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🧵 /esg/ eternal skateboard general

Anonymous No. 220110

Fandangle edition

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Anonymous No. 220112

Based beibel

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Anonymous No. 220118

I kneel.

Anonymous No. 220121


Always thought Brockman had one of the gnarliest styles. He'd throw switch tricks on some massive shit too, the ender in this part on Hollywood is low key crazy.

Anonymous No. 220125

um sweaty hes been canceled by slap we dont talk about that MAGAt b*ibel

Anonymous No. 220129

Ah yes, a very intelligent comment

It will all be forever convoluted to your minds until you accept the class society of the usa which is based on race.

Anonymous No. 220130

Fucking based

Anonymous No. 220142

lol Slap is pissing and shitting over this

Anonymous No. 220143

>guy who has spent the entirety of his career pretending to be black: i've had it up to HERE with this DEI horseshit

Anonymous No. 220145


Anonymous No. 220147

Anonymous No. 220149

This Anon having a nigga moment

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 220158


Anonymous No. 220205

"white racism" is redundant

Anonymous No. 220207

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Anonymous No. 220208

I WILL learn back tails this year

Anonymous No. 220217

it rains...

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Anonymous No. 220218

Skate shoes are so boring compared to whats available out there

I'm so glad I quit skating

Anonymous No. 220219

>I'm so glad I quit skating
If you're the same guy that keeps posting this you're probably miserable. You would have moved on if you were normal, but instead you have a weird need to post your ugly ass shoes in a thread you don't belong in

Anonymous No. 220221

>thread you don't belong in
I could kickflip over your mom nigga

Anonymous No. 220256

Jamie Goy lol

Anonymous No. 220257

I bought a skateboard years ago and have never one used it.

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Anonymous No. 220258

What liscence plate for the new whip?

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Anonymous No. 220259

Personal taste, I like the ones I didn't cross out.

The orange one looks nice too but the color pops a lot so it'd be very dependent on what your car looks like.

Anonymous No. 220260

We have had a resident troll since /wwe/ moved to /asp/

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Anonymous No. 220261


Anonymous No. 220263

kek, this.

What does DEI mean?

Anonymous No. 220266

first in forestry has a beautiful classic look to it, very 90s and calming

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Anonymous No. 220268

DEI stands for Diversity, Equality and Inclusion and falls under the 'S' in Blackrocks ESG policy inline with their Sustainable investing initiative. From their website:
>What is sustainable investing?
>Strategies with environmental, social and/or governance (ESG) objectives, themes, and related considerations as a principal means for selecting investments.
What this means is that for a company to have investment from BlackRock they must align with their Sustainable investing strategies. This means every company reliant on investment funding from the largest investment firm in earth need to follow their guidelines and basically not hire white males. This has lead to an incompetency crisis.
Now I hear yiu ask, how is that possible it makes no sense. Well you really need to understand how this company gained such a monopoly of global wealth and why they are using it to destroy western nations. The Federal Reserves practice of money printing and fractional reserve banking has allowed a gigantic amount of wealth to be created backed by nothing (well, the citizens productivity and their military might). During the covid pandemic the federal reserve in an unprecedented move collaborated with blackrock offloading US bonds and ETFs allowing them to essentially purchase these with newly minted US dollars (backed by you the tax payer), the obvious conflict of interest being BlackRock is a private investment firm. Now if you get into the genealogy of all this you'll find a surprising (((coincidence))) between all the players who ensured this corruption and robbery of the everyday citizen went ahead smoothly. And therein lies a greater rabbit hole which will have you pondering why these people hate us so much and what Jesus has to do with all this.

Anonymous No. 220271

2010 called they want their gronks back

Anonymous No. 220272

grindline are building a new skatepark in my city and some of the younger employees are literally spending their own money and weekend time to come and build stuff at the local diy (the place where i built that small steep concrete quarterpipe if anyone remembers). those guys are so fucking dedicated to skateboarding it's unreal. 100% skateboarders. will post pics after the weekend

Anonymous No. 220276

I don't know still sounds like they could use a few dozen H1B replacements

Anonymous No. 220285

how did michael burnett even get to become editor of thrasher? dude is such a nerd

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Anonymous No. 220309

Forgot to say it's a silver Honda pilot

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Anonymous No. 220310

I probably make more money than most pros just being on social security lmao at pros

Anonymous No. 220311

Idk there's never been a backstory as far as I'm aware

Anonymous No. 220320

nobody is really sure. he's awful.

Anonymous No. 220326

this video goes hard

Anonymous No. 220348

For gay zoomers maybe

Anonymous No. 220355


>What is sustainable investing

A pipe dream. Marketing/propaganda.
All profit margins drop. Capitalism needs rhen to either destroy capital, kill humans, or both.

Anonymous No. 220356

>the place where i built that small steep concrete quarterpipe if anyone remembers

Why would we forget, it was only a couple of weeks or maybe a month ago.

Anonymous No. 220357

whats with zoomies and their gay melodic rock

Anonymous No. 220358

whatever, boomer

Anonymous No. 220359

Its not a pipedream but reality. Its not marketing and propaganda it is policy enforced by governments and companies worldwide to the detriment of their citizens. And it certainly is not capitalism to hand over an unprecedented level of wealth of a private equity firm, moch closer to communism with the exact same "expertise" excuse used to justify enriching the piggies.

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Anonymous No. 220364

How do you do higher hippie jumps? Even when I bend my knees, I barely get any height.

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Anonymous No. 220365

>And it certainly is not capitalism to hand over an unprecedented level of wealth of a private equity firm

Anonymous No. 220366

he died for a hippie jump

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 220367


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Anonymous No. 220368

>wealth to* a private equity firm

Anonymous No. 220369


Phew, I am glad that you corrected the strongest flaw of that sentence.

You do know hat Orwell fought in Spain on the side of the workers, right?

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Anonymous No. 220373

>on the side of priest killing commies

Anonymous No. 220377

how high you can jump is literally determined by genetics so idk

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Anonymous No. 220378

Could a heelflip have saved him?

Anonymous No. 220379

okay will keep you posted.

Anonymous No. 220380

Train your tibialis anterior and get a jump rope. Will make you jump higher and improve pop

Anonymous No. 220389

I would unironically wear a mouth guard if I were a skater. And gloves since FUCK getting your palms torn open on dirty concrete covered in feces and fentanyl.

Anonymous No. 220390


Anonymous No. 220395

priests who were willing informants*

Enough about history, this is the skateboarding thread

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Anonymous No. 220396


Anonymous No. 220400

Priests killing informants is way cooler than Priests being willing informants

Anonymous No. 220401

Please do. Let us know if they enhanced your spot. And I felt it when you said "those guys are 100% skateboarders".


Anonymous No. 220416
New Jonny Giger part.
This nigga is BUSSIN.

Anonymous No. 220427

lakai update

Anonymous No. 220428

chris cole investigation

Anonymous No. 220432

Cobra bros, I don't feel so good...

Anonymous No. 220433

Lmao I would kill my ex if she did some shit like this lmaoooo rip chud cole

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Anonymous No. 220437

not skateboarding I'll skip this one

Anonymous No. 220438

the bald girl playing romance sengen

Anonymous No. 220439

I will cope saying he cheats because his local is at very high altitude above sea level and the gravity there is lower.

Anonymous No. 220441

boomers will eat up this tasteless slop, but call the strangelove video gay LMAO
*yawn* let me know when Cole gets arrested or whatever

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Anonymous No. 220459

New quarterpipe coming tomorrow maybe. And eventually I will make a corner between the two. Very fun...

Anonymous No. 220460

first in forestry

practice jumpin ?

Anonymous No. 220461

so steep, they look really sturdy. nice work

Anonymous No. 220462

The first one i just kinda eyeballed the transition and it's pretty retardedly steep but super fun, the second one i actually made the transition radius the proper way so it will probably be the much easier to skate. Still steep but not like the other one.

Anonymous No. 220463

lmao yea that first one looks like a jersey barrier, very fun. is there more to this spot than the quarters?

Anonymous No. 220464

Yes actually a good amount of stuff was built during covid. Independent made this video a little while back. But a lot of the shitty rails and stuff you see in this video have been taken out by the city which is actually kinda good because they were wack.

Anonymous No. 220469

link to last thread

Anonymous No. 220471

>So I’m there taking a selfie with a kid while my girlfriend is just not pleased at all. That kind of shit is really funny.
Oh no sounds like joa was gaslighting and being an abusive person! Has anyone reached out to his asian ex to see if she is ok? Did she get compensation for being in his videos? I mean yiu can only imagine the type of verbal abuse joa potentially could have put her through! We need to make sure that we are not idolising a witty, yet rapey man!

Anonymous No. 220475

Speaking of youtube slop Garrett Ginner popped up in my feed and is living the life I wish I was. Ended up binging a bunch of his shit when I have never watched him before. I am jealous.

Anonymous No. 220479

What particularly irritates you my man? Who do you think is under threat?

He said he's going to make a "not so official" video about how Cole and that comedian hooked up, so be on alert to post it like the other one you uploaded on webm form.

Anonymous No. 220485

I believe in you

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Anonymous No. 220487

Got a new kittie it's sleeping on my shoulder on the ride home

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Anonymous No. 220488

Should I pick this one up? Will it attract a cutie tranny gf?

Anonymous No. 220491

>boomers will eat up this tasteless slop, but call the strangelove video gay LMAO
What a bizarre seethe and cope.

Anonymous No. 220495

Nice kitty.

On your way home from the spot?

Anonymous No. 220497

cool ear hair

Anonymous No. 220505

dude thats awesome

Anonymous No. 220525


Anonymous No. 220531

I got the Greyson Fletcher kickflip in thr Vans pool competition and the description says it's going to be the last one.
What in the fuck? Why?

Anonymous No. 220534

Pool's closed.

Anonymous No. 220538

Does the euro guy with the bad knee still post here

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Anonymous No. 220551

It's fucking happening bros we're making the diy great again

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Anonymous No. 220553


Anonymous No. 220554

Godspeed amigo. Good stuff.

Anonymous No. 220556


🗑️ Anonymous No. 220561

fucking niggers i swear

Anonymous No. 220564

Clean up that faggot graffiti too.

Anonymous No. 220566


But why?

Anonymous No. 220585

This part is nuts. Fucking A. Hell to the Yeah.

Anonymous No. 220590

This clip is mandatory viewing for zoomers

Anonymous No. 220622

Anyone else not really hyped on Skate 4? I haven't seen anything yet in the previews that makes me feel like there's anything to look forward to over the physics in Skate 3, I'd be more curious to know if they've done anything new with the controls. Graphics don't look like anything special either.
It's also 2025 EA which gives me little hope for the soundtrack.

Don't get me wrong I'll definitely be checking it out once it releases, just have a feeling it isn't going to hit as hard as the original trilogy did.

Anonymous No. 220624

>goofy 3 minute long part and then 6 minutes of this retard talking shit

it's a no from me

Anonymous No. 220628

Millennials are buzzing right now

Anonymous No. 220633


Do not feed the trolls

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Anonymous No. 220641

I really don't care about the videogame, curious about the music. The physics probably a joke.

Anonymous No. 220645

you're a deluded retard, why is this thread so full of people who like goofy circus trick skaters

Anonymous No. 220646

There's some good tricks in there but there's always been something about Jonny I just don't like. Just that whole Revive/Braille group sucks, and even though Jonny stands out by far as the most talented he still has that same personality and style to blend with them.

Anonymous No. 220647

>he still has that same personality and style to blend with them.

He's far less cringier and the whole part was bangers, not one filler. And think of Rodney Mullen, it's not like Rodney was "gangsta".

Anonymous No. 220648

>it's not like Rodney was "gangsta".
Never said it was about looking gangster on a board.
Compared to the rest of the group like I said he has the most talent, and I'd say he's one of the less cringe members, but he still bumps the brand and has no problems fitting in, birds of a feather.
Not like I have a vendetta against him, just not my cup of tea in the same way Garrett Ginner isn't.

Anonymous No. 220653

why why why do so many skaters worship and idolize this gifted faggot

Anonymous No. 220654

There was a time where Cole was basically the poster child for street skateboarding. Between SOTY twice, the SLS and Maloof wins, the "Motivation" documentary, etc - He was basically the appointed spokesperson of the sport for a handful of years.

Anonymous No. 220655

he makes sls watchable

Anonymous No. 220656

shit im talking about that faggot gifted hater. i dont give a fuck about chris cringe cole

Anonymous No. 220661

If you don't get it, you don't get it. Maybe Tim Pool is more up your alley.

I think you see that he wants to be pro, so he is stoked that a us company supports him and you probably assume that he views the youtube approach as the "new era", but even if he's just in for the bucks (because Revive has been or at least was very profitable) without idolising youtube, it rubs you wrong that he is going down that non-traditional path -he hasn't won any contests, he isn't part of a team, he wasn't in a company founded by a legend im California or a legend in his country and Revive has barely any personality at all except skate camp vibes. Things by the way which also rub me wrong. But I just like his vibe, he just goes out and skates in the skatepark and if need be, he also skates the street spots.

Anonymous No. 220664

why I gotta verify my email or wait 15 minutes to post. did that fag elon actually buy this shit site. oh wow and the captcha is shit too

i think you got issues dog

Anonymous No. 220665

Because you are on incognito mode on your phone

Anonymous No. 220667

I know, I watched some sls gifted "watchalong" and he just pointing the retarded shit the commentators say is enough to like him.
I don't like his bbc and cuck obsession and the fashion faggotry.

Anonymous No. 220669


Anonymous No. 220670

go back newfag tourist

Anonymous No. 220672

you people get so mad, ive been here since 2009, probably before you were born

Anonymous No. 220677

they're kook zoomies who just started skating
literal summerfag cancer
>And think of Rodney Mullen, it's not like Rodney was "gangsta".
I watched Johnnys part just wondering why? You have all these crazy tricks and apply/present them in the most cookie cutter boring way. Such a contrast is hard to watch imo. In the end it just comes off as circus tricks. Compare that to the soul of Rodney and kts a world of difference.

Anonymous No. 220678

>literal summerfag cancer
I bet you wear vans

Anonymous No. 220679

I heard Rodney mullen used to sell ghost guns to the cartel in the 90s

Anonymous No. 220680

>all these crazy tricks and apply/present them in the most cookie cutter boring way


He went to all the spots. Street spots.

Anonymous No. 220681

i bet you thought that was a sick diss

Anonymous No. 220682

I think I just like skating that seems a bit more free flowing and spots that I would like to skate. To me it just felt like a checklist of crazy tricks that needed specific spots, too robotic or something. Maybe the filming/editting it just was a throw off. I'm not the other anon and don't care one way or the other for these guys, no hate intended. Just rewatching that Rodney part its much more cinematic and matches the skating better.

Anonymous No. 220683

you are so clearly new here thats an old /esg/ meme

Anonymous No. 220684

fair im a relative newfag to /esg/

Anonymous No. 220685

Bought another pair of non skate shoes, I'll post them when they come in

Anonymous No. 220689

they will never know the secrets of the yellowtop heel flips

Anonymous No. 220691

i got the ick from that yeti video. every third clip was some guy going YEAH or WOO like fucking hell stop trying to force the vibe on me. lots of good skaters but just felt like a tryhard video

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Anonymous No. 220692

also something that really pissed me off was this 2 second clip of this dork in the yeti vid, like yeah he looks like a goober but clowning him like that is just so lame, at the end of the day no skater has any more value than any other, we're all just riding some useless wooden toy and nothing we do on a skateboard has any real benefit to a society, pro skaters just have their head so far up their own ass and they're so detached from the real world that they forget this.

Anonymous No. 220693

shut up joa, all my favorite transition/pool guys are in this and yetis giving them money, fucking go bitch somewhere else

bout to go cop another yeti rn, might get the fuckin cooler

Anonymous No. 220694

you dont fucking surf and it shows little dweeb tech skater fag

Anonymous No. 220695

why would you buy a yeti when you can just get the same thing from a different brand at half the price? it's just marketing hype you retard

i can 100% guarantee i have surfed heavier and more dangerous waves than you and that is absolute fact but yeah i don't surf anymore because surfing is full of jock kooks with yeti stickers on their tacomas

Anonymous No. 220696

>why would you buy a yeti when you can just get the same thing from a different brand at half the price?
they support the guys I like, and I support them (also 'murica - and a pretty quality product desu)

>i can 100% guarantee i have surfed heavier and more dangerous waves than you
fake news, I'd baptize your little bitch ass after I snake the fuck out of you, I surf tsunamis, you surf toonami little nigga we are not in the same league not even close

> but yeah i don't surf anymore because surfing is full of jock kooks
bitch boy tech fruitcake detected

>full of jock with yeti stickers on their light-duty/full sized trucks

Anonymous No. 220697

nigger i can't even ollie unless it's in transition, the audacity of you calling me a tech fruitcake, i would fs slash your face

Anonymous No. 220698

i bet you wear dystopia t shirts but can't even name an album

Anonymous No. 220699

beneath the wheel was pretty kino music taste
og pre race hypetrack

Anonymous No. 220700

yeahhhHH DUDE thrash punk \m/

Anonymous No. 220702

i dont think they were clowning him, just seemed like a local dude in awe of his local being torn like never before
what does this mean lel
>t. surfed today and am watching stabs kotr rip off rn

Anonymous No. 220722

why the fuck does yeti have a skate program? whats next, rei skate team? bank of america full length? when does this corpo shit end

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Anonymous No. 220723

you dont like that the corporation that owns barcodes is dabbling in this hip new skate trend?

Anonymous No. 220725

>stabs kotr rip off

What is it called? I bet you have to pay for it.

By the way, I have money that it's the same person arguing with himself.

Anonymous No. 220727

stab highway, just learnt looking it up it was 3 years old, recycled from behind a paywall

Anonymous No. 220745

i'm the most valuable skateboarder

Anonymous No. 220746

Yeah I put it on youtube, it says it's their first season and was uploaded 4 weeks ago.

Anonymous No. 220764

if i saw zack dowdy at my local i would focus his deck

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Anonymous No. 220774

first off, you wouldn't be at your local because you have no friends and you are too meek and intimidated to be seen practicing your stationary shuvs outside of your parents garage. secondly, if you did muster the courage to go to your local and zack dowdy was there, you wouldn't even be able to make eye contact with him, let alone have the confidence to approach him, take his board off him and snap it in front of him. you wouldn't even know it was zack dowdy, because before you even got to the park, you would hear the sounds of other people skating and instantly turn around and go home.

Anonymous No. 220776

There’s a difference between idolising someone and appreciating the critical scrutiny they bring to the culture. Skateboarding is great but gatekeeping and critique is necessary if we want to counter some of the garbage trends we’ve seen lately. At the very least, he manages to do it in a way that isn’t insufferable and bitter like NinjaLifestyle.

Anonymous No. 220780

Extremely based

Anonymous No. 220781

>At the very least, he manages to do it in a way that isn’t insufferable and bitter like NinjaLifestyle.
Ninja has been around forever and if anything is the biggest precursor you can point to for Gifted Hater. I think they both have very valuable commentating (and in a lot of cases end up echoing one another). I definitely don't think Ninja comes off as any more bitter than Gifted comes off as frustrated, splitting hairs in any case.
I like both of them.

Anonymous No. 220784

ninja > gifted
not even close

Anonymous No. 220786

skatetubers/vloggers = gay

Anonymous No. 220831


Anonymous No. 220834

>Tom Asta
>Chris Joslin
>Endless content from smaller brands

maybe you guys are just gay faggots who like taking dicks in your butt and mouth and not much else

Anonymous No. 220835

Comparing ninja and gifted is like comparing night and day. Ninja is insecure and bitter about the career that never was, Gifted comes from a place of righteous indignation rage at the hypocricy and double nature of the Spectacle.

This is the post.

Anonymous No. 220836

nigga what is this post. quatersnacks and hijinx and smaller brands are not the same as the faggots you listed

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Anonymous No. 220837

Anonymous No. 220842

its all skatetube. I'll throw in the bunt, nine club, Chris Roberts personal channel.. no need to fixate on what you don't like, thats some gay shit.

Anonymous No. 220844

>its all skatetube
i never thought of quatersnacks like that buy you are lowkey right. they're really just a youtube/instagram clip farm with cool guy approval kek kinda gay now that i think about it

Anonymous No. 220853

I got sus with Quartersnacks once I noticed he seems to consistently snub Joslin's clips out of his little montages. Not sure if that's still true.

Anonymous No. 220860

alright im out

🗑️ Anonymous No. 220862

i watched that quartersnacks with aaron loreth about the ventura skatepark. dude that park was so fucking shit it's unbelievable and he's like 'everyone in ventura loved it', no lol only like 5 people could skate it and everyone outside of the super core skate scene who had anything between their ears knew that the park was a pile of shit and couldn't wait until it was gone. dude needs to get a real job and stop hanging out at the skatepark at midday during the week.

Anonymous No. 220863

i watched the recent quartersnacks with aaron loreth, that dude needs to get a real job and stop hanging out at shitty skateparks at midday midweek

Anonymous No. 220876

>finally saw a japanese skater in the wild
>scared him away with my autism and shitty language skills
feelsbadman. i think he thought i was trying to narc on him when i was just trying to ask if he knew any spots that weren't insta-busts
skating in japan is lonely bros

Anonymous No. 220896

everyone associated with quartersnacks is a trust fund faggot. they dont need "real" jobs

Anonymous No. 220902

Ok, I'll fall for it; what are you doing in Japan?

Anonymous No. 220904

>that dude needs to get a real job and stop hanging out at shitty skateparks at midday midweek
You sound like my mum

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Anonymous No. 220905

yo! sukaito saiko desune
doko ni siguri deska my nigga?

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Anonymous No. 220908

>got cool guyed at the diy that i helped build

it's over.

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Anonymous No. 220909

Brush it off and keep rolling brother

Anonymous No. 220910

hell yeah

Anonymous No. 220934

getting cool guyed and crashing rental cars

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Anonymous No. 220954

Few clips from this morning, wanted more but it's what I got for now.

Anonymous No. 220958

Why don't you make it into a webm or mp4 and post it here?

Anonymous No. 220960

I could, but then it wouldn't have sound right? (I'm assuming most people here don't have the soundpost extension)

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Anonymous No. 220963

Yeah I guess the sound doesn't really matter for here, my bad.

Anonymous No. 220964

awesome and very fast speed

Anonymous No. 220971

Good stuff

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Anonymous No. 221013

Gave the new qp a lick of paint

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Anonymous No. 221014

The transition on this one feels pretty much perfect. Way steeper than you would get in a normal skatepark but still approachable and it gives you speed coming out of it. Only problem is the run up sucks, i'm goofy footed and I can get decent speed to hit it backside but I'd still be coming at it sorta sideways, and frontside I either have to pop out of another quarterpipe with enough speed or I just get to take a single push to do a little slash or something. I'm bummed because the shape and length is so fun but I really need to build some more stuff that will give me better lines.

Anonymous No. 221015

Hell yeah man, looks good.

Anonymous No. 221016

Thanks brother \m/

Anonymous No. 221027

Were you that was coolguyed in there?

Anonymous No. 221072

Lol yea kinda. I turned up by myself on my way home from work and there was like 20 guys there and i didn't know anyone so the vibe was uncomfortable. They were all ripping though which was cool but i just wanted to skate so i bailed. It's a big scene around here and i mostly keep to myself

Anonymous No. 221177

you should have just ignored them, thrown down and done picrel and you would have been accepted, cool guying is just people protecting their spot from being overrun with kooks

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Anonymous No. 221188

Needing to get back into filming. I used a Nikon DSLR for years but the camera was so outdated I got rid of it last year. Truth is I self film a lot but go hard for quality filming for the homies. I’m leaning towards a DSLR again for self filming which is close to 80% of its main use. Also would like a nice fisheye to pair with my next camera for the homies.

Anonymous No. 221193

He did but you can instantly tell he would much rather be doing tricks on the smooth concrete in the nice manicured skatepark he films almost all of his videos in. That doesn't make him fake or untalented, but it makes the whole "street part" thing feel hollow and performative.

Anonymous No. 221206

you're a retard
there's lots of good skate shoes which aren't technically classified as "skate shoes". none of that matters, anyway, unless you're an autist who has to wear your skate shoes 24/7 regardless of whether or not you're going to go skate

Anonymous No. 221214

I understand you, however I do think he eyed those spots, or let's say he is "legit" enough to know where they are. Your point of view is clear and true, but I don't think it applies to him. It would apply more to Jamie Griffin (against whom I have no grievances)

Anonymous No. 221259

I think he's just spent too much of the last 10 years painting himself as a one-trick pony - Always flatground with a few freestyle elements, almost never any gaps, never any handrails or "big" grinds. Hell, I remember how surprised I was one video when he finally turned the camera around at his local skatepark and I realized there was an entire separate half of it that he NEVER skates. Dude even films from the exact same angle every time at the park.
He's just boring in his presentation is the truth of it.

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Anonymous No. 221282

Have any of you seen this? I wasn't a skater, but my brother was around the time this came out. He bought the DVD at a local skate shop and it's a masterpiece of a skate film.
Can anyone recommend vids of the same caliber?
Was watching some newer ones and they lack the soul this has.
Also, Owen Wilson hits a sick line in it

Anonymous No. 221287

One of the most classic skate vids of the millennial generation

Anonymous No. 221288

Lakai Fully Flaired
Fallen Ride the Sky
Baker 3
Zero Dying to Live & New Blood
Osiris Feed the Need

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Anonymous No. 221291

Skate 4 bros, I don't feel so good...
Jokes aside my expectations for this game are really low. Would rather see a bigger budget and effort go into something like Session 2.

Anonymous No. 221448

Kino is back on the menu

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Anonymous No. 221452

>flatground with a few freestyle elements

Anonymous No. 221529

is it impossible for skaters who ride for limosine to have a part with good music? skating was all time though.

Anonymous No. 221535

just got two pairs of nike blazer mids for $40 each off this shop's site

Anonymous No. 221536

been skating for about 16 years and nike blazers are by far the best shoe ive ever had, only downside is they are tight on my feet but i just don't wear them unless i'm skating

Anonymous No. 221538

my heelflips were really good when i had a pair but i prefer the flick of converse

Anonymous No. 221594

i hate when im watching a clip of a skate jam/fest/contest type thing and its a bunch of guys just killing it and then some random clip comes on of a girl and she just does the most mediocre shit ever

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Anonymous No. 221611

>roger bagley getting canceled

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Anonymous No. 221635

Another pair of non skates they make a version with a rubber upper that's skateable called the airmax plus drift

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Anonymous No. 221636

Seems very skatable

Anonymous No. 221671

Air maxes are not for skating you dumb wannabe chav/eshay

You wouldn't even be posting on 4chan if you were actually the tough cunt chav you're pretending to be, go back to /fa/ with all the other retarded zoomers

Anonymous No. 221686

hot chocolate would be the first that comes to mind

Anonymous No. 221689

the russians child refugees that ride scooters on my local wear those

Anonymous No. 221690

>google roger bagley + slap
>instantly get what I was looking for
lmao these trannies are fucking unhinged
>In one of the Nine Clubs when they were doing them remotely (or maybe first one back) which I think was a Sinclair episode, Bagley did mention he thought vaccines and social distancing was bullshit. I'm pretty sure he gets his news and info from the Joe Rogan Show.
This is a fully boostered comment I came across

Anonymous No. 221691

Flip: Sorry
Es: Menikmati
The DC Video
Globe Opinion
Volcom: Lets Live
Alien Workshop: Photosynthesis

Anonymous No. 221693

This is the energy I'm trying to channel
I just go to laugh slap to laugh at faggot shit like the Trump thread, that place is great for mining faggot excerpts

Anonymous No. 221789

i think you have to be a little crazy to get super good at skating, every time im watching someone thats absolutely cracked at skating they always seem like the kind of person with an obsessive borderline personality disorder, is it even possible to be chill and extremely talented?

Anonymous No. 221818

You have to be a dumb fuck, almost all the pro skaters i've met are stupid as fuck. There are exceptions but that's generally how it goes.

Anonymous No. 221840

daewon is pretty chill.

Anonymous No. 221879

I came to the same conclusion. Last year I went through Es, Emericas, Halfcabs, Etnies, and now I've just skated blazers. It feels good to put on a new pair and have zero adjustment period. They always feel exactly like the pair I just finished. They last longer than the shoes I listed too. At least for how I skate
Triple vaxxed type behavior

Anonymous No. 221946

Are you shitting me??? Ok, Slap is officially compromised to the dnc/military-industrial complex.

Everybody, we're moving to Vent City with Ryan Lay and Ted Burrow.

Anonymous No. 221947

Tom Pennois

Anonymous No. 221949
skate a pray Jesus

Anonymous No. 222049

That's nothing compared to the retarded shit that gets posted there daily

Anonymous No. 222067

We need to start posting screencaps

Anonymous No. 222068

Wait a second; I remember the Sinclair episode (which was interesting because he chronicled his career up until the point where Jeremy Wray joined the team and he witnessed the strength of street knowledge)

Anonymous No. 222069

and that episode was before the covid dictatorship

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Anonymous No. 222070

Old slap

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Anonymous No. 222071

New slap

Anonymous No. 222075

Tired of pandering and pretending LGBT deserve anything other than a split skull

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 222083

used to be able to say a lot there but enough about that shithole with too much power for now

Anonymous No. 222084

That's not sincere though, you picked up two different threads

Anonymous No. 222085

So you don't like Chandler (always forget his last name)? He is a ripper and a good dude.

Anonymous No. 222091

you could say nigger/faggot/whatever there if you advance search by old topics.

is transition still allowed to be called tranny in the real world

Anonymous No. 222098

Bro trannies are getting banned in the real world, non of that shit exists in the real world

Anonymous No. 222101

I cannot stand that fucking freak faggot

Anonymous No. 222103

He's epicly latered was just about him getting turned out by grindr, cmon man

I'm glad I don't consider myself a skater anymore, this faggit shit took over all the alt community's hard

Anonymous No. 222129

>Good dude
He's unironically a mentally ill faggot. No one with good mental health dresses up like a fucking gay demon and gets turned on by it.

Anonymous No. 222134

any scooterbros here

Anonymous No. 222136

any pogoheads in the chat

Anonymous No. 222154

I just went to my local park and was shocked by how good the locals got in my 2 year hiatus.

Anonymous No. 222160

To each their own.

Anonymous No. 222191

i didnt know the chud had jobs outside of skating
also what a comment section

Anonymous No. 222211

One think you gotta give to Jenkemino, in this day and age, they have a free comment section. Stab went to shit when they filtered theirs.

Anonymous No. 222212

>also what a comment section
This is what happens when you don't gatekeep. Skaters need to go back to being crazy macho dickheads to keep the faggots out.

Anonymous No. 222214

Why are many people saying that it is gifted hater he hates and thinks deserves a punch? I have heard Roger saying that he loves Gifted Hater. I am a lefty, but these Slappers ended up acting like the Temperance Society.

Anonymous No. 222219

What Roger said was actually pretty true. Slap retards are just on a witch hunt as usual. I hope that all of those effeminate retards one day have 'allegations' lobbies against themselves and they have to see what it's like.

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Anonymous No. 222227

If I get the sexts, then fuck imperialism and Slap, its negative-side instrument. Skating rules, surfing rules, fuck athletes and fuck normies.

Fuck I missed them

Anonymous No. 222229


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Anonymous No. 222242

I've gotten more compliments on my air max in the last week than got 25 years of wearing skate shoes, only exception was red buisenitz. I feel like I got my mojo back

Anonymous No. 222243

Popped a 7 hydroxy I've got my mojo back baby

Anonymous No. 222247

I gonna ollie

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Anonymous No. 222248

What are thoughts on nike shox, middle school bionicle vibes

Anonymous No. 222272

Adding more stuff to the diy this weekend, building a hip off the quarterpipe i built a few weekends. shit is going to be cash my brothers

Anonymous No. 222321

this is one of those guys that licks shoes and faps and cums on them

Anonymous No. 222323

How much do cummed on shoes go for

Anonymous No. 222326

That's a interesting look into your psyche if that's what you grab from it after seeing those shoes

Anonymous No. 222328

bubba jackson better than ever before, very nice trick selection, very high quality

Anonymous No. 222339

He's actually probably not wrong. I'd forgotten about it but there is a not-insignificant group of mentally ill faggots who fetishize feet/sneakers/socks worn by young men and those kind of air maxes are the most popular in this fetish. Some people even go further and have a fetish for popping the bubbles in air maxes. I can't even remember how I know this but I haven't thought about it in probably a decade. Incredibly bizarre shit from mentally ill faggots.

Anonymous No. 222363

Literally me

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Anonymous No. 222364

His name is willy

Anonymous No. 222367

Brand names I thought of in 10 seconds

Plug warfare
Garbage man

Anonymous No. 222370


Anonymous No. 222372

The comment section is just proving his point
Damn those ledge combos were sexy and tasteful. Homie doesn't need to be risking his life stick with the Joey Brezinski daewon shit!

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Anonymous No. 222375

Coming together out here. Got the blocks for the corner and hip down today. You know the thing about diy spots is everyone is down to come help and mix concrete and get pics for Instagram but no one ever offers to throw down $20 or anything. One of the local dads bought me like $100 worth of blocks and concrete today though so that was super sick. But otherwise it's like people think concrete just appears at the spot magically or something.

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Anonymous No. 222376

Tight little corner. Some gay ass fuckin graffiti on the other new ramp whatever

Anonymous No. 222385

My name is Mud

*turuturuturu turu TU TU*

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Anonymous No. 222405

The Professional Switch Lacking (PSL) exhibition was pretty sick. I look forward to more professionals having their switch and nollie skating caught lacking.

Anonymous No. 222443

I found it kind of boring. Only made it through the first match. I don't really watch "sportified" skating that much though

Anonymous No. 222444

looks sick. we need a clip

Anonymous No. 222445

cute cat

Anonymous No. 222468

Graffiti is cool, as long as it doesn't make the surface slippery. What do you think?

Anonymous No. 222472

Yeh fair it's not my first choice.
Sticking to the stair set was the only downside imo, its basically skate on obstacles. I like the idea of you either have or don't have this trick. I grew sick of the 270 lip fest on SLS.

Anonymous No. 222479

I don't like it because it almost always does make the surface slippery. Where i live there is always a heavy layer of fog in the morning and when that happens the painted concrete can't absorb water like it usually does so everything just becomes deathly slippery and if the spot is shaded it could potentially be like that all day. I am too old to get hurt skating like that and i need to go to work on monday

Anonymous No. 222481

You are right.

Anonymous No. 222483

i hate doodle niggers

Anonymous No. 222566

all those tricks sucked ass

Anonymous No. 222570

I don’t ever see anyone skating deathwish boards in my area of NW America. I always thought deathwish was cool asf. Am I missing something about the company in the last 8 or 9 years?

Anonymous No. 222576

I think baker/deathwish were a brand for core skaters and the piss drunx shit was just life at that period. They slowly become a meme of themselves with the piss drunx image and didnt move on with the rest of skateboarding (even through everyone now has sobered up). Now they don't feel real at all and the young guys playing upto that piss drunx image come off as dorks (baker has a deathwish 2).
They should consolidate the teams and just stick with gnar skaters, Foy, Delfino, Tfunk, Kirby.. I don't need to see them partying.

Anonymous No. 222578

Well the most famous skater on deathwish has a redbull hat permanently glued to his head so yeah i feel like that says it all about modern deathwish

Anonymous No. 222579

Shit makes sense. I’m still stuck in my youth. Went to watch the Slash episode of Free Lunch and nearly shit when it said uploaded 12 years ago. I really haven’t been in the skate scene for a minute and I’m aware I’m really showing my age right now. Still building a new board up.

Anonymous No. 222580

Have you seen Foy's hairline? I don't blame him

Anonymous No. 222581

Foy on limosine soon

Anonymous No. 222602

I just did clean the bearings, those things get broken so fast, one month and they were already destroyed by sand and salt, local is near the beach.

Anonymous No. 222605

I would just surf if I lived near the beach

Anonymous No. 222629

I should try this summer, but the mediterranean is not good for surfing at all, I know a spot where the breakwater helps to get some small waves, people show up and many times but they just stay waiting in vain for them.

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Anonymous No. 222635

I've only surfed the last few months, haven't touched my skatey apart from transport. Summer here is too hot and the parks are filled with kids on holidays.
>oicrel, this morning

Anonymous No. 222643

They should have named it Sneed the Feed

Anonymous No. 222658

for me it was jerry hsu pre sci fi

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Anonymous No. 222662

While I push my skate tends to turn to the side of my pushing leg. Is this supposed to happen, or am I doing it wrong?

Anonymous No. 222665

probably your trucks. turn them around 360 degrees and push away

Anonymous No. 222671

You’re probably leaning heavy on that side. I have the same problem, but I started out pushing mongo, eventually corrected it but my dominate side years later is still mongo. Weird enough I had the same problem using sights on a rifle and my throwing hand for bar spins on a bmx bike so idk

Anonymous No. 222701

its over for skate shoes

Anonymous No. 222721

On for airmax?

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Anonymous No. 222722

Imagine having a faggot son like this

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Anonymous No. 222723

new nora vid up on vCIAce for the simp if he still posts in these threads

Anonymous No. 222739

I watched it, I think they threw her at the FOREFRONT because she is legit, Adibas I mean (a great fit for Welcome without feeling forced). No word in the fucking documentary about GirlsSkateNetwork, where most of today's women pros got their start. That's a contradiction, considering she stated that she wants to speak up for women.

/esg/ is where I learned about Nora and she will always be the designated skatefu.

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Anonymous No. 222744


Anonymous No. 222745

A new export just dropped

Anonymous No. 222746


Anonymous No. 222751

imagine being in this intersection

Anonymous No. 222754

nora is a walled whore

Anonymous No. 222766

why does that manlet have such a big huge stupid truck

Anonymous No. 222768

to carry his balls from spot to spot

Anonymous No. 222783

Not a woman, but using the term "wall" is misanthropic and kind of psychopathic.

Anonymous No. 222792

shes looks like a 44 year old milf

Anonymous No. 222798


Anonymous No. 222809

Anyone get anything from the Polar spring cleaning sale?

Anonymous No. 222815

skate industry is dramatically shrinking rn. there are like 1000 pros but a lot of companies are about to go under. instagram really fucked up the whole industry, it used to be that you only got picked up by a company if you were in a big skate city skating with the right people. now there are guys living in bumfuck egypt who are just as good as these big city guys and they post clips to instagram constantly. there's an oversaturation of good skateboarders and not enough money to keep it all afloat.

Anonymous No. 222816

Didn't Tom Asta say he left Ă©s? And who was team manager of Ă©s? Kelly "Richard Hammond the hamster" Hart. Did you see what Asta was saying? That they had them fly over on their own dime for trips and such.

...and Kelly Hart just said on the Nike Club "you know what I like? When you can do your own thing". I fucking hate Kelly Hart.

Anonymous No. 222817

i think in the next few years a LOT of board companies will go under. the only ones that will survive are the timeless legacy brands and the ones that are run out of someone's garage and never needed to make money to be profitable in the first place.

Anonymous No. 222818

yeah that guy is a manchild much like all the other people on the nine club

Anonymous No. 222824

also i know i just said timeless legacy brands will be fine but the anti hero team right now is so bloated it's insane

>Grant Taylor
>Brian Anderson
>Austin Kanfoush
>Raney Beres
>Chris Phanner
>Daan Van Der Linden
>Doobie Pellegrin
>Nick Matthews
>Finn Pope
>Gus Gordon
>Cedrick Pabich
>Shay Martinson
>Robbie Russo
>Cody Chapman
>Petar Stanchev.

i don't think AH necessarily does a tone of stuff for their riders and the benefits of riding for AH at this point are probably more like access to other DLX brands eg spitfire plus the timeless core cred but wow there are just too many people on that team at this point. i liked it when it was a small crew.

Anonymous No. 222826

cardiel, gerwer, hewitt, trujillo are sick but i don't think they need legacy boards at this point. industry needs to move on.

GT, raney and austin are solid. pfanner, daan and doobie are solid too but they seem like they're on their own trip in europe, seems separate from anti hero and makes the crew seem disjointed but whatever

brian anderson and robbie russo are dead weight at this point and not sure what justifies them still having boards or even being on the team

the whole young crew is cool but we'll see where it goes. nick matthews is good but probably overhyped by slap. i think they like him because he looks like a beta and they relate to that. finn pope is pretty forgettable honestly, there are a thousand zoomers who dress and look just like him. cedrick pabich is the corniest dude ever, i was disappointed when that guy officially got on the crew. shay martinson is good but not that good, has a great style but doesn't do anything worth being pro, not even sure if he is actually on the team though. gus gordon is sick but i think his forced wackiness is a bit annoying. cody chapman is sick, good addition. petar stanchev is a midget lmao if your team has midgets on it you know it's getting bloated.

Anonymous No. 222831

>the anti hero team right now is so bloated it's insane


Dude...these three don't even skate

Anonymous No. 222835

trujillo still skates and julien theoretically does

Anonymous No. 222836

also julien owns the company and rarely puts out decks with his name on it so whatever

Anonymous No. 222841

lots of board brands are subsidised by nike

Anonymous No. 222852

You could see that writing on the wall a good decade ago.

Anonymous No. 222860

I'll probably keep riding Tum Yeto boards for as long as they're around. Still love the team and their style/art direction.
The only thing that annoys me is I order all my stuff online and I've gotten multiple decks in the last year directly from Toy Machine where the measurements have been off. Most of the time its not a big deal but recently had one where the wheelbase was a full .5" shorter than what was listed.
In the US they seem to use any woodshop from Mexico, I've had boards from Clutch, PS Stix, and BBS. It's all quality wood but I'm sure that's not helping their accuracy with their measurements.

Anonymous No. 222876

i don't think thats why, you still have to be cool, know the right people, have footage and skate street to get good sponsors. posting skatepark clips on ig can only get you so far.

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Anonymous No. 222890

she has basically always looked like this

Anonymous No. 222893

yes you are actually correct

maybe instagram has nothing to do with it. regardless there is still like a complete oversaturation of good skateboarders with not enough money in the industry to actually keep up with it

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Anonymous No. 222926

This so sadge.
Can we get some F's in the chat?

Anonymous No. 222930

When all this industry bullshit is finally dead Brandon Westgate will still be skating for fun and who cares what 8inch plank he's on.

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Anonymous No. 222944

my Ollies always sucked so i took the no-comply pill, specially at this point and age. Pushing mongo for like 5 years when i was a begginer payed off somehow, learning all kind of no-complies variations was very chill since im very used to the motion of taking my front foot off the board. First time posting clips here plz be gentle.

Anonymous No. 222960

what trick, pray tell
sick, is that your dog in the background?

Anonymous No. 222961

I'm not entirely sure what happened with that deck, I don't normally crack boards at all but this one gradually accumulated pressure cracks all over the entire board while I was riding it. Not sure if the cold weather may have made it worse.
Noticed last night I had hairline cracks going the full width across the center of the board and one full split, so I just focused it at the end of the session. Glad I did because it snapped really easy on the first stomp and it's better than it letting go on a lipslide or something.

Anonymous No. 222967

ty anon. Doggo was from a homeless old man that was sleeping there for the night. I even petted him a bit, and gave some snacks that ive had on me to the old man. It was late at night so i've felt a little bad disturbing the old man, but he seemed pretty unbothered desu.

Anonymous No. 222970

Pig Wheels logo will be forever my favorite skate brand logo, they're so good.

Anonymous No. 222972

Are you guys going to stop by on SkateShop Day? It's on the 15th. My local shop always has pizza and snacks and little giveaways. They have some limited edition decks this year that look kinda interesting.

Anonymous No. 222981

why did they stop doing downtown showdown?
>Professional Switch Lacking (PSL) exhibition
i thought this was it was really gonna be called and now im disappointed

Anonymous No. 223000

Based thirdie skater

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Anonymous No. 223003


Anonymous No. 223008

horrible diet

Anonymous No. 223016

she has that sarah silverman body type

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mfw oldhag elf.png

Anonymous No. 223025


Anonymous No. 223037

Do you guys break bearings? I feel like for the most part I didn't have this problem when I was younger, but now I'm breaking a few bearings every couple months. Pig, Spitfire, Bronson.
Not really a fan of Powell but debating on trying some Bones to see if they hold up better.

Anonymous No. 223042

I've broken a lot of boards in below freezing temps. It makes the wood less flexible/shock absorbent
I might pop into my local shop. I'm a social retard, so I'll probably buy something and then bounce
I break them about that often too. I keep a box full of spares in my bag

Anonymous No. 223050

That first one is sick. others are good too.

Anonymous No. 223052

i never figured out how to do no complys without smacking yourself right in the kneecap.
1st one was stylish.
>land short on a grass gap once
>bearings die instantly
this has happened to me like 3 times now.

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Anonymous No. 223053


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Anonymous No. 223055

appreciate it anon, i really enjoy that first one too, a shame that we cant post clips with sound here, that trick sounds so good. i want to find a cool street spot to throw that one down, i have it pretty on lock.

thing is, you kinda need to smack yourself in, the secret is keeping your back leg really straight, so it hit more your tights then your knee. but yeah, im with a bruise rn in the spot that the board hits you, but you get used to it lol. and you can get away with just "taping" your tail when doing it over small stuff and it almost don't hit your back leg.

here's a old one that really shows how you can just "tap" the tail and it works fine. But yeah, if you want to go full Jake Johnson jumping benches with no-complies, you gotta doit really proper (i really recommend watch his clips to get the idea of how a PERFECT straight no-comply should be done).

Anonymous No. 223056

bros the diy thing is kinda blowing up now, local shop has got a fundraiser thing going so we can get funds, was there tonight with like 10 other guys working on setting stuff up to pour it tomorrow, creating big and unique obstacles. will keep you guys posted over the weekend

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Anonymous No. 223058

really tight pocket being formed up

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Anonymous No. 223059

my corner ready to be poured tomorrow, my ramps are pretty boring in comparison to some of the stuff the other guys are building but I feel like a lot of people like skating them because they're small and fun for trying stuff on

Anonymous No. 223061

love to see it man. there's no such thing as a boring ramp, specially on a diy. keep em coming!

Anonymous No. 223071

Backstory on wtf happened to Braille?

Anonymous No. 223089

tl;dr dwindling views on videos (cause there’s finite always to make “we skate a board made of garbage” videos for their children audience), Aaron Kyro giving all the channel revenue to scientology and lying to team members, everyone leaving so there’s a cascade effect, and again, Aaron Kyro being a scientology money hungry goblin freak.

Anonymous No. 223114

Good news

Anonymous No. 223143

new weckingball

Anonymous No. 223145

Slap is already seething over this video

Anonymous No. 223147

that video was pretty tame, he didn't say anything offensive, what could they possibly be upset about

also he made a few points that this posters >>222815 earlier made

weck posts here? kek

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Anonymous No. 223148

Some diy updates. Grindline guys came and finished the concrete on the ramps i set up

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Anonymous No. 223149

And they built this gnarly pocket

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Anonymous No. 223150


Anonymous No. 223165

Based Scientology wiping braille off the map

Anonymous No. 223166

Is Nora a lesbi/bisexual?

Anonymous No. 223168

nah she is/was fucking some surf chad

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Anonymous No. 223174

damn¡ that place is going to end up being big

Anonymous No. 223184

she's a walled whore

Anonymous No. 223206

my hand's palms hurt so bad

Anonymous No. 223240

i'm over the diy now bros i just want to skate it by myself but every time i go there now there is 20 dudes there who wont even pick up a broom stick

Anonymous No. 223316

Carlisle Aikens pants are too damn BIG!!!!! He must be stopped.

Anonymous No. 223352

Come on, you have put in work. Just go there and relax and have fun.

Anonymous No. 223369

don't you get it? this poor man is about to get vibed out of his own handywork. you hate to see it.

Anonymous No. 223383

looks awesome anon!

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Anonymous No. 223492

>917 deck cheapest in my local shops bargain bin

i never really followed what happened with 917 after everyone abandoned ship, what does it even mean to buy a 917 deck? is it just leftover stock, whos even gonna get money? also, opinions on skating it?

Anonymous No. 223494

I personally have never even heard of it before, so I have no thoughts.

Anonymous No. 223497

they just did a gentemsitck collab a while ago. i think it's just alex's boutique brand now

Anonymous No. 223498

weird. think its worth picking up the deck for $40?

Anonymous No. 223514

i genuinely think that the worst thing in modern skateboarding is that women are involved

Anonymous No. 223518

good ragebait but tbf marisas part in strange world came out 15 years ago now. women have been in skateboarding for a while its just they had to have thicker skin before. you couldnt get away with putting out shit that was shit because "its good for a woman." it just had to be good full stop. when much more smaller board companies started coming out it gave women less responsibility cause they could all hugbox eachother cause there wasnt anyone else to check their shit. skateboarding is just more mainstream and less gatekept now so theres more kooks, both male and female. but if you look at momijis video its clear theyre still capable to skate at a very high level given the right circumstances

Anonymous No. 223519

I like watching cute girls skate; especially if their breasts are on the larger side.

Anonymous No. 223526

The video was good, Alex Olson gave an interview about it.

Anonymous No. 223531

they all look like butch dykes and trannies except in brazil and spain where it seems girls that skate are still allowed to look female

Anonymous No. 223533

you're an actual faggot if you think that is ragebait

Anonymous No. 223535

If qt3.14 skater girls were around when I was a teenager maybe I would have found love
This, largely due to Instagram/Youtube and just general blurring of the line between male and female interests.
Momiji's recent part was literally the first female part since Marisa that I felt was legitimately good as far as skill level goes.

Anonymous No. 223545

to be fair, i would imagine skating in female clothing is probably pretty fucking annoying which warrants why alot of them look like dykes, if you wanna skate gud youre gonna wear shit that doesnt make it annoying to skate and actually protects you. ie jeans and a shirt. im not exactly huge on seeing leticia bufoni fs180ing in skimpy athletic gear, its ugly and nyjahpilled. if i wanna jerk off ill just do it to actual porn where theyre naked. when i watch skating id like to watch the skating.

Anonymous No. 223553

cata diaz wears jeans and a t shirt yet still looks female. its not possible here for some reason. leticia is just cringe. >>223519 is just some coomer that doesnt skate so i didnt give him a serious reply

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Anonymous No. 223580


Anonymous No. 223585

its a symptom of corporate brands dictating who is pro + can live off skateboarding now

Anonymous No. 223589

the ones that were groomed to be contest/olympian skaters since the day they could stand on a board are very cringe. rayssa and mojito are 2 examples ( i dont know their fucking names)

Anonymous No. 223597

>>>223519 (You) is just some coomer that doesnt skate so i didnt give him a serious reply
Skating is gay. Cooming is based.

Anonymous No. 223598

>weck posts here? kek

Anonymous No. 223599

>timestamp 4:24

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Anonymous No. 223603


Anonymous No. 223605

hang on .. maybe i would

Anonymous No. 223609


Anonymous No. 223618

a girl used to post in these threads. actually it was probably just another troon

Anonymous No. 223619


Anonymous No. 223620

I hate that these days you always have to second guess.

Anonymous No. 223625

>new EA Skate game f2p with microtransactions
>confirmed mobile version of the game launching alongside console/PC release
We're cooked bros.

Anonymous No. 223632

Ccs has those mini cruiser decks on sale for like 20$, kinda tempted to switch over to them since my decks all chewed up anyways. Redpill me on how those affect tricks as much. Also if there's any decent brands that make 8.25 ones as I can't for the life of me find that shit.
Played the beta over 2 years ago. Map design and art direction are really sloppy, and they've downgraded the fun physics each time they do another open beta. Has that h3h3 corporate artstyle. The park our stuff is kinda cool and they made certain junky tricks in 3 way easier to land but the style there going for makes session even look edgy (which I'd say just play that if the devs weren't autistically hyperfocusing on only flip tricks). Theyd be shooting themselves in the foot if they dont play into the stuff like the spillway or huge potential gaps given the explosion 3 had with zoomers doing jesus shit. Im really worried about cohesion given it seems their shying away from the get sponsors and rise the ranks kinda thing. Honestly i think someone needs to just crash through the blank space of the current skateboarding game market, make a new Hawk game like THUG where it rips off karate kid instead and has a kid slowly learn from the old greats>>220633
Iirc is was shitblike Fiona apple and other stuff. Pretty sure you csn find a leaked track list in places, I remember it had a mode to play thr old ambient music from prior games but not the old track listing. Closest it even had to punk music was reggae. I'm most disappointed they removed the ridiculously fat option from the game as you originally could make a character the size of lizzo and do triple miracle whips and rocket airs, was the funniest fucking visual even if it clipped through the few unlocksble clothes they had. I just hope they slip punk tactics into the game music. Might post blurry photos of how it looked a bit later

Anonymous No. 223640

bryan arnett is a goober but i have to admit he's pretty funny

Anonymous No. 223642

Sounds great actually. Skate 3 was shit and the worst of the series. All the gay stuff zoomies liked I want gone.

Anonymous No. 223644

define gay as it might be worse than 3 in that regard. shit was really repetitive, didnt feel like 2 at all. base gameplay was alright but they really hadnt figured out how to structure it proper

Anonymous No. 223648

I didn't like the less realistic direction that the masses who don't skate seemed to love. Why skate was so good for me was because it was such a realism jump from the tony hawk games, slowly it became like them.

Anonymous No. 223676

Got me on a binge
He is a bully, no doubt

It's quite clear Jõa and Weckington are reading /esg/. Mango used to post here. Hell, maybe that's why he named the company Frog.

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just a prank bro.jpg

Anonymous No. 223679

Bam and Jaime linked up

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Anonymous No. 223686


Anonymous No. 223688


Anonymous No. 223698


Anonymous No. 223963

>not playing session with real physics and mods

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Anonymous No. 224667

I do tho (not many hours yet, just got the game late last year)

Anonymous No. 225394

oh damn, I got like 45 myself. Thought it'd be more.