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🧵 What is your stance on Tradition vs Sport?

Anonymous No. 180691

Which better preserves a martial art? Studying from old sources to preserve the art? Or modern remakes of old arts?

Anonymous No. 180692

Nogi is going let cacc live

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Anonymous No. 180693


Anonymous No. 180694

You are the worst type of tard

Anonymous No. 180696

>make obvious bait post
>get mad when called out

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Anonymous No. 180697

>OP watching butthurt weebs call others OP

Anonymous No. 180712

HEMA isn’t traditional, it’s reconstructive. A better comparison would be kendo vs. kenjutsu or koryu in general.

Anonymous No. 180715

It logically needn't be one or the other. It is not so challenging to practice both, for example, in the case of kendo vs kenjutsu. More training in more styles is never a detriment. So many of the questions posed online are never asked in real life because this is a fact that practicing martial artists/pro sport combatants realize early on.
I dislike him because of how & how long it took him to realize this, now so much of his brand is acting like some sort of enlightened fighter because he realized where kung fu belongs, in training, not in a ring. He speaks truth, even if he is being captain obvious, but I guess common sense isn't common anymore.

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Anonymous No. 180720

sports are just a way to test out the principles of tradition
they're unimportant and once you start practicing sports for sports sake you've lost the plot

Anonymous No. 180723

Fukke saved, good take. This whole board, literally every single martial art thread is constantly shitted up by arguing retards who insist one of these is better than the other when they have more similarities than differences.

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Anonymous No. 180767

Anonymous No. 180791

Has no pin though, which is valuable and what makes CaCC unique. Also, CaCC as an art isn't just a group of techniques--the techniques might survive in nogi or submission wrestling but something very substantial would be lost in the process--as the culture of "the violent art" is part of what makes it effective (compare how BJJ guys train and how wrestlers train). This doesn't mean that ineffective techniques from CaCC should be kept around for the sake of it, CaCC should have the same mindset of "adopt what works and abandon what doesn't" as BJJ; we're going to end up with some sort of supreme grappling art either way, the human body works the same no matter the art and through cross-training we're finding out what , we would however be much benefited if this comes about in the category of CaCC than something else.

Anonymous No. 180794

Not a traditional martial art.
Not a traditional martial art.
Not a traditional martial art.
Katori shinto ryu?
Not a martial art.

Anonymous No. 180798

>This doesn't mean that ineffective techniques from CaCC should be kept around for the sake of it
The problem with this mindset is that good stuff gets abandoned too. People gets this faux-Darwinist view that fighting is a linear evolution and whatever is latest is greatest. In reality, things come and go in cycles. Just because a move or style is not popular at the moment doesn't mean it's useless. If it worked at one point, there's a reason for it and it's worth preserving.

>CaCC should have the same mindset of "adopt what works and abandon what doesn't" as BJJ
BJJ is a perfect counter to that statement. The meta has shifted so many times that things that were once mega popular were deemed obsolete yet had a resurgence later on when the meta shifted again.

Anonymous No. 180802

You're right anon, didn't think about that. It's probably better with a maximalist mindset then where you add new techniques without necessarily getting rid of old ones trying to minmax metas.

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Anonymous No. 180811


Anonymous No. 180815

>your traditional sport doesn't allow full-on wrestling midplay, gouging, biting, nutsack hits and breaking bones
all shit today is sport, simple as. Anyone bragging about how they would have won if fighting in a historically accurate way forgets one thing--your average fighter in history would have no qualms dropping his sword for an uzi.

Anonymous No. 180866

Honestly what made HEMA become so popular. All weapons martial arts were rubbish up until HEMA got a decent foothold.

Main example that upsets weebs is how fast the samurai became gunners after being introduced guns by the euros.

Anonymous No. 180870

In the current day there's just not much need for non-firearm weapon training aside from just doing it for fun
It's all about guns and improvised weapons

Personally I think swords should be allowed to be open carried everywhere guns are permitted to be

Anonymous No. 180878

Hard disagree, theres tons of opportunities for it to be used. I have used kendo on 1 occasion using my cane to fend off a knife wielding crack head trying to mug me. Tons of self defense applications. But you would need to be carrying something. Cane, hiking stick, something. You also have to not be such a pridedul POS that the suggestion of using something other than an explicit weapon doesn't piss you off.

Anonymous No. 180880

I'd blast that crackhead away
I'm not afraid to make a nigga catch a 9 if he gives me a reason

Anonymous No. 181185

the fundamental problem is that we no longer live in a society where melee fighting is common, so the only appropriate way to pressure test is in a competition setting, and that is obviously not the same. This problem is especially much more massive in grappling imo because you're not supposed to get damaged in grappling competitions while striking competitions obviously gives you brain damage. basically any MA sport that tries to minimalize damage and replace it by points will have this issue of sliding away from tradition and hypertuning for competition rules.

My opinion is that traditional principles are generally more useful for IRL self defence than the current sports meta because traditional principles are generally developed in the battlefield by professional soldiers.
But because competition today is the only way to consistently pressure test, the strongest fighters of a martial arts are the sports dudes.

I think a classic example of this in grappling is the emeegence of the bottom specialist in competition nogi jitz. Obviously the best grapplers are great guard passers and wrestlers as well, but some competitors will choose to play a seated guard or worse a supine guard which is just idiotic in a IRL situation

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Anonymous No. 181186

>he doesnt train gun + judo/jitsu/sambo for the john wick drip
>he doesnt want to be a CQC god like big boss

Anonymous No. 181220

>we no longer live in a society where melee fighting is common
Agree with everything else you had to say, but that opinion, is result of your life, and where you've lived. That is not a universal or even a common truth. A first world privilege & even then, only in certain income brackets & neighborhoods.

Anonymous No. 181244

Judo is pointless the moment you get shanked. Take the daggerpill.

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Anonymous No. 181250

>*blocks your path*
What now, scoundrel?

Anonymous No. 181272

thats what the gun is for. the gun dominates every range except grappling range, and thats where your venom snake judo throw comes in.

If all you have is a dagger you're getting shot.

Anonymous No. 181280

/k/fag here, I’m such a paranoid retard that I carry a gun, pepper spray, a switchblade and have been training martial arts for almost two decades.

Don’t judge me I had an abusive childhood and now I’m crazy.

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Anonymous No. 181281

This is the average judo physique
Good luck reaching my vital organs through this double weave gi and power belly!

Anonymous No. 181284

I want you to know I legitimately had a belly laugh with my judo power belly at this post

Anonymous No. 181285

Greetings /k/omrade. I would never judge you. I carry a G17, a fixed blade, and OC spray and I'm a lifelong martial artist. My parents are still married, very loving, and I had a semi-idyllic childhood, I just love weapons and martial arts.

Also I might be crazy.

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Anonymous No. 181294

based. /k/ lurker nofunz here. just please dont shoot us in a schizo induced rage.

Anonymous No. 181302

Depends. Are you an agent of the antichirst? Or a skinwalker?

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Anonymous No. 181304

of course not ;)

Anonymous No. 181343

>durrr what ud a rondell dagger
Silence, you little Squire, the Knights are talking.

Anonymous No. 181344

*carries pistol and a 10$ dagger/knife*
Watchu gone do now judoboy?

Anonymous No. 181346

Reminder that this picture was obliterated in karate threads, poster never recovered and only can post it now in threads no one cares about

Anonymous No. 181347

This one too

Anonymous No. 181349

>dis got ublaterated n utder treads
>huehuehue i gots dis anon reelz gud joompin to utder tread
Holy-fucking-butthurt batman. Lets break this down.
>semantic argument
>Negative response but no argument
>Butthurt wall of nonsense cope
>Probably you
>Approved with clarification
>non sequitur
So, you got butthurt in the karate general & when you didn't get enough (you)s and wanted to have another go. Thats pretty fucking pathetic dude. Funny tho

Anonymous No. 181353

>"Lets break this down."
>doesn't break it down
>approves post that destroys his nonsense

Anonymous No. 181355

>no reading comprehension
More nonsense cope.

Anonymous No. 181357
