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🧵 /esg/ Eternal Skateboarding Generel

Anonymous No. 182012

2024 edition

Anonymous No. 182013

How y'all niggas doin

Anonymous No. 182021

Damn I spelled general wrong

Anonymous No. 182025

Doing well. It's snowy and wet. Got kicked out of a parking garage today, but found an even better one with manny pads and yellow curbs. Gonna go there again tomorrow. I was going insane after not skating for 3 days.

Anonymous No. 182036

literally do not give a fuck about that old ass dyke bitch elissa steamer and whatever she chooses to do on a skateboard

elissa steamer worship is one of the most cringe things in skateboarding and i gag whenever i see that part where it's ed templeton going 'she's just so awesome' or whatever while she does the ugliest trick ever

Anonymous No. 182037

2024 niggas to infinity

Anonymous No. 182039

ed templeton is a sjw fag. jeremy klein would never sponsor a gay or woman

Anonymous No. 182040

neither templetons graphics or kleins are cool maybe i do like frog

Anonymous No. 182041

trying to learn how to bomb hills switch until the halfpipe opens back up
idk welcome to hell was pretty cool because she had that skate rat kid style

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Anonymous No. 182043

Basic brand info for beginners (embed)

Shoe reviews:

Submit a shoe review:

Previous thread >>178940

Anonymous No. 182070

Not bad, but have foolishly not let myself recover from a monster sesh last Wednesday and tried to have two more since then which were weak. That's what I get for eating like shit a drinking literally every day over Christmas.

>I don't care
>look guys, look how much I don't care
>I don't care so much that I also get mad at Templeton

Elissa is great, fuck off. She's a died in the wool skate rat who's still at it despite nearing 50 years old. In a world of female skaters who are half-model who eventually phone in the skating so they can still look good, Elissa is still taking slams and actually working for her tricks with the best of them. Yeah, she's not the most elegant or skilled, but that doesn't stop her. If you don't respect that, you'll eventually give up on skating and get fat and old before you're 40.

Anonymous No. 182075

This. Cant deny her level of commitment to stick with it despite her age. Her looks don’t count for shit and shouldn’t.

Anonymous No. 182076

I’m recovering from severe pneumonia and I’ve kept myself inside. I had a nice Xmas and New Year despite being unable to drink and being a hermit.
I want to get back out there while the weather isn’t raining (even if we’re due a cold spell) and I just want to do it.

Anonymous No. 182077

I only quit like a year ago and I already got fat

Anonymous No. 182078

spent all night trying to muscle out longboard ollies and now i cant bend my knee

Anonymous No. 182082

Good, feel like this is the year of the flip trick for me. My ollies are so much better, now I need a kickflip or heelflip. Honestly hope I get a heelflip first, I don't know why, I think they look more satisfying.

Anonymous No. 182087

flipping the board is way easier than a good ollie once you figure out the trick behind it. when i get hurt i can do all my redditflips way before i get proper ollies back

Anonymous No. 182092

Being unwell over December, the medication I’ve been on (steroids, anti-biotics) hasn’t helped me weight-wise.
Having had the pneumonia, this has now led me to stop smoking for good (though I’m still on the crackpipe vape). Where I used to be stick thin, I’ve just been eating and eating and doing fuck all and now I’ve put on a stone and a half.
I’ll try shift it but I’m worried now about even being able to Ollie like I used to. I’ve never been this heavy before

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Anonymous No. 182093

>I’ve never been this heavy before
you mean you've never been this powerful before

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Anonymous No. 182094

>I’ve just been eating and eating and doing fuck all
>the medication I’ve been on hasn’t helped me weight-wise.

Anonymous No. 182095

Kek you make me want to road test my extra weight now

Anonymous No. 182096

Tbf I think I’ve also replaced one bad habit for another.
I used to smoke and didn’t eat so much. And now I’ve stopped, I notice I eat more than I did. Worst bout of pneumonia I’ve suffered as well as having asthma (and being a smoker). The steroids seem to have increased my appetite too.
I’ve never felt this zapped. The last time I skated was November. Haven’t even broken my new wheels in.

Anonymous No. 182098

I'm more of a bryan fury guy myself

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Anonymous No. 182102

Time to hit the bowl, fat friends. Heavy drop in = fast as fuck boyee. Then just pump around until you can't any more. Then do it again.

Anonymous No. 182103

well I guess this is growing up

Anonymous No. 182107

cigs are an appetite suppressor. when i stop drinking I start eating like crazy to replace the booze consumption.

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Anonymous No. 182108

>skateboarder health advice
>keep smoking cigarettes so you can skip meals and stay thin enough to balance on ledges with greater ease

Anonymous No. 182109

Getting old is shit, not recommended. Last month was the worst I’ve ever felt.
Ngl me quitting the cigs is a good idea (my wallet it grateful) but I just can’t quite give up on vapes (the other smoking thing I did when I had barely any money for a 20pack).
I guess I should just vape instead maybe? I plan on living on soup for the rest of this month to shed the weight from me.

Anonymous No. 182110

>fat friends
You’ve made me depressed, I’m actually heavier than I thought.
I went from 10st and a half when I last weighed myself in October. Right now? I’m over 13st. The dieting starts tomorrow

Anonymous No. 182111

Should I get some es penny 2s or reebok club c?

Anonymous No. 182119

both horrible choices the penny 2s look like shit and have horrible colorways but at least youd be supporting es and penny

Anonymous No. 182120

Penny 2 is the best looking skate shoe ever created, what's would you recommend then what do you wear

Anonymous No. 182127

>People are finally catching on to the Braille scientology shit
>Viewership dropping daily
Not looking good for them

Anonymous No. 182131

>People are finally catching on to the Braille scientology shit
people have known about this shit for more than 4 years

Anonymous No. 182133

I live in a small town where we have a decent skatepark. how can i get more chicks to come hang out and watch me eat shit? serious question

Anonymous No. 182135

How old are you

Really just gotta talk to them and see how they vibe it's the same everywhere

Anonymous No. 182137

penny’s supra shoe was probably the best skate shoe i’ve ever owned so if the es ones are anything like that they’ll be fucking tanks.

Anonymous No. 182139

if you get those reeboks just make sure to add superglue to the stitching on the toe cap. if you don't they'll explode open in a session or two.

Anonymous No. 182140

Why the fuck would you want to litter your skatepark with a bunch of useless whores

Anonymous No. 182149

I haven't gotten THAT much heavier, but I did lose all of my weight loss progress pretty much over Christmas thanks to eating like shit and drinking waaaay too much. But the good thing about gaining weight is that you get to enjoy the feeling of losing it again.

Also I'm over 14st right now if that's any condolence.

Anonymous No. 182150

Is that why it's on the way out? I thought it was just people getting sick of it. It also seems like people are getting sick of the Berrics too.

Are we in another dip in skate popularity? Something about 2023 seemed a bit dull. 2 of my local shops (here in London and back in Dublin) are closing down due to lack of sales, and I think I've been seeing less new starters at the parks.

Anonymous No. 182151

Skateboarding saw a massive boom in 2020 because of Covid and people being stuck with nothing else to do, skate companies overproduced on product and now have warehouses full of shit that they can't sell and are literally going bankrupt, some of the biggest brands in the game have been bought up and are also going out of business (Darkstar, Zero, Enjoi, etc.), Youtube channels for skateboarding are hitting all time lowest viewer counts, Berrics and Revive moving out of where they've been for however many years, etc. etc. I've personally had all of my local skate shops save for one close down within the past year or two, even the newer ones. I imagine the only reason why the one didn't close is because it's literally a block down from our biggest skate park in the area.

But yeah, Braille is dying, bleeding viewership, subscribers, employees, etc., which honestly good riddance with all the scientology shit surrounding it. People trying to call it a religion when it's just a genuine cult that has never benefited anyone but those at the top. I've actually heard that a lot more skateboard companies than just Braille are filled with scientologists, which is pretty freaky honestly. But don't expect skateboarding to get any bigger anytime soon, I doubt the Olympics will help, if it doesn't end up getting cut out entirely.

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Anonymous No. 182160

>I've actually heard that a lot more skateboard companies than just Braille are filled with scientologists
Scientology membership, ironically next to skateboarding, has been haemorrhaging since Covid. A lot of members were forced to keep a literal distance during lockdown, which led the cult programming to slip and for a lot of them to start listening to critics and ex-members.
But yeah, the only other skating Scientologist that I know of is Berra (and ofc Jason Lee, but he left it years ago thank god).

It's pretty fucking sad to see my two locals go. The one in Dublin has been around since the early 80s. But then, both it and my London one didn't do a hell of a lot of promotion this last year. The year before there was at least one demo or event. I can't remember anything happening last summer.
I generally don't mind skating having quiet eras, but the fact skate shops and skater owned companies seem to be struggling while the big sports brands are still doing well is concerning. The general shape of the industry might truly be changing into something ugly if this continues. Normally I'd expect those big sports brands to drop it first while the smaller ones hang in there.

Anonymous No. 182162

Doom posting cause Braille is dying, who woulda thought. Look at it this way, skateboarding mainstream hype will die, only the dedicated will continue and everything can go back to being a hostile, gatekept sekkrit club for misfits and losers just like the good old days. There's nothing to be worried about. Also I started skating in 2020.

Anonymous No. 182172

Happy new year /esg/.
Here's a new year's "resolution" : learn to fucking link the new.

May the world not explode under the weight of competing imperialisms (looking at the usa and israel mostly)

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Anonymous No. 182173

You're the real MOP. I don't know what anyone says, you're the OP.

Anonymous No. 182183

Greco has taken courses
And koston is one potentially too

Anonymous No. 182192

Pair of adidas and you should be fine

Anonymous No. 182193

>Also I'm over 14st right now if that's any condolence
Thank you bro, I actually feel better about this right now. This is my first day of dieting and I’m dying for my cigs. Left my vape somewhere so I’m heading the shop for a big bag of monster munch and one of those gay looking lost Marys the shopkeeper is desperate to sell

Anonymous No. 182194

>Skater Scientologists
And here was me joking about being a Flat Earther. They can’t be that retarded surely?
>current state of skateboarding
Locally by myself, the scene is affected by the state of the weather outside and I seen less people before I took a break in November (I say break but I felt like crap during December). I have seen some new kids trying out that id seen before. Not many ngl some but admittedly its a hard one to judge as when i started out there wasnt so many skating then either (early 2000s)

Anonymous No. 182197

>Braille is dying

Why are you saying that?

Anonymous No. 182198

I don’t even know who they are

Anonymous No. 182199

>the fact skate shops and skater owned companies seem to be struggling while the big sports brands are still doing well is concerning

The Nike and Adidas oligopoly has been taking over skateboarding for a decade. Consolidated was running the "don't do it" campaign. The thing that further worsened things since 2008 was that the distribution and supply chains were interrupted because of the lockdowns (not "during", because) and you can read interviews with shop owners and distributors in jenkem, where they're saying they can't keep up with demands since they can't have people working in the factories and warehouses with the same routines due to the measures -which was kinda iffy as an excuse- and shops suffering as a result. I swear people are forming shorter memory spans.

Anonymous No. 182200

>Nike and Adidas
I recently found out Converse are owned by Nike and it shows you these huge companies just get their hands on everything
Are there any skate companies not owned by the big two?

Anonymous No. 182202

Wtf kek Converse are obviously not a core skate brand. And there are plenty.
I blame zoomies and heir dunks. You'd get spit on for wearing corporate shit shit in my day.

Anonymous No. 182204

anybody who says skateboarding is dying is fucking retarded shits in the fucking olympics now get real.

i skate emericas and etnies. My favorite shoes are the tilt g6 vulcs. comfiest fucking shoes ive ever worn
whos doom posting? I think everyone is pretty much fucking celebrating the death of braille and hopefully the berrics
I was a grom when nike was first starting out and it was fuck nike fuck corporate skateboarding from the jump just like its fuck cariuma right now.
>Are there any skate companies not owned by the big two?
SOLETECH FOR LIFE BAYBEE (es, emerica, etnies). I used to be a vanstard when I was a kid though dont tell anyone.

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Anonymous No. 182209

zoomers? those shoe dorks were lining up for sb dunks outside shops like 15 years ago...
you rural posters are so out of touch with literally everything its unbelievable.

Anonymous No. 182210

No, I remember exactly what happened due to lockdowns and that specific Jenkem article, but we've been out of lockdown for years now and in the case of my two locals, they got rid of all that surplus stock. Their supply chain is fine now. They're not screwed due to overspending, they're screwed due to lack of customers/changing spending habits.

And it's hard to definitely say what it is, but this last year seemed "flatter" to me. There weren't as many demos, people weren't as hyped about BATB, all the big Youtubers started losing viewers, SOTY wasn't as exciting, imo not as many killer videos came out, no new video games were released, and mainstream events like the Olympics were absent (not that I think that had a HUGE impact on skating itself in the end). You could just say "recession" and leave it at that, but I don't think that's the totality of it.

Anonymous No. 182216

>you rural posters are so out of touch with literally everything its unbelievable.
besides the fly over state posters half this thread is also people who havent skated in forever years and havent kept up and beginners who are pretending to know what theyre talking about.
the constant bitching about zoomers is just millennials coping about getting old and its pretty pathetic.

Anonymous No. 182218

You can find a video from 5 years ago and the majority of comments will still be unaccepting of Nike in skating.

Anonymous No. 182219

I jump around a lot when it comes to shoes, but Nikes and Emericas are my favorites

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back disaster 2.webm

Anonymous No. 182222

any tips to make my back disasters look legit instead of so sloppy?

this is the biggest ramp i've done one on yet but when i watched the footage i was disappointed in the lack of style

Anonymous No. 182224

Try do it in a pair of etnies
I did notice you don't bend your knees too much like I would always do, this video changed how I skate transition completely and I actually enjoy it now:

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Anonymous No. 182225

Bro the pandemic and lockdown was in 2020 not 2008

Anonymous No. 182226

and its still fuck nike and corporate skateboarding for a lot of people including me. but some of my favorite skaters skate for big corpo so its fucking whatever at the end of the 10 years there will still be plenty of people saying skateboarding shouldnt be in the olympics..

Anonymous No. 182227

too poor to wear etnies, thanks for the vid all the same, i will try bending my knees more.

the thing about the big corporate skateboard brands is that they are the ones who are allowing the smaller indy skate brands such as limosine have such a stacked roster. no way a company like that would be able to pay their guys enough to survive if it wasn't for them getting big nike/vans checks.
i don't like the politics of nike in skateboarding either but damn do they make a good shoe.

Anonymous No. 182228

I was joking about the shoes :)
The issue I think is these smaller brands are small because they have no real avenue to grow. Non skater money that used to flow into skate companies is now flowing into Nike and Adidas. Osiris, DC, Globe, Volcom etc. became big through that audience.

Anonymous No. 182233

but what did those companies do that nike/adidas aren't doing? they're still creating vids, sponsoring riders, etc

Anonymous No. 182234

I can't be fucked going into this, it's pretty well documented. They supported skating from top to bottom. There is plenty of evidence of these corporations fucking skaters, skate shops, skate companies etc. over all for corporate greed, not for skating.

Anonymous No. 182253

how did you not faceplant after locking up there.... you need to get those wheels on the deck bro and do it properly... that should take care of 90% of the "style" issue

Anonymous No. 182254

the idea of "skate shoes" was always a corny ass gimmick

Anonymous No. 182256

>They're not screwed due to overspending

I didn't claim that. And overspending on whose side? The companies or the customers? Because by definition if people aren't buying as much of your shot, you have overproduced.

I think the explanation is that other shit like energy and consequently everytjing based on it got more expensive and people are worried about what the state is going to do next. People's illusions and visions were shattered and it was especially hard for those who thought "we're not before WW2, the state is our friend now, yayyy democracy, yayyyy capitalism is yielding to be more humane/capitalism has won". So, not enough income, and more worry to leave people discombobulated and not wanting to skate.

Anonymous No. 182257

But Nike/adidas also have a grasp on many other sports

Anonymous No. 182259

>we've been out of lockdown for years now
>things that happened in the past do not in any way, shape or form affect the present

Anonymous No. 182260

Remember that time we got out of the 2008 crisis and everything got back to normal? It was just like that time when after September 11th of 2001 we had hightened security measures for a bit, but then everything got back to normal again.

Anonymous No. 182263

how old are you grandpa?

Anonymous No. 182264

I learned heelflips first while thinking I was learning kickflips. There was a lot less information on the internet back then.

Anonymous No. 182271

>the thing about the big corporate skateboard brands is that they are the ones who are allowing the smaller indy skate brands such as limosine have such a stacked roster.
great example and the one I was thinking too, cyrus is my favorite skater.

esl schizo

Anonymous No. 182290

For me, I’ve always just skated in a pair of adidas or an old pair of converse. So long as the sole was flat I’ve been fine.
My friend has bought me a pair of adidas skate shoes for Xmas (adi ease) which I’m grateful for him for buying me but I’ve yet to break them in. They at least look comfortable

Anonymous No. 182291
this is why i carry a 4L jug every sesh

Anonymous No. 182298

>And overspending on whose side?
The shops. They initially overspent by buying too much stock because they both thought the lockdown upswing would keep going and because there was an over-demand when the supply chains were frozen, but the people looking for gear at the time didn't come back later.
But the only upside of that is that it's not a total loss so long as you sell that stock eventually. Which my two locals did. Problem is that after all that business got even slower.

I think what bugs me about people being cautious about buying a board (for themselves or their kids) is that they seem to think it's an expansive hobby when in reality it costs way less than something like being in a football club. It's a bit of an investment up front (say £150 for a good complete setup, £40-75 for shoes, maybe another £70-90 for helmet and pads), but they don't realise that all of that will last most of the year. Or that there are always bargains or second hand equipment to be found. I know that I personally wind up spending much less than I used to because I'll happily spend my entire day at the park instead of the pub or a cafe or whatever. The only time skating is a constant spend is in the winter when I have to pay to go to indoor parks, but even then it's not that bad.

Yeah bro, I hate it when the black death rolls through my park and everyone gets buboes on their armpits and neck. It's almost as bad as when Ottoman Siaphi hitch their horses to the flatbar, or not enough dinosaurs become refined oil and there's a shortage of urethane wheels.

Dumbass, what I was saying is that the supply chain issue caused by lockdown is not why my local shops are suffering.

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Anonymous No. 182311

I bought the Kyle Walker Vans and I'd recommend them

Anonymous No. 182326

So, the shoes got really expensive lately. What do you guys buy?
I assume it’s better to buy something from the past season because they’re usually on sale.

Anonymous No. 182328

i just get stuff from the soletch sales or other big discounts when they pop up. i also started skating foam grip so my shoes don't get shredded like they used to

Anonymous No. 182335

New Balance last a while, my Andrew Reynolds 480s have been going strong for a few months now.

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Anonymous No. 182345

soletech brands regularly have 50% off sales where you can stack a 10 - 20% off coupon on top (welcome10 or welcome 20) and then get free shipping. I got 5 pairs of etnies/emericas last year for about $100. Then I spend 10 - 15 dollars on better insoles for every 1 1/2 shoes I go thru. I cycle thru shoes too so Im not just shredding through one pair..The slap sale thread is your pal its a great resource to check regularly especially around holidays as people will post sales from their locals that ship or from lesser known online retailers or even Big Box stores like marshalls.
also pic related is your best friend if you need to save money.

Anonymous No. 182347

Just buy Nike on sale in the shitty colors if you're actually broke. They last twice as long as any other shoe so in the long run you pay less.

Anonymous No. 182348

Yeah I don't know, I think I hit my back truck like 90% of the time when I do it, probably just need to get into the habit of applying more front foot pressure

Anonymous No. 182354

>I assume it’s better to buy something from the past season because they’re usually on sale.
unless you're balling and you want to spend 100 on a pair of shoes that just got released. and will be destroyed by the end of the month.
but thats hardly any skateboarders desu lol

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Anonymous No. 182358

>shoe goo
I just use hotglue sticks and a lighter. I can see the appeal of that thing though. Easier to use if you’re not a home.

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Anonymous No. 182364

I'm a sucker for padded hightops so I pretty much only get DCs. They're not cheap (last pair were £75) but I have a loyalty deal so every few pairs I get a good chunk off the price. Plus they last between 3 and 5 months depending on what my focus with tricks is. The last pair would have lived longer if I'd not been a dumbass and ignored my bolts not being 100% countersunk.

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Anonymous No. 182365

I hope you guys are staying fit through the winter. What are your routines?

Anonymous No. 182370

>hot glue sticks/lighter
yeah im not a crack baby. that sounds retarded.

Anonymous No. 182379

8 bucks for 3.7 oz vs 6 bucks for a pack of glue sticks that will last you for several years unless you use it for something else. The result is exactly the same. Glue gun costs peanuts as well so you don’t need to touch the stuff with your hands.
The only downside is that it’s not as convinient to use outside.

Anonymous No. 182384

Just use a tube of super glue like a normal person you nutjob.

Anonymous No. 182385

you are a crack baby that doesnt even know how big 3.7 ounces is. Ill spend the 8 bucks to not look like a gutterpunk thanks.

Anonymous No. 182387

Right now, bro? Very unfit but I plan on restarting my swimming routine and working on my cardio. I’ve let myself go in a big way

Anonymous No. 182388

> to not look
Touch grass, what are you a 19 year old?
is that way

Anonymous No. 182389

u mad broke boy? go get mommys hot glue gun and put some more spikes on your battle jacket

Anonymous No. 182390

I use hotglue too anon. You can use a piece of ice to spread it right after application and it will smooth it out nicely. I used to get shoe goo as a kid, but I actually need hot glue for other stuff so it makes more sense to me.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 182392

Go get a soap and clean your face, nigger

Anonymous No. 182398

I have a hot glue gun too. Still gonna use shoe goo.

Anonymous No. 182400

Just got some all black blazer lows for 50 bucks also my friend died over the weekend rip

Anonymous No. 182401

Hey, whatever works. We all just want to extend our shoes life. I'm not going to call you n word.

Anonymous No. 182402

wtf RIP

Where did you get the blazers? They're the only Nike shoe I like.

Anonymous No. 182403

Ngl I kinda like these
I like the blazers too. My problem with shoes is I’m too happy to stick with what I know. I just wear my beat up Stan Smiths and continue to just stick with the same. I should just probably try something different

Anonymous No. 182404

i love all the airpod zoomers at the skatepark
they have great vibes
i love skating around them
i love skating with them
they rule
they're the best
they do not bother me at all
i love sharing the skatepark
i love when it's busy
it's like skating on hard mode
it only makes me stronger
their presences is an indispensable value to each sesh
i love all the airpod zoomers

Anonymous No. 182405

Which is to say you despise every single last one of them because they don't look where they're going can't hear people around them and act like they're the only ones in busy parks

Anonymous No. 182406


Anonymous No. 182408

>Remember that time we got out of the 2008 crisis and everything got back to normal?
>everything got back to normal
My local skate shop that put on demos, contests, petitioned new parks, bought pros to town and was run by the coolest guy I've ever met in skating shut down and never opened again. So no, everything didn't go back to normal just like post covid we have not returned to a "normal" and the shift of monetary power has once again moved further away from the people.

Anonymous No. 182411

Getting there. Need a new deck since mines all chipped up but can't afford anything right now. Found some 30 dollar decks I wanted to snag but even 30 is a lot for me right now

But it'll get better

Anonymous No. 182420

I like skating when it's busy because i get pumped up to try new shit and impress people

Anonymous No. 182423

walk up the halfpipe all night or bomb hills.
i need to get on a proper gym routine though, i've had weak hips for a long time
rip homie

Anonymous No. 182425

wish i was like that, i hate when people look at me

Anonymous No. 182426

same, half the time my airpods aren't even playing music I'm just using them as an excuse to ignore other people

Anonymous No. 182427

if even one other person shows up at the park i will stop skating and leave

Anonymous No. 182429

Lmao wtf is this shit

Anonymous No. 182430


Anonymous No. 182431

I'm starting to think you guys are a bunch of losers

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Anonymous No. 182432

i cant control the feeling

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Anonymous No. 182447

>What are your routines?
Skating is legs/cardio day.

Upper body/core day is goes.

Arms circuit x4 (or 3 if I'm tired)
-Shoulder press 30kg X15
-Arnold curls 30kg X10 (will bump this up to 15 soon)
-Wrist curls 30kg X20
-Lateral shoulder flies 20kg X7
-Chest press 30kg X20
-Lat pullovers 20kg X20
-Bent over rows 20kg X10

Ab routine is this:
The V ups wreck.

Just hope I can keep my diet on track for a while.

Anonymous No. 182448

There's a sale on their website at the moment, but you probably already knew that. 30 quid for some shoes down from 70.

Anonymous No. 182450

Yeah, but none of the ones I want were on sale sadly.

Anonymous No. 182451

I'm the opposite. I stick to my standards because I don't want to shit up the sesh bailing tricks over and over.

Anonymous No. 182458

yeah to each their own but if I see someone holding a lighter to a hot glue stick to fix their shoes Im gonna pause for a second before I offer up my shoe goo. and if they hit me some Achsually this is 6 dollars your tube of shoegoo is 8 dollars and call me a slur im kicking them in the head and running their pockets for the 2 dollars they saved.

Anonymous No. 182470

Spending that type of money is unimaginable for the autists in this thread. It wasn't that long ago that some nutjob got furious at another anon because he bought a branded hardware instead of generic
really giving internet access to the thirdies was a mistake the internet will never recover from

Anonymous No. 182475

i mean i was the guy who called people fags for buying skate wax instead of using a candle and ill stand by my word. buying skate wax is fucking retarded

Anonymous No. 182480

that wasn't you that was me

Anonymous No. 182499

had a redbull today for the first time in like 4 months and started doing tricks i havent landed in ages. i skated way better than i usually do... theres actual crack in it isnt there?

Anonymous No. 182502

>if I see someone holding a lighter to a hot glue stick to fix their shoes
lol, that's some crack head energy. I always just wait until I'm home to use it with a gun. Shoe goo definitely better for out in the field. Hot glue is an after session ritual for me.

Speaking of I just started skating some eS accel slims and them shits are getting torn so quickly. I usually don't use any glue until after a few sessions when the toe cap really starts to wear down, but these eS had me gluing after one session.

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Anonymous No. 182504

Blood wizard has some okay decks for $25 on their website, I just set this one up. I fucking hate the graphic

Anonymous No. 182506

Holy shit that graphics fucking stupid

Anonymous No. 182508

That's one of those graphics you go out of your way to boardslide as much as possible

Anonymous No. 182542

zumiez has element decks on sale for $25-30

Anonymous No. 182546

Aside from the graphic being (intentionally?) dumb, holy fuck I hate it when people print important parts of the design in the spot where the trucks go.

Anonymous No. 182560

Many people do that.

I was being sarcastic

Anonymous No. 182595


Anonymous No. 182596

I think we should free gator too wasn't he in meth psychosis when he killed that chick? I've been in meth psychosis before and I feel you shouldn't be held responsible for things you do during it

Anonymous No. 182597

you shouldnt be held responsible for things you do when youre drunk either or things you do when youre dope sick.

Anonymous No. 182599

I've decided to become a neet again at 30 and I'm actually at my fittest and it shows in my skating, I'm more confident at higher speeds and my board control feels tighter. Doing a lot of stretching, balancing, calisthenics stuff, and cycling for cardio.
Current week's actual mindfuck: "letting go" of your board makes it stick to your feet, like to go over a hip for example, the more you just "go with it" instead of trying to figure it out precisely, the better your stance ends up. I accidentally unlocked alley oop nollie backside 180s (on a smooth smallish quarter) with this.
I'm starting to feel like listening to music and being a little prancy and dancy helps as much with control as it does with style

Anonymous No. 182601

Parking garages

Anonymous No. 182604

Did ya'll watch this? Great video.

Anonymous No. 182608

big sunglasses
little t-shirts
bootcut jeans
start wearing this now

Anonymous No. 182612

Watching the reuploads of King of the Road has been great, but man seeing Ben Raemers makes me sad. He came up when I wasn't paying attention to skating any more, but I've met friends of his these last few years and they all do nothing but sing his praises. It's always the nicest ones.

Anonymous No. 182614

Why isn’t there an eternal bmx thread? Don’t tell me to start it either.

Anonymous No. 182621

some teenager on an e-bike almost ran into me doing like 20mph at the skatepark. i cracked up and was like 'get that fucken e-bike out of here you little faggot' and he and all his friends just like up and left haha, i think i might emit scary crackhead energy or something

Anonymous No. 182629

i think i'm going to go back to indys. i never tried the af1s but ace classics kinda suck, they are basically just like a shit version of indys. carve is about the same but the truck is heavier and the metal is softer so it doesn't grind as good.

Anonymous No. 182632

they’re good for a fulltime cruiser or a tranny boomer who just wants to carve bowls all day. the extra weight is nice for hills too maybe.
i just want venture lows with good kingpin clearance out of the box

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Anonymous No. 182635

them boards flaat as hell i skated them shits when i was a freshman in 2013-14

Anonymous No. 182639

Switching to Indy's destroyed the timing of my pop. I couldn't get used to it.

Anonymous No. 182641

I may try this myself.

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Anonymous No. 182642

>Red Bull
Nectar of the Gods.

Anonymous No. 182644

Because bmx is dead, the move from skinny jeans to baggy jeans over the last decade killed it

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500 hour energy.jpg

Anonymous No. 182649

I don't know how people drink this swill. Last time I had a white Monster I had to RUN to the toilet to rocket shit out my ass. Tastes like fucking petrol too.

Anonymous No. 182656

sugar free redbull here.

Anonymous No. 182659

they might have changed the mold since then, these ones are pretty average in terms of flatness/concave.

Anonymous No. 182660

couple vodka redbulls youll skate like you never have before

Anonymous No. 182675


Anonymous No. 182680

I hurt the sole of my foot randomly yesterday walking on my way to the gym. It’s like a spot below the pinky finger. I played basketball the day before and the next day was feeling all fine. Today hurts and I really wanna go skateboard. I should be fine right like I don’t need the sole too much?

Anonymous No. 182685

Don't show this to meth psychosis anon

Anonymous No. 182687

>I hurt the sole of my foot randomly yesterday walking
wtf why are so many posters in this general always so sickly and frail?

Anonymous No. 182688

>It’s saturday it’s finally not raining and I don’t have work
>go outside to cool skate spot
>there’s a huge free Palestine parade and it’s impossible to skate
Fuck this it’s my only day

Anonymous No. 182702

At least you can skate street. I'm out here stuck in parking garages til spring. Takes me like 25 minutes of warming up before I can feel my toes.

Anonymous No. 182710

Damn that sucks bro. Where u at. I ended up going to a spot I had seen the other day while I was drunk. It looked better when I was drunk. It was like a really small park that had some ledges/stairs but the tiles of the floor were full of cracks so it was really uncomfortable. One less reason to support their cause

Anonymous No. 182735

Goodnight esg sleep tite

Anonymous No. 182742

>white monster
I hate that repulsive shit too. Should be with Bangs and left for the boomers
I’ve been drinking those lately but it’s just not the same
Want to try this

Anonymous No. 182743

As if he cares what a mere mortal normie like me

Anonymous No. 182744

i thought espresso was as good as it gets for getting cranked to skate am I fool for avoiding energy drinks

Anonymous No. 182745

Well can I hang out with you guys? I still wear slim cut pants.

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Anonymous No. 182749

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Anonymous No. 182759

Energy drinks are actual mana to us. It used to get me through a session before I made the decision to cut back.
Made the mistake of drinking 10 red bull and nearly shitting myself once I slipped off my deck. Desperate times.
I’m now down to one drink and now just drink milk (for calcium) and juices and smoothies as my (ex)gf p-whipped me into cutting back on the fizzy drinks and RB (and after the nearly shitting my pants part)

Anonymous No. 182760

Yeah brah you can hang with us

Anonymous No. 182761

What’s the consensus/thoughts on TikTok here?
I ask this as I’ve finally managed to go back out skating and two zoomies asked me if I can show them stuff to put on their tiktok.
I couldn’t as I’m cooking some food soon but I feel bad for saying no as the lad zoomie couldn’t even kick flip (he could ollie though) and his zoomie gf wanted to put it on her tiktok. Kind of feel bad for not showing him (and impressing his gf) but I refuse to associate or use tiktok

Anonymous No. 182763

yeah don't use tiktok, it's straight up malware

Anonymous No. 182766

Leave tiktok for the kids. All social media is cancer but tiktok is the most addicting/brain rotting one. I really judge people who use tiktok over the age of 25. Ive had several tinder dates/hookups tell me they use tiktok or send me one and in my head its like their IQ just dropped 25 points. I dont mind a dumb bitch but not the phone addicted looking at stupid videos all day type of dumb bitch. I only follow like 20 accounts on IG and have nothing posted. If you have nothing to promote/your not making content the only reason to have social media is to talk to someone whos number you lost/dont have or for finding events/shit to do or to reassure hoes you're a real person.

People shouldnt be posting low quality clips online for likes/engagement anyway. Nobody cares to see your ollie or 6 inch off the ground wobbly ass 50-50. I hate clip culture, I hate social media.

Anonymous No. 182767

For me, it’s not something I’d ever use nor consider using. Mainly because I am over 25 and TikTok should be left for the kids.
The ones I’ve seen addicted to it are always having to post something even the most banal thing.
I would rather not
With this zoomie kid I was like I really maybe thought about showing him something to at least let him impress his goal. But I don’t have all day and I don’t want to be a part of some zoomies random profile and used for likes or whatever. Plus my dinner smells delicious

Anonymous No. 182770

you shouldnt be worried about teaching him anything if he just learned how to ollie.

Anonymous No. 182771

>>182766 is right
tiktok and imo even posting on instagram has been cringe for a while now, only turbo normies and lame millennials post regularly on either. be the first to ride the new wave of going back to tradition (landscape iphone montages on youtube)

Anonymous No. 182772

>lame millenials
lol its true, all my homies who just do bull shit skating like slappies/little transition are on the clip getting/posting all the time nonsense still. The people I know who are actually good don't fucking care unless they're doing something sick or have a reason to post.

Anonymous No. 182775

I'm 32 and watch YouTube shorts all day

Anonymous No. 182779

I was more worried about starting my dinner on time than anything. Though I probably could have taught him I had a girl I needed to impress with my cooking instead. Priorities, bro

Anonymous No. 182783

ya you should taught him a recipe, teach lil bro how to cook so he can impress a different girl when his leaves him for someone that can kickflip.

thats what I was doing towards the tail end of my last bender.

Anonymous No. 182785

I let little bro down. Lesson learned there I need to pass on my skills. If I see him on dock front again I’ll teach him some stuff
I won’t do TikTok but these have been completely fine. Been watching a girl called YourAubsome and it’s good fap material I like her legs ngl

Anonymous No. 182798

i think for people like that, the idea of posting a clip is the only thing that gets them to skate most days. they no longer have that pure fervor for skating just to skate, skating just to feel something, instead they need to post, they LIVE to post. SAD!

Anonymous No. 182802

I can honestly say I’ve never attempted to film myself skating since my accident with my phone. Imagine having the bright idea of filming yourself doing an Ollie then fucking that up and crunching your phone screen when your knee hits the ground.
I’ve been using an iPhone 6 that I “borrowed” since

Anonymous No. 182805

>the idea of posting a clip is the only thing that gets them to skate most days
that might be true for some people not my homies. they'd still be skating every day. idk whats going thru their brains of why they gotta post/stack a clip everyday. i feel like the one is just hanging onto his youth and another posts to show/prove to people he's still skating. I hate filming and will make any excuse to get out of it unless I know theyre gonna land it in 5 tries, they'll offer to film me do something and im just like nope, im good. my friend put me through hell trying to film me do this stupid little slappy line, then wanted me to do the same for him and I havent skated with him since then. 2 hours of a 3 hour session trying the same shit to get clips neither of us were really satisfied with at the end, wow so much fun.

have you guys ever had someone show you a bunch of mediocre clips of themselves? idk how to even respond ever. I went on a tinder date with this girl who had been skating for like 6 months and she showed me like 10 clips of her doing basic stuff like riding off a curb and doing baby ollies and I couldnt even fake it for the pussy. then she asked to see my clips and when I told her I didnt have any she acted like I didnt even skate.

Anonymous No. 182807

I've been filming myself more often, but nothing I've filmed has made me want to post it anywhere. Its helped me visualize what I look like on a board, and clean up my form. Most of my old friends think I quit skating years ago. When I mention that I skate to other people in my life they often don't realize how committed I am to it.
>have you guys ever had someone show you a bunch of mediocre clips of themselves?
I had a kid at a street spot tell me his IG handle and start cataloging every trick he had done at that spot. I looked at his IG later and it was full of "ironic" editing and music with sloppily landed tricks.

Anonymous No. 182808

>posting a clip is the only thing that gets them to skate most days
idk for hammers that's kind of understandable. putting yourself on the line for a trick is not exactly fun in the moment

Anonymous No. 182809

bros SSI just denied my disability, I waited on my ass for a year for nothing rip neetbux i might appeal it and sit on my ass another year fuck man they made this shit sound so easy this life is hard

Anonymous No. 182811

>my friend put me through hell trying to film me do this stupid little slappy line, then wanted me to do the same for him and I havent skated with him since then. 2 hours of a 3 hour session trying the same shit to get clips neither of us were really satisfied with at the end, wow so much fun.
god that sounds like actual hell, honestly if im not landing something or at least getting close within 4 trys it aint worth it.
>have you guys ever had someone show you a bunch of mediocre clips of themselves?
not really but im actually really good at hyping up beginners and lame shit cause i see how stoked it gets them. just throw in an encouraging tip and a suggestion of what they should try next as the cherry on top.
if you are throwing down hammers that often you might as well film an actual part with a real camera instead of posting on instagram so thats a totally different topic. were talking about dudes who are posting whack tricks on ig every day for a serotonin boost for likes/attention.

Anonymous No. 182815

>git job
>spend 60% paycheck on life
>invest 30% in bitcoin
>put 10% away for rainy day
>do this for a 4 years
>never be under financial stress again
I already abused you for trying to get on that bullshit so I won't again. Consider it a blessing.

Anonymous No. 182816

I used to film myself when I learnt a new trick but every clip looks like its the first time I have landed that trick with no style, going slow etc. so I stopped. I don't need to see myself looking like a kook, it took away from the self delusion.

Anonymous No. 182818

Your a fuckin idiot dawg Bitcoin is shit in 2024

Anonymous No. 182820

||fiber increase||

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Anonymous No. 182821


Anonymous No. 182828

If you didn't spend 10-50 Bitcoin on pressed Xanax and fentanyl analogs in 2012-2013 I don't want to hear your opinion on crypto

Anonymous No. 182829

fent in 2013? strange

Anonymous No. 182831

This. Water is all you need.

Anonymous No. 182833

I liked my Instagram when it was solely my friends and skaters I knew posting their progress. It's also nice to look back on and see how much shitter you used to be when you feel shit about your current status.

But over time it devolves into an ad mill, desperate to profile you and show you shit you didn't ask for. Really makes me want to delete it but then it's holding the stuff that I actually care about as a hostage. I am actually going insane at just how bad advertising is getting now.

Anonymous No. 182834

What did you make cook-bro?

Anonymous No. 182836

SWIM bought sheets of acid, mdma and dmt

Anonymous No. 182837

What's your opinion on crypto

Anonymous No. 182840

permabull, depends how familiar and retarded you are. Generally I just tell people to DCA BEL.

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Anonymous No. 182847

I film myself doing tricks and then never post them anywhere and just rewatch them by myself lol

Anonymous No. 182849

>then she asked to see my clips and when I told her I didnt have any she acted like I didnt even skate.
the new generation of skaters have a strange idea of what it means to be a skateboarder. not all of them but a lot of them.

Anonymous No. 182850

Actually that's not true, i send them to my best mate over instagram who i never get to skate with anymore

Anonymous No. 182860

Beautiful roast dinner. Beef cooked slowly and the juices used to make gravy. Roasted vegetables cooked in what was left of the duck fat from Xmas. Mashed potatoes and a side of greens. Was an amazing dinner and my (potentially new) gf was pretty pleased. She couldn’t believe I could cook

Anonymous No. 182861

how do you git gud at mashed potatoes? my mom always fucks them up during thanksgiving and gets really stressed out about it

Anonymous No. 182869

I cut mine evenly and boil in salted water. I add a touch of milk, egg yolks, some garlic I’ve boiled with the potatoes, and a touch of white pepper (not lots, just a touch) when I mash.
If I decide I want to be fancy and avoid lumps, I use a ricer but most of the time I just use a regular masher and I get no complaints. I like a thick mash which is why I use the egg yolks to bind it but I like some flavour to avoid it being bland which is why I like the garlic and white pepper in it (you need two cloves and at least a teaspoon). It’s effort but worth it

Anonymous No. 182870

Waste of time that could be better spent on other things like smokes, or if you’re actually being sensible, investing in gold.
Buying something that doesn’t exist and that you can only use in limited transactions sounds impractical when you could just buy some gold and know that it’s there to sell or to pass on.

Anonymous No. 182872


What happened?

Anonymous No. 182873

This looks strange. I don't get the Blood Wizard vibe from it.

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Anonymous No. 182877

>makes you 10 times better with one simple tip about balance

How is he so good, bros?

Anonymous No. 182879

The best posts in this thread have been about mashed potatoes.

Anonymous No. 182880

Peel and boil potatoes until they are easy to break apart with a fork in the pot.

Mash them until they don't have any hard lumps. You can just use the back of a fork to mash them if you don't have anything else.

Add a big chunk of butter and mix it in then add a splash of milk but start with just a tiny amount because too much milk can make it watery.

Add some salt to taste.

That's my basic method for mashed potatoes, bit simpler than the other fellas method but it works for me. I don't usually go too fancy with my mashed potatoes, usually just the butter and salt is enough to bring the flavor out.

Anonymous No. 182886

i just make powdered mashed potatoes lol, tastes fine

Anonymous No. 182889

Do you guys snowboard on winter? Only tried it once and seemed comfty. Not as fun but comfty

Anonymous No. 182891

I did when I lived near mountains but now it's too much time/expense to bother.
It's a lot of fun imo but lot less accessible since unless you grew up near resorts or do ski bum life it's going to be hard to get the hours to become proficient. I'm still scrub tier.

Anonymous No. 182893

these days i snowskate and only really bring out the snowboard on the shittiest days. it's fun to ride superpipe and bomb hills without having to slam on concrete or get road rash. i can eat shit on the mountain all night and not even feel it the next day. also probably a good way to learn rails.i wanna get into powsurfs as well but they're expensive and colorado backcountry is sketchy
i think you could become a pretty decent park kid pretty quickly, especially if you have an accessible jib park or even a diy yard setup. freeride probably takes a little longer to get truly competent but i have seen people get gud in just a few years and definitely faster than in skating

Anonymous No. 182895

>especially if you have an accessible jib park or even a diy yard setup
I mean even that requires property and living in place with reliable snow fall or snow machines I guess.
Not saying it's rich people only thing but it's like surfing where you have to be prepared to factor life plan around hobby somewhat or be lucky with location to do it consistently.
Skating can be done basically anywhere in world.

Anonymous No. 182896

They always are
This is what I used to and I always believe that sometimes the most simple way is the best way. After a while I just wanted more from the mash.
You got a very good method for it and I’m so glad you use butter rather than margarine like a few people I know do (they shouldn’t)
You’re missing out on the real thing but you’ve got to do you

Anonymous No. 182911

homie thats the shit they use to make pringles

Anonymous No. 182913

really? i love pringles hell ya

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Anonymous No. 182917

My fellow mashed potato king

Anonymous No. 182923

How hard should it be to learn to do kick turns, tic tacs, small manuals?
I feel like my balance lengthwise must be bottom tier, raising the front wheel without having it drop right back down or immediatly shoving tail into ground feels impossible rn.
Besides just grinding small kick turns for hours any tips to get better at this?

Anonymous No. 182925

Nope, you just gotta do them. My only tips are to make sure your legs aren't rail straight/squat a little bit, lead with your upper body, and raise your wheels by lifting your front leg while your core stays centered/do not lean back. Just start small with 20-40 degree turns and work up to 90s and 180s. Then see if you can do a full 360. Make sure you do frontside and backside turns, THEN try the same from the nose. Definitely don't neglect these.

Anonymous No. 182926

Very nice. Men who can cook are ahead in life.

I do them like this:
-peel and dice the potatoes, give them a quick wash
-boil them in water for a few minutes until you can actually mash them
-drain the water then add milk and butter. I usually err on adding too much milk so I can reduce it to a consistency I like.
-Optional: add herbs. Tarragon is a good choice, as is rosemary, but whatever you like is fine. Salt and black pepper to serve.

My mam would fuck up mash all the time. I never knew how bad of a cook she was until I had them at a friend's house and saw how delicious they could be. I've come to realise since moving out thay she was terrible at EVERYTHING.

Anonymous No. 182927

Also use Irish butter if you can get some. Kerrygold is the king of butters.

Anonymous No. 182932

thanks anon, I'll keep working on them. was just doing them over and over in parking lot today lol, I either push tail into ground and fall off back or my back foot loses balance width wise and back truck starts flexing and i get unstable ;_;
How far back on tail should my foot be? It feels like there's two sort of feelings:
1. shoe edge is just covering last bolts and center mass is only bit onto the tail and I can put good amount of weight down without slamming tail
2. off the bolts more onto the tail and I have to be more careful of force or else tail drops and i fall off back

Anonymous No. 182933

okay looking at this vid his foot is solidly onto the tail
my balance/control is just shit rn

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Anonymous No. 182934

boomer bros..

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Anonymous No. 182936

>implying i care about that
i know i dont look cool im having fun

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Anonymous No. 182938

Are they /ourguys/?

Anonymous No. 182941

He is a wizard. I've undone decades of bad habits on multiple things thanks to him, from manuals to transition.

Anonymous No. 182949

what was the tip
what were your bad habits?

Anonymous No. 182956

Man I can't get over how cringe Johnny Giger is.

Anonymous No. 182957

Bros how the fuck did slap become the 40 year old leftist forum, seriously how

Anonymous No. 182965

Guys watch this strange and interesting soviet vibes skate video

Anonymous No. 182970

Thank you anon I will

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Anonymous No. 182971

My YouTube habits have become less to do with skating over crimbo and just random shit like biathlon and cooking stuff
I’ve been checking out more of the downhill skating and longboard and I need to try that before my knees eventually blow. The UK has no obvious places to do it though.
Icy out there bros, may the night shift not be so painful

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how to manny.jpg

Anonymous No. 182980

You should keep the ball of your foot pretty much centred on the tail (to start with at least, over time you'll be able to do it from loads of different positions). The reason you keep falling off back is because you're too top heavy, your legs are too straight and you're leaning your upper body backwards. You need to engage your thigh muscles more like you're doing a (small) squat. It gets tiring but you'll build up strength and learn to relax into it over time.
I drew a picture, hope it makes sense. You can either keep your back straight or hunch over and little bit, so long as your body's centre of gravity/pelvis is closer to the ground, you'll feel more stable and have and easier time moving your legs around to keep balance.

It honestly just takes time. You'll learn to relax on your board the more you skate and your movements will become less stiff.

>what was the tip
One big one was with dropping in (on vert but works on any decently big ramp) in that you should be throwing your hips/butt straight down into the ramp rather than leaning over all top heavy. I learned to drop in from super small QPs where you can't really do anything but lean over, and a couple times this lead to me going over the nose and onto the flat face first.
That and typical "bend your knees"/keep your centre of gravity low. And how to time pumps better. I was throwing my weight up way too early and it was making me too top heavy to do lip tricks cleanly.

Anonymous No. 182995

Like other anon said with hips and bending knees.. Manuals I did the exact thing he said not to and explained how to correct it, now I can pop out of my manuals. Transition just lowing my centre of gravity and pumping properly helped a lot. Also his E-Book has all these warm ups that I do one of each session now, the goal to get more comfy on the board. Just one of those, doing bs powerslide 180s I'm 100% sure got me really comfy whipping around bs 180s then eventually able to pivot them to 360s. I've just ended up more confident and comfy on my board in the short time I've been following. In my mid 30s to have this spurt of progress is quite cool. Almost every vid he seems to have a tip that makes complete sense and works well when implemented.

Anonymous No. 183012

>Also his E-Book has all these warm ups that I do one of each session now
which ebook? The one I see on site is just a weird pdf copy of an app or something.

Anonymous No. 183018

The weird pdf links to unlisted videos that I just compiled into a playlist (sorry dont wanna share my youtube here) e.g.

I think it is just the one pdf but I did pick "intermediate" out of that beginner or pro options.

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Anonymous No. 183052

It's dumping snow today

🗑️ Anonymous No. 183054

isn't xingcode giving more fps?

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Anonymous No. 183092

plus nutmeg. Nobody mentioned nutmeg as an extra.

Anonymous No. 183093

What are they about? I found another youtube crew I like, they're called cornmarket

Anonymous No. 183096

i just noticed this faggot doesnt even have his shoes on all the way

Anonymous No. 183097

>File: tumblr_oaml5rv8T11r4fb2qo
4chan lost

Anonymous No. 183104

Am a poorfag anon, whats a good quality complete for under 100$?

Anonymous No. 183105

you can block them with a browser extension

Anonymous No. 183107

lol poser can't even wear his shoes right

Anonymous No. 183111

I can't lie, I was caught up in the passion of Lizard 10 years ago

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Anonymous No. 183112


Anonymous No. 183121

>live in 3rd world country, office 10 minute walk away
>bought skateboard after not skating for 20 years to ride to work
>probably should have got a longboard but nostalgia bought the Alien Workshop deck in the window instead
Can I get away with putting giant longboard trucks and wheels on this thing? My cities streets are complete shit and I have no intention of doing any vert skating

Anonymous No. 183124

depends how wide the board is, you might get wheel bite

Anonymous No. 183132

I watch Dan Corrigan every day.

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Anonymous No. 183133

How many hours do you guys skate per day/week?
Any tips on how to be practice in constructive way, I enjoy skating but I wanna get better.

Anonymous No. 183139

It's 8". I figured ill probably need the biggest Risers known to man, but I don't know if the trucks I have now can accommodate a longboard wheel

Anonymous No. 183140

Get some super juice wheels and you should be good. Maybe some riser pads as well.

Anonymous No. 183149

around 2 hours, 4 days a week. maybe more but unfortunately I have to pretend I am a responsible HUMAN bean throughout days of the week that cut into my time

Anonymous No. 183151

In summer: probably 12+ hours overall. In winter it's more like 9. But how that time is spaced out is what matters. I can skate from the morning until sunset if it's part of a big session with breaks in between, but if I'm alone or there's only one other person it's about 2 and a half hours solid before my legs entirely give out.
Honestly impressed myself with 3 two and a half to three hour solo sessions back to back last weekend into Monday. Will probably do another 2 and a half tonight. Turns out keeping out the workout routine and the supplements has made much more of a difference that I expected because my muscles are actually fine, but I was completely exhausted on Tuesday and slept a good 11 hours.

Anonymous No. 183160

it's up

Anonymous No. 183161

What are some good YT channels to follow that have good amature street and park skating? I'm tired of the clickbait channels like braille and revive. I just want to watch people have a chill sesh. The weather is fucked rn, so I can't go out, and I just want to watch some chill skating vids.

Anonymous No. 183164

I already said it, Dan Corrigan, literally every day sesh with the powell peralta team in california.

Anonymous No. 183165

Been watching Cole Hosman recently.

Anonymous No. 183166

I also watch Roman Hager. He's that one woodward kid from years ago and he's really good now. There's also Cage Cocalis where him and his friends upload pure street skate edits.

Anonymous No. 183167

this is a good video

Anonymous No. 183171

Powell guys have absolutely zero style.

Anonymous No. 183172


Anonymous No. 183173

have no idea why anyone would want to watch any of them skate

Anonymous No. 183174

Cool spots, big team, daily, Dan's autism kino, no music. muh style bait.

Anonymous No. 183178

skate hacks

Anonymous No. 183179

they're all pretty boring mid skaters

Anonymous No. 183180

The skate nomad

Anonymous No. 183186

i finally have my car license. now i can be that unemployed guy at the skatepark on a tuesday morning

Anonymous No. 183187

Tom Asta has cool vids of the skating I like

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Anonymous No. 183189

Got my blazers in, the lows are just as hard to get into as the highs, too narrow too I should have went with club c

Ps I don't even skate anymore

Anonymous No. 183190

>Ps I don't even skate anymore
Do you scuff up one shoe anyway to make it look like you've popped a couple Ollie's?

Anonymous No. 183199

I had Dragonball in mah cuntry since 1995, I watched it only for the intro. It wasn't until today I learned that Songoku is an alien who crashed on Earth and that's why he doesn't know who he is.

Anonymous No. 183200

No I'm 32 I'm past the point of wanting to look like a skater fag now I'm just stuck in my ways

Anonymous No. 183202

I skated for 25 years

Anonymous No. 183204

Not the troll, but I like looking like a skater. That's because I am one.

Anonymous No. 183208

Even when I did skate I didn't dress like a skater or even hang out with them I always thought the skater kit was kinda played out and trashy looking

Anonymous No. 183212

im okay with whatever

im here to be comfy if i can be comfy then im happy drip optional

Anonymous No. 183213

i wont lie the fact that you didn't inference that from watching even just mid reason dbz like 1 vegeta interaction

why not just pop the ollies being a fucking boomer doesn't preclude you from being able to skate

Anonymous No. 183214

Reasonable choice

I never even finished season 1,I only watched because my country's version of the intro stoked me to a crisp.

Anonymous No. 183215

meant to finish this >>183214 with "much less dbz. I am talking about dragonball".

Anonymous No. 183217

Holy shit parking garages that's brilliant. I've taken a few blows to the head so I'm kinda slow but that sounds like a dope idea. East coast anons tell me what's up. Is it cold? Loud echo? How often do you get kicked out?

Anonymous No. 183218

I was joking about him wearing skate shoes but not skating, I can pop my ollies and destroy my shoe just fine thank you

Anonymous No. 183220

Why do so many people who can't even stand on a skateboard like to larp as a skater? I thought it was just a thing in school, but once you know what to look for, you see them everywhere. And I don't just mean the dorks wearing brand clothes made by skater brands that went on to sell more general fashion clothes. Full on adults will act like they just watched some 90's skateboarding movie and wear the skater look like a costume. Its like the ultimate form of mall grabbing. The super saiyan of posers. Like, they know all the lingo, and will use slang way too heavily, like the skinny white kids who try to be cool by quoting whatever the popular rapper is at the moment.

Anonymous No. 183221

yes dont pick a residential and hit someones car like a knobgoblin instead go for businesses if the security guard looks bitch made even better, yes its loud as fuck and you will get kicked out just dont stop when they tell you to and dont allow yourself to be detained also dont hit the same parking garage too often

mad b/c i spent money at my local? eat me

Anonymous No. 183222

>skater look
what is this >>>/fa/ i doubt anyone is wearing polar big boys/dickies outside of skating but also i think the only thing skating can claim is skating outside of that what even is there - to think otherwise is basically blasphemous to the true nature of skating

>this makes the skate journalists and media seethe

Anonymous No. 183223

There is a dilemma I face where I've dressed the same for 20+ years and now that fashion has come full circle and I am suddenly dressing hip again. I'm not trying to be zoomie, all my clothes are just 10+ years old.

Anonymous No. 183225

Probably 8 hours spread through 4-5 sessions. I have specific nights i'll meet up with my friends. Tuesday night is bowl night, thursday night is slappy night (i just got back) and then saturday morning i skate a park about 30 mins south of me and then sunday just whatevr i'm feeling. I'm in california so pretty much perfect skating weather in winter

I think that's chris gregson, one time i saw that dude at a skatepark and i unironically thought he was a troon but was like how the fuck is this troon so good?

Anonymous No. 183233

I know this is a stupid question, but is all skateboard hardwear the same size, or do they vary?

Anonymous No. 183236

7/8" for no risers
anything longer for risers

Anonymous No. 183237

3 min 50 sec

Anonymous No. 183248

Sound advice I like it. I think I know the perfect place near me too haha I can even bring my flat bar.
I know you ain't talking about me but my response to being called a poser would just be "play me in s.k.a.t.e then bitch." IRL of course

Anonymous No. 183253

i know an instagram explore page fit when i see one and they never have the same je ne sais quoi as an actual skater

Anonymous No. 183254

i bet you cant even kickflip

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Anonymous No. 183259

get ready to finally commit to that first shuv you've been putting off for the last 2 years, /esg/!

Anonymous No. 183263

Can you guys balance well on one leg on board with foot perpendicular to board?
With foot aimed more parallel I can easily ride on on either leg just from time spent pushing but if I put foot perpendicular then my balance goes to shit. Is that normal or a weak spot.

Anonymous No. 183265

Are you on the spectrum?

Anonymous No. 183266


Anonymous No. 183267

what the fuck are you saying and why are you worrying about this? Do you mean riding one footed while in riding position (dumb and hard) as opposed to when you shift the front foot into pushing position (easy and practical)?

Anonymous No. 183268

I don't know bro you're asking literal whatever questions. Like who cares my g?

Anonymous No. 183269

You are one of the weirder beginners, man. Just ride around and stop worrying so much. Don't do dumb things, just ride around like you see everyone else doing and try to get comfotable on your board slowly, but surely, just like everyone else had to do. There's no hacks or shortcuts, but having weird thoughts about balancing on one foot is unproductive and distracting.

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Anonymous No. 183271

What the...

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Anonymous No. 183275

The same reason football fans wear jerseys; because they're fans. What? You thought all of these skate companies survive by selling only to skaters?

That said, I do fucking hate how opinionated these people can be, especially when it comes to companies "selling out" or corporate backing for skate parks and events.

Anonymous No. 183276

Yes. You develop hip and ankle muscles over time that help. You do it by just pushing a lot. Eventually you can do pistol squats with little effort. It's not something people think about because it's probably the most basic motion in skating, but everyone sucks at it at first.

Anonymous No. 183281

>learns how to ollie
>starts getting mad at normies who wear vans
many such cases

Anonymous No. 183288

how is pepper grip vs mob? i dont care about shoe durability as ive been skating inside a dusty ass indoor park that makes my mob grip feel like jessup (yuck). is pepper grip grippier?

Anonymous No. 183289

I don't know who pepper grip is but jessup is 4chan's approved grip tape.

Anonymous No. 183294

Pepper is like a nice middle ground between Mob and Jessup. I'm on my first sheet of Pepper and I really like it.

Anonymous No. 183295


I hadn't skateboarded since I was like 12 and just got back into it at 32. I learned a kick flip in a week, but its been a month I'm still working on consistency, landing straight and getting more pop.

Set up a new board today, went from 7.6 k12 board to a 7.75 k20 and its fucking perfect. I set up a 8" board with independent trucks, but I don't like the trucks and its too heavy, but maybe when it stops snowing I'll try some pool carving with it.

Just put jessup on my new board. One has mob, which is ok, but it seems to come off easy, the other has black magic which is maybe too grippy for my taste. I want to try the rubber grip tape for practicing new tricks because I'm mostly only practicing kick flips and its tearing through my shoe fast as fuck.

Anonymous No. 183301

I'd buy black magic grip just because the name sounds cool.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 183305

only thing good about jessup is that easier to cut

Anonymous No. 183306

Pepper is the perfect medium grip

Anonymous No. 183313

i bet you've never grinded pool coping

Anonymous No. 183314

The correct past tense and past participle of the verb "grind" is "ground."

Anonymous No. 183315

I have sunday grip tape which I'd never heard of and now it's peeling up and chipping (I did a shit job on it), anyone replaced grip tape before? Seems like it'd be an effort.

Anonymous No. 183316

I've done it countless times, never been hard for me. Get a razor blade underneath it to get it started then just pull. Stand on the tail and pull from the nose

Anonymous No. 183317

Its easy as fuck, granted I have a heat gun, but you could use a blow dryer. Pulls right off.

I'm gonna order rubber grip tape and have a dedicated practice board.

Anonymous No. 183318

>a dedicated practice board.
For practicing what?
That's what your normal skateboard is for. Some of you fuckers are so weird

Anonymous No. 183320

I just got back into it, I only have my moms basement to practice in til snow clears and mostly all I practice is kick flips and its tearing through my shoes. I figure having my old 7.6 inch board with some rubber grip tape and some new shoes that only skate there is going to help me learn some shit and not wear down. Then I will have my board for actually going to a park.

Anonymous No. 183321

This cold ass weather is causing my wood to stay so rigid that it can't absorb impact properly. Getting stress cracks on the first session. During the summer I didn't break a single board. Just switched them out when the tail had lost pop. Now I'm on my third deck since Christmas. Winter sucks balls.

Anonymous No. 183322

>That's what your normal skateboard is for. Some of you fuckers are so weird
this cracked me up

Anonymous No. 183323

there are 4 parks near me. I havn't attempted a grind in almost 2 decades. I mostly want to learn grinds and flip tricks. Ironically the old school pool carving sessions made me want to learn to the skate and then the vert shit seemed like what I wanted to do. Now I want to learn flat ground

Anonymous No. 183324

more than 4 parks actually, just I think I would like to start out in.

Anonymous No. 183325

Have you considered moving to California?

Anonymous No. 183327

when I was a kid I thought flip tricks were just flash, but now that is what I want to do mostly. I can't believe I can land a kick flip. The doors are open, but to save money I aint buying new shoes every single month just for trying to learn one trick or another.

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Anonymous No. 183328

I was just curious...
people say just ride more but unless i push myself to do new things i wont get better
im quite comfortable just riding
lots of things are easier to learn if you break it down into steps or figure out specific thing you're doing wrong/bad at

Anonymous No. 183329

The guys here ain't able to skate for shit or they wouldn't criticize.

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Anonymous No. 183331

I did take a trip out there last summer, but its just too expensive and I love where I live. I'll just wallow in my wintry hell until spring.

Anonymous No. 183334

i have

have done it when my grip got super muddy or when I was broke I regripped an old ass deck to skate. its easy with a blow dryer. funnily enough this was a major argument in one /esg/ thread.

>dedicated practice board.
autism + neetbucks is such a bad combination

you dont have to be good to recognize that anon is being autistic as fuck and overthinking shit.

Anonymous No. 183336

I'm expecting some Richie Jackson style clips in the future from you anon

Anonymous No. 183343

Hyped. Was just reading on another subject how important it is to know the basics or you'll be making retard errors with the more complex stuff. I know I have ingrained bad habits in skating but I don't know what they are or how to fix them.

Anonymous No. 183344

for real, the thing that fucks with me the most are when my bushings freezing and make my trucks all stiff, even if i loosen them they still feel ridged as fuck

Anonymous No. 183346

I need to go skate

Anonymous No. 183347

I've been dealing with that as well lol. I'll probably need new bushings soon. My stock indy bushings are looking rough

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Anonymous No. 183349

Mitchie bros...

Anonymous No. 183350

kek based reply

Anonymous No. 183354


Anonymous No. 183355

How do you keep your practice up when the weather is fucked and all your local parks are closed due to snow? Asking for a friend.

Anonymous No. 183360

mad because no pop

Anonymous No. 183361

live in the south where it doesn't snow

Anonymous No. 183366

Parking garages, indoor parks, the diy spot under the bridge. Take a road trip.

Anonymous No. 183367

It’s so hard I’m asking myself the same. There’s no random parking lot I can go to

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Anonymous No. 183368

Got bored and painted my indys, I hope I don't regret this bros...

Anonymous No. 183375

>autism + neetbucks is such a bad combination
lol its just a board to try some rubber grip tape. I'll let you retards know how it goes.

Anonymous No. 183379

Aight then my nigga start doing ollies and shuvits and riding off curbs and rock to fakies and shit.
Shut your gay ass up lil hoe.

Anonymous No. 183382

i just keep my spare board set up w/ no grip and do mannys and balance board stuff with it throughout the work day or on rest days
>For practicing what?
it was just something to do while i was injured but now i like being able to keep my ankles warmed up instead of trying to go into a street session cold after a 15 hour workday.
the plastic snowskates ambition makes are pretty good for flat. i dick around with mine on a yoga mat & jib bar and it barely makes any noise. you can also build a snowskate diy park for like 100 bucks or just go shred the snowbanks.
foam grip is kinda underrated for skateboards as well but people are not ready for that conversation.
i already used up my snowtranny post for this thread

Anonymous No. 183385

I quite like these ngl
>blazer lo and not hi
I like the Hi better just for the reasons you’ve given. They fit better and support my ankle better. Like a better built converse to me. The lo isn’t bad but you’re going to have to wear them in. It shouldn’t be so bad since you quit skating. I do really like the look of these and good choice

Anonymous No. 183394

>I'll let you retards know how it goes
please dont. nobody cares.

Anonymous No. 183412

Weird idea, but I doubt they'll affect anything. Might feel a tad heavier, but you can grind it off the axle and baseplates.

Anonymous No. 183418

angry poplet ahaha

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jon snerr.gif

Anonymous No. 183420

>it's dry
>I'm able to get away from my computer while the sun is out
>go to the nearest, tiny, shitty park to me because it's walking distance and I'm broke, maybe work on some neglected tricks

>it's cold as fuck
>park is still wet
>wind is blowing
>there's mud everywhere because seemingly some football team walked across it in the rain
>there are four scooter toddlers milling around, the kind who will gawk at you and stop in the middle of runs at random
>they finally leave, I'm not even warmed up because it's so god damn cold
>8 other skaters teenage skaters show up
>get snaked multiple times

At this rate I'll just be nose manualling on the spot on the carpet in my apartment.

Anonymous No. 183458

Looks kinda nice actually

Anonymous No. 183470

has anyone tried greco's shoes?
do people even know greco is making shoes now

Anonymous No. 183472

I just don't want to give him any of my money desu

Anonymous No. 183506

Anyone practice crashing? Like skating full tilt into a large area of tall grass so you can get comfortable rolling out of a wipeout.

Anonymous No. 183507

Mitchie Bruscos tips improved my surfing. I love that man.

Anonymous No. 183542

Berrics shutting down apparently?

Anonymous No. 183578

Moving to a new location, and building a bigger park soon.

Anonymous No. 183591

no. I'm ok at falling for the most part, but what worries me is some backward falls where I catch my weight on 1 arm.

Anonymous No. 183593

If I'm pivoting around back truck on flat should my front foot be on the ball of foot in centerline or arch more center with foot kinda.

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Anonymous No. 183596

Any other slappy chads out on this beautiful Sunday?

Anonymous No. 183603

retard, shut the fuck up and feel it out

Anonymous No. 183607

Whats the modern closest thing to a pair of jnco jeans? I dont like skating in standard cut denim jeans as they always feel too constricting, but I understand the need for that layer of protection, but I can't find any brands today that make good loose fit jeans without just buying way oversized jeans.

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lil bro went for ....webm

Anonymous No. 183615

look @ lil bro

Anonymous No. 183618

I think the security coming after saved his life lel

Anonymous No. 183621

>modern closest thing to a pair of jnco jeans
polar big boys, if you argue with me on this youre retarded

is that the beta male hawk dude?

Anonymous No. 183631

There is a new era of youtube skater who can barely ollie but with a camera on them has the balls to do some retarded shit. Reminds me of that spic who did some Leap of Faith type gap and got 10 seconds of fame, of that black guy who bonelessed like 20 stairs for some reason.

Anonymous No. 183640

Not really. I can't engineer a scenario where a bail would be like an actual one. I just try to slowly work up to riding gnarlier shit, padding up if I have no idea how to get out of it.

Anonymous No. 183649

that dude is obviously a pretty experienced skater just got unlucky with the kick out. still managed to save himself thanks to knowing how to fall.

Anonymous No. 183653

This isn't a new era, Jackass started as literally skaters who weren't super good, but were willing to do stupid shit for the camera.

Anonymous No. 183656

>Jackass started as literally skaters who weren't super good
literally not true at all lol
>Margera started skateboarding at age 7, and by the time he entered high school it had developed into a full-time hobby... In 1992, Margera got his first sponsorship from Fairman's Skate Shop and began appearing in skate videos.
>Novak started skateboarding at 7 years old and was soon discovered by Tony Hawk. He was the first skateboarder in the world to be sponsored by Gatorade at 14 years old
>*Wee man* was the subscription manager for the skateboard magazine Big Brother.

Anonymous No. 183663

>Jackass started as literally skaters who weren't super good
lol wtf

Anonymous No. 183668

Best skateboarding movies?

Anonymous No. 183669

Baker 3
the House Vid
Yeah Right!

Anonymous No. 183671

Whats yalls opinion on public parks shifting from the hollow metal ramps over to this "Olympic" style layouts? Seems to me that since the tokyo olympics, a lot of public skate parks have been changed over from a couple basic quarter pipes, with maybe a rail and stair section, to now theres ledges and ramps and ledges and hubbas and bowls and quarter and half pipes all built in a sort of blended together kind of look. I'm not sure I'm a fan of it.

Anonymous No. 183672

I hate it. I want early 2000s style parks. Pyramids, flat bars, ledges and euro gaps for the street skaters and bowls / simple tranny for the transition skaters

Anonymous No. 183673

>is that the beta male hawk dude?
Don't know to be honest. I keep confusing these lil posers.
This lil nigga can skate though.

Anonymous No. 183677

This is a fucking cool idea. I've never seen one in person. Are these being setup anywhere you skate?

Anonymous No. 183678

Bag of Suck
Mind Field
Really Sorry

Anonymous No. 183679

They have something like that at a park near me. Its not as fancy looking as that one though

Anonymous No. 183682

wont the tools just get corroded to shit if you leave them out like that? the bench is nice though. unnecessary but nice

Anonymous No. 183687

im over stunts, i dont wanna see anymore stunts

Anonymous No. 183692

What you wnana see thjen?

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Anonymous No. 183694

I don't mind Olympic parks too much but as >>183672 said, 2000s parks with funboxes and a miniramp are the best. Hollow metal ramp parks are the fucking pits. They're always in dogshit condition, built with weird dimensions, sit on top of awful surfaces and never have any flow.

Actually, if a park has good flow, I generally don't care what style it technically falls under. I don't want to waste my energy just pushing around or be stuck to hitting one obstacle during a run.

Anonymous No. 183696

>building an entire fixed medieval torture rack to do the job of a single cheap skate tool
>all of the tools will get rusted to shit and break in a matter of weeks
>doesn't even have a die to fix your threads or a bearing press/remover
>the demonstration is with a cheap toystore board with plastic trucks
>that'll be £1000 plz!

That is beyond retarded. Yet another piece of bad park infrastructure dreamt up by someone who doesn't skate.

Anonymous No. 183697

Chrome and powder coating lasts for decades and basically makes steel rust proof.

Anonymous No. 183698

>tfw never skated a park like this

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Anonymous No. 183704

>you will never have Nora stick a funnel into your asshole while she soifaces

Why live?

Anonymous No. 183705

This king of the road shit is so cringe.

Anonymous No. 183706

Our guy David is back with the worst park series.

Anonymous No. 183712

the antihero one was cool. it's impressive what those boomers can do when they actually get forced to get clips.

Anonymous No. 183732

It wasn't always like this...

Anonymous No. 183748

I haven't watched one since they've been on vice. I couldn't get past Andy Roy at the start desu>

Anonymous No. 183782

Philips or Allen bolts?

Anonymous No. 183783

it makes no difference

Anonymous No. 183784

phillips head screwdrivers are typically more readily available but if your over the age of 23 this shouldnt be a problem

Anonymous No. 183788

He surfs too?

Anonymous No. 183791

No but some of his (transition) tips translate across all board sports I feel

Anonymous No. 183793

i really wanna pick up surfing. it seems like surfers have the best style in every other board sport they do

Anonymous No. 183797


fucking wounded seagull pump is not steeze timestamp rel

Anonymous No. 183808

phillips if reddit and gay
allen if 4chan and straight

Anonymous No. 183812

phillips because I like using my impact driver

Anonymous No. 183813

>it seems like surfers have the best style in every other board sport they do

That sounds arbitrary.

Anonymous No. 183814

I love watching this funny fucker skate. He just does whatever he wants and (mostly) pulls it off.

Anonymous No. 183815

You can use an impact driver with an allen bit, hello??? Car battery changing status?

Anonymous No. 183816

Yeah he's goes like "I'll do thing" and he does it. I don't get how that works.

Anonymous No. 183817

Yeah, it's mind blowing. It's the complete opposite of me when I go like "I'll do thing" then I don't do it.

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Anonymous No. 183818

>wake up
>finna go skate
>yeah borooooo I'm gonna do this and that and the third and the fifth on this coolass lil spot
>it's gonna be so sick bro let's goooooooo!
>get to spot
>uhhhh yeah I'll just uhh ollie it and to a slappy nose slide and go home

Anonymous No. 183822

I watched the whole video and yes the funny and skilled too, that park is a mess weird mess, but at least has a mini ramp, something that here is rare, don't ask why. And that weather is so gloomy.
at least you went to skate, latetly I've been betraying my board too much

Anonymous No. 183824

No I didn't. That's a thing from back when I used to skate. I haven't skated in 3-4 years at this point. Lost count. I want to die.

Anonymous No. 183834

same especially late at night while watching videos i think of all the shit i could do, im not even sure where the confidence comes from but i swear in that moment i can 100% skate way better if i put my mind to it. then the next day I step on my board and feel like i just started skating yesterday. what i realized is that i dont know how to warm up and im a little princess that needs everything to be perfect. conditions and vibes can not be off at all. only once im dialed in completely can i achieve maybe half of what i thought i could last nice kek also fuck winter, this is all way less of a problem in the summer. my bushing constantly freezing has been single handily fucking up every single session this winter for me so far i dont even want to skate when i have to deal with trucks that wont turn right and a board that feels even a little weird

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Anonymous No. 183835

something a little more tasteful

Anonymous No. 183836

Such as?

Anonymous No. 183837

a nice put together line, a good no push line

Anonymous No. 183838

Post video examples, retard.

Anonymous No. 183842


Anonymous No. 183843

Still learning kick flips and trying heel flips. Took a break for 2 days now I can't land a kick flip. Granted I just tried to warm up and got frustrated and decided to give it a break for now. I think unless I'm really sore, I'm going to have to keep on it every day for at least 10-15 minutes.

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Anonymous No. 183850

It's fun and less painful than skating. But for some reason I take skating more serious.
I get what he means. Guys like Greyson Fletcher or Current Caples have a flow to them.

Anonymous No. 183851

cool spot

Anonymous No. 183853

no you fucking faggot DIE

Anonymous No. 183857

I ended up landing some and getting close to heel flips so back where I was pretty much. I've now ripped through 2 pairs of shoes in like 45 days so this is why I want rubber grip tape specifically for learning flip tricks. I added a courteous amount of shoe goo and I guess I'll practice nothing except riding switch with my other shoes til it dries tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 183867

>Skating at local
>Been there for about an hour
>Last 20 minutes I've had it to myself
>Dude walks up with a brand new set up in hand
>Kind of hovers awkwardly near the entrance
>I say what up to him
>A crew of teens shows up right behind him
>I turn around and he is pulling out of the parking lot

Reminded me of >>182427 lol. I doubt the dude posts here, but come skate bro. I'll be your friend. We're all just trying to have fun.

Anonymous No. 183868

thats gonna be me. I havn't been to a park in 20 years.

Anonymous No. 183874

30 mins warm up/babby tricks
20 mins the ol usuals
30 mins something new
20 mins keep doing new things if it goes well, or 20 mins of the usual if it doesn't

Anonymous No. 183895

Fuck your retarded wageslave type minutes.

Anonymous No. 183904

4 beers after, jump over a 20 stair

Anonymous No. 183905

Fuck your retarded boomer beers.

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retard alert.webm

Anonymous No. 183912

Anonymous No. 183916

Greyson Fletcher has monkey arms and once you see you can't unsee
I feel bad even saying this because the more people that realize the less popular he will become

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Anonymous No. 183917

>1080 webm

Yes, retard alter.

Anonymous No. 183919

haha fucking retrad

Anonymous No. 183922

Baited for this EXACT response.

Anonymous No. 183924

no shit, but you spoiled it by coming back and gloating.

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Anonymous No. 183925

>coming back

Something no bitch does after a first date with you.

Anonymous No. 183933

when do my feet stop being sore

Anonymous No. 183934

when you stop being a pussy. I've done physical labor my whole life and nothing bothers me.

Anonymous No. 183936

Just keep skating. A lot of that soreness will fade with more time on the board.

Anonymous No. 183956

1/3 warmup
1/3 basics
1/3 new shit
1/3 bonus

Anonymous No. 183961

You mean long arms? Or they flail around? I don't really care, he goes fast and big. I also have long arms.

Anonymous No. 183962

Me too. I feel like a top heavy monkey man.

Anonymous No. 184184

I keep fucking with my set up after I havn't skated in more than 15 years. I have old krux, old ventures and tried new indys. I like tight trucks and krux are the way to go for me. I was trying my ventures out for the past week until I accidentally dolphin flipped the protruding king pin out into my ankle. I have new bones hard core bushings in all of them and only the krux keeps the king pin low even on stock bushings plus theyre the lightest. Granted theyre 15 years old at least and I'm sure theres been changes over the years.

Anonymous No. 184243

dafuq happen to haley

Anonymous No. 184256

What happened?

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Anonymous No. 184260

Thanks anon. Couldn't find the exact wheels you mentioned, but I got my hands on some 70mm ones and 3d printed some Risers (has anyone tried that? Wonder how long they'll last) result is much much smoother

Anonymous No. 184261

I don't know but I'm guessing lil bro either caught a ban and it got auto deleted, or they deleted it because there's already two threads up. He also don't link the new thread in the old one when he makes it.

Anonymous No. 184280

I'm about to make a new one we can't be hanging around past bump limt

Anonymous No. 184282

I support you king. If something happens to you just know that I'm on your side and I'll keep you in my prayers.

Anonymous No. 184285

How does one learn/get comfortable doing axle stalls. I think I’m getting better at ramps but I still can’t figure out these motherfuckers

Anonymous No. 184286

what happened to our other thread? this board is so dead, i cant imagine a jan-e removed it.
we're already at bump limit and have been.

Anonymous No. 184289

It'd help if I knew what your specific issue was but generally I'd say to learn these things first:

>whatever size ramp you're trying to learn them on, make sure you also skate bigger ramps so you can get used to going even higher
>try backside slashers on your main ramp (it's just a kickturn where you scratch the back truck off the coping, feels sick)
>learn rollouts; if you can rock fakie, just keep all of your weight on the front truck and deck out the board, then you just need to lift the weight of the back and it should naturally roll over. If this is too hard, work on skating front foot heavy, maybe doing nose pivots on flat
>if you're like me and have a habit of keeping your weight in the transition, just doing quick little "stalls" where you touch both trucks off the coping is fine for a while. Just make sure you ALWAYS connect the back truck first. If that's a struggle, go back to slashers for a while.
>work on the timing of your pumping. If you pump up hard at the very bottom of the transition, you might be too top heavy by the time you reach the coping, making it harder to balance on top for a proper stall/rolling out over the deck will feel janky and scary. Better to pump hard down the opposite wall, then only pump where you're half way up the next wall rather than at the start of the transition

I'm pretty shit at holding on to them, but I've found working on pumping and making sure I'm not rushing the turn into the stall works wonders.

Anonymous No. 185113

I think Curren Caples is stiff as fuck.