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🧵 /judo/ Judo General - Classic Osoto Gari Edition

Anonymous No. 180500

Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

>Discussion starter
What are your thoughts on classic or sideways Osoto Gari?

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2023
Done for the year :(


>Video Resources

Previous thread: >>171627

Anonymous No. 180502

Chill out dude.

This is a slow board. The other general is only on page 3. That could easily last another month at this rate.

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Masahiko Kimura&#....webm

Anonymous No. 180503

It hit its bump limit.

Anonymous No. 180504

>What are your thoughts on classic or sideways Osoto Gari?
Definitely better than the way most beginners are taught which might as well just be called “incorrect osoto gari”. But I do think there’s a more modern version that’s even better where you face your body towards your opponents body and reap the leg such that you essentially make him do the splits. This may sound silly at first but it’s the most efficient, least effort requiring osoto variant I’ve ever done. If there’s a specific name for it I don’t know it.

Anonymous No. 180505

>But I do think there’s a more modern version that’s even better where you face your body towards your opponents body and reap the leg such that you essentially make him do the splits

Ouchi Gari?

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Anonymous No. 180506

How about Uchi Mata meets Osoto Gari?

Anonymous No. 180508

No, you are still outside and reaping the leg, you are just facing towards the leg your reaping it in the direction that spreads their legs like they’re doing a split.

I know it’s hard to visualize through text. I even thought it was weird when I saw it demonstrated, but the guy who taught me was a strong national level player in his time and he knows his shit

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Demostration 1 (M....webm

Anonymous No. 180512

You might have to draw a picture.

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Demostration 2 (M....webm

Anonymous No. 180513

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Demostration 3 (M....webm

Anonymous No. 180514

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Anonymous No. 180515

Anonymous No. 180526

Knee-breaker Osoto.

Anonymous No. 180529

Would it still be considered osoto if they're on their knees
I do that to the cowards at bjj that start on the knees, I just stick my leg out there and table top them every time

Anonymous No. 180543

And even at bump limit it'll stay in the catalog til at least 2024.

Anonymous No. 180548

2004 was 20 years ago :(

Anonymous No. 180553

Half life 2 and halo 2 both came out 20 years ago

Anonymous No. 180610

2015 was 9 years ago

Anonymous No. 180637

1923 was 100 years ago

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Anonymous No. 180657

I got these stretchy bands with gi material attached I wasted money on, what are some exercises I can do?

Anonymous No. 180664

Uchikomis, that’s pretty much it

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Anonymous No. 180698

>Finally managed to throw that ouchigari spamming faggot (you know the one, there is one everywhere there is a tatami) by seoi nage. Hard.
No better feeling in the entire sport. You could give me an olympic gold medal and I would trade it for the opportunity of doing that shit over and over.

Anonymous No. 180714

I can never land anything on my faggot, they just brute force it and 70% of the time he fails and stumbles off to reset.

Anonymous No. 180745

Should I just try to do throws that come naturally to me? I feel like I'm trying to force techniques or throws that my body doesn't for some reason care to do, like it's not an innate throw in my nature. I want to try to hit a multitude of throws, but for some reason I just keep coming back to Kubi Nage. No matter how much I try to fight to urge to do it. I feel like maybe I'm planning too much and hesitating.

Anyone have this experience?

Anonymous No. 180758

Good resources for gi stand up grip fight for a Jiu jitsu fag that does freestyle wrestling

Anonymous No. 180762

Peruse the bjj globetrotters channel
Mostly memes with some gems mixed in

Anonymous No. 180809

It's all about timing my friend. I let mine have it once, after he's tired I pretty much offered my leg to him, then you have to pull it out as quickly as possible and throw him. But it's all about lightning fast timing.
A lot of throws are not natural by themselves. Most of them were developed by high level judokas to counter specific situations and with a certain level of talent.

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Anonymous No. 180826

aka The cooler Osoto

Also Merry Christmas bros, here's some colorized Kimura

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Kimura Osoto.webm

Anonymous No. 180827

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Kimura Gracie.webm

Anonymous No. 180828

Anonymous No. 180829

I can't believe that 6'8" 280lbs 25 year old Japanese man would pick on a 5'2" 107 lbs 91 year old with late stage metabolic bone disease like that

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Kimura class.webm

Anonymous No. 180830

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Kimura class 2.webm

Anonymous No. 180833

Anonymous No. 180844

It's astounding to me that this 7 foot tall half-Japanese, half-container of dianabol weighing in at a whopping 315 lbs. was humbled by a 134-year-old, 2 lb and 3 oz man (who was minding his own business) using nothing more than evasive ground techniques and intensive arm stretching techniques.

Anonymous No. 180863

Helio Gracie at 4’11” and 85lbs knew he couldn’t use strength to defeat the 6’13” 495lb kimura and so he invented leverage to decimate him with superior ground technique.

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Anonymous No. 180869

>Bro don't go hard during Randori it's not about winning
>Can't perform any of my techniques cause I'm lacking aggression now
>Don't want to use full force or power because my partner will throw a fit about me going too hard

Anonymous No. 180872

Randori and shiai are called different things for a reason

Anonymous No. 180874

I know and I want to perform my techniques, but if I don't give my all my power output just isn't there. Fighting my partner becomes impossible because they are resisting too much and if I go in half-ass they'll just stop me from off-balancing them or getting grips or executing. But, if I go hard and try to use any kind of explosivity they pitch a fit about me going to hard and how it's not about winning before going back into their defensive stances. I'll literally be completely relaxed, wait for them to give me an opening, shoot in for my grips with all my power and execute something and get a good throw but they'll whine because I didn't let them get their grips on and grip fight. So I'll just stay relaxed and go slower, but when I punctuate getting my grips they'll just rip them off or pull me down.

It's pissing me off, I don't mean to go hard but it's just all I know.

Anonymous No. 180876

Just harass the ankles

Anonymous No. 180877

>Anon stop kicking me in the ankles

Anonymous No. 180906

>they'll just stop me from off-balancing them or getting grips or executing
Skill issue.

Anonymous No. 180909

Kimura should have been stripped of his belt right there and then. 7'5 giant getting owned by a 3"6 taichi practitioner with harlequin ichthyosis using very simple newaza. What a disgrace.

Anonymous No. 180914

>Local 38-story-tall man is systematically destroyed by a 1000-year-old ant with AIDs of the bones

Anonymous No. 180915

>Bro don't go hard
>Try my grips
>They rip them away and pull me around
>Give any amount of force

Anonymous No. 180946

If it’s just one guy then stop doing randori with whoever you’re complaining about retard. If it’s the whole dojo then you’re probably the asshole with zero control.

Anonymous No. 180952

Go hard, who's gonna stop you? What are they your fucking keepers? Do whatever you want, you're an adult fighting other adults. They should know the risk and quit being such fucking pedantic faggots and so should you.

Anonymous No. 180969

>ouchigari spamming faggot
that's me, but you would never throw me by seoi nage.

Anonymous No. 180994

Since judo is arguably a type of jujutsu, how much or little would your judo have to change for you to call yourself a jujutsuka?
I know it's semantics, but I love semantics.

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Anonymous No. 180995

I consider judo to be the lifestyle brand of jujutsu

I like this definition of what jiujitsu is

Anonymous No. 181004

What is that, a dopa band? If it is are they worth the money?

Anonymous No. 181005

Judo IS jujutsu, just under a different name. It was all the parts of different styles of Jujutsu that Kano thought was still effective. He named his art "Judo" on purpose to distance it from the negative perception Jujutsu had developed based on the idea that it was outdated. In Japan, they still call BJJ "Jujutsu" sometimes, because of how similar it is to Judo and by that logic classical Jujutsu.

Anonymous No. 181025


I paid $45 for them and really thought I would use them, but I haven't

Anonymous No. 181028

Bands are so fucking gay, just get a barbell and some weights or use your own bodyweight.

Anonymous No. 181030

I got them hoping I could teach myself by watching videos and then just show up to class for a belt test

Anonymous No. 181031

Very interesting actually. I'd rather just drill kata with a person though. If I bought these they'd be used for exercise. Thanks anon

Anonymous No. 181033

Is once a week, for an hour enough Judo to make progress?

Anonymous No. 181050

Some training is better than no training. The amount of classes you take and how hard you train will determine how much progress you make.

Anonymous No. 181092

If you spent an hour every Saturday riding a bike, and you just rode a bike with good intent for that hour every Saturday for say 10 months. You would, over time, get better at riding a bike. It's a stimulus, it's a novel stimulus especially. As long as the stimulus is potent to what you're trying to achieve (I.e. become a well-rounded Judoka or expose yourself to free practice trying your favorite throw), you'll do well. You could do Judo once a month and it wouldn't be any different, just slower in progression.

Hope this helps.

Anonymous No. 181101

Okay hamplanet anon.

Anonymous No. 181102

You add striking plus the techniques that make the IJF seethe and you're done.

Anonymous No. 181111

White belt tier osoto desu

Anonymous No. 181363

Any tips for a new Judoka who's coming from 6 years of Muay Thai?

Anonymous No. 181374

Practice falling and rolling more. A lot more. If you're training for an hour, you'd better be practicing the falls for at least 30 minutes.

Anonymous No. 181379

Your kuzushi sucks and your partner needs to stop muscling the defense if they don't want you to muscle the offense. Sometimes it helps to take turns throwing if you're having trouble calibrating the level of strength you both want to use in order to maintain the cooperative element of randori.

Anonymous No. 181381

I agree with the other two Anons but would add that you can ask your instructor for exercises to do on your own time outside of class to expedite your progress.

Anonymous No. 181383

Those would be cool grips for cable machines and pullups.

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Anonymous No. 181423

Would you go to this Dojo for $150 a month?

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Anonymous No. 181425

>13 hours of Randori
>91 hours a week
Jesus Christ, I'm not even sure that some of the most elitist Olympic gyms in Japan or Korea even do that shit.

Anonymous No. 181428

Sounds like an open mat to me
So what I'm getting is its 7 hours of instruction a week and open mat time

I'd pay $45 a month for that

Anonymous No. 181429

Yeah that looks like the schedule for Pedro's place, probably modeled after it. The Olympians with their open form schedule for the day and if there's any visiting fighters for specific training. Then the evening for "normal" students and the Olympians to justify a paycheck teaching.

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Anonymous No. 181451

Happy new year, lads. What are your judo goals for 2024?

Anonymous No. 181455

get a brown belt I guess
I've been learning judo since 2016, I'm a yellow belt

Anonymous No. 181482

Happy new years, gentle fags.
All I want is to suck less.

Anonymous No. 181492

Are you the same guy who claimed to be a 7 year white belt previously? I thought you were never going to do promotions.

Anonymous No. 181498

No, I got a yellow belt in 2019
I don't go to judo class, I went into a tournament as a white belt and actually I just went there to watch but they had sign ups on location I figured what the heck
So I went in to the white/yellow division and I won, it was 3 matches and I had a pin, submission, and ippon which I thought was pretty cool since it was my first time and I got to experience all 3 different ways to win.
then after that since I kinda breezed through it people were saying I should try the green/brown division. So I did and it was way harder but I wazaarid my way through it and won that too, and then I was given a yellow belt

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Anonymous No. 181529

went to visit another gym and got my ass handed to me
copes for this feel?

Anonymous No. 181530

That's how you learn, retard, shouldn't be needing to cope with anything. What'd you learn?

Anonymous No. 181531

i learned that my grip breaks suck and that im used to going at a way slower pace when doing randori
sort of like the conversation above about being too relaxed during randori
at least now i know what to work on

Anonymous No. 181545

Practice more no-gi.
Convince my instructor to allow leg-grabs during randori.
Maybe join a competition for the hell of it.

Anonymous No. 181553

>sensei can we do leg grabs?
>ohhh noo, no reg grab in orympic
>but none of us are going to the Olympics, or even national competitions for that matter. In fact this isn't even a real dojo, it's a community center with puzzle mats on the floor, I moved the ping pong tables out of the way before class started myself
>it don matta, you wan be rike orympic guy you do orympic rues

Anonymous No. 181558

You can do whatever you want, you're paying a fee to be there. You can do leg grabs or other illegal techniques as long as you're not actively trying to kill the other person. What are they gonna do? Kick you out? Fine, give me back my membership fee for the month.

Anonymous No. 181595

This anon is sort of right but you absolutely cannot do anything with your partner that they haven’t agreed to. If they say no leg-grabs then don’t do leg grabs, you should never disrespect or endanger your partner by going outside the rules.

Anonymous No. 181642

Anyone here do any extra weight-training on the side? How to fit it into Judo schedules without feeling too fatigued?

Anonymous No. 181648

Supplementary training is important to make the most out of your activity
This includes resistance training, mobility work, and of course recovery routines

Anonymous No. 181664

A black belt at Dojo told me that "Osoto is 90% a hand technique" and that "Perfected Osoto should almost make the guy fall down from the amount of off-balancing that is used. The leg is just their to emphasize the fall."

Is it true? Is the best Osoto Gari 90% a hand technique?

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Astride Gneto vs ....webm

Anonymous No. 181674

Anonymous No. 181676

Nice overhand right from Astride

Anonymous No. 181678

Hey I got Joke for /judo/,

What do you get when a 85-year-old, 110 kg santa-belt Judoka performs their Tai O-Otoshi on you?

20% off of knee wraps at Walgreens for 6 weeks

Anonymous No. 181687

>Is it true? Is the best Osoto Gari 90% a hand technique?
yep, but the follow-through with the leg can definitely amplify the effect and make the fall much harder

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Christa Deguchi I....webm

Anonymous No. 181765

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Anonymous No. 181784

Tai O-Toshi my beloved

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Anonymous No. 181809

>Tai O-Toshi my beloved

Yeah, if you're a fucking dog-cunt with no fucking dignity or skill.

Fuck Tai Otoshi niggers, I remember having to go into practice with this faggot black belt who just spammed Tai Otoshi and Osoto Otoshi. He would literally assume the shittest grip for Tai (double lapel, top grip) and would just jump in little retarded faggot semi circles. He would force the shit out of Tai so fucking much I finally just distanced myself from ever being his Uke ever again.

He would take his bully grip, flick hard down and diagonally and side-step before just shoving my head into the fucking mat. No leg extension, nothing like that even though he very easily could've. He was such a fucking fucker for Tai he literally turned it into some rape-baby version of Uki-otoshi. He wouldn't use any leg whatsoever, just drop into a partial squat and whip my ass to the Tatami.

Oh, and if he couldn't execute Tai for what ever possible reason. He would just literally JUMP across to the other side and hit Osoto Otoshi. Like, you think you've got his shit figured out and then he just noclips to the other side of you and pushes you to the ground.

>inb4 skill issue

Fuck you and eat shit, Tai is just a bully throw with no counter possible if they don't extend their leg so you can punish it by falling onto them like a well-deserved ACL guillotine for doing their bitch-ass throw. It's like being put onto a leash and dragged around, like when Mario grabs Bowser by his tail at in M64 and spins him around.

If you want to know the feeling of helplessness in Judo, find someone who just spams Tai. And if you want to dominate every and any belt, just spam those two throws: Tai Otoshi and Osoto Otoshi and do nothing but heavy barbell rows for fun. Those two throws go together like peanut butter and jelly or like an M16 and a M1911A1

I'm calling for Total Tai-Otoshi Death (TTD)

Anonymous No. 181812

Skill issue, unironically.
>inb4 inb4
Skill issue.

Anonymous No. 181813

If he's jumping in why not use tani otoshi?

Anonymous No. 181815

How did he get the rotation with a double lapel grip? Without a sleeve grip I can never get good rotation to plant them on their back with the exception of uchi mata

Anonymous No. 181825

He would grab high on both lapels, jump as far as he could to his right side or Uke's left side while snapping down and diagonal while lowering his stance into a sort of sumo squat. But when he got you off-balanced and your head more horizontal he would finish the throw by coming a little bit up and into your side even closer before pushing into you and sending your face into the mat. Sometimes he didn't even need to push, the whipping from the jump and pull was enough to send you nose first into the mat.

Anonymous No. 181826

>letting your opponent get a double lapel grip

Anonymous No. 181829

His rotation would really come from the snapping down with his jump to the side. He wouldn't pull out even remotely to give any kind of indication of the throw, just slip to the side as far as he can then he would pull with his body down and diagonally.

Sometimes, it didn't work. Maybe he tried it and Uke just didn't get enough full impact whipping from it and regained posture. So he would just keep doing it in this giant fucked-up semi circle. If he was able to off-balance you again he would do the pull followed with a further pull into him while also getting really close and pushing into your side, kind of like he was landing on top of you but he remained standing the whole time.

When his Tai didn't work, he would just go to the other side and hit Osoto Otoshi. He would jump completely opposite and jump into Uke's right side while driving Uke's head onto their supporting leg. He would get higher than you by pulling you down before launching into it and pushing you even further down with his combined weight and leg drive.

>If he's jumping in why not use tani otoshi?
Some people tried and I'm pretty one or two people may have stumbled him with it, but usually when they tried Tani they would just fall on their own ass while he stepped over their leg. It was also kind of risky because he would be so sporadic on his feet that if they landed their leg underneath him he could stomp on it by accident. Or sometimes he would just pull all the way to the opposite side again to counter it. Usually people tried to hit Osoto Gari on him because he was frequently putting Uke on his side, allowing them to get better leverage. But, he was just to fucking mean with his whipping and Tai.

I can not emphasis this whipping motion in his Tai, it was like somebody wrapped a bullwhip around your neck and just yanked on it over and over. By the time you had any knowledge of what he was doing you were already face-planting.

Anonymous No. 181832

I know it's a grip that doesn't get used a lot because it's really hard to get. But when he got at least one grip on the lapel, he would usually just start the pull from their before getting squared again and shooting in for the other lapel. You could try and break his hand but by the time he got his second grip he was already on the move.

If he couldn't get the second grip on your lapel from his pull he would bump into your side while grabbing at your arm before swinging his hand back over and taking the lapel.

He wasn't easy to break off either, his grip strength was incredible that the tension alone from gripping the lapel was sometimes enough to bring your head forward.

One time, he hit the stupidest throw Tai I had ever seen. One hand, really high on the lapel (like by his neck), did his pull in one solid motion did this sort of push/.pull on his Uke's neck while coming down into an almost full squat. Landed the guy onto his face.

I think because when he jumped and off-balanced him, he was so far behind him that driving his Uke's head into the ground turned more into of a push. To be fair, this was just during a light Randori were neither were really putting up a lot of resistance but it was still amazing to me just how much this guy loved Tai.

I even asked him about why never did anything with his legs like how other people do Tai and said "Well, Tai Otoshi isn't really a leg technique. It's completely in the upper body and arms. That's why you see a lot of people sometimes having difficulty with their Tai Otoshi is because they try to turn it into a leg technique instead of a Te Waza."

He told he's been practicing for 12 years, 7 of which as a black belt. In the entire time I've ever seen him go into free practice or do Uchi Komi lines, he would just Tai Otoshi or Osoto Otoshi. Never have I seen him do Hiza Guruma, Osoto Gari, Koshi Guruma, Seoi Nage, etc. Just those two fucking throws.

Anonymous No. 181833

i would destroy all of you larpers in a randori

Anonymous No. 181834

Do you just do Tai Otoshi?

Anonymous No. 181843

I've met a few judokas who relied a lot on the double lapel grip. They usually couldn't do much without it and they struggled against people who are good at grip fighting. Double lapel is like a rear naked choke, the obvious thing to do is don't get there in the first place.
>But when he got at least one grip on the lapel, he would usually just start the pull from their before getting squared again and shooting in for the other lapel. You could try and break his hand but by the time he got his second grip he was already on the move.
Counter it. Someone holding your lapel without controlling the sleeve is begging to be thrown with ippon seoi nage, soto-makikomi or some makikomi variant, etc. Train it until you can counter it real fast and punish people for attempting that throw on you.

Anonymous No. 181847

Speaking of Osoto Otoshi, I was watching this video on it and noticed that you could use your hip to help finish the throw with a bit more power.

Seems viable, have you guys ever tried it?

Anonymous No. 181851

>be me
>shoulder is totally hecked up
>cant start the lawn mower
>judo class has hundreds of uchikomis because fuck you
>every pull hurts
>has no power either
>also its a worthless holdover movement since nobody pulls upwards anymore to do throws
>still have to do it because grorious nippon tradition
that's it for me I guess

Anonymous No. 181870

Joke's on you, the most important skills in judo are your breakfalls.

Anonymous No. 181955

>doing judo for 2 years now
>be tall lefty player
>constantly grind uchi mata
>still suck at it
>rest of my kit onto includes cross-body osoto, sticky foot kosoto, and sasae.

Do I keep grinding uchi mata? I still suck at it and I feel like my friends training seoi have way more results. Also ouchi gari never works for me; either the leg I try to reap feels like a tree trunk, or I get countered.

Anonymous No. 181973

We learn through variation. We don't learn by repeating the same solution to a movement problem but by solving a new movement problem.

Instead of trying to force conventional Uchi Mata and it not working, find a way to make the Uchi Mata work. More Kuzushi, more footwork, more practice on the important details, try with more challenging grips or easier grips.

Anonymous No. 181977

Can anyone tell me what happened to the grappling/wrestling general? We always used to talk about shooto and Japanese catch

Anonymous No. 181984

Why did you let the general die? I would imagine the others there had similar reasons.

Anonymous No. 181989

Good home workouts/drills for Tai Otoshi and Osoto Gari?

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Anonymous No. 181993

Week 9 of not washing my Gi, nobody wants to practice with me and Ne-Waza has become incredibly easy.

Anonymous No. 181998

Too bad your gyms culture sucks
First offense we take you aside and let you know you stink
Every offense after that you get publicly shamed and sent home

Anonymous No. 181999

I just say I have a glandular problem.

Anonymous No. 182002

Why would you want no one to practice with you? What exactly is the point?

Anonymous No. 182004

Body odor is not a recognized disability so I'd terminate your membership

Anonymous No. 182005

You can't lose if you don't play.

Anonymous No. 182014

Ok? So why bother training at all? Just stay home.

Anonymous No. 182023

dude i think youre playing waaay too much into his shitpost
nobody cared about it

Anonymous No. 182038

There's a gym offering wrestling, bjj and judo classes

Is going for a wrestling class once a week better than nothing?

Will i actually learn something?

Anonymous No. 182049

>go to bjj class
>feet to floor with someone a lot bigger than me
>literally a head taller than me
>do taio
>clean as heck
>guided him down the whole way
>get in trouble for doing feet to floor and being unsafe

Anonymous No. 182054

>Is going for a wrestling class once a week better than nothing?
>Will i actually learn something?
Yes, especially if you do drills and train on your own outside of class.

Anonymous No. 182057

>get in trouble for doing feet to floor and being unsafe
What's this?

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subway push.webm

Anonymous No. 182059

Where were you when your judo grip fighting saved you in a street fight?

>gets lefty lapel grip
>lefty grip sasae tsurikomi ashi's other guy onto the train tracks

Anonymous No. 182060

Wew, thank heaven's the skin colors were what they were or we'd never hear the end of it

Anonymous No. 182063

it wasn't unsafe, but beej being what it is "you can break someone's knee like that!"
man it was perfectly timed, I didn't even touch his knee he just got completely table topped

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Anonymous No. 182064

assuming he means this instructional by don janaher

Anonymous No. 182083

I prefer the sequel Feet to face: electric bogaloo.

Anonymous No. 182104

He has 2 instructions feet to floor and another called standing to ground and I have no idea what the difference is supposed to be

Anonymous No. 182147

>first competition this month as a white belt
I'm both excited and nervous. Any tips, bros?

Anonymous No. 182148

Shake em up by the collar and harass the ankles
And Wala you're doing judo

Anonymous No. 182154

Hit a textbook standing kata guruma, nobody expects that from a white belt and you'll mog everyone else in your division. If there's an open division enter that in addition to the white belt division; you'll mostly get your ass kicked but you'll learn in the process, which is the entire point of competition.

Anonymous No. 182161

Do a kani basani to assert dominance.

Anonymous No. 182171

Spam Tai Otoshi

Anonymous No. 182244

Seeing a lot of Tai Otoshi posts so I'm gonna throw my question in before bed.

I'm really trying to work on Tai Otoshi without doing the leg step as I have a previous ACL injury from years back. What are some tips to execute Tai Otoshi without that prolific leg step, any tips will be of great help. Thanks.

Anonymous No. 182245

Well I don't know what all that's about but I heard you should turn the angle so your knee is facing the floor that way if they come down on your leg it just bends naturally instead of getting hit sideways on the knee

Anonymous No. 182246

don't straighten your leg all the way, keep it a bit bend. Kuzushi comes first, don't force the throw.

Anonymous No. 182247


Anonymous No. 182261

*destroys your ACL*
nothing personnel kid

Anonymous No. 182265

Nigga is named Steve 'Cum in Hams'.
No way.

Anonymous No. 182266

It pisses me off seeing matches get paused and reset just because someone got forced out of the fighting area. I think Judo should be Sumo-like, where that's an instant loss, or at least a waza-ari, so you're forced to stand your ground.

Anonymous No. 182267

The Tatami is not a Dohyō.

Anonymous No. 182272

It used to be an instant loss for stepping out, it resulted in people riding the line and side stepping to force the other guy out and win by DQ

Sports are cancer

Anonymous No. 182303

>Sports are cancer
No, it's the competitors who are wrong.

Anonymous No. 182337

i could pulverize the skull of every faggot in this thread with my ippon seoi nage lmao.

Anonymous No. 182341

>t. Orange belt who thinks drop seoi is the be all end all of judo

🗑️ Anonymous No. 182353

For tai otoshi footwork, put a jump rope on the ground or go outside and find a line in the sidewalk or your driveway. Get in your normal stance and practice turning into your throwing position for tai otoshi as smoothly and quickly as possible. You should focus on getting your feet on the same place just in front of the line like it's the ankle of are targeting.

Anonymous No. 182355

Is it normal to jump into tsukuri? Just spring into position for your throw instead of trying to slowly switch feet around.
I know it's bad but I can't be the only one, right?

Anonymous No. 182359

Not impressed, /xs/ is a standing kata guruma board.

Anonymous No. 182360

Wrong, /xs/ is Kani Basami board

Anonymous No. 182363

BJJ fags understand kani basami but lack the ukemi practice to handle standing kata guruma. /xs/ is a judo board and standing kata guruma allows judoka to mog buttscooters harder than kani basami, and /xs/ is therefore a standing kata guruma board.

Anonymous No. 182375

Nah, keep going at any cost. Uchi mata is one of the hardest throws in judo. It can take years to learn but the moment you master it's overpowered as fuck, uncounterable throw especially if you're tall and lanky. Uchi mata should be on your top priorities.

Anonymous No. 182407

>BJJ fags understand kani basami
They don't understand even that part.

Kani basami can be done safely if you post properly and scissor above the knee level. BJJ fags think kani basami is done by yeeting your entire body weight directly against the side of the knee joint.

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Anonymous No. 182410

love this nigga like you wouldn't believe

Anonymous No. 182419

To be fair, so do judokas. The technique is banned because we kept doing exactly what you described.

Anonymous No. 182428

We used to do Kani balsamic in karate class, it was like the 3rd takedown we learned
Only later did I realize the danger we were being put in

Anonymous No. 182435

Not a problem for chad sambists.

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Anonymous No. 182442

Appreciate it judo bro. Any tips for setting up uchi mata besides ouchi gari? Ouchi gari makes the most sense but I can never hit a good one and I'm not sure it makes sense to because I'm taller than most people and it's hard to get my center of gravity low enough to get my reaping leg deep between uke's legs.

>sticky foot kosoto
I try this sometimes but it's kind of hard to switch to uchi mata--I gotta do a pendulum like step.

>sasae tsurikomi ashi
I've been liking this one a lot more. I rotate uke counter-clockwise with this one and when they resist clockwise, I hit them with my uchi mata. But this is also kind of hard to hit unless I've nailed them with 1-2 osotos.

I'm honestly just not sure what to focus on next.

>pic related. the lefty ashi waza god of Judo

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Anonymous No. 182474

What are the best shoot-in throws? Just throws that have fast grips but force you to commit to them.

Anonymous No. 182478

standing kata guruma

Anonymous No. 182482

>Just throws that have fast grips but force you to commit to them.
You mean all of them excluding sacrifice throws?

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Anonymous No. 182603

o-goshi has suddenly started to click for me after about a year and a half of doing judo
hot damn does a clean hip throw feel fucking good

Anonymous No. 182737

The textbook version of uchi mata normally taught in classes is awkward, especially for tall judokas. There's vast difference when you observe how it's actually done in competition. If you're tall you should probably be using a high grip all the time, like behind the neck (but do be careful with counters). Likewise, the 3 step classic movement will never be fast enough for competition, you'll want to progress from 3 steps to 1. I'd recommend you watch this for a more detailed explanation:
And you can also enter sideways, see this:
>Ouchi gari makes the most sense but I can never hit a good one and I'm not sure it makes sense to because I'm taller than most people and it's hard to get my center of gravity low enough to get my reaping leg deep between uke's legs.
Yeah. Kosei Inoue is famous for this. He always feinted ouchi gari before doing uchi mata. You don't even need to reap, the point of the feint is to force the opponent to move one leg out of the way and shift his weight to the other foot and then you immediately attack.

Anonymous No. 182823

Pass my green belt exam.

Anonymous No. 182862

Well, I lost. Disappointed in myself, but it is what it is. My division only segregated by weight, so any rank could join including black. Not an excuse but just an interesting bit of info for you guys.

Anonymous No. 182868

What did you learn?

Anonymous No. 182871

>attack immediately once you get your favored grips as you wont have it for long
>why people hate drop-seoi spammers

Anonymous No. 182882

Learn to clock choke and drop seoi naggers cease to be a problem.

Anonymous No. 182912

How to become an ashi waza god?

Anonymous No. 182950


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Anonymous No. 182961

>boxing for a year and a half
>only just found out that there's also judo classes up the road
well fuck, looks like I'll be starting Judo in the latter half of the year. there's another class under the same dojo that claims to do more wrestling orientated stuff as well.

Anonymous No. 182973

based and WWII-combatives-pilled

Anonymous No. 183046

>4. A contestant shall be deemed to have been defeated when from any cause or causes he may become unconscious. But it is not permitted to use serious tricks when the wrestling bout is between friends. Such tricks as kicking and the breaking of arms, legs, and neck are barred.

I like this rule.

Anonymous No. 183063

>want to go tournament
>spend an hour trying to set up IJF membership
>"oh no bro we need a USA Judo membership"
>think they meant a USJF membership
>spend another hour setting up a USJF membership
>"no no no, a USA JUDO membership"
>set up USA JUDO membership
>forgot to buy membership ID card
>"bro you need your card, not just your number"
>buy card
>finally allowed to sign up

Fuck this retarded shit.

Anonymous No. 183110

Thank you anon, will study these and practice. I dream of having an awesome uchi mata.

Anonymous No. 183113

Settle this once and for all
Is ude gaeshi banned or not
Nobody seems to know

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Anonymous No. 183117

>Breaking of arms, legs and neck
We like to do a little trolling.

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Ohata vs Oyamada ....webm

Anonymous No. 183137

There was a nice uchimata in sumo today.

Anonymous No. 183138

I don’t see why it would be. There’s no leg grab and there’s no arm lock so it should be no different then throwing anything else.

Anonymous No. 183154

Because of the head spike risk

Anonymous No. 183170

What happened to usa judo remote learning I found a yt video promoting it but I could find the website to sign up for it

Anonymous No. 183310

How do I not get ura nage'd while doing koshi guruma?

Anonymous No. 183311

>that guy with enough gorilla grip-strength to tear holes in gi

Anonymous No. 183362

I did this in my first bjj class

Anonymous No. 183369

The seoi nage was really clicking today in randori. I felt them push into me, and bang I got under and threw them clean.

Anonymous No. 183374

gi issue

Anonymous No. 183378

The first time I tore someone's gi I felt bad and offered to mend it but the guy wearing it blamed the gi.

Anonymous No. 183380

Kuzushi, dummy. If they can ura nage you then you’re not getting their weight forward. Can’t ura nage someone when your on your toes.

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Anonymous No. 183381

>muh sushi

Anonymous No. 183398


Anonymous No. 183402

Theoretically, how good can I get at Osoto Gari if I practiced it 7 days a week for 3 hours each day?

Anonymous No. 183406

Depends what you mean by practice. There's a lot that goes into making a throw work other than just doing uchi-komi.

Anonymous No. 183407

An hour of Kuzushi
An hour of Tsukuri
An hour of Kake

Anonymous No. 183442

smart strategy

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Anonymous No. 183490

Don't do koshi guruma

Meme throw like a lot of turn throws

Anonymous No. 183501

oh's the ideal female body 2x in one video

Anonymous No. 183505

Koshi waza is best waza, get out of my face nerd

Anonymous No. 183510

>The only judo throws that can be done with no-gi
What are they? They're the only ones I am interested in studying.

Anonymous No. 183514

Almost every throw in judo has some variant that can be done no-gi

Anonymous No. 183515

Just do wrestling. Why would you train a jacketed style to improve your nogi abilities? It will obviously be better than nothing but nobody in the English speaking world has judo as their only grappling option.

Anyway to answer your question: Morote Seoi Nagi is the only standing technique that works without a jacket.

Anonymous No. 183526

morote seoi nage sure has a nogi variant faggot

Anonymous No. 183527

not quite; very nearly

Anonymous No. 183539

I want one but I'm a broke student and our college club only trains twice a week and I can't afford to practice at a private place as well

Anonymous No. 183586

Uchi mata enjoyers, how long did it take you to get decent at it? Any tips?

Anonymous No. 183594

>Koshi waza
more like lame-o waza

Anonymous No. 183597

Sew together a cheap set of clothes from a thrift store and stuff them.

Anonymous No. 183636

>A black belt at Dojo told me that "Osoto is 90% a hand technique" and that "Perfected Osoto should almost make the guy fall down from the amount of off-balancing that is used. The leg is just their to emphasize the fall."
I would take the principal even further and say that almost all Ashi Waza are 90% hands. Unless you're kicking, full force, someone's leg from underneath them like a Karate or Muay Thai sweep. The use of the hands in Ashi Waza like Deashi harai, Sasae tsurikomi ashi, Osoto Gari, Hiza Guruma. Especially Hiza Guruma, if you want a lethal Koshi Waza but either have bad knees or just can't get into a particular move or really don't want to get countered. Just make your Hiza Guruma into more of Te Waza, learn to whip and learn to combo it with Osoto Gari.

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Anonymous No. 183710

Why isn't this kind of high grip used more? I always see people using their right hand to grab and lower with the left, why not the opposite? Why not grab high up with left hand and higher towards their chin with the right hand? That way, you get way more torque and head control. You're pulling behind their neck more and pushing into their chin and throat with the right, seems like you'd rotate a lot more and be able to hit osoto gari a lot better. I don't know, just looks like something that's underutilized.

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Anonymous No. 183736

I think when the International judo federation started cracking down on "unconventional" grips, many people naturally started giving up certain grip strategies, and other judokas, especially non-pros, were left unsure of what was legal to grip anymore. Now that the IJF has relaxed some of those stupid restrictions on unorthodox grips, we will see a resurgence of them. Unless they start fucking with the rules again (they probably will)

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Anonymous No. 183737


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Anonymous No. 183739


Anonymous No. 183744

I hate the IJF so much

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Anonymous No. 183799

Day 1 of practicing one-handed, ambidextrous osoto gari.

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judo ippon.webm

Anonymous No. 183938

Anonymous No. 183943

Ah yes, the... Falling throw?

Anonymous No. 183963

sambo moment

Anonymous No. 183998

looks like a lateral drop

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Anonymous No. 184100

Anonymous No. 184110

>struggling with osoto
>start getting really, really close and getting uki's head closer to mine
>osoto becomes incredibly easy
this principal also applies to almost every throw

Anonymous No. 184116

for me, it's ude gaeshi

Anonymous No. 184300

Is there any risk you fuck up your own knee with Tai O-Toshi? It always looks like that to me.

Anonymous No. 184312

Not if you point your heel to the ceiling and your knee to the floor. But, if you don't, it's snap city.

Anonymous No. 184323

>Used to only go to class once a week for 6 months and would always land 1 or 2 throws in Randori
>Started going 4 days
>Haven't landed a single throw in a month on anyone

What the fuck, why can't I get anything? I feel like the more I focused on technique and getting better at my favorite throws I'm actually doing worse.

Anonymous No. 184338

I always thought Judo evolved (only) from Tenjin Shinyo ryu and Kito ryu so Judo is 100% yoshin ryu offspring.
But wikipedia says judo also was influenced by takenouchi ryu, sosuishin ryu and many other styles.
What techniques were part of sosuinshin ryu or don't come from Tenji and Kito ryu?

Anonymous No. 184339


Anonymous No. 184355

>What techniques[...] don't come from Tenji and Kito ryu?
Kata guruma (judo's best throw) is from American wrestling.

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Anonymous No. 184363


Anonymous No. 184366

u gotta have proper kuzushi
have u tried having the prpoper sushi
dodnt forget about the sushi

Anonymous No. 184367

Kano reportedly studied some sumo before he learned kata guruma. Don't know how much if any sumo was added to judo.

Anonymous No. 184370




Anonymous No. 184371

just pull push pull pull reall y heard the sushi bro u gotta have the shushi

Anonymous No. 184372

>performing standing kata guruma on a 330 lbs, 6'2 sumo wrestler

nu uh

Anonymous No. 184373



Anonymous No. 184374

sumo has weight categories like any other martial art

Anonymous No. 184385

Is it possible to learn judo in your adult years?

Anonymous No. 184387

>sumo has weight categories like any other martial art
Only in the amateur competitions, which have a much lower skill ceiling. Pro sumo is still openweight.

Judo is probably the most common grappling art for adults beginners.

Anonymous No. 184388

>Judo is probably the most common grappling art for adults beginners.

I think BJJ is because of the large quantity of gyms they have and recognition. But they usually offer both.

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Kirishima vs Hosh....webm

Anonymous No. 184421

A nice nimaegeri (sasae) in sumo a few days ago.

Anonymous No. 184422

BJJ is more popular in the US, but judo is more popular by far on a worldwide scale.

Anonymous No. 184460

Sumo doesn't, and judo didn't either while Kano was alive.

Anonymous No. 184513

Possible yes, mind that it's quite hard on the body so the older you are the more difficult it is.

Anonymous No. 184647

I can't speak to your specific problem, but it's very common to temporarily get worse at a skill when you learn something new. Your body and brain need time to assimilate it.

Anonymous No. 184656

If he's thinking about doing it instead of just doing it he's going to be less fluid about it, so while he may be more technically competent at the components of the throw he may be letting overthinking get in the way of smoothly putting them together. I forget the proper term for this but it's a thing, essentially the difference between more conscious effort and reacting with muscle memory.

Anonymous No. 184664

coming from this, should I get my hip through for osoto throws like otosohi/gari?

Anonymous No. 184674

Which judoka do you have a crush on?

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Anonymous No. 184676

Hedvig Karakas

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Anonymous No. 184678

Diyora Keldiyorova

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Anonymous No. 184750

need me a girl that can toss me onto concrete

Anonymous No. 184768

Get good at hopping on one leg lol
For osoto gari no, the reaping action is what throws the opponent. You should be hip to hip with them but you should not bring your hip “through”

For osoto otoshi yes you should, at least that was the way I was taught to do it. The throw is completed by essentially rolling the opponent over the hip like you would for uki goshi but from behind.

Anonymous No. 184783

They look like they're good at hugging.

Anonymous No. 184791

What about the kuzushi for Osoto Otoshi? I've heard you've got to push up first like you're lifting them up and then pull down with your whole body.

Anonymous No. 184792

I went through the stats, highschool wrestling alone is more popular than bjj in the US which doesn't even take into account gradeschool/jr high and college

bjj will never beat something that's in the school systems. Even in Brazil judo is more popular because it's in the schools

Anonymous No. 184796

Up and to the right then straight down when you finish.

Here’s the way I was taught and currently still do it: when I feel they are standing too strong on their right foot I trap their right leg by reaching out and hooking the back of their knee with my own right foot. Keeping pressure here is important because if they are able to shift their weight to the left leg you will get countered with osoto gari. Once their leg is trappped I make two hops forward on my left leg until I am standing ahead of them. From there I plant my right foot to the ground and roll them over my hip/leg.

I couldn’t find a video of the hopping set up but this video demonstrates what I mean by rolling them over. You can see how he first lifts the opponent up and to the right then rolls him over his leg while applying pressure straight down.

Anonymous No. 184797


Anonymous No. 184831

What does scholastic wrestling have to do with adult beginners?

Anonymous No. 184833

teenagers are young adults

Anonymous No. 184836

While I agree in principle the common connotation would be post school age. Wrestling is not a common sport outside of the school system and it's not a common one to begin in college.

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Anonymous No. 185009

I haven't gotten a chance to practice this throw since before 2010 when I was a kid. How are you supposed to defend yourself against it?

Anonymous No. 185011

dont do classic hiza guruma

Anonymous No. 185153

alright you fucks. I need tachiwaza advice because my grappling sucks, both on the ground and standing, but lets start with standing. Im a stocky manlet at 5'6 180 lbs orange belt to start with. Im not horrible at grip fighting in that I at least know not to just go for the basic 50/50 kumikata. Im trying integrate movement into my kuzushi. But against higher belts basically nothing works; theres a 130 lbs old black belt my height that is so much more technical than me that he kicks my ass. Im trying to get more successful at my turn throws, but I feel like I dont even know what I am doing wrong in randori, all my throws work fine when I'm drilling, but i just feel like I cant pull any of them off when I spar unless im going against a shit yellow belt. Am I just lacking upper body muscles to get the right kuzushi? Is my technique shit, and if it is what are some really good resources that detail out specifics of technique?

Anonymous No. 185154

Stop thinking. Stop thinking about trying to get a certain throw or the throw after that, just focus on head control and moving in a somewhat circular motion. Head control, this is the number one thing to play about with. I don't focus on the throw itself, just trying to get the guy's head to the ground in the most efficient way possible.

Use 'ghost grips.' Thing I learned. When you're fighting and you grab onto your opponent and hold on, even with the slightest tension in your finger, they will know your next move. Instead, hover your hand close to the place you wish to grab but only grab when you're ready to move, DO NOT HOLD ON just hover and shoot.

Snap. All of those grandpa black belts that weigh 100 lbs. soaking wet and look like a gust of wind could knock them over, all they have in their technique is years upon years of snapping power. Like a bull whip, it doesn't weigh the same as a truck and it doesn't move like a slight breeze. It's sharp and uses all of its energy effectively to whip and crack.

SHOOT IN! Shoot in your grips, the best time to throw is when your opponent doesn't have any grips and that's usually at the very first second of the match. So, jump in! Not with anger or strength-baring rage but with that snappy aggression. If you can't land the grip, ghost your grips and each time you go to grab, punctuate it. Put your whole body into that snap.

Kuzushi. Your kuzushi should get to be so good that you should be able to off-balance someone so much that they just stumble or fall over with one full movement.

That's all I can offer. Don't think, don't grip and when you do don't hold onto your grips, snap hard and first by shooting in, and finally focus on your kuzushi.

Anonymous No. 185364

went to class today. Youre pretty much right

my kumikata could use some work, but whats actually holding me back is that my kuzushi is alot more shit than i thought. kuzushi in uchikomi feels so much more different than in randori.
I unironically thought that the way judo teaches kuzushi was old fashioned and that there was better ways to off balance, that it took too much upper body strength; maybe there is; but pretty much everybody more technical and better than me said that its about the pull.

Fuck me tachiwaza is so much harder than newaza. I can understand better why the gracies went on the ground

Anonymous No. 185396

I would say that good kuzushi is single-handley the most important thing in Judo and any throw. If you train kuzushi hard enough and just focus on that for 90% of your training, the fit-ins and actual throws just become different ways to end your movement. As said above, your kuzushi should get to be so good that you should be able to off-balance someone so much that they just stumble or fall over with one full movement.

Anonymous No. 185458

hey faggots, I know all of you suck and never compete but in my last competition I really struggled against lefty uchimata specialist. what's a good strategy against that? ura nage?

Anonymous No. 185459

this is the most cringeworthy post in the history of /judo/. is anyone here besides me not a mouthbreathing faggot?

Anonymous No. 185476

that's not very nice, what's so prolifically cringe about?

Anonymous No. 185503

your kumikata is probably lacking. gripfighting is all, ignore the kuzushi fags. problem with many judokas today is that they don't pay attention to it, they think it's all in the throws and off-balancing, then they fight someone with good kumikata skills and get completely nullified. you'll never throw people when you can't win the grips.

Anonymous No. 185509

>kumikata skillz > kuzushi
No. The problem with most Judokas today is lack of head control, over-usage of brute strength and lack of kuzushi.

Anonymous No. 185564

Cringe, having dominant grips is the opposite of using “brute strength”. When you have superior grips you put yourself in a position to easily off balance and execute your own throws while your opponent is forced to exert themselves just to stay on their feet.

Anonymous No. 185572

Nobody is arguing that having good grips is a negative thing. But most of the time, Judokas will just substitute kuzushi with brute strength instead of taking good grips and actually using them effectively.

Anonymous No. 185575

>t. Griplet

Anonymous No. 185581


Anonymous No. 185587

>Single overhand collar grip and lapel grip --> Neck twist
>Single overhand collar grip and lapel or sleeve grip --> Neck hold grip

Anonymous No. 185591

What point are you even trying to make?

Anonymous No. 185592

grip fighting is very easy

Anonymous No. 185594

You realize there’s more to grip fighting then just the good grip at the end of it right? You have to get there first and unless your fighting in the beginner division a good player isn’t just going to let you take it.

Anonymous No. 185595

skill issue

Anonymous No. 185597

Hey retard, that’s exactly what me and the other anon are saying. You need good grip fighting skills. Do you have brain damage?

Anonymous No. 185599

mad cuz bad

Anonymous No. 185600

>say something that is in agreement with previous posts
>act like it’s an argument
>get called a retard
>lol why I mad tho?
Anything else to add?

Anonymous No. 185603

yeah you're easy to off balance without any grips apparently lmao

Anonymous No. 185604

>it’s easy to off balance someone when you have grips and they don’t
You mean like the exact same thing I posted >>185564? Anything ELSE to add?

Anonymous No. 185609

yeah you're a fag huehuehuehuehuehuehuehuehue

Anonymous No. 185663

Why are you separating the two? Your grips should lead right into your kuzushi. Do not separate them, they go hand-in-hand. It's like riding a bike, when you place your foot on the pedal and push down the wheel moves, it's the same thing.

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Waza-Ari Obi Tori....webm

Anonymous No. 185695

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Dominic Ressel Ju....webm

Anonymous No. 185696

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Teddy Riner vs Yu....webm

Anonymous No. 185697

Was this a robbery? Should Uzbek in the white gi have gotten an ippon instead of a waza-ari?


Anonymous No. 185699

He falls on his shoulder then rolls away so no.

Anonymous No. 185716

He landed on his side. That’s waza-ari

Anonymous No. 185954

>be Emilio Bruno
>write "To preserve the “little man versus the big man” theory, the Grand Championships were established where the weight system was eliminated and the skills of true judo can further exemplify the principle of “Maximum Efficiency with Minimum of Effort”, Dr. Kano’s established “All Pervading Principle of Judo.”"
>implement weight-classes anyway

Anonymous No. 186070

yeah maybe because kano was fucking wrong and any combat sport inherently requires weight classes to make competition fair

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Anonymous No. 186071

>and any combat sport inherently requires weight classes to make competition fair
lol. lmao

Anonymous No. 186096

>kano was fucking wrong

Anonymous No. 186101

Just git gud

Anonymous No. 186190

No, that's a waza-ari. In fact, I'm surprised they didn't give it an ippon because it seems like almost anything vague throw-like scores ippon now.

Anonymous No. 186209

I've just started judo a couple months.
I've got two problems.
1. I need to tamp down on my natural strength and speed to learn technique properly.
This problem will eventually solve itself, they're starting to pair me up with big boys with big belts.
2. I'm fucking terrible at landing in the side breakfall position.
I always land on my hip and shoulder blade rather than my whole side.
I really want to be better at this.
Any suggestions on drilling?

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Anonymous No. 186223

Practice this.
Emphasis on the foot sweeping-like movement.
Stay focused, keep practicing.

Anonymous No. 186229

Why does Kano look so disappointed?

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Anonymous No. 186267

You haven't been drilling ukemi enough.

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Anonymous No. 186357

>Watch some gameplay video of Blitz: The League II
>Every time I fall I feel like I'm gonna go into x-ray mode and see some catastrophic injury happen to me internally

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Anonymous No. 186359

Forgive me, Kano-sensei.

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Anonymous No. 186469

Practice your Ukemi.


Anonymous No. 186491

He saw the IJF

Anonymous No. 186509

You didn't wash your gi.

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Anonymous No. 186573

>that punch 1 sec in

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Chol Gwang KIM Ju....webm

Anonymous No. 186653

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inner mongolia mo....webm

Anonymous No. 186675

Anonymous No. 186823

Kumi-kata (guard grab) sometimes leads to blow to the head.
In this case it doesn't seem intent on harming the japanese girl.

Anonymous No. 186883

gi vs no-gi

Anonymous No. 186884

I like Craig Jone's
Balls to Wall

Anonymous No. 186885

Doesn't matter, they're both shit.

Anonymous No. 186886


Anonymous No. 186889

You didn’t mop the mats

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sambo steve feet ....png

Anonymous No. 186922

Danaher is peak midwit. He's got a great mind for BJJ, but he thinks he's an authority on all other martial arts when he clearly isn't good at shit outside of his niche.

Pic rel is a more detailed analysis.

Anonymous No. 186923

Should I bend my knee during Hiza Guruma or keep it straight? I like to keep it bent to prevent getting grabbed and because I find it easier.

Anonymous No. 186930

I didn’t look at >>182064 closely until I saw your post. Why the fuck does this retard have two knees on the ground for an ankle pick? He has to know that this is wrong, right?

Anonymous No. 186931

Stop doing hiza guruma and start doing Sasae tsurikomi ashi. It’s better.

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Anonymous No. 186936

Just don't do Hiza LMAO

Anonymous No. 186939

Patrician taste, definitely in my top four favorite throws.

Anonymous No. 186957

Honestly I don’t even do it except as a faint, I just no it’s objectively better because there’s literally zero good hiza guruma players and a fuck ton of good Sasae players

Anonymous No. 186959

>I just no it’s objectively better because there’s literally zero good hiza guruma players and a fuck ton of good Sasae players

What's the difference between the two? Your foot is just slightly higher than Uki's knee in Hiza. People probably hit either or without knowing and just assuming it was Sasae.

Anonymous No. 186961

>what's the difference between the ankle and the knee
dunno man, I skipped that lesson in kindergarten

Anonymous No. 186962


Anonymous No. 186963

>Danaher is peak midwit.
I would not say that
>he's an authority on all other martial arts
yeah, I agree but it isnt aimed at judo guys, it is aimed bjj guy like that pic says, so I have no problem with it. He brought Satoshi Ishii on to teach higher level judo.

Also that pic sums up my feelings perfectly

Anonymous No. 186970

funny bone is not connected to the ankle bone

Anonymous No. 186972


Anonymous No. 186983

completely sedentary atm
should I work on my cardio and muscle before I join a judo gym?

Anonymous No. 186984

No, join a judo gym now.

If you weren't working out before, odds are you won't start and you'll never end up doing judo. The judo gym will improve cardio/muscle and give you motivation to continue.

Anonymous No. 187013

Kano designed judo to serve as a physical education curriculum, just show up and you'll be fine. An instructor told me that he's had to coach sedentary adolescents on how to physically coordinate oneself through a situp; if you're at that level or beyond judo will help you. You can and should train outside of class but just starting judo and stopping making excuses will be very good for you.

Anonymous No. 187014

Join now, start doing cardio and lifting in addition to your training.

Anonymous No. 187168

I was a couch potato when I started judo.

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Judo JudoTVcom Ju....webm

Anonymous No. 187169

Anonymous No. 187180

In the present day, what do people mean when they say "Kodokan judo"? Do they mean Olympic judo? Federation judo? Anything other than Kosen?

Anonymous No. 187185

10/10 clip

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Anonymous No. 187186


Anonymous No. 187188

He looks amused. A good throw is a good throw, even if it's the other guy's good throw.

Anonymous No. 187191

nobody's happy to get ura nage'd

Anonymous No. 187192

Why not? It's a cool throw.

Anonymous No. 187194

I'm not saying it's not a cool throw, it's just a fun throw to be on the receiving end of. Even with the best ukemi it still hurts.

Anonymous No. 187196

>it's just a fun throw to be on the receiving end of

Fuck, I hate writing at night.

Anonymous No. 187197

If you'd rather be physically comfortable than experience cool throws you might not have your head in the right place for judo.

Anonymous No. 187203

Judo isn't a game.

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Anonymous No. 187215

My guy, no competitor wants to be ippon'd with a ura nage lol.

I have no clue, but I think hiza is supposed to be even worse when leg grabs are allowed.

I'm working on a spinning uchi mata like Shohei Ono. I have trouble doing all of the right things at the same time (punch uke's head down, pull uke's sleeve really hard, take a huge backstep near uke's leg, reap leg as high as I can). Any suggestions on how to practice this efficiently instead of just spamming this in randori and trying to remember everything?

Anonymous No. 187252

Competition is a tool for studying judo. Getting thrown with a good throw in competition is a good studying opportunity. It's fun to win but it's still fun to experience good judo even if you don't win that particular match.

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Anonymous No. 187298

-Kid in red

Anonymous No. 187300

>my single-weave piece-of-shit gi gets ripped to shreds during practice
>sensei gives me a like-new double-weave from the dojo's lost-and-found
Today is a happy day.

Anonymous No. 187306

If he had that attitude on the mats he might have been better equipped on the tile.

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Anonymous No. 187319

Can you do Osoto going back and into Uki? So instead of trying to pull them towards you and having your side turned to them while throwing outwards, you can instead pull them to you while kind of pivoting so you end up going a little bit behind them more and throwing inwards.

Top diagram is normal and bottom is my version.

Anonymous No. 187383

The kodokan is a place dumbass. Not only is it a place, it has a literal translation as “The place for learning the way”. In other words, the kodokan is “the place for learning the way of judo.”

It’s in Tokyo by the way. You can visit.

Anonymous No. 187384

>getting hurt is so cool bro
Jump off a skyscraper on to concrete. It’s the coolest thing you can do.

Anonymous No. 187405

see >>186267

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Anonymous No. 187593


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Anonymous No. 187613

I am literally the only nigga in my Dojo that does Osoto otoshi. Not one other soul does this and it makes me so sad. Do you guys have a throw that you only see yourself ever doing, like a technique you really like but never see anyone else do?

Anonymous No. 187626

gorgeous gorgeous judo girls

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Uchi Mata Sumi 2(1).webm

Anonymous No. 187654

I hit sumi gaeshi often, but I don't see it used much by anyone else at my club.
I really like the uchi-mata and 'bounce' variations Travis Stevens teaches in his Mastering Sumi Gaeshi instructional.

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Bounce Sumi.webm

Anonymous No. 187655


Anonymous No. 187659

Lil fingies :)

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 187772

هذا المكان هو مرحاضي الآن

Anonymous No. 187924

OP is gay and made a new thread early AND didn't crosslink it


Anonymous No. 187956

Thank you. I was starting to wonder why this thread had been extra slow.

Anonymous No. 188338

i just assumed everyone knew

Anonymous No. 189128

Well when you assume you make an ASS out of U and ME >:\

Anonymous No. 190429
