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🧵 /esg/ Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 194733

Old thread: >>191222

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Anonymous No. 194735

is david moreau the most beautiful man in skateboarding?

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Anonymous No. 194741

really like asics creative direction as a brand so far and glad skaters are getting paid or whatever but the massive logo (japan pro) is not only ugly but some how an even more boring looking shoe than a vm001 last resort shoe... but some of their shoes do look interesting like pic rel, i wonder how they skate... any one try them?

Anonymous No. 194743

Didn't feel like reading your psot but these shoes are kinda lit not gonna lie. I'd wear these and feel swaggy as heck I don't care what anyone thinks.

Anonymous No. 194744

well i said the japan pro looks like dog shit

Anonymous No. 194758

Which ones are those?

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Anonymous No. 194766

their flagship model i see them push the most

Anonymous No. 194773

based another chudboarder getting canceled by the sõy forums

Anonymous No. 194780

These looks like normal shoes. As long as they have non orange colorways these are not dogshit at all.

Anonymous No. 194795

Is this the extreme sexual gayness general?

Anonymous No. 194800

A better question, have you hurt your knee recently? If not, fuck off

Anonymous No. 194814

No I take care of my body

Anonymous No. 194815

I stumbled across this video
In it Moose says he gets $100 a month from his board sponsor. That is insane. For $1200 a year you can get someone like him on your team?! /esg/ should start a brand.

Anonymous No. 194816

>he hasn't shattered his knee and transitioned genders
You don't belong here tourist

Anonymous No. 194817

Moose is kind of an idiot. He could have stayed on Deathwish if he had just moved to LA. Imagine giving up the opportunity to rub shoulders with people like Riley Hawk and Jamie Foy. People like that could have helped him make a career out of skating. Now he just makes boring as shit youtube videos and works at home depot.

Anonymous No. 194820

I thought he left because he didn't want to go party with them but in that video he says he was an alcoholic for 4 years. Was also getting 5-6k a month for a bit. There is probably more to it but yeah, seems like career wasted.
Merlino I feel worst for, I really liked him back in he day. Cool to see he is in a good place and found Jesus too.

Anonymous No. 194829

those are weird but that crazy rubber toe cap will actually last a long time I bet

Anonymous No. 194847

i mean mystery is barely a company at this point and i don't imagine too many kids are buying moose boards. the people who make big money as pros are the guys who move boards shockingly
fwiw it sounds like ellington didn't really make it clear it was an ultimatum. not as fucked as todd swank kicking off riders with an ad or ed retiring jlay when he literally had a full length part just sitting on the shelf, but still not exactly professional

Anonymous No. 194893

What's your go to 4/20 trick?

Anonymous No. 194895

Quitting weed

Anonymous No. 194897


Anonymous No. 194904

I never heard once heard a single person in skate industry world say a good thing about Todd Swank.

Anonymous No. 194917

>ed retiring jlay when he literally had a full length part just sitting on the shelf
To be fair that footage was actually for Vans' Propeller video, not for a Toy Machine project, and Vans cut him off their team at the exact same time as TM. Johnny said himself he hadn't been getting out skating the last several months before then.
It sucks and I think it may have been a hasty decision on both team's parts but I don't think it's anything evil.

Anonymous No. 194933

Anonymous No. 194937

*rolls down window*

Anonymous No. 194939

I don’t care about the skate industry
I don’t care about pros who’s style isn’t good
I don’t care about skate YouTubers
I don’t care about Skateboardings profitability or how it’s doing as an industry.

Anonymous No. 194941


Anonymous No. 194942

she seems nice

Anonymous No. 194964

Let's talk about something more practical. How do you guys feel about your current progress? I get really critical of myself, but since I've been recording myself more I've been a lot more motivated. I can honestly say that I look way better on my board than I did months ago. I would recommend filming yourselves at least a little bit.
>"I don't have anything worth filming"
That's not the point. Its just so you can see yourself and get a better idea of what is happening. Sometimes a kickflip will feel god like and then you watch it back and it sucked. You get a baseline of your physical presence and can work to break bad habits.

Anonymous No. 194967

for sure but I skate 1 of 2 places

in the areas cops wont go, so fuckloads of homeless so pulling out my phone isnt it

or the park where its go big or what the fuck are you filming that little ass shit for

i definitely see things im doing wrong that I cant see from the first person perspective when I do though

Anonymous No. 194969

songrel me in the asics at the park straight mogging

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Anonymous No. 194970

2:47-2:55 particularly relevant

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Anonymous No. 194971

I hurt myself today
That was before cleaning it

Anonymous No. 194973

nice one

Anonymous No. 194977

i feel like it's lame to be overly self critical of your skating early on, it's always so cringe to see someone that can hardly kickflip take skating so seriously, if youre not doing flip in flip out shit and hitting rails, getting paid of flowed stuff you need to relax. the most insufferable person at the sesh is always the dork getting ass blasted mad and raging over how he cant fucking 5050, not saying thats you, but please never turn into that guy.

Anonymous No. 194978

>skating with other people on the 2024th year of our lord

being self critical is how I fix the things I don't like about my style if I say a gamerword as a result of frustration thats equally as valid if im hyped about a make that was money imo

but ig thats why skating with other people isnt for me

Anonymous No. 194981

>skating with other people on the 2024th year of our lord
sorry im not a friendless loser. people gravitate towards me cause they crave my vibes. i see why you cant relate

Anonymous No. 194985

It is scientifically proven that filming yourself increases your fake steeze by 150%

Anonymous No. 194986

I'm the anon you replied to. It's mostly an in my head type of thing. I would never rage about a trick. Too old for that shit. I just get down on myself if I feel like I'm not performing how I know I can. That doesn't affect how I treat anyone. It affects my own mental state. I'm also no beginner. I just find it motivating to track my progress through video. Its helping me silence that voice in my head

Anonymous No. 194990


Anonymous No. 194991

>sorry im not a friendless loser. people gravitate towards me cause they crave my vibes. i see why you cant relate
based. skating alone fucking sucks. you get better faster skating with other people and you socialize. but I could see how that could be a problem for a lot of the autists in here

Anonymous No. 194998

i think you'd have to be impressively annoying to not make friends through skating

Anonymous No. 195000

maybe its the anon that only skates in his driveway

Anonymous No. 195003


ahhh gotcha
>Sometimes a kickflip will feel god like and then you watch it back and it sucked
i feel like i can easily tell if the execution of a trick looks good or not based on how it feels, never felt much of a need to record my self and study it. but i do kinda know what you mean sometimes when im skating i feel like im going way faster than i look on camera, when ever i think im going fast chances are i would actually need to got 2x faster for it to look sick in a clip, but i aint doing all that, my days of killing my self over skating are long gone, much prefer low impact skating these days

Anonymous No. 195004

>skating alone fucking sucks
true but i think i need to find new people i vibe with more. this one dude i skate with that sucks a little more than me, is constantly trying to one up me on the gayest shit, and i can tell he lets his skating progression get to his head cause he's a loser in all other aspects of his life
>you get better faster skating with other people
i agree and i love skating with people on a similar skill level as me but i feel like the people i skate with are lowkey praying on my down fall, idk i might just be paranoid but sometimes the vibes are off lmao

Anonymous No. 195011

I feel you man. I definitely don't think its a good idea to film every time you skate. I mostly set up my camera if I'm learning something new or trying something I know is going to take me a lot of effort. The setting has to be right too

My friend and I have been filming each other recently. Which has caused me to film myself less in the last couple weeks. I picked skating up again like 9 months ago after a 3 year break, so those early sessions of filming myself do kickflips and tre flips are really eye opening now. I'm visibly slimmer, have more pop, and just look better on my board

I guess the entire point of my original post was that you can motivate yourself by tracking progress. I guess for some people that could be as simple as keeping a mental note of everything you've been learning and doing, but for me having a visual record of my progress has been really helpful. I've also considered the fact that I probably won't be able to skate forever, and being able to look back on these times will be nice

Anonymous No. 195026

Hunting for that perfect board shape got me going crazy. I want to find a setup and stick to that same formula.
Had the perfect board a few months ago and trying to find more that use that mold.

Anonymous No. 195048

What kind of board was it?

Anonymous No. 195050

(I mentioned this last thread so sorry for spreading my insanity)
It was a Toy Machine, but what makes it confusing is I think it may have been a misprint. Every website lists that board I bought as different dimensions to what it actually had.
Considering buying another and seeing if either all the websites are wrong (including TM's own website), or if I did in fact have a misprint. And if so what mold that actually was.

It's not a huge deal of course but I've had to switch decks since then and I miss that last one lol. It was super mellow/flat, even the kicks were pretty subdued, and it had a nice full/square shape. For an 8" it had a lot of meat on it, if that makes sense, and I liked that.

Anonymous No. 195102

toy machine infuriatingly switches woodshops frequently. the last time I skated one it was awesome, i was excited to buy another with supposedly the same dimensions but it was completely different in numbers and in the "feeling". it was a ps stix instead of their usual
i was so mad

Anonymous No. 195133

Yeah I thought about that as well, they've jumped back and forth between BBS and PS Stix a few times in the last few years, and it also varies (or did at one point) on if it was a team or pro model board.
BBS and PS Stix are both great woodshops so I wouldn't complain about a board from either, but it makes tracking their shapes obnoxious as you said.

I found a board from Snake Farm that I'm interested in, it may not suite what I want but the dimensions are really unique so I kind of want to see how it feels -
8" wide and 14" wheelbase but has a 32.125" overall length, so I'd assume the nose and tail are huge. It's listed as a "full shape". No idea what the concave may be like.
Sucks boards are $70-$80 a pop now lmao.

Anonymous No. 195134

desu i only got good at skating when i lost all my friends and started skating in the middle of the night like an autistic weirdo

Anonymous No. 195141

socializing is way overrated

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Anonymous No. 195143


Anonymous No. 195150

I can kind of relate except that most of my old friends don't skate anymore

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Anonymous No. 195157

>one day you go out for a skate session with the squad for the last time, and you don't know it's the last time...

Anonymous No. 195166

this thread is enough socialization for me. rodney mullen skates at 3am by himself everynight

Anonymous No. 195184

I've actually become more social through skating. Being out in the world going to street spots and skate parks I've met a bunch of people. Skaters and otherwise. Before I started skating again I was a recluse. I still naturally lean that way, so I rarely go out of my way to talk to people. A lot of skaters are just friendly and want to shoot the shit or give props

Anonymous No. 195188

i would be fine with that in small/infrequent doses
just feeling less drawn to people in general having learned sooner or later there will be bs resulting from interacting with them despite their good intentions

Anonymous No. 195196

Same. I only leave my house to go to one of three places: The skatepark, the store, or work. I don't talk to my coworkers unless I have to and it's work related.
Even at the skatepark I'm definitely the quiet one, but that's also in part because half the time I'm the oldest one there by several years unless I go at earlier times in the day. I appreciate though that I'm still on good terms with the other guys there, we do the polite board taps/clap when someone gets a good trick, still give a wave hi/bye, so that's good. Hard to explain but it's nice knowing that we're still able to be friendly with each other and have the rare interaction even though it's clear I'm "outside" their group.

Anonymous No. 195198

What are some good eyeglass frames?

Anonymous No. 195229

im at an adult high school (community college for ameriburgs) at 33 and i have 40 mins of lunch time to skate.
music for this feel?

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Anonymous No. 195257

what you doin when this guy shows up to your local

Anonymous No. 195258

Everything is based aside from the speaker. People who bring speakers to parks and blast their shit music should die.

Anonymous No. 195272

Just call the cops and get him arrested for giving minors alcohol

Anonymous No. 195273

speakerfags never play shit everyone can enjoy and are always either kids playing horrible rap or back in my day it was more sublime/bob marley or boomers playing thps soundtrack ass playlists.

Anonymous No. 195276

is this me

Anonymous No. 195281

nobodies praying on your downfall but the man in the mirror

skating by yourself is more based

Anonymous No. 195283

>he's a loser in all other aspects of his life
this describes most skaters ngl

Anonymous No. 195285

>roll up to park
>one other guy
>look over for head nod
Make or break moment

Anonymous No. 195290

They actually used a Lana song LMAO

Anonymous No. 195305

A who song?

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Anonymous No. 195306

replacement skate camera came in

Anonymous No. 195308

>boomers playing thps soundtrack ass playlists
Why'd you have to diss me specifically man :(

Anonymous No. 195309

Sparkle Jump Rope Queen

Anonymous No. 195318

Just get a fish eye effect for your mobile phone

Anonymous No. 195319
when will global shutter be affordable bros

Anonymous No. 195329

post a clip

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Anonymous No. 195338

I had a skateboarding dream.

>suddenly in California
>I'm on some upcoming skate team (lol)
>we're filming for our breakthrough video
>we're walking through some non urban area trying to get to some secret wild spot that will make every other video look like shit
>gonna walk past some dam
>walking on the skinny concrete ledges
>under them is deep shit water
>there's a spot where you gotta jump from one ledge to the other
>be careful guys
>one kid straight up jumps in the water
>we think he's trolling and he'll swim up but the doesn't
>people start shitting their pants
>I jump in to try and save him
>pitch black
>I find his board and backpack
>for some reason swim up with them first and hand them to the others
>dive back in
>it's super fucking deep and pitch black
>suddenly I have a flashlight
>find this dude passed out on the bottom
>get him out
>everyone cheers
>he wakes up and coughs some water up
>some fat faggot cop shows up
>he's wearing those faggot cop caps too with sunglasses
>starts pressing us for no reason
>like in the videos where they tell the kids to sit down and they start patronizing and talking shit
>he's screaming at us and everyone is bummed
>I'm like wtf is this gay shit
>wait, I'm yuropean, US law doesn't apply to me
>get up and front kick him into the shit water
>everyone laughs and we dip out
>wake up before I get to see the secret holy grail spot
>didn't get a single clip for the video

Anonymous No. 195339

>dreamt of being in California
Sounds more like a nightmare

Anonymous No. 195341

>wait, I'm yuropean, US law doesn't apply to me
>get up and front kick him into the shit water

Seconding California as a shithole.

Anonymous No. 195348

Guys I bought a pair of Vans Skate slip ons and the rubber is actually thick and feels really durable, and the insoles are really comfortable as well. These are a lot different than the standard Vans I had 12 years ago. Dare I say.. I wear Vans?

Anonymous No. 195356


The sound of me fucking the cops wife after I get my clip for the video, but that's for my next dream I'm about to have in a bit.

Anonymous No. 195361

>Do 180 turn on steep ramp
>Almost fall face first to ground like a retard I am
>Power stomp my feet to ground
>Naruto run to balance
>Ankle feels funny
Positive thing is that my balance has improved a lot after I stopped tightening my trucks
I have been finishing my session by doing heel to toe walk on round rail
Shows how much I have improved
I can now talk to phone while doing it

Anonymous No. 195375

the ABSOLUTE STATE of current skate shoes

Anonymous No. 195376

wfym my last respites are dank af

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Anonymous No. 195380

i just want a decent pair of midtops

Anonymous No. 195382

I just wish Vans weren't $70
40 years ago they were made in the US and cost half what they do now (adjusted for inflation), now they're made by Vietnamese children so they should be even cheaper

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Anonymous No. 195422

heres a kid airing over a fat kid

Anonymous No. 195424

What's with the interlacing?

Anonymous No. 195425

i think its a result of converting the avi with ffmpeg

Anonymous No. 195427

ffmpeg wont do that

Anonymous No. 195429

im not sure then

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Anonymous No. 195455

Loved this graphic

Anonymous No. 195491

i got my first free thing from an ex skater respecting my struggle. this feels better than a girl asking for my number.

Anonymous No. 195492

It's pretty reddit.

Anonymous No. 195497

Would be funny if it were Diddy

Anonymous No. 195505

anyone rec general places that might be good to learn skating that tend to be empty? I'm trying to learn but i'm shy lol

Anonymous No. 195522

anywhere past 11pm. just find a parking lot somewhere with nice ground or a schoolyard. if you don't like that then go to the skatepark early, you will rarely see another skater before like noon.

Anonymous No. 195530

Think about how you’re feeling, express it using musical instruments, and then record it.

Anonymous No. 195566

just took a week off and had a skate session today. felt great.

Anonymous No. 195567

How many heeflips did you land?

Anonymous No. 195568

0. Im working on ollie height, leveling out my kick flips and 5050s on a round rail. I tried some noseslides too, but it moves too much. I set it up next to a fence so I can catch myself if I fall off the rail. Pretty much figured it out, stay low, nose grind first to get my back truck on easy instead of just ollieing on and cross lock, but I have to work on dismounting. And my kick flips, I usually point my toe and flick sort of towards the pocket for a quick one, but now I keep it sideways and just flick straight forward. I just have to get my back leg up high enough to catch the tail.

Anonymous No. 195572


You fucking BITCH.

Anonymous No. 195573

Ive only been skating for like 6 months after a 20 year break . I never had any flip tricks under my belt. I can probably commit to landing a heel flip but this is the year of getting a kickflip i like

Anonymous No. 195581

how do fuck do I avoid constant palm bruises?

I consider myself good at falling, but every time I have to palce down my hand when falling, it feels i just broke my palm in half. No matter if I wait week for it to heal, on the first fall it's just the same shit

do you have any tactics when falling forward on quarter pipes or something?

Anonymous No. 195583

Dont land with your palms? Get knee pads and slide or just roll.

Anonymous No. 195584

Aight brodie, reply to me again when it's the year of not being a BITCH.

Anonymous No. 195585

kickflips are masculine and heel flips are gay.

Anonymous No. 195587

This but on opposite day.

Anonymous No. 195590

Heel flip boy means loose asshole.

Anonymous No. 195593

>palm bruises

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Anonymous No. 195599

I'm back to it after a 10 year break. I bought a shitty 8in complete to test the waters and it felt tiny. I used to skate a shaped board I got as birthday gift so decided it was best to just get another shaped. I only really skated mini towards the end anyway. People always ask to try shaped boards but I keep forgetting to tell them I skate mega tight trucks.
Decided to splash out a little on this bad boy. Got some protection on the way as well because i'm not getting any younger.
My goals
>re-learn 270 fakie 5-0s and pivots. Already learned the fakie halfcab rock n rolls so will be easy once I get those back trucks on the coping
>learn to skate bowl
>learn blunt fakie
>learn some cool dad tricks
Already got a a skate trip planned with a few friends this summer, going to hit the big indoors and some new DIYs.
All the new shapes look cool, I like the look of those egg boards and those wedged pool boards.

Anonymous No. 195601

People naturally ostracize me i've noticed. I get the odd outgoing person trying to be my friend (usually thinking i'm shy or I need to come out my shell) but i'm not very reciprocal so they tend to stop trying to include me. I also don't do the fist bump or board slap thing and I don't know much about skate culture or tricks. I used to think it was a confidence thing but i'm quite self-confident with my age now and i'm happy to be the one to start a conversation or say hello. I also try to be encouraging to kids, especially if they look intimated or they are eyeing up a ramp or something.
I just don't make friends at skateparks. I get on better with the parents usually lol.
I'm music obsessed and I get the same thing with that too, I don't understand gigs and I don't give a shit about the artists I listen to. Nothing to bond over.
high functioning 'tism I think. But yes, my progression is glacial. I've skated since I was 5 and i'm 30 now.

Anonymous No. 195602

>I get on better with the parents usually lol.
I knew I was old when a random child at the skatepark came up to me to ask if I had a tissue... and I did.

Anonymous No. 195608

>skate trip planned with a few friends this summer
Have fun Eurobro. I'd love to be able to do something like that with my old squad.

Anonymous No. 195614

blunt fakie is pretty ez once you get used to the foot placement and the motion of popping back in.

Anonymous No. 195619

whats the best complete setup available right now for a reasonable price? looking to get back into skating

Anonymous No. 195620

thoughts on Dylan rieder?

Anonymous No. 195622

Just look around on CCS or Skatewarehouse. If you are really serious about it you should just get all the separate parts. I don't know how good you used to be, but a custom set up will just perform better and if you get yourself some standard Indys and spitfires they'll last you a long ass time
I always loved his Mind Field part. Its a shame his life was cut short

Anonymous No. 195623

>best complete setup
So many variables and personal preferences involved there, you'd never get the same answer twice.

Anonymous No. 195625


Anonymous No. 195628

Powell flight deck - $100
independent titanium trucks - $90
bones x formula wheels - $40
swiss ceramic bearings - $125
Acer titanium hardware - $30
Jessup grip - $5
$390 is the entry price for a decent complete. Anything cheaper will be Toys R Us quality.

Anonymous No. 195633

gay set up. who spends $30 on titanium screws lol.

Anonymous No. 195635

Enough people to support a business I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anonymous No. 195636

only takes like 4 people to buy overpriced shit and keep a business open.

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Anonymous No. 195638

>my hass is out

Anonymous No. 195644

Anonymous No. 195649

>let me get my hands on your mammary glands

Anonymous No. 195650

This except you need rails, risers, and a helmet with a built in Mohawk

Anonymous No. 195660

You're going to break your arm one day falling like that
>t. Broke my arm one day falling like that

Anonymous No. 195668

you'll shoot your eye out

Anonymous No. 195676

indie hollows 70$
reds 14$
bbs deck 75$ cause my fav skater is a cool guy
formula fours 35$
jessup (4$)
hardware (free)

if all your friends jump off the bridge are you going to?

Anonymous No. 195678

Almost ready for a new board. Im between getting another 7.75 or getting new trucks and something like 8.1. Only thing about 7.75 is no board has a longer wheel base than 14 inches.

Anonymous No. 195681

it's hard to find 775s these days that aren't christmas completes

Anonymous No. 195682

that's not decent, that's the best you can get

Anonymous No. 195683

You won't need new trucks if you are only going up to 8.1

Anonymous No. 195687

yeah but my trucks are 7.6.

I just got done skating some and Ill probably stay 7.75, but ill be thinking about it for the next 2 weeks or so. my trucks are nice and broken in and I can stay on low trucks with a short tail. If I go up, Im looking at a board with a 14.38 wheel base. Im on 13.875 wheel base right now, a new 7.75 would have at least 14 inches.

Anonymous No. 195688

how big is your foot?

Anonymous No. 195689

I go half a size down with skate shoes so US size 10.

Anonymous No. 195691


Anonymous No. 195706

>my trucks are 7.6
damn son that's narrow

Anonymous No. 195722

It was the style at the time
It's going to be good. I've never really skated with other people before and these are my friends. Two of us are returning skaters and the other two are new to it.
I'm going to try get blunt to rocks down tomorrow on a 2ft and see where it takes me.

Anonymous No. 195723


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Anonymous No. 195777

What's up bros? Haven't posted in a while.

I just came because I realised the antagonist Billy in Stranger Things must be based on the antagonist from Thrashin', the bad brother. Remember that in Thrashin' they moved from Indiana to California, whereas in ST it was the reverse. Also, look the style of both 80s brothers: the hanging earring, the eyeliner.

Anonymous No. 195778

This happened to me recently, albeit the person was very cordial, but I shut them down. Such behaviour must not be tolerated.

Anonymous No. 195782

Whenever someone says/yells that at me, I always do a heelflip. Joke is on them because they never know the difference.

Anonymous No. 195793

>these niggas can't kickflip

Anonymous No. 195797

Damn gaper thats some indie niche knowledge


fact, me neither tho tbf I always end up kicking it at the ground if I don't rocket it (and its one thing to do it from the perfect kickflip foot position and a different thing entirely to do it from any given spot on the board)

Anonymous No. 195801

okay yeah that's what I was thinking, thanks fren

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Anonymous No. 195808

Should I get rails?

Anonymous No. 195809

jesus christ, i'm a US size 7 and I couldn't imagine skating less than 8.5.

Anonymous No. 195811

I would say everyone should, the only ones that will push them out of the way are the companies who sell boards because those will make boards last longer.

Anonymous No. 195813

Welcome candy bars are the best ones

Anonymous No. 195816

I tried to move up to 8.38 and it doesnt work with low trucks having a longer tail and my feet still are going to hang off the board. Only thing I like is my ollies feel like slow motion with the extra wheel base. And yeah there is a lot more confidence landing my flip tricks, but I just dont feel connected.

Anonymous No. 195822

Best how?

Anonymous No. 195825

Both my 360 flips and frontside flips look much better than my normal kickflips and it drives me fucking insane.
I still land 4/5 kickflips but 9/10 of them will be the nastiest rockety shits you've ever seen.

Anonymous No. 195826

I wear US 7.5 and I can't justify going larger than an 8". I'd consider an 8.13 as well but I think I like having the trucks square with the deck.
Bachinsky kickflipped El Toro on a 7.5" board, I dunno man.

Anonymous No. 195830

I feel like once you understand tre flips they require less effort than a standard kickflip
This is such a personal preference thing. Bigger boards are the current trend. I feel like older heads are more likely to ride narrow boards because that's what was popular back in the day. I grew up skating 7.75s with my older brother, but by the time I was a teenager all my friends, big feet or small feet, were riding 8.25+

I've found my personal sweet spot is 8.38. Wide enough for the stability I like, but narrow enough that I can flip my board with ease. Widest board I ever tried was 8.6. I wear a size 12.

Anonymous No. 195832

I'm the anon skating the 9.6 shaped so I am biased. I'm allergic to flip tricks and it's only my opinion. Still, can't be comfortable or good for your feet?
When I was a kid everyone was skating those micro decks which I guess were 7.75? They looked cool but kinda novel. I was the only person that had a shaped and there was the odd person that had 8.5 which at the time did seem huge to us kids.

Anonymous No. 195843

>*spaghetti falls from pocket*
>"I can't"
>*they laugh*
>(I actually can)

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Anonymous No. 195852

No cap and I don't snowboard. Also, not a fact, I can kickflip.

Anonymous No. 195855

Designed by Paul Schmitt and manufactured with HDPE which is higher quality than any other rail on the market.

Anonymous No. 195860

They're all made of HDPE you numpty

Anonymous No. 195865

Schmitt says theirs is different and the strongest

Anonymous No. 195866

lil jawns are a popular deck rail, I believe the 4 hole ones are preferred

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Anonymous No. 195872

/esg/ we really should just start selling a cheap and mundane product like rails and call it snake oil

Anonymous No. 195877

Random, but does anyone happen to remember a joke game of SKATE, a parody video that Chris Cole was in like 10+ years ago?
He was playing against someone acting as a character/persona, some exaggerated gangster dude. At one point the guy does a nollie tre flip and a gun falls out of his shorts lol.

I randomly remembered that a week or so ago.

Anonymous No. 195880

Boardslide serum. You spray it on the bottom of your deck to slide faster. The product is repackaged WD-40.

Anonymous No. 195881

slidey mcgrindy wax but it's just candle wax

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Anonymous No. 195882

patterned slide serum
racial epithet stickers included
buy now $19.99

i think slide serum will be a legitimate product though, primitive is scrambling the jets as we speak

Anonymous No. 195883

for you

Anonymous No. 195900

That's the team manager of Toy Machine and also Nike SB.

Anonymous No. 195922

Ah thank you, found it -

Funny stuff.

Anonymous No. 195933

yeah why does the guy selling them say that

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Anonymous No. 195936

Is it normal to have to take a week off of skating after a drop/stairs session?

Not a boomer, relatively young, but I'm starting to move on from curbs and pads and onto ledges and started to ollie off of 2/3 stair drops and my legs have just been killing me.

I mean I can go skate flat a couple days after but the deepest part of my thighs feel sore in the morning like 5/6 days later. I wanna go back and throw myself off shit again once it's healed but holy fuck am I gonna have to wait another week again after? I can see why people don't skate drops much even if it's fun as hell.

Any stairs/drop/gap bros here? Does the recovery time go down as you add more stairs? In my head 2 stairs is double 1 stair but 3 stairs is only 1.5 times 2 stairs and so on.

Anonymous No. 195939

You should be able to skate a 3 set without needing a week of recovery time. Are you landing with your knees locked? Are you 300 lbs? Lmao

Anonymous No. 195940

>it aint a double flip
>give me a letter then bitch

lmao this was great

Anonymous No. 195947

*wolf howl*

Anonymous No. 195956

are you overweight?

Anonymous No. 195957

are you fat? if youre relatively in shape your legs may just need to build muscle strength for taking impact. you should actually skate through the pain when you are sore, you will get use to the impact faster that way
>Does the recovery time go down as you add more stairs?
>Any stairs/drop/gap bros here?
i use to skate decent size stairs regularly when i was young and dont remember ever having to recover for long unless i got hurt. if you are young just skate through the pain. recovery is for old people with weak knees...

Anonymous No. 195959

are you an obese retard who eats nothing but mcnuggies every day

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Anonymous No. 195961

lay off the burgers anon... and skate more often you'll lose weight

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Anonymous No. 195962


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Anonymous No. 195967

So tired of hearing about this guy. People only still bring him up because he was in the Tony Hawk video games. He hasn't been relevant since Round 3 came out in 2004, and his style was stale by that point.

Anonymous No. 195972

He is a founding father of modern skateboarding. He literally invented all the foundations of street skating. He deserves respect. He's also a highly autistic savant with a soothing voice

Anonymous No. 195980

your only tired of hearing about him because dip shit boomer normies bring him up any chance they get. anytime any skateboarding related shit makes it into mainstream normie territory the boomers come out of the woodwork to comment shit like "Yeah that was cool but dont forget Rodney Mullen invented that trick, hes the greatest, skateboarding isnt what it used to be, etc etc." Gen X normies do the same thing with Tony Hawk. Non-skaters or former "skaters" turned kooks talking skateboarding is the most annoying and cringiest shit in the world.

Anonymous No. 195989


Anonymous No. 196000


Anonymous No. 196001

There was a guy at my local that would show up sometimes and I never seen him skate anything other than flat and once in a blue moon he would skate one bank of a small box. He even looked like Rodney Mullen. I hope he is doing okay out there.

Anonymous No. 196002


how you know your never gonna make it as a skater

Anonymous No. 196003

Poor man. That willy grind looked nuts before he slaughtered himself though. Whoever put him up to this should be permabanned from all parks.

Anonymous No. 196007

I skate for fun in a big bed with my wife

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Anonymous No. 196008

What's some good pool skating music bros? I am going to be learning it this week if the weather is good and I need some tunes to keep me pumped.
I'll listen to punk, metal, country, disco...anything really.

Anonymous No. 196009

nobody cares

Anonymous No. 196010

>What's some good pool skating music bros?
your trucks grinding the pool coping

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Anonymous No. 196011


Anonymous No. 196031

This better be bait boyo.

Anonymous No. 196109

Tyshawn tre flipped the subway gap

absolutely insane

Anonymous No. 196119

god damn! The backside flip was also fire.

Anonymous No. 196121

idk whats more impressive, the tre or the bs flip. having that much control over a tre flip while going that fast is insane

Anonymous No. 196123


uhhh so whos gonna tell him

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Anonymous No. 196125

The best skater on the planet is actually from Irvine

Anonymous No. 196127


Anonymous No. 196129

take a nap grandpa

Anonymous No. 196139

ayo damn bruhs that tre was fire fr fr no cap *dab dab dab dab*

Anonymous No. 196141

what are you doing here

Anonymous No. 196145

Looks like he's dabbing.

Anonymous No. 196147

Figgy is S tier for sure.

Anonymous No. 196148


Anonymous No. 196150

Impressive to be sure, but yawn inducing nonetheless

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Anonymous No. 196166

Stoner metal in general

Anonymous No. 196176

Go on and tell us about how rodney mullen invented the tre flip...

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Anonymous No. 196185

Opinions on women skateboarding? Honestly, I don't like it when they are better than me haha'.... Anyways, we've gotta a huuuge boom in women skateing in my country, that's great and all, they and beautiful and sometimes skate it good, but I don't know if they do it for the hype/likes/follows on insta and ze cute boys, I don't know how commited they are to it. Something feels off about it. I mean, where the fuck were they back in the 2000s? Seems like they are doing the same thing as they did in ~le nerd/video game culture. Maybe Rayssa Leal is the guilty one.

Anonymous No. 196186

>I mean, where the fuck were they back in the 2000s
being gatekept from it. Times have changed, girls are slowly being acknowledged as human beans and skateboarding is now mainstream. Be grateful they are on the skateboard and not a scooter instead, leave them to it and enjoy your TnA. No one likes a sausage fest apart from gays, who are probably the most disappointed by the this demographic change.

Anonymous No. 196188

>being gatekept from it. Times have changed, girls are slowly being acknowledged as human beans

Nice bait

Anonymous No. 196189

The Legendary Shack Shakers

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Anonymous No. 196190

>at the skatepark
>young hesher friend is on the sesh
>go on Instagram while chilling
>see that CKY are coming to town!
>tell them
>"Who the fuck is CKY?"

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 196194

why do whores do this

Anonymous No. 196195

>I don't know if they do it for the hype/likes/follows on insta
That's the only reason women will do anything these days.
I'm not going to complain in general about seeing more women skaters but I agree with guys like Ninjalifestyle who say we need to stop patting them on the back for the smallest repeated tricks/achievements. Every team has the token "girl skater" now. There have been very few standout female skaters of actual skill, IE Marissa Del Santo, and her career was also pretty short.

Anonymous No. 196196

Wow, I didn't know Rodney Mullen or Erick Winkowski or Mango or Tom Penny or Neil Blender were from Irvine

Anonymous No. 196197

Why in the name of all that is good in this earthly realm would you deliberately visit the internet WHILE YOU ARE OUT IN THE SKATESPOT?

Anonymous No. 196199

damn you got me excited for a second but they aren't going any farther west than chiicago

Anonymous No. 196200

his made 2 part is so hard to watch

Anonymous No. 196211

Call me when he does anything other than a flip trick on a gap ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anonymous No. 196212

His youtube channel is pretty funny

Anonymous No. 196214

>Google name
>it's a tranny

Anonymous No. 196215

what are you gay?

this guys right

Anonymous No. 196216

Why? I just watched it. He rips.

Anonymous No. 196225

the broken arm in the beginning

Anonymous No. 196229

is this bait?

why would anyone under the age of like 25 give a fuck about cky?

Anonymous No. 196233

>Honestly, I don't like it when they are better than me haha'.
complimenting women is my fetish so i don't care

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Anonymous No. 196236

>say something slightly critical towards womeme
>wHy ArE U gAaaAaaaaY?

Wake the fuck up, simps. Women will destroy your group of skate friends with their evil and retarded schemes, false rape allegations, seeking attention and drama. Plus, men are way less agressive in their activities when women are around.

>be skateboarding with frens
>womeme comes out of nowhere
>most guys stop skate to give them attention

Never happened to you nigg*rs? Or are you guys women as well?

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FESN laboratory #....png

Anonymous No. 196239

anyone here tried a polarizer?

Anonymous No. 196242

I'll just leave this here.

Anonymous No. 196244

CKY the band? cky the band is awesome but it was carried by deron miller lol. seeing them without deron is cringe af im 33 and would never

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Anonymous No. 196246

You're trippin bro. There are girls that legitimately love skating now, and you can tell by watching them. I go to my local at odd hours sometimes to avoid crowds, and I see this girl there sometimes practicing pumping in the bowl by herself. Why would she be doing that if she wasn't dedicated to skating?

Anonymous No. 196247

Sorry Anon but you ams the gay now.

Anonymous No. 196248

she thinks it will impress chad but it wont fix her NCT

Anonymous No. 196253

>Times have changed, girls are slowly being acknowledged as human beans and skateboarding is now mainstream
Spoken like someone who was born in the 2000s and has no idea what they're talking about

Anonymous No. 196254

>I don't know if they do it for the hype/likes/follows on insta and ze cute boys
As it turns out, females invade traditionally male spaces for (usually male) attention. Some, I assume, actually enjoy skating.

Anonymous No. 196257

yes. come over here and kiss me big guy

Anonymous No. 196261

I have come to the conclusion that I greatly prefer high tops to lows for skating.
Thanks for reading my blog.

Anonymous No. 196262

high tops are gay but ok.

Anonymous No. 196263

High tops are super gay. Sorry friend. Maybe land your tre flips next time.

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Anonymous No. 196264

What about timberlands?

Anonymous No. 196267

Depends on the high tops. I really like blazers

Anonymous No. 196268

If I have to watch one more snow motion mobbed kickflip filmed fisheye on a 20° bank by a sponsored female skater while my formally favourite pros celebrate like she backside flipped el toro I will scream.

Anonymous No. 196269

If Fallen ever makes their Tremont in the black vinyl mesh style high top again I'm buying 3-4 pair, those were great for me and had everything I want in a shoe.
The Emerica Winkowsky also looks like it'd work well for me.

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Anonymous No. 196272

Zoomies don't know about Gallaz

Anonymous No. 196275

Damn, it's worse than I thought -

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Anonymous No. 196277

the idea that bitches were gatekept from skating is so fucking retarded it can only come from someone under 25. there was always a full gaggle of ramptramps and ledgewarmers at every skatepark as far back as i can remember. no one was stopping them from skating, they were already spending all day at the skatepark and they just didn't do it. there were a handful skater girls too but they were a different breed entirely
i really liked the high-mid thing supra had going on. you got the ankle protection and support of a high top but without having to rambo tie it.

Anonymous No. 196315

I tried skating in my work boots, but I lose my pop. i guess not enough ankle movement.

Anonymous No. 196329

They're calling you names because you are being unintelligent and naïve. It's obvious you're just a kid.
>Women will destroy your group
>men are way less aggressive when women are around
It's simple anon;
>Don't go near crazy women
>If you don't like being a mixed gender environment then don't skate with women
and if you're hanging around with hormonal retards that change their behaviour when women are around then that sounds like a you problem as well.

Anonymous No. 196344

high tops rule
only kooks skate lows or mids
its a proven fact you just know

Anonymous No. 196354

I took a pretty good knee slam today in honor of /esg/. Might even hit the gender clinic tomorrow, who knows?

Anonymous No. 196363


Anonymous No. 196364

I was just talking shit. I don't get excited watching tyshawn skate, but I recognize how gnarly it is

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Anonymous No. 196365

Anonymous No. 196366

GH gunning for Weckingball's title of most jacked skater

Anonymous No. 196371

This goofball cut his hair started doing calisthenics as soon as that zesty nigga pressed him.

Anonymous No. 196377

Secret skinheads unite!

Anonymous No. 196378

everything skaters do is for attention, especially the ones constantly posting on instagram which is most of them

Anonymous No. 196384

Looking jacked

Anonymous No. 196394

>everything skaters do is for attention
Don't project your loser tendencies onto me

Anonymous No. 196398

did you guys see the newest Moose video? he has an actual schizo for a neighbor.

Anonymous No. 196427

Um actually that happened summer last year

Anonymous No. 196432

weck looking breedable these days

Anonymous No. 196433

boris would be good pool music come to think of it

Anonymous No. 196447

I like Collin Provost but he dresses and skates to music like he is doing daily battles with a 30 stair death rail, only to do jump ramp variations.

Anonymous No. 196455

I haven't and I don't feel like it but in an older video he did show his neighbor on video smashing his car, so he shouldn't be schizo.

Anonymous No. 196460

His neighbor tried to kill moose's gf or something

Anonymous No. 196463

you live to post

Anonymous No. 196466

I live to shatter my knee

Anonymous No. 196487

i had a great Saturday sesh, hung up and didn't die so cash

Anonymous No. 196506

Good to see, sad most pros dont take care of their bodys

Does GH still have his patreon? How does He make so much cash?

Anonymous No. 196519

he has crypto

Anonymous No. 196524

he makes like 200k/yr off patreon

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Anonymous No. 196530

Number 1 boomer brand

Anonymous No. 196536

Chandler Burton epicly laterd just dropped

How do you guys still skate knowing the whole culture and industry is infected with this gay shit

Anonymous No. 196541

>How do you guys still skate
Because its fun and I like it
>knowing the whole culture and industry is infected with this gay shit
Not really my problem. I'm not going to fixate on the aspects of it I don't like. That said, I don't have a problem with big nakie.

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Anonymous No. 196553

I got 2 to use one and keep one but I'm having anxiety over which one to pick, autism

Anonymous No. 196555

I wake up.
I ride my skateboard.
I still hate fags.
Simple as.

Anonymous No. 196576

i haven't even ridden with another human being in 15 years. i couldn't care less about the industry

Anonymous No. 196614

First outside session this year
Ground was shit
I haven't skated for nine days because no money
I seriously need friends to skate with

Anonymous No. 196617

>Caring about industry nonsense
Anon please.

Anonymous No. 196625

Can someone give me some tips for landing my front foot on a kickflip?

Anonymous No. 196626

Just stomp down on the bolts after the board does a full rotation

Anonymous No. 196627

usually but not always, if your front foot is getting caught under or away from the board, its because your flicking technique is not correct. remember to slice through your nose. don't "flick" down.

Anonymous No. 196628

Jump and keep your feet above the board retard.

Anonymous No. 196629

You can flick down and still land kickflips, retard. All you gotta do is jump and keep your feet above the board, retard.

Anonymous No. 196631

If you can get it all the way around you can kickflip. You need to force yourself to land on it. Do it on carpet or grass or whatever. Just fucking do it. Its easy and you can do it.

Anonymous No. 196636

keep your weight more centered over your back foot

Anonymous No. 196642

god, dudes like you are so pathetic and retarded. just straight fucking braindead waste of space, kys. imagine giving this much of a fuck about what someone else is doing that it makes you not want to skate. you need to be put down. youre too stupid to live.

Anonymous No. 196646

Whatever trannie

Anonymous No. 196653

you are a tranny that wish anyone gave a fuck about trannies. no one gives a fuck about fucking trannies you self obsessed faggot

Anonymous No. 196654

Whatever trannie

Anonymous No. 196657

That guy makes my skin crawl.
Does Patrick O'Dell still do these? I haven't watched them in a long time.

Anonymous No. 196672

In your experience, how many sessions do you need to break in a new trucks pivot cup?

I'm 2-3 sessions in, an it still sticks to a side when I step off the board. Tried to use lubricant, but it only works for like half a session.

Anonymous No. 196678

Do you ride really tight? They're going to be more prone to doing that if you skate tight trucks.
Some trucks also do that more often like Ventures and Thunders.

If you ride super tight changing to a harder bushing so you can back the nut off a bit while still having the same "tight" feeling while turning may help. But in general if the above criteria are accurate to your setup then it may just be a thing for you.

Anonymous No. 196679

I ride it pretty lose I think, sometimes even get wheelbites. That's why I'm confused about this.

It's just strange because my trucks feels tight when pushing around with one foot, but feels pretty loose when stepping on it with two legs.

I thought that's maybe because of the new pivot cups.

Anonymous No. 196716

change your bushings

Anonymous No. 196739

I don't think it's your pivot cut homie.

Anonymous No. 196741

Its less likely to stick if you refrain from tightening or loosening them out of the box. Give the bushings time to get broken in after a couple sessions. At least that's been my experience with standard indys. I haven't tightened or loosened my current pair once. They just felt perfect day one.

Anonymous No. 196751

This nigga fuckin trollin and y'all just eat this shit up... Pivot cups? Cmon my niggas

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Anonymous No. 196758

>how many sessions do you need to break in a new trucks pivot cup?
idk mine is just starting to hatch

Anonymous No. 196760

just odered a 24 inch landyahts cruiser. judging by how much i like my 22 inch Faster penny board I should be in for a good time, just hope the new board handles chopy sidewalks better, that's why i got it. Gonna get a regular board next in a couple months but have no idead which. any suggestions? Im thinking a 28 or 30 inch so I can learn tricks. Im just starting out. I have a 30 inch Mongouse board I changed the wheels on it's pretty cool but I def will need an upgrade. Probably start learning to ollie on the Mongouse in the mean time. Today was the first day i left my parking lot. The trip to the smoke shop was a bust cause i rrealized I couldnt ride the plastic Faster board on the side walks there, but After that this evening I tookl it to the convience store and it was a great ride for the parts I rode. Probably the furthest ive riden.

Anonymous No. 196789

I have a 17 inch wooden unbranded skateboard.. It's basically a toy with plastic trucks and shitty wheels that don't roll, bu tthe deck is solid, what trucks and wheels should I get to make the board rideable (assuming i could balance on the tiny thing)

Anonymous No. 196820


Anonymous No. 196821

My next board is either gonna be by Real or Jart. Ive never heard of jart as an american before.

Anonymous No. 196822

You guys get Jart in the US? It's Spanish and for a long time they used to have the best boards in yurop. Might still do, but I'm not too sure these days. Jart's kinda not that cool though. Not sure why an American would want one.

Anonymous No. 196823

I order online anyway to find 7.75 and they have a 7.75 with a 14.2 inch wheelbase which sounds pretty ideal and a normal length tail. Its either that or a real board with a shorter tail, more effort to pop, but more pop. Both boards are like $40-45 which is about as expensive as Ill get on a new board.

Anonymous No. 196825

You order online from where? Don't tell me you're about to import a Jart board from yurop to the US. Also, 7.75? What is this, 2005?

Anonymous No. 196827

I tried to go up to wider size and it makes no difference to me other than slower flips and I like having low 7.6 trucks with 7.75 board and a short tail. Only thing I dont like is a wheelbase beyond 14 inches is rare on 7.75. If I go up, I have to get 8 inch trucks and something like 8.15. There are online stores here that stock Jart evidently.

Anonymous No. 196828

also I feel less connected on a bigger board.

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ew what the fuck ew.png

Anonymous No. 196829

You're gonna skate a board with a logo that ugly when the most important thing of a board is the aesthetics? Also, what the fuck happened to Jart god damn lmao this shit looks like an iphone wallpaper. This shit looks like it was made by Andy Schrock. This shit no cap looks like something Aaron Kyro would smile at.

Anonymous No. 196830

I currently skate a blank, I dont give a fuck lol.

Anonymous No. 196831

Bro I really can't get over how terrible this is. They pulled some space image from google, added some blur and overlays to it. Then they made a round shape with a leaf? on top, added some outer stroke and outer glow, some retarded grey to black gradient, and some angled inner shadow. Then they took some goofy font, put it in the circle, added some outer glow and a drop shadow and called it a graphic. I am appalled by this shit.

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Anonymous No. 196832

This doesnt look much better. The top isnt even stained.

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Anonymous No. 196833

You don't have to care bro, but isn't it just super weird? You make a skate brand. You get to make your own boards. You get the wood and shapes and everything right, and it's time for the graphic. You have all the options in the world to make something cool and you just make this lazy soulless meaningless iskateboard lookingass garbage. That's insane. Leave it blank at that point what the fuck. Meanwhile there's brands like Creature that get an actual artist that spends time hand drawing coolass shit like pic related. Like what? I sound autistic right now but bro lmao.

Anonymous No. 196835

agree with leave it blank tho lol. Probably can take $10 off the price if it was just blank.

Anonymous No. 196836

>make this lazy soulless meaningless iskateboard lookingass garbage
I see this everywhere, I rather get one blank and spray some shit myself

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Anonymous No. 196838

I don't remember this looking this way, idk if it happened riding it or if it just split sitting in my house

Anonymous No. 196841

Nah I see what you're saying. I really dislike these new brands just lazily using shitty AI images on their brand new boards like Jacuzzi Unlimited and 2Cent Skateboards (Ryan Decenzo's new brand).
Like dude you can find artists online wiling to do basic graphics in the $50->$300 range.

Anonymous No. 196842

>artists online wiling to do basic graphics in the $50->$300 range

Dude not even I can do some hipster doodle drawing myself and while it will be reddit, it will still be 10 times better than an iphone wallpaper. Even those shitty illegal civ ones are better.

Anonymous No. 196844

That's my point, there's no excuse for using lazy graphics or AI shit. Getting actual art for your boards that expresses your brand is either expensive nor inaccessible.

Anonymous No. 196845

is neither* expensive nor inaccessible

Anonymous No. 196851

im not this guy but how do i stop the board from only doing a half rotation? if i flick too hard the board flies away or mobs

Anonymous No. 196853

could be anything, point your toe more, bend your ankle more, aim more for the pocket, keep in the air longer

Anonymous No. 196863

Summer humidity has arrived in Texas.
I should retire my gay ass IT career and build an indoor park.

Anonymous No. 196864

Listen, I get it. I'm no stranger to the skateboarding scene myself. But lately, I've been seeing some real disrespectful behavior from certain skaters. Just the other day, a bunch of punks thought they owned the place, skating where they shouldn't and giving attitude to anyone who dared to call them out. And you know what really grinds my gears? It's the blatant disregard for rules and common courtesy. Look, I love skating as much as the next guy, but there's a line between pushing boundaries and being a straight-up nuisance. So, enlighten me: why the hostility towards cops when all we're trying to do is keep the peace?

Anonymous No. 196866

arrest those assholes unless theyre pros. Gotta go pro before you can be a nuisance.

Anonymous No. 196867


Kill yourself faggot cop.

Anonymous No. 196869

kys faggot

Anonymous No. 196870

Those troublemakers crossed the line one too many times, so I had no choice but to slap the cuffs on them. It's not something I enjoy doing, but when people refuse to play by the rules, they leave me with no other option. Maybe spending a night in the slammer will teach them a lesson in respect. Let's see how cocky they are when they're facing the consequences of their actions. And mark my words, if I catch them pulling the same stunts again, they'll be dealing with a lot more than just a night behind bars.

Anonymous No. 196872

>if I catch them pulling the same stunts again
I would arrest people too if I saw them doing ride on grinds and early grabs

Anonymous No. 196878

Bastien skated for them for along time. and that guy that back tailed el toro i think

Anonymous No. 196880

sk8mafia has some 775s with 14.2 wheelbase. the last 5boro i got has a 14.25 wheelbase at 32 length but they don't have the measurements on their store so idk if they changed it. south central presses some really sturdy decks as well with pretty nice concave for such a skinny board.

Anonymous No. 196896

In the 90s Jews took over skate culture and poisoned the minds of the youth. Corporations continue this tradition today.

Anonymous No. 196901

Cringe larp. Go watch some battery changing tutorials.

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Anonymous No. 196921

Not sure what board this belongs on but what about hacky sack? I just got some and played with a friend. It's a good workout and probably helps with balance for skateboarding.

Anonymous No. 196924

New thread alert


Anonymous No. 196940

but you were lazy and didnt backlink or put any general info

redirect your efforts

Anonymous No. 197035


🗑️ Anonymous No. 197300

No money to go to skate hall
Everything is covered in sand and dust from winter
Boards front cracked a little but it should still last for a long time
Shoes almost worn out