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🧵 /sumo/ - Off-Basho General

Anonymous No. 194268

Power rankings edition



>All the sumo links and how to watch live:

Previous thread: >>191535

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Anonymous No. 194274


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gonorrhea the stu....jpg

Anonymous No. 194276

The bike choice passes muster as there were no better choices till about 30 years later.

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Anonymous No. 194285

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72nd Yokozuna Kis....webm

Anonymous No. 194292


Anonymous No. 194295

>Asashoryu has cancer
well that sucks.

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Anonymous No. 194304

he has harlequin ichthyosis ;_;

Anonymous No. 194310

If only there were a weight limit....

Anonymous No. 194314

Does he have weight based cancer or something?

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68th Yokozuna Asa....webm

Anonymous No. 194315


Anonymous No. 194316

Yeah, cancer of the heavy, heavy Mongolian testes.

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Based Tobizaru.jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 194342

>Remember, when things aren't going your way, smile, like Tobizaru.

Anonymous No. 194350

Has anyone done a Hunger Games with the Makuuchi sumotori? It'd be a funny thing to do maybe.

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Anonymous No. 194358

>nephews sumo gave him ass cancer
the current state of sumo....

Anonymous No. 194359

>Asashoryu dresses like me.

Anonymous No. 194366

It has now been a full week since Chris's last video, this is the longest Chris absence in memory, so its safe to say that he must've died, probably of vax cancer
RIP Chris, you will never be forgotten.

Anonymous No. 194367

>anon isn't a Chris Sumo fighting spirit patron getting the inside scoop on Takatoriki's latest ramblings


Anonymous No. 194371

Why doesn't the UK have any sumo scene ;_;
Seems like a great recreational sport

Anonymous No. 194380

As a guy who isnt knee deep in the sumo scene, why is one guy in F tier just called lucas

Anonymous No. 194390

i think them NORF lads would be pretty good at it, with the training and the motivation

Anonymous No. 194394

It does, Eddie Hall did a video a few months ago where he visited a sumo club. Hopeless jobbers, of course, but UK amasumo does exist.

Anonymous No. 194399

That's like the only sumo club in the country..I saw it

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Anonymous No. 194400

This slaphead is the face of British sumo and he runs two clubs, one in Derby and the other in Doncaster.
You can go for a free session.

Anonymous No. 194426

>cool domain name
>no SSL

Anonymous No. 194427

Yeah unless you live nearby then enjoy traveling 3+ hours to get there lmfao

Anonymous No. 194431

Make your own club then. There's no law against meeting up with your friends in a public park and doing sports.

Anonymous No. 194435

The old site was pure web 1.0 kino with that one gif with the dragonball sfx looping constantly at the header of the homepage

No skin off my nose. I could get to either club on a single bus ticket.

Anonymous No. 194442

fuck I miss summo
where is the summo

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hak kak.webm

🗑️ Anonymous No. 194445

love a bowl of chanko with brown sauce me

Anonymous No. 194448

There have been two jungyo videos posted last thread.

Anonymous No. 194451

jungyo isn't sumo
it's like ice skating vs hockey

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Anonymous No. 194452


Anonymous No. 194454

>Hakuoho above Takerufuji
Nah. Nah.

Anonymous No. 194458

They're on the same tier though?

Anonymous No. 194469

Did you remove Ay Güey? I always thought it was funny to see Hakuoho go go up one whole rank when he takes his bandages off, just enough to be higher than Gonorrhea. That match was kino.
>Lost the playoff to Gounoyama last basho
>Fights all of the basho with the bandages
>The day comes, Hakuoho vs Gounoyama rematch
>He removed his bandages for that match
>Wins with ease
>Next day he has his bandages back on, for the rest of the basho
That was some anime shit right there. You should add Ay Güey back to Rank C.

Anonymous No. 194471

I removed many of the multiple forms including base form Ay Güey for the sake of space. It was fine in the beginning for everyone to have 3 powerups, but there's just not enough room anymore.

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Anonymous No. 194476

This is Spiffy's estimate banzuke. First time in a while that I didn't see someone in the lower rankings that look like they deserve to to be way higher and could threaten for the cup by having a massive first week.

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Anonymous No. 194479

Hokutofuji could do it. His douten was less than a year ago, and he'd be ranked even lower this time. If he's healed up enough, I see him at least looking like a threat for ~10 days.

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Anonymous No. 194480


Anonymous No. 194481

We need to start adding the new ozeki to E tier when they start choking
>Tetas Quatro (Kotozakur-ACK!)
>Discipulo de Kakuryu (Discipulo de Kakuryu)
I can't come up with anything for Hoshoryu

Anonymous No. 194483

Why is that one guy just called Lucas? Please enlighten OP

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Anonymous No. 194484

Lucas is recently retired Terutsuyoshi, known for his big salt throws. "Lucas" is a Mexican candy company known for making flavored salt.

Anonymous No. 194485

Actually if you scare anyone you can commit a public order offence. Wrestling/sparring will scare weak hearted people enough to call the police

Anonymous No. 194488

ahhh, thanks. didnt know there was a rishiki with the name lucas kek

Anonymous No. 194489

I guarantee that nobody is going to be intimidated by Anon's sumo club.

Anonymous No. 194492

There's not. Read the post again.
>Lucas (on the chart) IS (the) recently retired TERUTSUYOSHI,

Anonymous No. 194494

Could you dumb it down a little more, for the layman?

Anonymous No. 194497


Anonymous No. 194499

You Schrishzoids can go to bed now, he is alive and well

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the ol' salt....webm

Anonymous No. 194507

now this, is a shit post.

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Anonymous No. 194512


Anonymous No. 194525

>How could you give your own fellow ozeki the ol' salty chikara-mizu?

Anonymous No. 194528

>there's no rikishi called Lucas

Anonymous No. 194535

ah, im really stupid, thanks bro
hope he will pull a tochinoshin

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Anonymous No. 194536

>ah, im really stupid
Wise is he who knows he knows nothing. You've become wise.

Anonymous No. 194542

rip Akebono

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Anonymous No. 194550


Anonymous No. 194567

The new Chris episode is truly fantastic, I'm so happy that the rumors of Chris's demise have turned out to be false

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Anonymous No. 194582

Anonymous No. 194588

audible snort from me

Anonymous No. 194626

Many of the jobbers don't get ring names until they get to a level where they might become somebody. It's far from unusual.

Anonymous No. 194627

>Oi! 'Ave you lads got your obesity loicense then?
>We're in Bri'ain, ain't we?
>all laugh
>the cop shoots the wrestlers

Anonymous No. 194628

>british police having guns
0/10, broke all immersion

Anonymous No. 194629

do you HAVE to be part of some stable to compete in sumo?
just theoretically if some freak mountain man decide he's gonna try it out would he be allowed?

Anonymous No. 194630

The armed response unit is the only part of the English police that gets proper funding. We take croime very seriously here.

Anonymous No. 194631

>We take croime very seriously here.
Then why are your restaurants still open? Haha!

Anonymous No. 194632

>do you HAVE to be part of some stable to compete in sumo?
Yes. Before Japan was fully urbanized, it was literally the wrestler's second home as the "stable" provided housing, food, and proper supervision, in addition to sumo training. Even today, stables are also the ones that organize living and training for the tournaments outside of Tokyo.

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Anonymous No. 194641

dumb af, but I laff

🗑️ Anonymous No. 194648

Amateur and international sumo are available for people that can't, or don't want to try for a slot in a traditional Japanese sumo stable.

Japanese Osumo requires all rikishi to be part of a stable.

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female cops suck.webm

🗑️ Anonymous No. 194649

>We take croime very seriously here.

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grrl power.webm

🗑️ Anonymous No. 194650

Very "seriously".

Anonymous No. 194657

I see you know your judo well.

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Anonymous No. 194664

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Anonymous No. 194666

bizarre 1926 portrait of yokozuna Tochigiyama

🗑️ Anonymous No. 194668

lmao, her girlrunning after him with her arms out and hands clenched like she was fourteen is the funniest shit

For real though, women shouldn't be cops.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 194674

>is the funniest shit
I don't think there's anything funny about it at all. Those fucking bitches are supposed to defend citizens from criminals, and western society is so pussywhipped they'll risk citizens to placate that fat bitches, and ALL womens, egos. Same thing with soldiers and firefighters.

Anonymous No. 194686

Looks like something out of a gachimuchi remix video

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Anonymous No. 194687

In 1989, Tanzania released a stamp set called "Famous Athletes of the World". Two of the eight stamps depicted yokozuna: Sadanoyama and Taihou.

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Taiho vs Sadanoya....webm

Anonymous No. 194689

Anonymous No. 194703

Abi & Terao eating chicken wings

Anonymous No. 194711

at least they're cute.

Anonymous No. 194736

I don't get it

Anonymous No. 194737

British police is in state bc of uk politics-i hate throwing that word around but they are focusing on diversity amd politics instead of competence and good training. Its becoming the norm in western europe, although the british isles got it worse.

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Anonymous No. 194738

Remind you of anyone?

Anonymous No. 194763

New Sumo Plime Time

Chris could never

Anonymous No. 194786

Chris has produced 11 videos since the end of the Osaka basho, Hiro's worthless lazy ass has produced 2

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Anonymous No. 194791

High budget, occasional videos with one-on-one interviews > Chris reading off the newspaper and reading the minds of the NSK boomers set to random footage of jungyo or the last basho.

Anonymous No. 194802

Hiro's been busy being the JSA's secret hidden camera operative gathering footage at Miyaginobeya to bring down Hakuho.

Anonymous No. 194818

the myth of the hardworking japanese is just a meme, hiro spends his days at the pachinko parlor and his evenings getting drunk at the karaoke bar, then he sleeps in, has a leisurely breakfast and does it all again the next day. he probably "works" one or two hours a day at most. chris works hard and produces because he isn't japanese

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Anonymous No. 194831

Hidenoyama stamp.

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Anonymous No. 194850

chris in absolute shambles

Anonymous No. 194860

Quality > Quantity. Also Chris would literally kill someone and frame Hiro if it means he would take his spot.

Anonymous No. 194867

I like Hiro, but let's not pretend that SPT is high quality. His backstage access is good, but incredibly underutilised, and the whole series is shockingly amateurish for an official production.

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Anonymous No. 194878

Can he keep his head down and survive?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 194898

I hope so. Dude's a family man. Hopefully he's been smart with his earnings in case the NSK actually does boot him.

Anonymous No. 194901
ugly bastard bros...

Anonymous No. 194908

Did it once.

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hak and hak.jpg

Anonymous No. 194925

When the times were bwtter and the fro flowed

🗑️ Anonymous No. 194927

Are Mongolians the Blacks of sumo?

Anonymous No. 194944

you guys know sumo is rigged right?

Anonymous No. 194945

fuck that even mean?

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Anonymous No. 194968


Anonymous No. 194972

>Buys a parking lot in an exclusive area for $10mil to set up his future stable

About those earnings...

🗑️ Anonymous No. 194975

>parking lot in an exclusive area
In Tokyo, that might actually be a pretty good investment.

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We're not a ....png

Anonymous No. 194979


Anonymous No. 194992

banzuke in less than 200 hours

Anonymous No. 194995

gonna be my first time seeing it in person, I'm excited

Anonymous No. 195015

>this nigga bought tickets to see the banzuke

Anonymous No. 195016

I put a banzuke on my wall. Am I a weeb, now?

Anonymous No. 195017

only if you have a katana

Anonymous No. 195018
lol. lmao

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Anonymous No. 195019

oh no sato

Anonymous No. 195021

If Kisenosato and Onosato are not made to commit seppuku immediately it proves the NSK bias against Mongolian rikishi/oyakata.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 195022



Anonymous No. 195024

they said I can put my initials in the bottom corner

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Anonymous No. 195025

western sumo viewers like to say
>ugh sumo is such a backwards barbarian culture filled with violence which is tolerated at all levels. it MUST be modernised and the violence severely punished

yet they also like to say
>woooow so hakuho gets punished just because he tolerated abuse in his stable. just more anti-mongolian racism. sumo is such a backwards barbarian culture filled with racism

what exactly is their fucking problem?

Anonymous No. 195027

>"underage" drinking
Nothingburger. Japan needs to unfuck their backwards laws, drinking age is lower than 20 everywhere in the civilized world.

Anonymous No. 195028

More like Oh no sake

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Anonymous No. 195030


Anonymous No. 195033

Worse cases were punished much less severely. They're making an example out of him

Anonymous No. 195035

Westerners need to understand that not being in his own home (it's called a "heya" for a reason) is itself much worse, as it demonstrates a complete lack of desire to properly supervise and coach his wrestlers, which should be his full time job. A one-off case of bullying at any other stable can be seen as a one-off that will be properly corrected. But a shisho who doesn't live in his own house and barely shows up at all creates a situation where such corrections cannot be made without the shisho himself being first corrected.

Anonymous No. 195036

Onosato looks like the type that would buy alcohol for underage drinkers anywhere in the world.

Anonymous No. 195037

he's a good lad. we had a guy like that when we were young.
funny thing that he was also underage, but big as fuck with full beard at 15 so nobody was asking for id.
i will root for onosato now.

Anonymous No. 195039

Heard Onosato is also one to make a toast to the hoes

Anonymous No. 195042

At times I do wonder if there's some weird collusion with baseball to ensure sumo dies and Baseball can become the new national sport. It really seems like the JSA does everything in its power to scare off up and comers or ensure they want to quit, or even forcing them to. Hard to get new blood when you keep cutting yourself to bleed more. Also did he provide the alcohol at all?

I think the Hakuho punishment was retarded because it just punished the wrestlers who already had to deal with that shit. Many had shitty records last basho because they couldn't train or do shit while the JSA jerked off about how to fuck them over. If your punishment ends up punishing the victims, it may be fucking retarded.

Honestly if it was such a big deal they should have brought legal consequences. Maybe Hakuho would care more if he was facing jail time.

Anonymous No. 195043

If you presented a choice to every elder stock holder, either
a) sumo dies the way it is, or
b) sumo survives but with substantial changes to the elder stock system and the heya system which might include a loss in decision-making and discretionary power for individual elders

A substantial number of elders would prefer it dies, as the system of stocks and stables means more to them than simply the existence of professional sumo wrestlers. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but the truth is most of those involved in overseeing grand sumo identify at least as much with the institution as with the sport, if not more.

Anonymous No. 195049

Being the people to end a several hundred year old sport would sure get you in books. Not in a good way

Anonymous No. 195052

Would you rather be the last king, or never be a king at all?

Anonymous No. 195053

Most of sumo's appeal is in the tradition, as it's considered an "acceptable" way for Japanese to enjoy feudal-era culture, being one of the few things to survive both the Meiji-era modernization and the post-war Americanization. While the sport is still legitimate competition, it's also half performance art, and any Japanese who gets into it knows it. it's like young girls who still become traditional geisha, or boys who become traditional kabuki actors. You put up with the traditional aspects because that's what you signed up for, and what the audience wants to see.

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Cheers to the hoo....png

Anonymous No. 195058


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Anonymous No. 195060

>with the sport
>the sport
This faggot thinks Osumo is a "sport". This is exactly why your opinions don't matter.

Anonymous No. 195062

>average /sumo/ reading comprehension on full display

Anonymous No. 195064

>average /sumo/ poster understanding of Japanese sumo

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Anonymous No. 195066

Jesus, Teru's son is huge. Kid's not even 2 yet and he weighs 17 kilos and is half as tall as Midorifuji.

Anonymous No. 195068

Might as well put him on the ranking chart already.

Anonymous No. 195069

Can he pick up a Go board?

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Anonymous No. 195070

speaking of big babies

Anonymous No. 195079

Considering how much pain Teru constantly lives with and he probably won't live to see 60, I don't know that he would necessarily want his kid to go into sumo.
Play basketball or something, kid.

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sumo hokutofuji s....webm

Anonymous No. 195081

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wakamotoharu koto....webm

Anonymous No. 195082

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kirishima ura kin....webm

Anonymous No. 195083

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atamifuji vs oho ....webm

Anonymous No. 195086

Anonymous No. 195088

>Westerners need to understand
Are you not a Westerner?

Anonymous No. 195090

I think Constantine XI would rather not be a king in that situation

Anonymous No. 195094

I became starved for sumo content during the massive interbasho doldrums so I decided to check out the older end of Chris's massive archive of sumo content and I found some good material that satiated my appetite. He has all sorts of neat stuff buried in his older content, what particularly turned me on was Chris's coverage of the elementary school and jr high championships. He has films of Hakuoho and other up and coming sumotoris back when they were just little kids.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 195096

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inexplicable pro-....png

Anonymous No. 195110

akinomaki has imbibed.

Anonymous No. 195114

He deleted a huge amount of stuff when he rebranded to "Chris Sumo", but I have no memory of if any of it was valuable footage or not. I know a lot of it was him sitting in a chair reading his translation of sumo newspaper articles into the camera.

Anonymous No. 195118

would it be a foul if i fought oho and grabbed and twisted his big mole?

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Anonymous No. 195119

>what particularly turned me on was Chris's coverage of the elementary school

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Manlet Annihilati....webm

Anonymous No. 195130

Manlet sistets......I don't feel so good
Can we dig up some glued wallets? Can we shoah his knees like Terunofuji? What can we do?
We cannot suffer living under the fear of this humiliation for a decade.....we just cant.....

Anonymous No. 195135

the little dude just signed with Sadogatake this week; he'll be the shortest rikishi since WWII.

Anonymous No. 195142

Motomura vs Onosato:

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Anonymous No. 195146

Anonymous No. 195151

Hattorizakura had more fighting spirit than Hokuseiho Sr. there. Such a waste.

Anonymous No. 195154

glorious chops

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Anonymous No. 195158

>Hattorizakura had more fighting spirit than Hokuseiho Sr. there
Dewagatake was a sekiwake before his bones gave out, give him the respect he deserves

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how bad things are.jpg

Anonymous No. 195172

If only you knew

Anonymous No. 195175

KWABtani intai.

Anonymous No. 195187

Sorry I don’t speak /xs/ You’re going to have to narrow it down some.

Anonymous No. 195191

He means Otani from Miyagino. He was one of the two who left with the move. He flouted custom a lot and probably wasn't going to make it, so it's not a shocker.

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early sumo.jpg

Anonymous No. 195195

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nomi no onosato.png

Anonymous No. 195200
An in-the-know member of the Nishonoseki kouenkai speaks to Daily Shinchou.
>Apparently, the 19 year-old rikishi entered the bathing area, and Oonosato followed him in with alcohol and demanded he drink. Oonosato wouldn't take no for an answer, and made the wrestler drink a huge amount of alcohol to the point that he passed out, which Oonosato thought was very funny.

Anonymous No. 195206


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Anonymous No. 195218

sumo everywhere for those with the eyes to see

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The Ryogoku neigh....jpg

Anonymous No. 195219


Anonymous No. 195220


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Anonymous No. 195221


Anonymous No. 195222

The old Kokugikan had immense aesthetic.

Anonymous No. 195226

>19 year old getting drunk
The horror...Lock this monster up and throw away the key.

Anonymous No. 195228

bully onosato
time to close nishonoseki and demote owners and coaches

Anonymous No. 195230

I'm getting white knight tumblr SJW vibes from this.
Like, who the fuck cares?

Anonymous No. 195231

You wouldn't like it if a man the size of Onosato decided to fuck with you for his own amusement. It's not about the drinking, according to the rumours, it's about yet another hazing/bullying incident. Nishonoseki seems to have done the right thing and reported it prompty and of his own volition, rather than letting it escalate and cause rikishi to quit, or trying to cover it up.

Anonymous No. 195232

How would laws work in your world, without hard cutoffs?

Anonymous No. 195234

>worst yokozuna is a good oyakata
>best yokozuna is a terrible oyakata
Total Japanese Victory

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 195246

Ichinojo heading to California. Easily the guy with the best credentials there. Should sweep easily.

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Anonymous No. 195247

Ichinojo heading to California. Easily the guy with the best credentials there. Should sweep.

Anonymous No. 195249

He should get his back fixed first

Anonymous No. 195250

I doubt he'll need it for amateurs.

Anonymous No. 195252

I think he would need to be able to stand up to beat an amateur

Anonymous No. 195255

Ichinojo with a 4 month break won juryo and makuuchi yushos. He'll have a year and a half break by the time he next competes going against scrubs.

Anonymous No. 195260

That's true, but "barely able to stand" Ichinojo is more likely than not to return if he continues to do any training at all. If I remember correctly, he retired not too long afterwards in large part because the back problems took a turn for the worse after he won those yusho.

Anonymous No. 195261

He doesn't need to do any training, he can just show up and look impressively authentic while a lesser talent obligingly jobs for him. American sumo is sports entertainment.

Anonymous No. 195262

It takes literally one fat guy charging into him at full speed at an awkward angle to bring back the worst of his chronic pains. It doesn't matter what you think of American sumo.

Anonymous No. 195263

Of course there's a possibility of aggravating his chronic issues. That's fine, as long as he makes enough money doing the performances. Even if he can barely walk they'll pay him just to show up and be huge.

Anonymous No. 195264

Onosato to miss May basho with some sort of an injury excuse

Anonymous No. 195265

>i think i'll just lie around and get drunk for a year and a half without doing any training and then immediately jump back into competitive athletics

Anonymous No. 195267

where banzuke

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Anonymous No. 195270

Here's one

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Anonymous No. 195278

I for one would sign up for a sumo contest if i could fight ichinojo

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Anonymous No. 195279

>rather than letting it escalate and cause rikishi to quit, or trying to cover it up.
This is the victim. The incident was in early September. Clearly didn't report it fast enough. For clarity, he's 19 now - 18 at the time.

Anonymous No. 195280

Not bad. Good on ol' Ichi for finding a job that's not "chanko restaurant."

Anonymous No. 195286


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sumo savior.jpg

Anonymous No. 195287

Chris is using the Onosato business as an excuse to screech about his cringe SJW politics and invent imaginary racism to get upset over so he can virtue signal about how woke he is.
No wonder the guy got kicked out of England

Anonymous No. 195293

I heard Chris was removed from the kokugikan 109 times. pls confirm

Anonymous No. 195294

This week, or....?

Anonymous No. 195297

Did he stop showing up to tournaments after the hazing?

Anonymous No. 195300

Might have gone back to his parents but not be formally retired yet because Kisenosato is hoping he might change his mind and come back.

Anonymous No. 195314

And every single time, it was the venue's fault, right?

Anonymous No. 195317

what's the lore on this chris guy

Anonymous No. 195326

English teacher who thinks himself a sumo journalist. Posts his sometimes-biased translations of sumo news articles as YouTube videos. Occasionally spends time lurking outside of heyas filming and gets asked to stop or leave. Claimed credit for Sumo Prime Time because he yelled something about English content at a sumo director. Apparently lost his connection with Gunning years ago over his choice to continue being friends with a person who stalks sumo wrestlers(?)

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Anonymous No. 195336

Here's the Gunning thing; I didn't remember it quite right.

Anonymous No. 195342

I would drink myself into a coma if onosato wanted to drink with me.

Anonymous No. 195351

onosato wanted to get that kid drunk so he could rape him

Anonymous No. 195352

Chris was that kid in a sumo disguise, he will show us his giant asshole in the next video as proof.

Anonymous No. 195353

I don't think he raped him, but I honestly think that something happened beyond
>Onosato lol'd and then went back to training

The idea he didn't fuck with the kid at all is hard to believe.

Anonymous No. 195362

I think if Onosato did anything truly nefarious he'd have been pulled from the jungyo or not allowed to go in the first place. It is funny when someone can't hold his drink, and there's no way that the other lads at the stable were unaware it was going on, so there wouldn't be an opportunity to do anything particularly grim. I'm prepared to accept this as standard hi-jinks, and the trouble is more due to the fact that Japan is very anal about underage drinking.

Anonymous No. 195365

>some random redditier hates Chris
That pretty much goes to show you what insufferable bores those who tend to dislike Chris are.

Anonymous No. 195366

Hokuseiho was also sexually assaulting his victims

Anonymous No. 195367

So... it was HOT glue?

Anonymous No. 195368

Dudes got a Wikipedia page... doesn't seem so random.

Anonymous No. 195369

>regular victims of that other person
Does anyone know who this is? And what the hell did Chris even do back in the day?

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Anonymous No. 195372


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Anonymous No. 195373


Anonymous No. 195374

More than you'll ever have, Chris.

Anonymous No. 195377

Anybody wanna talk about sumo

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Hakuho vs Takakei....webm

Anonymous No. 195379

Not really.

Anonymous No. 195381

>another copy of the nihon sumo-shi up for sale
>yen is weak as hell
Have to resist...

Anonymous No. 195389

>nihon sumo-shi
Care to elaborate for a newfag?

Anonymous No. 195391

It's a really awesome history of sumo compiled into two big books. There's a guy in either these threads or maybe only the /sp/ threads who occasionally posts cool stories and pictures from it.

Anonymous No. 195393

And it's rare or something?

Anonymous No. 195394

it's expensive at least

Anonymous No. 195395

I take it this isn't it?

Anonymous No. 195397


Anonymous No. 195405

it's over

Anonymous No. 195406

Thanks for elaborating.

Anonymous No. 195408

I can't believe that Asanoyama has tragically died in a roof collapse at a hostess club

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Anonymous No. 195412

It's two gigantic volumes which reproduces every historical banzuke ever, all known(?) hoshitori-hyou, and provides what is intended as a critically minded complete history of the sport. The pages are each over a foot long and look like this.

There were meant to be three volumes, as the first covers ancient sumo (800s) through Edo and the second is Meiji to the start of Shouwa, but the author, Sakai Tadamasa, died before finishing the third.

Anonymous No. 195416

>random redditor
That's John Gunning. He works for NHK. He's on the Sumo Preview show they do a week before every basho.

Anonymous No. 195417


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Anonymous No. 195423

Asashouryuu sez he underwent successful surgery [for his tumor?] and is improving. Effusively thanks Japan for being good at medicine.

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Anonymous No. 195428

I should have also said, there are only 1,000 copies of its original run; and it looks like there has only been one reprint, in 2017 (original run was in 1956). I have never seen a reprint copy outside of this photo, so I'm not sure how many of those there are either.

Anonymous No. 195430

Bit steep.

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Anonymous No. 195432

Sumo does not impart its secrets upon those who do not give sumo their everything.

Anonymous No. 195439

honestly if i weren't trying to save for my trip there I'd definitely get it. i'm not really sure how uncommonly it appears for sale online, though.

Anonymous No. 195450

>where banzuke
April 30

Anonymous No. 195507

They do say that the asscheeks are nature's wallet...

Anonymous No. 195524

According to the latest Chris video, it looks like Teru is going to be showing up for the May basho to give out kinboshis during the first week if he makes it past the komusubis in the first couple days. Apparently he has lost 20 kg and hasn't been training until recently other than weightlifting.

Anonymous No. 195526

>According to the latest Chris video
fuck off

>Apparently he has lost 20 kg and hasn't been training until recently other than weightlifting.
gee I wonder where he got such specific information oh he's exact-quoting a sponichi article
Nothing is "according to Chris". Nothing is ever according to Chris.

Anonymous No. 195527

>influenza and diabetes

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Anonymous No. 195531


Anonymous No. 195534

Who is going to let Terunofuji retire by ascending to Yokozuna? How long will it take? Will he be another barbarian Mongol?

Anonymous No. 195535

Not gonna happen. There will be no Yokozuna for a time, and then someone will ascend.

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Anonymous No. 195538

The problem is he refuses to cite his sources beyond occasionally saying
>_______, according to the Asahi Shinbun.
And does so in a way deliberately constructed to make it sound like most of the video's text is personal research, rather than translated & paraphrased newspaper articles. Let's look at the script of the video we're discussing:
>Terunofuji returned to practice bouts on Thursday 25th on the Kisarazu leg of the April tour, calling out oozeki Kirishima and going 5-3. It was very much a test run of his yokozuna frame, according to Sponichi. "I'd rather call it a gentle workout," said the man himself. "As Kirishima has had neck trouble, we had to take things steady. My own muscles still feel tight, as it's been all weights and no bouts for the past few weeks. Not bad for a first day back," was his initial verdict. The worsening diabetes which cost him 20 kilos of body weight in February this year is now back under control, he asserts.

Sponichi is the only newspaper which ran these specific Teru quotes, and of course they also published the general information. He ties the Sponichi attribution to a random sentence instead of the whole thing (eg "Sponichi reports today the following:") to make it look like he's doing something.
If he made it clear to his audience when he was contributing nothing to the reports (thereby admitting he is not a 'sumo journalist'), I would have far less enmity towards him.

Anonymous No. 195540

>If he made it clear to his audience when he was contributing nothing to the reports (thereby admitting he is not a 'sumo journalist')
He only does it when he can whine about people criticizing him.

Anonymous No. 195542


Anonymous No. 195558

>Chris mindreads the wrestlers and makes some shit up
>Schizo Chris REEEEE
>Chris states when he's quoting a newspaper source, just not in the way I like it
>NO Chris you HAVE to make shit up all the time otherwise I can't call you a schizo REEEEE

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Anonymous No. 195559

RoboCop with RoboCop

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Anonymous No. 195563

What the fuck are you talking about? He would be doing a service if he were just translating articles for an English-speaking audience and nothing else, and identifying himself with such a role. Go into his comments if you think people aren't deceived.

Anonymous No. 195575

I agree with you on principle, but unless we're prepared to say he's an outright liar and fantasist, he does attend numerous events and has personal (albeit fairly casual) relationships with multiple active and former rikishi. He's not solely a translator and aggregator. Given that the commuity of sumo followers outside of Japan is so small, I think you're doing yourself a disservice if you completely write off a prominent and well-known source of sumo news.

Anonymous No. 195577

His YouTube comments are the perfect example of why we didn't gatekeep sumo hard enough. Chris is the face of western sumo to those few coaches etc. who don't tell him to fuck off so it's no wonder we didn't get anything until SPT.

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Anonymous No. 195582

Anonymous No. 195609

Is that a sausage swastika?

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Anonymous No. 195610

JSA Akebono tribute video up
has ENG subs

Anonymous No. 195621

He was so big and tall, why didn't he just stand there?

Anonymous No. 195624

Kise beya has a public training session at a park and at the end of it they fought pretend matches again some of the little kids that attended. All of kids could figure it out except this one kid who didn't understand and just started playing in the sand.
Wonder why that one kid couldn't figure out what was going on

Anonymous No. 195627

>letting women on a dohyo
sumo has fallen

Anonymous No. 195629

I had a dream last night, or perhaps it was a nightmare, where I had gone to japan to become a sumo wrestler, but then I realised how that would impact my life and I tried to leave only to get trapped in an endless apartment complex, kinda killed my hype for the coming basho to be honest.

Anonymous No. 195630

Little girls are okay.

Anonymous No. 195631

Period blood is impure and that's what prevents women from stepping on the dohyo, technically speaking prepubescent and post menopausal women should be fair game.

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Anonymous No. 195632


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Anonymous No. 195658

>Wonder why that one kid couldn't figure out what was going on
>See the kid

Anonymous No. 195661

The most powerful brand of sumo there is - to step in the dohyo and not even notice that your opponent is there.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 195713

Enwords not beating the low IQ allegations. I hate them so much.

Anonymous No. 195715

I'd be 100% on board with onnazumo if they wore only a mawashi like the men. No shorts, no bodysuit, tits out and swingin'.

Anonymous No. 195719

Japan should really just make Keijo into a real sport. It would single-handedly revive the Japanese economy.

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Anonymous No. 195741

>couldnt figure it out
bet he rides one of these

Anonymous No. 195744

This is the problem with UFCW. No one wants to see boney ass lesbians tap each other in the face for 15 minutes. When I see a cat fight, I want to see some jiggle!

Anonymous No. 195747

Even being 250 lbs won't give japanese women tits or ass

Anonymous No. 195749


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takakeisho fangir....webm

Anonymous No. 195751

Keisho not beating the lolicon allegations any time soon.

Hitomi Tanaka did karate. Canan ASMR did kendo. Statistically speaking it's likely for there to be one girl with macromastia who did school sumo.

Anonymous No. 195764

Surgery and hormones will, especially if they start straight out of middle school like a lot of rikishi do.

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Anonymous No. 195765

>the next Street Fighter Capcom Cup will be at the Kokugikan
I'm not going to lie, I'm hype, especially if they build a faux dohyo for the players to play on

Anonymous No. 195779

Banzuke next week?

Anonymous No. 195780

Should be this week, no?

Anonymous No. 195784

the banzuke has, sadly, lost its battle with cancer

Anonymous No. 195785

reminder this is Terunofuji's last basho.

Anonymous No. 195789

In July he's just going to send his son and hope nobody notices the difference.

Anonymous No. 195790

Banzuke in a couple hours.

Anonymous No. 195791

For me, the banzuke is not official until it is on SumoDb

Anonymous No. 195792

>his son is Ochil

Anonymous No. 195796

I wonder how English NHK commentators will speak about the Miyagino scandal. They usually try to sweep scandals under the rug or try to euphemize them. For example, the Asanoyama scandal was never referred to anything but "violation of coronavirus protocols" by 3 of the 4 commentators. (The only one who hinted at the hostess bar thing was Murray.)

Anonymous No. 195802

"Inappropriate roughhousing"

Anonymous No. 195803

>Miyagino was incacable to carry out his oyakata duties so he and his wrestlers were transferred to isegahama stable

Anonymous No. 195805

What Miyagino scandal? I don't see a Miyagino on the banzuke OR on the official list of stables.

Anonymous No. 195823

>OR on the official list of stables

Anonymous No. 195827

Nothing to see here, move along.

Anonymous No. 195829

its up
Takerufuji got 6e
Takarafuji made it back to makuuchi

Anonymous No. 195831

Hakuoho is officially listed as from Isegahama beya
Its over for Miyagino

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Anonymous No. 195833

>Takarafuji made it back to makuuchi
we're fucking BACK

Anonymous No. 195836

God, that looks strange on the actual banzuke after so many posts about it. Whose name change should we meme into existence now?

Anonymous No. 195837

>meme into existence
Nigger he's been pretty open about wanting to make that change.

Anonymous No. 195839

I've never heard of a sumo wrestler that doesn't credit his success to the support of his fans.

Anonymous No. 195844

It's not owari da until it's owari da.

Anonymous No. 195857

My guy Higonoumi up to Makushita 53

Anonymous No. 195884

Onosato's ozeki campaign begins

Anonymous No. 195887

Roga lucked out.

Anonymous No. 195891

did otani really intai

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Anonymous No. 195893

So does Waka have a chance at Makuuchi? It's been done before but he might need a double-digit score and really good banzuke luck.

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Abi epitomizing s....jpg

Anonymous No. 195908

…and Abi's continues, he needs a combined 24 wins in May and July to clinch it

Anonymous No. 195911

Can’t wait to watch takerufuji get shit on since he can’t farm low level comp first week.

Anonymous No. 195913

>first ever pro sumo graduate from prestigious Tokyo University
>reduced to fighting with simpletons in a sandpit

Truly a tragic career.

Anonymous No. 195916

>Onosato vs Terunofuji on day 1

Anonymous No. 195917

>Teru's last match will be against the next Yokozuna.
Like pottery.

Anonymous No. 195921

He beat a komusubi, a sekiwake and an ozeki, all of whom went kachikoshi. I don't expect him to struggle any more than you might expect a rikishi to struggle in the basho after his hatsu yusho.

Anonymous No. 195923


Anonymous No. 195924


Anonymous No. 195926

Fans outside of natural born Japanese do not exist.

Anonymous No. 195938

It's pretty common that someone shits themself after winning the time before

Anonymous No. 195941

Takerufuji's ankles will probably explode this basho

Anonymous No. 195942

Depends on what you consider shitting the bed. I just ran the numbers and first-timers in the 15 post-war era average 8.6 wins.

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Anonymous No. 195948

several english posts on the hitherto jap only JSA instagram

Anonymous No. 195951

This, plus he is still outside joi, so he will still be facing off against the weaker competition he was handling with ease. We already saw this recently with Atamifuji, if he is going to find a level that makes getting KK a challenge, its going to have to be in joi because the challenge of winning at M6 aren't all that much greater than at M17

Anonymous No. 195952

Akebono had little sissy ankle and he did fine

Anonymous No. 195953

Sumo, at least in America, still has some remnants of popularity from when the Hawaiians were involved. The boomers stopped watching because it stopped being on american television.

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Anonymous No. 195954

this won't end well

Anonymous No. 195960

>the challenge of winning at M6 aren't all that much greater than at M17
Weeell, I wouldn't go that far. Last basho, up to M13W, every wrestler had at least one juryo opponent. For a rising rikishi rather than someone moving down, that's basically a free win.

Anonymous No. 195964

It isn't auto-translating based on region like youtube does?

Anonymous No. 195971

The East... has fallen...

Anonymous No. 195998

>We already saw this recently with Atamifuji
And more recently with Onosato

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SUMO Hatsu Basho ....webm

Anonymous No. 196004

Anonymous No. 196019

Chris take the exact opposite approch to the Onosato issue that he does the Miyagino's misfortunes. In Hakuho's case Chris's reaction was "why are they doing this, this punishment is too severe" in Onosato's case its "His apology wasn't sincere enough, why doesn't JSA take more action against him?"
So it's pretty clear that Chris is just a racist who hates the Japanese, which means that he can't be having a very pleasant time living in Japan, head have a better attitude towards his hosts if was enjoying his time there.
And considering that Chris already wore out his welcome in England even after growing up in a very posh ruling class family, you have to presume that his misfortunes are of his own making.

Anonymous No. 196023

get a trip

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Anonymous No. 196030


Anonymous No. 196032

>Endo at J3
He'll probably make it back.

Nice to see Chiyomaru make it back.

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Anonymous No. 196033

Odds on this guy being this first Musashigawa sekitori in a decade?

Anonymous No. 196038

Guy turns 24 this year so he's probably nearing but yet to hit his prime. However he has never fought anyone higher than Ms6, so I wouldn't count on it at least for Natsu, maybe sometime this year or next year though.

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Anonymous No. 196042

probably about 100kg cheat swings
the 200kg bench isn't bad, but its like zero progress from 10 years ago or whenever that other video posted

Anonymous No. 196046

Impressive, very nice. Let's see his knees.

Anonymous No. 196054

also, old thread has lasted even through banzuke day

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Anonymous No. 196055

I looked at Reddit's sumo board and everyone there hates Abi, so if you don't like Abi then picrel is you.

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Freeman He's....jpg

Anonymous No. 196057


Anonymous No. 196072

>looking at reddit
That's how we know you are reddit.
Also, hating abi has been here since 2018

Anonymous No. 196077

The fuck for?

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Anonymous No. 196079

Having a god awful style of sumo
Being a confirmed retard autist
Getting rikishi banned from social media
You are supposed to Remove Abi not Enabled Abi.

Anonymous No. 196080

I see two wins on that flowchart and one loss. That's kachikoshi, my friend.
And he didn't ban himself. Blame that faggot Shibatayama. Abi stood up for what was right.

Anonymous No. 196085

>god awful style of sumo
If it gets you to the top division, it's an elite style of sumo. I can't hate a winner.

Anonymous No. 196086

We are all retard autists.
We are all Abi.

Anonymous No. 196090

>Abi stood up for what was right.
Sleeping through meetings?

Anonymous No. 196091

All rikishi got banned from social media because one rikishi slept through a meeting? Doesn't add up.

Anonymous No. 196093

do you not get jokes or do you not know the context

Anonymous No. 196094

I only know about his tied up photo thing and I think there were some COVID breaches or something?

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Anonymous No. 196100


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Anonymous No. 196102

This nigga changed his name to "Showtime". I think I have a new jonidan favorite.

Anonymous No. 196112

>first letter omitted when called by gyoji's
>hoe time(moo)
asanoyama would love this guy

Anonymous No. 196114

>name in kanji is "shota dream"
Keisho has competition.

Anonymous No. 196120

>did not ban himself
no shit retard. he was the main catalyst for the ban.
he got there beacuse there are too many mamachari riders in sumo.

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Kang Abi.jpg

Anonymous No. 196128

>trolled instagram so hard he got all 600 rikishis permab& from social media
If this doesn't inspire tremendous admiration from you then you are not 4chan material and reddit is where you belong.
Abi is an excellent wrestler, he has championships in every division save for jonokuchi as well as 2 JYs and he is on his way to making ozeki. Terao taught him well.

Anonymous No. 196134

Basing your opinion on what others think is the most reddit thing you could do. Not liking something because another group likes it (or vice versa) is reddit behavior.

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Anonymous No. 196136

It has never been a bad thing to intentionally avoid things that your enemies, opponents, or rivals like. If the man doesn't like Reddit, it's natural that he wants to distance himself from Reddit's ways, because those things are tainted by association.

Anonymous No. 196137

Counterpoint: in order to avoid what Reddit likes, you need to give a fuck about Reddit in the first place. I do not give a fuck about Reddit, therefore I do not give a fuck about what Reddit likes or dislikes.
If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

Anonymous No. 196146

Anyone have the webm of Ishiura gigaslapping Akiseyama?

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Anonymous No. 196149


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Anonymous No. 196156


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Anonymous No. 196209

Anonymous No. 196260

>on his way to making ozeki
this is never happening. Abi is too one-dimensional and inconsistent

Anonymous No. 196279

Keisho is just as predictable and he is starting his 6th year as ozeki

Anonymous No. 196305

Pretty sure all Abi haters are closet fags.

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Anonymous No. 196313


Anonymous No. 196314

New Prime TIme just dropped

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4chan at sumo pra....webm

Anonymous No. 196319

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Anonymous No. 196328

I see that abi has taken the place as rikishi with the most delusiona 4chin fans now that kotohnononowaka made it
>see that man?
>get him out

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Anonymous No. 196335

Anonymous No. 196343

two western rocks in the bath

Anonymous No. 196353

Chris says Asanoyama might not compete in Natsu basho

If he misses it then look for him to win Nagoya with the easy first week starting from a low rank

Anonymous No. 196369

That's cool man but I don't really care, buy an ad

Anonymous No. 196383

>Assman out
>Keisho probably out
>Teru not even training, will be out in the first week
>Kirbyama no longer a factor, this will be his last basho as ozeki
>Takerufuji still not practicing
The field is wide open, Abi probably has the inside lane to scoring his 2nd cup, Zak & Boozeboy will probably be competitive too.

Anonymous No. 196386

Kill yourself

Anonymous No. 196401

>Teru not even training
Teru doesn't need to spar to stay competitive. Even during his second ozeki run, he was already mostly doing weightlifting and sparring very little. It's not like he has much to gain from sparring anyways. He's not going to get that much better skill-wise and he doesn't really need to because he's better technically than pretty much everyone currently competing. It's been his body that's failed him, so he might as well preserve what little health he has left.

Anonymous No. 196402

The thing to really watch on him is bodyweight. He should be around 170-180kg. His style doesn't work great light

Anonymous No. 196405

His back and knees and diabeetus don't work when he's heavy.

Anonymous No. 196413

All styles work great light. Weight is a meme.

Anonymous No. 196436

Skinny legs, but great calves.

Anonymous No. 196444

>t. 55kg girly boy
Post asshole

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Anonymous No. 196446

>Post asshole

Anonymous No. 196456

why did enho and ishiura and wakatakakage and saltman and all who came before not bake ozeki?

Anonymous No. 196458

Height is not a meme.

Anonymous No. 196459

height and weight go hand in hand

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Anonymous No. 196462

New bike picture

Anonymous No. 196465

No they dont.

Anonymous No. 196467

If my leg is one inch longer than yours, I have an extra one-inch slice of muscle and fat and bone added to my weight.

Anonymous No. 196468

>do they correlate? Yes
>do they correlate so strongly that someone taller is necessarily heavier? No

Anonymous No. 196470

>Takakeisho: 5' 9" 365 lbs
>Yao Ming: 7' 6" 310 lbs

Anonymous No. 196471

no shit retard

Anonymous No. 196472

Retard, its
>enho 5'6 209lbs
>hakuho 6'4 335lbs

Anonymous No. 196473

the existence of >>196472
demonstrates there are people in this thread who need it spelled out for them

Anonymous No. 196481

>Takakeisho: 4 Emperor's Cups
>Yao Ming: Jobs to sandanme

Anonymous No. 196482

Meme cups.

Anonymous No. 196483

Sumo is a meme.

Anonymous No. 196484

Memes are sumo.

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Anonymous No. 196485

>sumo is a meme

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Smoking 1.jpg

Anonymous No. 196486

>memes are sumo

Anonymous No. 196489

>Kirbyama no longer a factor, this will be his last basho as ozeki
Is he going back to his old name?

Anonymous No. 196490

he's making it up because Kiri is still injured.

Anonymous No. 196531

I like it when rikishi change their name but only a written change so that the name sounds exactly the same but is written with different kanji.

Anonymous No. 196544

Sadly, former yokozuna Terukuni has also died.

Anonymous No. 196545

Yeah, 47 years ago.

Anonymous No. 196549

I'm sorry, does that make it less sad to you?

Anonymous No. 196551

Shintos get reincarnated, he might've already died again by now

Anonymous No. 196584

47. he was a fuckin kid

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 196594

Anonymous No. 196595

When will we see the new tsukedashi in Futagoyama-beyas channel?

Anonymous No. 196596

They've got a TD coming in too? Didn't know that.

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Anonymous No. 196597

>Taiki Mita, 22, 173cm, 120kg

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Anonymous No. 196598


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Anonymous No. 196599

too tall

Anonymous No. 196605

Why does he look like he's rotting?

Anonymous No. 196607

the insides of the flaps rub against each other and get irritated

Anonymous No. 196616

You gotta get him in the fridge quick after he wins

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Anonymous No. 196621

>15 year old rugby lad
>joined sumo on his and his fathers whim
>no experience
>174cm tall
sounds fucking brutal to suddenly get into

Anonymous No. 196622

He will be transformed into a god. You'll see.

Anonymous No. 196624

I hope he does well. If it was any other stable it wouldn't be an issue, but it'd be really depressing to see less and less of him in the videos until someone admitted he'd run away back home.

Anonymous No. 196633

174cm at 15 years old could easily end up near 190cm eventually. 190 seems to be about the perfect height for a sumotori

>22, 173cm
Won't make it past makushita

Anonymous No. 196634

>15 year old
He has plenty of time to grow

Anonymous No. 196635

173 cm is taller than Toyonoshima and Takekaze.

Anonymous No. 196645

He looks tiny for 120kg, is that a typo or are his bones made of tungsten?

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Anonymous No. 196655

It puts him at almost the same height and weight as Midorifuji, doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

Anonymous No. 196660

Probably another university muscle manlet along the lines of Asakoryu.
Asakoryu is listed at 178cm 119kg, might make top division someday soon, but he needs to add about 50kg if he wants to be competitive at the very top. All those guys like Ishihura & Kotoeko have the wrong idea, Keisho knows what it takes to compete as a short guy
Those arms in the pic in >>196597 look like they could split the seams in that jacket, dude needs a better tailor

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Hokutenyū vs Tera....webm

Anonymous No. 196661

Anonymous No. 196673

Newest Schriszoid video implies that theres sumo civil war going on behing the curtain where petty old men leak info about other stables just to get revenge

Anonymous No. 196674
Which heya is this?

Anonymous No. 196676


Anonymous No. 196677

Oh yeah. Didn't see him lurking there. Thank you.

Anonymous No. 196690

patethic, pushes off 17yo kid and acts like he won super bowl..

Anonymous No. 196694

>petty old men leak info about other stables just to get revenge
This is literally what the tabloids have been doing for the past 70+ years, what the fuck has him convinced this is new

Anonymous No. 196695

The fact he has an audience of fart huffers that he can leech off who think he's the only honest voice in an evil xenophobic Japanese sport.

Anonymous No. 196701

Injured muscle manlet Kiho's shikona reverted to his Kawazoe, his given name. Does that mean he quit?

Anonymous No. 196702

Or that he's going to take a -fuji name now that he's Isegahama.

Anonymous No. 196703

He tsukedashi'd at Ms15 and rose to Juryo as Kawazoe and then sank to Sd 48 as Kiho, maybe he decided Kiho was a bad luck name

Anonymous No. 196704

He went back to Kawazoe because he fell out of the sekitori ranks and will change it back to Kiho when he gets back up. You see this on rare occasions, but it happens.

Anonymous No. 196712

I love how the enword is at an advantage because he doesn't have a mawashi on that he can be thrown from or grabbed by and still boasts.

Anonymous No. 196714

do you not understand what butsukarigeiko is

Anonymous No. 196715

That's how they start but it definitely doesn't look like what they're doing. You can even see Jun trying to grip a non-existent mawashi out of reflex once the black guy gets a grip on his own.

Anonymous No. 196718

if the pusher isn't driving forward in a straight line it's part of the lender's job to guide their elbows inward or to toss them to the side as a signal to restart. The pusher also isn't typically supposed to grab the mawashi of the lender

Anonymous No. 196720

I know that, but I don't think the black guy knew that. He's clearly just trying to actually wrestle the guy.

Anonymous No. 196728

exactly. The rikishi was trying to keep things in line with a drill, while the black guy thought this was some kind of real match

Anonymous No. 196729

or he's just celebrating being able to push a rikishi out of the ring
don't be a mindreader like chris

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Anonymous No. 196730

>Micah Parsons went 1v1 with a real sumo wrestler

Anonymous No. 196734


Anonymous No. 196735

that is the caption of the video in the Bleacher Report tweet in >>196674.

Anonymous No. 196743

Oh. Sure, but it's not like Parsons said that.

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Quackatakekage ge....jpg

Anonymous No. 196745

Who's your favorite sumo wrestler? Mine is Quackatagekage

Anonymous No. 196746

You can see the fighting spirit in the eyes of Duckerufuji

Anonymous No. 196747


Anonymous No. 196748

Whats the possibility that Hakuho stages a coup and takes over Isegehama next year when the boss reaches retirement age?

Anonymous No. 196749

Hakuho does not have enough allies to make such a thing happen

Anonymous No. 196753



Takanohana had half the JSA on his side and failed.

Anonymous No. 196754

What happened to Salt City Sumo?

Anonymous No. 196755


Anonymous No. 196756


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Anonymous No. 196757


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Ōuchiyama faces o....webm

Anonymous No. 196766

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Kotonishiki vs Mu....webm

Anonymous No. 196767

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Tochiakagi vs Chi....webm

Anonymous No. 196768

Anonymous No. 196779

presumably he would have to fight them for it, since he is only recently retired he could probably take them

Anonymous No. 196783

Love this one.

Anonymous No. 196813

Wow this is great

Anonymous No. 196846

I'd pay to watch Hakuho fight a mob of geriatric 60 year olds, but I bet those same 60 year olds would not be thrilled to fight him

Anonymous No. 196855

When is NHK's Grand Sumo Preview show scheduled to start this basho?

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Anonymous No. 196856


Anonymous No. 196857

Chris says that Asanoyama isn't going to make the start of the basho due to knee problems.

Anonymous No. 196871

Here's where he got that information. Hope this helps!

Anonymous No. 196889

You got it backwards, that shimbun sources their info from Chris

Anonymous No. 196894

It's okay, Wakamotoharu set the record straight.

Anonymous No. 196897


Anonymous No. 196903

Nah. Asanoyama sources from Chris.

Anonymous No. 196904

Asanoyama IS Chris.

Anonymous No. 196907

Chis is the spirit of sumo underneath each rikishi's mawashi

Anonymous No. 196908

>The spirit of sumo is sweaty, tiny, hairless balls that spout tabloid gossip all day.
You learn something new every day.

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Anonymous No. 196951

Fresh Chris!

Anonymous No. 196952

Who cares when we've got PRIME TIME

Anonymous No. 196953

Nothing about cheis is fresh
see >>196908
thats not something you can fix with a washing amd some febreeze

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Anonymous No. 196976

>stable uses muh weight training
>zero salaried wrestlers
mogged yet again by the superior teppo and shiko training

Anonymous No. 196987

something like half of active stables don't have any sekitori

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Anonymous No. 196988

Based Nakamurachad
vc:WK8 W4

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Anonymous No. 196993

which, in turn, gets demolished by the superior imaginary rikishi training

Anonymous No. 197024

>superior teppo and shiko training
operating the chopsticks is the most important aspect of sumo training, all that exercise is a big waste of time

Anonymous No. 197028

>Terunofuji out
>Asanoyama out
>Takerufuji out
Ozeki/Onosato yusho

Anonymous No. 197029

He will be FILTERED by KotoZAKURA

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9 (9).jpg

Anonymous No. 197034

>Kotozakura goes 2-6 against Onosato in degeiko

Anonymous No. 197036

It's Takerufujiover...

Anonymous No. 197037

his tummy hurt, doesn't count

Anonymous No. 197039

Jesus, how bad did he fuck up his ankle on Day 14 last basho?

Anonymous No. 197040

I'm guessing the answer is no, but if Hoshoryu get's a strong win this time, is his 11-4 Jun-yusho enough to be "equivalent" for Yokozuna promotion?

Anonymous No. 197041

>is his 11-4 Jun-yusho enough to be "equivalent" for Yokozuna promotion?
No. 11-4 has never been good enough and it certainly would not have been good enough in a tournament where the yokozuna and two of the other three ozeki were injured.

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Anonymous No. 197043

Not never, but you're probably right.

Anonymous No. 197044

Standards were different back then. In the pre-modern era you'd have guys promoted to yokozuna from ozeki without winning any tournaments, let alone two in a row.

Anonymous No. 197046

I know, just saying.

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i am speed.webm

Anonymous No. 197047

>dynamic effort benches (in louie, he trust) his way to more zensho than your stable has yusho while in the SBD drip

nuthin personnel

Anonymous No. 197057

The absolute unit.

Anonymous No. 197074

terrible form, if you have to flex your back like that you should reduce the weight you're using

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Aisha Ep 12 (31).jpg

Anonymous No. 197076

You have no idea what you are saying

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Anonymous No. 197077

>reduce the weight

Anonymous No. 197078

>Reduce the (body, bar, food) weight
>Reduce extra tournaments to help recovery
>Reduce JSA influence
>Reduce the dohyo height
how bout they reduce their head to mush lmaoo

Anonymous No. 197094

Sumo should:
>Institute a new minimum weight of 150kg for a rikishi - if you lose too much weight you're immediately dropped down to Jonokuchi for the next tournament
>Add a tournament in Hokkaido, an extra one in Tokyo, and once every three years, a tournament in a foreign country
>Introduce elder tournaments with a proper elder banzuke, to replace the ridiculous politicking they currently do
>Raise the dohyo, so wrestlers don't get complacent about falling off and try harder to stay in
>Use the intimidating bulk of the rikishi to bully the Japanese government into giving them more funding

Anonymous No. 197109

NHK World Japan's Sumo Preview in two minutes if anyone cares.

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Anonymous No. 197111


Anonymous No. 197119

give us a briefing, did i miss anything important?

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Anonymous No. 197129

dohyo just got ten feet higher

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Anonymous No. 197131


Anonymous No. 197132

>Injured Teru vs Onosato day 1
Actual Intai NOW

Anonymous No. 197137

DoTK: The Final Showdown

Anonymous No. 197141


Anonymous No. 197164

Nah. Just an interview with Hiradoumi which was admittedly nice. They had an Akebono eulogy as well at the end, which was great >>197111
I'm not surprised that there was no mention of the Miyagino scandal.

Anonymous No. 197205

What Miyagino scandal?

Anonymous No. 197206

Miyagino? Never heard of it.

Anonymous No. 197223

takerufuji will show up in the 2nd week and get enough wins to remain in makuuchi

Anonymous No. 197233

god i wish but it just doesn't seem to be in the cards

Anonymous No. 197237

takerufuji will show up in the 2nd week just as terunofuji is retiring. isegehama tag team.

Anonymous No. 197240

As the moon sets, the sun rises

Anonymous No. 197274

Takerufuji will show up on day 10 and break his other ankle.

Anonymous No. 197275

Did the dohyo ceremony already happen? If not, anyone know where/when I can catch the livestream if there is one?

Anonymous No. 197276

Derp. Never mind.

Anonymous No. 197319

great chris moment at the end of his new video explaining why he hasnt done any interviews with the patreon money for the last year

Anonymous No. 197320

to save you a click, no one wants to talk to him

Anonymous No. 197325

The JSA must have sent goons round to retired wrestlers to scare them out of talking to gaijin. Sad!

Anonymous No. 197326

chris is a massive faggot simping for enho like that too

Anonymous No. 197327

>"The JSA should bend the rules and give Enho elder stock even though there's 40 guys right now properly eligible who don't have it yet."

Anonymous No. 197340

/sp/ game thread up

Anonymous No. 197369


Anonymous No. 197545

it seems midnightsumo got problems with twitch again just at the start of the tourney...

Anonymous No. 197547

I just watch Natto's in the morning anyways. Live is too late for me.

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Tenshoho vs Wakai....webm

Anonymous No. 197575

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Kiryuko vs Daisei....webm

Anonymous No. 197578

Anonymous No. 197586

Very nice

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Kiryuko vs Daisei....webm

Anonymous No. 197589

Anonymous No. 197590

his reruns are prime time for me to enjoy the top divisions

Anonymous No. 197692

That glorious mane could not be tamed.

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Ganryujima 9 - Ou....webm

Anonymous No. 197697

Akebono would've been a champion in kickboxing if they had Ganryujima rules back then.

Anonymous No. 197868

if only there were other services for streaming oh no

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Tamawashi vs Taka....webm

Anonymous No. 198209

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Tochinobori vs Ka....webm

Anonymous No. 198211

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Hoshoryu vs Oho S....webm

Anonymous No. 198214

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Hoshoryu vs Takay....webm

Anonymous No. 198328

Anonymous No. 198358

thanks for the webm

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Nishikifuji vs Ur....webm

Anonymous No. 198393

Anonymous No. 198422

Can you make webm. of Atamifuji vs Tobizaru bout?

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Atamifuji vs Tobi....webm

Anonymous No. 198445


Anonymous No. 198578

Reminder to do your keiko reps.

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Kiryuko vs Kayo S....webm

Anonymous No. 198756

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Takaysasu vs Koto....webm

Anonymous No. 198757

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Kototebakari vs M....webm

Anonymous No. 198758

Anonymous No. 198837

I had to watch it 3 times, I guess I'll never be a gyoji.

Anonymous No. 198862

Has anyone tried one zup ozeki sake? Was it good?

Anonymous No. 198875

Welcome back to /xs/, oldfriends.
Welcome to /xs/, newfriends.

What a tournament. It started out pretty clowny but got damn good by the end.

Anonymous No. 198876

Anonymous No. 198881

Really hoping Onosato is the real deal bros, I know we've had tons of "next great hope"s flame out but I just want someone to take over as the next consistently strong top guy.

Anonymous No. 198882

yes, a young strong yokozuna is needed for a very long time.

Anonymous No. 198884

Personally, I'd rather have that be Takerufuji. We've seen both of their styles, and I feel like Takerufuji will be more interesting to watch win. Optimally though, we'll have both as Yoks.

Anonymous No. 198885

>Really hoping Onosato is the real deal bros, I know we've had tons of "next great hope"s flame out but I just want someone to take over as the next consistently strong top guy.

He feels more like it than Takerufuji (who is already 25 and has had lower body injuries going all the way back to high school) and Hakuoho (who has his own injury history plus he's slightly undersized)

Onosato's got the monster size, he's durable, he's still got plenty of space to refine his technique. (He still doesn't do well on defense, for example.)

I hope all of them get to ozeki/yokozuna sooner or later because they could have some great rivalries.

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Kaguya Chika Sumo.png

Anonymous No. 198886

Onosato is her future husband

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Anonymous No. 198887

post yfw Hiradoumi is going to be komusubi in July.

Anonymous No. 198889

>Takerufuji (who is already 25)
Takeru turned 25 a month ago, and Onosato is turning 24 in a little under two weeks. About a 13 month age difference between them.

Anonymous No. 198891

A year is not nothing.
Onosato is just entering his prime and will already be a sekiwake next tournament. Takerufuji is a year into his prime and will lose some of it getting back to the top division and working his way back up.

Do I think Takerufuji will eventually get to ozeki? Of course, but by the time he gets there, Onosato will already be well-established at the rank.

Anonymous No. 198892

anyone got a pic of the golden macaroon?

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Anonymous No. 198893


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Anonymous No. 198894


Anonymous No. 198895

thank you

Anonymous No. 198898

>Do I think Takerufuji will eventually get to ozeki? Of course, but by the time he gets there, Onosato will already be well-established at the rank.
comically bold speculation

Anonymous No. 198899

NTA, but if you're talking about the future, it's understood to be speculation.

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Anonymous No. 198902

I mean that his prediction is so specific as to imply that more than guesswork has gone into it.
To such thinking, I say: never forget the tragedy of Miyabiyama the Forsaken. Sumo is the absolute worst sport in which to think the phrase "Assuming no injuries, ..."

Anonymous No. 198907

Good point, for all we know, Onosato could tear something in his back lifting a bale of rice some farming community has gifted him and he'll never fight again.

I'm not saying Onosato is going to be ozeki in November, but all the indicators point to him getting there sooner or later:
- Prototypical size
- No injury history to speak of
- Already demonstrated an ability to perform at high levels and under pressure

If we were taking hypothetical bets on who is most likely to reach ozeki out of Takerufuji, Hakuoho, or Onosato, who would you bet on?

Anonymous No. 198908

I fear that Hakuoho might be finished with his injury history...

Anonymous No. 198909

A few off-basho questions:
1) Are all the ranks above maegashitters considered "top"? Or rather, is a komusubi yusho a disgrace or not?
2) Do the rikishi know they will be granted a prize (on condition that they win) before their bout?
3) How long until TerunoWHOji is made to retire?
Also, anyone cares enough to make a webm of Onosato hairdressing? Very interesting to see it and the feller performing it was pretty young too, thought only old geezers do it nowadays.

Anonymous No. 198912

>1) Are all the ranks above maegashitters considered "top"? Or rather, is a komusubi yusho a disgrace or not?
Yes. A yusho by a komusubi is not a clown basho

>2) Do the rikishi know they will be granted a prize (on condition that they win) before their bout?

>3) How long until TerunoWHOji is made to retire?
It will probably be a while before the YDC says anything. They don't want to embarrass the yokozuna. Maybe they'll work the back-channels first, just having a quiet word with Isegahama. Teru wants his 10th and wants to have another yokozuna ready to carry the torch but it doesn't look like his body will allow it anymore.

Anonymous No. 198913

everything over rank and file is Sanyaku, so no komosubi yusho is a thing. Ozeki SHOULD be fighting for it and tio be fair both of them were in the running, but takashitsho and especially kirishitma were disgracefull. Terunofuji should have Intai'd a year ago but there was only takakeisho and he was a big question mark.

Yes, the rikishi know about the prizes they might have and the conditions if any. A special prize also comes with a cool 20K,

He should have already, Probably hoped that kotozakura or nephew would have shaped up and took the belt by now.

Anonymous No. 198914

>3) How long until TerunoWHOji is made to retire?
Guaranteed he retires once he's secured elder stock. That's the only reason for him to stay on.

Anonymous No. 198915

what do you need to secure elder stock if the Yoko rank alone isn't enough?

Anonymous No. 198916

>They don't want to embarrass the yokozuna
He does of that enough himself, tho.
And to think I was shitting on Kakuryu back in the day...

>there was only takakeisho
There does not have to be a yokozuna, tho.

Don't know how that works, but if it gives us a tangible horizon of time for this, so be it.

Cheers lads.

Anonymous No. 198918

Needs someone willing to sell it and the OK from the other elders. Generally wrestler take over from their own oyakatas when they are ready to retire

Anonymous No. 198919

You need 2 ozeki. For a short bit he was yokozuna ozeki until kirishima went up, unless i'm misremembering.

Anonymous No. 198921

That first day when everyone in sanyaku except Onosato lost was excellent foreshadowing

Anonymous No. 198928

>I just want someone to take over as the next consistently strong top guy.
No that I disagree, but I also enjoy the unpredictability of the interregnum turmoil.

Anonymous No. 198931

I'm just tired of it since the unpredictability has been going on for years now, while Hakuho and Kakuryu were still around because of how injured they were. Teru was a brief respite but he's back to the same mostly injured routine that we've already had to deal with.

Anonymous No. 198935

OK, so Atamifuji shedding tears after getting henka'd and losing a shot at a cup is one thing.
Shedding tears after finishing 7-8 from M1 is something else entirely. He can't be that upset about not becoming komusubi.

Is he just a big crybaby? Is this what happens when rikishi don't get appropriately hazed?

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Anonymous No. 198936

I’m not sold on onosato yet let’s see if he’s ozeki in November then we can talk about this new hope shit. Onosato is coming into a super weak top division guys like nephew and zak had to claw and fight to get here.

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Anonymous No. 198941

URA will get it next time

Anonymous No. 198943

Just buy some. Sake like that isn't expensive.

Anonymous No. 198944

>Compiling macaroons to cross reference against bikes and umbrellas
im onto anon

Anonymous No. 198946

>a komusubi yusho a disgrace or not?
no, its not a disgrace, but who wins it isn't the only factor of a clown basho. go look at the seething and calls for clown basho when takakeisho won under similar sanyaku conditions
>on Kakuryu back in the day...
Kakuryu stuck around shitting the bed and sitting tournaments for 4 years and he didn't have the excuse of being held together by duck tape and the hopes of the jsa.

Anonymous No. 198952

Get what? Kachi-koshi?

Anonymous No. 198958

>Teru wants his 10th and wants to have another yokozuna ready to carry the torch but it doesn't look like his body will allow it anymore.
He could get one more if he sits out for another year instead of trying to compete back to back.

>he didn't have the excuse of being held together by duck tape and the hopes of the jsa
Kakuryu was held back from retiring because he didn't have Japanese citizenship.

Anonymous No. 198960

My guess is Isegahama wants a hefty retirement payout before he gives up the stock. He has to give up the stable July 2025, but can stay on another 5 years after that, which means Teru can't simply retire under his own name until July 2025 if he wants the Isegahama name. Teru therefore needs to secure an alternative name or raise the funds to give his stablemaster a retirement cushion.

Anonymous No. 198962

>Japanese citizenship
oh yeah, forgot about that bullshit

Anonymous No. 198976

kotozakura was wrecking shit throughout the january tourney, and would have clinched it if hoshoyru hadn't defaulted a win to the big guy leading to that closely fought playoff

Anonymous No. 198978

>implying Hoshoryu would've beat Teru if they did fight

Anonymous No. 198981


Anonymous No. 198984

Exactly why KotozACKura fans are cucks.
>Koto would've yusho'd if this other guy who has never beaten Terunofuji won

Anonymous No. 198986

Hey fuck you. I AM a Kotozakura fan.

Anonymous No. 198987

I was going to post a screenshot of that with my greentext post, but we hit image limit.

Anonymous No. 198993

The start of the new interbasho period and the unavailability of posting images makes now the perfect time to start a new /sumo/, so here it is:

Anonymous No. 199003

Can't find it in binland

Anonymous No. 199006

That was Onosato you moron
but I do understand they look similar in profile while crying

Anonymous No. 199072

What does he have on his survey for favorite anime/manga? This is very important: I will continue to support him or pray for his downfall depending on his taste.

Anonymous No. 199073


Anonymous No. 199074

No fucking way Onosato is that based. If true then he's NY favorite rikishi of all time.

Anonymous No. 199283


Anonymous No. 199295

What's everyone's shikona? I'm Daisukikuni.

Anonymous No. 199312

大木 - Daiki

Anonymous No. 199319

Shougaiji (翔害児)

Anonymous No. 200192

春生誕 Haruseitan

Anonymous No. 200226

Not Shuntanjou (春誕生)?

Anonymous No. 200273

I don't get it.

Anonymous No. 200382

What were you going for?

Anonymous No. 200383

Hail, Satan!

Anonymous No. 200421

Here's my own attempt at it.
弊入聖燀 (Heiiruseitan), the holy flame which devotes itself to evil

Anonymous No. 200496

That's retarded. You're retarded.

Anonymous No. 200618

you're the one who thinks "haru" is pronounced like "hail"

Anonymous No. 200634

It's close enough, cunt.

Anonymous No. 200650

No it isn't, because nobody knew what you meant

Anonymous No. 200658

Says you.

Anonymous No. 200670

I got it right away. The second part was clearly Satan. What else could it have been?

Anonymous No. 200693

>What else could it have been?
An actual attempt at a shikona meaning "born in Spring", due to his awful choice of kanji

Anonymous No. 200725

>Implying the JSA would allow devotion to evil

Anonymous No. 200758

when was the NSK's opinion being considered

Anonymous No. 201006

>Implying the JSA would allow devotion to evil
鬼の臍 常吉 - Oninoheso Tsunekichi (Demon's belly button)
鬼小島 弥太郎 - Onikojima Yatarou (Demon Kojima)
鬼面山 谷五郎 - Kimenzan Tanigorou (Face of a demon)
赤鬼 豊 - Akaoni Yutaka (Red demon)