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🧵 /judo/ - Judo General

Anonymous No. 224099

Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

Chadi BTFO edition

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2025


>Video Resources

>Discussion starter
Thoughts on how to improve uchikomi?

Previous thread: >>215864

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Nizomiddinxoja To....webm

Anonymous No. 224100

Anonymous No. 224161

>Thoughts on how to improve uchikomi?
I aint doin that shit

Anonymous No. 224169

CHADi won.

Anonymous No. 224186

How come many olympic matches are unavailable and gone from the internet? I can't find the full Riner vs Bashaev fight anywhere. I heard that the IOC owns broadcast rights and not the IJF. Do they just hide this shit forever when the olympics end?

Anonymous No. 224190


Anonymous No. 224207

i've been sick since monday.
What sacrafice do i have to do to Kano to get rid of it?

Anonymous No. 224208

buy a dummy and just fully execute the throw

Anonymous No. 224209

>Thoughts on how to improve uchikomi?
practice uchi komi with set up reaps and hooks

Anonymous No. 224219

He will go into hiding in disgrace

He didn't even respond to the video

Anonymous No. 224225

He'll return as Punished Chadi. a man denied his uchikomi

Anonymous No. 224229

He has become something of a meme in my circle, We will call each other and just go
Hi, this is chadi..and todayy we are going to look at traditional ryukyu grappling footage and discuss the similarities found in modern Mongolian wrestling [queue that same video of Kano looking awkwardly at the camera and then demonstrating a hipthrow] but before we get into that check out my book...

Anonymous No. 224234

>How to improve uchikomi
Think up a situation you don't like, have your opponent mimic it
And have 3 different throws you want to try, and then have someone help you do something about it or suggest a better alternative

Anonymous No. 224260

I used to buy into his stuff so much, now I realize it's more like
>traditional ryukyu grappling
>modern Mongolian wrestling
>as you can see here guys we can see the fighters grabbing each other to try and throw one another
repeat same clickbait ad nauseam

Anonymous No. 224263

who is the cutest girl judo?

Anonymous No. 224267

Uta Abe

Anonymous No. 224268

You don't even need to understand what he's saying to know exactly what he's saying

Anonymous No. 224269

She was but her melt down at the Olympics gave me the ick

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Anonymous No. 224280


Anonymous No. 224282


Anonymous No. 224291

sorry for the gay but it's the best I can do

Anonymous No. 224293

>it's just her crying
i was expecting a full in tantrum like that georgian judoka had
this was a whole lot of nothing anon. You need to give me my time back

Anonymous No. 224296

That wasn't just crying that was inconsolably wailing on her knees in public
Totally unacceptable toddler behavior

Anonymous No. 224311

Shamefur Dispray

Anonymous No. 224313

uta abe WILL BE the mother of my children

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Anonymous No. 224328

sorry bro, Hedvig mogs her (in looks)

Anonymous No. 224330

>goes to the 2028 olympics
>fucks up again
>commits sudoku
i'm calling it

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Anonymous No. 224342

He's completely right and I'm proof of it.

>learn generic osoto gari through karate
>never land it in sparring
>learn osoto gari in college judo intro course
>never land it in randori
>learn osoto gari "properly" the traditional way in a dedicated judo school
>never land it in randori
>see someone posting on discord on how to do the competition osoto gari that actually works
>not even a video, literally just a text post describing how to do it
>hit osoto gari next time I try it in randori
Felt like I was Wimp Lo finally discovering the ruse.

Anonymous No. 224349

I've posted this before, but this is how Kimura hit Osoto by going to the side and almost breaking the knee.

From a forum post on the topic (

>I have written and explained several times on the old forum that ô-soto-gari is the single most incorrectly taught throw in the West. It's something I didn't realize until I moved to Japan. That is not to say that there aren't any different ways to perform ô-soto-gari, no, I am talking about errors, not 'henka'. Kuzushi and control in ô-soto-gari is typically done incorrectly in the West, where there is a tendency to pull sideways, instead of to the left hip (for migi-ô-soto-gari). This is very prominent in Kimura Masahiko's ô-soto-gari. In addition, there is the way Kimura really locks the leg with his reaping leg. I think that direction is not very significant and depends on displacement and action/reaction and debana. In addition, it's probably a limitation of photographic sequences, as suggested by the various film footage that exists.

>I have talked to three people who have regularly fought Kimura (I discussed Kimura at length with Ôsawa-sensei, my sensei Hirano also fought Kimura many times during randori, and I talked to another gentleman about 7-8 years ago who was then in his 90s but who had left jûdô, but who too had fought Kimura twice in shiai). All pointed out, if anything, that Kimura was hugely strong. Hirano, who himself was a quite remarkable jûdôka and who still holds the record of defeating 15 in a line-up in the yodan promotional shiai at the Kôdôkan, estimated that Kimura was about 5 times as strong as he. Of course this is a merely anecdotal and romanticized with no measured scientific data, but it gives an idea about how phenomenal Kimura's strength apparently was.

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Anonymous No. 224413

>Thoughts on how to improve uchikomi?
what hanpan says

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All Japan Judo Ch....webm

Anonymous No. 224415

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judo tsuri goshi ....webm

Anonymous No. 224416

Anonymous No. 224418

how to do judo without breaking peoples legs?
all the "right" ways to do throws seems to involve hammering them over their knee in a way that locks it out

Anonymous No. 224440

the opponent needs to learn to fall properly to prevent actual harm.
If they know the throw is coming and can feel it they need to go with it.
I see in randori some people leg their knees in an attempt to resist the throw.
Doing that will only hurt you and make the tori feel like they hurt you even though it was your fault.
Tori just needs to focus on executing the throw properly

Anonymous No. 224441

some people lock their knees

Anonymous No. 224445

even in competition people arent gonna focus on not hurting you.
That's your responsibility

Anonymous No. 224458

How do you not get Ura Nage'd or Tani'd with this shit?

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Anonymous No. 224460

Judo GF

Anonymous No. 224466


Anonymous No. 224475


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Anonymous No. 224489

Agh noo stop!!

Anonymous No. 224491

Look at the uke's posture. They're hunched forward and not in a position where they can launch an ura nage or tani.

Anonymous No. 224492

how to not get tani otoshi'd
>dont hip to hip

how to not get ura nage'd
>dont hip to hip
hope this helps

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kosoto pant leg s....webm

Anonymous No. 224493

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Massive standing ....webm

Anonymous No. 224494

Anonymous No. 224497

excuse me but did his SLEEVE just TOUCH the PANTS!!!?!?!?! disqualify this man RIGHT FUCKING NOW

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natsumi tsunoda b....webm

Anonymous No. 224636

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2023 World SAMBO ....webm

Anonymous No. 224637

Anonymous No. 224668

that's some bullshit for not stopping it after the throw failed

Anonymous No. 224683

what a bizarre sport, how the fuck do they score this?

Anonymous No. 224686

I'm assuming point karate-esque scoring for strikes, Judo rules for throws and pins plus their own list of legal and illegal submissions (IIRC they can do any joint lock including leg locks but some or all chokes are banned)

Anonymous No. 224689

i love how sambo is just a more technical mma with way less spazzing

Anonymous No. 224698

I like Sambo, but it just seems to drunk Russian to me. I like Kudo more.

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Anonymous No. 224720

When I was practicing the sport it was :
2 points : throw when the oponent falls on the side, holding dominant position on the ground 15 seconds
4 points : throw when the oponent falls on the back and you fall with him, dominant postion on groundwork for 30 seconds
6 points : when you knock the opponent down but they get up before 10 count
full victory : knockout or throw when the opponent is flat on his bavk but you remain standing, 12 points difference in the course of the fight.

Anonymous No. 224783

Why do so many people look at judo skill as just landing throws and not their overall preformance in randori?
Getting some decent attacks in and being difficult to off balance and throw is just as good as landing throws the only major draw back is gassing yourself if you dont have the stamina in the tank.
and im not talking about muscling it

Anonymous No. 224789

Because that's the point (of the sport).

Anonymous No. 224794

I disagree.
I'd rather get one decent attack in that could potentially lead to a throw than look like a tard who moves like shit and muscles everything.
Sometimes i watch these tournaments and wonder how people got their black belt when they move like crap

Anonymous No. 224803

Do they really move like crap? Before headspins got banned, people would fucking breakdance their way out of throws and do everything in their power to either turtle or jump back up. To be fair, I'm talking about Olympians going against Olympians when I mean sport.

Anonymous No. 224805

>olympic comp
oh ok, we arent on the same page at all.
Im talking regular competition with some people just muscling it and crossing their legs when they step

Anonymous No. 224809

Those actually seem like pretty good rules for a point-based MMA fight, though I'm not a fan of scoring for simply holding pins, if only because it's boring (that might just be me being too beejbrained tho)

Anonymous No. 224982

How do you prevent your collar/lapel post from getting pummeled into an underhook/back-grip? I play long range judo (uchi mata, osoto) and this one pretty much stops me.

Anonymous No. 225092

is sambo fun? thinking about trying it (the non-strikes version)

Anonymous No. 225094

Anonymous No. 225155

NTA but I think it's pretty fun. Sport sambo (the one without strikes) actually has the bigger & better talent pool; you just don't hear about it out west since sambo's known more for MMA here. There are very few restrictions on grips or anything, so you can do virtually any takedown you like. The ruleset also encourages more transitional work to newaza if that's your thing.

Anonymous No. 225162

hey, i just want to thank that anon who wrote multiple paragraph long posts complaining about that black belt who always spams sumo squat tai otoshi's. it improved the FUCK out of my tai otoshi's just reading your descriptions of it. Hoping i can be as masterful as that man some day

Anonymous No. 225243


Anonymous No. 225285

>There are very few restrictions on grips or anything, so you can do virtually any takedown you like
yeah, I really like that. IJF rules have turned too restrictive.

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Anonymous No. 225330


Anonymous No. 225331

i wish women were real

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Anonymous No. 225332

I deadlift 650lbs and doing shitty tai otoshis from a double lapel bully grip and jumping in semi circles and doing osoto otoshi if that fucks up is actually easy street, just hulking people dude, ive finally found a way to throw people who are better than me. I’m a white belt and I just screen capped that and I study those posts if I’m ever wondering about retard muscle tai otoshi, those four posts made kuzushi click for me after months of getting rekt by tall fat people, I’ve even been semi consistently throwing 200lb+ bjj black belts with it, it feels like cheesing throws almost. I am trash still though Fr

Anonymous No. 225336

There is still kuzushi in the bully tai otoshi. You are snapping them down and over their toes, you're just getting out of the way and not planting your foott across their mid shin

Steve Cunningham demonstrates something similar:

I like this version, but as the post says. It's a dick move because most of the time Uki will be landing flat onto their face

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judo drop seoi na....webm

Anonymous No. 225341

Anonymous No. 225344

>Steve Cunningham demonstrates something similar
You can also find a similar technique in shuai jiao/mongolian bokh

Anonymous No. 225351

>be me
>do the most perfect chefs kiss highlight reel harai ever documented
>some retard weed smoker that has no situational awareness or ability to stay in his area rolls directly in our path
>uke is upside down at this point
>try to slam the brakes and abort
>It's too late
>have to fire all cylinders to change direction and bail out
>I'm sorry!!!!
>tuck his head down and chuck him as far away as I can to avoid the collision
>retard: woah lol sorry dude didn't see you there

Mandatory drug tests and bans when

Anonymous No. 225363

All coaches should explicitly reserve the right to kick you off the mat if you appear inebriated in any way (and actually enforce it), but while I don't know what the situation looks like in Judo, as a bjjfag half of our gyms would probably go out of business. Thankfully it's a less of a problem in our sport but still, it's pretty fucking irresponsible

Anonymous No. 225372

They're already a thing dont talk about bjj in a judo thread.
If you're suspected of doping in anyway they'll pull you aside for a drug test.

they do. They can kick you out for just being a jerk to another student.

Anonymous No. 225373

both usa judo and ijf publish a list of banned players
the ban has the potential to affect you AND your dojo depending in the severity.
You could even face a fine or the dojo could face a fine for allowing you to do what you did.

and both of them have report pages for for any form of doping

Anonymous No. 225399

im retarded disregard my initial comment

Anonymous No. 225410

Kinda fucked someone got banned for methadone

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Anonymous No. 225429

why does it take forever for me to learn anything
i have to ask one of the guys to practice the moves slowly on him a couple of times and letting it sit in my head before it works the next class

Anonymous No. 225433

stop worrying and just take your time
the more you worry the more anxious you're gonna get and that's not gonna affect your martial arts well

Anonymous No. 225436

because repping isn't an effective way to learn a task
the science is settled on this

Anonymous No. 225438

What's an effective way of learning than?

Anonymous No. 225439


Anonymous No. 225440

Oh dear
The ecoschizo has switched sports

Anonymous No. 225442

he's not an ecoschizo
he's bringing up some video hanpantv made

Anonymous No. 225444

You have to actually do the thing you're trying to get better at,
not do an approximation of the thing, Or something that kind of looks like the thing
You need to actually do the thing

The same way learning phrases and doing flash cards will never teach you how to actually speak a foreign language, it's why 0% of duolingo users ever learned another language from it
the only way to learn it is just eat shit and start having conversations and sound like a retard for a while

Kata is fake, uchikomi is fake, repping is fake

Anonymous No. 225445

i guess weight lifters should stop lifting weights and only compete

Anonymous No. 225446

Weight lifting is their sport

There's no award in judo for how asthetically you can do half of an uchimata 25 times in a row against a dummy

Anonymous No. 225452

>doctors don't need to read or learn any extensive medical work, they just need to test surgery techniques and medicines they don't know about yet and see what happens :D

Anonymous No. 225453

That's a fundamental misunderstanding of how the process works
There is no rule that says you cannot use observations to inform strategies towards an end result

But reading books and playing surgeon simulator on unintendo DS is not going to prepare you
You won't develop the skill, the sensitivity with your tools timing and your work flow until you sit down and start cutting things

That's why surgeons start with cadavers because they are expected to screw up at first

Anonymous No. 225458

see >>224413

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Anonymous No. 225459

it's almost as if
people do judo differently from person to person


Anonymous No. 225461

>everyone should do it the exact way a korean person said so it's boring to watch as bjj

Anonymous No. 225464

Be my guest and continue to waste your time training ineffectively, you're only hurting yourself in the end

Anonymous No. 225466

If anything that's the what the kodokan is doing
Do it exactly the way this 5'2" geriatric did 130 years ago or it's WRONG

Anonymous No. 225491

bjj isn't boring to watch, do you hate newaza?

Anonymous No. 225493

Come on now, yes it is
Nobody actually watches that shit

Go ask a gym full of people who the current ibjjf champions are, nobody will know
The people that participate don't even watch it

Anonymous No. 225502

last time i checked it was gordon ryan and people were saying he's unbeatable

Anonymous No. 225504

False equivalence
>But reading books... is not going to prepare you
Low spatial IQ but who gives a shit. If you started judo when already old and inexperienced it's going to be like that anyways, until it all kind of clicks in.
Or you can be like me and becoming the most annoying person in the sport because I cannot be thrown unless it's a 10/10 maximum strength throw and I cannot throw unless it's a sacrifice.
Correction: become the second most annoying people in the sport

Anonymous No. 225505

Gordon hasn't competed with ibjff since 2018
See what I mean? 7 years of winners and nobody could name one

Anonymous No. 225506

Read a book cover to cover about doing a heart transplant then do one
I'll be my life's savings your patient dies

Anonymous No. 225531

It's always black and white with you retards. No middle.

Anonymous No. 225538

>n-no you
top 10 memes and how they ruined an entire website

Anonymous No. 225540

>the millennial urge to compromise on everything
some issues there's no middle ground on and this is one of those things
skills can only be developed by doing the action. observing and copying at best can give you an idea of what you're trying to do but only doing it will make you better at it

uchikomi is not doing judo, if that were the case then karatekas would be the best fighters because they practice their kata every day
but of course when it comes time to fight they can't do jack shit
same with judo uchikomi, the only thing that matters is randori. everything else is a waste of your time

🗑️ Anonymous No. 225542

shit thread

Anonymous No. 225544

It usually is a shit thread.
I dont even do bjj but still post in the bjj thread because they usually have something to talk about

Anonymous No. 225549

>some issues there's no middle ground on and this is one of those things

Midwit, everything has a balance.

Anonymous No. 225550

yeah and i dont think that balance is cutting a core part of learning a judo throw

Anonymous No. 225556

Tradition says getting punched in the head will toughen you up and make your chin stronger when it comes time to fight

No it won't, in fact does exactly the opposite and makes you more susceptible to KOs because of the compounding neurological damage

Ok let's compromise!
No, only one of these can be correct

But where's the evidence that this process is actually helping you learn the throw, people might think it's helping them learn a throw
But of course if we took 2 people and one of them did 6 months of uchikomi and the other did 6 months of randori and then we had them fight at the end we know who would win 10 out of 10 matches

Anonymous No. 225561

>But where's the evidence that this process is actually helping you learn the throw, people might think it's helping them learn a throw
you cant be this fucking retarded and have enough neurons to know how to breathe

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Anonymous No. 225563


Anonymous No. 225564

are you trying to get good at doing uchikomi or at throwing a resisting partner?
these are not the same skill, you're spending time doing something that is not increasing your ability to do the thing you want to actually do

hitting a bag doesn't make you a good boxer
uchikomi is judos equivalent to that. a fairly pointless endeavor that maybe you can include in a workout to increase your action capacity but otherwise isn't making you better on the skill side of things
runners get better by running, swimmers get better by swimming, judo players get better by doing judo
uchikomi isn't judo, its a choreographed dance routine

Anonymous No. 225566

When I am doing Uchi Komi, it's to generally improve my Judo by exposing me to specific joint positions and have a basic understanding of what the throw should feel like. Those without prior knowledge of Judo will usually follow their instructors commands to a T, eventually they will change minor things like hand placement or foot placement.

When I am doing Randori, it's to generally improve my Judo by exposing me to various positions that force me to adapt both on a neurological level and a physiological level.

Uchi Komi is Judo to the same extent Randori or Nage Komi is Judo. Certain training methods yield greater results and the desired adaption depends on what you and your goals. Want to work on fitting in and lifting? Do Uchi Komi to get GENERALLY better at Judo. Do Nage Komi to practice the GENERAL aspect of throwing someone with a specific throw and get GENERALLY better at Judo. If you want to do a live fight or have serious resistance? Do Randori to GENERALLY get better at Judo.

Specific training isn't specific. These are the same things people argue about when doing stuff like rotational medicine ball throws to 'improve their golf swing' or 'improve their rotational power output.' No, it's to get generally stronger and more powerful.

Anonymous No. 225589

please be bait

Anonymous No. 225612

it's one of the three
>bait & trolling
>not old enough to be using this website
only one of these three can explain doubling down stupidity

Anonymous No. 225618

>uchikomi isnt judo
new low just dropped

Anonymous No. 225662

The midwit has spoken with his -as expected- reply of what's already fucking obviously implied
fair enough

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Anonymous No. 225700

Going to class and getting my ass kicked is the only period in my week I feel as though I'm progressing in life. After Judo I feel directionless, hopeless, like shit. Does anyone feel the same? Does anyone know how to achieve a degree of peace and contentment in all aspects of my life outside of the classes? I also go gym as well for some strength and conditioning, but I am lacking in any emotionally fulfilling connections. I am dead inside.

Anonymous No. 225704

I did but Judo actually allowed me to perform better career wise.
>but I am lacking in any emotionally fulfilling connections
Do you have a Job? Studies?
Also, your fellow judofags will slowly become your friends. You just gotta give it some time because 95% of Judokas are kind of autistic, even the women.

Anonymous No. 225712

just become a hospital security guy or bouncer in some urban area and you'll be able to have something important to use judo for, thus increasing the amount of pleasure you get from judo by adding the aspect of a job well done. as well as verbal judo randori practice.

Anonymous No. 225719

Why does nobody like Osoto Otoshi? It's sooo good.

Anonymous No. 225720

I don't hate it, but it's something I used when I didn't understand proper osotogari.

Anonymous No. 225734

I feel like Otoshi is better than Gari, just seems more intuitive

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Benoit Campargue.mp4

Anonymous No. 225755

It's the ultimate filter throw

Anonymous No. 225790

I would like to learn judo but I feel it's a cope without leg grabs

It seems so strict with it's rules like YOU HAVE TO HAVE THIS SPECIFIC GRIP OR ITS NOT ALLOWED

whereas wrestling you just do whatever works

Tl;Dr will judo ever become a useful martial art again or just esoteric flashy olympic crap that takes 20 years to master

Anonymous No. 225798

judo is still a useful martial art without leg grabs
especially in street fights

Anonymous No. 225810

>Posts the same tired gif of drunks getting tripped over

Anonymous No. 225812

so you're saying you can survive being body slammed onto concrete?

Anonymous No. 225813

>I have no experience in martial arts but I have strong opinions about them
many such cases

Anonymous No. 225816

>anon thinks he can survive this on concrete
this is a legal move btw

Anonymous No. 225817

Yet this never happens in actual fights. You just get punched or leg grabbed, or wrestling style suplex

Anonymous No. 225818

Judokas think that people will just stand there like living sandbags and let you execute these 0.0001% throws. If you show any resistance it all of a sudden becomes a dream and you eat a knuckle sandwich. It's why you don't see this stuff in MMA

>Posts that one time an olympic judoka did a fancy throw against a wall once

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Anonymous No. 225819

>It's why you don't see this stuff in MMA
You clearly don't watch MMA. There's more judo used in MMA and BJJ now more than ever.

Anonymous No. 225820

Just go to a Gym and telling your sensei and training partners you would like to work under the traditional ruleset. Once you get assblasted because life isn't throwing singles 24/7 and crawl back to olympic Judo post again.

Anonymous No. 225821

Probably because Judokas aren't going around getting into street fights
6/10 made me reply

🗑️ Anonymous No. 225827

how do i get over constantly losing
do i just get used to being in a state of depression?

Anonymous No. 225829

i like how you've been btfo'd so many times that you've memorized the videos that btfo'd you

Anonymous No. 225842

So what's the point. I want to learn something I can use in reality. I'm not risking catastrophic injury for elaborate dance larping

Anonymous No. 225843

I think you're coping. It's always the same gif of fat bouncers foot sweeping drunk men or the woman in Africa lmao

Yet on any world star fight you'll see wrestling, boxing even kickboxing. Never see judo. With other stuff involved it doesn't work. God forbid headbutts involved.

Anonymous No. 225848

>this wrestling headlock is different from a judo headlock and this wrestling grab is different from a judo grab and this wrestling takedown is different from this judo takedown

everyone in wrestling uses elements of judo and everyone in judo uses elements of wrestling, it's not one or the other. judo is just a teaching of how to throw people using leverage, wrestling is a sport of taking people down.

go back

Anonymous No. 225850

Throwing people using leverage is 10 times less efficienct than just taking people down

Anonymous No. 225851

I wonder what it feels like to be this retarded.

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osoto gayshi.webm

Anonymous No. 225856

>Yet on any world star fight you'll see wrestling, boxing even kickboxing. Never see judo

Anonymous No. 225858

Did that look like a fight to you. Looks like some guy bullying someone who doesn't want to fight

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Anonymous No. 225859


Anonymous No. 225860

Do i just get used to losing a lot?
feels sort of depressing

Anonymous No. 225870


give me some examples of verbal judo

seven times down, eight times up. you stand to win everything, not lose anything

you gotta just shrug that shit off, have a supreme level of confidence going in and believe that you'll win. if you lose, move on with life and find the next thing, always be aggressively positive.

Anonymous No. 225904

You underestimate how having grips completely changes the grappling dynamic. It's much much easier to stuff leg grabs and shots when your hands are gripping something, be it a shirt or a gi. Judo works well in da streetz where people wear a shirt at the minimum. That said, wrestling is better if you want to do nogi or MMA.

Anonymous No. 225906

Get used to it. This is the great filter that keeps normalfags average and high-achieving autists/psychopaths a step above.

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Baiel DZHAKSHYLYK....webm

Anonymous No. 225907

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street judo seoi ....webm

Anonymous No. 225918


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Disrespectful Rus....webm

Anonymous No. 225919


Anonymous No. 225920

I have a job but that's just IT. It's boring but it pays for mortgage. Feels as though i'm not learning much besides just consuming stuff. Even video games are boring, they're only good if I did something valuable and use them to relax.
i like that mentality. Will dwell on it and be a better anon rather than complaining.

Anonymous No. 225921

That's an assault, possibly a murder

Anonymous No. 225925

maybe you need something more fulfilling. you could try getting into something artistic or creative

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Anonymous No. 225926

Does that mean I drop Judo all together, or do I just add something artistic/creative? I am stupid.

Anonymous No. 225937

>Posts fake prank to prove judo works

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street judo seoi ....mp4

Anonymous No. 225945

prove it

Anonymous No. 225946

why did he throw it before the guy even made contact with him? almost as though he was intending to miss the whole time in some kind of..I dunno? scripted event?

Anonymous No. 225947

what about this one >>225859

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Anonymous No. 225949

I am spatially retarded but I sat down I think I might have figured out how I am able to digest all these weird technical movement...I remember things the best when instructors use visualization language instead of 'do this..then this..then that...' which hurts my retarded brain. Instead, I remember things best when it's like 'hold like you're holding a schoolbag' and other bullshit.
Did he though? My thinking is that the guy was able to catch his armpit early, which pretty much negated his ability to pipe the judo guy.

Anonymous No. 225950

add. just my advice as probably the only two truly fulfilling things in my life have been judo/martial arts and music

Anonymous No. 225959

More obviously fake shit

Anonymous No. 225960

I think I have understood now how judo dweebs get groomed into thinking this shit will work in real life after doing their playful randori where you are encouraged to let each other throw each other

If you can't tell that video is fake you clearly have a very loose grasp of reality. dangerous for you tbqh. No wonder my local gyms judo class if full of unfit skinnyfats

Anonymous No. 225964

what type of music you play my man

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street judo cop h....webm

Anonymous No. 225968

what about this one

Anonymous No. 225969

That was real but he was being "attacked" by a small malnourished guy who had no clue what he was doing.
You could have shoved that guy over with one arm, why do you even need judo there. Judo seems to work against the severely weak in situations where you might as well just push them over, you don't need ippon sayonara for that lmao

Anonymous No. 225996

started out with rock and metal, then got into classical guitar then got into synths and electronic music

Anonymous No. 226008

Is there a word for when you score ippon by throw, as opposed to a pin or sub?

Anonymous No. 226009


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rei tsuruya vs jo....webm

Anonymous No. 226035

>It's why you don't see this stuff in MMA
This literally happened last week.

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Ganryujima 7 Omig....webm

Anonymous No. 226036

>a small malnourished guy who had no clue what he was doing

Anonymous No. 226064

I'm having a hard time getting grips and getting close. I usually assume top grip and some other lapel or double top similar to a tie hold or head and shoulder grip. I really just can't close with my opponent and I feel like they're able to get grips first while I'm left to flounder a bit. I haven't had this issue before, but the last two sessions kind of brought me to this conclusion.

What are some tips for getting close or getting head-and-shoulder grips/ top or double over grips. I really just want to know tips for getting into that close, bear-huggy kind of area faster and more often.

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Big bear fight in....mp4

Anonymous No. 226071

I always like to consult Mother Nature and what other animals do. Bears have a tendency to move to the side and try to push the other bear onto their less supportive axis. Sort of how we do Uchi Mata or some hip drag throw, barreling into the Uki while at their side. However, bears do this not to just get the other bear to the ground, but to reach the back of their necks and arteries.

In states of hesitation or pre entry, bears will ball their heads up and curl their humps on their back up towards the back of their neck as protection before going into an attack. Depending on the size of their foe, they will usually try to spearhead their way into something and maximally close distance. Still, following the principle of getting to the side and pushing their foe to the ground so they can reach around the neck and snap the spine or severe an artery.

Cougars and other large mammals with protruding canines and claws enact this behavior as well.

The takeaway here is if you want to close distance better and get grips around the neck better, you need to take a stance that allows you to spearhead your way into the Uki. Covering your face and battering your way in, keeping your hands close to you and cover yourself while moving in from the sides. Try to avoid straight on attacks into Uki's power or athletic front (the position they are braced in and facing). This can be done by remembering to move the whole body in one unit. Keep your eyes and hands facing in the same direction your toes are pointed, never try to bend your back and abs around as the force you can output greatly diminishes. Anyways, back to bears. Keep your hands and head close, spear into them from the side, and close maximize going for the head and neck earlier and striking before Uki can. Always keep the pressure, break them down by constant snapping motions but not slow pulling and stiff-arming.

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Mountain Lion vs ....mp4

Anonymous No. 226073

One other thing, when a bear is being attacked by a similar animal and they don't care to engage and just want to the get out of that area. They'll either scamper away, or they'll maintain that tucked position I was talking about earlier but they'll shake and shake violently. They'll shake around their necks and heads to make it their hide harder to grasp onto. You can try this in class if someone gets a grip and you just want to make them let go, but you should also fight for your own grips and continue trying to get to the side while also shaking your collar or where ever they have a hold of you.

Anonymous No. 226088
Wtf my right shoulder is impinged, have the fucking japanese been teaching us wrong as a joke?

Anonymous No. 226093

Hanpan strikes again

Anonymous No. 226103

>that intro
ok i like this guy now

Anonymous No. 226194

Look up that 'Take Me Down Get $1000' on YouTube, he does wrestling but he clearly has Judo in his game and uses it a lot.

Anonymous No. 226230

>get into a street fight with a judofag
>rip of all my clothes and throw them onto the ground
>use my superior BJj skills to make him submit and suck my cock

Anonymous No. 226235

>bjj fag
>immediately starts thinking about gay sex

Anonymous No. 226242

BJJ is about suckin and fuckin dudes, round after round.

Anonymous No. 226249

>story ends with bjjfag blowing himself
like pottery

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Anonymous No. 226281

nothing better than waking up on a saturday and getting your ass kicked by a bunch of guys in pajamas