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🧵 /sumo/ - Off-Basho Sumo General

Anonymous No. 171292

Sumo Genius Requiem edition


Previous Thread: >>168425

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Kaio vs. Akebono ....webm

Anonymous No. 171294

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High school girls....webm

Anonymous No. 171296

Anonymous No. 171299

So this is where Hokuseiho learned his tachi-ai.

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Mitaka Sumo Schoo....webm

Anonymous No. 171300

learned from the best

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Hamanoshima vs To....webm

Anonymous No. 171303

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didn't want ....jpg

Anonymous No. 171304

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Kirishima vs Asan....webm

Anonymous No. 171308

I love sumo so much bros

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Anonymous No. 171314

Anonymous No. 171315

I want to make lolicon Takakeisho a meme. We already have that image where he's holding up that Comic LO mag.

🗑️ Nigger 4chan janitor/mod No. 171326

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1294b
TRL Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 171350

Why don't you fuck right off to >>>reddit instead if you're going to be a giant faggot in the thread.

Piece of shit.

Anonymous No. 171356

Based Frankposting to christen the new thread

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number 4.webm

Anonymous No. 171360

Added a lil somethin just for you updating this.

Anonymous No. 171365

lol reddit hates lolis. Lolis have always been a normalfag filter, maybe it's you that should go back instead?

Anonymous No. 171368

>reddit hates lolis

lolikeisho is ourguy

Anonymous No. 171371

That's me in the list of posts he's holding. I contributed to the seethe.

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Anonymous No. 171391

Bumbed 'keisho to S tier with new name

Anonymous No. 171397

if he gets yokozuna, we'll need to update him. like el ginio (poder cerebral 50%) and el ginio (poder cerebral 100%)

Anonymous No. 171398

>el ginio (poder cerebral 100%)
Low SS tier, max

Anonymous No. 171399

>obvious unofficial faker

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Anonymous No. 171442

Anonymous No. 171459

I've never tried that stuff but I see it advertised all the time in sumo. How many Big Macs do you think he got for that ad?

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Anonymous No. 171461


Anonymous No. 171465


🗑️ Anonymous No. 171471

I found my love for sumo randomly watching NHK in a hotel. Thanks NHK for harassing Japanese screen-owners to pay for a license so people can watch sumo for free.

Anonymous No. 171475

I'm pretty sure you can throw the NHK fee bill in the trash and nothing happens. It's like the Winrar free trial.

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Anonymous No. 171499

No jokes here my dude: this pic almost killed me.


Anonymous No. 171504

So is Terunofuji going to retire after this next basho?

Anonymous No. 171559

If Keisho wins, he might.
There is no requirement for a Yokozuna, but Teru seems duty bound enough to keep the ranking until someone gets it.

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Terunofuji lands ....jpg

Anonymous No. 171601

>Teru seems duty bound enough to keep the ranking until someone gets it.

That's kind of the impression I get. Seems like we would have heard some bitching from the YDC if they were pissy about the time he's missed, but I haven't seen anything in the news about it at all.

Anonymous No. 171602

Both the JSA and YDC know that having a yokozuna even showing up at regional tours does a lot for revenue.

Anonymous No. 171675

you misunderstood the issue
to match the strain of a shiko at my weight (130kg) I have to do barbell or smith machine squats
my upper body is far enough behind my legs that it's not safe or healthy in the slightest for me to do that

Anonymous No. 171676

I still do plenty of koshiwari but it's practically cardio at this point and I mostly do it to reset my form

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Anonymous No. 171701

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Anonymous No. 171721

>suggesting smith machine squats
absolutely disgusting

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Anonymous No. 171722

I need more webms/gifs of rikishi being silly

Anonymous No. 171726

sir, these are illegal
t. jsa

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Anonymous No. 171778

I got you bro

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Anonymous No. 171779

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Anonymous No. 171782

Chiyomaru existing is silly, I love him

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Anonymous No. 171784

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two small rikishi....gif

Anonymous No. 171785


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Anonymous No. 171787

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Anonymous No. 171788

🗑️ 4chan nigger mod No. 171791

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1294b
TRL Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:
aa2 is so bad at pretending! We spam and they post in thread. Everything is rigged on 4chan lolll

🗑️ AA2 faggot 4chan mod lol No. 171797

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1294b
TRL Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:
Why banned so quick? Oh because you feeling exposed! Well only you the idiot thought your disguised was seamless from the start. fr you are fucking stupid! Lol pajeet mod

Anonymous No. 171800

>Why banned so quick? Oh because you feeling exposed! Well only you the idiot thought your disguised was seamless from the start. fr you are fucking stupid! Lol pajeet mod
What the fuck is this schizo talking about?

🗑️ 4chan pajeet mod No. 171801

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1294b
TRL Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:
Why banes so slow? Not sorry at all for distracting your posting time on the actual thread, nigger faggot! Lmfao like a dumbass faggot.

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Anonymous No. 171813


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Anonymous No. 171830

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Anonymous No. 171836

Why is Shodai like this?

Anonymous No. 171873

Anyone else remember that span of retirements and tours where they kept doing the baby carry with enho?

Anonymous No. 171882

imagine the smell

Anonymous No. 171910

Superior Japanese bike made with steel folded over 1000 times to support the weight of a sumotori? Very impressive.

Anonymous No. 171924

More sumo NOW

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T Fuji.png

Anonymous No. 171927

>Due to ``lumbar vertebral body end plate disorder'', he took a complete break from the fall tournament and started touring from this day.

>In preparation for the Kyushu event (first day on November 12th, Fukuoka International Center), he will gradually make adjustments, saying, ``I'll decide on a day-to-day basis and do what I can.''

> On the 3rd of this month, he received treatment for the inflamed area using a long acupuncture needle. It seems to have helped, saying, "I feel a little better," and indicated that he plans to continue receiving the treatment.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 171933

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1295
Sweater Puppies Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 171936

It's over...

Anonymous No. 171942

I don't think it's over just quite yet since he's now participating in the October provincial tour.

Anonymous No. 171950

Yea, I agree. I think this anon >>171559
is making the right call and he's just maintaining the rank until they can fill another yoko slot. What's worse is that I think he'll even be willing to fight and injure himself even further rather than do the reasonable thing for his long-term health and retire.

I wish him the best regardless.

Anonymous No. 171951

He might also be waiting on elder stock. He has citizenship but hasn't secured elder stock yet, and while he does have a five year grace period, he might want to have something more permanent before retiring. Clock is still ticking on Kakuryu, remember.

Anonymous No. 171952

>He has citizenship but hasn't secured elder stock yet
Oh, no shit? Didn't know that. Thought he secured that stock already. Definitely a reason for big man to stay in the game imo.

Anonymous No. 171953

>Clock is still ticking on Kakuryu
That dude was the epitome of "grace" from a yokozuna, and it's a g'damn crime he doesn't have stock already.

Anonymous No. 171966

Another thing for everyone to remember is that, at the moment Teru retires, Ochil is born.

Anonymous No. 171974

does that mean he'll go hammer and tongs wrastling? i know he was at events in the past where he didn't do any actual bouts

Anonymous No. 171985

Yeah, best case scenario for him is "Keisho makes Yokozuna and he can retire and take care of his health"
Worst case scenario is "none of the 3 Ozeki get promoted in 2024 and he feels honor bound to compete"

Anonymous No. 172015

With the way the injuries keep piling up it seems like Terunofuji is rapidly approaching the point where no amount of resting up between genuine attempts is going to allow him to compete for the yusho and I think that point arrives before the end of next year. Personally I think he'll complete no more than 2 more basho and retire before 2025 new yokozuna or not.

Anonymous No. 172020

YouTube deleted this video, I believe this webm is the last trace of it on the Internet

Anonymous No. 172034

If Keisho wins the next one, do you see Teru still trying to compete? Or will it be a "my work is done".

Now that I think about it...
Keisho would be the healthiest Yokozuna since 2017 Hakuho and Harumafuji.

High ranking sumo seems to be pretty harsh on the body.

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asanoyama vs ochi....webm

Anonymous No. 172036


It's still on there though? Was that a roundabout way on asking for sauce?

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Wakanofuji vs Wak....webm

Anonymous No. 172039

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Kyokudōzan sumo.webm

Anonymous No. 172041

Anonymous No. 172043

Teru will stay if keisho gets the rope he said he wants 10 Ys

Anonymous No. 172045

He did the E Honda move

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Anonymous No. 172084

Anonymous No. 172111

I still don't get how the judges allowed that

Anonymous No. 172112

You don't recognize the kimarite of 魂雷倒し?

Anonymous No. 172113

Force lightning counts as a harite.

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Anonymous No. 172114


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amateur sumo fail.webm

Anonymous No. 172128

>I'm the next Enho
>I'll try jumping, that's a good trick

Anonymous No. 172129

Fucking stonewalled

Anonymous No. 172140

I hate the stupid amateur gyoji initiated tachiai starts almost as much as I hate the disgusting tattoo'd, spandex wearing, hambeasts of American "sumo".

Anonymous No. 172142

Is this a flying Henka?

Anonymous No. 172157

Right was obviously waiting for it. He came up at half speed just to make sure he didn't fall for any tricks.

Anonymous No. 172160

A flenka, yes.

Anonymous No. 172167

Mainoumi pulled it off against Kitakachidoki a long while ago.

Anonymous No. 172171

It'd be treason if they didn't.

Anonymous No. 172172

Enho also pulled it off successfully. I don't have a clip handy but both of them have ate shit for trying as well.

Anonymous No. 172190


Anonymous No. 172191

This is the one of Enhou eating shit, but I can't remember who he managed to succeed against with it.
Here's a random amateur pulling it off.

Anonymous No. 172207

clip of mainoumi eating shit for trying it?

Anonymous No. 172228


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ikioi brackface.jpg

Anonymous No. 172272

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yutakayama sumo h....png

Anonymous No. 172303

Yutakayama dropping the weight

Anonymous No. 172307


Anonymous No. 172349

Goes to show how much effort the rikishi are putting in to maintain weight, I'm a big lad but there's no way I could force myself to eat so much on a regular basis.

Anonymous No. 172368

God, if anything that's really inspirational.

Anonymous No. 172389

good on him for the weight loss, but shows an alarming lack of modern sports science from an athlete (or just spouting jap autism)

Anonymous No. 172401

>shows an alarming lack of modern sports science from an athlete
What do you mean?

Anonymous No. 172407

Sports """science""" is just pseudoscience bunk meant to scam poorly-educated athletes out of their money. Yeah bro just eat this chickpea salad with raw eggs and drink your smoothie made of flavoured mystery powder laced with cocaine after your crossfit workout, then go to your cupping and chiropracty therapy.

Anonymous No. 172412

The only problem is all that extra skin.

Anonymous No. 172434

>Sports """science"""
Nah, it's based off of using scientific method to test and evaluate exercise programs and diets.

Anonymous No. 172436

Have you done your shiko today?

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idle animation.webm

Anonymous No. 172470

right now i am focused on the food and sleep aspects of My Brand of sumo

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Anonymous No. 172485

>henshin yokozuna

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Mainoumi vs Musoy....webm

Anonymous No. 172565

Anonymous No. 172567

is that you are too slow you are too slow taunt sumo version? Guy is literally tbagging the fucking ground.

Anonymous No. 172569

Could someone post a compilation of Giant Killers? Basically smaller sumo rikishi beating the bigger guy with pure raw energy and efficient technique.

Anonymous No. 172570

No. Ryuuden, the guy in the video, started doing it out of nowhere before every bout one basho and ended with a strong showing for it. When asked about what it was on maybe day 9, I think he said he was using it as a sort of timing mechanism for his tachiai. Predictably, the board of directors got pissed off about how it looked and either told him to tone it down hard or stop. I can't find the comments they made, if they did publicly say anything, but I recall he went from giving it 100% to 10% overnight.

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Mainoumi the based.jpg

Anonymous No. 172572

>based mainoumi

Anonymous No. 172573

LoL! Yea, the JSA put a stop to that shit rikky-tik.

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chitosegawa matta....png

Anonymous No. 172574

I should add: it's a shame that they told him to stop, too, because annoying little gremlins used to be an integral part of sumo. Without them, some of the color of the sport is lost.

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Anonymous No. 172685

Cute lapel pins

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Terao vs Mainoumi....webm

🗑️ Anonymous No. 172695


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Terao vs Mainoumi....webm

Anonymous No. 172696


Anonymous No. 172704

>Why are you a mainoumi fan?
>Because he is a light manlet.
>I only like rikishi under 115kg and wish sumo had a weight limit of 135kg

Anonymous No. 172707

>I only like rikishi under 115kg
>and wish sumo had a weight limit of 135kg
No. The appeal of manlets is watching them struggle and occasionally beat fatties three times their size. If there's a weight limit then manlets are less special.

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Anonymous No. 172708

>>Because he is a light manlet.
That's not why people like Mainoumi, it's because of the spirit and skill he displayed in the dohyo. You never knew exactly what the fuck he was going to pull out of his ass to get the victory.

Tobizaru and Ura, both, show a lot of the same spirit and skill, which is why they are among the favorites in makuuchi.

Anonymous No. 172719

people raved on about enho being the sucessor to mainoumi purely based on his size, but i feel that both ura, tobizaru and midorifuji carry his spirit much more properly on the dohyo
midorifuji especially, he's all heart, fucker fights like he's twice his own height

Anonymous No. 172722

You'll be pleased to learn they recently abolished the minimum height and weight requirements. It got somewhat lost in the tsukedashi news.

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Anonymous No. 172726

>hates large rikishi
>uses fatties as a descriptor
You need to watch another sport
im also having a difficult time finding any of his shitty bouts. it seems that only his highlight matches are easily found
i am not a muscle manlet fan

Anonymous No. 172727

I didn't say I hated them, I said I like manlets.
And the largest sumo wrestlers are objectively fatties.

Anonymous No. 172728

The palm pushing thing is common, that's why E Honda has it

Anonymous No. 172730

all sumo wrestlers are fatties

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Anonymous No. 172742

>midorifuji especially, he's all heart, fucker fights like he's twice his own height
Height and size has nothing to do with it, as Ikioi was among the tallest rikishi and fought with the same spirit despite injury on multiple occasions.

People appreciate the spirit of the fighter, and the technique they display far more than they do just size. Nobody gives a shit if you're a big dude, or a little dude, that's a pussy and has no skill. They want to see men with spirit and skill, regardless of their God given size.

Anonymous No. 172761

>>midorifuji especially, he's all heart, fucker fights like he's twice his own height
>Height and size has nothing to do with it,
Yeah, that's what he said.

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Anonymous No. 172765

This is why I always root for Kotoeko. Even if he is one of those eternal maegashira wrestlers, he always delivers good sumo

Anonymous No. 172766

Me too, Kotoebro

Anonymous No. 172790

>he always delivers good sumo
Yup. Kotoeko is great.

Anonymous No. 172800

Imagine my disappointment when they didn't have a Kotoeko towel when I went in July. Had to settle with Yasu and Shodai

🗑️ Anonymous No. 172803

Bros, I'm talking to gay furry probably pedophiles about Sumo and THEY ARE LOVING it

Anonymous No. 172815

everyone loves sumo once they get it

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Konishiki meets O....jpg

Anonymous No. 172817

Apparently Konishiki coached Ootani (among others) at a degeiko the other day.
Wonder if he gave him the spiel about acting up, since nobody on Earth knows what that gets you better than Konishiki.

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Kotofuji vs Maino....webm

Anonymous No. 172854

Anonymous No. 172860


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Anonymous No. 172867


Anonymous No. 172868

He already was acting up the asshole persona. Too bad he looks too slow when fighting and seems to be an eternal makushitter.

Anonymous No. 172884

nta. his name changed. you should use it

Anonymous No. 172927

He isn't Sachinofuji yet, if that's what you mean.

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Anonymous No. 172985

All that seething in Goylds video. Keep crying

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Anonymous No. 173006

Konoshiki said my chirichozu was acceptable.

Anonymous No. 173007


Anonymous No. 173029

Yes, but as a foreigner you have to do the best chirichozu anyone's ever seen to really be accepted.

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Anonymous No. 173052

Yokozuna Hitachiyama in 1915.

Anonymous No. 173069

Was he the yokozuna who was notoriously cruel towards his deshi?

Anonymous No. 173073

Tachiyama said something about him having a propensity for hitting people in the ass with an acacia stick. That's still par for the course today, though. And he paid off his victims sometimes, apparently.

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Anonymous No. 173082

Oh, Tochigiyama mentions Hitachiyama also used to use a leather horse whip.

Anonymous No. 173120

>"rikishi can now request they win the bouts at tour dates for special fans; I know because Kinbozan won just for me!"

His new Patreon videos have pure, unfiltered Chris kino and I bloody love it

Anonymous No. 173137

Is this an actual quote from Der Gould?

Anonymous No. 173145

It was Enho's birthday last week, I can't believe you guys forgot, he was so upset

Anonymous No. 173146

Enho? Who is that? I've never heard of him. Now Fudoiwa, there's a wrestler.

Anonymous No. 173170

Chris even announced Kinbo won at the side of the ring he was sitting at just so he could get a good view.

Anonymous No. 173175

The JSA really should just hire him as an oyakata at this point, his rapport with the rikishi is unmatched.

Anonymous No. 173180

You're sure he's not doing a "british humor" thing? Even for him, that's an outlandish lines

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sumo boxing history.png

Anonymous No. 173181

japanese youtube comment i found:
>For fun, I tried to match up the greats of sumo's history to boxing's history.
>Hitachiyama = Sullivan
>Tachiyama = Jack Johnson
>Tochigiyama = Dempsey
>Futabayama = Joe Lewis
>Taihou = Ali
>Chiyonofuji = Tyson

Any thoughts?

Anonymous No. 173200

Banzuke next week?

Anonymous No. 173213

im not going to subscribe chris

Anonymous No. 173214

>>"rikishi can now request they win the bouts at tour dates for special fans; I know because Kinbozan won just for me!"
I still don't understand what this means

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Kisenosato Nishon....webm

Anonymous No. 173224

What did Nishonoseki oyakata mean by this?

Anonymous No. 173234

Peak physique

Anonymous No. 173241

It means his paint huffing has finally gone completely overboard.

Anonymous No. 173251

Someone out there has already masturbated to this. Let that sink in.

Anonymous No. 173255

Hi, I'm someone out there

Anonymous No. 173272

what the fuuuuuuck

Anonymous No. 173277

My man has zero plans on losing any weight it seems.

Anonymous No. 173285

I imagine he’s stretching being that big I bet his back aches like a bitch

Anonymous No. 173287

>come to sumo thread
>make fun of their bodyweight

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Anonymous No. 173288

It's all in good fun

Anonymous No. 173290

The japanese take on the truffle shuffle is weird.

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the virgin wakahi....jpg

Anonymous No. 173295

>The musclebound body of Tochigiyama on the right ought to be taken as a model by today's modern rikishi, whereas Wakahitachi seen on the left has a body like that of Umegatani - one that is too heavy for him and which produces many weaknesses. Indeed his is a body of a bygone age but, with a great deal of effort, it is all too easy to imagine he might redeem himself yet.

Anonymous No. 173297

Assuming Kiho is getting demoted, Wakahitachi would be the second lightest sekitori on today's banzuke. Only Midorifuji is lighter, and only by 2 kg.

Anonymous No. 173310

I need to become the top oyakata and revoke the sumotori social media account rule.

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Anonymous No. 173313

How much to bribe Hakakku, we could start a gofundme.

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Wakamisugi vs Was....webm

Anonymous No. 173318

Anonymous No. 173337

>Underage Kokonoe wrestler drank himself to a hospital during jungyo

Anonymous No. 173356

Didn't they already do that?

Anonymous No. 173395

Oh fuck, he's collapsing in on himself.

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Anonymous No. 173423

Anonymous No. 173427

Why is Hoshoryu playing air guitar?

Anonymous No. 173430

he's a free spirit

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kirishima hoshoryu.webm

Anonymous No. 173458

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According to the ....jpg

Anonymous No. 173462

>when its moving in the correct direction

Anonymous No. 173497

I call torinaoshi.

Anonymous No. 173500

This basho break has felt especially slow

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Anonymous No. 173512

Anonymous No. 173525

I wonder if there's a way to design one of these to be "softer?" As it is now, all the energy put into a thrust goes right back into the hands of the guy using it. I wonder if there's a way to transfer that energy into something to avoid that? I'm no mechanical engineer so that might be impossible.

Anonymous No. 173533

Teppo is for practising form: you actually want it to be that stiff so that it punishes mistakes and forces wrestlers to use correct form. A softer pole is more forgiving and encourages bad habits.

Anonymous No. 173535

They should just use junior wrestlers. It better replicates fight conditions and also helps the youngsters build character.

Anonymous No. 173536

performing oshi on other wrestlers is part of their normal keiko, unless you're saying that they should just do the teppo movement on a younger wrestler, which would be interesting to see

Anonymous No. 173537

In theory it's interesting, but I can't imagine it doing anything other than adding needless wear-and-tear to the teenagers.

Anonymous No. 173552

yep, teppo is in part about the hardness of the wood making your hands and forearms thicker anyways

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Anonymous No. 173587

Nope. A clear victory for guy-on-the-left, as guy-on-the-right couldn't resist grabbing his ass.

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Hakuho Isao Okano....webm

Anonymous No. 173594

Anonymous No. 173651

>all the energy put into a thrust goes right back into the hands of the guy using it.

Helps to toughen the hands and upper body. There are heavy bags available that are softer and could be used if they wanted them, but they don't serve the same purpose.

Anonymous No. 173657

the musashimaru interview on sumo prime time lol

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Anonymous No. 173662

Here's another good photo of him, this one taken in 1907 while he was in Chicago, Illinois.

Anonymous No. 173678

Sumo rikishi having fun doing sacrifice throws because of his size kek, cheeky cunt.

guy on the right went outside the ring, obvious loss.

Anonymous No. 173685

Does Hiro ask him why he's been such a failure as a coach?

Anonymous No. 173694

Hiro wants to live.

Anonymous No. 173696

Everytime I see an interview with Musashimaru he starts off almost reluctant to speak much, and then will have a short rant where he drops some scathing remarks about current day sumo.
I love it.

Anonymous No. 173712

No, but he said that wrestling was easier than coaching, and his guys had the ability to be sekitori, but they're weak minded. He also said that the rikishi fighting today don't have the mental toughness of his era, which is why there are so few Yokozuna prospects.

Anonymous No. 173725

Have you done your shiko today?

Anonymous No. 173727

"It's not a difficult sport"
30 seconds later
"Sumo is not a sport"

Anonymous No. 173729

Both are correct

Anonymous No. 173744

it was funny listening to him shit on takakeisho without him saying takakeisho sucks

Anonymous No. 173757


After the interview, I remembered this. Are there any other songs about sumo/rikishi?

Anonymous No. 173761

Ah man, this is great. Very relaxing. I haven't heard this before.
>Are there any other songs about sumo/rikishi?
First thing that comes to mind is Sumo Jungle. Very different genre, though.
Actually, Sumo Jungle samples that exact IZ song now that I think about it. Small world.

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[Sumo food] Wakin....jpg

Anonymous No. 173801

>mfw waiting for basho

Anonymous No. 173810

How do you know the Yokozuna/Ozeki/Sekiwake are weak or if the upper maegashira are good and it is harder to dominate them?
If the equivalent of Tobizaru or Takanosho were stronger or weaker in the past?

Anonymous No. 173835

It's banzuke time lads

Anonymous No. 173840
bulgarian bros...i dont feel so good...

Anonymous No. 173842

I knew it was possible but I wasn't actually expecting that many makuuchi promotions.

Anonymous No. 173844

Wakatakakage at Ms6, if he competes he could go straight back to Juryo with a 7-0 or possibly even with a 6-1.

Anonymous No. 173847

7-0 yes. 6-1 would be unlikely. It would require a lot of guys over him doing really poorly and/or the lower ranks of juryo completely shitting the bed

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Anonymous No. 173848

Jeepers, what a bloodbath.
I guess we've seen the last of Aoiyama in the top division.

Anonymous No. 173853

Can Asanoyama start his ozeki run from Mag1?

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Anonymous No. 173854


Anonymous No. 173856

Yeah, upper maeg ozeki runs have happened before, but he'll need a really strong and convincing run instead of barely scraping by. Terunofuji (the first time) and Tochinoshin are the only ones to do it in the past 38 years. As a starter, his M1 performance will need to be good enough that he makes sekiwake for January.

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Anonymous No. 173864

his powerless slaps, grunting, and hatakikomi will live on in my memory forever

Anonymous No. 173867

The return of Tomokaze to makuuchi, though!
That man has more than earned it.

Anonymous No. 173872

good OC

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Anonymous No. 173881

He did this shit all the time as an active wrestler
No idea why

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 173897

Ranks out for November

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SUMO Aki Basho 20....webm

Anonymous No. 173918

Anonymous No. 173935

Is wakatakakage dead? Or just his career.

Anonymous No. 173955

He's probably going to enter the tournament in November, in Makushita. If he hasn't rushed back too early he's got a good chance of getting back to the top division before next November.

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>blocks WTK pa....jpg

Anonymous No. 173969

if he fights November, id assume hed do well enough to get back to juryo considering he is Makushita 6e. 2 at the shortest to makuuchi with miracle banzuke luck and one or two losses, and 5 on the high end. No guarantee he will come back as the ozeki level sumo wrestler he was

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Anonymous No. 173997

Bros, what are some good japanese snacks to eat while watching sumo? I'm stocking up for next Basho

Anonymous No. 174001

>Takerufuji ms1
If he gets KK this basho, he was as fast as Atamifuji in becoming sekitori

🗑️ Anonymous No. 174021

>Asanoyama has been diagnosed with a separated calf muscle in his left leg, and has been ordered to rest and receive treatment for 14 days.
He expects to be ready for the 1st day of the Kyushu tournament (Nov. 12) but his participation will be the decision of his oyakata Takasago.

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Anonymous No. 174022

>Asanoyama has been diagnosed with a separated calf muscle in his left leg, and has been ordered to rest and receive treatment for 14 days. He expects to be ready for the 1st day of the Kyushu tournament (Nov. 12) but his participation will be the decision of his oyakata Takasago.

Anonymous No. 174023

where do you live? you could go to a asian grocery store and stock up on whatever looks good/interesting to try

Anonymous No. 174024

Don't have any of those in my country, I'm planning on ordering online

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Anonymous No. 174031

Its over

Anonymous No. 174036

For the authentic Japanese sumo experience, just buy lots and lots of beer.

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Anonymous No. 174054

you need to rustle up the Official Bento box of your favourite wrestler

pic related the takakeisho box

Anonymous No. 174056

Damn, how would I even go about finding those?

Anonymous No. 174060


Anonymous No. 174062


he's sexy and he knows it

Anonymous No. 174066


Hope he rests, heals up, and starts on like day 7. Even if he goes MK, he can still get enough wins to stay towards the top of the banzuke.

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Cheers to the hoo....png

Anonymous No. 174067

Just make some onogiri and fill them with what you like or have on hand, drink a lot of beer, and be done with it...

Anonymous No. 174076

The sumo comes on early in the morning in my timezone so drinking isn't really a good option unless I want to fuck up the rest of my day

Anonymous No. 174077

>sumo comes on early in the morning i

Okonomiyaki is what you want. Basically a savory pancake. You can add what you like, so if you want onion, bell pepper, chili's, whatever, it's up to you.

Here's a basic easy list:
>pancake type batter
>chopped cabbage
>chopped green onion
>okinomiyaki sauce (katsup, onions, worsterchire, sugar)

Easy. Tasty.

Here's the concept.

Anonymous No. 174118

Anonymous No. 174119

It's over

Anonymous No. 174121

It's finally November! Sumo is approaching quickly.

Anonymous No. 174122

It was clear that he needed more than one basho to recover from his surgery.

Anonymous No. 174124

>Go back to start! Do not pass Go! Do not collect 200$!
Kind of absurd. If he'd got his shoulder repaired before he started professional sumo he most likely would have started at a higher rank than now, after four kachi koshi, a 32-10 W/L-ratio and shoulder surgery.

Anonymous No. 174127

And people think I'm crazy for saying university sumo has been a long-term detriment to pro sumo.

Anonymous No. 174134

Hakuoho didn't participate in university sumo

Anonymous No. 174138


Anonymous No. 174159

Personally, I think universities should provisionally count as stables and send their men to official tournaments.

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SUMO Aki Basho 20....webm

Anonymous No. 174168

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SUMO Aki Basho 20....webm

Anonymous No. 174169

Anonymous No. 174171

No one thinks you're crazy for thinking something stupid, they just think you're stupid
>verification not required

Anonymous No. 174172

It's so over

Anonymous No. 174179

Well, no Asa ozeki run to key in on, no indication any ozeki is a serious threat for the rope, and no Hakuoho. What're we getting excited for this time, lads?
>Keisho yoko meme bid with double 11-4Ys
>Kotonowaka ozeki push?
>Gonorrhea and Atami continuing to KK into upper makuuchi
>Roga and Shishi rematch
>interesting youngsters (Onosato, Gonoumi, Onokatsu, Tenshoho?)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Takayasu yusho

Anonymous No. 174183

Takakeisho is either going to get a free ride to yokozuna or yet another debilitating injury

Anonymous No. 174198

>Keisho yoko meme bid with double 11-4Ys
Just imagine.
First ever.
That'd be legendary.

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Based Tobizaru.jpg

Anonymous No. 174200

>What're we getting excited for this time, lads?

The Golden spirit trifecta: Midorifuji, Tobizaru, Ura
Old man strength: Tamawashi, Takarafuji
The soap opera: Hoshoryu, Kirishima
The new hope: Wakamotoharu, Kotonowaka
The hope destroyed: Takayasu
The soul: Hokutofuji

Same as always.

Remember, when things don't go your way, don't let it get you down, but instead be like Tobizaru and smile.

S No. 174201


Anonymous No. 174204

>indication any ozeki is a serious threat for the rope
this will be the easiest basho for takakeisho to win. 5-2 or better day 7 and the shot is there. worse and well hear cope from his camp

Anonymous No. 174257

He's being handed his yusho on a golden platter. Whether he wins or loses, we'll never hear the end of it.

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Anonymous No. 174258

>Troubling reports of abuse by Naruto-beya's sole sekitori, which are exacerbated by a weak oyakata's inability to take charge and react responsibly, have resulted in three young rikishi leaving the heya and abandoning their sumo careers.
>Juryo wrestler Oshoma has been accused of numerous brutal acts of power harassment by Anzai a promising 21-year-old ex-makushita wrestler, and two other former Naruto deshi.
>The three young men claim Oshoma's sadistic behavior began when he was promoted to juryo.
>Anzai claims Oshoma would violently attack him during training. "He targeted my elbow that had recently been operated on after an injury. Oshoma would yell, 'What are you going to do about it?'
>"He punched me in the eye causing me to lose eyesight for days. He did this because he was angry about losing a practice bout."
>In addition to Anzai, there are other victims who have been injured when targeted by Oshoma. More than one said that he fractured their sternum by climbing on top of and jumping on their chests.
>And Naruto saw and knew. "Oyakata would turn his eyes downward to not see whenever things started to get out of control. When I turned to him for help, he said, 'That's how it was in the old days.'
>"I decided to retire when I realized our oyakata would never protect us. I was given a 5-minute danpatsu-shiki without allowing a photo to be taken."
>When reporters from Shuken Shinto rang Naruto Oyakata's cell phone, it hung up the moment they said their names. Since August, three rikishi have quit and two more announced their retirement.

Anonymous No. 174259

Yogurt-bros... Not like this...

Anonymous No. 174264

"That's how it was in the old days" bruh you were ozeki in the 00s, the fuck are you on about. I'd expect that kind of ballless crap from Isegahama or some other old fuck, not a guy who's barely 40.

Anonymous No. 174266

I'm not as sold on it being the most free one ever (frankly last one might've qualified and the best he got was an 11-4). Nephew will be over the yushozeki hangover, Kiri'll be healed up, Keisho has to actually participate in more than one consecutive basho without going kyujo and the only competitor of his who isn't going to be around much (Asa) might still show up in time to give Keisho a test
If you asked me who to bet on a yusho for I'd struggle to pick one since I think it's actually pretty wide open, I just don't feel Keisho is a clear-cut success

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Anonymous No. 174287

how does he do it

Anonymous No. 174297

He gives up quickly on losses to avoid hard falls
If he wins, he tends to win very quickly

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Anonymous No. 174302

Smart Sumo

🗑️ Anonymous No. 174357

Ex-ozeki Asashi, who was Takasago-oyakata for Asashoryu and Asanoyama has passed away at age of 67.

Anonymous No. 174358

Ex-ozeki Asashio, who was Takasago-oyakata for Asashoryu and Asanoyama has passed away at age of 67.

Anonymous No. 174370

What are you guys hoping to see this basho? I want to see Hoshoryu shape up and deliver some Ozeki sumo.

Anonymous No. 174373

I want to see Takakeisho get so close yet so far.

Anonymous No. 174378

Oh yeah, I'd also like to see Kotoeko win a special prize or something, the dude always delivers a fun bout

Anonymous No. 174381

ypa yusho

Anonymous No. 174382

What do you mean ypa?

Anonymous No. 174387

It says Ura in Cyrillic.

Anonymous No. 174395

lol no wonder this sport is dying ahahahahahahahaahahahahahha

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Anonymous No. 174430

>hoping to see this basho?
Mongorian dominance. I want to see either Kirishima or Hoshoryu land a yusho and threaten a yokozuna run.

Anonymous No. 174432

Damn. Didn't expect Kotooshu to be so bitchmade.

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Anonymous No. 174440

Lets go Mongozeki bros

Anonymous No. 174448

Have you done your shiko today /sumo/?

Anonymous No. 174462

Any man who will say he has not is not a man

🗑️ Anonymous No. 174526

My dad used to do business in Bulgaria back in the 2000s/2010s, and he always said there's nothing more lazy, corrupt and neglectful as a Bulgarian in a position of authority. It's partially due to the whole living under communism thing, but there's definitely a genetic/cultural aspect to it. Dirty, dirty people.

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Anonymous No. 174544

Anonymous No. 174557

>all this extra skin
Will it shrink on its own? Or is he forever fucked without cosmetic surgery?

Anonymous No. 174563

>Will it shrink on its own?

Anonymous No. 174565

Who is this?

Anonymous No. 174573

His nips look like foreskin.

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ichinojo harumafuji.jpg

Anonymous No. 174614

Sleepynojo and Harumafuji at the Mongolian Autumn Festival in Osaka

Anonymous No. 174619

So does Harumafuji live in Japan normally, or Mongolia? The impression I had was that he'd gone back to Mongolia, but the frequency with which he appears for events in Japan makes me question that.

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Anonymous No. 174620

Anonymous No. 174621

He has a law degree and owns a private school in Mongolia, he has enough income to make regular trips. Dunno if he still does, but pre-covid he was a non-elder coach at Isegahama stable.

Anonymous No. 174623

Pottery in motion.

Anonymous No. 174629

Sumo in 7 sleeps, frens

Anonymous No. 174631

actually depends a lot on age. up to mid 30's or so your body is still pretty effective at repairing damage like this, after that it gets harder and harder to fix

Anonymous No. 174632

wakamotoharu performing well and making a run for ozeki.

I want takayasu to finish second again

Anonymous No. 174633

Fuck, my sleep cycle is not prepared for this

Anonymous No. 174653

This is the transformation Takakeisho (Takakino) will have when the Yokozuna Council proclaim him Yokozuna this month.

Anonymous No. 174678

>dude why is my sport dying and unlikely to exist by 2060 when the new national sport just becomes Baseball?
Probably best to stop with this tradition shit and evolve. Or hold out until death. Clearly younger wrestlers do not like "old style" and if old retards want to force that then they should be forced back into active wrestling regardless of physical condition. I don't care if you end up dead on the dohyo. If you want shit "old school" then you go fucking wrestle.

Anonymous No. 174680

The stupid thing is that all the aesthetics and ritual are traditional elements that everyone loves. Tourists love it, and Japanese themselves like it as a throwback to the old days, like going to one of their myriad other traditional festivals. And casual audiences still enjoy sumo when there's a high degree of top level competition. Traditional bullshit when training is fucking stupid, nobody cares because it's all behind the scenes, and it just makes the competition worse.

Anonymous No. 174685

Yep. You can have all the things people love about "traditional" sumo without Oshoma breaking his teammates sternum for fun

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Anonymous No. 174712

>it's a private function
>it will be open to the public

Anonymous No. 174713


Anonymous No. 174720

>it's a private function
It is organised by Ichinojo himself, as opposed to the sumo association. Rikishi and coaches won't be officially invited, but will be able to attend just like any other member of the public. Keep in mind that this is a Mongolian speaking Japanese, translated into English by an Israeli.

Anonymous No. 174728

>all the aesthetics and ritual are traditional elements that everyone loves.
The thing is everyone larps about sumo going back thousands of years, but many of the traditions are actually fairly modern.

On paper, the three direction hand gesture when accepting prize money is a tribute to the 3 deities of victory. In reality, everyone picked up the prize money however they wanted when prize money became a thing in 1955. The gesture only came about when Futabayama became chairman in 1966 and thought a standardized gesture would look nicer. There are tons of other similar traditions that are modern, but treated with reverence as if they're ancient (yet still only being selectively enforced at times).

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1920 Haru basho y....jpg

Anonymous No. 174732

Oddly enough, the yusho car tradition is significantly older than the kensho hand gesture.

Anonymous No. 174737

A few are, yeah, but the basis of sumo is still rooted in the feudal era. Stuff like that hand gesture and the raised dohyo/raised roof are new, but the aesthetics that people care about are still traditional.

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Anonymous No. 174738

>JSA not giving big man a proper danpatsushiki in Kokugikan
Shameful display.

Anonymous No. 174765

They don't do that, the wrestlers pay for it themselves.

Anonymous No. 174766

>the aesthetics that people care about are still traditional
The pre-match shikiri time is also new, more-or-less invented for radio. The gyouji get-ups were changed to what they are now in the 1920s and 30s. Draws, azukari etc are gone. Most everything except for the mawashi has been changed.

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it's ogre.jpg

Anonymous No. 174784

>Takakeisho neck pains

Anonymous No. 174793

shit, source?

Anonymous No. 174808

Chris Sumo but we don't need to proof such a claim. We all knew something lile this was coming.

Anonymous No. 174809


Anonymous No. 174819

"My source is that I made it the fuck up" — Chris Chan Sumochu

Anonymous No. 174820

This little fat circle see Terunofuji in a wheelchair having good bouts, and Atamifuji not committing suicide after henka, and shit his mawashi.

Anonymous No. 174823

If it was him he was probably just spying on him and saw him rub his neck or something.
Didn't he retire?

Anonymous No. 174842

no, he opened a Patreon

Anonymous No. 174845

Oh, I haven't paid attention in a while, so last I heard he was saying he wasn't going to film things anymore it was too competitive and not enough money. So that was just him begging for more and then continuing?

Anonymous No. 174851

Yes, just means that he will not go to actual tournaments anymore. He is too porud to actively stop making videos. Turns out just translating Nikkan Sports articles and giving them a spin is cheaper.

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Anonymous No. 174857

I just hope Terunofuji fights and spoils his yokozuna hopes, fuck this hamster.

Anonymous No. 174858

Both will pull out by the second week.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 174859

the NHK refuses to treat him like the professional journalist he is and provide him with free tickets at the corner of the dohyo so he can film with his smartphone

Anonymous No. 174865

>Keisho dead
>mongols dying, jobbing or both
>Takayasu due for a choke
Monkeysisters... our time is here

Anonymous No. 174871

His source is Sankei sports.

Anonymous No. 174919

someone please update the pastebin before the tournament

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Kimura Tamajiro.jpg

Anonymous No. 174922

>no more Kimura Tamajiro
This fact really pisses me the fuck off...

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Anonymous No. 174924

>Kimura Konosuke one step closer to the top of the mountain

Highly based.

Anonymous No. 175029

Preemptive cope to cover himself when he doesn't yusho

Anonymous No. 175073

Reminder to self: Grand Sumo PREVIEW on NHK World Japan on Thursday at 8:30 PST.

Anonymous No. 175087

the gyouji /fa/ king

Anonymous No. 175115

Also, chanko nabe was invented in 1964. They got the recipe from an American cook book popular among stationed GIs, just like hambaga.

Anonymous No. 175117

This. I'd be okay with a contract killing of gyoji if it cleared the way for Konosuke.

Anonymous No. 175118

It's actually documented, as in we have primary source proof from that time period, that nabe was popularized in sumo by Hitachiyama in 1909, because it's simply an easy way to serve food to large amounts of people who need large amounts of food, at a time when sumo was becoming increasingly centralized. The only debate is where the name "chanko" comes from, but even then the competing theories are that the name originated at Hitachiyama's stable during his tenure as a respectful nickname for the head chef, or the name goes all the way back to the feudal era and comes from a form of nabe introduced to Nagasaki from China, which was then eaten by sumo wrestlers touring Nagasaki.

What is invented is the superstition regarding chicken. In reality, chanko became associated with chicken because Ryogoku had a large chicken market before WW2, so chicken was cheaper and in larger supply. Post-WW2, beef and pork became more common, and the "superstition" was only introduced in the 70s.

Anonymous No. 175123

Damn, I didn't know there were this many kotoe-bros. I like hiradoumi as well, I feel he's under the radar.

Anonymous No. 175131

He's ugly even by the standards of rikishi so unless he hits sanyaku he's going to stay under the radar

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Anonymous No. 175135

>Yokozuna Terunofuji makes final decision on whether to participate on 9th, takes time off from training due to lower back treatment

>back pain
>broken hip

Yea, it's over.

Anonymous No. 175151

>Sole Yokozuna Terunofuji is kyujo for the upcoming tournament, citing complications with his below-the-knee amputation and acute infection of the lungs.

Anonymous No. 175153

>"Don't worry, Takakeisho will make Yokozuna any day now!"

Anonymous No. 175156

Meanwhile Takakeisho:
12-3 Y
13-2 D
10-5 Y

Anonymous No. 175157

It is November 2033. Ozeki Hoshoryu has announced his retirement. Terunofuji is kyujo for the 15th tournament in a row. Takakeisho is a yokozuna candidate for the dozenth time.

Anonymous No. 175158

By '33 we'll have Dai Yokozuna Atamifuji having his 45th bout against Yokozuna Hakuoho.

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image (2).png

Anonymous No. 175159

Teru hasn't attained his true form, yet.

Anonymous No. 175160

I think wheelchair sumo would be very interesting to experiment with.

Anonymous No. 175162

It is March 2036. Terunofuji, who has been the sole yokozuna since 2021, has surpassed Hakuho for most time as yokozuna. He still has yet to fight 200 bouts as a yokozuna. Ozeki Takakeisho, who won the January basho, is defeated by shin-sekiwake Aonishiki and withdraws to injury the following day.

Anonymous No. 175163

>wheelchair sumo
>both participants are immediately disqualified because they're not on their feet

Anonymous No. 175169

At this point I'm hoping another Mongolian takes Terunofuji out behind the Kokugikan and performs a mercy killing. He did it, he made yokozua. Let him rest.

Anonymous No. 175170

He would have retired if the jsa hadn't been keeping him on life support to parade around

Anonymous No. 175173

There's no rule that you must have your feet on the ground, only that no body part other than the soles of your feet touch the ground. Since a wheelchair isn't part of your body, it ought to be perfectly legal under current sumo rules to use one.

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Anonymous No. 175176

>the name originated at Hitachiyama's stable during his tenure as a respectful nickname for the head chef
This silly little guy.

Anonymous No. 175181

Teru confirmed out.

Anonymous No. 175185

It's over

Anonymous No. 175186

>Terunofuji is (predictably) out
>but Takakeisho is reportedly exhibiting signs of injury even in practice
He just can't win

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Anonymous No. 175214

>10-5 Y

Anonymous No. 175215

>14 basho since he made Yokozuna
>completed only 6 of 14 basho
>4 Yusho
>1 Jun-Yusho
>Missed or withdrew from 8 of 14 basho

Rough go for the big man.

Anonymous No. 175219

It was inevitable. Him making yokozuna at all was his entire story arc, everything else is just extra.

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Anonymous No. 175221

>completed only 6 of 14 basho
Those were pretty impressive in their own right and shows how high above the rest of the competition he is. Even before he started pulling out of tournaments, it was clear his health was failing. Yet he still won 4 out 6 yusho and was a contender in the other 2 basho (and could've won them had he been just a little bit healthier).

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the eternal cycle.png

Anonymous No. 175223

It's almost time

Anonymous No. 175225

Atamifuji seems like a swell guy

Anonymous No. 175229

now that tochi's retired who should be the second man laughing at takakeisho now

Anonymous No. 175231

I see 3 retired men in that picture

Anonymous No. 175238


Anonymous No. 175239

Being in a wheelchair is clearly subject to the shini-tai rule.

Anonymous No. 175240


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Anonymous No. 175242

Something about this photo is aesthetic to me.

Anonymous No. 175250

The state of being a wheelchair is a stable position, and will not automatically become a loss condition if allowed to play out, unlike standard applications of the shini-tai rule where the rikishi is flying out of the dohyo with no control over his movement or momentum.

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Anonymous No. 175268

Who is this girth god

Anonymous No. 175270

I believe that's Ms45 Otani.

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Anonymous No. 175283

Neck fat too large, tits too big, skin color too dark, not hairy enough, never seen Ohtani in a knee brace either.
Definitely not him, idk who it is though.

Anonymous No. 175284

Is this from degeiko, because it looks like Hoshuzan from Naruto-beya

Anonymous No. 175343

Best 'hakkeyoi' of the modern era

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Anonymous No. 175363

Someone stop this man!

Anonymous No. 175367

It can't be helped, the man has to eat something after all.

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Anonymous No. 175370

I was watching Onimai and this scene came up. I had no idea there was a sumo NES game. It looks like fun from what these girls show. God, I wish I was Mahiro so fucking badly.

Anonymous No. 175371


🗑️ Anonymous No. 175372

>latest Grand Sumo Preview has a section on amazumo

Anonymous No. 175374

>Asanoyama kyujo, but might join midway to minimize his drop
The power of bitches...

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Anonymous No. 175378

>Former sekiwake Takakage Wakakage returns to the ring for the first time in 233 days. On the first day, he plays against Kayo at Makushita. Eight months after tearing the anterior cruciate ligament in his right knee.

LOL at the internet translations.

So what are the odds that our man Wakatakatakakakage waited long enough vs. he's rushing back before fully healing? 50/50 ? Guess we'll see. I hope he does well.

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Hockey oi.png

Anonymous No. 175379

Torikumi for day 1 and 2 is up:

Anonymous No. 175382

>Bakakeisho vs Hokutofuji
>Urs vs Next Yokozuna
>Daieisho vs Meisei
>Papa vs WMH
>Kotozakura vs Monke
Onosato vs Shishi

The lineup is actually pretty damn exciting!

Anonymous No. 175386

>Takakeishogre finds fresh ingredients for tomorrow's chanko

Anonymous No. 175389

Statistically speaking, given that there are several hundred men in ozumo, at least one of them has to be a lolicon. Probably more.

Anonymous No. 175411

Shodai has stated his favorite anime is Made in Abyss and he forced other Rikishi in his table to watch it too.

Anonymous No. 175412

I REALLY hope he's feeling good.

Frankly he's in my top 3, really fucking bummed he missed his chances in sanyaku, hope he comes back healthy, and with a vengeance

Anonymous No. 175430

holy baste
i havent watched s2 but 1 was great

Anonymous No. 175439

It's not a Famicom game, it's an arcade game.

Anonymous No. 175442

Name of the game?

Anonymous No. 175455

Takakeisho gonna get the rope with another 11-4 yusho. Book it, done.

Anonymous No. 175456

>fails to win rope with 25 over 2 on 2 different occasions
>succeeds on 22 over 2
this would be the worst timeline

Anonymous No. 175467

Ounokatsu (Ochil) has a bout day one. Ms15TD. I thought he was signed with Isegahama, but I guess he's wrestling under Onomatsubeya?

Anonymous No. 175473


Anonymous No. 175487

The Ms15 guy is Choijilsuren. He is not Ochil, since they are mentioned as two different people here:

Anonymous No. 175492

Son of a bitch, these Mongolian names are confusing the fuck out of me. apologies

Anonymous No. 175498

>Takakeisho "needs huge score for yokozuna"

its over...

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Anonymous No. 175504


Anonymous No. 175505

In other words he'll still get it without a yusho.

Anonymous No. 175545

based chris schizo vid

Anonymous No. 175558

>>Takakeisho "needs huge score for yokozuna"
That's meaningless.

A huge score would be 14, or 15, which would be a yusho or yusho-equivalent, which means he'd be sitting on two yusho/yusho-equivalents and, thus, will earn his promotion.

A 13 win jun-yusho probably would not be sufficient, since his previous 12win-13win combination was not enough.

Anonymous No. 175559


See you fellas in the /sp/ thread,

Anonymous No. 175560

Going to sleep now, should be there in time for Juryo

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tokushoryu con pi....png

Anonymous No. 175600

>day 1, sandanme
>i'm already pissed at midnightsumo for spamming random american commercials from the 80s
it's my own fault for missing that karla was live, but still. why is there 1 singular stream that isn't cancer in some form.

Anonymous No. 175605

I enjoy the commercials desu. If they just showed abemas same handful of commercials I'd end up muting during breaks and then miss an hour because I forgot to turn it back on.

Anonymous No. 175614


Anonymous No. 175616


Anonymous No. 175617


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Anonymous No. 175626


Anonymous No. 175699
stone lifting. has some insight to stones rikishi would lift to be considered strong. pretty interesting if you can get past martins shitty narration. he should have the one with modern sumo showing up eventually

Anonymous No. 175721

>Onosato gets blown the fuck out

Anonymous No. 175727

updated pastebin:

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Akua vs Hitoshi S....webm

Anonymous No. 175739

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Tamawashi stealin....webm

Anonymous No. 175821

Anonymous No. 175827


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Wakahanada vs Asa....webm

Anonymous No. 175832

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Enho vs Aoiyama (....webm

Anonymous No. 175886

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Kotonowaka vs Mei....webm

Anonymous No. 176042

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Enho vs Terutsuyo....webm

Anonymous No. 176048

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Enho vs Shohozan ....webm

Anonymous No. 176049

Anonymous No. 176071

fixed a few things:

sorry for being slow, I don't have Internet at home

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Takayasu vs Hosho....webm

Anonymous No. 176173

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2023-11-17 18-49-36.webm

Anonymous No. 176221

Anonymous No. 176222

Wait, NHK actually doing condensed form bouts for each day now? Maybe a day late? Still missing the cool stats/info like Natto's.

Anonymous No. 176223

Or maybe I'm just retarded and never realized

Anonymous No. 176242

Unfortunately you're retarded. They've been doing this for years.

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Roga vs Takarafuj....webm

Anonymous No. 176254

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Roga vs Takarafuj....webm

Anonymous No. 176256


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Takakeisho vs Gon....webm

Anonymous No. 176259

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Kotonowaka vs Ura....webm

Anonymous No. 176260

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Anonymous No. 176267

Absolute agent of chaos.

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tamawashi boob pu....webm

Anonymous No. 176275

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Myogiryu vs Midor....webm

Anonymous No. 176380

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World of Sumo-Bey....webm

Anonymous No. 176381

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Takakeisho vs Asa....webm

Anonymous No. 176382

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Hokuseiho vs Ryud....webm

Anonymous No. 176383

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Asanowaka removes....webm

Anonymous No. 176499

Found this gem in my collection.
I hope Asanowaka can make it up to Juryo again.

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tokushoryu akisey....webm

Anonymous No. 176589

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Furumai Sake sumo....webm

Anonymous No. 176714

Anonymous No. 176784

Nice. I always like seeing the chicks in the traditional garb at the basho.

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Anonymous No. 176934

what did he mean by this?

Anonymous No. 176950

I hope somebody shinzo abes abi

Anonymous No. 176952

>shoot abi
>he just henkas the bullets

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Anonymous No. 176962

Fresh bread>>176961
Fresh bread>>176961
Fresh bread>>176961

Anonymous No. 176982


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Anonymous No. 177053


Anonymous No. 177559

will anyone else notice that the guy made the thread too early
will anyone find me here

Anonymous No. 177561


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Anonymous No. 177736

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Anonymous No. 177739

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Anonymous No. 177926

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Anonymous No. 177935

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栃錦『還暦土俵入り』 (若乃花 佐....jpg

Anonymous No. 178034

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Anonymous No. 178061

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Anonymous No. 178146

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Anonymous No. 178160

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Anonymous No. 178200

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Anonymous No. 178219

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Anonymous No. 178291

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Anonymous No. 178308

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34-07 s1907_1.jpg

Anonymous No. 178311

Anonymous No. 178408

I appreciate your work, sumo historian bro.

Anonymous No. 178481

thenk you

Anonymous No. 178611

I'm looking for the name of a rikishi. Recently retired within the past year or 2. Peaked at makushita I think, got injured, and decided to retire instead of making the climb again. He had already lost the weight while still competing and was totally shredded, just waiting for his hair cutting ceremony.