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๐Ÿงต /HEMA/ General

Anonymous No. 224017

/HEMA/ General - Hungarian Shield Edition

>What is HEMA?
HEMA stands for Historical European Martial Arts, sometimes also called Historical Fencing.
It's reconstructing how to fight with swords, daggers, polearms, and other weapons based on old European fighting treatises

>What does it look like?
Inside the World of Longsword Fighting -
Back to the source -
Martin Fabian Sparring -

>Where can I find these treatises?

>Where can I find HEMA clubs near me?

Previous: >>207322

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Hungarian shield ....webm

Anonymous No. 224019

Anonymous No. 224128

If you have the time it's worth watching the whole series, it goes in-depth on what was learned from the modern longsword community.

Anonymous No. 224411

>Instructor couldn't make practice
>tells me last minute
>asks me to run the practice since I'm the second most experienced after him
>just do drills and forms
>no one has the gear to spar yet cept me anyway
I'm sorry class. I barely knew what I was doing. I really need to work on the names of the guards and cuts as I'm flowing through them. God I was awkward.

Anonymous No. 224431

Don't sweat it Anon, class would've been canceled if you hadn't stepped in. If they complain they can suck it. Good job.

What did he mean by this?

Anonymous No. 225318

What are the advantages of Italian longsword over German? What about German over Italian

Anonymous No. 225333

The advantage of German is that it looks rad as fuck. The advantage of Italian is that it works.

Anonymous No. 225334

Greasy hands typed this post

Anonymous No. 225378

I'm just a faggot on a Mongolian basket weaving forum, but German is has a lot of good fundamentals and simple actions to get the job done. Italian has some complex devices or moves that are very effective but are reactionary to your opponent. Im not versed too much in Italian but that's the impression I get from the videos and readings I've done.

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Anonymous No. 225406

Longsword, Rapier and Dagger, or Saber?

Anonymous No. 225434

Sidesword. Choppy boi like a saber, stabby like a rapier, footwork of a longsword and all the rapier's good looks on top of that.

Anonymous No. 225674

Sidesword and Buckler. Don't be like Ricky Bobby over here >>225434 who doesn't know what to do with his offhand

Anonymous No. 225713

>check out local club
>nice and affordable, no elitist bullshit
>practices are relaxed, good mix of athletes and nonathletes
>then sparring happens
>every single fucking match is feathertouch handsnipe bullshit
>guys are just whipping it at their opponent's hand really quick and insisting they scored
What the fuck is the point
>if the hand was the only target I had IRL, I'd go for it
so you do all this practice with form, technique and bladeplay, only for your actual matches to devolve into smack the hand from as far away as possible? Seriously? the IRL excuse is bullshit too, because these guys are wearing plastic gauntlets so a feather strike wouldn't do shit

Anonymous No. 225737

Hand strikes were very common and effective historically, so their prevalence in HEMA makes sense. Most HEMA clubs are representing unarmored fighting, so it wouldn't take much to damage the hand with that abstraction in mind. The gauntlets are a concession to safety and you're supposed to pretend they're not there.

Having said all that, what makes hand strikes effective is also the reason why there's an overreliance on them. They're (usually) the closest or only available target when you're at the maximum possible range where you can still hit them. People like to dance around on the outside and hit hands because it's safe and non-committal.

Anonymous No. 225750

>the IRL excuse is bullshit too, because these guys are wearing plastic gauntlets so a feather strike wouldn't do shit
I mean, the way virtually everyone does HEMA we wear protectors so we don't actually get injured, but hits are counted as if completely unarmored. This particular thing isn't anything exceptional your dudes are doing.

Nothing but hand sniping is for gayfags, though. Fortunately for you, it's also easy to take advantage of when people do it predictably so as long as you stick to your technique lessons you'll eventually figure how to parry or strike out this faggotry and use it to beat them with blows to deep targets.

Anonymous No. 225826

Fucking this. Learn to punish hand snipes like you punish the scholars mate. Watch them mald as you actually form strategies instead of
>going for the fingies
every time.

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Anonymous No. 225861

So other than drills, what other workouts do you do for Hema? I picked up some weighted clubs and a mace for shoulder exercises. Shit feels good for a warmup and a break in the drills.

Anonymous No. 225988

greasy hands wrapped around your neck

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Anonymous No. 225989

Hand strikes are legit, can't fight with a chopped hand, git gud scrub, meet me outside Bologna.

Anonymous No. 226000

Reminder that any Fiorist who goes "well in the street I would just choke/joint lock you" would get murdered in a grappling match against any wrestler/judoka/bjj person.

Anonymous No. 226002

>greasy hands wrapped around your neck
Harder, daddy

Anonymous No. 226003

>t. Manciolino literally

Anonymous No. 226018

Mama mia why a-German gotta be so a-horny
As far as I know the most complete versions of medieval wrestling are Ringen-style, right? Ott? I've never read any...I like BJJ but as with all things HEMA if I wanted to do the Japanese version I wouldn't be here in the first place.

I think I could trick some of my fellow sweaty man-huggers into trying it after class as long as I had some plays to work with but I just don't know where to start.

Anonymous No. 226025

>As far as I know the most complete versions of medieval wrestling are Ringen-style, right? Ott?
Thats correct, der Ringen des Ott Jud (literally The Grappling of Otto the Jew) was considered good enough that it was attached to several Liechtenauer lineage fencing treatises as the "wrestling portion". They apparently didn't see any point in trying to improve on it.

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Anonymous No. 226026

>thing, Japan
>thing, western Europe

Anonymous No. 226027

This but unironically

Anonymous No. 226058

>literally The Grappling of Otto the Jew

Anonymous No. 226061

If they're doing a point system, go for chest/head afterblows/doubles and win on points.

Also learn to protect yourself from handsnipes.

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Anonymous No. 226127

From the tryhard hema group. I can't believe they shitpost more than we do.

Anonymous No. 226210

>t. seething zip