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๐Ÿงต /slap/

Anonymous No. 194218

/xs/'s thoughts on the topic of professional slap flighting?

Anonymous No. 194219

If some of these bigger guys get the first hit off in a proper fight they will do more damage than pro boxers

Although I do not know how they train. How exactly do you practice for this sport? Just slap each other? Lmfao

Anonymous No. 194262

Hakuho Sho instructing teppo

Anonymous No. 194263

This "sport" is gonna be an interesting case study in finding out if retards can suffer any decline from cte.

Anonymous No. 194376

Something tells me these guys don't do that

Anonymous No. 194386

That's about the caliber of person I'd expect would watch that bullshit.
It's a joke and Power Slap got pulled off TBS after one season kwab

Anonymous No. 194387

T. Intimidated bitch

Anonymous No. 194477

If they want to harden up the heel of their thumb to give killer slaps then they should

Anonymous No. 194502

You can't even do the fucking meme right you absolute braindead fuck. No wonder you like Power Slap, you probably breathe through your mouth.
t. Chad

Anonymous No. 194506

T. Quivering pussy

Anonymous No. 194524

I know you are, but what am I?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 194546

>Aryan hand
The irony. The Pajeet has more of a claim to the Indo-Aryans than any mayo monkey does. Dumbass LARPing crackers.

Anonymous No. 194607

The dumbass stuff you /pol/jeet street shitters come up with is the most laughable copium ever.

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Anonymous No. 194690

Anonymous No. 194697

I find it interesting how incompetent the body catchers in Powerslap are compared to the slav tournaments. In Powerslap they just allow people to drop on the floor and bang their head.
It's such a farce to do the bar minimum to appease the local atheltics commission. Dana clearly wants footage of people rolling around on the floor.

Anonymous No. 195132

You've got nothing, go practice more Power Slap and get more CTE while you fantasize about Dana's jizz in your asshole

Anonymous No. 195886

White power!

Anonymous No. 196187

top quality slappage

Anonymous No. 196192

Gayest shit i've ever seen