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🧵 /esg/ Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 189605

Just do some ollies edition

Anonymous No. 189607

Will you ever quit skating?

Anonymous No. 189629

everyone NEEDS to post their knees and car batteries before asking for skating advice

Anonymous No. 189634

I could do this and amazingly I have a honda battery in a ford and its lasted me 6 years so far. I cannot believe it. Honda battery is known to be shit.

Anonymous No. 189636

I just made slap change their registration process after shitting on them from different accounts, now they have to verify your email lol

Anonymous No. 189647

unfortunately I blew out my knee riding down a 45 degree bank (I transitioned)

Anonymous No. 189653

You're not allowed to combine these two memes, because I'm knee guy and I invented the car battery roast in here. It's not fair that I can post car battery but I can't post knee.

Based for doing that but also cringe for being an ugly stinky slaggot bitch.

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Anonymous No. 189664

>banks are hard

It took me a bit to figure it out, but after I spent a full session at Southbank just trying to get up and down the things, I figured out the trick. When you hit the kink at the bottom, you need to "deweight". So it's similar to a pump on a quarter pipe, only much more aggressive and sudden. So long as the front wheels clear you should be fine, but you don't want to put too much weight on the back like it's a manual because that will likely kill so much of your speed that you'll jolt off which is sounds like what is happening to you.

And then, as always, keep your centre of balance low. When you deweight/pump, try to not go completely upright. Go from a really low crouch to a slightly higher crouch. You can use the same technique to get over cracks and rough patches of ground too.

Anonymous No. 189666

Broken knee faggot and gore slam poster need to realise no one wants to have that shit fresh in the back of their minds. Fuck off.

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Anonymous No. 189667

I have to look at this shit everytime I take a dump, done during the deathwish face tat era

Anonymous No. 189705

Because, retarded newfaggot, it's a slowass board and I shouldn't need to guess if we have a new thread or not when I haven't seen a reply in the current one for hours.

>le doodle tat man

No car battery to be seen.

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Anonymous No. 189709

The talk about breaking wrists on 45 degree angle slopes was last thread, but /esg/ are already getting tattoos about it and posting them online. Please add a car battery to your collection. The knees are a given.

Anonymous No. 189730


Anonymous No. 189732

well it's not like you'll ever need skating advice anyways since YOU CAN'T FUCKING SKATE ANYMORE LMAOOOOOO

Anonymous No. 189737

the knee nutjob made another new thread. this guy is deranged.

Anonymous No. 189739

I wont need advice, because you can't give any, bitch.

Stop false flagging mentally ill retard. Kys.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 189742

we're gonna be gangstalking you in the other thread

🗑️ Anonymous No. 189743

they deleted your thread man

Anonymous No. 189746


🗑️ Anonymous No. 189748

dont be mad at me Im not the one who reported it

Anonymous No. 189750

this thread is already fucking ruined
might as well actually make a new one at this point

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Anonymous No. 189751

stop spamming and seething

post a clip

Anonymous No. 189756

>post a clip
you first faggot

Anonymous No. 189758

I just did moran

Anonymous No. 189759

thats you? you're fucking trash

Anonymous No. 189763

No retard.

Anonymous No. 189767

dont try and walk it back now cause I said your trash. own up to your kooky ass clip

Anonymous No. 189768

My trash?

Anonymous No. 189769

yes your trash, stop taking estrogen and learn how to manual

Anonymous No. 189770

What about my trash?

Anonymous No. 189771

are you esl?

Anonymous No. 189772

Are you? Why do you keep talking about my trash in a skate thread? IS this some spambot?

Anonymous No. 189779

so your esl and a schizo? neat, no wonder these threads are so awful

Anonymous No. 189782

Nah threads are great. At least when your bum non skating ass is sleeping.

Anonymous No. 189783

i dont sleep so I skate more than you

Anonymous No. 189787

Yeah you do type like a drug addict.

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Anonymous No. 189790

Go skate:
>flick feels nice
>shuvs are comfy
>pop is good
>board feels glued to feet

Anonymous No. 189792

Any recommendation for wrist brace? I hurt mine but wanna keep practicing.

Anonymous No. 189797

10 unique posters, 32 replies.

False Kneeflag
tatt man

i need some steeze goats to emulate my tricks after post em in reply and you will land your next trick bolts

Anonymous No. 189799

I'm an ausfag who blogposts his sessions and posts videos no one watches, or they make fun of

Anonymous No. 189800

which, according to the last thread (which still hasnt been properly linked in this thread) means I skate way better than you

Anonymous No. 189801

>which still hasnt been properly linked in this thread
desu this is annoying I was trying to find an old post a while ago and the old threads were not linked and I couldn't find it in any archive

Anonymous No. 189803

90% of the people in these threads cant skate
90% of the people in these threads are also newfags

Anonymous No. 189808

So you've repeated about 200 times now. We get it, you're cool.

Anonymous No. 189809

clip status?

Anonymous No. 189823

This guy has like no ligaments in his knee, among other things

Anonymous No. 189825

kneebro on suicide watch

Anonymous No. 189843

much cooler than you (do drugs)

same question to you

Anonymous No. 189849

my clip status is posted

Anonymous No. 189850

im not posting anything in reply to that trash ass clip, if I posted a clip of me skating youd probably kill yourself because im so much better than you

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Anonymous No. 189854

>no clip

Anonymous No. 189866

I'm bored what should I do to troll slap

Anonymous No. 189868

go do another ugly one foot push manual tranny

i cant imagine being such a waste of life that you troll a skateboarding forum. kys

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Anonymous No. 189869

>lil bro says he wants to troll slap
>butthurt autistic slaggot drug addict immediately shows himself

Anonymous No. 189870

Nigger your posting on fucking 4chan don't tell me about a waste of life

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Anonymous No. 189871

why is there such negative attitude here
where are nicer skaters online?

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Anonymous No. 189877

new deck, watcha think?

Anonymous No. 189878

Thought it would be extremely cool from the thumbnail. Saw its extremely gay and soulless when I opened the full image. Also why do your trucks have boners?

Anonymous No. 189879

nice people dont spend their days on the internet

>those fucking kingpins
>that dogshit graphic
thats going to be a no

Anonymous No. 189880

holy shit those kingpins

Anonymous No. 189882

should i get a fuckin' angle grinder for em? never noticed till you all pointed it out. doesn't stop me from doing any of my tricks or ollie-ing up anything.

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Anonymous No. 189883

how's this one? hopefully a little less soulless?

Anonymous No. 189884

>never noticed till you all pointed it out.
Another low for this general.

Anonymous No. 189885

>oh my gosh your kingpins are too long, you're literally the worst skater alive.

Anonymous No. 189887

It's reddit as hell.
You've never done a grind nigga?

Anonymous No. 189888

>It's reddit as hell.
>You've never done a grind nigga?
this kingpin never got in the way of that either, its almost as if they're still below the point of contact on the trucks. crazy, right?

Anonymous No. 189889

still a better skater (and cooler) than both of you. stop being racist on a blue board newfag

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Anonymous No. 189891

that's not even the worst offense on my deck, i can take the bar lower.

I skate without grip. Because i like it better this way.

Anonymous No. 189892

Post a clip, if you post yours I'll post mine and we can see who the better skater is

Anonymous No. 189893

How many days a week do you have to skate to actually do some real progress. I can do my ollies, starting to land the kickflips, got my shoves down, not there yet but almost with 180s and half cabs.

I just keep on doing the same stuff. What should I do next or what is the next step? how often should I go out there to feel like I can do the next step? I haven’t done much vert and ramps but I’m not that interested tbqhwy

Anonymous No. 189894

well, everyone's different, obviously.
personally, before I start working on a new trick, I always go through my bag and make sure all the tricks I already have are as close to 100% consistent as I can. I may not have a huge bag of tricks, but the tricks I do have I make sure they're clean and I land them every time.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 189896

>stop being racist on a blue board newfag

Anonymous No. 189897

I was sexually harassed at a skatepark last night

Anonymous No. 189898

oh great the custom board faggot is back to shill his shitty hook ups knock offs. as if this thread could get any worse

Anonymous No. 189900

This thread is quite the freak show. I'm loving it, you pack of retards.

Anonymous No. 189901

>my day is ruined

Anonymous No. 189902

I wish I was this skinny I can't see my dick when I look down

Anonymous No. 189903

Bitch we can see you've never grinded.
Kys lmao what the fuck is this rofllll

Anonymous No. 189904

i dont need to see your clip to know im better than you bitch ass

Anonymous No. 189905

>we can see you've never grinded.
ledges don't count then?
>Kys lmao what the fuck is this
Yeah, shoes last forever.

Anonymous No. 189907

I can tell you suck and have no steez just from the way you post

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Anonymous No. 189909

I would pound Efron danzigs asshole until it ruptured, what a little faggot

You guys know of any other bitch boy faggots I can jerk off to?

Anonymous No. 189911

>ledges don't count then?

Not if you don't post a clip, bitch. Aint no way you can do a 50.

Anonymous No. 189912

i can tell from your posts your style is trash and you cant change a car battery

Anonymous No. 189913

Sorry to hear that man, but keep skating and pushing yourself, you'll get there

Anonymous No. 189915

I invented the car battery roast but I can't remember how it became a thing. I think I was venting about my beta friend not being able to do basic man things and someone on here got insecure and started damage controlling for not being able to change your own car battery, talmbout how he's better than me because he pays others to do it.

Anonymous No. 189917

you should become a tripfag so we all remember who you are your a part of /esg/ history

Anonymous No. 189920


Anonymous No. 189924

see how i remember it was some fag was going on about how diy fags are blue collar posers and attaching his self worth to being able to do hands on shit and he eventually started ranting about car batteries and replying to everyone saying they don't do their own grip

Anonymous No. 189925

>I invented the car battery roast
We are making fun of you for it. It's pure cope because you can't muster the balls to come back from an injury.

Anonymous No. 189926


You got a mouse in your pocket lil b?

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Anonymous No. 189928

He chillen.
Anyway, there are bigger issues here. A guy wearing Camo pants, razer blade t shirt and with a gripless board is claiming these trucks have done grinds. In his defense, maybe he has done 3.

Anonymous No. 189930

That thing is just primed for some kind of nightmare hang up

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Anonymous No. 189931

i'll keep you guys updated. it rained today so no clip, but i'll make one asap to appease the /esg/ trolls.

in the meantime, here's an old clip of a 50-50 on a ledge (with grip).

Anonymous No. 189932

Its like the bushing just got tightened up more and more for just doing its job and allowing the truck to turn.

Anonymous No. 189934

Bro has done nothing more than a stall on a curb.
Yoo aren't you the pop shove-it guy? If yes then I take it back, you're not cringe. But only as long as you put grip on and stop riding that gayass deck brand.

Anonymous No. 189935

this is how I remember it too, diy is blue collar stolen valor lmao

aint nobody who wears pants like that changing a car battery

>stop riding that gayass deck brand.
its his brand/his stolen art he's shilled it here before

Anonymous No. 189936

Aww you remember! <3
But nah definitely not stolen art, 100% my soulless, gay ass art.

And I'm not shilling, I didn't even give a link, I'm not trying to get anyone to buy these decks, I have this page up for me to buy from. I buy these decks. I don't make any money off of them.

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Anonymous No. 189937

see that 1 deck sold? that's mine.

Anonymous No. 189939

I change my battery, I change my oil, I rotate / change my wheels, I change my brakes and my rotors, i change my fuses, i change my, alternator when it goes out, and my spark plugs. I've even installed my custom system with 12in kickers, tweeters, amp, second battery in the trunk, etc.

Anonymous No. 189941

clips or it didnt happen

Anonymous No. 189942

>why is there such negative attitude here
it's the culture of this website you cant escape it anywhere here. i blame /pol/tards
>where are nicer skaters online?
reddit is cringe but you can get actual discussion there cause the upvote system promotes kindness and healthy dialogue. not saying /esg/ is all bad, sometimes there are effort posters but this general has been not great for a min now. i feel bad cause i think it's lowkey my fault as i use to terrorize these generals and post ragebait for years and now i hardly post here anymore kek sorry guys

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 189944

jesus fucking christ, no other board requires you to constantly "prove yourself". get off your fuckin' high horse and stop giving so much of a shit about other people.

Anonymous No. 189945

kek good times, i remember that thread. i use to post about my skatepark crush everyday kek

Anonymous No. 189946

i wonder what happen to forklift guy

Anonymous No. 189947

did you steal these pics from pinterest faggot?

Anonymous No. 189948

aight, this is what i'm talking about, i'm out.

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Anonymous No. 189949

here you go, fucking search for it. one by one. and when you find my facebook, fuckin' dox me alright?

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Anonymous No. 189950


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Anonymous No. 189951

Anonymous No. 189952

i dont have to search, nobody in these threads drives a truck unless your some wanna be construction worker whos only ever hauled 3 bags of concrete max

Anonymous No. 189954

Was a construction worker, yeah. Custom home building company. Also worked at a building supply warehouse so I had to haul those fuckers all day.
We done here? We good? I'm done with this shit. I'm not replying to no more non-skateboarding bullshit. Fuckin trolls in this general.

Anonymous No. 189955

>I'm not replying to no more non-skateboarding bullshit
how are you gonna reply to anything skateboard related you obviously dont skate if you have the time to be larping as blue collar online

Anonymous No. 189956

Is bro getting doxxed?

Anonymous No. 189957

PlanB got cancelled for their Women's Day boards. kek

Anonymous No. 189959

This has been the funniest /esg/ in a while. I don't know why you guys are complaining.
Fancypants anon don't be butthurt, nice 50.
>i blame /pol/tards

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Anonymous No. 189960

he deserves it for his arrogance

at least post the boards retard

Anonymous No. 189961

It would be based but why is the Aussie chick negro?

Anonymous No. 189962

idk i cant get over how hideous the art is

Anonymous No. 189963

It's hilariously bad, especially for women's day kek

Anonymous No. 189964

>he deserves it for his arrogance

Yeah, his kingpins are too long and he works on his own vehicle, fuck that arrogant asshole.

Anonymous No. 189965

>Honor the hard working women out there

The ones hiking, biking, and uhhh...drinking margaritas


Anonymous No. 189968

I'd cop Flynn's or Gustavo's deck.

Anonymous No. 189972

Nah he doesn't and also these are so FUCKING UGLY

Anonymous No. 189976

Id fuck the one on the bike

Anonymous No. 189990

been here since 2013

Anonymous No. 189992

>since 2013

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Anonymous No. 190003

support ur local

Anonymous No. 190006

>been here since 2013
fucking lmao

Anonymous No. 190016

Nah my local is cringe. 4 panel hat wearing, pedo moustache sporting, skinnyfat being, reddit browsing, weed smoking, lame slang using faggot trying to tell ME what wheels and shoes I want. Shut the fuck up bitch.

Anonymous No. 190017

you spent more time insulting some rando than you ever have skating. thats sad
half this thread is obese lmao

Anonymous No. 190021

I don't have a local, just a zumies at the mall, so fuck em.

Anonymous No. 190022

There is a surf shop near me and it used to be a drug front. Its still there tho. I order shit online, but I should at least check out some local shops. I just usually want something specific.

Anonymous No. 190024

t. 5 panel hat wearing faggot

Anonymous No. 190031

nah i never wore a panel hat plus theyre like 10 years outta style.

Anonymous No. 190035

Then shut up lil hoe and stop white knighting.

Anonymous No. 190039

our local left town and has awful hours + barely any skate stuff but i try to get what i can from 303

Anonymous No. 190050

>white knighting
retarded ass boomer doesnt like slang but doesnt know what old ass phrases mean either. go back to facebook dipshit, qanon is over.

Anonymous No. 190053

Stop spamming incoherent shit nobody cares about you braindead drug addict subhuman.

Anonymous No. 190054

not beating the boomer accusation here

Anonymous No. 190056

I don't care about the opinion of some sped kid. Just calling you a retard real quick.

Anonymous No. 190057

>some sped kid
death is on your doorstep boomer. go spend some time with your family unless they dont talk to you for being a crochety old faggot

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Anonymous No. 190095

when you see a make do you
>tap nose on ground

Anonymous No. 190103

snap my fingers

Anonymous No. 190104

I pretend to be gay and offer to suck cause if they want it they are gay lol.

Anonymous No. 190109

those poor bolts

Anonymous No. 190110

Is this a special needs set up?

Anonymous No. 190117

I was out of town today and stopped by a random skate/bike shop. I struck up a conversation with the owner and he asked what size board I ride and gave me a free board and some stickers. I'm going to grip it tomorrow. No idea why he did that but I am happy.

Anonymous No. 190123

tj rogers acting debut in poor things congrats

Anonymous No. 190126

murine > visine

Depends, sometimes I'll tap my wheels on the ground using my foot to raise the nose sort thing, otherwise I find the nearest ledge and smack the ever lasting shit out of my nose on it 4 times on total then continue skating, ignoring everyone.

Anonymous No. 190129

i dont understand one foot ollies at all

Anonymous No. 190137

All 4.

Anonymous No. 190140

how long until we see the first AI generated skate vid

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Anonymous No. 190146

correct answer
yes, with running joint grip cuz masonry
so, autism?

Anonymous No. 190150

>no pic of the board and stickers
>didn't shout the shop out

Why you gotta be such a faggot anon? I gotta go to bed not knowing what board you got you asshole.

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Anonymous No. 190184

is this true

Anonymous No. 190186

its basically as safe as a back side board slide, but probably easier to balance on ledges and bail on rails.

Anonymous No. 190189

for me its back smith

Anonymous No. 190191

I've always been a fan

Anonymous No. 190193

It's slappy sunday /esg/

Anonymous No. 190195

its too windy to even do slappys :/

Anonymous No. 190206

Anonymous No. 190221

Yes I'd agree with all of those.

Anonymous No. 190223

It was a windy for me as well. Still managed to have a decent sesh. Just had to skate the curb backside with wind at my back.

Anonymous No. 190226

>first posts on /esg/
>became a lolcow
Kek that’s pretty embarrassing. I did start landing it consistently, just started skating a bunch of different slopes on the sidewalks and streets around town and hit up a couple of other skateparks I’d never been to, then returned to it yesterday and landed it like it was nothin. Had a couple of slams where the board flew out in front of me this week and landed on my butt or rolled it out without throwing hands too so hopefully that’s finally been squashed.

Anonymous No. 190228

>landed on my butt or rolled it out without throwing hands
Good work anonito

Anonymous No. 190255

You're not a lolcow, and good job on the banks. Keep at it!

Anonymous No. 190261

i love flat so much bros im dating an asian

Anonymous No. 190266

isnt it kind of pathetic to be a grown man and being flowed? grow up youre not a kid

Anonymous No. 190268

agreed and if youre sponsored over the age of 30 you need to grow up and get a real job.

Anonymous No. 190273

Being flow is basically just being friends with someone and not sucking..

Anonymous No. 190275

guys over the age of 25 shouldnt have friends. they should have a wife and kids and the only other males they should engage with are their pastor and co workers.

Anonymous No. 190277

I had a family once. I even went to church every Sunday and was a well respected community member. Then one day THAT happened.

Anonymous No. 190280

>Then one day THAT happened.
what happened? your wife asked you to change the car battery and divorced you when you couldnt which ostracized you from the church and community?

Anonymous No. 190281

Uhh no clearly this was an ironic post incriminating me, and I'm the designated car battery changer, so you ruined the meme basically.

Anonymous No. 190283

>designated car battery changer
is this the label they gave you at the psych ward?

Anonymous No. 190284

Why are redditors so unfunny?

Anonymous No. 190285

theyre always just trying to emulate blue collar humor but theyve never even rotated their tires themselves

Anonymous No. 190288

I've been to the psych ward 4 times, cia gangstalking, I thought i was neo. Don't knock it till you try it it's crazier than any acid trip

🗑️ Seumant Jamais No. 190291

You wouldn't say that if you were getting free gear and head from influenceable youths

Anonymous No. 190293

if anything old men deserve to be flowed more than kids

Anonymous No. 190299

i too have had a grippy sock vacation. hot ass chick in there with the fattest ass i ever seen with knife cuts all over her neck attacked one of the security guards first 24 hours

Anonymous No. 190301

I bought a round flat rail and anything except board slides is terrifying so far. I think I can probably 50-50 it if I go really fast.

sage No. 190302

Lol blueboard doesn't mean 'don't be racist' it just means you might get caught by jannies doing it.
Don't be a bitch, newfag

Anonymous No. 190303

There always do be a hot chick in there. I jumped over the staffs table and bugged out on them cause I thought they were gonna kill me, then I got manhandled and sedated in the ass, that shit knocked me out then when I came to I had some chicks tiny jacket on

Anonymous No. 190305

sorry im not some decrepit fuck that's been here since dial up

Anonymous No. 190307

bend your knees and you want to push your weight down into it to lock in, btw I have never grinded anything

Anonymous No. 190308

I guess all I've done is mostly ledges even though I used to own a rail. I think I did some 5050s, maybe a 50, but mostly board slides. Its hard on a freestanding rail to get the same confidence to nose or tail slide and I still don't know what variations of feeble grinds etc are.

Anonymous No. 190311

I'm committing to a second visit to a new skate park tomorrow and I guess I'll focus on cruising around and ollies once I feel warmed up, but I get too damn excited. There is so much I want to relearn. I can go again the day after too if I don't get injured. or really any day, but I prefer going early in the day during the week because I know I am going to eat shit doing the most basic stuff. I guess I'll try to convince myself just ride around for as long as you can and when you start to get tempted get up to ollies at least.

Anonymous No. 190319

the key is to make sure you're getting on top of the rail. just as long as you do that you'll be fine. try jumping on it with your feet a few times.
much easier than a 5050 or boardslide on a round rail. nollie nosegrind 5-0s and blunts are my flatbar warmup tricks because they lock in so easily i would consider 5050s harder than all of those

Anonymous No. 190330

Subscribe to Mitchie bruscos ebook thing, has good warm ups to do.

Anonymous No. 190339

I've finally started getting the balls to commit to anything other than ollies. Kickflip is my next goal. How long did it take you to go from the 'I can get the board to flip 90% of the time' to actually committing, putting your feet on it and landing it? I feel confident right up until I pop and flick, then suddenly I feel like my feet are all over the place. I also feel like my back foot is going to stop the board mid rotation and cause problems, which in turn makes me bail awkwardly mid pop. I've lost count of the amount of time the board flips and lands next to me and if I had my feet above it, it would have been a clean land. Any advice on this? Hoping the experts here can cast their minds back to what it felt to work on getting their first kickflip.

Anonymous No. 190341

I just pulled off the most amazing fucking line because I misread how fast I'd be going and it was too late to pull out. The scooter kids at the park now think I'm a skate god and don't know that I thought I was going to die the entire time.

Anonymous No. 190350

I'm not a master so my advice is relevant for a beginner. Your back foot is supposed to land first, but you have to bring it up. Try flipping it and land it with your front foot only, then try landing with your back foot only, then its just a psychological thing to land both.
I can get it to flip 100% of the time, but I started to relearn the flip because I was flicking off the pocket to get a fast rotation, hardly any pop. Now I'm trying to pop them and flick more off the nose and the trick has become unpredictable again. Sometimes I'll get a random dolphin flip. The goal is to get them to become predictable, but also have the balls to land both feet, because most falls on a flat ground kickflip are just going to be from landing primo. It might shoot out, but once you experience that a few times your body adjusts I guess because I'm not scared of that anymore. I'm just back to flicking and getting off the board to see what it does.

Anyway I'm up early I want to head to the skatepark today. Having a beer for extra courage then a coffee so I'm awake. I'm not sure what I want to do there. I didn't have fun last time and got hurt. I don't think I'll get hurt this time, but its a small park with a weird flow. The park I used to go to as a kid, you could run the same line again and again and never get bored. This park feels like you have no option, but to explore the whole park. and if no one is in the pool, I might try my first ride in a pool.

Anonymous No. 190351

also I find it easier to learn forward, shoulders centered and the way I'm kickflipping now is I have my back foot more toe side, front foot more centered. Heel flip, is the opposite, lean slightly back, shoulders centered, back foot more heel side, front foot only slightly more toeside. I think learning a heel flip first might help teach how to level the board out better. I feel like it takes a long fucking time to get them the way you want. I didn't like that I could kickflip, but I couldn't get height or tweak them.

Anonymous No. 190352

one more tip is that any tip related to how close your front foot should be to the bolts depends on your wheel base. My wheel base is short so my front foot is more towards the center of the board, but on longer wheel base, my front foot is closer to the bolts.

Anonymous No. 190357

I don't like the one foot catches generally, for me it's more about staying over the board to make the back foot catch possible. Do you feel the board slap into the backfoot to know you can put the front on and land, or is it more of a 'watch for the grip then go for it' kind of thing?

>I was flicking off the pocket to get a fast rotation, hardly any pop. Now I'm trying to pop them and flick more off the nose and the trick has become unpredictable again.
could you not just pop harder/higher and delay the flick slightly? Seems like it would be less hassle.

Anonymous No. 190358

lurk more newfag, dont forget your here forever.

everyone ive ever reported for being racist on a blueboard has been banned. dont be next zoomer

Anonymous No. 190361

>I don't like the one foot catches generally, for me it's more about staying over the board to make the back foot catch possible. Do you feel the board slap into the backfoot to know you can put the front on and land, or is it more of a 'watch for the grip then go for it' kind of thing?

Its more of a timing thing for a beginner kickflip. You just know its going to rotate and you can watch it happen, but you're mostly just getting a timing down. The back isn't going to hit my back foot because beginner kickflips are more likely to rocket.

>could you not just pop harder/higher and delay the flick slightly? Seems like it would be less hassle.
Same thing I'm trying basically, but I want my foot to travel further. I can see the marks of my shoes and theyre consistently either off the pocket or off to the left of the nose in the same area. I just don't have the flick consistent off the nose. I also have a small board so it rotates fast and its hard to find the timing when I add pop.

Anonymous No. 190376

Man I drove by the skatepark, tons of people there in that tiny park. I said fuck it and went back home. I feel like I'm forcing myself to skate today on my day off. I honestly don't think its that much fun there anyway. I'm gonna check out a different skatepark next time, but I'll probably just want to stick to flat ground and maybe some street spots. Theyre hard to find.

Anonymous No. 190389

Those kind of moments are the best

Anonymous No. 190391

Gifted Hater killed Tim Pool

Anonymous No. 190392

He's making trannies on slap seethe so I like him

Anonymous No. 190401

Well he straight up ripped that from the last thread. Does he talk about Richie?

Anonymous No. 190402

>Shits on Richie for being industry ghost (not being a whore)
>Defends all the literal faggotry in skating
Ok I watched enough. Is GH some Mossad plant?? Wtf

Anonymous No. 190404

competitive skateboarding is gay

Anonymous No. 190407

lmao this is your brain on politics. retard

>Well he straight up ripped that from the last thread.

Anonymous No. 190415

did he take it down

Anonymous No. 190418

damn, its gone. He was teasing that vid on the moist critikal channel

Anonymous No. 190426

this weird 40 year old guy in skinny cut jorts and a choker with pink roller blades tried talking to my group today we gave him that core skater buzzcut dyed hair stare

Anonymous No. 190431

>40 year old
>choker with pink roller blades

Anonymous No. 190432

Are you confusing your life with an episode of Archer again?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 190436

>Gets triggered
>Pretends isn't

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Anonymous No. 190440


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Anonymous No. 190443

motherfucker better hold up until the new board comes in the mail

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Anonymous No. 190448

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Anonymous No. 190450


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Anonymous No. 190451


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Anonymous No. 190452


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Anonymous No. 190453


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 190454


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Anonymous No. 190455

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Anonymous No. 190456

Anonymous No. 190458

Thread so dead bro did an entire combo.

Anonymous No. 190461

I really want to try Film trucks but they seem kind of hard to get in the US :\

Anonymous No. 190473

Probably Gifter Gaper himself.

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Anonymous No. 190481


Anonymous No. 190485


Anonymous No. 190488

I feel like I might need to. I’m noticing more problems with my left knee hurting more after landing. My foot doesn’t feel like it should either. I probably need therapy on it or something

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Anonymous No. 190493


Anonymous No. 190510


Anonymous No. 190533

>I couldn't find it in any archive archives this board.

Anonymous No. 190558


Anonymous No. 190560

>Gifted Hater killed Tim Pool
vid deleted but any crossover between these two i welcome. i cant find a reupload though :(
competition is inherently gay, its just men trying to fuck other men to death by means of abstraction since we can't dominate each others asses with cock like the animal kingdom intended

🗑️ Anonymous No. 190562

Gifted should go on Richie's podcast / to that boonies thing. But he seems too intertwined with industry guys to mingle with them.

Anonymous No. 190563

Would be cool if Gifted went on Richie's podcast / to that boonies thing.
From what I watched he didn't really kill Tim Pool, was just talking about that podcast that was posted a few threads back. I think he was being critical of him commenting on skating. Would like to watch it all desu

Anonymous No. 190567

this is the closest ive found
i just wanna hear political discussion and arguments god damn it

Anonymous No. 190568

He didn't like Richie was there because he thinks it was a misrepresentation of skateboarding to Tim Pools not skater crowd. His point being if they searched him and saw his views they'd think he was a top guy but he hasn't really been in the spotlight for years. Seemed kinda gatekeepy like he can't have an opinion or that his thoughts should hold less weight because of those things (in the podcast Richie seems quite centrist/doesn't care). The other guest was the girl who lost to a tranny. I think (I didn't watch enough to know) that gifted was critical on the whole thing and Tim's political takes on slating. No idea if he is pro tranny in comps or not.

This is the podcast:

Anonymous No. 190569

some of the kookiest skating I've seen

Anonymous No. 190574

>Richie Jackson: kook who got popular for 6 months in 2012 amongst normies and hipsters for doing && ass freestyle tricks while dressing like a member of Jefferson Airplane
>Taylor Silverman: kook who has a 7 year old's bag of tricks and has lost to preteens in competitions and only got famous after making a big stink outta losing to some other shitty skater in some fly over state competition
>Tim Pool: the ultimate kook who tries to claim a hang 10 hardflip late flip as a NBD. didnt bring up skating until people started calling him a lame ass loser. turned himself pro

without politics all these people would be weirdos everyone would be avoiding at all costs.

Anonymous No. 190577

It's pretty obviously you don't like them only because politics, which is gay

Anonymous No. 190578

post a clip

Anonymous No. 190583

Do you plan to?

Anonymous No. 190584

i have nothing to prove

Anonymous No. 190588

You just called three people kooks

Anonymous No. 190590

yeah and? am i wrong?

Anonymous No. 190591

bro if you don't vomit a little bit every time you see that hangten hardflip shit I don't know what to tell you. I don't give a shit about their politics. The skating is gross.

Anonymous No. 190592

based take

some obscure clip channel with his little ass ledge battle and I can almost tell when hes the one posting cause he fucking always brings this skate gossip

its never like shitposting its always relevant topic gossip

Anonymous No. 190596

If you told me Tim Pool could switch heelflip before watching that clip I'd have laughed in your face

Anonymous No. 190604

Well fuck me I don't know why I had never even had the idea to try those (apart from retardedly thinking that backside is harder and not worth a try), they feel so god damn nice compared to frontside noseslides. It made something click with my slides and grinds, I feel like I unlocked a whole new area of BS grinds and switch slides to explore, thank you anons for posting this

I got them because they were cheap (here in France) and I'm not too picky with trucks but they're nice enough, on the lighter side. I suspect that they wouldn't be a fit for someone who rides very tight, they come with rather soft bushings and are pretty responsive

Anonymous No. 190605

idk i don't really like noseslides it's so easy to overshoot them and you have to pop in a really awkward way to not do that compared to just like doing a crook

Anonymous No. 190610

Crook is a lazy trick. I enjoy noseslides because they're harder AND do not look as good. Same reason why I'm into hospital flips. I hope people see me skate and think "wow, this retard is putting a lot of effort into looking like shit, this style is not for anyone else"

Anonymous No. 190625

>You just called three people kooks
i called 3 kooks what they are, got a problem dork?

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time to call it a....jpg

Anonymous No. 190629

>>Taylor Silverman:
Jesus that was beyond embarrassing.

>enter am street contest
>significantly older than everyone else there
>stop in the middle of the park and do some basic freestyle tricks, which wasn't an instant disqualification solely because you know the organiser
>the winner did a bigspin off a 3 foot ledge and that's an actual street trick
>come second anyway, still get a generous payout
>fly back to Israel
>be so analpained that you convince yourself to talk to Piers Morgan and a bunch of right wing bloggers
>claim you've been skating for "10 years"
>in reality it's more like "every few months across the span of 10 years"
>videos you post give away the game; barely any progression, negative steez, can barely fucking bs carve a bowl
>emphasise how much money you "lost"
>threaten legal action against the event organisers
>"b-b-but they only won because they were trans"

I'd sooner fucking kill myself than do all that. Even the usual election tourists didn't touch it for long due to how lame and stereotypically Jewish it was. All that effort wasted complaining, over a fucking bigspin.

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Anonymous No. 190662

Which one of you motherfuckers was this chubby dude just sitting there watching like an autist all sesh?

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Anonymous No. 190669

>in my mid-30s
>ride my bike everyday for exercise
>usually do it in the morning
>decided to sleep in so I get a ride in at 3pm
>skate park is on my route
>see kids absolutely killing it on the half-pipe (mini ramp)
>smile and finish my ride
Enjoy your youth while you can. I spent my teens and early 20s (less so in my 20s) skateboarding every fucking day. Cherish every session. One day you'll be just like me admiring somebody else.

Anonymous No. 190672

everyone here is around 30, i skate with dudes who are 40 and older. stop being a sad ass faggot and go skate

Anonymous No. 190673

>tries to roast random spic
>revealyou watche Bryan Arnett
Self burn

Anonymous No. 190674

I don't really care

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Anonymous No. 190676


Anonymous No. 190679

I like Richie, I don't care about the rest and don't care enough to argue about if he's a kook or not.
I found the topics interesting, I don't like the direction Nike and co are taking skating. Attacking the people talking about it is pretty lame.

Anonymous No. 190680


this guys right there are dudes well into their fourties and fifties skating at my local early morning weekends

tim pool fanboy is more cringe than the bam guy

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Anonymous No. 190681


Anonymous No. 190682

>tim pool fanboy is more cringe than the bam guy
I agree. I prefer knee anon and bam anon

🗑️ Anonymous No. 190683

Well fuck you cis gendered leftoid Reddit faggots you can go back to your tranny discords and suck a dragon dildo

Anonymous No. 190684

Bryan Arnet is lit. Lose weight and grow taller @TrippyLion.

Anonymous No. 190685

>Bryan Arnet is lit.
This is what Tim Pool is talking about!

Anonymous No. 190686

tony alva still skates btw
you are not too old to skate

Anonymous No. 190687

Tim Pool is 38 and still skates too, pretty cool

Anonymous No. 190691

>I like Richie
coulda stopped typing there cause i aint reading the rest

Anonymous No. 190693

I'll never respect Tim Pool due to the fact that he's bald and hides it with a permanent beanie glued to his head.

Anonymous No. 190694

not gonna lie, I am bald and rock it and just getting back into skating 4 months ago, I feel like if it isn't clean shaven as fuck I'm going to be insecure especially because my skating skill is suck.

Anonymous No. 190695

I feel you. Nothing wrong with wearing hats. Tim Pool takes it to the extreme though and never appears publicly without it on. Look how angry he gets about it

Anonymous No. 190697

I bought sunscreen recently just encase I do go out when its warmer. I have a black freckle on my face that appeared randomly, but its been a few years. Every now and then it feels like I can pick at it and idk what it is.

Anonymous No. 190702

so glad i stopped being a hat slave
as if the difference between getting pussy or not is a fucking ball cap

Anonymous No. 190722

Can't lie I've been Tim Pool in that situation before kek. Thankfully I'm an anonymous tard and not a namefag internet celebrity.

Anonymous No. 190732


Anonymous No. 190743

beanie cowards just be bald and proud

Anonymous No. 190756

I remember being in school and people talking about the kickflip down el toro and watching the low res clip on youtube

Anonymous No. 190846

You guys tried THPS 1+2 on steam?

Anonymous No. 190847

no but session is what got me back into skating. I wanted to see if I could ride switch since I never even thought of it. I can almost nollie now, just not very leveled out.

Anonymous No. 190854

Yeah but these skate sims aren't actually fun games.

Anonymous No. 190860

I have it on ps4. It's really good. They added some pretty bad songs but you can turn them off. On PC I have THUG 1 emulated.

Anonymous No. 190862

I find it rewarding setting everything to manual inputs/catch, but I havn't been playing it since I started actually skating again.

Anonymous No. 190870

I couldn't do it

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Anonymous No. 190875

It is once again slappy sunday

Anonymous No. 190876

>On PC I have THUG 1 emulated

Why? It was released on PC in Australia. Can't you just pirate that instead of emulating?

Anonymous No. 190884

I actually wasn't aware of that. I just have it on dolphin which I use for a lot of other games too.

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Anonymous No. 190890

>Be thinking of specific trick
>Fire up sessions
>Find spot for trick
>Do it

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Anonymous No. 190902

Shut up nerd.

>I'm 32, still skate
>bro is 49, skates
>multiple homies are 30s-40s, still skate
>Salba is fuckin 60, shreds pool

Get in shape and skate you geed.

Anonymous No. 190903

Get THUGPRO you fools.

Anonymous No. 190906

How many times a week do you guys normally have skate seshs

Anonymous No. 190924

once/week, for 20 minutes

Anonymous No. 190925

4-5 times a week. Anywhere from 1-3 hours depending on how I feel, who I'm with, or what I'm skating.

Anonymous No. 190932

every other day unless im injured
flatground every day unless im injured

Anonymous No. 190938

1-3 times a week, time pending.

Anonymous No. 190939

Don't tell me what to get, faggot.

Anonymous No. 190957

3 at the very least. Most Mondays I'll have a 4 and half hour sesh, then a shorter one mid week, another 4 and a half on Friday, then a blowout all day one Saturday or Sunday. Really can't wait for it to be warm and bright again so I can have one every evening I'm fit for it.

Anonymous No. 190958

1-2 times a week for 1-3 hours a session. It's taken me about 3 years to build the right kind of muscles and feel genuinely comfortable with my board at this rate, but that's being in your 30's for you.

Anonymous No. 190973

Damn this hit too close home
How young are you brothers
Seems fair

Anonymous No. 190982

she the (((one))) with the nice ass right

Anonymous No. 190984

Anyone here know anything about street luge? I got my son a skateboard a few months ago so he could start skating with me and he’s getting alright at it, but he spends most of his time riding down hills on his back and has actually gotten pretty good at handling the board that way. Seems like a really small scene but I’m all for him doing whatever he thinks is fun. I think I’ve got an old beat up longboard somewhere he can try that might be more comfortable than a little kid sized popsicle.

Anonymous No. 190988

pad the fuck out of him with armor that shit is bananas fast and he Will get hurt. there's a ton of different stuff that they use like two sets of special trucks in the front for stability and almost everyone uses a custom made board that's often metal and has handles for properly turning. I use my Andy anderson 9.13 for down hill street luge because its as big and long as i can get while it still being a 'trick' board

Anonymous No. 190989

also wear gloves not just pads, i tear the living fuck out of my hands (and pants) when they accidentally touch the ground while trying to do a coffin style drop-in, unless my trucks are as tight as they can possibly be.

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Anonymous No. 190991

I thought this comment may have been slightly "out of pocket", but Pizza Skateboards hearted it. Really though I can't enjoy his footage at all, it's not like Cory Kennedy because I never saw any penitence from him or the team.

Anonymous No. 190994

skateboard """"culture"""" is at the lowest point ever. the act of skating is still fun though.

Anonymous No. 190998

2-4 days a week I do 30 minutes to 1 hour flat ground. I wish I could get into skate park skating or cruising. I'd probably have to drive around to find a place to cruise around.

Anonymous No. 190999

gonz is 55 if he can do it so can you. hes also rich, jump ropes, doesnt have a shitty warehouse or construction job, and probably doesnt eat goyslop

Anonymous No. 191000

>Damn this hit too close home
I'm pretty pleased with my ability considering I can do fuck all tricks. It's the confidence boost and feeling like I'm at one with my board that I got recently that's got me fired up to do more this summer. Year of the kick flip, I can feel it.

Anonymous No. 191001

>How young
I'm 29 so not young, but I'm unemployed at the moment so skating as much as I possibly can before I return to waging.

Anonymous No. 191003

Good call. He wears full skateboarding pads but has still skinned his hands up pretty bad trying to use his wrist guards to help with cornering. I saw some people use special gloves that have a hockey puck looking thing on the palm that you can drag.

Didn’t know most people built from scratch but that makes sense. Little dude is 5, I don’t really want him going 100mph down a hill yet but if he keeps pushing himself I’ll look into building him a board eventually.

Anonymous No. 191004

I’m in my 30s. I agree that the secret to skating at my age is being rich enough to afford good stuff and have lots of free time + a lifetime of not ever having a sports or work related injury. Just do those few simple things and you too can easily start a sport once you’re well past your prime.

Anonymous No. 191005

Meant for

Anonymous No. 191008

I'm the wrong anon you replied to, but just getting back into skating at 33 and skate parks are scary. Everything is transition and down rails. I'll keep at it, but I miss the skate park I used to go to as a kid. Shit was massive, but it had something for everyone.

Anonymous No. 191009

to be fair my local park has more shit than trans and down rails, but still. Its compact. I feel like sticking to one obstacle or your own line messes up someone elses line and the flow is just weird.

Anonymous No. 191014

I really don't see how you would wanna skate after 30, it's just some fuckin toy grow up

Anonymous No. 191015

really don't see how you would wanna play ball after 30, it's just some fuckin toy grow up

Anonymous No. 191016

I really don't see how you would wanna play video games after 30, it's just some fuckin toy grow up

Anonymous No. 191018

Bro you’re old, just show up at daybreak and you’ll literally have all the time in the world to skate while the kiddos are at school and the 20 something’s have only been asleep for an hour or two.

Because lifting weights and using an elliptical are gay/boring and my shit will completely fall apart at the seems if I just stay inside watching Matlock all day.

Anonymous No. 191020

Never too old to have fun. Not all of us are content with becoming boring golems.

Anonymous No. 191021

MAYBE I could get over it on my board, no shot with 215s and 16" wheelbase though

Anonymous No. 191057

I really don't see how you would wanna post this in every thread, it's just some fuckin hobby grow up

Anonymous No. 191063

based, I should try it, I think I can do it
2mins on Jaume destroying Gulliver park in Valencia Spain

Anonymous No. 191064

he is skating and getting sweat, you bitch

Anonymous No. 191069

He was just standing there like an autist, you ACTUAL bitch.

Anonymous No. 191070

if you have problems with autists I gonna fuck you up

Anonymous No. 191071

stop the cap

Anonymous No. 191073

I had to go to the urban dictionary to understand your newborn jargon, you started calling shit about my skater fren you pay now.

Anonymous No. 191075

How about I pay you with a knuckle sandwich?

Anonymous No. 191080

Frick off slime breath

Anonymous No. 191082


Anonymous No. 191087

I'm such a faggot, I just did some stationary ollies, I do this like once a week, always want to go out and roll arround and I never do it.

Anonymous No. 191088

>I just did some stationary ollies

Fucking why? That shit is not fun at all.

Anonymous No. 191089

To see if I still have them, basically the only thing I know to do, a high as fuck stationary ollie.

Anonymous No. 191091

Fuck you mean if you still have them? It's like riding a bike. You don't lose that shit.
>a high as fuck stationary ollie
Stop the cap.

Anonymous No. 191092

my coordination is really bad and my brain farts a lot I can die very easily but I bet I can ollie higer than your bitch ass

Anonymous No. 191093

Shut your dirty autistic non skating ass up, retard.

Anonymous No. 191095

fuck that's what I mean, I'm gonna skate to beat your bitch ass on a SKATE game right now

Anonymous No. 191128

new to skateboarding here. two questions. are there any boards that are not shit quality, which woodshop? and
this guys like the watahmelon of skateboarding right?

Anonymous No. 191130

pretty much anything not made in china is fine.

Anonymous No. 191135

>always want to go out and roll arround and I never do it.
Just fucking do it, c'mon anon. No need to be a bitch.

Anonymous No. 191140

turn skating into your grocery/coffee/donut getter and try to ollie up and down the curbs along the way. imo the best way to ensure you skate frequently is not to go out skating but to make skating the way you go out to do everyday things

Anonymous No. 191144

die e*ro

Anonymous No. 191148

we have grocery stores in america anon

Anonymous No. 191150

I'm thinking going to the fishing spots skating, but I need a smaller fishing rod extendible that fits on the backpack for that.

Anonymous No. 191185

he can't imagine not driving a big shitty truck to the closest grocery store 20 miles away

Anonymous No. 191187

>this guys like the watahmelon of skateboarding right?
hes the tranny-loving gatekeeping safe-edgy npc tier zoomer faggot of skateboarding

Anonymous No. 191189

>How young are you brothers

32. I didn't think I'd be capable of it after having never been all that athletic growing up, but so long as you pace yourself you can do it.

Anonymous No. 191191

buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword of skateboarding

Anonymous No. 191193

hey to touch in on
>a high as fuck stationary ollie

this might be bait but, let's pretend it's not I normally skate transition predominately so my flatgrounds lacking I'll often catch myself rolling around the flat and think (I should practice flatground) and subsequently pop a nice one.

The optimal pop speed is obviously not dead stopped but not flying either, if you start to vary the amount of chooch you give the ollie you can cut it up into mini games like

>what if i hardly squat at all
>what if i take my front foot further down the board and backfoot right on the tail
>what if i i have the front foot already bolts and pop deep in the pocket instead

>vary speed
>vary power
>vary position

its probably the most important trick to be able to do reliably but so is being able to turn your board and ride around so dont neglect those aspect either

I will say it is pretty nice to just slap down a fat one right after a nice run,
the other que besides
>lift your back foot
>drag the front foot is throw the leading knee up
>pop behind you
which really helped when i started to pick up speed

I'll keep it real, my kickflip is trash and practicing it is unfun.Shoves are alright, bs/fs 180s are kinda fun.
backside flips sometime soon maybe

Anonymous No. 191196

and you're simply a faggot like he is

Anonymous No. 191282

thanks for the taunts I rode today

Anonymous No. 191293

you can't skate
your knee is ruined
don't reply to me

Anonymous No. 191345

rent free

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Anonymous No. 191403

you guys wear helmets? I've been learning to skate for a few weeks and have ate shit a few times but not my head. I'm not afraid to fall but I feel like wearing it would help when I'm still at the point where I could get rekt just practicing an Ollie.

Anonymous No. 191421

I respect wearing a helmet. I don't, but I do have a helmet. I'll wear it if I want to learn to skate pools probably.

Anonymous No. 191425

you usually get used to falling enough where hitting your head is just a really small chance of happening
like after a half of year of skating, it probably just isn't going to happen
i'm just talking street though
if you're doing transition/vert, then it's a different story
up to you though

Anonymous No. 193297
Don't mind me bros just posting kino skate parts

Anonymous No. 193583

as i get older i realize all you really need is 3 good friends to skate with and youre good, the skate community is not worth getting involved with beyond that and just buy your shit where ever you can get it for cheap. im looking forward to spring/summer