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🧵 /esg/ eternal skateboard general

Anonymous No. 223736

Basic brand info for beginners >

Shoe reviews:
Submit a shoe review:

last thread >>220110

Anonymous No. 223740

I had no idea this was running again, the first was kino retardation

Anonymous No. 223741

tom asta is a machine

Anonymous No. 223742

desu his behind the scenes is how i saw it, he skates how I dream I could

Anonymous No. 223750

Is 120 years old too late to start skating?

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Anonymous No. 223753

For you, maybe no

Anonymous No. 223756

>Jeff Dechesare
Mystery has been dead for a long time but it bums me out a bit to see him on one of their boards. Dude skates like he's playing techdeck, tricks always have 0 pop and he looks like a baby deer with weak legs on a board.
I guess he's well known enough on the internet to keep getting included in all these Youtube contests.

Anonymous No. 223765

he's kind of a lolcow, he didn't even know his style was bad until he moved to cali and heard people shit talking him but it seems he's aware now that his popless tricks look gross

Anonymous No. 223771

jeff pine looks like a monkey in the thumbnail pic lmao. also fuck moose, dude is gross. bryan arnett is a funny motherfucker though

Anonymous No. 223772

jeff pine's mouth looks like a tight innie pussy

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Anonymous No. 223800

I’m looking to get into skateboarding, how much should I be spending on a board if I’m buying a pre-built? It’s still winter up here so I don’t want to break the bank on something that will probably get the shit beat out of it between riding and water/road salt

Anonymous No. 223802

>he's kind of a lolcow
yeh kinda sad desu like how the cool kids pick a retard to mess with
who the fuck is jeff pine?

Anonymous No. 223809

sorry i meant jeff dechesare

although i have also seen him go by the name jeff pine so idk

Anonymous No. 223835

I was watching the new Jacuzzi part and reading the comments. This guy wrote like 5 comments of schzo babble, so I went to his channel and found this gem:

Think he posts here?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 223846

holy shit kek

Anonymous No. 223847

thats probably the anon that was crashing out in the last thread kek

🗑️ Anonymous No. 223848

i feel like i've been cursed by a demonic entity after watching that. the crazy radiates through screen

Anonymous No. 223850

I think that's you

Anonymous No. 223852

fucking hell kek instant HOF skatetuber
Reminds me of the anon that wrote the nigger book

Anonymous No. 223853

Finally stopped being a bitch and throwing 5050s on flatbars again. Landed several tonight, now just to get more comfortable with them.
Boardslide shuv as well which isn't very hard but not something I do often, kind of want to work on those more and get them consistent with FS board shuv out as well.

Anonymous No. 223865

Jeffwon's halftime show was the only part of psl worth watching. Fuck all of you Jeff is in the streets 4 real still getting buck in his 30's

Anonymous No. 223872

Nah he's a slap fag

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Anonymous No. 223873

Welcome to Villa MarĂ­a del Triunfo, PerĂş.

Anonymous No. 223884

why are they such weebs

Anonymous No. 223889

A skater I discovered just days ago, through Gifted, is Tyler Bledsoe.

Anonymous No. 223894

I was obsessed with this video in highschool

Anonymous No. 223915

Marissa back lip was a better thread u guys are fags

Anonymous No. 223916

this thread is about skateboarding not gender politics

Anonymous No. 223918

The pic went harder the trick was harder it's overall better than this gay ass budget 5050 with a movable rail, are u that much of a beginner faggot?

Anonymous No. 223919


Anonymous No. 223920

I sold Phelps and grosso the dirty 30s

Anonymous No. 223924

What's a dirty thirty? Like a hot shot?

Anonymous No. 223928

i love going to the skatepark and being the only white dude there

Anonymous No. 223930

Where do you live? Is it all hispanics?

Anonymous No. 223950

these two little shits are UNIVERSAL

Anonymous No. 223956

yeah socal, almost all mexicans and some blacks

Anonymous No. 223965

you can get a brand new complete for like $50 on places like craigslist and offerup. I bought a used skateboard for $20 that still has a lot of life in it. All it needs is new bearings but I can't be bothered to ride.

Anonymous No. 223967

>but I can't be bothered to ride.
sums of this general perfectly

Anonymous No. 223968

Can't afford even the slightest injury right now. Also, it was only just to skate with a family member and help them get the basics down. But they lost interest so eh. It was never a hobby I took serious.

Anonymous No. 223972

I will skate until my knees no longer work

Anonymous No. 223974

more power to you.

Anonymous No. 223976

I'm 31 and my best skater friend at the local park is a 45 year old that shows up pretty often - He still moves pretty well.
Get healthy habits in your 20s/30s and keep them up, and you can get a lot of longevity out of your body.

Anonymous No. 223981

my knees no longer work

Anonymous No. 223984

Anonymous No. 223988

Yeah, after seeing Frank Grewer ollie wallenburg at 50 I'm convinced I have a lot of years left in the tank. Stretching, cross training, and consistent effort will win the day

Anonymous No. 223989

>Frank Grewer ollie wallenburg at 50

Anonymous No. 223995

this guy is fucking 40

Anonymous No. 223999

Why are you posting here then?

Anonymous No. 224003

God damn those are smooth ledge combos.

Anonymous No. 224006

I know guys who are in their early 60s and still skate. They take it pretty easy, but they're still out there having fun. I plan to skate forever and even if I can't skate anymore I will just go hang out at the skatepark and talk shit to zoomers.

Anonymous No. 224009

because I enjoy the sport and because I can.

Anonymous No. 224011

based enjoyer

Anonymous No. 224014

It was a part of my life growing up. I was never good at it but I started skating early 2000's and that's when skateboarding was huge, so it's been something I always appreciated, despite never learning more than ollies.

Anonymous No. 224112

>30mph winds with 40mph gusts
>20 degrees outside
>going to rain this weekend

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Anonymous No. 224122

why is it always two many threads

Anonymous No. 224134


Anonymous No. 224148

why is Eetu skating with those dweebs

Anonymous No. 224159

Yurokebabs worship America.

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Anonymous No. 224162

360 fs no complies are coming up decent now. Rarely I see people doing them like that, it’s usually that lazy 180 followed by a revert. I’m popping that shit and spinning 360 in the air like God intended.

Anonymous No. 224163

Also I hate how wobbly my arms look on those, but is such a shoulder/arm dependent trick that is hard to keep the arms from flailing like that. I envy those who can do beautiful, laid back no complies using the hips more then the arms. Not my case tho.

Anonymous No. 224167

Nicely done. Makes me think of Jason Adams in Bag of Suck, I remember he had a good looking no-comply.

Anonymous No. 224170

i would give myself the nastiest shinner ever if i tried this

Anonymous No. 224184

very cool. i like the arm thing, you seem very relaxed on your board and with the whole trick execution, and that’s a good sign of a skater skills. don’t overthink about it.

Anonymous No. 224216

Good shtuff there, good shtuff.

Anonymous No. 224218

got me pumped to skate


Anonymous No. 224223

t-th-thanks anons, those were some reassuring comments
Yeah, it’s part of learning that trick. You get used to it after a while, just make sure you practice those with some thick pants and it’s not that bad. The worst part of the trick is the final spin/landing, falled onto my chest hard to the ground a couple of times. The biggest “catch” to skateboarding safety is learning how to fall before learning how to land the tricks you’re practicing.

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Flat Top.jpg

Anonymous No. 224240

The resemblance is uncanny.

Anonymous No. 224251

>be building shit at the diy with a couple of other guys
>group of like 10 cool guys just standing around watching

i know that i shouldn't expect people to just start working when they are there to skate but like cmon man

Anonymous No. 224255

so close to smashing his face at the end there. before the rail guy. good thing he didnt though, shit would have sucked.

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Anonymous No. 224271

How much should I sell my board for 60$? Or should I focus it or give it to a grom

I don't use this stupid shit anymore

Jumping around like a fucking retard

Anonymous No. 224272

That shit looks almost new

Anonymous No. 224273

God skateboarding is so gay I don't know how people continue to skate after 30 without feeling like a massive loser

Feel like a pedo shit at the skatepark after 30

Really it's like getting sober and realizing you only listened to trap music for 3 years straight and realizing what a massive faggot you were

But I still love it

Anonymous No. 224274

It pretty much is I bought it last year thinking I'm gonna keep skating after getting sober but nah I can only skate when I'm fucked up

If a anon posts his address in this thread I might send it

Anonymous No. 224290

hanging out at the skatepark is gay as fuck this summer i really want to find a secluded spot to build a lil diy ledge and manny pad for just my friends and i. no tweakers, zoomers or cool guys allowed.

Anonymous No. 224292

Several other chill 30+ year olds who go to my park, albeit not always the most consistent. Good vibes there overall most nights, I'm grateful.

Anonymous No. 224295

>giving a fuck
this is what makes you a loser

Anonymous No. 224321

>faggy druggie wigger fries dopamine receptors
>rages anonymously on internet forum
I bet you don't enjoy anything.

Anonymous No. 224323

I enjoy my own clips only

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Anonymous No. 224324

Based core skater older brother

Anonymous No. 224329

Based big bro. Get filtered idiorts.

Anonymous No. 224347

property owners showed up at the diy with the sheriff and told some kids they're going to knock it all down. but we are pouring a big ramp tomorrow. will keep you guys posted. the diy posting may have to end soon.

Anonymous No. 224348


Anonymous No. 224354

im too afraid to skate at parks so my spot is the liminal space down in the 5th level parking basement playing ambient audio decayed mall jazz

Anonymous No. 224356

>i know that i shouldn't expect people to just start working when they are there

Yyyyyes, you should. You're standing around waiting for the spot to be built? Fuck outta here. You're banned. People need to take some responsifuckingbility. You'll be doing them a favour.

Anonymous No. 224357

I take it Ronbotnik is no more than 16

Anonymous No. 224366

this is an ideal situation

Anonymous No. 224369

imagine the echoes

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Anonymous No. 224385

Come to the dark side brothers, there's swag over here

Anonymous No. 224389


Anonymous No. 224393

Anonymous No. 224398

i am certain kairi netsuke got an imperial japan pro board, does anyone else remember this bc it looks like its been scrubbed off IG

i saw someone predict that this would happen aswell lmao

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Anonymous No. 224435

DIY updates. Here is the corner we poured a couple weekends ago with pool coping and graffiti already, really tight and steep, very difficult to skate, i never posted photos of the finished product

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Anonymous No. 224436

and this is the corner we poured yesterday, i helped do the formwork and rebar and stacked the concrete then the pros came and finished it

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diy bowl corner 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 224437

another pic of the corner, you can see all the small stuff i did at the top which just gets used as seating when it gets crowded haha but idgaf

Anonymous No. 224459

look at that little fella builder

Anonymous No. 224462

Don't disrespect the foreman

Anonymous No. 224488

>open up Session
>immediately start a trick battle with the very first obstacle it spawns me in front of
Damn near impossible for me to not do this.

Anonymous No. 224513

checked but i don't care about your dumb video games nerd, go out and skate irl

Anonymous No. 224519

I do both, niggerlips.

Anonymous No. 224549

I can't decide
dubs decides the pattern/symbol I cut into my grip tape on my next deck

Anonymous No. 224553


Anonymous No. 224570

I've come to the conclusion that no one actually knows how to measure wheelbase on a board.
With the exception of one Snake Farm and one Toy Machine board I got last year that were both Clutch O5 shapes and actually measured 14" between the inner truck holes, every other board I've gotten from Toy Machine/Foundation/Habitat (which includes boards from both PS Stix/BBS) that had 14" or even 14.25" listed as the WB were actually 13.75 to 13.88".

Rambling, but it's kind of annoying.

Anonymous No. 224583

keep it solid black
I don't think I've ever measured it myself. I just look for a standard 14.25 or whatever on an 8.25 - 8.38 width.

Anonymous No. 224624

Skateboarding dead there's no cool pros anymore just little dirtballs, I mean if you were cool I doubt you'd take like 1000 a month to be pro so not worth it so you just get scraggly little nibbas

Anonymous No. 224628

It's crazy lurking slap now and seeing how many people got banned. Even people who had like 3000+ posts. The jannies there are insane

Anonymous No. 224629

I hope they eventually go offline, probably no time soon though. Their site culture is everything I don't want in skating.

Anonymous No. 224633

a cartoon penis

Anonymous No. 224644

I think polar 8.5 is the only board I've had that I can recall was mislabeled, and I have a lot. You are measuring to the center right? or inside on one to outside of the other which is slightly easier to read

Anonymous No. 224646

Anonymous No. 224657

Sometimes I wonder if I made an effort, would I find a deck with a proper length AND width?

Anonymous No. 224663

I measure between the inside of both holes, which is how I think it should be measured but I think you're right that some shops measure differently. If I measure from the inside of one to the outside of the other, that adds about .25" which then lands correctly on 14".
Just seems to be some disagreement I guess with how they're measuring.

Anonymous No. 224666

Ok yeah, measuring from the center of both inside holes instead of the inner edge on each also adds .25" and then lands correctly at 14". Which is probably the right way to measure it, that's how wheelbase is measured on a car.
I heard someone on Youtube some time ago measure it the previous way I mentioned, and I think I clung onto that too much. Still seems to be some variance on how woodshops choose to measure it, but the center of each seems more consistent.

Done with my autistic rambling for now. Just trying to figure out what actually works for me and what I like riding.

Anonymous No. 224672

Waiting for you to follow through

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Anonymous No. 224675

Anyone have recs for a good cruiser wheel? I got an 8.5 with thunder trucks that I ride around my campus, the problem is that there's a lotta bricks and a few parts with big sidewalk gaps

I've alternated between 60mm 80a longboard style wheels and 55mm 78a ricta clouds, but I think the optimal would be something in between the two, cuz the 55s still sometimes get caught on stuff

I was thinking about getting the 60mm 84a shark wheels, gimmicky yeah but they would be a bit lighter and I might even be able to pull off powerslides with them but not sure

Anonymous No. 224684

ok but I will disguise it as something else
I skate with my son

Anonymous No. 224687

Can I get Birdhouse board parts? I'm looking around but I'm not sure if they're sold separately from their boards, if at all.

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measure wheelbase....jpg

Anonymous No. 224690

Anonymous No. 224694

Do a cat like that one webm with the dry erase board
Let this be a lesson to you to not make dubs challenges on slow boards

Anonymous No. 224697

>I skate with my son
Then don't be a gross weirdo putting dicks all over your board because some guy on 4chan told you to.

Anonymous No. 224701

It's just a dick
Shits funny
Don't be a pervert

Anonymous No. 224702

>the guy telling you not to flaunt images of dicks around your underage child is the pervert

Anonymous No. 224704

I like OJs

Anonymous No. 224713

After I posted I decided to not wait for spoonfeeding and I did some research, 59mm 85a Peralta G-slides seemed like exactly what I wanted for my cruiser, ordered some used ones off ebay

Anonymous No. 224714

Yes because that's the only guy creating a sexual association between children and penises

For us it was a funny joke because dicks are funny (see: all of human history)

But your first thought was putting the penis in the child

That's on you, pervert

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Anonymous No. 224723

any good beginner skateboard utubers? That or coffinboardin?

Anonymous No. 224733

Yeah, I can't say I have much of an opinion on soft wheels. For hard wheels its always spitfire or bones and always has been for me. I remember when a homie showed up to the park on rictas and those things blew out in one session.

Anonymous No. 224744

Spitfires are always a safe bet, can't go wrong with Formula 4 and their website has a really good layout of all their shapes and options.
I also really like Pig wheels, I'm on their 103a Prime right now and mostly skate park on them, they've been great.

Anonymous No. 224780

No autistic rambling, this is what we're here for.

Anonymous No. 224792

Why didn't any of you tell me hesh was back?

Anonymous No. 224798

my daddy taught us that we should be proud of our big dicks

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Anonymous No. 224799


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Anonymous No. 224807

These come out this month I wonder if it will really be a sb. What are y'all's thoughts would you skate it?

Anonymous No. 224808


Anonymous No. 224819

They look like they would skate horribly. Zero board feel. Zero durability for flip tricks.

Anonymous No. 224820

Board feel is a gimmick we were doing tech shit like tres down sets in 7.5s in Osiris d3s, you just copy what everyone else says

Anonymous No. 224823

It's got like 5 layers of fabric

Anonymous No. 224833

You can literally feel the difference in board feel between shoes. Your 90s pillow shoes had no board feel.
It looks like it would tear easily from that picture.

Anonymous No. 224836

the kids will be ok
damn i didnt think that TN poster was a nike rep doing some guerilla marketing. GAY!

Anonymous No. 224840

>Your 90s pillow shoes had no board feel.
They would mould to your feet over time and felt better in some ways. Like a perfectly snug slipper.

Anonymous No. 224847

Its definitely a preference thing. Its silly to act like board feel isn't a real thing though.

Anonymous No. 224854

All I've skated since picking my board back up late 2023 is vulcanized shoes, I have a pair of cupsoles to try sometime but I have a feeling I'm not going to like them as much. Rare I jump down anything bigger than a 3-4 set these days so I'm not sure I need the extra protection, but as Degros says "I'm going for longevity here".

Anonymous No. 224863

you're going to roll your ankle :\

Anonymous No. 224885

it makes sense that shoe tankness inversely correlates to board size

Anonymous No. 224890

oh i agree, nta. Canvas shoes skate great for the 30 minutes up to skin on griptape.

Anonymous No. 225038

Slap users say this video is too white

Anonymous No. 225041

Well slap users are too gay, go back

Anonymous No. 225046

cropped shirts are so fucking out for 2025, anyone still wearing that shit is a tacky tasteless normalfag

Anonymous No. 225047

anyone who ever wore that shit is a homosexual faggot

Anonymous No. 225090

What the fuck is a "cropped shirt"? That's a t-shirt

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Anonymous No. 225091

I'm off a perc in the carwash this shit is sick

Anonymous No. 225140

>end the night with front board - shuv, lipslide, flatbar 5050, tre flip line
Feels good bros. Really want to reinforce consistency and start doing more lines versus one-and-done tricks.

Anonymous No. 225164

Hell yeah, I get so stoked on lines. I use lines to get myself to commit to harder tricks. Gotta build up that special meter

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 225166

Sleepy TARD live:

Anonymous No. 225191

Fuck I rolled my ankle in my tns bros this is a dangerous game

Anonymous No. 225216


What kind of shoes were being worn in the 90s for street and park skating? not sure what to search for as i might be able to find a pair on ebay or etsy to try.

don't know exactly what to look for haven't touched a skateboard since i was a kid but want to seriously try to start skating once again.

Anonymous No. 225219

I have big ass feet (size 13 in some 14 in others) it sucks that all the 9inch or other big decks rarely have cool graphics.

Anonymous No. 225220

If you wanna go rocker get some vans old skool or half cab if you wanna go fresh get some dc or Etnies, if you just want good shoes get nikes

Anonymous No. 225222

Begone Chad.

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Bam No. 225223

Skateboarding FTW because no getting KEKED by Chad.

The best thing about us skaters is the pros and everyone in general are all around 5'6-5'10 and 160lbs.

No getting mogged by chad hahahaha!!! No being bullied by 6'2" 230lb chad and having chad cuck all the bros taking all the girls for himself hahahaha.

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Bam No. 225224

No chads cuckolding us skaters allowed in this thread

Anonymous No. 225235

I can't remember many exact shoes. Any of Globe, DC, eS, Circa, Adio etc from that era would be similar. I saw Koston 2's had a re-release. If the material etc is same as the old ones they're worth a try imo.

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Anonymous No. 225237

>thought skaters were druggies and drunks because of baker
>it's really just cope for being short kings
Sorry Andrew.

Anonymous No. 225238


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Anonymous No. 225239

>decks you

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Anonymous No. 225240

Why isn't Bam on that list?

Anonymous No. 225242

Bam is a short fella but affiliation to 6ft Chad Cole gets him a pass

Anonymous No. 225245

foot size is only part of the equation. I wear a 12 and I skate 8.25 or 8.38. Any bigger and my tre flips suffer

Anonymous No. 225250

Lmao dude was obsessed with him

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Anonymous No. 225252

Do you have such a close and loving relationship in your life?

Anonymous No. 225260

not anymore lol

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Anonymous No. 225274

Knowing how much faggots skateboarders are I don't regret stealing shit from the skate shop when I was a grom I'm actually glad I got something free outta this shit fuck skater fags

Anonymous No. 225298

landed my first kick flip today fellaz

Anonymous No. 225303

New Tony Hawk game announcement in 20 min.

Anonymous No. 225308


Anonymous No. 225314


I need to reestablish mine

Anonymous No. 225316

gz bro still waiting to land one with luck
I have back pain for 6 days already and it's windy as fugg, I want to skate!

Anonymous No. 225317

Can't fucking figure out smith grinds bros.
I land like one every hour if I just keep throwing them on a ledge. I think my issue is I need to lean back more, more weight on the back foot but having issues doing it right.

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Session line1.webm

Anonymous No. 225353

r8 my session line bros

Anonymous No. 225355

Chillin with the boyz

Anonymous No. 225358

I just learned these on ledges. For me, it helps to think about the smith like I'm taking a seat in a chair. With my feet out in front of me in the smith, while I'm sitting away from the ledge and leaning back

Anonymous No. 225404

Crazy how heavy Figgy is still going considering how hard he's been on his body.
Provost on the other hand is completely washed out and has been for years. Haven't really seen anything of interest from him since he left Toy machine, it's all launch ramps and ditch or DIY style spots, piss drunk in almost every clip I see of him.

Riley has an incredibly sick style, honestly that's exactly how I'd like to skate in the street.

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Anonymous No. 225469


Anonymous No. 225510

Any tips how to ollie? I can tictac and hippie jump, but I can't make the tail touch the ground.

Anonymous No. 225520

its like a basketball shot
you jump off the ball of your foot and that bounces the tail off the floor and into the air - then work on tucking your knees in

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hopefully this he....png

Anonymous No. 225553

back foot kicks tail down while jumping and front foot just levels the board out. that's the most basic way of explaining it as I can think of. It's a very quick motion of
1.)back foot down so board pops up (if anything just practice this alone. One foot on the tail and popping the tail. Find the sweet spot on the tail that lets the board pop into the air. Once you find it, that's step 1.
2.)You're getting that pop and jumping like a split second after, while your front foot is a bit higher up than your back foot.
3.)slide your front foot in a forward motion down the board, so it equals out.
4.) land it

Anonymous No. 225558

oh shit i think i just had an epiphany on how kickflips work using a tech deck. I might try getting them down again after I get over this cold.

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Anonymous No. 225565

I forgot to add at step 3, you want to angle your foot so the front left side of it is sliding it out like pic rel. Idk if youre regular or goofy, but it applies the same, just with the opposite food. image shows him what, fakie or goofy? idk.

Anonymous No. 225569

anon your DIY!

Anonymous No. 225577

>21 minute video
>only 1 clip of all the shit i built...

Pretty cool though. Although it's a little bit annoying him going on about grindline this grindline that when there have also been a fuckload of locals who have put in work and money at this point, including myself, i've probably put in over $1000 plus countless hours of work

Whatever i'm a little bit bitter about the diy right now because whenever I go there lately there are just a bunch of california cool guys hanging out that never helped build and they act like they're the hottest shit ever. It was funner when no one went there and i could just go and skate the steep barrier that i made by myself with no one around desu.

Thank you for posting the vid though. I like that Dan corrigan wants to help out the local skateshop and that kind of thing.

Anonymous No. 225593

>Pretty cool though. Although it's a little bit annoying him going on about grindline this grindline that when there have also been a fuckload of locals who have put in work and money at this point, including myself, i've probably put in over $1000 plus countless hours of work
comment on the youtube video and let him know. Give him some bit of info to prove that you're not bullshitting. Try reaching out to his social medias, too if he has some.

Anonymous No. 225610

Currently learning rock n rolls, I can pull them off pretty consistently on miniramps but I can't seem to keep my front foot well on the board during the turn - it always shifts a bit towards the right (i ride regular), and maybe 1/10 times it comes off the board and makes me miss

Is that normal and I'm just supposed to adjust my foot before so that it moves but doesn't come off the board, or am I doing something wrong?

Anonymous No. 225615

Been thinking about buying a new shoe, is vans chukka low good?

Anonymous No. 225619

God these slap upvotes are so euphoric

Anonymous No. 225620

Yea I used to run them back in the day, they don't last too long if your flipping your board

Anonymous No. 225653

so trve sister

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Anonymous No. 225680

heel-side pinch
or learn feebles first

Anonymous No. 225703

Sarah park matott

Anonymous No. 225738

This happens to me if i don't fully deck your rock n rolls.

Anonymous No. 225739


Anonymous No. 225746

>Whatever i'm a little bit bitter about the diy right now because whenever I go there lately there are just a bunch of california cool guys hanging out that never helped build and they act like they're the hottest shit ever.

So you go there with the confidence you helped built this shit and just don't take shit from anyone.

Anonymous No. 225749

Seems like he already has a case of terminal butthurt, so doesn't look like that will happen.

Anonymous No. 225756

NTA but I get how he feels. but at the same time skateboarding is a social sport, so he should be happy that his hard work and efforts paid off and has now given the skate community something new. That's what it's all about at the end of the day, right? Keeping the sport alive and sense of community and all that?

Anonymous No. 225757

I can understand the frustration too but it should have entirely been expected when building a DIY park on someone else's property. And agreed with feeding back into the community.

Anonymous No. 225758

>someone else's property. And agreed with feeding back into the community.
See this I didn't know. So yea anon, you did great. LRN2SOCIALIZE FAG!!!! jk love you but serious tho, you did something great. It was never meant to be a super secret lowkey spot apparently and according to the vid local skateparks where involved. There was no way this was going to be what you wanted it to be anon.

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Anonymous No. 225759

My life is in shambles. The stock market is crashing. At least I have this piece of wood to forget about it for a few hours

Anonymous No. 225767

At the end of the day i'm just a 4channer sperg, i'm pretty damn good at building things (and changing car tires) and i'm acceptably okay at skateboarding but my social skills leave a lot to be desired. You guys know how it is with normies when you're an oddball like us.

Anonymous No. 225768

>You guys know how it is with normies when you're an oddball like us.
100%, much love and it's cool to see your hard work acknowledged.

Anonymous No. 225769

It do be like that.

Anonymous No. 225770

What is Gary Rogers doing? Why did he stop skateline?

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Anonymous No. 225771

>i'm pretty damn good at building things (and changing car tires) and i'm acceptably okay at skateboarding

You sound allright to me.

Anonymous No. 225773

Fallen is still running a big season end sale on their site right now. If you want a low top I'd check out the Goat or Bombers, great shoes.
He ragequit over Gifted Hater (for some reason?) several months ago. Indicated he may start making longer format skate news videos but nothing seems to have ever happened, they've probably just retired the segment like they did Hall of Meat or My War.

Anonymous No. 225776

Greyson fletcher needs to stop hitting himself in the head. I know from experience. One time i was really angry and I punched myself in the head and gave myself a concussion and a black eye.

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average esg anon.png

Anonymous No. 225779

Friendly reminder that if you:
>can't ollie
>can't kickflip
>learn tricks in the grass
>use skate trainers
>wear a helmet
>ride a board < 8.0
>ride a board > 8.25
>have anything other than plain black griptape
>ride any trucks other than thunder or indys
>have any wheels other than spitfires
>wear vans
>do bert slides
>are subscribed to a youtube skaters channel
>have never kissed a girl or held a girls hand
>live with your parents
>push mongo
>can't ride switch
>play skateboard video games
>skate alone
>have a wife and/or kids
>have graphics out on your wheels
>have no other hobbies besides skating
>own more than 2 boards at any given time
>hang decks on your wall
>post on reddit
>visit slap at all for any reason
>buy skate stuff from anywhere other than your local skateshop


Anonymous No. 225781

like, all those things or just one?

Anonymous No. 225782

oh nooooo some of these apply to me you're making me feel so bad about myself anon nooo my day is ruined please approve of me i beg you

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Anonymous No. 225786

blog entry:
I have been injured from fatigue, a back pain that prevents me from even putting on my socks, resting for a week and deciding to go to the park to skate quietly, as soon as I arrived a new friend challenged me to a skate game. I think I need another week, if not two, of rest if I want to skate again someday.

Anonymous No. 225791

>ride any trucks other than thunder or indys
FUCK guys I'm throwing my Ventures in the trash rn

Anonymous No. 225793

you sound like a poser man!

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Anonymous No. 225797


Anonymous No. 225800

Holy fuck i just got filtered so hard

Anonymous No. 225801

Just one, although the degree of how much you don't skate goes up for each additional sin you relate to.
>some of these apply to me
Don't worry vans wearing, kissless, handholdless, THPS playing, reddit anon - you never skated in the first place, so get up from your little piss puddle and stop grovelling.

Anonymous No. 225803

Oh wow I'm gonna make that my slap avatar

Anonymous No. 225804

>He ragequit over Gifted Hater (for some reason?) several months ago


Anonymous No. 225805

Who makes those??????? They have been posted here for years

Anonymous No. 225807


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Anonymous No. 225808


🗑️ Anonymous No. 225809

i only wear nike blazers and go bowling. im also a massive annoying faggot that loves to suck cock and i can't bs tail slide

Anonymous No. 225815

>learn tricks in the grass (carpet)
>ride a board > 8.25
>have any wheels other than spitfires
>are subscribed to a youtube skaters channel
>play skateboard video games
>skate alone
>own more than 2 boards at any given time
>buy skate stuff from anywhere other than your local skateshop
To be fair I haven't skated i like 2 months

Anonymous No. 225822

you forgot car battery changing dumbass

Anonymous No. 225825

I remember that. The oldest /esg/ reference I can go back to is "this shit wouldn't fly at my park".

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Anonymous No. 225830

>have never kissed a girl or held a girls hand

Anonymous No. 225832

>have never kissed a girl or held a girls hand
This seems impossible if you skated as a teenager

Anonymous No. 225838

What did gifted hater do and how did he btfo Gary so much he quit doing skateline?

Anonymous No. 225839

No, that would be like including 'have never owned or stepped foot on a skateboard' in the list. Goes without saying.

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Anonymous No. 225902


Anonymous No. 225903

It looks fucking gay. Jamie Thomas had it right when he called it "pussy peddling".
Switch mongo? I can tolerate, hit me up that 90s style. Regular mongo? Fuck off and learn to skate.

Anonymous No. 225905

You can if you want. Just know you are actively handicapping your progression by pushing mongo.

Anonymous No. 225910

A mongo push is simply a regular switch push. To solve the issue you just need to start skating switch.

Anonymous No. 225923

yea but i dont want to

Anonymous No. 225933

Anyone get into the skate playtest? That shit is somehow uglier than skate 1 from 2007

Anonymous No. 225934

I'm so convinced it's going to be slop that I'm almost entirely uninterested.

Anonymous No. 225936

nah. i'll give it a try but most likely just going to stick to session. skate 3 was too arcadey for me. and apparently the psychics are nearly identical.

Anonymous No. 225970

Skating has always been counter-culture. So of course there has to be a counter-counter-culture. How it's just a big meta mess of spergs not knowing who is being sincere.
Push how you want and ironically mall grab. I don't care.

Anonymous No. 225971

I ironically changed a car battery and the cool guys at my local fell for it and started talking to me.

Anonymous No. 225975

>mall grab
Honestly it's just a convenient way to grab/carry a board. Carrying it across the deck means either the griptape is rubbing against your clothes or facing it the other way whatever wax you have on the deck doing the same thing.
Mongo gay tho

Anonymous No. 225985


Anonymous No. 225990

>try fakie 270 boardslide on a flatbar on a whim
>feels doable, immediately enter the "I want it" mindset
>throw the trick for an hour
>last attempt of the night, perfect 270 onto the rail, come off smooth, but fuck up and land one foot on/off the board

Fucking RRRREEEEEE. I guess now I have a goal for next time, would have liked to land just one. Too many tricks I want to learn/improve bros, so little time and energy.

Anonymous No. 226007

the grind is real

Anonymous No. 226010

I need to start trying new stuff. I've gotten to complacent with my bag of tricks

fag No. 226028
is this company staying afloat or nah

Anonymous No. 226032

Actually kind of funny and reminds me of when skateboarding ran ads that were legitimately edgy.

Anonymous No. 226033

i would love to buy a board if only i wasnt a small asian twink

Anonymous No. 226040

Guys I stopped watching tranny porn holy shit that stuff fucks your head up, you know tranny's are just incels that watched too much porn

Anonymous No. 226041

god she's so fucking cool bros....

Anonymous No. 226042

That came up in my YT recommended, kino homie video.

Anonymous No. 226043


Anonymous No. 226046

it was a slide actually

Anonymous No. 226057

she is getting better, the kickflip smith was nice

Anonymous No. 226066

Fakie grinds and slides are so much fun, I don't care if they're easy. Couldn't see myself doing a 270 if rolling in frontside though

kek imagine being too young to have played THPS2 when it came out, too short to ride 8.5, too conformist to find actually good trucks, too lazy to spend hours alone learning a trick, too gay to teach your kid how to skate

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Anonymous No. 226067

injured almost healed but I have to constrain my self yet

Anonymous No. 226072

Bam sisters... not like this....

Anonymous No. 226118

I can't tell what's staged but the start is funny,
earthrockers bros this can't be happening

Anonymous No. 226120

It is commodifying oppression. A small run, yeah, can be edgy. A legit brand should be shut down.

Anonymous No. 226121

How the fuck does Bam always has the hottest chicks???

Anonymous No. 226122

Is there a place that will print custom grip tape? Do they have any restrictions against printing other logos?

Anonymous No. 226132

I don't think anyone here expected otherwise, but the more that comes out about Skate (4) the more bleak it looks
>microtransactions already added to early access
>always online, cannot play solo
>physics are lifted straight out of Skate3
>no stats to edit
>map appears to be small as fuck
>graphics are PS3 tier
>no hall of meat

Hopefully there's a good successor to Session/Skater XL soon but I don't think anything significant will happen until a dev team with actual money throws something down - And that won't happen any time soon.

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Anonymous No. 226138

Anonymous No. 226142

BROS where THE FUCK is slap, are you telling me I made 17,000 posts for NO REASON

Anonymous No. 226153

Rumour is Tim Pool bought the website

Anonymous No. 226156

there's more, too. supposedly since it's an online service game or whatever the fuck they're called, it's going to be more focused on battle passes, cosmetics and other shit you're going to have to pay money for. Of course, they're going to have their dailies and free rewards but yea. My expectations are really low. All I need is multiplayer crossplay support on session and I'm good. maybe an update with grab moves and vert overhaul, too. but the state of that game is basically dead.

Anonymous No. 226158

Is that Andy McDonald?

Anonymous No. 226159

Like you said, if Session had
>grab tricks
>proper vert/lip tricks
>fix the "dip" that happens doing manual tricks
Then it'd be pretty much perfect.

Anonymous No. 226161

yes, in the Paris2024 summer olympics vert skateboarding with 51 year on his back

Anonymous No. 226162

"can't change a car battery" phenotype

Anonymous No. 226163

Sessions and Skater XL failed to ever become smooth like skate was. Just cruising around in those games isn't fun, they need to fix that. Its just all too janky and glitchy.
Skatelab and Fake Skate both look like they have potential. Actually i might buy skatelab.

Anonymous No. 226165

Skater XL is buggy as shit, and not even worth playing without a dickload of mods. Session has some rough edges but is way better IMO, though I know what you mean about it being difficult to simply "cruise around" unless you're insanely good at the game and can keep lines going endlessly.
Skatelab turns me off since it was built around fingerboarding, which I guess I'm old and out of touch with but seems kind of faggy to me. Haven't seen much of Fake Skate but both seem to still be pretty early in development, in either case I agree they're both very much worth keeping an eye on since as far as I know they're the only hope we have for anything new.

Anonymous No. 226166

Skatelab I saw when maming that post is getting a player model soon which is why I decided Ill grab it.
I think I got better at SXL than Sessions so for me that one I could actually skate lines and cruise around a bit better. And yeh heavily modded, the console version is ass.

Anonymous No. 226169

I bet it's some legal shit with all of the Chris Cole stuff. I liked the sales thread and there was good gear info in general, so I hope it's not gone forever despite a lot of posters being hungry as hell to cancel people all the itme.

Anonymous No. 226176


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Anonymous No. 226177

Bro, fuck that. I could never make an account there and you would get banned instantly I heard. It looked cool to me before the covid dictatorship and I was jealous of it and bitter that ThreadKilla jumped ship, but at least here you can say anything you want. I truly think the forum was compromised by dnc agents.

Anonymous No. 226179

The dragoball threads on /a/ are the most toxic wastegrounds.

Anonymous No. 226180

>has a wife and kids
>doesn't skate
well, looks like this >>225779 is truer than expected.

Anonymous No. 226183

>this little fag uses Slap

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weird flip.webm

Anonymous No. 226190

so I was playing session, right? and my character glitched while trying to do an impossible and it made me wonder, is this trick technically possible IRL? I feel like it can be, but it seems tricky. Like a 90 degree pop shuvit into an impossible.

Anonymous No. 226193

chris haslam did one of those, probably

Anonymous No. 226195

and I bet I'm 10x better at skating than you.

Anonymous No. 226196

The sale gear thread is a great resource. I hope Slap isn't dead.

Anonymous No. 226197

I can feel skating and about 400 people's relationship with it healing already

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sumo skate.jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 226198

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sumo skate.png

Anonymous No. 226199

Anonymous No. 226203

This >>226197
Fuck slap and any limp dick that uses that site. They have a dedicated sticky for "queer skaters", just lmao.

Anonymous No. 226207


Anonymous No. 226208

my nigga people just want to see skate coupon codes in one place, it's not that serious.

Anonymous No. 226209

Fuck a gay discount for the mutts I miss the decks guide. Hell I might make a website just to track that shit (copy paste from the slap tranny).

Anonymous No. 226211

I've heard the weight distribution of a smith described as when you're walking in the dark and not sure what's on the ground, so you poke one foot out as a feeler while keeping all your weight on your back foot.... if that makes sense.
so yeah basically lean back more.
one time I accidentally got into 5050 when trying to smith and slipped out straight to my back. one of those falls where there's no time to process anything. so dont do that.
also wax because both wheels are rubbing a lot.

Anonymous No. 226215

nta but made me think, is it similar to febles on ledges?

Anonymous No. 226218

>is it similar to febles on ledges?
idk nothin bout that trick unfortunately.

Anonymous No. 226227

I imported wheels from the UK.

And why are none of you helpful?

Anonymous No. 226228

Lol this nigga did it

Anonymous No. 226229

Some people may disagree but honestly I've never seen feebles on ledges as a "legitimate" trick. Only time I ever see them happen is when someone fucks up locking in the front truck on a 5050.
It's not really like a smith where you can control the dip and make it look clean, feeble on a ledge you're constantly resisting the board pulling itself around and IMO the whole thing just looks awkward. Throwing that on a down ledge/hubba would buck you right off.

Anonymous No. 226231

What did you ask for?

Anonymous No. 226234

circus tier

Anonymous No. 226243

>I imported wheels from the UK

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Anonymous No. 226247

Anonymous No. 226248

hell yeah

Anonymous No. 226251

Fuck gay ass slap is back

Anonymous No. 226252

They are such fags, I just looked and the pinned thread is a chris cole cry fest. They are trigger some 16 yr old girl tagged him on instagram ffs. Why are people so fucking fanatically crazy these days?

Anonymous No. 226253

>I just looked
See, there was your first mistake.

Anonymous No. 226254

Can't lie, I am emjoying the drama, pass me the popcorn

Anonymous No. 226256

Wanted to know about getting custom griptape printed. Know of a place?

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Anonymous No. 226258

Did you guys see the new Deluxe boards? They supposedly have lava rock dust in the plies and each deck goes for $120!

and more importantly, @n3ls0n___ turned pro, I bet me and that other poster are going to buy those boards lmao

Anonymous No. 226263

nelly is like one step above beatrice domond lmao that ugly bitch is boring as fuck

Anonymous No. 226264

and limosine is a shit hipster company

Anonymous No. 226267

Clearly never seen bryan owdyer footy>>226258
me as well

Anonymous No. 226268

nelly likes girls dw

Anonymous No. 226269

im stoked for her, but i won't be buying that board cause the graphic is lame

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Anonymous No. 226270

skateboarding makes me so happy it's unreal

Anonymous No. 226271

Aimu or Dylan

Anonymous No. 226287

Aimu. One of those once in a generation types of dudes

Anonymous No. 226289

fucking wild

Anonymous No. 226294

Another Trasher video with bad frame pacing. How are they STILL fucking this up?

Anonymous No. 226295

What do you mean about the bad frame pacing? Not sure if I'm seeing the same issue.
Side note, even for a skater Greyson is obnoxious. Like an overly energetic 12 year old always trying to prove himself.

Anonymous No. 226296

he's such a sweat

Anonymous No. 226299

They shot the video at 24fps and encoded the video at 30fps. Which means the video has extreme stutter because of duplicate frames.
If you pause the video and press '>' to go frame by frame you'll see frequently the frame doesn't change.
It happens all the time on Trashers channel and shows how clueless their editors are.

Anonymous No. 226300

her skating is completely mediocre but she can eat some slams and seems a lot cooler than beatrice.

Anonymous No. 226301

Aimu for me as well. both equally clean but aimu just has such a distinct style. and I like skaters w big pop like my g Tiago.

Anonymous No. 226302


Anonymous No. 226305

Holy shit, didn't have time to watch the whole video earlier but starting at the 13 minute mark it becomes really obvious, looks insanely choppy

Anonymous No. 226307

wondering what skaters you like if you can't appreciate Jaeb or Aimu?

Anonymous No. 226310

Modern guys I like Asta, Greyson, Gustav T, Carlos Ribeiro, Jack O'Grady, Pedro Delfino.. I like guys whose skating is their own style .

Anonymous No. 226311

My boy Zuzic has more style than every skater alive but the world aint ready for him

Anonymous No. 226312

I really don't understand how you could say Aimu doesn't have his own style. I actually think Asta and Aimu are similar in the way they do some tricks, specifically whipping around rotations. I get it with Jaeb though, he's so perfect that it comes off as a bit generic. maybe give Aimu another shot. there's a reason he's blowing up like this at age 19.

Anonymous No. 226328

No, unfortunately. Email skatedeluxe maybe

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Anonymous No. 226346

Anonymous No. 226354


Alright everybody, over to the Marissa del Santo thread

Anonymous No. 226361

>Alright everybody, over to the Marissa del Santo thread
I don't see it anymore, it may have gotten deleted since we abandoned it.

Anonymous No. 226374

Proves they are out to get him. Can't have a popular white guy out there remoralising the youth.

Anonymous No. 226421

lol fuck off with that MUH LAND bullshit.

Anonymous No. 226422

True, i didn't even notice. Extremely gay and cucked.

Anonymous No. 226437

>agree to house sit parents
>they still have cable tv
>fuel tv is on
>captain and casey show up next

Anonymous No. 226468

i swear im so close to landing a heelflip but i get tired so fast and then my attempts are half assed. i should probably skate more often to have more energy

Anonymous No. 226488

>Can't have a popular white guy out there remoralising the youth.

Is that what you take from all this???

Anonymous No. 226538

Anonymous No. 226589

Yes. Bam was an icon to many youth. Captured a Bieber like following of men and women. That had to end.

Anonymous No. 226655

I think the term "remoralize" is a bit off, and that's quite the understatement. Bam has always acted like a piece of shit spoiled rich kid with no morals, whatsoever.