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🗑️ 🧵 /asg/ Airsoft General

Anonymous No. 187462


Old Thread: >>180399

Keep strictly real-steel related topics in >>>/k/, gun and gear porn's cool as long as you don't spam.

If you have a useful guide or want to rework one for the OP, post it and someone will add it to the next one.

>Recently updated Newbie pastebin

>Recently updated /asg/ retailer guide

>Legal comprehensive, crosscheck with your local laws to be on the safe side

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Anonymous No. 187463

fuck, male signs didnt work :DDDD

Threadly topic:
What airshit piece of equipment gave you the most fun?

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Potential Airsoft Guy No. 187474

What are the pros & cons of buying expensive equipment to play airsoft as a hobby? The Doom Guy/Eternal helmet is $400+, but idk if it's worth buying or even safe.

Anonymous No. 187502

it has to be anzi+ rated

Anonymous No. 187514

Quit posting about your faggy plastic helmet retard, third time you've posted this shit.

Anonymous No. 187517

You've answered it yourself by saying that you do not know if it's worth buying or safe. No money will get your eyes back once you lose them anon.

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Anonymous No. 187530

best gun I ever had. it's a heavy mofo but I love it anyway.

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Anonymous No. 187536

Out of all my guns probably my TM MP7 that I got second hand, cheap and perfect for CQB. Even works okay outdoor.
As for equipment I'd say my Dye mask. Not having to worry about fogging is a god send, even if it does make me look like some faggy speedsofter.

Anonymous No. 187539

patrician taste desu
I'm considering getting dye mask myself at some point. Would be nice to have decent face protection and no fogging.

Anonymous No. 187547

Touch grass.

Anonymous No. 187561

Aww, lil' cocksucker's not using his cute little username for this shitpost, too bad. Throw your shitty plastic hat in the trash dipshit, but most importantly, quit posting your retarded bait question in every available thread you ass-douching mary.

Anonymous No. 187569

>>186704 here, I just got a battery for the gun, the recoil worked fine and the bolt moved as intended. It"ll probably be good in a range.

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Anonymous No. 187572

Dye masks are a bit pricey but I'd say it's worth it. One drawback is that it limits your headwear options. Caps and boonies won't work unless you wear them like a retard and helmets require a lot of modification.

To Florida man in the previous thread asking about clothes for hot weather I'd recommend Russian style sniper suits. It's the only thing I can wear during the hot and super humid summers here in Japan.

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Anonymous No. 187573

Not sure if I'll ever be playing with a gasmask on but just in case I decide to replace the original glasses with airsoft rated polycarbonate glasses.
Heavy is good. Thinking about getting myself an M240 but I keep hearing very mixed opinions on the S&T one.

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Anonymous No. 187582

This, feels good picking of people who think I cant shoot further than 10m
>>186726 #(me)
Sounds like you got a good deal then.
Ditto, but with an SGR12 instead of an M240

Anonymous No. 187585

I'm also considering Virtue vio as alternative.

Anonymous No. 187590

I love airshit shotguns myself, but moreso single barrel ones

t. agmanon

Anonymous No. 187594

Is gel blaster talk (Basically only QLD and Malaysia) allowed here as well?

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Anonymous No. 187604

My Tippmann M4, because it's very loud and has good range/accuracy. Tippmanns are also easy to work on so I got to experiment with a decent amount of upgrades to find what really works.

Anonymous No. 187661

Well, I do not mind, but I do not think a lot of people will contribute (airshit's legal in most of the world)

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Anonymous No. 187666

I want to get into hpa at some point, but never have enough of money to dump at that without feeling like retarded fiscally irresponsible consoomer
t. poorfag

Anonymous No. 187789

Got a dominical game this week, on a wooded spot, will take pic

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Anonymous No. 187859

Was anyone else at MSW Kharkiv, my platoon had like a 60% drop rate lmao

Anonymous No. 188023

>Finally getting the correct model grenade pouches after two years
>Don't even use hand grenades
This hobby isn't worth it at all.

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Anonymous No. 188083

Was the weather shitty or were they just redditors?
Correct for what?

Updated my AK with some knock off zenitco. Want to change the pistol grip and stock as well sometime in the future.

Anonymous No. 188090

Weather was fairly wet but it was just some retarded shit too, one squad in my plt dropped bc they brought just a tarp for wet weather and no rain jackets lol

Anonymous No. 188136

Noob who has never played here.... How do I get started? Where do I play? I know absolutely nothing. QRD of what I need to get going?... On a different topic, how accurate is airsoft, how much would these skills transfer to real firearms?

Anonymous No. 188141

>How do I get started? Where to play?
Check the pastebin. Usually people organize events via facebook, but you can also look up local airsoft/paintball fields (paintball fields do often organize airsoft events as well). You can rent, borrow stuff from someone else if you just want to try it out.
>How accurate is airsoft, how much would these skills transfer to real firearms?
Not really that much, in fact, it can teach you bad habits, though obviously you can learn a bit of manual of arms in case of ggb's.

Anonymous No. 188154

google *your country* airsoft and there are usually some links, otherwise most stuff are usually organized on Facebook so you kinda have to be on that.

Anonymous No. 188422

My poor AK got his selector fucked but I managed to repair it fairly well today. We got teamed up with a team that looked like cold war mercenaries lost in africa and had a lot of cool stuff

Anonymous No. 188460

Can I get a QRD on green gas vs co2 for pistols? Is there any practical advantage of one over the other? Aside from the ways they're refilled/cartridges, that is

Anonymous No. 188467

CO2 generally is more efficient and can also be played at lower temperatures (something you can partially do with certain GBB pistols by using higher pressure gasses, generally referred to as red- or black gas). The issue though is that some CO2 pistols might be shooting too strong for some sites, depending on local rules. If you seek practicality a gas or CO2 non-blowback-pistol are equally decent, if you want a blowback the CO2 generally is more lenient when it comes to cooldowns. There also is quiet a few GBBs that have both gas- and CO2 magazines available for them so you can try out both, preferably with a chronograph at hand to make sure the CO2 one does not shoot too strong.

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Anonymous No. 188526

I saved for quite a bit and hadn't played in ages when I got a Tippy in 2017. The nice thing with HPA Tippmann is you never have to remember to charge and pack your batteries before the game day and during/after the game day you top off air in your tanks so you're ready for the next game day or test firing. Find an HPA system you absolutely love, then buy. They are too expensive to collect like pokemons.

Anonymous No. 188543

you also forgot to mention that since CO2 runs at a much much higher pressure than gas it will wear a lot on your pistol compared to GG, and some will outright break if you use CO2 mags. Stuff like TM hicapas with plastic slides will explode on the first mag, same goes for the AAP-01.
Common problem with even CO2 ready guns is that the nozzle cracks because they are still made from plastic and when they slam into the hop unit with much more force due to CO2 they crack

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Anonymous No. 188691

>Vietnamese law enforcement raided a compound containing "military-grade weapons"
>It’s all airsoft

Every. Time.

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Anonymous No. 188694

how about a qrd on a good place to start if you wanna fuck with these? All the little parts inside look fun to mess with.

Anonymous No. 188695

heavy recoil club on discord as well

Anonymous No. 188713

Okay, tranny

Anonymous No. 188718

Heavy Recoil Club has maybe 2 users at most who know what they're doing, and thousands of terminally online discord personalities who just regurgitate terrible advice

Anonymous No. 188728

Are 50 round WE glock (intended for use with aap01) mags any good?

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Anonymous No. 188731

more themed airsoft!!!!!

Anonymous No. 188772

yea they are much better than the action army extended mags (you should run it HPA tho)

Anonymous No. 188773


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Anonymous No. 188818


Anonymous No. 188965

how fucking hard is it to pack at minimum a $10 poncho, and throw extra pairs of socks and underwear in a ziplock bag?

Google for local fields, you may have dedicated fields, or you may have paintball fields that also run airsoft. Best bet is to do a rental for your first day if possible.
>QRD of what I need to get going?
I would say rent first, if you enjoy it come back here with a budget and we can link some stuff. But in general the bare minimum is gun, battery, bbs, eye/face protection.
>how accurate is airsoft
Depends on how much you want to spend. Within 100ft most anything will be accurate. The further you go out the more you are going to spend on setup and BBs. Realistically 150-175ft+ you are looking at body sized accuracy with stock guns.
>how much would these skills transfer to real firearms?
Unless you are playing at a CQB field almost none imo. It can teach some basic weapon handling and reloads at best.

You pretty much can just Explosive Enterprises videos, as Catgut is one of the few people who actually runs does proper testing.

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Anonymous No. 189039

if only there was an indoor arena less than 2 hours away, ree

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Anonymous No. 189153

>themed airsoft
What does that even mean?

Anonymous No. 189219

Good morning, larperators.

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Anonymous No. 189283

airsoft with a theme nigger

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Anonymous No. 189285

I don't give a shit about themed or themes or whatever. Any bb war opportunity where you can down a beer or two and sweat it out is great

Anonymous No. 189286

this is good but i want to do it dressed like a nazi, shooting americans with my friends

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Anonymous No. 189300

can't argue with that

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Anonymous No. 189355

It certainly doesn't get much better than this

Anonymous No. 189480

so how many of you guys are unironic nazis. I'm always reminded of this when i see nazi larpers

Anonymous No. 189496

Nice, I've always liked the UMP. What make is that?

>guy closet to the camera
That's a weird way to hold a rifle, nice wood though.

Anonymous No. 189514

>SS Larpers not heer
probably a lot of them

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Anonymous No. 189568

Every. Single. One. \o
Everyone was doing their best not to laugh too much so some had a hard time holding their rifles.

Anonymous No. 189570

>Someone makes a uniform want to buy post
>"Must be size XXL"
>Die a little inside

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Anonymous No. 189697


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Anonymous No. 189806

Cool my group does SS too, real steel though so a step up from you guys lol

Anonymous No. 189827

>everyone's obese
yeap checks out. I'm sure Adolf would be real proud of you

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Anonymous No. 189830

>waffle SS units working towards the extermination of the local McDonalds menu, 1943, colorized
The koppel cutting into that one guys lard really ties this together.

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Anonymous No. 189834

Huge thanks to the anon from last thread who suggested a somogear PEQ box. It's exactly what I'm looking for in terms of durability, though it means I will probably have to rewire the battery to the stock to use a LiPo since it can't store batteries like the cheap shitty boxes.

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Anonymous No. 189835

Standard M4 configuration. The upper required a lot of careful hand filing, but it fits perfectly. Is Holy Warrior ever going to release a 551 replica?

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Anonymous No. 189845

dude needs to lay off the strudels

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Anonymous No. 189847

man i'm glad you included the photographers name in your post. This album is gold

Anonymous No. 189848

>rare footage of four American soldiers about to infiltrate German units in 1944
>The plan failed miserably for unknown reasons

Anonymous No. 189855

I know its just one guy making fun of it, are you really so obsessed? The kits are really good and were using actual guns so were already more true to history.

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Anonymous No. 189858

I am sorry lardanon, but anyone larping as Waffen SS/marsoc delta gravy seal gooncags while looking like Paul Blart will be laughed at, no need for a single person to commit to that, since it is only good manners. First you /fit/ and then you /fash/.

Anonymous No. 189859

>then you /fash/.
this all just for fun weirdo

Anonymous No. 189865

I don’t care what y’all believe in because you will never be any kind of majority, but the irony of believing in Arian supremacy while looking like someone that would have been sent to a certain summer camp in the 40’s is pretty funny

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Anonymous No. 189929

Post time stamp with gear or I'll just keep assuming you found these plus sized pictures online and using them to troll. Fucking Snackstaffel.

Anonymous No. 189993

Just noticed the guy with double bread bags. Jesus Christ.

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Anonymous No. 190034

First game of the season tomorrow

Anonymous No. 190043

you don't airshit all year round?

Anonymous No. 190045

i slipped in december and my kneecap came out of place, so i wasn't really ready until now. Still gonna take it nice and easy for a while.

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Anonymous No. 190067

I have been saying it for years and I will continue to say it, your grooming (hair, facial hair etc) and your fitness are part of your impression (if you are an impressionfag)

Anonymous No. 190076

Didnt know the SS had a special division

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Anonymous No. 190176

My motivation for losing weight was that I didn't want to be a stereotypical airsoft fattie.
Now I'm a normal airsoft loser.

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Anonymous No. 190243


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Anonymous No. 190248

It's seems to be a thing across the board with reenactors, and it's the one thing that always ruins the verisimilitude of any historical impression; all the kit is legit but the soldier is 24st. Nature of the beast though, as most reenactors are middle aged men.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 190249

anyone here from europe (specifically belgium) have experience with ordering replicas from outside the eu from places like redwolf?
I want to order a TM KSG12 since none of my local stores have them in stock, and wont for the foreseeable future, but from what Ive read online it seems hit or miss wether customs mets them through or not.

Anonymous No. 190250

anyone here from europe (specifically belgium) have experience with ordering replicas from outside the eu from places like redwolf?
I want to order a TM KSG12 since none of my local stores have them in stock, and wont for the foreseeable future, but from what Ive read online it seems hit or miss wether customs lets them through or not.

Anonymous No. 190260

> tw/en/news_02.php?id=1
Not Belgian, but link above in Taiwan states they don't sent to Belgium due to postal issues. You could risk it, but why not just wait for somewhere in EU to have it in stock.

Anonymous No. 190271

>but why not just wait for somewhere in EU to have it in stock
I asked the clerk at my local store when they would be back in stock and he said: 'in about a month or so'
that was 4 months ago
and I cant find any other store in Belgium, or eu for that matter, that has them in stock either

Anonymous No. 190306

anybody here play any airshit in Japan? I'm visiting for a month with a buddy I used to play a lot of airsoft with back in high school and thought it could be a fun little throwback

Anonymous No. 190327

I do. Lately I've been pretty busy and haven't had much time to play but I might be able to help you find some fields. However many fields here now require you to understand Japanese or have a translator (thanks to some retarded Filipinos).

Anonymous No. 190364

Damn, that's unfortunate but totally understandable. I wouldn't really want retarded foreigners that can't even understand the rules running around. My JP is like N4 level at best and my buddy knows nothing, I'll probably just save it for whenever my next trip is and my language skills have improved further

Anonymous No. 190419

If it's your first time visiting you'll have tons of other stuff to do and see anyways. If you don't already know there are a bunch of airsoft/military shops in Akihabara to check out. With the weak yen you can also buy Tokyo Marui guns fairly cheap (if you're willing to deal with some extra hassel of bringing it back home).

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Anonymous No. 190430

which one of you did this out at Desertfox?

Anonymous No. 190446

Twig or lardass?

Anonymous No. 190449

AAP-anon so neither

Anonymous No. 190459

Could be anyone, there are a lot of sickos out there.

Anonymous No. 190500

That was me. They were on the wrong comm channel.

Anonymous No. 190524

>be me 10+ years ago
>bought 32R Crye AC's and MR Crye AC top
>barely fit into it since I was a FAT FUCKER
>barely fit into the pants today since I lost a lot of weight
>can't figure out what camo to wear now
well just fuck my life, would it be cringe to just run rock climbing clothes + MC plate carrier? I'm not buying Crye's again

this is just for cqb, I'm not doing milsim

Anonymous No. 190527

doesn't matter what you wear as long as you get out there and have fun. People that give you shit over gear worn at non milsim events aren't worth associating with anyway

Anonymous No. 190552

sell cryes and you will have more than plenty for MTP surplus kit.

Anonymous No. 190564

Go surplus store shopping/Ebay hunting and you might find some cheap multicams.

Anonymous No. 190570

USA's Operational Camouflage Pattern (OCP) aka Scorpion and Britain's Multi-Terrain Pattern (MTP) are good substitutes for MultiCam®©™. Chinese MC is usually a terrible substitute, but who really gives a shit.

Anonymous No. 190611

The only thing that can really be cringe in airsoft is your attitude.
That and your play style (speedsofters get the rope)

Anonymous No. 190617

>That and your play style (speedsofters get the rope)
do some cardio fatty

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Anonymous No. 190618

Why people give a shit so much about what one uses/wears in airshit? Is it just fat commando cope to bullshit people into getting expensive stuff because they did too? I don't care about what others wear, but even that in some cases seem to be enough to make some people in airsoft circles online seethe.

Anonymous No. 190619

i can understand it in a milsim setting where it can break muh immersion, but giving people shit on a sunday game for incorrect gear is autistic behavior, and the only people i've seen do it is that failed military type that either never got in or finished basic training and now think's he has some kind of authority on people. Most likely also overweight

Anonymous No. 190620

I get mad about farbery in shit like ww2 games or milsims with a set theme, otherwise it's just funny to laugh at retards in amazon gear falling over

Anonymous No. 190621

I can understand that at milsims too, it's just plain retarded and pointlessly hostile anywhere else (and it seems to happen a lot, online, because faggots will never say that in the face). I had one guy seething at me because I called his expensive but very generic and uninspiring multicam loadout as just "its fine ig" while at the same time liking cheaper, more creative and as utilitarian loadouts. I swear gearqueers are even worse than spedshitters they spend ungodly amount of time seething at because they can move in the game unlike them, despite spending more on shirt alone than on average speedshitter's aap build lmao

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Anonymous No. 190647


To be honest it's hard to choose.
If I had to choose one in particular I'd say my VFC Mk.17 GBBR.

The best jumpscare tool due to the heavier bolt mass, really fucking loud in closed spaces and performs exceptionally well especially considering the Joule limits in my area.

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Anonymous No. 190650

I have acquired more AAP’s

Anonymous No. 190661

WE Desert Eagle

Anonymous No. 190664

Can you acquire anything interesting?

Anonymous No. 190666

i got a zhukov AK and a KC02 coming, but idk what you find interesting

Anonymous No. 190725

Anything that isn't basic bitch and performance oriented. Red ano is cringe. What are you, 12?

Anonymous No. 190833

why can't airsoft be about performance? Like if i buy something and upgrade it to shoot better what's wrong with that

Anonymous No. 190864

gay and boring

Anonymous No. 190865

so it's more fun to run around with a shit gun?

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Anonymous No. 190867


Anonymous No. 190868

sounds like cope for not being able to tech but alright

Anonymous No. 190898

You know it's possible to make a gun that has good performance but doesn't look like it's from ToysRus?

Anonymous No. 190928

Yea? I’ve build many of those as well. Currently I have my DE MWS, VSS and the UTR45, and others I’ve sold over time. I just like tinkering

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Anonymous No. 190964

ngl I kinda fuck with it. Now I just gotta install my jack in it

Anonymous No. 190970

the front sight is backwards, retard

Anonymous No. 190976

yea is, didn't notice. Whoever had it before must have done it like that

Anonymous No. 191007

You're on the path of performance above all else. This is also the path paintball took, and paintball is now a shadow of its former self. People saw the endgame and said no to the double trigger 30bps electroguns with motorized hoppers where it's all about dumping $100 of paint per game because that's WINNING! Now the painballers trying to claim back the sport are stock players with 10-rnd tubes and 12g cartridges.

Anonymous No. 191047

If I only cared about performance I’d own a ESG and nothing else. Yes I want my stuff to shoot well because getting kills and winning is fun for me, but I don’t think saying that I only care about performance is right. I just don’t care about realism, but just what I think is cool and fun to play with.

Anonymous No. 191061

KC02 fucking sucks

Anonymous No. 191062

yea from i read the whole thing needs rogueworx parts to be good, but i think that you can fit in a real ruger stock with slight modification is neat

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Anonymous No. 191255

Just got my E&L t191. Pretty cool gun. It's loud as fuck, and kinda heavy for an airsoft gun (This is my first GBBR so idk much about these things), and you gotta use a paintball coil for it. Kinda neat that you can use co2 canisters if you don't like HPA but they're expensive as fuck so I doubt anyone is going to.

Anonymous No. 191260

Fucking neato, how many shots can you get out of one co2 canister?

Anonymous No. 191263

From what I can find online, like 160 or so with a 33g co2 canister. It can also accept 12g canisters.

Anonymous No. 191270

Tried it yet? Seen people say the groupings ootb are awful

Anonymous No. 191271

I tried it a bit and yeah, not the best grouping, but my hpa tank barely had any air in it since my local airsoft place couldn't fill it up, so I only shot it like 30 times on semi auto maybe. There's a video where a guy improved the grouping by just putting an oring somewhere but I haven't tried that yet.

Anonymous No. 191273

Also the inner parts are covered in a shit ton of lube/grease, will need to clean that up

Anonymous No. 191327

>Got my airsoft gear spread all over the guest bedroom
>Life is good
>"Hey we're coming up north for Easter. Make sure to prep the guest bedroom!"

Anonymous No. 191414

my local group lets me bring a foam larp sword (nodachi) and a repro vant shield, it helps me get my cardio (im a big guy)

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Anonymous No. 191724

Anon, show me your gun carpet right now.

Anonymous No. 191773

Brand new to airsoft here. Just bought a M4 platform. I want to put a sight on it but I have never played before. Anyone got any recommendations? Do I even need the sight to really work? Can someone educate me on the topic? Thanks!

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Anonymous No. 191785

Anyone else have USP here?
What has the experience been like, and what possible upgrades would be good to have, if needed?

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Anonymous No. 191788

1. Might be wise to play a game before investing more money into the sport, honestly - but that's just my view on the matter
2. Most cheapo-repro optics should work on AEGs (with Aimpoint clones generally being preferred), but if you live in the US a Sig Romeo-MSR is literally $95USD and will likely beat the piss out of almost all of them should you want something a bit more capable of handling a good whack or two
3. You don't strictly *need* an optic, or arguably sights in general, but having some form of sighting system that's zeroed for your gun's BBs and hop-up does mean you have to fire less shots on average to hit your shit, which generally makes you more likely to emerge victorious
4. Aside from what I've already mentioned, red dot results may vary if you have an astigmatism - a good way to tell if you do is to look through one at an in-person store and see if you have any visible starbursting or similar effects, since that will affect how you use it; worst-case scenario (i.e. in the event contact-lens/glasses correction isn't enough to fix it), you may have to invest a bit more money into a prismatic optic, with the cheapest nonmagnified options being considerably more expensive (at which point, checking the used market for the optic you want may be wise)

Anonymous No. 191805

I have a KWA USP compact. Nice little gun. Pricy mags, and they all started leaking to various degrees. I believe I've fixed them, tho. The proprietary rail sucks. I've switched over to an AEP. It always feels like a waste to gas up 4 mags, and at the end of the day, never use them.

For airsoft, you just need to quickly get the red blob on target. If you have a pricier gun that can hit long distance, then sure, get a good optic to match.

Anonymous No. 191812

Generally you can't do much wrong with a reddot if it is properly zeroed, although you could just learn to use the ironsights to aim your first few shots before guiding by bb flightpath. That is a skill that kind of translates to every airsoft. Especially the old carryhandle-style M4/M16 rear sights are surprisingly pleasant to aim with and allow for quick aiming with both eyes open once you learn how to. For bigger distances a magnification comes in handy to properly track your bbs path and adjust accordingly, but that only really becomes relevant at 50+ meters.
I have the KWA USP C. Decent backup and sits really well in my hands for how small it is, since the grip still is rather big. At some point the trigger got a tiny hairline crack though, leading to the trigger sometimes not triggering up until the point the trigger outright broke. Replacing that trigger was the fumbliest and most annoying thing I had to deal with related to airsoft I think, since there is a ton of tiny parts in the trigger assembly you need to align perfectly when putting it back together.

Anonymous No. 191916

>exclusively cool guns
HPA trannies please take notes

Anonymous No. 191930

Damn, KWA sounds like a handful, Marui offers USP C as well as an option, however plastic is the eternal annoyance when it comes to realism.
But I remember them hyping up them being first ones to receive some mechanical upgrade in Marui products, so in gameplay perspective that sounds good
Feeling the same about the mags though, at least they don't need to be gassed each time when not in use if working right. Also the mag prices be it KWA or Marui, GOD!
Local store demands 50 eurodollars for one mag, fucking rip off

Anonymous No. 191935

rent free

Anonymous No. 191941

>however plastic is the eternal annoyance when it comes to realism.

It's usually more realistic to have a gun that just works compared to the metal options which explode internally soon after first use

Anonymous No. 191948

>Your item is back in stock.
>This item is sold out
Didn't even last four hours.

Anonymous No. 191951

looking to buy a new pistol, probably a 1911
Do those co2 WE's still rattle themselves apart?
otherwise I'll just get a TM

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Anonymous No. 191973

>gets a notification an item is back in stock
>doesn't buy it
>surprised it's out of stock again

Anonymous No. 191974

get a TM

Anonymous No. 191978

KJW if you want something not plastic slide and tm compatible

Anonymous No. 191985

Anyone here know of a good sniper spring that's about 18 cm long? I need a new spring for my mosin but I'm starting to get the impression that no standard sniper spring is gonna fit into this piece of shit.
The max spring I can fit in is 18 cm long and around 1.2-1.1 cm wide. 1.3cm doesn't fit either.
I've tried to fiddle around with piano wire and make my own springs but it only gave me a 20 fps increase with .40g BBS, so now it shoots at a pitiful 320 fps. How can I increase my fps? Is it even possible?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 191997

I'll take that as a yes
local store only carries WE and TM

Anonymous No. 191998

>>191974 #
I'll take that as a yes
>>191978 #
local store only carries WE and TM, and I dont mind a plastic slide
anyways, that settles that, Ive been eyeing the 4.3 desert warrior because I like tan

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Anonymous No. 192056

xir yes xir. I've got a few others coming in this weekend as well as a WE M14 I ordered this past weekend. AirsoftGI is taking their sweet ass time with it though.

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Anonymous No. 192064

bolt action gaming?!?!?!

Anonymous No. 192111

How is it playing with a bolt action? I'd like to buy one. Seems interesting.

Anonymous No. 192112

>WE M14
My condolences

Anonymous No. 192118

It'll be fine, I know it's got some issues but I'm happy to work on it. I've got a real steel M1A anyways so it won't be unfamiliar :)

Anonymous No. 192129

a friend of mine had the RA tech lvl3 and it was still shit

Anonymous No. 192140

I guess it's miserable, I had spring SVD a while back. Every single branch was my enemy and there was no victory in sight.

Anonymous No. 192154

at a regular airshit game with HPAniggers and other creatures? complete garbage, suffering even.
In ww2 events where almost everyone is bolt action gaming? 10/10 this is the only airshit I do now

Anonymous No. 192160

where do you find these events?

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Anonymous No. 192178

Mein neger
Like already mention it's mainly suffering at normal games. You have to play extremely cautiously/sneaky to not get raped by anyone who can shoot full auto. Only advantage I noticed was that people don't hear when you're shooting at them so even if you miss you might get a second or third chance.

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Anonymous No. 192212

Haven't played airsoft in over ten years. Found out there's a group near me with 70ish active players at weekly outdoor events. Thinking about getting back in. I have gear, but I got rid of my old AEGs years ago. What's worth a shit now? Is there a decent mostly-metal AR for under 300 bucks right now? I'm tempted to go GBBR but can't justify spending 600 bucks minimum on a rifle and 4 magazines.

Anonymous No. 192216

Buy a CYMA Platinum from Taiwangun

Anonymous No. 192249

Whatever I end up getting, it's going to be from the local shop because they put a lot of effort into running events around here. Their prices aren't bad compared to online retailers either.

Anonymous No. 192297

That sounds really fun, I like pistols/shotguns only games because you have to rely on mobility & stealth and not overwhelming firepower from an HPA or AEG rifle.

Anonymous No. 192326

I owe my now broken SCAR-H NGRS for turning me into a GBBRfag

Anonymous No. 192344

we should move to /k/ desu

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Anonymous No. 192346

airshit get immediately attacked by americans going "just get a real gun"
(you can only shoot your friends once with a real gun)

Anonymous No. 192347

>the flat range larderador telling you not to waste money on airshit and to buy a real gun instead to protect your freedoms

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Anonymous No. 192348

forgot pic

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Anonymous No. 192355

>he doesn't know
Please tell that's AI generated (I know it's not)

Played an indoor game yesterday for the first time in a while. Ended up mainly using my AK that I brought just to make sure it still worked even though it's a bit long for CQB.

Anonymous No. 192371

change the red dot for God's sake. Ruins the entire build. I hate those CoDtard red dots so fucking much it's unreal

Anonymous No. 192381

Only if we can enable flags so I can filter all Americans

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Anonymous No. 192403

Yes with the LK58 sesh

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Anonymous No. 192406

I knew someone would notice. I normally have Romeo 5 on it but I couldn't find the protector for it and I'm not gonna risk having it shot to shit. First I put a shitty eotech replica but adjusting that one is almost impossible and when the batteries started dying I just switched it for the ugly reflex sight that was actually working.

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Anonymous No. 192409


Anonymous No. 192461

Got drunk and ordered 350 eurodollars worth of parts from asia to an autism project to perfect the USP, and it still isn't enough

Are old gen E&L AR's decent? They have the honeybadger clone that tickles my taint enough to consider getting it as my tacticool modern gun

Anonymous No. 192465

what USP build? You could have bought a VFC USP Match for that money

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Anonymous No. 192467

>Ak-74u and SVU
Sexy, is that the Cyma SVU? I thought about buying myself a Cyma SVU, although I heard mixed opinions about it in the past.
Actually it is a classic army SA58 I bought like 7 years ago used that I completely overhauled recently. Short stroked 13:1 gears, high-torque motor, MOSFET and all that. Unfortunately the charging handle snapped in half because I made it drop forward one too many times. Luckily you can't see it when it is in the forward position.

Anonymous No. 192474

From Marui
VFC is way too properitary for my liking, so the potential for it far more limited

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Anonymous No. 192535

JG iirc, bought it secondhand. Haven't had a chance to play with it. the previous owner had a rail mount drilled into the two-piece handguard (bad) with the current scope on it. ergonomically, the tape is necessary cuz the tiny grip cut into my thumb knuckles

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Anonymous No. 192644

Gun floor update. Now I have the WE M14 coming in tomorrow as well as a VFC SCAR H I'm waiting on too.

Anonymous No. 192708

Why do all the people who get overshot in edgy speedsoft videos never retaliate back? If someone did that to me, I would at least hammer them with my gun or just beat them down as hard as I can. Maybe Americans are really a bunch of weak faggots who call the police for everything.

Anonymous No. 192710

sure you would

Anonymous No. 192711

Anyone who isn’t a fag would

Anonymous No. 192717

everyone in airshit is a pussy, spedsofters and the rest alike. And also if something like that were to happen, none of them would upload a video where they get their ass kicked.

Anonymous No. 192722

>get hit by plastic BB
>beat kid into a pulp

Truly the least edgiest of edgys.

Anonymous No. 192727

Now show me your punisher skull tattoo

Anonymous No. 192793

It’s disrespectful. Plus faggy privileged white kids need an ass beating from time to time
I have no such thing

Anonymous No. 192820

>privileged white kids
based nigger

Anonymous No. 192982

>Ass beating
>Not just outplaying then in a silly fucking costume while they spend hours and hours on getting their tactical larp just right

Anonymous No. 192984

Because airsoft is not a game or a sport it is replica firearms meant to imitate real guns as closely as possible while still not being a real gun under japanese laws. It is worse than paintball for objective judged competition play and people who try to take it there make the overall austistic shitshow worse because airsoft isn't an actual sport.

Anonymous No. 193000

>Because airsoft is not a game or a sport
airsoft is a game tho. The only people who believe otherwise are the hardcore milsim military rejects that only go to MSW or other equally autistic events

Anonymous No. 193021

go back to speedball, faggot

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Anonymous No. 193023

nu gön day

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Anonymous No. 193025


Anonymous No. 193045

Primo fucking taste, boys.

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Anonymous No. 193049

The silverback MDR v2 good to go now?

Anonymous No. 193104

Lmao wasted trips. Its not a game, its literally designed and made like hobby trains but for japanese gun autists. Its not a sport its not a game and you only speedsoft because you are a poor who can't afford paintball or you are not good enough to get on a local speedball team.

Anonymous No. 193132

Not only is it an actual sport, it's an extreeeeeeeeme sport!

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Anonymous No. 193161

I hope this meets the standard of quality too. WE is close enough to my M1A... and the VFC feels really fucking good

Anonymous No. 193168

Going to a game tomorrow but it's gonna be in high 20s (c) and wearing long sleeves and other protection is heeeelll, soon it will be in 30s sigh

Anonymous No. 193185


Anonymous No. 193217

>"My airsoft field is closing for public games"
>"That's sad. Did they give a reason why?"
>"No, although I suspect it might be due to the player that got stabbed by another player"
That would do it.

Anonymous No. 193239

Man, when is VFC gonna release a proper M14. Hope they do a DX version like the FAL

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Anonymous No. 193278

trips spoke the truth
for sophisticated, intelectual white men of EVROPA it is just a game. Speedshitters want to make a sport out of it while in the meanwhile playing with everyone else and thinking they are hot shit for owning 12 year olds after spending 9000 dolans on a garden hose with carbon tube and furry penis sticker, while milshitters try to make it sound like some esotherical experience of army larp where they only check the brands and labels more than /fa/gs and consoom and try to convince that it's only valid form of airshit instead of fucking off to serve in military.

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Anonymous No. 193306

Every time I see the AK5 I get tempted to get one but the weight and price tag keep putting me off.
Pretty based. I love larping in historical games but all try hards deserve the rope.

Anonymous No. 193310


My field has a "only full sized LMGs can full auto" rule, and for the people who can drop their money on an lmg, it's fun as hell. I used my friend's for a few games, and it's a blast just trudging along at 75 percent speed, hosing down cover and screaming RAAAAAAAAAH lol

Anonymous No. 193311

>Watch ragebait edgy airsoft channels on youtube
>They're all stereotypical "speedsofters" who overshoot little rental kids and blare suicideboys like it's 2018
>They're sociopathic limp-wrist faggots that couldn't win a fist fight to save their lives, so they hide behind polarstars they paid for with mom's credit card
>Get mad
>Realize I keep giving them views because their ragebait is working, and I am indeed getting baited into raging

Is it wrong to succumb to their rage bait? Nah, I'm just gonna keep being mad at them.

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Anonymous No. 193328

Decided to go to a CQB for the first time ever, even wore one of those fetish muzzles, this thing was annoying, but it actually saved me from quiet a few nasty shots to the face. Shit was surprisingly fun. Me and my buddies thought we'd get completely raped by those HPA hicapa speedsofters there but we actually won a majority of the games. Really interesting to play a 3,9kg airshit and having to continuously switch between shoulders to take corners better, makes one appreciate the time wasted in the gym for a change. Also it was around 30°C inside the hall so it got really hot, by the end of the day I was drenched in sweat. I learned some shortcomings with this setup as well, like having the mags inside your pants pockets works fine if you are not wearing gloves and are generally not under a lot of pressure, which generally is the case in CQB though. But usually I do not really care about quick reloads since I mainly play cold war era gear anyways.
So how was your airshit weekend anon?

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Anonymous No. 193330

Bretty good. Had fun

Anonymous No. 193375

I'm considering buying the mp7 tm for my birthday, sounds like a ton of fun for cqb

Anonymous No. 193393

For ~500ish euros, what's the best buy smg/AR that doesn't require immediate upgrades besides perhaps a scope and more magazines? ASG CZ Scorpion Evo 3 perhaps?

Anonymous No. 193405

Lct pp19.

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Anonymous No. 193413

Awesome, used my Double Eagle SPAS 12 and Y&P M9 at a MOUT/speedball field and shredded. Even polarstar dudes weren't spared because they kept respawning and advancing in the open.

Anonymous No. 193424


Anonymous No. 193425

Scorpion is overrated. I’d buy a CYMA plat MP5, and install the Begadi MP5 hop chamber and leave it at that.

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Anonymous No. 193453

Out of the box you could grab yourself one of the platinum line cymas or the new double eagle ARs that supposedly are very decent for their pricle.
>Lct pp19.
As someone who has an LCT AK I wouldn't suggest anything they sell for a play ootb gun. The bodies are very good, internal qc sucks though as many people will tell you. I played 2 games with mine ootb and it regularly jammed in semi, the shimming also was incredibly bad. At this point the only original internal part in mine is the gearbox shell. If you want to go russian I heard the Arcturus airsofts are pretty playable ootb.

Anonymous No. 193459

oooooh, sugoi

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Anonymous No. 193465


Anonymous No. 193466

i love larping myself desu and it definitely has it's place in airshit, but tryhards will go out of their way to bitch about people attending casual sunday game for the fact they wear jeans, hoodie and cheapest aliexpress chest rig just because they can't fathom the fact that it can work despite of not being of /fa/ggot brands like crye or any other tactishit and that others might not be interested in blind consooming of a gear they don't need.

Anonymous No. 193467

everyone is a consoomer

Anonymous No. 193494

Mine had zero problems OOTB. Arcturus has microswitch triggers that are kinda iffy and at least their older stuff were not compatible with all gearbox parts.

Anonymous No. 193543

My LCT AK has been great ootb. It feels like many chink guns compensate for lack of technology by just putting a stronger spring but mine shoots great even though it has a weak spring to comply with Japanese law.

Anonymous No. 193601

I thought cyma's were entry models (platinum even), I'll look into it as they are available here more than other brands. Think specna arms is now becoming the most popular after cyma.

What should I also get, an additional battery, a different spring for when I need lower/higher fps/J, a few midcaps, a mag loader and a decent scope, should be good to go gear wise?

I'm also looking into summer camo, or not even camo, something that looks good for airsoft that can be worn in high 30s celsius temperatures here because my camo is hell with all the running and sun blasting even now when it's high 20s.

Anonymous No. 193610

>something that looks good for airsoft that can be worn in high 30s celsius temperatures

See >>187572

Anonymous No. 193638

>I'd recommend Russian style sniper suits.
Did you get your hands on an original, or will a Chinese repro from Ali do?

Anonymous No. 193641

depends on what you want to do. do you want to make an FSB impression kit? if i see you with an ali leaf suit i will bash you over the head and steal your (fake) zenitco. for skirmishing i suppose ali is fine but still very cringe. that being said real FSB leaf suits are very sought after and incredibly expensive now.

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Anonymous No. 193679

>I thought cyma's were entry models (platinum even)
They still perform very well, at least that is what I heard all across the board. If you want to force yourself to shell out more money you can go for a krytac or VFC avalon. They will cost you around 500 bucks and supposedly run great ootb.
>What should I also get
Just make sure the batteries you are getting will fit your airsoft and you might want to ask the shop if they have any idea if the midcaps you plan on buying actually will feed with your airsoft model, since unfortunately that always can be an issue with AR type AEGs, less so with AK types. On the topic of batteries you generally want to run LiPo, although they require a bit of maintenance so they don't turn limp on you 7 games in.
>I'm also looking into summer camo, or not even camo
Idk where you are from but hit your local milsurplus store and get yourself a BDU. If it is too hot for the jacket you can always roll up sleeves or just wear a shirt. Just avoid black, it gets incredibly hot in the sun and imo looks absolute ass half the time.
Chinese QC always will be a gamble. That unmotivated Chinese granny on the conveyor belt always will be the bane of us airshitters.

Anonymous No. 193733

>buying AEGs in 2024
Just go HPA

Anonymous No. 193777

>go back to the 80s of hosefaggotry

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Anonymous No. 193783

The gimp leash isn't soo bad when you have internals that are basically a small Tippmann 98 custom. The thing just keeps chugging as long as you don't try to up the ROF too much.

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Anonymous No. 193793

That's a solved problem anon

Anonymous No. 193796

They suck

Anonymous No. 193824

HPA is objectively the best way to power an airsoft gun if you care about performance and consistency, but unfortunately if you run one you are automatically associated with tryhard wankers that will overshoot you for fun and punch your lights out if they claim youre cheating and you disagree

Anonymous No. 193825

same thing if you run a pimped out AEG with like a DSG to be fair.

Anonymous No. 193826

must be a american or leddit thing, cause at least where i play. Most people start out with AEG, and after their first year if they stick around they swap to HPA, and that's wether they are milsimmer, casual or speedsofter. The field i run, we probably have more HPA than AEG players at this point.

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Anonymous No. 193827

>the epic HPA setup in question
The hose looks gay and generally people that really try to reach the last percentile of optimized performance are the unpleasant type of retard that get into petty arguments over how they definitely hit someone 60 meters away in a parallel sprint, because his 1200 bucks setup would never fail him and is all he really has to compensate for his lack of skill, thus his fundamentalist faith in his HPA tapped tranny AAP carbine can never be undermined without catastrophic consequences for him.
These days AEG can easily reach near-HPA performance for basically what is a fraction of the budget, it isn't 2014 anymore. Personally the only advantage I see is the ability to adjust power on the fly quiet a bit easier compared to a qc spring systems on AEG (something that many people hold against HPA ironically enough, assuming those people would crank up their power post-chrono). Consistency also shouldn't be an issue with AEG unless you did something weird with your build, which according to a HPAfag I play with often can also be the case with HPA.
At the end of the day everyone can play whatever he likes, there is a reason why certain stereotypes about certain groups exist though.

Anonymous No. 193837

I guess I should just call it a camo suit and not specifically a sniper suit. I got mine from Ivan tactical (Sumrak SPOSN) but I'd imagine a cheaper knockoff would do just fine for airsoft.

Anonymous No. 193854


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Anonymous No. 193860

as a milsimfatty i can't imagine ever running this. to each their own i guess. heres my gbbr collection

Anonymous No. 193901


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Anonymous No. 193912

Holy based. That M72 takes 40mm shells? Also that AKS with the Kobra is the hottest airshit I have seen in a long while.

Anonymous No. 193925

the m72 is purely for show since i dont have a site to shoot them at, and the setup to have it shoot taginn rounds is quite expensive if i have nowhere to shoot them

Anonymous No. 193977

it is 6am and you made my wood harder, fuck you (lovingly)

Anonymous No. 193979

Is kingarms-store legit for buying a gun from? I want to buy the galil mar from there to modify later.

Anonymous No. 194140

>go to ebay
>milsurp uniform
>get full set of M81 or something for 20 dollars

you multicam homos are so dramatic

Anonymous No. 194176

I thought woodland was babbys first camo pattern.

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Anonymous No. 194203

M81 woodland is the babby airsofter's first camo and the enlightened airsofter's last camo

it's all M81, always has been

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Anonymous No. 194207


Anonymous No. 194209

>highly effective

Anonymous No. 194212

I chose every shade of green non camo possible. Why should I move to camo?

Anonymous No. 194217

My tokarev we but it is extremely picky on green gas and basically won't run on valken stuff. I think my kwa was more reliable but damn you cannot find magazines for that one.

Anonymous No. 194286

Look at those noobs. The background is clearly blue. I can see them clear as day.

Anonymous No. 194345

Is 65 to 70m an okay range for a sniper? I managed to crank up the fps with a custom spring on my mosin but it seems this is as high as it will go without modding the chamber.

Anonymous No. 194352

It's alright. How VSR compatible is it? Cause then there are plenty of parts that can help you with range and accuracy. Power obviously helps with range but your hopup setup is much more important

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Anonymous No. 194372

That's some quality alright.

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Anonymous No. 194373

>Is 65 to 70m an okay range for a sniper?
Just be ready to be counter"sniped" by most AEG and HPA While you miss your first shot and are busy racking that bolt again they will have thrown half a mag at you, since that range is still in semi-effective distance for most AEG/HPA, unless you have some site-/country-specific FPS regulations. On a day that isn't windy I can generally hit people up to 70m away with my 1.5j M16 AEG. That doesn't even take into account some crazy DMR builds with 1,8+ joule people run. I would suggest to instead play like a normal rifleman, not a "sniper" and embrace the fact that you are severely outgunned at basically any distance. Every kill you land on some DSG/HPA tranny will taste twice as sweet though.

Anonymous No. 194382

Green camo and helmet scrim goes very hard

I wish I could get M81 and PASGTs easily in the UK

Anonymous No. 194384

Why are PASGTs so rare in Europe? I have a vest but don't want to pay 200€ for a shitty surplus helmet

Anonymous No. 194409

You can get cheapo replicas from eBay, but they're not so common now as they're basically retro.

Anonymous No. 194410

I want the real thing. I know I can get a shitty PASGT plastic helmet for 20 jewros

Anonymous No. 194414

My site has a 300 fps cap with .25g on any non marksman or dmr weapon. It's the standard for Spain.
Also pistol hpa setups are straight up banned (I think just hpa in general is banned, haven't seen a nigga ever use that on the field)
Will I still be outranged at those distances?
I also have a minimum 30m engagement distance on the gun so regular infantryman is not really viable.

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Anonymous No. 194462

Hello /asg/,
Before I post anything related to airsoft, what is your opinion on anime?

Anonymous No. 194468

Tokyo Marui literally funded an anime show about a college's girl's airsoft club that seemed alright I think
I'm assuming you're cosplaying something though so I guess send 'er and see what happens, at worst you learn new insults to use against others later

Anonymous No. 194474

Take a guess, faggot.

Anonymous No. 194475

some of it is cool like Black Lagoon, a lot of it is cringe

Anonymous No. 194486

For the same reason all ballistic helmets are becoming more rare and expensive in the UK

Ukraine gobbling them all up, I've had to pay £50 for Mk 6 helmets now

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Anonymous No. 194487

What anime?
we are on mongolian basket weadvkving forum anon

Anonymous No. 194490

Is the tokyo marui aeg skorpion any good. The modernized one I am considering because i want a small aeg for when my cyma keeps jamming up and when my WE tok wont shoot because the gass isn't good.

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Anonymous No. 194523

Well, here it is. Sorry for the wait. Pass your judgement.

Anonymous No. 194527

it fucks

Anonymous No. 194531

do i want to know what the point of the rope is

Anonymous No. 194556

Assisting HPA-trannies when they want to join the 41%? Tactical shibari?
I don't know what the fuck is going on with that gun. Is that Toradora on the lower receiver?

Anonymous No. 194559

Thank you.
There is no point to a rope. You make your own point.
Yes, that is Toradora on the lower receiver. I have no idea what to do witho it.

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Anonymous No. 194560

Any here made a BB trap before? I want to be able to chrono guns in my garage.

Anonymous No. 194562

Stella Women's Academy, High School Division Class C3 (alt. Stella Jogakuin Koutou-ka C3-bu, if you're an autist and want an untranslated title, but I'm pretty sure the English title will take you to a Youtube playlist of the full series if my memory's not completely shit)
that build goes unbelievably hard, I was simultaneously wondering if it was going to be some kind of cosplay and worried that it was instead going to be ahegao-hoodiesoft, but I am pleasantly surprised to find the rare third option of a genuinely aesthetically-pleasing stylized build that doesn't go over-the-top but still possesses its own unique sense of personality and charm - good shit

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Anonymous No. 194570

C3 went full retard after a few episodes though. Sabagebu on the other hand is great

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Anonymous No. 194571

IIRC, the shop near my house has one that is essentially a large cardboard box connected to a tube where you can rest the Chrono. I would theorize that it's angled to hit the bottom corner of the box, where a blanket of some sort is placed. Seems to work for them.
Thank you very much for the kind words.
It is my first airsoft gun I've decided to actually tech out, so I decided to give it a very unique look to go alongside it.
I wish I could actually put a Kurisu charm on their, but it doesn't seem like they exist anymore.

Anonymous No. 194575

Yes I printed this

Anonymous No. 194577

>a very unique look
Since no sane person would even consider doing what you've done to that poor thing I guess you're right. Can you even adjust the stock with that retarded rope wrapped around it like that?
You're free to do whatever you like with your guns but come on.

Anonymous No. 194600

Theres like only 3 airsoft anime and non are completely shit though. Even aohara machine gun had some ok eps.

Anonymous No. 194601

Now the odds are more on your side, but not that much.

Anonymous No. 194602

Then you should be fine, although I assume with such engagement distances enemies can close in rather fast.

Anonymous No. 194611

Are cyma M14's solid out of box? It looks dreadful to take apart, if i decide to buy myself one.

Anonymous No. 194613

DMR’s are built not bought. And yes V7 gearboxes do suck major donkey dick imo. Negative airsoft has some videos on them so watch that before you decide on if it’s something you want to delve into. Unless you take the HPA pill ofc.

Anonymous No. 194618

I do not neccesarily expect it to be DMR, I just kind of want playable M14 and consider it as cheapest option. I just wonder how it performs out of box.

Anonymous No. 194620

It will be alright. Typical older CYMA so Tamiya plug, okay internals and you probably won’t be able to lift more than .28’s.
What id do is rewire it to deans, and install a simple mosfet like a Gate nano or Perun AB++ so you can run it with a 11.1v without frying the trigger contracts, and change out the barrel for tighter bore and a Maple leaf 60 degree super macaron with omega nub, so you can lift heavier bb’s.

Anonymous No. 194623

Incidentally was also looking at those.
I have a reliable cyma ak but I wanted something cool that I could mod more.
How would the accuracy be though? Also would the joules change

Anonymous No. 194624

>How would the accuracy be though?
your accuracy will improve by a higher quality bucking/barrel combo. Allowing to use heavier bb's like .3 or .32 is also a significant boost to accuracy over lighter bb's that are more affected by wind. Your joule will probably slightly increase with better seal from the new bucking + a tight bore barrel

Anonymous No. 194633

Might consider it. Ak is jamming up and I need a second primary for local fields, m14 and the tm skorpion looked to be my best options in terms of looks and if they fit in my carry bags

Anonymous No. 194636

>Ak is jamming up and I need a second primary for local fields
What do you mean by jamming up? Does this only happen in semi or in FA as well? If it's in semi it's because gearbox can't keep up with you spamming on semi. This is usually a problem when running either nimh or a 7.4v lipo with AK's. Using 11.1v fixes it but if your AK doesn't have a mosfet it will fry your trigger contacts over time.

Anonymous No. 194644

I see. I will try that then. I had to full auto to unjam the gun multiple times last I took it out and before that it was shooting only half the time at low fps. I just thought it was the battery but if I can make it more reliable I will just do that.

Anonymous No. 194688

Yeah that's typical problem version 3 gearboxes have. Big fps variance could be a sign of some other problem tho.

Anonymous No. 194698

Only other thing could be the new bucking and nub not seating properly. They worked fine after swaping battery abd going back to chrono and just putting it throu a half mag in full auto. Maybe it never seated. I still should upgrade, would any mosfet for cyma ak work or is there specific differences between ones made for tm copies vs vfc?
I've only ever done simple parts upgrades before.

Anonymous No. 194702

Any inline mosfet will work on any gun. If you want a optical mosfet get a Perun V3. Either way you are gonna have to do some soldering. You might have to dremel some part of the gearbox to fit the Perun if something sticks up preventing it from seating correctly. Depeds on the gearbox really so hard to say.

Your FPS problems could be due to poor seal. Either from the nozzle to hop up, or from your cylinder to piston. It's impossible to tell without you opening it up and testing

Anonymous No. 194710

I've got a question, and I've got zero knowledge of airsoft. I'm making a movie and I need a fake luger or luger-like pistol. I used a very cheap toy gun as a prop, but one scene has the main character disassembling and cleaning his gun, so I need something more realistic that can be taken apart. Can anyone here recommend a somewhat realistic luger that costs around $300 or less?

Anonymous No. 194723

Not airsoft but check out Denix replica Luger as an option

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Anonymous No. 194754

Yeah, they're good enough. But you'll want to throw some upgrades at it before long, they're not that difficult to work on, just laborious to disassemble.

Anonymous No. 194759

>proprietary hop chamber

Anonymous No. 194790

>implying it needs replacing

Anonymous No. 194835

Thanks, man. Are there any legal issues with getting these things shipped to different countries, or are non-firing replicas ok legally? Filming in Japan.

Anonymous No. 194845

Yeah, that pistol probably isn't legal in Japan. There's some dumb rule here that says pistol replicas can't be made fully in metal.

Anonymous No. 194851

Also, do you live in Japan or are you just visiting? If you live here check Mercari for model gun Lugers or go to Akihabara and hope you can get lucky (Lugers seem to be pretty rare these days)

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Anonymous No. 194853

MGC made a cap firing Luger, probably pretty easy to get in Japan of an auction site.

Anonymous No. 194935

thanks for all the info, but I'm worried it will look plastic in closeups. Or it can't be disassembled.

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Anonymous No. 195298

Mosin update: I got da sling.

Anonymous No. 195321

How is it so far? Worth buying? What about spare parts?

Anonymous No. 195327

I had to order a better hop, new shorter internal barrel + custom internal piston and nozzle (the cylinder and chamber is non standard, both the nozzle and piston assembly are plastic by default) from a guy called bolt action dude and also had to hand craft my own springs for 30 extra fps. The internal chamber is not long enough to push the rifle to 400fps with 0.4gs, I tried stronger springs but the rifle became impractical to load past a certain strength. The max performance I've managed to get out of it is 330fps with 0.4gs with a range of approximately 65m to consistently hit a target and 70m if you pray to virgin Mary for your shot to land.
It's an awful stock sniper, shooting at 300 fps with 0.25gs out of the box. Now, I will admit I've had fun tinkering with it to try and upgrade it, but I cannot in good conscience recommend this rifle to anyone looking for a historical sniper rifle. Go buy a kar98 if you want a decent sniper with good upgrades.

Anonymous No. 195330

Forgot to say, the rifle is the S&T spring mosin nagant.
I guess I might as well list some positives
The look and feel of the rifle is great with a real wood body, if you're going to use it as a regular rifle instead of a sniper it works just fine for that role, just remember to grease the bolt to get a silky smooth bolt pull. The magazine is pretty decent, it can hold up to 35 rounds and can be bought relatively cheap, around 20-30 bucks per mag. Sight picture and iron sights are fantastic imo, I just really love the mosins sights since they let me quickly get a bead on target.

Anonymous No. 195331

Not interested in turning it into a sniper rifle. All I'd want is for it to do 1.6J max

Anonymous No. 195346

Ah then with the upgrade kit I mentioned you're set for 1.6j

Anonymous No. 195358

are you gettting as scope too?

Anonymous No. 195360


Anonymous No. 195363

>not a single BMI below 30
The Reich's legacy :)

Anonymous No. 195410

Yes but will have to be a long eye relief one mounted on with an adapter. Lever gets in the way of a regular pu scope.

Anonymous No. 198694

It would be more true to history if you also tried to have a minimal level of physical fitness too, butterboy.