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🧵 /asg/ Airsoft General

Anonymous No. 180399

"Just get a CYMA" Edition

Old Thread: >>171520

Keep strictly real-steel related topics in >>>/k/, gun and gear porn's cool as long as you don't spam.

If you have a useful guide or want to rework one for the OP, post it and someone will add it to the next one.

>Recently updated Newbie pastebin

>Recently updated /asg/ retailer guide

>Legal comprehensive, crosscheck with your local laws to be on the safe side

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Anonymous No. 180400

Threadly Topic:

Show and tell, what have you bought recently?

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Anonymous No. 180406

Double dubs. Also I got this VFC USP, but it's marked as a P8A1, to go with my G36.

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Anonymous No. 180410

Based edition

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Anonymous No. 180414

Cape edition

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Anonymous No. 180421


Changed the barrel and bucking and it's shooting better than half of modified LCT's and E&L's

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Anonymous No. 180423

got my cyma svu back from local fixer, cut down the inner to size and oiled up some insides, but he apparently fucked something up now because the selector lever is not working properly, it used to be semi-semi-fullauto on the lever, lowest position being full auto, but now its all semi
i plan to just return it to him to fix it, but if its easy i might try as well, i assume its only the selector not being hooked up properly
any guides for this? youtube is not exactly bustling with cyma svu vids

Anonymous No. 180424

Nice get up, planning on getting a Nugget to match?

I would have thought the gearbox and selector on the SVU is identical to the SVD.

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Anonymous No. 180425

>thought you (or the chink designers) were retarded for thinking an SVU has full auto capability
>pic related
oy blyaaaaa

Anonymous No. 180428

not sure, only found this vid and its just ripping it out, not really fucking around with the selector

Anonymous No. 180429

thats right baby, although the firerate is jackshit and the local place is not allowing full auto, but its so slow this can pass

Anonymous No. 180431

forgot link

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Anonymous No. 180446

ordered the nugget earlier do NOT tell the wife

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Anonymous No. 180452

Noveske N4 MWS clone. Still need a flashlight and a mount

Anonymous No. 180453

Oh yea and another stock

Anonymous No. 180560

What's wrong with the B5?

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Anonymous No. 180561

Any recommendations for an Eotech 551 replica? I've heard the brand Holy Warrior parroted tons on reddit as making the best replicas rn, but the problem is it's reddit, and they also don't have the 551 available, which is the exact type I need. I'd just buy the real thing, but they're not available for sale at any remotely reasonable price if they ever are.

Anonymous No. 180562

Side by side comparison

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Anonymous No. 180576

Got me one of these for xmas. Fuckin love it

I wasnt aware ASG did cool niche shit like Dan Wessons and Steyr

Anonymous No. 180665

Yes I'm aware of that, but holy warrior doesn't seem to make the 551 version any more.

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Anonymous No. 180752

Greenzone kit is coming together, finally got a hat. Also got a brushless motor, first time trying one. Great ROF with a 7.4v, surprisingly quiet too.

What hop-up buckings do you guys use? I tried a couple of Maple Leaf "MR" buckings with the matching omega nub and got terrible results, despite everyone raving about them. I guess these are only 100% compatible with ML barrels or something? The patch appears to be coming down into the chamber properly but something's clearly wrong. For now I'm just popping a prommy purple in there like I do with every gun I build, seems like that gives at least decent results just about every time. I've also got this ML 'Macaron' bucking, but now I can't remember if those supposed to work with standard barrels and nubs.

Anonymous No. 180783

Macaron also pairs with Omega. I used to use only Macaron 60, but I’ve since now swapped to the Begadi Fly 5 rubber. Also look into getting a Begadi Nebo chamber for your AK. It’s so much better than the standard design

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Anonymous No. 180793

I got a G3 clone set in multicam tropic. One of the kneepads fits okayish, other one is pic related. I will either have to get new kneepads or unfuck drunk sewing by some half asleep chink.

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Anonymous No. 180820

This tiny pistol that I stash in my plate carrier admin pouch. Yes those are green .2s in the mags.

Anonymous No. 180824

Lads, is there any internal working difference between the workings of the same model of gun from WE and KJW if one is only green gas and the other can also accept co2 other than the Co2 Nozzle is stronger?

I want to swap a KJW slide into a WE frame, and also put a Maple Leaf inner mod,

For what I've seen gas & co2 workings seem to be the same, and WE and KJW both make (metal) clones of Marui.

I'm looking to build a cool 1911

Anonymous No. 180899

so uh do any airsoft fg42's exist?

Anonymous No. 180904

Don’t quote me on it but from what I know WE/AW is there own standard, and KJW is a TM clone

Anonymous No. 180960

What have you all got for christmas?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 180975

Just went and checked. Here is a KJW KP07 on an AW (identical
to WE) 1911 frame. Fits fine, blowback was snappy, locked back and functioned fine. Can't speak to the long term, but it does work.

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Anonymous No. 180976

Just went and checked. Here is a KJW KP07 on an AW (identical to WE) 1911 frame. Fits fine, blowback was snappy, locked back and functioned fine. Can't speak to the long term, but it does work.

Anonymous No. 180997

Anyone know a good airsoft forum to buy/sell parts and old guns? eBay doesn't seem to have as much activity any more, and r*ddit, is well, r*ddit, but somehow with more 13 year olds than before.

Anonymous No. 181016

Same, but I got the emerson ones, they feel pretty nice

Anonymous No. 181043

Check the retailers guide it has links to used sites as well

Anonymous No. 181056


Thanks anon. One of the two pistols I want for the project is that exact KJW.

Thought they'd work after seeing only the nozzle is different in co2 guns.

Imma go full noguns retard and buy aftermarket gun parts and strip and cerakote the whole thing. Maybe get those Hogue laser grips as well.

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Anonymous No. 181171

>he doesn't have a futanari piston head

Anonymous No. 181195

>meet cute gril walking back to respawn
>we get along great
>feel like asking her out
>ask around, find out she's married
fuck i thought I finally met a tacticalfu in real life

Anonymous No. 181197

they all are either married and got into bbwars because of their husbands, or are butch lesbians anon

Anonymous No. 181206

yea i've never seen a girl play airsoft without being accompanied by a boyfriend or husband

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Anonymous No. 181253

Can confirm. Every girl is there because they got dragged there by their boyfriend.

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Anonymous No. 181282

ok got it

Anonymous No. 181295

>bbw ars
kek. what they got a fried turkey drumstick attachment or something?

Anonymous No. 181332

bb wars coombrain

Anonymous No. 181380

Nice, is it comparable to the SMLE in performance? Also do you have stables?

Anonymous No. 181517

Not that anon but it's 300 fps at .25g stock, I upgraded mine with better parts and it reaches 375fps with a stock spring on.25g. the inner spring is also like, really thin, not vsr standard at all like the stupid taiwangun disassembly video one says.

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Anonymous No. 181540

Finally got a camo smock that is actually nice.
And why wasn't this thread announced in the old one? I didn't notice this one until today.

Anonymous No. 181607

Nice dude. Those things are really well designed.

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Anonymous No. 181633

tfw nobody does airsoft or paintball in my cunt

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Anonymous No. 181662

yeah it's about the same at me lee enfield, I have 15 stables

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Anonymous No. 181663

i am retarded i have horsebrain because you brought up the stables

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Anonymous No. 181690


Anonymous No. 181700

I'll never forgive you for Mr.Hands

Anonymous No. 181722

ᛋᛋ-Very nice, großartig, my friend.-ᛋᛋ

Anonymous No. 181723

卍卍 thanks Freund 卍卍 \o \o

Anonymous No. 181726

nothing more cringe than amerimutts larping as nazis

Anonymous No. 181730

Who are you calling amerimutt you filthy nigger?

Anonymous No. 181735

You. Pretty sad that americans have to larp as germans because they have no culture

Anonymous No. 181736

I'll let you know that I'm 100% pure Bavarian phenotype

Anonymous No. 181739

Hello people. I'm about to enter this wonderful sport. I have like $300 to spend on my first gun. Is CYMA just the answer I'm looking for? Is their M4 Platinum series any good?

Thank you for knowledge.

Anonymous No. 181742

Cyma plat or a Specna Edge 2.0 is pretty much the goto for starter weapons. There is also the Double Eagle M90x series that is all polymer but nice internals. If you are US i believe the go under the Maxtric Calico jack brand

Anonymous No. 181781

thank you, kind sir, I will follow suit

Anonymous No. 181821

>The police later declared the gun to be a fake, possibly an aero soft or a small BB gun.

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Anonymous No. 181861

Teh ancient warrior spirit

Anonymous No. 181913

I just bought myself a M3 Grease and a M1903 for Korean War themed shenanigans. Breddy excited.

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Anonymous No. 181922

>he can fire more than 30 rounds a minute
low test general

Anonymous No. 181941


these are those double eagles. can't speak for the site but the prices are super good for a gun with a built in tunable trigger.

Anonymous No. 181942


no this one

Anonymous No. 181956

10/10 would Blitzkrieg

Anonymous No. 181972

Got mine up to 375 fps on.25g, just gotta find an upgrade spring next... Also anon, remember to regresase the piston and oil up the are the bolt slides on, gave my replica an extremely smooth bolt and easy pull with the default spring

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Anonymous No. 182067

I need to lower the FPS on mine for CQB usage, so I might clip the spring a little.
Thanks for the advice though!

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Anonymous No. 182144

Yo any weird Internet people in the Midwest wanna meet up and be frens? If you don't have airsoft gear hit me up, I can loan/sell you some I've got a TON Add me: lakeside99

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Anonymous No. 182203

Do you think that, at some point in the future where humanity is less blood-thirsty, warfare will be replaced my a sort of MMA+ Simunition battle between 2 very large bands of people?
A large terrain full of obstacles, traps and hiding spots is given, there's a sort of point-awarding system and the battle is a mix of MMA, battle of nations, simunition airsoft and a bit of adventure racing. Something like this ,but in a huge playing field and with teams of 500- people and weeks on end of campaign.

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Anonymous No. 182211

What make is that rifle? The wood looks great. I've got this Double Bell shell ejecting gas Kar98k, it's great fun but it was a leaky piece of shit ootb. Do you dress up in SS gear because you like the camo, or you sympathise with National Socialist ideology?

Anonymous No. 182223


Anonymous No. 182307

>at some point in the future where humanity is less blood-thirsty
thats not happening
or maybe hes wearing it because he participates in ww2 milsims/reenactments and like it or not those need an opposing force? i swear every time someone posts a wehrmacht/ss kit or more recently a russian/wagner kit theres some guy complaining about it. most people that wear them dont share those nations' ideologies

Anonymous No. 182309

It's the Tanaka AIR (spring powered). Great and beautiful gun out of the box but expensive. Biggest downside is that it's not made to be customized so you can't even change the spring without drilling and putting new screws in the cylinder which is what I'll have to do soon since it's just getting weaker. And yes, I'm an avid follower of National Socialism. When I go to play I measure the skulls of my teammates so that I know who to shoot in the back once the game starts.

Anonymous No. 182323

Sure they don't. And lolicons aren't pedophiles

Anonymous No. 182329

>most people that wear them dont share those nations' ideologies
hahahahahahahaha you can't be serious. The dude who post it here is a literal nazi

Anonymous No. 182349

Our group in college did ’80s Soviet loadouts and we all hated IRL commies.

Anyway, I just modded a real steel pistol grip reinforcement plate and stock catch onto my old AK. Autism temporarily sated.

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Anonymous No. 182412

Lies and slander!

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Anonymous No. 182413

This is why I like using a trishot shotty, you just get good at doing the quick pop shot and one balling people.

Anonymous No. 182518

Which one did you get? I'm thinking of getting one to mix with modern kit

Anonymous No. 182519

Hiya guys, I use to mess around in the woods shooting my buddies with airsoft guns and miss being outside while larping with my boys. I'm feeling the old itch of this hobby and have been browsing evike eyeing things.....

Guys what would you recommend for an older guy (30) who wants to get back into the hobby? Couple things:
>Live in Chicago
so varied weather would assume AEG is only option is this regard
>Have $$$
been looking at tokyo maruis cuz I remember them being the grail AEGs and i see this fancy new NGRS. Are those worth the bite if I can afford it? If no...just go the CYMA route and upgrade??
>Ideally want an AK pattern
dual purpose as this would be great "training" moving and reacting with something akin to the firearms i *do* own. I do own a nice optic I could mount fit on a picitany rail, have slings, chest carrier, gear and such covered.

There's also the cool nuclear option of getting that KWC co2 Mini-Uzi I recall eyeballing as a kid w/ several magazines and some pimp-ass pistol. which also...
>What is best route/brand for sidearm?
no clue in this regard

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Anonymous No. 182520

AEGs, HPAs and NBBs work in the cold. NGRS are neat but I've heard they are annoying to work on, better to go the CYMA AK route. The Mini Uzi might work in the cold since it's CO2, it won't be as practical as an AEG but it'll be more fun. For a sidearm I've had GBBs, a wingun revolver, cheap to expensive NBBs. The best and most practical has been my Y&P M9/92 NBB. This pistol can hop 0.3s, actually passes the chrono unlike most other NBBs, no lame fiddly stick magazines, has a decent trigger for a cheap NBB, and is supported by many holsters & mag pouches. Best price to quality ratio for an airsoft pistol. For 35 dollarinos I've had quite the time with that Beretta,

Anonymous No. 182523

See >>182309
I like my LCT AK but upgrading a CYMA would probably be fine. Tokyo Marui mainly makes sense in Japan since they're tuned for the domestic market. I don't really trust NGRS since I've had two die on me and they're harder to work on than regular AEGs (not to mention that their usually overpriced overseas).

Anonymous No. 182524

I meant the smock tho

Anonymous No. 182525

>KWC co2 Mini-Uzi
it's shit. NE makes a proper UZI

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Anonymous No. 182527

What do you fellers think about the swordfish MP5s? I kinda want an MP5K because it has the full top rail and looks goofy. I'd pair it with the retro straight mags as well.

Anonymous No. 182529

Oh, it's from At the front

Anonymous No. 182534

Get the Specna Edge AK series. More modern than CYMA when it comes to internals.

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Anonymous No. 182536

If you do get a CYMA AK avoid these.

Anonymous No. 182554

All CYMA AKs have brittle pot metal front/rear trunnions, sight blocks and other external parts. Internally they're all basically standard fare. Pretty cheap and easy to upgrade the internals, but if the externals break, your whole receiver could be FUBAR. Personally, I'd keep to E&L or LCT where these parts are all steel.
Never seen a TM NGRS up close, but again, >die-cast aluminum receiver
Sounds like bad news in the long run. Probably the GOAT for the Japanese market, but we can do a little better in the US.

Anonymous No. 182558

LCT internals are crap and even more outdated than CYMA. Also overpriced as fuck

Anonymous No. 182562

E&L master race.

Anonymous No. 182567

Rust enjoyer?

Anonymous No. 182578

This is extremely helpful ty anon
I was looking at E&L as well. I would definitely prefer a metal reciever, durability is important to me as i am gonna try to be jumping around in the field. Don't want it to snap in half on me

Anonymous No. 182579

Cyma's are not that brittle, people exaggerate that too much. If you do not have 'muh externals' autism, no reason to go with anything else.

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Anonymous No. 182582


>team mate buys CYMA AK-74
>stock doesn't fit right from the factory, have to shim it with crushed beer bottle cap
>he breaks the rear trunnion in a skirmish
>receiver is FUBAR, trash it
>solution: buy and install cheap AKS-74 receiver + folding stock and a stick battery to match
>still has pot metal trunnions, but this is the cheapest way to fix the rifle

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Anonymous No. 182583

>another team mate buys CYMA AKS-74
>he breaks the rear trunnion in a skirmish
>both stock and receiver are steel, the trunnion that connects them is pot metal
>solution: weld the stock to the receiver
>no longer folds, but it works
>he breaks the front trunnion in a skirmish
>receiver is FUBAR
>solution #2: buy and install cheap AKS-74 receiver + folding stock
>still has pot metal trunnions, but this is the cheapest way to fix the rifle
>I later cut the old receiver up and convert it into an AK sidewinder adapter since the plastic ones suck ass

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Anonymous No. 182584

>another team mate buys CYMA RPK
>stock doesn't fit right from the factory, have to shim it with crushed beer bottle cap
>he breaks the rear sight block in a skirmish
>solution: buy and install another cheap rear sight block
>he breaks the second rear sight block in a skirmish
>decides he doesn't need the rear sight
>he breaks the front sight block in a skirmish
>he sells the rifle dirt cheap to a different team mate

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Anonymous No. 182585

>team mate buys beat up CYMA RPK
>he breaks the rear trunnion in a skirmish
>receiver is FUBAR
>solution: there is no solution
>it's literally not worth spending any more money on
>instead invests in upgrading his ancient old legacy AK which has full steel external parts

CYMAs AKs definitely have their place in airsoft. They're decent entry-level guns that can give you a lot of service time if you're careful with them. But recommending them to someone who was ready to spend almost $600 on a Marui NGRS is fucking stupid. Mistakes happen and cheap parts are going to break. Personally, I would rather spend a little more for something full steel in the beginning rather than replacing cheap parts as they break.

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Anonymous No. 182590

I just meant that it does not get much better in terms of internals past that point. My cyma 048 has served me for two years and I had none of those issues, but holy shit, point taken anon.

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Anonymous No. 182593

How are they breaking trunnions so much? I've never used an AK in airsoft so I'm curious.

Anonymous No. 182602

I agree the newer CYMAs have good internals. Hope you never have any issues with yours, anon.

Guys just get sloppy under pressure. They'd trip while sprinting and try and catch themselves with the rifle, or be running full tilt and smack the end of the stock on a tree or something. I think most of our failures were in the winter now that I'm thinking about it, maybe the cold makes them more brittle.

Anonymous No. 182619

The cold does weird things to airsoft guns. I had my DE SPAS 12 pump freeze and my CYMA M3 Entry stop feeding in 24 degrees Fahrenheit. After they were warmed up both tri shots were perfectly fine.

Anonymous No. 182634

Bereli is running a sale on cloud defensive lights.
Just snagged a MCH handheld which go for $250 MSRP shipped for $127.

Anonymous No. 182648

But how sure are we that an LCT AK wouldn't break the same?
I snapped off the stock on my VFC HK416 after a fall.

Anonymous No. 182652

I had a used cyma 048, only issue I had with the body was it was so old that rivets got loose and I replaced them all with screws
the fuck are they doing, using them like cavemen

Anonymous No. 182682

Super off topic, but screw rivets, I had to punch those out replacing my car window regulator. Then I rode my beach cruiser to a truck stop to get regular bolts & nuts so if the regulator dies again it's easier to swap out.

Anonymous No. 182692

so as i understand from this thread
>CYMA AK: bad
>LCT AK: bad
>E&L AK: bad
>GHK AK: bad
>WE AK: bad
am i getting this right?

Anonymous No. 182694

yeah, buy Real Sword

Anonymous No. 182701

this, but buy TM AKM gbbr

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Anonymous No. 182711

Your friends are a bunch of fat retards.
Yes. Buy LCT

Anonymous No. 182715

That sucks, my anecdotal experience has been that my CYMA AK74 (040c) has been solid for 10 years, it once busted a bearing, but that wasn't stock.

Anonymous No. 182751

Just get a superior AR model and never have to deal with bad AK's again.

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Anonymous No. 182752

The solution is clear. Buy Arcturus AK-12.

Anonymous No. 182764

Calm down, Mary. If someone spends their weekends dressed up as a WW2 Nazi, modern Slavic untermensch, jungle Hutu militiaman etc., people are going to question motives. Maybe you wear dresses, it doesn't make you a woman, but perhaps you wish you could be one.

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Anonymous No. 182786

I've never seen a steel trunnion fail in airsoft, and I've seen a lot of broken AKs, more than listed ITT. LCTs aren't bulletproof, but they're a lot stronger. That sucks to hear about your VFC though.
All airsoft guns are bad, some are just worse than others. Even the best ones can break, because it's still just a toy.
I'm glad they're finally offering replacement parts direct, maybe I'll finally get to put some more miles on mine.
I'm actually really curious about Arcturus, I'd like to check one out IRL. There's a lot of unique features about the internals that show great attention to detail, and offering them with Perun hybrids preinstalled is sick. I wish someone would do a magnet test on the externals to see what they're made of.

Anonymous No. 182838

What kind of privileges can I get if I come out as trans-Sturmmann?

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Anonymous No. 182839

This dude makes all your meals for you.

Anonymous No. 182887

Never heard about maintenance?

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Anonymous No. 182904

smocks are pretty badass

I have an SSO Partizan Sniper suit, plan on getting a few Arktis B110s in diff patterns

Anonymous No. 182905

I haven't seen a single E&L ak without rust. Haven't owned any myself and don't intend to

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Anonymous No. 182943

this is bait right? Blued steel needs to be oiled to prevent rust.
If you don't take care of your shit, especially expensive quality shit. Then it will fail.

Anonymous No. 182947

Those sniper suits are maximum comfy. Basically the only thing I can wear if I want to play outside in summer here. Love my Arktis B110 as well, mainly use it for everyday life and it's lasted me almost 20 years.

Anonymous No. 182968

I wish there were more western analogs of these sniper suits, desu. I love my SSO but it was a pain to get

Anonymous No. 182994

Anyone anons going to MSW Kharkiv? Going as Militia and I'll give you a free Taggin grenade out of the crate I'm bringing if you are Militia/Rusfor.

Anonymous No. 183001

>guy who intentionally tries to exploit the green+black vs blue+brown rules of the local field for camo tries to play the "well it doesn't specifically say..." bullshit
Look, I know RL has that strategy of disguesed as the enemy all the time, but if you gotta pull that bullshit against a 13-year old who is clearly on one team while you could be confused about either, that says more about you than it does the other guy.

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Anonymous No. 183020

>most parts for build came today
>barrel does not fit on upper
>could do reasonable thing and just order a new outer barrel
>decide to hand file it down to size instead
It works surprisingly well too.

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Anonymous No. 183021

Here is what I was building. Unfortunately the aliexpress seller sent me the wrong mount but at least the sight works. I was supposed to get the slightly lower L mount and put it on a riser, but the riser is still in transit.
Anyone know a higher quality PEQ 2 box? I'm using a shitty element one made from plastic.

Anonymous No. 183045

what do you think real PEQ-2s are made out of?

Anonymous No. 183057

Aircraft grade titanium, straight from the decommissioned bodies of SR-71s.

Anonymous No. 183060

Higher quality plastic, not the flimsy shit mine is made from? The rail attachment on mine is also plastic ffs.

Anonymous No. 183147

Somogear seem to be the gold standard

Anonymous No. 183169

Whats it like actually playing airsoft? I feel like it would be full of arguments and people not admitting they got shot.

Anonymous No. 183176

From my interactions with airsofters + their average age: yeah, sounds about right.

Anonymous No. 183183

It ain't that bad, but there are some spergs that need to be put in their place from time to time.

Anonymous No. 183188

Eight or nine times out of ten it's just good fun as long as the games are properly thought out, but sometimes someone takes it too seriously and get frustrated, then unfriendly words are shared and unsportsmanlike behaviour becomes apparent. But in that respect it's not dissimilar to amateurs playing team sports like football or rugby etc. at the weekends.

Anonymous No. 183211

skirmishes/pickup games with randoms are always like that yeah. organised events is where its at.

Anonymous No. 183216

msw / shooting blanks at your bros in the woods for days or bust

Anonymous No. 183241

Anybody? Lol

Anonymous No. 183242

maybe it's an american thing but i've never really experience that stuff on outdoor fields. Indoor yes tho

Anonymous No. 183244

I haven't experienced too many obvious cheaters, most people who didn't call their hits might just not have felt it. Here all fields have strict rules that you're not allowed to argue with other players. If you suspect someone is cheating you tell the judges and they handle it.
But as others have already pointed out you shouldn't really play airsoft to "win".

Anonymous No. 183245

>you shouldn't really play airsoft to "win".
yea. For me it's more of a exercise and social thing really.

Anonymous No. 183386

Kwc uzi is great (atleast 95% of them). And btw the north east uzis dont even work 95% of the time.
Everyone hates the kwc uzis but it's just because they've been around for like 20 years amd everyone is retarded. Also desertionfox ragged on his old beat up example.

Kwc uzi blog-
There's 3 versions now. First Gen is closed bolt and discontinued. 2nd generation is most common and has markings on the bolt, high rof and no cooldown, being phased out now. 3nd gen has no writing on the bolt and has the heaviest bolt and kick but has a bit of cooldown. Fps varies. Some come at 450+ fps, some at 375.

They have different length nozzle inserts (i forget.the exact name of the part) to change the fps, and I got one that's metal 3d printed and it also lowered the rate of fire.

They kick hard which makes them impossible to aim, a custom mount for a reddot is required basically if you actually want to hit anything. Each mag eats a whole c02 capsule but I don't mind. If you hate how much c02 it eats then you can get a better sealing nozzlecup whi h also fits kwc deagle or use a hicapa nozzle cup. The hopups are 50-50, some work, some don't at all. If you get one that doesn't work then you get a hopup unit that uses an Allen screw to adjust the hop but it's 3d printed and a hassle to install.

I have a steel outer barrel with 14mm- threads but they may be hard to find now. The og foldingstock sucks (folds in on itself too easily) but I changed mine to a sig stock.

It's pretty much the best thing in the world. I'm on my third and about to buy a fourth. First and second ones were sold after I botched a metal body install on the 2nd and it killed me. After ghk m4, ghk ak, we m4, we g36, im back to the uzi. Those gbbrs were money pits with broken parts. Kwc uzis last decades.

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Anonymous No. 183453

That looks cool. i'm looking for something that can have like a stock attached quickly, as call of duty customizable as possible but i don't know if that really matters.

used to play paintball as a kid and wanting to get into this. If i could have a pistol that could function as a submachine gun with legitimate modifications I may be happy beginning.

Any recommendations starting? Realistic max spending is 300 for a pistol by itself. gas or electric?

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Anonymous No. 183456

Paintballfag here with a probable dumb question. I'm getting my CAW "grenade" launcher working again after sitting for a long time. When I go to try and charge the shell, it hisses plenty but does not fill at all. Ive replaced all the o-rings besides the very small one in the valve stem so im guessing that is the culprit. Are these valves as universal as the ebay claims say or do I need something more particular?

Anonymous No. 183500

I'm guessing you don't care too much about realism so just wait for the AAP-anon to wake up and guide you to become another HPA-tranny.

Anonymous No. 183536

Yes buy an AAP. It has all the aftermarket parts, and with a 3d printer there is even more. But with pistol, upgrades and a HPA setup it’s gonna cost you more than 300

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Anonymous No. 183537

also current wall

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Anonymous No. 183538

kek >>183536 >>183537

Anonymous No. 183540

>buy a GBBR
>HPA tap it and use gay 9mm mags

Anonymous No. 183541

Good morning fren. HPA is awful but we still love you

Anonymous No. 183545

>Fiddle with my red dot for a few secs
>Forget to turn it off
Every time.
Even after 10 years with the same G&G comp m4 sight.

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Anonymous No. 183548


Anonymous No. 183551

that's nothing. I murdered a second lipo battery with my DE m4 because I forgot to unplug it after testing a tracer

Anonymous No. 183557

only on occasion
same but also a money sink since I spend like 300$ on we33 parts and cyma 040j parts, never had anything like stuff in this thread other than wires being rubbed, receiver on the 74(or was it the 47) seems to block wires in mag well but not the 100s

Anonymous No. 183558

Same but but with different sights.
I'm at the point of using 20$ optics and dealing with them getting shot out because ranges of engagement are like 15yd to 20 on the 400fps cap fields near me.

Anonymous No. 183559

just buy a vortex and get it replaced when it gets shot out for free

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Anonymous No. 183568

Got a TM saiga 12 since I am stationed in japan, fields in here it might be good, but I kinda want to slap a tracer unit of it and potentially get a shorter barrel and there is a parts kit for full auto, but, with only 15 shots a mag, it might not be worth.

Anonymous No. 183571

I want one of these for my indoor field as well, but with a HPA M4 adapter, and print this for it

Anonymous No. 183573

That's why I keep spare batteries inside my stock so I can tactically swap them out in the field.

Anonymous No. 183575


Anonymous No. 183576

No my mom would be sad

Anonymous No. 183580

>Kwc uzis last decades
What are you smoking and can i has some of it too?

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Anonymous No. 183582

eтo бaзa

Anonymous No. 183583

>Kwc uzis last decades
>I'm on my third and about to buy a fourth
So anon's been playing airsoft for 50+ years I take it? Nice.

Anonymous No. 183589

Nice, but
>chinese cartoon girls
Not even ironically funny.

Anonymous No. 183604

what am I in for if I go to a comp/milsim?

my background is paintball. i shot airsoft quite a bit when I was younger though

Anonymous No. 183605

The gen 1 came out 30 years ago so yeah basically. The gen 1 would break the part known as the strike guide (gen 1 was closed bolt and used a striker similar to the way real closed bolt Uzi conversions work) which helped give them a bad reputation. The open bolt design is pretty bulletproof. If you keep the bolt and sear greased and the orings lubed it'll last your lifetime and your kids lifetime too. You may not like it but
the Uzi is forever. Keep riding the cock carousel of hype beast trash like the rest of these no taste having ass brainlet consoomer shills.

Anonymous No. 183630

TBF I am considering it. the prices are ok at least.

Anonymous No. 183632

Lads I haven't browsed this board and haven't played airsoft in almost 2 years until now. Just came back and I'm sore as fuck.

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Anonymous No. 183651

Nice, are you in Okinawa?
I saw something about some company about to make a drum mag for it.
>I'm gonna buy a Mercedes SL class and pimp it out with ghetto hydraulics and good rims
I know it's you HPA-anon

Anonymous No. 183654

Cope: the post

Anonymous No. 183665

Hose gets the hoes

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Anonymous No. 183800

who's the boss of this thread?

Anonymous No. 183801

Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door, the speedsoft hall's two blocks down.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 183804

Teh shadow AUG

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Flip Tac city ad.jpg

Anonymous No. 183806

Neither, we hate on each one. Both are kinda cringe in their own right. If I had to pick I'd choose speedsoft because I just wanna run around and shoot at people to get some exercise and relieve stress. Milsim peoples get annoyed at arbitrary elements like mag restrictions or odd loadouts/guns easily. I couldn't be bothered with hurry up & wait milsim nonsense because I've actually had to do that in RL. Speedsofters though have their bad apples like obnoxious teenagers that overshoot & trash talk constantly. Eliminate a polarstar dude with a rental rifle and watch their reaction.

Anonymous No. 183807

I dislike both, but problem with speedsofters is pretty much only in form of ADHD zoomers or no will to account for worse players outside of purely Speedsoft circles, while milshitters seem to have a whole lot more painful spergs about loadouts, get crye and other shit and think it makes them better person, while they still remain both mentally and physically obesse.

Anonymous No. 183848

>Cope: the post
>Is actually pure projection
>Implies preference of modernity over tradition

ok nigger

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Anonymous No. 183849


Anonymous No. 183871

That's good to know. You barely see uzis anymore, I wish someone would clone the TM full size uzi so I'd have another good cqb gun.

Anonymous No. 183882

Yeah. If only someone made a full size steel UZI...

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Anonymous No. 183898

It's pretty obvious

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Anonymous No. 183901

historychads keep winning
why do you, as a man. Need a toy gun that is semi automatic.

Anonymous No. 183903

Indeed. I wouldn't say no to an airsoft G43 or SVT-40 though.

Anonymous No. 183911

Clamp on bipod or rail bipod if I want something for an asg m40?
Btw there's an event around lake norman that I plan to go to but I want dumb fake country patches for my kit, any suggestions outside of ace combat country flags?

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Anonymous No. 183923

Serious question, how much is KWC paying you for shilling them?

Anonymous No. 183975

I milsim exclusively with issued surplus from the 60s 70s and 80s

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Anonymous No. 184025

To be fair it's the only available mini UZI, and it's not expensive.

Anonymous No. 184029

When will NE release theirs? I'm tired of waiting

Anonymous No. 184053

Has the NE UZI stopped sucking yet?

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Anonymous No. 184057

got the last part from china now it's done

Anonymous No. 184065


Anonymous No. 184066

>didn't even get a flashlight with correct markings
Yep, sure is HPA tard in here

Anonymous No. 184071

difference between you and me is that you care and i don't

Anonymous No. 184073


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Anonymous No. 184075

any bros going to Salsk?

waiting for my vsr-93 uni to come in, along with my RPK parts

Anonymous No. 184077

Nice gear, simple but useful.

Anonymous No. 184083

I'd never HPA, because I don't want the baby Jesus to cry, but that does look nice (waifu sticker excepted).

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Anonymous No. 184085

I'm looking to get a M&P 9, but can't decide between the TM and VFC. I hate plastic TMs so would have to fork out for the metal Guarder slide, but I've heard the VFC is internally a bit shite. Anyone have any experience?

Anonymous No. 184087

KWC makes some odd yet neat stuff, like full auto deagles and a NBB Mac 11. I respect it

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Anonymous No. 184098

>he gives a shit about markings
Reddit's that way, you faggots are worse than HPAggers

Anonymous No. 184105

>muh metal slide
stfu, nigger, TM makes the best pistols

Anonymous No. 184124

Yeah, but they're plastic, and don't like green gas, I've got a TM FN57 but that's upgraded with Guarder to stop it from eating itself, because the ABS they use is pretty flimsy.

Anonymous No. 184126

I have parts for a jg ak and parts for a cyma tm ak47. Wheres the best place to get everything to rebuild either of them?
I was thinking of starting on the jg.
>Eating abs
What green gas are you using? The amount of wear should be negligible unless it is straight propane.

Anonymous No. 184127

>What green gas are you using? The amount of wear should be negligible unless it is straight propane.
Amazing lmao. Like 20 years after it's been definitively proven that the mythical "green gas" is not some kind of previously undiscovered wonder element which has exactly zero uses outside of bb gun war and is, in fact, just propane, there are still morons clinging to the belief that it has some kind of magical properties simply because it's more expensive. Hook, line and sinker.

Anonymous No. 184128

Raw propane vs propane and silicone. This shows me you never even treatedany plastics with silicone oil before running raw propane and just let shit dry.

Anonymous No. 184130

it's better to use propane and lube parts yourself. With green gas that has silicone there's the chance it gets in your hop up rendering it useless

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Anonymous No. 184135

My STALKER loadout is finished, time to find le wishmaster like in anomaly mod :DDDD
The 3D printed double-barrel is a bit wobbly, the design isn't meant to have such a long barrel, but I wanted a long-barrel shotgun, although it still lacks around 200mm in barrel length to be actually proper 700mm, I might actually turn it into a sawn-off at some point. It works really well with MKIII cam870 shells though and the shell extractor works like a charm to my surprise.
The Makarov is a shitty 2J Umarex NBB Co2 I reduced its power by pulling the spring within the trigger unit apart to make it stiffer, so far it holds around 1J.
The AK is a run of the mill E&L essential 74u with cyma Rpk-74 mags I fakelited to the best of my abilities.

Anonymous No. 184136

don't use gg then

Anonymous No. 184167

That's awesome, is the shotgun entirely 3D printed?

Anonymous No. 184178

The barrels are 500mm PVC tubes. Besides that there is 2 pins triggering the shells and a few screws and 3 springs inside. Everything else is 3D printed.

Anonymous No. 184187

This sounds kinda edgy, but I really wish there were a way to make airsoft shotgun shells fire out of a real single or double barreled shotgun. I mean the base action is identical, you'd probably have to change the hammer springs to something way weaker to avoid destroying the shells. There's just so few choices in this category.

I didn't know Umarex made an airsoft one, I thought they were all 4.5mm.

Anonymous No. 184226

Nice. What fakelite method did you use?

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Anonymous No. 184227

Which AEG aug has the best externals out there?

Anonymous No. 184244


Anonymous No. 184248

>brings real firearms to a game


Anonymous No. 184249

The fact that there are no steel airshit shotguns is terrible. Real shotguns cost less than airshit ones. That's retarded

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Anonymous No. 184259

>using real shotgun for airsoft
I wish, although where I live you would be breaking multiple laws by bringing a shotgun to an airsoft field. It is crazy that there is literally only one airsoft double-barrel and it uses some super weird shotgun shells.
>I didn't know Umarex made an airsoft one
Yeah, I bought it like 10 years ago for like 50 eurobucks in an airsoft store. Issue is that it neither has a hopup nor is there any spare mags in 6mm available for it (I don't think they were ever sold to begin with).
picrel is the packaging I remember it coming in, the reason I bought it in this airsoft shop in the first place, only to find out I can't play it anywhere anyway.
Did what this kid did, although I used a bit less of the stuff to keep the somewhat orange-y basecolor. I also just coated it with a clear gloss lacquer, although I think more accurate would've been a matte lacquer, but I wanted them to be a bit glossy initially, it will fade off over time anyway.

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Anonymous No. 184262

That mf makin sure them cheaterz be callin they hits n shit, shiiiiieeeeiiit

Anonymous No. 184263

Its called that because of nato designation, both are correct. Plus we don't even call ar just ar when refering to a specific model, it's unhelpful.
Why not switch to the we mak then or equivalent. I stopped using kwa tt because those had no parts or mags, gbb pistols aren't even that expensive.

Anonymous No. 184264

there is no NATO designation for Soviet small arms. AK-47 and Krinkov are made up american names

Anonymous No. 184265

I said nato because ever nato country uses those names for them and like I said before it is because they would be inseparable in spoken language from the simplified name for other models. Calling it the 47 helps differentiate it from shorthand. It would be like trying to refer to a specific movie that has a million remakes without specifying year. Besides kalling it the ak47 matchest the russian naming system where al and sks were outliers.

Anonymous No. 184266

There are 3 different names for the AK. Type 1, 2 and 3. Educate yourself
"AK-47" refers to the prototype

Anonymous No. 184267

One, hes been wronge on kalash before and cannot even read the manual properly enough to know when they changed to type as a system of deferentiating within the iron curtain. Two, no one used "type" in manufacturing distrobution diagrams for tooling. Which again is a very normal thing for the soviets of the time. The russians practically didn't even use the naming of type is descriptors in history either.
Besides n9 ones going to change what they call it based off your youtube shilling.
Good way to be banned, have fun. People are already

Anonymous No. 184268

>I'm a retard lalala can't hear you
Cool story, bro. Keep being wrong. Gonna say that Ian is wrong too?

Anonymous No. 184276

>the absolute state of 2024 msw militia
nigger, Spirit Of The Game(tm) militia are meant to be eastern euro poorfags, this aint it chief

Anonymous No. 184277


Anonymous No. 184307

nigga my vsr-93 is in the mail and my rpk is being built as we speak

also you say this as if they didn't literally JUST release a new tacsop specifically to combat high speed militia

Anonymous No. 184313

oh sorry i have 80 iq and a 1 second attention span. yeah ur gucci then i guess

Anonymous No. 184315

oh nah ur chillin lmao, sorry if I came off as spergy

they would NEVER let me run this kit as is until I get all my proper Militia shit anyways, I dont think they let you run MARPAT pants on MIL just because of the amount of marine corps groups on NATO

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Anonymous No. 184364

Anon... It doesn't matter. Everyone just went with it. Normies mean normal wood and steel AK by that.

Anonymous No. 184380

Find the design online or did you make it yourself? I know there's a kiwi out there that sells a pretty cool printed O/U but it's expensive as hell, so alternatives would be appreciated
A real Maverick 88 has an MSRP of $245, meanwhile the APS CAM870 that has a myriad of issues which will inevitably need addressing is $270-325USD (not including stuff like the Multicam painted and SAI guns) before shipping, at this point I wonder if there'd be a market for Mossberg to just make airsoft-only versions of the thing with permanently-modified-to-be/purpose-built airsoft-exclusive parts - even if it was more expensive than the CAM870 due to being a rather niche product produced with a decent bit more care, it'd still be neat to see (perhaps could be promoted as a training shotgun? idk)
That being said, that's just wishful thinking - Mossberg hasn't exactly paid attention to the airsoft market before and I doubt they're going to start now because of some dude typing up a storm in some random corner of the internet

Anonymous No. 184390

Can't pretend to not get hit when you're dead!

Anonymous No. 184401

I think that if there ever was an actually good all-steel airsoft shotgun it would be a huge liability for the manufacturer just because the action is so similar to a real gun. It probably would only take minor mods to convert it to fire real shells, at least once or twice. They have to build them out of crap because otherwise they'd be borderline real guns.

Anonymous No. 184404

>Why not switch to the we mak then or equivalent.
Thanks for the idea, but why spent 100+ eurobucks on a sidearm that I will draw once every 3 games? I looked into the ICS NBB Makarov as an alternative and maybe if I find a cheap used one I might get it one day. But I am stingy when it comes to stuff like that.
>Find the design online or did you make it yourself?
Very decent design, only issue I have with it is that with that overly long barrel it becomes a bit wobbly, so I might actually reduce it down to a sawn-off version, or just make a separate sawn off.
They could make the barrels out of the shitty pot-metal zinc alloy stuff or something. Also iirc the cam870 designs do not fit 12ga anyway.

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Anonymous No. 184413


Anonymous No. 184455

Setting aside that the CAM870 can't chamber real shells (Explosive Enterprises demonstrates this in his video on the CAM870 - he tries, but the chamber is intentionally too narrow for 12-gauge, and the original MKI models couldn't do it either) and thus it wouldn't be hard to do that as well, it's also possible to take design cues from the CAM870's bolt - the firing pin's way too wide, the bolt has no lockup (and the receiver/barrel has no accommodation for such things), and the bolt is outright incompatible with real 870 bolts
I get the concern, but if APS can manage it, I'm sure some other company can too

Anonymous No. 184491

in /asg/, everyone knows your youtube wisdoms here too, so no need for >ackchyuallying over shitty aug comic anon

Anonymous No. 184494

doesn't look like it

Anonymous No. 184546

how was your sunday game, anons

Anonymous No. 184551

Awesome, went to my old field and shredded with an ancient rental classic army M4.

Anonymous No. 184552

They cancelled the game that was scheduled for Saturday because of rain and rescheduled it for Sunday. I drove 30 minutes out to the field. Nobody there. They cancelled the game that was scheduled for Sunday because of rain. The only notice given was a facebook post made less than an hour and a half before the game was supposed to start.

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Anonymous No. 184553

swag, I got a new hop-up from one of my bros, after a year of using a super shitty stock unit

I finally feel like I can actually keep up, and it showed

also I banzai charged a poor little shitter

Anonymous No. 184554

fields who cancel for weather fucking suck

I played in a blizzard that killed 8 people a few cities away

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Anonymous No. 184575

kwa m4

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Anonymous No. 184591

Great, we didn't win but it was great fun, got paired up with 4 other random and we coordinated perfectly together. I finally gave up on fixing my l85 and got the ol reliable gsg14 out, fantastic gun, never failed me once even with stock internals.

Anonymous No. 184593

there wasn't any :( I busted my knee in december still recovering

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Anonymous No. 184604


Anonymous No. 184610

I want to sell all my airsoft guns.
Thats my m4

Anonymous No. 184611

it's shit

Anonymous No. 184613

No. It works good. Its better than a WE and i would sell it cheaper. I just need to find a box and packaging materials and some site to sell it. It has barely been used.

Anonymous No. 184614

>it's better than a WE
They're both shit but KWA takes the cake lmao

Anonymous No. 184617

Damn i didnt know that. Whats the good gbb m4?

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Anonymous No. 184618

How about this one

Anonymous No. 184619

MWS, VFC V3s and VTs

Anonymous No. 184620

>inokatsu for VT price
lol no

Anonymous No. 184670

dude, I fucked up my knees super bad lmao

I was at the base of this hill with the other team pushing up the side of it, without them seeing me

I rushed up to go safety kill this guy, and tripped on some construction supplies hidden behind some shrubs - legs still hurt to move, particularly right above my kneecap

here's praying I didn't end up fracturing something again

Anonymous No. 184748

dam. I tripped as well, but my kneecap fell out of place. Luckily i didn't tear my ACL so my recovery should be shorter and easier but damn that hurt

Anonymous No. 184789

same shit happened at my field to someone else. I gotta start wearing Arc'Teryx kneecaps fr

Anonymous No. 184806

Ages ago, I got a bone bruise on my left knee from sliding on this janky speedball field. There were small sharp rocks that shredded through my paintball kneepads. I was limping up stairs for a month. I got better paintball kneepads and that rogue field sadly got closed down.

Anonymous No. 184810

my field has SO many hazards, its un-real. a 3 story tower toppled over in a bad storm, there's rebar sticking out of the ground, and building supplies everywhere. oh and massive craters that are covered with boulders.

Anonymous No. 184829

This one field I play at has lots of gopher holes. I walk the field owner's husky after the games for funzies. One afternoon I walked underneath a tree and my right foot immediately was sucked into a hole large and deep enough to go almost up to my knee. Of course I drop the leash and goofy husky dog goes jumping and running around. Luckily the only thing hurt was my pride and the doge came back and sniffed my face, and then I told her I'm good. She then waited for me to collect myself and then resume our walk.

Anonymous No. 184843

Damn, I've never worn knee pads playing airsoft, now I'm thinking I should start.

Anonymous No. 184856

Knee pads/elbow pads make it soo easy to dive/slide/crawl. Plus your joints get beat up less. You can wear light paintball style ones, normal external ones or built in kneepads. I have thin limbs so the paintball kneepads and elbow pads slide the least on me.

Anonymous No. 184861

God damn cowadoody kiddies.
And why are there so many bumbling retards who keep hurting themselves or their guns?

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Broken hi capa.png

Anonymous No. 184871

I started playing speedball, so I'm no stranger to aggro acrobatics. And stuff just breaks, sometimes for absolutely no foreseen reason.

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Anonymous No. 184872

Why is it common for people to not wear kneepads? They're life saver in outdoor games. I take them to be almost as important as mouth protection.

Anonymous No. 184878

Paintballers and pseudo-paintballers get the rope.
They're probably retards. Only time I don't wear kneepads is for historical games where they don't work with the kit. Kneepads can be annoying if they don't stay in place but 98% of the time they make everything so much easier.

Anonymous No. 184880

I mean, I didn't start playing airshit with kneepads, but fact I moved as the beginner like players of red orchestra 2 made me get them after two-three games when I got tired of bumping tree branches, rocks, bricks. Even with shittiest kneepads, you can just tighten them harder behind your knee - a bit uncomfortable, yes, but much less so than hitting stuff with your knee.

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Anonymous No. 184882

pic related

Anonymous No. 184883

I have some similar ones that I use when I don't wear combat pants with inserts. Cheap but work really well. I remember having some with velcro straps when I played as a kid and they'd always cut into the back of my knees for some reason.

Anonymous No. 184896

usually I do, but of course the one time I skip them - i fuck up my legs bad.

schrodinger's retard, ig

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boner gun.jpg

Anonymous No. 184897

also, say something nice about "boner gun", anons

she's getting a redi-mag and an MSW TQ ranger banded on tomorrow :)

Anonymous No. 184899

I'd suggest to clean that concrete mixer you store that replica in

Anonymous No. 184900

bad take, dirty used up guns are objectively cool

Anonymous No. 184902

holy shit this guy gets it

also same anon who busted my knees on a hill last weekend. the WHOLE gun is coated in mud

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Anonymous No. 184908

To me new airshits always look like toys. One of my favorite guns is my by now nearly 10 year old WE pre-katana M16a3 AEG that even survived my buddy tripping over it and breaking its original pistol grip, simply because it looks super battered and I even weathered it a bit myself with fine sandpaper. Also I love AR type iron sights, those things are such a breeze to aim through, not that you really need to in airshit.

Anonymous No. 184911

>used up
yeah that's cool

Dirt just screams you purposefully don't give a fuck, rather than it being natural looking wear.
I like it desu

Anonymous No. 185042

A bit difficult to tell from that picture but I remember one anon posting a perfectly weathered M16A3 in one of these threads.

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Anonymous No. 185241


Anonymous No. 185326

Is that Red Orchestra Grain Elevator?

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Anonymous No. 185327

pain elevator

Anonymous No. 185391


Anonymous No. 185397

Do you guys have a loadout theme?? I was thinking of making a SWAT themed loadout to counter all the ziggers and SEAL wannabes

Anonymous No. 185399

Does your field have a drag rule? If so what are your thoughts on it?

I honestly really hate it. It's one thing if you're just moving them arms-length or something, but it really doesn't take much for it to feel like complete bullshit. For clarity, I'm talking about when one player has been hit and is sitting in place 'bleeding out' and a team mate can place a hand on them, and then run to cover with them so they can get a revive.

Played today and managed to actually land a really hard shot on one guy. Fifteen seconds later his team mate comes from behind, uses him as a human shield while the two run backwards into cover, revive only takes five seconds, and now I got two guys on me who both know where I'm at. Bullshit.

I hate it when it's done to me too. I got hit in another game, completely fair shot. Some speedsofter kid on my team starts yelling to me to 'get ready' because he's gunna to the fucking drag. He sprints over to me, places a hand, and there we go, off to cover. Had to explain to the ref after the game what happened because the guy that shot me thought I just got back up and started shooting again. I'd have been 100% fine with just waiting for bleed out or until my team secured the area, instead I've got somebody thinking I'm cheating because 'someone else' wanted to use the stupid drag rule.

Anonymous No. 185400

drag rules are gay. also you should actually have to drag or carry them with the downed guy being completely unable to assist.

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Anonymous No. 185408

Our group used to do '80s Soviet in the spring/summer and '80s East German in the winter/fall. Eventually we started doing "modern" (back then) Russian since nobody else in our area did anything other than US Army or US Marines. Our group has since broken up and I've kinda tried to get away from eastern bloc stuff unless there's a scenario game that actually calls for it. I can't completely abandon it since all of my guns and gear are aimed at Opfor, but I've started wearing NATO uniforms again. So it's a mix of east and west for me, just the stuff I like.

Anonymous No. 185409

drag rules should mean you actually drag/carry the individual.
get strong or die trying airsofters

Anonymous No. 185428

Went to a cqb airsoft game in Brussels, not the biggest one, but it was a great day, good location, lots of fun.

Anonymous No. 185436

The one with Airsoft Oostende?

Anonymous No. 185438

It was with The Unit, the terrain is at Zaventem

Anonymous No. 185447

At my field the person being dragged taking a hit would also mean the dragger has to call it

Anonymous No. 185448


I'm in a group that does British Army in Germany in the 1980s

Anonymous No. 185498

you two should FIGHT to the DEATH

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Anonymous No. 185531

Made double mags for AGM003, and added front sight. This thing is easily most fun i've got out of $20 in airshit.

Anonymous No. 185689

It's a standard rule here that you can either

1. Both walk, you're not allowed to use your replica.

2. You actually carry or drag the guy and you can do whatever you want (run, jump, shoot) provided you are physically able.

So actually carrying your wounded is rewarded. and I agree walking rule is gay because all the guy has to do to not get hit is to walk wounded directly behind him like a shield.


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Anonymous No. 185693

How are ya'll doin lads. I got the cahnce to buy a used King Arms m4 gbbr. Anybody got an idea if those things are any good? What are the internals like ?

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Anonymous No. 185694

Same anon here. Did someone here own S&T ST870 shotgun? I really grew fond of those single bb, adjustable hop up shotguns and I consider getting something better made than that.
>hurr just get cyma tri-shot
doesn't work nearly as well in the forest places where I play a lot and can't adjust hop. I'm more concerned with it's durability, and how it shoots out of box (will change bucking at some point anyway, if need be).

Anonymous No. 185700

WA system iirc so outdated and poo

Anonymous No. 185702

NTA but in my experience Cyma tri shots shoot almost perfectly straight with .28 or .30

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Anonymous No. 185703

dubs have spoken, but can you elaborate on the outdated part. i own a vfc mp7 gbb so thats as deep as i am into gbbrs, my cunt doesnt offer many options for affordable gbb rifles so i kinda hope that the king arms one at least works well if you knoe what i mean

Anonymous No. 185712

My experience is quite contrary, didn't shot straight with anything i've put into it.

Anonymous No. 185722

It won't

Anonymous No. 185776

Design's very realistic, but lacks a great many optimizations made to GBBR designs over the years that have improved durability and efficiency
My recommendation, as someone in Canuckistan who envies the prices other countries have for this shit: get a VFC AR, their 733 is like $350USD before shipping IIRC, steel FCG parts are readily available (can usually be bought at the same retailer you buy the gun from, for a rather inexpensive price if you get them in the same order, so I strongly advise that) and their mags are surprisingly cheap while being better-designed than most

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Anonymous No. 185813

SHIIIIIEEEEEIIIIIITT, I was kinda looking foreward to a 400€ proper gbbr haha but nah aint happening. Thats the we price range here. Weird eh the cheapest vfc gbbrs are alway unavailable

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Anonymous No. 185829

ill be honest the offer is 300 euronoos for the gun and 3 spare mags. shits cash to my eyes the lower receiver even got the colt markings engraved. i mean realisticly what upgrades would i be missing out on ? i dont intend to fuck with the barrel, i mean at best a different bucking and maybe an npas but besides that what else is there for a newfag to switch out you know ?

Anonymous No. 185845

For the VFC ARs I recommend also a GHK stock buffer spring and a winter hammer spring.

See if you can fit a RS Mag catch too

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Anonymous No. 185940

Anons, do you guys use a radio during matches with your battle buddies? I never played with one but last game me and 2 other friends of mine got paired with 4 randoms that all had radios, they gave two of us some of their spares and I really saw a difference in coordination and the amount of flanking tactics instant comms open up. Ended up winning the match with 9 objectives accomplished. Do you guys usually use em?

Anonymous No. 185956

Nah, open comms in airshit are cancer here. Some retard always has his button pressed

Anonymous No. 185960

Polymer bottom-tier $100 Cyma AK good enough as a backup gun for someone who plays outdoors only, about once a month?

Anonymous No. 185996

You mean those TM clones? They are quite good, cm028 was go-to starter gun back in the day. A bit obsolete nowadays, externally and in terms of extra features like lack of mosfet or qsc, but still really tanky. CM.522 and 520 are all plastic (CM.028 only has plastic furniture and body, rest is metal), so those are more fragile externally, but they work really well.

Anonymous No. 185998

Also forgot to mention, those come with blue internals since 2020, minus the motor.

Anonymous No. 186002

Tried that, only one other friend got proper radio, while the rest got some shitty cheapest ones you can't program and are more of toys.

Anonymous No. 186005

Cool, thanks anon, sounds perfect for a backup or for occasional friends to dodge rental fees

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Anonymous No. 186023

When it's historically accurate, yes (it is rarely historically accurate for the games I play)

Anonymous No. 186024

I have a baofeng, never used it though. I've been playing almost 20 years and it's very rare to actually see squad-level radios utilized effectively. I typically come into airsoft with the assumption that things will be too chaotic and unorganized to get any use out of a radio. The KISS strat of just using call-outs can be almost as effective when you're just running with randoms (if they're halfway competent.) I can definitely see an advantage if you are part of an actual team that regularly plays together.

Anonymous No. 186061

Yes, but only with friends/senpai. The coordination puts you on another level, even if you don't use mics (obviously, SOMEBODY has to, but a mic is too cumbersome for me sometimes). Everyone uses the baofengs. Nobody is a HAM operator. YMMV.

Anonymous No. 186111

How do you guys usually do pushes into points or objectives if you encounter loads of entrenched players? Only way I've found that works is either flanking retreats or banzai charges with nades. It does help the field I play on has a a lot of verticality though.

Anonymous No. 186124

Anonymous No. 186125

Is 8fields tactical belt any good? Want some cheap tactical belt I can put dump pouch, holster with aap-01 inside, baofeng, water canteen on

Anonymous No. 186136

How many years did it take?

Anonymous No. 186198

Depends on the rules and tools available. Grenades, 1:1 trades... I never was a grenade man, but sometimes, there's just no other answer to busting into a room and you know there are several enemies pointing their guns at the door.

Anonymous No. 186206

More than a decade? And when will someone make an actually good MP40 and STG44?

Anonymous No. 186220

at least the STG is now somewhat feasible with midcaps. The internals are bog standard V2, so upgrades are easy. The problem is that it's AGM build quality of the cheapest chinesium
The MP40 is way worse because of the proprietary gearbox, and proprietary hop unit that doesn't use standard barrel or bucking so it's nothing but a wallhanger. I know SRC has made a AEG (EBB) version but it's so expensive and i can't find anything about the internals. I have shot the SRC CO2 MP40 and it's pretty cool but it's CO2 mags so i don't care about it

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Anonymous No. 186242

>Why not switch to the we mak then or equivalent.
Guess I gave in after all. A guy was selling this thing for 80 eurobucks. Not used at all, 2 mags and with my favorite type of grip, not this nasty looking black one that usually is on the WE Makarov. On top of that I can either play it with around 0.7j without the suppressor on or bring it up to 1.2j with it on.

Anonymous No. 186270

Ah yes, the classic penis grip

Anonymous No. 186283

Use pigeons

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Potential Airsoft Guy No. 186584

What are the pros & cons of buying expensive equipment to play airsoft as a hobby? The Doom Guy/Eternal helmet is $400+, but idk if it's worth buying or even safe.

Anonymous No. 186601

You need to go all in.

>Guy wearing Doom Guy helmet? Lame.

>Guy dressed at Doom Guy head to toe? COOL!

Anonymous No. 186634

Other than comfort, and self-satisfaction to some, it doesn't matter that much when you play once or twice a month.
>but idk if it's worth buying or even safe
If you doubt it, and it has no certificate to begin with, don't buy it.

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Anonymous No. 186638

Finally got to play dress up with the boys after a 7 month hiatus.

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Anonymous No. 186704

I just bought a used Tokyo Marui G36C next-gen electric gun for about $110, but it comes without batteries, chargers and iron sights. How screwed am I?

Anonymous No. 186726

>without batteries
You dont have any?
You dont have one?
>and iron sights
Just slap on a pair, or a cheap holo if thats more to your liking.
The more important thing is, does it work or not?

Anonymous No. 186773

usually 2 suppress while 2 sprint a cover near the enemy. Once the 2 front guys are in cover they suppress and the rear 2 advance then repeat.

Anonymous No. 186779

I haven't tried shooting it yet, maybe I'll report my findings later.

Anonymous No. 186785

>after 4 years of abuse by me and god knows how much by previous owner(s) my cyma 028 gearbox died
>trigger wasn't resetting
>it was tappet plate
Won't fix it, I do not think it is even viable to do so anymore. It has served me well from the start and as a backup in a while so a little bit sad. RIP

Anonymous No. 186817

Are vsr 10 springs 10mm in diameter? I need to buy a new spring for my mosin and I have no idea if they are or not cause these numb diggers in stores don't specify the spring diameter, any help lads?

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Anonymous No. 186864


Anonymous No. 186902

i have a VSR10 spring at home, lemme measure it when i'm home tonight and get back to you

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Anonymous No. 186920

My ak

Anonymous No. 186935

Quite neat, where did you get that front furniture?

Anonymous No. 186937

Thanks anon ur an angel

Anonymous No. 186992


Anonymous No. 187044

It's an excuse to get a newer, nicer gun, but a tappet plate only costs a few shekels, might as well replace the part and have the 028 as a back up.

Anonymous No. 187058

I have newer and nicer guns, I still used it as backup/loaner. It was my first replica, learned basics of tuning on it, so I have some sentiment to it.

Anonymous No. 187060

Overpaid for it four years ago or so since it was my first time airshitting and I had zero knowledge but someone telling me it's a good deal. Had to replace fire selector and charging handle (twice, but didn't do it second time andj ust left it broken) out of neccesary things done to it. So in total I think it is finally moment to not finance into it anymore, especially when it isn't as much of backup gun anymore either. Used it as main for three years - definitely too long, but forced me to learn how to move or communicate better, in order to make best use of it.

Anonymous No. 187078

Sorry for late reply I forgot. Yes a vsr10 spring is 10mm diameter

Anonymous No. 187208

Looking to get into gbb m4s what’s the move

Anonymous No. 187209

DE MWS is the cheapest best purchase

Anonymous No. 187217

What upgrades should I look into if I get the DE MWS

Anonymous No. 187219

i swapped the bucking and nub in mine to Flamingo and the Jaeger precision titan nub. Haven't done anything else to it so far. Some people say the nozzle is a weak point but mine hasn't broken yet

Anonymous No. 187220

oh yea also the mags are absolute shit when it comes to gas efficiency. Get TM mags, some say also the T8 Cyma pmags fit but i got no clue if that's true or not

Anonymous No. 187308

Order from Asia, its 1/2 the price from Redwolf, Proact, etc. . .

>any kind of open play
no, you get mouth breathers clogging up the channels

VFC if you want to be more realistic, MWS if you want more performance, and Vipertech if you want to spend real steel money and get both.

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Anonymous No. 187332

The popos will rape me if the toy doesnt have the gov stamp, unfortunatly not an option. Say got any idea how good the kjw M4A1 gbbr is ? Found a good deal on one. But i heard their pistols are trash, cant find shit on the rifle.

Anonymous No. 187333

can you realistically do airsoft without a car? I feel like the locations are usually so remote, the amount of stuff you need to bring and laws regarding carrying realistic toy guns here make it pretty much impossible to do this on public transportation yes?

Anonymous No. 187334

I travel on bus with all my gear inside a backpack and a suitcase then catch a 10min ride with some locals to the game area. Before that I used to bike to the game area when I lived closer.
Only law is that I can't travel with the gun visible to the public.

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Anonymous No. 187338


Anonymous No. 187359

I use old guitar case when I have no friend with a car to pick me up

Anonymous No. 187391

Noob here. Went to a airsoft place and rented. Had a great time but I was in shorts and a t shirt and got hit one exposed skin and now have a permanent scar on my arm. I don't want airsoft pellet sized scars all over my body so I'm planning to fully clothe myself next time.

The problem is I live in FL and it's really hot here to be running around in full clothing. What's the minimum amount of clothing I need to prevent scarring? I'm not concerned about reducing the pain of getting shot, so I just want the minimum needed to prevent scar formation after getting hit. Willing to take clothing recommendations. I'm not planning on having any exposed skin at all for the next outing so I need gloves as well and something for my neck. Face is protected by a helmet.

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Anonymous No. 187393

My summer loadout.

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Anonymous No. 187400

Would this be enough to prevent scarring from airsoft just by itself with no other layers on my torso? Again I am not concerned with pain reduction, or even bruises that go away over time. I just do not want another permanent airsoft scar on my body.

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ASG Steyr Scout c....jpg

Anonymous No. 187406

A combat shirt would be lightweight and not too hot in the Florida humidity and protect your arms. Another option is to wear just a t shirt and those paintball sleeve/elbow pads. For your neck I recommend a kufiya/shemagh, the best brand is Hirbawi because they are actually sewn in the desert and are very comfy in extreme cold and heat. Gloves, get something that's full finger and padded.

Anonymous No. 187409

She's cute. Any recommends for a combat shirt? Also what's a good pear of kneepads that would be worn over hiking pants if you happen to know?

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Anonymous No. 187426

Are you sure it’s permanent? I play a lot of indoors in t-shirt and shorts and yea I get marks but they disappear over time

Anonymous No. 187427

Permanent scar. The skin is indented with scar tissue and I've had the scar since the last time I played a year ago.

Anonymous No. 187440

Airsoft isn't for you. I don't know a single person who hasn't had some sort of permanent damage from airsoft. Usually nothing to write home about, but I've seen people nearly lose an eye (shooting glasses, not full seal), or got shot in the face and neck despite face pro.

But the important point here is that nobody cares (except for the guy who got spooked about his eye and never came back). Are you a gril or some heir to a fortune 500 cosmetic company? Why do you care so much about a scar?

Anonymous No. 187441

>Airsoft isn't for you.
yes it is faggot.
>nooo you have to play naked and get ugly scars all over your body or you dont like airsoft!!!
Or I can just wear a thin layer and be good. Kill yourself faggot.

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Anonymous No. 187443

Are you sure? Maybe this is more your speed.

Anonymous No. 187444

Well if you bruise easy then yea wear some clothing then, just make sure to stay hydrated if you live in Florida which I presume is really hot and humid

Anonymous No. 187447


Anonymous No. 187448

I'd suggest wearing some long sleeve t-shirt and some sort of combat shirt/BDU ontop of it (best if made of some breathable cloth, for example british Desert DPM is good because it's 100% cotton). You can always pour some water over the shirt underneath; works for me in hot temperature. And drink a lot.

Anonymous No. 187464


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Anonymous No. 187472

She is a lil QT pie. Have this BB bimbo as well. Whatever camo pattern you like, combat shirts are usually good quality even if they are cheap surplus. If I wear external kneepads because there's rocky/concrete surfaces I like Altas and Protecs. The Altas are incredibly light and comfy and the Protecs are heavier/warmer but have great protection (heh) and sliding ability.