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🧵 /sumo/ - Off-Basho General

Anonymous No. 181431

Komusubi Ura edition



>All the sumo links and how to watch live:

>Previous thread:

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Based Tobizaru.jpg

Anonymous No. 181433

May the joy that fuels Tobizaru be with each and every one of you throughout the new year. Happy new year /sumo/.

Anonymous No. 181436

sorry, no internet at home, I had to anticipate

happy new year!

Anonymous No. 181437

>xs sumo op is faggot (you) whore
not unexpected

Anonymous No. 181462

This isn't a fair webm since he is up against the (future) Yokozuna Ura

Anonymous No. 181469

he may have been a yokozuna if he was 6'2. too bad he got short shitty genes

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Cheers to the hoo....png

Anonymous No. 181533


Anonymous No. 181537


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Tobizaru ♪Timing ....webm

Anonymous No. 181566

based monke poster

Anonymous No. 181686

When will Terunofuji announce his kyujo for the upcoming tournament?

Anonymous No. 181688

>When will Terunofuji announce his kyujo for the upcoming tournament?
Day 5. He will announce his retirement at the same time.

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Kaihō vs Kitazaku....webm

Anonymous No. 181766

Anonymous No. 181772

>spamming slap downs 3 seconds into the match

I hate muscle manlets so much all that muscle just for them to run away in a circle trying to desperately get a slap down

Anonymous No. 181780

>my heckin lard ballerino

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SUMO Nagoya Basho....webm

Anonymous No. 181787

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SUMO Haru Basho 2....webm

Anonymous No. 181789

Anonymous No. 181814

How small was the kid that humiliated you in front of all the girls at school because you were too much of a pussy to fight back, anon? 5'4"? 5'2"?

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Anonymous No. 181828

Morning, Scizhos. Hope you're all doing well. Do we have any pictures of rikishi riding pic rel? Honda bikes are great.

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Anonymous No. 181830

Rikishi aren't allowed to drive motorized vehicles since the 80s, and non-motorized bicycles need to be specifically modified to hold their weight.

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Anonymous No. 181831

Well shit. Aren't I retarded. Was there a major incident that caused the "No driving motorized vehicles" Rule? Or did they just decide one day? Thanks for the info, anon.

Anonymous No. 181839

I can't remember for sure but I think it was a fairly minor incident, and the ban was just to avoid any more bad PR. Similar to the social media ban.

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Anonymous No. 181841

Only Bicycles.

Anonymous No. 181854

these things desperately need 250cc 2 stroke motor swap

Anonymous No. 181856

the average mid westerner weights more than that little shit

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Anonymous No. 181858

The average midwesterner that weighs more than ishiura also probably can't or doesn't know how to ride a bike.

Anonymous No. 181868

I don't think I've met anybody around my age who doesn't know how to ride a bike. Do really young kids just not do it anymore?

Anonymous No. 181878

American society as a whole has gotten really hostile to bikes, unless you're in a rare city that actually has proper dedicated infrastructure set up.

Anonymous No. 181881

I think that just applies to faggot road bikers that go in the car lane

MTB and BMX are still acceptable

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Anonymous No. 181882

Thoughts on yasuke? The first black sumo wrestler

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 181887

those cities are all disgusting shitholes

Anonymous No. 181888

t. Fly over/suburban retard

🗑️ Anonymous No. 181891

t. faggot wades through human feces urbanite

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Anonymous No. 181892

Is kotoshoho the juryo goat? Jokes aside congratulations on the birth of his child I hope he gets the dad buff and stops being mid

Anonymous No. 181899

Looks more of a pig

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tanikaze and raiden.jpg

Anonymous No. 181901

>may depict
It probably doesn't. This is how they drew anyone who had mildly darker skin or came from a poor farming family. Raiden is himself often shown as being borderline black because they thought of him as rough peasant stock or whatever.

Anonymous No. 181962

We wuz Raiden n shiet

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Anonymous No. 181964


Anonymous No. 181969

>neck injury still bothering him least he's not kadoban.

Anonymous No. 181970

I'm a Keisho fan.
Maybe it is time to retire? Or at least wait until there is some opening to become Oyakata.
I think it is unlikely he will ever be healthy enough to win two basho back to back and the longer he competes, the more he risks a really bad injury.

Retiring as one of the best Ozeki ever is good enough.
And when healthy, him and Terunofuji were the most dominant rikishi of the post Hakuho era. Too bad injuries destroyed the two of them.

Anonymous No. 181975

as much as i like to shit on the westerners who complain about sumo strictness, the old boys don't help recruitment numbers with these absurdly reactionary restrictions

Anonymous No. 181983

>one of the best ozeki ever
Not to dredge this old argument up again, but this is a dubious claim
All the best ozeki make yokozuna or are serious threats for yusho despite the presence of yokozuna competing each basho (both of which apply to Kisenosato, for example)
Keisho having one single period of arguable Yoko-tier performance during this entire phase of overall weakness and parity while he resides at the top of the competing banzuke every two months is pretty pitiful desu
inb4 "muh what could've been", injuries happen to everybody, we can't judge him for what he might have become, only what he is: a solid ozeki who never had what it took to make yokozuna and now is too broken to string anything together to take the horizontal rope

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Anonymous No. 181986

Keisho will retire when he loses his ozeki

🗑️ Anonymous No. 181987

When people rank who is the best Ozeki, they are ranking who is the rikishi whose highest ranking was Ozeki.

You are just trying to derail when you post things like this.

Anonymous No. 181990

Not him, but the fact that almost half of all ozeki have made yokozuna (since it was officially recognized of course) puts into context the lack of performance that even an average non-yokozuna ozeki has. Guys like Kaio and Chiyotaikai are aberrations who might have become yokozuna in weaker eras, not the norm.

Anonymous No. 182007

Keisho should abuse the kyujo system get the minimum amounts for a winning record
8 wins
8 wins
The only problem is he doesn’t know when to take the L he could’ve pulled out last basho day 12 and kept rank

Anonymous No. 182009

When people rank ozeki, they rank those whose highest ranking was ozeki. Who were never promoted.

So, let's be more precise.
If Takakeisho retired tomorrow, he would be one of the best ever rikishi to never become Yokozuna. That's a very successful career.

Anonymous No. 182010

When "you" rank ozeki, you mean. And other people are pointing out why your context is meaningless.

Anonymous No. 182011

Previous thread still isn't even on page 10.

Anonymous No. 182016

Even if that's your criteria, Keisho is still below guys like Kaio or Goeido.

I guarantee it'll last until the January Basho ends.

Anonymous No. 182017

>That's a very successful career.
Making it to Makuuchi at all is a very successful career.

Anonymous No. 182020

An Ura shitter decided he would make a thread out of the blue

Anonymous No. 182031

I'm not this thread's designated Takakeisho fellator, but he does have a point. If a rikishi lucks out and gets promoted to san'yaku for a single tournament, he is forever referred to as "former Komusubi Yamanoumi". The general consensus is that a man who makes it to Yokozuna is no longer in the conversation for best Ozeki, because his new rank and the accomplishments at that rank supersede his achievements at a lower rank. This is unfair to outliers like Kisenosato, but any system for discussing the relative merits of rikishi will have anomalies that just don't work within its framework. Takakeisho's career isn't over (yet), but it's only fair to compare him to men who share the same peak.

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Anonymous No. 182033

Hokuseiho sighting at the recent Rizin New Year's Eve card.

Anonymous No. 182034

That's pretty neat, I never really thought about Sumo Wrestlers being interested in other sports

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Tamaryū vs Kurose....webm

Anonymous No. 182044

Anonymous No. 182045

He's among the best at not being good enough to get a promotion, in a time period when just being marginally better than that would have made him the de facto only yokozuna for most of his time at the rank of ozeki
You're assuming all rikishi wrestle in a vacuum, but Keisho not being able to rise above a banzuke of people almost exclusively all ranked beneath him (brief legitimate appearances by Teru, Hak and Kak notwithstanding). A competitor can only beat the competition in front of them, and Goeido having to compete with at least 4 guys higher ranked or clearly outclassing him (to later become yoko themselves or retire at the rank) at any given time next to him in the banzuke requires an individual analysis instead of merely lumping Keisho's chump wins against maegashitters and Shodai in as equivalent performances as historical record

That said I'm more than happy to instead call TKK one of the biggest chokers in sumo history, since that seems to be in accord with your point about him being among the best to fail to get the rope

Anonymous No. 182046

>but Keisho not being able
but Keisho wasn't able*

Anonymous No. 182068

The guy is a (you) whore who thinks nobody else can copy, paste, and fill a caption like he does
why do we have to explain this to seemingly the same few autists every couple month? they're also the ones going on and on about how komosubi mainoumi was so great
yet having only one tournament at the rank.

Anonymous No. 182069

>call TKK one of the biggest chokers in
forever overshined by takayasu

Anonymous No. 182072

You'd never get people talking about football like this, claiming that Leicester City, for example, is on par with teams that win the Premier League consistently, based on their one standout performance. This is because football is a much more popular sport in the West, and there is far more of an orthodoxy in discussion of it. With sumo, your average Western sumo fan is primarily self-educated about the sport, rather than having all manner of pundits and experts telling him all about it or his whole life. It therefore comes as a shock when he encounters opposing views about the sport, because in his immediate social circle he's the undisputed expert on sumo and his word is the gold standard.

Anonymous No. 182074

On the other hand, if someone were to talk about the best Championship team of all time, would they exclude teams that made the Premier League?

Anonymous No. 182079

I don't think you got his point.

Anonymous No. 182080

There's multiple points going on at the same time, the Mainoumi shit from nowhere was a strawman anyway.

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Anonymous No. 182085

When you're discussing football these things aren't questions that are commonly raised. The community as a whole already has its preferred metrics for comparing teams or players or managers, and those metrics have remained more or less unchained for generations because of the size of the community. Every gaijin sumo fan is an island, the closest thing we have to a community consensus is the meme power ranking chart (I've included the most recent one I have, by the way) and even a single autist can have a dominating, derailing presence in a thread, here on one of the largest sumo discussion venues available to Westerners. This sort of behaviour would be drowned out instantly in a less niche subject.

Anonymous No. 182089

Might not be related but one of the fighters is an ex-rikishi.

Anonymous No. 182097

Takaganja's brother?

Anonymous No. 182099

Yeah, I didn't see the fight but he's been knocking fools out pretty well for the most part.

Anonymous No. 182101

yeah, mainoshitmi was proven to be made of straw when chadishiki yeeted his leg.

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Anonymous No. 182113

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Anonymous No. 182130

I just want takakeisho to have a good basho and not hurt his neck. This is such an exciting basho coming up and the rising action in sumo right now is crazy. Next few years are gonna be crazy. But I'd be so sad if takakeisho got hurt or something. It still hurts to see how fucked up that knee injury got wakatakakage

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Mainoumi vs Kyoku....webm

Anonymous No. 182134

Anonymous No. 182136

Daimadozan would be my shikona

Anonymous No. 182141

He's already hurt. The only question left is whether or not he makes it worse.

Anonymous No. 182142

>mainoshitmi was proven to be made of straw
He's an iron Yokozuna when it comes to living in your head rent free.

Anonymous No. 182158

He's already going to make it worse. The only question left is whether or not he'll be able to walk unaided after he finally retires.

Anonymous No. 182169


Anonymous No. 182184

nice to meet you
I'm Daikusoumi

Anonymous No. 182258

Yokozuna looks rested and strong. If Terunofuji fights through to the end, he will dominate. He is still much better than everybody else in the field, Kirishima can't beat him yet.

Anonymous No. 182268

watching Takakeisho gas out never gets old

Anonymous No. 182270

Of course not. even if you’ve watched every fight in his career you’ve probably only seen about 10min of action.

Anonymous No. 182281

New to sumo, been watching since July. Only just now figured out there's a general here in addition to the one that pops up in /sp/ during bashos. I feel dumb.

Anonymous No. 182282

It's okay anon, we're all retards here.

Anonymous No. 182283

bring back shohozan, I want the midgets to bleed

Anonymous No. 182285

I've been on 4chan since 2007 and following sumo since 2016, and I only thought of looking for a general last year. You're not alone.

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Anonymous No. 182286

rip Shohozan

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Anonymous No. 182287


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Anonymous No. 182289

The "I recognize that bulge" of sumo.

Anonymous No. 182292

Dear lord that is seventeen years ago god help me please where did the time go

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Anonymous No. 182296

someone has not been trimming his nails properly

Anonymous No. 182299

New meta, must be super easy to get infected if you get a bleeding scratch right underneath a never-washed practice mawashi.

Anonymous No. 182315

I do hope Teru will go all the way this basho, we really need some yokozuna action in there.

Anonymous No. 182318

Where can i find more shots of ceremonial mawashi like this?

Anonymous No. 182321

That would be good, Kirishima isn't yoko material and I don't want to see him get promoted, would be nice to have Terunofuji there to prevent it.

Takayasu looking good in that practice, maybe he is ready to get started on earning back his old rank

Anonymous No. 182334


To look up more, search for 化粧廻し

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Anonymous No. 182369

Just as a follow up to this and to spark conversation, since I started watching in July these are the guys I've become a fan of


How bright or dim is the future for me?

Anonymous No. 182371

It's okay to support wrestlers past their prime or who aren't top division material.
I love my boy Sadonoumi even though he's only okay at best. It's the spirit and style that counts.

Anonymous No. 182372

All bums. Prepare to suffer.

Anonymous No. 182373

Yokozuna tier on about 55% of bouts, Juryo tier on the other 45
highly skilled fighter but he's a little gimped because of his size. Weird to say that about someone who's 5'11 but it's true for the upper sanyaku
It's over
There was a tournament where he started the tournament with 6 losses and then ended 8-7, if I remember correctly
If he'd get his shit fixed he'd be great but he's not getting his shit fixed

Anonymous No. 182376

For most of them it's the spirit and style I like. Though honestly for Meisei it's just because he was born like a week after me so we're almost exactly the same age.

Ah like every other team/individual I cheer for in sports. Nothing new then.

Pretty accurate assessments from what I've seen so far. Honestly I just really wanted Mitakeumi to do well after that horrible tournament where his dad had just died.

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Anonymous No. 182377

Only thing you need to do is BELIEVE

Anonymous No. 182378

>Ah like every other team/individual I cheer for in sports.
The good thing about cheering for bums in sumo though is that as long as your guy gets 8 wins he "wins" (for most ranks), so even a bum can keep it exciting. Sometimes moreso than top guys even since they'll do shit like lose 7 in a row then win 8 straight.

Anonymous No. 182383

>believing in Takayasu
Are you trying to jinx him? Takayasu will only succeed when there is nobody left who still thinks he can.

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Anonymous No. 182395

Anonymous No. 182399

Yeah I basically look at it the same way I look at my college football team. I know they're never winning the championship, but a winning season at least gets a bowl game.

Anonymous No. 182418

>For most of them it's the spirit and style I like.
Spirit, style, technique, that's what it's all about. I honestly don't care who is fighting as long as they exhibit those three traits during the fight. Fortunately, most do.

Anonymous No. 182457

hello Daikusoumi
I'm Kokujinnoumi

Anonymous No. 182461

prepare to believe

Anonymous No. 182463

This nigga reproduced?

Anonymous No. 182464

Rikishi often marry 10/10 Nipponese cuties, you have to imagine it's due to their social status, but if you're a very optimistic weeb it functions as a shining beacon of hope.

Anonymous No. 182498

Did kaisei get elder stock?

Anonymous No. 182500

All shikona must reference raiden or yotsubagawa-beya

Every poster here belongs to our stable yotsubagawa-beya

Anonymous No. 182503

What is Yotsubagawa's naming convention, then?

Anonymous No. 182507

>What is Yotsubagawa's naming convention, then?
ends in "gaiji" (害児)

Anonymous No. 182511

Yes. He has the Tomozuna share.

Anonymous No. 182513

>would be nice to have Terunofuji there to prevent it.

its gonna be a teru v kiri 14-0 matchup 9n the final day to mirror hakuho v teru from 2 years ago

Anonymous No. 182514

Kiri doesn't have the chops for a 14-1.

Anonymous No. 182515

the dude's 27 and put up a 12-3 and a 13-2 in the last year assuming he doesn't suffer an imminent collapse it's fairly likely he'll pull off a 14-1 at some point

Anonymous No. 182516

here's hoping.

Anonymous No. 182521

can we have gaiji as our second name?

Anonymous No. 182526

Terunofuji & Takakeisho are both in

Anonymous No. 182531

Keisho just wants to be paralyzed

Anonymous No. 182532

The day 1 match ups look really good.

Anonymous No. 182537

I had a a dream. Kirishima was choking and was 4-8.

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Anonymous No. 182538

Day 1 is out

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happy negro.jpg

Anonymous No. 182540

its happening

Anonymous No. 182543

I hope Kirishima wins the yusho so Terunofuji can just retire finally. The fact that he won a yusho last year is already wild to me, his health is fucked.

Anonymous No. 182544

Teru at 60% is still heads and shoulders above everyone currently competing. Hell, even 50% Teru can jun-yusho.

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Anonymous No. 182550

>any salt m'lord

Anonymous No. 182564

>first match as komusubi is against Teru

Anonymous No. 182565

He's learned how to beat Teru from their previous match-ups. Believe in the U R A

Anonymous No. 182566

Thats how it goes for k1w

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Anonymous No. 182568

lanceloumi... gods what a stupid shikona

Anonymous No. 182569

His okaasan was a whore with fat arse

Anonymous No. 182607

go find the mawashi stretcher... NOW

Anonymous No. 182610

Not a bad slot
>committee tells Teru he need to be in the next basho or retire
>Teru enters the basho, loses 4 in a row and goes kyujo in order to avoid retiring
and the first 5 guys he was matched up against get easy Ws

Anonymous No. 182611

I don't think Big Teru would come back of his own volition unless he was confident he could go the distance. He's already been at rock bottom and knows his limits. If the committee and his master have pushed him too hard to come back too early, it won't take 4 losses to let him and everyone else know that it's time to retire, he's either going to dominate Ura and stay in contention until at least day 10, or he's going to be humiliatingly manhandled and will announce his retirement before nakabi. Ura is lucky that he's so popular, because he's going to look like the heel of all heels if Teru goes down badly.

Anonymous No. 182613

Hopefully those bionic knees have enough juice left in them.

Anonymous No. 182615

imagine if sumo coaches actually knew the basics of sports medicine and nutrition, you could have had a injury and diabeetus free Teru and Ichinojo

Anonymous No. 182617

Prioritizing wrestlers health is dishonorabru

Anonymous No. 182622

>imagine if sumo coaches produced a bunch of takanoyamas
takanoyama never managed a winning record in makuuchi

Anonymous No. 182624

what does takanoyama have to do with sports medicine and nutrition

Anonymous No. 182625

>imagine if sumo coaches produced a bunch of takanoyamas
how the fuck did you get that reading
nutrition means telling Ura to not eat ten sausage mcmuffins and a big mac every day, not telling him not to eat

Anonymous No. 182626

Sadly, sumo does not have access to readily available supplies of cheap roids (at least not without yakuza funding), so they have to make do.

Anonymous No. 182627

Anabolic steroids are legal in Japan.

Anonymous No. 182630

ura seems to be doing pretty good for himself following his own instincts and the advice he is getting from kise beya, it seems unlikely he would benefit from the input of a vegan pansy like you

Anonymous No. 182631

Average /fit/ user intelligence
also hope you realize I was quoting his own words on what he eats

Anonymous No. 182638

I'd prefer a state-sponsored intensive doping program. A top sumo wrestler ought to be one of the largest and most formidable men on the planet, and they just can't get there these days without some heavy duty roiding.

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Anonymous No. 182640

based take

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Anonymous No. 182673

New yusho parade car

Anonymous No. 182677

Car? That's an absolute beast of a machine, especially compared to the standard Japanese cars. By 2060 the yusho winner will be paraded around in a monster truck.

Anonymous No. 182686

still on page 9

Anonymous No. 182693

>could have had a injury and diabeetus free
Oh shut the fuck up. There isn't a g'damn professional athlete that doesn't get some kind of injury, let alone in the combat sports. While I agree they could do a better job with the beetus, you are a fucking moron if you think you can perform at a professional level in any combat sport without sustaining some kind of injury.

Anonymous No. 182697

>injuries happen therefore stupid injuries shouldn't be prevented

Anonymous No. 182698

>fucking retard makes comments about shit he has no experience with

Anonymous No. 182700

Can you outline ways in which you'd prevent Terunofuji from suffering complications of his diabetes that don't entail him having to lose half his body mass? For bonus points, establish how this could be done without massively increasing his stable's budget, and on a larger scale, how the JSA could afford to fund a comprehensive and fully modern regimen for all six hundred or so active wrestlers, including professional physiotherapists, exercise coaches, and nutritionists. I don't think anyone who loves sumo actively wants the wrestlers to get so battered, especially men who grew up in the system and treat their disciples like their own sons, but sumo is not as popular as a sport like football or baseball and the finances are very limited.

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Anonymous No. 182704

Anonymous No. 182707

Do you think shiko helped Akebono recover from his knee surgery? Because he sure didn't, and I am of the opinion that shiko also shouldn't have been how Terunofuji trained to recover from his own knee surgeries 20 years later.

But hey, that's just the opinion of a layman. I'm no super smart sportsman who played D3 football. Maybe intentionally destroying your surgically reconstructed knees is just part of the process.

Anonymous No. 182716

the injuries you see, like wtk knees going and takakeisho everything, and their life expectancy are telltale signs of heavy roids. there's only so much gear can do with people who average like 5'8 and 160lbs.
there's no testing either, so its full blast for contests, which can easily be another factor between basho and exhibition tournaments performance.

Anonymous No. 182717

It would be nice if stables had their own physiotherapists to help the rikishi recover from injuries in a sensible and informed way. Nobody is arguing against that. However, a stable and its operations are run on what any Western sports organisation would consider to be a shoestring budget, with heavy reliance on the supporters club. Sumo is the national sport of Japan and yet the Kokugikan only holds 11 thousand paying spectators at peak capacity. Sumo has a serious financial problem at every level of organisation and it simply isn't feasible to fund the level of care that you (and the rest of us) think they ought to have. Personally I think that the Japanese government ought to pour massive amounts of funding into sumo in order to improve the quality of life for the wrestlers and to try and make the sport more profitable, but I am just a gaijin sumo fan as opposed to their Minister of Sports.

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Anonymous No. 182718

>It would be nice if stables had their own physiotherapists to help the rikishi recover from injuries in a sensible and informed way.
Ive seen rikishi work with pts, but i think its just something thats way behind in their culture too. im sure there something about not follow advice or something weird due to social standings or something. like this asanoyama clip deadlift full retard, but the guy coaching seems to know proper form. (yes, its a screen, i cant find the webm right now)
i agree about the rest of the financial stuff.
>I'm no super smart sportsman who played D3 football.
This is a weird statement to make. D3 is signing up for the rec league at your local gym level.

Anonymous No. 182719

Lads, it's time.

Anonymous No. 182722

The thing is, when you see rikishi engaging with actual training or with professionals, it's generally something they're doing more or less as a hobby during their free time. I think traditional sumo training methods certainly have their place within the daily regime of a rikishi, but it's also absolutely mind-blowing that stablemasters don't round their lads up and force them to go to a properly equipped gym on a regular basis.

Anonymous No. 182723

>stablemasters don't round their lads up and force them to go to a properly equipped gym on a regular basis
There's more of this than people think im sure. like hoshoryu's stable viewed in martin licis's video on sumo was pretty kitted out. could be a side they don't want seen too openly.
i do think they spend too much time on conditioning drills considering the match lengths are like 10s. they did shiko for like an hour before practice. theres definitely benefit to all that warming up keeping everything moving well and reducing injuries, but targeted things are more effective .

Anonymous No. 182724

>but it's also absolutely mind-blowing that stablemasters don't round their lads up and force them to go to a properly equipped gym on a regular basis
With what money? The guys you see doing actual training are the sekitori, aka the only guys who actually have their own money to do that shit. The stable itself has enough costs to worry about keeping the lights on and feeding everyone who isn't a sekitori. Just surveying a few random 24/7 gyms in Ryogoku, any place worth a shit will put you back around 8,500 yen per month. There's currently 529 non-sekitori listed on the banzuke. So that's 4.5 million yen every month, or 54 million a year, if every non-sekitori were to have a gym membership. And these are guys who don't have a salary, aren't eligible for prize money, aren't eligible for anything but a minor stipend. Where is this money coming from?
Sumo is poor as fuck. Don't let the prize winnings of the top sanyaku fool you. For everyone else they operate on razor thin margins. And for the sekitori, they do go the gym constantly; Ryogoku-area gyms get a bunch of them on a regular basis. But for everyone else, it makes far far more sense for a stable to just get its own equipment that can be used in conjunction with typical practice methods.

Anonymous No. 182725

Well, even if some stables are more athletically inclined than others, that's the same issue on a larger scale. It's no good if this sort of thing is left to the whims of an individual stablemaster, as opposed to being general guidelines passed down from the top. Of course, at the end of the day the reality is that the JSA is composed of old Japanese men, half of whom probably have some degree of traumatic encephalopathy and very few of whom care about what Westerners think is the best way to run a sport. I don't think any serious change will happen for some time, and it remains to be seen whether the next generation of elders will produce better results.

Anonymous No. 182726

>as opposed to being general guidelines passed down from the top.
what? there aren't any organizations i can think of that instruct organizations how to do things involving training.

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Anonymous No. 182730

What you retards don't understand is that sumo is a cultural institution on top of being a sport. The traditional training methods are preserved both because they work as basics, but more important for the JSA and Japan as a whole they're preserved because supporters and tourists love watching them and taking part in them. I dunno if maybe the algorithm was being screwy again, but it seemed like a hundred YouTubers and TikTokers this past year were making videos about taking part in sumo practices. Nobody is going to do that just to see some fat guys do the same weight-lifting sessions that power-lifters do except worse.

Anonymous No. 182731

Wrestling practice in high school and football practice in college would easily go 3 hours. The traditional strength training can be dropped and practice would still be long as fuck. Just watch the joint practices. cut down highlights of matches is already 15 minutes.

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Anonymous No. 182738


Anonymous No. 182739

Aonishiki won :)

Anonymous No. 182746


Anonymous No. 182801

I hope Abi henkas himself into a woodchipper

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Ura vs Hoshoryu S....webm

Anonymous No. 183016

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Terunofuji vs Abi....webm

Anonymous No. 183017


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Kaisho vs Asonoya....webm

Anonymous No. 183027

Anonymous No. 183028


I can't open the new thread at /sp/

be sure to use the more recent pastebin, which is in our OP

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Kirishima vs Mido....webm

Anonymous No. 183033


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Terunofuji vs Gon....webm

Anonymous No. 183034

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Wakamotoharu vs H....webm

Anonymous No. 183035

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Ura vs Hoshoryu S....webm

Anonymous No. 183118

Anonymous No. 183131

Hokuseiho isn't even interested in his own sport the great lumbering tit

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Ohata vs Oyamada ....webm

Anonymous No. 183134

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Gonoyama vs Hosho....webm

Anonymous No. 183136

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atamifuji fangirls.webm

Anonymous No. 183143

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Terunofuji vs Tob....webm

Anonymous No. 183273

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Nishikifuji vs Ro....webm

Anonymous No. 183388

Anonymous No. 183415

that's karma for always pulling like a faggot.

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Terunofuji v Daiy....webm

Anonymous No. 183635

Today I will remind them.

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Terunofuji v Roga....webm

Anonymous No. 183637

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Dining with Sumo ....webm

Anonymous No. 183730

Anonymous No. 183772


>Kotonowaka vs Onosato

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Atamifuji Sumo Fa....webm

Anonymous No. 184154

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Ichiyamamoto vs A....webm

Anonymous No. 184158

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Ura kills a lady.webm

Anonymous No. 184163

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Gonoyama vs Asano....webm

Anonymous No. 184164

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Kirishima vs Hosh....webm

Anonymous No. 184165

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Midorifuji vs Myo....webm

Anonymous No. 184166

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Tobizaru vs Ura S....webm

Anonymous No. 184169

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Kotokenryu vs Miy....webm

Anonymous No. 184369

Anonymous No. 184397

fucking love seeing Ura spinning around in the air, little guys are the best. looks like he did scrape the ground just a bit with his finger though so shouldn't have gotten the win, but the level of awareness of him retracting his hand near instantly is so cool. this has been an awesome basho, cheers for the webms

Anonymous No. 184406

that tan is one thing, but prior picrel is black black. peasants don't get so dark.

Anonymous No. 184407

the 90s were insane

Anonymous No. 184410


Anonymous No. 184411

You know I think Musashimaru was right in that interview
This generation of rikishi just don't have it in 'em

Anonymous No. 184412

obviously the conditions are much milder now as well, rikishi now have a day off for example, which wasn't a thing.

Anonymous No. 184417

Musashimaru's generation was the real pansies. Takanohana was ten times better than him and yet worse than Asahifuji. And Asahifuji was worse than Chiyonofuji

Anonymous No. 184419

To be fair to our current generation of rikishi, not everyone can be the size of King Kong.

Anonymous No. 184420

Rank sperging time
Demotable records in Makuuchi
M8e Hokuseiho 2-4-9
M12w Myogiryu 5-10
M13w Endo 5-10
M15e Tomokaze 5-10
M16e Takarafuji 6-9
M16w Bushozan 4-11
M17w Aoiyama 0-7-8

Promotable records in Juryo
J1e Daiamami 8-7
J2e Nishikifuji 10-5
J2w Tohakuryu 8-7
J3e Roga 9-6
J3w Kitanowaka 10-5

I'm thinking Aoiyama, Bushozan, Tomokaze, Hokuseiho down. Daiamami, Nishikifuji, Kitanowaka, Roga up. If they were to push up Tohakuryu it would be at the expense of Takarafuji but I think they stay where they are. Endo and Myogiryu probably safe no matter what.

Anonymous No. 184424

Any videos from the new car?

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Anonymous No. 184425

nvm found one

Anonymous No. 184426

Demotable records in Juryo
J12e Chiyomaru 5-10
J12w Tenshoho 5-10
J13e Yuma 5-10
J14e Chiyosake 6-9
J14w Tochimusashi 5-10

Promotable records in Makushita
Ms1w Wakatakakage 7-0
Ms2e Tsushimanada 5-2
Ms2w Kitaharima 4-3
Ms5w Hakuoho 6-1
Ms6w Kitadachi 4-3
Ms8e Onokatsu 6-1

I think only Wakatakakage, Tsushimanada, and Hakuoho are really demanding a spot in Juryo but all of those guys in Juryo have pretty awful records for how low they are so I think they all get demoted and Kitaharima, and Onokatsu also go up.

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Anonymous No. 184428

>Onokatsu also goes up
Pfft, why, something like that hasn't happened since... Hakuho!?

Anonymous No. 184445

If Kotonowaka gets promoted then there will be an extra sanyaku slot and M17w will disappear.
So one promotable juryo guy will get fucked.



Takarafuji's makuuchi streak stays alive

Anonymous No. 184458

every person since the dawn of time has said that about people younger than them

Anonymous No. 184466

It's sad how true this ended up being.

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SUMO Hatsu Basho ....webm

Anonymous No. 184493

Anonymous No. 184539

Whens the last time the same stable won both juryo & makuuchi

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Ryuden vs Ura SUM....webm

Anonymous No. 184540

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Terunofuji vs Kir....webm

Anonymous No. 184541

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Terunofuji vs Kir....webm

Anonymous No. 184542

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Terunofuji vs Kot....webm

Anonymous No. 184543

Anonymous No. 184544

Maybe I'm just dumb but I don't get this wouldn't that mean there's one less person total in Makuuchi?

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onosato sumo family.webm

Anonymous No. 184545

Anonymous No. 184547

aonishiki is a beast I can't wait until we get him in juryo

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Anonymous No. 184549

No, just one person at M17e, see last basho

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Anonymous No. 184555

im doubtful that they're going to reach up to tomokaze and hokuseiho and leave takarafuji safe. if they're going, so is he.

Anonymous No. 184560

>every person since the dawn of time has said that about people younger than them
the difference this time is that he's right

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Anonymous No. 184562

wrong, see pic related
also, typo - it's Nishinoumi III

Anonymous No. 184563

Sorry, I misunderstood this post >>184458
I thought the implication was that old people criticize the new generation no matter what but I didn't realize it was literally the case

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Anonymous No. 184577

God please let Kitaharima get promoted to Juryo again.
One last run

Anonymous No. 184579

26 basho at sekitori so far - 28's the minimum for a kabu. Think he's after one?

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Anonymous No. 184584

Not sure, either way I'm just hyped to see him potentially back in Juryo at 37 and on good form.
Ever since his 1 makushita basho he hasn't managed kk in juryo.

Anonymous No. 184588

that's interesting, but it's missing a lot of yokozunas. Wonder what would the complete list look like. Still, if we look at Teru now:

Terunofuji lost 2 out of 2 against Kisenosato, lost 8 out of 12 against Kakuryu, lost 10 out of 14 against Hakuhou.

Anonymous No. 184595

Sending energy to chicken man for his juryo run

Anonymous No. 184599

>Wonder what would the complete list look like
I can't even think of how to graph that. Would if I could

Anonymous No. 184600

Natsu 2022, Terunofuji and Nishikifuji from Isegahama
Hatsu 2021, Daieisho and Tsurugisho from Oitekaze
before that probably Hatsu 2006, Tochiazuma and Tochinonada from Kasugano unless I missed something

Anonymous No. 184602

he is kind of small, only 180cm

Anonymous No. 184603

Shodai is (only) 183cm

He seems taller

Anonymous No. 184605

>Takarafuji's makuuchi streak stays alive
hang in there, old man. i still like you

Anonymous No. 184607

So did Kotonowaka get promoted?

Anonymous No. 184608

Unofficially, yes. A request was put in for him to be promoted (which means his request has been approved).
I think the actual ceremony with the fish happens in a day or two.

Apparently, he is not going to be changing his name to Kotozakura yet. He wants to win a cup as Kotonowaka first.

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Anonymous No. 184621


Anonymous No. 184622

>and non-motorized bicycles need to be specifically modified to hold their weight.
Can't they just buy American bikes? I'm not even joking, since I assume we have fat people bikes here that are designed for 300+ pound people.

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Anonymous No. 184625

Anonymous No. 184626

Jonokuchi and Jonidan yusho for Ajigawa-beya. Very nice

Anonymous No. 184627

If anything they'd buy Dutch cargo bicycles. Because the Dutch are weird as fuck and actually do cargo transport by bicycle.

Anonymous No. 184629

How would you guys rate this basho?
I was highly entertained by it.

>Good things
Sanyaku performed up to standard
Onosato looks like that dude

>Bad things
It still doesn't look like anyone has what it takes to dethrone a 50% disabled Terunofuji

>Pleasant surprise
Oho starting to look like a real rikishi, not just a big fat kid.

>Disappointing surprise
All the bad injury luck

>Got that dog in him

Anonymous No. 184632

I love Hirado's swaying technique and his fierce pushing. I hope he gets to sanyaku soon.

Anonymous No. 184633

He shows fairly consistent improvement but is only 5'9 and thus is at a disadvantage against the taller sanyaku(not counting Takakeisho)

Anonymous No. 184642

He reminds me of the second coming of Kotoeko. He's a brawler, he fights hard, and never, ever stops moving. Very easy to cheer for.
He's only 23 despite being in sumo since 2016. He doesn't get injured.
But, unfortunately, his size is going to be a limitation. 1.77m and 130kg is not tall or heavy (almost the exact same size and weight as Kotoeko) and most of the guys at the upper end of the division have skill at least equal to his and they're also bigger.

I see him as having a good, long career in mid- to low-makuuchi. He probably won't ever get to the sanyaku but might get a Fighting Spirit prize here or there.

Anonymous No. 184654

300lb lardasses tend not to cycle much.

but BMX bikes tend to be overbuilt, a 180lb rider doing jumps is gonna put a higher dynamic load on the frame than a 500lb static load

Anonymous No. 184660

>>Bad things
thats not bad, its good, yoko is supposed to be that much better than everyone else
p.s. if teru is this good when he is just off a long injury and trained little before the basho then he will be that much better in march because he said he is starting to train for march immediately.

Anonymous No. 184662

>yoko is supposed to be that much better than everyone else
healthy, yes. but he's badly injured. even just standing for his championship presentation caused him obvious discomfort in his knees, hips and back.

a guy who can't even stand still for a few pain-free minutes is still the best wrestler in the sport?

Anonymous No. 184663

>can't stand still for a few pain-free minutes is still the best wrestler in the sport
Yep, that's what being huge, strong as shit and technically capable will do for you

Anonymous No. 184665

We joke about Cyber-Terunofuji and him coming back after ten hip replacements, but the fact is that what he's already done and come back from is almost unequaled in the history of sumo, or even sports in general. Big Teru wins because he wants it more than his opponents do, it isn't his body keeping him going any more, it's his iron will.

Anonymous No. 184666

To be fair to everyone else, Terunofuji's also basically had 6 months to recover from the damage he picked up from a single tournament he participated in after another 6 month break. I think it's amazing what he's doing given how fucked up he is, but keep in mind the other guys are all dealing with the wear and tear of constant bashos.

Anonymous No. 184671

Iron will is bound by the vessel it's placed in; even with a will to win eclipsing every rikishi to ever exist, I wouldn't expect someone like Midorifuji to do more than maybe win one career yusho, if even

The "will to win" argument sometimes comes up in weightlifting, and the fact of the matter is you will most likely never bench press 400 kilos, even if you have a burning, continuous, nonstop desire to do so

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Anonymous No. 184677

Grip strength video of some of the sekitori. It's quite recent since it mentions 'komosubi' ura.
It's quite simple jap so you'll get the gist without EN subs.

Anonymous No. 184686

I'm 6'3 and 120kg, and lift weights fairly casually, and I can just about manage a 60kg grip on a good day. There's no excuse for a professional "力士" to job as hard as some of the lads did in this video.

Anonymous No. 184690

Did Ura cheat or something? 214lbs is insane. I used to know a pro bullrider who could hit 140lbs on one of those things, and his grip was like iron.

Anonymous No. 184691

I think there was another one of these a few years ago and Shodai maxed it at 100kg

Anonymous No. 184694

That was from day 1 of the basho that just wrapped up

Anonymous No. 184704

it checks out, there's probably no better grip exercise than belt wrestling a giant man.

Anonymous No. 184717

I thought Shima was gonna get the horizontal rope

Anonymous No. 184724

>false starts kiri twice
>makes ozeki and doesn’t take kotozakura
Why does kotonowaka keep edging us

Anonymous No. 184726

what's the story to zakura anyway? i've been missing all the sumo journo

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Anonymous No. 184727

>be kotonowaka
>grandfather is Kotozakura the 53rd yokozuna
>hey grandad
>can I use your shikona when I grow up?
>sure kiddo
>but only if you ganbarize your way to ozeki first

Anonymous No. 184729

everything about kotonowaka except for his titties is cool but the tits are a real deal breaker

Anonymous No. 184731

god i fucking love how sumo is anime irl
shut the fuck up

Anonymous No. 184732

He needs to work harder on his chanko skills, hes too small as it is to earn higher rank.

Anonymous No. 184740

He's 5 kg heavier than Harumafuji with a 1 cm height difference.

Anonymous No. 184743

well, it's not 5kg of muscle mass

more of these fucks need to get on PED's

Anonymous No. 184744

I’d hate to be a the guy picking 390lb kotonowaka up for his ozeki piggy back ride also what’s the significance behind that?

Anonymous No. 184745

well Ura is 175m, 136kg and got to Komusubi, so there's hope for Hirado. Also he has age advantage over Ura who is 31 and Hirado is only 23. When Ura was 23, he was in Makushita only, but obviously because he started with sumo late. Like Onosato.

Anonymous No. 184746

I hope Ura becomes a coach

Anonymous No. 184747

look at Ura's forearms, huuuuuge

Anonymous No. 184751

Kirishima wants to be at a higher rank, but history has demonstrated that he can't beat Teru, so he isn't currently deserving of or qualified to be at the higher rank. Kirishima isn't lacking in dexterity or skill to put himself on even footing with the yokozuna, he is short on power, which means he needs to bulk up. Kotonowaka & Teru both threw him out of the ring like he was a bag of garbage, they wouldn't be able to do that if he was in their weight class.

Anonymous No. 184753

>they wouldn't be able to do that if he was in their weight class.
Kirishima has a 10-4 lead against Koto and had won the last 4 in a row prior to their last meeting.

Anonymous No. 184755

Or he could try giving up on his strange insistence on using oshizumo when it isn't appropriate. He's not good at it and it has borne very little fruit for him in his career. He made no attempt to get at Kotonowaka's belt, and so predictably lost.

Anonymous No. 184756

Pretty sure both of the good Waka bros are juicing rn.

Anonymous No. 184757

It's very easy to forget how incredibly bulky the "small" rikishi actually are.

Anonymous No. 184761


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Anonymous No. 184770

Anonymous No. 184773

still better than kirishitma

Anonymous No. 184775

Why are we bringing up kirishima?

Anonymous No. 184780

Spoilers, they aren't exactly piggy backing them anymore. They usually bring out a step stool, or beer crate, for the rikishi to stand on for the pose.
The historical significance of that shit is something we are gonna have to ask our resident sumo historian.

Anonymous No. 184803

Should’ve been a redo kotos ass hit the same time teru stepped out. I don’t think the dead body could apply in this situation.

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Anonymous No. 184812


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Anonymous No. 184828

nobody cares about results from last year, the distant past has no bearing on who is currently better.
pic is yfw when you realize this

Anonymous No. 184844

Aminishki's Ajigawa beya won two championships - jonidan & jonokuchi. He has a small collection of 18 & 19 year olds, theres only one guy in his 20s in the stable. Ajigawa could end up being a powerhouse in a few years, they all made KK this time around, except for the 24 year old.

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Anonymous No. 184845

Takakeisho is so utterly irrelevant now. Nobody gives a shit, the Japs have moved on to new and better things with younger healthier hopefuls, even the posture princess doesn't come anymore. He might win a few more basho, might even make yokozuna somehow but it won't matter, everyone knows in their hearts he's a meme, an old puffing fraud, a run over toad

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Anonymous No. 184846

Ozeki promotion going on right now.

Anonymous No. 184847

Got a link?

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御嶽海大関昇進伝達式生配信 SUM....webm

Anonymous No. 184849

Reminder Mitakeumi foreshadowed his Ozeki Career during his promotion ceremony

Anonymous No. 184850

koto senior is still so huge, man should lay off the chanko in retirement

Anonymous No. 184852


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takakeisho slappi....jpg

Anonymous No. 184854

he will make a comeback mark my words

Anonymous No. 184858

He demonstrates chanko eating to the younger wrestlers, thats here he shines as a coach

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Anonymous No. 184860


Anonymous No. 184862

>hakuoho vs wakatakakage week 1 probably

Can’t wait

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Kotozakura vs Kit....webm

Anonymous No. 184863

-grabs you by the throat-


Anonymous No. 184873

Dayum...he looks like his grandfather more than he does his father.

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Anonymous No. 184874

seething kotosexual

Anonymous No. 184875


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Anonymous No. 184876

Kotonowaka Senior isn't blood-related to Kotozakura. Kotozakura was Kotonowaka Sr.'s stablemaster and he married into the family through Kotozakura's daughter. Kotonowaka Jr. got his mom's face, which is why he resembles his grandpa more.

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Anonymous No. 184877

There was a translation of this but I can’t find it. Kotonowaka is the soul of sumo.

Anonymous No. 184879

>married into the family through Kotozakura's daughter
>Kotonowaka Jr. got his mom's face
So.... Speaking of inheriting a likeness. Does she have... You know. Four?

Anonymous No. 184884

Hmm here I thought Wakatakakage was the protagonist. Perhaps...

Anonymous No. 184893

toppest kek

Anonymous No. 184895

The same thing is true for Oho. He looks way more like Taiho than he does Takatoriki.

Anonymous No. 184913

lmaaooo he yanked his ass up off the dohyo

Anonymous No. 184914

They need to drop chiyomaru. Kokkonoe is shit at the moment and his heart doesnt seem to be in it anymore

Anonymous No. 184920

I remember this. His legs fell asleep from sitting cross legged too long. He needed his tsukebito to help him up while he just rolled around and laughed.

Anonymous No. 184929

yes, he's gunning back. Also people should study what wakamotoharu did to beat terunofuji

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Anonymous No. 184932

What are you talking about? Best tits in the game. Proud and perky.

Anonymous No. 184934

That's a phat pussy :3

Anonymous No. 184936

study what? it was well-known Teru did not do train much before the basho. He was getting better day by day. He would've thrown wakamotoharu after day 10 just like he did Kiri...and I like waka bros.

Anonymous No. 184943

>rikishi watching film
Pretty sure no one watches film everyone just sticks their arms elbow deep into terus pits

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Anonymous No. 184944

A double tit is strange and you can't convince me otherwise

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Anonymous No. 184951

>tfw they give you natto instead of McBurrgah
they watch every maatch atleast once

Anonymous No. 184959

>He looks way more like Taiho
To bad that's where it stops. Should give up the likeness in looks for likeness in performance.

>Call yourself Hoshoryu's rival
>haven't even made san'yaku yet

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Anonymous No. 184975

Four what?

Anonymous No. 184977

>To bad that's where it stops
I think we could cut the kid some slack. No, he is obviously not the equal to one of the greatest to ever wear a mawashi. That's a pretty high standard.
We've gone over in countless threads about how Oho may have been given a genetic advantage but in every other way he's playing on hard mode. But even then, he's basically where Kotonowaka was at this point in his career.

>After 5 years as a pro:
- Kotonowaka: Maegashira 14, 4 basho in the top div (incl. one that was cancelled)
- Oho: Maegashira 15, 7 basho in the top div.

It wasn't until 2022 that Kotonowaka really figured things about and it's been pretty impressive since then.
To me, Oho looked like he was starting to put things together this tournament. He was moving better. He looked faster. He was still pulling but now he was using it more as a weapon instead of as a last resort. He'll always have that cupcake body so I can't tell if he's getting stronger, but he seemed harder to shift than before.

Anonymous No. 184978

>To me, Oho looked like he was starting to put things together this tournament.
Man I swear I thought this exact same thing back in May, really hoping it's true this time though. I believe in the kid.

Anonymous No. 184981

He's a slow learner, I think, but he does learn. Back when Terutsuyoshi was trying to leg pick everyone, at the end of 2022, Oho saw the move coming and countered it. In May of 2023, when Oho watched Kiribayama demonstrate Hokuseiho's weak lower body defense, he won with a sotogake.

Look at his career historically, it's always a step back after hitting new heights, then he gets himself right and advances. After last May, where he stomped the lower maegashira, he rose up into the joi-borderzone and got skill-checked. This time, he'll probably be around M2 or M3 and he'll get beat pretty bad, but he'll learn.

It think the real potential leap will come in a year or two when Dairyu (Otake-oyakata) retires and Otake stable closes. There's no other stockholder attached to Otake. If he picks a stable where he can get some real coaching, I think we could see what his real potential is. Think Kiribayama once he started getting coaching from Kakuryu or 2/3s of the Waka brothers once Sokokurai became Arashio-oyakata.

I think, ideally, Oho should go to Nishonoseki. He'd have a lot of good stablemates to work with, great coaching and facilities, and it would make some poetic sense since Taiho fought out of a previous incarnation of Nishonoseki.

Anonymous No. 184998

Having suitable training partners is absolutely invaluable for any rikishi, and any stable that finds itself with only one or two sekitori should make a serious effort to organise inter-stable practice sessions. However, I think the problem with Oho is that the burden of trying to live up to his grandfather's incredibly high standard has affected him badly. If he wasn't such a thoroughbred I think people would be much more forgiving and appreciate his own talent a lot more. We mustn't forget, of course, that making it to Makuuchi for just one basho is already a major achievement worthy of praise.

Anonymous No. 185002

>However, I think the problem with Oho is that the burden of trying to live up to his grandfather's incredibly high standard has affected him badly.

That probably fucked with him more when he was younger, but now that he's settling into his career he's probably accepted that it is what it is. He's got his canned answers now whenever anyone asks him about Taiho whereas when he was younger, he'd become visibly annoyed. You almost expected him to just bark
>No he's YOUR dai-yokozuna. I never saw him wrestle. To me he was just Ojisan.

I think the pandemic probably affected his career more. Being the biggest guy in your stable on your first day is bound to hamper your development. Having less access to good coaching is more of a problem.

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Anonymous No. 185012

I feel like oho is going to end up more like a ryuden or a kagayaki staple to maegashira. he hasn't really turned it up yet. young is fine, but endo and onosho were once before too.
>Back when Terutsuyoshi was trying to leg pick everyone, at the end of 2022, Oho saw the move coming and countered it.
this is by far the worst example i could think of in support of your boy.
salt man started using that move exclusively after being found out a few tournaments back. that was also the tournament that he went 0-15, which hadn't happened since 1991. a sock puppet could have beat salty that tournament

Anonymous No. 185013

Unironically why is every sumo image I find on the internet weirdly small like I'm living in 2006 again?

Anonymous No. 185019

Respect tradition.

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Anonymous No. 185025

"For the 37-year-old Kitaharima, the ninth time is the charm.
The Hyogo-ken native is anxiously looking forward to his ninth return-to-Juryo appearance when he steps into the ring in Osaka this March.

At 37 years, 6 months and 29 days, he is the second oldest wrestler to rejoin the Juryo division since the end of WWII, but he'll be the first to tell you, "Age is just a number. I'll never give up no matter how long or many tries it takes."

Undaunted after wrestling the last 3 1/2 years in Makushita, Kitaharima is invested and determined to make it all the way through Juryo and into the elite Makuuchi division where he was ... once ... in 2004.

A former judo student who joined the same sumo club as his contemporary, the future Myogiryu, Kitaharima was a junior high school grad when he first stepped into the ring as a professional in 2002.

His frustration at having only one makuuchi appearance is the driving force behind his long, continued career. And, driven he is, as he speaks of his goal which is to win all of his matches and take home to his Yamahibiki stable the Juryo championship.

"Please look forward to it," the 37-year-old says with a young man's smile."

Anonymous No. 185026

pretty sure getting diabetes affected his performance immensely.

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Isegahama boys Te....webm

Anonymous No. 185027

Anonymous No. 185029

>into the elite Makuuchi division where he was ... once ... in 2004
This is wrong, I'm guessing you fucked up truncating the quote

Anonymous No. 185031

I just copied and pasted from a twitter post

Anonymous No. 185032

There's seemingly more going on with him behind the scenes that implies it wasn't just that. There was the reptile show scandal, tabloid stuff about him being secretly married, etc all right around the 0-15 and subsequent slide that I can't imagine was all disconnected.

Anonymous No. 185033

reptile show scandal? any source?

Anonymous No. 185035

>we are gonna have to ask our resident sumo historian
I can't find anything, I have no idea. It may well be something like the yusho car, with absolutely no specific meaning.

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Anonymous No. 185036

He declared kyujo for a jungyo in October 2022 citing tonsilitis, but was then photographed chilling with friends at a reptile show where he was also in street clothes. He was privately disciplined, the details of which are unclear. November 2022 was his 0-15, and he has had one kachikoshi (4-3) since then. Though, it has to be said he was already on a makekoshi streak when this happened.

Anonymous No. 185040

lmao, it's pretty tough to 'cheat' these days, everybody can make a pic at any moment and upload it on internet.

Anonymous No. 185043

Diabetes can massacre your performance. Sure, mental stuff being what it is, you can get over that. He really hasn't.
These guys also manage their diabetes pretty poorly because they don't stop gorging themselves or drinking booze. Low energy/fatigue is a major symptom of unmanaged diabetes.

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Anonymous No. 185050


Anonymous No. 185057

Ten yusho does not mean daiyokozuna, that's something the English community made up. You can look for Japanese fan daiyokozuna lists, they tend to look like:
>Tanikaze, Futabayama, Taihou, Chiyonofuji, Takanohana, Hakuhou
(no one remembers Kitanoumi)

Anonymous No. 185058

Because the Japanese news sites that publish them (rightly) assume that the vast majority of their readership is pensioners on feature phones

Anonymous No. 185060

obviously there are many yokozunas with at least 10 wins but are not considered dai for numerous reasons. Actually I'm surprised Wakanohana is not considered dai. I'd say 10 yushos is a minimum requirement to even start thinking or considering a yokozuna to be dai-yoko.

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Anonymous No. 185066

Here's one JP guy's list that came up on the first page of google. His qualifier is that he's only counting what they did as yokozuna, though.

Anonymous No. 185073

Daiyokozuna is not something the English made up. (Though that 10-cup threshold may be) Taiho was referred to as the daiyokozuna for years before the English-speaking sumo fandom was more than five guys.

To be great, though, isn't only a large number of wins but also the quality of the competition. Did you match up against similarly great wrestlers and beat them or did you just stomp on scrubs?
It's not fair to someone like Terunofuji that his reign as yokozuna has been mostly bereft of competition. That's just bad luck. Like it was bad luck that his first tenure as ozeki was marked by injuries so he was unable to really prove himself against a healthy Hakuho, Kakuryu, Kisenosato, Harumafuji, etc.

Anonymous No. 185107

"Daiyokozuna" is more "undisputed greatest of their generation, in contention for greatest of all time." For someone like Terunofuji you can argue he's the tail end of the Hakuho generation since his first pre-beetus ozeki run happened when Hakuho was yokozuna. Someone with 10 yusho or whatever still would not be daiyokozuna if there was another yokozuna of their generation that was clearly better.

Anonymous No. 185110

The rank of yokozuna could just as easily have been called "dai-ozeki", as it functioned as a way to recognise that some men given the rank of ozeki stood apart from the rest. I think a similar situation applies with dai-yokozuna. It shouldn't be a function of just winning enough tournaments, you should just know it when you see it.

Anonymous No. 185111

Dai-yokozuna is a shitty category because people like hakuho are counted as dai-yokozuna but it obscures the detail that he could only succeed because Shodai allowed him to

Anonymous No. 185121

That's literally what anon said with
>To be great, though, isn't only a large number of wins but also the quality of the competition.

Anonymous No. 185124

The only reason to leave Asashoryu off that list is personal dislike. He was incredibly dominant as a wrestler. From when he was promoted to ozeki to his suspension he won 21 of 30 bashoes. A lot of the records that Hakuho broke were ones set by Asashoryu

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Anonymous No. 185129

You could probably make a diayokozuna argument for terunofuji if he continued on with the mogging he started on the tear he made it back to makuuchi.
the injury tournaments and long gaps with weak competition kills that discussion

Anonymous No. 185149

I'm aware, but that's still what you'll see from 'hinkaku' people.

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Anonymous No. 185152

>A lot of the records that Hakuho broke were ones set by Asashoryu
Uncle has some records to this day that not even Hakuho could break.

Anonymous No. 185155

Any word on who is likely to get the second Komusubi slot?

Anonymous No. 185161

You're telling me they were taking pictures of sumo school with a polaroid camera in 2011?

Anonymous No. 185165

That's from a newspaper, anon.

Anonymous No. 185171

No, but Nishikigi seems like the best guess

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Anonymous No. 185185

Anonymous No. 185194

I think he'll make it to Komosubi after a couple clown bashos depending on who's injured, but then it would get a pretty bad record and go back to around M3/M4

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Anonymous No. 185197

Im hoping they give it to the ass man

Anonymous No. 185202

The only other wrestler who has a claim is Asanoyama and, by rank and record, they should be placed equally. Typically, the banzuke committee favors the wrestler with the higher starting rank.

Anonymous No. 185207

those people are old shitters what need to have their dicks flattened

Anonymous No. 185242

Tournament Highlights are up:

Anonymous No. 185259

lol, it's keisho

Anonymous No. 185272

I like nishkigi, he can be a bit too deliberate at times but he's got the power and technique. Seems like a good guy as well.

Anonymous No. 185278

new version of the pastebin at Rentry:

https://rentry DOT co/uwbgc88d

I'll try to keep it updated but time is limited

Anonymous No. 185284

I wish there was a basho to watch right now

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Anonymous No. 185286

the post-basho depression

Anonymous No. 185287

I spent so long trying to get good at the PS2 version of this game and I never fucking got anywhere.

Anonymous No. 185311

lets say we break up japan into 4 parts each with it's own 6 annual basho sumo and they're staggered so theres always basho to watch, that would be 48 weeks worth, then at the end of the year a the 4 different japans come together for a 4 week long gigabasho

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Anonymous No. 185336

Anonymous No. 185343

tochinoshin getting his hair cut later today

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Anonymous No. 185348

Anonymous No. 185382

I swear whenever I see the guys face now it's
>His smile and optimism: Gone

Anonymous No. 185427

If they streamed all the jungyo, you'd have a lot more sumo to watch, although not terribly competitive. But presumably, in the eyes of the backers, that would convince people to not buy tickets.

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Anonymous No. 185433


Anonymous No. 185435

he's unironically so fucking cool bros

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Anonymous No. 185437


Anonymous No. 185440


Anonymous No. 185444

he's yokozuna now, he needs to keep his cool in public. no goofing around allowed.

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Anonymous No. 185452

I commissioned this pepe for my favourite rikishi

Anonymous No. 185453

Jesus Christ nightmare fuel

Anonymous No. 185464

don't post again

Anonymous No. 185465

>I commissioned
did you pay negative money for it

Anonymous No. 185468

Dumb frognigger

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Anonymous No. 185469

Sad, but that's how it goes.

Anonymous No. 185474

being in pain all the time and having the beetus does that to a nigga

Anonymous No. 185492

Gagamaru was there too, he looks like hes lost over 200 lbs since retiring. Its weird how so few wrestlers seem to gain weight after retiring.

Anonymous No. 185493

>it's weird that sumo wrestlers lose weight when they're no longer force feeding themselves 10,000 calories every day for competitive purposes

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Anonymous No. 185495

in just about all other sports the athletes stop exercising as much after they retire and so they tend to gain weight.

Anonymous No. 185497

In just about all other sports they don't have a competitive advantage to putting on tons of weight. Even with heavyweight boxers, fat has no benefit to them, only muscle, and they still need to stay nimble enough to avoid the other guy's bombs. The only real comparison is football linemen and the heaviest classes of powerlifters and strongmen.

Anonymous No. 185526

You just have to shift your perspective. Being well over 300 pounds is their fighting weight, and they have to try just as hard to maintain it as a boxer has to in order to stay at the optimal point in his weight class. All the wrestlers that I know of that have mentioned it say that the eating is the hardest part of training, and nearly all of them end up losing significant amounts of weight over the course of a tournament or a jungyo, that must be regained by force. When they retire and no longer have an incentive to be so huge, a lot of weight just melts off passively.

Anonymous No. 185528

I think if they don't put any (or very little) effort into losing the weight they will usually end up about as fat as any retired pro athlete who doesn't put any effort into not getting fat.

Anonymous No. 185532

You figure most guys are going to continue forcing themselves to eat four times their necessary daily intake for a semi-sedentary lfiestyle once they go intai? I dunno man, this isn't like some 4k calorie bulking strategy, these guys are fucking gigantic

Anonymous No. 185534

So tochinoshin isnt going back to Georgia like was speculated. Honestly just hanging out importing wine and other knick knacks sounds pretty comfy.

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Anonymous No. 185535

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Anonymous No. 185536

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Anonymous No. 185537

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Anonymous No. 185557

We've known this for a while. Supposedly he was also planning on importing Georgian honey, because it's good(?) but I don't know if that's still on his agenda.

Anonymous No. 185558

forgot to add that, in the process, he has apparently abandoned his Georgian wife who has his first two children

Anonymous No. 185561

Actually abandoned, or trying to get them naturalized with him?

Anonymous No. 185563

Abandoned as in he is currently living with a Japanese woman who has already given him another child.

Anonymous No. 185566


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Anonymous No. 185568

aaaaaaah the georgian... wine... has always been celerbated for its excellence.....

Anonymous No. 185571

come on tochi, that's nigger tier... i expected better from you

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Anonymous No. 185574

Anonymous No. 185580

i first thought of kihou from miyagino

Anonymous No. 185583

that's the joke

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Anonymous No. 185593

Anonymous No. 185613

Does anyone know any good sumo media I can use to tide myself over until next basho?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 185614


Anonymous No. 185623

>Tochinoshin lost his custom-built countryside palace and fortune to his Georgian wife in a divorce; now forced to sell his dad's rotgut wine to scrape a living


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Anonymous No. 185624


Anonymous No. 185629

Unironically expecting him to switch to pro wrestling eventually.

Anonymous No. 185630

God just make sure you don't play the original PS2 game. It has arguably a better tournament mode, since it's just you doing one on one matches until you get a big trophy, but the presentation's so lifeless and it's impossible to figure out what's going on.

The sequel has an actual 15-day basho mode (I think, I've never finished it) and you can even choose to watch the AI matches if you want. It also adds some indicators to help show what's actually going on with the system mechanics. It's still a pretty fucking inscrutable game though. I actually tried to get a discord going for it for a while just to see if I could get a few more people trying to figure it out, but nobody wants to join a sumo discord, much less a PS2 sumo game discord.

Anonymous No. 185638

too bad not girl so she can become only fans model and bring shame to family

Anonymous No. 185642

>Asashoryu bitching about nephew withdrawing with an injured knee
>I would have just toughed it out and stuffed my face with painkillers until I couldn't feel it
>Guess it's generational values changing :^)
Why is he like this

Anonymous No. 185645

nephew needs to stuff his face with chanko, he is never going to make yokozuna at 140kg, he'll just keep on cranking out 10-5s for a few years until one day he''l get an injury that sends him to kadoban long enough to lose his rank and his career will slowly fade away. uncle was 3cm shorter, but still weighed in closer to 150. the kid needs to be 160 or more to get to where he wants to go to

Anonymous No. 185654

T, D-bol, and Yak milk is what he needs

Anonymous No. 185659

Harumafuji made yokozuna while under 140 kgs; nephew's problem is a skill issue alongside him trying to ego check specialists at their own game and getting ego checked in turn

Anonymous No. 185671

lol, did he tweet that?

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Anonymous No. 185672

>... i expected better from you

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Anonymous No. 185673

>problem is a skill issue alongside
nah, its >>185654

he needs to embrace the uncle stack

Anonymous No. 185674

Going off of Chris's video, so it's either from an interview, social media, or a complete schizo fabrication

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Anonymous No. 185682

>I would have just toughed it out and stuffed my face with painkillers until I couldn't feel it
that's not how I remember it

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Anonymous No. 185683

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Anonymous No. 185685

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Anonymous No. 185686

Anonymous No. 185687

Did Baki get better after the end of Sumo Dou? I haven't read a chapter since that insane let-down.

Anonymous No. 185691

We don't know yet, Rahen is only a few chapters old and nothing particularly interesting has happened yet. Check back in a couple of years.

Anonymous No. 185692

It's still on the weird constant hiatus schedule, then?

Anonymous No. 185701

It seems slightly faster than it has been in the past, but still very inconsistent.

Anonymous No. 185705

jack took more roids, papa said something slightly positive, he bit the guy he was fighting.

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Anonymous No. 185718

Anonymous No. 185719

>Boar's first day as komusubi

Anonymous No. 185721

>he needs to embrace the uncle stack
you're right
he needs to strengthmog Kirishima for the horizontal rope

Anonymous No. 185741

rikishi back then
>practiced shinto
>could use weapons
>fought animals

rikishi now:
>wear diapers
>can only grab or slap
>many mongrels and heathens among ranks
>scared of animals

Anonymous No. 185743

Daidouzan was a maegashitter

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Anonymous No. 185746

Daidouzan was the protagonist of sumo.
A career 90% win makuuchi record.
Pictured are Tanikaze, Raiden, Jinmaku, Kumonryu, and other contemporary sumo greats beholding his majestic dohyou dance.

Anonymous No. 185747

he just don't have the makins of a makuuchi wrestler

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Anonymous No. 185750

He had the makings of a god, which is why he left us so early.
He is the breaking of the storm which passes over your house. He is the weight of the profound waters which crush men like paper. He is the shifting of the earth which buried Agartha. In the face of his vertiginous infinitude, we are without sight.

Anonymous No. 185753

okay but how would he have done against ancient linebackers?

Anonymous No. 185756

it would go something like this

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Anonymous No. 185759

>then i said "stop being a little fag and just take the painkillers you pussy" hahahah

Anonymous No. 185785

asashoyru's beard is nasty

Anonymous No. 185816

Great child mountain?

Anonymous No. 185828

He was a child who was (supposedly) 4 feet tall at age two, and who weighed 156 pounds by the time he was seven. This got him noticed by sumo people who hired him to do a dohyouiri at their various appearances - he never did actual matches, because he was seven. He needed a shikona, so he was Daidouzan. It was similar to the kanban oozeki thing where they'd get freakishly tall people to appear even if they weren't wrestlers.

In his teenage years he wrestled for real and had at least some talent for it, but was quickly demoted to nidanme, for which we have no records beyond his name on the banzuke, where he spent the last 8 years of his career and retired at 25.

Anonymous No. 185863

the hokuseiho of his age

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Anonymous No. 185892

this is hokuseihou at 6

Anonymous No. 185931

>and you can even choose to watch the AI matches
Could you make an tournament entirely of AI vs AI like Smash Ultimate?

Anonymous No. 185933

No idea. Last time I tried to play it was a while ago and my japanese wasn't so hot, so the menus were all kind of intimidating.

Anonymous No. 185959

Big lad wasn't he, he makes the other boy look like a dwarf.

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Anonymous No. 185999


Anonymous No. 186062

how was he already with hakuho

Anonymous No. 186065

The fateful encounter in South Korea:
>He was born in Mongolia and moved to Hokkaido when he was 6 years old. He had a fateful encounter with Yokozuna Hakuho at an airport in South Korea, who encouraged him to try sumo, and he became hooked.

Anonymous No. 186067

Boss makes moves FAST

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Hokuseiho Terunof....jpg

Anonymous No. 186068

Hokuseiho competed in the Hakuho Cup, which is Hakuho's tournament that he hosts for grade school kids. Here's him as a kid with Terunofuji.

Anonymous No. 186073

>Tabloids running a story that Hokuseiho was kyujo as a disciplinary thing because he beats people up or something.
Don't believe it. All they have to do is get out of reach and watch him stand there.

Anonymous No. 186079


The inside source says it was violence against the other deshi and also money troubles. Claims that the Compliance Committee went to investigate rumors which they heard during the basho, and acted after interviewing Miyagino personnel. Also, supposedly the heya's security cameras have some footage of his behavior. The Association has no comment on the matter. The article also tries to interpret Hakuho making a strange remark about the kyujo announcement, "Maybe now he'll listen to his shisho", as having been about this business.

Anonymous No. 186091

>be hakuho
>bringing kid back to turn him into yokozuna
>hour before plane takes off
>ask the kid if hes wants anything like a drink
>he just sits there
>well alright
>leave him there with my buttwiper and go get a water
>coming back, he's still there
>sitting in the same position
>staring at where I was
>....this may be a mistake

Anonymous No. 186095

Hokuseiho needs to bloatmaxx until he weighs 700 pounds. He's got all the technique he needs already, and if he bulks up and becomes immovable he'll become a Yokozuna.

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Anonymous No. 186097

>He's got all the technique he needs already

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Anonymous No. 186098

He's not wrong. A 700lbs HokuCHADho turns every match into one like his most recent midorifuji match

Anonymous No. 186099

Have you heard the tale of Ichinojo?

Anonymous No. 186113

he should be more like akibono

and if someone does grab his belt, he just leans on them until their legs give k

Anonymous No. 186122

>Money problems

Anonymous No. 186123

I think we won't know until one of the real newspapers picks it up. They're always late to these things in order to remain in good standing with the various rikishi, oyakatas.

Anonymous No. 186186

I feel even at 6'8" he'd just be a giant ball of bloat at that weight.

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Anonymous No. 186210
What the fuck is the connection with sumo and basketball?
I think a list of Hakuho, Kakuryu, Kisenosato, Musashimaru, Akebono and Konishiki have all now said they are fans of basketball and have all done a basketball-related thing

Anonymous No. 186213

Basketball is popular in Mongolia and the United States.

Anonymous No. 186216

I didn't know Kisenosato was also Mongolian

Anonymous No. 186218

He made Yokozuna so he's honorary Mongolian

Anonymous No. 186224

Slam dunk is a hell of a drug

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Anonymous No. 186278

Kakuryu with short hair just looks wrong.

Anonymous No. 186279

looks fine, his real problem is that his eyebrows are too far above his eyes

Anonymous No. 186282

these niggas need to either be like takanohana and get skinny, or gym max
they're like mid 30s

Anonymous No. 186317

Takanohana is a schizo with a sordid past who brought shame to both the sumo association and the Hanada family through his outrageous behavior, he should never be looked to a role model for any reason.

Anonymous No. 186320

>brought shame to the sumo association
This didn't happen at all, beyond the specific oyakata who have beef with him (Hakkaku, Shibatayama). The public has unconditional love for him, and he still does occasional TV appearances as a personality. You sure don't see, for example, Takatouriki on television.

Anonymous No. 186321

This is just bad advice.
Takakeisho and Terunofuji are the two best rikishi of the post-Hakuho era. Whenever they are healthy, they win or get a JY. But they are almost never healthy. Takakeisho gets injured every time he is in a Yokozuna run. They both seem like they will retire soon.

A top rikishi who wants to get a long successful career should probably be very conservative to injuries.

Anonymous No. 186329

Wakanohana was always superior and still is. Take a look at how they match up head to head when money is on th eline

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Anonymous No. 186346

Not that I have an opinion on this myself, but a shockingly huge amount of JP people think that Taka threw that match and 'easily could have won' but he wanted to let his brother have this.

If you look at the youtube video of the match, almost every single comment is calling it a sham.

Anonymous No. 186365

>he became hooked
how do you become hooked without learning any technique other than being tall

Anonymous No. 186371

>(Hakkaku, Shibatayama)
Why they had beef with Takanohana?

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Anonymous No. 186373

Kyoukai political drama in 2010, 2016 and 2018, essentially. Hakkaku and Takanohana ran against each other for rijichou. Shibatayama is Hakkaku's second-in-command. It's not worth reading about, all of it is stuff like pic related, but here's one thread if you want to anyway

Anonymous No. 186377

the idea of eating a lot or the prospect of wearing diapers and bathrobes could've attracted him

Anonymous No. 186424

OK, so you're gonna hate me for this, but for the longest time I haven't been able to figure out who he refers to in fourth place.

Akebono, Musashimaru and Koniskhiki--- and "Sarabu"?
Or is that just some Hawai'ian word he adds and I'm misinterpreting?

Anonymous No. 186426

>Hokuseiho is under investigation for bullying according to Chris
any info on this? or is this just another Chris schizo headcanon?

Anonymous No. 186428


Anonymous No. 186441

The closest thing I can figure is Saleva'a, Konishiki's real name, but that doesn't make sense. He wouldn't say "Akebono, Musashimaru, Konishiki - and Konishiki". No one else who came from the pacific that I have found has a name or shikona that sounds anything like what he said. Probably Hawaiian.

Anonymous No. 186444

>maybe now he'll listen to his shisho
Hasn't Hak known this guy for some fifteen years

Anonymous No. 186446

weird innitt? thanks for your input ^^

Anonymous No. 186474

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy

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Anonymous No. 186475

>mfw watching Hakuho's little girls cup
What is the purpose of this when women can't even touch the clay? It is pretty funny watching the big girls just effortlessly bully the little ones, though.

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Anonymous No. 186478

>What is the purpose of this
penis envy. its for women who wish they were born men. catering to those female desires has been incredibly damaging for japan, but i guess hakuho is too dumb to realize that or maybe he just doesn't care.

Anonymous No. 186496

>What is the purpose of this when women can't even touch the clay?
The purpose of a lot of minor league sports is to make fans for life. Hook them early, even if don't turn pro they will understand the game and enjoy it as a spectator. It's mostly to get new pros, yes but nearly all of the kids won't be. So it needs a secondary purpose.

Anonymous No. 186497

There's nothing stopping anyone from setting up a professional onnazumo association. If I was a Japanese billionaire, I'd set one up in a heartbeat. And make them do it topless like real rikishi.

Anonymous No. 186498

>Get girls to like sumo
>Boys see that girls like sumo, some will start watching/doing it to get on with the girls
Simple as

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Fight! Eating! A ....webm

Anonymous No. 186499

Girls can still compete in sumo scholastically and at the amateur level.

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hoshoryu vs. waka....webm

Anonymous No. 186500

>Boys see that girls like sumo, some will start watching/doing it to get on with the girls
Man, I wish I was into sumo when I was with my ex-girlfriend. She would've loved it. What I wouldn't give to try to do a drunken bout with her, only for one of us to hit our head on the corner of a coffee table at the tachiai and have to go to the ER.

Occasionally I see people here or on /sp/ posting about their wives giving the rikishi cute nicknames.

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Anonymous No. 186518


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Anonymous No. 186531

(c. 980)
Un no Tsuneyo, a great rikishi and Hote of the right, lived beside an old river. In the summers, accompanied by local children, he would walk along the bank of the river in a simple kimono and high geta shoes to take in the cool air. The depths of the river were terribly dark due to sedimentation, such that its bottom could not be seen. On one such occasion, suddenly, the water of the lake began violently rocking toward the far shore, reaching in height perhaps to 9 meters, and then the wave turned and crashed upon the near shore. As Tsuneyo wondered what could be happening, a great snake appeared from the waters. For a time, then, the snake gazed intently at Tsuneyo's face, before its tail swung forward, as though to offer it unto him; but, in no more than a moment, the snake had threefold wrapped itself around Tsuneyo's legs, and began to attempt to drag him into the lake. There, with force near enough to break the teeth of his tall geta, Tsuneyo drove his feet into the ground and planted himself there. The snake, undaunted, kept its hold on the man and continued its attempt to force him into the waters. Obstinate, Tsuneyo pressed his feet down with even more force, such that his feet had now dug 6 or 7 inches into the hard soil. The two struggled against one another with all of their might until, in the blink of an eye, like a rope being cut, the body of the snake snapped and half of it fell into the river; a deluge of blood thereafter rising to the surface. Tsuneyo removed the tail of the snake which had remained wrapped around him, and discovered beneath it a 30-centimeter gash upon his leg. Hearing the story and wondering how strong the snake must have been, many people then gathered to find out.

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Anonymous No. 186532

In the same fashion the snake had done, around Tsuneyo's legs they wrapped a rope and had ten men pull it, but Tsuneyo told them their effort was not as great as that of the snake. Then thirty, fifty, and finally sixty men joined to pull on the rope and, at last, Tsuneyo said "this is how strong the snake was". Entirely amazed, the people began to tell others of their finding: that Tsuneyo was surely as mighty as one-hundred men.

Anonymous No. 186536

Very cool. What book is this from?

Anonymous No. 186537

Nevermind I'm a dumbass, it's right there in the text lol

Anonymous No. 186538

I'm reading the version in the Nihon Sumoushi, but the story is attributed to the Konjaku Monogatari.

Anonymous No. 186556

yeeeeep just goes to show rikishi ain't as strong as they used to be back in the first millennium

t. average retired wrestler

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Anonymous No. 186561

>February 11--An emotional danpatsu-shiki for Ichinojo was held in a Tokyo hotel today.
With the absence of the former sekiwake's stablemaster, Minato, and all others from the heya, the final severing of his top-knot was administered by Ichinojo's high school sumo coach, Tokiyoshi Ishiura of Tottori Johoku High School.

>About 400 people including luminaries of sumo and members of the general public took the scissors to Ichinojo's hair.

>Tears streamed down the giant Ichinojo's cheeks with each cut to his cherished mage.
"I just couldn't hold back," said the overcome by emotions Ichinojo. "My mind became flooded with memories of my life in sumo."

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Anonymous No. 186562

>After his chonmage was cut and a new, refashioned hairstyle was revealed, a smiling Ichinojo told his supporters, "I feel relieved. Now, I'll finally be able to seriously think about my life after sumo."

>A Japanese citizen since 2021, the popular Ichinojo has not finalized plans for his "second life" although his aspirations include "... giving back to everyone through what I have learned from sumo."

Anonymous No. 186564

Hentai landlord look achieved

Anonymous No. 186566

>*cracks open snake*
>yeppp they sure don't make them like they used to

Anonymous No. 186567

>100 men pulling the rope, moving him easily
Yeah still not as strong as the snake though honestly. You gotta remember I had adrenaline going and stuff. The snake was definitely stronger than this.

Image not available



Anonymous No. 186617

>this is a 10yo kid
achievable natty?

Anonymous No. 186619

I hope he has a good life in retirement.
Looking like a boss.

Anonymous No. 186629

After 200 years, Daidouzan II... has been born...

Anonymous No. 186641

Only if you count HFCS as being natural.

Anonymous No. 186642

Consider Ichinojo had issues with alcohol and extreme lower back pain when he was active, I can't help but feel that his post-retirement life is going to be difficult.

Anonymous No. 186646

All of those issues stemmed from being an active competitor though.

>get back pain from sumo weight and wear&tear
>can't ever go kyujo because muh sumo lifestyle and the need to keep the stable lights on
>drink to cope for the pain

He can rest and recover properly now.

Anonymous No. 186655

His life will be difficult until he drops some weight and curbs his drinking, but nowhere near as difficult as trying to do that while also having to fight and train all year.

Anonymous No. 186657

my bet Teru will hire him once he takes over isegahama, should be in 2-3 years.

Anonymous No. 186661

I don't think that's possible, if he's not in the JSA he can't hold a position in any stable. I suppose Teru could hire him on as a consultant or personal trainer with his own money, but he'd get no funding for it from the higher-ups.

Anonymous No. 186686

>Image limit hit
Make a new thread or wait for the next basho?

Anonymous No. 186688

wait til page 10 amigo

Anonymous No. 186689

>if he's not in the JSA he can't hold a position in any stable
I don't think that's true, I'm pretty sure they can hire people freely. Think of Kisenosato having video staff working that camera setup at his stable. And wakaimonogashira and sewanin specifically do get paid by the Association, although there are only 20 slots for them.

Anonymous No. 186690

>And wakaimonogashira and sewanin specifically do get paid by the Association, although there are only 20 slots for them.
Both of those positions are hired directly by the JSA. A stablemaster can't just pick whoever he wants and go "okay this is my stable's new sewanin." Teru would need to hire Ichinojo from his own pocket, and there isn't money for that. More likely Ichinojo becomes a high school or university coach.

Anonymous No. 186691

Right, we're on the same page, I just thought the way you wrote it made it sound like they're forbidden from hiring anyone who isn't an oyakata.

Anonymous No. 186709

Personally I don't think Ichinojo will work as a coach. His Japanese is apparently rather poor considering the amount of time he's spent in Japan, and his style of sumo is impossible to learn unless you're also very tall and very heavy. The smart move would be to open a restaurant, since he still has enough "star power" to elevate his restaurant above the usual ones started by middle-aged Sandanme mainstays. If he played up his nomadic upbringing and featured some real Mongolian redneck cuisine it might be quite a hit.

Anonymous No. 186711

given his rural mongolian background the real winning move for him would be to buy a horse and a bow and some arrows and start raiding villages

Anonymous No. 186713

Mongolians don't have a good track record when it comes to actually invading Japan, that's why they stick to sumo.

Anonymous No. 186715

>and his style of sumo is impossible to learn unless you're also very tall and very heavy
I don't think you're giving the big man credit. He was known for leaning on people, but he had sound beltfighting knowledge and technique. It wasn't flashy, but he had some craft to his game. It's not like Hokuseiho who only has "stand there" and "uwatenage".

Anonymous No. 186716

>The first thing we saw was a plaque at the top of a hill in front of the Takashima Folk History Museum. The plaque points out the exact spot where, in October of Heisei 23 (1996), researchers from a group led by Ryukyu University using sonar technology discovered the actual hulls of Mongol warships. This brought to life with hard evidence the history that had theretofore only existed in the writings and paintings of the era, and in the imaginations of so many over the intervening centuries who have learned about the legend of the “kamikaze”, the “divine wind” that protected Japan.
>On the north end of the island we visited the Mongol Village, complete with yurts and exhibits on steppe life in Central Asia. As evidenced by this tourist attraction and a few other indicators like a Mongol-Japan friendship stone dedicated in 1988, Takashima has become a focal point in Mongolian-Japanese relations. Yamashita-san shared an interesting story about Hakuho, a Mongolian-born athlete who has become the most decorated sumo wrestler in history. When Hakuho visited Takashima, he asked to go down near the water. Yamashita-san was a little confused why he would want to go down right next to the ocean when the view was even better up top. When they got near the water, Hakuho brought out some beautifully-scented incense from Ulaanbaatar, and laid it on a nearby rock. He dedicated the incense to his deceased ancestors/relatives who had died here.
>One cool detail related to the score of Ghost of Tsushima is that Hakuho Sho’s sister, Gerlee, is a good friend of our composer Shigeru Umebayashi, so she attended our recording sessions in Tokyo! After I fan-boyed out to her, she gifted me a signed Hakuho handprint. His hand is quite a bit bigger than mine, ha! Though apparently he started out as a skinny kid so we have that in common. So the soundtrack itself, through Ume’s friendships in Mongolia, carries this connection as well.

Anonymous No. 186746

> and his style of sumo is impossible to learn unless you're also very tall and very heavy.
You don't get to be Sekiwake on your second makuuchi basho by just being tall and heavy.

Anonymous No. 186747

He didn't say he was just tall and heavy. He said he has a style that only works well IF you're also tall and heavy.

Anonymous No. 186748

Kisenosato has actual money, sponsorships AND a cheap to run castle in bumfuck Ibaraki where everything is cheap. All the other small heya's can't afford such luxuries.

Anonymous No. 186749

Kisenosato certainly isn't going to hire Ichinojo, the point is without being paid by the sumo association he'd have to have some value to the stable hiring him, it's not a charity.

Anonymous No. 186751

Also the fact he Kisenosato is the leader of an Ichimon and is eyeing the NSK Chairman position. Ichinojo is too much of a risk.

Anonymous No. 186756

If he were a competent coach, he would have value. Most heya with websites list that they have managers or business advisors on staff, and several seem to have coaches (sometimes unlisted); it's not unrealistic to think that an average heya could afford to hire one. I doubt Ichinojou personally would even wish to become a coach, but there's nothing too remarkable about the idea.

Anonymous No. 186758

>I doubt Ichinojou personally would even wish to become a coach
Ichi said he wanted to lose weight and start a family. He coached before at his high school before turning pro, so it's possible he'd do it again. It's not like he has any other skills or higher education.

Anonymous No. 186826

One-man Mongol warband raiding the depopulated Japanese steppe

Anonymous No. 186896

His glorious flab flapping in the wind like a standard

Anonymous No. 186960

Gonna say, not being able to post images is bumming me out
we must petition for a higher image cap on /xs/

Anonymous No. 186977

me converting to judaism and having all my past mentors come to my foreskin-cutting ceremony so they can take a snip and pat my shoulders

Anonymous No. 186979


Anonymous No. 186987

>page 8 + bump limit + file limit
close enough

new thread

Anonymous No. 186993

>page 8
are you fucking retarded? did you not learn this from last time?

Anonymous No. 186997

The other thread was made like 2 months in advance and 100 files away from the image limit. Apples and oranges.

Anonymous No. 187000

>like 2 months in advance
so is your new one

Anonymous No. 187001

Less than 1 month. Tickets are already on sale.

Anonymous No. 187017

the basho has no relation to when the threads are made
I meant it'll be months until this 404s

Anonymous No. 187018

The point is the previous thread was still high up on the catalog on page 3 or something, whereas this one is a lot closer to deletion already.

Anonymous No. 187025

Why I hate Hakuho is embodied in the latest John Gunning article:
>All-time great Hakuho hopes to help girls realize their sumo dreams
Hakuho is basically a humongous faggot male feminism

🗑️ Anonymous No. 187026

u r ghey

I'd post a reaction image about how big of a cunt you are, but can't because this dinosaur of a thread already hit image limit.

Anonymous No. 187037

Juryo 3 west

Anonymous No. 187052

If Hakuho succeeds in popularising onnazumo, he's in prime position to become either the leader or a close advisor to the leader of an official, government-funded onnazumo federation. He will have access to a large amount of money, power, and influence, which is what he needs to be able to openly challenge the current elite in the JSA, who blatantly dislike him and are frightened of a Mongolian becoming responsible for the future growth and progress of Japan's national sport. I don't think Hakuho is a male feminist at all, I think Hakuho is determined to be as dominant and powerful as an elder as he was in the ring, and just like when he was in the ring, he's prepared to be highly unorthodox if that means getting the results he wants. People who complain about him promoting onnazumo are the same as people who complained about his brutal forearm shivers.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 187057

The shilling of feminism on Japan has been a disaster for their race, their nation and their culture, anyone who participates in that is an enemy of Japan. Turning Japanese women in butch barren wannabe men is stabbing Japan in the back, hakuho doing that after all Japan has done for him is an atrocious display of character.
see pic in >>187055 for the numbers on the consequences of feminism for Japan

Anonymous No. 187074

My nigger, Hakuho didn't invent sumo for women, just like he didn't invent amateur sumo. He's just getting his metaphorical tentacles wrapped around as many sumo-related things as possible to position himself as the most important man in sumo as a whole going forward. More to the point, the main stadium for Japan's national sport has less capacity than an official stadium for women's football in Europe, amasumo is even less prominent, and amasumo for women lesser still. I don't think there's any risk of a significant percentage of Japan's next generation of girls getting in to sumo and turning into unfuckable bulldykes as a result. If you have an issue with feminism and its impact on Japan and Japanese culture (which you're perfectly justified in having), then you should focus your attention on the Japanese government and its refusal to oppose America, not on Hakuho holding a tournament for girls.

Anonymous No. 187076

excuse me but how did this shit stay u

Anonymous No. 187112

Mod is clearly a shohozan fan

Anonymous No. 187136

it looks nice