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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 199172

Name a dumber sport than this.

Anonymous No. 199181


Anonymous No. 199201

Arm wrestling

Anonymous No. 199204

Is pro wrestling a sport?

Anonymous No. 199233

Go back

Anonymous No. 199307

I caught a ban on the first day of /xs/ by starting a thread about training for /pw/ as a sport so I'm guessing not.

Anonymous No. 199309


Anonymous No. 199333

BJJ (gayer too)

Anonymous No. 199761

It's gymnastics and method acting combined.

Anonymous No. 200105

Who won UFC 1?

Anonymous No. 200111

The group that organized it, set the rules, and built the fighting surface.

Anonymous No. 200114

What style instead of just theory actually go against martial arts masters and beat every single one of them?

Anonymous No. 200122

You type like a slap fighting veteran.

Anonymous No. 200126

>he actually believes this
lol, lmao even. If only that evil Brazilian crowd favourite kimura wasn’t 500lbs heavier and a full century young infer, then bjj would have won!

Anonymous No. 200167

Bradley Martyn got swept by a sexagenarian blue belt.

Anonymous No. 200288

BJJfags have got to be the most delusional race there has ever existed, holy fuck

Anonymous No. 200290

If what I heard about "shooters" is true, then I guess it can become sports-like when a wrestler actually tries for real to win. He basically sabotages the fight and gets a nonscripted victory in front of the audience by actually being agressive, but I heard that happened very rarely cause an actor that ignores the script is not an actor that gets paid a lot. I heard it happened more in the Japanese scene than in the American one, but it's all hearsay really. I am not a wrassling expert so take everything I just said with a grain of salt.

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Anonymous No. 200291

What you say is like saying a submarine is clearly inferior to a tank because you put both of them in the plains and made them fight each other till only one remains. Context matters, and the people that say "bro shove your le theory up your ass xDDD" tend to lack nuance and a holistic view on things. Not saying BJJ isn't valid, but early UFC had a ruling that was clearly biased to help it succeed over other styles or arts.