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🧵 /ESG/ - Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 186692

Knee Jerk Reactionary Edition
Ur never 2 old 2 sk8, Ur never 2 fat 2 sk8, U can only be 2 much of a pussy 2 sk8
Last Thread: >>184292

Tips for beginners:
Qsnacks Top 10 for last week:
Video I Survived 500 Days Filming The Worst Skate Video Ever:
Scumco is going out of business they have $55 decks with free domestic shipping:

Whats do you prefer for a chill sesh? Bowl, Curb, Mini Ramp, Mellow Tranny? Brews and/or bud? Alone or with others?

Anonymous No. 186694

>Tips for beginners:

Dude, I've seen some guy doing that kickflip back tail bullshit a few times at my local. He has a pot belly and constantly checks for eyes on him. He'll bunt that shit a few times and then mess up on a back 50. Then he'll sit down and stare at his phone.

Anonymous No. 186695

More like karma will get your bitch ass edition.

Anonymous No. 186698

I ain't skating til I get a 8.38 board and trucks I ordered online. Been using old 7.6 trucks and a 7.75 for the past 2 months since I decided to skate again after a 15 year break. I wanted things light and I thought a small board would be cool, but seeing my feet hang off so much ain't cool and my muscles are adapting. I'm just imagining that with a wider board I can add some style.

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the goon cave.png

Anonymous No. 186699

how big of a board do you think you guys could go for commuting and still be able to reliably ollie up a curb on a moments notice
cuz i really want a big shaped board without it being a longboard and this is the best i could find, its called Tyler Howell Pro Downhill

Anonymous No. 186701

any size, just big wheels and good bearings in my opinion. If you are fat, then maybe 9"

Anonymous No. 186702

lots of options for 8.75" - 10" shaped boards. get a 1/8 inch riser and some 60" soft wheels.

Anonymous No. 186706

>jenkem articles

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Anonymous No. 186708

Hi, help me decide guys, spitfire tablets(thinking 101du) or bones x99, if anyone got any experience with these wheels specifically it’d be appreciated. Looking for a skinny wheel (i dislike the look of wide wheels)

Anonymous No. 186714

that's a longboard
f4 99s are slipperier and harder, they are louder and rattle more. x99 have a little bit of a plastic feeling but they do feel slightly smoother. 103 stf are another option for a hard wheel

Anonymous No. 186731

>ollie up a curb
The boards in your pic are completely flat

Anonymous No. 186767

Is it worth trying to skate with light rain or nah

Anonymous No. 186768

i used to have a mini longboard with a skate tail and it was fun as hell to take that fucker off curb cuts and gaps on the way to school.
antihero does a grosso board thats pretty long iirc
keep your old board as a rain board. skating in the rain is fun you dont even need wax

Anonymous No. 186803

I was at the skateshop yesterday and the new deluxe boards are all priced at 85 dollars
crying emoji

Anonymous No. 186809

>slippery so easier to eat shit
>you get wet
>board gets wet
>bearings could rust

never saw a good reason to skate in the rain.

Anonymous No. 186814

its snowing here. Guess no skatepark for me til next week unless I really feel like going on the weekend.

Anonymous No. 186816

im not gonna say it

Anonymous No. 186836

was 50 degrees yesterday, got about 6 inches of snow overnight until around noon. about 3 hours later and now its 40 degrees and everything is already melting. Hopefully spot will be dry by thursday afternoon.

Anonymous No. 186838

Sun came out here and shits melting too. I'm waiting on a new board and trucks tho which comes probably late tomorrow. I'm the guy moving up from 7.6 to 8.38. I wanted to go to a park and see what other people ride before trying to move up. I'm excited as fuck to try my first ollies and kick flips with all that extra space. A whole inch longer of a board and almost an entire inch of wheel base being added. Plus I've been skating ~20 year old trucks. I havn't even taken t he drive to see any parks so I have no idea how populated they are on the weekend, but I want to go when its mostly empty.

Anonymous No. 186842

10" at a stretch. I've had to battle to get my fucking Egg up a Eurogap for an embarassing amount of time where I wouldn't have done with without thinking on my 8.5".

I've had both, like the Spitfires more. I don't know how but they felt both grippier and slidey-er than the Bones and they've lasted me over a year now.

Anonymous No. 186843

Same. I don't even like running over puddles. I've wrecked bearings and myself too many times.

Anonymous No. 186850

I would just get a wide popsicle, like 9", with some indys and 56-58mm spitfire f4 97s

that way if you are out and see a good slappy spot you can still hit it and you can still ollie up curbs or down a few stairs and that kind of thing

Anonymous No. 186852

i rode x99s for about 6 months on a board specifically for slappies but i went back to spitfire f4s recently. not because the x99s are bad, just because i wanted a change. the x99s are pretty strange, on brand new slippery parks they are great because they grip good but on asphalt or rougher concrete they slide... weird paradox but i found in just normal conditions, like a regular skatepark they kinda sucked and were slow

Anonymous No. 186854

Ive been riding 8.38s for ~10 years. 8.5 feels like a boat and 8.25 feels like how I remember a 7.75 being.

Anonymous No. 186855

I was embarrassingly old when I realized that skating on salted roads/sidewalks in the winter time was fucking up my trucks.

Anonymous No. 186860

Board will delam, I had that happen to my first board when I didn't wait long enough for it to dry. The whole top half of the nose chipped off and it looked like a damn disaster.

The only time you should skate in the rain is if you built a junk board with old parts to do it with.

Anonymous No. 186862

I'd bet $50 if you measured all of those 8.38" boards they'd vary by a lot more than .125" in width. There's no way you feel a difference that small in practice.

Your bearings, yes, but your trucks are aluminum. Worst corrosion does to aluminum is makes it look like it has a white chalky buildup on it. Only your axle can really rust as it's steel, so yeah, I guess it could make your axle nut seize up. But that's what Kroil is for. The dampness of your board is more of an issue than anything.

Anonymous No. 186863

so I've got rubber grip tape and regular grip tape. Is there an argument against using rubber grip tape on my new board? I'm trying to save money on shoes since I'm mostly just doing ollies and kick flips. So far shoe goo has rebuilt the rubber on my shoe several times now and lasts a few days.

Anonymous No. 186866

>There's no way you feel a difference that small in practice.
I do lol, its a huge difference. I can tell the size of a deck just glancing at it.
also I didnt say anything about my trucks, keep up.

>So far shoe goo has rebuilt the rubber on my shoe several times now and lasts a few days.
youre not talking about the sole are you? Ive never seen rubber grip tape irl i dont think it really matters for a normal skater. if you wanna save money just buy soletech shoes when theyre on sale. i got 5 shoes for 100 dollars free shipping last year.

Anonymous No. 186869

whenever the rubber toe part that I'm using for kickflips gets to the suede I add a layer or 2 of shoe goo. I'm trying to figure out how to pop then flick my kickflips and I'm thinking that's why a bigger board is gonna be advantageous. Since I learned how to kick flip, I mostly just pop and flick mostly toe pointed.

Anonymous No. 186875

dude is such a newfag he doesn't realize he was replying to someone else about the trucks... no wonder why there is such fucking normies in this thread

Anonymous No. 186887

there are some advantages to foam grip, the main reason to not use it is that it's not as grippy as normal grip will be on a fresh board. i like my boards less grippy than most people so i use it. skating is gonna fuck your shoes no matter what and you also dont want to be skating totally dead shoes w/ 200+ skate days unless you wanna end up with tendonitis like me

Anonymous No. 186888

desu just get cheap bearings that you run as a winter set with the expectation that they'll get fucked up

Anonymous No. 186917

Go skate while you can bitches!

Anonymous No. 186925

>make an autistic promise to myself not to play tekken until i hit the rail
>knee gets fucked and cant skate, dont play tekken
>knee finally feels better, go to the spot
>rail gone
what the fuck do i do?

Anonymous No. 186928

Wait until Garou 2 releases and then you can play that instead of Tekken.

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Anonymous No. 186932

theres this giant parking lot right next to where i live and has never had any cars in it, its been my usual spot since it has some nice hills but the curbs are too fucked to do any slappys or shit like that. Any advice on the absolute cheapest possible stuff to make/buy to make it more of a spot? budget ideas for tiny ramps, grind boxes, rails, other ideas for portable diy sorta stuff to bring out and practice more than basic flatground stuff? not even specifically premade rail stuff but just weird shit youve used to make spots more interesting like garbage cans and shit

Anonymous No. 186943

I don't know, maybe if you leave stuff there it might attract too much attention? You could bring a flatbar with you in your car? Possibly you could repair a curb or two.

Anonymous No. 186948

play tekken

Anonymous No. 186950

Stairs and Rails (other than flatbars) are stupid and gay. Do you want to be another 30 year old with the joints of a 70 year old? That shit needs to fucking get out of skateboarding, it's just making dumb kids hurt themselves and it's all been done anyway.

Anonymous No. 186966

So I set up my new board with rubber grip tape which was a pain in the ass. Feels just like regular grip tape, but if it starts peeling I'm just gonna regrip it with jessup. but ye going from 7.6 to 8.38 gives me a lot of confidence landing, but my pop is about the same. Doesn't feel like I can tweak the board much more, I just have to get good.
mini logo trucks are low as fuck. I might need riser pads to go above 50mm wheels or I'll just ride with the trucks pretty tight. I've got some 98a dohdohs, but I'll wait to see if the bushings break in how I want them to. Way too much turn out of the box.

Anonymous No. 186971

honestly I'll probably stick to shoe goo and regular grip tape and when I'm not so lazy I probably honestly have to use riser pads on mini logo trucks.

Anonymous No. 186978

has anyone tried hours is yours or whatever it's called? the shoes are pretty cheap rn but i've never heard anything about the quality

Anonymous No. 187036

I haven't tried them
I've never actually seen any other skaters wearing them irl either :\
John Dilo has a pro shoe out soon apparently

Anonymous No. 187109

Herm is the man, but he picked a weird name for his shoes. Should just shorten it to Hours.

I'm curious what /ESG/s favorite shoes are. What brands do you gravitate towards or what models of shoe?

I've been hopping around Soletech for awhile but recently got some Vans Half Cabs

Anonymous No. 187174

I removed rubber grip tape. I sweat too much and I tried once to wipe it down with a wet paper towel to clean it and I'm like fuck this.

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Anonymous No. 187179

I stopped by Goodwill today and found this board for $7.

Anonymous No. 187182

Need a compilation or tony hawk saying "copeing"

Anonymous No. 187183


Anonymous No. 187206

Nice. Is it just a regular blank board? What size?

Anonymous No. 187213

>I'm curious what /ESG/s favorite shoes are
- Etnies Marana michelin (black and white)
- Lakai Manchesters (black with gold logo)
The etnies are sturdy and more padded so my feet don't get sore, but sacrifice a bit of board feel. The Manchesters have really good board feel and are comfortable and lightweight, but not as durable.

Anonymous No. 187214

I have Emerica Dickson's. They took a while to wear in and skate nice desu. They are good now but nearing the end of their life. Probably will look for a new show next.
I used to love es shoes so maybe I try some old school ones.

Anonymous No. 187226

Emerica Tilt G6 Vulcs are the most comfortable shoe Ive ever worn

Anonymous No. 187229

alright todays the day I'll finally go to a skate park. I'm not confident in my ability to find a flow, but I guess I can see what happens and I believe there's just a flat bar at least out on its own. Its windy and cold and friday so it should be pretty empty. My buddy wants to go tomorrow too. Idk why i feel so nervous.

Anonymous No. 187230

I guess its a combo of being introverted and hating kids. Plus I lack skill to do too much.

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Anonymous No. 187231

penny's supra shoe was probably the best i've ever owned but i'm pretty sure they only did one run before the company died. i skated those fuckers every day all day for a year and couldn't blow out the toecap.
these days i just go with es usually since they seem to run the most cupsoles but i haven't found the kind of high-midtop cupsole that i'd really like to be running especially in the winter. vans mtes are pretty good but you have to rambo tie them

Anonymous No. 187232

pretty much any big enough park has a loner area that totally gets neglected by 99% of people. usually it's the big bowl or the capsule. if you're not digging the vibe just go in there and carve around a bit

Anonymous No. 187233

I've never skated a pool or a mini ramp, but I'm fairly confident I can still drop in on quarter pipes. Its like olympic style with the hubbas and rails down stairs. Never did grinds down anything, just flat ledges and rails.

Anonymous No. 187234

also I most want to get good at flat ground, but I'm on month 2 of having learned a kickflip and theyve gotten worse as I try to figure out how to pop higher. I'm gonna do a warm up in the street after my coffee before I head there.

Anonymous No. 187235

>decide to look up park on youtube
>some youtuber was there 6 days ago
It does look a lot less intimidating though. Not really big obstacles.

Anonymous No. 187257

is he /ourguy/?

Anonymous No. 187263

I went and in the span of 30 minutes ate shit hard 3 times on the lowest obstacles. Kind of fucked up my leg. Landed some 50-50s and board slides on a curb. Tried a 5050 on a higher ledge. Definitely have to process it because I wasn't having fun and the parks flow is weird, like it has a perimeter and people can be trying to go either way or they can be coming out of the middle. I think I might just get my own rail, find a curb and set up somewhere. Idk why, but I could not pop. Could be the cold or my nervousness. No one was on the mini ramp or pool, but I think theres 2 other parks that have a better looking pool. I think I could have fun just carving if its just me.

Anonymous No. 187264

>Etnies Marana
I went through like 3 pairs of these recently. Great shoe. Not the most stylish, but the durability is the best I've found

Anonymous No. 187265

How do you like to do your kickflips: shoulders completely parallel with the board, or shoulders slightly open? Do you like to hang a lot of your front foot off and put your back foot more on the toe side of the board as counterbalance, or do you like to put more of your front foot on and put your back foot in the center of the tail?

I can't decide which one's better; they are both inconsistent for me. I think heelflips are easier.

Anonymous No. 187266

I was consistent with foot pointed, mostly off the board and learning forward a bit getting fast baby kick flips, but now I'm trying to get more of my front foot on the board. Messing around with my back foot either more heel side or more centered. Its a slower rotation, but higher. still practicing.

Anonymous No. 187267

I like how him and Cyrus are just rocking the receded hairline

Anonymous No. 187268

i love him

Anonymous No. 187271

Also here is a neat old Palmer part

Anonymous No. 187273

lmao Cyrus is wearing a CMLL shirt, a Mexican wrestling promotion. The old days of /asp/...

Anonymous No. 187286

looks especially good on max with the thicc side burns, handsome guys they both are

Anonymous No. 187287

skating in flyovertown is pain

Anonymous No. 187294

I don't like ollieing on shaped boards. they just feel like shit and oddly balanced. I have a wide normal deck with shock risers and big fat softer wheels for cruising. it feels heavy to ollie, but still way more consistent than a shaped board.

Anonymous No. 187295

if you want to ruin your board or break a leg sure

Anonymous No. 187296

poorbois need to take advantage of the sales es, emerica, and etnies always has. you can get shoes for like $25-30 on those sales.

Anonymous No. 187304

my leg is actually definitely fucked up. It got progressively worse and is just throbbing now and sharp pains when I walk around. I feel like an idiot going to a park and getting injured trying to grind a fucking curb.

Anonymous No. 187310

doing some research I think i did something to the itb band because the pain grew over time. Probably not a ligament. Idk how i'm gonna work I do physical labor lol.

Anonymous No. 187320

It feels worse than when I broke my collar bone. definitely not a ligament or I wouldn't have walked it off for a few hours.

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Anonymous No. 187321

Anonymous No. 187323

if a 50 year old dyke can still go out and skate, you can too

Anonymous No. 187340

Well FUCK ME I sprained my ankle slipping off a shitty nollie the very day that I finally locked fakie frontside flips, aka my first interesting flip trick (never landed a tre or any varial stuff). Guess I'm fucked for a good three weeks. What's your go-to "special move", anon? Like, the one trick that feels as good as it is reliable and good-looking, that gives you that special feeling. I hope fakie FS flips can replace nolllie 360 shuvs in my future bag of tricks. Like, my bitch move to keep the lead in a game of s.k.a.t.e

Anonymous No. 187343

Anon, shut the fuck up, this is not your personal blog. No one gives a fuck. Keep it all to one post at least isntead of multi-posting about mundane shit, it's fucking annoying.

Anonymous No. 187348

Well how often do you guys get injured? I won't see a doctor til monday. I was trying to figure out what happened. I just started skateboarding again in december since a 15 year stoppage. Finally had the balls to go to a skatepark and immediately got injured.

Anonymous No. 187352

>yet another boomer that took a 15 year "break" from skating
>doesnt do any sort of physical activity
>sore legs cause a panic and is now going to see a doctor because he has gotten immediately injured
This is like the tenth time this has been posted I'm starting to think you guys are just memeing on purpose now.

Also this picture is really cool who is it?

Anonymous No. 187353

I work in a warehouse. I'm pretty fit, just fell on my feet weird and can't walk now. I'm waiting to see a doctor to see if it gets better.

Anonymous No. 187354

most of you guys just jerk off to pro skaters

Anonymous No. 187355


Anonymous No. 187358

He's not wrong. You need to stop spamming. Gather your thoughts into one post. I know you are excited to be getting back into skating, but you need to be more realistic about what you are trying. You aren't going to just pick up where you left off 15 years ago. You need to ease back into things. Build up those old muscles over months of skating. That's how you mitigate injury.

Next time you go to that park instead of eating shit in 30 minutes you should just ride around for 30 minutes. Don't pop your board or anything.

Anonymous No. 187360

I wasn't spamming my posts were like 2 hours apart as I did some research. But you're right. I'll probably give up on rails down stairs etc. All I set out to learn was flat ground initially. I figure since people get injured a lot skateboarding someone might recognize what happened. I think I tore some IT band muscle or hyper extended it. Praying I can at least work come monday.

Anonymous No. 187369

pretty much all my bad injuries have happened skating flat lmao

Anonymous No. 187372

I dont really fall on flat unless I land primo at least thus far. I apoligize for going on, but I was panicking and fucking pissed off. I don't mind a break from skating, but work? Fuck me. I would've shut up too if no one said anything.

Anonymous No. 187380

no worries anon. my knee was fucked for the past month and i got pretty freaked out thinking it could be a meniscus tear since it wasnt getting better but in the past week i've been able to skate and jump shit with no pain.

Anonymous No. 187381

when doing a shuvit should I be landing in same spot, I can spin board but it always ends up in front of my body

Anonymous No. 187387

you're probably using your front foot to help rotate pushing it forward. The back foot does the entire trick.

Anonymous No. 187389

ty, ill watch myself and some more vids

Anonymous No. 187455

hopefully this is a good place to ask for some opinions. I am a heavy and tall/ish rider, atm i am considering upgrading from an arbor axis to a pantheon nexus to commute and begin learning downhill. Does anyone know if it's a good idea or nah?

Anonymous No. 187460

Fuck off gay retard. This is the skateboarding thread.

Anonymous No. 187466

im so bored its been raining

all the old guys at the park seem to be able to skate but they all skate low impact transition but that makes sense that the guys that are at the park and older are doing old guy skating hurts to hear but if you're over 25 stair sets are a thing of the past past just embrace it

personally i enjoy working on the very basics without lifting my board up until i feel my legs, hips, back are all feeling pretty warm even then i treat it pretty light - before i stepped foot in the park i skated around my house working on distance I could go and the sorts of pavement I could traverse over (56s are for kings) and it definitely helped reduce injury because alot of the growing pains of muscles i hadn't used in eons had already been lubed and greased by the semi weekly distance skate seshes

Anonymous No. 187467

>semi weekly distance skate seshes
This is what I am planning to do when my knee recovers and I'll wait a bit even after it does recover. Practice getting comfortable pushing switch and cruising around in general. If I go back to a park I'll find a baby pool somewhere to carve around. I'll be 33 next month.

Anonymous No. 187468

yeah man im 28 for reference and ive been able to enjoy skating regularly but I also do a fair amount of preventative maintenance and warming up, even stretch before I go out typically in a hot shower

Anonymous No. 187469

jumping doesnt hurt me too much but i cant do it every day

Anonymous No. 187475

yeah? that's why i came here, what's the issue?

Anonymous No. 187477

fag fag fag

Anonymous No. 187478

do trick skaters don't like downhill and longboards in general? is this the issue?

Anonymous No. 187479

this is the skate general not the downhill longboarding general just like how this isnt the scooter general or the fruitbooter general not the i hurt my knee general

>(the eternal skate general)

Anonymous No. 187481

thought it all fell under the skate umbrella. I even prefaced my post by asking if this was the right place.
well then, bye.

Anonymous No. 187482

>i hurt my knee general

Anonymous No. 187486

>i hurt my knee general
knee anon has been surprisingly quiet this thread

Anonymous No. 187487

common misconception from longboarders. I would unironically go to reddit for info on that stuff.

Anonymous No. 187488

i think i mightve gottten him banned

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Anonymous No. 187492

lil bro said trick skaters

Anonymous No. 187493

>i hurt my knee general

Yes it is.

I've made like 20 posts.

You wish redditor.

Anonymous No. 187494

it really wasnt in reference to you-you use reddit spacing like a kook; this guy is far more doomer and he always posts hard slams and gives of mega neg vibes about how his knees are blown and yours are next

Anonymous No. 187495

I am the knee guy you retarded underage slaptard newfaggot. God you're so cringe and braindead.

Anonymous No. 187497

>The knee injury guy who doesn't believe in doctors is already here and being a miserable weirdo to everyone else
Oh no

Anonymous No. 187499

im not the slapfaggot fuckface im just tired of you and your vibe

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Anonymous No. 187500

I've been posting all week and now you wanna start crying like some hoe. Kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 187501

>kill yourself
i would but i hurt my knee.

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Anonymous No. 187503


Anonymous No. 187504

Hey, I don't mind you posting as long as you don't cry about your knee. You seem to find a way to bring it up every thread

Anonymous No. 187511

Hey I didn't ask because you're a nobody bitch and you have no authority here. And you're the one that brought it up this thread, as you usually do, obsessed schizo faggot. I was in here chilling for a whole week before your dirty ass pulled up.

Anonymous No. 187515

I wouldn't have known how to differentiate otherwise, I'm new to this shit.

Anonymous No. 187516

Yeah I already asked over there, I just wanted a second opinion.

Anonymous No. 187518

Stay there. Take your slap bf with you as well.

Anonymous No. 187519

damn, does the existence of a slightly longer board with bigger wheels make you feel so bad that you need to be a cunt?
I'll enjoy time with my slap boyfriend, thank you very much.

Anonymous No. 187521

>redditor comes to 4chan and shits up thread with his faggotry
imagine visiting that mk ultra website and willingly turning yourself into one of these people

Anonymous No. 187523

Lol so mad as per usual

Anonymous No. 187524

It's Slappy Sunday /ESG/

Anonymous No. 187526

Go back to enjoying your time with your longboarder bf, faggot.

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Anonymous No. 187528

>mfw i can still skate stairs at 29

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Anonymous No. 187534

>Go b-back to enjoying your time with your longboarder bf, faggot.

Wake up boomer it's 2024, being gay isn't an insult anymore. I'll have my pretty longboarder bf suck me off while you keep rolling your ankles on the same two tricks you've been stuck on since 1998.
Cope and seethe.

Anonymous No. 187537

Not him but.. you absolute faggot

Anonymous No. 187540

>Not him

Awww, don't be jealous baby, daddy will fuck your hole too.

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Anonymous No. 187541


Anonymous No. 187543

A whole ass custom made meme for lil ol'me? That's so cute.

Anonymous No. 187544


Anonymous No. 187545

based healthy knee haver

Anonymous No. 187549

this isn't really related to anything but the one longboarder i knew turned out to be an irl pedophile

Anonymous No. 187581

unbased gaped hole haver

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Anonymous No. 187598

should I buy this shirt for 40 dollars? im thinking itll make me look like a super cool #Y2K skater

Anonymous No. 187599

No kneed for that

Anonymous No. 187601

You'd know a thing or two about knees since you're always kneeling.

Anonymous No. 187608

buy an ipath shirt for the y2k look or find some vitas

Anonymous No. 187610

those are expensive

Anonymous No. 187614

New primitive vid dropped featuring the fabled fakie flip on Wallenberg

Anonymous No. 187628

Hi /hurtkneegen/ I hurt my meniscus a few years ago it's been fairly un smooth since, then I hurt it again over this winter, but I'm going to try to do a kickflip every day as long as it's dry. I'm on day 2, hopefully consistency makes my knees get stronger. Also I land really stiff my head hurt from one I landed today.

Anonymous No. 187629

my secret is i could never skate stairs (and have little desire to learn)
based unabashed homo
h-hey my knees are healthy i just am scared of stairs
your mom

Anonymous No. 187631

Are you guys filled in on the Carlos Lastra drama?

Anonymous No. 187635

lol you should watch some kneesovertoesguy on yt. He has a lot of good exercises for building up strong knees. His split squat alone has been a game changer for me.
>braille has scientologists and pedophiles
real shit?

Anonymous No. 187638

I don't know, that's why I'm asking. I feel like they're virtue signaling for attention about something with a 17 year old or some shit that happened 5 years ago. I don't follow skate youtubers. Braille goofies especially. Was just curious.

Anonymous No. 187639

Yeah, I don't either I just new that the pedo word was being thrown around

Anonymous No. 187640


Anonymous No. 187641

I just saw some nerd talking to nigel and nigel had said he gropes some girl, was drunk all the time and something about some other girl.

Anonymous No. 187643

Yeah so basically a nothingburger.

Anonymous No. 187645

is that clips channel just him posting shit from his discord

Anonymous No. 187646

why don't you just look and see?

Anonymous No. 187657

No, but reading down re pedo shit, that jumba juice they used to go on about had a pedo logo plus the scientology shit. I really hope not because I like Ricky.

Anonymous No. 187658

any shop selling good boards with sexy anime girls?

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Anonymous No. 187660

>I like Ricky

Anonymous No. 187667

Good Jesus. I want my rock n rolls to look like that some day.

Anonymous No. 187671

you never heard of hookups? jeremy klein? destroying america?

Anonymous No. 187672

the way dude describes the process makes me realize ill never been a good skater

Anonymous No. 187676

the sped up part where he just tries the same shit over and over makes me want to try something new soon.

Anonymous No. 187681

all those local skateshops arround me get the most generic boards, those jeremy klein boards look pretty, but ofcourse out of stock most of them, only 13 on stock and 113 out on their web catalog... they are not expensive that's good, but who knows the shipping fee

Anonymous No. 187682

I'll watch it later

Anonymous No. 187683

anyone know what kind of cam this may have been filmed on?
i know it's SD so maybe a VX but it's also really clear and crisp for SD but im sure that has more to do with how it was rendered. the colors are also really nice too in some i miss the skate perception forumn...does anyone remember that place kek

Anonymous No. 187684

Just ask them. It's not like it's a huge account.

Anonymous No. 187685

when i first watched this i honestly did not think he was gonna land it cause the attempts during the first half of the vid were rough lawl

Anonymous No. 187687

You're supposed to react like this anon >>187676

Anonymous No. 187696

He is a good guy and I think his interactions with the clicky US guys is kind of funny while he keeps it real

Anonymous No. 187714

i cant do either but for some reason i feel like a kickflip bs tail is easier than a regular back tail

Anonymous No. 187715

can anyone confirm my assumption or no

Anonymous No. 187719

PAL vx1000 with a mk1. dude just knows how to properly render for youtube. i do the same thing

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Anonymous No. 187725

>watch an old nocomply compilation video
>physically want to vomit

3 years ago I would have said that they were overhated. A year ago and I would have been indifferent. Is this just a side effect of me getting good at ollie based tricks or have they just hit rock bottom in trendiness? Feels like half a trick when watching and planting a foot ends up taking more effort than just floating over the board.

Like they're not even hated anymore, just abandoned and forgotten.

Anonymous No. 187729

i find them easier yes. there's a lot of situations where flipping into something is easier than popping just as long as you have your flips pretty dialed
skateboarding is a high autism hobby

Anonymous No. 187730

idk that's basically how i felt watching cherry

Anonymous No. 187733

can't do a real nose manny bigspin out so resort to doing fake tricks.

Anonymous No. 187736

it was based

Anonymous No. 187748

Good job detective anon you are so smart and observant.

Anonymous No. 187750

Any recommended helmets for Yurop?

Anonymous No. 187756

my bearings are so gone but i dont wanna go buy new ones

Anonymous No. 187762

clean them nigga

Anonymous No. 187764

Everytime I drive around I am constantly searching for spots and and even a curb to skate. I am thinking I might have to just find a nice curb and dig it up and jack it up with my 4 ton bottle car jack.

Anonymous No. 187781

skateboardings coolest of cool guys just dropped a vid

Anonymous No. 187788

>someone repost my picture
Neat. I don't know that guy's name but he's part of The Hemel Crew. He was dripping blood by the end of that session.

I love no complies, but they're best in the middle of a line as a setup for the next trick. There's one in the last Baker video that's fucking nuts enough to be a proper trick by itself, but shit like how Ray Barbee would do them flowing down the street is where they shine for me. That and Super Rat turning them into weird techy things where you don't know what the fuck just happened:

Anonymous No. 187790

Sick video. Always like seeing Hjalte and Paul Grund skate

Anonymous No. 187800

nik stain is actually a very nice guy

Anonymous No. 187809

really? i've actually heard the opposite

Anonymous No. 187810

well this is coming from a friend whos hung out with him so maybe its different for randos. ive skated a few of his used decks he just dropped off like 50 decks that couldnt have been more than a week used.

Anonymous No. 187814

i dont do that, i just bought new ones

Anonymous No. 187854

The biggest happening in skateboarding the past few days is Bryan Arnett crying over some woman calling his friend retarded for not being able to do basic math.

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Anonymous No. 187863

no, It's that since summer I grabbed my board and cruised arround scaring the elderly

Anonymous No. 187864

Shut up pedo.

Anonymous No. 187868

>caring about a youtuber besides /ourguy/ joa

Anonymous No. 187869


Anonymous No. 187870

gossip magazine fag lol

Anonymous No. 187873

no yous for slap pedos

Anonymous No. 187886

lifted tater!!!! >>187640

Anonymous No. 187887

is moose /ourguy/?

Anonymous No. 187888

he's a redditor

Anonymous No. 187892

go back to reddt

Anonymous No. 187893


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Anonymous No. 187895


Anonymous No. 187896

I look like that and say that

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Anonymous No. 187897

I made it my New Years Resolution to learn a new skill and decided on skateboarding. Is this a good set of specs for an entry level board? Also can I wear running shoes or should I actually buy a pair of skate shoes to reduce impact stress? I have a friend who is going to teach me how to fall but are there any good resources online for beginners?

Anonymous No. 187898

There is tons of resources online. I'd get suede skate shoes. They have extra rubber and you'll tear through them fast when you're learning ollies and flip tricks.

Anonymous No. 187902

skating will destroy your running shoes. you dont *need* skate shoes but you want something with a flat sole at the very least.
get a skate tool as well and maybe swap out the bearings with reds in a few months

Anonymous No. 187907

hello i am from

Anonymous No. 187909

I push mongo btw

Anonymous No. 187916

i'm also trans (FtM) ^_^

Anonymous No. 187933

thoughts on kevin spankys ig edits? they seem polarizing... normies and casuals love them but ive seen people that loathe it. most seem to be over his whole quirky schtick. i can see why people find it trite now but it's pretty much his whole brand now plus weird slappy tricks

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Anonymous No. 187974

I really want a deck with like 20" wheelbase and 10" wide with double kick tails. Even better if it had a 1" drop down in the middle and drop through mounts with wheel wells but everything I find is gay.. because longboards

Anonymous No. 188010

>polarizing... normies and casuals love them but ive seen people that loathe it.
Oh yeah?

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Anonymous No. 188048

Hey guys, /fa/ here. What constitutes a “skate shoe” to you? I needed a cheap pair of casual beaters and got these fat Adidas Campus shoes. My friend asked why I got “skate shoes” if I don’t board. Are these skate shoes? I just thought they looked like cozy casualwear.

Anonymous No. 188054

These aren't skate shoes. Your friend is a little gay bitch from reddit.

Anonymous No. 188059

he's a great skateboarder but his style is wack, plus I don't trust those small beady eyes of his

Anonymous No. 188068

god damn all these gifted hater copy cats are so cringe lol

Anonymous No. 188074

Adidas has skate and non skate versions of the Campus. The only difference is that they reinforce areas that tend to wear from skateboarding. I'm not sure how you tell the difference.

Anonymous No. 188075

Why do they all wear glasses? It's like they're all the same phenotype as Joa

Anonymous No. 188076

cringe for sure. I didn't need to be made aware of any of these channels.

Anonymous No. 188077

my secret to landing consistent ollies and close to unlocking kickflips was losing 30lbs after all

Anonymous No. 188078

I stay 150 lbs 5'8. I wish I could lose some weight for better skateboarding, but this seems like its where I stay.

Anonymous No. 188079

>I didn't need to be made aware of any of these channels.

Anonymous No. 188089

You faggots realize that gh is a copy of black ninja who's done this "hating" schtick for years now

Anonymous No. 188091


Anonymous No. 188110

I picked the middle one randomly to watch to see what you meant, but that guy is nothing like GH. He's just doing a bit of commentary. I'm not saying it's good, just that you are either a disingenuous faggot or a media illiterate retard.

Anonymous No. 188120

>but that guy is nothing like GH. He's just doing a bit of commentary
then you never seen gifted haters other videos or twitch streams cause that is the bulk of his content there, part reviews and commentary, he's not just hating on everything 24/7
>media illiterate retard

Anonymous No. 188121

Thanks guys only thing I know about skating is from CKY and Jackass, thought my friend was full of shit, nice to know.

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Anonymous No. 188125

Uh oh new drama! Apparently our guy Jeff was caught talking shit about that corny guy Nigel in 2015 or some shit. Now Jason Reddit Park is exposing him for clicks. Screenshot of Jeff's post on slap. Slaptrannies, what do you think?

Anonymous No. 188126

would you fags be interested in a cytube for skate shit and fuel reruns and stuff?
i miss cky bros...

Anonymous No. 188127

>Kiki never been to da faaahrest befoa
>Kiki would a not know what to do inna Times Squayuh

Anonymous No. 188139

Is 26 years old too old to start skating and get to the point of doing some tricks?

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Anonymous No. 188140

this is a shotas only general. olds not welcome

Anonymous No. 188143

I didn't mean that 26 is old, just that people I see skating at 26 already know how to ride and do tricks. So I'm not sure if I'll be able to get hurt and still learn it at this age

Anonymous No. 188144

i tried to set one up a few years ago but it never got any traction cytu DOT be /r/skate

Anonymous No. 188145

i’ve seen many people learn skiing/snowboarding/surfing in their 20s and 30s there is no reason why you couldn’t learn to skate. tricks are kind of the easy part of skateboarding tbqh
>get hurt
you will.

Anonymous No. 188150

What's the hard part of skateboarding?

Anonymous No. 188155

Hey guys. How do I known if I should replace my bearings. I was given a skateboard 2 years ago (so I guess the previous owner used it for a while). The skate makes a lot of noise when I’m rolling and it doesn’t go very fast but it does the trick. Will replacing it make it the board go faster while avoiding making too much fucking noise?

Anonymous No. 188175

Flat soles and suede. There are skate shoes that aren't made of suede but they tend to not last long if you actually skate them.

Anonymous No. 188176

Black Ninja is a raging asshole though. I ended up unfollowing him because like 1/10 of his content was actually skating. 4/10s were him doing pullups and the rest was him fuming about some random ass comment about something or other. GH is fairly measured when he puts a video out (though he has the weirdest opinions about clothing and is irony poisoned).

Anonymous No. 188180

Every fucking thread...

No. You're literally never too old. Yeah, you won't reach professional athlete tier, but you probably wouldn't have anyway.

The mental aspect. The hardest part, imo, is that unlearning natural habits of self preservation and balance as an older person takes longer. You can get your body into skating shape within a few months if you just stick at it (and don't go so hard that you get lots of injuries that you'll have to recover from), but doing shit like staying low to the ground or throwing yourself at something that's dangerous will have the reptilian parts of your brain instinctually try to get away, which will make you jerk into bad positions that will get you injured. It's a self fulfilling prophecy.

But, you know, just pace yourself and focus on riding around, balance, comfort etc before even bothering to learn tricks at all.

Anonymous No. 188188

riding and fear

Anonymous No. 188190

As an older person I suggest not pushing yourself too hard and just focusing on consistency and comfort on the board. It took a while for me to be able to chill and just skate without constantly pushing myself a little further, til I fall and hurt myself. I'm too old for it but just would get carried away. Jason Ellis talks about it in the Hawk v Wolf podcast and I can totally relate.

Anonymous No. 188191

I don't really feel old, but I know next time I something feels off, I'm just going to stop. And I need to learn to chill and take my time. I think if my co worker goes skating with me it might help me slow down.

Anonymous No. 188195

considering starting all over but in switch to slow down the injury rate, is that a bad idea?

How old are we talking? I'm 31 and I can already feel that I take much more time to recover than 5 years ago.

Anonymous No. 188197

Anyone have the Chase Webb Nyjah vid with that girl?

Anonymous No. 188202

peptide that heals soft tissue you should do it

Anonymous No. 188212

would have got leaked a long ass time ago if anyone did

Anonymous No. 188220

>Will replacing it make it the board go faster while avoiding making too much fucking noise?

Anonymous No. 188229

also 31, at 29 my knees and hips were fine but they aint anymo so i dont do shit no mo

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Anonymous No. 188289

over 30s be like

Anonymous No. 188294

It's Slappy Sunday /ESG/

Anonymous No. 188295

i am so bad at slappies its embarassing
wallies too

Anonymous No. 188308

Really want to go skate today but I have a bad rash on my leg and nuts. It gets worse if I sweat and pants rub onto it. Anyone else deal with this before? I tried antifungal cream and it hasn't gotten any better.

Anonymous No. 188320

I wish, sounds like something I would enjoy from motherless

Anonymous No. 188341

I'm 34, I had to wait a few days after Ryan Decenzos part to answer sorry.
It's more when everything is going right and feels great, I need to remind myself not to keep pushing it.

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Anonymous No. 188345

Ok then I need to switch them asap. They make too much noise and I have to push a lot (I guess)
My board also chipped real bad today (pic related) should I just buy a total new set? Or just a board and bearings

Anonymous No. 188346

Going out later tonight :D


Anonymous No. 188347

I'd keep the trucks if nothing is wrong with them and just get a new deck.

Anonymous No. 188352

>rubber grip
I've been using dkl rubber grip for 6 months now and my biggest problem is on the back foot, i feel like it slips too much on dusty spots. I'm considering doing normal grip on the back and rubber grip on the front next time, cuz i really enjoy doing tricks without worrying about wasting my shoe with every flick

Anonymous No. 188354

I just started learning slappies in December and I learned slappy crook today for the first time. Just go out and get a feel for it. Go fast and will your board onto the curb

Anonymous No. 188384

The thing is, I can ride pretty well regular, but can't do any tricks and can't even pop the tail. When I ride goofy, I can ollie but my balance isn't as good and riding doesn't feel so natural. I used to skate like 10 years ago so I can still do what I did back then, which is riding and ollie.
Now that I decided I want to go back to it, should I focus on getting a better balance goofy or learning to pop an ollie regular? Somehow it feels easier to learn to ride goofy, but maybe I should just take some time to learn tricks the way I feel comfortable riding. Its a fucked stance and I have no idea why I though it was ok to learn it this way

Anonymous No. 188389

if you're liking the foam grip maybe consider getting the prism grip ambition makes and putting a few of those on the tail

Anonymous No. 188405

Jesus that's horrid

Anonymous No. 188413

Do you guys wax your board or trucks?

Anonymous No. 188432

works a lot better than sandpaper grip tbqh

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Anonymous No. 188452

Thoughts on this trick?

Anonymous No. 188455


Anonymous No. 188456


Anonymous No. 188461

I can't tell what they're saying but I think the bikecuck wasn't mad about it? It would have been so sick if he landed that though. Bro was kinda close.

Anonymous No. 188471

I built my own box as a kid and had a kink rail, but let my mom give them both away. I wish I had something to fit in my car. I'm looking online at all kinds of prefabricated rails. Boxes? I could build another one, but unless I get pretty creative I don't think itll fit in my car.

Anonymous No. 188487

>works a lot better than sandpaper grip tbqh

Anonymous No. 188491


🗑️ Anonymous No. 188509

Trying to find an old esg thread with some tips on backside 50s and I think I found the oldest one available

Anonymous No. 188515

ive thought about this a lot, too. the best thing i personally think i could actually make would be a basic ramp with like maybe 5-15 parts that all sort of slot into each other and can be reinforced with hinges so that it flat packs and pops up. but i havent done any wood shop since i was in middle school so that'll never happen
>Do you guys wax your board or trucks?

Anonymous No. 188516

i used bearing lube to fuck a tranny i met at the skatepark

Anonymous No. 188518

I've only been skating for like 6 months but how often do you guys actually break your decks? I've been watching some YT channels and it seems like decks breaking is really common. I don't do a lot of crazy tricks, mainly just cruising and kickflips when I'm bored.

Anonymous No. 188519

Sorry for kooky question overload but, both? Thoroughly? Just nose and tail or deck too? How often? I guess it helps grinding concrete too? Idk why I never thought to do it.

Anonymous No. 188533

Found this guy on yt and he inspired me to go try learn something I could never figure out (bs 50s on ledge). Between this and gifteds video I think I've found a new understanding to breaking down learning a trick. I just needed to turn my back shoulder when popping in.

Anonymous No. 188539

kind of depends on your weight and how heavy footed you land stuff. some people are just board snappers. i've seen dudes break a board coming off a back 50 on a ledge. i haven't broken a board in probably 15 years just because i dont stomp my tricks

Anonymous No. 188540

Same with guy above. I broke one board in my life and I'm convinced it was defective. Cracked a few tho.

Anonymous No. 188555

too depressed to skate now that i dont drink redbull anymore, coffee is never enough. my body craves taurine

Anonymous No. 188582

how small is your car? ive seen some crazy shit fit in a corolla/similiar size sedan.

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Anonymous No. 188593

>but, both?
not too much or else it will get too slippery
> Just nose and tail or deck too?
for me nose and tail, because I don't want to slip out on a boardslide, it's easier to slip out on those
>How often?
whenever you need to :D
>I guess it helps grinding
sure does. sometimes ledges feel a bit sticky. you could wax the ledge too of course.

Anonymous No. 188597

i've thought about waxing my trucks to see if it'd help with doing slappies on random stuff while cruising around

Anonymous No. 188620

lipslides are hell to learn you break a lot of boards in the process

Anonymous No. 188621

sticking on boardslides is worse tho

Anonymous No. 188626

its a small hatchback. I want a rail more than a box since I feel like ledges are easier to skate. I'll probably hold off on buying a rail for a while and keep going to the skatepark. I know I have an old head board made of metal that looks like I could turn it into a somewhat thick rail and probably not need to weld.

Anonymous No. 188627

Thanks, found some random wax at the park and gave my board a little run over. I was trying to nose slide a box and it helped with the distance. I also waxed my trucks but I didn't do any grinds before, thinking about it I guess everything was grinding good tho.

I usually wax the obstacle but only feel comfy doing so with no one around. Then if someone eats shit I can just be like "who tf waxed this thing?!". I think I'll continue this experiment ty.

Anonymous No. 188630

you should be able to fit a flatbar in a hatchback np

Anonymous No. 188636

they're expensive but you can get those transformer rails that can be a box or a rail
ime it's not that hard to find decent ledges but good street flatbars are pretty rare

Anonymous No. 188639

I saw those and theyre cool, but I'm not going much farther past $150. Thats why I want to wait and see if I can't come up with a way to build one at home. Plus I have some parks to go to, but having a flat rail all to myself would speed up the learning process. I could probably make something out of wood and just wrap it in sheet metal.

Anonymous No. 188641

I guess I like the prefabricated ones though that you can split apart.

Anonymous No. 188672

Skated for two straight days and today I’m beat
Couldn’t imagine doing a third straight day

Anonymous No. 188679

I work manual labor. Since my return to skating I didn't take a day off until I finally got hurt. I'm about to approach the 2 week mark after having to take a break and I have to admit it was nice to take time off and analyze and probably let my body recover in other ways than just an injury. I'm so used to pushing my body at work with no choice and that always worked out except this time I missed quite a lot of days and time. Without seeing a doctor my self given guideline is when the area that hurts doesn't anymore when I touch it is when I will skate again, but I'll fucking be prepared this time and know its fine to take some days off from skating just like weekends away from what I do. I can't take days off work for dumb reasons so thinking ahead and preparation is what I need to keep skating.

Anonymous No. 188724

how do i get over my fear of the coping?

Anonymous No. 188727

Get on it, how else? Got a small mini near you, like 4ft or under? Use that and force yourself to get up and onto the coping, even if you just jump straight off. People also say to start with slash grinds, but that didn't help me at all, it's still too weird and scary. Practicing getting out of the transition and 5050 stalls/grinds were what helped the most, but each to their own. Once you get the balls to attempt a locked in 5050 stall, or even a tail stall, the fear factor gets reduced a lot and you can start making meaningful improvements. If you mean coping on larger bowls or tranny, then I dunno, that shit is terrifying.

Anonymous No. 188732

I swear the worst part of skating transition is actually finding a good ramp to practice on. Lots of parks have huge bowls, it's such a big step up from a small quarter pipe. This sounds like a good reason to go on road trip to look for more parks.

Anonymous No. 188734

>I swear the worst part of skating transition is actually finding a good ramp to practice on
Yeah, definitely this. My local has a huge lop-sided one where one side is taller than the other for some reason. Fucking deathtrap as well due to no maint skatelite. Luckily there's an indoor park about 30-40mins away that has babbys first mini which is about 2 or 3ft max and perfect to learn on (beside the coping being a bit too sunken in).

Anonymous No. 188740

i kind of prefer big tranny these days desu. once you understand how to skate it & bail it feels much more forgiving than a 3-4 foot ramp because you have so much more room to react and slide out in the transition rather than slamming right into the flat. but i also think that for bowl riding you shouldn't even worry about tricks for a long time because the actual trick is riding and being comfortable with the transition

Anonymous No. 188743

best backside 180 of all time coming through

Anonymous No. 188747

that makes sense. I used to ride a huge half pipe as a kid because no one else was on it.

Anonymous No. 188779

damn this guy rules

Anonymous No. 188785

So sick. I really liked his part in pescado

Anonymous No. 188861

Eh, maybe try nollies? It's good to be able to do anything in any stance so you can't go wrong with either option. Maybe try some transition skating in your regular stance given it doesn't require ollies.

I was similar in that I could only really ollie in my teens then needed to relearn the basics when I picked it back up at 29, and having any sort of skill to begin with was a big help. I did have to (and still do) unlearn a lot of bad habits when it came to stance and whatnot, so the usual set of basic tricks came harder to me, but then weirder shit like old school tricks and certain footplants came easier, so maybe try some of those moves when the usual "beginner" tricks are too much of a pain to have fun with:

Anonymous No. 188884

>put front foot in heelflip position
>push with back foot behind board
>land heelflip

>put front foot in heelflip position
>push with back foot infront board
>don't land heelflip

I'm going to have to figure this one out

Anonymous No. 188894

>push with back foot behind board

>push with back foot infront board


Anonymous No. 188898

Facing forward, pushing with back foot on left and right side of board. So pushing incorrectly (putting my foot left of board, as regular) somehow makes my heelflips work much better. I guess it's my shoulders or hips rotation.

Anonymous No. 188903

dude i thought mine from my last session were minty but look at that fuuuck

Anonymous No. 188906

nigga what the fuck are you talking about

Anonymous No. 188908

pushing on the wrong side of the board. chris millic does it a lot

Anonymous No. 188913

>nigga what the fuck are you talking about
This runs through my head every time I read posts in this thread

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Anonymous No. 188931

Thank you

Anonymous No. 188933

thats a jazz push

Anonymous No. 188936


Anonymous No. 188939

Cool, never heard that before

Anonymous No. 188999

either learn english or learn skateboarding

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Anonymous No. 189028

trying to understand nollie heel shiftys

Anonymous No. 189070

Learn to shut the fuck up faggot

Anonymous No. 189071

who is better at skating? New shoes all the time or the guy who shoe goos?

Anonymous No. 189074

new shoes guy because he's probably sponsored and you get good at skating when you get sponsored

Anonymous No. 189075


Anonymous No. 189079

desu most of the new shit all time guys i knew were just faggot rich kids who barely skated

Anonymous No. 189080


Anonymous No. 189083

divined dub and trips of truth
and consecutive
>>189070 is a bitch

wealth (shoe means) has no correlation with skater skill

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sus cow.gif

Anonymous No. 189103

>haven't skated all week due to being sick as a dog
>only skated one day the week before then due to work
>go to the usual, expect to be rusty
>nail all of my usual tricks better than ever
>FINALLY, after a year, actually stand up on my axels, 50s and feebles and hold them there

Is there such a thing as skating too much?

Anonymous No. 189105

yeah taking a break can actually help sometimes.

Anonymous No. 189115

>who is better at skating? New shoes all the time or the guy who shoe goos?
doesnt matter who cares

Anonymous No. 189122

Who is better at skating? Drunk all the time or guy who is constantly rolling up a joint/blunt.

Anonymous No. 189127

probably the stoner. Anytime I drunk skate I try to ride switch.

Anonymous No. 189134

Drunk guy. Largely because you can slam a beer faster than you can smoke a joint, meaning you're spending more time skating. Drunk guy also convinces himself he's braver than he really is, while stoner guy thinks he's one second further back in time than he really is.

Anonymous No. 189138

The one that is better at skateboarding

Anonymous No. 189140

The cross faded one

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Anonymous No. 189147

the cracked out one

Anonymous No. 189149

gall was such a lunatic

Anonymous No. 189155

drug use has no relation to skater skill

Anonymous No. 189162

Yes it does. The more drugs you use the better you'll skate.

Anonymous No. 189190

nice bait

Anonymous No. 189197

overtraining is a real thing in any sport

Anonymous No. 189200

I like the womens skateboarding to try to figure out shit I can aspire to do.

Anonymous No. 189208

Jagger Eaton (USA)
Augusto Akio (BRA)
Tate Carew (USA)
Gavin Bottger (USA)
Luigi Cini (BRA) - not competing

Hiraki Cocona (JPN)
Kusaki Hinano (JPN)
Sky Brown (GBR) - not competing
Raicca Ventura (BRA)
Minna Stess (USA)

who the fuck are any of these people I only recognize sky brown and jaeger eaton and the only reason I know eaton is from the last olympics

Anonymous No. 189209

no Idea, but the scoring was definitely weird. Gavin had a 89 score, did the same run again, but better and scored lower lol.

Anonymous No. 189211

thps ass scoring system

Anonymous No. 189237

i front boarded the [spoiler]3 stair[/spoiler] street rail bros

Anonymous No. 189238

Unlearning instinctual behavior is hard. I’ve been afraid of learning steep declines because even if I tell myself Im gonna fall on my ass or roll it out if I lose my balance, I still catch myself with my back hand pretty often. Haven’t broken my wrist yet thankfully but my wrist absorbed most of the impact of my last two slams from trying this and it still hurts after a week.

I’m fat, I’m naturally pretty well padded up and falling on my soft spots basically doesn’t hurt at all, just can’t convince my lizard brain not to sacrifice my tiny little wrist bones to protect my bacon.

Anonymous No. 189240

try to get in the habit of getting low when you feel like you're losing balance. i find it a lot easier not to throw out hands if i'm just close to the ground/tranny

Anonymous No. 189296

>Unlearning instinctual behavior is hard
Indeed. If it wasn't, everyone would skate.

But what's fun is that you only need to "unlearn" that instinct once for less than a single second in order to break it. You just need to take a deep breath and exhale as you do the trick, keep your centre of gravity low/bend your knees, and make it to the bottom. Even if you wind up off balance and slip out on the roll away, it'll still stick. And all the paranoia about the ways it could go wrong vanish.

Anonymous No. 189299

Yeah I’ve made it all the way to the bottom 3 of the 6-7 times I’ve tried it. At my skatepark, the bank is flat -> 20 degree angle -> flat. When I hit the bottom I’m pressing down really hard on the back foot to regain my balance I guess. Of the 3 times I made it down, two of the times my back foot was on the tail so I did a tail stop and was able to bail without taking a fall, then the 3rd time my back foot was on the back bolts and I lost control and fell on my wrist.

I know 6 attempts or whatever is basically nothing, and I’m really not afraid to fall on anything except my wrist, but I know I’m gonna snap that fucker if I can’t unlearn throwing out my hand. I fall correctly when I’m on flat ground, but I’ve noticed that I will sometimes throw my hand out and, as I’m falling, remember to pull it back so I end up landing on my torso somewhere. On those declines I’m falling a lot faster so I don’t have that split second to override the instinct.

lol sorry about the blogpost, I’m just getting frustrated with it because if I could just reliably fall right I’d be able to do it a dozen times in a row or whatever til I nail it. I’m trying not to be a pussy but I also don’t want to break a bone like a bitch doing something as basic as riding down a little hill.

Anonymous No. 189302

>overtraining is a real thing in any sport
this. applies to videogames, too. you get too used to your 'mistake' being the thing you actually ingrain into your 'muscle memory' so after taking a break you can actually tackle it from a new angle again

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Anonymous No. 189313

>be little kid
>can do trick friend can't
>ask him for his board
>do said trick
>tell him that's the first time his board has seen that

Anonymous No. 189325

whats the longest youve ever stayed at the skatepark in one session?

Anonymous No. 189327

all day

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Anonymous No. 189328


Anonymous No. 189357

>At my skatepark, the bank is flat -> 20 degree angle -> flat.
Damn, are you actually nearly breaking wrists on mellow banks? Remember to keep your knees bent all the way down so you can brace yourself for the angle shift at the bottom, resists the urge to get straight-legged and bail, even if you start off with knees bent, cause this is what fucks your balance. If it's more of a mental block than actual riding ability, get over this instantly by having someone either hold or hover-hold your hand as you 'drop in' from the top. I'm not joking, it works every time. You will be embarrased by how quickly it becomes trivial.

Anonymous No. 189390

All day. When the weather is nice sometimes some of the locals will order some pizza and stuff like that.

Anonymous No. 189404

3 hours. I have problems knowing when to take breaks so I reach my limit fairly quickly and I don't like to be at a skatepark if I'm not skating.

Anonymous No. 189411

After reading this I googled angles cuz I’m a retard that never payed attention in school and it’s actually more of a 45 degree angle. Not the steepest incline in the world but steep enough that it’s awkward to walk on. But yeah I know it should be easy but the fear of a hand slam is making it seem like a way bigger deal in my mind than it actually is. I just got ahold of a portable wheelchair ramp that I can hopefully use to practice slightly less steep inclines (rn my choice is my driveway or that incline at the skatepark with no in between). If nothing else it’ll hopefully give me the confidence boost to try again

Anonymous No. 189433

just dont fall on your hands idiot. take it to the shoulder or even better learn to roll

Anonymous No. 189443

anon you're overthinking this autistically. if you do fall, just roll forward. tuck your chin and whatever you do, do NOT stick your arms out.

Anonymous No. 189483

niggas out here googlin' angles and acquiring wheelchair ramps

Anonymous No. 189497

So far I havn't skated a board with a 14" or 14.25" wheel base. I have a <14" 7.6 and a 8.38 14.5 wheel base. The longer wheel base makes a huge difference in air time and tweaking my tricks. My timing is all fucked because one is too fat and the other feels too short now.

Anonymous No. 189543

Angle is irrelevant, keep your knees bent all the way through the transition and to the flat and you will be 100% more stable. Almost all beginner slams can be avoided by just bending the knees more than you think you should. Don't forget the hand hold if the mental block won't shift. You get a taste for the clean roll away a few times and you'll be set.

Anonymous No. 189583

we all know about pushing switch mongo
but what about pushing fakie switch...

Anonymous No. 189589

My legs don't bend that way!

Anonymous No. 189606


Anonymous No. 189623

link it next time friend

Anonymous No. 189626

>doesnt link to the new thread
>new thread doesnt link to the old thread

think ill stay here till someone who isnt retarded makes a proper thread

Anonymous No. 189652

Aren't we past the bump limit anyways, retard?

Anonymous No. 189656

who cares, thread always gets better after the bump limit. dont call me a retard when the OP of the new thread can't perform two basic tasks

Anonymous No. 189657

I mean I've been telling this bitch to link the threads for ages, but you're kind of a retard if you wanna stay here by yourself. Not that we should be having 3 threads up on this slowass board at the same time, but oh well.

Anonymous No. 189669

Why do you faggots need links to the threads

Anonymous No. 189721

Ill make my own proper thread without you fags

Anonymous No. 189724

No you wont.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 189736

I just did bitch
