

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Nogami before v a....jpg

Anonymous No. 178638


Anonymous No. 178643

>hakuho tochinoshin plane.jpg

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planes, trains, a....png

Anonymous No. 178646

I said what I said.

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Fight! Eating! A ....webm

Anonymous No. 178647

Thank you.

Anonymous No. 178648

It's a crash landing

Anonymous No. 178650

Naporitan is food gore.

Anonymous No. 178651

Really is a testament what sumo training is like when it's not covered up by necessary padding.
Also a reminder to wrestlers in the process of retiring that they should keep up their training as much as possible while losing weight, instead of just stopping training and letting that weight continue to sit there.

Anonymous No. 178671

Today, the previous thread got archived.

Anonymous No. 178693

I'm fighting in an amasumo tournament next year
What am I in for

Fighting in lightweight and openweight(because it was free with the lightweight signup)

Anonymous No. 178704

Just focus on your style of sumo and ganbarize

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Former Kisenosato.jpg

Anonymous No. 178706


🗑️ Anonymous No. 178714

Let's see. From real interviews with professional sumotori:
>Focus on moving foreward.
>Just do your style of sumo.
>Try your best (ganbarize).
>Focus on one day at a time.
>Don't look at the bouts ahead of you, simply focus on this bout.
Did I miss anything? Oh, also do 1000 shiko per day.

Anonymous No. 178715

Let's see. From real interviews with professional sumotori:
>Focus on moving foreward.
>Just do your style of sumo.
>Try your best (ganbarize).
>Focus on one day at a time.
>Don't look at the bouts ahead of you, simply focus on this bout.
Did I miss anything? Oh, also do 1000 shiko per day.

Anonymous No. 178719

sex with futogayama okamisan

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Anonymous No. 178720

>MAINOUMI As part of preparation for my commentary during tournament broadcasts, I visit various stables beforehand to view practice bouts. It’s always disappointing to see rikishi just going into endless repetitions of full-on attacks, as it’s clear they’ve been hearing from coaches that “Everything depends on the tachiai,” “Attack more aggressively,” or “Don’t think; just let your body move.” I disagree with that. I believe the edge of the dohyō ring is even more important than tachiai, and I’m puzzled that rikishi don’t take advantage of the tawara straw bales that form the raised edge of the ring to brace themselves and gain a solid footing. Besides, before they learn to move automatically, rikishi need to understand the logic of sumō and figure out how to move to make their opponent go off balance.
>MAINOUMI During my time as a rikishi, I always told myself that when I lost, it was because I hadn’t figured out the way to win, not because my opponent was bigger. The dohyo is round, not square; why? And why aren’t there weight classes in sumō? The answer is that there are ways of winning, even if your much larger opponent is lunging at you. My message to smaller rikishi is that they should study the art of winning more deeply.

Anonymous No. 178726

With his record, I wouldn't be talking this much shit

Anonymous No. 178727

We really need an official okami-san ranking chart.

Anonymous No. 178732

His career numbers render him better than like 95% of rikishi despite a major size disadvantage and he clearly has a mind for sumo, I think that's a weird criticism

Anonymous No. 178746

With your record, you’re talking too much shit

Anonymous No. 178754

>With his record
He got to komusubi, that is very good.

Anonymous No. 178757

I ganbarize
>focus on moving forward
>simply focus on this bout
>1000 shiko per day
got it
>study the art of winning more deeply
noted, thank you Mainoumi sama

Anonymous No. 178760

it's gonna be rough as a light weight in the open weight division, prosumo are fat for a reason

Anonymous No. 178761

isn't this the nigga that got perma gimped when konoshki landed on his leg?

Anonymous No. 178762


Anonymous No. 178766

It's a miracle that you can refer to "the nigga" instead of "one of the dozens of niggas". Konishiki's capacity for collateral damage was off the charts.

Anonymous No. 178769

Mainoumi won 7 of the 12 fights he had vs. Konishiki.

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Hakuho vs Shodai ....webm

Anonymous No. 178770

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Mainoumi vs. Koni....webm

Anonymous No. 178798

And he still won the match.

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Anonymous No. 178846

>Its another Mainletoumi fans shill their mediocre rikishi episode
Yes, we get it, you went to sumo.db and picked the smallest rikishi to make sanyaku as your guy. that doesn't make him great
>b-b-but better than most rikishi ca-cause he made komusubi!!!
he was a low tier career maegashitter with a losing makuuchi record
These are the undeniable facts, and nothing can change that.

Anonymous No. 178851

How short was the guy that humiliated you in front of all the girls in school, anon? 5'4"? 5'6"?

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Anonymous No. 178857

>wahh wahh that doesn't make him great
~10% of rikishi make sekitori. There have been 1538 sekitori who have debuted since 1900. 417 of those 1538 made it to at least komusubi, or about 27% of sekitori. This means Mainoumi is in the top 2.7% of all rikishi since 1900.

>had a losing makuuchi record
So did Tochinoshin. So do Tamawashi, Ichinojou, Meisei, Yoshikaze. Akinoshima was 7 wins over .500. A career losing record doesn't mean much beyond "wasn't ozeki/yokozuna". In Tochi's case, it doesn't even mean that.

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Anonymous No. 178863

rent free

Anonymous No. 178871

>with a losing makuuchi record
This means absolutely nothing because guys who try to hang on instead of retiring when they're clearly past their prime will have losing makuuchi records eventually. There are multiple ozeki with losing makuuchi records for example, Tochinoshin isn't the only one.

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Anonymous No. 178902


Anonymous No. 178912

I had a dream about getting to see inside Shodai's private room and it was full of live insects and snakes and the floor was flooded, for some reason Shodai didn't see any problem with that.

Anonymous No. 178936

Shodai's been Shrekmaxxing, has he?

Anonymous No. 178938

>Realizing that disney makes whole shows and features for other countries that never see a U.S. release
Huh, I mean yeah I guess it always existed but, funny to think about.

Anonymous No. 178939

given that he said this in hindsight after he'd already won, I'm convinced it was some kind of joke to make fun of Shodai for having lost to his gimmick

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Anonymous No. 178942

Shodai loves Made in Abyss. You do the math.

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salty bitches.jpg

Anonymous No. 178994

lmao, projection
its a valid response to the mainoumi circle jerk we get after every basho. its been like a year of this shilling
>~10% of rikishi make sekitori
>made komusubi so top 2.7%
this is retarded to even bring into the conversation. its like saying every MLB pitcher is a great pitcher because of all the AAA and AA players that didn't make it.
he also only made komusubi from m4 with a 9-6 and followed it up with 2-13. You could easily say that was a fluke due to banzuke luck.
>holding on to salaried ranks
sure, that happens frequently, but is it not a sign of a lesser wrestler? guys that could never get over the hump? rikishi who were/are good rikishi that fit in that situation would be kotoshogiku or takayasu.
another point is you could analyze their performance at their top shape. the favorite target of mainoumi fans is konishiki, but konishiki had 18 double digit wins at ozeki, and 3 yusho and 8 jun. mainoumi's best basho was a 9-6 ginsho at m4. hardly something to make note of
yes. i agree. tochi is one, if not the

Anonymous No. 178998

>sure, that happens frequently, but is it not a sign of a lesser wrestler? guys that could never get over the hump?
The only "hump" that lets you get over that is making yokozuna, and if that's your definition for whether or not someone is a shitter then you need to severely readjust your expectations. For everyone else, it's simply a sign of priorities, that they want to keep their wrestler's salary as long as possible for whatever reason.

Anonymous No. 179007

>lmao, projection
He was shorter than that? 5'1"? Was he really 5'1"? You let a 5'1" dude embarass you in school instead of standing up for yourself?

What a coward. No wonder you're always crying about "manlets".

Anonymous No. 179012

>we get a mainoumi circle jerk after every basho
>it's been like a year of this shilling
so you've been watching sumo for a year and you think your opinion is worth something, lmao

Anonymous No. 179025

>its like saying every MLB pitcher is a great pitcher because of all the AAA and AA players that didn't make it

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Anonymous No. 179065

the hump isnt yokozuna. i gave two ozeki examples in my post.
you can make ozeki and retire after losing that rank, or you can be like the two examples ive already given. Wakatakakage is a great example of someone who got over the hump, before getting injured and possibly never getting back to where he was. if kotonowaka never goes higher than this, he'll be another recent good example
way to out yourself. if you were here longer, you would know everyone was shilling enho from when he first appeared in juryo till it became apparent that he was done and they needed someone new to shill
i will argue your point with an equally retarded argument and say anyone without 20 yusho is garbage that should kill themselves

Anonymous No. 179066

>you can make ozeki and retire after losing that rank, or you can be like the two examples ive already given.
Whether they retire or carry on has nothing to do with whether they're a shitter, because they've already reached that high.

Anonymous No. 179067

please learn what words mean before you use them

Anonymous No. 179068

>anyone without 20 yusho is garbage that should kill themselves
Great, I'm glad we've established you don't have a reasonable perspective.

Anonymous No. 179072

i don't agree. like any sport, good timing can easily play a huge part. Tochinoshin is a great example of a decent wrestler that got hot at the tight time to make ozeki. he was a shitter most of his career
i hope you defend kisenosato kisenosato as vigorously and praise shodai's plan
>oi m8! ah shillin' is a coin yah daft cunt!
>No, my retarded perspective isn't retarded! Only your retarded perspective is retarded

Anonymous No. 179080

>I hope you defend these other successful guys as much!
Yes? Why wouldn't I. The criteria for making ozeki limits how much simply "getting hot" can benefit someone, because they need to maintain that streak for at least half a year. At that point, it's not a fluke.

Anonymous No. 179085

The level of denial he's on is fascinating. An ozeki only counts as an ozeki if he's on the level of Chiyotaikai, otherwise he's "just a shitter".

Anonymous No. 179086

Not even as good as other Ozeki like Raiden. Pathetic.

Anonymous No. 179114

>Hakuho was a shitter, he just got hot for 12 years

Anonymous No. 179125

wish the camera guy could have zoomed into shodai's dumb face for the 3 seconds he stood there trying to figure out what just happened

Anonymous No. 179127

>won the match
>lost his left knee

is this what overdosing on Yamato daimashi looks like?

Anonymous No. 179128

not that anon you're responding to, but I burst out giggling when kisenosato gets brought up
>makes Yokozuna off a JY - Y
>finarry, Yamato dai-yokozuna gonna get rid of arr Mongorian
>fucking kamikaze banzai's himself into perma-gimpness huffing that good Yamato daimishii
>become kinboshi dispensing machine to the great shame of jap sumo and society as a whole

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Anonymous No. 179200

Right to left: oozeki Oonosato, yokozuna Tochigiyama, sekiwake Ryougoku, yokozuna Tsunenohana, M1 Wakahitachi in the West-side shitakubeya.

Anonymous No. 179202

Alright, but when?

Anonymous No. 179203

1921~1924, I didn't write it down.

Anonymous No. 179204

Good enough, I'll file it under 1920s.

Anonymous No. 179247

Is this a true color photograph?

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Anonymous No. 179249

Hard doubt because of how many hand-colored sumo photographs I've seen and how little I know about the history of color photography, but I can't prove it isn't.

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autochrome lumier....jpg

Anonymous No. 179261

probably a color photo based on the background

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71 year old man s....webm

Anonymous No. 179270

Anonymous No. 179277

Bit unfair letting Tamawashi enter an amasumo competition.

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Anonymous No. 179285

What about this one?

Anonymous No. 179371


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Anonymous No. 179391

Do you think my 7 year old son would be a good fit for sumo? He is already 3 shaku, 9 sun and 7 bun tall (4'0 for you Americans), weighs 19 kan (156 lbs), and can easily lift a box of 1,000 ryou with one hand.
Pic related, it's my son with his current instructor.

Anonymous No. 179412

This is a good reference turn your son into the next dai yokozuna

Anonymous No. 179436

Whose style of sumo does he do?

Anonymous No. 179446

Well, mostly he does his own style of sumo and takes it one day at a time. But if you mean his instructor, that would be Tanikaze-style.

Anonymous No. 179461

What on earth happened in that gyoji's gene pool?

Anonymous No. 179478

>Well, mostly he does his own style of sumo and takes it one day at a time.
He's unstoppable.

Anonymous No. 179483

Ask Ojisan Ojiisan.

Anonymous No. 179595

>Well, mostly he does his own style of sumo and takes it one day at a time.
Future Dai Yokozuna, no doubt.

Anonymous No. 179615

I don't speak Japanese at all, but Aonishiki's skills at it already seem really good for someone who has only been there for about a year.

Anonymous No. 179623

I imagine it's part being completely immersed and part just knowing exactly what kind of questions every sumo interviewer is going to ask. You'd be surprised how much easier understanding spoken Japanese is when you know the exact narrow range of nouns you're listening for.

Anonymous No. 179624

New in-loco Chris video is up. It must be fun to watch so up close like this.

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Anonymous No. 179626


Anonymous No. 179632

You have to consider that anyone who moves across the world to go and do sumo has a higher than average chance of being interested in Japan to begin with. I'm sure there's some chaps who turned up knowing absolutely nothing about Japan, but I'd assume most of the foreign recruits have tried their best to learn some Japanese before going there.

Anonymous No. 179634

>tried their best to learn some Japanese before going there.
Wait, so they're NOT taking it one day at a time? He'll never get to juryo.

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Gonoyama vs Hosho....webm

Anonymous No. 179636

Anonymous No. 179658

>not already 175 cm and 100 kg by age 7
>can only lift 1000 ryou
Sorry to say, bud, but your kid is going to make maegashira 5 TOPS. He won't even get into sanyaku. You're better off putting him into eating competitions.

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Anonymous No. 179735

How do they do it? Viewbots?

Anonymous No. 179737

good cameraman and good personalities.
Who wouldn't like nobehara and nabatame.

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SUMO Aki Basho 20....webm

Anonymous No. 179738

idk why, but many people can watch endless videos about food

couple with 'thing: japan' and you have a winning formula

Anonymous No. 179754

The channel only has 113k subscribers and almost every video has well over 200k views, with some exceeding a million. Either the Youtube algorithm is relentlessly promoting it or the Futagoyama supporter's group needs to ask some pointed questions about how their membership fees are being spent. The video in your picture is already up to 128k, by the way.

Anonymous No. 179765


Anonymous No. 179767

>Either the Youtube algorithm is relentlessly promoting it
People like Japan and food, and sumo seems to be a thing to do at least one video of for a lot of popular YouTubers because it's so different to foreigners who aren't used to it. It really isn't surprising that these videos get an algorithm bump and get watched by people who aren't interested in subscribing.
In this case the only "bot" is just appealing to the algorithm.

Anonymous No. 179778

I watch their vids on the reg. I like seeing their different recipes.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 179779

>Youtube algorithm relentlessly promoting something that doesn't involve communism, faggots, blacks, or women

Anonymous No. 179780

anon you know the algorithm picks videos it thinks YOU want to watch right? you did something to get those on your feed. i just get cooking and gambling videos
probably this. thing: japan as well as something that's translated into english will attract anyone

Anonymous No. 179784

Mongolian throat singing intensifies

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SUMO Natsu Basho ....webm

Anonymous No. 179787

hockey oooooooooi

Anonymous No. 179788

Do you happen to have the webm of Enho trying to go head on with Tochi in the tachi-ai? I think it was from one of Tochi's last juryo tournaments.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 179789

Anon you know the algorithm picks videos THEY want YOU to watch right?

Sure, you get some related videos in your search and suggestions, but they also use it to push their commie narrative, which is why random political / social activist shit shows up despite NEVER having viewed any of that crap.

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SUMO Haru Basho 2....webm

Anonymous No. 179791


🗑️ Anonymous No. 179792

They do the exact opposite. They push whatever qualifies to you as ragebait to get you to get angry and keep watching Youtube for as long as possible. For you it's leftist shit, for leftists it's Ben Shapiro shit. You're a moron who's fallen for it.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 179795

>They do the exact opposite.
They do exactly what I said they do. Google is ran by globalist commie cancer, as is youtube.
>You're a moron who's fallen for it.
Nope. I don't watch any of that shit. You're the moron for thinking that I do.

Anonymous No. 179798

I don't get anything political in my recommendations, it's all combat sports, weebshit, Minecraft, technology, and whatever genres of music I've listened to in the last couple of days. I don't believe that anyone working at Youtube knows what their algorithms are actually doing at this point, it's too big and complicated, and I don't think they have the resources or the will to inject political nonsense into people's feeds manually on any serious scale. A more realistic and reasonable explanation for why you see a lot of objectionable political content is that your viewing habits are similar to those of people who watch that sort of content, and so you've ended up as a false positive. Remember of course that whatever arcane metrics and weighting the algorithm is actually using these days, its only purpose is to encourage people to watch more videos, and if it worked perfectly it would only ever show you things that you really did want to watch. Youtube doesn't benefit and nor do its corporate overlords if a potential viewer goes onto the homepage and sees horrible shit that makes him want to go elsewhere.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 179801

I mean the obvious thing here is just that all those stupid political videos get lumped into one "POLITICS" category, and people are more likely to notice videos that make them mad, so they assume they're getting more of those.

As a sane person, I also never get political videos recommended to me on youtube because I don't watch that garbage.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 179806

>I don't think they have the resources or the will to inject political nonsense into people's feeds
Also you
> They push whatever qualifies to you as ragebait
So they have the "resources" and "will" to push "whatever qualifies to you as ragebait", but not the poisonous political narrative bullshit they're being paid to push.

Got it.

Anonymous No. 179837

does anyone have updates on Narutobeya's recent bullying scandal? it really soured my views on Kotooshu

Anonymous No. 179845

The first guy promised there were other wrestlers who had decided to quit over this and, sure enough, two more Narutobeya rikishi quit shortly thereafter. Silence since then.

Anonymous No. 179848

oof. so nothing will change, and they'll just bury it like any other scandal, it seems.

Anonymous No. 179853

Former Terao is dead, press F to pay respects.

Anonymous No. 179867

is Abi gonna win Hatsu for him

Anonymous No. 179882

Rip Tetsujin

Anonymous No. 179885

The JSA's logic is "the men that decided to quit are no longer rikishi, so we cannot start an investigation. The matter is closed"

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Terao vs Chiyonof....webm

Anonymous No. 179892

F to the Typhoon.

Anonymous No. 179898

The man was only 60. RIP.

What happens to his stable now? The only other elder there is coach Tastutagawa (the former Homasho).

Anonymous No. 179902

Tatsugawa will take over. He didn't meet the requirements to open his own stable, but those requirements don't exist when inheriting an existing one. He's only 42 so I would be very shocked if the stable closes down.

Anonymous No. 179903

Homasho seems like the obvious candidate, although Kakuryu was trained by Terao's brother and has been looking for elder stock for a good while now. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough.

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Anonymous No. 179904

>Former Sekiwake Terao's master Nenyama passes away at the age of 60

>Despite his slender build, he was active with good thrusts and pushes, and retired from active duty in the fall of 2002 at the age of 39. He has held san'yaku positions in 13 places, and has held 93 places in Makuuchi, which ranks sixth in history. His total number of appearances was 1,795, which placed him fourth, and his total wins were 860, which placed him 10th. He has won the Distinguished Service Award three times, the Fighting Spirit Award three times, and the Skill Award once. He earned 7 gold stars.

Anonymous No. 179906

>Distinguished Service Award
>Skill Award
are those just machine translations of what we usually call Outstanding Achievement and Technique or did they actually used to be called something different?

Anonymous No. 179910

The former.
The issue with the kabu is it's not associated with the ichimon that either Kakuryu or Terunofuji are in, which means we'll likely see a lot of power wrangling behind the scenes if it goes to one of them. Takakeisho, Takayasu, and Tamawashi (if his citizenship goes through) are all in that ichimon.

Anonymous No. 179911

google translation of it

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Terao vs Hokuteny....webm

Anonymous No. 179942

RIP original Iron Man

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Anonymous No. 179967

Early on, Photoshop had its issues.

Anonymous No. 180164

F. it was a treat seeing him eat on the sumo youtube channel.

Anonymous No. 180229

Damn, RIP
Did they state the cause?

Anonymous No. 180230

Heart condition like his brother(s?).
He'd had it his whole life, and seemingly started to have the real serious issues in 2015.

Anonymous No. 180254
Buckbrokenshoryu. Shameful display by the Ozeki.

Anonymous No. 180256

>Buck broken
>By Oho

Anonymous No. 180316

hoshoryu is bad guy

Anonymous No. 180321

>giving the guy you can't beat extra training

Anonymous No. 180324

lol I actually had to look up their record with each other. 2-1 for Oho going back all the way to Jonokuchi, only one meeting in Makuuchi. Hoshoryu better pray this menace never climbs up high enough to meet him again.

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Terao vs Kotonowa....webm

Anonymous No. 180327

Anonymous No. 180374

Oho of all people... hahahahahaha

Anonymous No. 180382

There are more than a few rikishi who are considered kings of the ring in keiko but who can't manage to bring that energy to live matches. I recall Aoiyama making comments about the lack of a crowd in March 2020 helping him perform better. Possibly Ouhou is similarly better without pressure?

Anonymous No. 180384

my guess would be they fight at the same pace all the time where other more successful rikishi pull back in these practices because going 100% isn't seen as valuable. why get injured going so hard for no reward

Anonymous No. 180411

Oho sees Hoshoryu as his rival. He's very motivated in this case.

Hoshoryu's shitty attitude is going to start costing him fans.

Anonymous No. 180412

>Heart condition like his brother(s?).
>He'd had it his whole life, and seemingly started to have the real serious issues in 2015.

Oldest brother Kakureizan died of a similar heart thing at age 60.
Middle brother Sakahoko died of pancreatic cancer at 58.

Anonymous No. 180440

>There are more than a few rikishi who are considered kings of the ring in keiko but who can't manage to bring that energy to live matches.
Mr. Takayasu

Anonymous No. 180462

>costing him fans
Only if he can't back up his attitude with excellent performance. We know exactly what a competent bad-boy version of Hoshoryu would look like, and how he'd be considered by fans.

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Anonymous No. 180480

Anonymous No. 180491

Right, I meant that we don't know if Sakahoko also had a heart issue but didn't die from it.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 180497

banzukerino soon
if odds atamifuji is m1
if evens m2
dubs komsubi

Anonymous No. 180498

Hiro just confirmed he started broadcasting play-by-play in 1999. This man is approaching his 25th year of doing this.

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hoshoryu wakamoto....webm

Anonymous No. 180509


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ura vs midorifuji....webm

Anonymous No. 180511

Anonymous No. 180544

kimarite: upsidaisy

Anonymous No. 180550

kek ura

Anonymous No. 180573

Now that's a good comedy sumo

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Anonymous No. 180577

Which one, /sumo/?

>Wakatakage Ozeki in 2024
>Onosoato Ozeki in 2024

Anonymous No. 180578

If this was for 2025 then I could buy it, but neither is happening even by the end of 2024. WTK's would be literally impossible from lower juryo in only a calendar year, and Onosato's would equal Terunofuji's second ozeki run for fastest juryo to ozeki run since the 40s.

Anonymous No. 180579

Murray's is kind of believable but

Anonymous No. 180628

Hiro's on crack.

Asanoyama's never getting ozeki back and he's started a cycle where he keeps getting injured. Daieisho has spent his entire career not being consistent enough to make ozeki, why would he start in his 30s?

Hakuoho will get there eventually, but not this year. From what I understand, he's not coming back in January, but rather March. That means at least two tournaments in makushita, then another two tournaments in juryo. It would be November before he's even in makuuchi again

🗑️ Reverent Rodeo No. 180633

This is the sumo I expect from a Komosubi

Anonymous No. 180641

what the fuck hiro?

Anonymous No. 180651

Video is from much earlier, before Asanoyama tore his bicep and before wtks exploded acl was public knowledge

Anonymous No. 180658

Ichinojo went from M10 to Sexywake on the strength of a 13-2 JY

Anonymous No. 180661

a 13-2 is pretty far from an 11-4.

Anonymous No. 180672

Not to mention that Ichinojo's 13-2 JY saw him beat 2 ozeki and 1 yokozuna, coming in second to Hakuho the GOAT. World of difference to an 11-4 where the best guy Atamifuji beat was Hoshoryu and Atami lost to every other sanyaku he fought.

Anonymous No. 180681

Can our local sumo historian sum up sumo in the 70s for me?

Anonymous No. 180682

Damn now I’m a hiro fan seeing he puts trust in kotonowaka to make ozeki. The baby faced assassin beat all the sanyaku except for kirishima this outing he should make O easy.

Anonymous No. 180683

>he should make O easy.
He seems to be on the verge of consistant excellent performance. He's been very solid these past few basho, but still seems to get mentally fucked by his opponents when it counts. Dude shows promise for sure, and I hope he pulls his head out of his ass and stays in his winning zen mode during the tournaments.

Anonymous No. 180685

I don't know too much about the 70s. I suppose I could say: Kitanoumi was there, and no one cared. Tamanoumi died and left a huge hole in the era. Wajima made almost as much out of the 70s as did Kitanoumi, but people remember his style of sumo as being boring and basic.

Anonymous No. 180689

He'll get gifted a free win or 2 by the judges in 2 out of 3 bashos for an undeserved Ozeki run don't worry.

Anonymous No. 180701

ok schizo

Anonymous No. 180713

I should have clarified what I meant about Kitanoumi - despite him having a career virtually identical to Chiyonofuji, you don't often see him come up in conversations about 'the GOAT' either in English or Japanese.
I haven't read any literature on the matter so I can't say this with any authority, but the impression I've always had is that the 70s exhibited something of a lull in interest in sumo in the wake of Taihou's retirement. No matter how good the next generation's stars might have been, you can't replace the man from "giants, Taihou, tamagoyaki".

Anonymous No. 180718

>Can our local sumo historian sum up sumo in the 70s for me?
The 70s were kind of a gap decade in terms of the sport's popularity. Taiho's retirement in '71 kind of let everyone take a break.
It's kind of like where we are now, in a sense, now that Hakuho's gone. People need a breather.

The decade was dominated by Wajima and Kitanoumi but since neither of them was going to be as great as Taiho, it kind of felt a little pointless. Add to the fact that Kitanoumi himself was not very likeable (He was not a gracious winner, he spoke to the media as little possible.)

Anonymous No. 180778

but then lost to ura, shodai, and ryuden. like
>>180683 says, i think its mental. missing that killer instinct. baby face baby more that assasin

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Anonymous No. 180786

I hope Hoshoryu breaks gay-nigger Abi's neck when he tries to henka

Anonymous No. 180789

Banzuke tomorrow?

Anonymous No. 180790


Anonymous No. 180818

Merry christmas from the NSK

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Anonymous No. 180819

Ura makes it to sanyaku
WMH only drops to m1e which suprised me
Same with Abi only going to m2w. Goes to show the weak performance of the upper ranks last basho
Atamifuji to m1w, which means a full basho of being tested
Takarafuji survives for that one anon
The return of the Great White Tits. How many more hell last is questionable.
Onosanta debut, but that was expected
Nothing much else

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Anonymous No. 180823

My guess was pretty close.
(Green is right, orange is right rank-wrong side, red is wrong rank.)

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GTB tally.png

Anonymous No. 180835

23 matches
7 correct ranks
12 complete misses

Welcome to Sanyaku Ura!

Merry Christmas boys.

Anonymous No. 180838

and now for a 5-10 performance

Anonymous No. 180840

but enough about ura

Anonymous No. 180867

>Takarafuji survives for that one anon
aw yis. please hold on, Takarafujii!!

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Anonymous No. 180868

>there are two of us
I'm hoping he survives until Takerufuji makes his way to Makuuchi at least just for the confusing Banzuke.

Anonymous No. 180879

Make that three of us I love takarafuji

If I had a son I would love to have takara be his coach takara’s sumo is technically solid not flashy but gets the job done!

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Anonymous No. 180896

Anonymous No. 180919

I wouldn't say I love him, but Takarafuji was one of the first guys who stood out to me when I started watching. That was only back in march, incidentally. I haven't been watching him too closely since then.

Anonymous No. 180954

Do you guys think we'll get a new yokozuna to start the year off, or will teru's cybernetic body still have to trudge on?

Anonymous No. 180965

No, Abi gets a zensho yusho after being possessed by Terao's spirit.

Anonymous No. 180966

Abi is too high up on the banned ukulele to put up anything better than 9-6
Asanoyama is positioned to win cause he is outside of the joi-jin.

Anonymous No. 180977

I don't think Teru will make it all 15 days. I see him making it to Day 5 and then going intai.

As for Kirishima winning another yusho, hard to say. If he's fit, there's no reason to think he can't. The opponent's he's facing this time will be little different from the ones he faced in November.

Anonymous No. 180981

>implying Teru will even turn up
The interview where he said he intended to win 10 championships was mistranslated, he intends to miss 10 tournaments in a row and cement his place in the record books.

Anonymous No. 180992

Nah kirishima is gonna choke

Also who the fuck wants kiri’s ugly boring ass as a Yokozuna? He’s a slap down merchant whenever he can’t get his boring fuckin belt grip.

Anonymous No. 180998

>ugly boring ass
Who to you isn't ugly and/or boring

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Anonymous No. 181015


Anonymous No. 181022

this person mains kotonowaka

Anonymous No. 181023

>>implying Teru will even turn up
Doubt he will.

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Anonymous No. 181036

>He’s a slap down merchant

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Anonymous No. 181037

Here's what an actual slap-down merchant looks like

Anonymous No. 181042

>he intends to miss 10 tournaments in a row and cement his place in the record books.
I lol'd

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Anonymous No. 181046

Azumaryu gets to tap THIS?

Anonymous No. 181047

Kakuryu lands elder stock and heads a stable.

>Master Kakuryu establishes Otowayama stable and becomes independent on the 27th
2023/12/27 18:22

>The Japan Sumo Association announced on the 27th that Master Kakuryu (38), former yokozuna, real name Mangarajarabu Ananda, originally from Mongolia, assumed the name Otowayama, and on the same day became independent from Mutsu stable and became Otowayama stable. announced that it had been established.

Anonymous No. 181049

Wow...I thought they had like 700 or so...
>Sumo wrestlers number 500 for the first time in 45 years due to lack of new disciples

Anonymous No. 181051

let's fucking go, Kak's got a stable of his own!

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Anonymous No. 181052

Could be a new wrinkle in the Ichinojou thing, could be all bullshit.

Anonymous No. 181061

Jesus. That is some Chris-tier tinfoil hatting.

Anonymous No. 181063

Makes sense. Pro sumo is a brutal lifestyle, even for the 70 that actually manage to get a salary. Even boys who really like it and are talented enough are probably discouraged by everyone around them

>You will probably never get paid
>You will probably get exploited and/or abused
>You will almost definitely get injured
>You will have to gain unhealthy amounts of weight that will cut your life expectancy by about 20 years
>You will not get a retirement pension
>When you do leave sumo at 25 after trying six years to make it you'll be a fat guy with no skills, no working history and no knee cartilage applying for entry-level jobs alongside 18 year olds.

I'm sure there are tweaks they could make to the system to attract more recruits and I know plenty of sumo insiders have proposed even more radical changes (Takanohana) but change comes slow to the world of sumo.

Anonymous No. 181066

join Shikihide beya

>don't have to train that hard
>you can be retarded
>free food
>get a cool shikona
>stablemaster won't be mad when you retire

Anonymous No. 181072

>I know plenty of sumo insiders have proposed even more radical changes
Indeed, Shibatayama recently suggested that it may be important to ensure sumo prospects have a high school diploma.

Anonymous No. 181075

>get absolutely mauled every tournament because you're shit, greater risk of injury
>still retire at 25 with no marketable skills, but now you don't even have a strong work ethic from years of disciplined life
Sumo is not and will never be for everyone. The only reason for anyone to join a stable is because he absolutely loves sumo. It is an awful career choice and a brutal lifestyle.

Anonymous No. 181076

Was it realistic to think they'd do him so wrong after being by far the more reasonable yokozuna between him and Hak? In either case, glad to see him get his due

Anonymous No. 181077

>Was it realistic to think they'd do him so wrong
I saw an interview with Akebono where he said he left the NSK because he asked the chairman if he could ever be the chairman and was told straight faced "no". Imo there is still a lot of resentment of gaijin from the Japanes regulars in the sumo association.

Anonymous No. 181083

I agree. Trying to be a professional athlete is always a huge commitment and risk in terms of your life/career, ask me how I know. But I think sumo is particularly unforgiving.

A kid who goes in at 16, tries it for a couple years and gets out at 20 isn't as bad off as the guy who gets out at 30. He may have cracked juryo a couple times, thought if he could just get there and make it stick he could start saving some money.

I can't imagine being on the street with no money, no apartment, tons of health problems, and no job prospects at 30. Are there support structures in place for these guys? They can't all work at chanko restaurants.

Anonymous No. 181085

Just use the hattorizakura strategy, you'll be fine

Anonymous No. 181087

>bullshit cut off age of 23
>one foreigner per stable
Gee I wonder why

What’s funnier is even with all this anti foreign rules they still get dominated by foreigners

Anonymous No. 181088

comic book king of arabia

Anonymous No. 181089

>resentment of gaijin from the Japanes regulars in the sumo association.
its not resentment, its a rational necessity that sumo remains japanese. foreigners were not raised in japan and the do not have what it takes to maintain the cultural values of japan, putting the future of a major japanese national cultural asset in the hands of a foreigner would be an incredibly stupid thing to do, nothing good could come of it.

Anonymous No. 181090

The future of a major japanese national cultural asset is already in the hands of a foreigner(the boss) and it seems to be going well

Anonymous No. 181094

The Boss has at least 15 years worth of politicking to navigate before he's in a position to actually become the boss. I'm not going to count him out and neither should the hardline traditionalists, but he's not there yet and he may never be.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 181119

QRD on Otowayama name? Any prestige to it or was it whatever was available?

Anonymous No. 181183

The Ura ozeki run starts NOW

Anonymous No. 181187

I'm just glad he made it to K. Making it to K is something that a very small percentage of sumotori ever accomplish. I'm very proud of him for breaking sanyaku. Of course, I'll be rooting for him to go even higher, but I'm happy with Ura right now.

Anonymous No. 181188

The trick to sumo is to actually make your knees explode. Once your weak mortal knees are surgically replaced with bionic super knees and heavy supporters wrapped in kilos of tape, you're unstoppable.

Anonymous No. 181192

has any rikishi of note gotten a full knee replacement? It's a long recovery time so I'm leaning towards no

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ura pen.png

Anonymous No. 181198

u r a

Anonymous No. 181209

Is sumo finally kill?

Anonymous No. 181210

Of note is that over 200 of that decline is since rona started, they were at over 700 right when that started. The stable lifestyle allows for contagious viruses to spread quickly, and that's started to factor into the risk calculus for prospects.

Anonymous No. 181211

>Is sumo finally kill?
Nah...the article is kind of misleading. The total number of rikishi is 599, not 500.

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Anonymous No. 181266

ura barely made kk last basho. honestly probably wouldn't have if he did a bit better week one. dodges anyone doing well week 2

Anonymous No. 181319

>M1 gets his ass handed to him competing against sanyakoons in week 1
>recovers week 2 fighting mainly lower ranked wrestlers with losing records
probably a fairly common story

Anonymous No. 181320

>probably a fairly common story
Pretty much. He's going to have a rough go this next basho. Probably won't make KK.

Anonymous No. 181331

I mean, that's more descriptive of how a basho works than it is an indictment.

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Anonymous No. 181333

Demidjamts is HERE

Anonymous No. 181358

How does he look more like young Hakuho than young Hakuho did? Do the Mongolians have a cloning facility somewhere out on the steppe?

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Anonymous No. 181366

You tell me.

Anonymous No. 181368

Genghis Khan got around. His genetics are in a lot of Mongolians.

>Fact Check: Are One In 200 People Descended From Genghis Khan?

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Anonymous No. 181382

The baby faced assassin is on a MISSION

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 181393


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Anonymous No. 181398


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you have to go back.jpg

Anonymous No. 181400


Anonymous No. 181408

Crazy kotonowaka can clear sanyaku then drop bouts to megashitters I hope he tightens up next basho November was very winnable

Anonymous No. 181410

Is the kotonokaka fanboy the new most anyone fan group?

Anonymous No. 181432




Anonymous No. 181434

no, the thread won't slide for like weeks

🗑️ Anonymous No. 181435

I like Kotonowaka, he has Kisenosato's body


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Anonymous No. 181534

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 181600

tfw no ojiisan fu manchu stereotype looking dudes at the basho anymore

Anonymous No. 183080

Today, we reached page 10.

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Anonymous No. 183509


Anonymous No. 183641

Welcome to the edge of the world.

Anonymous No. 183879
