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๐Ÿงต /esg/ Eternal Skateboarding General

Anonymous No. 205985

Basic brand info for beginners

Shoe reviews:

Submit a shoe review:

Just skate and have fun. You're never too old or fat to skate. Skateboarding is 90% mind 10% body.

Skatepark etiquette: Remember everyone there shares a common interest with you.

Thread video

Last Thread: >>203629

Anonymous No. 205994

breddy fun video. I like the fran molina part.

Anonymous No. 206001

new nelly video :o

Anonymous No. 206039

/esg/ asked and Mitchie delivered

I could already ollie but still learnt some things from this. I also often end up at the park teaching someone how to ollie so this gave some good tips to pass on I never would have thought of.

Anonymous No. 206041

what a friendly generous person with your time, i'm pretty selfish im just there for me

Anonymous No. 206044

>teaching someone
That is kind of the reason I watch tutorials, but honestly I never would have figured out a kickflip with out modern tutorials on youtube because I never used to make any skate friends. Now it seems like board control is clicking into place without anyone telling me how its done. Like people can argue about how a heel flip is done and theres tutorials showing you to use your heel or saying its no heel at all and either works. Im still trying to find my perfect set up, but no YT crap is going to tell me what works either so I just have to pony up the cash and keep trying stuff, but Im almost there. I cant tell if I want to stay at 8 or 8.25 with some 8.25 trucks for my next board. I like how 8.25 seems to have a lot more options at least when shopping online.

Anonymous No. 206050

you can just straight up use the trucks off your 8 for your 8.25

Anonymous No. 206069

yeah but I remember using 7.6s on a 8 and it kind of sucks. I do like a slightly bigger board than axle

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Anonymous No. 206074

I think I just go when it's empty and the begginers come out from the shadows. Get to chatting.
I just bought an 8.0 deck to put old trucks on, also have 8.25 and 8.5 set ups. I gave up on having 1 board for everything and it's nice to make use of old stuff instead of letting it collect dust.

Anonymous No. 206102

Can't stand this ugly cunt

Anonymous No. 206104

good shes mine

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Anonymous No. 206121

holy shit the music, dear fucking god, why did you do this to me, you piece of shit? WHY?

Anonymous No. 206123


Anonymous No. 206125

peeps the goat. I wish more skaters would use weirder music in their videos. I really like the song choices in the first breeders video. just completely insane wacked out electronic music.

Anonymous No. 206126

incredible things happening here

Anonymous No. 206128

i need to learn how to fs cook like yesterday, what a nice looking trick when it's held long

Anonymous No. 206138

I would kill to have ledge spots like that

Anonymous No. 206141

How bad is it to continue skating on a bruised ankle, will I die?

Anonymous No. 206143

I bruised my ankle bone and the tendon leading down to it and Ive been ok to skate. Too fucking hot today though.

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Anonymous No. 206146

this is how I feel about every fucking retard who sets their phone up to get clips all the time. why the fuck does everyone need to be getting clips, especially if your not even good. you gonna go home and jerk off to em later, show your fat retarded gf, and bug me at the bar or the park "bro look at this kickflip!" its just fucking social media bull shit, you need to show other people your skating, you need some likes on your shit fucking noseslide?

Anonymous No. 206147

>go on tinder date with girl whos says she skates, in the city for the weekend
>she told me she had only been skating 6 months,culture vulture obviously, but fine whatever.
>immediately she starts showing me like 50 fucking clips on her instagram
>wearing a helmet in all of them for stupid beginner like rolling off a curb or going up a tiny bank for a pivot.
>thinking to myself "well this sucks"
>she of course asks me asks me for my clips
>the few of them that exist are on various friends computers to make into an actual video
>I just told her I dont have IG I dont care about getting clips.
>she asks me "do you even skate"
I swear to god Ive never wanted to smack a bitch so bad
>next day see her at a park/diy wearing a helmet practing ollies
>said Hi and went to hang out with my homies fuck that noise.

oh yeah and she also mentioned in the date she fucked her local shop owner already after only six months of skating and then he started treating her like shit after lmao.

Anonymous No. 206148

real. i also can't stand people that live to post basically hogging which ever obstacle they have their gay little tripod pointed at, totally fucks up the vibes at the park when it's a constant thing. i know a handful of dudes like that at my local and it's really tempting to just leave when they start with their bullshit.
>its just fucking social media bull shit
yup and they rarely have any kind of sponsor worth stacking clips for lmao

Anonymous No. 206149

>started treating her like shit after lmao
many such cases and well deserved every time

Anonymous No. 206151

sometimes I'll record myself to see how I'm doing a trick and if I can improve in anyway

Anonymous No. 206152

>they rarely have any kind of sponsor worth stacking clips for lmao
they're "sponsors" are always stupid "hip" local businesses like
>@quirky kid shirt company (his friend)
>@spiritual jewlery (his girlfriend)
>@local skate company doomed to fail (some guy from the local park)

Anonymous No. 206153

thats fine idc if your doing it to improve as long as long your not getting in someones way at the park

Anonymous No. 206162

how do i stop making my ollies suck?
my few issues stopping me from getting more height is:
front foot/weight landing too close or past the front bolts, stopping the board/wheel biting and eating shit
too much weight on tail. the board will always slight tip up when doing hippies
not lifting quick enough after popping. how do i practice a better and quicker lift/flick form without brutalizing my body?
please help a shitter

Anonymous No. 206168

>front foot/weight landing too close or past the front bolts, stopping the board/wheel biting and eating shit
Your front foot does most of the jump, but you arent supposed to bring your foot forward, you are supposed to bring it straight up and that creates the slide on the board after a successful pop. It should be doing kind of a D shape if that makes sense. Up and out to level it out once its reached its peak or where ever you want to level out and aim for bolts on landing always.
>too much weight on tail. the board will always slight tip up when doing hippies
hippy jumps always start and end on bolts and for an ollie its all popping with your ankle. Practice popping the board with out standing on it and seeing how to pop with literally just your ankle.
>not lifting quick enough after popping
Practice, but its possible you are bringing your front foot forward too fast. You need to go straight up then level out when you are at the height you want.
I just started learning switch and nollies and I can do it and am pretty damn proud, but it takes so much set up finding the sweet spot for my pop. Idk what nollie pros do, but off the nose I tend to pop with my ball of my foot on the tip of the nose where as a regular ollie my ball of my foot is much more centered on the tail.

Anonymous No. 206169

I typically only film street clips. If I do want to film something at the park I only do it if I'm the only one there. I would feel like a fucking asshole if I was trying to set up my "tripod"(propped up water bottle or random nearby object) while there are several other skaters there.

I'm of the mind that eventually I will lose my power and finesse as I age, and I'll be damned if I don't document at least some of my progress. That said its been about 3 weeks since I filmed anything. It has to be the right time and place. I don't even hard post anything. I just hoard clips and sometimes put them on my story, or rarely put one up in one of these threads. It helps with motivation for me too. Seeing an old clip will remind me of how far I've come.

Anonymous No. 206171

Sounds like she'll be popping up in Nike videos soon

Anonymous No. 206172

hey im not gonna act like ive never set my phone up to film a street spot when Im skating solo its just not something I like to do often I find it annoying trying to get the right angle, set it up, skating a bit, going back watching the footage, going back to skating. its so annoying I just want to skate and I have some 30 dollar wal mart phone with a shit camera so its not even gonna look good. and if Im gonna be on my phone during my sesh I wanna be on tinder looking for poon. like you I also hoard the storage and dont post.

Anonymous No. 206181

lol agreed, just skate for fun and to impress goth girls, not to get clips for instagram

Anonymous No. 206182

fuckin roastie

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Anonymous No. 206200

>how do i practice a better and quicker lift/flick form without brutalizing my body?
Pic related - you can get them for very cheap on Ebay. Do 15-20mins of pure ollie practice with these on every day if you can and I promise you will see improvements quickly. Don't ONLY do these stationary versions, still keep trying them moving if you can, but use them as a supplement during downtime where you don't have access to somewhere you can roll around and do them moving. It takes the fear of hurting yourself out of the equation so you can focus fully on technique and timing, which will then transfer across when you try them rolling. Works best if you can do them on a hard surface so you can feel and hear the pop happening to help with timing, but carpet works as well if you have no choice. Other things that helped me get through some rough stages of learning ollies were learning tail stops at speed, manuals and trying basic shuvs - basically anything basic that improves your board control.
>front foot/weight
>too much weight
For weight stuff, the best tip I got from the 50 odd tutorials I watched was learning to intentionally rocket ollie. Do a light pop off the back and don't even bother sliding that front foot up at all. Just lift it to give the board space to come up a bit, then land back down with good balance. Add some slight ankle bend on the front foot once you got that down and the board will start levelling out.

Anonymous No. 206201

if you buy and use these your a
when we were kids we saw this kid at the park who put tennis balls on his wheels to learn to ollie. we called him a faggot and beat him up and pull down his pants and spat in his asshole and threw his pants in a tree.

Anonymous No. 206208

Damn wish I could skate I wanna lean but I'm not trying to break smth rn

Anonymous No. 206232

this course is pretty cool.

Anonymous No. 206234

lmao looks like a fun event

Anonymous No. 206235

stop it STOP IT. You should be banned for posting this type of nonsense.

Anonymous No. 206237

Why the fuck would you buy these. If you're so much of a retarded pussy you need these to learn to ollie then just practice in the grass.

Anonymous No. 206238

doing stationary ollies builds bad habits. You should be trying them rolling ASAP, and you should be rolling around before trying them anyway

Anonymous No. 206239

The worst part is when you land something stupid like a boardslide on a mid rail and then some faggot who can't even pop an ollie (of course his Instagram and personality shows he is all about the skate life) tries to pressure you in to filming it so he can put something on his gay ass reel. "Land it to fakie it looks cooler". SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEARN TO DO A FUCKING OLLIE YOU WASTE OF SPACE.

Anonymous No. 206240

Never broke a thing in my life from skating, maybe a toe or something. And I'm close to 20 years on the board. Just don't go from a 3 stair to like an 8 or do something way out of your comfort zone. If you're not trying stupid shit, you won't break anything most likely.
>I wanna learn
Stop being a pussy BRUH
I disagree.

Anonymous No. 206241

Meant to reply to this post.

Anonymous No. 206243

wait you mean like the faggot asks to record your trick to put on his instagram? that sounds like insane poser shit Ive never experienced that but Im not a park rat.

Anonymous No. 206246

The worst part is he is an older dude in his 30's. He thinks he's like the fucking local beagle or something "Oh look at me I can edit a basic skate video and put a cool song over it, I'm all about the skate life" But he refuses to learn anything except for the most basic tranny skating!
> that sounds like insane poser shit Ive never experienced that but Im not a park rat.
My local town is infested with people who never hit the streets they just sit at the park and pretend they like skateboarding, doing the same 5 tricks they've been doing for 10+ years. No street sessions, no nothing. EXCEPT for when they want go filming. Insane poser shit INDEED!!!

Anonymous No. 206252

>My local town is infested with people who never hit the streets they just sit at the park
lmao. over 10 years I skated around my home town and surrounding areas and would run into another skater maybe twice a year on average. thats that small town suburban life for you unfortunately. when I would run into other skaters they'd ask why they never seen me at the park and I just tell em I hate parks skateboarding is for the streets or some shit like that. now to be fair its not like theres a whole lot of spots around but once I learned about rubbricks/lacquer I was running around making spots everywhere. now I live in the city tho so none of this is a problem

Anonymous No. 206254

they must have seen that japanese game show kek

Anonymous No. 206256

lol i grew up with the only option being to skate street, im over it now. rather skate the park. street skating feels cringe as fuck once you hit your 30s and youre getting kicked out of spots by other adults your age like youre some unruly teenager.

Anonymous No. 206257

>street skating feels cringe as fuck once you hit your 30s
the only thing cringe here is you

Anonymous No. 206258

Nothing wrong or weird with preferring the streets. I like parks when people are actually stoked to skate like Idk indoor parks with a fee (I'm European, half of the year is rain or snow) but I hate the culture of people just hanging out and using the local skatepark as some kind of hangout spot for the older guys who don't even really skate anymore. Like go take up fishing or something if you want to sit around and smoke weed and be an old fuck.
>street skating feels cringe as fuck once you hit your 30s and youre getting kicked out of spots by other adults your age like youre some unruly teenager.
Never really had trouble with getting kicked out maybe once in a blue moon some police car will stop by and ask to not skate a certain spot. But if you avoid private property, in my experience, this rarely happens.

Anonymous No. 206259

I like parks, but all the ones that are still around or are new arent to my taste. Street skating here in NJ sucks lol and the skateparks are always pretty crowded.

reminded me of that too.

Anonymous No. 206261

knock on wood brother

Anonymous No. 206263

>spat in his asshole
That's kinda gay

Anonymous No. 206264

cobrasisters... i dont feel so good

Anonymous No. 206265

Please don't play music at the spot I don't want my video to get copyright claims and get it demonetized.

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Anonymous No. 206266

The last time some skater showed up to the park with a giant boombox, some homeless crazy guy actually stole it.
The situation resolved itself really.

Anonymous No. 206268

>Street skating here in NJ sucks lol and the skateparks are always pretty crowded.
too true unfortunately, there just arent enough parks the park in my home town got torn down 10 years ago and is now a pickleball court. street skating sucks cause your driving a lot. but theres plenty of places to go, brunz, JC, newark, trenton, princeton. you can go into philly or nyc. you ever skate the trenton banks?

>Like go take up fishing or something if you want to sit around and smoke weed
at least 4 homies from my teenage years who stopped skating do this now. much rather have them do that than come out for a sesh to just stand around and kill my vibe which is what was happening.

Anonymous No. 206269

I just returned to skating this year pretty much and havnt been too many places. Mostly practicing flat ground and finding a set up that works for an adult version of me. Got hurt last time I went to a park because I thought I could do all the same shit I could do as a kid lol. Some anon mentioned ann van skatepark which I want to go to when its cooler or theres a DIY skatepark in delaware too.

Anonymous No. 206270

>My local town is infested with people who never hit the streets they just sit at the park and pretend they like skateboarding, doing the same 5 tricks they've been doing for 10+ years.
literally me
>No street sessions, no nothing. EXCEPT for when they want go filming. Insane poser shit INDEED!!!
i prefer parks because you can show up and mess around, do lines, hit different obstacles. the street spots in my area are single obstacles so if you're over it, you'll have to drive to another spot. also, street wears down your pop, trucks and wheels quicker. so if i'm gonna take the time to drive to a spot, deal with all the things that make a spot hard to skate โ€“ shitty ground, crack before where you'll pop, a higher, rougher ledge or sticky rail, etc โ€“ and that wears down your setup, yeah i'm gonna want to film the trick because why else would i go there?

Anonymous No. 206271

>Some anon mentioned ann van skatepark which I want to go to when its cooler
that was me. ann vann is cool but it gets crowded. I definitely recommend waiting till all the groms go back to school. also try and go in the morning obviously but they do have lights that stay on pretty late if I remember.
theres also the cherry brook DIY in philipsburg.

Anonymous No. 206275

fuck you my local is my on demand concrete wave you cant tell me otherwise fuck your street where am i gonna find transition occurring in the wild, it doesn't fucking exist, i'd be going surfing

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Anonymous No. 206276

>where am i gonna find transition occurring in the wild, it doesn't fucking exist
Do Americans not have street transition???

Anonymous No. 206279

Just wanted to add how gay I too think you are for posting this shit

Anonymous No. 206283

>I disagree

Anonymous No. 206284

broaden your horizons and skate more than just transition

Anonymous No. 206290

What are the best episodes of Nine Club?

Anonymous No. 206292

dont watch that slop

Anonymous No. 206293

what is a good podcast that talks about 90's and early 2000's skateboarding?

Anonymous No. 206294

i dont think there are any specifically like that. but you could listen to episodes of the 9club, the bunt, or tony hawks podcast that have guests from those eras. your best bet is to just watch epicly laterd tho

Anonymous No. 206295

does anyone else start thinking a little too hard about their life at night and realize skateboarding is actually super fucking corny

Anonymous No. 206296

I just watched the Jason Dill ones. Great stuff, hilarious guy. The Dustin Dollin ep is a classic he gets shitfaced drunk as you would expect. I wish Jim Greco would do an episode but he doesn't seem like the podcasting type.
Ehhh, do you really think the show with the toothless reformed junkie or Hawk vs Wolf is any better? I watch them for the guests I skip over most episodes but they know their stuff and they let their guests talk so that's a win for me.
Ali boulala did one, I think it's fairly recent. Just type his name in to spotify and list by podcasts. He has one of the most controversial/talked about careers in general and he came up around the late 90's and his best stuff arguably is from the early mid 2000's. So might be what you're looking for. A lot of skate history stuff too like how he came up with the name Baker etc...

Anonymous No. 206298

ok thanks pal

Anonymous No. 206299

>I watch them for the guests I skip over most episodes but they know their stuff and they let their guests talk so that's a win for me.

They ask the most basic shit, if it's an obscure dude that's never really been interviewed before then sure I get it but I never been entertained by the nine clubs questions

Anonymous No. 206301

do you want them to ask how big there dicks are

Anonymous No. 206309

thats more interesting than them asking them when they started skating which has 100% already been answered in other interviews if the guest is somewhat popular

Anonymous No. 206314

1:30 hour long gifted hater video talking shit on tim pool just dropped. guess ill be falling asleep to this tonight.

Anonymous No. 206323

jeff grosso one is cool

mike vallely one is like 5 hours long and surprisingly good, he is just a good story teller i guess

Anonymous No. 206324

not sure why literally anyone fuckin cares about that shit
i dont care about some troon 'diyers' and i dont care about some loser nerd like tim pool either

surprised gifted hater has been silent on the chris cole spectacle

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Anonymous No. 206325

>1:30 hour long gifted hater video talking shit on tim pool just dropped

Anonymous No. 206327

I stopped following skating around 2010sh. The last video I watched was probably Girl's Pretty Sweet. What more recent video or videos would you recommend for a sense of how skating has progressed in the meantime? Are videos like Sorry, This is Skateboarding, The DC Video, still considered top shelf skating kino?

Anonymous No. 206329

le kino

Anonymous No. 206332

Thrifted redditor has always been a biased cuck.

Anonymous No. 206334

The Father's day episode with Steve and Alex Olson is funny.

Anonymous No. 206336

wow bro your so cool.not caring about anything

Anonymous No. 206340

I'll add to the above:
Lance Mountain
Darren Navarrette
Steve Olson
David Gravette
Arto Saari
Carlos Ribeiro

Anonymous No. 206341

>surprised gifted hater has been silent on the chris cole spectacle
Because it would require him to formulate an opinion on slmething

Anonymous No. 206348


Anonymous No. 206360

GH is an entertainer 1st, leader of discourse 2nd, so this Tim pool situation couldn't be more perfect for him to milk for a while. chris cole stuff is not as entertaining right now

Anonymous No. 206368
any other skate park live streams?

Anonymous No. 206369

wow wtf didn't even know this was a thing but makes sense

Anonymous No. 206372

i like frog

Anonymous No. 206373

>i dont care about some troon 'diyers' and i dont care about some loser nerd like tim pool either
sounds like you just dont care about skateboarding honestly. DIY is one of the foundations of skating. Building shit with the homies to skate is the best and builds a community. having some bald manlet politics kook come in and completely fuck shit up is not good.
>surprised gifted hater has been silent on the chris cole spectacle
cause its still ongoing and its not a funny topic to cover at all?

one of the funniest things ive watched. spends half the video trolling them until they start mannybusting him. glad he went the family man route instead of the sam hyde route. shame looks like he took his part down, wonder why.

Anonymous No. 206382

I feel like he could of trimmed it down a bit, but it was pretty entertaining. I love seeing Tim Pool get called out for the insecure little baldy that he is. He is clearly seething that he has never been accepted within skateboarding. The part with him claiming to have skated handrails and big stairs, but didn't film it was hilarious.
>sounds like you just dont care about skateboarding
Par for the course for the kooks in these threads. They make posts about getting cool guy'd at their local shop or how pushing mongo is actually a good thing. They don't have any respect or love for the culture.

Anonymous No. 206389

>wake up, clear and sunny
>alright lets fucking skate
>shower shit shave
>make a lil breakfast
>make a quick shit post while eating
>alright lets get it
>oh fuck wait I should put in a load of laundry first
>oh shit the fucking recycling needs to go out
>dammit I should load the dishwasher and start that before I go
>oh my god the fucking garbage is full, god dammit I NEED TO LEAVE
>finally done, grab my wallet, wax, skate tool, water, board
>*loud thunder pouring rain*

but the worst feeling in the world is it being sunny all day while your at work and then right when your about to get out it starts pouring. truly heartbreaking.

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Anonymous No. 206391

i went to the park, did one (1) trick and left

Anonymous No. 206392

The weather has been just awful lately :\

Anonymous No. 206393

I've been out of the loop for a while, what chris cole thing?

Anonymous No. 206394

So I came back to skateboarding this year, been ordering everything online assuming its cheaper. I ended up going to a vans shoe store which had a small ass selection of shit everything was unorganized as fuck, but they had what i wanted and it was about the same cost. the deck was cheaper than what id get online, trucks were more expensive, but I got 15% off for being a new customer. I initially headed to an actual skate shop, but the road was closed for some public event and I said fuck it. but Ill try there next time i need something. Gonna try out thunders and an 8.25 for the first time, but its so wet and humid outside.

Anonymous No. 206395

>forecast says light rain warning in the next 30mins or hour
>rain never comes
>wasted another morning believing this shit ass weather app

Anonymous No. 206396

parking garage

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Anonymous No. 206398

it was long I expected to fall asleep to it but I was too entertained and watched the whole thing. fucking great how possibly the greatest and most succinct take down of tim pool is over skateboarding
>The part with him claiming to have skated handrails and big stairs, but didn't film it was hilarious.
The whole video was hilarious but I actually laughed cause he said like "I dont care about getting clips or filming etc." which is what we were discussing ITT but like hand rails and big stairs are the things you definitely should and would film lol.
The thing I found most interesting is how TP doesnt mention any actual skate companies or like any actual pro skaters. He just talked about Aaron Kyro/Braille and Steve Berra/The Berrics. It makes me wonder if he actually follows actual skateboarding at all or if all he knows is youtube shit.

Chris Cole is/was a domestic abuser and also a groomer and slap actually managed to get him canceled.

Anonymous No. 206399

oh I forgot the biggest offense, his name isnt even Chris...its James lol. His ex wife is also named Chris and he was so insecure about it so he made his ex have people call her Red lmao. imagine being that fucking bonkers over your fake name hahaha

Anonymous No. 206402

not sure why im meant to give a fuck about some obscure diy in some flyover state

Anonymous No. 206403

i just spent my morning repairing loose pool coping blocks at my local you bitch nigger, i just have better things to do than get upset about flyover troons and some bald e-celeb

Anonymous No. 206404

the guy does hang ten flips of course he doesn't know anything about skateboarding lmao

Anonymous No. 206408

Just did some cruising and a flat ground sesh. I think the board madness is over. All my muscle memory works out perfectly and I get huge pop which I think Ill attribute to the thunder trucks. I get good rotation too like first frontside 180 I threw I over rotated. Only curious thing is the shop didnt have jessup grip tape they had mob, grizzly and mini logo grip tape. I felt the mini logo tape and it felt not that abrasive so thats what I put on. The adhesive probably needs to set in especially with all the moisture in the air right now and it seemed like thick adhesive. I think its less grippy than jessup especially because when I was rubbing the left over sandpaper over the grain it was taking lots of grain off which is fine with me. I dont need a lot of grip.

Anonymous No. 206413

not sure why you need to post about how you dont give a fuck. it contributes nothing to the conversation.

Anonymous No. 206414

because i keep hearing about this gay tim pool shit and im over it

Anonymous No. 206415

Guys if the rain clears out we're all going to skate this new parking lot with nice curbs tonight. You're invited. You can bring snacks if you want. Maybe gummy bears and juice in sippy cup or something idk.

Anonymous No. 206420

very based

Anonymous No. 206422

lol a few weeks ago weck posting an IG story all talking shit on roids and why no one should use steroids. Real funny that sam hyde recently groomed bicflame into roiding LOL. I don't get how people are still fans of sam hyde in 2024 man... Tons of skater normies in NYC are fans of him too now it's so weird

Anonymous No. 206425

do people here honestly follow tim pool and gifted hater? stupid rw e-celeb and most reddit tier podcaster

Anonymous No. 206431

I don't care what anyone says and I don't care about Tim Pool, seen some of his videos not in to politics whatever seems like a decent dude. The gifted hater skatenerd seems like a total kook with his stupid edits and opinions. I am glad I didn't grow up in this current gay ass youtuber commentary era of skateboarding. That being said, I like John Hill and the other Asian on his team can't think of his name. Jason Park?

All I know is this "part" or you know low effort day of skating in the warehouse edit is pretty fucking tight great song as well. The fucking one foot manny shuv it kickflip goes hard as fuck. The guy was obviously talented he's not even tryharding in this video:
If you see this and think the guy couldn't skate handrails or big stairs yeah Idk I think you have a brain deficiency.

Anonymous No. 206433

>I don't get how people are still fans of sam hyde
hes become a culty father figure to a bunch of dipshit losers.. and then theres that fishtank shit which is also for neets who are terminally online..
>Tons of skater normies in NYC are fans of him too now it's so weird
thats just NYC edgy counter culture crap thats popular right now. they probably listen to the red scare podcast too.

Anonymous No. 206435

new rule, not reading or responding to anymore posts that start with i dont care.

Anonymous No. 206436

Terry Kennedy killed a guy (on accident apparently) hit him too hard in the wrong spot or something. Does not change my opinion on him whatsoever. Tight ass skater and I hope he gets out soon! #FreeTerryKennedy

Anonymous No. 206437

Cool story faggot! Go write it in your journal!

Anonymous No. 206444

Psycho ex from his former life is accusing him of all sorts. People who didn't grow up in that era are now applying today's standards against him. There is a thread on slap with dedicated losers who are hell bent on believing everything a woman says and destroying his life over it.
The most serious of allegations is he psychologically manipulated her 15 years ago.

Anonymous No. 206445

>She also apparently went to prison for fraud
This one is as verified as all the claims against Cole tho

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Anonymous No. 206451

>wake up, realize I only have a short 2 hour window to skate
>get to the park. Itโ€™s a fucking daycare
>3 different families.
>Every kid is under 10 and has those 3 wheeled scooters
>another dad pulls up in his Honda hotboxing his two sons with vapesmoke
>humid as fuck
>slip out and eat shit as Iโ€™m rolling out of the park

Still landed some nice heelflips and nice pop shove up this bank.

Anonymous No. 206452

didnt ask

Anonymous No. 206453

chris cole extensively abused his ex wife and father of his children to the point where she actually tried to kill herself. their son confirmed this.

Anonymous No. 206454

first post in this thread pretty well sums it up

Anonymous No. 206457

I have an old focused Chris Cole board in a closet somewhere. Think I'm gonna get rid of it. Did Josh Harmony end up being a rapist? I also have one of his boards somewhere, it had the confederate flag on it hahah. Man, I'd give everything to go back to 2007, literally was a different time. I have a 2008-09 signed poster and t-shirt from a Fallen demo

Anonymous No. 206461

tim pool is such a bullshitter, he always sounds like he's lying through his teeth, zero conviction and 100% grift. it's actually funny as fuck and very entertaining, i hope they play SKATE kek

Anonymous No. 206462

Silly question but is there a website that has the history of deck graphics for companies?

Anonymous No. 206465

I found a site but can't find the deck I have listed. It's an Alien Workship team deck from about 2000 or 2001. I can't find evidence of it anywhere.

Anonymous No. 206467

>I don't get how people are still fans of sam hyde in 2024 man
all the fatherless zoomers are hitting that point in life where they need to reverse all the psychological damage dealt from being terminally online during their formative years

Anonymous No. 206478

lmao Im with you anyone who dies from a single punch is a bitch

>crazy ex liar blah blah
>it was the culture to beat your girl and kids and groom chicks back in the day bro! you zoomers just dont understand!
people like you need to be shot

toilet paper wasnt bad when he was just a independent journalist who went to events like occupy and ferguson to do live streams and report on what was happening. make more money grifting and ranting from a studio tho

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Anonymous No. 206484

>Defends nigger who kills someone
>Ruins life of white male for yelling at his ex 15 years ago

Anonymous No. 206485

I read he whole thing and there is still nothing. No proof and the lady sounds like a typical crazy bitch. What a waste of my time.

I also actually skated today. Almost died on a bs 50.

Anonymous No. 206486

No hate on his skating ability but I always thought Chris Cole sounded like a total fag every time he opened his mouth. I completely believe he'd do petty retarded abusive shit like marry a girl named Christine and then force her to change her name so he could be the only Chris in the relationship.

Anonymous No. 206488

I always liked him because of this part

Anonymous No. 206489

my locals are much much cheaper for bushings and hardware, about the same as online for wheels and trucks, and about the same for in demand decks but they also have decks nobody wants for like $40 alongside the mini logo decks (which I don't see on amazon so cheaper than paying shipping from the mini logo website)
bag of indy hardware is like $3something at one of my locals, indy bushings like $6?
I also just got a Santa Cruz hat listed for $28 online at that same local for $19

Anonymous No. 206501

almost decks are $20 rn

Anonymous No. 206502


Anonymous No. 206528

This is neat. There should be some sort of weather monitoring skatepark system.

Anonymous No. 206557

Every park looks deserted. my local parks have 100 people there any given moment.

Anonymous No. 206569

i don't really care about what mistakes other people have made; it's really none of my business and who am I to judge someone else; certainly feels good to put others down i suppose makes you feel lofty?

Anonymous No. 206572

years of abuse is not a mistake, chris cole is a bad person.

Anonymous No. 206577

>yo man I didnt mean to groom her and put her through years of abuse, all a mistake really.

Anonymous No. 206583

first link is broken, bud

Anonymous No. 206585

dont call me bud you fuckin nigger

Anonymous No. 206586

the info in that pastebin was all outdated anyway

Anonymous No. 206589

>Years of abuse
Prove it nigger faggot. They had a shit relationship. That's a dime a dozen. He made her change her name (lol). Who gives a fuck? Gtfo with this gay lord zoomie white knight redditard beta faggotry. The psycho bitch won't fuck you.

Anonymous No. 206611

I come here to talk about skateboarding bro. I'm a proud millennial I don't need this cancer fucking 2020's female brained muh allegations bullshit. Go make a skatedrama general thread or something if you like talking like ovulating women so much.

Anonymous No. 206612

Oh I'm all about the drama. Cole should come out with a pro board and have some beat up crying naked woman for the deck art

Anonymous No. 206613

Yeah that would be nice, but didn't like all his sponsors drop him?

Anonymous No. 206614


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Anonymous No. 206618

Everyntime I venture out from my home boards I get surprised by how many pedos are on this site

Anonymous No. 206619

Your home board over at /lgbt/ with that projection?

Anonymous No. 206620


Anonymous No. 206624

men are pedophilic in general, only reason they aren't all fucking underage girls en masse is because of the law

Anonymous No. 206648

you guys are faggots lmao.

speak for yourself

man this thread was good. whered all the fucking retards come from?

Anonymous No. 206650

>I'm a proud millennial
disgusting pedo get thee gone

Anonymous No. 206655

>i come here to talk about skateboarding and that means discussing how to ollie over and over again forever.
the skate industry/media is part of skateboarding. if you all you want to do is blogpost about how you almost have heelflips down go start a r/newskater general.

Anonymous No. 206659

Where are these spergs coming from? One of you guys linked our thread and it shows

Anonymous No. 206661

sorry bud, but my skin is gloriously pale, so since you must've been talking to someone else, I'll be ignoring your request. also, fix the link, doublenigger
how badly outdated? might still be useful

Anonymous No. 206666

I don't know where you came from.

Anonymous No. 206684

so the only places to talk about skateboarding on the internet are either one of the most pozzed message boards on the entire internet or this shithole

Anonymous No. 206685

oh and r*ddit

Anonymous No. 206686

Skateboarding isn't an internet thing. It's a touch grass thing. Or concrete. We've never been some nerds.

Anonymous No. 206688

>how badly outdated? might still be useful
it was never useful. it was written by an idiot and nobody ever read it. it was outdated 4+ years ago when we were still on /asg/

the answer is this >>206686
dont be pissed cause you cant hang on slap lil bro

Anonymous No. 206689

so much LARPing in these threads. i welcome all new shitposters. continue to link these threads

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 206691

Anonymous No. 206694

>braille video
get the fuck outta here faggot

Anonymous No. 206695

What the fuck is wrong with braille?

Anonymous No. 206696


Anonymous No. 206697

>What the fuck is wrong with braille?
are you fucking 12 or did you just start skating last week?

Anonymous No. 206698


Anonymous No. 206700

Don't link my answer gayass slaggot bitch. You aint one of us.

Anonymous No. 206701

>oh and r*ddit
That wasn't the most pozzed message board on the entire internet?

Anonymous No. 206702

best place to talk about skating is at your local shop and with your friends at the skatepark

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Anonymous No. 206705

Anonymous No. 206706

In your guys opinion, is it lame to match your trucks/bearings/wheels with your board graphic?

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Anonymous No. 206707


Anonymous No. 206708

why would it be lame unless it's lgbt-themed

Anonymous No. 206709

i dont want to be one of you fucking retards lmao

Anonymous No. 206710

You'll have to post a picture

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 206713

reminder that rollerblading more "core" and "street" than skateboarding

Anonymous No. 206714

>nooooo you can't find her attractive she's 17 years, 9 months and 2 weeks old

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01 2.png

Anonymous No. 206715

reminder that rollerblading is more "core" and "street" than sk*teboarding

Anonymous No. 206718

ohhh i see someone brought the /sp/ pedos here.

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Anonymous No. 206721

Just picked up this board and was just thinking of getting black/pink shit to match. I just like the color of pink used

Anonymous No. 206722

i cant imagine how painstakingly annoying this would be to do. plus what happens when you get a new deck.

Anonymous No. 206725

I've already eyed some stuff for it. Only downside is that it's going to be shipped from 2-3 different shops. I imagine toy machine will still be selling the same board for a good while, so I'll probs be able to get another down the road. If not, then I'm just stuck with pink trucks which is not really a big deal to me.

Anonymous No. 206728

The fruitbooter kid from my neighborhood grew up to be trans

Anonymous No. 206730

I went to middle school with a fruit booter, but he was actually crazy doing backflips and shit. I wish I remembered his last name so I could see if he went pro.

Anonymous No. 206731

>pink trucks
you should probably gtfo out of this thread little girl. its not safe for you here.

Anonymous No. 206736

Why do you guys like slap magazine?

Anonymous No. 206740

>slap magazine
do you even fucking skateboard m8?

Anonymous No. 206747

Not many people here do.

Anonymous No. 206748

No, I rollerblade.

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Anonymous No. 206749


Anonymous No. 206754

the only cringy faggots in this thread are you retards. Which btw we invented that term cringe 1337 rofl lmao you are not allowed to use these terms you fucking GOATed bussin noobs.
>skateboarding discussion
You homos are literal women
Sick run, kind of bummed there was no SLS watch party for this one. Stoked for the men's finals tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 206758

this is my 8th month of learning a kickflip. I learned it fast and as soon as someone asked why i dont level it out I fucking had to tweak it. Its so frustrating getting it consistent. I have yet to land a well popped+ leveled out+clean kickflip. I cant wait for the heat to die down so I can just keep trying for longer than like 5-10 minutes at a time.

Anonymous No. 206764

you should really just go to r/skateboarding. its mostly people posting their shitty clips and barely any discussion outside of that. I think you'd like it there more.

Anonymous No. 206767

this thread is straight dogwater, the gossips, the apologists, the fucking tim pool talk(zzz), the fucking beginner blogger shitposting, where is broken knee when you need him to change your car battery or the euros;

that one guy was right who posted this thread elsewhere this thread is fucked

take that weird shit back to /sp/ unless you're linking the mens and the clips are sick

Anonymous No. 206769

>where is broken knee when you need him to change your car battery
Idk what that means but it made ROFLMAO xD

Anonymous No. 206777

if you dont like whats being discussed then start a new discussion.
throwing a temper tantrum for multiple posts does nothing

Anonymous No. 206781

and the olympic contest sport skateboarding has entire companies for troons

Anonymous No. 206782

Are pink trucks not manly?

Anonymous No. 206783

alright trips of truth i willl say the fucking ishod footy being linked does give me a medium chub

Anonymous No. 206784

anything can be manly if you are

Anonymous No. 206785

my long board has pink trucks just cause they were discounted for breast cancer. Im all in favor of tits.

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Anonymous No. 206787

>tfw a 14 year old girl can skate better than me

Anonymous No. 206791

>anon points out olympic skate park colors are trans flag colors
>think it's probably mere coincidence as the flag is just 2 colors
>check again, the flag is actually 3 colors, don't remember it also being white
what are they pulling here

Anonymous No. 206792

>event full of children competing
>event meant to appeal to children
what do you think is going on there

Anonymous No. 206794

>Waaahhhh people on the internet are saying things I don't like
>You must curate your discussion for me!
Well I am pretty psyched for the mens park you faggots.
Fucking Andy Mac is going to do a run and Keiran Wooley is going to go balls to the wall and win gold. Get stoked you cunts!

Anonymous No. 206795

I only have seen women compete so far and its not olympic material.

Anonymous No. 206796

it depends on how anal you are about it. If you're just putting together a new complete it's fine. If you're not skating because you need new wheels but you have to wait for the right color wheels to come in stock, it's lame.

but either way caring about whether someone thinks your setup looks lame is lame. do what you want, take the time you save not giving a shit about other people and use it skate.

Anonymous No. 206797

should I skate tonight?

Anonymous No. 206798

since Carlos, Fetty and Lance left, Braille is not worth watching

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Anonymous No. 206800

it is necessary

Anonymous No. 206801

Fuck, I just sat down and turned my Xbox on. Guess I'm going out :)

Anonymous No. 206802

ok I'm going out right now to practice switch manuals

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Anonymous No. 206803

>just found out alltimers is shutting down and is holding a clearance sale on their site
>all of the good shit is already gone/available in S sizes

man, it bums me out to see those guys go, although their quirky shape decks were stupid at times, I loved the fact that they used to sell embroidered soft goods, which is unheard of nowadays without paying rape. At very least I managed to snatch a Mets hat and a couple of t-shirts.

I really like bronze56k's stuff, they've got a solid team and the edits are alright.

as for progression, you should keep an eye on Andy Anderson, some people give him shit because of his dorky/autist look (has been wearing a helmet since day one) and downplay his skills. This dude is the closest thing we have to a modern day Rodney Mullen, pushing the boundaries of what can be done with a skateboard.

no, who cares about that? if you like it and feel like doing it, go for it. Although purchasing pink trucks errs to the "what the fuck" side of things in my opinion, but maybe im biased because I have a tendency to think that if its colored, it might be shitty plastic (akin to the stuff you find at walmart.)

Anonymous No. 206808

Interesting is the normies thought so too and I saw people questioning why it's in the games. But thankfully they determined the women are not as good (and quite young) because skateboarding is filled with sexist males. So once we get rid of them, grown women will be shredding.

Anonymous No. 206816

rip alltimers, i hope alexis finds a good board sponsor after this.

Anonymous No. 206818

Can you believe Andy Macdonald is skating in the Olympics for Bongland?

Anonymous No. 206822

I kept trying to watch any part of skating in this years olympics but I keep fucking forgetting. I think my brain knows deep down I dont really care. Im not seeing too much highlight footage out there so I guess Im not missing too much. I dont really care about the little japanese girls ripping anymore its getting a little overdone, feels like the 90s where half the skaters that were am/pro werent even 18 yet, had hardly reached their potential. This needs to be Yutos last olympics, leave it for the energy drink hat mongs and youtube kooks, fuck the olympics I wanna see a Yuto SOTY trip vid.

Anonymous No. 206824

The women going first made it painful. The mens prelims were so much better. Seeing Tony cheering on Andy Mac was sick. The final is on in an hour.
/sp/ has some webms

Anonymous No. 206826

i cant figure out how to watch it live there has to be a stream somewhere.

Anonymous No. 206827

Maybe this has something that will work?

Anonymous No. 206828


Anonymous No. 206829

thanks. I dont have cable so that tv app will be nice and I forgot about all the regular sports streams I use to watch PPVs

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Anonymous No. 206831

Current leader Keegan Palmer's run.

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Alex Sorgente 89.....webm

Anonymous No. 206832

Anonymous No. 206833

andy anderson isnt in this shit again is he? the best time me and my homies had watching the last time was laughing our asses off at his runs. we were dying when he did that spacewalk to ballet twirl shit, shit was so fucking gay.

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Alex Sorgente 91.....webm

Anonymous No. 206834


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Anonymous No. 206835

Andy Macboomer

Anonymous No. 206836

lol he went for a back flip out

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Dallas Oberholzer.webm

Anonymous No. 206837

Anonymous No. 206838

Ive seen radder shit on a random day at FDR

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Gavin Bottgeir 86....webm

Anonymous No. 206839

Anonymous No. 206840

is he right?

>/xs/ /esg/ are actual unironic anticonfirmist fags who will just call everyone and everything gay and crook

Anonymous No. 206841

I dont even know what that fucking ESL is trying to say. what the fuck is "crook"

Anonymous No. 206842


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Keefer Wilson 90.....webm

Anonymous No. 206844

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Andrew Macdonlad ....webm

Anonymous No. 206845


Anonymous No. 206846

god bless anon and big thanks to >>206828
as well

Anonymous No. 206847

idk but that poster is gay and crook
I pretty much only watch the highlights. Contest skateboarding is cool and all, but its kind of sanitary and boring. I watched the tornado blunt trick that Jager Cretin did and then Yuto did his own tornado blunt variation that was way cleaner and won

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Augusto Akio 88.7....webm

Anonymous No. 206849

Anonymous No. 206850

i miss the brightly colored apparel and gear of the mid 80s to mid 90s

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Hampus Winberg 82....webm

Anonymous No. 206851

they say swedebro got robbed

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Anonymous No. 206852

Finals just started, get in here.

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Anonymous No. 206853

what's wrong with wearing a helmet? tony was the GOAT and he always wore his
nothing cool about becoming a vegetable when you inevitably eat shit

Anonymous No. 206854

/sp/ don't ever come back here

Anonymous No. 206855

go back to /sp/ faggot

Anonymous No. 206856

okay, boomer

Anonymous No. 206857

i don't like how this photo makes me feel like i fastforwarded in this timeline

Anonymous No. 206858

vert aint street son

Anonymous No. 206859

i forgot the skaters name that just died this year because he probably took too many hits to the head. Seizures and shit.

Anonymous No. 206860

because you're making shit up. Skaters only die of shattered knees and funtanyl

Anonymous No. 206861

nah it was james hardy

Anonymous No. 206862

nothing he did would have been cool if he were wearing a helmet. one of the many reasons nobody gives half a fuck about andy anderson. take the danger and excitement and fear out of skating and then its really just a sport.

go back to /sp/ faggot tourist

Anonymous No. 206864

That dude was a railchomper. Your average skater isn't going to be in a situation where you're hitting your head as hard as that guy did. He pushed the culture forward and left a lasting legacy. R.I.P.

Anonymous No. 206865

Oz looks like fun

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Anonymous No. 206866


I appreciate you.

Anonymous No. 206867

what if you street skate with no helmet and an illegal immigrant with no license slams into you and puts you in a coma?

Anonymous No. 206868

Keegan Palmer from Australia won gold

Anonymous No. 206869

>When the EMTs show up to scrape you off of the street they will at least know you were a good skateboarder.

Anonymous No. 206870

it's fucked up that street has a best trick section but park doesn't

Anonymous No. 206872


Anonymous No. 206877

rail skating is the pinnacle of street skating imo

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 206879

Tranny skating sucks fucking ass. Soulless.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 206881


Anonymous No. 206882

wagebros how do you balance skating with 10hr shifts? is it doable, i'm thinking of getting back in to skating after 7 years but i'm working 5 - 7 days a week without any energy by the time i get home

Anonymous No. 206885

I work 10 hour shifts, but only 4 days and I skate 3-4 days. Its hard after work because I do manual labor, but on my days off its easier.

Anonymous No. 206886

I saw another skater try to skate this

Anonymous No. 206895

>talking about transition skating is off topic
>a term we've used for literal decades

Get a life you are so dumb.

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Anonymous No. 206903

Honestly I don't have a problem with wearing helmets, I've got nothing but respect for Andy as he has never given in to the peer pressure of taking it off, as he has stated in multiple interviews back then, the dude simply values his safety and that's totally valid.
It's like I said, a lot of people try to downplay his skills for wearing a helmet but honestly, you cannot watch one of his clips and feel motivated to go out and skate, the dude just oozes fun.

rail skating is one of the reasons I got into skateboarding after watching Zero's dying to live video, Jamie Thomas was a fucking freak back then. It's crazy to think how his leap of faith clip stood as the gnarliest jump gap until Jaws rolled into the scene and made a name for himself jumping massive sets.
I'm surprised that guy is still alive given the kind of stress it puts on your knees.

Anonymous No. 206904

Apparently guys have pissed in his helmet thats how much shit he gets for it

>rail skating is one of the reasons I got into skateboarding
I got into it from watching some show featuring some pool sessions with the old shaped boards and I still havnt skated a pool.

Anonymous No. 206905

I bought an electric skateboard!!! It's in the mail rn.

Anonymous No. 206907


Anonymous No. 206908

fuck off I'm so excited!

Anonymous No. 206909

didn't ask

Anonymous No. 206910

didn't need you to

Anonymous No. 206912

not your blog and not the right thread either

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Anonymous No. 206914

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 206915

get trolled

Anonymous No. 206918

>you cannot watch one of his clips and feel motivated to go out and skate, the dude just oozes fun
speak for your fucking self dude I cant stand watching that kook skate, his style is just fucking awful and the helmet doesnt help.

kys faggot

Anonymous No. 206925

poo poo pee pee wee wee poo poo

Anonymous No. 206929

I didn't even notice Andy's helmet in the last video he released. After a while it's just part of his get up. I don't look at vert skaters in their pads and think they look like kooks.
On Hawk v Wolf some normie guest talked about how padded guys look more badass because they look like they are about to go to war. Was an interesting, completely inversed perspective.

Anonymous No. 206930

Geoff Campbell makes amazing shit.
Also, that's NZ bro.

Anonymous No. 206932

hellz yea so #excited4u

Anonymous No. 206935

skateboarding is insanely corny

Anonymous No. 206936

how much do you weigh?

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Anonymous No. 206937

Sure it is scaredy cat person who has never popped an ollie in their entire life.
>Skateboarding is INSANELY FUN but I wouldn't know because I'm a little bitch who can not do it so I pretend it is corny.
Is this you btw???

Anonymous No. 206938

i was saying this earlier >>206295 but i try not to think about how gay it is cause it's a good excuse to be outside

Anonymous No. 206939

Breakdancing is corny. Buying a skateboard, learning to drop in on your first day, jumping off your board because you don't know any tricks or how to turn on a half pipe. Learning to do 50-50's, the basics, the excitement of it all. I really don't see it.

Anonymous No. 206940

Skateboarding is so pure and fun and its freeing. Im a man of many hobbies and I imagine being homeless and unable to get better at anything and skating is the best thing to have by my side just for my own selfish enjoyment. You could be good at art or music but youd never feel any kind of joy if you never were seen or heard.

Anonymous No. 206941

There is nothing corny about physical exercise, fun and relaxing with friends. You people are depressed (don't blame you), not philosophers.

Anonymous No. 206942

However I am happy to embrace the skating is corny meme if it means we get to lose all the nihilistic posers.

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Anonymous No. 206944

>Skateboarding is so pure and fun and its freeing
It really is!
>You could be good at art or music but youd never feel any kind of joy if you never were seen or heard.
Syd Barret would like to have a word with you.

Anonymous No. 206948

syd barret died half insane lonely and probably bitter. He made recordings that gives someone who listens some fufillment having heard it, but skating is so much easier to self fufill.

Anonymous No. 206950

why is slap so pozzed?

Anonymous No. 206952

just had a fucken sick session

Anonymous No. 206958


Anonymous No. 206960

video proof in webm format?

Anonymous No. 206963

the act of skateboarding is whatever

skateboarders are extremely corny faggots and hypocrites

the skateboard industry is embarrassing

Anonymous No. 206966

damn, he is practically already on the flat as soon as he stomps it, it's barely much better than 'dropping in' from a curb. I get the fear of doing new shit, but this is just retradeded.

Anonymous No. 206974

>really embarrassing and I'm considering calling it with skating
To quit something you have start with it first LMAO extremely retradeded indeed.
Huh I just checked his profile apparently he can do kickflips and pop a decent ollie and a year or so after posting this he learned to finally drop in. I don't get it though. Don't most people learn to drop in as their first trick if you can call it that? It takes 0 skill it's literally a put your mind on blank and just do it type of thing. (+ it's fun as fuck) of all my years hanging out at the skatepark I have never witnessed someone be this slow/bad at learning a drop in. Who learns kickflips before doing a mini quarter drop in it boggles my mind.

Anonymous No. 206978

>Who learns kickflips before doing a mini quarter drop in it boggles my mind.
uhh lots of people? you dont need to go to a park to learn to kickflip.

Anonymous No. 206980

oh man I just watched that reddit video. that dude isnt even fucking trying... hes stepping off the board as soon as his wheels touch wtf.

Anonymous No. 206983

>Who learns kickflips before doing a mini quarter drop i
Everyone who grows up without a park close by.
That being said, that video is a mess, he's not even remotely trying to put any serious effort.

Anonymous No. 206984

You don't need to go to a park to drop in a quarter.
Yeah, what does he think is going to happen like is he gonna dislocate his shoulder or get MTBI from dropping in on the tiny quarter. Maybe he is just really bad at risk assessment.
>hes stepping off the board as soon as his wheels touch wtf.
I have no hate for the /r/newskater types showing their miniscule progress but this is too much. Doesn't he have any buddies to show him the trick? Can't he just walk up to someone and be like hey, I just saw you drop in the half pipe could you give me some pointers or something? Again, It boggles my mind, it really does.
>dude isn't even fucking trying
I am actually confused as to what is going on in his mind.

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learning to skate....png

Anonymous No. 206989

I guess it's what fears you the most. This guy fears looking over the edge at the ground and imagining all his limbs and bones exploding if he makes the slightest fuck up while trying to drop in. Maybe for the flatground tricks it wasn't an issue cause he didn't feel like he was directly staring down potential slams? Maybe his brain is broken? The updates on his page aren't great, either. He finally got it about a month back, but he also posted how he feels like quitting cause his progress sucks and I would agree. 2 years of skating every day and he's still working on ollies and kickflips and barely able to drop in on something slightly higher than his shins? That fucking sucks.

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Anonymous No. 206990


Anonymous No. 206991

>You don't need to go to a park to drop in a quarter.
what??? you have street quarters where you are?
>Doesn't he have any buddies to show him the trick? Can't he just walk up to someone and be like hey, I just saw you drop in the half pipe could you give me some pointers or something?
maybe if he didn't dress like a dad going on his morning jog someone might help him but he looks seriously out of place. he looks like he was jogging by and saw a skateboard on the ground and thought "hey I can do this"

Anonymous No. 206993

>morning session involved telling an old jewish to go fuck himself, and unlocking a new trick moments later
Bretty good start to my day desu.

Anonymous No. 206995

It won't stop raining here D:

Anonymous No. 206998

hopefully you can get one in later, and not have boomers who watched the olympics bother you while you skate. I've never heard the phrase "I used to skate" as frequently as I have in the last month

Anonymous No. 207002

hello ppls i do not know, im babby and building a board for the first time
should the smooth side of the bushings be facing towards the deck or towards the wheels?
i cant find any pictures plz halp im retard
assuming this even matters

Anonymous No. 207003

henlo babby
bushings should be removed, they are for noobs
throw in garbasge

Anonymous No. 207004

>should the smooth side of the bushings
nigga wat

Anonymous No. 207005

bunshings in face wheel smooth yes?

Anonymous No. 207006

oh retard, you mean bearings.
the bearings shield faces outward of the wheel

Anonymous No. 207007

To be fair, when I was learning heelflips, sometimes My board would go too vertical at times and I feared my board would like ballplant and hurt My nuts. But this is a fear grounded in reality.
>what??? you have street quarters where you are?
Yeah, I live in a small European town and I can think of a few spots. Obviously not like a perfect park quarter but more like a stone roll in you can drop in to.
> maybe if he didn't dress like a dad going on his morning jog someone
True weird style on this guy. At least heโ€™s not tryharding with the skate brand gear.

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Anonymous No. 207010

hopefully picrel explains what i mean

das not me

Anonymous No. 207019

Oh those. It doesn't matter, either way is fine, just don't put your top bushing upside down

Anonymous No. 207020

>das not me
oh kek. Why are you even asking this question your trucks already have bushings in them. Dont worry about it

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Anonymous No. 207032

i was replacing the stock bushings

oh ty!

Anonymous No. 207033

>i was replacing the stock bushings
why nigga, you dont need to. your putting together your first board theres no need to get autistic before you've ever even fucking skated.

Anonymous No. 207035

id already put it together and skated on it a bit but im not v steady and thought maybe harder bushings would be nice
and i just like the little project of it its fun to fiddle with things and see how different things feel and stuff

Anonymous No. 207036

fucking autistic retard. did you try tightening or loosening your trucks?

Anonymous No. 207038

I canโ€™t really skate transition. I can barely drop in and only go to the park to skate the box and shallow hips and banks.

I am more comfortable with street and skate curbs, parking lots and stairs mainly. I notice my style is a lot different to the park only guys who tend to skate transition well but often look really wooden outside of that.

I am putting more effort into learning transition but I donโ€™t think it is a dealbreaker and just skate what makes you feel comfortable. I prefer the way I skate anyway over a park only skater but no hate.

Anonymous No. 207039

are you okay?

Anonymous No. 207042

noobs who gearfag need to fuck off to a different hobby

Anonymous No. 207043

yeah just skate what you have and make do. I had to gear fag because I took 15 years off, am a grown ass man now and board shapes especially are a lot different from what was standard 15 year ago.

Anonymous No. 207044

no, cry about it fag lol

Anonymous No. 207045

I always laugh when I read people saying they "took a 10/15/20 year break"

Anonymous No. 207046

when i was in middle school/high school I skated hand me down decks with 2 different trucks that were the wrong size for the deck and had 3 wheels one size and 1 wheel smaller. I never even looked at my fucking bushings. I still learned to ollie, fs 180, pop shuv, could ollie/180 sewer grates. And this is how thousands of fucking broke ass skater kids did it when they were starting.
So when a fucking noob that cant even stand on their fucking board starts talking about swapping fucking parts and buying shit thinking it will make them better I do indeed get fucking heated. If you wanna buy shit and tinker go fucking start fishing or get into cycling or fucking warhammer 40k or some fucking shit. Fucking faggot is buying bushings before they even turn their kingpin

Anonymous No. 207047

you will stop skating after a month and move onto whatever your next autistic obsession is.

Anonymous No. 207048

you sound unironically traumatized by redditors i feel for you

Anonymous No. 207049

ok fag

Anonymous No. 207053

so damn what
let people progress/learn how they want to no harm no foul

Anonymous No. 207054

>so damn what
seriously fuck off, do something else.
buying shit isnt progressing/learning, especially if you cant even stand on your fucking board kook

Anonymous No. 207055

>you can't learn to stand on your board after buying shit

Anonymous No. 207057

no nyou fucking autistic faggot the fucking point is YOU DONT NEED TO BUY SHIT

Anonymous No. 207058

Definitely when you're starting out, gear doesn't make that much of a difference so like some anons have said even old hand-me-down stuff is fine to use and often the first stuff we can afford. You can ollie and 180 on anything really.

However in terms of technical abilities, I love my X-Formula Bones wheels as they're comfortable for street. I ride 53-54mm as for street it gives me a bit more leverage over rough terrain, stones and silver m series that are quite loose but worn in and comfortable on an 8'0 deck. I really want another pair.

I ride the park skaters boards with their 52mm 101a wheels, non lubricated and dry squeaking bearings and tight 8.5 wide trucks and boards and it's a miserable experience for me.

Anonymous No. 207059

imagine being such an argumentative nigger in a small ass general on 4chan dude you're gonna have a stroke you get no bitches but clearly that goes w out saying

Anonymous No. 207061

I wish I didnt have to go down the rabbit hole of finding the perfect gear, but for me its the fact I rode 7.6 boards with venture lows and now a 7.75 from todays manufacturing has longer, mellower kicks and a really short wheel base basically built for kids. I pretty much figured out what works for me and its some mid trucks that dont push the wheel base in and between 14.25-38 wheel base. Rolling with 8.25 for now, it has many advantages, but it is hard to flip so far. might keep the deck width and try thunder 147s

Anonymous No. 207062

Yup, I started on some fucking like 20 Euro Aldi board or something. I took it to the skatepark, I did a bit of back and forth in the halfpipe, then I learned to drop in, but since I couldn't really do much else, I just sort of would drop in, do 2 turns, and then let some older dude skate. Then this more experienced guy was like, 'hey kid, lemme drop in on your board.' Then he was like, 'bro, why is your board so slow? I can't even get to the other end.' So I had shit trucks, shit wheels, shit bearings, and a shit board, but it was in fact a skateboard with a concave, and since it was so goddamn fucking slow, it probably even helped learning stationary ollies and 180's, since you know, cruising around like a noob, doing kick turns and 0.5-second manuals, was not an option. I think I broke it after like a week of practicing stationary ollies lol. So then I got a gnarly brand new Mini Logo, and it was one of the happiest moments of my early teenage life, and the start of my shredding journey!

Anonymous No. 207063

In terms of bearings, I ride mini-logos. Anything that is decent in quality like Bronson G3's, Reds etc is going to be fine as long as they have rubber removable shields. Shieldless bearings like Bronson Raws are garbage and they usually get gummed up pretty fast in street skating.

I clean my bearings about once a fortnight depending on how much I skate. Often if I'm been skating crust spots they'll accumulate more dust than say a plaza or park, but every few days I'll swap the wheels around to ensure even wear and I put a little teflon grease from a spray can with a straw applicator on them. To clean I sometimes use isopropyl alcohol or else if they're really dirty I'll wash them with liquid dish soap and an old toothbrush. You let them air dry afterwards then grease them.

I don't think people really need expensive swiss bones or ceramics but if people want to spend that money then more power to them. Just cleaning and regularly lubricating bearings does wonders for them as you'll start to notice with people who don't maintain their bearings at all. Some people say it gives them a mushy feel but to me it's way more comfortable and feels better on my knees.

Anonymous No. 207064

so literally there is no way to progress/learn from experimenting with 2 different bushings? of course you don't need to buy shit to progress/learn the way you said.

Anonymous No. 207065

Sorry I meant lithium grease not teflon grease. It's mainly used around electronics but I think it's pretty much a thinner, runnier speed cream. It's easy to apply from a can as well.

Anonymous No. 207066

>so literally there is no way to progress/learn from experimenting with 2 different bushings?
no faggot. changing your bushings will literally not help you learn to stand on the board and roll around or ollie or 180 or pop shuv or drop in or do fucking anything basic.

Anonymous No. 207067

Also you only need to replace your bearings if the rubber shields get warped or damaged and they press against the internal bearings and nylon racer. Or if the racer is popped or damaged. Of course with cheap metal shield bearings, replace them as soon as possible as they're almost impossible to maintain and get damaged easily.

Though these days bearings are so inexpensive they're almost an impulse buy but they're very easy to maintain in good condition for a long time.

Anonymous No. 207068

>you can't learn which bushings suit you better while learning to stand and roll around

Anonymous No. 207069

>he wants to know which bushings suit him better before he can even stand on the board

Anonymous No. 207070

I just got some mag lights and 45 95a OJ's (I don't know shit about gear). I just told the guy at the shop I want the lightest and the fastest street board you have. So he recommended me this setup. The wheels definitely feel fast as fuck the mag light's grind great but they feel completely different from regular trucks. (not in a bad way, just very different) maybe a bit harder to do long ass manuals or something.
Never got another Mini Logo board but I did ride the bearings for years alternating with regular Reds and maybe Black Panthers, never spent much on bearings. But always keep them oiled up.
>if they're really dirty I'll wash them with liquid dish soap and an old toothbrush.
Huh, I had a brand new board fall apart once from riding/walking home with it in the pouring rain. (bus ticket was like a euro and I had 90 cents or something, so I had to get off before my stop, real petty female bus driver bs) So I try to stay away from putting water on them but I'll try this if they get real worn/dirty.

Anonymous No. 207072

>he keeps his bearing shields on

Anonymous No. 207074

I only do this if dirt is accumulated inside the racer and gummed up with the lubricant. Take the bearings out the wheels and dump them in a cheap plastic container like an old ice cream pot.

You don't really need to soak them, just scrub them with a small brush that you can throw away afterwards or clean. Then let them air dry, you can spin them with your finger to help facilitate this process but it only takes an hour or so at room temperature.

Then spray in the lubricant, like I said in the previous post I use lithium grease from a can but you can use whatever you'd like.

Then stick the shields back on, turn them with your finger and wipe off the excess grease from the shields. After that just pop them in your wheels again, you can wipe the wheels with a soft rag too if they have any dust on them.

Turning the wheels regularly helps with even wear, just like how it's done on motor vehicles.

Anonymous No. 207077

i would like to see more anime nerds interested in the skateboarding hobby

Anonymous No. 207078

Interesting about the board too. If you want a board that's pretty much impervious to water then a Dwindle Resin 7 is the way to go. They also don't really lose pop and go soggy that fast. I usually skate Clutch decks but I've got a soft spot for R7's too.

Anonymous No. 207079

I bet no one can tell my otaku level when I skate around.

Anonymous No. 207085

Well this is awkward. I tell noob skaters that they can probably learn on their piece of shit $30 board but the first thing they should probably switch is the bushings kek
Those things are pieces of shit and 90% of them have plastic shit bushings that don't turn or do anything. Makes rolling down a bank or hill 10x harder.
I think the official noob journey should either just get a cheap decent board to start, or swap out piece by piece their piece of shit. And I think the order with consideration to importance + price is probably bushings > deck > bearings > wheels > trucks.

Now I have money I am collecting decks like the proud boomer I am. It's nice to have a selection.

Anonymous No. 207091

yeah also bushings are what like, not even $10? its kind of funny how mad he got tho

Anonymous No. 207095

its not about the price its about trying to gear fag your way into the hobby which isnt possible. I used to hang out at a skateshop all the time during covid and I saw this shit happen so many times in fact almost an exact scenario to the autist ITT where some mid 20s dude who just started skating and could kinda ollie was asking me about bushings and I was like just tighten your trucks a bit and he looked perplexed, ended up walking out with bushings, whatever more money for the shop (and no that dude did not keep skating). Kids would buy and ride whatever (as long as it was baker, they all wanted baker boards) but the dudes with paychecks would go on google and do all sorts of retarded research about whats better for what occasion before they even touched a skateboard.
>Oh I heard 7.75s are better for flip tricks and 8.5s are only for half pipes
brother it doesnt matter, once those pickleball courts are finished your going to be putting your board on facebook marketplace trying to recoup your loss.

i would recommend bearings over bushings cause at least then the damn thing will roll.

Anonymous No. 207098

being presumptive like this is a sign of low iq, if you were smarter you'd be more empathetic and understand one similarity doesn't tell you every single thing about a person but you have very simple low level pattern recognition ability
like have you considered the mid 20s with paychecks maybe don't stay with it because they just have fucking jobs and dont have time for it?

also how tf would you know if the people who leave your shop stay with it or not wtf are you following them home and fucking spying on them 24/7? holy shit what a larp

Anonymous No. 207099

>being presumptive like this is a sign of low iq, if you were smarter you'd be more empathetic
shut the fuck up faggot i didnt read after this

Anonymous No. 207100

Its funny how the gear "madness" has spread so much on youtube and elsewhere that even people picking up skating for the first time are being particular about their setups. Like you said though its more money for the shop, and I personally don't see any harm in it. I had a friend that started skating because he watched Gifted Hater, and he bought an entire set up and shoes almost entirely based on thrifted's videos (sci-fi deck & last resort shoes ofc). He can barely ollie.

Anonymous No. 207101

also all of this bc the friend who was helping me pick parts suggested non-stock bushings kek
im glad other ppl itt saw you are deranged while i was out, you must be a sad person irl
its okay bro, you'll get your money up one day and you'll eventually have a board as nice as mine! :')

Anonymous No. 207102

>anon is probably not a cute japanese girl who decided to dabble in the hobby after watching the olympics
oh alright

Anonymous No. 207103

its insane but all that information is out there now, people are gonna look at it and over think shit. didnt really have all that back in the day, just go to the shop or look at a mag or try your friends boards. but yeah more money for the shop, I watched so many completes walk out the door going to the most random ass looking dudes. unfortunately that fucking shop closed due to internal drama lmao despite them making hand over fist doing sneaker resales.

>I had a friend that started skating because he watched Gifted Hater,
i dont understand how you watch GH and not even skate wtf is entertaining about the dude if your a normie? I got into skating because of THPS which is made for normies.

oh my god shut the fuck up faggot

Anonymous No. 207104

nop soz, just something i did as a kid that i wanted to give another go, i didnt even watch the olympics, kept having dreams about skating actually, for like years and years and id wake up and go look for my old board and i could never find it
been having a ton of fun with it all week tho

wahh wahhh wahhhh
thats u rn

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Anonymous No. 207105

>wahh wahhh wahhhh
>thats u rn

Anonymous No. 207106

I've been watching a lot of old skateboarding videos and documentaries and retrospectives and the way some of these guys acted is pretty cringe. But then again they were all like 15-early 20-s at the time so can you really blame them?

Anonymous No. 207128

Reading stupid posts like this really reminded me how as a kid I never knew any of thought of this shit and just rode a POS board having the time of my life until I got enough money to buy my first complete. None of this shit matters. If you're an adult especially you should have the funds to get a decent board regardless, and if you don't, sort out your priorities. Changing bushings on a wallmart board wont do shit and they might not even fit. The only advice to learn is to actually go the fuck outside and skate instead of shitposting online and watching retarded youtube videos.

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Anonymous No. 207132

>Kids would buy and ride whatever (as long as it was baker, they all wanted baker boards) but the dudes with paychecks would go on google and do all sorts of retarded research about whats better for what occasion before they even touched a skateboard.
This is just the natural distinction between being a child and an adult. Children have no money and don't have the life experience to make sensible decisions for themselves, meaning they are also particularly susceptible to marketing. They generally take whatever they can get and are happy with it, because that's all they have. As an adult, of course you could also just grab any old cheap ass complete to learn on, but why not take the time to do a bit of research, get a quality board with quality parts so you can learn on something decent and then continue to have something decent once your skills improve? Assumptions about quitting aside, your first board will probably last you a long time if you make the effort, which will save you money in the long run. It's just sensible, anon. Sitting in a skate shop seething because the adults aren't acting like the children is batshit behaviour that only a dribbling retard would do.

Anonymous No. 207133

i never had gear madness until i experienced ghost pop, then i became a stickler about shit

Anonymous No. 207151

why do you fags need to type a paragraph or have multiple posts defending gear madness before you even step on a board while trying to insult me in weird and pathetic ways while every post agreeing with me is like 2 sentences like >>207128
I must have really struck a nerve with the people ITT who started skating in their 20s and 30s. People can spend their money on whatever they want and Im also free to judge people however I want. Let me remind you all of my main point, you cant gearfag your way into the basics. You cant even balance on a board? Thats nothing to do with the parts on the board and everything to do with you. When someone asks "how ollie?" should we be recommending a deck with a different wheelbase/concave?
>The only advice to learn is to actually go the fuck outside and skate instead of shitposting online and watching retarded youtube videos.

also last week I gave my old set up to some chick in her 20s from my towns free stuff/give a way page because she didnt want to drop a utility bill or 2 on a board without knowing if she'd stick with it. not everyone lives with their parents some of us adults with paychecks got rent and bills to pay and groceries to buy.

Anonymous No. 207154

>he doesn't know

Anonymous No. 207168

you idiots should be glad people are buying stuff. alltimers went out of business just the other day ;_;

Anonymous No. 207177

nta but i dont really get your logic cause having a shitty setup isn't going to help a beginner in anyway. but i guess it matter how shitty it is. like a crappy walmart complete with bushings that dont turn and wheels that don't spin will make learning anything more frustrating than it needs to be. granted i was very much like >>207128 a shit complete wasnt going to stop me from skating but i probably would have had a better time with a nicer board. when i started learning guitar everyone told me to get a cool looking guitar that would encourage me to practice, i think the same can apply to beginner skaters if they can afford it.

Anonymous No. 207179

i cant believe this innocent ass post started a war itt, you people are miserable as fuck god damn lmao

Anonymous No. 207189

How new to the Internet are you? Anyway, it's usually just one tard that the rest of us have to wrangle. No different from most generals on this shithole.

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Anonymous No. 207191

It's one guy. It's always him. He's a total nut.

Anonymous No. 207207

just finished work and tried to skate and my body is not working with me today. at least its starting to cool down where I live.

Anonymous No. 207211

I never brought up walmart boards once I would never suggest a walmart board to anyone. All I said is you cant gearfag your way into the basics and thats it. You people are making up shit in your heads to get angry at me about and its pathetic.

Anonymous No. 207214

>i can gearfag my way into the basics
said no one itt

Anonymous No. 207218

this whole thing started because of a guy changing his bushings because he couldnt stand on his board nerd.

Anonymous No. 207227

I always blow out the top bushing of my bones, I think I'm going to swap it for the stock bushing and keep a bones bottom. This might be the beginning of some truly autistic madness and this thread of mongoloids has only inspired my retardism.

Anonymous No. 207231

that makes no sense unless you are fat as fuck and landing sideways non

Anonymous No. 207234

All I know is this is a terrible thread, but I'm here because I'm figuring shit out. IF I figured everything out I would not be here and I assume anyone here is still a beginner. No ones going to post clips and be criticized.

Anonymous No. 207238

lel opposite of fat but pretty big. I love bones but after a couple months they get fucked.

Anonymous No. 207241

Everybody stopped posting clips once we found out some lunatic is saving all of our pictures and footage.

Anonymous No. 207243

>been having a ton of fun with it all week
wew, i never would have imagined skateboarding could be so fun for someone who is unable to
>stand on his board

Anonymous No. 207268

I'm looking to get into this. As a complete beginner, should I get a Birdhouse complete? I've heard mixed things about them but they're cheaper and easily available. I haven't skated since I was a little kid so I will spend a while just learning the basics before I get into tricks and shit. Would a Birdhouse skate be ok for this?

Anonymous No. 207273

no, go to your local skate shop and ask them to build you a complete. what size are your feet? that will matter when your choose the size of your deck and the size of your deck will determine the size of your trucks, the wheels and bearings shouldn't matter as much though.

Anonymous No. 207275

does inseam/leg length matter in relation to board setup?

Anonymous No. 207277

Hey guys, my ankles are slightly bigger than average and my hands are slightly smaller than average, what size shoes do I wear and then what size boards should I buy for skating with shoes vs without shoes? do i need clear grip tape for the board without shoes?

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Anonymous No. 207279

nice to see you zoomers still can't talk about skateboarding

Anonymous No. 207282

if the dude has big ass feet he should skate at least a 8.5 or maybe bigger. birdhouse completes don't seem to go above an 8.1

Anonymous No. 207283

agreed. and it's always these fucks monopolizing every fucking obstacle and getting pissy whenever someone gets in their way.

Anonymous No. 207284

>I assume anyone here is still a beginner.
lmao, this is the mentality that ruins these threads.

yeah a birdhouse complete would be fine, a complete from another company like baker would probably be higher quality though, I know baker uses some kind of cheaper pricepoint version of indys for their trucks at least. You can swap things out as needed but it should last you a while. Id start with a 8.25 unless you have huge fucking feet.

unironically yes watch the Paul Schmitt Episodes (or just clips) of the Nine Club if you wanna see how autistic board set ups and shit can get.

how big is your dick?

Anonymous No. 207285

>8.5 or maybe bigger.
this is ridiculous. 8.25/8.5 is still industry standard. going bigger than that for your first board is crazy.

Anonymous No. 207286

Thanks for the advice. Unfortunately, there aren't many skate shops where I live and the ones that are don't have much stuff so I will probably have to order one from abroad. So no physical shop. I'm looking to buy a complete because I don't know much about this and I just want to get started. An 8 inch board or one slightly wider would be perfect for me, from what I've read online.
I haven't seen any Baker completes in the stores that deliver here but I've seen some other good brands like Creature or Toy Machine or Alien Workshop. Will probably get one of those

Anonymous No. 207287

>Creature or Toy Machine or Alien Workshop
these are all pretty awful options but I'd go with creature personally. Id get a 8.25 so your trucks will still be good if you decide to go smaller to a 8.0 or go bigger to a 8.5.

Anonymous No. 207289

Where do you live?

Anonymous No. 207319

Good I hate that prick

Anonymous No. 207320

I look like this, I do this and think this too

Anonymous No. 207321

Iโ€™m in love with Raygun and her big fat ass

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Anonymous No. 207339

Anonymous No. 207345

nice. Im 5 foot 8 now size 10 shoe. First new board I bought coming back to skating was a 7.75 to use with my old trucks and the WB was 13.75. way too short and skinny. Sent me down the rabbit hole since im on my 4th new board in the span of 8 months. My current set up feels great at 8.25 and 14.38 WB and thunder 148s, but im curious about 147s and maybe somewhere 8-8.25. Everything works out perfectly with my current set up, but my kickflip takes a really hard flick which I can probably just build up the muscle for. Plus Im so used to popping close to the edge of the tail and idk if I should change that or not, but watching some skate videos I see a lot of people pop more centered off the tail or nose. I definitely try to use it off the nose since nollies are new to me and it seems to work just about the same.

Anonymous No. 207360

I would love to eat shit on those humps, looks like a fun park

Anonymous No. 207366

I'm 5'11, size 9 shoe. I don't have any issues skating an 8'0 deck. People keep telling me to go up a size but it's harder to flip. So nah.

Anonymous No. 207369

I'm the exact same. I did get an 8.25 to try, and I do like it for riding fast on transition at indoor parks and using it for mini ramps, but I thought I had a permanent mental block on kickflips until I went back down to my 8.0 and started over flipping the board cause of how easy it was.

Anonymous No. 207372

IMO the shoe size/board size thing is as much bull shit as all the methods to figure out if your regular or goofy. what works for you is what works for you. If shoe size really mattered we would have gotten bigger boards in the 90s instead of everyone riding tiny ass 7.5/7.75s. Some people can't flip bigger boards but ive seen 14yos flip 9 inch decks no problem, its all subjective.

Im Size 9 (US) and ride 8.38s and to me a 8.25 feels way too small and a 8.5 feels like cruiser board territory.

Anonymous No. 207374

6'3 + size 12. No fucking way am I riding a board with 15"+ wheel base and ill happily ride an 8" deck for street skating

Anonymous No. 207379

inseam/leg length is more relevant than height but hardly anyone measures that despite it being necessary for pants sizing

Anonymous No. 207380

Dave Bachinsky kickflipped el toro on a 7.5

Anonymous No. 207381

yeah but modern 7.5-7.75 have way different dimensions today. Everything is way more mellow, shorter with longer tails and noses.

Anonymous No. 207382

i think thats because its mostly kids riding those sizes right?

Anonymous No. 207383

that explains the short wheel base, but mellower kicks are more popular now as well as longer tails and noses and idk why. last board I bought online had a short tail listed, but it was like half an inch longer than what was listed when I got it. I gave in to what ever I can get, but i feel like setting up my old venture lows with some 50mm wheels on my 8.0 and have a little hoverboard for some flatground today, but im pretty determined to get used to 8.25. harder to flip but everything else is great.

Anonymous No. 207385

>last board I bought online had a short tail listed, but it was like half an inch longer than what was listed when I got it
sorry that happened but unfortunately you cant trust shit and get technical with it 90% of the time when buying online. its probably some stoned/half hungover kid in a warehouse doing these measurements. thats why I dont even bother, I've tried several different board brands so I kinda know how each company's board is gonna be and thats all I base it off of. and as a 8.38 dude i dont have too many options anyway.

Anonymous No. 207387

4chans making it hard to post, but i just wondered now that if its the fact I have mini logo grip tape on my newest set up making flicks take so much effort. Its not grippy at all. I know I dont like too much grip like mob which is why I got it. Might have to regrip it lol.

Anonymous No. 207388

everything mini logo is gonna be sub par crap but their $25 decks got me through tough times when I was a broke teenager.
regripping is easy just need a blow dryer or use a heat gun if you have one.

Anonymous No. 207389

yeah probably will do that. and yeah I used to skate their blanks. Wish I had a sheet laying around. I have rubber grip tape cause I bought 2 sheets, but the first one I tried I took it off after 1 day because as soon as it lost grip and I wiped it down I was like fuck this shit.

Anonymous No. 207392

I'm a 40 year old boomer who wants to skate as a fun way to get exercise, if I go to a park are all the zoomzooms going to be weirded out by me being there? I got a cruiser board and skate around parking lots just so I can get used to riding a board. My ultimate goal is to ride bowls at my local park either on a surfskate or regular skate. I'm not trying to do a bunch of tricks. Just basic shit.

Anonymous No. 207393

you have to try and see what happens. At my local skate parks the bowls are usually the least touched obstacle.

Anonymous No. 207394

I went out and regripped it with jessup. I didnt realize how much grip helps with my flick. Kind of makes me want to try mob again to see if the extra grip helps more, but jessup seems perfectly fine.

Anonymous No. 207395

i had a mini logo with a bad ass shark graphic on it that even all my friends were like "thats a mini logo?" So thats a no go on the rubber grip then? I was never gonna try it Ive heard mixed things mostly leaning to the negative side.

>if I go to a park are all the zoomzooms going to be weirded out by me being there
no, parks are all ages, go in the morning on the weekends or morning till school lets out weekdays. use your regular deck dont bring your surfskate that will turn heads.

Anonymous No. 207396

Rubber grip is worth a try. I only tried it for one day and it got pretty dirty. I went to clean it off the next day and impulsively just regripped it because I didnt like having to wipe it down, but I just shoe goo my shoes so they last a long time with regular grip tape. Also I pour sweat so in the long run im sure it wouldnt have worked for me.

Anonymous No. 207399

>just shoe goo my shoes so they last a long time with regular grip tape
>Also I pour sweat
also same lmao

Anonymous No. 207402

NEW THREAD >>207401

NEW THREAD >>207401

NEW THREAD >>207401

NEW THREAD >>207401

Anonymous No. 207405

discovered but it seems very incomplete and most cams are offline
i think it would be better to consolidate them to a skatepark database such as