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🧵 /asg/ Airsoft General

Anonymous No. 98308

"Smokey, this is not 'Nam" Edition

Old Thread: >>92864

Keep strictly real-steel related topics in >>>/k/, gun and gear porn's cool as long as you don't spam.

If you have a useful guide or want to rework one for the OP, post it and someone will add it to the next one.

>Updated Newbie pastebin

>/asg/ retailer guide

>Legal comprehensive, crosscheck with your local laws to be on the safe side

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Anonymous No. 98310

Threadly topic: Post your most recent purchase/acquisition, you greedy little consoomers.

Anonymous No. 98325

Why is the paintball thread so dead compared to this place?

Anonymous No. 98336

im dressing up as an imperial japanese soldier and my friend is going as heer, im gonna be running a m16a1 with it since I usually do a vietnam kit and hes gonna be using an AK74u. Should be interesting

Anonymous No. 98344

dressing up and larping is fun and speedball is super lame

Anonymous No. 98345

This >>98344 honestly. It's more interesting to use replicas of real guns, uniforms and not having to deal with paint. Never had any interest in even trying paintball

Anonymous No. 98349

I've shared my thoughts on that since that question gets asked a bunch of times in the existing paintball thread, because that thread is over a year old.

Meanwhile, I just walked into a mall recently and there's a shooting gallery where a jewelry store used to be utilizing airsoft rifles (with fabulous prizes!).

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Anonymous No. 98360

This 629, for shits and giggles, I doubt I'll ever field it, but it's nice for plinking and finger fucking.

Anonymous No. 98414

Where to get high quality full metal spring airsoft.?

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Anonymous No. 98436

waiting for this bad boy to get to me from japan (polack here, it might get 2 months)

Anonymous No. 98439

Not sure any exist, all spring pistols are kind of shit.

Nice, going to add any attachments?

Anonymous No. 98443

Tokyo Marui makes a spring 1911 that's not completely garbage, but it's still not that great. You may have to mod a hop up in if you want to shoot farther as well

Anonymous No. 98448

A quality full metal springer is probably going to be some pricy exotic bolt action rifle.

Anonymous No. 98450

I'm pretty new to this hobby but the only good "springers" I've seen are sniper rifles

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Anonymous No. 98451

Tri shot shottys are also pretty good. Pic related

Anonymous No. 98454

are they?
I remember shooting one about a decade ago (I know old and not relevant) but it didn't feel amazing, but I hear green gas shotties are pretty awesome. Been peeping the jag arms but which ones are those?

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Anonymous No. 98456

Anyone ever tried this out or have one before? Thinking about picking it up since I want a metal blow back m14 but its wetech so im iffy

Anonymous No. 98461

A guy I know bought one and replaced everything with RA tech parts. Costs more than a Viper tech now and still doesn't perform all that well. But it's your only option for a GBBR M14

Anonymous No. 98486

Some anti-fog wipes and a bag of bbs

Unless you want me to post my gun?

Anonymous No. 98488

A Double Eagle SPAS 12 and a CYMA Sport M3 Super 90 CQB/Entry. They're just spring, the M3 can take an M4 adapter so you basically never have to reload, at the cost of it making the shotgun slightly less low profile. I kinda want a Jag Arms Reaper for some odd reason.

Anonymous No. 98505

i fucking hate fogging so much. it's easily the thing that bothers me the most about airsoft. yeah i know it must suck to get shot in the eyes but AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA sometimes i just wanna toss those niggers away.

Anonymous No. 98512

I've had great no fog experiences with Dye paintball masks, shiiiii any thermal double paned paintball mask holds off fog very well.

Anonymous No. 98514

get some revision goggles with thermal lenses or some wipes

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Anonymous No. 98515

get these and those one tigris vented masks and you will literally never fog ever again

Anonymous No. 98528

>buy scorpion evo
>dummy bolt spring comes fucked
>jams like a motherfucker on gameday
Bros am I just incredibly unlucky?

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Anonymous No. 98553

I think basically everyone who plays airsoft shares your pain. I used to think the Dye masks looked gay and paintbally, plus were overpriced, but since getting one I can finally play without any fogging.
I've tried a bunch of different goggles and shooting glasses with and without masks and they've all fogged at some point.
Tl;dr if you can afford it and you're willing to look a little gay get a Dye mask.
This didn't work for me, it's one of the better set ups I've had but it fogged on me in the end anyways. Maybe works better if you don't live in a place with high humidity.

Anonymous No. 98554

+1 on these. Literally never fogs. I can even use them with a balaclava without problems

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Anonymous No. 98556

That's my sidearm, when I main my other shotty.

Anonymous No. 98564

cool thanks, yea the jag arms are probably what I'm going to try finding

how dos the reaper play?
it looks way smaller than I expected

Anonymous No. 98607

It's fine. I don't use it that often. I wear it like a pistol for backup. I'm trying to move away from gas systems. They're fine in the beginning, but over time, they get leaks and suddenly, it's questionable when your backup will fire when you need it to several hours in.

But then again, they don't make a 6-shot slamfire AEG.

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Anonymous No. 98625

yeah i might try that, but first i need to get contacts i guess. sucks to be sightlet.
thanks for the reply, but eh idk it might be just a little too big of a might not fog, but it looks so faggy... plus these shits are very expensive in my country.
>tfw when you'll never get to play a match looking like picrel while being completely free of fogging

Anonymous No. 98642

well you could also get mesh goggles if your site allows it, but it's risky especially if someone uses bio bb's

Anonymous No. 98648

>buy 40mike
>airsoft innovations is kill

someone buy their grenade patents

Anonymous No. 98662

I wore those goggles with glasses and it still didnt fog since I had the metal mesh vent mask, only problem is it might smudge from hitting your eyes if theres not enough room for your glasses because mine were cutting close and some what smudged

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Anonymous No. 98666

I paintballed before I airsofted, and I remember the original Dye Invision mask not fogging at all. This was back in like 2004, Dye has been top choice for ages.

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Anonymous No. 98669

I'm really glad I got two of the Tornado 2 grenades before AI went MIA. The thing even goes off in 20-30 degree weather with snow on the ground.

Anonymous No. 98671

damn, nice grab
I'm jealous lol I couldn't find any in stock in my neck of the woods

Anonymous No. 98676

I'm curious how teh ASG storm impacts are, sometimes you want a really quick room/bunker clearer.

Anonymous No. 98677

I was planning on picking some up since I missed out on the tornados, and I have a cold climate too so fingers crossed they perform as well as the others
won't be for a while though I'm trying to hunt down a nice m249

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Anonymous No. 98690

WE MP7 Small Rice from KYAirsoft
Trigger is rather mushy though but I have yet to disassemble it. Planning to get 4 additional mags soon

Anonymous No. 98694

>Canada is about to ban a bunch of airsoft guns
you heard, yes?

Anonymous No. 98696

banning handguns which are already restricted (which basically means not worth owning due to bureaucratic hoops)

last time they came after airsoft in my area the local PD literally came down to the fields to play and shoot the guns with their kids

apparently some grenade shells are supposed to be banned from import but you can buy them anyway
I could see them reintroducing the bill though canada is full on retard hat and trudeau is a piece of shit traitor

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Anonymous No. 98709

>A gun is prohibited if it (A) shoots less than 500 fps AND (B) looks like a real gun

So basically any airshit that looks like a real gun is banned now. Leafs are going to be stuck with paintball guns or fantasy-style airsoft

Anonymous No. 98713

>exactly resemble or with near precision
loophole we already used to sell airshit here, it's why the replicas here don't have replica branding and such. At least as far as I understand things. Could see them making the OJ tips mandatory which would be balls.
it's funny too cause the taginn guys just got all their pyrotechnic shit approved so what the fuck

it's all proposals at the end of the day and I'm sure they'll try to shut it down again but canucks can be crafty shitters just like our shit tier government

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Anonymous No. 98723

Went and played with my Type 89 for the first time for a day. It's alot of fun to shoot. Now a problem I've run into is the follower attached to the piston is damaged and fails to pick up the next BB in the magazine.

Come to find out I should be loading Japanese specification BBs that are a little smaller in diameter than normal 5.95mm match grade bbs. The tighter fit of the 5.95mm on the feed lips of the magazines damages the follower when it tries to push them out. Wish I'd known before, now I'll just have to bend the follower back into place and wait for my order from Evike to arrive. Ideally I'll be able to replace the damaged part and never have to deal with it again if the BBs are to blame.

Anonymous No. 98744

I thought all of that fell by the wayside a little while ago.

Anonymous No. 98745

There's a new proposed ban on handguns in Canada due to mass shootings in the US

Anonymous No. 98752

Have you received it already? I ordered a pistol from them 9 months ago, and it's still on back order.

>enacting legislation due to domestic politics in another country

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Anonymous No. 98838

Well lads, got a working prototype done.

Anonymous No. 98845

Awesome work, anon. How well does she work?

Anonymous No. 98848

Not bad at all. I'm just going to post a YouTube link up as I'm having a nightmare getting the webm down to under 3mb and trying to embed it on my phone seems to be an issue.

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Anonymous No. 98849

Deffo got some creases to iron out though. The front shroud, fright sight hoop aren't glued down as you can see. And the safety pin is a bit of wire... But it was a test model and works well.

Got a few alterations to make and we're golden.

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Anonymous No. 98850


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Anonymous No. 98851

Sorry picture spam there

Anonymous No. 98855

very cool
nice plants too

Anonymous No. 98857

Cheers! Heh, just some seedlings before they get hardened off outside and go down the allotment.

Anonymous No. 98871

I fucking hate that every other bush-softer are kids of divorced parents who will gladly shell thousands of dollars on the latest “sniper” setup, thinking they’ll be the next Norvitch or Kicking Mustang.

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Anonymous No. 98878

>but it looks so faggy
I feel you. When my friend started talking about Dye masks I told him I won't pay what is almost the price of a new gun to look like a fucking paintballer. Many frustrating games later I gave in though and I've never regretted it.
I still play historical games wearing only shooting glasses and that helps serve as a reminder of the constant suffering I used to endure.

Anonymous No. 98882

Have you ever seen anyone with a Nerf blaster as a joke/humiliation weapon or as alternative grenade launchers?

Anonymous No. 98889

Why the fuck do people use those faggot red dots?

Anonymous No. 98891


Anonymous No. 98898

They're dirt cheap, good visibility which make them great especially for CQB. Not very esthetic though.

Anonymous No. 98910

Very cool
Much better solution than the lego and string I used kek

Anonymous No. 98911


Anonymous No. 98931

send pics

Anonymous No. 98968

They were in Cod 4

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Anonymous No. 98990

Does anyone have the Modify PP-2K?

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Anonymous No. 99099

Have you thought about using/building an exfog?

Anonymous No. 99144

I got her in the mail a month ago. Took almost 2 weeks to arrive.

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Anonymous No. 99163

Will this do the job?

Anonymous No. 99172

I wanted a full face but I can't wear earfors with them and I want to start chucking some of the boomer grenades
you guys ever run into this problem or have a solution?

Anonymous No. 99175

I tried rigging something like that. That looks almost cheap enough that I might give it a go.

Anonymous No. 99183

If you want a paintball mask just get a Dye?

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Anonymous No. 99223

I have the ASG vz61. Is it possible to put a real vz61 stock on there if I order one? the stock is cheap plastic wire. Also it came with a different barrel that's threaded and I can't figure out how to change it.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 99275

Alright, I hardly ever use electric guns, someone please refresh my memory on how to recharge a LiPo. I suspect the battery I have is at maybe 10-20%. Do I discharge it first and then balance charge it? Or just balance charge?

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Anonymous No. 99333

The entire system consists of a battery powered fan which blows air through 2 tubes which are routed through the inside of the helmet and into the top of your goggles/glasses.

In the field I've used it around 5 times and it hasn't failed me yet.
So far this is the only anti fog solution that worked 100% of the time and is actually convenient in use.

Anonymous No. 99362

I've been looking to get into airsoft. Are there any viable shotguns?

Anonymous No. 99370

Yeah, the fans I've tried that had the pressure to push air thru small tubes were noisy, so I quit at that point. Since you have it, is it really quiet, or do you still hear a BRRRRRRRRRR.....?

--> >>98556
Or some frankenstein HPA M4-fed speedsoft gun.

Also, everyone who gets into airsoft always start as "I want a sniper gun!" or shotgun. Then they realize the error of their ways and get a normal rifle for most games, and maybe go back and try sniping with better expectations of what it's really like.

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Anonymous No. 99379

I just want to go John wick on people:( but yeah I thought about getting a rifle shotguns don't sound optimal.

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Anonymous No. 99397

CYMA spring shotties are okay, they're not going to hold ground against an AEG, but they can be good fun.

Anonymous No. 99407

I'd definitely suggest getting a rifle as your first weapon and later adding a shotgun if wanted.

Anonymous No. 99408

Spring airsoft is superior. Better for plinking do to lower power. You can reuse/get way more use out of your bbs and your targets.

Manufactures should focus on making full metal springier airsoft replicas. Different springs for match and power.

Focus on slide locking back on last shot.

Anonymous No. 99419

>lower power

Anonymous No. 99465

Spring pistols.

Right now most are cheap plastic they work well but full metal replicas would be much appreciated.

Don't want to buy gas or cO2 just want to plink with a spring.

Anonymous No. 99474

There is no market for a detailed metal springer because people who are so cheap that they reuse BB's can't afford to buy it. Used BB's get deformed on impact, so a precision inner barrel is a no go. So an expensive springer that has no precision? The whole idea is bonkers.

Anonymous No. 99587


i think you should first identity the type of shooting that most interests you.

for examples of engagements:

spring airsoft pistols are for target shooting in your backyard. 30-60 ft

spring airsoft shotguns are for shooting down a dog run at someone climbing your backyard's fence. 0-30 ft.

airsoft spring rifles are for shooting from your window at the butt of a juvenile mountain lion sleeping outside your neighbor's second story window. 60-120ft

adding an electric motor makes its utility more accessible.

making it gas powered makes its utility more accountable.

i imagine there are more creative ways to utilize airsoft in gameplay, but it is my personal belief spring powered airsoft are of no economics indoors. you will always get cornered. you will always be outpowered by a full auto airsoft.

brands of good economics:

brands to look into:

Anonymous No. 99641


These are just companies that hold licenses for FN and HK guns and pay other airsoft manufacturers to make them on their behalf with the brand.

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Anonymous No. 99654

The fan is quiet and on the lowest setting it makes a (barely) noticeable "woosh" sound. This is with the thing velcro'd to my helmet so it's never further away from my ears than a couple of inches.

Anonymous No. 99655

I meant to add that the sound is not at all intrusive.

Anonymous No. 99687

Im in a predicament, im trying to import an AEG to Canada from the US from a private seller. I already contacted a local shop to handle the importation process. My problem is, the gun currently shoots 520fps because of some mods. If the CBSA were to test fire it and chrono it at 520fps, it would be classified a regulated firearm since the importable range is between 366 and 500. The box and manual say 430fps. Any leafbros help out?

Anonymous No. 99700

have the seller put a bit weaker spring in.

Anonymous No. 99738

Can I come here with Sabagebu questions I'm translating the manga but I'm not into airsoft

Anonymous No. 99749

What is a product that you wish existed for airsoft? Excluding any new guns

Anonymous No. 99810

What's there to know? Just watch the animu.

Anonymous No. 99811

Sure, I don't mind

Anonymous No. 99831

He said he is not able to and his local tech is booked for a while

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Anonymous No. 100022

>199 USD

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Anonymous No. 100028

I found an old image of the inside

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Anonymous No. 100061

Heh, Maybe I will try to make my own air pump, but I'll make it look like a couple of drink holder hat.

Anonymous No. 100162

sounds nice, but i'm too dumb to figure out how to do this on my own, and importing is too expensive for me at the moment. that, and i'm using a mich helmet that doesn't have velcro on, so i don't onow how i'd attach it.

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Anonymous No. 100301

It’s always cool when the field has a photographer. Now feel free to make fun of my gay shop outfit

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Anonymous No. 100302

Gun is Arcturus PP-19. It’s a lot of fun to use, and besides a new hop up runner you don’t need to change anything on it

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Anonymous No. 100313

>that red dot

Anonymous No. 100415

Nice patches but what's up with the baby blue mask? They didn't have any other colors? At least spray paint it or something.

Anonymous No. 100417

it looked good on the website, less so in real life. I'll probably paint a some point yea, and swap out the lens too

Anonymous No. 100573

How do I find a team? Should I just talk to the people on the field? seems cringe af

Anonymous No. 100593

join local airsoft facebook group or make friends

Anonymous No. 100660

>make friends
>look at the address bar
I wouldn't be here if I could do that I thought it's understandable

Anonymous No. 100739

How I made friends at airsoft was just being friendly and talking to people, if you keep going to the same one you will over time get to know people.

Anonymous No. 100808

It's not cringe, just bullshit with people about the last game and eventually you'll find a good group of players.

Anonymous No. 100835

Go up to people at airsoft fields and say "If I let you touch mine, can I touch yours?"

Anonymous No. 100919

Just be a regular, be good and don't be a sperg. Just like getting invites in MMO's.

>He's never been given invites by top tier guilds


Anonymous No. 100941

>making friends seems cringe
yep you're a based 4channer for sure my dude

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Anonymous No. 100957

>South Park makes an episode promoting airsoft
>Garand thumb makes a video promoting airsoft
What effects will this have on the hobby?

Anonymous No. 100958

>south park
maybe a couple new rentals, and some ordinary people knowing what airsoft is
>garand thumb
a few new LARPers, no different than t Rex arms video

honestly the airsoft cheater and fight videos probably got more people interested in airsoft than either of those things

Anonymous No. 100974

its so easy to make friends at airsoft fields everytime ive gone ive made one new friend. You just end up talking to people even when you arent expecting it like when you make call outs during the game and you start bsing together and talk after the game or when youre out

Anonymous No. 100988

my local field has stopped giving the safety briefings live in person, now instead you have to "opt-in" to having read the rules when you register for an event.

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Anonymous No. 101041

>Click on indoor arena video on a small channel
>It's always nigger tiers of music playing throughout the whole video while overshooting the fuck out of people

Anonymous No. 101150

It's called the concrete jungle for a reason, those arenas are UNTAMED.

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Anonymous No. 101153

joined dyefag family today

Anonymous No. 101156

>The future of airsoft is 5k thermal scopes


Anonymous No. 101206

I thought about getting one for the lulz, but I don't play enough night or even woodsy games anymore... =(

Anonymous No. 101221

just don't play at night or with gay people like faggot thumb?
pretty simple

Anonymous No. 101279

Welcome to the cursed, yet comfy, family.
May your future games be forever fog-free.

Anonymous No. 101283

Thermals work during the day too

Anonymous No. 101305

I hate safety briefings, marshalls trying to be funny and regulars chipping in their own witticisms is cringeworthy, but nobody is going to read the safety rules if it's optional. All the overshooting and blind firing will make for some amusing youtube videos though, maybe.

Anonymous No. 101339

that's why playing in the woods sucks
you need so much equipment and gun upgrades to be successful while in cqb you buy random cyma and $20 red dot and thats it

Anonymous No. 101385

hope you have a killflash on it
or tI could see the game becoming "shooting out your 5k toy"

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Anonymous No. 101416

A random CYMA, good situational awareness, and a decent level of physical fitness are all that's needed to play woodland.

Anonymous No. 101473

tell me you never played woodlands without telling me you never played woodlands.
do what >>101416 says, and i would add clean the inner barrel, swap out the bucking and nub to a maple leaf super macaron + omega, and you are good to go. You do not need other upgrades. Everything else is fluff

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Anonymous No. 101503


Anonymous No. 101506

Just bought 16 acres in southern Arizona. Currently working with a few trailer parks to haul away some single wides to build a field. Grabbed a few old cars from a insurance auction. Trying to get a busted up CH-46 body as well. Shit is gonna be sweet, boys

Anonymous No. 101603

>$2000 DMR with termo and triple your range blocks your path
wat do?

Anonymous No. 101616

Sounds sweet. Wish something like that was possible where I live

Anonymous No. 101629

Last game i played, in the middle of the match, my lct AK instead of firing when i pulled the trigger just did a sort of click. i pulled again and same thing. went to safe and then back to semi, same thing. only when i set it to full and then back to safe did it fire again, anyone have any idea what could be causing this and how i should go about fixing it?

Anonymous No. 101660

I don't even play airsoft but those cheater and fight videos are some of the best content I've ever seen in my life

Anonymous No. 101675

I hope one day soon that it is, friend. You guys all deserve to line your dreams

Anonymous No. 101721

I had the same issue with my CYMA AK74, a more powerful battery or hi torque motor will solve the problem.

Anonymous No. 101750

>more powerful battery
i'm using a 7.4 because it doesn't have a mosfet, but a friend of mine uses a 11.1 lipo and had the same issue today... thanks though, i'll look into a new motor i think

Anonymous No. 101786

Most aegs do that. Just switch to auto and fire a few shots and then back to semi.

Anonymous No. 101793

did it happen when you were pulling the trigger too fast? if you try to fire before the gearbox makes a full rotation it can lock up. like what the other guy said, different motor could help, or better yet install a MOSFET and use 11.1v batteries. Switching to 11.1v made the biggest difference in my gun out of any upgrade I've done. here's what the difference sounds like
(this one is on scorpion evo but it will give you a general idea)

Anonymous No. 101803

kinda out of the blue but does asg still have a discord? i used to be in it a couple years ago and i kinda miss it ;-;

Anonymous No. 101822

Semi lock is a very common thing. I thought it mostly happened to EBBs though. Just fire it on auto for a second and it's usually good to go again

Anonymous No. 101829

what game modes do you guys like to play at fields? I'm running the games at my local field, and trying to come up with new things to play so things doesn't get stale. Right now we got TDM, Kill Confirmed, Domination, Bomb Defusal and VIP Escort.

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Anonymous No. 101834

I wanna start airsofting again and need a gun, this is my first gun since highschool so I want something nice. I want an Mp5k, is there a brand that’s like “the best”? I’ve heard src are super nice, but internals r mediocre. But it also seems like the internals are mediocre on every mp5k. So like I can upgrade it, but how do I find someone good to do the upgrades for me? I got screwed over by every tech I went to in the past :/ like idk, I have no clue how to approach getting a “best” quality gun

Anonymous No. 101835

Cyma platinum, all i would do with is replace the CYMA mosfet with a perun if you want to run it on 11.1 lipo

Anonymous No. 101837

Oh I forgot to say, this is for an outdoor field so range and accuracy is important. So like The 300 fps on that gun probably won’t cut it, I just assume I’ll need whatever I buy r-hopped and a longer barrel put in.

Anonymous No. 101841

It's got a quick change spring, so you could just put in a bigger spring

Anonymous No. 101871

Alright you convinced me lmao, bought one

Anonymous No. 101878

anons how do I know if certain parts will fit my gun?
I mean I want a brushless motor so probably new gears, piston, cylinder, piston head, cylinder head. I want a new inner barrel too but is only the length important to know if it fits?
I can't even find tutorials about it anywhere.

Anonymous No. 101895

Everything has to be super simple. Randoms on teams just absolutely kills teamwork and coordination. I've seen VIP matches were you tell a teammate to watch the VIP so people can cover the doors/windows, and then literally turn back 5 secs later and the VIP is gone. Ask where the VIP went and you get shrugs.

Otherwise, that sounds like a decent list of game types.

You read, watch and learn about your gun. Pay attention where they mention if something is xxx-compatible or proprietary (such as product reviews/breakdowns). That's literally it. This is also where local stores are nice as you can physically see and hold an item in your hands, and ask the sales/techs if an upgrade will fit. They won't sell you something if you're just going to return it the next day.

Anonymous No. 101995

I love the game modes infected and snowball. Always a good time and a lot of action to end the day.

Anonymous No. 102004

I think it depends a bit on the crowd, here most players aren't super serious milsimers so the mood is usually pretty light. One game mode that is fun but chaotic is a medic game where anyone can review a fallen team mate but the enemy can also capture them and make them part of their team. The team that ends up with the most players wins (if you even care about that).
Another stupid short game that is surprisingly fun is springer pistol only game. Here the fields usually have enough springer pistols for all players. Usually just plays out as a unlimited respawn game but you only have one mag so when you run out of bbs you're out. And of course this should be played on a small part of the field so it's basically non-stop (idiotic) action.

Anonymous No. 102007

whats a good gas blow back kalishnikov style rifle?

Anonymous No. 102021

Yea that’s why I do the part of the VIP role, so I can encourage people to play the objective. It has worked fairly well so far
That variation of medic game does sound pretty fun. I’ll give that a try next time
GHK and nothing else.

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Anonymous No. 102055

Another game that's usually pretty fun is hostage rescue. The hostage can just be a mannequin or similar on a stretcher. One team plays defence and gets to hide the hostage (preferably there is some limitation to hiding places like inside structures only). The area where the defending team can operate should also be slightly limited so they can't spawn camp etc. Defenders have no respawn but can set up ambushes anywhere in the designated area. The rescue team has unlimited respawn but must go back to the base to respawn. When the rescue team gets the hostage to their base they win. If the time runs out the defenders win.

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Anonymous No. 102220

Anyone have experience with this? Was gonna get it for a sino viet war kit I was gonna do but the price is so suspicious and ive never had a gun from this brand

Anonymous No. 102276

Why would anyone want a springer Dragunov?

Anonymous No. 102289

A&K have been around a long time, they've never made great guns, but they're just okay. I think there are co2 conversions for those spring SVDs. I'd probably go with the Cyma AEG though (assuming LCT is too expensive).

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Anonymous No. 102335

the design is quite ancient, but if you get it to seal nicely and get airsoft pro hup up chamber, you'll have a decent springer. takes AEG style springs, barrels and hop up buckings. extended charging handle is a nice thing to get when you stuff sp170 into it.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 102388

Seeing grown ass men LARPing as soldiers shooting plastic pellets at each other and getting into shouting matches about who shot who first like children is the gayest shit ever.

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Anonymous No. 102402


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Anonymous No. 102407

>replying to obvious trolls
Don't give him any (you)s at all

Anonymous No. 102484

There isn't one

>Fires your inner barrel out the front

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Anonymous No. 102497

>anno domini 2022

Anonymous No. 102498

Tokyo Marui

Anonymous No. 102558

>Fires your inner barrel out the front

Give it your all or go home.

Anonymous No. 102653

Anyone here do action air? I wanna work towards practical shooting or our national equivalent sport and figure it would be a good and cheaper way to practice the fundamentals at the start since it's easier and cheaper to get into while waiting for a loicence and easier and cheaper to practice since you could just do it in your backyard. I've not held an airsoft gun in about 20 years but my main worry is that action air will just make me feel like an idiot when compared to shooting with real guns though I've heard the weight of at least the action air pistols is intentionally very close to the real guns and the simulated blow back does work at least a little bit to make it feel better.

Anonymous No. 102672

>action air
What is that?

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Anonymous No. 102676

>Field ration chocolate had burst open in the package
>It was a shitty cereal bar chocolate to start with

Anonymous No. 102680

Practical shooting but with Airsoft guns instead of real guns. Especially popular in Asia where getting a privately owned gun is practically impossible but also somewhat popular as a gateway to practical in countries with some gun laws that prohibit you from just walking to a store and buying one the moment you feel like it. It's under the IPSC just like actual practical shooting. It's probably not very popular in the US.

Anonymous No. 102928

Go around with the lads or camp the objectives we already have majority of?

Anonymous No. 102929

Semi lock. Common with guns that have version 3 gearbox. The piston sometimes gets in a spot in its travel where it won't move unless in full auto. Mosfet with cycle detection fixes it.

Anonymous No. 102930

Only reason is to make it into a HPA.

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Anonymous No. 102935

Slowly started putting together a US Vietnam war-kit. Right now I can't decide if I should get a M16A1 or a "CAR-15". The CAR-15 has a special place in my heart but it doesn't really fit the US army regular-kit I'm aiming for.

Anonymous No. 102938

I hate green gas pistols and it’s cold af around here most of the time, r there any decent co2 pistols?

Anonymous No. 102939

Oh I should not it’s just for a sidearm and I prefer subcompacts, in the past I’ve run like a tm detonics and a we mini m9

Anonymous No. 102966

Honestly thermal isn’t THAT absurd, like thermal scopes generally start at 1-2k which is high cause they use flir boson modules that start around 1k. But anything that uses a lepton module can be like 3-600$ which would include thermal monoculars that should work quite well for spotting and setting up ambushes.

I’ve been theorycrafting a thermal setup to mount on the front of my rifle that would output to a monocular, scope, or wrist mounted monitor for a while which is why I’ve been researching this stuff lately lol

Anonymous No. 102969

What do you care more about: your heart or your kit?

Also, is anybody really going to give you shit if you show up with a CAR-15?

Anonymous No. 102985

I will, farblord

Anonymous No. 103007

>honestly the airsoft cheater and fight videos probably got more people interested in airsoft than either of those things
You probably get some free outrage bait for the following
>Modern war larp
>historical larp
Imagine the feds trying to honeypot it though.
Why not surplus a PC or buy some jpc clone from rotchco?

Anonymous No. 103033

If you can find a CO2 mag that fits it will work in your green gas pistol. Or just get a HPA tap for your green gas mag and do that

Anonymous No. 103042

youre already farbing out with everything on that helmet so you might as well throw the car in too

Anonymous No. 103161

Get the M16A1. I got an XM177 and it's just a retro M4. I only saw an M16A1 2 times at the fields I went and I've been playing for 3 years. Actually sold the XM177 and getting an M16A1 this week. Wanna do a Nam kit but that'll only happen next year. I'll just do an IRA kit until then. Or any other cold war kit. M16A1 is just a lot more versatile

Anonymous No. 103177

If you really want the CAR-15, I think you should get the CAR-15. However, the M16A1 has it's merits. I miss my TM M16A2 because the thing was soo accurate and just pointed down a field perfectly because it was long as all can be.

Anonymous No. 103191

are there any airsoft companies that are publicly traded?

Anonymous No. 103214

polarstar jack

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Anonymous No. 103221

You make a compelling argument. I might have been a bit unclear, it's not that I dislike the M16A1, on the contrary. It's just that I had a CAR-15 toy as a kid that makes it extra nostalgic. My next problem would be what M16A1 to get. Right now the only ones that are available here are the CYMA ones with ETU but they seem prone to breaking down easily. The Marui one is too old and plastic to be a realistic choice.

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Anonymous No. 103225

Get a Perun V2. It's a drop in mosfet so easy to install, all you need to do is file down the contacts screw, and it should just work.
Double Bell also makes some Vietnam models, you can find them on Taiwangun. They don't have mosfets but have higher quality internals than CYMA imo.

Also here's my 3d printed MP7 kit for my AAP. Needs the stock but yea i think it's very cool

Anonymous No. 103226

Buy a GBBR :^)

Anonymous No. 103230

What if I'm technologically retarded?
Seems like Taiwangun doesn't ship to my country.
No :^)

Anonymous No. 103231

are you in britain? Then check patrolbase they act as a middle man for Taiwangun
You don't need much skill for a drop in mosfet, not even soldering. Just go on youtube and search "Perun V2 installation" and watch a couple videos to see if it's something you would be comfortable doing. Otherwise maybe there's a shop near you that offer repairs/upgrades and let them do it.
Also you only need that mosfet if you want to use a 11.1 battery. It won't break with a 7.4

Anonymous No. 103233

anons I'm very confused and need your help to understand what happened
I had shit tier air seal in my specna M4.
Bough new piston, piston head and a cylinder. I've put it in, and now FPS seems great. I mean on M90 it's 305FPS on 0.2, on M110 it's 380 and on M140 it's 465. Now here's the weird part. I had 350 fps on 0.2 on M90 spring with this previous shitty air seal. How was it possible? I know now everything is fine with these new parts but how come it could shoot stronger than the spring nominal strength on this poor seal?

Anonymous No. 103234

Is the new piston full steel teeth? Cause that means it's heavier for the spring

Anonymous No. 103235

No, I'm in Japan. Maybe I should check if some Hong Kong shops have some.

Anonymous No. 103275

>Also here's my 3d printed MP7 kit for my AAP. Needs the stock but yea i think it's very cool

That's kinda neat. The AAP and Galaxy both seem neat, but I'm trying to get away from GBB right now.

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Anonymous No. 103287

>go to kyairsoft
>site is egging me on to buy second sword cutlass
would be wierd if taiwangun shipped to japan. it would be like shipping wood to a forest, across half the planet since taiwangun is not actually from taiwan.
try ehobby asia for a start, they have cyma m16 in stock

Anonymous No. 103309

UPDATE: If you're ever building an airsoft field, the best way to get a good netted fence up is to bother your local power and phone companies to get ahold of retired telephone poles/powerlines. We paid $5 a pole and got them on property within an hour of purchase

Anonymous No. 103334

You sort of do need a second sword cutlass, they're a pair, just having one looks a bit forlorn.

Anonymous No. 103532

So I read the guide and many others + videos and still not sure on my first gun. Loved playing at open games, I'm between m4 and ak ofc.
Everyone says cyma ak or even platinum m4 is best choice for beginner but I'm thinking if it's worth it to pony up few hundred euros more if I'll get something much better long term?
My budget is around 500 eur, also planning on getting cz evo eventually just for cqb but maybe it would be good for both open and cqb or just start with that ak... Idk, help a brother out :)
Importer here usually gets stuff from taiwangun I think.
What about VFC Avalon, ICS mars?

Would play mixture of inside and outside games, polygons, woods, closer outdoors areas etc

Anonymous No. 103543

VFC internals are garbage

Anonymous No. 103545

Can get ICS Komodo used for cheap, do it?

Anonymous No. 103564

If your first gun isn't a sniper or a shotgun, can you really say you're into airsoft...?

Anonymous No. 103607

He should also be 12 years old but maybe he's a late bloomer. Although seeing how he used an emoji in his post it's quite likely that he's underage.

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Anonymous No. 103631

Is 500 euros your budget for the gun alone? or does it include gear and other stuff? if you're willing to spend that much in the gun alone, i'd suggest getting an LCT AK if you want to go with that platform. LCT's AKs are the best airsoft AKs you can buy, externals-wise. Interiors are also good but like any other airsoft gun they are kind of retarded, but that's airsoft for you, i guess. Cyma AKs are also very good for the money, though as i'm only into airsoft for the larping, their exteriors aren't as good as LCT's.
If you're going for M4s I'd suggest Krytac or Maybe VFC's Avalon lineup. I don't personally own either but heard from friends who have them that they are quite good, especially Krytac M4s.
picrel is my LCT AK74N

Anonymous No. 103658

Just for the gun. I'm not married to either, can go for cz evo even if it can work in all situations. Cyma just seems like nice gun to learn all the shit that will break on and can get spare parts, is cheap etc lol, but at the same time if alternative is really worth x2 (and for me worth is both inside and outside quality, durability etc) then sure I'd rather pay for something that will last me longer without needing to upgrade or get rid of beginner gun.

Anonymous No. 103662

Yeah then I'd say go for the LCT if you want an AK. People also say E&L is extremely good and on par with LCT but i've seen more mixed opinions about them, and they have a tendency, or at least so i've heard, to rust quite a bit if you don't properly clean/oil them after playing. Again, I recommend LCT because it's what I currently own and I'm very happy with it, both with external and internal quality. Internals are a bit controversial but they're as good as it gets when you're talking about flinging 6mm, 0.3g plastic spheres at your buddies. Also, you could go for NPO, i've heard they have absolutely amazing externals, but that comes with a hefty price. And I'm not sure how their internals are, to be quite honest.

Anonymous No. 103683

I'd go for the cheapest DE M4s if I were in your shoes. Internals are good enough to play with it stock for a longer while, it's cheap and light because polymer body.

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Anonymous No. 103692

Get the slim LCT bakelite pistol grip and motor. That one looks like shit. Also AK74 bakelite mags don't have ribs.

Anonymous No. 103693

I’m gonna throw a curveball here and actually suggest you look at Double Bells AK’s. They have nicer wood than CYMA, and their internals are much much better than CYMA, LCT and E&L.
Double Bell have quick change spring, proper air seal with a non plastic nozzle and cylinder head with an o-ring, steel 8mm bushings and better motor.
Only grip with them is their magwell are different, but all you have to do is file down CYMA mid cap a tad bit and they lock in

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Anonymous No. 103698

Forgot pic of said Double Bell AK

Anonymous No. 103705

>this one looks like shit
I know
>bakelite mags don't have ribs
I know
I don't live in the USA and neither of those things are available for me to buy. And I don't care enough to pay 60 dollars or maybe even more to import them.

Anonymous No. 103706

If you're from Europe Taiwangun has MAG AK74 midcaps and Gunfire has the LCT slim pistol grip in fakelite

🗑️ Anonymous No. 103729

Thanks, but I'm in [spoiler] brazil [/spoiler].

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Anonymous No. 103730

Damn. My condolences

Anonymous No. 103735

Is asg cz evo good beginner replica for all sorts of terrains? Just want something that works out of the box, buy few accessories and be good for a while.

Anonymous No. 103751

Girls gun.

Anonymous No. 103824

Just note that it's annoying to change the battery and there's not a lot of aftermarket mags out there. It's also a pain to work on if you wanted to change anything as it's all proprietary.
That being said, it's one of the best performing guns for the price, and is regarded very highly in the airsoft community. If you want to hear how fast it shoots on 11.1v listen to this

Anonymous No. 103831

Doesn’t sound that fast. Like less than 20 rof

Anonymous No. 103881

Thats fine, id get something else in mk or ak range later and use it for cqb, just buy with it few ot mags and maybe a good close quarter scope, laser or flashlight idk, wouldn't tinker too much anyway

Anonymous No. 103938

Regarding the mags, I honestly prefer the hi cap to the midcaps. The midcaps only hold 75 rounds while the hi cap is very high quality, doesn't rattle, and doesn't need to be wound all that much. Midcaps are still good if you have to have a midcap though

Anonymous No. 104088

Yes, my advice from an evo first gun beginner is don't adjust the hop too much, you can only turn it a VERY small amount before it just jams lol.

Anonymous No. 104107

God I hate the hop up adjustment on it, luckily I have small hands so I can turn it without the tool. Still replaced it with an SHS wheel though. The hop up itself is amazing that being said

Anonymous No. 104152

Yeah it works great just have to make sure to note that it is quite sensitive.

Anonymous No. 104167

I'm set on getting ASG CZ Scorpion EVO 3 A1, what should I get with it? I hear it has low cap mag, so 2 more, speed loader, another battery, which optic would be good for CQB and which for ~medium/wood? Any other like laser or flashlight attachments, anything else for the gun?

Anonymous No. 104169

Spring so I can switch from 0.9-1.1 CQB ranges to 1.5 ones+ perhaps?

Anonymous No. 104178

>optics for CQB
people shit on them (even here, see>>98889
>>98878), but the Walther MRS is a very good reflex sight for CQB in my opinion, seeing as it has an extremely wide field of view.
>optics for medium/wood
T2, MRO and Romeo are very good for medium distances. or alternatively you could get an LPVO or just a fixed magnification scope, if you want. i personally really like running a scope (PSO-1) even though my gun's not really a DMR. it all depends on your play style.

Anonymous No. 104210

I've never once seen someone shit on red dots as a whole outside of 4channers trying to be contrarian. Iron sights on a futuristic looking gun is just weird. I will admit though, red dots on anything with a wood stock should be illegal.

Anonymous No. 104212

Just buy the triple pack of mid caps, you will need them anyway lol.

Anonymous No. 104231

thinking about buying the WE Tech m16a3, any advice on WE Tech in general?

Anonymous No. 104254

Oh boy. Had 2 WE ARs, sold one this weekend and bought an M16A1. The one I have left right now is fully upgraded internally and a custom "clone" build externally.
You'll have to check the bolt lock engagement as soon as you get it because if you don't the bolt catch are on the bolt carrier will get fucked. Also you should use some AEG gear shims to shim the bolt catch so it doesn't have a lot of side to side play and has a more positive engagement with the bolt carrier.
The trigger box lasted about a year before I replaced it with a CNC RA tech one. Actually got all the trigger box internal parts separately but that was a huge pain in the ass and took me hours to instal because the trigger wouldn't reset properly and I had to file the contact point on the disconnector.
I replaced the stock bolt carrier with the RA tech CNC steel one. Probably wouldn't had to do that if I knew what I was doing at the time.
If you'll want to buy the steel bolt carrier I'd also recommend buying the Angry gun CNC hop chamber because stoch we deforms after a while when using the steel bolt carrier. Not that I noticed any issyes with it. Stay away from the New Age steel hop up chamber. Tried it and it's a pos.
The barrel assembly uses an O-ring instead barrel shims so it can develop play after a while. Replaced the O-ring with barrel shims on my XM177 and it was rock solid.
Full auto performance isn't great on WE ARs. It's better on stock guns than my upgraded one but I only use semi anyway so it doesn't bother me.
You should get an NPAS if you want to use WE ARs in the summer because on hot days they shoot well pretty hot.

Anonymous No. 104302

Yeah, so a gun, some sort of red dot, tripple pack of mid caps, loader, extra battery and a charger, think I got it all covered.
reflex sight too maybe and red light for outside

Anonymous No. 104388

I was referring to the gbbr variant, but thanks for the advice, anon!

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Anonymous No. 104403

That whole post was about GBBRs

Anonymous No. 104496

how do you upgrade your guns? should I ask a tech what parts are good and hopefully not get fudged?
like when a gun has
>13:1 CNC gearset
>CNC gears (16:1)
I guess I just have to do more research myself

Anonymous No. 104508

Google is your best friend. Especially the airsoft subreddit.

SHS and Lonex both make good parts that are reasonably priced.

In regards to gear ratios, I recommend reading this

Unless you are going for a high speed build just do 16:1

Techs tend to be pretty trustworthy as long as you go to one who's had some experience and isn't a newbie.

Anonymous No. 104533

Watch videos from these two channels
Pretty much every question you have will be answered by either one of them

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Anonymous No. 104633

Does it count if it's still in the mail? Pic isn't mine, was a pain in the ass to get it in Germany, but really wanted this for my loadout

Anonymous No. 104646

thanks will check them out

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Anonymous No. 104792

I was thinking about getting back into airsofting for the past couple years but can never find a basic KWA M4 in stock. is there still a shortage?

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Anonymous No. 104870

Gonna dmr an lct ak now that I’m not poor
Should I hpa or not?

Anonymous No. 104889

Yes. Mancrafts aren’t that expensive and it’s cheaper than upgrading the AEG internals.

Anonymous No. 104891

But I also have no hpa gear so it would be like 450$ for a mancraft setup
I feel like the lct internals r probably atleast decent and I can just pay a tech to do whatever is needed and it can’t be more than 1-200 right?

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Anonymous No. 104899

Desert Locusts don't fog and don't look faggy. They are still expensive though.

Anonymous No. 104903

I am fortunate to have a few fields that allow mesh. I have been hit with bios and it sucks. Occasionally, the fragments get in your eye a little but doesn't hurt. Just blink the frags out and you good. I have only had to deal with this once in the past four years. This is mostly due to the fields I go to not requiring bios. If you go to a field that requires bios, it's not worth wearing.

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Anonymous No. 104930

Ugh I wish someone just sold this adapter, having to design it myself fucking blows
This is the first attempt and atleast it sorta fits, hopefully only needs 1-2 more tries to get it right

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Anonymous No. 104931

I do like this stock a LOT on this gun tho

Anonymous No. 104977

Looks like shit. Front is shorter than the stock. There has to be at least 1.2:1 ratio

Anonymous No. 105015

Sauce pls

Anonymous No. 105019

you are looking in wrong places then, there is plenty of milsurp ones on armyworld

Anonymous No. 105025

picture is just from google
gun is the Marushin Nambu, guy in the store said he got it from Taiwangun
also the picture is apparently from the 8mm version, mine is 6mm

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Anonymous No. 105033

>Real guns are expensive and you can't shoot at people (legally)
>Maybe i'll look into this airsoft stuff
>Check out various websites
>Appalled at how cheap and gay it all looks, flashbacks of literal toy guns from my childhood
>See people who play with these toys decked out in tacticool gear larping as operators
Is it actually as cringe as it appears?

Anonymous No. 105053

For the most part yes, but guns you can make very realistic looking, same with gear.
Now add cheaters and autistic tards and nerds to the bunch and yeah.. i just like shooting at people enough to overcome that

Anonymous No. 105056

Depends on the players at what ever field you visit.

Ps is it just me or the gun that killed Abe have a V3 gearbox on it?

Anonymous No. 105062

kind of
if you can find a good field with older players they have more disposable income and such but they can also be super autists, younger players tend to cheat more

that being said you can buy/use legit gear, most people end up going more towards that stuff I feel. You can get a LCT or get a full metal lower and a daniel defence railed AR and it looks and feels pretty good.

it was an electrical powder ignition

Anonymous No. 105064

Airsoft is more cringe than irl quidditch

Anonymous No. 105065

>Is it actually as cringe as it appears?
Why should you care? Go to an outdoor woodland field

Anonymous No. 105103

There are some cringy people in airsoft, you just have to find the good ones.

Anonymous No. 105127

If you don't care to shoot people, then buy real guns. It's that simple.

Also, you're mostly looking at the flashy, attention grabbing stuff. Normal looking guns used by chill dudes don't get clickthrus. Meanwhile, you can post a picture of proud boys walking down the street with guns and ask if that's what gun enthusiasts all look like.

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Anonymous No. 105299

Acr stock fits with everything. Luckily I just needed to eyeball drill a screw hole for this and greentuff some bits.

Anonymous No. 105330

the previous one had steel teeth too
what I've noticed is this new piston has 15 teeth instead of 14 like the old one
maybe that's causing it?
I also get some random fliers which are like 30fps above normal shots, weird

Anonymous No. 105337

Noted. Thanks, man.

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Anonymous No. 105370

How much does fps matter? I’m paying a tech to do my ak up real nice as a dmr, and my local rules r basically no MED under 400 fps, 50 foot MED up to 450 fps.
And I was thinking, how much more range would 450 fps give me? Does it make sense to just go for 400 fps so I can use this gun dual purpose?

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Anonymous No. 105371

>buy swedish gun
>turn it into "custom" tactical abomination
Buy an AR next time, dipshit

Anonymous No. 105372


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Anonymous No. 105377

Suck my nuts purist. Takes 2 minutes to switch it if want to.

Anonymous No. 105399

Dang those are some lenient MED rules, nice.
I would go for 400, 50 feet is a long distance not to be able to shoot. But if your gun has a quick change spring just buy two different springs so you can switch on a game-to-game basis.

Anonymous No. 105410

If it's 400 then it's not dual purpose. Only you know your actual situation, but IMHO if you have to question whether you want to make one or not, don't.

Anyway, MEDs are what sidearms are for.

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Anonymous No. 105435

Do they not care about bb weight?
If so, run .69g ceramics as a power play.

Anonymous No. 105452

I mean my point is, how much extra range will an extra 50 fps gain me?

Anonymous No. 105453

Ok as the asker of the question I looked into it a bit more and per a research thing from 2004 titled “Airsoft trajectory project” your maximum effective range at 450 fps will only be roughly 15 feet further than 400.

Anonymous No. 105456

I like your guns, Anon. Airsoft is cool because all you're doing is building fun models to play with frens. Anyone getting mad about it needs to just calm down and make some friends

Anonymous No. 105458

that is just sadistic. Especially If you're HPA, which I know you are with that weight. Airsoft is about honing your tactic, strategy, movement, and ability in close corner/battlefield situations, not just hurting people. if that's what you want, get into boxing (which is the same thing, but different)

However, I would keep a side arm with those for cheaters, on second thought lmfao.

Anonymous No. 105462

Is there actually any difference in lct aks internally and qualitywise? The one I wanted (AK74M NV) is on preorder, but I could get an Lct AKM right now for the same price. Like is there actually ANY difference in these guns besides the magazine shape and the flash hider?

Anonymous No. 105481

whats a trusted retailer for Canada? Im specifically looking for EPM mags

Anonymous No. 105490

in canada as far as I'm concerned andy is the fucking man

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Anonymous No. 105491

thanks man ill have a look

now, do i buy this or a real ms2 for 3x the price? im only playing airsoft with it so i wont need top notch quality but what if its a piece of shit?

Anonymous No. 105494

people buy fancy slings so they can have a smooth pull but I don't really feel it's worth for airsoft, it's not life or death to get your rifle into your hands since you're usually running around with it out anyway
if you're just using it so you don't get tired/easier way to carry your gun a simple one is plenty fine I think
hell I've seen dudes using a piece of rope as a sling

Anonymous No. 105519

Just build one yourself. Most slings I see sell at 10 times their worth in material. You can literally see how it's constructed in the pictures usually, and then you can use better material.

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Anonymous No. 105553

>acquire a vfc mp7
>the peace of shit stock lever snaps in two
>unable to find the replacement part outside of asia
Sometimes i cannot help but think they are buttfucking the average lad on purpose
>Bonus round:
the magazines cost a fortune and the latch of the mag itself is not a replacable part but is an extention of the mag body. Meaning i got a 55€ mag that doesnt stay in place

Anonymous No. 105580

The padded MS2 is really comfy and worth the bucks imo. Do whatever is in your budget.

Anonymous No. 105629

Should have gone for a TM lmao

Anonymous No. 105646

after watching negative airsoft tech I can't even look at VFC guns anymore

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Anonymous No. 105655

>tfw germanfag
>mfw those marui mp7s are no longer sold anywhere
It was the only mp7 available at the time and i desperatly wanted one. Oh well, you live and you learn

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Anonymous No. 105658

man i found his yt channel waaay too late. Ive watched some of his vfc videos and i am still in denial about, how a well established airsoft company could pump out sub par products on a big scale. What can i say it was my first airsoft gun and it absolutly scared me away from the sport for many years

Anonymous No. 105665

damn rip
I played eons ago with some shitty guns and recently got back into it with a maple armouries gun
pretty pumped about it, the thing is pretty fun to shoot with compared to what I had a decade ago

Anonymous No. 105666

If you have some money to spare, there's a shop that does individual imports

Anonymous No. 105699

A lot of people shill the VFC MP7 but from what I've seen it's kinda a pos. The stock latches break, the end cap cracks and it definitely doesn't have the efficiency and cold weather performance of TM. Know 3 people with TM MP7s and none of them had any problems with them.

Anonymous No. 105722

He really likes the VFC HK45CT. I have a VFC USP, it works well and looks nice. VFC seem to be more hit or miss than they should be, given they don't sell themselves as a budget airsoft company.

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Anonymous No. 105728

i feel that one. I am going the old school route, simple aeg, a hi capa and off to some fun i go

>Them numbers
Didnt know there was such a thing. Yeah id like to know the shop that offers that service

The latch is truly fucked. I got the a1 meaning the barrel thread is plastic, i cant even mount a regular tracer on it because the "outer barrel" doesnt pop out the angeled front far enough. I just want an mp7 thats fun to fingerfuck and shoot :(

always wanted a usp. I guess ill buy the src usp without markings if my desire for one grows big enough.

Anonymous No. 105731

>Didnt know there was such a thing. Yeah id like to know the shop that offers that service
Pfitzner Waffen, they can get you pretty much anything from anywhere, depending in where you're buying from, it can cost up to tripple the price in dollar though

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Anonymous No. 105732

just red the description on his website. Thank you for the Information. This mans service looks very useful

Anonymous No. 105752

I was mainly mocking some fields retardation of not taking bb weight into account. I don't know if >>105370
's field does as he has not stated at what weight these FPS readings are the limit.

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Anonymous No. 105753

A nice medic girl bandaged and held my hand for two mins at the last big game
That's the most physical contact I've had with someone for three years

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Anonymous No. 105760

>held my hand for two mins
Did you actually get hurt or what?

In Japan they're pretty strict with age restriction on airsoft guns so Marui has quite a lot of guns for kids age 10 and up (regular guns are 18+). They're weak but fun to play with at smaller indoor fields, especially if you reserve a field with some friends. And since they're fairly cheap you can give them makeovers without being too worried about the result.

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Anonymous No. 105828

Dropped my gun and it snapped the tailcap off my light

Anonymous No. 105924

Want to buy my first gun, deciding between scorpion evo or ics mars s3.

I know they're not really in same category, I like m4 look and can update it etc but everyone raves about evo and how good it is and I know it will be great but I kinda want something bigger hmm

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Anonymous No. 105937

This hue-gun. It's too hot to field, so I've just been using it to plink with and also menace a local gay couple. It's not great, but it was only $70.

Anonymous No. 105957

To RHOP or not?

Airsoft tech says it's in his top 3 upgrades
Negative airsoft tech says it's uneeded and ultimately paying to much for a consumable part

what are your thoughts asg?

Anonymous No. 105989

just get a maple leaf macaron and an omega nub

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Anonymous No. 106000

anyone else ready for sunday games

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Anonymous No. 106005

ayo senpai that mp7 body looks phenomenal. Mind sharing the stl ? On another note, what program did you use for modeling. I tried getting into that one microsoft free thing where its always online and tracks your build, i cant remember the name right now

>them forearms
Looking good mate, shirt and mp combo look fantastic. Stock looks like a great job too. Did you just file down the peaces yourself

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Anonymous No. 106008

>Mind sharing the stl ?
You can get it on cults i don't have the files a friend of mine 3d printed it for me, so i can't answer any of your questions sorry. I would recommend if you have facebook to ask on the AAP01 owners club group
>Looking good mate, shirt and mp combo look fantastic

Anonymous No. 106009

oh yea internals if anyone else wants a cool AAP build

Action army adjustable trigger
Action Army inner barrel
Maple Leaf 60 Decepticon
Omega nub
Cowcow hammer set
Waldos customs short stroke, recoil and nozzle spring
Airtac MP5 adapter (takes cyma mags)

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Anonymous No. 106010

Took me a while to realize you're the 3D printing anon. The angled grip had me thinking it was this kids gun. Nice build though.

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Anonymous No. 106231

Appreciate it lad
>tfw gonna need bigger printer for just about anything i recently set out to try out/print
;_; it aint tasty blowing my broke budget on airsoft but fuck i gotta have some to fingerfuck with after work, you feel me

Anonymous No. 106258

so first time fielding this setup today, and i can positively say this has ruined every other setup i normally run for me. You can easily get 50 meter range with this thing, and it shoots straight as an arrow with the hopup set correctly with .28's then combined with how lightweight it is, you can be a very effective speedyboy on "milsim" fields

Anonymous No. 106259

forgot to mention i was running 90 psi which was about 1.2 joule which means 0 med here where i play

Anonymous No. 106374

any backpack recommendations? I’m doing an overnight milsim (not too serious) and need something that can hold a small hydration pack and some spare gear (2 extra ak mags, some bbs probably)
Any recommendations? I want something small and not too heavy, the flyye mbss seems nice as far as form and size but the straps r basically nonexistent so that won’t work :(

Anonymous No. 106559

I got a surplus danish one for about ÂŁ30. British Army NI Daysacks are also very good bags, stateside I'm not quite sure

Anonymous No. 107301

so what is everyone doing this weekend? I got a night game this saturday, and if i can be bothered a regular pickup game on sunday. Fitted my AK with a new bucking and nub last night
end of blog

Anonymous No. 107375

Upset because my Echo1 red star bolt was laid to rest last night.
Thinking on replacing it with either an E&L or a Cyma. Any suggestions?

Anonymous No. 107381

Buy an LCT. CYMA and E&L are for poorfag copers

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Anonymous No. 107382

>Order three items
>Shop fucks up two items
Got the wrong size camo t-shirt and a liquid fuel zippo instead of the gas one I ordered

ngl very fun to play with the old style zippo. Hope the shop says I can keep it.

Anonymous No. 107422

>pay out the ass for LCT
>have to replace everything internally for it to be somewhat useful
LCT looks good yes, but their recent price hikes for absolute mid/shit tier internals isn’t justifiable anymore

Anonymous No. 107469

>>>have to replace everything internally for it to be somewhat useful
extremely hyperbolic
>LCT looks good yes, but their recent price hikes for absolute mid/shit tier internals isn’t justifiable
they definitely aren't "shit". but i fully agree that the price they're going for in the US nowadays is nothing short of retarded. I paid 312 dollars for mine and couldn't be happier.

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Anonymous No. 107470

Cyma is fine and you should want to upgrade LCTs anyway.

I was looking at that Krytac LMG and it's kinda the same story except krytacs are even more of a shit to upgrade, even if I could get away with grabbing a better mosfet and calling it a day.

I got a MAS and I think it's better externally and internally than a more expensive LCT.
pic related

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Anonymous No. 107532

We're talking about AK's here, sir

Anonymous No. 107533

You can replace internals easily. You can't replace externals. E&Ls rust to shit as soon as you take them out of the box and CYMAs have shit tier pot metal everywhere that's not stamped sheet metal

Anonymous No. 107566

sorry am retard

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Anonymous No. 107606

Could have been worse.

Anonymous No. 107607

Anyone else's fields dying atm? It's probably just because word got around that the local place is a shitshow run by trannies and furries (yes, the owner let a group white trash degens take over as admin because he's a lazy shitbird). But it's dead, even the smaller fields around have less people each time I go out.

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Anonymous No. 107609

>not a PSO
I bet it's a springer too

Anonymous No. 107610

Man, it's nice living in eastern europe where fags and trannies don't live rent free inside your head

Anonymous No. 107611

ofc it is, poorfag sniper rifle got a paintjob today

Anonymous No. 107667

Nope completely opposite here. After a local airsoft shop opened there’s been a lot of new people at the fields.

Anonymous No. 107739

>E&Ls rust to shit as soon as you take them out of the box
You could just look after them

Anonymous No. 107764

who buys an AK that you have to baby?

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Anonymous No. 107863

sunday morning games, yay. today's game was pretty shit :/

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 107865

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Anonymous No. 107867


Anonymous No. 107875

Played my first game ever of airsoft today, it was a blast loved the adrenaline rush, i was unsure before going but it's great fun
I have a ww2 Thompson setup i had for other reasons (mostly for collecting, had the gun since 1 year but never used it) and not only it impressed people around but it made me love the tommy even more
I played with a group of friends that wanted to try with rental stuff and everyone seemed to have a good time aswell

Anonymous No. 107895

What is with you people and using this rent free meme as some great insult? These people literally exist and are actively harming children, including grooming online and getting busted for making cp. i just find it so odd that so many run defense for a group that by any standard should be despised as much as any incel. Honestly makes me hope people like you die soon.

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Anonymous No. 107908

Got me first m4 aeg with a 14 inch barrel recently. Ergos are cash. Is it normal that the mags only stick in place under a particular angle. Like shit goes smooth then i kinda miss the qngle and it doesnt sit all of a sudden no matter how hard i push. Ak user here

Anonymous No. 107936

Who doesn't look after their shit?

Anonymous No. 108003

Where that VSR98 come from?

Anonymous No. 108009

Russian surplus I got from a "local" surplus shop. They don't ship internationally if your intent was buying, but they also tend to have only one set of these, let's say, "obscure" uniforms, aka I got the last one they had. I'm pretty sure I saw some people selling Flora uniforms on ebay when I was getting starated in airsoft like some 6ish months ago, so you could try there. Alternatively, you could try if you don't mind it being a repro. never bought their stuff, but they seem to have lot's of options on soviet/russian shit. i could be schizo but i'm also pretty sure they had way more stuff listed in their website before the invasion, though.

Anonymous No. 108029

Welcome to the game, guns that aren't just AR-15 version 36589 are always more fun.
He's just banting, although his use of 'rent free' feels a bit flawed. If you're in western Europe or the US the trannies aren't just something imaginary boogyman. In any case I don't think he's defending the groomers but your reaction makes me think you're one of their victims.

Anonymous No. 108086

What do you mean? What other angle could it be in other than straight into the magwell?

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Anonymous No. 108096

i played around with the mags a bit more. The mags have a little wiggle room front and back. There is a chance to kinda miss and hit the overpetruding mag lips into the guns tube, the one that receives the bullets. Also I think the mag catch feedback is not quite obvious enough. :D man one hoe is too close to no hoes but 2 and more hoes .... Anyways now that i got both platforms i love em both and appreciate the little things about each one more and more. Shit is cash

Anonymous No. 108101

Hello newfriend
What maker is that M4? Sounds like there's something seriously wrong with the mag well

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Anonymous No. 108121

Ayo real talk i know :D this kinda shit is frowned upon but here and there i whip it out when im feeling fun.
Double bell desu. I like it. Maybe ill get into tuning doqn the line. Atm i just wanted an m4, it was the one that had the loons and price and availability align

Anonymous No. 108140

Different companies have different tolerances for their mags and magwells. Some combinations work great, some like yours just wind up loose. Maybe padding the magwell may reduce your wiggle.

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Anonymous No. 108161

yeah good idea. Initially i thought of some tape but with a little more practice i can make it second nature smaking it in just right. On another note how is life going ? Any hobbies besides airsoft you are enjoying ? I am going to pick up martial arts again. Working shitty shifts doesnt allow many interesting out of the norm hobbies besides hitting the gym.
how much fun gear do you get away with at the fields you frequent. Finished hand sewing a derivetive of pic related recently. Didnt take it for a spin yet but i wanted to go full on potato loadout

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Anonymous No. 108166

Absolute technology newfriend here. Lads what did i do wrong. The nozzle of my aeg ak is stuck in the foreward position with a bb trapped inside. Gun has a Mosfet and an etu built in. For some reason it winds and creates a small air push, all while the nozzle remains stuck. Is there a quick fix for this ?

Anonymous No. 108169

>how much fun gear do you get away with at the fields you frequent. Finished hand sewing a derivetive of pic related recently. Didnt take it for a spin yet but i wanted to go full on potato loadout

I don't think most of the fields I go to care. It's only the milsim re-enactment games that specify acceptable loadouts (and even then, they're pretty broad because they're not autistic).

Anonymous No. 108263

Probably the tiny spring that brings the nozzle backwards has broken. You'd need to take appart the gearbox unfortunately. You can find videos on how to do it on YT. It's pretty common issue.

Anonymous No. 108316

Cheap tappet spring replacement mate, watch a guide on google for whatever gun/gearbox you have. Shouldn't be too hard of a fix fren.

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Anonymous No. 108318

Thanks chap. Gonna go in with some love for my produce when i get around to play

Appreciate it lads I am hesitant to do it myself because the gun got all those extra features. Never having worked on a aeg doesnt help either. Gonna have to sleep on what to do.

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Anonymous No. 108462

I just thought of desert punk

Anonymous No. 108572


Anonymous No. 108624


Anonymous No. 108625

Good luck my friend, honestly as long as you watch a teardown video and follow it you should be fine. Just make sure never to test without screwing the gearbox back together <3

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Anonymous No. 108650

Got a question for other fellow burger larpers/ OG patriotic burgers
I'm running a basic bitch USA WW2 setup (CYMA Thompson and Colt1911) and i wanna expand. I already got wooden parts for the Thompson coming in but i want some advice on new guns.
I'd fancy a rifle/battle rifle so either a Garand or an M1 Carbine would work great, a BAR also sounds great but i looked for those and they get expensive
If you have any recomendations i'd love to hear them

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Anonymous No. 108669

my ex-commando buddy who I go shooting with every now and then just gifted me a whole bunch of gear because he was running out of space. Included is:

>pouches. Lots of them.
>42,000 bb's
>bunch of red/green gas
>I shit you not a fucking m203 with like 3 grenades
>2 kwc (?) GBB glocks, one of which works, with a bunch of magazines
>a Tokyo Marui aep glock which is missing the slide
>a box full of half-broken aeg's; 6 M4's and 2 minimi's. All requiring some TLC
>2 Tippmann m4's including HPA lines, magazines and a shitload of 12 gram CO2 cartridges

and a bunch gearboxes, gears, random electronics, glowsticks, a periscope, a really nice military compass, speedloaders, CQB barrels for the Tippmanns, and a whole bunch of other shit I'm probably forgetting.

What the fuck do I do with all of those aeg's? Are parts generally interchangeable between different manufacturers so I can MacGyver one or more multiple working guns with all the parts? Don't even know what brand most of these are; two of them have a bunch of armalite markings on them and the other ones don't have any branding.

Also, anything I should know about the Tippmanns, specifically with regards to converting them to HPA?

Anonymous No. 108688

ICS M1 Garand. Not as good looking as G&G but has better mag capacity and therefore it's more skirmishable.
M2 carbine if you want to go GBBR but the mags are hella expensive

Anonymous No. 108703

Get a MG42 and say you pulled it off of a dead kraut.

>What the fuck do I do with all of those aeg's?
Take them apart and compare parts. Use them as opportunity to git gud at teching.

Anonymous No. 108714

I have a King Arms M2 on green gas.

It's great but fuck me the mags are ÂŁ50 a pop and I've just bought an uzi so I'd rather buy more mags for that

Anonymous No. 108725

>Get a MG42
The G&G MG42 costs more than $2000, the cheaper ones are dubious quality

Anonymous No. 108748

And you call yourself the greatest generation.

Anonymous No. 108856

have one for seven years now, never did anything to it and it's performing pretty gud

Anonymous No. 108903

Just switch the input fitting out (don't smack it in and break it like I did the first time), look on YouTube/Tippmann owners on fakebook and if that doesn't work, email kore outdoor (the mega corp that owns Tippmann and many other airsoft companies) and they'll send you parts/advice/warranty and repair service for free. The best thing about dealing with Tippmann is the amount of customer support you'll get from them. I've had a Tippmann M4 since 2017 and it's been solid. I like my Tippy soo much I'm tempted to get a cqb version from ANS because they are on sale for 220 right now.

Anonymous No. 108914

Does any store have bang22s in stock? Can’t find shit

Anonymous No. 108932

airsoft innovations is kill

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Anonymous No. 108934

New gun in the post lads

Anonymous No. 108936

I fucked up. I bought A&K PKM. Its too heavy. I cannot carry it. It was expensive. What do I do.

Anonymous No. 108962

>7,5 kg
That's not even that heavy for a machine gun, what the hell were you expecting?

Anonymous No. 108975

so many people are used to polymer water pistols
I have a qualrail and metal receiver and people are amazed I can carry it for a whole day of games

Anonymous No. 108987

start lifting and stop being weak.

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Anonymous No. 109011

Only one option

Anonymous No. 109019


Its 1/6 of my weight.

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Anonymous No. 109021

You need to be over 18 to post on this website, "sir"

Anonymous No. 109027


I'm 20...

Anonymous No. 109030

Are you anorexic?

Anonymous No. 109031

>1/6 of my weight
you'd have to to be a malnourished manlet nork or an actual skeleton

Anonymous No. 109034

What the actual fuck? My bmi is normal.

Anonymous No. 109051

pretty much what I was planning to do, but never having touched the inside of an AEG I wouldn't even know where to start.

Anonymous No. 109110

If you started lifting, it wouldn't be 1/6 of your weight.

BMI isn't everything. There are plenty of people fat or underweight that have "normal" BMI, just like a lot of athletic people are outside the normal BMI range because athletic and low fat isn't "normal".

Anonymous No. 109112

Are you a 5ft manlet?

Anonymous No. 109120

Watch some tech videos on YT from Airsofttech or Negative Airsoft

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Anonymous No. 109129

anons I need help
my MP5 Marui NGRS arrived like three weeks ago
the quality is amazing and it feels like nothing else also the sound people are asking if its GBB.
BUT I fielded it a few times and I feel a little bit outgunned I'd say. The main issue is that mags are only 70s and the range and time to target are not the best. I feel like I'm getting bested by less skilled people with much cheaper guns. Do I sell this beauty and build some DSG for the same money? HPA/DSG is the meta in cqb in my country. I just wanted to fulfill childs dream by buying a TM flagship

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Anonymous No. 109130

>caring about "competitiveness" in airsoft

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Anonymous No. 109133

>1/6 of my weight
You only weigh 45 kg? Are you a midget? If that's true why would you even consider getting a machine gun? Even an MP5 would be too much for you.
Marui guns are optimized for Japan so in any country where the joules limit is higher they will be outgunned by most out of the box chink guns with stronger springs. Since the NGRS guns are pretty complicated it's also more difficult to upgrade them.
Sure, tried to make another cheap kids gun look a little less plastic

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Anonymous No. 109135

it's not competiveness I just don't want to get rekt
>Marui guns are optimized for Japan
thank you for stating the obvious

Anonymous No. 109136

If it's obvious then why do you sound surprised that you're outgunned? Even the best Jap guns max out at about 40 meters

Anonymous No. 109142

>buys a sub gun that's supposed to be ~1J
>hurr why can't It no shoot like M4
I'm glad that sub guns are about to be put in another category in my country and not the same one as carbines and rifles.

Anonymous No. 109145

>not just putting a cope cage around a AAP and calling it a day

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Anonymous No. 109147

Double Eagles new stuff seems kinda interesting. Compact SR47. We need more manufacturers to make wacky shit like this

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Anonymous No. 109150

>M4 with an AK magwell
>wacky xD

Anonymous No. 109154

>buys TM gun
>cries it performs like a TM

I honestly don't know what this guy was expecting. It's sort of like someone buying their dream Lamborghini, and 3 months down the line realizing they have no garage, can't afford the insurance, no place to legally race it, etc....

I love MP5's outside of airsoft, but I could never consider getting one for airsoft because of the battery and mag size issues.

I have a TM P90 that I kept stock for forever and never felt I was at too much at a disadvantage. Get a CQB gun, expect to excel at CQB (and worst outside of it).

At any rate, I don't consider it an issue because I have multiple guns for multiple roles. If this guy can only afford ONE gun, then yeah. Either git gud or sell it for a more general purpose one. Then when he's older and wealthier, he can buy his mid-life crisis NGRS and shoot it while driving his Lamborghini.

The fields I go to chrono and tag guns based on FPS. Standard rifles have MED (usually 20ft). Slower ones have none. Snipers 50-100ft or whatever. So there's a slight incentive to use slower guns going in and out of buildings without needing to transition.

Anonymous No. 109158

In my country there are 6 replica classes with assigned FPS limits. Or we're only now starting to measure with joules.
1. Pistols, shotguns and SMGs up to 1J MED 1m
2. "Any" but that doesn't include pistols up to 1.68J MED 5m
3.MGs up to 2.25J MED 15m
4.DMRs up to 2.25J MED 15m
5.DMRs up to 2.89J MED 20m
6.Bolt action sniper rifles up to 4J MED 30m

Anonymous No. 109168

why are you talking to me in third person?
>If this guy can only afford ONE gun
I have other guns. The purpose of this MP5 was to be a good cqb gun (which I stated in my first post, if you were willing to read) with capability to shot up to 30m when necessary.
What I mean by outgunned is not having lower fps than everyone else but lower rof on semi than a gun for half the price and 2x smaller mags.

Anonymous No. 109192

>new gbb uzi is released
>works like shit

Fucking chinks

Anonymous No. 109194

>he fell for the Tokyo Marui meme.
Idk what you were expecting senpai, they're built to be very good within Japanese limits, put them outside of that and frankly you are better off buying a G&G, ICS etc.

Anonymous No. 109209

What's the matter with this guy? The MP5 a perfectly fine CQB gun. Not enough ROF at CQB distances? He should try aiming his shots. Time to target? 300fps vs 400fps at 100ft, the difference is 0.33s vs 0.25s. ROF isn't going to help with that. And 100ft is far beyond CQB.

This just sounds like buyer's remorse. An impulse buy without proper research. It's working exactly as it should, it's just not OVERPOWERING. He's better off selling it instead of endlessly complaining that it's operating within specs.

Anonymous No. 109258

>300fps vs 400fps at 100ft, the difference is 0.33s vs 0.25s
>bbs don't slow down as they fly
>don't know that kinetic energy scales as the square of the speed
>33% increase in speed results in 76% increase of energy to be lost to drag

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1.000J_vs_1.486J v2.png

Anonymous No. 109299

LOL. Look at this wannabe nerd trying to blame physics for his inability to aim.

Here are some graphs relating BB energy, weights and distances (among other things) that also take into account air drag and other factors. At 100ft, the difference is around 0.5s vs 0.6s, which is still within the vicinity of the theoretical 0.08s difference. Jesus, just admit you dun goofed and move on.

Anonymous No. 109312

you're right I should just stfu at this point
however I did earlier I would get these cool graphs fro you

Anonymous No. 109345


Here are the other energy graphs:

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Anonymous No. 109366

Momento airsoft YouTuber

Anonymous No. 109391

I got in contact with some old school friends since i got to know they were into airsoft and saw it as a chance to have a nostalgic meeting (last time i saw them was 12 years ago)
I'm the WW2 Larper that posted here the other day
In any case they show me their kits and i was honestly stunned
Call of duty Skull Mask with Stock CYMA M4 with added 2 optics (one on the top, one on the side), laser, extended mag and a bipod of all things
I play with the Thompsons' ironsights since i have to stay period correct but isn't that a bit too much especially on a fucking CYMA M4? Could have invested the money on a better gun at that point, is there even a point to have a bipod for an AEG if you are not using an MG
Everyone is free to do what they want with their gun but coupled with the skull mask it becomes the cringiest shit i've ever seen

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Anonymous No. 109419

>Everyone is free to do what they want
This, IMHO. As long as everyone plays fair, who cares. Some people just want the look. Some just wanna pretend to shoot Nazis. One of my future projects will be to buy $1000 medieval armor so I can fight for the emperor or some shit, so I'll need an equally bling bling rifle to go with it. Maybe a bolt action sniper. I dunno yet.

Anonymous No. 109422

>is there even a point to have a bipod for an AEG if you are not using an MG
If you use a DMR i could see the point of one

Anonymous No. 109440

Need new bread

Anonymous No. 109481


Anonymous No. 109486

>Call of duty Skull Mask with Stock CYMA M4 with added 2 optics (one on the top, one on the side)
I'm guessing they were also wearing multicam. They sound like the average basic airsofter to me, the vast majority don't care about realism and if they have any kit inspiration it's usually from videogames.

Anonymous No. 109515

Airsoft used to be better as a niche hobby. Now it's full of casual shitters like that. No one is making any decent kits anymore. People aren't even matching their camos for fucks sake. Plate carriers with 5 different camo pouches,

Anonymous No. 109527

pretty much that. honestly i don't blame them and don't really care about that, why go through all the hassle of researching and making a reealistic kit when you could just copy that cool guy you saw in a vidyagame? that said, of course i like it when people put thought into their kits.
>People aren't even matching their camos for fucks sake

Anonymous No. 109579

Found the dipshit with different camo pouches

Anonymous No. 109580

I just got the Northeast Uzi and I want to do some kits based around that

Anonymous No. 109591

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