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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 188108

>Counters brazilian jj

🗑️ Anonymous No. 188128

>going to prison over a word
And then niggers wonder why so many of them are in there. Truly the dumbest sensitive lil bitches there are.

Anonymous No. 188286

Interesting grab there

Anonymous No. 189030

He's black, he was gonna kiss him.

Anonymous No. 189076

I love when weirdo cuck fetish gets posted here.

Anonymous No. 189217

Timmybros how do we counter this?

Anonymous No. 189236

Shrimp into half guard, then back take from deep half.

Anonymous No. 189245

OP if you actually knew anything about grappling you’d recognize that black guy’s position is insanely unstable, literally all he has is the knee and that ‘choke’ that becomes useless the moment the guy lowers his chin half an inch, that’s it, anyone with a week of BJJ training (or anybody who knows how to bridge and/or shrimp) could get out of this in ten seconds. The only thing black guy has going for him is the shock factor of being a half naked black guy pressing himself onto a white dude.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 189247

mike musumeci would RAPE this negro

Anonymous No. 189250

This little nerd would get ground and pound by anyone over 80kg

Anonymous No. 189258

This guy was literally asking for a triangle

Anonymous No. 189287

Why is this board so obsessed with "disproving" BJJ? You'll see it randomly get attacked, often by someone who obviously doesn't train at all much less understand basic grappling

Anonymous No. 189290

Same reason why /pol/ likes Hitler and Putin. 4channers like to be controversial.

Anonymous No. 189291

Autism. That’s why.
Also this. I remember on /asp/ when everyone loved bjj and thought karate and king fu were for cum swallowing faggots.

The real truth is that nothing beats a well placed pipe bomb

Anonymous No. 189295

You are right. I just feel that a pipebomb is a rather drastic measure for every day life. So you know, you do you and whatnot and so forth.

Anonymous No. 189309

fair but I just like leglocks and double wristlocks

Anonymous No. 189341

In all fairness I think most of it is coming from the same 1~2 posters.

Anonymous No. 189343

There’s at least one schizo who obsessively insists that one video of a BJJ black belt beating a bodybuilder is actually bullshit. I there’s a good chance that just me saying this will summon him to say that lance didn’t actually tap.

Anonymous No. 189372

Weirdo subgroups from Discord and Reddit who want to propagate their own MA while shitting on the other. Im not joking

Anonymous No. 189384

What kind of no-life loser do you have to be to organize Raids on the slowest board on 4chan?

Anonymous No. 189453

I only met one of those guys on accident. He made some boxing threads here will shitting on everything else. Whole thing was perplexing to witness

Anonymous No. 189456

yeah lmfao. all these threads sound like they were made by the same person:

Anonymous No. 189561

Faggot nerd. Let's see how you fight against an angry nigga. You'll shit yourself, beg for mercy and start sucking his dick to show your Blowjob-jutsu prowess.

Anonymous No. 189572

>see a street fight video and discussion thereof
>immediately start talking about sucking black cock
If you’re so insistent on talking about your race play fetish at least go to /pol/ to do it

Anonymous No. 189631

With crime statistics

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Anonymous No. 191510


Anonymous No. 193288

Was it the dude who kept making the "catch and shoot is the best style of boxing" posts? Every post reeked of somebody who had only started training 3 months ago and had just learned how to parry.

Anonymous No. 193504

you mean /gif/ but yeah

Anonymous No. 193598

The kind who's still seething about the result of UFC1 30 years ago, I guess

Anonymous No. 193600

you mean /gif/*

Anonymous No. 193653

>nothing beats a well placed pipe bomb
How about two well paced pipe bombs?