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🧵 /cg/ - Climbing General

Anonymous No. 196297

~~Crack edition~~

>Where do I start?
People typically start in the gym and branch off outdoors and find their niche, be it bouldering, trad, sport or a mixture of the above. Some never leave the gym at all. Ultimately it doesn't matter - just get started and enjoy yourself.

>How fit do I have to be to start? Do I have to be able to do x amount of pull-ups?
Being light, strong and flexible helps at the higher levels but climbing is open to almost anyone and is fairly intuitive to most. Even if your body is feeble and weak now, you will develop strength over time by virtue of just climbing. Climbing is a holistic sport and success often hinges upon many factors, not just strength and power, but having these qualities definitely helps when you breach into the higher grades.

>What shoes do I buy?
If you're starting out in the gym, don't worry too much: get some snug shoes without dead space that don't cause you lasting pain. Some people (such as the famed shoe designer Heinz Mariacher) recommend wearing soft shoes when you're starting out -- this makes sense since your footwork will probably suck and the increased feedback will pay dividends over time. You really don't need fancy expensive shoes when you're starting out, but certain shoe properties help send harder problems (e.g. stiff shoes for standing on tiny granite edges or soft shoes for sandstone/gritstone smears).

Here are some useful resources for sizing:

Old thread:

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Anonymous No. 196300

does /xs/ touch rock?

Anonymous No. 196310

Panty boy is really wearing gloves kek

Anonymous No. 196312

I started climbing last autumn (at a gym) and I'm intending to buy a pad and start bouldering outdoors in a couple weeks time. Any tips for a newbie?

Anonymous No. 196320

can't see it from this angle but the right side is a hand crack

always locate the downclimb before you hop on a new boulder. mountainproject is a great resource for finding beta. bigger is usually better if you're climbing over a single pad.

Anonymous No. 196321

>Allez. Allez. C’mon. C’mon. Allez. Push. Push. Let’s fucking go. Try hard. Allez. C’mon. Allez. Try fucking hard. Let’s go. Allez. Gamba. C’mon. Try fucking hard. Let’s go.

Anonymous No. 196323

>You're SO fucking strong dude
>You got this

Anonymous No. 196331

Help a noobie out will ya.

If I'm at 95-100kg coming from powerlifting to indoor bouldering, have been climbing for 2 years and still can't hang off of a 20mm edge at BW, should I bother hangboarding or is it just a matter of losing BW at this point?

I'm getting wiped on crimps, especially when climbing at steeper angles (at V4). Thuggy body position stuff, dynos and slabs are not a problem (at V5).

So far I've trained under the assumption that I will be able to rely on footwork and just more climbing would fix any finger strength issues.

Should I just climb more and keep focusing on footwork? Should I just hangboard my way to stronger fingers? Do I have to admit defeat and lose BW? Any advice and harsh reality check is welcome at this point.

>why are you at that BW
Because I want to maintain my powerlifting numbers without having to dedicate a lot of time to powerlifting. I'm also a fatass who likes to eat.

Anonymous No. 196336

ignoring the (marginal?) strength benefit that your fingers likely have from being bulkier just from weight, hanging off 20mm at your bw is like the average climber hanging with 50% added bw. V5 climbers shouldn't be able to hang that. You can certainly get much, much stronger fingers than you currently have (some of the best climbers can 20mm hang ~80kg for instance) but finger hypertrophy is very slow and losing weight is relatively much faster while also making everything in climbing easier at the same time.
What are your goals with climbing? Do you want to climb outdoors or just have fun in the gym? If the former, crimp strength is absolutely essential, but if you really just climb indoors then you have the luxury of picking and choosing your styles of climbs.
keto works btw

Anonymous No. 196342

>ignoring the (marginal?) strength benefit that your fingers likely have from being bulkier just from weight
Duly ignored, I didn't even know there was a marginal one.

>V5 climbers shouldn't be able to hang that.
Right, that makes sense. I've heard people talk about 130% of BW being normal for my grade and I always found that quite strange when I couldn't even hang at BW.

>losing weight is relatively much faster while also making everything in climbing easier at the same time.
Which is what I thought, but whenever I ask climbers, they say losing weight is never the answer and the conversation gets super awkward for some reason. Same with adding hangboarding. "Just climb more and focus on technique, you'll get there". So that's what I've been doing for the past two years, spending 80% of my effort on practicing footwork and body positioning.

>What are your goals with climbing?
Climb 7A in all styles and maintain as much as I can while I go on to progress other sports to a similar "upper intermediate level". Wouldn't mind getting to a grade or two higher but I value being well-rounded and am managing expectations. I'm trying to maintain an intermediate level in multiple sports, including indoor bouldering.

>but if you really just climb indoors then you have the luxury of picking and choosing your styles of climbs.
I indeed only plan on climbing indoors, because we got snow 6 months of the year *and* the granite boulders here are mostly just crimps.

On a scale of 1-10, how confident would you be in making the assertion that losing BW is the *only* way I would get to my goal? I know that is not what you are saying, I'm just calibrating my expectations and calculating the best way forward.

Anonymous No. 196368

I have insertional Achilles tendonitis, pretty sure I got it from jumping off the wall and not stretching.
I need to go to the doctors, I really don't want to stop climbing. :(

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Anonymous No. 196372

Real men get stuck at the top and cannot get down.

Anonymous No. 196375

Not who you replied to, but I'm positive you don't need to lose weight to get stronger fingers. If you're concerned about injuring your fingers, you could try doing recruitment pulls (look them up, but it's basically pulling as hard on a hangboard with one hand while your feet are still on the ground). You could also combine those with density hangs, like this article describes:
Again, if you don't think there's a size you could hang on for ~30 seconds, you could buy a no-hang device (Tension block, etc.), a loading pin to add weight, and do your density hangs one hand at a time. If you add this to your climbing, do it before your session and keep your session lighter (lower intensity or lower volume) and maybe crimp sparingly. Also, continue to focus on your footwork and technique.
At some point, you will need to choose between powerlifting and climbing, and being fat will make that choice come faster, but that choice does not start at V4 in a gym. Also, I think that a lot of those strength metrics are for outdoor grades, not indoor ones.

Anonymous No. 196423

Climbing real rocks is idiotic. When people in the gym ask me to come out with them I have to hold back a sneer at how retarded they are. Gym is better in every conceivable way.

Anonymous No. 196425

Coming from powerlifting, you should know how disinformed nearly everyone is about how to get stronger. Fingers are no exception. The optimal way to increase your finger strength is to train your finger strength. You don't improve sprinting by sprinting; you squat. You don't improve sumo strength by doing sumo; you hit the gym. And you don't improve your finger strength by climbing; you hangboard.

Every sport downstream from strength sports have this inferiority complex where they loathe to admit to themselves that getting stronger is good. Even Oly lifters do this and somehow believe that getting their deadlift to 500 wouldn't help their weak clean as much as practicing technique. No, ignore all such retards and just do finger powerlifting and you will mog everyone.

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Anonymous No. 196426

Don't listen to him, if you can climb up it, you can climb down it. Plus if it's a boulder you can always just jump off

Anonymous No. 196430

Thanks guys, this was very informative. I think I’ll know where to go from here

Anonymous No. 196434

>they say losing weight is never the answer and the conversation gets super awkward
this is because the average liberal climber is extremely conscientious about anorexic climber girls and ever saying anything that could get them blamed for that phenomenon.
>scale of 1-10
7A+7a is absolutely possible at 100kg, it'll just take you significantly longer than even the 85kg climbers. possibly a difference of several years.
like the other guy mentioned, weighting up a tension block or something like it will work incredibly well since you can't hang one pad (20mm) at bodyweight currently.

Anonymous No. 196435

>if you can climb up it, you can climb down it
very stupid advice. no one has ever downclimbed the world's most famous boulder (Midnight Lightning for the uninitiated gumbies) and that's not because it's impossible but because it'd be stupid to try to. you can chimney down between the boulder and the tree or you can walk to the other side and take a 8ft jump from there (ideally your friend brings the crash pad over)

Anonymous No. 196442

its true, there are ticks and mosquitoes and rain outside and the routes are never reset

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Anonymous No. 196443

any tips bros?

Anonymous No. 196445

Just do the opposite of each of those points.

Anonymous No. 196451

I think there is truth to your sentiment but it’s like on a spectrum. Saying you will not get stronger fingers by just climbing is total nonsense for people starting out but it’s probably true at some point. I see people say that point is at 7c/7c+ and I think I would agree from my experience.

I have been climbing for a bit more than a year. I dont know my real grade because I’m a gymbro and my gym does color grading but I can do 7a’s on a moonboard within 5 tries. I have never really trained my fingers and when I decided to test it about 1 year mark I could hang 160%BW for 7 seconds. So obviously I got finger strength by just climbing. and I don’t think I’m still at the point where I need to improve my fingers because I can’t hold on to the holds. Most of time when I can’t do a move it’s just bad technique and body position/movement that makes it hard.

So in my opinion as a gumby myself as cliche and dumb as it sounds just climb more or harder if you are climbing 3/4 times a week already. The most important thing is to do it intentionally.

Anonymous No. 196474

I am eternally grateful for everything climbing has done for me
This really is the best hobby on earth

Anonymous No. 196475

I am merely a year in
I am trying to fast track progress because I know I am made for this

Anonymous No. 196476

You should definitely keep hangboarding

Anonymous No. 196477

Hangboarding should start before climbing does really

Anonymous No. 196478

So I found out that my gym grades 5.10s as V3s.
I feel less bad about climbing 5.10- now than I did before because that is probably where I'm at in bouldering too.

Anonymous No. 196479

You don't really get stronger from climbing
You just get more confident and bullish at certain final moves
Grip strength is absolutely paramount

Anonymous No. 196480

For context wikipedia says 5.10 is V0.

Anonymous No. 196492

Yeah you'll get strength by climbing, to a point, but if your sole goal is to get to v8 as quickly as possible, you'd be training grip independently from day 1. I'm not saying this is required, it's just optimal. Until you get to at least v6, technique can be substituted for brute strength alone, but no amount of technique can make up for you just physically being unable to hold the wall.
It's like Oly lifting: yes technique is important for cleans, yes you will get stronger by doing cleans. But a guy with a 500lb deadlift will mog your clean on his first attempt. Elites are all monstrously strong, in everything.

Anonymous No. 196493

theres more to climbing than grades

Anonymous No. 196495

your gym doesn't specify with 5.1xabcd? gay as fuck and means the routesetters are admitting they have no clue (minimal outdoor experience).
that said, many V6-V8 boulderbros in my gym have failed to send 5.11d when I've taken them to the nearest crag (they should be capable of 5.13a according to similar charts). several factors here but many boulderbros actually, genuinely cannot climb on easy-moderate crimps for two minutes without completely pumping out. they have climbing power and technique but never learned to climb efficiently, not overgrip, find rest positions, do shakeouts to alleviate pump (even when just moving between holds) and so on.
are you the same guy posting the same retarded bullshit day after day? stop posting sperg. of fucking course your forearm flexors+extensors, traps, delts, brachioradialis, transversus abdominus, wrist tfcc, finger flexor+extensor tendons, finger pulleys et cetera et cetera et cetera all get worked extensively when climbing, and those areas are precisely what you need strengthened to climb harder. many grip positions have absolutely zero relevance to climbing—you couldn't be more clueless. never post again faggot

Anonymous No. 196497

>he thinks a muscle being "worked" makes it stronger
Go curl a soup can 10000 times and tell me how strong your bicep gets

Anonymous No. 196498

you've never crimped a small edge in your life. never post again sperg

Anonymous No. 196499

i dont think it was the techbros that ruined climbing, atleast they are buyfags and will probably get into trad eventually, the strength-training-gym bros are way worse...

Anonymous No. 196500

>he thinks there's no progressive overload of the forearms and hands in climbing
Way to admit you project v2. Where do you think grip strength comes from?
>no amount of technique can make up for you just physically being unable to hold the wall
Of course the retard is also a fat amerimutt.
what kind of rocks do you go to where you see a bunch of tech dyels? they hate lugging gear. /out/ is crusty beer-lovin white dude domain (and that's a good thing), with a smattering of degenerate vanners

Anonymous No. 196501

>what kind of rocks do you go to where you see a bunch of tech dyels? they hate lugging gear.
fair, i dont really see many people outside in my area anyways i guess bc i live in a small town.
desu ive never focused on training grip strength and im projecting 7a+ (hoping to get it in my next few sessions) outdoors after 1.5 years of climbing, my technique is good though and grip strength is still pretty good too probably (have never measured it properly). i feel like the biggest thing holding me back is my low power endurance making me fall from pumping out rather than my fingers giving out

Anonymous No. 196502

Of course there is progressive overload and strength increase when practicing climbs. It's just not the optimal amount. There's no reason to think climbing walls would be the optimal progression for training finger strength. Doing judo makes your legs and back stronger, too; that doesn't make it the best way to increase your judo strength. It's far more efficient to squat and deadlift.

Anonymous No. 196503

the people coping about strength are the same bjj fags coping when they roll with a white belt powerlifter and get cucked

Anonymous No. 196504

you've not once mentioned hangboarding in a dozen posts. why? probably because you're so retarded you think plate pinches or farmer's walks are more applicable to climbing """grip strength""" than small edge pulling. never post again aspie

Anonymous No. 196505

>you hangboard

My entire premise has been that you hangboard, among other applicable things. Hangboarding is probably the most efficient and applicable method for this sport.

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this is (You).png

Anonymous No. 196508

never post again you low-functioning drooler

Anonymous No. 196510

Not me retard

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Anonymous No. 196527

nice weather this time of year

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Anonymous No. 196535

only us /out/ exiles

Anonymous No. 196558

But why waste time focusing on finger strength when it’s 1 aspect of dozens that you have to train for climbing when you train most of the things together while actually climbing. Why don’t you also isolate other stuff like forearm endurance with other of the wall exercise etc.
You overestimate the importance of finger strength training while downplaying the amount of strength you gain from climbing alone. While in the totality of the sport it’s one of the 30 things that you have to train.

Anonymous No. 196559

this is some fucking cool rock, working on any fun projects?

Anonymous No. 196563

Depends on what you're doing. Bouldering indoors is not generally limited by endurance for a single route. Also climbing outside is retarded so yeah

Anonymous No. 196568


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Anonymous No. 196570

Should I mask up down the climbing depot?

Anonymous No. 196572

Interesting claim considering that steep board climbing is one of the most important methods elites use to strengthen their fingers.

Anonymous No. 196603

Had a dire climb today
Seemed to just keep falling off all over the place
20mm hang progressed though haha

Anonymous No. 196604

I have only ever seen one other person doing weighted hangs in the last year at my Bouldering gym

Anonymous No. 196610

It's so ogre

Anonymous No. 196613

cool. I was there when they took the samples at my climbing gym. I had thought they were looking at how much chalk is in the air. would be nice to know which of the anonymized data sets is my gym

Anonymous No. 196619

climbing a lot and jumping off the wall fucked up my running for a while last year because of this
ALWAYS downclimb

Anonymous No. 196650

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Anonymous No. 196663


I've made an attempt to revive the /out/ climbing thread:

If anyone has outdoor climbing stories, questions, or curiosity, please give it a bump. /out/ is much faster than /xs/ and the thread will likely get bumped off the board if it doesn't attract interest.

Anonymous No. 196664

>fucked up the link
it's always something


Anonymous No. 196665

>Also climbing outside is retarded so yeah
the worst part is that you typed this unironically. you are subhuman.

Anonymous No. 196668

>Also climbing outside is retarded so yeah
So this is where we're at already...

Anonymous No. 196669

the amount of bait in this thread is worrying.
there is no reason to chase grades unless you want to do competitions. go outside.

Anonymous No. 196705

Climbing seems like a fun hobby, I don't think I'll ever do it though because I don't go around people

Anonymous No. 196707

bouldering is fun and can be done solo. if you do some research you can rope solo as well.

having said that, stop being a pussy and talk to people

Anonymous No. 196719

And comp bouldering is not even real climbing. It’s practically ninja warrior. The only real climbing left in comp climbing is lead

Anonymous No. 196724

>Brooke Rab totally shits the bed at the boulder final despite clearly being the chosen fav to go to Paris (has not even gotten a ticket) and has all the sponsorships whereas Natalia Grossman completely spanks and makes her look like a gumby
Kek mommy and daddy’s nam can’t get you to Paris, Brooke — whereas Natalia got there simply by talent

Anonymous No. 196725

Climbing Stuff is such an annoying insufferable faggot. No idea how people watch his videos

Anonymous No. 196762

I will never understand slab hate (at least so long as the slab routes aren't contrived running parkour moves). It's weird seeing experienced guys at the gym flash V7 and then utterly fail V4 slab for 15 minutes before giving up.

Anonymous No. 196763

It's scary, I feel like if I fall I'll hit my face on the holds.

Anonymous No. 196770

My gym has like 3m of vertical bouldering wall and there's always one problem that's too easy to learn anything and one problem that I have absolutely no idea how to even start. I guess I could go to this other gym that has more slab and more comp style stuff but it doesn't have the same atmosphere that gets me pumped to try hard.

Anonymous No. 196771

Also the holds all suck

Anonymous No. 196780

slab outdoors is super fun, slab indoors sucks

Anonymous No. 196784

>No idea how people watch his videos
People do? Watched a video once and couldn't stand his faggy behaviour.
Now YT always recommends his shitty videos..

Anonymous No. 196788

>Climbing Stuff
lmao even

how fucking bad is this guy?

Anonymous No. 196797

nico pelorson has the best climbing yt without a doubt

Anonymous No. 196798


I do not speak french

Anonymous No. 196809

every slab problem can fucking cheesegrater your skin
it doesn't help when a gym has shitty setting and puts some giant block on the bottom of the wall for a V1 slab that you'll fall right on when trying the V5 slab problem that looks like it'll instantly destroy your ankle if you hit it at a weird angle

Anonymous No. 196810

this is so much less awkward than the magnus video, emil i know you post here

Anonymous No. 196909

how many of you have actually done a knee bar that truly gave you an advantage? so, doing one just for the sake of doing one (not ideal beta / didn't provide rest when it was needed) doesn't count. the implication I get from talking with people is that 95% of climbers haven't really done one, and that makes sense since it's only advanced climbers who regularly lead steep overhangs outdoors (where you're most likely to encounter one).
that said gyms could set really contrived kneebars which is why I'm curious

Anonymous No. 196910

I refuse to do a contrived kneebar in an indoor gym when it doesn’t make sense. Lazy routesetting trying to be IFSC routesetting

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Anonymous No. 196913

Here's my friend on a boulder problem a couple weeks ago. The last move with the right hand is extremely difficult without the knee bar.

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Anonymous No. 196914

Another angle. This is a V2 by the way; not advanced climbing.

Anonymous No. 196916

my gym often has boulders where they force a knee bar for establishing the starting position or for matching the top.
they also set boulders where knee bars give you a significant advantage and sometimes it's the only feasible beta.
lastly, they like to set really long roof climbs from time to time, where you might spot a nice knee bar rest.

Anonymous No. 196918

Looks like a very fun V2

Anonymous No. 196919

Thinking about becoming a climbing coach. Thought? Matty Hong is my favorite climber

Anonymous No. 196920

It was a ton of fun, and right at our level. My friends both sent on the second session. The last move is a big dyno to the top, so we were all very stoked.

Remember to do your part to support under-represented demographics by only coaching teenage girls.

Anonymous No. 196941


Anonymous No. 196947

kneebars are not uncommon in my gym
I also found a couple of unintended ones that helped me

there currently is a problem in my gym where you can do a stacked kneebar to match the top

Anonymous No. 196954

did a handful of boulders in my gym in the last few years that 'required' a kneebar to hold the start position.
but apart from these, I think never

Anonymous No. 196964

I'm confused what he is trying to achieve. He is a very average climber so I don't understand why anyone would take any advice from him. Who is his target audience? And why does he record his videos with so much gaming stuff in the background? I thought he was a twitch streamer at first.

Anonymous No. 196965

Are you serious? I thought it was so much more awkward. Emil and Felix had literally no chemistry at all.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 196998

I use a knee bar in my beta because I have inflexible hips.

Anonymous No. 197011

No, I started like 5 months ago now, still climbing V2, but I can onsight them.
I feel like that isn't even good enough to do V0 outdoors.

Anonymous No. 197012

pewdiepie was trying so hard to be nice to emil, you're either a literal autist or are blinded by magnus hate. emil is more of a faker than magnus actually, since at least magnus is honest about chasing the bag. emil does shit like lie to a million viewers about how his wacky, invented hangboard routine allowed him to hang on 6mm for the first time (obvious, demonstrably false lie as he's a relatively strong climber for V14 even; all the metrics were faked (and debunked) for views and clout)

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Anonymous No. 197013

I think you are right that your options are limited for outdoor bouldering. Don't overlook sport climbing though. If you can find a partner, there's awesome stuff out there for all ability levels. My parents are in their 60s and climb 5.6. Pic related is from the middle of a 5.7 route--well within your abilities.

Anonymous No. 197045

kino for the day

Anonymous No. 197049

Yeah, plenty of times.
One of the bouldering gyms I go to has a pretty massive roof section and there are often knee bars to be found there which are either essential for getting certain moves or just let you rest a bit when they've set some monster problem that'd be a lead route if it was running up a wall instead of along a roof.
Less often at my lead gym funnily enough. Only once actually and even then it wouldn't have been necessary if my endurance was better.

Anonymous No. 197056

hey where is ai mori, did she retire or get injured or something? i don't think she is been in any comps lately

Anonymous No. 197061

I recall she said she’ll be taking time off to focus on studying.

Anonymous No. 197067

I do not care for outdoor bouldering. When the whole thing is done and my pad rentals are returned it feels like a major wasted effort to have just done a few slippery moves. Did more than a dozen outdoor boulders in a day once and still had the same feeling.

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Anonymous No. 197070

I feel you but I've also had some great experiences bouldering. As a social activity it's a lot better than rope climbing because you have everyone there cheering you on and working together for the whole route, rather than taking off on your own for 20 minutes every time you climb. And finding the correct beta is a great collaborative experience.

Anonymous No. 197084

Just had a great sesh
Did a load of intermediate grades 6B+6C then finished up with dat dere 20mm max hangs
Feeling strong overall and happy with where I am one year in

Anonymous No. 197086

Didn't look at any sl*b at all today lol
Not sure this is a good habit to get into

Anonymous No. 197087

bodyweight is not as much as a problem as ratio. if you have alot more fat that wont help much with powerlifting anyway. go on a diet with more meats and some leaf and less breads and rice also more protein will lean you out

Anonymous No. 197098

>skips two comps the year of the olympics
>OMG did she retire?

Anonymous No. 197116

The lowest rated route at my local crag (or so says Mountain Project) is a fantastic and interesting 70ft 5.10c slab. Genuinely believe that most climbers who started in the last last ~10yrs would be shockingly awful at scrambling if they actually went /out/ and tried it. all this skill on the wall but zero (0) ability on your everyday steep slpes is truly embarrassing.

Anonymous No. 197120

i liked how Alex Honnold said during the Salt Lake City boulder competition commentary that he climbed for years exclusively indoors and that it can teach you all the skills needed for being a strong outdoor climber

keep seething, outdoor bros

Anonymous No. 197124

I don't think anyone has ever argued that gym climbing isn't a great way to train. You can see the results when lifelong comp climbers retire and start crushing insanely hard sport routes or boulder problems outdoors. But at some point you have to stop training for it and start actually doing it. It's called rock climbing not plastic climbing.

Anonymous No. 197127

>i liked how Alex Honnold said during the Salt Lake City boulder competition commentary that he climbed for years exclusively indoors
Why are you deliberately ignoring the specific part of this context where he said that was when he was a kid doing comp…

Anonymous No. 197128

>I don't think anyone has ever argued that gym climbing isn't a great way to train.
some spergs in this thread definitely have

Anonymous No. 197133

Your inferiority complex is showing.

Anonymous No. 197302

Finger injury anons, how we doin?

Anonymous No. 197303

How does that negate the statement?

Anonymous No. 197312

Good, back to climbing without tape.
Still warming up more than before just to be safe

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Anonymous No. 197322


yeah buddy, working on my first v9 (Not pictured this is warmup v5)

Anonymous No. 197323


Why do I feel like a heel hook here would be even better than a knee bar.

Anonymous No. 197324

not good... i keep forgetting to do my daily rehab exercises because im a fucking retard

Anonymous No. 197328

what happened to your hand?

Anonymous No. 197330


Nothing , it does look wierd but my right hand thumb is under my fingers pinching .

Anonymous No. 197363

Believe me it's not. That's the first thing we tried. With the knee bar you can almost stick with no hands at all.

Anonymous No. 197368

nice tan and hat my nigga, and good luck with the proj

Anonymous No. 197390

>make friends at the gym, you already have aligned interests
>that shit will keep you alive dont be a gumbofaggot and trust your gear
>touch grass literally
>get belay certified
>you'll have as many climbers partners as you want
>just ask for beta
>so? thats not important to climbing additionally everyone in your gym is poly
>embrace the suck now, you weren't a climber back then
>nigga i stg see if your gym has a community board and post up that youre looking for a belaypartner that climbs 5.6

Anonymous No. 197421

my climbing shoes scrape really hard on the top of my index toes oww :'(

Anonymous No. 197505

If she ever starts projecting outdoors we'll likely see 8C+ and even 9A FFA

Anonymous No. 197524

it doesn't hurt anymore and i've been back to climbing normally for a while but i think my mobility is fucked up for good, the knuckle in the PIP joint makes that joint popping sound every time i use it, and often the tendon seems to be in the wrong position or something, i feel it gliding and falling into place inbetween the movement it doesn't hurt but it's somewhat scary

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BYC2024ユースA決勝 1-3....jpg

Anonymous No. 197533

natsu-chan kawaii

Anonymous No. 197537

That top out looks really sketchy

Anonymous No. 197538
what grade would you give this climb?

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Anonymous No. 197546


Anonymous No. 197548

Red rock canyon? Went in April. Want to go back soon

Anonymous No. 197555

Yup, along with almost everyone else in this thread lol. The boulderers look like they're at calico basin, but I may be wrong.

Anonymous No. 197581


Anonymous No. 197600

I want her to dom me so badly

Anonymous No. 197614

what's the distance between men and woman's sections, could she compete among the men? she always mops the floor with everyone in her section, last world cup she got like 4 tops with 3 flashes and the next best woman struggled to get 2 tops and 2 zones or something like that, it's ridiculous

Anonymous No. 197615

We just don't know. But sending a benchmark V15 in less than a half hour puts her near the top of the field, physically. And she obviously has the competitive climbing skill to go with.

Anonymous No. 197616

we do, somewhat
in the qualifiers for studio bloc masters men and women climb the same boulders, in quali results (2020 i think, and 2019 was similar) she would've been like 57th in mens and not even made semis
she could have chilled somewhat if all the other women were so far below her to rest for next day, so not an exact comparison, but highly probable she wouldn't make finals, and probably not semis either

Anonymous No. 197617

not to quibble too much but she didn't send a new, raw v15 in under half an hour, she'd done the v14 stand previously which is a big difference

Anonymous No. 197618

Ah, I didn't know this

This is also revealing

Anonymous No. 197619

Yeah, two years ago…

Anonymous No. 197628

obviously the muscle memory isn't there but knowing the exact beta you want to use is huge
bugeleisen has fair few options, i know niky ceria found some particular methods for his size

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Anonymous No. 197645

>want a new hobby, ideally one where I can make new friends
>always had an interest in /xs/ports but kind of limited based on finances and location.
>settle on rock climbing since it seems most accessible and fairly cheap.
>try out local climbing gym, it's in a pretty liberal city.
>just the 2nd time there and I see a /pol/ caricature tier troon. Not even remotely passing. It's literally just a man in drag.

What the fuck is this shit? I tried another climbing gym and they even had tranny flags over the door. You look at old climbing magazines and it's all ripped long haired white guys, like your stereotypical surfer. Why has rock climbing specifically been hit so hard by these freaks?

Anonymous No. 197647

>white guys climb rocks
>white guys want training facilities
>gyms are built. white guy needs belay bitches
>whitey invites females and other submissive types
>submissive types feel distinct lack of true competition because climbing is a hobby , not a sport
>submissive losers subsequently feel safe and invite more submissive losers who invite faggots who invite more faggots
>faggots invite the subhumans
>normal white guy is now outnumbered so he climbs outside more and builds a home wall
>faggotry continues to intensify
>Gyms are now Doom 'Gore Nests' of turbofaggots and subhumans

Anonymous No. 197651

>it's in a pretty liberal city
there's your problem

Anonymous No. 197652

also much more of a problem in america generally than in eu/asia

Anonymous No. 197656

just climb you spergs

Anonymous No. 197695

There's no need to try to do everything equally well, just do what you enjoy.
It's weird to me that slab and overhang use the same grading system, and are even considered the same kind of climbing. Slab bouldering is way more similar to slab sport climbing than overhang bouldering, for example.
You don't have to bigwall climb to be a climber, and you don't have to slab boulder to be a boulderer.

Anonymous No. 197717

does outdoor climbing attract better people? I just want to meet some chill normal people man. Not freaks with axe wounds on their crotch.

>finding a rock climbing gym outside of a major metropolitan area.
I've never seen a climbing gym in a rural area.

Anonymous No. 197733

I've literally seen only a single rainbow hair ultra dyke ever and that was in Vienna in the most faggoty climbing gym imaginable.
So we're still relatively save here

Anonymous No. 197738

>life is like vidya game

Anonymous No. 197777

It attracts more traditionally outdoorsy people and more masculine men. >>197738
Outdoor climbers develop a better understanding of real risk, good movement, actually trying hard, and not being a little bitch cause their skin hurts. They're more likely, but not guaranteed, to call you out for making excuses or just being soft.

In general, outdoor climbing filters a great amount of the undesirables. Poors can't afford gear; weaklings won't want to hike in gear, especially uphill; pussies won't want to lead routes or climb highballs; and faggots and trannies don't like leaving their little city safe-spaces. It's all around way better. The only issue is that it's harder to meet people outdoors unless you're climbing in a high-density and accessible area, which brings the undesirables back into play.

Ideally, meet some good climbers at the gym by climbing the moonboard or tensionboard (the kilterboard is for faggots). Then climb with them outside.

Yes, good job latching onto the analogy as if that were the only relevant detail, retard

Anonymous No. 197795

are there such things as outdoor climbing classes where they teach you how to do it?

also, checked. Nice quads.

Anonymous No. 197797

great quads
historically at my gym depending on the season there will be a gym to crag program, which is usually done by someone who is a certified guide. check with the front desk of a climbing gym, they might have a similar thing or can point you the right direction. keywords for online searches would include "rock climbing guide in my area"

Anonymous No. 197799

>US problems

Anonymous No. 197809

what in the actual fuck is going on with FIN trad grades? I lead ~6c routes in my local climbing gyms, but finnish trad aroung ~5 is my absolute limit.

What do i do wrong? or are they just horribly, horribly sandbagged? i also climb WI4 ice, so i shouldn't be that bad outside the gym environment.

i do not boulder, like at all.

Anonymous No. 197814

don't know about finland but in spain, back in the beginnings there was nothing upwards from V, they only graded something 6 if they couldn't climb it, and had to use artificial for example. so now many routes say 6 but they can be basically anything, guides always warn that you must be prepared to bail at any point if you go into a route without having good info beforehand

Anonymous No. 197817

I'd wager 99% of this thread can't relate to your climbing repertoire

Anonymous No. 197818

The more invested you get into the sport the more you see regular white dudes and asian dudes. There's lots of trannies and annoying reddit types at the large commercial gyms, but you will rarely see them outdoors. In my city, the biggest commerical bouldering gym has a ton of losers but the smaller gym I go to has regular ass people.

Anonymous No. 197822

According to google, Finland has a totally different grading system. Like an extremely sandbagged version of UIAA grades.

Anonymous No. 197825

i think all of scandinavia maybe, i remember reading some article about norway having similar grading system
i'd guess some newer routes get yds grades

Anonymous No. 197867

I’ve got no personal experience about that but I read a blog about Nordic climbing the other day and the guys said that some (many) of the crags in Finland are properly sandbagged.

Anonymous No. 197978

>(the kilterboard is for faggots)
based. fucking retards climb on gym jugs and think they're V10 level

Anonymous No. 198200

the olympics qualis are on the olympics yt channel not the ifsc one if anyone is looking for them

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Anonymous No. 198207

so is rabbit going to the Olympics or not? idk how this works

Anonymous No. 198210

She has to place in this china thing I guess. I don't know how many stops they're giving out here. Is it just winner or top 3 or what?

Anonymous No. 198212

For me it's only on their own website. A website that is a bloated half broken mess, that I can't use on firefox because it's completely broken on that browser, and how to use windows edge to get it to work.

Anonymous No. 198217

Hang on i'm watching girls boulder final now and groom said something about they have to go compete in stage 2 of this oqs deal in some other city, then they get olympic spots. i guess. it's weird.

Anonymous No. 198220

I find progression at 20mm max hangs thrilling
In one year I have only ever seen one other person doing them, it boggles the mind

Anonymous No. 198221

Quite mad how a V2 at the climbing works Sheffield, is a V6 in californian climbing centres

Anonymous No. 198222


gym grades are not V-grades anon

Anonymous No. 198225

Yeah, basically it's the top 10 athletes with the most points after both the shangai and budapest events that are qualified (bar some rules with quotas). But Rabouttou should easily makes it desu.

Anonymous No. 198233

She’s a fraud and the world is just finding out. Natalia is way superior and could actually qualify for the olympics

Anonymous No. 198240

how many world cup podiums do you need before you're not a comp climbing fraud

Anonymous No. 198266

When are you going to stop being a passive aggressive little bitch? Maybe the day Rabfraud gets more than 1 gold KWAB

Anonymous No. 198271

Natalie has already qualified you dunce

Anonymous No. 198277

Normies aren't doing 20mm max hangs

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Anonymous No. 198289

How can one man be so based?

Anonymous No. 198291

Are you illiterate?

Anonymous No. 198296

Explain what you mean by fraud dumb fuck. Is the footage where she is clearly better than most of the field faked? Is the "Brooke Raboutou" who does the climbing a different person to the real Brooke Raboutou?

If you have some beef that's fine but whine about what you actually mean instead of some schizo reality-denying horseshit.

Anonymous No. 198298

eat your mcdoubles

Anonymous No. 198300

this is needlessly rude to the bunnytou.

Anonymous No. 198309

Alright, let’s see.
Natalia Grossman:
>highest grade in bouldering - V13
>highest grade redpoint - 5.14b
Brooke Raboutou:
>highest grade in bouldering - V16 (she suggested V15)
>highest grade redpoint - 5.14c
I suppose this settles it then.

Anonymous No. 198310

>she suggested V15
So did Shawn and Drew, and D Woods agreed (FA). Box Therapy is as downgraded as it gets. Not to argue your point.

Also unrelated but nobody over 5'7" has sent this boulder lol
>Daniel Woods 5'7"
>Drew Ruana 5'7"
>Sean Bailey 5'4"
>Katie Lamb 5'5"
>Brooke Rabatou 5'2"
>Shawn Rabatou 5'6"

Anonymous No. 198317

LMAO let the manlets have that one

Anonymous No. 198332

is there the Women's Lead final video somewhere?
i found and watched the Men's final just fine in the Olympics YouTube channel, but the video labeled "LIVE Sport Climbing: Women's Boulder & Lead Finals! | #OlympicQualifierSeries" contains only boulder.
not to mention the presentation of intermediate results in the video, which is either missing, or severely lacking
and not to mention that when i tried looking at the Olympics website, it immediately spoiled the final results for me

Anonymous No. 198339

I absolutely hate max bouldering grades even being considered for how elite a climber is as opposed to redpoints. Those "elite" shitters who cut loose 8 times on a single V15 send would never redpoint 5.15b anywhere (and that's why you have nobodies and teens doing this often).
>climbing styles have just changed bro
yes, but not actually to this extent—custom-tailored boulders for the campus board troglodytes obviously miss out on most of what makes climbing, climbing. Let's step back for a moment and remember bouldering is inherently contrived as opposed to outdoor rope climbing.
Climbing in any style that takes more than a minute (and more than just a few moves) will always be a better metric of climbing ability. Retards are out here min-maxing niche aspects of climbing (this is part of the reason why most people hate speed climbing as a discipline and yet most people have nothing but praise for this tension-less bouldering up-and-comers)

Anonymous No. 198340

lead is lead, bouldering is bouldering. and it kinda makes sense to me to measure bouldering ability by the boulder grades.

see >>198309
>gave both lead grades and boulder grades
>one climber has both numbers higher, the other has both lower

also the Olympic competition is gonna be Lead+Boulder, which again makes it kinda relevant

Anonymous No. 198345

I think it makes the most sense to describe an elite climber's ability in terms of his accomplishments in the discipline he specialises in, although I don't believe something as multifaceted as climbing ability can be accurately wrapped up in a single number.

Anonymous No. 198354

I hear you lads like getting pumped on the wall

Anonymous No. 198369

Woah Brooke is better than the Malaysian, Chinese, and South Africans that she competes against when Natalia, Janja, and other Jap climbers decide not to compete? Say it ain’t so! She is soooo elite.

Anonymous No. 198395

I’d rather watch superior climbers doing comp climbing than superior comp climbers doing comp climbing.

Anonymous No. 198419

The Norwegian and Swedish (almost the same) grades are the same as the French until you reach 6a (6- in Norwegian). They don't have the letter grades, so a 6a+ is a norwegian 6, 6b is 6+, 6b+ is 7- and so on. The fins have something similar but a bit more sandbagged. Historically the Norwegian grading system is also supposed to be based only on the hardest part of a route instead of overall difficulty, so older routes with Norwegian grades can hit you like a truck.

Anonymous No. 198457

You fucking retard Dwoods has sent La Capella

Anonymous No. 198480

damn these threads are so dead

Anonymous No. 198510

ignoring bullshit online

Anonymous No. 198514

it's better than 500 garbage posts

Anonymous No. 198577

Progressing at weighted pulls and 20mm max hangs is as close as life feels to a video game

Anonymous No. 198580

I recommend playing more interesting videogames.

Anonymous No. 198581

Anyone else do weighted chin-ups instead of pull-ups? I consider the movement healthier and the crossover between the exercises is monumental

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Anonymous No. 198582

How do you guys store your climbing gear? I just toss mine on the couch between going to the gym, which isn't ideal.

Anonymous No. 198583

In a dry place away from sunlight

Anonymous No. 198588

It all lives in my car. Including all my sport/trad gear, a crash pad, and all my camping stuff. The car smells like dirt but it's extremely convenient.

Anonymous No. 198668

Thx brotha ! It’s Arizona so gotta get shade where ya can

Anonymous No. 198706

weighted hangs scare me
i have been climbing 5 years, still dont weighted hang. just doing a lot more endurance training and recovery hangs
maybe this year will be the year i start it though, i should just get gorilla strong already and finally hit v10 on the mb

Anonymous No. 198725

I've been 20mm max hangs for the last 8 months and today for the first time perhaps I just felt like it was making noticeable difference
But when I went to do hangboarding at the end (as usual) my grip strength felt really weak. Did I simply cook my hands or something during climbing where I was pushing new limits? Id ike to keep hangboarding at the end because I've found generally my hands are stronger very warmed up.
Maybe the hangboard was just sweaty lol

Anonymous No. 198770

I would suggest you change to endurance based hangs if you want to continue to do them at the end of your workout.
If you really want to do max hangs and climb the same day at least do the max hangs in the middle of the workout. That way you are warmed up and still have gas in the tank to do them. After max hangs you can still climb relatively hard at least in my experience.

Anonymous No. 198775

Yeah I may experiment with the middle of the climb
I just couldn't reconcile how strong I felt during my climb with how weak I felt doing my hangboarding yesterday

Anonymous No. 198776

and endurance based hangs just not for me
I like simple and clear progressive overload

Anonymous No. 198901

Not all endurance-based hangs are bodyweight. You can do repeaters with ~60% of max hang weight and increase weight over time. Either way, doing max hangs at the end of your workout is for sure suboptimal and may result in injury.

Anonymous No. 198930

For a very autistic sport you guys can't even come up with a single size fits all grading system? Why not just belt ranks like Japan does it?:

Is it the need to feel special?

Anonymous No. 198932

Start with testing out your max, record that as your max, do 75% of that 5 times a day, increase by one rep until you have 8 reps under your belt from hanging, by then you should have enough grip strength on those fingers for a lot of things.

Anonymous No. 198991

I don't know what problem you're trying to solve or how using one regional grading system over the others is meant to solve it.

Anonymous No. 199035

I'm not sure what is going to happen when my 20mm max hang catches up with my pull down strength but it will surely be something positive

Anonymous No. 199036

I dearly hope I wont get injured
I don't think I will, it's 20mm max hang for a reason, not 10mm max hang

Anonymous No. 199061

I do max hangs on 15mm and I'm fine

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put vito on the p....jpg

Anonymous No. 199064

how about i kick your ass you fucking faggot

Anonymous No. 199343

once again I am here to say that I HATE Geek Climber
also not really a fan of that Rockentry fella especially after that awful video where Magnus was pretending he was David Goggins and slowly forced himself to run a marathon in death valley
what other smaller climbing youtube channels are completely insufferable?

Anonymous No. 199365

>I HATE Geek Climber
fully understandable but why specifically now?

Anonymous No. 199371

i also hate geek climber and rockentry
rockentry just seems like a dickhead, i cant put my finger on it
i hate most climbing "influencers," i have a couple at my gym and they cant climb for shit

Anonymous No. 199375

i read a tip on MP that if you cut your toenails like a square instead of rounding it like on your fingernails then it prevents you from getting ingrown toenails, have been doing this for a few months now and its actually fixed my half-ingrown toenail :) would recommend

Anonymous No. 199381

he's just been making youtube shorts and reels out of his old videos to get more attention without actually putting out a new video
dude also hasn't even talked about climbing specifically in years, he just does calisthenics shit and is really weirdly gay around men who are more muscular than him

Anonymous No. 199464

Been suffering from a trigger finger while going climbing for about 2 months now. How retarded am I? Physical therapy didn't do shit so I'll probably go get a corticosteroid injection soon

Anonymous No. 199511

>be me. climbing outside for about 90 mins already
>rockentry shows up with a couple friends to the boulder I've been at for a half hour
>don't wanna be a sperg so literally just say 'hey what's good'
>ignores me and then sprays down his friends on a shitty v6
>fails to send the shitty v6
>laugh internally as I pack my stuff to go

Rockentry is a massive faggot and is a clear case of nominative determinism. Oswaldo. He never even had a chance but at least he could show a little shame for being such a queer.

Anonymous No. 199512

alright bros I got a summer pass to my gym, time to hit V6 again and a 4pl8 deadlift

Anonymous No. 199513


Anonymous No. 199514

and a large diet coke

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Anonymous No. 199519

are shoes aid?

Anonymous No. 199523


Are any famous Instagram climbers ever nice?

Avoid Red Rocks in Primo season at all costs.

Anonymous No. 199576

thanks anon, i'll try this. I was actually thinking about getting my big toenail chemically removed. matrixectomy

Anonymous No. 199594

Every time I hang off a 20mm edge with weight between my legs
Is another normie liquidated

Anonymous No. 199601

dubs and i do runout slab today

Anonymous No. 199604

nevermind then it just started raining... so much for the "sunny no clouds all day" forecast

Anonymous No. 199654

Progressing at 20mm max hangs is exhilarating
I am in search of lost time

Anonymous No. 199655

Roof > Slab

Anonymous No. 199660

I can't tell you much I detest any climbing that isn't actual climbing
All I want from a climbing centre is something that just keeps it simple
No stupid Dyno moves, no big retarded mounds or whatever
I just want to climb, overhang, with ever more increasing challenging grips

Literally all I want from a climbing centre is to be able to actually climb,.not get stuck on some retarded gimmicky shit first up

Anonymous No. 199666


I mean the future of climbing is more obtuse volumetric climbing , the days of crimp hard pull hard are over.

Flexiblity and movement are 90% of these new gyms nowadays.

Anonymous No. 199673

learn 2 spray wall

Anonymous No. 199743

kek the forecast here said it would be raining all day and it only sprinkled a couple times

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Anonymous No. 199751

Bros when you see a tiny slopey foot chip, do you try to put your big toe directly on it or more smear between the wall and a chip?

Anonymous No. 199766

Dave McLeod is test cricket in climbing form

Anonymous No. 199772


Anonymous No. 199836

genuinely fucking seethe when I see some normie douche with no grip strength, who can 5 pulls up max, climbing things I can't
this world is fucked

Anonymous No. 199838

are you like 4'3 or something

Anonymous No. 199857

The only thing holding me back is my fucking tennis elbow that has never disappeared even after all the rest and physical therapy

Anonymous No. 199876

no he probably is just someone who has never thought about technique for one nanosecond
just use your feet and stop abusing your "grip strength" bro

Anonymous No. 199892

Technical ability is far more impressive than brute strength, in my opinion.

Anonymous No. 199907

i'm sick of dynos lol they're just a shoulder tear waiting to happen for older people

Anonymous No. 199909

>Imagine doing what you’re told for your entire life. You get decent grades. You go to college. You study computer science, or business, because that’s what’s employable. You nab the right summer internships. You graduate. You clock in at Google or McKinsey or some other exclusive-enough corporate entity that held recruitment sessions on campus that day you nearly had your first existential spiral.
>You move to Williamsburg or Greenpoint because, unlike your less discerning peers who moved to Murray Hill, you like vinyl listening bars and have a New Yorker tote bag. As those early twenties tick by, an emptiness begins to seep into your body. You can’t place it. Why is this happening to you? You did what everyone said to do and more. You should be happy.
> Several omakase first dates later, you start to realize that it’s not your lackluster love life. Actually, it’s your corporate job that might be the problem. Sure, it pays for your $4,500/month one-bedroom and imparts the kind of brand recognition wherein everyone back home has now concluded you’ve “made it”— all without forcing you to develop any real skills, or the necessity of ever sacrificing happy hour in the East Village. But it does plant inside of you a growing void. You can now detect a hollowness with every Slack message sent, a numbness when the direct deposit hits your account every other Friday.
>So, what do you do now? In your search of greater meaning in this Sweetgreenified life, you decide to go to the climbing gym.

Anonymous No. 199911

>You sign up for the annual $1,450 membership because you’re committed. You acquire a starter bundle of shoes, a harness and chalk for $69.93. Might as well become a member at REI while you’re at it, right? No excuses. This is the new you.
>And at first, the novelty is what excites you. All the new gear, a new lunch hour tradish where you watch YouTube videos about techniques and equipment reviews. The climbing gym becomes a glossy and safe setting just suggestive enough of wild terrain to make your heart pump with vigor again, surrounded as you are now by a new abundance of similarly-valued people. Gradually, that void deep inside seems to shrink.
>The holds on the walls at the gym are color-coded by intensity. You work your way up from baby blue to a nice, testosterony red as the months go on. The similarly-valued, questionably employed guys who also keep showing up at 2 PM on Thursdays and Fridays start to notice you, and in time, you all become friends. A groupchat is formed for volleying various climbing videos and unsolicited tips back and forth. You hit the sauna together after your sessions, and you often follow that up with craft beers at the brewery of the month for trivia night.
> You’re blissfully unaware that this is all contrived — that an elaborate scheme of marketers, brand consultants, social media influencers and real estate developers all converged to ensure that you’d end up right where you are now, giving your spare time and money to a big boy playpen. But you probably wouldn’t mind too much if you did know

Anonymous No. 199912

>One day you’re at the gym. You crush a new route you’ve never crushed before. You hit send on the self-timed video to the ClimbingGang™ groupchat, inciting the bombardment of all the usual “siiiiick,” “yooo nice!” and “aye” replies. But wait. Something’s off. You don’t feel that same manufactured sense of achievement you used to. You feel something else instead — the void, it’s back. This can’t be, you think, as the familiar emptiness creeps back up.
>You decide to fight it the only way you know. You climb even harder. You climb daily. You upgrade to the premium membership. You cop the most expensive, top-of-the line gear from REI (thank god you got that membership back then).
>But still, it persists.
>One day — your hands bloodied, your torso dripping in sweat — you stare at your Snow Peak Titanium Aurora Bottle. It’s full of water, but you, on the other hand, feel full of nothing. You now understand that you must ask yourself the real question here. Could there be, all this time, an underlying problem? And could it simply be that it’s time to quit your bullshit job? Is this your moment to look inward for once and think about what you, as a human being, might want to do with your limited time and caloric expenditure on earth?
>You entertain the thought just as much as you want to avoid it. Well, what else is there? DJing might be cool; you always liked managing the Spotify playlist at those college parties. Or, what if you ran your own coffee shop? And oh, dude, what if it was a coffee shop that also played vinyl records? And at night, it turns into a wine bar?

Anonymous No. 199913

>You suspect that could make you truly happy. But also, you have to get real. This is a capitalist world. Pursuing a “dream”? Think of all the ways it wouldn’t work. All that rejection. All those hours. Now that wouldn’t make you happy, would it? You start thinking faster. Oh yes. You’re really locked in now. Because if anything, that current bullshit job — with all of those meaningless seniority-based promotions, the cushy benefits — that is kind of anti-capitalist, if you think about it. There’s no “grind” or “hustle” or need to put in extra hours on weekends. And so you tell yourself that you’ve had it right all along. This soft pudding of static emptiness is much better than putting yourself through the ups and downs — the searing pains, the dangerous joys — that would come with doing something you think you love.
>So, what do you do now? You hit the pickleball court.

Anonymous No. 199916


Anonymous No. 199917

but i'm an autistic NEET brooklyn local who goes to the climbing gyms in new york and mogs the manlet techfags

Anonymous No. 199923

kinda true, but i think your analysis is half baked
people dont want these bullshit jobs, they are all that is left

Anonymous No. 199926

>just do what you love lol

Anonymous No. 199932

>big boy playpen
Lol it’s over for climbers

Anonymous No. 199956

rough day?

Anonymous No. 199987

Just climb outside alone with bird chirps and sunlight

>touch rock

Anonymous No. 199989

>the annual $1,450 membership
Wtf? That's typically around 500€ here. Are you an Aussie??

Anonymous No. 199993

it's new york city pricing
monthly memberships to all the climbing gyms here are like $130
you go 20 miles outside the city to a gym in new jersey and it's already way cheaper like $90 a month

Anonymous No. 200004

Toe, pushing inward as much as you can and if it's possible pulling a bit outward with your hands

Anonymous No. 200005

The fact is that ever since jobs have been around, people have been doing whatever they need to in order to scrape by. It’s not some modern predicament that a man usually doesn’t work a job that’s also his life’s passion. That’s the way it’s always been. If working a decent but boring job that enables you to enjoy a life of immense material wealth is somehow the worst fate you can imagine because muh emptiness, then you need to eat shit and die, you insufferable baby.

Anonymous No. 200017

Communists are soooooo stupid

Anonymous No. 200018

Kek the anons seething at that probably felt it hit too close to home

Anonymous No. 200045

Fuck yeah brahs, did two 5.11s (had to hangdog twice for the first one, three for the second) today after a 5.9 warmup, then a 5.10+. After four routes, was completely pumped. Feels so fucking good and rewarding to finally climb hard grades (to me) and seeing the fruition of my training come alive. I love climbing so much.

Anonymous No. 200062

I managed to send my 5th or 6th 7A boulder, does that finally make me a 7A climber?
Being "heavy" (80kg) is horrible for climbing when everyone else at the same height is around 60kg in my gym...

Anonymous No. 200064

Good shit, brah. What is your height? There is a dude probably 210 at my gym, heavy set, who is a straight crusher. Granted he probably has to work a lot harder because of his weight, but his technique is impeccable. Showed me a video of him doing a V8 outside and I just imagined how good he could be if he just lost the weight.

Anonymous No. 200071

they all fall for the "le poor people are le happy" meme

Anonymous No. 200073

Congrats, 5.12 soon buddy! don't forget to train core and stretch

Anonymous No. 200077

>nominative determinism. Oswaldo

Wut? I don't deny he's a fag but his name would have to be something like brock or geo for it to be that maybe i'm missing something

Anonymous No. 200087

checked. good dubs
Oswaldo is a gay fuckin name. He was destined to become a faggot solely based on that. Also he talks like a drooling retard who can only fit one word in his head at a time. One can never pour enough scorn on that faggot.
checked. nice trips.

Anonymous No. 200140

Irrelevant. I climb outside

Anonymous No. 200191

I know mountaineering isnt so /cg/ but speaking of ragging on influencers. Im kinda glad nimsdai got got by the millennial climbing lady's. Who gives a fuck about siege style climbing in modern day.

Anonymous No. 200203

I didn't think anyone will be too upset about that one. Nims comes across as a massive prick.

Also Charles Barret just got two life sentences yesterday. I wonder who will be next? Any more famous climbers in their mid/late 30s with an oversized ego?

Anonymous No. 200217

Kek these two dorks got so huffy puffy when someone asked to join them monopolizing the kilter board, trying to go back to back to prevent this dude from getting in an attempt. Like calm down losers, it’s a glorified jug board that only dyel asians on IG take videos of them doing

Anonymous No. 200251

Yet again proving the kilterboard is for massive faggots. Spray wall > tb2 > tb1 > moon > literally anything else > kilterboard

Anonymous No. 200263

Boardlets will never know what real rock feels like, just let them have their Instagram reel and go outside.

Anonymous No. 200268

What about Mani the Monkey?

Anonymous No. 200280

Channel might be small but he's one of the first climbing tubers.
He used to be a really good outdoor climber, has some interesting content and seems like he lives a pretty sweet life in his yurt.

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Anonymous No. 200312

/cg/ You are climbing outside this weekend right?

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Danelo Cavalcante....webm

Anonymous No. 200327

can he climb back to freedom?

Anonymous No. 200368

anyone climb purely out of spite? i broke my ankle bouldering a few years ago and lost interest in it but now i have a spiteful desire to climb again

Anonymous No. 200462


mountaineering is where its at right no anyways

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Anonymous No. 200490

haha why wouldn't I be hahahaHaha

Anonymous No. 200502

gonna visit the worldcup in innsbruck this month bros. my first time watching a comp

Anonymous No. 200503

reminder: top roping is the purest form of climbing

Anonymous No. 200505

Based, also use your chance to climb in the KI, really nice climbing gym

Anonymous No. 200520

Spray wall at home and climbing 8b outside. Bet you're a faggot or an intermediate imbecile.

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Anonymous No. 200525

>why yes I exclusively climb the kilter board how could you tell

Anonymous No. 200527

It's getting fucking hot and I hiked a long ways to try a problem again but no dice. It's a good hard crimp line but the challenge is that beyond the start the feet are just nonexistent. I would 100% trade downsizing the final holds by 50% for just 1 semi-decent foothold. I hate shitty feet so goddamn much. But it's good skill development so Ima keep at it.

Anonymous No. 200536

hmmmm, today I think I will bike to the climbing gym (clueless)

Anonymous No. 200559

Go early , heatstroke adds one grade

Anonymous No. 200562

>t. Dyel Asian

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Anonymous No. 200586

>Why not just belt ranks like Japan does it?
dankyu is the least simple to understand and remember you literal retard. vermin increments from 0, dankyu decreases from an arbitrary number and then increments, also forcing foreigners to remember which side is dan and which side is kyu (kyu comes first despite most people calling it dankyu because fuck you)
what do you think climbing is all about? you're a training bot who forgot to actually climb.
cool depression fantasy man, I find climbing fun regardless of the level I'm sending and I like that its a workout. that's all I need it to be.

Anonymous No. 200608

I’d say it depends if they’re all one style or if you can do 7a multiple styles and wall angles.

I define an 7a climber as someone who can rock up to most 7as and send them. Maybe has to project them but doesn’t throw their hands up and say “it’s just not my style” or whatever other excuses there are

Anonymous No. 200609

Pretty much any climbing channel where they’re mid at climbing but attempt to be the worlds best coach. I remember rockentry telling his viewers that he places his toe slightly above the foothold and then slides his toe down the wall onto the hold to get the most surface area. Fucking dumb.

But yeah you don’t have to be climbing Jesus but at least by v double digit to be giving climbing advice.

I also hate people who shill magnus products and ag1

Anonymous No. 200611

Ah I remembered another one. Noah Kane. He isn’t that experienced and does some stupid shit. It seems like he’s doing it almost on purpose to generate more comments for the algorithm

Anonymous No. 200612

you can call yourself whatever you want; when I'm asked about it I find it more useful to say that I can usually send X in 1 session and I've projected up to Y
his YT shorts are so fucking bad and have a cumulative hundreds of millions of views (as is the norm for YT shorts). even though faggots like rockentry have more-insufferable personalities Noah Kane actively harms climbing to a greater extent (millions of idiots have now been misinformed or given shit advice)

Anonymous No. 200615

flashed a couple v7s on mb 2016 today
then fell off some v3s in gym
i think this gym is sandbaggoed

Anonymous No. 200637

just wait until you go to bpump
basically only world cup (male) finalists climb v8 on their scale

Anonymous No. 200644

There has always been a component within me that has enabled me to get addicted to exercise quite easily
And climbing has come around now. I don't think I will drop it like I did running (18:27 5k pb) or lifting (4 plate deadlift pb). This just feels like home, just WISH I had started earlier

Anonymous No. 200645

Was it 7A in Australia or California, or 7a at climbing works Sheffield?
The difference is vast. The climbs would barely even resemble one another

🗑️ Anonymous No. 200647

You can basically summise it in four words
'getting the better of'
When you are winning against a grade, you can climb that grade. Its not about climbing 1 of them or all of them

Anonymous No. 200648

>>200608 #
You can basically summarise it in four words
'getting the better of'
When you are winning heavily against a grade, you can climb that grade. Its not about climbing 1 of them or all of them

Anonymous No. 200657

this gym only goes up to v7 as well, but its a small and grungy hole in the wall place for elitists

Anonymous No. 200663

another dogshit climbing channel is that Movement for Climbers guy who did a TedX talk about learning how to backflip. I remember his channel was getting sorta big until he made a "how to lift" video and he demonstrated doing benchpress with terrible form and everyone in the comments was giving him shit. All of the technique these shitty channels try to teach you in 10 minutes is so worthless. Props to Emil for making multiple videos being upfront in saying that most climbers just need to actually get stronger

Anonymous No. 200664

I was able to get to 4pl8 deadlift last year while climbing and maintaining a sub 19 5k, kinda hard to get past those benchmarks without specializing in one or the other though.

Anonymous No. 200673

7A in Austria/Central Europe which apparently is rather close to outdoor grades
[spoiler]know a guy who did a few 8A's outside but can't do most 7C's in Austrian gyms[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 200712

>Props to Emil for making multiple videos being upfront in saying that most climbers just need to actually get stronger
go into any climbing gym and you'll see 9 idiots flailing around campusing v2 with zero technique for every 1 person that actually needs to train strength

Anonymous No. 200922

They never climb harder than v2 due to not having any testosterone. Literally start flashing v3/4 and you'll never see them again. Then its just ripped white guys, and tiny but freakishly good asian guys/girls.

Anonymous No. 200923

just watch tomoa

Anonymous No. 200927

I can't deal with the japanese tv editing on his channel.

Anonymous No. 201029

fucking finger pain holding me back so much , you take one break in this sport and your fucked for months

Anonymous No. 201061

fucking lame how you take a break for a few months and you gotta ease back in with only 2 or 3 sessions a week

Anonymous No. 201062


what about this sport attracts tons of asians

Anonymous No. 201078

>and you gotta ease back in with only 2 or 3 sessions a week
I've never climbed more than 2x/week and I can regularly send outdoor 5.13c in one session. 3 years in the sport, had some stretches where I only climbed on Saturdays.
Just make your sessions really high quality. I always laugh when V6 climbers tell people that climbing less than x times a week isn't enough for progression.

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Anonymous No. 201080

what about football attracts tons of stocky lunkheads?
asian tech bros often have climber bodies before even starting.

Anonymous No. 201086

Seriously, almost blew my hand on a dual tex crimp route that I would've normally been able to do.

Rice Bucket is no help either

Anonymous No. 201099

interesting that tomoa's brother is also near elite but is 6'2" (absolutely massive for a japanese person)

Anonymous No. 201104

wish i had more asians in my gym so i can get a qt asian gf. but its just lesbians, ugly hippies and hot women with boyfriends

Anonymous No. 201111


Change gyms anon, everyone knows you send harder when the qt's are watching

Anonymous No. 201125

where is this from?

Anonymous No. 201146

make a new thread already, i want to talk about what shoes are best for indoor top rope

Anonymous No. 201176

We're on page 3 you absolute gumby

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Anonymous No. 201181

>We're on page 3 you absolute gumby

Anonymous No. 201185

hey guys what shoes are best for indoor top rope? I'm trans if that matters :3

Anonymous No. 201187

Fuck off with your gay selfies you disgusting tranny

Anonymous No. 201188

>Route is a VB but if you repeat it 10 times it's a V2

Anonymous No. 201206

i use la sportiva solutions because thats what adam ondra uses
i am 5'2 and weigh 350lbs :), but theyre super sticky and definitely help me climb hard
check my video for more pro tips! :)

Anonymous No. 201207

i wish the solutions didnt scrape my achilles tendon so much otherwise it would be my favourite climbing shoe, the rest of my foot fits it so well

Anonymous No. 201218

>all just normal climbing techniques
I've always wanted to try climbing with a weighted vest, just to see if it's really that much harder to climb for fat people. Whenever somebody complains about their weight while climbing I fantasize about putting on a weighted vest and proving that they just suck. Same with short people. So tired of short climbers complaining about reach when they aren't even committing to a move.

Not that climbing isn't harder for short/fat people. It just pisses me off when they complain about it while making basic errors in technique.

Anonymous No. 201223

i think weighted vest climbing isn't worthwhile
better off just doing weighted pullups and hangs

Anonymous No. 201224

those fat people don't have proportional strength, especially for upper body stuff
notice that the fat guy in the video is basically incapable of tensing up his scapula and shoulders and can't control even a light sideways swing

Anonymous No. 201229

Tips do climbing v8?
Anything special i need to do? I’m getting v7s reliably.

Anonymous No. 201233

are ocun FTS crashpads any good?

Anonymous No. 201238

Focus on body positioning , maybe implement a hangboard routine

Anonymous No. 201270

Get some evolv shoes with the trax rubber

Anonymous No. 201275

i want to climb outside so bad but its raining nearly every day ;__;

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Anonymous No. 201340

>climbed twice in my life
>enjoyed it both times
>want to go again
>have seen multiple videos of people getting absolutely fucked from bad falls
>every time I think about going I get flashes of that video with the chinese guy in my head and then get cold feet
why does everything fun have to be dangerous bros

Anonymous No. 201342

pussy, live a little you will die anyways

Anonymous No. 201343

yeah it's pussy until my leg explodes and I can never deadlift again and then end up killing myself

Anonymous No. 201349

ai generated slop
thanks for listing your weaknesses so that something of substance can be replied, retard. if v7 is your first plateau (which you make it sound like), do yourself a favor and try a moonboard / outdoor v7
learn to fall and then choose to downclimb when possible. you're only going to get injured if you do something retarded; don't attempt a dyno if you aren't comfortable landing with horizontal momentum, etc.

Anonymous No. 201358

That video is a freak accident. Guy might as well have been struck by lightning. I've been climbing for over a decade and the closest I've ever been to an accident like that is when a friend a friend sprained her ankle. Learn how to fall properly and then never worry about it again.

Go anyway. Rain forecasts are always overly pessimistic, and often times it's just a sprinkle. Some of my best climbing days were on days with a rainy forecast.

Anonymous No. 201398

There is no fast progress for tendon strength. If you try you will injure your fingers 100%

Anonymous No. 201400

if he's really made for it then he was born with dyneema tendons

Anonymous No. 201660

as soon as this board reaches the bump limit it dies

Anonymous No. 201688

It’s awesome, I saw a girl dislocate her ankle the other week at a climbing gym doing bouldering. Poor fall form. Several people at our gym have decked on autobelays recently and gotten spine injuries.

I’ve seen many near misses outside but I never say anything. Never seen a serious injury outside yet.

I guess the takeaway from this is in all cases it was the persons fault in some way shape or form, so they had control over it and either chose to ignore it or made a mistake. Don’t be that guy and you’ll be fine.

Anonymous No. 201693

Maybe we should be making new threads as soon as that happens then. The autists will bitch, though.

Anonymous No. 201694

How do you deck on autobelay?

Anonymous No. 201706

Damn I hope you reach bump limit soon faggot

Anonymous No. 201708

You don’t clip in lol. They were free soloing and didn’t realize it. I think major injuries like that in the gym are a good thing, teaches other people a lesson not to be retarded

Anonymous No. 201716

>initiate are good because they teach people not to get injured
they just increase the price of insurance and make gyms impose stricter rules

Anonymous No. 201746

yeah it's bad, it's a race to 300 posts and then it slows to a crawl until 500

Anonymous No. 201750

I agree those two things happen as an unfortunate side effect, but I really think retards need to be taught a lesson first hand. Not only do they learn a valuable lesson, so do all the others who saw the accident happen.

Personally I think after a major accident you should also be banned, if it was determined to be your fault. For example not clipping into an autobelay. Or if you’re the belayer of someone and give them a really hard catch and they break their ankle, you get banned. Maybe having a “zero tolerance for risky behavior” policy or something like that could lower the insurance

Anonymous No. 201772

If someone fucks up and causes a major accident, they're probably now the safest person in the gym, by your own reasoning. And "zero tolerance for risky behavior" is completely redundant. Potentially injuring yourself is a much stronger deterrent than potentially being banned from a gym. Nobody is weighing the pros and cons of not clipping in to an autobelay; they just forget. And if they forget once they're not likely to forget ever again.

Anonymous No. 201789

you couldn't pull off my starting holds

Anonymous No. 201794

lmao @ ur life

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Anonymous No. 201797


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This is a 10 in C....jpg

Anonymous No. 201822

Why is there a skinny Chinese boy competing for the Canadian women's team?

Anonymous No. 201836

finally got my own crashpads since there was a really good sale at a local store, cant wait to be able to do some long term projects without having to rely on others for it or pay out my ass to loan them.
its too bad my fingers feel really tweaky and bad right now so i will mostly do sloper problems i guess.

Anonymous No. 201858

>attempt crimpy routes at project level
>fingers feel bad even when half crimping
>attempt slopey routes at project level
>elbows always scream with tendinitis for days after
my body wants me to quit so bad. I have random lucky days where nothing hurts and everything feels strong but it's truly at random (non-replicable) which is absolute aids. recently I've just been training endurance on medium-difficulty rope routes because there's fuckall else I can do without making life hell at my physically demanding job.
loving climbing is learning to cope I guess

Anonymous No. 201863

im considering switching to doing easy trad just for the summer to let my fingers heal, fucking sucks how easy it is to damage your fingers by pushing yourself too much
>>elbows always scream with tendinitis for days after
i found a stretch thats really nice for elbow pain but i cant find the name of it, put your right arm out and make a fist, then rotate your arm counter-clockwise as hard as you can, then move your whole arm around behind your shoulder and a little down at a 10-20deg angle, should feel a really good stretch in the elbow if you keep rotating the arm.
Just doing pushups and bench presses helps a lot with elbow pain for me but im really weak at pushing so that might be why

Anonymous No. 201866

i don't know what exactly is going on with your elbow, but this stretch helped me when i was having some elbow aches

also, your two "options" you posted are either crimps or slopers at project level... if this is causing you issues, drop the ego and grades, cruise around on problems few v grades lower. ropes do that somewhat, but ropes are stupid

Anonymous No. 201877

>ropes do that somewhat, but ropes are stupid
opinion disregarded

Anonymous No. 201878

you said it before I could. dropping grades isn't an ego issue, I simply want to train and improve as opposed to climbing for fun. 4x4s or other bouldering exercises could fit my purpose but endurance training on rope is obviously better for your knees than rapid-fire drops from the wall.

Anonymous No. 201894

What happened to Alannah Yip? (if that's even her)

Anonymous No. 201895

yeah, i got it similar. do you mean that the elbows become the next weak point once you take care of the fingers, or do you consider slopers especially taxing?

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Anonymous No. 201896

alopecia, she said

Anonymous No. 201897

Going to tell the people I climb with I don't ever want to do indoor roped climbing again
Simply don't enjoy it, find it stressful, and it doesn't strengthen your bouldering

Anonymous No. 201899

what grade do you climb you fucking pussy?
you would fucking die at hueco

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five ten rogue.jpg

Anonymous No. 201904

Does anyone here have this shoe? And can you tell what is your climbing shoe size and your normal shoe size?

Anonymous No. 201926

You sound like some dumb yank mutt

Anonymous No. 201933

>gym regular who has been climbing for 10 years up and quit one day
>someone tracked him down, asked why
>said he was tired of all the bullshit and rivalries and feuds people started with him just because he was alright at climbing
>he just wanted to feel like a kid on the monkey bars again
>plays pickleball now, says made more friends in the past several months than he did in years of climbing
Good riddance

Anonymous No. 201941

sounds like a passive aggressive douchebag. all his new pickleball friends will start to hate him in a few months.

Anonymous No. 201944

>Simply don't enjoy it, find it stressful, and it doesn't strengthen your bouldering
All true.
Cope climbers suck at bouldering

Anonymous No. 201945


Anonymous No. 201946

>most "climbers" today will never scale an awe-inspiring cliff face
lmao @ boulder drones. to the first-year gym goers itt, do yourself a favor and take a lead course. it's easier than you think it is.

Anonymous No. 201951

yeah, lead climbing isn't hard or complicated but rather boring indoors.
hope I'll have fun in arco in a few days, on real rock it should actually be fun

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Anonymous No. 201966

they qualified

Anonymous No. 201984

Fuck. Brutal.

Anonymous No. 201990

doubt it, pickleball attracts way more normies and less tryhards
climbers are weird intense autists pretending to be chill and soft vibes homos and lesbians

Anonymous No. 202013

>climbers are weird intense autists pretending to be chill
also behaving like elitist assholes but I think that's normal for every sport or hobby

Anonymous No. 202047
Ondra and Megos got shut down so hard on the first boulder (comp style paddle dyno bullshit)

Anonymous No. 202054

They all got.

Anonymous No. 202056

literally no one could top out the first three boulders
that blocked crimp on the second one seemed absolutely brutal, what the fuck were the setters thinking?

Anonymous No. 202058

That bitch took her moment of fame she got from whining about bodyweight in climbing to the bakery.

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Anonymous No. 202062


Anonymous No. 202109

Nooooo not the outdoors! Plastic is good, plastic is safe, plastic is air conditioned.

Anonymous No. 202117

she's also had a serious eating disorder in pursuit of losing weight, which also fucks up someones hair. she's in her redemption arc, she's absolutely jacked now.

Anonymous No. 202146

is that brooke?

Anonymous No. 202182

a group of older climbers (50-60) cheered for me when I stuck a dyno on a V7 today. feels good man

🗑️ Anonymous No. 202184

goddamn that's pretty. route looks really hard

Anonymous No. 202206

my chalk bag is full of hard little sharp gravelly bits

Anonymous No. 202237

should I bother getting better chalk or should I just stick with the shitty little chalk blocks that cost two dollars

Anonymous No. 202239

just try some of the other stuff, its all relatively the same price since it lasts a long time, different chalks definitely feel different

Anonymous No. 202241

should I get MAGDUST

Anonymous No. 202342

just try it once. no harm in doing that

Anonymous No. 202345

Just got humbled trying out problems set by locals at the gym’s spray wall. Was fun although I couldn’t send a single one them.

Anonymous No. 202405

how bout i make a new thread dis shit sucks who down?

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Anonymous No. 202407

why do Slovenian women look like trolls

Anonymous No. 202412

i wouldnt mind, /esg/ has 4 threads up right now

Anonymous No. 202418

fuck it just do it this thread is dead

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Anonymous No. 202429

Do you guys think the boulders this morning were a bit too hard?

I don't follow competitive climbing, so I don't know if this is normal, but 1st place ony completed two boulders

Anonymous No. 202433

can you link the /out/ thread in the op if you make it?

Anonymous No. 202438

i haven't seen the actual boulders, but the results are pretty bad. what i find worse than the lack of tops is that the problems mostly failed at separating the competitors - on each problem there was a single prevalent result for all climbers.
that being said, it happens sometimes. route setting is hard

Anonymous No. 202443

Right, it's up.
I really made a mess of it but it's there.

New bread:

Anonymous No. 202444

Yeah that sucks. With a perfect set no two competitors will score the same, and different boulders will be better suited to different climbers.

Anonymous No. 202455

Can anyone diagnose my finger injury?
Ring finger, felt something pop/give while in full crimp.
No it hurts to apply pressure above the a3 pulley area, as well as when crimp or fully curling up that finger, otherwise normal movement is pain free.

Anonymous No. 202500

Last minute too kwabs

Anonymous No. 202501

>redemption arc
Yet she still sucks at climbing

Anonymous No. 202503

Sounds like a minor ligma

Anonymous No. 205562

>bouldering is inherently contrived as opposed to outdoor rope climbing
you talking trad or sport? because sport is the most contrived of all. if it wasn't then there'd be no reason to bolt it in the first place

Anonymous No. 207295

agreed, the endurance aspect of rope climbing is heavily underrated
bouldering is just too gamified and feels like it attracts speedrun tranny types too much