

🧵 Stupid Questions Thread

Anonymous No. 835791

how do you approach modifying an existing mesh in zbrush? i get how to actually import and start doing stuff, but i feel like you lose a ton of detail if you attempt to dynamesh, since it clips apart a lot of the elements inside it.

Do you just usually try to start from scratch, or can you work with it by adjusting the settings in the dynamesh so it keeps the same consistency on the mesh?

Or, assuming the mesh is all quads, do you subdivide for more detail to adjust things?

i'm just confused on what to do here. a friend wanted me to modify a female character to have different hair, but taking off the existing hair and having a blank region on the skull messes with me, so i try to fill it, but it fills with the most chaotic notching around the edges. what the fuck do i do? i feel like unless i start from the beginning i can't understand how to approach this.

I can sculpt the geometry how i want, but i just can't integrate it later on. am i just inept with 3d modelling workflows? Going in, cutting into the mesh, then filling it or merging another piece of geometry is just hard as hell to me, but to make the same thing from scratch is easy as hell. it just doesn't make sense.

Anonymous No. 835807

so I got an email from a recruiter, but I sure as hell don't meet the requirements. is it still worth contacting them since they reached out to me? I have a feeling they send these out every now and then to like pretty much everybody on artstation

Anonymous No. 835813

if it's not shady, yeah
they probably did just mass email

Anonymous No. 835814

If he wants new hair you have to make a new model. You could try polygrouping the existing hair strands individually and moving them independantly. There isn't really much sculpting in hair imo, it's mostly working with the level of detail you will use at the end and just moving it into place.

Anonymous No. 835816

it's from respawn entertainment, and from like 5 days ago
fug, they probably already found someone

Anonymous No. 835817

probably did
wouldn't hurt to contact them, plus sometimes they do hire people who don't meet the requirements and teach them, since reqs are sometimes just wishlists

Anonymous No. 835820

>I can sculpt the geometry how i want
>t it fills with the most chaotic notching around the edges
can't you just sculpt to correct?
i don't think dynamesh would be a good fit since it doesn't respect changes in polygon density, which characters usually have, subd would be a better option

Anonymous No. 835823

that's such a pain though. so should i ask for the model with nothing but the skull or something? or separate it myself? what i'm getting is, what do artists do when they're told to modify parts on a mesh that they haven't created themselves? how do you isolate and sudbivide regions for more detail, that type of deal? i get the logic somewhat for something in maya, but implementation in zbrush to locally subbdivide is fucking with me. i don't want the whole mesh to be higher res, just the area i want to add new elements like hair, or say hands or torso to adjust the proportions without stretching the topology you know?

i'm not trying to come off as a bitch. i'm fiddling with it right now as we speak to see what i can do, but i'm autistic when it comes to having an elegant workflow to modify existing geometry so that i can cut it up, fill in the blanks to make a new template for limbs or w/e, or make new clothing parts.

Anonymous No. 835825

it looks like it was actually a phishing scam
so if you guys ever get an job offer and they want to interview you over on telegram, be wary

Anonymous No. 835826

Polygroups / auto groups with uv. Subtool / split / groups split. You can then work on parts individually.

Anonymous No. 835829

thanks for the insight i appreciated it.

just to clarify, if i split the groups then subdivide to get more resolution how do i ensure the edge flow won't be compromised? that's also a key concern for me considering i want to warp some of these elements in a way that isn't necessarily just positional, like for example he wanted me to try and add scars, on a geometric level. and at the resolution he has the mesh at, it's not really viable you know? my logic is that subdividing isn't that big of a deal locally, but when it comes down to rigging and deforming, i feel like having uneven resolution can come back to bite me in the ass.

Anonymous No. 835832

If the structure wont change for instance bigger chin eyes etc just keep a copy of the original mesh around and duplicate it. Subdividing and sculpting will destroy the existing UVs so work on a copy and project the detail later. Before you start store a morph target then geometry divide to level 2. Go back to level 1 and go morph target / switch. This should reset the vertex positions to how they were before you subdivided. You can then subdivide more levels. There will always be a fraction of a difference between a high poly mesh and a low poly though. It's best to retopo at the last minute to avoid this problem.

Anonymous No. 835839

so there's no direct influence on the main geometry? i'm just making a morph target to the subdivided geometry i manipulate , by switching it down to its original subdivision level that matches the original mesh? that makes sense. so the morph is letting me see what i had originally, so i can make the transition to the original mesh easier, but will the original get the morph target as well? is that what i'm getting from this? i'm transferring the morrph target with all the details down to the first subdivision level.

Anonymous No. 836009

You keep the original mesh and dont alter it. You store a morph target on the one you are going to subdivide, because when you subdivide the vertex positions change slightly. After you subdivide you can go back to level 0 and switch the morph target so the vertex positions go back to where they were before you subdivided. You can then start adding more subdivisions. I assume you are going to bake a normal map at the end so you keep the original mesh with the uvs so the new high poly gets projected onto it.

Anonymous No. 836011

What's the best way to make 2D as best as I can, using my skills in 3D? I can't draw for shit in 2D, so I know I'll never get anything really good unless I practice that specifically, but how good can I get with tricks? I could literally just trace over a 3D silhouette, for instance, but I imagine there are better methods?

Anonymous No. 836019

>but how good can I get with tricks?
Not good. Not even close to good. Not even mediocre.
Because trying to become good with something you don't do, but trying to trick people by doing something else instead is a bulletproof method to NEVER become better.
Either you make things properly, or you don't. There is no trickery that magically makes you better with something that you don't do, you retarded piece of trash, JEsus fucking Christ.
>I could literally just trace over a 3D silhouette
EVERYBODY can just trace over a photo or a silhouette.
>but I imagine there are better methods?
Yes learn the actual thing you want to do or die in ditch you stinking pajeet with a brain full of faeces.

Anonymous No. 836026

That's likely gonna happen. So for this it's the following:
1) realize I need more detail
2) duplicate
3) create rest morph target
5) go to level 0 then pull more slider
6) subdivide and actually work



can you do it che....jpg

Anonymous No. 836037

does it make sense to learn how to sculpt highly stylized characters to create comic books in 3d?

Anonymous No. 836056

>comic books in 3d?
Never seen a good one. They are all shit.
Either you can draw comics, or you can't.
3D is useful for architecture and perspective (to draw over), rest should be drawn by hand.



Anonymous No. 836069

Alright, I will try here. A thing I still can't grasp with zbrush is how to scale or move things properly with the gizmo or transposing.
Trying to fix pic related mouth but the mesh becomes fucked and the jagged edges can't be smoothed out or dynameshed

Anonymous No. 836082

unless you are using a fuckton of filters and compositing the renders to try to mimic a comic book aesthetic



Anonymous No. 836103

You blur the mask first and pivot from the right point

Depends entirely on how good you are but frankly unless you're retopoing and making a rig it'll be too slow

Anonymous No. 836339

Where do you guys keyframe eye movement, before or after the neck? or at the same time as the neck?

Anonymous No. 836345

no you fucking idiot, mimicking an aesthetic with something else that takes 20x more work doesn't make sense.
Also filters and compositing isn't exactly something new, all those tools are decades old. So why is there no great comic made with 3D?
And stop thinking a bout cheating, cris. You'll never compensate for X with Y. What you need is talent and dedication. Something you are lacking.

Anonymous No. 836349

When you are sculpting a character with clothes. do you do a naked body first then the clothing? How does retopo work?

Anonymous No. 836350

You will almost always have a body mesh to work on even if it's simple (how else will you get the clothes fitting right?) as to retopo that's down to the requirements of the model, if you don't ever need to see under the clothes in the game/animation then you simply don't retopo the body, the arms will be going into the shirt and disappearing etc. Or the body can be under it but gets its material turned into a mask etc. if you need to be able to swap clothes/go naked.

You can do this in a multitude of ways so it's impossible to really answer, my suggestion would be download rips from games you like and study the model construction, because there's no right way there's only the way you do for each scenario.


this account has hundreds of AAA model rips in .fbx format go have a peruse.

If you have umodel you can rip assets from unreal engine 4 games incredibly easy as well, there's a unity one I've used as well but I can't remember the name.

You will learn a lot about how to split up mats and pack UVs doing this too.

Anonymous No. 836361

how do you download substance painter without access to cgpeers? i have never really tried to downlaod a program before.

isn't that just the into the spiderverse movie? study that


Delayed Realization.webm

Anonymous No. 836380

There's something different in the setup/settings of two Blender files of mine that I'm using for amateur game dev with Unity, and it's causing various workflows/processes to have different results in each of them, which is getting very frustrating. I don't know what's going on or how to fix it. For my first Blender file, I started by importing an FBX, and for my second file, I did all the modeling/rigging from scratch.

>Original Blender file (player character)
>Exporting the FBX works without issue
>All of the animations when importing the FBX into Unity have the name [ObjectName]|[AnimationTitle], like Player|Idle

>New Blender file (first enemy)
>Exporting the FBX with the same settings as the Player file leaves it with only the currently-selected animation
>To get all of the animations to export, I have to go into the Action Editor, click the checkboxes for all of the animations, and in the export settings, have 'NLA Strips' checked
>Only the currently-selected animation has that [ObjectName]|[AnimationTitle] title, the rest are just the titles as shown in the Action Editor
>If the currently-selected animation is one I also clicked the checkbox for, then it will be a duplicate
>Some of the clip lengths according to the Action Editor are way wrong (e.g. the idle animation being a single frame even though the animation was 60 frames long), and some of the titles were wrong (e.g. the Walk animation was saved as Idle.001) and needed to be corrected, as Unity used those names/values instead of how they show up in the list when working on the Dope Sheet

>Go back to the first Blender file to recheck things
>Some the names/lengths in the Action Editor are wrong, but it doesn't affect how things show up in Unity
>Exporting WITHOUT the 'NLA Strips' option checked correctly exports all of the animations

There's clearly something different with how things are set up within these files, but I just have no idea what it is or what to check. Can anyone help me?



Anonymous No. 836431

beginner here.
i want to make a lava lamp effect but with different objects as the orbs (pieces of fruit) ive found some good tutorials but they use metaballs. what physics properties would i need to apply to the objects to get that same or similar effect?



Anonymous No. 836441

what is making it fail to recognize it as a loop?
the cut in the middle?

Anonymous No. 836452

Remove the end cap.

Anonymous No. 836478

What you mean?

Anonymous No. 836512

bros how do i get rounded corners without ngons?

Anonymous No. 836518

It tries to follow along one side of a strip of quads. It can't go across the strip, so it stops there.

Anonymous No. 836519

is there a way i can weigh a mesh to a 3DS Max biped in Blender
i can't get over how clunky weight painting is in 3DS Max



Anonymous No. 836526

in 3ds max how do i set up a hotkey that will toggle between two views, left and front. i have top, perspective and camera views set up and i dont change them. in the 4th view i want to be able to swap between left and front with 1 short key so i wont have to manually select each of them. lets say im in front view i press the key and it switches to left then i press it again and it switches to front
pic related



Anonymous No. 836571

I imported this bitch to use as a reference, and why does the lighting look all fucked?

Anonymous No. 836572

here is your answer

Anonymous No. 836574

So helpful!
Thanks for the tip!

Anonymous No. 836576

stop wasting your time with 2nd level software and you might actually learn something
you're not gonna get a better tip than this

Anonymous No. 836577

go suck a log of shit out of my asshole retard

Anonymous No. 836580

cant say this level saltiness is surprising coming from a blendlet

Anonymous No. 836581

moderators this gentleman is trolling, sewing discord & not using the thread for it's intended purpose

Anonymous No. 836612

there's a light in the scene, move it/add a new one

Anonymous No. 836669

select all > merge by distance > recalculate normals

Anonymous No. 836686

Isn't it just L and F.



Anonymous No. 836696

be quiet

Anonymous No. 836711

looks like ass, and took 10x the time as a drawing.
Thanks for proving my point.

Anonymous No. 836722

Nigger. Kill yourself

Anonymous No. 836747

delete the faces, it will become a loop



Anonymous No. 836773

You are being left behind, grandpa



Anonymous No. 836792

show your work then

Anonymous No. 836826

seethe & cope

Anonymous No. 836835

I pirated V-ray (from CGPeers) and now 3DS Max is running slow as fuck. Saving, opening materials, etc takes minutes. Already tried reinstalling everything, and other stuff I read on google, and I know the torrent is legit because it has plenty of positive feedback.

What do

Anonymous No. 836837

You don't know the torrent is legit just because it has a lot of feedback. Many users on cgp just accept that they could get malware, it's part of the territory. Instead what you have to look for is statements of specific buzzwords like "malware", "trojan", "virus", "backdoor" and etc. If you find a single post of that then you need to study the uploader. Some uploaders are known to be safe and you should download from them specifically. 100 out of 100 is not an acceptable verification.

Anonymous No. 836844

Where can I hire a modeler to make a model for porn?



Anonymous No. 836869

Redpill me on the use of details that aren't connected to the main mesh

When I was an earlier modeler, i was under the assumption that you should always make your details a part of the main mesh, like you must make the blades of a computer fan connect to the circular rim. This mindset, along with the idea that all of your models should consist of quads, severely limited my developement as a modeler.

i've since learned that its ok to use tris on meshes that won't deform and meshes that are flat. Is there any time when its ok to make the details of a model disconnected from the main mesh? The model in pic related has a lot of floating details that are intersecting with other mesh groups

Anonymous No. 836876

Its totally fine to do that. Unless you get really really close with your camera (which you probably don't). You can also model a slight bevel that sits perfectly flush on the surface and this will make them blend into the model - texture and AO does the rest. There is also the option to use a bevel shader which makes it even more seamless - but often this is overkill. There is really no need to connect everything. Just try it out.

Anonymous No. 836979

it is, but i want it to be on the same key
press the key - switchs the viewport, press the same key again switches to the other viewport



Anonymous No. 836981

it is normal that xgen hair automatically updates only in animation playback? it is normal that hair eats so much fps in animation playback?



Anonymous No. 837022

Where would you start if you wanted to be able to model something like this?
Is blender good enough?

Anonymous No. 837031

Is it a good idea to invest into a graphic tablet if you don't have sufficient skill in, lets say scupting or texturing?
I want to get into hand-painted texturing but I'm not sure if I should get a tablet right away.

Anonymous No. 837045


Anonymous No. 837076

Absolutely, it's not worth trying without it



Anonymous No. 837092

What is the most likely way the modeler achieved this clean topology? Hard surface on mechs is so hard to get right and I’m left wondering if I simply need zbrush for this.

Is the key to this lattices? Is it sculpt and retopo?

Anonymous No. 837095

high poly to low poly baking



Anonymous No. 837099

that's pure SubD my man, that's just hard work and dedication in a poly modeler.

It's possible that they did in fact have a concept version in zbrush beore they went in to the subd version because otherwise it's hard to workshop ideas and get the shapes just right but it's by no means necessary.


so this is a super famous SubD model but it was first created as a zbrush concept before being remade in SubD, you just can't beat zbrush for concepting.

Anonymous No. 837107

I kneel



Anonymous No. 837125

very stupid question, I downloaded a horns .obj file and it's mirrored like this. How do I manipulate this in blender so that when I rotate one side it doesn't rotate them together? I'm trying to make them angled closer.

Anonymous No. 837126

Are there any guides to making clothes in blender

Anonymous No. 837127

edit mode, turn on x symmetry, L select one of the horns and spin it



Anonymous No. 837135

When did you realize you need a new PC?

Anonymous No. 837157

theres a cloth addon for blender 2.8, just google search tutorials related to that

Anonymous No. 837162

still haven't seen your work, you dunce.

Anonymous No. 837165

ye its pretty easy
>uninstall blendre
>install marvelous designer
simple as that

Anonymous No. 837219

Thinking about learning this stuff. Realistically how much could you make taking model/animation commissions?

Anonymous No. 837220

Zero with this mindset

Anonymous No. 837221

The fuck does that mean

Anonymous No. 837224

Means if you focus on money before you get even basic idea of what you have to do is going to lead you nowhere

Anonymous No. 837282

In relation to preparing game assets, why do lightmaps seem to use poor UVs?

It's my understanding that you should reduce your model's UV shell count as much as possible; since vertices are calculated as many times as there are UV shells that contain them. However, looking at examples online, it appears that lightmaps organize almost every polygon into their own UV shell.
Can anyone explain this for me? Is it ok since there are relatively few models (usually just the environment) that use this UVing scheme; or does the trade-off with lighting simulation negate any downside?

Anonymous No. 837285


Anonymous No. 837288

lightmaps are usually autogenerated and require different UV things, so for example your normal UV might have overlapping and tiling textures but your lightmap can't, so the game engine itself just makes a new UV that is usually completely automatic and based off your normal seams.

I think you might be looking at lgihtmaps for things like wall pieces or whatever where there probably is a UV seam for nearly every poly. If you take in an object you've already UV'd and check the lightmap UVs in ue4 you'll see it's just the same seams repacked again.



Anonymous No. 837305

I tried making a windblown grass material in Unreal. Annoyingly, LOD1+ is out of sync with LOD0. Why is that, and can I fix it? Excuse the horrible webm, I've never made one before.

Anonymous No. 837324

Why would you even want to fix this. Looks good enough . Wind is not 100% uniform.

Anonymous No. 837325

I know, and adding in a bit of random variation it will probably not even be visible. Or I could just use LOD1 as the closest and basically omit LOD0 for a quick fix. It's not so much needing to solve this particular instance of the problem as wanting to understand the root cause.

Anonymous No. 837340

is hair the hardest part to model of a figure? it feels like it takes 4 hours for me to make something that doesn't even look good

Anonymous No. 837401

What's the best way to approach modelling the interior of a building?
Should I make it a separate object and then just slide that inside the exterior and merge the two, or should I extrude the outer walls inwards and then build the rooms up that way? or is there a better approach that i haven't considered?

Anonymous No. 837407

One of, you just need to spend some time and figure out a workflow that suits you.

I do mine with curves, dynamesh them together then sculpt on the result soon as I do more stylized stuff. Something that you'll find a lot when it comes to sculpting hair (or poly modelling it even) is that there's no shortcuts, the way most people sculpt semi realistic hair is clay buildup and dam standard , there's no secrets just a lot of practice and hard work.

Anonymous No. 837423

Now that 4chan unfucked their captcha I'd like to ask this again

Anonymous No. 837457

Is the XP-PEN Deco 01 v2 a good tablet for a beginner hobbyist sculptor? It's on sale on amazon for 60 european dollars

Anonymous No. 837459

realistically 0

basically any tablet is good unless it has like terrible reviews

Anonymous No. 837515


They really did unfuck the captcha?

Anonymous No. 837517

Are there any good resources for learning substance painter? I used it a little bit but that was only for super basic painting on textures

Anonymous No. 837546

how long is making a texture for a single outfit supposed to take, the last one took me a week and i feel like it should go quicker than that

Anonymous No. 837555

michael pavlovich and the official channel's tutorials are good

Anonymous No. 837574




Anonymous No. 837575

what is the pipeline studios or professionals have for animation? this is what I have so far, trying to learn more about each step

Researching, Brainstorming, Mind-Mapping
Scripting, Copywriting
Still Frames
Animatics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRyPSOyC7_c

Anonymous No. 837639

Do normies think that this is impressive?

Anonymous No. 837686


doesnt really matter. skype for with other people

final draft or any word processor

toonboom storyboarder pro but you're likely too shit to need it. cut your teeth on storyboarder, which is free

adobe premiere pro

honestly anon having a more expensive program wont make your shit good.

Anonymous No. 837746

Not him, but that looks a lot of fun.
I was looking for exactly this, thank you!

>cut your teeth on
What do you mean by that? Is it janky? Or hard to master?


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 837848

When sculting characters to be posed in the final render. Do you actually sculpt them posing or you t-pose them? What happens with their clothes' physics like the skirt in pic related? Do you need to re-sculpt it or how does it work?

Anonymous No. 837864

There are only 2 options.
Sculpt in final pose, or sculpt in neutral pose.
If you start in an neutral pose you can always move it to the final pose, which then needs some clean-up sculpting.
The advantage of an neutral pose should be obvious, you can use symmetry to only work on one side and have the result on both.
There is no real advantage to sculpting in final pose, but it is an good exercise because it is harder.
The only advantage is that you sidestep the process of posing if you only need one pose.
If you want to use the character for animation or for several poses, sculpting in final pose makes no sense at all.
You need a neutral pose to be able to rig it.
Clothes too are created in neutral pose either without any folds and physical behaviour or in a state/pose already having folds and in position (tight) on the body. These folds are then baked in so to speak and get deformed by the rig. This makes sense for small folds in pants for example if you don't need the fine details of proper cloth behaviour when animating.
You can rig both. But if you want physical accurate behaviour (for animation) its recommended to actually use cloth physics.
If you just want to have them in one pose its probably faster to sculpt them in pose with cloth brushes. Or sim then once with an cloth solver, then bake it.

So for one simple pose:
Sculpt in pose
or sculpt in neutral pose > pose > clean-up
For several poses
Sculpt in neutral pose > rig > pose + simulate cloth or sculpt cloth
Sculpt in neutral pose > pose with sculpting tools > clean-up
For Animation:
Sculpt in neutral pose > rig > pose + simulate

Anonymous No. 837869

storyboarder goes all wonky if you have too many frames. it's the best free option i can find tho.



Anonymous No. 837884

Anyone know why my model is adding a face when being imported into Cura? The added supports are more than doubling the print time and material needed, and I'd rather not waste either.



Anonymous No. 837886

I'm not a 3d person, so I'm pants on head retarded with all this.
I'm a 2d artist/painter and all I want is to be able to stage lighting scenarios in Blender. I have a light source, an object (dog's head), and planes above and to the right of the head. I need the planes to reflect light onto the shadow parts of the dog's head. I've tried a few youtube tutorials but it doesn't look like I have the vocabulary to really google what I'm looking for.

pic related.

Anonymous No. 837891

Cura don't like ngons and the boolean modifier you used created ngons. Get rid of them, specify "Triangulate faces" when you export your object to .obj or export as STL.

Anonymous No. 837897

You need to use a proper ray-tracing renderer, not Eevee. Switch to Cycles.

Anonymous No. 837901

Thank you. I triangulated the faces and exported as .stl and was still running into the same problem. I thought at first that maybe I'd left a plane or reference image in, but that wasn't it either. Ultimately, I decided to just print it upside down so that it needed less support, but I'd still like figure out how best to resolve the issue. I'm new to printing and 3D design, so it's probably just some stupid rookie mistake.

Anonymous No. 837913

could you share the file that loads wrong?



Anonymous No. 837932

I've never done any 3D before but I'm trying to create something almost identical to pic related. The one difference is that I want the actual image on the card to also be animated. Is this possible and how would I start out created a '3D' 'collectors card' type image?

Anonymous No. 837935

hello retard you're about 2 months late for the NFT boom

Anonymous No. 837937

NFTs are still going, I'm trying to create some art for its own sake though.

Anonymous No. 837940

uh huh sure thing buddy

Anonymous No. 837942

i mean what do you want me to say? I could in theory be creating NFT's? would that help you?

Anonymous No. 837948

The card would be just a plane. As for the animation you dont often see something like that maybe you could use a gif or make a section like a green screen and overlay a video in after effects or something like that.

Anonymous No. 837961

Yeah. What would be the best way to do that?

Anonymous No. 837983

When you import a model between Blender and Maya do you have to recreate the armature? Isn't there some data that gets lost when switching between programs? If modeling in one and animating in the other how do you set up your workflow so the model's data is consistent between programs?

Anonymous No. 838012

mega, mediafire, google drive link, you name it

Anonymous No. 838039

You pirate the BetterFBX addon and prepare an animal sacrifice for the gods you worship.



Anonymous No. 838278

So I designed this as a case for a Kodak Easyshare P720 I found on Craigslist, as a sort of 'nothing gift' for my gf who likes Subnautica. Amazon screwed up my filament shipment, so I haven't had a chance to test the actual print for fitting, and if you plan on printing it for a digital picture frame, you may need to modify some of the dimensions. Otherwise, the outer dimensions are tight on an unmodified Ender3, and there's no room for a standard brim, so I'm currently testing a custom brim on the back plate, which is just a filled-in copy of the original file, with the height set so that only the back 2mm prints. If anyone manages to fix the file or make any other changes, I'd appreciate access to that. Also, the file is now modified to add ventilation for the electronics.



slicer settings w....jpg

Anonymous No. 838306

Seems to be a slicing config gone wrong.

At first I thought it might have been a misconfigured raft, but couldn't replicate it on cura(4.10) nor in prusaslicer(2.3.0).

Try loading the default config for ender 3 and slice it again.

I remade your model keeping it non manifold so no errors at loading or slicing


Also if you want a shorter print time:

>check your speeds are tuned right to make shure you print the fastest posible

>check your layer height (having a 0.4 nozzle, you could print at 0.25 and it would still look good)

>check your perimeters (I use 2-3 depending on the complexity of the model, you could use 2)

>check your infill (I normally use 5-10%)

>check your support material pattern spacing (this will make the blank space inbetween supports bigger the higher you go, this is dependent on how good your printer handles bridging I know I can push mine to 10mm easyly)

Anonymous No. 838307

damn, wish you the best next time around anon

Anonymous No. 838321

Is there any downside to distorting UVs with the intent of getting a tighter pack?
I'd imagine it would cause issues with texture painting, but isn't that avoided by baking and using viewport/projection painting?

Anonymous No. 838338

I'm absolutely new to blender but I'm super excited to learn, mostly about weapon modeling along with animating the gun, reloads and all that
I'd love to make this profitable for me, but I have no clue how hard that'd be? I guess I could find some kickstart company making some shooter and do models/animations for them, but I wanted to ask you guys for your opinion on it, can I make it like that?


me and my bitch.jpg

Anonymous No. 838339

why don't you focus on actually learning 3d before planning your hypothetical career for your hypothetical skill?

Anonymous No. 838341

go rip and study models from games, they will all have somewhat distorted UVs, textures are the most important resource to manage in modern videogame production, on environment art especially.

Anonymous No. 838343

Because that's my motivation to do the actual learning, getting to work on that

Anonymous No. 838359

What's the usual amount of 4k texture sets for a modern AAA character with some props?

Anonymous No. 838360

what's the go-to method for creating a base mesh in blender before sculpting? anything modern for 2.9 or the upcoming 3?

methods i already know: skin modifier and metaballs



Anonymous No. 838381

how come the edges of my ivy looks white ?
it's a plane with the texture painted on it, and everything around should be transparent

Anonymous No. 838384

I've got a clunky Windows 8.1 laptop from 2013, and I've always thought I should upgrade it before investing time in learning Blender. But one of my Blending friends tells me that it can still run smoothly even on low specs.

Is there a guide out there, plugins, or general recommendations, for setting Blender up to run optimally on outdated hardware? I have no delusions of making anything professional-grade, I'm just a stupid weeb hobbyist who's trying to graduate from shit pmx/mmd renders. Also fine if it's just enough for me to learn the tools and make test scenes/models, that I can move to a higher-end system later.



Anonymous No. 838385

If you are using EEVEE check your material,
on settings set both your blend and shadow modes to."Alpha blend or Alpha clip"

also remember to plug the image alpha channet onto the alpha cannel on the bsdf node

Anonymous No. 838386

i wouldn't bother trying to set anything up
that will come later when you want to render, and you should probably resist that impulse for the time being since nothing you make will benefit from raytracing
aim for your models to look good in the viewport in real time
watch some videos on youtube on how to setup blender for low-poly modelling and you can get started making virtually anything right away
with good textures and shaders a low-poly scene can be quite convincing



Anonymous No. 838392

thank you, that fixed it a bit, there are still a few white parts, but i can do with it, now, is it normal that when i zoom out, it appears whiter ?

Anonymous No. 838393

might be a combinaton of texture resolution and viewport/camera resolution

Anonymous No. 838394

Thanks, anon. I was stuck in the mmd mindset of "edit models in another program, load models, pose models, save it as a scene, add shaders", so it's useful to hear that blender stuff doesn't fit the same setup for exporting "scenes". And I've always had an interest in low-poly modeling, feels like it has unique challenges and techniques compared to high-poly.

Will that setup still allow me to import other people's models, or stuff ripped from games? Or should I resist that impulse too, start off primarily making models myself, and build from there?

Anonymous No. 838402

I want to make a game and get good character models without breaking the bank.

Anon suggested using metahumans for the heads and Daz for the bodies given their abundant clothing.
I've heard Daz is bad, but never heard of the reasons. Would this work? Which alternatives are there for someone who doesn't really know 3D?
Thanks in advance, /sqt/


Anonymous No. 838430

you can import anything your laptop can handle, but again, it's not really a setup
you're just excusing yourself of the more demanding features
if your scene bogs down, then roll back whatever you turned on -- that sort of thing
i would recommend just focusing on box modelling

Anonymous No. 838431

I'm a beginner using 3dsmax 2017 for lowpoly (~1000 max polys, 256x256 texture size) models for a game from 2002

- why Render to Texture skips some areas even when they're visible in the viewport unless I zoom out farther?

- any ideal camera angle or overall settings for light baking accounting for spec\norm filter maps? Asking this cuz these depend on perspective.

- one scene keeps crashing when deleting\welding stuff on an object unless I convert to poly & even then it still crashes for the same reason, cant find anything on this online.

Anonymous No. 838440

You should use something like xnormal instead. That render to texture workflow is very ineficient.

Anonymous No. 838443

Thank you again anon. By what I'm getting, it's already set for any kind of performance, and it's just up to me to experiment with what works and doesn't; but still, I shouldn't ignore the modeling fundamentals.

Anonymous No. 838456

just watched YT for the workflow & 3ds's feels faster & self contained. No idea why I would complicate things on myself with an external app just for baking.

Also noticed 3ds doesn't show geometric height for bump\normal textures (ATI FirePro m5800 gfx card) & mentalray renderer had been gutted & vRay is made for nVidia apparently.



Anonymous No. 838463

Inside Maya,
Is there any way to bake a blendshape? So it stays on the model without needing to activate it anymore?
How is it done?

Anonymous No. 838467

>Also noticed 3ds doesn't show geometric height for bump\normal textures (ATI FirePro m5800 gfx card)
Use displacement instead ?

& mentalray renderer had been gutted & vRay is made for nVidia apparently.
New standard renderer is Arnold.

Anonymous No. 838495

Everyone else in the world bakes in marmoset or substance painter for a reason, you're gonna have to get used to program hopping

Anonymous No. 838505

displacement never worked for me for some reason, I'm using bump2normal on the bump slot of a standard material.

Apparently arnold is only for 2018+

I see. Thanks.

To clarify my workflow goes make lowpoly>make hipoly to bake light>collect textures & add details in gimp

Anonymous No. 838515

What? Why not just use the video of the animation as an animated texture?

Anonymous No. 838516

Convoluted way to say I don't know.

Anonymous No. 838517

I'm printing off the file you uploaded with a 200/220 square raft on 3 coats of Aquanet because I've been having serious adhesion issues. Like I said, I'm very new to all of this, and still running the nozzle that was originally installed (a 0.2), and should probably learn to change that because this is going to be 48hr print. I'll post back with pictures in a couple days, but I wanted to thank you for taking the time to walk me through the stuff and for the file fix. It's greatly appreciated.



Anonymous No. 838526

I am sculpting in vr and zbrush, then I texture in substance painter, and then I want to set up a scene and render it. What are the Pros and cons of doing that in either 3dsmax or Maya? Would there be a difference in ease of use, even just because one has more/better tutorials?

Anonymous No. 838575

hes not wrong tho. carts generally go before horses. anon might fucking hate 3d once he actually tries it

Anonymous No. 838586

Still not wrong to share knowledge with a young person if a certain career path is a waste of time or not, if you have the experience. He'll find out if he hates 3d soon enough.

Anonymous No. 838617

Glad I could help you, atleast a little.

>I've been having serious adhesion issues
make shure your print bed is completely level to the extruder, this is critical
using a brim should be enough for your piece not to warp or detaching from the bed, but this depends on the piece
make sure to clean up your build plate, is your printer bed heated? if it is let it preheat before printing, same for the extruder (dont go straight to printing)
which material are you printing with?

> still running the nozzle that was originally installed (a 0.2),
that's easy to do, but requires to adjust several parameters like feeding, cooling, etc...

> this is going to be 48hr print
holly shit!! guess it's normal having a 0.2 nozzle, that makes you print at a very low layer height, also your print speed must be very low.

I have a sidewinder X1 (yours and mine are similar in specs) and it can do that print in 10 hours



Anonymous No. 838625

How do I efficiently make things like pic related?
The way I tried:
>draw the curves in an external program (Illustrator is really bad for doing classical geometric construction, by the way)
>import them
>bevel (that's what it's called in Blender, in C4D it's sweep and in other programs probably something else) each curve
>convert them to meshes
>bool them together one by one
>get a terrible mesh that I'm not sure is salvageable with anything besides scrupulous manual cleaning and retopo
Surely there must be a better way, right? Or maybe I'm just doing something wrong on some of these steps.
Here's a trefoil .svg if you want to try doing it for yourself - https://files.catbox.moe/cfa2a1.svg



Anonymous No. 838683

Guys does anyone have experience with drawing tablets?
Is a Wacom Intuos S enough for some simple sketches and for using in blender?

Never used one but my prof said it's better for 3d modelling, I'm not doing it professionally it's just for a project but if it makes the process less cancerous I'm willing to spend some money.

Anonymous No. 838684

>for 3d modelling
for sculpting definitely
polymodeling is still better with mouse

Anonymous No. 838711

Dont know about other programs but in Max I converted the file to a dwg and imported it as a spline. You can use normalize spline to reduce the segments. You can then use sweep to create a mesh either square or round. It should be easy to connect things together then depending on how many segments you use.



Anonymous No. 838712

Forgot pic.

Anonymous No. 838714

losing my fucking mind right now because when i dive inside the houdini sop solver my result looks right, but when i go up a level to the set up the result is completely different

all i'm doing is:
>for point 0 calculate the difference in position from the previous frame
>add this difference to points 1-3

Anonymous No. 838718

>day 1 of learning blender
>pan away from origin with shift+middle click
>locks up, can't pan or zoom anymore but can still rotate
why is this happening? tutorials say that you can pan as far away as you want but it seems like it breaks the basic movement functionality for me, I'm using 2.83 LTS on debian and I can't seem to replicate the behavior on my laptop running ubuntu.

Anonymous No. 838723

nevermind, i've figured it out, i'm a genius of the highest order.

Anonymous No. 838725

Found a workaround to just select an object and hit "frame selected" to free yourself from this, but it doesn't explain why it happens in the first place. Is this a bug, or a deliberate design choice?

Anonymous No. 838804

Is low-ish poly necessarily easier than straight low poly and high poly?

Anonymous No. 838812

Open wide faggot

Anonymous No. 838818

I've been using zbrush for a few days now and idk why or if this has always been there but it feels as though the sculpt brushes don't start to sculpt immediately anymore, i have to drag almost half an inch across the surface of the tablet for it to then start sculpting, no clue as to if this is a hardware related issue, something to do with the wacom software or some sort of drag threshold setting that may exist in zbrush, but it's driving me fucking crazy.


Anonymous No. 838840

check windows ink

Anonymous No. 838859

check lazymouse



Anonymous No. 838891

Whats up with ancient graphics and this style of shader/look? I really like the way it looks and want to do it

Anonymous No. 838898

painted over in photoshop

Anonymous No. 838899

just tried marmoset toolbag 4, throws errors on win7, installed necessary dlls & it still errors.

Anonymous No. 838910

it was windows ink thanks anon

Anonymous No. 838911

4.01 is as far as you will get on 7, sadly. I'm in the same boat, switching to 10 soon, but I hate the idea.

Anonymous No. 838920

Get an Windows 10 Enterprise edition. Comes without cortana, IE, the terrible ads in the start menu and without most of the spy stuff (you can tweak it further), also doesn't update every week or so.
Best Version of Windows, I was like you, sticking to my Win7 until the last moment, but honestly Win10 EE is a solid system.

Anonymous No. 838921

goes without saying that Imma pirate that shit. Anything I should know in that regard?

Anonymous No. 838922

Not him, but you could buy a key for a few dollars and save yourself a couple headaches. I'm using Pro but I got it for like 30 dollars.

Anonymous No. 838924

blender: how do i make the zoom more sensible? i need a lot of granularity. it seems to pop around and not be precise.

Anonymous No. 838927

I don't know much more about it except that I did pirated that shit but I forgot which crack I used.
You can get the image from Microsoft themself, just download the crack, prepare the USB image and install it - its pretty trivial to do.
Why would you use a "pro" version that is basically still a retarded version with limitations and not the real deal like the EE, and why would you pay 30 bucks for it if you can get it for free?
Also what headaches? Copying a couple of files on an USB stick before installing?

Anonymous No. 838928

>Why would you ...
Yes, an Enterprise would have been better for me. At the time, I was moving back to Windows after years using other OSes, and I wasn't all too aware of the benefits of Enterprise over Pro.

And $30 is worth to me much less than the time I'd have to spend searching for a pirated version or crack that I deemed trustable enough.

Anonymous No. 838929

So the usual. Thanks.

Anonymous No. 838936

Well, next time then.
Found it. I used the HWIDGEN method. Should be easy.

Anonymous No. 838943

How is this shit made? AI? [spoiler]Why is it selling for so much?[/spoiler]

Anonymous No. 838953

It's GANs, 2019's favorite gimmick art.

Anonymous No. 838956

pirate toolbag 3, baking hasn't changed

Anonymous No. 839081

>Glad I could help you, atleast a little.
It's been tremendous, seriously.
>print bed is completely level to the extruder, this is critical
I thought it was, but I'll be double checking that tomorrow because I keep having lift on the same corner. I also scratched the hell out of my build surface before I realized that I could just bend it to peel prints, so I may need to replace that.
>clean up your build plate
I've been doing soap wash and alcohol rinse, air dry to try to keep it as clean and oil-free as possible.
>is your printer bed heated?
Yes, Ender3. Smaller parts I've been fine w/o a preheat, but I made sure to this time because I didn't want to screw up such a long print.
>which material are you printing with?
Overture PLA in White.
>a 0.2 nozzle
So I just looked it up, and evidently the Ender3 does, and always has come with a 0.4. I have no idea why I thought it was a 0.2 or why I had Cura set to that. Probably because trolls.

Playing with the settings for a 0.4, it looks like I can get 16hrs with 7 walls and 20% to 23hrs at 100%. It's not exactly structural, but I don't want the cat to knock it off the table and I have to print, sand and paint again because I wanted to save a little plastic. Fuck turtles, lol.

ETH is worth $2K? Anyone know how to get ahold of the Russian government? I think they owe me a few million dollars...



Anonymous No. 839086

>ETH is worth $2K?
Yes and this is post-crash. Pic related is ath. Why artists aren't getting pretty much free ETH by doing NFTs is beyond me.

Anonymous No. 839088

holly and matt dryhurst have been making and talking about tech and art for a long time now.

the directed GAN work here is largely someone else's. holly works sound. matt is mostly paid to think and bring people together.

their work is about as 'legitimate' as cryptoart will ever get. it's still trite garbage and they're both sellouts.

Anonymous No. 839092

>doing NFTs
Not that I'd consider myself an artist by any means, I just dink around with blender a bit, but could you explain this process to me?

Anonymous No. 839183

Plenty of people decide their career on the basis of money, and it works for them. Why would it be different here?

Anonymous No. 839187

It's generally better, even for polymodeling, except when you have to click on a very small area without moving the cursor -- you use the mouse for that.

But don't go below the M size. If the tablet is too small you'll lose precision and be more prone to wrist/hand injury (though not as much as with a mouse, anyway). Especially so if you plan to use it with more than one monitor.

Anonymous No. 839189

It's basically a way of making limited digital editions. There was a boom around Feb/Mar but it has toned down a lot since then. Most people didn't make money then, even less earn something now. But it might work for you. If you have the connections, it's easier to sell whatever; if you don't, it's more of a lottery, but you can work it like social media, growing an audience until somebody with cryptocurrency to burn sends it your way.

Anonymous No. 839246

I appreciate the info. I don't really have the skill to step into an already tough market. That would only bring unnecessary low quality work in and drive prices down. But I'm always interested in what's going on with crypto, it's intrigued me since the relatively early days.

Anonymous No. 839294

who's the best hard surface modeler using only ZBrush?
He must have tutorials or a course out somewhere?

Anonymous No. 839295

damn this is ZBrush? How do I learn this power?
I'm going to make a 3d Graphic Novel like that.

Anonymous No. 839321

I'm not a character artist but this got me curious. What would be the most efficient of the following two?

- Draw the characters, no 3D except for environment
- Sculpt the characters, rig and pose them in (say) Maya, import them back into ZBrush, polish the poses, render stylized

For a comic, not animation, I suspect the sculpt way would be slower, right?

Also, what about rendering the environment? Could it be stylized the same was as the characters are in ZBrush?

Anonymous No. 839323

somuchNPR makes it ez

Anonymous No. 839345

I don't know if the best, but Sean Fowler has a course

Anonymous No. 839385

Sculpt will be much slower. Conveying emotion that would take you a while to dial in can be done with just a few lines in seconds by a skillfull 2d artist. 3d BGs may save some time depending on the situation. Wwmkj



Anonymous No. 839427

I've got a chinese model made in some sort of Autocad/engineering software, no clue, and I need to remesh it so that it's usable for renders. I'm really not sure how to go about this. it's piles of unused vertices and weird topology, and I can't load it into zbrush. I'm a total fucking newbie jumping in the deep end, but if anyone has an idea of the steps you might try to take to fix this I'd really appreciate it.

Anonymous No. 839436

first one, some comic artists already do this to save time, they make a building in google sketchup or blender and use it as a reference when they have to draw it.

Anonymous No. 839479


Get 3ds max 2022 and use it's remesh feature. Arrimus3d has a tutorial to achieve great results.

Anonymous No. 839646

what is the best version of zbrush to get hold of? the latest one?

Anonymous No. 839656




Anonymous No. 839691

hello noob here im trying to unpack UV in rizom UV and it gets super red like this? anyway to fix?

Anonymous No. 839709

You have tons of distortion and stretching because your UV-Islands are shit.
There is only one way to fix it...learn how to unwrap properly, noob.

Anonymous No. 839801

You'll probably need to remesh a lot of it manually, but if it's mostly flat planes you might be able to use a decimate modifier set to planar? Should at least remove any unnecessary vertices in the middle of planes.

Anonymous No. 839937

does ambient occlusion adds to the render time?

is it better to just render it as render pass instead



Anonymous No. 840067

Are there any artists making 2D drawings in this way? I haven't been able to find anyone else that's doing this

Anonymous No. 840079

Is there any way to try the remesh and mesh cleanup tools on a free trial for this? They're apparently separate downloads done through the desktop app that I can't actually access. I can't really justify dropping that much money on a product I don't even know will work.



Anonymous No. 840150

what's the easiest way to keep the circled corner sharp (and controll the sharpness) when I do dynamic subdiv? what edges do I bevel/crease?

Anonymous No. 840182

Do i need to give a character render a background? If so how do i approach it? From what i've seen most people have their characters with no background or with a simple plane, but when i do it it feels unfinished

Anonymous No. 840184

Why am i learning to do half of the shit i am when i hear most pros make their renders actually look good in post processing? Am i investing time into the wrong shit or what?



Anonymous No. 840198


Anonymous No. 840266

thanks, i did that

man, they werent kidding when they said this programs IU was off the wall



Anonymous No. 840384

Trying to learn polymodelling, but my model just doesn't look smooth at all. What am I doing wrong? Is it because my vertices are not perfectly aligned? If that's the case then how do i align them properly without pushing and pulling every vertex into place manually by hand?

I'm using blender by the way

Anonymous No. 840400

Is it possible to/how do I edit the basis without it affecting shape keys I've already created?
I created expressions that have closed eyes and afterwards I decided to change the overall eye shape. If I change the Basis then the expressions get messed up.

Anonymous No. 840467

For one, I wouldn't polymodel characters unless you're both skilled in making them in some other medium that's less punishing ( Sculpting or drawing ). AND are already a good poly modeler. If all you want to do is align them just scale them on an axis by 0.

But if you must. Do your best to study someone like this guy https://youtu.be/28AlRLMlqW8?t=707 step by step.

Looking at what you've posted I would start by deleting almost all of the loops and getting the large shapes describing the body better before adding detail and making use of smooth falloff. Disclaimer; I'm not good at art or 3d.

Anonymous No. 840482

Where does a recreation of a real person fall legally? Like, can you get in trouble for selling a model of natalie portman and advertising it as such?

Anonymous No. 840502

Definitely, yes. You need image rights.

Anonymous No. 840526

so like what are modern day game polygon budgets for props? can I put out things that are ~5k polys for something that takes up 1x1 meters of space?

Anonymous No. 840534

Blender NURBS is just shit, right? Any add-ons that unfuck it or is it better to just use Maya or something else?

Anonymous No. 840535




Anonymous No. 840540

Anyone know why it's all black? Every single solution I find online is just "change the render engine!" Which doesn't work.



Anonymous No. 840542

>change the render engine
would be my guess as well. check for incorrect output nodes, try "view > frame all" to see if you got any duplicate stragglers. make sure "use nodes" is checked.
not having any shader connected to the output would also cause this.

Anonymous No. 840548

So, i've been trying to do >>839640 idea of using a red/yellow noise map for skin SSS but i can't exactly understand how would it be done. How much yellow or red should there be, how small do i need to make the noise, etc. So far all my experiments ended either in sickly or patchy skin. How would you go about that setup? Also would like some explanation on why red/yellow and some SSS color guidelines for non-beige colored skin (Especially pale/white).

Anonymous No. 840552


Add a vertex and extrude it like you'd work with a curve, using a sub modifier. It works great.



Anonymous No. 840616

okay so I set the shapekeys I didn't want to change to be relative to a copy of the old base, and everything looks good in edit mode, whereas in object and sculpt modes the mesh still mixes up with the basis and makes the eyes messed up.

I'm still new to blender so idk if I'm missing something obvious or what. Googling brought up fixes that didn't help at all.



Anonymous No. 840618

the reason why it looked okay in edit mode was because I had the shape Key Edit mode turned off...

Anonymous No. 840633

So the short clips rendered look extremely amazing always, I know that this is due to graphical processing, and that we can't do it in real-time with our current technology. (am I right?)
In what aspect of our current GPU technology is the limitation in real-time processing with such detail? VRAM? pure processing power? what?

Anonymous No. 840674

Going through a big tutorial for zbrush now and gotta ask. This stuff he yammers on about zmodeller, zremesher, and topology is all just bloat, right?

Nobody is actually making clean topology for million triangle dynamically sculpted objects? Right? And there are a few edge cases, but stuff like zmodeller just seems bad to use compared to just using blender for basic objects.

Anonymous No. 841601

>Nobody is actually making clean topology for million triangle dynamically sculpted objects?
i mean why worry about it now, your first few attempts are not gonna be worth retopo



Anonymous No. 841604

How do I prevent pic related of my joints? The wrist sinks into the forearm rather than scrunching up together.

Anonymous No. 841612

check your bones weights, make sure it's not being affected by unrelated bones

Anonymous No. 841625

I did something to my Blender and now it always places the mouse cursor on every click... it's basically stopping me from being able to work

please help



Anonymous No. 841628




Anonymous No. 841629




Anonymous No. 841650

>http://racer445.com/ : Intro to texture concepts and normal mapping
>http://features.cgsociety.org/story_custom.php?story_id=4678 : Introduction to texture concepts
Both of these links from the sticky are broken, so I think my best bet is to ask here.

I am a novice game modder looking to get better, I have the tools to create mods in the game I'm playing now but i'm confused about these two textures, I see a _d, _l, _m, _n, and _s texture file, from modding other gamer I believe _d is for diffuse, _n is for normal, and _s is for specular, if this is true then I more or less know how to use these.

What I don't understand is what the _m and _l texture files are for/do, if anyone could give me a QRD, or point me towards a resource where I might learn about the _m red/green texture, and _l blue/yellow ones, in the past i've seen normal textures that use different colors so I don't think these colors are strict requirements

Anonymous No. 841655

The M is a mask you can put tiling textures over.


l usually means light map but that should be an Ao map and not colored. Maybe they have it stored in the alpha of that texture.

Anonymous No. 841661

pretty sure M stands for metalness, but no idea what the L means



Anonymous No. 841666

Metal or mask, thank you both I ultimately got the answer I was looking for, so thank you both

>it stored in the alpha of that texture.
I never thought all the information for something, would be stored in an alpha channel, the main thing I was trying to do was figure out why the top one was so shiny while the bottom one wasn't, the textures looked nearly the same, I tried swapping the _m and _l textures and didn't notice a difference, I didn't try specular, even though I should have, because they were both entirely transparent, I am only used to seeing specular maps filled with black and white. Once I swapped specular I got the result I was looking for



Anonymous No. 841712

set up GoB and you can move stuff to and from blender in one click if you want to poly model complex objects but no, that stuff isn't bloat you will need to learn all of them especially zremesher, which isn't even a thing to "learn" idk why you're avoiding it.

Sculpting works better on clean topology with subdivisions

Anonymous No. 841775

Where can a nigga get the FlippedNormals paid content fo free

Anonymous No. 841883

Is there a guy like Pavlovich teaching ZBrush but for Blender?
If not what's the best course for Blender?

Anonymous No. 842224

My armature isn't showing up in the Layout workspace but I can see it in the UV editing workspace. I've checked Bones under Objects in Overlays already.
Armature is also selected in View Object Types

Anonymous No. 842247

how do i hide a sex toy

Anonymous No. 842995

what should I use if I want to make super realistic humans?

Anonymous No. 843222

zbrush, i guess?

Anonymous No. 843261

Where do I learn to model and rig cunts, assholes and dicks? Is the easiest way to get Daz and export their models to serve as a base?

Anonymous No. 843305

same way you smuggle drugs, just hide it up your ass.

Anonymous No. 843401

i downloaded a version of zbrush that has issues saving sometimes. does anyone have any recommendations for a download of the program that is totally stable? it doesn't have to be the latest one at all.

Anonymous No. 843416

I have an edge in Blender that I cannot move along the X axis. It's as if I had somehow locked that motion axis for one specific edge.

I have absolutely no fucking clue what I did.

Fucking Blender strikes again.

Anonymous No. 843442

are you using a mirror modifier or mirror mesh editing mode? Mirror modifier has a clipping feature that produces the behaviour you are talking about.

Anonymous No. 843481

zbrush is the fucking best my guy


mirrored hands.jpg

Anonymous No. 843504

I'm learning blender and I made the segmented model mostly by mirroring shit. The arms, legs, feet, and hands are mirrored objects and I'm at the point where I want to try rigging the model and when I parent the hands to the bone, the one bone ends up moving both hands. Is there anything that can be done to remedy this?

Anonymous No. 843507

apply the mirror modifier, if you don't both sides will be the same object

Anonymous No. 843511

forgot to mention you have to separate the body parts when you apply the mirror



Anonymous No. 843535

ok, anyone knows how to export from cascadeur and combine into the same character in blender?

Anonymous No. 843563

Why's the board so slow lately? A bunch of people in a room but no one is talking.... I know you fuckers are present

Anonymous No. 843652

I think it's because Clover stopped working after the captcha change.

Anonymous No. 843656

I had applied the modifier but I'll try seeing if if i can load an earlier save to see what exactly went wrong, thank you.

Anonymous No. 843726

Does anyone remember the popsicle thread? It was about rigging a mouth do that it conforms to a popsicle when shoving it in the mouth. Can't find it in the archives.

Anonymous No. 843882

I did have the modifier applied, however i had to go into each one and unlink them by selecting the objects in object mode, going into edit mode, and then hitting p and selecting separate by proximity or something, but got it working now thank you!



Anonymous No. 843890

hey guys, trying very hard to learn to like blender. how the fuck do i smooth a cylinder without a modifier in blender? i made a cylinder, applied an edge split and subdivision (which is absolutely ridiculous to have to do btw), exported to obj and viewed in another modeling app and it had a million polys. i do NOT want to use modifiers if i can't edit the polys myself.

Anonymous No. 843933

huh? shade smooth

Anonymous No. 843996

Yeah shade smooth, it generally is set to angle that will automatically divide cylinder into three (or 2) smooth groups like in 3ds max, you have option to raise smoothing angle to 180 degrees so you can make sharp edges yourself to separate smooth groups manually.

Anonymous No. 844179

As someone who is a noob in 3d it is very impressive to me because I have no clue how this is done from a technical point of view.
Is it easy to do stuff like that? If so, show tuts plz

Anonymous No. 844183

Extraweg works in Houdini and while his sims aren't the most complicated, they're mostly executed well technically. The anon you're replying to is typical of this board's jaded dunning-kruger attitude and probably couldn't write a line of vex to save his life.


Screenshot 2021-0....jpg

Anonymous No. 844188

hi im trying to put 3d objects in my image,
but the shadows are not being cast

it casts a shadow when it has the default material though. also is there a way to match the UVmap aspect ratio automatically


theStoff Geometri....png

Anonymous No. 844213

Any tips on translating 2D artwork into stylized 3D if you're shit at drawing and imagining form? Something like pic related https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/geometric-tracer-94bdeb04193241919befeab96517c724

Anonymous No. 844214

you can't connect the image node directly to the material output, you need to have at least a diffuse bsdf in between.

that is the reason there's no shadows on your textured plane


theStoff Protector.png

Anonymous No. 844215

Another example that I really like https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/protector-32745ddd23734f49bdb3e4a9c39111a6



Anonymous No. 844221

I'm a noob to modelling but have done CAD and SketchUp stuff before, I'm looking for resources on doing kinda-low-poly stuff, like PS2 or half life 2 sorta graphics. Everything I can find is like N64/PS1 type stuff.

Pic rel is the sorta style to LOD ratio I'm after.

Anonymous No. 844229

The entire point of tracer is her slender legs. Whoever made this is dumb.

Anonymous No. 844234

what do you want? it's as low poly as it gets
the texture does all the work



Anonymous No. 844248

thank you, had to play with the sliders to match the plane lighting with the bg

an alternative was to turn the scene transparent, make the plane a shadow catcher and composite the scene on top of the image. but with this method, the plane is invisible from any other angle but the camera (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CAN_Bjufzo0). it works i guess



Anonymous No. 844263

Didn't open my (not quite legal) 3DS max for the first time in roughly a year to derp around a bit. The Tooltips all now have this Zalgo style to them.
Am I cursed and will die?


artists getting t....jpg

Anonymous No. 844267

How can I make a good living with NFTs?



Anonymous No. 844275

how the fuck do i get harder shadows on the middle ring? there doesn't seem to be any definition at the bottom of the bucket inside it either, the edges almost blur into the bottom

Anonymous No. 844277

i'm using substance btw

Anonymous No. 844291

i'm just looking for resources on modelling with that kind've poly count.
All the tutorials I can find are either ps1 or super super low poly, or just going for as much detail as possible. This is more in between so idk how to attain it bc I'm a noob.

Anonymous No. 844297

they're around 7000 polys. just look up tutorials from 2004

Anonymous No. 844302

There's no secrets here anon, you model it, unwrap it, export the UV layout and get painting in photoshop.

Anonymous No. 844368

Has anyone used crocotile 3d before? I have made models in blender that I would like to put into crocotile just to have an easy pixel texture program but once I put an object in the scene, i can't edit the uv wrap at all. Alternatively, is there a better program for easily editing pixel textures on models that were made in blender?



Anonymous No. 844388

hey guys im trying to do nanomesh on the checker of this polygroup but whenever i do insert nanomesh on it it just turns back into one big polygroup?

Anonymous No. 844391

unwrap in blender and use aseprite

Anonymous No. 844406

I wanna segment up a model for 3D printing in Blender, ideally with some connecting pegs, is there any easier way than going through with separate by selection and manually creating the male and female ends and hoping they match up?



Anonymous No. 844410

Anyone know why this random graininess suddenly showed up on my model? i dont have dynamic subd on it, didnt do a noisemaker, it shows up in polyframe mode too. Really annoying



Anonymous No. 844413

ive been pushing around these verts for too long
would it have been easier to sculpt anime heads?

Anonymous No. 844418

switch to an actual cad software like shapr3d or autodesk fusion

Anonymous No. 844419

Sure I'll use cad software for modeling characters



Anonymous No. 844421

Normal transfer never works for me no matter what I do. Here is the mesh made from flat planes at the top, and at the bottom is the result of transfering normals from a spherical shape. I tried transfering from other shapes too and the result always shades worse than just having flat planes. Can normals even be transfered smoothly on planes like these? Maybe it's the problem of the mesh itself.

Anonymous No. 844422

you didn't mention anything about organic modeling. make the character in blender, separate the ligaments, use a cad app for the engineering parts. most cad apps have a library of different pieces for connecting objects.

Anonymous No. 844543

I exported the unwrap layer from blender and put it in aseprite but I'm not sure where to go from here. When I try to make a test texture it doesn't load in on the model when i import the edited unwrap into blender.

Anonymous No. 844832

I'm starting to get decent at 3d modeling, and I was wondering what you guys think the best route to being able to turn it into a real job would be. Lewd vtuber commissions? Making my own animations? Etc. I've kinda fallen in love with the process of creating shit, and it's really all I want to do. I'm fine with being broke as shit as long as I can keep a roof over my head to keep sculpting in. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Right now I've been doing a weird mix of hard surface shit as a favor for a friend, niche lewd shit for suspiciously wealthy furries, and general character sculpting for things I actually like, if that's any help

Anonymous No. 844833


>polymodelling anime like shonzo


Anonymous No. 844834

Who is shonzo and why is that a bad thing? Genuinely just curious I'm new to the whole scene



Anonymous No. 844836

then pls give me an alternative... i think his topology is not bad but what do i know



Anonymous No. 844841

so lately I've been into UV unwrap. I discovered UDIM's and I'm planning to add it to my workflow, the problem is C4D is my main tool and it doesn't have UDIM support yet.

So what's the ideal software to unwrap a mesh and make it UDIM ready? Maya looks good enough for this but I also saw RizomUV that looks promising too.

Anonymous No. 844847


Anonymous No. 844848

Can you show me your model used to bake info on those planes? I think you don't get it and i am not sure till u show me that model

Anonymous No. 844849

rizom is full of bugs, try the demo and see, kid

Anonymous No. 844850

How do you put your mod work and fanart on your reel and solicit jobs with it when by definition if you are modding or doing fanart you are using other peoples IP?

Anonymous No. 844852

It's a literal sphere at the same position, all around the cards, that's what I use to bake normals. And the cards are just mapped to a normal atlas.

Anonymous No. 844854

Do you need a tablet for a**be substance painter / designer?

Anonymous No. 844858

For Designer not, but for Painter it can be very useful. It's not necessary and it depends how much hand painting you're doing, but it has boosted my quality significantly.

Anonymous No. 844873

Are generalists even in demand anymore?

Anonymous No. 844921

BUMP, come on then BLENDLETS, answer me



Anonymous No. 844929

why does my bake look like total shit? is it because the low poly mesh is too low poly?

Anonymous No. 844930

what details are you trying to bake?

Anonymous No. 844931

When u bake outside ur 3d program u have to triangulate beforehand, also im not seeing it being shaded smooth.

Anonymous No. 844932

Also what the fuck is this image quality... for a 1535x1651 u made sure to fuck up in every way possible.



Anonymous No. 844939

the edges of the toilet
holy fuck it's even worse now

Anonymous No. 844941

>the edges of the toilet
are you doing a vector displacement bake?



Anonymous No. 844945

I don't know what that is but probably not

I have fixed it btw.. I just wanted to bevel the hard edges but I smoothed the whole thing like a retard

Anonymous No. 844946


Can you send the model? I'll fix it and bake it for you. I'll also send you a few pics to show you what I did.

Anonymous No. 844957

I'm just starting out with 3d modeling and I don't really care about animation.
Is there a 100-models in 100 days type thing you guys would recommend? I know they exist, but I was wondering if there's any that are recommended by anons.
Thanks in advance either way,

Anonymous No. 844989

But why?



Anonymous No. 845016

About to finish lynda.com 2017 Essential training tutorials and I guess I understand the majority of stuff.
What tutorial/workshop course with industry standard lessons is out there?
Wanna try to learn how to do people and pretty lights next I guess

Anonymous No. 845032

Anyone have experience with Max and Maya how big is the difference in terms of modeling tools?

Anonymous No. 845086

Anon, I’ve been in your shoes and I can tell you that, unless you have pre-planned the exact topology of the person, you’re better off sculpting and retopologizing.

Anonymous No. 845140

Is mouse sculpting a problem? It seems to be a rule to say that the pressure of the pen is better.

Anonymous No. 845687

yea it's a waste of your time really. like trying to carve a sculpture with a shoe

Anonymous No. 846039

art is subjective faggot

grant abbitt is ok


2021-08-23 22_53_....png

Anonymous No. 846087

I want to make this ship bow pointy in fusion 360. I would assume this means moving the two highlighted dots together but I can't figure out how I would do that. Does anyone know?



Anonymous No. 846123

Is there really no way to hide the transpose line while moving it? I'm trying to line up these two skirts and the fucking tranpose line is blocking the view. I even downloaded 2021 Zbrush in case they fixed it and it's still the same issue

Anonymous No. 846744

i want to get into 3d but im too scared that my pc will explode how often does that happen?

Anonymous No. 846748

not often, make sure you clean your pc regularly, and make sure airflow isn't blocked
also don't be the first one to update graphics drivers