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🧵 /sumo/ summertime edition

Anonymous No. 202772

Banzuke is out



>All the sumo links and how to watch live:

Previous thread: >>javascript:quote('198992');

Anonymous No. 202783

How long till the banzuke ? pretty sure it's today

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Anonymous No. 202784

I’m back bitches

Anonymous No. 202823

At M14 too, welcome back Wakakakaka

Meanwhile wakamotoharu at Maegashira 2, if he's lucky he might ket a kinboshi, assuming terunofuji shows up

🗑️ Anonymous No. 202843

Jesus Christ anon >>198992

Anonymous No. 202844

Jesus Christ OP how do you fuck up this bad >>198992

Anonymous No. 202859

Kinda excited to see if shonanoumi can keep the run going now that his learning time is over. It’s time to show out.

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Anonymous No. 202906

juryo yusho soon fellow futagoyama viewers

Anonymous No. 202914

Takerufuji isn't doing practice bouts? I guess that means it was more than a sprained ankle. Some kind of tear right? Guess it's over for him.

Anonymous No. 202925

I am doubtful yet hopefuly

Anonymous No. 202926

Nabatame needs about 10-15 more kilos and some inter-stable practice if he wants to properly establish himself in Juryo. I'm predicting that he gets a make-koshi this time around, but comes straight back up.

Anonymous No. 202929

I'm going to vomit.

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Anonymous No. 202942

>I'm predicting that he gets a make-koshi this time around, but comes straight back up.

Anonymous No. 202973

You say this like Teru is a piñata.

Anonymous No. 202981

>if he's lucky
He would have to be lucky to win,
>assuming Terunofuji shows up
But he can't win if he doesn't fight

Anonymous No. 202984

You say this like Teru isn't a piñata.

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Anonymous No. 202985

It wouldn't be wrong

Anonymous No. 202986

I understood that as he'd be lucky that Teru shows up because it's free kinboshi.

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Anonymous No. 202996

teru teru bozo

Anonymous No. 202997

>Some kind of tear right? Guess it's over for him.
"Ankle sprain" is a nonspecific term for injuries to three different ligaments. When they announced his kyuujou in May, they reiterated that it was an "injury to the lateral collateral ligament complex of the ankle", which in normal English just reduces to "ankle sprain". Any or all of his ankle LCL ligaments could have been fully torn and it would still translate the same. In the most extreme cases, apparently it can require surgery to fix.

Anonymous No. 202998

>it can require surgery to fix
And if it did he probably wouldn't get the surgery, right?

Anonymous No. 203020

Takerufuji seems like the type of guy to do it, given his comment about not liking sumo all that much. It's hard to imagine that would be the guy who sticks it out for sumo pride

Anonymous No. 203044

Someone put him out of his misery...

who? No. 203067

here we go again; he injured his biceps before last basho, now this lol.
instead going full ham 2 weeks before basho. they should do the opposite and layback on the training.

Anonymous No. 203068

It's not an injury that is likely to effect his in ring performance and missing a few days of practice is probably not the end of the world especially if he still has the 5-6 days immediately before the basho to train. At M12 the first week should be relatively easy for him if he still has the ability to get back to Ozeki which seems to be the expectation.

Anonymous No. 203069

Onosato is the only hope and we are at minimum 3 tournaments until he could relieve his suffering

Anonymous No. 203070

Yokozuna Onosato would be the worst possible thing for the sumo.
No, I will not elaborate.

Anonymous No. 203071

this, but greatest

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Anonymous No. 203072

>be takakeisho
>promoted to Yokozuna on 13-2 jun yusho and 12-3 yusho
>new basho
>go kyujo
>refuses to elaborate
>once a year 11-4 tournament in osaka
>intai at 40

Anonymous No. 203073

can jsa retire yokozuna on their own?
i know they sorta force the guy to do it, but what if he was a fag and didnt want to.

Anonymous No. 203074

His shisho could hand his retirement papers to the NSK and they could accept them

Anonymous No. 203091

>can jsa retire yokozuna on their own?
If he commits some kind of extraordinary infraction like being convicted of a felony, they can fire him.

In normal situations, though, no. They cannot force a yokozuna to quit, or anyone else for that matter. They are employees of the JSA and do have a lot of legal protections under Japanese law.

The wrinkle in this is the stablemaster's role. A stablemaster can simply turn in retirement papers for any wrestler in his stable, whether or not the wrestler wants this. (Ref.: Futahaguro) That is a right stablemasters legally retain.

Now, if the JSA wanted to fire a wrestler and his stablemaster refused, then politics get involved. The stablemaster, being a shareholder, could have his share revoked or have his stable transferred to a different shareholder. Thus, stablemasters are willing to play ball to protect their own positions.
Few shareholders are willing to take a principled stance because they paid millions for the share and expect to make that back when they leave the JSA and sell their share. They can't afford to throw away millions just to make a point.

Anonymous No. 203096

Everyone saw that news about Assman's eye on Chris's youtube channel long before you posted it.

Anonymous No. 203100

prediction: there will be fewer ozeki/yokozuna losses on opening day in nagoya than there were for natsu

Anonymous No. 203118

Kill yourself

Anonymous No. 203120

>They cannot force a yokozuna to quit
Yeah they can, that's what intai kankoku is for. Don't think the NSK has no hand in what the YDC does.

Anonymous No. 203123

That's not FORCING a yokozuna to retire.
That's a recommendation. The recommendation has only ever been issued once and it was after Asashoryu beat up a guy in a restaurant. Asashoryu retired and, coincidentally, the victim decided not to press charges.
The question in >>203073 is if a yokozuna can simply be fired and, like >>203091 said, it's not that simple. The YDC certainly can't do anything except provide the appearance that some neutral outside parties are involved.

Wrestlers who get fired, like Wakanoho or Roho, actually have to fail drug tests (illegal narcotics, not steroids).

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Anonymous No. 203147

>That's not FORCING a yokozuna to retire. That's a recommendation.
Do you understand Japan or Japanese at all? Of course it's a recommendation and not a commandment.

>Asashoryu beat up a guy in a restaurant. Asashoryu retired and, coincidentally, the victim decided not to press charges
You're clearly not familiar with the details of that case.

At any rate - the NSK explicitly can fire people and has done so. This is detailed in the legal documentation of their becoming a Public Interest Corporation as well as cases which reference it (eg Oosunaarashi). See pic.

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Anonymous No. 203148

Not only can the NSK fire guys, but the guys in question can also go to court if they think the firing was meritless.

Anonymous No. 203149

I don’t think anyone would eject to the idea of a year long lay off for yokokeisho if he won the rope with 2 yushos hakuho was gone for almost a year and no one batted an eye when he came back and put up his 15-0 against surging teru. Keisho is still young but I don’t think he would want to do the run back up again He’s in a pickle.

Anonymous No. 203151

>Now let me tell you about Japan...

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Anonymous No. 203157

The important part of the post was the text in the image. Bear in mind that, to my knowledge, these are abbreviated versions of a much longer legal text not available online, so there could be additional details I'm missing.

Article 92 says a 3/4ths majority vote in the rijikai can kick out any toshiyori, rikishi, gyouji etc if they show an inability to understand the nature of sumo, or if their actions risk damaging the reputation of the NSK, or if their behavior disrupts regular NSK operations, and they repeatedly fail to reform despite being warned. The NSK can call a special meeting of the rijikai and the Advisory Council (appointed outsiders) to jomei that person with a 3/4ths vote.

That is their nuclear option, and Article 93 looks to be the less extreme version of the same thing, simply saying that all punishments of toshiyori, rikishi, gyouji etc must be voted on by the rijikai and must fall into one of the following five categories: censure, payment reduction, performance stoppage (imposed kyuujou), descent down the banzuke, and firing (kaiko).

Anonymous No. 203181

Ōsunaarashi's retirement was formally requested from the JSA and he complied, but he was not actually dismissed.
Rohō is an example of someone who was actually dismissed.

Coincidentally, both were Taihō/Ōtake stable guys. Just another reminder that Ōhō, despite his size and pedigree, is still playing on hard mode.

Anonymous No. 203186

>Ōsunaarashi's retirement was formally requested from the JSA and he complied, but he was not actually dismissed.
You're right, I was looking at the wrong tab.

Anonymous No. 203200

>My grandfather was Ivan Boryshko

Anonymous No. 203203


Anonymous No. 203205

You mean Naya Kōki? He was born in Karafuto prefecture.

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Anonymous No. 203217

>This is also Taiho's grandson.

Anonymous No. 203221

He is Sumo Man, son of Sumo Man, son of Sumo Man. His pedigree as Japan Man is irrelevant.

Anonymous No. 203228

I've always wondered why Yukio Naya decided not to follow the in the family footsteps. He's the eldest son after all and his mother has said that Takatoriki raised all his boys to be sumo wrestlers.

My guess is that, because he's older (29) he was around to witness all the chaos at the stable (Roho's dismissal, his father's gambling issues and divorce, Takanohana's coup attempt) and wanted to disengage.

The other sons are much younger (26, 24, and 22) so by the time they became old enough, the situation at the stable had more or less stabilized under Dairyu's leadership. They might not remember the chaos.

Anonymous No. 203230

Yukio hated sumo growing up because of his dad's obsession with them all being sumo wrestlers. It got to the point where Taiho himself stepped in and browbeat Takatoriki into easing off. A combination of that and the other kids being younger when the divorce happened meant the others had less pressure on them, so they didn't grow up hating sumo like Yukio did.

Also I'm not sure if this had anything to do with Yukio's recruitment into pro wrestling, but Takatoriki himself was a pro wrestler for a couple years after he got kicked out of sumo. The promotion he wrestled for, Real Japan Pro Wrestling, had a lot of well known industry vets that would've been an easy springboard for Yukio.

Anonymous No. 203232

What's your source on that? Not doubting you. I'd genuinely love to read more about this.

Anonymous No. 203234

Yukio did an interview with Bunshun Online a few years ago, when his wrestling career was starting to get some momentum. He really did not pull any punches when it came to his dad's gambling problems.

Anonymous No. 203235

he's like 10 at this point, what the fuck

Anonymous No. 203236

>"Hmm wonder why my kid ran away from Tottori sumo and begged his grandfather not to do it anymore, must be Ishiura Sr.'s fault."

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Anonymous No. 203238

I'm probably the only one who cares about this show, but Grand Sumo PREVIEW airs on NHK WORLD Japan next week on 11 July, a Thursday.

Anonymous No. 203278

Cool. Thanks.

Funny enough, they appear to have made peace to some extent. Yukio showed up on his father's YT channel to discuss sumo. He kept forgetting to call his brother Oho, not Konosuke.

Anonymous No. 203289

has Koga ever won a practice bout?

Anonymous No. 203290

Not even against Kikuchi.

Anonymous No. 203293

We have Futagoyama's address, I think we should club together and send Koga some steroids.

Anonymous No. 203303

I saw it happen about 4 months ago

Anonymous No. 203319

Koga needs to do his rice reps. Kyoda is 1cm shorter but has 40kg on him

Anonymous No. 203332

At least Koga has two hands.

Anonymous No. 203344

Yeah not like Katsumi

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who? No. 203376

another beya starting their youtube channel

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SUMO Hatsu Basho ....webm

Anonymous No. 203405

Anonymous No. 203421
What the fuck

Anonymous No. 203423


Anonymous No. 203424

Stumbled upon him while using query in sumodb. Depressing way to leave sumo

Anonymous No. 203425

It was his own fault. There are worse ways.

Anonymous No. 203427

what channel is this? i follow futagoyama (?) stable youtube channel, are there any more? well there must be, but like with english subtitles that arent completely shit. also, it really is fucken weird reading the japanese comments, like 98% are so nice and polite. you go to any western minecraft video and its atleast 50% nigger faggot

Anonymous No. 203428

First I've heard of a rikishi being drafted, I'm surprised they weren't excempt.

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Asashoryu vs Toch....webm

Anonymous No. 203436

>what channel is this?
Blind anon...

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Anonymous No. 203437

This time is THE time kotobros the zak starts his run for the rope NOW

Anonymous No. 203438

>retires without ever getting a make-koshi
>survives the Pacific theater on the losing side
>makes more money than he did as a rikishi
>dies an old man in his comfy traditional inn
I don't know about you, but that sounds incredibly fortunate and a good deal better than a lot of ex-rikishi.

Anonymous No. 203440

How do sumos bulk?

Anonymous No. 203445

Literally 10,000 calories of food every day.

Anonymous No. 203451

speaking of, what happened to Kikuchi? i havent seen him in the recent videos

Anonymous No. 203453

He is away at sumo school most of time

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Anonymous No. 203459

Anonymous No. 203472

Why did sumos do so badly in MMA?

Anonymous No. 203474


Anonymous No. 203476

>explode your knees and acquire brain damage
>subsequently seek a new career age 30+ in a fighting sport which has no skills transferable from sumo

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Anonymous No. 203477

this. being an US interpretor under the God King McArthur would have been enough to set him up for life

who? No. 203481

there's also

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Baruto sumo cartw....webm

Anonymous No. 203482

There's a watermark with their name on the picture.

>skip breakfast
>morning training
>consume truckloads of food and beer at lunch
>immediately take a nap after

There haven't been many good sumo wrestlers to compete in MMA. The most infamous ones that got heemed in early UFCs were nobodies in the sumo world. The ones that were elite in sumo (Baruto & Akebono) only competed in MMA well after they left their prime and had multiple serious injuries. Baruto did decent and Akebono primarily competed in kickboxing where he couldn't actually use his sumo.

Anonymous No. 203488


Anonymous No. 203493

See >>203445

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Anonymous No. 203502

We're getting new fat ugly bastard this basho at ms60TD

Anonymous No. 203512

>This time is THE time kotobros the zak starts his run for the rope NOW

The body and skills are beyond question, but I still haven't seen that killer instinct in him. He wants to win, but he doesn't yet NEED to win.

Anonymous No. 203514

Wow I never knew baruto did so well. I'm going to check out his fights

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Anonymous No. 203521

Onosato looks like a fucking demon in this pic

Anonymous No. 203527

I'm sure he's a nice enough young lad, but my God he has a knack for looking uncanny. If he works on his staredown a bit more he's got the potential to look more intimidating than the late Akebono.

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Anonymous No. 203551

Which MMA fighters do you think can do well in sumo?

Anonymous No. 203561

Sumos is fine, IMO. In Japanese, you can refer to a rikishi (not so much in third person but more so talking to them or next to them) as Ozumo-san, pretty much Mr. Sumo. I don't mind Sumos.
You can also say sumotori.

Anonymous No. 203567

Who is your favorite baseball?

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Josh Barnett vs O....webm

Anonymous No. 203590

They're not very exciting to watch, but it worked and he used his skillset to his advantage.

>take other guy down with his sumo skills
>use weight advantage to smother and tire them out

All the guys he beat were old, but legit fighters. Only loss is to Cro Cop who's one of the heavyweight GOATs.

Guys with a wrestling heavy game would do well in MMA. The level of wrestling at heavyweight isn't very high. A good yotsu rikishi would be extremely difficult to take down but could take the other guy down easy. Pusher-thrusters are of limited value in most MMA formats simply because they're in a cage or ring. In raised platform formats like sanda/leitai or Ganryujima, they'd be more effective.

Anonymous No. 203595

On the banzuke at jonokuchi 16w

Anonymous No. 203612

I read that Onosato might get exception if he does well this tournament and get Ozeki promotion. Is it true bros?

Anonymous No. 203616

We will never find out because Abi will go 14-1 and get the ozeki promotion.

Anonymous No. 203619

I don't watch any sport except Sumo.

Anonymous No. 203620

demon frog will not

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Mainoumi vs Kyoku....webm

Anonymous No. 203633

>Is it true bros?

who? No. 203636

even if he wins this, he won't be ozeki in september.

Anonymous No. 203652

Ozeki is not something you are gifted like that, it must be earned by proving to be a constant, strong presence in the ring and top charts, this is gonna be barely his 4th top division basho, sure things are not like they used to be but it's not a reason to be giving away the rank like that. By that logic if he wins 2 in a row he should be promoted to Yokozuna, right?

Anonymous No. 203655


Anonymous No. 203657


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apu cry.png

Anonymous No. 203658

>you will never join a stable at age 15
>you will never clean the toilets, make the chanko, and train hard with your bros
>you will never peak at mid makushita level
>you will never retire at 160kg in your 30s and take on a menial job with type 2 diabetes
>you will never reminisce about how you almost made salaried rank but were held back by an old injury

Anonymous No. 203661

He will, and it will ruin sumo forever.

Anonymous No. 203668

>first move is to retreat

I knew i was right to hate this faggot twink

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Anonymous No. 203669

Kaio got the same thing 24 years ago. Not sure what the circumstances were, but that is the most recent instance. I doubt they'll do it nowadays, given that even then it was a once-in-a-decade move.

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Anonymous No. 203671


Anonymous No. 203672

Exception to what? He was joi-jin in March and sekiwake now, so if he does well he could get promoted. What they'll look at is that he had weak results against ozeki in March (beat 8-6-1 Takakeisho, lost to the other two, Teru injured) and say that plus being maegashira (even though joi-jin) means he needs a very strong result July to get promoted. I'd say another yusho guarantees it, a strong jun-yusho plus strong ozeki performance would also do it, anything less than that would make them say "we need to see more in September."

Anonymous No. 203673

Joi jun yusho, komusubi yuusho, and 11+ jun or yusho would be earning it. thats better than a bunch of the three tournament runs others have had to get promoted.
why do you fools keep forgetting there are hard requirement for yokozuna? ozeki and two yusho (or yusho equivalent)

Anonymous No. 203712

>I read that Onosato might get exception if he does well this tournament and get Ozeki promotion. Is it true bros?
I don't know where you read this, but there has been that kind of speculation around up-and-comers like that forever.

M5 is simply too low to be the start of an ozeki run.

Certainly, there are exceptions to every rule and, if he were to win this basho convincingly, that would be two in a row and the banzuke committee might be inclined to celebrate his accomplishment.
But, even in that instance I would recommend you look at the example of another champion who started very quick: Takanohana. He had a number of JY and Y combinations when he was really young and he was not promoted, with the reasoning:
>He's still very young. If he's that good, he'll make it without our help.

Say Onosato has his worst basho as a pro and only goes 10-5, then he would need 11-4 the next time to make ozeki.

tl;dr: he'll get there. No need to speed things up by a couple basho. He's still only 24.

Anonymous No. 203724

>No need to speed things up by a couple basho.
Moreover, no need to take the risk of an early promotion. Injuries claim probably half of this sport's rising stars.

Anonymous No. 203727

Zak was quoted in the latest Chris video talking about wanting to level up his rank. WTF is wrong him? He has never won a cup, so how does he get the idea of making yokozuna into his head?

Anonymous No. 203740

Indeed. This is getting sad really, Hakuho managed to come back and get a exhilarating 15-0 vs a turure yokozuna on day 15, that's about as good an end as you can get.

Meanwhile Teru shows up, gift a few kinboshi's then get's back to the shed by day 6. He merits better but he's not getting it

Anonymous No. 203742

He's probably assuming phrasing it that way that most people aren't retarded

Anonymous No. 203749

zak vs kiriSHITma in practice
>wants to make yoko
>can't even beat kiriSHITma

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2024-07-10 09.32.....png

who? No. 203751

That's what Hakuho did as well, in 5 different bashos. Teru 4 times so far, but his body is in much worse state obviously..knees, back, diabetes and who knows what.

I know you hak fans will seethe, but you have to count this as 5 basho kyujo basically

Anonymous No. 203760

I think hepatitis too.

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Anonymous No. 203773

This is ryudens basho. He will yusho and make onosato cry like the bitch he is.

who? No. 203777


Anonymous No. 203780

enho is back... in jonokuchi. I hope his body allows him to get to juryo to get the 30th basho.

Anonymous No. 203781

Probably a stupid question, but is there an outside chance that Enho (Jk13w) fights Kikuchi (Jk16w)?

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Anonymous No. 203783

>Takanohana. He had a number of JY and Y combinations
We are talking about getting ozeki, not yokozuna. What you are saying about Takanohana is going ozeki to Yokozuna

Anonymous No. 203784

Nah, they'll put Enho up against the biggest men in the division - he'll either get some spectacular looking victories or some clumsy oaf will cripple him even further.

Anonymous No. 203785

>El abortista

Anonymous No. 203790

>some clumsy oaf will cripple him
That's why I was hoping they would fight.

Anonymous No. 203792

>Is there a chance

Anonymous No. 203796

>his body allows him
whats with this garbage where people think that their body or someone else's somehow isn't part of them?

Anonymous No. 203797

Are you retarded?

Anonymous No. 203801

You are not your body. You are piloting your body. If Miyagino killed moto-Hokuseiho and transplanted Enho's consciousness into the hulking corpse, the resulting man would still be Enho. Unfortunately, Miyagino does not have the power to do this, nor would the JSA let him even if he did, so Enho must continue to abuse the body he currently has.

Anonymous No. 203841


Anonymous No. 203842

There is a difference in go time vs show time

Anonymous No. 203843

>show time

Anonymous No. 203845

Zak is on a run he’s the highest ranked ozeki tied for most wins with onosato(who he beat three straight before last basho) with better quality of opponents and has put up consistent double digit efforts. The only thing that could stop this train right now is his mystery foot injury.

Anonymous No. 203846

>this train
train of zero cups

Anonymous No. 203848

Slow and steady sumo all he needs is one for a rope run

Anonymous No. 203865

>Zak is on a run he’s the highest ranked ozeki tied for most
None of that matters right now. takakeisho could win the next two and sit out November (under 40% win rate for 2024) and people would consider it a more successful year than koto.
he needs to win yusho. i think he will, but that needs to be the focus. how aggressive he his each match will be big. hes missing the killer instinct.

Anonymous No. 203867

This one might be his best opportunity for a while. In September Takerufuji will probably be back and having the advantage of starting from a low rank and Onokatsu doesn't seem to be anywhere near his ceiling yet, but his makkuchi debut will probably be September and he could end up challenging too, in this upcoming one there will only be one of the genius noobs to deal with, but Wakatakakage's return could also cause problems for upper rankers seeking a championship. Ozeki and above just doesn't seem all that impressive as things currently stand, seems like Onosato is currently the final boss of sumo, but maybe Teru will magically return to form and save face for the top ranks like he did in January.

Anonymous No. 203875

Takakeisho is barely alive. It was reported that his neck hasn't gotten better and he's repeatedly gotten heat stroke trying to train this summer.

Anonymous No. 203876

And a coach in his ichimon has recently retired well ahead of schedule. If Takakeisho can't keep ozeki, he's gone.

Anonymous No. 203887

>>you will never retire at 160kg in your 30s and take on a menial job with type 2 diabetes
pretty sure you are still on time for this one

Anonymous No. 203888

mind and body are not the same, read a book or something nigga.

Anonymous No. 203894

it was an example, not a likely occurrence

Anonymous No. 203905

>Terunofuji in
Please, you don't need to do it. I don't need to watch this.

Anonymous No. 203918

It's a clever ruse. "Terunofuji" will appear even more bandaged up than usual, but will nonetheless go 14-0, and on the final day the bandages will be accidentally dislodged, revealing that it was Hakuho all along.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 203926


Anonymous No. 203930

You keep talking about things that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. Please leave.

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Anonymous No. 203931

Terunomecha will be your yokozuna for the next decade.
Slowly replacing parts.
Bold of you to assume his legs are made of flesh right now.

Anonymous No. 203935

Last I heard Takerufuji wasn't at practice bouts and stuff, is he back to full fitness even? What makes you think he'll ever be back with those skinny lower legs that are about to break off?

Anonymous No. 203940

Supposedly he's been doing butsukarigeiko, so it may well be a training decision, rather than a necessity, to skip out on proper matches to prevent possible reinjury.

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Anonymous No. 203941

Once again, Grand Sumo Preview airs today (if anyone other than me cares).

Anonymous No. 203972

Kikuchi will pound him, Kikuchi was looking huge in the latest futagoyama culinary extravaganza

Anonymous No. 203974

I looked on NHK's website and its not available yet, but they had a new episode of Dosukoi Sumo Salon ready to go so I watched that instead

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Anonymous No. 203978

They should have a VOD up soon, maybe. They're really fucking finicky with their Preview show. I try to catch it live every basho, but even I missed it this time. I forgot to set my alarm. Fuck. Oh well.

Anonymous No. 203980

It seems to be up now, they're really putting their hopes in Onosato.

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Anonymous No. 203982

>September Takerufuji will probably be back
He's on the absent list, is there word he's going to come back mid-way or something?

Anonymous No. 203986

its over

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nabatame uses via....jpg

Anonymous No. 203987

Makuuchi matchups for the first two days have been posted and the first day of juryo as well. Nabatame is up against Fujiseiun

Anonymous No. 204002

Hell of a story, though.

Anonymous No. 204004

He's expected to come back midway to get at least one win because missing the entire tournament will drop him back to makushita.

Anonymous No. 204006

>shows up
>breaks records
>leaves (intai)

Anonymous No. 204010

Koga must have a humiliation fetish. Still haven't seen the guy win a bout in practice.

Anonymous No. 204011

He has more soul in a single eyebrow than you do in your whole body.

Anonymous No. 204012

He generally picks up 2 or 3 wins in a tournament. I think his main problem is a lack of stamina, either physical or mental - once he's lost his first practice bout he simply can't resist being forced out anymore. On the dohyo, he has plenty of time to prepare himself and go through the various pre-bout rituals, and can give it his all for a short burst of time. If I was Futagoyama, I'd tell him to start skipping for the physical stamina, and make him play Dark Souls for the mental side of things.

Anonymous No. 204021

He is a couple dozen kg less that everyone he faces in the practice ring, but he takes them all on head on. He would have to be massively muscular to stand a chance doing that and he isn't. He needs to stop eating like a noob and put on some mass.

Anonymous No. 204037

He has a similar size disadvantage in his tournament matches, yet still manages to regularly pick up a handful of wins. I agree that his sumo is one-dimensional, and that he needs at least ten extra kilos of muscle mass, but I still hold that his biggest issue is his apparent inability to use anything close to his full power in the second practice match, and any subsequent ones. This effectively means he's only getting any actual practice from the first match. For Koga to improve, it is vital that he and his oyakata figure out a way to keep him at maximum exertion for longer periods of time.

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Anonymous No. 204051

Practice ring matches @stables have different rules of engagement. Plus they don't count for anything, Koga might just see them as a strengthening exercise and not take his winning percentage there too seriously, he clearly does better in real competition matches where he has a 37% winning percentage. He just needs to bulk up to a respectable weight, picking up Chioyonofuji's habit of 1000 pushups a day would also help him out a lot. If he would do that they could call him "the owl"

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Anonymous No. 204071

>usagi yojimbo distance fat human cousins

Anonymous No. 204085

Onosato Yokozuna in 2 years.
Trust the plan.

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Anonymous No. 204095

the goods are all buried by now, we are less than 24 hours away from the comencement of competition at this year's nagoya basho.

Anonymous No. 204110


Anonymous No. 204112

summo soon

Anonymous No. 204115

Teru is looking for revenge against Onosato for the humiliation Onosato dished out on day one at natsu. Teru will armlock Onosato and break both his shoulders when they match up.

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Anonymous No. 204120

Onosucko is lucky maegashira sucks right now. He lacks any technical sumo ability, he just is a giant retard man baby who pushes the cripples at the top of the division around as half of them have no knees left.

Anonymous No. 204124

t. Ozeki

Anonymous No. 204147

t. NSK

Anonymous No. 204154

>get a freak of nature in hokuseiho
>never teach him real sumo
why did he do this

Anonymous No. 204157

Don't underestimate the ancient art of wallet gluing.

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Anonymous No. 204158

>get a wrestler with the size and reach of akebono
>"gee i think i'll teach him to be a belt fighter"

Anonymous No. 204161

Being the best at something doesn’t mean you can teach some slack jawed moron to do it.

Anonymous No. 204162
Amateur sumo from 2006 with a lot of familiar faces

Anonymous No. 204164

What’s the best stream to watch tonight

Anonymous No. 204166

I think /sumo/ viewership is like 80% Abema, 20% NHK English. If you're watching Abema, karla is good because it's an uninterrupted stream, no overlays, no le wacky Japanese ads over the normal ads, etc. If NHK English, then mbovo is the only option. I personally watch NHK Eng.

...Speaking of mbovo, his usual stream at is dead. Does anyone know where he's streaming now? I'm glad I checked.

Anonymous No. 204169

s0desune on kick

Anonymous No. 204171

Thank you!

Anonymous No. 204187

0 Sleep-O till Sumo. I'm fucking ready

Personally i just watch karla till we get to the big boys then switch out to NHK.

Anonymous No. 204188

The ads were the only good part of Midnight's channel.

Anonymous No. 204190

Not the sumo?

Anonymous No. 204191

We're back

Kikuchi & Enho weren't on the opening day jonokuchi fight card, so old man Satonofuji winning his match in jonidan seems like the biggest news so far

Anonymous No. 204203


Anonymous No. 204331

Any sumo historian know why there are the number of slots that there are in makuuchi and juryo
I was looking through older banzukes on sumodb and I saw that it would grow and shrink in size

Anonymous No. 204333

No idea, did you check out 1958? January and I think a few after that had 48 in juryo.

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Chiyonofuji vs Ad....webm

Anonymous No. 204377

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Chiyonofuji vs Ao....webm

Anonymous No. 204378

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Chiyonofuji vs Ko....webm

Anonymous No. 204379

Anonymous No. 204450

It's Futagoyamover...

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Kaiseijo vs Wakam....webm

Anonymous No. 204451

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Kusano vs Shohory....webm

Anonymous No. 204620

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Toshunryu Vs. Miy....webm

Anonymous No. 204621

Anonymous No. 204638

Lots of heeming this basho in lower divisions

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Yonezawaryū vs En....webm

Anonymous No. 204705

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Uratora vs Ujiie ....webm

Anonymous No. 205056

Anonymous No. 205412

Bretty good basho. Too bad Takanosho didn't clutch it out.

Anonymous No. 205444

Where is the macaron

Anonymous No. 205453

whats sanyaku going to look like on the september banzuke?
is it going to be the same as the current banzuke except for the demotion of takakeisho from ozeki to sekiwake or will hiradoumi earn a promotion to sekiwake for his 10-5 with takanosho taking over the k1w slot?

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Anonymous No. 205454

This is my best guess

Anonymous No. 205455

pretty much sanyaku isn't that hard to guess id say. tobiza and oho at m1. its m2 - m5 thats going to be something weird. wakatakakage had good banzuke luck this tournament. 11 should move him up pretty good with the finishes up top

Anonymous No. 205456

I predict Takanosho will get M1e. That would let them promote Tobizaru to M1w and demote Atamifuji slightly for his MK to M2e

Anonymous No. 205459

They should announce a strong yusho for kotozakura would earn him the Zuna after defeating a healthy teru.

Yokozuna sumo

Anonymous No. 205460

Not happening retard kotosexual. Quatro Tetas didn't even JY. Your boy needs to start winning cups if he wants a chance at the horizontal rope.

Anonymous No. 205461

No they shouldn't. Nobody wants a yokozuna who is perennially 10-5 or 11-4. Zak needs to prove he can put yokozuna numbers consistently before anyone will consider him a candidate. What he is doing currently is the bare minimum needed to be considered a satisfactory ozeki. If he wants the yokozuna rank he will have to start training harder in order to become good enough to eventually earn the rank.

Anonymous No. 205463

>healthy Teru
Teru is at 45% health at best.

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Anonymous No. 205467

Anonymous No. 205469

Hey did you hear that this was the last basho in the old Nagoya gymnasium? They should have mentioned it.

Anonymous No. 205470

Japan doesn't really consider modern buildings worth preserving as they're not traditional architecture. Simply build a new one when needed and let the old one fade into the past to make way for something else. The location for the old Kokugikan, before the current one opened in 1984, is currently a sewage treatment plant. The deeds and memories are what's more important.

Anonymous No. 205473

It's a sad fucking thing. 59 years worth of memories, gone in a few months. It's special. What, you wanted them to just mention it in a sidenote at the end?

Anonymous No. 205482

Everyone keeps talking about Teru's impending retirement, by why would he retire when he is in good enough condition to keep on winning tournaments? He is only 32 years old and will probably stick around for several more years and collect several more yushos.

Anonymous No. 205483

Because they're stupid. He won't retire until he gets permanent elder stock, and more winning means more financial rewards he can use to chip away at whatever a soon-to-retire elder is wanting as a buyout.

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Anonymous No. 205484


Anonymous No. 205485

They did mention it, repeatedly, and showed fans holding up signs reading "thank you Dolphins Arena". That was his joke.
>Japan doesn't really consider modern buildings worth preserving as they're not traditional architecture
The Last Day of the Mitaka Footbridge, Beloved by Dazai Osamu Among Others: 94 Years of Memories - 'Thank you'

Anonymous No. 205486

>Everyone keeps talking about Teru's impending retirement, by why would he retire when he is in good enough condition to keep on winning tournaments?
Because either he gets out of the way soon or Ochil will be forced to go somewhere else.

Anonymous No. 205493

Is he not inline for isegahama? If teru doesn’t win one next year he’ll 100% retire

Anonymous No. 205496

Isegahama reaches retirement age July next year, he still has the consultancy period (although he could be effectively bought out of that as the former Miyagino likely was) but someone else will have to take over the stable then. Most people seem to think that person will be Ternofuji. I do vaguely remember some article from last year saying that someone else was actually the preferred successor to Isegahama and Terunofuji would branch out to a new stable with whatever elder name he could aquire but I have no idea how serious that was.

Anonymous No. 205502

Is this bait or are you dumb enough that you genuinely believe this is how it works even after everyone told you otherwise in the /sp/ thread

Anonymous No. 205505

I wish there was more sumo to watch. I don't watch anything else, the post basho letdown is always a real bummer

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Anonymous No. 205509

But there's always more sumo to watch - all the millions of old youtube highlights. They may not be well organized, but it's there.
And then there's the archive bashos from the NSK, which cost $9 a month and the archive is woefully incomplete, but it's there.

Anonymous No. 205514

I'm personally glad for the break. I need about a week to fix my sleep schedule. After that... the post-basho recession starts kicking in.

Anonymous No. 205515

its bait. the first post speculating on it was for a 13-2 jy beating terunofuji but losing the cup still to a 14-1 terunofuji
that went out the door when kotoACKura decided to lose the next day, and a joke when it became 3 bouts in a row

Anonymous No. 205531

Yeah, I spend maybe a week devouring post basho news, and fiddling with potential banzukes, then I'm happy to take a break. Sumo's a year round sport and it's easy to overdose on it and get sick of it.

Anonymous No. 205535

so is the cushion throwing based or cringe? i thought it was a tradition of some sort.

Anonymous No. 205536

>so is the cushion throwing based or cringe? i thought it was a tradition of some sort.
Yeah, it's tradition. Just one of those weird sumo-only things that makes the sport and its attendant scene interesting.

Anonymous No. 205537

why were so many people pissed about takanosho catching a stray cushion then? i understand the audience is being told not to throw them for safety reasons or something. sounded laughable and anti-fun to me but im not japanese so what do i know

Anonymous No. 205538

I didn't realize people were pissed.
Maybe they weren't used to sumo or had forgotten how it was pre-pandemic.

One only needs to look at footage from older bashos to see the crowd much noisier and more raucous, and when the cushions started flying it was damn near ALL of them.

Officially, of course, the policy to to ask people not to do so because you could accidentally hit some elderly VIP in the back of the head or something.

Anonymous No. 205540

>you could accidentally hit some elderly VIP in the back of the head or something.
I'd rather get hit with a pillow than a Tobizaru

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Anonymous No. 205541

>why were so many people pissed
Nobody was, it was funny.
Cushion throwing is such an established tradition that it's been done outside of sumo too.

Anonymous No. 205542

Probably just joyless busybodies on twitter. They exist in Japan as well.

Anonymous No. 205544

It's based. No one who matters cared.

Anonymous No. 205546

>Yokozuna Terunofuji said Monday the current depth of top-division talent is the best he has ever seen
you're onions on this topic?

Anonymous No. 205547

What would be better?
>Yeah, I just won a cup on knees held together with baling wire and twine...but I'm not here to brag. It's not like I was going up against a murderer's row or anything.

Anonymous No. 205550

Probably just polite speak

Anonymous No. 205552

its the best hes see it since coming back.

Anonymous No. 205559

Teru's probably feeling pretty high right now and thinks maybe he can go for 11, but give it a week or so and he'll realize that he's achieved his goal and he can be done with it.

Seeing him just trying to sit down in the dressing room to let the hairdresser fix his hair for the trophy presentation was agonizing.
The look on Teru's face in the playoff suggested a guy who knew this was his final match, win or lose.

Might as well leave on a high note. He tried to stick around and pass the torch to the next yokozuna, but if no one wants to step up, that's no longer his problem.

Anonymous No. 205565

Its a lot nicer than "I'm an old run down sack of shit and I was only able to win because makuuchi utterly sucks balls these days, ten years ago this trash wouldn't even make juryo"

Anonymous No. 205566

I believe him when he says the depth at makuuchi is high simply because of how many lower ranked upsets we've seen lately. I don't know how much of that is a case of the rank-and-file being better or the sanyaku being worse.

Anonymous No. 205586

that's what he said in an interview yesterday

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Anonymous No. 205587

you cannot be pissed at this

Anonymous No. 205595

This is the reason why the zabuton at the new stadium will be bolted down next year. This exact picture.

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Anonymous No. 205615
Apparently, Aomori Prefecture has always had a rikishi in makuuchi for the last ~140 years and 2 of the 3 current Aomori men are guaranteed to drop from makuuchi, which makes it come down to banzuke luck if the third man, Takarafuji, gets demoted or not.

Anonymous No. 205616

It really is stupid that getting injured is enough to drop someone from joi-jin to juryo in just one basho.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 205617

>datz not fair!!! waaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

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Anonymous No. 205619

I can't find the Japanese for those quotes, but I imagine he's only thinking of Takerufuji, Oonosato, Atamifuji etc rather than the likes of Nishikifuji, Kitanowaka and Bushouzan. We've just seen two records broken for fastest makuuchi yusho in the last two basho, one of them 110 years old. I would think Teru is incredibly conscious of the significance of that.

Anonymous No. 205631

Here it is.
He doesn't use the word "makuuchi" or "depth" at all, unless the interviewer posed the question as such and didn't include it. Teru just says "today's rikishi", which makes a lot more sense.

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Anonymous No. 205634

List of wrestlers that have pulled out with injury after fighting kotozakura
The baby faced assassin is slowly clearing the field for his inevitable ascension.

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Anonymous No. 205638

>hasn't even put takayasu on the kyujo list once

Anonymous No. 205640


Anonymous No. 205643


I forgot about that one the baby faced assassin has many victims

Anonymous No. 205645

Kotozakura actually did in 2023 January day 5

Anonymous No. 205648

>First, Terunofuji. They say that it's too bad about days 14-15, but for a Yokozuna with health issues, >it was an excellent performance.
>But - with a lot of vagueness and face saving expressions - they also want him to show up next basho >and the one after. "Invest all your efforts in taking care of your health and your mental resiliency".
>Next up - they want the return of a system like the old "kosho seido" (a system by which rikishi could >take a basho off if injured on-dohyo, without losing rank. It came into effect in 1972, but in 2004 it >was abolished due to abuses).
>Note that the YDC is merely an advisory body and they can't do anything about this but ask the >association.
>They point out the many injuries that happened this basho, and also the older ones that caused the >Ozeki to lose their rank,
>The members themselves disagreed on questions of human nature (can we trust rikishi, or will they >immediately try to abuse the system?) but the bottom line is - something has to be done. Now is the >time to at least collect data and hear expert opinions.
>Finally, they also commented on Onosato. His performance was not as good as some people expected this >basho, but Mr. Yamauchi, the chairman, says "He has star quality, and in the long run, he'll get >there. This is important for the future of Sumo"

YDC comments after basho

Anonymous No. 205650

> kosho seido
Only took keisho asanoyama takayasu and a lot of other wrestlers to suggest bringing it back

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Anonymous No. 205663

People have been saying this ever since it was removed, and the NSK keeps ignoring the people saying it, no matter who they are. Maybe once this generation of directors is gone, we'll see it happen.

Anonymous No. 205666

>which makes it come down to banzuke luck if the third man, Takarafuji, gets demoted or not.
I would be shocked if Takarafuji gets demoted.

Onokatsu and Shirokuma are the only juryo wrestlers promotable by record. Someone else is have to going to get a massive overpromotion.
Meanwhile, there are many more severe cases of needing to be dropped to juryo. Asanoyama, Nishikifuji, Onosho, and Chiyoshoma...

Anonymous No. 205667

I guess Hakkaku has seen the system being misused a lot when he was active and doesnt want to bring it back.

Anonymous No. 205674

>Even the YDC hates the JSA

Anonymous No. 205688

IMO let the injured rikishi rest is okay, just dock the salary plust minus 1 salary rank.

Anonymous No. 205700

It's a simple failure to accept responsibility, it's a system that is incredibly helpful as a whole and also easily exploitable. To remove it entirely is to stand up and say no I don't want to police the system or put in the effort to adjust it as time goes on to make sure it's being used responsibly.

Anonymous No. 205701

I've seen 1993 listed as when the public injury system was loosened in response to elder Kirishima getting fucked over and losing his ozeki rank because of the existing regulations, but having actually gone through the makuuchi records it looks like the number of absences didn't start to increase until 1997. Was there something else that happened around then that would account for more wrestlers abusing the system?

Anonymous No. 205707

Here's the thing, statistically, it wasn't being abused, at all. About 2 makuuchi rikishi were absent per basho at most, and even that was only in the very last years of the system.

Anonymous No. 205711

>easily exploitable
Can't they simply have a consulting physician that verifies the medical reasons for the absence to ensure it's valid? Or were they faking medical records just to get time off? That sounds strange, I'd guess most of them want to fight unless there's some injury that prevents them, which would be the point of the system.

Anonymous No. 205712

The way they were """exploiting""" the system was if they were injured while training, they'd show up to compete and then claim the injury was suffered while competing, because the public injury system was only supposed to cover guys who were injured while competing.

Anonymous No. 205713

Oh, I see. Well training is part of their job, right? So unless they are getting injured at the soaplands or something there should be no issue.

Anonymous No. 205720

It falls back onto the people in charge, it's their job to sort that shit out and make sure that the system works and to patch up any holes it might have. Instead they just said fuck it and threw their hands in the air.

Anonymous No. 205731

The problem with the JSA's upper leadership all being stablemasters is they will never admit to the stablemasters themselves having a problem, unless they can single someone out. So they blame the wrestlers and claim they don't have the spirit to compete and are faking injuries because to do otherwise would be to admit the stablemasters themselves are not doing a good enough job with either properly training their wrestlers to avoid training injuries, and properly vetting their wrestlers' injuries and medical records.

Anonymous No. 205749

What do they do with the gods offerings after they dig it up?

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Anonymous No. 205756

winning one more would close out any questions about top ten since he would be in a three way tie anymore. 14 could be a good goal since 22 is way out of reach

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Anonymous No. 205763

Nabatame back to cleaning toilets. 4-11 … what a dumbass.

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terunofuji singin....webm

Anonymous No. 205793

There's only 2 other candidates as far as I know.

Isegahama's relative
Coach at Isegahama

If Isegahama stays on as a consultant, they could do a switcheroo of elder names. Teru would have to get his own somehow. If Isegahama decides to retire and of those two takes over, Teru could take whatever elder name they're giving up.

Anonymous No. 205795

Aminishiki already has his own stable, Aonishiki is one of his wrestlers. If he took over Isegahama then presumably his stable would follow him there.

Anonymous No. 205801

They would have to kick Terunofuji out because of the one foreigner rule. It'd be stupid to give up on a hot prospect like Aonishiki in favor of a washed up old yokozuna

Anonymous No. 205803

Aminishiki could essentially keep his stable but switch names. That's basically what Kisenosato did when he went Araiso -> Nishonoseki

One foreigner rule doesn't apply when stables are merged. Aoiyama and Tochinoshin were in the same stable after Aoiyama's stable closed.

Anonymous No. 205858

chiyonofuji getting pushed up the stairs lol

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Anonymous No. 205870

Makushita promotions have been announced

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That time when Ho....jpg

Anonymous No. 205877

I've tried to get my gigaboomer dad into sumo for 4 years now. He'd see me watch it or I'd tell him about it during tournaments, got to watch a match here or there but he was always more demeaning of it than even mildly receptive. I got him to sit through most of the spring tournament but he was done by day 8, but I got him to watch this whole one. He still makes the same jokes every single time. When a rikishi with a long or tongue twisting name comes up, like Wakatakakage, he makes a bunch of vaguely Japanese sounding syllables. "Wikki-waki-hooki-flooki" or referring to titles and ranks by Japanese auto manufacturers, Yokozuna is Yamaha, etc. It was funny the first time, it was cute the first 100 times, I haven't laughed at one in 2 years and he still does it every single time. I'm actually more racist than he is but I can only stomach hearing a larger wrestler get called "Big fat fucking fish head eater" so many times. Asks the same 5 questions every time, every day, every basho, etc. I've offered to write him a cheat sheet with explanations and a glossary but he says I was implying he's too stupid to remember.

All that said. it seems it finally clicked this time and he was excitedly asking me every morning during the basho "Are we watching sumo this morning?" while we drank coffee. His favorite is Takanosho, whom he calls "Pumpkin head", and was very into his matches. He likes Terunofuji, saying that he admires his demeanor and skill despite being on his last legs, but disliked him at first as "He looks like an asshole". He also liked "that little fat fuck who does weird shit", but was actually referring to both Tobizaru and Ura whom he thinks are the same person. He does not like Kotonowaka, Hoshoryu, or Ryuden (a few others too), saying that "they look like dicks".

Getting him into sumo was very cool as he has outright refused to bond with me over anything but what he likes. So all in all, this was a nice basho for me. RIP Asanoyama and Takayasu, my favs.

Anonymous No. 205878

A linebacker could easily replace your dad.

Anonymous No. 205889

>and even that was only in the very last years of the system.

More to the point, it was overwhelmingly juryo guys who wanted to protect their salary. Makuuchi guys used the system at less than half the rate of juryo guys when the kosho seido was in place.

The simplest solution, then, seems obvious: kosho seido for top division only.

Well, the SIMPLEST solution is simply to address the reason kosho seido came about to begin with: the modern 6 basho calendar is too grueling.
Go down to five or four basho per year.
Or at the very least, don't make them go on tour so much.

Anonymous No. 205890

I don't live with a linebacker.

Anonymous No. 205891

>Well, the SIMPLEST solution is simply to address the reason kosho seido came about to begin with: the modern 6 basho calendar is too grueling.
It wasn't introduced until 14 years after the 6 basho system was introduced.

Anonymous No. 205892

Your dad seems based stop whining.

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Anonymous No. 205894

I really should have pointed this out earlier, but "seido" isn't part of what kosho is called. It just means '_____ system'. Hence, Japanese articles talk about the 15-day seido, the 6-basho seido, the yusho seido. Just call it kosho.

Anonymous No. 205896

I didn't know Gunning did sumo in the past. Why doesn't he do commentary? What's his purpose? Just doing the nhk world sumo preview? I read his wikipedia page it says he joined a commie football team in Japan too.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 205901

He voted for Biden and is going to vote for Kamala, and then bitch about her policies. He's anti based.

Anonymous No. 205915

He also writes (all?) sumo stuff for The Japan Times. I have no idea how big the readership for that really is but I think its the only real major english language paper in Japan.

Anonymous No. 205919

He used to do the colour commentary alongside whoever was in the booth that day. They stopped it around covid time and haven't brought him back in since.

Anonymous No. 205920

Oh, having two commentators would be good. Guess they prefer saving money or something.

Anonymous No. 205921

The name just stuck in English. Consider it a loan word at this point. Like how technically "yen" is wrong.

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sumo bike crash.webm

Anonymous No. 205930

bike bros...

Anonymous No. 205931

ママチャリ投げ - The ultra rare overhand bicycle throw kimarite, not performed at this rank since 1897

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Anonymous No. 205935

guy looks like retired Takerufji

Anonymous No. 205944

I want to marry the chick in the upper left who laughed right away.

Anonymous No. 205945

Kosho seido is fucking stupid.

It's a combat sport. Injuries are part of it. Maintaining your health is a skill. If you don't want to get injured, don't step into the ring.

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Anonymous No. 205946

>Maintaining your health is a skill.
>If you don't want to get injured, don't step into the ring.
So the most skilful thing a rikishi can do is not compete, got it.

Anonymous No. 205947

>Waaaahh, my favorite is gonna get demoted because he got an owwwieee!
Grow up.

Anonymous No. 205949

All I've done is point out a single fact (that the 6-basho system was already in place for 14 years before kosho seido was first introduced) and the natural extension of your own logic, sorry facts matter more than your feefees.

Anonymous No. 205950

>I'm not crying you are!
You started >>205946 by arguing in bad faith.
Keep crying about it, newfan.

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Anonymous No. 205951

>Bring back kosho seido!
>Lower the dohyo!
>Weight classes!
>Make them wear helmets!
>And where's the women's division??!!!

Anonymous No. 205953

kek, who is that? I'm surprised the pavement didn't crack.

Anonymous No. 205954

The natural extension of your own logic is not "bad faith," chieokure-kun.

Anonymous No. 205956

I understand you're upset because your favorite wrestler got injured and it seems like he'll never get back. It sucks, I know. But it happens to everyone when they get into the sport. I remember when Tochiazuma was trying to make ozeki and kept getting hurt. I, too, thought that it was unfair that someone as skilled was denied his rightful rank because he couldn't stay healthy.

But, I assure you, stick around long enough and you'll learn to live with the heartbreak and maybe even begin to appreciate it as an important part of what makes the sport special.
After all, Terunofuji's story can't be told without talking about his heroic comeback; Takakeisho's story isn't as compelling without him constantly fighting through his own injuries.

Anonymous No. 205957

>I understand
Already wrong.

Anonymous No. 205959

I accept your concession.

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Anonymous No. 205960

Anonymous No. 205961

Has there been any word on when Hakuho gets his stable back?

Anonymous No. 205962

I don't want a compelling story, I want the guys to not be crippling themselves constantly.

Anonymous No. 205964

Official answer: "When the JSA feels he's made enough progress as an elder."
Real answer: He'll probably take over Isegahama, renamed to Miyagino, when the current Isegahama reaches consultant age and thus is not allowed to be a stablemaster. The actual structure of the stable won't change, and Isegahama will still be "mentoring" Hakuho for his five year consultancy, the main differences will be the stable name and who's in charge on paper.
Sucks for Teru though.

Anonymous No. 205965

Looks like Takakeisho owns the Minatogawa share and he plans to retire if he can't get out of ozekiwake in September. Asahi Geinoh is a tabloid, though, so take it with a grain of salt.

I imagine he would want to start his own stable, since he already lives in an empty one, his father-in-law's old stable (Hatachiyama, I think). He would only have to wait a year before branching off and apparently the current Tokiwayama wants his share to go to Takanosho.

Anonymous No. 205967

>He'll probably take over Isegahama, renamed to Miyagino
There's no chance in hell that happens. They're absolutely not going to give the guy they hate and who caused a big scandal control over the strongest stable in the sport right now as the conclusion of his punishment for said scandal.

Anonymous No. 205968

Isn't Terunofuji supposed to inherit Isegahama?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 205970

>Midnight Tranny viewers
>SAFE SUMO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous No. 205971

The plus is that he'll have up to 5 years of consultant Isegahama breathing down his neck to keep him in line. They hate Hakuho's scandals, but they're not stupid in terms of how connected he is to big rollers. Hakuho's done as much as he can to make himself too valuable to lose, after seeing what happened to Asashoryu and Harumafuji.

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Anonymous No. 205973

>behaviour after winning basho
left - appropriate
right - inappropriate

Anonymous No. 205974

Those sneaky japs are against Hakuho and stole his stable for no reason. Onosucko hazes all the shitters and is known to be an awful douchebag but there is no punishment for him.
Bring hokuseiho back and have the people who decided on this punishment commit seppuku.

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Anonymous No. 205978


Anonymous No. 205981

Can you own a share before you're ready to use it?
Like, I know Endo has owned a share for years despite being an active wrestler but he was probably eligible to own stock already at that point.

Otake (Daiyru) will turn 65 in September of 2025before Oho will hit the 30 tournaments as a sekitori threshold, assuming that Oho doesn't make komusubi, which is a reasonable assumption, I think.

(I know I'm assuming that the Otake share would go to Oho, but it is his grandfather's stable, after all.)

Anonymous No. 205997

>assuming that Oho doesn't make komusubi, which is a reasonable assumption
Not that reasonable, he'll be M2 next 'sho

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Anonymous No. 205999

Yeah, but I don't think he yet has the skill or the fighting spirit to really take it to the upper rankers yet.

He still gets panicky and tries to pull too much.
He still takes matches off, mentally.

He's like the opposite of Hoshoryu, who gets so wound-up he makes stupid mistakes and loses fights he should win. Oho needs to be reminded that sumo is a competitive sport and that he's professionally obligated to put in some effort.

When he's switched-on, though, like his fight against Daieisho on Day 15 last month, he looks like he could go as far as he wants to.

Anonymous No. 206011

>oho chart
forced meme

Anonymous No. 206017

I'm allowed to make charts. I created the original Abi flowchart as well.

Anonymous No. 206020

If they want to have a Yokozuna they need to bring back kosho seido.
Takakeisho is the 2nd best rikishi of the Terunofuji era and he is about to retire. Kirishima looked like a future Yokozuna and just lost his Ozeki ranking.
How long will Kotozakura and Hoshoryu stay healthy?

Anonymous No. 206024

>If they want to have a Yokozuna they need to bring back kosho seido.
Exactly. It's self-evident, since there have been no yokozuna promoted since 2004 when the system was abolished.

The problem actually starts with ozeki. Giving them the benefit of kadoban is not enough. They should get two tournaments at kadoban before being dropped to sekiwake and then if they don't make 10 wins in the next tournament, they should get ONE MORE CHANCE after that to make 10 wins to regain their rank.

Then, tweak the promotion to yokozuna so that the two yusho/yusho-equivalent jun-yusho in a row rule is for the tournaments you compete in. If you win a tournament, then take one off, then win the next tournament, you've won two yusho in a row: yokozuna!

Anonymous No. 206026

Sumo now seems to be different from Sumo decades ago. No one can stay healthy enough at the top.
Takakeisho is about to retire. Kirishima is gone. Even Hoshoryu who is super conservative just left the last tournament.
If the division is deeper and everyone is faster, stronger, etc they will have a hard time having Yokozuna.

The only one who managed to stay healthy at the top for a long time is Shodai, for some reason.

Anonymous No. 206027

Shodai only had a couple years at ozeki, spent half of it kadoban, and is currently a mid-maegashitter. He's emblematic of the current crop of rikishi: sprint as high as you can, then coast for as long as you can. Even his garbage performance at ozeki will still have him forever remembered as "former ozeki" for the rest of history, and coasting lets him keep collecting his top division pay for as long as possible. He has no incentive to actually try getting back to ozeki or try for yokozuna, because that would increase his risk of injury that would drop him out of sekitori if not force an early retirement.

Anonymous No. 206066

he won

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Anonymous No. 206071

>the 6-basho system was already in place for 14 years before kosho seido was first introduced
Do you know that kosho was something the rikishi had to fight for and only got because Tamanoumi died, and not something that was gladly handed out by the NSK? That's why it was 14 years later, not because sumo magically became a pussy sport for losers in exactly January 1972.

Also, you know that kosho has been gone for more than 14 years? If they brought it back right now, that would be a slower reaction to change than the addition of kosho was in the first place. 6 years slower. It wouldn't be a hasty emotional reaction, it would be the result of over 20 years of analysis of kosho-less sumo in the 21st century.
We've seen what happens: you get Shodai, Mitakeumi, Kirishima, and Tochinoshin immediately collapsing as competent ozeki because they fail to treat their wounds and end up permanently injured. Look at Takayasu's ozeki tenure, or Goeido's - both marred by an inability to stay out to deal with significant injuries, which often were caused by other rikishi (see Tamawashi).

Anonymous No. 206073

He's saying he went over a green rock? Is that a thing or is he just describing the rock?

Anonymous No. 206081

watch the video closer and you can see the green rock

Anonymous No. 206089

It's Jap slang for Gozilla poo.

Anonymous No. 206096

right, but is that a Japanese roadway feature that he knocked into or simply some rock? Specifying that it was green is why I was confused

Anonymous No. 206098

It's not 緑石 (green rock) it's 縁石, the curb.

Anonymous No. 206100

縁石 will be Asanoyama's new shikona upon his second jonokuchi debut 6 months from now, based on where they'll find him sleeping after he gets kicked out of his latest hostess bar

Anonymous No. 206107

goddamnit, those two always trip me up

Anonymous No. 206134

He'lll be sleeping in the big room with all the other junior Asas

Anonymous No. 206154

>roga out september
soon futagoyama will have zero salaried guys

Anonymous No. 206159

Injured or what? with 9-6 and banzuke luck, he should be like m9 or better. only needs a few wins to stick around most likely

Anonymous No. 206160

I hadn't heard about september, but I know he's missing jungyo for a torn leg muscle.

Anonymous No. 206164

id guess its whatever he had his calf taped up for. he looked alright in the last match of the tournament, so it can't be horrible

Anonymous No. 206165

Yes, it was a calf muscle that was torn, but like I said I haven't heard info regarding September, just about jungyo. Hopefully the previous poster replies and gives us more details.

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Anonymous No. 206167

*enters thread*

Anonymous No. 206170

>but like I said I haven't heard info regarding September, just about jungyo.
ok cool, but please post that you don't know about September again so i can be absolutely sure you wouldn't know what roga is going to do come September. im not 100% convinced yet. i need at least one more post about not knowing about September. I need this by September

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Anonymous No. 206173

A large man may or may not do the sumo in september

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Anonymous No. 206189

Anonymous No. 206197

I reckon Futagoyama told Roga to skip the tour just to get him some more resting time. I'd be surprised if he's absent for the next basho, they'll presumably want to capitalise on his first KK.

Anonymous No. 206236

Was looking at some of the best Ozeki in their prime.

Prime Kaio was really something else
From 2001 to 2004 he competed 19 tournaments. 4Y and 7JY.
He was 11/19 in Y+JY he completed.
He was probably better than some Yokozuna.

Kisenosato's best era in his Ozeki run (right before becoming Yokozuna) was from 2013 to 2016. Finished all 24 tournaments and was JY in 11 of them. 11/24.

Chiyotaikai had a shorter prime 2002-2004. 16 tournaments. 2 Y, 5JY. 7/16

Takakeisho from 2020 to 2023. Finished 17 tournaments. 3 Y, 5 JY. 8/17

I think none of the Ozeki I can think of compared to them in terms of Y and JY.

Anonymous No. 206273

If Roga sits out Aki then thats Nabatame's opportunity to possibly take over the top slot at the stable in November, but he would probably need a 7-0 at Aki to do it

Anonymous No. 206282

If kaio had kosho seido would they have promoted him to Y when he went 13-2Y 4-5-6 13-2P in 2001

Anonymous No. 206285

Kosho seido wasn't removed until 2004.

Anonymous No. 206286

Should’ve promoted him

Anonymous No. 206287

he would've been forced into early retirement. yokozuna is a terrible rank for anyone who can't reliably put up 13 wins

Anonymous No. 206288

I think the Yokozuna minimum is 10 wins. 13 wins minimum is for super elite Yokozuna like Hakuho and Takanohana.

Anonymous No. 206289

I had a weird sumo dream last night, in my dream I was at Ryogoku Kokugikan watching the Makuuchi entrance. I had good floor seats, east side a few rows back and all of the sekitori were walking in for their introductions wearing their kesho mawashi like normal, but then Wakatakakage came in and he was wearing a black leather biker jacket and nothing else and his hair was done up in a 1950s pompadour instead of an ochimage. What does this mean?

Anonymous No. 206313

I witnessed Koga winning a practice match for once

Anonymous No. 206317

Yokozunas who can only win 10 get forced into retirement

Anonymous No. 206320

>he would've been forced into early retirement
He would have been able to take a longer break to recover from his injuries, like Hakkaku did. Kaio's best career results came on the heels of a ~2 basho kyujo.

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Anonymous No. 206321

>Yokozunas who can only win 10 get forced into retirement
This has never happened. For example, Tochinoumi was still active a year after putting up three consecutive 8-7s at yokozuna.

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Anonymous No. 206328

>putting up three consecutive 8-7s

Anonymous No. 206349

You're gay.

Anonymous No. 206352

I think it's ok not to have a yokozuna

Anonymous No. 206361

Only an n00b would disagree.

Anonymous No. 206375

>I think the Yokozuna minimum is 10 wins.
That's the ozeki minimum. 10 wins is sometimes called the ozeki kachi koshi. The term kunroku ozeki is used to derisively describe an ozeki who only manages a 9-6.

The yokozuna minimum is a jun-yusho and those few losses they take had better be to high-quality opponents (high rankers and/or the eventual tourney winner)

Anonymous No. 206376

If you aren’t on hakuho’s level you shouldn’t be Yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 206377

Since 1993 (Akebono promotion, which tightened up yokozuna and ozeki requirements) the median number of wins for a yokozuna that fought all 15 days is 13. So I'd say not hitting 13 wins is a disappointment for a competing yokozuna, even if they get a yusho let alone jun-yusho because it just means it's a weak yusho.

Anonymous No. 206379

Harumafuji and Kakuryu were quite decent and they had tons of 10 and 11 win tournaments

Anonymous No. 206383

One interesting thing is that Hoshoryu and Kotozakura seem like they don't usually have 12+ wins. The mythical twice a year (not even that, by now) "Healthy Takakeisho" is probably the only one who can consistently get 12 wins other than Terunofuji.
But let's see how Onosato can do and if he doesn't get canned by poor behavior.

Anonymous No. 206384

They're so spoiled by Hak and Asa that they don't have a handle on what the historical average performance by yokozuna was like.

Anonymous No. 206385

This sounds snide but I'm actually curious since I only started watching a few years ago: how often do Yokozuna usually sit out entire tournaments?

Anonymous No. 206386

Harumafuji was also criticized for being a gold star dispenser. Even then, he fought in a much more competitive era. Going 11-4 and losing to two yokozuna, an ozeki, and a sekiwake (who would later become an ozeki) is not a bad performance, even for a yokozuna.

Anonymous No. 206387

>how often do Yokozuna usually sit out entire tournaments?
It's fairly common, especially near the end of a yokozuna's tenure. The dignity of the rank means that a yokozuna should be in the running for the cup, not slumming with the rank-and-filers struggling for a winning record. It's not a good look when a wrestler who as been crowned as an all-time-great looks like shit.

There's also the practical matter of them being unable to get demoted, so they can afford to be a lot more conservative with injuries.

They also tend to be older and banged-up from their career spent achieving the rank. It's uncommon that a wrestler achieves the rank BEFORE hitting his physical prime. The ones that do tend to end up being. Mount Rushmore types

Anonymous No. 206388

>There's also the practical matter of them being unable to get demoted, so they can afford to be a lot more conservative with injuries.
Gotcha, I just didn't know if this was something they didn't want to do themselves or that they were just pressured into not doing a lot until recently.

So it's always been a thing for yokozuna to miss as many tournaments as Teru and late-career Hakuho did? Or did the JSA just successfully bully them into retiring before they started needing to take that many off?

Anonymous No. 206390

>So it's always been a thing for yokozuna to miss as many tournaments as Teru and late-career Hakuho did?
Sort of. In recent decades as medical technology and sports physiology has advanced, injuries that once were a death sentence to a career suddenly became something you can recover from. Injuries that once were chronic conditions can now be more successfully managed.

>Or did the JSA just successfully bully them into retiring before they started needing to take that many off?
It's not really bullying as it is a negotiation between the two parties. Sometimes guys want to keep fighting to achieve a goal, like Teru with his ten cups. Sometimes guys stay in to make a little more money to build a stable, or they're trying to secure a good elder share.
Behind closed doors, all parties involved understand what's going on.
If a yokozuna is popular, the JSA might not want him to retire either, necessarily. Even if he's always hurt, yokozuna move tickets like few others can.

Anonymous No. 206406

I think it is hard to compare different eras. If you have very strong rikishi all around, it will be hard for someone to be promoted to Ozeki or Yokozuna. Reaching Ozeki or Yokozuna is how you compare to the others of your era.
It is not like the 100m Dash.

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Anonymous No. 206411

>So it's always been a thing for yokozuna to miss as many tournaments as Teru and late-career Hakuho did?

Anonymous No. 206423

>I think it is hard to compare different eras.

It is. With most, nearly all, combat sports, there's a saying that "You're fighting against history". Once you get to a certain level of greatness, you're now fighting hypothetical fights against the greats of other eras.
>How would the Klitschko brothers have done in the 1960s?
>How would Royce Gracie do in today's UFC?

Sumo is unique in that it anoints its GOATs in real-time. Yokozuna, we sometimes forget, is simply an honorific. A modified ozeki, more or less, but still lineally ordered. i.e. everyone knows Hakuho was the 69th yokozuna (nice) and over the centuries of pro sumo, there's been 73 of them. It makes them feel rare and special. So the sport needs to be very careful in both how it promotes and protects its yokozunas.

As soon as he was promoted, for example, the conversation around Terunofuji shifted to "where will he slot in the all time rankings?" He'll never get those gaudy yusho totals, but his comeback and dominance (when healthy) has to count for something, right? Then again, he's not in an era with other strong yokozuna or ozeki....etc etc

Now, imagine, 10 years from now, Kotozakura and Hoshoryu both became yokozuna and have a hellacious rivalry, dividing all cups between them. That will help Terunofuji, historically, since we'll know that KZK and Sobrino had a hard time beating Terunofuji.

If, on the other hand, the next yokozuna is still in juryo or makushita, then that will hurt Terunofuji, since his reign will be marked by a lack of any real challenger to his reign.

tl;dr: historical speculation is 99% bullshit.

Anonymous No. 206424

I just woke up from a dream where Kotozakura was a lower ranked maegashira and got btfo'd by some (IRL nonexistent) juryo rikishi.

Anonymous No. 206427

You know you're a real sumo fan when the fat bastards start showing up in your dreams. A few weeks ago I dreamt that Kotakiyama broke my phone.

Anonymous No. 206459

Just make sure you ignore the opinions of salty Hawaiian ozeki and you're fine.

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Anonymous No. 206460

>How would Royce Gracie do in today's UFC?
Extremely poorly. His success was mostly due to the general lack of ground submission knowledge in that time period. His winrate went down significantly once he started fighting guys in the same generation who actually could grapple. In today's landscape where everyone is well-rounded, he would get completely washed.

Anonymous No. 206482

>Harumafuji was also criticized for being a gold star dispenser
he was one, he was a weak yokozuna too. the only yokozuna who gave away more kinboshi than harumafuji was at the rank twice as long won more than 4x as many cups at the rank as harumafuji did.
harumafuji's record as a yokozuna is sprinkled with 9-6s & 10-5s, he wasn't just losing to other sanyaku, he averaged 1.5 kinboshi giveaways for every tournament he entered

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Anonymous No. 206491

>he was a weak yokozuna too
Harumafuji was an average yokozuna performing in the age of Hakuho. Yokozuna yusho totals are so top-heavy as to produce an unhelpful mean when they aren't weighted.
I'm not enough of a math nerd to be able to do more precise calculations, but what I can manage is this: Yokozuna since 1950 have averaged 10.4 yusho. If we drop the best five and worst TEN yokozuna in that time from our list, the average plummets to 9.0.
Harumafuji was not a weak yokozuna, he was weak relative to fucking Hakuho.

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Anonymous No. 206492


Anonymous No. 206495

I would pay her a large sum of money for her to do that to me.

Anonymous No. 206497

>Sumo is unique in that it anoints its GOATs in real-time.
its not really. it may as well be the title of a position like starting quarterback. We just don't have the same perception about position names.
>simply an honorific. A modified ozeki
and ozeki is just a modified sekiwake? All the ritual shit that yokozuna will do that ozeki do not makes the difference between yokozuna and ozeki much greater than the difference between a sekiwake and ozeki
>inb4 1800s ozeki, yoko didn't exist blah blah
we in 2024
>10 years from now, Kotozakura and Hoshoryu
>36 and 35
Average yokozuna retirement is 34, but i agree with the idea of what you're saying.

Anonymous No. 206504

>he was one, he was a weak yokozuna too
>Harumafuji was not a weak yokozuna, he was weak relative to fucking Hakuho.

You can be a good wrestler and still be a gold star dispenser if, like Harumafuji, you just mentally check out of matches. Part of the reason he was so inconsistent as a yokozuna was that he was so mentally inconsistent. When he was putting in effort, even the best in the world only had a 50-50 shot against him. When he didn't care, or just wanted to screw around and try for an exotic kimarite, he would lose and be unbothered.

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Anonymous No. 206508

Everything about your post is retarded.

Anonymous No. 206522

So have the promotions and demotions been released yet or are we still waiting?

Anonymous No. 206524

Daiseizan, Kiryuko, and Oshoumi will be promoted. Promotions to juryo are always announed first because they mean being bumped up to salaried level. Demotions to makushita are known to the rikishi in question behind the scenes, but not made official until the banzuke is announced before the next tournament, to give them an extra month with their salary. It'll probably be Nabatame, Tsushimanada, and Tochitaikai demoted.

Anonymous No. 206533

>Demotions to makushita are known to the rikishi in question behind the scenes, but not made official until the banzuke is announced before the next tournament, to give them an extra month with their salary.
Was this always the case? I could swear that the new banzuke used to come out like two weeks after each tournament.

Anonymous No. 206534

That was never the case. The banzuke is only ever published two weeks before the next tournament.

Anonymous No. 206538

Nope. It's true that the next banzuke is composed within days of the end of the last basho, but it's not published until there's two weeks or so to go before the next tournament. (The schedule for when everything is released is on the NSK's site.)

The only exception like, the other anon said, are the guys who get told that they're being promoted from makushita to juryo. (They don't know what exact rank they'll have, just that they will be in juryo somewhere.)
They get told as soon as possible to give them time to take care of the things they need to do, like put in an order for a silk mawashi, get squared away with sponsors and supporters, etc.

Anonymous No. 206560

Do we know why they maintain such a large gap between compiling it and announcing it? I mean, I'd be loath to deprive the sumoforum stalwarts of one of their favourite games, but I can't see any good reason for keeping the banzuke under wraps for so long.

Anonymous No. 206561

Part of it is to give people being demoted an extra month at their higher salary. This applies not just to people dropping from juryo, but to people dropping from maegashira to juryo, from sanyaku to maegashira, and from ozeki to sekiwake. Officially they're not listed under their new rank until the next banzuke, so for example Takakeisho is still an ozeki until the next banzuke is released, with all the privileges therein, even though everyone knows he'll be listed at sekiwake.
Part of it is also to give time for anyone to announce retirements so they can simply be removed from the banzuke altogether and someone else can move up to cover the empty space.

Anonymous No. 206568

I'm sure marketing has something to do with it. If they just told you the next banzuke, you could check out until fight night approaches. Or, worse, forget about it.

When you get the banzuke with two weeks to go, that's two weeks of coverage, analysis, hype, potential matchups, fitness reports from the tours and training camps etc. That builds up hype and boosts viewership.

Anonymous No. 206582

>give time for anyone to announce retirements so they can simply be removed from the banzuke altogether
This. Huge factor.

Anonymous No. 206669

But often, this doesn't work, and men retire after the banzuke has been written, but before it has been released. If this is a huge factor, that's an argument for the banzuke to be released later.

Anonymous No. 206717

they'd have to rewrite the banzuke after someone retires. the banzuke is released shortly before the basho because thats showbiz, the banzuke is promotional material for the big 'sho, it makes news when it comes out and that generates free publicity which results in ticket sales

Anonymous No. 206790


Anonymous No. 206807

>the banzuke is released shortly before the basho because thats showbiz
It also takes time to physically write the calligraphy. Not a month, but at least several days.

Anonymous No. 206811

For a recent high-profile example, Hokuseiho was still on the banzuke after his departure. To establish how often it really happens, you'd have to do a query on sumodb.

Anonymous No. 206812


Anonymous No. 206815

i think he means the wallet inspector by the door

Anonymous No. 206874

I wonder, has anyone ever thrown a zabuton into the ring while a match was still going? It feels like that would be a very easy excuse for the NSK to have them nailed down at the Kokugikan.

Anonymous No. 206875

So, no source.

Anonymous No. 206878

Looking at sumodb's data myself, there have been 70 cases since the end of the war where a rikishi has been listed as "0-0" for their final basho, indicating they retired too late for the banzuke to be changed. This is out of 9,334 total rikishi who retired in that same time period (so far). So while it does happen it's extremely rare, to the point where examples are very notable and stand out. The vast majority plan their retirement early enough that they are simply removed from the next banzuke altogether.

Anonymous No. 206883

Thank you.

Anonymous No. 206884

basho 1: 0 wins; 0 losses; year >1950; makuuchi or juryo division & list intai

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Anonymous No. 206961

Feels like discussion died off real fast this time.

Anonymous No. 206964

Not much to discuss, really. It was a pretty bog-standard basho, with little surprising fallout. Teru did Teru shit, no amazing runs by underdogs, the Ms -> J promotions are all as expected.

Anonymous No. 206965

still hit bump limit in the same month of the basho

Anonymous No. 206970

>Terunofuji has also bowed out after a couple of days, due to a worsening of his diabetes, and apparently knees.
>Hoshoryu is working hard to recover for Aki basho
>Asanoyama underwent underwent surgery at a Tokyo hospital two days after the end of Nagoya basho, Takasago oyakata says he is still in hospital, undergoing rehab. He will not return this year, only "January at best".

Anonymous No. 206971

Probably Kotozakura and Onosato's best chances at starting a quality push for their respective promotions, but they'll both probably choke.

Anonymous No. 206979

>Terunofuji's kyujo was short - he will be re-joining the jungyo trail at Hitachi city in Ibaraki prefecture on the 9th.

well that was indeed short and frankly I'm surprised he's going back. August jungyou is packed and Aki basho is around the corner.

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Anonymous No. 207024

Bunch of injured guys and terunobetus give good chance to takakeisho getting ten
Onosato shouldnt have an issue getting enough for ozeki if he doesn't start slow and the top continues to flounder on
No other storylines going into the next contest really.

Anonymous No. 207028

Onosato's going need 12 minimum to get ozeki, which in today's era is basically a yusho or strong jun-yusho. I think not getting a 10th in July is going to hurt him for the rest of the year, because even 11 would put him in the same spot for November.

Anonymous No. 207030

They may have some leniency with the yusho win in there. 10 definitely not, but 11 may be enough if its only to sanyaku

Anonymous No. 207118

It seems like the opposite way around, victories over sanyaku especially ozekis and yokozuna seem to count for more than beating or losing to M2 nonentities. if he wins 11 but can't beat anyone in the ozeki or above class that would be a bad look, would make it seem like he doesn't belong amongst the ozekis.

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Anonymous No. 207248

>The only one who managed to stay healthy at the top for a long time is Shodai, for some reason.
He does a little trollin'.

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Anonymous No. 207254

Anonymous No. 207267

>at the top for a long time
haha yeah

Anonymous No. 207316

Why are all the technique names so boring? You'd think that for a sport with such an ancient background, there'd be techniques like "Red Dragon Spinning Takedown", "Hundred Demons Throw", or "Mount Fuji Pinnacle Drop".

Anonymous No. 207350

Best I can do is Shumoku-zori. Take it or leave it.

Anonymous No. 207354

Its only 4 loses. Assuming everyone shows up, you have the yokozuna, two ozeki, three other sekiwake with two that were just ozeki, and two komusubi. thats 8 matches right there.

Anonymous No. 207373

Because the kimarite aren't traditional. They were descriptions provided by newspaper reporters of how the matches ended. Eventually, sumo organizations started recording them themselves, but they did it their own way and generally only kept the helpful descriptive terms.
There were a couple flashy kimarite names in the newspaper era, bu they disappeared from usage when the NSK started giving their own. One that comes to mind is butsudangaeshi, "overturning the Buddhist shrine", which was just yobimodoshi if Tachiyama did it.

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Anonymous No. 207400

>no Chris video in over a week

Anonymous No. 207424


Anonymous No. 207437

was that last segment of the yesterday's futagoyama video showing nabatame picking out his juryo gear kind of a bummer or was it good seeing all that investment in his gear go to waste because he didn't put in the work and training necessary to make himself capable of KK in nagoya?
I think the later, screw nabatame and his lazy ass. makushita is where he deserves to be until he learns to work to earn the rank he wants, he should also be inna kitchen making sammiches like a bitch too. roga is miles better than nabatame, roga has the hustle

Anonymous No. 207444

If you've made it to Juryo once, and got yourself a taste of the privileges of the rank, there's no better motivator. I'd be surprised if Nabatame was still in Makushita by the end of the year, and I can see him briefly appearing in Makuuchi later on in his career. It's important to remember that the boy's only 22 and nowhere near his prime.

Anonymous No. 207451

Roga went 5-10 in his makuuchi debut. I don't get why people are dooming about Nabatame. Is it really so difficult to get back after losing salaried status once?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 207452

Hopefully the hiatus continues and some of the braindead shitskins in his comment section lose interest in sumo. It seems like most of his audience only care about hakuho and muh racism.

Anonymous No. 207466

Contrarian website, Futagoyama is one of the most popular stables in the English-speaking sumo community and Nabatame is probably the most popular rikishi from the stable.

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Anonymous No. 207467

>I don't get why people are dooming about Nabatame.
Because they want to see him fail, because he's popular.

>Is it really so difficult to get back after losing salaried status once?
No, not really. Nabatame is young and improving - unless he suffers a major injury, we should see him back in juryo soon enough.

Anonymous No. 207480

>unless he suffers a major injury
he already has knee problems

Anonymous No. 207481

Every rikishi does. I meant that, short of a broken limb or an ACL tear, there's no reason to not expect him to be back by say January.

Anonymous No. 207488

Any news on Kazuma?

Anonymous No. 207491

Apparently well enough to attend sumo school. On his feet.

Anonymous No. 207508

>unless he suffers a major injury

It's probably more appropriate to talk about the amount of time missed due to injury rather than the injury itself. The injuries are basically universal, the only difference is if one needs to miss more or less time.

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Anonymous No. 207510

Well, many wrestlers will still show up to honbasho with grievous injuries. There's never any 'need' to miss time for those deluded enough. See Kisenosato trying to pretend that his pectoral wasn't torn, or Teru trying to tough it out through his first knee injury.

Anonymous No. 207517

>Teru trying to tough it out through his first knee injury.
He refused to get the surgery he needed because he was drunk constantly and too dumb and greedy to think clearly as a result, it wasn't because he was 'tough' it was because he was stupid. it took loss of rank and salary and beetus diagnosis before he sobered up enough that boss Isegahama was able to convince him to get the surgery and put up a comeback attempt. If he was tough he would've got the surgery when he needed it and his comeback would've started from juryo. Instead he ended up duking it out with kindergarteners in Jonidan because he is a moron.

Anonymous No. 207522

do you not know what "trying to tough it out" means

Anonymous No. 207551

>He wasn't trying to grimace through the pain of an injury
>He was just trying to grimace through the pain of an injury
We truly love arguing about things we agree with on this site don't we folks

Anonymous No. 207562

he was unwilling to do the needful because he was drunk and greedy, this is corroborated by his autobiography, once the 'beetus kicked in and he had to reduce his drinking izzy oyakata was able to talk him into getting surgery and mounting a comeback instead of retiring and drinking himself to death. there was nothing tough about him trying to keep ozeki so long, he was doing it because he didn't want to give up the status and the salary because he had a lifestyle that revolved around nonstop boozing and partying which depended on his status as a sumo bigshot

Anonymous No. 207566

>do the needful
Ah, now I see the problem.

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Anonymous No. 207568

> Oda Nobunaga, a particularly avid fan of the sport, held a tournament of 1,500 wrestlers in February 1578. Because several bouts were to be held simultaneously within Oda Nobunaga's castle, circular arenas were delimited to hasten the proceedings and to maintain the safety of the spectators. This event marks the invention of the dohyō, which would be developed into its current form up until the 18th century.[6] The winner of Nobunaga's tournament was given a bow for being victorious and he began dancing to show the war-lord his gratitude.

What do we know about the nature of this sumo victory dance?

Anonymous No. 207579

Saar pls, the needful must be done.

Anonymous No. 207580

I'm pretty sure they all used to dance at some point during the ring entrance where then shrug the aprons and raise their hands to the shrine, but it's been trimmed down to save time and put more emphasis on showing off the sponsors.

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ame no uzume.png

Anonymous No. 207591


Anonymous No. 207623

maybe something like yumitori-shiki?

Anonymous No. 207640

Obviously the bow-twirling ceremony at the end.

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those were the da....jpg

Anonymous No. 207669

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Gay Sex with MAWA....png

Anonymous No. 207749

Anonymous No. 207781

Sazanami needs to stop LARPing as a sumo wrestler on TV and start hitting the the keiko & chanko so he can make himself into a real contender. He is too old to be lingering in upper Makushita picking up MKs, if he can't step up in the next year or so then his career will officially be an embarrassing failure.
And Hiro needs to get off his lazy American ass and start producing more PRIME TIME, 20 minutes of low effort content a month doesn't cut the mustard.

Anonymous No. 207788

Do we know what the statistical average career for a rikishi looks like? I'd be inclined to think that a peak of high Makushita is actually above average.

Anonymous No. 207789

It depends on what you want to define as average because there's a fuck-ton of guys who were only in sumo for a couple years and never got past jonidan.

Anonymous No. 207792

if never making it past makushita constitutes average then being merely average constitutes failure. gotta be in the top 10% to be considered satisfactory.

Anonymous No. 207794


Anonymous No. 207796

I wish this board had flags, so I could know who to hate.

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sumo tiger.jpg

Anonymous No. 207811

Anonymous No. 207828

>abi masaTORA

Anonymous No. 207832

>t. toilet cleaning sandanme sucks

Anonymous No. 207853

Just heard the news... R.I.P. "Chris Sumo" aka Christopher Gould. We will never forget your excellent coverage and expert analysis of this great sport.

Anonymous No. 207856

I heard they demolished the Dolphins Arena on top of him, is this true?

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Anonymous No. 207875

No, he died of the vax

Anonymous No. 208035

Spiffy says he is working on a video eulogizing Chris

Anonymous No. 208043

Is there any footage of John Gunning doing sumo? Or wrestling in general?

Anonymous No. 208049

Did he really die from ligma or his this some kind of ruse?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 208055

Fantastic news if true. One of his fans is a janitor here and banned me for correctly observing that most of his subscribers are shitskins.

Anonymous No. 208059


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Anonymous No. 208071

>Fucking waito piggu gou hoomu

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 208073

John Gunning has a reddit account, you can ask him for it directly.
Pic is what you look like

Anonymous No. 208075

I just remember seeing that newspaper article where he failed miserably at his try at amazumo and I wanted to see how that looked like.

Anonymous No. 208076

futagoyama is just now releasing all the videos of nabatame's preparations for juryo and nabatame already got bounced from the professional ranks.
maybe the bittersweetness of it all will remind nabatame to stop being such a lazy hedonistic loser and start putting the effort needed to be a winner like roga does. roga's career is going to be good enough to qualify him for elder stock, nabatame is going to be hitting the bricks at 30 years old with no skills, no qualifications and no money and when he goes to boss miyabiyama to beg for help all he'll get in response is "who were you again?"

Anonymous No. 208085

When Roga was Nabatame's age, he was nowhere near his Juryo debut.

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Anonymous No. 208086

I know we get a lot of deranged posters on 4chan but you are one of the saddest of them all.
You don't always have to be antagonistic.
Just watch some sumo

Anonymous No. 208095


Anonymous No. 208111

>and when he goes to boss miyabiyama to beg for help all he'll get in response is "who were you again?"
then oyakata will look over his sekitori stud roga, motion towards nabatame and say "roll it" and that will be the last futagoyama beya will ever see of nabatame's lazy ass

Anonymous No. 208135

>replying to yourself
come on now

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Anonymous No. 208226


Anonymous No. 208245

Whats this kimarite called?

Anonymous No. 208253


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Kyokushuzan vs Ch....webm

Anonymous No. 208265


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Mainoumi vs. Waka....webm

Anonymous No. 208266

Anonymous No. 208267

Nabatame will grovel before the Yokozuna Kikuchi and the Ozeki Koga and Soga, he will beg for mercy from the ascending stars of Miyabiyama

>t. Nobehara

Anonymous No. 208294


Anonymous No. 208308

A rare example where they could just use his actual name as his ring name, in ateji.

Anonymous No. 208326

This is the body that deep-fried borscht built. Jobbers of Jonidan, kneel and tremble.

Anonymous No. 208333

but which one is him

Anonymous No. 208339

>very visible outline
I came.

Anonymous No. 208355

Do they actually practice moves like this? The practice footage they show is always stomping, pole-slapping, chest lending, then practice bouts.

Anonymous No. 208365

I think the approach is similar as dunking in basketball. If you cannot dribble properly or do a pass, you should not dunk.

Anonymous No. 208377

I get that, and it makes sense for young guys, but by the time you're in juryo, even makushita, your fundamentals should be pretty solid.

Even if you're really good at pushing or grappling, they don't practice things like uwatenage?

Anonymous No. 208384

>If you cannot dribble properly or do a pass, you should not dunk.

Anonymous No. 208387

You can only use certain techniques in the heat of the moment, and it would be difficult and counterproductive to engineer a situation in which you can practice specific techniques over and over again. In practice matches, you could certainly tell your kohai to attack in different styles so you can react in different ways, but you can't really tell him "When your left foot is five inches away from the edge of the ring, go for the belt and try to throw me so I can counter it". Impressive techniques therefore come about as a result of good fortune and good fight awareness, as well as the confidence that you need to try something flashy instead of playing it safe with a simpler move.

Anonymous No. 208391

Shaq was lame compared to Hakeem.

Anonymous No. 208407


Anonymous No. 208420

>Do they actually practice moves like this?
Yes, in their closed practice sessions.

Anonymous No. 208439

shaq has 4 championships, olajuwon only managed two

Anonymous No. 208446

Tamanoi beya has a youtube channel now, seems like everyone is jumping on the bandwagon now that Miyabiyama had so much success with his

Anonymous No. 208453

Sumo typing game

Anonymous No. 208458

you have to compare them individually; robert horry has 7 championships, doesn't mean he's better.... and shaq was carried by kobe lol

Anonymous No. 208459

kise beya started sooner than tamanoi, but i dont care, the more the better. they all have different approach to shoot the videos anyway.

Anonymous No. 208460

shaq played against and dominated hakeem when shaq was still on the magic and hakeem was in his prime, some of their game against each other are on youtube, you can watch shaq getting all the boards, all the dunks and hakeem shooting and missing weak 12' shots from outside the paint

Anonymous No. 208462

kaio and kaisei take the kids bowling

Anonymous No. 208469

you mean like this? lol

shaq was a 1-trick pony, but he was good at it.

Anonymous No. 208495

>Terutsuyoshi is going to try MMA according to Schriszoid
Oh no

Anonymous No. 208496

I don't know a thing about MMA, how much money can he expect from not even winning but just going up there and fighting?

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Anonymous No. 208497

He should get into pro wrestling instead, he can be a heel who throws salt in his opponent's eyes to cheat. Perfect gimmick.

Anonymous No. 208498

>More MMA guys talking about how bad sumo is because someone who couldn't succeed in sumo comes and fails in MMA too
It's not worth it Teru.

Anonymous No. 208502

That's cute.

Anonymous No. 208512

I think it's just to stay stuck in. You can't be a competitive, professional athlete your whole life and then suddenly just turn it off. If it works, maybe he makes a little money, but he still has the idea of something to train for.

Anonymous No. 208514

>You can't be a competitive, professional athlete your whole life and then suddenly just turn it off
You 100% can if you aren't broke and you have a couple real money making opportunities
the problem is there's no escape if you suck.

Anonymous No. 208534

some people enjoy exercising and staying physically fit, just because you're a sissified lazy slob doesn't mean that everyone else wants to be that way

Anonymous No. 208535

>thinks competition prep training is the same as staying fit
thanks for letting us know that you have never done anything athletic in your life

Anonymous No. 208595

What’s a fair price for a hakuho tegata?

Anonymous No. 208599

Probably over $250. Even lower ranked guys go for over $150.

Anonymous No. 208631

bigsumofan has it for 270. they're not that rare, but they're not going to go down in price id bet

Anonymous No. 208646

Can oyakata still make tegata? I don't think there are any rules against it, right? It would probably be in poor taste, and he probably wouldn't be able to put "Hakuho" on it since he's Miyagino now, but I can see him pumping them out for the money.

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Anonymous No. 208652

I think the tegata are distributed to supporters and not sold so any you get are from the second hand market.

Anonymous No. 208656

>After morning training (稽古Keiko) in Jungyo (巡業 sumo regional tour) season, rikishi will take some time to produce massive number of handprint autograph.
>Handprints of Rikishi are said to keep away bad luck and draw good luck to your business.
>These handprint autographs will be signed by Rikishi himself and delivered to business partners/supporters such as Jungyo promoters.

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Anonymous No. 208658

Give it to me straight sumo bros, how far down the banzuke is Nabatame gonna fall in September.

Anonymous No. 208659

No worse than Ms6

Anonymous No. 208666

The ones that are for sale are all counterfeit these days. Really easy to fake them with modern scanning and printing tech

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Anonymous No. 208723

You can just look at past instances of that record.

Anonymous No. 208744

>Shimanoumi getting demoted out of juryo
almost had me with the photoshop, but that clearly couldn't have happened

Anonymous No. 208747

Wait until you find out it took him almost 2 years to get back for the 2nd time.

Anonymous No. 208749

Aonishiki will make it to juryo before Nabatame makes it back there

Anonymous No. 208757

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Anonymous No. 208759


Anonymous No. 208760

This is just a post from feminism/sexism twitter people who are having a big fight over whether or not men and women should be segregated, they're not actually talking about the sumo story.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 208763

The last thing anyone wants to see is ugly women in singlets feebly pushing each other around. Even the creeps on Midnight sumo leave the stream when that trannoid starts showing womens sumo.

Anonymous No. 208766


Anonymous No. 208772

>I want to enter the ring
but also
>sumo should be banned


Anonymous No. 208773

every banned mongolian sumo outcast needs to put on a wig and redeem themselves by joining women's sumo and breaking all those bitches' necks. if they do that they will be warmly welcomed back into the community

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sumo girl.jpg

Anonymous No. 208774

sumo girl was one of the better girls

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Anonymous No. 208782

Meanwhile, in the real world...

Anonymous No. 208786

>sumo should be banned
they didn't say that though

Anonymous No. 208790

Is that Hakuoho?

Anonymous No. 208792

I wish we did this.

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Anonymous No. 208793

All the cute sumo girls are in the lightweight division. Need pro women's sumo for openweight Davina vs Galiath matchups.

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her face when sumo.webm

Anonymous No. 208794

What could she mean by this face?

Anonymous No. 208823

Holy shit. I NEED to get uwatenage'd by a beautiful naked JK wearing nothing but a mawashi.

Anonymous No. 208825

New thread


New thread


New thread


Anonymous No. 208829

but why
We're still on page 8 and we haven't even hit image limit.

Anonymous No. 208834

/sp/nigger that doesn't realize(or want to realize) he is on a very slow board.

Anonymous No. 208836

I see women's sumo footage is where Hokuseiho learned his tachiai

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Anonymous No. 208873

He's going to compete in Ganryujima. It's a fun org with lower level of competition, so he probably won't get badly murked. You can win by ringout too in most of them, so he could actually use his sumo.

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Anonymous No. 208879

New Prime Time

Anonymous No. 208880

I like how his opponent's promotional picture is just like some lowres facebook picture from 10 years ago

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Baruto vs Tochino....webm

Anonymous No. 208881

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Asashoryu vs Koto....webm

Anonymous No. 208882

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Takanohana vs Kai....webm

Anonymous No. 208883

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Ama vs Wakanoho S....webm

Anonymous No. 208884

Anonymous No. 208885

Someone needs to start helping Hiro understand how adjectives are used in English. It feels like he's getting worse at naming videos, somehow.

Anonymous No. 208889

Hiro's English is fine, he need to concentrate more on his work ethic
One 12 minute video a month doesn't cut the mustard.

Anonymous No. 208898

I'm not saying he can't speak English, I'm saying that title is incredibly bizarre and unlikely to get any English natives to click on it. It's 3 adjectives in 5 words, the first of which is rarely used.

Anonymous No. 208906

>Terunofuji's left knee is troubling him. He was seen limping after a practice session with Kitanowaka, and did not participate in the afternoon matches (though he did a dohyo-iri). Sakaigawa, the Jungyo master, says Terunofuji reported knee effusion.

Anonymous No. 209031

Futagoyama's university recruit at the end of the latest video

Anonymous No. 209055


Anonymous No. 209090

Teru lost 10kg due to diabetes again, but apparently the knee got better at least.

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Anonymous No. 209093

Anonymous No. 209100

banzuke is out

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ichinojo commerci....webm

Anonymous No. 209452

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Anonymous No. 210041
Onosato did 17 consecutive bouts with Kisenosato and went 10-7.

Anonymous No. 210335

>tfw I thought the Basho started tomorrow

Anonymous No. 210350

It did.