🧵 /HEMA/ General
Anonymous at Sat, 10 Aug 2024 22:11:30 UTC No. 207322
/HEMA/ General - Power of Sticks and Staves Edition
>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms, and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises
>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zu
Back to the source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DB
Martin Fabian Sparring - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8Q
>Where can I find these treatises?
>Where can I find HEMA clubs near me?
Previous: >>195383
Anonymous at Sat, 10 Aug 2024 22:29:27 UTC No. 207326
First I heard of it. QRD?
Anonymous at Sat, 10 Aug 2024 23:34:56 UTC No. 207334
He does bushcraft and martial arts content largely (but not exclusively) through the lens of the 17th and 18th century Scottish highlands. This has led him to greatly appreciate the staff and to explore the ways it has been used in Scotland, Europe, and the world at large.
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Aug 2024 10:07:32 UTC No. 207368
Sticks rule, every culture knows the simple pleasure of whipping the shit outta someone with a branch.
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Aug 2024 14:34:35 UTC No. 207386
>Where can I find HEMA clubs
Who sells nice fighting grade shillelaghs? Is there anywhere worth looking for staves other than Purpleheart? Might make myself a nice staff eventually but it looks like a bit of a time sink:
Anonymous at Mon, 12 Aug 2024 17:25:50 UTC No. 207479
I'd say around the 10-14ft mark.
You also can get half-pikes.
Anonymous at Tue, 13 Aug 2024 21:13:00 UTC No. 207585
i am going once again to the hema place, my fourth class... wish me luck. im afraid to post updates like i was now because i have a feeling some of the others probably lurk this thread, lol.
Anonymous at Wed, 14 Aug 2024 20:30:58 UTC No. 207668
do any of you have insight on shoes? I am just starting and my club has said 'Adidas Samba' shoes are a good relatively cheap shoe. i see there are subtypes of this show as well, not really sure how that works or what specifically i would want beyond 'samba'
I also heard people talking about some sort of barefoot style shoes, or shoes with basically no sole, or boxing shoes, or wrestling shoes for lunging around. Also heard 'court shoes', i guess thats just basic tennis shoes?
Anyways whatever you guys tell me ill put at 150% weight for my decision because I am retarded and always choose to trust you idiots. I wear running shoes and on my first day practically i rolled my ankle. dont wanna do that again.
Also I am used to using insoles that are slightly angled to counter pigeon toe'dness. I am not sure, maybe I should just remove them and try without them too. ill try that next time, although im pretty sure ive needed these insoles all these years ive used them they might make rolling my ankle even easier than it would normally be. also i can get around in sandals just fine, ill definitely have to experiment with not using the insoles just during class
Anonymous at Wed, 14 Aug 2024 22:34:59 UTC No. 207678
I personally wear lace up flat soled plimsole sport shoes, they do me okay. Enough flex to hop around and be nimble, but they do wear out fast. Other club members wear flat soled boxing shoes and the more extravagant types wear heeled military surplus dress shoes. Boxing shoes tend to be very grippy though - so consider your style of play, if you slip back a lot you don't want that.
My recommendation is some flat soled sports shoes that can lace tightly but don't restrict your ankles. My own experience is that anything restricting ankle movement or that off balances your natural footedness sucks - I always do worse when I'm lazy and wear my slightly heeled trainers to sparring.
Running shoes are meant for running, you want something with as flat a sole as you can get, when you're sparring your brain doesn't have time to compensate for a shoe that has extra stuff between specific parts of your foot and the floor. Get something flat but comfortable is my advice. Someone more experienced than me likely has better advice though.
Anonymous at Thu, 15 Aug 2024 01:24:21 UTC No. 207690
Finally have all my kit and can finally go ham with sparring. I think my instructor is happy too, since most of the other people have some of the equipment and borrow the rest. One thing I gotta do is train with my mask on because one of the other guys recorded my fights and I'm practically shadowboxing in front of my opponents. My depth perception needs work.
Anonymous at Thu, 15 Aug 2024 02:28:09 UTC No. 207696
ASICS Men's Matflex 7 Wrestling Shoe Sneaker https://a.co/d/3MHnmjZ
Anonymous at Thu, 15 Aug 2024 02:32:57 UTC No. 207697
I use the stick drill, if you have a steel feder. Hang a forearm thick branch as tall as you from a tree at chest height from the middle. Proceed to throw on gloves and mask and fight said stick. Your goal, if you know Meyers cross is pretty much do that to it. If not the goal I hit the top of one side then the bottom of the other while moving in a circle and defending yourself from the swinging log. Try it while hold a sip of water in your mouth to force nose breathing.
Anonymous at Thu, 15 Aug 2024 16:55:22 UTC No. 207766
this looks really nice, im definitely thinking about this shoe now. thank you.
good info, thank you
Anonymous at Thu, 15 Aug 2024 17:33:05 UTC No. 207772
Wrestling shoes for HEMA are a dumb idea if you're mostly training on gym floors
Court shoes i.ie any tennis/badminton/squash shoes are a better option
Anonymous at Thu, 15 Aug 2024 21:43:50 UTC No. 207795
Nah they work really well better luck next time thought
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Aug 2024 19:47:25 UTC No. 208094
Anyone been playing the Half Sword Playtest?
Ofc its not toally realistic, but I really like how you can apreciate a lot of the sear bio-mechancs of fighting from its all physics based gameplay. really found different levels and types of armored made me aproach situations differently. You also really felt the effect of different kinds of weapons and properties. draw cuts vs full swings, purcussion, different weights, hitting with the shaft vs the head, different ranges, etc. Specially really been liking the half armored bouts, you dont see to much talk about that, often its either focus on unarmored or pull plate.
when the only other feasible hand weapon that can equal or outrange it is another pike
a spear so long you can only use it effectively in two hands or while braced against the ground.
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Aug 2024 21:28:35 UTC No. 208110
Just had my first day of Fiore longsword class. The local club practices all sorts of things, but the class is a prerequisite to join. Ordered one of these wood trainers to practice at home as we go along. Wish me luck, bros.
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Aug 2024 21:59:56 UTC No. 208112
>The local club practices all sorts of things, but the class is a prerequisite to join
Anonymous at Sat, 17 Aug 2024 22:11:00 UTC No. 208113
[spoiler]Lincoln, Nebraska[/spoiler] actually
Anonymous at Sun, 18 Aug 2024 10:16:26 UTC No. 208252
What is your preference.
Stick cut from a tree branch.
A log split or cut into wedges and rounded off to a staff?
Anonymous at Sun, 18 Aug 2024 14:14:05 UTC No. 208271
when doing one handed complex gaurd sword like saber, where do you feel like you get hit more? The inside of the outside of the hand?
Anonymous at Sun, 18 Aug 2024 23:17:32 UTC No. 208323
The former for cudgels and wizard staves, the latter for fighting staves and polearms.
Anonymous at Tue, 20 Aug 2024 02:08:24 UTC No. 208427
>Fiorefag in denial
Come to the Meyer camp. Everyday is leg day.
Anonymous at Tue, 20 Aug 2024 05:50:01 UTC No. 208449
Are there any specific manuals for fighting with a paramerion or can I just substitute with something like a slavic sabre system?
Anonymous at Tue, 20 Aug 2024 12:21:16 UTC No. 208489
>Can I wear the puffy pants
>if I'm a fiorefag?
Doesn't matter, just don't wear puffy pants
>Will people call me a poser?
Poser and larper
Anonymous at Tue, 20 Aug 2024 12:26:14 UTC No. 208490
If you're going to LARP as a duelist from centuries past you might as well go all the way with it and wear the puffy pants.
Anonymous at Wed, 21 Aug 2024 00:20:18 UTC No. 208561
This guy got humbled by a larper.
Anonymous at Wed, 21 Aug 2024 16:28:57 UTC No. 208612
>>>>>>>implying it's just a stick when they load them with cast lead bowling balls on the cudgel
Those things are yet another microcosmic part of why we call the Irish niggers. Same behavior as little shit kids who pack in rocks and pour water during casual snowball fights then start gloating like they've achieved something. Have to put the bastards down with a Bastard before they get uppity.
Anonymous at Wed, 21 Aug 2024 20:43:40 UTC No. 208637
>no true stickman fallacy
You're just salty that your bitch wrists can't handle carrying a leaded cudgel around all day.
Anonymous at Wed, 21 Aug 2024 21:23:56 UTC No. 208638
Anon, it's easy as shit, the weighted head is what you hold, and it's supported by the stick. It's like carrying a sledgehammer around by the head instead of the haft.
Anonymous at Wed, 21 Aug 2024 22:08:08 UTC No. 208644
>the weighted head is what you hold
Depends on the style, by my limited understanding. Some approach it as you describe, more like singlestick fencing, while other use it as a mace or a very short quarterstaff. There's also the difference between the short stout cudgel variant of the shillelagh which was overtly a weapon and the walking cane variant which became common to circumvent English laws against carrying weapons.
Anonymous at Wed, 21 Aug 2024 22:22:27 UTC No. 208647
By default / carrying it around you moron, of course you're going to swing the weighted part around when you're LARPing as a caveman.
Anonymous at Thu, 22 Aug 2024 07:55:06 UTC No. 208684
The japanese still wear these balloon style pantaloons. They use them in construction, the air trapped within them acts as a safety feature
🗑️ Anonymous at Thu, 22 Aug 2024 08:17:29 UTC No. 208685
African americans still wear these balloon style pantaloons. They use them in construction, the air trapped within them enables them to hammer time
Anonymous at Thu, 22 Aug 2024 08:31:04 UTC No. 208686
African americans still wear these balloon style pantaloons. They use them in construction, the air trapped within them enables them to hammer time
Anonymous at Thu, 22 Aug 2024 12:56:02 UTC No. 208694
Traceurs still wear these balloon style pantaloons. They use them in parkour, the air trapped within them acts as a safety feature
Anonymous at Fri, 23 Aug 2024 03:04:45 UTC No. 208770
I've been watching him for a while, it looks like he has been talking to some HEMA guys about his style. The video he just put out about his exercise routine seems to be entirely moullinets, which I think is basically akin to baton(?). I really need to get into his more "natural" style of exercise I think, I still do weights and shit but I think his logic on the subject is solid.
What gets me going is seeing him walking around the highlands with a basket hilt. It'd be fun to wander around in the woods with an open-carry sword. Sadly in America the only way to larp historically in the woods is with a musket.
Anonymous at Fri, 23 Aug 2024 03:05:57 UTC No. 208771
What even is there to "doing" pike?
Anonymous at Fri, 23 Aug 2024 03:17:01 UTC No. 208775
>Try it while hold a sip of water in your mouth to force nose breathing.
Now there's a fucking great trick.
Speaking of LARP clothes, what's a good 16th century hat? My club does Marozzo so I'm looking for 16th-century Bologna obviously but there's not a lot of great material online about what hats they would've been wearing.
I wanna look like this guy with the shit-eating grin.
Anonymous at Fri, 23 Aug 2024 05:28:06 UTC No. 208791
>Flat cap
>Dyed Ostrich feathers
>maybe a small Peacock feather for good measure
They'd probably sew them seamlessly into the fabric back in the day, but with modern expertise, as much superglue as you can reasonably use.
Anonymous at Fri, 23 Aug 2024 08:08:44 UTC No. 208797
Anonymous at Fri, 23 Aug 2024 08:25:07 UTC No. 208799
Corny ass nigga.
Anonymous at Sat, 24 Aug 2024 00:45:50 UTC No. 208862
>bonk head
>bonk other guys poke
Honestly I have no idea why anyone would bother unless they’re trying to study unit tactics or something
Anonymous at Sat, 24 Aug 2024 06:24:19 UTC No. 208891
Nope, to be honest, I didn't even know what those were to begin with, but byzantine stuff is no-no basically.
>slavic sabre system
Even these don't really exist before the late 18th century... And most are French.
Anonymous at Sat, 24 Aug 2024 22:33:29 UTC No. 208985
Anyone here do hema in NYC? Moving there in a month from long island and looking for a cool hema spot. There are quite a few, not sure which one is best
Anonymous at Sun, 25 Aug 2024 00:09:00 UTC No. 208990
>>slavic sabre system
>Even these don't really exist before the late 18th century... And most are French
Are you trying to say that there’s no manuals from the time period or are you actually so retarded you’re suggesting Slavic saber fencing didn’t exist prior to 1700?
Anonymous at Sun, 25 Aug 2024 00:10:01 UTC No. 208991
Why the fuck would you move to New York City? It’s a piss reeking hellscape.
Anonymous at Sun, 25 Aug 2024 02:49:57 UTC No. 209006
How physically taxing is this sport? I've seen some of buhurt and it looks like tough work. I've been really itching to get into something which is a lot of effort physically and there is a nice historical aspects I know I'd enjoy.
Anonymous at Sun, 25 Aug 2024 02:58:58 UTC No. 209009
It’s as taxing as you allow it to be. If you want to be lazy and also bad it’s a really physically easy sport. You’re also never going to win a match. If you sit your guard properly, utilize dynamic footwork, and actually swing your sword around in an effective matter it’s going to take more work.
I will say this though, I’ve done a number of martial arts both striking and grappling. In my experience, the baseline required to be successful in HEMA is the least physically taxing of any of them. I think that may have to do with the talent pool more than the sport itself though. I certainly work harder fighting good fighters compared to bad ones.
Anonymous at Sun, 25 Aug 2024 09:11:54 UTC No. 209024
Re-read the initial question and disengage your own retard button anon. Obviously I meant there's no manual. The first sabre manuals we have from Russia were written by napoleonic officers ironically, following the French tradition.
Anonymous at Thu, 29 Aug 2024 14:54:29 UTC No. 209357
>I think that may have to do with the talent pool more than the sport itself though.
I agree with that. Many people who never do combat sports start with Hema and it shows. I tried putting on a BJJ timer (3 mins fighting and one min off. Reset after hit) and almost all the students were gassed by end of first round.
Anonymous at Thu, 29 Aug 2024 23:10:30 UTC No. 209391
Gotta get them running. I do cardio four times a week to keep myself ready for sparring. Helps with class too, I ingest the lessons much better when I don't get too tired.
Anonymous at Sat, 31 Aug 2024 01:17:26 UTC No. 209472
Not always. There are reasons for having the weight in hand. Theres the obvious reason, like a pommel bash. But the weight increases the control of the swing, the speed, stability during impact, energy transfer.
Anonymous at Sat, 31 Aug 2024 06:52:35 UTC No. 209484
hello, im the person you originally responded to. I may be a complete novice, but I did buy these shoes you recommended and after 4 classes or so I can finally comment that I really like them. they seem perfect. im guessing tehy degrade quickly, but ill probably always buy this type of shoe for HEMA now. thank you. i think court shoes wouldnt feel this nice
Anonymous at Sat, 31 Aug 2024 07:00:16 UTC No. 209485
i can only speak as someone who has significant experience with gym going (10+ years of bodybuilding and some strength oriented training), and I do treadmill jogging at a 'novice jogger' level (sub 30 min 5K) and i have done no other sports in my life. I thought I was gonna have no problem. It is true that I am the most fit looking person in the club, but I gas out fast. its like, different than just cardio or a combo of cardio and muscle fatigue. breathing through that mesh mask and heating up so fast I cant believe how much longer the others last than me, and they are mostly skinny fat nerds who dont even do cardio at all. but i guess theyve been swinging a metal thing around a long time. anyways i am very happy because it is fully exhausting and i wanted it to be such
Anonymous at Sat, 31 Aug 2024 12:34:19 UTC No. 209499
Anonymous at Sat, 31 Aug 2024 16:20:30 UTC No. 209516
Late ass reply time: it's hard to answer this question properly because it's not clear what you really want. Do you want to get good at historical rapier technique? That might take several years of hard work. Do you want to smoke your local club guys who also don't really know historical rapier technique? Buy the lightest Castille you can and do epee shit with it, that's what most people do. Do you want to smoke your local club guys who also happen to be from one of the half dozen or so clubs that has guys actually competent in historical rapier? Now you're in real trouble. Lucky in a way though, because then you can learn from them and it'll be much faster to acquire authentic technique.
Either way, the first step is not to lose your shit because you're not good after five months. Nobody's good at fencing after five months. And yes, talk to your instructor. How does he not know already what level you're at? Does he not watch the student sparring?
Anonymous at Mon, 2 Sep 2024 13:43:37 UTC No. 209662
Because thats the only place around here to make decent money. Every other city in the tristate area is crime ridden, smells like piss and is full of darkies but at least in nyc there are things to do
Anonymous at Wed, 4 Sep 2024 14:15:16 UTC No. 209854
Imagine the headway we could make if people just learned how to read and reference the diagrams.
Anonymous at Thu, 5 Sep 2024 16:31:29 UTC No. 209945
How exactly is larping as a knight a sport?
Anonymous at Thu, 5 Sep 2024 22:44:28 UTC No. 209984
The sport aspect of HEMA is typically fencing plus wrestling.
Anonymous at Fri, 6 Sep 2024 00:13:12 UTC No. 209996
My club is too gay to wrestle
Anonymous at Fri, 6 Sep 2024 03:11:54 UTC No. 210012
Can you at least grapple?
Anonymous at Fri, 6 Sep 2024 03:25:33 UTC No. 210014
Yeah, we actually do a fair bit. Really, what's a sword for except getting past the other guy's sword so you can throw him?
Anonymous at Fri, 6 Sep 2024 21:59:04 UTC No. 210139
time for me to consider buying some equipment.. my group's big order from before just came in, superior fencing, and they all got their stuff after a 7 month wait.
how much value do you get out of spending a little extra and just getting one of those spes light jackets? the stuff that came in to me looks... well, mostly really dumb looking, and some of it obscenely heavy.
is the absolute most budget equipment going to impact your ability to fence much? has anyone tried the more expensive supfen jackets?
Anonymous at Fri, 6 Sep 2024 22:06:14 UTC No. 210140
also... i noticed most american meets or tournaments only require 350N. but Ive heard in europe 800n is standard? that true? im finding it odd too that it looks like some 800n jackets are actually lighter then some 350N ones. light as possible = more mobility = good right?
Anonymous at Fri, 6 Sep 2024 22:41:04 UTC No. 210144
Supfen is completely honestly dogshit compared to SPES, it's just poorfags and larpknechts telling themselves otherwise so that they can save a few measly dollars by sending their money to Pakistan and waiting for a geological amount of time. Looking aggressively retarded is merely a bonus feature but it's a nerdass martial art and söy gonna söy.
Anonymous at Sat, 7 Sep 2024 00:04:41 UTC No. 210150
ooh. definitely gonna remember this comment. yeah i did some math and it would probably be worth the extra 100 dollars just to receive it in not 7 months
Anonymous at Sat, 7 Sep 2024 00:29:31 UTC No. 210152
Question; does any of the protective equipment get worn out from extended use and if so, how extensive does the use need to be before you replace any of it?
My feeling is that if you can get ten years or a lifetime's fencing out of good equipment, this is a "buy once cry once" hobby and I should just always just make the biggest purchase I'm capable of.
Anonymous at Sat, 7 Sep 2024 03:59:26 UTC No. 210165
>Question; does any of the protective equipment get worn out from extended use and if so, how extensive does the use need to be before you replace any of it?
Usually specific elements go long before the protector as a whole. Velcro and elastics in particular are durability weak points, but if you don't mind unpicking those and sewing on replacements you can get a lot more mileage out of your gear.
However, the way it's been the last ten or fifteen years is that after 4-6 years you'll start hating your jacket or arm guards or whatever it is and will want to buy new ones just because that item has been noticeably superseded by better new gear. Hard to say whether this will continue into the future but in my personal opinion it's no biggie anyway because it leads to a lot of hand-me-down gear you can use as club loaners or sell cheap to new guys in your club. Plus, it's just a consequence of the gear getting better all the time and you learning more and more what makes a good piece of kit to you.
Anonymous at Sat, 7 Sep 2024 15:15:16 UTC No. 210201
That's good, hated SCA fighting and CnT. What do you mean I can't touch them when we go into close measure?
Anonymous at Sat, 7 Sep 2024 15:15:52 UTC No. 210203
do you guys know about armored mma?
Anonymous at Sat, 7 Sep 2024 17:08:19 UTC No. 210220
The more armor, the less IQ needed.
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Sep 2024 00:15:51 UTC No. 210254
so today, they were talking about their order and an interesting fact came up that is not mentioned on the supfen website at all. The new jackets that have just gone out are apparently structured very differently from before.
I got to see and feel them today and basically the interior fabric is completely different, porous, lighter and more breathable. how much more? no idea, i didnt get to try them. but it was an interesting topic today, apparently every type of jacket that was ordered which was most of the basic jackets are now shipping 'lighter, more breathable and have more mobility' according to people at my club. literally no idea why there is no website change, those guys are very... slow. just something interesting. someone else if you are getting an order soon let us know if they are different too
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Sep 2024 01:13:22 UTC No. 210257
Well that pretty much clinches it I think, an extra couple hundred bucks isn't much spread out over 4-6 years. Worth the expense.
And to me also, this is a health question. Your health is the foundation of all other happiness in your life. It's worth spending a bit more to make sure I'm less likely to get seriously injured.
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Sep 2024 03:41:52 UTC No. 210260
Yeah, this calculus might be different for a eurofag but as an amerifat I guarantee there's no elbow cop pricier than the copay for a fucked elbow, and so on. There are probably gloves more expensive than a broken finger (jej), but still not worth it. You've got the right idea. Get good gear and you'll be a happier man.
Some people will advise you to start with heavier everything and reduce as you go, getting more of a feel for what's the right protection level for you, and while there's a lot of sense in that, I can't say I agree without qualification – you *will* end up spending more that way and might end up uncomfortable for years, especially if you live in a hot/humid area, plus if you stick with HEMA, your early years are extremely unlikely to be your hardest-hitting, although almost certainly your most accident prone. TL;DR I don't know your situation, you know that best yourself, but my personal sense is unless you're doing a lot of high-intensity longsword or rapier/smallsword only, an AP Light 350 is the best starter and "standard" jacket. Don't start out with SPES pluderhosen, they're not padded and hard to fit knee cops to. (Also, huge larpfag alert, though I doubt I need to point that out.)
PS: The Officer jacket looks great, but those press studs rust to fuck, at least on older models. Maybe they do stainless now, IDK.
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Sep 2024 05:40:34 UTC No. 210267
>unless you're doing a lot of high-intensity longsword or rapier/smallsword only,
Can you expand on this? My main form of fencing is going to be sidesword, with maybe a bit of longsword if I can get people to do it with me. Do I need more or less protection if this is my case?
>Don't start out with SPES pluderhosen, they're not padded and hard to fit knee cops to. (Also, huge larpfag alert, though I doubt I need to point that out.)
>not padded
Yikes. Fortunately none of the illustrations from the treatises feature pumpkin pants, I'd be wearing hose and a pair of these if I wanted to do that.
Although speaking of which, would paned slops/breeches be less gay if I added a big codpiece to it? Or would they be more gay?
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Sep 2024 06:29:36 UTC No. 210268
NTA, i am intending to do entirely longsword at a somewhat heavier intensity if i can, should i go for a regular AP jacket, 350n? youtube content creator people seem to think ap light 350n is still fine even if youre doing fairly hard longsword. also worth mentioning that those products are all 'ap light hema jack ''plus''' on the website now, since they apparently.. redesigned them or something awhile ago. now they even have this "light hema jacket next generation 800n" which sounds like an oxymoron.
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Sep 2024 07:05:03 UTC No. 210270
i just know ill buy some jacket and the next day someone will put out a brand new line that is just advanced in every way.
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Sep 2024 18:21:49 UTC No. 210353
>Can you expand on this?
Sure. Longsword is the hardest-hitting weapon by far and probably responsible for a sizable majority of HEMA-related injuries on its own. As such, if you do a lot of hard-hitting longsword it's reasonable to want a more heavily padded jacket. Conversely a lot of people do rapier in just regular sport fencing gear; if you don't use cuts, wear a hard chest protector and don't fight anything else and/or don't mind having a second set of kit, this is fine. (I hope I don't need to explain why all this applies even more to smallsword.)
If you're doing mainly sidesword, an AP Light should be fine. Again though, I want to stress this is just my personal take and ultimately it really depends on your own tolerances. Nobody's going to shame you for showing up in a regular AP, or if they do you're in a tard club.
>Although speaking of which, would paned slops/breeches be less gay if I added a big codpiece to it? Or would they be more gay?
More gay. If you absolutely have to draw attention to your dick (inherently gay behavior though, mind you), just buy a huge groin protector.
>youtube content creator people seem to think ap light 350n is still fine even if youre doing fairly hard longsword
Lots of people do use them for that, but typically those are veteran HEMAists who have already gained a clear idea of their own tolerance for punishment, and who want to max out their mobility and heat shedding for competitiveness. They're not wrong or anything, but they're not necessarily the kind of guys you should be using as models, as a newbie buying his first jacket.
>also worth mentioning that those products are all 'ap light hema jack ''plus''' on the website now
Yeah, that just what the current model is called, don't think you can buy the non-"Plus" AP Light anymore. Like you said, they did a minor update to the design.
Anonymous at Sun, 8 Sep 2024 21:02:21 UTC No. 210385
Thanks for the insight, I'll talk to my club too but I always find 4chan advice at least as helpful as IRL advice, if not more so.
🗑️ Anonymous at Mon, 9 Sep 2024 17:02:04 UTC No. 210489
Fights from the other day.
Anonymous at Mon, 9 Sep 2024 17:03:23 UTC No. 210490
Fights from the other day.
Anonymous at Mon, 9 Sep 2024 23:04:16 UTC No. 210514
Hello /hema/, tourist here from /k/.
I ordered a Munich from Albion almost two years ago now, and by the estimate they gave me in February it should be ready soon. I bought it as an heirloom and wall hangar, but I am interested in getting some training to at least have some longsword fundamentals since it feels extra stupid to have a sword that I have no idea how to use.
I don't know if I'm going to go as far as to seek out clubs or in person training since I don't think I'll ever be serious about HEMA, but what are some books/videos/other resources you would recommend that would help me create a training regimen I can do at home?
Also, can you recommend a blunt trainer/feder that would be as similar in weight and balance as possible to my Munich that I could use for training to avoid damaging my sword or hurting myself?
Anonymous at Tue, 10 Sep 2024 01:56:25 UTC No. 210530
Honestly nothing replaces in-person training, so if you can find a club or school, even if you don't go for a long time, I'd recommend going for at least a few months to get the basics in person. Once you have the real basics down, and you know some of the lingo and get a feel for how things work, then you could get something out of online resources like in the OP. I think otherwise you'd spend a long time flailing around learning the wrong things.
Anonymous at Tue, 10 Sep 2024 07:31:24 UTC No. 210543
>Honestly nothing replaces in-person training
This. Lots of people seem to think that because HEMA was reconstructed from books, that means you should be able to learn it yourself from a book, but the reconstruction took ages and still isn't finished, and was done by people with considerable martial arts and sport fencing experience.
>>210514, if you want to learn anything at all, go to a club. It's a physical activity and it's meant to be learned in person, from an instructor, that's the authentic historical way of learning it. If you train alone at home you'll end up like a guy learning karate out of a book.
Anonymous at Tue, 10 Sep 2024 15:29:46 UTC No. 210564
Third to say go in person. I get a lot of fun out of reading the books, but it's just reading a tad ahead in the classes. Most of the books give good explanations, but you need to feel the movements and actually get some resistance from a partner to understand why you're doing certain steps. And the rest of the time you're trying to translate prose and verse. 16th century was a strange time to write instruction manuals.
Anonymous at Tue, 10 Sep 2024 15:33:05 UTC No. 210565
Also if you're a spastic and read the books and then decide go to class to debate the instructors, fuck you. You're the reason training turns into a discussion and kills your cardio gains.
Anonymous at Tue, 10 Sep 2024 16:40:42 UTC No. 210573
>tourist here from /k/.
rip your board
Anonymous at Tue, 10 Sep 2024 16:46:44 UTC No. 210574
>go to a club
Well, this makes sense. It's the same for shooting so I guess I'm not surprised. Any tips on how to tell if a club is any good? I just want to learn forms and drills and stuff I can use to exercise/practice for general fitness and speed.
:( thanks anon - imo it died ~2012 and I've just been living in the ruins.
Anonymous at Tue, 10 Sep 2024 16:56:04 UTC No. 210576
Check flags on the walls. If they aren't doing some kind of sparring to pressure test their drills or forms. If the class stops for more than five minutes to teach a drill. Usual autism tests.
Anonymous at Tue, 10 Sep 2024 17:10:59 UTC No. 210581
Ok last question - how do I find a practice sword that has ergos as close as possible to my sharp?
Anonymous at Tue, 10 Sep 2024 17:23:22 UTC No. 210582
This is actually why I got into HEMA in the first place. I was always interested in it but the videos he's made about the natural human engagement with tool use really pushed me over the edge. I'd always done bare-handed martial arts in the past because that seemed more "practical," but that got me to loosen up about it. I don't think I'll ever have occasion to really need sword fighting skills but it's just good for me to be learning how to use a hand tool, developing the related fitness, and honestly just feeling that simian happiness from swinging a sharp metal lever around.
Anonymous at Wed, 11 Sep 2024 04:08:18 UTC No. 210638
Asking questions is fine. Debating, trying to solve the drills, going "Well the book says X" or "Fiore says Y" when you're drilling Meyer. That shit is not ok.
Yes, I'm jaded.
Anonymous at Wed, 11 Sep 2024 04:13:37 UTC No. 210640
First of all, you're from /k/, you know the drill. Pics and timestamp. You could scour the internet to try to find your exact specs, which might cost a lot. Or get a trainer closer or in the ballpark of your sharp and just be careful trying out moves with said sharp.
Anonymous at Wed, 11 Sep 2024 05:59:02 UTC No. 210642
are gabriels or something like gabriels really a bad idea for a beginner because you'll fuck your hands up? I cant even physcially get into ochs position because of how bulky the heavy lobster loaner gloves are. i feel like its going to give me bad habits in the long run not using ochs literally at all for.. how every long until i buy gloves.
i hear there are mittens too that have way more mobility than those lobsters. help, im retarded and a noob! i think its time i stopped fixating on jackets and maybe started with the gloves. seems important.
Anonymous at Wed, 11 Sep 2024 06:04:20 UTC No. 210643
also... is there any way to know if one of these big equipment companies might be putting out a new product soon? id love to pick something up when its brand new. do you people follow any sort of pages where they talk about their prototypes or something? i feel like a new generation of equipment might appear suddenly that is much better than everything that exists or something..
Anonymous at Wed, 11 Sep 2024 06:14:32 UTC No. 210644
sorry, should probably mention im referring to somewhat hard longsword sparring.
Anonymous at Thu, 12 Sep 2024 03:44:43 UTC No. 210705
How often are you getting handshot? If you're still green and being sniped then I'd not recommend them.
Anonymous at Thu, 12 Sep 2024 05:00:44 UTC No. 210710
all the time. i watched some tournament footage the other day and saw a lot of people wearing heavy gloves, so i guess that gives me some confidence that they're probably fine, so long as its not those old lobsters. but buy do i wish there was a brand new glove i could salivate over
Anonymous at Thu, 12 Sep 2024 17:23:17 UTC No. 210734
Just do ochs more when sparring you’ll get used to doing it in heavy gloves eventually.
The infinity gauntlet or whatever the next big thing is that claims it will have 5 finger mobility with sufficient protection for longsword sparring is never coming
Anonymous at Thu, 12 Sep 2024 21:48:22 UTC No. 210752
The Sparring Gloves Infinity Gauntlet has existed for ages, it's not good but also not vaporware. The new one is the Nilin Gauntlet, which allegedly also exists, in China, but which is a Chinaman Progauntlet ripoff sold at Progauntlet prices.If it doesn't turn out to be insufficient for longsword, I'll eat my fencing mask.
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:19:08 UTC No. 210761
do you get arthritis over time using insufficient gloves or something like that? my club leader apparently has ridiculous arthritis in all his fingers
🗑️ Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 03:09:33 UTC No. 210774
i found some chinese video with chinese subtitles reviewing this nilin thing and i tried to screenshot the chinese text and translate it, lol. the translation was VERY bad, but here were the basic points at least that it seemed:
-he talks about how the wrist is well guarded?
-he talks about how the fabric is strong?
-he talks about how he feels it was a weakpoint at the tip of the pinky finger?
-something about it being stiff or that you have to operate the glove is a particular way to get it to move properly?
-the pinky finger is jammed in to the glove too hard and is uncomfortable?
-something about 'this warehouse uses it for messer or one handed sword'?
and then they proceed to show it not fitting into many of the hilts of various lighter swords than longsword. take with a huge grain of salt obviously... some chinese person could decipher these videos a lot better.
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 03:51:34 UTC No. 210779
Insufficient gloves leads to breaking fingers. Breaking fingers leads to long term pain.
I recall someone in my club seeing an early infinity gauntlet explode during a tournament when it got hit. I don’t trust pro gauntlet either. Get ready to eat your fucking fencing mask because again, a good five finger glove is never coming. Seriously just git gud with Spes heavies.
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 03:52:49 UTC No. 210780
I’m sorry I’m drunk I just realized you were talking shit about five finger gloves constantly being shot and not convinced the next one was going to be perfect. I apologize for my foolishness.
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 11:45:17 UTC No. 210792
Kek, it's all good my bro. We've all been there.
Anonymous at Fri, 13 Sep 2024 17:37:36 UTC No. 210831
i havent been there personally, becasue i dont drink like you simian apes. enjoy your govermentally mandated intoxicant cuck!! now, taste my five finger dexterity oberhau!!!! HYAHHH!!! thats right you just got served cucky boy tell all your riends youve been destoryed by me, the one and only boromir pussywind
Anonymous at Sat, 14 Sep 2024 01:44:13 UTC No. 210876
just get a regenyei feder with a disk pommel.
a sigi king or a ensifer might be closer in feel but those are expensive and a standard feder is good enough
Anonymous at Sat, 14 Sep 2024 20:12:58 UTC No. 210930
I like my Gabriel gauntlets, but my kryptonite is my forearms and elbows so they work for me.
Anonymous at Sun, 15 Sep 2024 03:04:08 UTC No. 210983
pretty pricey for being not as good as a mitten
Anonymous at Sun, 15 Sep 2024 04:10:13 UTC No. 210988
has anyone here ever used spes ap light 'new generation' 800n jacket? does this thing represent a jacket that could be used for longsword without a plastiron underneath? lord in heaven i just hate these supfen mega heavy jackets that we use, i feel like i am moving in slow motion.
Anonymous at Sun, 15 Sep 2024 14:50:21 UTC No. 211039
>a jacket that could be used for longsword without a *plastron underneath
Doesn't exist. Armor up or get skewered when some penny-pinching poorfag snaps his worn-out sword on your chest.
Anonymous at Tue, 17 Sep 2024 02:25:31 UTC No. 211173
do people almost always use plastirons in tournament type settings? do they limit your mobility a lot? are you saying you always need one even with a very heavy jacket? im starting to think my club has some unusual opinions about those things. is there value in buying an -expensive- plastiron?
Anonymous at Tue, 17 Sep 2024 15:23:48 UTC No. 211198
Is there a free pdf somewhere for this art of combat 1570 book I am poor and have learned helplessness please here comes the choo choo CHOOCHOO am I a good boy mommy
Anonymous at Tue, 17 Sep 2024 22:34:07 UTC No. 211222
Found this from the Wiktenauer page;
You might have more luck starting from here;
but the free ones look to be transcriptions rather than translations. Which tracks; the original manuscript is public domain, the translations are not.
Anonymous at Thu, 19 Sep 2024 05:01:45 UTC No. 211317
Anonymous at Thu, 19 Sep 2024 17:13:50 UTC No. 211332
Why doesn't Donald McBane get more love? A scan of his treatise is freely available on Google Books but he doesn't even have a Wiktenauer stub article. Is it because he doesn't teach longsword?
>Donald McBane - Wikipedia
>The Expert Sword-man's Companion: Or The True Art of Self-defence: With an Account of the Authors Life, and His Transactions During the Wars with France. To which is Annexed, The Art of Gunnerie, Volume 1
>The Legendary Highland Swordsman You’ve Never Heard Of- Donald McBane Stories
Anonymous at Fri, 20 Sep 2024 02:57:40 UTC No. 211349
Well is it really a system or is it a series of accounts of times he kicked ass?
Anonymous at Fri, 20 Sep 2024 04:36:25 UTC No. 211351
Both, from what I've seen skimming it. The first half discusses how to kick ass in general, the second half contains accounts of times he kicked ass in particular.
Anonymous at Fri, 20 Sep 2024 04:37:26 UTC No. 211352
>accounts of times he kicked ass
Also times he had his ass kicked, or kicked his own ass.
Anonymous at Fri, 20 Sep 2024 05:59:25 UTC No. 211355
>why isn’t there more discussion about based beer money thief
I’ve done a little Mcbane in my club. The reality is though that he’s the kind of guy who’s book is more interesting because of his life story than it is his fencing, even though he was by all accounts an excellent fencer. The same can be said about silver or swetnam.
Anonymous at Sat, 21 Sep 2024 01:57:26 UTC No. 211402
Or escaped an asskicking! The Soldier's Leap at Killiecrankie is still a tourist attraction.
Anonymous at Sat, 21 Sep 2024 23:16:52 UTC No. 211446
>be small club
>no space to rent
>fight in the park to attract people
>mostly teenagers come and check it out
>none of them are 18
We don't want to turn them away but we're in burgerland. Hitting kids is a fast way to get sued.
Anonymous at Sun, 22 Sep 2024 04:47:11 UTC No. 211455
Release forms.
Anonymous at Sun, 22 Sep 2024 06:37:04 UTC No. 211456
Beat the shit out of those little bastards
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Sep 2024 06:13:52 UTC No. 211689
What does the rapier tournament scene look like compared to longsword? Smaller, right?
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Sep 2024 19:10:06 UTC No. 211743
Certainly smaller, but plenty of variety. You can do mixed steel, rapier + dagger (gay), rapier + cloak (kino), single rapier. Of course it all really depends on what's around you or how far you're willing to travel for tournies. I find rapier very fun, matches feel more "finessed" than longsword.
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Sep 2024 23:17:09 UTC No. 211767
It's even more full of gay spoffs wanting to turn it into Olympic epee and seething at the mere possibility of rules that might oblige historical fencing in their historical fencing tournament. If you want to fight against hypercompetitive fucktards who are somehow nevertheless incapable of reaching D rank in epee it's probably great. If you like rapier you're kind of outta luck though.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Sep 2024 01:13:34 UTC No. 211779
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Sep 2024 01:36:08 UTC No. 211784
My guess is Other Anon is a longsword primary so he doesn't see the problems or doesn't perceive them the same way, since he's "just doing rapier for fun" in the sense of being a deliberate casual. Nothing wrong with that, but he just won't have the same experiences.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Sep 2024 03:42:21 UTC No. 211798
>nooooo you’re doing it wrong!
>I didn’t lose because I’m worse at fencing I only lost because you’re not doing it right!
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Sep 2024 03:58:59 UTC No. 211801
See what I mean? Complete faggotry at any suggestion that historical fencing tournaments might benefit from historical fencing.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Sep 2024 13:28:04 UTC No. 211828
The real faggotry here is you crying about how rapier fencers are “hypercompetitive” as if that’s a bad thing.
>but muh real historical fencing
Cut them open without getting yourself cut open, that is the goal of fencing.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Sep 2024 14:56:33 UTC No. 211834
its been 2 months and i suck really, really bad, fresh new people off the street are better than me. all i understand is how to throw out extremely obvious, telegraphed oberhaus and unterhaus, middlehau, someone was trying to describe to me the idea of throwing a 'high' oberhau or a 'low' oberhau in order to have more differentiation, does that make any sense? literally all that was explained to me was to think of sort of meier square diagram on the person and to attack the lower openings with unterhaus and the higher openings with oberhaus.
also i and several of the others think that i ahve some mental block that is really holding me back, its a combo of performance anxiety, feeling like i am inconveniencing my sparring partners (because i am) since they are all years and years in to the sport, and i cant seem to actually follow through on strikes because i think i am afraid of hitting people, i slow down drastically before impact. everyone says i suck way more than i aught to
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Sep 2024 17:14:22 UTC No. 211848
>what's a good 16th century hat? My club does Marozzo so I'm looking for 16th-century Bologna obviously but there's not a lot of great material online about what hats they would've been wearing.
Tons of these available on Etsy, https://www.etsy.com/listing/128103
Two months is way too fuckin' early for you to start worrying about your performance levels. Just keep your nose to the grindstone.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Sep 2024 19:33:32 UTC No. 211859
>feeling like i am inconveniencing my sparring partners (because i am) since they are all years and years in to the sport
You're a better practice partner than an inert pell, which is what they'd be using without noobs to smack around.
>and i cant seem to actually follow through on strikes because i think i am afraid of hitting people
Someone should let you hit them to get your hit calibration down. It's good that you don't want to injure people but you're cheating your partner by not hitting them properly and that safety kit is there for a reason.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Sep 2024 21:33:59 UTC No. 211867
How often are classes? Unless this is some special fencing club that meets every day, two months of practice doesn't mean you're supposed to be good at fencing. Stop beating yourself up.
Listen to this guy too.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Sep 2024 21:53:58 UTC No. 211869
yeah. thanks. it just makes me sad because for some reason a lot of these guys day 1 were expecting me to just take off instantly. also they did have me do a hit calibration thing during the first week but im almost certain now that that was bs, everyone in the club swings way harder than they told me to swing initially. couldnt sleep last night i was so concerned about those guys being so clearly dissapointed in me the other day. im fine so long as i can feel like im on the curve im supposed to be
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Sep 2024 22:36:31 UTC No. 211875
Completely different anon here, don’t worry about it so much whether you think you’re disappointing anyone. Martial arts is a long journey, not something you master in a couple months.
Here’s a couple practical suggestions I can give you for improving your progress. Don’t worry about “winning” the bouts you do while sparring and start setting specific goals for yourself and trying to hit those. For example, one I found that really helped me was forcing myself not to retreat from an engagement and instead exchanging multiple cuts with my opponent. Now obviously there are times you SHOULD disengage, but doing this will help you build confidence and competence in your ability to stand and bang it out. Additionally, if you only feel competent throwing single over cuts and under cuts I have a newb killer combo for you. Feint an over cut and then pull back to under cut from the opposite corner. Feint and under cut then pull back to over cut from the opposite corner. This is an incredibly simple combo but works really really really well at the beginner level.
Anonymous at Thu, 26 Sep 2024 00:06:22 UTC No. 211884
huh, i hope i can remember to try that, i think fixating on some simple 'sequence' could be helpful for me. sounds good
Anonymous at Thu, 26 Sep 2024 17:05:09 UTC No. 211933
>Cut them open without getting yourself cut open
But Olympic style fencing which the sweats push for in even historical fencing clubs is terrible at that aspect.
>I swung my arm around the back of my head like a spasming retard and tapped you on the skull with the very tip with terrible leverage that would do little more than a shallow cut but since it happened 1 second before you delivered a solid and fatal thrust to my gut in response I am the victor and thus the superior swordmaster
I've seen the Olympic matches. They're impressive in terms of speed and agility, definitely more so than most historical fencer, but the combat application is on the same level as Tai Chi or Kendo: barely any. The emphasis is on tapping your opponent before they tap you, not caring about if it's a strike that could be actually debilitating or fatal to the opponent were it conducted at full force or with a live blade.
Anonymous at Thu, 26 Sep 2024 20:38:31 UTC No. 211958
alright nerds, get me some two handed sword teachings to study
Anonymous at Fri, 27 Sep 2024 12:18:51 UTC No. 212011
Eh, don't care, either is fine as long as it is presented in video format and the person explaining it is good at it.
Surely you guys have plenty of video tutorials starting from basics to advanced stuff, right?
Anonymous at Tue, 1 Oct 2024 13:54:05 UTC No. 212406
What's the point of the mezzano cuts?
Anonymous at Wed, 2 Oct 2024 14:55:05 UTC No. 212492
Useful strike around your opponents sword when they block a thrust made from window guard.
Anonymous at Fri, 4 Oct 2024 12:12:38 UTC No. 212641
>complains about tapping
>All HEMA mathces are who taps who first because no one knows what a "good strike" looks like so any hit is valid
The irony; at least the other fencing arts have standards.
Anonymous at Mon, 7 Oct 2024 20:23:21 UTC No. 212915
1v1 me irl live blades brah
Anonymous at Mon, 7 Oct 2024 22:57:36 UTC No. 212927
Anonymous at Wed, 9 Oct 2024 10:55:23 UTC No. 213026
Pill me on the ballistic passing step.
Anonymous at Wed, 9 Oct 2024 20:22:03 UTC No. 213089
Anonymous at Fri, 11 Oct 2024 01:58:33 UTC No. 213209
Redpill me on the torre pendente strike.
Anonymous at Fri, 11 Oct 2024 02:05:19 UTC No. 213210
sorry i only know how to talk about ribbon cuts
Anonymous at Fri, 11 Oct 2024 15:30:29 UTC No. 213246
Pillpul me on the vienna swirl / viennese whirl.
Anonymous at Fri, 11 Oct 2024 17:43:54 UTC No. 213264
I don't do Italian, but I could show you the Kekse und Soße drill.
Anonymous at Fri, 11 Oct 2024 22:08:11 UTC No. 213281
if i wanted to acquire a fighting manual for using two clubs for jesterly juggling related shenanigans where would i go for such a thing spoonfeed me please lest i have to beg one of my obnoxious hema friends instead
Anonymous at Fri, 11 Oct 2024 23:58:52 UTC No. 213292
Like two heavy sticks? So you can juggle and fight at a moments notice?
Larpers are getting creative.
Anonymous at Sat, 12 Oct 2024 00:20:12 UTC No. 213294
He’s a battle bard
Anonymous at Sat, 12 Oct 2024 08:50:58 UTC No. 213306
For your needs, filipino double stick stuff can be more useful than hema
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Oct 2024 02:19:24 UTC No. 213789
If you want to play dress up join a LARP group or the SCA or something. Some Colored jackets and I think even some mask paint jobs aren’t a big deal but all this has gotten out of hand and I don’t blame them for cracking down on this dumb shit.
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Oct 2024 14:31:20 UTC No. 213815
>no ears, ribbons, tails
What the niggerbaiter is going on in Russian HEMA? I thought they were all supposed to be rusnat psychos who hit way too hard??? These rules imply there's a level of furfagging going on that's unheard of even in my own trooned-up club environment though. Are the Muscovites just a bunch of flamers after all?
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Oct 2024 19:00:53 UTC No. 213829
Maybe they're expecting faggotry from the people flying in for the tourney.
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Oct 2024 19:04:06 UTC No. 213830
So people really need to be told to wear proper pants and not to wear tails. What a time to be alive.
Anonymous at Fri, 18 Oct 2024 20:29:53 UTC No. 213841
The people flying in from the West? The West that's been boycotting the shit out of them for the last couple years?
Or what, visiting Belarusian furries? Is that big problem in Belarus?
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Oct 2024 03:22:38 UTC No. 213867
You’re kind of fucked in the city; the only group that really has a presence around there is the SCA and their culture is derivative of their NAMBLA founders.
There’s a free Hema/Boffer group on Long Island (Suffolk) called the Order of the Compass Rose that’s associated with EMP and SMA, they’re much less likely to unload political bullshit on you.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Oct 2024 03:27:40 UTC No. 213868
>their NAMBLA founders
Is this polemics or actual history? Given the organization's modern faggotry the polemics would be deserved and the history would be unsurprising.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Oct 2024 03:30:49 UTC No. 213869
The East Kingdom was founded by NAMBLA members and child sex abusers Walter Breen and Marion Zimmer Bradley.
The East in particular is particularly bad I can tell you for a fact the BOD and the higher ups in Ostgardr (NYC) will jump through flaming hoops to harbor sex offenders as long as they do the woke Hokey Pokey.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Oct 2024 04:01:39 UTC No. 213870
I looked at the wiki page for Walter Breen and saw that he’s a child rapist but nothing about the SCA, some reddit post mentions Marion as a founder and his gay husband. I did find this though
>He regularly wore his Phi Beta Kappa key as a zipper pull on the fly of his pants. He joined Mensa in 1958 or 1959, possibly the first American to do so.[6]
He’s not only pedophile child rapist but also reddit fucking personified. I’m going to hold this over every sca nerd I ever meet.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Oct 2024 04:28:24 UTC No. 213872
Walter Breen’s scadian name was Walter of Greenwalls, he was East Kingdom’s first seneschal
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Oct 2024 04:35:17 UTC No. 213873
Second Anon here, can verify what Anon says about Walter Breen and Marion Zimmer Bradley being child molesters (convicted in the case of Breen, I think he literally died of AIDS in prison) and among the founders of the SCA. I've also heard that Breen was one of the founders of NAMBLA but that one's obviously harder to verify, especially without ending up on a watchlist.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Oct 2024 04:59:34 UTC No. 213875
Truly disgusting. People in HEMA have had their legacies ruined over far less. I guess pedos get a fucking pass. Clown world.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Oct 2024 05:12:32 UTC No. 213876
>People in HEMA have had their legacies ruined over far less.
Yeah because it's not a hobby founded by and for pedos.
>I guess pedos get a fucking pass.
They get a pass *in pedo organizations*, yes. You might as well seethe that NAMBLA doesn't kick out child molesters from its ranks.
>Clown world.
Anon my friend, just keep some perspective and be glad that youre not a nonce.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Oct 2024 14:56:58 UTC No. 213893
Do you know anything about the history of Æthelmearc? I used to have some fairly normal friends there so I checked up on the page for their largest barony which appears to now fly the flag of no white children instead of displaying the traditional Pittsburgh themed heraldry of the barony.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Oct 2024 15:18:58 UTC No. 213895
Continuing the proud tradition of being a cancer that the loser of Pennsic gets stuck with I see
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Oct 2024 16:51:34 UTC No. 213902
>on this dumb shit
Wearing dumb flamboyant shit on your uniform is really customary in european martial arts. It's like, everything german in particular (lansquenets, Meyer for a start, schwertbrüder stuff). If there's security involved sure, but otherwise, it's really "no fun allowed" level of nonsense. Sober uniforms is some heavy protestant-tier silliness.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Oct 2024 17:38:58 UTC No. 213904
>cat ears and furry tails are historical clothing
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Oct 2024 17:51:52 UTC No. 213905
>it's really "no fun allowed"
I suspect the objective is more "no fags allowed" and the restrictions would be less Puritanical if the rainbow people weren't using their uniforms as billboards for political faggotry.
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Oct 2024 19:39:20 UTC No. 213912
Furryfag spotted
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Oct 2024 20:24:27 UTC No. 213914
It's about nonfunctional decorations. Go demo at a renfaire if you want to wear your trash.
>verification not required
Anonymous at Sat, 19 Oct 2024 20:27:33 UTC No. 213916
>Wearing cat ears and a tail on your uniform is really customary in european martial arts.
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Oct 2024 18:32:36 UTC No. 213992
>local barony has always been weird
>find out it's a swinger's club/polycule
I just wanna hit people with sticks and not go to jail, why do they have to make it weird?
Anonymous at Sun, 20 Oct 2024 18:53:02 UTC No. 213995
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Oct 2024 00:24:03 UTC No. 214035
I know that, but with SCA being kiddie diddlers and EMP letting kids fight in open combat, I'm left with Buhurt which is just looks like a crippling injury waiting to happen.
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Oct 2024 00:35:31 UTC No. 214037
If you just want to do stick fighting Philippine martial arts are probably your best bet. Otherwise there are a small contingent of HEMA guys who do cane fighting.
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Oct 2024 02:09:08 UTC No. 214043
>Buhurt which is just looks like a crippling injury waiting to happen.
That's because it is.
I suggest SMA, which is for rightoid kiddy diddlers who left the SCA because it got too woke.
Or, you could just – hear me out, now! – do HEMA, which is what this thread is actually about. Proper swords instead of sticks, admittedly a pretty severe infection of trannies and general dangerhairs, but much more salubrious than the SCA (the dangerhairs are all puritanical zoomers who think any kind of flirting outside a dating app is grooming, so no fear of a lolicule there) and much better for your brain meats than the behourd.
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Oct 2024 02:12:12 UTC No. 214044
Worth noting that these two pedophiles were also integral in founding the original West Kingdom, along with Diana Paxson and Jon DeCles among others, both of whom are also known pedophiles.
Aethelmearc was originally part of the East, but I think they were more in the Chicago/Midrealm orbit in terms of openness to child molesting. Hard to know for sure, of course, it's not like people brag about it normally.
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Oct 2024 02:13:10 UTC No. 214045
You sound insufferable.
I do hema and rattan fighting. You can do both. One is for the technical side of fencing, and the other is for the armored combat.
Both scratch the itch of hitting people with sticks and not going to jail.
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Oct 2024 02:21:52 UTC No. 214047
Fencing and hitting a steel helmet so hard it dents scratch different itches.
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Oct 2024 02:56:19 UTC No. 214052
>You sound insufferable.
Oh no! I'm being judged on 4chan!
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Oct 2024 03:03:50 UTC No. 214053
A more self-aware take might be:
>even 4chan thinks I'm insufferable
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Oct 2024 03:18:04 UTC No. 214054
>too woke
Did they leave over pandemic politics or troon politics?
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Oct 2024 04:38:13 UTC No. 214057
You don't speak for all of 4chan, retard. Both you and the guy you're arguing with are insufferable faggots.
Anonymous at Mon, 21 Oct 2024 07:58:27 UTC No. 214068
IIRC over lefty equality politics, like letting same-sex couples be monarchs, letting women fight for crown, and browd-based shitloss over historical patterns that look like swastikas (those kinds of box spirals were pretty common in weaving for obvious reasons, if you're oversensitive it's 15 megahitlers to reproduce them now). The SCA was originally medievalist over stuff like this, women were expected to be damsels giving their knights afavors and watching from the stands even when their obesity made them ridiculous as damsels, and so on, but as you're probably aware, history freaks leftroids out.
Oh, and I also think a bunch of the SMA guys were literal KKK members and got in trouble over that.
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Oct 2024 13:37:45 UTC No. 214186
What if someone made a documentary type video compiling all the necessary proof to cancel the whole SCA/LARP scene?
As a joke, you know.
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Oct 2024 13:46:14 UTC No. 214187
Rattan fighting is not like armored combat at all. Swinging a light ass stick at someone on armor won't incapacitate in the least. HEMA has armored combat (Harnisfechten) and Buhurt recreates friendly tournament fighting. That's all you get bucko.
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Oct 2024 14:53:50 UTC No. 214190
A rattan stick is just a waster that pulps out instead of splintering violently.
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Oct 2024 15:15:18 UTC No. 214193
If that were to happen, I would watch it.
I would also enjoy the aftermath.
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Oct 2024 15:23:03 UTC No. 214196
Only youtuber out of pocket enough to document all this shit I can imagine is Turkey Tom, seeing he has a thing for making documentary type exposé vids of actual discord groomers and whatnot.
Anonymous at Tue, 22 Oct 2024 17:15:32 UTC No. 214199
Can't help but wonder if that would have the effect of motivating the less deviant SCAdians to clean the organization or if it would have the effect of driving healthy people away and increasing the sexual deviancy of the group.
Anonymous at Sun, 27 Oct 2024 15:34:21 UTC No. 214580
One or other, I just know their pseudo hema format is cancer. If you show up with anything new weapon wise, they'll dismiss it because it's not been approved. And their weapon list is so old that half the retailers don't even exist anymore
Anonymous at Wed, 30 Oct 2024 10:57:25 UTC No. 214889
Lee Smith's notorious disgrace, delivering hard blows after halt has been called, visible at 1:24 and 3:11
What is the worst shit you have seen at your club? [spoiler]And why did you do it?[/spoiler]
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 00:13:33 UTC No. 215033
What was the result? The woman announcing was echoing like hell. What was said about both late hits?
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 03:20:37 UTC No. 215055
Chris lees own club was running the event so of course he won and wasn’t even carded. He would later, after this video got out, give a non-apology where he says the other guy hit him late one time so he’s justified in tard raging and hitting him way after the hault as hard as he can.
Chris Lee was also a massive cunt in is own club that eventually his other club mates splintered off and made their club specifically without him. He was shunned pretty much everywhere in Canada and North America for having this cringey “warrior” mindset that basically meant he got to beat on his students whenever he felt like for whatever he felt like and if you complained you’re a pussy. He has since been run out of his own country and operates a club in the Philippines where they don’t know any better.
Anonymous at Fri, 1 Nov 2024 15:32:26 UTC No. 215078
>Had a guy who ran an EMP tourney and fought in it
>He goes 110% or feral
>Soon as I or another guy match that energy, this fuck walked across the arena
>Smacked me or the other guys and threaten to boot us from the tourney
>Younger fighter so didn't know better.
I still think he's there. Left that group when they allowed 14 year olds onto the open battlefield fights. Power trippers can go feet first into a woodchipper.
Anonymous at Mon, 4 Nov 2024 05:54:35 UTC No. 215233
why is this so common.
I have a place where I train and everybody is chill and reasonable except the dude who is in charge, who seems to be hell bent on not losing because it will shatter his ego I guess? So he rather shatter your bones instead, just to be safe.
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Nov 2024 15:37:41 UTC No. 215457
HEMA people come in three flavors, macho dude with frail ego, onions person with frail ego, autist that like swords and sports.
First is just a fat retard that couldn't cut it in a more established contact sports where you actually need to train their physique AND techniques. Doing that is too much work so they just larp at HEMA. They will cry when anyone is better than them, since they should be MC. Most likely never played a sports in a decent capacity ever.
Second, a non binary or close enough retard that wanted to be more active and just went for HEMA because video games or some similar shit. Never did a sport in their lives, if they go to tournaments they expect to asked their pronouns, and to be asked if its ok to record or whatever. They expect the lightest of taps, and any competitive behavior or non catering to their mood is a sign of their opponent being a huge insensitive asshole. Similar to the fat retard they have basically no physical training and their technique is ass.
Sword and sport autist: Usually pretty chill. They found hema through some weird rabbit hole or another. They probably played competitive sports before and know how to behave more or less well. If they care they will train, but understand that sometimes you will lose, sometime they're will be someone that's just better, at least that day. If they don't care, they will go for a tournament for shit and giggles and try out weird shit. Either way, usually a blast to fence with.
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Nov 2024 02:58:06 UTC No. 215490
>macho dude with frail ego
>just a fat retard that couldn't cut it in a more established contact sports
If you're in a format that allows throws you have to grapple these people. Nothing embarrasses them more than getting manhandled.
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Nov 2024 16:07:32 UTC No. 215530
So even tho >Russia
They're more hitting the mark than missing it.
>no non functional elements on mask
>no non functional elements on other equipment
Partially agree. Ribbons and needless belts are great at catching on stuff. My reservations are about patches or embroidery. Some people have their name or club embroidered, or have club patches. And jackets can take a while to break in, so it's not easy to remove patches or buy a new jacket.
>350N pants
Lame, but I sadly agree. I hate fencing pants.
>no painted masks
Bruh even Oly fencing in the Olympics allows painted masks. 90% of painted masks are cringe, but really?
At least masks are easy to replace.
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Nov 2024 18:54:10 UTC No. 215552
I don't think they're after patches or embroidery. Just extra shit like tails or costume effects.
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Nov 2024 18:58:03 UTC No. 215554
The second asshole is also most likely to bring up their bullshit, but also assume the awkward silence after is that everyone agrees with them.
Fat bitch in our hema group just tried to push out a guy because he voted for orange guy and she got the boot because most of us were just quiet about our voting habits. She only sparred a few times anyway and oh dear God she didn't like being hit.
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Nov 2024 19:44:55 UTC No. 215561
Can confirm. When a buddy of mine went to an event two weekends ago to try cut and thrust, SCA was experimenting with "lesser protection" which is just hemalite with gloves and mask. It's getting pretty stupid. The whole time there were fighters complaining that the hits were too hard, but not having the wherewithal to realize that the ones complaining were just wearing linen while sparring. Shit is really stupid.
But his weapons weren't inspected so he got to use his whole arsenal of stuff.
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Nov 2024 02:30:49 UTC No. 215583
>Chris Lee
>Bruh even Oly fencing in the Olympics allows painted masks. 90% of painted masks are cringe, but really?
Pretty sure the Olympics only allows your mask to be painted with your national flag OR a flat color which is prominent on that flag. And whether that's the case or not, when's the last time you actually saw a sport epee guy with a mask painted with a smiley face or Punisher skull or Witcher wolf or some similar cringe shit? There's a lot wrong with the spoffs but at least they're not actively trying to make the event's cringe compilation.
>SCA was experimenting with "lesser protection" which is just hemalite with gloves and mask.
Lmao, you know why they're doing this, right? It's because they have such a massive number of fat greasy fucks that like 80% of them get gassed out instantly from just having to stand in a padded jacket. They're constantly trying to figure out ways to wear less shit so their blubber won't melt.
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Nov 2024 04:05:35 UTC No. 215591
Part of me wants to join my buddy and go to another event. Just to see how fast I can get kicked off the field.
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Nov 2024 06:16:37 UTC No. 215602
It'd be a decent opportunity to train with your buddy and you might even encounter the small percentage of SCA fencers who aren't terrible.
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Nov 2024 15:33:10 UTC No. 215608
I meant lee smith, not Chris Lee. Sorry I’m retarded
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Nov 2024 16:26:09 UTC No. 215609
We spar almost every weekend for a couple hours, so it would be entirely to check out the insanity of the SCA. One thing for sure, I'll keep my gambeson on.
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Nov 2024 20:32:30 UTC No. 215622
>interested in HEMA
>local club is annoyingly left leaning and makes sure to inform everyone that they are pro they/them trans allies and gurlpower friendly
how about "everyone is welcome, don't be a dick" instead of "if you don't heckin validate and respect trans folx you're not welcome here!"
this politics shit is so annoying and i wish i could have an interest in this without having to pretend to be some marxist retard
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Nov 2024 21:57:07 UTC No. 215627
It sucks that you can't just pay money and attend class. My BJJ and hema class just have an American flag on the wall and no one talked about politics. We sparred during the early election and no one even said a damn word after class. It's so simple but the crazies have to be validated so much.
Also is that rhetoric coming from your students or from staff of the club? Changes the context if you have some outspoken students. But if it's staff, you're cooked.
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Nov 2024 04:53:29 UTC No. 215674
Lets start a whites only club
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Nov 2024 04:44:32 UTC No. 215770
ive been investing in this sport for 4 months now and still every single time i go in i am completely mentally exhausted by all the autistic people and then I question my future in the hobby. it is such a god damn shame because the sport itself really is phenomenally fun and interesting. im by all accounts a fucking nerd and a 4chan sperg and yet those people just bother me so much. its upsetting me. it took a lot for me to attempt to come out and learn a social hobby, and now im just wondering if im gonna quit. i bet this is a fantastic hobby if your club mates arent hysterically trying to force warhammer lore down your throat, talk about their shitty creative writing projects or hold you verbally hostage for 45 minute tirades about how tacos are technically a sandwich, or whatever. if you spergs from class are reading this, fuck off. i really wish there could be a few normal people in there. but i guarentee you any regularly nerdy type of person or just someone normal-ish is deterred from entry by the sight of 15 spergs who think they are anime characters, genuinely.
PLEASE tell me some of you have groups where some of the people are chill, i am just back and forth every single day on weather or not i should continue.
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Nov 2024 05:29:06 UTC No. 215773
>i bet this is a fantastic hobby if your club mates arent hysterically trying to force warhammer lore down your throat, talk about their shitty creative writing projects or hold you verbally hostage for 45 minute tirades about how tacos are technically a sandwich, or whatever.
Either bring the conversation back to the task at hand (HEMA) or disengage and say you're going to go do drills or sparring or whatever.
>some of the people are chill
Yeah. Spergs are kind of unavoidable but they can be tard wrangled and either kept on task or ignored when off-task.
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Nov 2024 05:39:29 UTC No. 215774
right. i feel like i could defuse them better if i was a bit more brusque or something, i find it really challenging because they seem so intensely emphatic about the things they talk about... its just hard. maybe ill get better at wrangling over time. but i just dont wnat to deal with it at all. is there some other hobby i could be attempting in place of hema right now? honestly no, i dont know. i dont know what the hell i want to do. i feel like shit staying at home and avoiding class and the people, i feel like shit at the class. i want to be social but when im out socializing i just want to leave. maybe ill get a therapist again. i dont think 'my people' exist, i just dont anymore
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Nov 2024 05:54:00 UTC No. 215776
If you're not willing to be blunt with your fellow spergs who struggle with subtle cues you're going to have a rough time. Take the opportunity for personal growth.
>is there some other hobby i could be attempting
Get your cardio and strength up. Not only will it help with HEMA but it'll get your baseline stress levels down so you have more energy for tard wrangling.
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Nov 2024 17:07:52 UTC No. 215800
probably very on point response... it shouldn't screw with my head this much dealing with this kind of thing. ill try to put the intrusive thought of just burning all bridges and leaving immediately aside.
social hobbies are a fucking nightmare sometimes. heres the the joy of trudging through hundreds if not thousands of hours of trying to find people i enjoy being with
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Nov 2024 00:08:53 UTC No. 215822
If you're in a big city, unironically visit the other clubs. There will often be one club that's more or less the designated tardwrangler chuuni club (this is the one with pride flags all over out of season) and one or more that are more serious/chill/for middle aged men.
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Nov 2024 01:44:16 UTC No. 215824
yeah, dying to move into the city which hopefully i will be doing at some point.. we are out in kind of a suburb area here, i dont even know why theres a hema place out here cuz its not that big of a sport, but suffice to say these people are particularly out there, i wouldnt be surprised if they are probably one of the more autistic groups. i bet any group ion the city would be better than this
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Nov 2024 02:08:11 UTC No. 215825
actually I would really love to hear what any of you have to say about how many people in your club out of the whole are either autistic, chuni, or just largely struggle with social cues. If I can reasonably determine that my club in particular is unusually problematic then my faith in this sport will be restored and I will continue to work knowing that I should move to a different club once I have some money.
for me, I would say out of a total of about 16 people, about 70 percent of them are tistic. the rest are chill people but the others are wearing on me a lot
🗑️ Anonymous at Thu, 14 Nov 2024 02:11:17 UTC No. 215826
actually its more like 80%
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Nov 2024 02:45:48 UTC No. 215828
My club literally has no tisming of this kind, people play warhams and elfgame in their free time but don't sperg about it and you're more likely to hear a convo about cars than 40k or an Imgur meme, let alone Tumblr.
But my town is big enough it also contains a chuuni club, and a club of tourneyfags who seethe beyond measure at the idea of learning any historical technique or anything at all that won't give them immediate percentage in their bouts (both of these are splits from our older club, the trash taking itself out). So ours is the one non-retarded club.
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Nov 2024 13:35:14 UTC No. 215854
>about 70 percent of them are tistic
I go to a very big (by HEMA standards) North American school. I'd say your ratio is about the same I'm seeing with a sample size of over 100, split between archery, longsword, and rapier classes. Also been in and out since 2013, so have a time spread. Definitely more athletic and less strictly nerdy people than I remember when I first got into all this.
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Nov 2024 21:59:00 UTC No. 215879
Court shoes in general are what you want. You're making rapid movements in diff directions and you won't damage the floor. So Asics are popular.
Barefoot or no sole is mostly for emulating historical shoes.
Boxing shoes/wrestling shoes are kind of the opposite of what you want as they are for stability and not designed for most hardwood court floors where hema takes place. But if you're a grapply boi then go for it and fuck the floors.
The real important thing is to get what matches your drip.
I have a pair of sambas, but I don't wear them for Hema.
If you have problems rolling your ankles, then you might want something with ankle stability. So your basketball court shoes might be more your option.
Or strengthen your ankles. Up to you.
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Nov 2024 03:34:04 UTC No. 215895
At a club that big at least 70% sperglords gives you 30 sensible people to potentially hang out with, that's a mid-size club's worth. Anon would probably be satisfied with that since it means you can just stay in your normie cocoon and not interact witht he fuckups, raw numbers really do solve some things.
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Nov 2024 04:42:20 UTC No. 215899
at any rate lads this is good information for me, thank you.
Anonymous at Sat, 23 Nov 2024 21:27:59 UTC No. 216358
>want a montante
>know I can never spar with it
>have to get a padded one
Anonymous at Sat, 23 Nov 2024 21:44:55 UTC No. 216359
Since I'm in a rural area, we have a ton of hema, emp and sca overlap. It's the fat sca guys who love to talk, mostly trying to reinvent the wheel when we got sources in hema to back up our techniques. They're also older and always use the "I've been fighting for 20 years" cope. Shit is stupid, but when you need sparring partners you can't complain.
Anonymous at Sat, 23 Nov 2024 22:24:04 UTC No. 216361
>want a montante
>know I can never spar with it
skill issue
Anonymous at Sat, 23 Nov 2024 22:46:44 UTC No. 216362
It's not that I could get good with it. It's convincing other people that I'm not gonna accidentally kill them or myself with it.
Anonymous at Sun, 24 Nov 2024 00:45:35 UTC No. 216366
Every goddamn time.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 00:58:59 UTC No. 216440
>can’t manage distance and/or take advantage of positioning against timid fighters
>can’t feint to draw in aggressive doublers
>complains no one will play bind games when he can’t even keep his hands and legs from getting cut
r*ddits strongest fencer
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 04:07:37 UTC No. 216455
>I'm think of just doing Messer and S&B
He thinks that'll fix his problems?
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 06:36:27 UTC No. 216462
In this guy's defense, two-handed-epee niggers are ass cancer.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 08:10:32 UTC No. 216467
>been doing this stupid fucking sport for around 3 years now
>used to go 5-6 days a week when that was available
>now it's only 3
>only like to do it competitively (otherwise i don't see a point)
>10 tournaments a year for 2 years
>lost my job a few months back, so stopped competing (expensive)
>haven't done it consistently for a while
>got rusty
when i get a job again i'll likely be back to it but do i de-rust now or later?
and god bless my club but there's not much competition in my city (meaning no on uses their brain when they fence) so there's not enough enriching fencing going on in the way i need it to be enriching.
like, i can get really good (and have) at fighting the same people over and over again and can beat most any tier b/c fencer, but i'm not gonna be fighting those in the tourneys i'll be competing in anymore, not that i'm competing anyway
idk, i just don't see the point in doing it now
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 08:33:41 UTC No. 216468
>do i de-rust now or later?
What do you think the answer is? Lazy retard.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 15:08:14 UTC No. 216482
>only like to do it competitively (otherwise i don't see a point)
My advice is that you derust using the inexpensive home method of tying a noose from some leftover cord and hanging yourself in your garage
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Nov 2024 19:47:34 UTC No. 216499
>fight people
>mainly counter to practice my responses and let people have the initiative for their own ease
>people say it's boring to fight me
why does everybody whine about others not fighting them correctly?
simply adapt to what the opponent does and learn new shit?
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Nov 2024 00:37:27 UTC No. 216512
It’s just shitters. Real fencers git gud
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Nov 2024 06:04:21 UTC No. 216529
0-6 record 300lbs turbo autist spotted
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Nov 2024 14:32:54 UTC No. 216538
He's not wrong in a sense.
Longsword fencers below a certain skill level are extremely boring. Countering them isn't hard, but it's very stale. The various one-handed swords don't really suffer from the same issue.
Anonymous at Wed, 27 Nov 2024 01:29:56 UTC No. 216576
So is it frustrating because his club members are below par, or because he is in a shitty area with below par tourney opponents?
Anonymous at Wed, 27 Nov 2024 14:13:46 UTC No. 216609
real fencers have never been tried before
Anonymous at Thu, 5 Dec 2024 07:38:18 UTC No. 217048
Try other clubs in your area, especially the more sportspilled ones. A lot of clubs here in Australia were forced to start being more serious when the sportspilled fencers started wiping the floor in tournaments.
Anonymous at Fri, 6 Dec 2024 06:31:33 UTC No. 217088
>especially the more sportspilled ones
the cure is worse than the disease
Anonymous at Wed, 11 Dec 2024 00:26:23 UTC No. 217379
>the cure is worse than the disease
Have fun getting dunked on then.
Anonymous at Sat, 14 Dec 2024 06:07:48 UTC No. 217545
Was this to the death?
Anonymous at Sun, 15 Dec 2024 14:03:32 UTC No. 217630
>found out there's a HEMA school near me
>check out their social media
>it's a bunch of dweebs LARPing as knights from some historical order that existed in my country
>30% of the guys have long hair/pony tails
>have some weird karate belt system except with sashes tied around their waist
>frequently train in front of a castle ruin that's nearby instead of a gym
Bro I just wanted to learn how to sword fight. This shit brings me back to when I did wing chun for a little bit, bunch of nerds engaged in pseudo-cultish behavior. Are all schools like this or is the one near me particularly dweeby?
Anonymous at Sun, 15 Dec 2024 14:25:28 UTC No. 217632
>bro I just wanted to be an anachronistic weirdo, but not like that!
There's a spectrum of club cultures and behaviors. Yours is definitely on the larpier side but that doesn't mean they don't know their material. Don't be so self-serious about something so inherently silly.
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Dec 2024 12:01:08 UTC No. 217695
The other anon has a point, if you're embarrassed by the castle, how are you not embarrassed by literally studying the blade? It's an absurdity.
But also no, there are plenty of both more and less dorkass clubs than that. The worst ones are the sportpillers, guys too fat or incompetent or both to compete in Oly fencing but who still want to win shitty tin medals and feel like it's an achievement. Absolutely mortifying to be around these people.
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 01:22:14 UTC No. 218181
>Want to do HEMA for years
>Check out local group
>There is a fat butch lesbian, DnD style larpers, meek Asian twinks, etc.
Wtf I was hoping for mildly athletic eurocentric white guys, not this freak show
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 06:32:38 UTC No. 218197
yeah. this is why i quit a month ago. i really feel like, in order to have enough faith in the sport to actually invest in it, i need some sort of confirmation that it is indeed a real sport, and that I would at least moderately respect the club mates and the culture of the people.
but its mostly autists. however there was one cool guy at my club and we hit it off. but now i hang out with him outside of class exclusively. how can anyone expect the average person walking in to acknowedlge the sport when half of the people think they are anime characters? it makes me think that it wont really be recognized as an actual sport or become any bigger than it is for a long time still. why does that matter to me? i dont know completely.
I just feel like its kind of a shame that the top level of this sport is some competition held in a random rented out hotel party room with some 60 autistic nerds cheering at each other. i cant seem to be the type that just enjoys the sport and dissociates from the weird people in his own club because he just wants to get better at the sport. i realized i dont really care about getting good at the sport when it just doesnt seem like i will meet people i will like being around, and in the end i can only hope to earn acclaim from groups of chuni autists. it really would have been fantastic if the people were better. but i feel like an outsider to an insular group of autists trying to protect their 'space' instead.
and then people talk about the 'sportspilled' types here and they also sound like shit. i have to try and shop around for other sports and see what the people are like. i have to.
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 07:18:36 UTC No. 218199
Found own group of white men
Dominate competitions
Change the scene
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 14:47:11 UTC No. 218216
Letting women in your group unironically ruins it, especially fat lesbians and leftoids. It makes the whole thing seem like a joke
Anonymous at Tue, 24 Dec 2024 14:52:46 UTC No. 218217
Take up another manlier sport like kickboxing or grappling so you can still compete whenever you want
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 02:40:05 UTC No. 218294
>and then people talk about the 'sportspilled' types here and they also sound like shit.
They really are. Imagine the same autistic LARP nerds, only they're larping as oly fencers with longswords. You got the fat-type that needs no explanation, the gay dwarf-type like Sellsword Arts, and then whatever the fuck this is, a reverse tranny or something?
You'll notice none of these goblins even let go of the chuuni shit, they're still the most faggoty weebs imaginable. They just imagine they're better than the other identical spegs because they optimize for winning fugazi medals, it really is that gay.
Anonymous at Wed, 25 Dec 2024 16:35:41 UTC No. 218344
In terms of personality type, a lot of tourneyfags are virtually indistinguishable from the martial LARPers of old, except that they replaced the hypothetical "real fight in da streetz" with a modern tournament bout. It's exactly right that they're LARPing as MOFers.
Luckily there are plenty of normie fencers in my club and general area, who just enjoy fencing in whatever manner (competitive or source-based) without being too pretentious about it. I think the chuunishit may be a mostly Anglo phenomenon.
Anonymous at Thu, 26 Dec 2024 00:22:02 UTC No. 218380
>In terms of personality type, a lot of tourneyfags are virtually indistinguishable from the martial LARPers of old, except that they replaced the hypothetical "real fight in da streetz" with a modern tournament bout.
Exactly. EXACTLY.
Anonymous at Thu, 26 Dec 2024 03:18:39 UTC No. 218392
Why is this thread full of ass blasted shitters sour grapesing over their inability to win tournaments instead of gitting gud?
Anonymous at Fri, 27 Dec 2024 01:33:27 UTC No. 218428
Because the winners aren't complaining on a Mongolian basket weaving forum
Anonymous at Fri, 27 Dec 2024 02:09:37 UTC No. 218432
The mexicans still wear these balloon style pantaloons. They use them in illegal fentanyl trafficking, the air trapped within them acts as an extra storage space for more fet
Anonymous at Fri, 27 Dec 2024 05:01:03 UTC No. 218460
>meek Asian twinks
probably the best fencer out of that group
Anonymous at Fri, 27 Dec 2024 17:21:35 UTC No. 218487
You get to beat a lesbian with a wooden sword, and you're complaining? They exist to be beat; its why they beat each other so often. lol jk
Anonymous at Sat, 28 Dec 2024 04:50:36 UTC No. 218518
>inability to win tournaments
Lmao participating in a "tournament" where you fight other autists with medieval swords is not exactly something thats going to give you street cred... and frankly it's just about as embarrassing to admit to colleagues IRL as it would be to admit playing in a Warhammer 40k or Yu-Gi-Oh "tournament"
Anonymous at Sat, 28 Dec 2024 05:36:17 UTC No. 218519
>participating in a "tournament" where you fight other autists with medieval swords is not exactly something thats going to give you street cred
Nobody said anything about “street cred”, aspie. this is a sports board not a “cry about people who actually do sports” board. If youre a fat, greasy, non-participant then go to /sp/.
Also, normal people don’t actually give a shit what your hobbies are in real life. Nobody cares if you play warhammer. You have to be 18 to post here.
Anonymous at Sat, 28 Dec 2024 05:41:13 UTC No. 218520
>want to get into HEMA for a while
>never bother cause I got other shit going on
>look up if there's a club near me on a whim
>there's one literally one building over from where I work
Do I check it out? There's only two clubs in town and the other one is like an hour away so if this is a bust for whatever reason I'm screwed.
Anonymous at Sat, 28 Dec 2024 16:56:11 UTC No. 218536
Clearly, you're only saying this because you can't win the Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments!
Anonymous at Sat, 28 Dec 2024 16:57:13 UTC No. 218537
>Do I check it out?
Why not? Worst case scenario you're back where you are now, not doing HEMA.
Anonymous at Sat, 28 Dec 2024 18:14:53 UTC No. 218544
>it's just about as embarrassing to admit to colleagues IRL as it would be to admit playing in a Warhammer 40k or Yu-Gi-Oh "tournament"
About as embarrassing as posting on the crab bucket that is 4chan.
Anonymous at Sat, 28 Dec 2024 18:15:59 UTC No. 218545
Go forth and make new friends. You will lose nothing and maybe gain something interesting to talk about to others.
Anonymous at Sun, 29 Dec 2024 01:24:40 UTC No. 218555
Post quarterstaff techniques
Anonymous at Sun, 29 Dec 2024 18:58:01 UTC No. 218606
>t. Homosexual Burger Dwarf
Anonymous at Mon, 30 Dec 2024 02:36:10 UTC No. 218639
Anonymous at Mon, 30 Dec 2024 17:06:21 UTC No. 218673
chink moot, can we now name this board back to /asp/ please. /xs/ is ust embarrassing.
Anonymous at Fri, 3 Jan 2025 17:32:42 UTC No. 218948
>Sprain MCL trying BJJ
>Bruise ribs doing judo
>can't train Hema cause you need knees and ribs not hurting
>feeling better now
>cut main hand carving new years roast.
>5 stitches
I just wanna play with swords man.
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 01:19:32 UTC No. 219222
the majority of my D&D group is in my fencing club, except there's just one fat cunt who when he's around we just don't talk about fencing at all.
>The Katana is the best sword and it's not even close by the way Trump is very smelly
We've all just agreed without even saying a single word that even tho we're all autistic, this cunt is simply too up himself to come and try to learn
But yeah we've managed to save our club from destruction from excluding him lol
🗑️ Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 04:18:55 UTC No. 219242
>Guy with a trump hat on his dash
>guy with a Trump is the village idiot bumper sticker
>neither one even mentions politics at practice and are good sparring partners
But the internet said they can't intermingle!
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 04:24:42 UTC No. 219245
There are other anti-trump guys at the club, they just don't make a dig every third sentence like this guy does
Also has the worst main character complex in a person I've ever seen
Anonymous at Tue, 7 Jan 2025 22:02:58 UTC No. 219364
>friends 100 miles away start going to a fencing class
>assume it's the Scottish longsword club in town
>It's an Olympic class
Anonymous at Fri, 10 Jan 2025 18:27:52 UTC No. 219688
The answer is to roll in and bully the shit out of these beta nerd troon faggots
In fact that was the norm for sports until the last 2 decades
Anonymous at Fri, 10 Jan 2025 19:17:49 UTC No. 219695
If the existence of a dork/nerd scares you from trying it out, you are weaker than them. Do as >>219688 suggests.
Anonymous at Fri, 10 Jan 2025 19:26:03 UTC No. 219698
Would have agreed with you here if it weren't for the kiltoid. The nerd physiognomies could be dealt with and/or used as living pells, but if they enable scotlarping the club is beyond salvation.
Anonymous at Fri, 10 Jan 2025 19:35:01 UTC No. 219699
>not wanting to associate with losers and freaks means you're "scared"
Lol...lmao ...
Anonymous at Fri, 10 Jan 2025 19:45:12 UTC No. 219705
I like the nipple elf, but everybody else in this club's image gallery is El Ogro de Américas. Horrible.
Anonymous at Fri, 10 Jan 2025 19:54:10 UTC No. 219707
>"Lol...lmao ... now everyone knows I'm scared of an obese, female, midget."
Are humiliation kinks your thing? You should wear a kilt like the four eyes at the right of the pic, then.
Anonymous at Fri, 10 Jan 2025 20:51:19 UTC No. 219715
>Shin Moretsu Ryu is the school of Japanese-style swordsmanship that Ludus Ferocia founded in 2024
Jesus fucking Christ.
Anon, all meming aside, these people are significantly worse than the HEMA average. This level of weeabism wouldn't be tolerated or even countenanced in most clubs.
Anonymous at Fri, 10 Jan 2025 21:02:38 UTC No. 219716
They all look like porn addicts
Anonymous at Sat, 11 Jan 2025 03:35:25 UTC No. 219733
#3 is pvre German Aryan stock from the highlands of Bavaria. Were this the middle ages he would cleave you in half with but one swing of his mighty Zweihander (two-hander for American race traitor pigs).
Anonymous at Sat, 11 Jan 2025 07:45:44 UTC No. 219738
Didn’t know where else to ask this
Would anyone here happen to know a good place to get a high quality sword that’s actually sharp? No cheap YouTube shill shit like Kult of Athena. I just want to own an actual sharp sword that won’t break after I hit something.
Anonymous at Sat, 11 Jan 2025 11:48:18 UTC No. 219747
Cold Steel
Anonymous at Sat, 11 Jan 2025 16:24:02 UTC No. 219757
Ronin. They're Chinese but they actually make really, decent solid stuff. I have two swords from them and I'd buy more.
>cold steel
15 years ago maybe
Anonymous at Sat, 11 Jan 2025 22:23:48 UTC No. 219785
Half of them will be on the rope in a year. Go be the alpha and flex on them. Be the reason they commit suicide.
Anonymous at Mon, 13 Jan 2025 15:54:27 UTC No. 219960
>pvre German Aryan stock from the highlands of Bavaria
Have you ever seen a Bavarian? They're like 60% med
Anonymous at Mon, 13 Jan 2025 17:19:08 UTC No. 219973
>60% med
If that's the case, why are they called Bav Aryans then?
Anonymous at Wed, 15 Jan 2025 16:21:24 UTC No. 220122
Any experience with living history market? I'm especially curious in the messer for HEMA
Anonymous at Wed, 15 Jan 2025 22:10:09 UTC No. 220140
I guess this is the best place to ask; is there an arming sword that looks like an estoc, or are edged swords like that all two/hand-and-half (Oakeshott Type XVII)?
Anonymous at Thu, 16 Jan 2025 04:54:51 UTC No. 220174
In the "arming sword" period there weren't AFAIK. Later rapier blades sometimes have an estoc-like geometry and in 16th-17th century English a rapier was even called a tuck sometimes. (People have tried to argue that in fact period writers were distinguishing between the blade types when they wrote "rapier" vs. "tuck" but I don't think there's any substance to that.)
The koncerz of the Polish Hussars was also a one-handed sword with a really fucking long estoc-type blade, but it was made for use on horseback and wouldn't have been fenced with in any typical sense, so it kind of falls outside of the spirit of your question, I think.
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 01:42:55 UTC No. 220269
>Eurofag complaining about the chance to regularly train in front of a real castle under the banner of a real martial order that he has a plausible historical tie to.
fuck you. the audacity.
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 03:47:39 UTC No. 220284
Is there any historical treatise that deal with 1 handed sword & gauntleted offhand?
I know it was a common enough loadout for 1600s cavalry, a heavy duty offhand gauntlet to protect the rein hand, but wondering if there is any stuff about it for foot? OFC, 1600s cav gauntlets arent meant for foot, but the kind of affluent person who rides probably would be the type to commission maybe how to use it on foot too.
I do know there was some purpose made dueling gauntlets for raiper too. I just find the idea of an armored offhand really interesting. like you might adopt a modified boxing stance to use your armored forearm to block and grapple.
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 14:26:23 UTC No. 220304
>I do know there was some purpose made dueling gauntlets for raiper too.
Not really, the guante da presa is actually more of a sidesword thing. Yo uwouldnät use it with a "modified boxing stance" either, the rapier sources say that if you want to use your offhand for beats a lot you should basically operate with it the way you would with a dagger.
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 16:21:13 UTC No. 220313
>Not really, the guante da presa is actually more of a sidesword thing
oh really? I remeber seeing them and they didnt look like they would want to be struck with a purcussive blow, but were made more for deflecting thrusts. the ones I have seen are pretty fine and relatively delicate looking.
>o uwouldnät use it with a "modified boxing stance" either, the rapier sources say that if you want to use your offhand for beats a lot
in the rapier that I have seen, they often have thier open hand up in something like a boxing stance to get ready to deflect thrusts, so I thought it might be more a modification in that. but I could see using the gauntlet a bit further out like you see in rapier and dagger too. kinda more like the victorian boxing stance rather than the more modern boxing stance.
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 17:11:59 UTC No. 220319
>they didnt look like they would want to be struck with a purcussive blow
That's because they're not. The "presa" in Bolognese sidesword denotes an action of pressing or wrenching; you'd use it to grab the opponent's sword blade while it was relatively stationary, typically. The "standard" dueling gauntlet has a mailed palm and inside fingers for this purpose.
>they often have thier open hand up in something like a boxing stance to get ready to deflect thrusts
I think what you're talking about here is standard Italian rapier posture. Capo Ferro tells you to keep it up by your face. Actually using the hand is a rare sort-of-panic move in that style, though.
Fabris (I think it is) says if you want to use your hand actively to beat the opponent's sword away you should move it further forward, above your sword hand/hilt.
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 17:40:12 UTC No. 220327
>The "presa" in Bolognese sidesword denotes an action of pressing or wrenching; you'd use it to grab the opponent's sword blade while it was relatively stationary, typically
ah, that makes sense
THough I think 1600's off hand gauntlents arent usually lined with mail on the hand, thats leather, the main protection is on the side since the hand is holding the horse rains and the gauntlet its meant to protect your arm without neeinging you to let go of the reins. They do look like they would be pretty good against percussive blows along the forearm. So its not so much of a grabby thing.
>Capo Ferro tells you to keep it up by your face. Actually using the hand is a rare sort-of-panic move in that style, though.
>Fabris (I think it is) says if you want to use your hand actively to beat the opponent's sword away you should move it further forward, above your sword hand/hilt.
fair enough, that makes sense.
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 17:54:58 UTC No. 220328
>Though I think 1600's off hand gauntlents arent usually lined with mail on the hand
No, that's correct, those are just plate gauntlets, as in your pic. But like you said in your first post also, those aren't fencing equipment. They weren't used on foot, they're an adjunct for cuirassiers on horseback to protect the rein hand just like you said, so there's nothing about them in rapier treatises.
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 18:00:03 UTC No. 220329
yah, but I was woundering how they might be used on foot. cause a lot of cav stuff is used on foot anyways as someone transitions between the two. like a dragoon getting off their horse and then fighting as infantry before getting back on.
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 18:14:28 UTC No. 220332
Well, that's a fair thing to wonder about, but there's no material on it. I don't think there are even any accounts of someone having to do it in battle. So that's going to be entirely speculative in the end.
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 18:23:58 UTC No. 220336
guess that makes sense.
Though I do know there are a lot of records in the 17th century in general. Some people like Donald Mcbane have a lot of personal accounts. I would think maybe constables and stuff would have similar get ups for non warfare but still police duty level stuff.
Guess I didnt want to go through the pain of digging for first hand accounts and wanted to see if anyone here might have come across it instead cause im lazy.
Thanks for humoring me tho.
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 19:06:49 UTC No. 220344
>Guess I didnt want to go through the pain of digging for first hand accounts and wanted to see if anyone here might have come across it instead cause im lazy.
I think one of DA Kinsley's compilations of anecdotes covers the Thirty Years' War era, you could try that I guess. I didn't read any of those myself though, so no promises.
>Thanks for humoring me tho.
Hey, no probs.
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 19:33:29 UTC No. 220345
>DA Kinsley's compilation
ill do that. Thanks for the direction.
There is just something really neat to me about the idea of a 1 handed sword and a proactive off hand. But ofc it stands to reason that it would be hard to be TOO proactive with the offhand normally when you got sharp things in play that like to bite into hands and arms. But something that integrating more unarmed strikes and grappling appeals to me. Harness fighting shows this with more protected limbs, but thats kind of a high buy in thing to do.
Personally I did a little olympic foil and a few classes of military saber so I like that 1 handed sword side of things, and Ive done boxing and wrestling since I was young so id really like to see it integrate more (ofc things like smallsword have a little grappling, but thats more of a supplemental piece)
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 19:38:14 UTC No. 220346
I also just like the 1600s.
Anonymous at Fri, 17 Jan 2025 22:43:45 UTC No. 220363
How long should a longsword be for a 6ft/182cm man? Looking at some historical examples, the blades are around 90-95cm and 118-125cm+ overall, but I'm not sure if I should tack on a few cm because medievalfags were manlets.
Anonymous at Sat, 18 Jan 2025 03:38:27 UTC No. 220382
Bit of an ACKCHUALLY response here I guess, but dragoons in this era are explicitly not cavalry. They became a type of cavalry later, but in the 17th century, *by definition* dragoons are infantrymen who use horses for mobility. They didn't use cavalrymen's equipment because they didn't expect to get into combat on horseback. (Plus, part of the reason for raising dragoons was that it was a lot cheaper than cavalry. The horses could be less good and didn't need to be trained to withstand combat, and the men only needed to be equipped as musketeers.)
Anonymous at Sat, 18 Jan 2025 21:05:05 UTC No. 220425
/out/ fencers how are we doing?
The sun came out today, felt kinda warm.
Anonymous at Mon, 20 Jan 2025 16:57:33 UTC No. 220591
Fair enough, maybe dragoon was a stretch of terminology. But the fact that someone on horseback with horseback equipment isnt always on horseback I think still holds.
Anonymous at Mon, 20 Jan 2025 17:06:37 UTC No. 220592
Weird that its hard to find a youtube video dedicated to different hand gaurd types broadly.
there is plenty on why a sword might have/not have a hand gaurd, but not so much going through the different general subtypes. I would think someone like matt easton would have done that. I would love if he showed examples that incrementally become more all enclosing, from a simple knucklebow to a knucklebow with some bars, to half basket to a full basket and various degrees in between.
Anonymous at Mon, 20 Jan 2025 23:58:54 UTC No. 220618
What you're describing there is a whole book, AVB Norman's "The Rapier and Small-Sword". It costs like $300 used.
Anonymous at Fri, 24 Jan 2025 05:53:10 UTC No. 220868
anyone know much about these leather finger rings I think you find on some german and norther european sabers?
Remember scholagladiatoria mentioning once in passing in an unboxing video, but I dont really see any videos on it. I assume you use the loop kind of like you finger the gaurd of a rapier or other cross gaurd based sword to have another point of leverage and to bring the hand in line with the point.
Seems interesting regardless.
Anonymous at Thu, 30 Jan 2025 01:22:04 UTC No. 221963
Any tourneys coming up? I train and spar but I feel like I need a goal. Anyone else looking forward to going to a tournament?
Anonymous at Thu, 30 Jan 2025 04:06:15 UTC No. 221974
Bolognese fencing teaches sword and gauntlet. Not a ton but there is some material on it. From what I've read it's not as in-depth as the sword alone or longsword; once you have the gauntlet your one single goal becomes grabbing your opponent's blade and wrenching it to the side so you can stab and slash freely.
Anonymous at Thu, 30 Jan 2025 04:09:55 UTC No. 221976
Which master has the most extensive wrestling/grappling system?
Anonymous at Thu, 30 Jan 2025 20:25:22 UTC No. 222089
anyone else feel that 2 fingers over the gaurd is WAY more controllable then 1/pinching? I know its a spanish rapier thing, but even with lighter smallswords and foils (though pic related is a bit on the heavier end of foils) I feel like the inertia on one finger alone just doesn't cut it and wears out the thumb and index finger a lot quicker, and you got a bit more control with quick direction changes with 2.
Anonymous at Thu, 30 Jan 2025 21:45:41 UTC No. 222106
>two fingers through the loop
>of a smallsword
nigga what is you doing fr
Anonymous at Fri, 31 Jan 2025 00:34:05 UTC No. 222126
Anon's got dainty little fingers if he can do that
Anonymous at Fri, 31 Jan 2025 15:48:02 UTC No. 222171
>good sparring gloves are 300 bucks, moreso then the fucking jacket
What the fuck
Anonymous at Sat, 1 Feb 2025 00:13:03 UTC No. 222244
post fingers
Anonymous at Sat, 1 Feb 2025 13:56:03 UTC No. 222324
Recently decided to get a zweihander but have no idea what guide\book should I use to learn technique? Before I had experience with longsword and used Joahim Meyer's book to learn what to do.
Anonymous at Sat, 1 Feb 2025 14:45:09 UTC No. 222332
they're so pink
Anonymous at Sat, 1 Feb 2025 23:11:52 UTC No. 222371
Sharp Zweihander?
What the fuck how do you just decide to get a 4.5 to 6ft long sword at the drop of the hat?
Anonymous at Sun, 2 Feb 2025 00:27:08 UTC No. 222382
Yeah and now try 3
Anonymous at Sun, 2 Feb 2025 00:29:16 UTC No. 222383
Anonymous at Sun, 2 Feb 2025 05:56:01 UTC No. 222396
Not sharp. It's illegal in my country. Usual hema zweihander with flexible blade so I can do thrusts and not harm people.
How did I decided? Ooga booga want a big sword.
Anonymous at Sun, 2 Feb 2025 06:01:49 UTC No. 222397
Zweis aren't really good for HEMA, the competition aspect is mostly dueling and those bigass greatswords aren't dueling weapons.
Anonymous at Sun, 2 Feb 2025 06:10:24 UTC No. 222400
I understand but the one I want to get kinda made for hema and bending. I'm sure I will not use it for dueling because hema in my city is really niche sport. No one has zwei for it and even if does no one has enough protection
Anonymous at Sun, 2 Feb 2025 15:09:56 UTC No. 222417
Hey guys I'm starting HEMA next week, any tips?
Anonymous at Sun, 2 Feb 2025 16:45:38 UTC No. 222431
Take care of your knees
Anonymous at Sun, 2 Feb 2025 17:11:04 UTC No. 222434
Thanks for replying brah
By that you mean I should get some knee protection or just take care of them in general?
Anonymous at Sun, 2 Feb 2025 17:21:43 UTC No. 222436
Do proper warmups, check if you place your legs correctly while taking stance. Overall check your knees don't stress too much.
It's not about someone will hit them. It's about that you might get some issues in future
Anonymous at Sun, 2 Feb 2025 17:22:38 UTC No. 222437
I see, noted
Anonymous at Sun, 2 Feb 2025 21:16:46 UTC No. 222465
Seconding this, get orthotic insoles for the shoes you fence in if you have any kind of knock knees or bowlegs.
Anonymous at Mon, 3 Feb 2025 00:52:34 UTC No. 222482
anon, I'm not that powerful.
Anonymous at Wed, 5 Feb 2025 17:11:27 UTC No. 222705
I started HEMA this year.
Glad to be part of you guys at last. I am a student of Fiore, but we cover the germans too. Lots of fun, I am filled with joy every time.
Anonymous at Fri, 7 Feb 2025 09:16:50 UTC No. 222917
Who makes curvy messers other than SIGI?
Anonymous at Fri, 7 Feb 2025 17:52:28 UTC No. 222965
Nigga, good luck finding another retard who willing to spar with it. The workouts are great, and pulling it out at practice can scare off the betas, but I hope you like asymmetrical sparring. Also what country cause I just wanna play with my fuckhuge sword but it keeps scaring the hoes.
Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 06:24:01 UTC No. 223068
Bro. Is it hard to understand I want to get it not for sparrings but just because I want to learn how to use zwei.
I'm in the middle of Siberia tho
Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 14:10:08 UTC No. 223086
But how will you learn to use it without sparring?
Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 16:21:20 UTC No. 223091
Well. You have a point
Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 16:48:26 UTC No. 223092
You can shadowbox I suppose. It'll have a limit but in Siberia you probably don't have anyone to spar with anything.
Anonymous at Sat, 8 Feb 2025 23:47:02 UTC No. 223138
Nah I get it. Practice with it on a pell and then "modify" it to fight polar bears and wolves.
Anonymous at Thu, 13 Feb 2025 07:16:24 UTC No. 223611
how many of you are actually carrying around weapons in daily life
Anonymous at Mon, 17 Feb 2025 23:02:32 UTC No. 223992
Is it a bad idea to use a zweihander that's taller than you?
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Feb 2025 08:00:59 UTC No. 224018
Anonymous at Tue, 18 Mar 2025 00:13:29 UTC No. 226060
They can be used for the finger for a more pistol grip, but typically with saber they're intended for the thumb so you can whip the sword back into line easier.