

๐Ÿงต /sqt/

Anonymous No. 838118

Stupid question thread that didn't deserves it's own thread.
Stop bumping off good thread with your repetitive garbage.

Anonymous No. 838119

How to get used to keyboard shortcuts? I'm tired of clicking everything manually. Share your keyboard mapping please?
t. Blender

Anonymous No. 838127

>How to get used to keyboard shortcuts?

By using them.

Anonymous No. 838131

I just put everything I need into quick favorites. All I gotta do is press my mouse 4 and boom, everything is there



Anonymous No. 838133

I'd like to give her a shawl over her shoulders that I can remove if I need to. Will I be able to make it a separate object without running into problems while rigging? I.e. the shawl not keeping up with her torso.

Also, from the shawl I plan to give her a cape. Am I better off simulating a cape or animating it manually with this sort of stylized model?

Anonymous No. 838134

I'm in Blender btw, if that wasn't obvious.

Anonymous No. 838136

Yeah, go for a separate object for the shawl, you can just hide the shit when you don't need it. It shouldn't be a problem at all during rigging, and if worst comes to worst, you can always add a mask to hide portions of the body geo under the shawl to avoid clipping or whatnot.

Also yeah, a bone based cape is definitely going to fit this sharp and stylized model better, unless of course you're planning on bringing up the detail / subdividing it.

Anonymous No. 838152

Just use them when you're working.
You don't have to remember every shortcut, that'd be fucking retarded. And anyone who says to learn every shortcut is a faggot.
Shortcuts are only useful for actions you do repeatedly, that's how they save time.
Take any arbitrary action you do in blender many times, and just look if there's a shortcut for it.
If not, right click it, and add to the quick favorites menu. You can put damn near anything in there and it's context sensitive to modes.

Anonymous No. 838188

In Zbrush, how do I rotate/enlarge subtools with Transpose without it splitting and stretching the mesh?
Like if I rotate a sphere, instead of normally rotating the whole thing, it splits the sphere in half and rotates the two halfs in on themselves.
However it doesn't do this with the default Sphere3D subtool that is automatically present in a new project. That one doesn't "split"

Anonymous No. 838237

Is there any downside to distorting UVs with the intent of getting a tighter pack?
I'd imagine it would cause issues with texture painting, but isn't that avoided by baking and using viewport/projection painting?

Anonymous No. 838265

Sneedacity has spread to /3/. Ebin

Anonymous No. 838266

You have symmetry turned on.

Anonymous No. 838290

Maybe I should ask here since no one in game dev general knows.

Is there a method to convincingly blend the edges of parallax occlusion maps on both concave and convex surface features? So that you get less of a noticeable shift at the edges? Can a weighted blending be done based on the height map itself to improve overall blend quality? Target for shaders is both UE and Unity.

Anonymous No. 838296

We already have one of these you retarded faggot >>835791

Anonymous No. 839413

What the fuck do you call the base image texture you use for a material? Is there a single agreed upon name? When I was in college, my out of touch professor just called it an "image map", later on I learned they were referred to as diffuse maps. But some people also call them albedo maps. So what the fuck is the proper term for them? (I don't care too much about pedantry, I just want to sound like I know what I'm talking about.)

Anonymous No. 839414


>my thrrad



Anonymous No. 839415

how do you make walk cycle that doesnt float or jitter like this faggot



Anonymous No. 839419

Draw the key poses first (you can find them by googling "walk cycle") and then draw inbetweens based on the timing you want. It will take trial and error but basically you can draw one frame and hang on it for a while if you want to put emphasis on that pose (to give a feeling of force or anticipation) or you can draw lots of separate frames that pass by in quick succession, which will add fluidity and make the movement seem faster. (See attached image.)(1s = every frame is a different drawing, 2s = every second frame is a different drawing, and so on.) This is the key to fixing floatiness.

For a beginner I'd say just try evenly spacing the frames apart and focusing on key poses. The bounce of the walk cycle is important, the character's whole body should be moving, not just the limbs. When you reach the "recoil" pose, the head should be at its lowest, and when you reach "high point" the head should be higher. This can also apply to the torso, the chest bending forwards when recoiling and then extending upwards at the peak. The "bounce" created by this does a lot for the walk cycle's quality. That should fix the jitter, which is caused by not knowing which pose the inbetweens should have. You have to be very deliberate with the posing.

I'm mainly a 3D animator, and this is a 3D board, but I still hope this helped your 2D anim in some way. If you are a creative type, I would suggest not bothering too much with these "fundamental practices." Just start making animated shorts, starting out small and getting bigger as you go along. Your skills will either improve, or you will develop a unique style, just as long as you keep at it. However if you are solely in this for the money, you're barking up the wrong tree. Maybe try stealing art to repurpose as NFTs in that case.

Anonymous No. 839425

if you're using pbr, then base textures are diffuse (specular) or albedo (metalness)

Anonymous No. 839428

transitioning from 3ds to blender
alt+w would toggle showing one viewport or multiples. google says the blender equivalent is ctrl+alt+q, but it's not working and I can't find it in my keymap settings at all
how fix?


Quad View.jpg

Anonymous No. 839431

You mean like quad view stuff?
t.b.h. I never bothered with shortcuts for that, I just dragged out viewports as and where I needed them.
But, and I know this probably doesn't help you at all, ctrl+alt+q definitely works on my end for splitting the viewport.
For some reason, it didn't work the first time I pressed it, but it definitely did after I did it again, and continued to do it after spamming it. Just make sure you're hovering over the viewport.

Honestly, I never actually realized it was something you could do, always just dragged them out like I mentioned before.



Anonymous No. 839439

thank you, this js effort post.
whats advance tho
i feel like i can do shorts but it will mostly look like potato jumping when it s supposed to be character.
>fixing floatiness.
seriously i dont get that but i definitely didnt show this well enough i guess.
somethinf like pic i gues
>focusing on keyposes, bouncing
exactly the case i guess... what i worry most now is how does the bounce looks normal and not popping.

source: http://usadoodles.tumblr.com/post/163631338878/the-sketches-and-non-bg-version-of-this-gif-i



Anonymous No. 839541


Anonymous No. 840181

Is a drawing tablet a worthwhile investment for a broke blendlet?

Anonymous No. 840272

Do you sculpt? If yes, then yes. If no, then no.
Do you paint textures in PS or Blender? If yes, then yes. If no, then no.

All that being said, a tablet is a worthwhile investment in the long run, but make sure to get a decent one. If you can't afford one now and don't really need it, wait until you can comfortably afford one.
I've got one with a screen, and while I don't use the drawing functionality all that often, I use it as a second monitor all the time.

Anonymous No. 840373

Fork Blender and call it Snender.

Anonymous No. 840928

how do i sneed

Anonymous No. 840943

do you mean if you're making it? cause 'base material' is a different thing entirely

but yah the finished product you'd peel out of a video game file is a diffuse map. it will have a corresponding normal map (creates depth), specular (tells the game what parts to render as shiny and which as dull), and tint (tells game what colors to overlay on it, like skin tone).

Anonymous No. 840972

become a professional feeder and seeder

Anonymous No. 840996

Linguistically they're all interchangeable.

Anonymous No. 841013

how do you paint weights on a rigged model so that it's super flexible while being realistic? or is it about making blendshapes and connecting their triggers to the joint angles?

Anonymous No. 841154

>super flexible
What kind of flexible are we talking?
Double jointed, or noodle arms? Noodle arms, you can probably use bendy bones if you're using blender. There's probably some equivalent in the other programs as well, but if not, you can just use a bone chain.



Anonymous No. 841322

I asked this over on the >>>/o/QTDDTOT (/sqt/) yesterday but I haven't gotten any answer so I'll ask here instead:

Where can I get detailed blueprints for cars / car parts (especially), in this case BMWs? I know of http://bmwfans.info where I can just punch in an VIN and get bombarded with explosion diagrams of every single part, but they're in a three quarters view.
I also know of https://the-blueprints.com and similar sites but they only show the "shell"/chassis of the entire car without any internal parts and they're not that detailed (I'm not talking about the resolution, I'm talking about the general level of detail), see pic related.

Does anyone have a clue or somewhere where they can point me to?

Anonymous No. 841417

I know that the term used for having a character with different kinds of clothing and hair is called modular character, but what is the term for different body shapes? For example, having a character being taller, plumper, more muscular, etc?

Anonymous No. 841431

can i get some beginner buildings/brick walls/ tutorials for blender? looking to make some alleyways

Anonymous No. 841439


Anonymous No. 841458

nice, thanks

Anonymous No. 841461

This is probably way too simplistic for your needs, and probably doesn't have what you're looking for, but dimensions.com has some interesting stuff that's not usually on other sites.
Though it's definitely not what you're looking for, but might be nice to have in your back pocket.

I don't really know how car parts work for this sort of thing, but have you tried looking up patents? Those things are usually public domain, and contain a ton of info that you don't need, and diagrams.
If not, you're just gonna have to use the 3/4ths view. It's inconvenient, but it's not impossible to work with if you're competent.

Take plane, apply brick wall texture. EZ.



Anonymous No. 841470

>TFW I accidentally hit CTRL+R while writing the answer and now I have to rewrite it again

That site is in fact very nice. Very niche but also very nice, saved, thanks fren!

I already had the idea with patents, but patents are more of a "general idea" rather than an design-instruction with set dimensions and stuff.
Example: Electrical Window Lifters are an component that raise and lower you windows with the push of a button.
Here is one of the older patents I could find:

And here are the window lifters for:
>An E36 BMW 3 Series from December 1996 (mine to be specific):
>An E39 BMW 5 Series, also from December 1996:

They look quite different from the patent, they don't even match within the same company.
But Fren, thank you for suggesting it!

I think I'll have to do this the hard way. Oof. At least I don't have to fill out the captcha.

Anonymous No. 841521

Happy to help.
This might be scraping the bottom of the barrel, and probably won't have what you're looking for either, but what about owner's manuals? Like the kind for people that fix cars themselves or for others.
My car has a really detailed manual with all sorts of diagrams and stuff to fix just about anything in it. Maybe that might help. Though I really don't think you'll find flat diagrams anywhere simply because it's not something that's usually done for these kinds of things I think.


ss (2021-07-29 at....jpg

Anonymous No. 841556

how do people go about modeling/baking the mouth area for games? do they lower the jaw at modeling phase with an open mouth then bake and then move the vertices back to a closed mouth?

Anonymous No. 841808

If I want a job as a 3D character animator for video games, what kind of things should I have in my demo reel?

This is what my current plan is
>character doing movement, acrobatics etc
>combat showcase
>big monster guy moving around

Anonymous No. 841811

I have a 3d model with two materials and two textures. One is body and the other is hair and clothes. The hair is in several separated parts and rigger so are the clothes.

How many objects should I have at the end?

Anonymous No. 841814

look at demo reels on websites of people actually employed, it will teach you more than we can

Anonymous No. 841815

Answer my queston too please. I want to upload my model online fast because it's a first one so far that actually looks half decent

Anonymous No. 841828

More vertex can give betters results on sculpting? How many are needed to build a human head?

Anonymous No. 841884

Can someone explain to a layperson why this model costs so much? What's special about it?




Anonymous No. 841900

Is this good as a low-poly model? Or does there need to be more further reduction in polygons?

Also, how does one approach separate models as a one model but with a physics affected "sub-model" in unity? I'm considering about doing a ponytail that moves around whilst the character moves around in world.



Anonymous No. 841924

Looks good to me, but if you want inspiration to reduce your count, take a look at Megaman Legends models. Those guys were fucking wizards.



Anonymous No. 842094

how do I achieve ps2 style of graphics? i can only find articles and videos on ps1 style but I really want to try and replicate ps2 style for character models.

Anonymous No. 842117

just study similar games to what you're going for
the model is self explanatory
shitty lighting takes over use of vertex coloring, generally more "dreary" colors. textures are still low res, no other detail maps

Anonymous No. 842144

>just study similar games to what you're going for
how do I go about doing this? just googling how the games were made?
>the model is self explanatory
i haven't really attempted a character model yet but is it safe to assume ps2 games used box modelling rather than sculpting?

Anonymous No. 842146

>how do I go about doing this? just googling how the games were made?
look at the games itself (get an emulator)
try to find tutorials that match the time-period.
download and study models/textures.
>is it safe to assume ps2 games used box modelling rather than sculpting?
Yes, but that doesn't mean you have to as long as you get the same type of results. I certainly wouldn't because sculpting is much faster and in the end it doesn't matter.

Anonymous No. 842167

3ds Max or Maya for environmental art?

All I see is job postings for Maya and everyone seems to use Maya over Max. WTF do I do.

Anonymous No. 842168

environment? try Houdini

Anonymous No. 842190


I thought Houdini was just for VFX and placement.

Anonymous No. 842207

If you have to ask that question you are beginner that needs to focus on actually getting good at art. Tools matter much less. Use whatever the fuck you want.

Just don't become one of those massive faggots who obsess over their tool and become absolute masters at them, but their actual art is still trash because they haven't focused on things that actually matter and that will actually get them hired.

Don't think just because all the studios in your area require Maya, you can just learn Maya and automatically get a job once you learn it. That's not how it works.

Anonymous No. 842208

it's really powerful with procedural modeling
say you need a cliff, well you can build yourself a cliff generator, dress it with vegetation, add clouds, simulate wind, etc. you get the idea
Houdini is not very good for direct modeling although it can do it, it's just the UX that's not as good as in Maya or Max

Anonymous No. 842210

So Maya

Anonymous No. 842240

>I need a cliff
>Time to procedurally generate every cliff that ever existed or ever will exist only to find none that work for my exact needs
I love Houdini, but sometimes it just seems like using a jackhammer to drive a nail.

Anonymous No. 842278

Sure man, use whatever you like. But don't forget this is just one tool, you will probably need to learn more depending on what you want to focus on. If it's anything to do with props and environments, add Substance Painter and Zbrush on that pile. Then potentially also Substance Designer and Mixer. If you're going for games, you're gonna want to learn one game engine, preferably UE4 / 5, and then you can use Megascans as well.

Anonymous No. 842311

>Just don't become one of those massive faggots who obsess over their tool and become absolute masters at them, but their actual art is still trash because they haven't focused on things that actually matter and that will actually get them hired.
so basically dont be another Arrimus or MasterXeon



Anonymous No. 842393

Sorry for the late reply, but good to hear. I'll take a look into these models.

And also, does anyone know what kind of issue is causing these weird transparent faces in Blender? It's also causing this issue to show up when I'm previewing the model in another program.

Anonymous No. 842396

How do I make my UV's in blender less warped? The UV to squares add-on works well, but then texture and images/text get's super warped on the model.

Anonymous No. 842397

sounds silly but are you sure you don't have xray turned on?

Anonymous No. 842406

some normals are facing the wrong way. select everything, Shift+N

Anonymous No. 842462

How tf do I apply G Scatter? Mesh just dissapears if I do that, if I export it's gone as well.

Anonymous No. 842463

How do I make clothes for games at a AAA level? Do I need MD or will zbrush alone do the job?


such crap.jpg

Anonymous No. 842465

Does anyone know why this weird thing is happening with the texture/material (I'm not really sure of the difference)?
It's making this strange line blur the texture/material from one corner to the other. I thought I'd fucked up in the UV editor by not selecting one of the vertexes and it was knocking everything off, and when I checked that had happened with one of the vertexes not being selected, but when I moved the vertex to where it should be it was still blurring the texture/material. It's like some diagonal fuckery from one side to the other.
I'm not going to be using that image btw, it's just for illustrative purposes to better highlight the problem I have.



Anonymous No. 842470

Is the whole thing an ngon? UV interpolation is based on triangulation and there seems to be a very stretched triangle (in blue)
See if cutting edges in the red palces helps

Anonymous No. 842494

>Is the whole thing an ngon?

Yeah. I tried to add loopcuts but I can't because it isn't a quad anymore, and I don't know how to, or if you can, add them manually. Instead I tried to subdivide it and it worked...sort of. No cuts seem to get added, but there are more vertices. Although the stretching didn't disappear entirely it just got moved further down.
However, in the UV editor I could see where the triangle was with the extra vertices so I moved the bottom vertex along the x axis and that solved it for the most part, but I can still see where it's stretched and not quite right. I'll just put an object in front of it to cover it up.

tl;dr thanks, you pretty much solved it.

Anonymous No. 842504

Just [k]nife my friend


wtf are these pla....png

Anonymous No. 842525

I've been having trouble with this shit for too long so someone please tell me how to fix it and point out my retardation if there is any. How do I get rid of these weird transparency errors? I've tried multiple textures with transparency, I've tried different UV unwraps, I've tried flipping normals and recalculating normals and yet I get these weird looking planes on my mesh.
>inb4 switch to alpha hashed or cycles
Yeah, it gets rid of the problem in Blender but not if I'm gonna put something into Unity. Please help, I'm going insane, I just want to make a simple empty plastic water bottle. The mesh in the picture is just to show what I am talking about.

Anonymous No. 842530

ok so there are a couple of things here.
first, these aren't planes, these are backfaces of the other side. if you tick "backface culling" above blend mode, they will disappear. I think that is how engines usually do materials by default anyway, and there are different modes of transparency in Unity as well.
second, seems like there's a bug in 2.93: objects lose smooth shading in eevee as soon as you switch to alpha blend. 2.92 is fine. seems like too big a thing to not have been noticed, too lazy to check the tracker though.
third, there's no real solution to sorting errors with alpha blend as far as I know. most commonly comes up with character hair. in some cases you can try tweaking the vertex order manually, but sooner or later you'll run into problems. I think the way games currently "solve" this is by doing something similar to hashed transparency, then just smearing it to shit with temporal AA.

Anonymous No. 842532

Okay but that doesn't explain why my coffee pot I made has none of the issues for whatever reason. I made two versions, the first version had the weird errors that I pointed out in my previous post so I remade it basically the same way and ended up with none of the weird artifacts or whatever you'd call them. Came out fine in Unity too so I really don't understand what the problem is. I'm still on 2.91 I think. There's gotta be a way to deal with it that I don't know about. I just want to know how to fix it so I can go back to experimenting with doing random props and learning more but this has been both a real and mental roadblock for me.

Thanks for trying to help me though.



Anonymous No. 842536

well I can't help with a pot I can't see.
you're also doing transparency in a wrong and convoluted way, unless there's some specific effect you're trying to achieve.

Anonymous No. 842578

maya or blender for modelling stuff? I'm doing sculpting in zbrush already

Anonymous No. 842581

2021 zbrush has got a new cloth sim feature so you can probably try that out

Anonymous No. 842586

Blender and Maya are good and if it's just for the retopo, download blender, enable F2 addon (you can press F to make a face on opossite side determined by 2 edges connected to ur selected vert. don't use tool poly build, instead extrude individual verts and fill them manually. Create a plane, mirror it with modifiers make sure merge is enabled, add shrinkwrap modifier under mirror and select ur sculpt under it's options. Enable snapping shift + tab and under snapping options select vert, use guides on Google graphics for topology as reference and you are good to go.
>Inb4 i use zRemesher in zbrush and i just want to learn modeling.
Then download blender first because it's free and launch a torrent to download Maya, model something simple like bottle (but i think you should consider 3dsMax rather than Maya for that) in both softwares and decide which one suits you better,just don't become a blendlet mentally. Have fun
One last thing if you want to retopo ur characters rig and animate them go for Maya, great rigging tools and painless animating stuff.

Anonymous No. 842595

is it ok to have a mesh where bits of it are hidden inside it? will it work and animate okay?



Anonymous No. 842835

how do I do phong / 90's like shading in c4d (or blender)?

Anonymous No. 842838

Learning to sculpt cloth will get you the same result, MD results are then cleaned up and finished in zbrush anyway, MD is only a starting point for you to do the proper work detailing and sculpting.


Anonymous No. 842844

Use Blender 2.79
Blender's Internal renderer has phong built in.

Anonymous No. 842859

It looks studio quality. The textures are very high quality. The anatomy is great and so are the deformations. Doubt you'd find a model this good looking for much less money.

Anonymous No. 842862

w...why are you using a kitchen nightmares episode as reference(?)

Anonymous No. 842899

Every so called "PBR" (memeshit name) renderer is capable of emulating that look with proper material and light settings.

Anonymous No. 842925

>What's special about it?
The rig and the quality of deformations it creates. This is what every coomer-"artist" wish he could do (or use).
A character with such a rig will cost you.

Anonymous No. 842938

I imported an OBJ model into Blender and rotated it. But if I click on its material, or parent it to a rig, or do other things, the model snaps back to its original position. Tried applying transforms but nothing works. Anyone know whats going on?



Anonymous No. 842940

sounds like you've set a keyframe by accident

Anonymous No. 842945

That was what I tried to do my n-word. But every time I tried to place the second point/vertex the line would disappear as if I had press RMB so I assumed it wasn't possible.
I've covered it up now, but in future I'll make the cuts beforehand and see if that works better.

I have a new problem now that I don't know how to fix.
Say I have that same face with that same image on it, but I want to add some texture to it with a height map. How exactly do I change the scale of the height map without changing the scale of the image?
If I scale it in the UV editor it always changes the scale of the image instead. I know you can scale the map with nodes, but it's not as an intuitive as just pressing s and moving the mouse. Where am I going wrong?

It's just because it's easier to see the problem with that image because it has subtitles on it. With the one I'm actually using it's harder to see where it's going higgledy-piggledy so I swapped it out for the Kitchen Nightmares one for ease :3

Anonymous No. 842988

yeah i think i got it, messing around with it last night. the trick to 90s or vintage 3d is being purposefully limited. one light, no hdris, primitive geometry or low poly models

Anonymous No. 842996

use flat shading and add shadows to your texture

Anonymous No. 843076

>Insert image as plane
>Give it a transparency shader
>Plane is now completely transparent with the outline of the image visible in black
>Shine light on it
>Image is colored

How do I make it transparent but keep the plane colored rather than transparent with an outline?
In Blender btw.

Anonymous No. 843106

If I were to buy Zbrush for life, would I be guaranteed to have access to zbrush no matter what happens to the company? Even if they were to merge with another or go out of business, I would still have access to the software, right?

Anonymous No. 843129

I suppose so? I have perpetual access to ZBrush and I didn't even pay for it.

Anonymous No. 843161

my obj imported into 3ds as mostly black, with a few bits visible. changing the texture changes the visible sections, so i think it must be a problem with the model. wat do?

Anonymous No. 843163

wait, i think it's ok. i flipped the normals. why did blender do that to it though?

Anonymous No. 843167

How did you get access senpai?

Anonymous No. 843170

Could be negative scale. It's good to always show backfaces in red in viewport so you never miss it.

Anonymous No. 843282

where should i look to hire a 3dmodeller to make a character based on my concept art?
to be clear, this model would need to be usable for use in a video game if that helps to narrow down places to look at.

Anonymous No. 843287

try to hire someone from fiverr

Anonymous No. 843354

lets say i downloaded and installed pirated nuke but never ran/executed/opened it, and uninstalled immediately. how fucked am i? will the foundry come knocking? does maxom C4D or autodesk also do this?

Anonymous No. 843417

no lol
for software like c4d / nuke youโ€™ll probably never have to worry about it unless you get to a point where you have to prove you own a license

Anonymous No. 843429

thanks. i've been hearing horror stories about the foundry being spyware botnet and i thought maybe the UK memes were real.
>*knock knock* oi! you got a loicense fr that software bruv?

Anonymous No. 843435

UK police are too busy looking for the half a dozen 13 year olds calling footballers "coons" on Twitter. Pirated software is too 10 years ago for them.

Anonymous No. 843581

what's a good tutorial for making anime girls?
i've been trying to follow the ones on this channel
but it would probably be better to follow one in english so i can understand the explanations



Anonymous No. 843583

Is this a good enough system to start practicing animation and a bit of modeling, or do I need something stronger?
Planning to get a new laptop to start practicing with, and I figured I'd use my desktop as a baseline for how far I should go with it for that purpose.
Dabbling with Blender seemed like a good idea since it's low commitment, and it's not like I won't be able to take most of what I learn starting out between software if I decide to change later.

Anonymous No. 843584

you're fine.

Anonymous No. 843586

Would upgrading from those specs be a good idea at some point, or will they still get me reasonable speeds even with more detailed work in a couple years?

Anonymous No. 843595

depends on what you're doing down the line (it might be something completely different that what you think right now), but your specs are fine to get started immediately and try out a bunch of stuff and get to decent level.

it's very unlikely that your skills and needs will outgrow your specs for the next 18 months. by then you'll know more about what you want to do and if you need new hardware.



Anonymous No. 843608

That's what I was hoping to hear then, thanks a ton.

Anonymous No. 843618

this guy does anime girls, he might have something relevant to you

Anonymous No. 843906

in blender, how would you cover an object (or even certain faces of an object) in multiple smaller objects uniformly? im a beginner and everything ive looked up on arrays shows them just using it around a path or circle.

Anonymous No. 843909

instance on faces- forget exactly the way of getting there, but it works for vertices im sure of. Check the properties panel

Anonymous No. 843911

cool yeah, instancing is what i was looking for. watching some tuts on it now, thank you.



Anonymous No. 844093

This is CAD (AD Inventor) but anyways.

How the fuck do I rotate this assembly in this fashion without creating an animation? I want the statue's starting position to be "standing upright" and not lay on it's side like a dead animal. Google is useless as ever.

End-Goal is to create an explosion-diagram but I don't want it to lay on the side.

Anonymous No. 844111

is the blender built in cloth creation good or should i use another app? i can pay

Anonymous No. 844112

Checked, Marvelous Designer is the industry standard but if you're just starting out it is going to be a railgun trained on a sparrow (overkill for your purposes).

Anonymous No. 844126

Kind of a noob here, learning 3ds max. What other programs are advisable to acquire? I guess my industrial items are somewhat decent by now but I wanna get organic stuff and texturing/lighting going next.



Anonymous No. 844155

Substance designer and marmoset toolbag are what youโ€™re looking for, read the PBR guide as well.



Anonymous No. 844161

What kind of techniques would one have to use to simulate coom on hair?
Asking for a friend ;)

Anonymous No. 844164

no explanations but you can follow at 0.25 speed and frame by frame

i'm still going through this one, it got released yesterday. the result is not the best i've seen, but at least there are explanations



Anonymous No. 844194


Anonymous No. 844295

Looking for a simple windows-compatible voxel editors that are NOT Qubicle (scummy pricing, free version lacks useful features, can't find a torrent), Goxel (crashes/freezes on importing for some reason), or VoxelMagic (doesn't seem to support qb file import).

Any suggestions?


Screenshot (554).png

Anonymous No. 844306

>be me
>make simple box man to fuck around
>want to give it a skeleton
>make a skeleton
>remember i can't into animation
>download walking animation
>it's applied to a predone skeleton
>do another box man around the skeleton of the walking animation
>realize i don't know how to make the skeleton and the box man work together
>spend an hour looking it up
>all results are people trying to do something else
TL;DR idk how to join a skeleton and a model, what do?

Anonymous No. 844313

Select box man, select skeleton, CTRL-P > Parent to armature.
In your beginner state, I'd use the "use automatic weights" option.
If you want to get your hands dirty, you can try to weight the bones how you want yourself. For a character that's a bunch of segmented meshes, it's pretty easy, since you just weight the part of the character 100% to the corresponding bone.

I can tell you right now though, there's something really funky going on with that armature in your picture. All the bones are oriented wrong.

Anonymous No. 844324

Thanks anon, i might look into finding another animation, that one was just the first free one i found



Anonymous No. 844326


Anonymous No. 844329

Fuck got the name wrong, third was MagicaVoxel

I am not sure what your image implies



Anonymous No. 844503

In this picture you can see a line, almost like a seam, run throughout the object in the middle.
What the cause of this specifically? I see this quite a bit whenever I attach one object to another (via merging verts) or use a bool. I have noticed getting rid of the verts/edges along the line helps it in this case.

Anonymous No. 844642

Why is fisheye lens only available in cycles?
Is it possible to get it in eevee?

Anonymous No. 844651

maybe your normals need to be recalculated?

Anonymous No. 844694

Guys what should I do if I want a constraint for some rig poses but not others? If I turn off the constraint, all the poses I made break. Not sure how to approach this. (I will be animating these poses later and the constraint is ChildOf)

Anonymous No. 844695

how different is max from maya? I know maya pretty well but have to learn max in order to get a job I want



Anonymous No. 844722

im trying to change the color of the faces based on their orientation. it works but the max color comes out as 206, not 255 when the face is completely aligned

any idea why it is low like this? is it a viewport setting im missing?



Anonymous No. 844723


Anonymous No. 844725

thank u boss

Anonymous No. 844727

Should I start using my tablet now, or just keep on practicing sculpting with a mouse? The ui of zbrush keeps filtering me, but my tablet is sitting here unused

Anonymous No. 844740

use the tablet you moron

Anonymous No. 844748

I guess I shouldn't expect full answers from blendlets, just shitposts, huh

Anonymous No. 844753

keep using the mouse forever

Anonymous No. 844754

He's fucking right though.
The UI of Zbrush was apparently "made to be used on a tablet". Why gimp yourself with a binary on/off brush when you have a wealth of pressure sensitivity at your fingertips?



Anonymous No. 844760

This is my first time attempting to model a character. The side of the head got away from me topology wise I think. How should I modify it to make it less dumb?

Also where do you guys find reference sheets for characters and the like? I had some luck searching "turn around sheet" but I would like a collection for generic anime body plans / head shapes etc in different levels of deformed style.



Anonymous No. 844761

I've got a retarded question that seems to be quite common, but that no one ever explains.
Just for ease I'll keep it as simple as possible
>Have cube
>Put loopcuts over all faces
>Delete loopcuts from one of the faces
>Loopcut again
>Loopcuts go around all faces except the face the first cuts were dissolved from
Why does this happen and how do I fix it? All I see is people saying it's because there's "too many verts" (it isn't) and people saying "it's an ngon" (it isn't).
In case I've explained it like a complete retard here's a pic to show what I mean.



Anonymous No. 844771

How do you get good at rigging? I'm a 2D artist and all I'm good at right now is sculpting.

Anonymous No. 844792

>All I see is people saying it's because there's "too many verts" (it isn't) and people saying "it's an ngon" (it isn't).
I know you won't like your answer, but it seems like that's the case. At least, you can't really tell in your pic since you're in edge mode and we can't see the verts.
If you delete a loopcut from just one face (as you say in your steps), you're gonna be left with an n-gon. Straight up. You're not deleting an entire loop, just part of one.
If you deleted one of the loops going horizontally in your pic (the entire loop), you'd be able to add as many more as you want. But if you dissolved just part of it, you're gonna have left over verts. Which means you can't add another loop because it's not quad geometry anymore.



Anonymous No. 844801

Is there a name for the architecture of Blame! ? i really want to try my hand at making some modular assets for it.



Anonymous No. 844802

wrong pic, game is NaissanceE

Anonymous No. 844803


Anonymous No. 844804

Blame is basically what happened when an architect student decided to draw crazy schizo brutalist megastructures, with stylized (lazy) anatomy. Some panels are less inspired than others, but generally the dude has crazy mental orientation mapping and a good sense of aesthetic. If you were to start anywhere, itโ€™d probably be searching forums about the designs, personally drawing mock-ups for the expansive cascading cityscapes (along with textures), then getting acquainted with procedural generation. Also refer to interviews of the author.

Anonymous No. 844837


Anonymous No. 844840

i want to create a row of thick decoration for a cushion, but i also want to keep the poly count down. what's my best option?
>make a solid block and distinguish through texures
>just eat the extra polys and make an array
>make a flat plane and put the decoration on that

Anonymous No. 844886

Ah I think I see now. So really to solve it I'd just need to dissolve the other cuts that were part of the loop that I'd part dissolved originally, is that right?

Anonymous No. 844897

Always loved Nihei and his work. Blame! is one of my favourites, too bad the anime adaption sucks (story wise) and he never gained some traction in the biz and more of his work got adapted into anime/games/movies.
Which is tragic because I think it lends itself very well for adaptions inot other media.
Imagine an game where you could explore the mega structure....
Good luck with your work, I too always wanted to do something like this, but I haven't had the time to do it.
You better get some procedural modelling/scattering implemeted in your workflow, doing it all by hand seems autistic.

>crazy schizo brutalist megastructures
good name considering the fact that it is build by a delusional AI that creates without a goal like a metastatic cancer.

Anonymous No. 844963

I seen an addon for Blender that could be really helpful for what I'm doing at the minute, but I refuse to buy addons for a program that's free. Anyway I looked around until I found a free/pirated copy of the addon and found one, but what's the chances of someone putting a virus or trojan in something like a blender addon? I'd imagine it's low because not that many people would ever download it, but at the same time it's running a script and they might target brainlets like me.

Anonymous No. 844964

Yeah, that should work. Since you never actually removed a loop cut, just an edge. Removing the rest of the loop would fix it, or fixing what you have so it's all quads would work as well, either by adding a knife cut somewhere, merging verts, or adding an edge/vert.

Basically, you can only do loop cuts all around where there are quads. If you try to do a loop and it doesn't go all around, you've got a stray vert somewhere.
Knowing how loops work and how you can manipulate them to go where you want is an important part of proper edge flow. Since you don't want your model covered in unnecessary loops, and want them to be contained in the areas you want detail.

Anonymous No. 844969

this 3d shit is just playing dressup for grown men



Anonymous No. 844973


Anonymous No. 844979

Theoretically, yes. Blender is written in Python, but some addons link to exes. You can view the source code of Python files but not the exes themselves. However, you can deny firewall access to those exes

Anonymous No. 845020

You're thinking of Daz, anon.
That thread is over here >>841822
Actual 3d depends on what you're actually doing with it.
Making environments/scenes? I'd say it's pretty close to set design, or photography.
Modelling, is pretty similar to model making, even moreso if you throw on kitbashing.
Archviz? Closer to model making as well, but architecturally.
There's more to 3d than making characters and dressing them up in pretty clothes.

Anonymous No. 845034

What would be the safest way to check, to just run a scan on the file or is there no way to know for sure?

Anonymous No. 845041

>He's fucking right though.
That ESL was "right", but I prefer reading posts actually explaining why I'm a moron instead of leaving me none the wiser. Not being able to sculpt, I couldn't tell what was holding me back and I wanted information, not a lazy yes or no.

I did properly spend a few hours yesterday and today practicing and I've moved on from adding clay to spheres awkwardly with a mouse, to making pretty ugly heads with the pen. So, thank you, it made a ton of difference.

Anonymous No. 845046

Anyone have experience with Max and Maya how big is the difference in terms of modeling tools?

Anonymous No. 845063

For sculpting models that will be rigged and used for games/animation, do you guys generally think it's better sculpt + retopo or manually extrude faces and build shit that way? I've seen a lot of conflicting opinions. I'm brand new and trying to not build bad habits that I'll have to unlearn later.

Anonymous No. 845082

show us what type of models you want to make .

For 95% of modern game characters they will be sculpted first.

Anonymous No. 845179

Thanks, I'll give that a shot. I did merge all of the verts to start with but it didn't seem to make any difference.
>Knowing how loops work and how you can manipulate them to go where you want is an important part of proper edge flow. Since you don't want your model covered in unnecessary loops, and want them to be contained in the areas you want detail
That's what I've been trying to do. I watched the video that Decoded did on topology and I thought I understood it until I tried to put it into practice. I'll give it another go and see how I get on.

Anonymous No. 845181

when rendering with vray whats more importan, have higher impact, cpu cores or threads?

Anonymous No. 845224

when you import a new OBJ. in blender, it throws out all the previous unwrapping if you try to do it again. is there a way to quickly re-seam it with the prexisting seams?


2021-08-19 18_51_....jpg

Anonymous No. 845279

Fa/tg/uy here, I'm grabbing models to use for our tabletop simulator WHFRP sessions (from what was once warhammer online) and I've been doing alright in porting in models that really fill out the aesthetic.
The issue I have run into is the more complicated models use several material files and TTS only wants to accept one texture. I'm just smart enough to know I need to bake multiple materials into a single texture. The issue I come across is unlike original works where I simply have to /make/ a UV map, this already comes with a complete (if professional, and well above my paygrade) UV map. I've tried all I know and all I can google to try and convert the existing UV map new UV map linked to a baked texture on a new single material. The best I've managed is a smart-UV map conversion pointed to a baked texture that fails to grab _everything_ but is about 80% accurate / 20% dreaded magenta. Everything else is some variation of visual noise using the various materials linked to the .obj

It's my plan to make a full TTS mod of the assets of WAR once I get over this final hurdle and polish things up like making cutaway buildings and ships. (I've already exported all the single-material stuff and implemented it).

If you wanna actually look at the raw files I've uploaded them at the MEGAlomaniacal dot NZealandish site: /file/Z8AQQRzS#paW5ClD7awdXk-tmmkb5VMw9JJg93snviJjI2q7uAIg

Anonymous No. 845328

UV > seams from islands
you're not explaining your problem clearly, or maybe I'm dense. if you just want a uvmap where every vertex has unique coordinates for baking, simply select everything, do "UV > average island scale", then pack all. that's it, ready for baking.
but if your models make heavy use of tiling textures, this may result in needing huge resolutions for lossless transfer. if that's a problem you'd have to cut up the tiles to 0-1 space per material, or close to it. keywords are "tiled" and "texture atlas", but don't expect perfect automatic solutions.

Anonymous No. 845433

How do I make the sculpt tool not apply to my uv seams, to avoid mismatched UV when doing a hogh poly version to bake normals?

Anonymous No. 845456

Does Painter replace Mixer or is there still things that Mixer does betta?

Anonymous No. 845457

What is the best way to avoid the uncanny valley when 3D modelling and animating things like catgirls and androids?


2021-08-20 19_39_....jpg

Anonymous No. 845500

>you're not explaining your problem clearly
Yeah probably not I very rarely deal with graphics much less to this level. That's why I'm ripping models and trying to port them in the first place, to take the work of people much smarter than me and use it for the part where I dungeon-master a game lol. That's also why at the end I included the files I was working with so somebody much better at this could see if I'm even describing the problem properly (which I accept I'm probably not). Let me try again from the ground up:
So, I have a model from warhammer online I'm trying to port to tabletop simulator. The model has several textures UV mapped to the main mesh. I need to take those several textures on several materials and get it down to one texture on one material. (pic related). The item is already fully textured and UV mapped for one game and I just need to change the method to another.
From my perspective the UV map (seen on the left in the first post) is very complex and is actually a shape bigger than any individual texture which I'm assuming to be some complex abstraction of the fact it's pulling from multiple textures.

So, I won't assume I even know what I need to do. How would you go about this? Taking something with 10 textures on 10 materials and condense it down to 1? Keeping in mind it's not an original model and a certain look needs to be preserved (otherwise it's not a port)? I had assumed converting its UV map and baking all the textures into one. I'm just trying to get a conversion pipeline WAR->TTS, I've gotten everything extracted from .myp libraries, converted to .obj and for the models that have one texture on one material they port perfectly. So if there's still confusion that mega nz file is only about 3mb and converted to .obj already so it wouldn't take long to see what I mean and with your knowledge probably know what I mean better than I can write it.

Anonymous No. 845502

Not quite sure what you mean, but i believe that if you make Face sets out of your UV seams and adjust automasking on your tools to face sets boundry and face set it might be what you are looking for

Anonymous No. 845510

They're not even the same thing.
That's like asking if Adobe Illustrator replaces Photoshop. They both do different things.
Unless I'm out of the loop and you can paint/bake existing objects in Mixer now.


Multiple Textures.jpg

Anonymous No. 845512

>something with 10 textures on 10 materials and condense it down to 1
It's totally possible.
I'd use something like UDIMs, or take those 10 textures bake each of them out with all the relevant info, put them into a single map with Photoshop, and then put all the UVs where they go in relation. So kind of like pic related, where all of the baked textures are put into a single file that you use, and you'd just have to move/scale the relevant UV islands to the correct spots.
You're probably going to need an 8k map or something though (depending on how crisp you want things). Just pay attention to the things that you really want to be defined, and make sure those have the most space, and things that aren't important be smaller.
Just make sure your combined texture comes out square, and do your best to fit as much as you can with it. I think the golden ratio might benefit you here.



Anonymous No. 845518

I have a .fbx model that I put in this pose from a t-pose. This screwed up the elbows and made them comically thin. What's the simplest way I can fix them? If I can do the same thing to make the legs thicker that's even better.

This is a one-off to make a model for a DnD game, so my priority here is simplicity rather than learning important Blender tools.



Anonymous No. 845520

OOOO K.Having fiddled with this for a few days I'm pretty confident I understand what you mean. Bake the textures or Merge them in ps, make a new UV map with islands and some spacing to make sure there's no overlap, manually place the islands on one screen with the original up on the other screen to make sure it's the same look, export and job's a goodun. I should be able to do that yeah just knowing what I know. Thank you a lot!

I guess a follow up question is, would there be a way to (more) automate the process? Or cut down on workflow? WAR has about 15,000 models and while about half of them are "clutter" (books, weapons, wells, outhouses) using a single 512x512 material a lot are using at least 2-4 materials so even shaving a minute or two off each conversion would save A LOT of manhours. I know that kinda sounds lazy but even once I have the models and have them imported I still have to write several outcomes for where the party is, set up several hooks for where the story can go, then build sets for each of them using my models all for a weekly session so my weekly manhours are tight.



Anonymous No. 845525

the caveat to the workflow described by the other anon is that it assumes there is little or no tiling, or few enough materials that you can compensate by hand, or that you have some fancy automatic tool that is going to cut up your UVs into squares (0-1, or 0-100%).
in your case, the metal and wood materials extend far from the 0-1 tile (this just means same floor texture gets repeated 10 times, there's no complex referencing of other textures like you seem to assume).
the instructions from my first post fully apply here, except there are some model specifics: lots of edges seem disconnected so blender packs every triangle as a separate UV island. technically even that would work, but we're going to work around it by merging stuff.
additionally, I first wanted duplicate off a donor object and bake "selected to active", but in your model's case this left some nasty overlap artefacts. again, this would have worked with some models, or could be fixed somehow, but we'll just do two UV sets instead.

anyhow, I'll spoonfeed you this once, for the dubs: https://mega.nz/file/xDpjgCSJ#JOkgMnexKsCh1tSyloSZ7d-lJfJ_mSwEsaaYw9apONc

Anonymous No. 845526

another thing, one way to make this more efficient in terms of texture space would be to lock overlapping islands when packing. unfortunately, blender doesn't have that functionality by default, you'll either need some addon (for packing) or possibly use some other program.
a thing that could cut down on time is automating the uv map creation and copy-pasting the image node. this is possible with python. if you're serious about 15000 models, post some contact, I can shoot you my custom atlas script.

Anonymous No. 845527

driver; the pose (bone position OR custom property) drives the influence of the constraint

Anonymous No. 845535

why the hell do you still use 2,79?

Anonymous No. 845536

eww hello neighbour



Anonymous No. 845538

What's the best way to rig an open shirt? Like in a way that I could say have the flaps on the sides pull away from the body if they bend certain ways.
Should I add some joints to the base rig or do something separate? If they're separate, how would I keep the shirt matched up with the body rig moving?


yes ha ha ha yes ....jpg

Anonymous No. 845539

>I'll spoonfeed you this once, for the dubs:
Yes, YES. Oh anon this is the most amazing thing. You're a saint. I've spent so many hours watching guides and trying so many of these things either in the wrong order, or with the wrong settings or missing some part of this. So to see you IN A VIDEO stitch it all together and have it work is just amazing. I feel like I've just gotten up and stretched after a long day of driving.

>lots of edges seem disconnected so blender packs every triangle as a separate UV island. technically even that would work, but we're going to work around it by merging stuff.
Like this, this is a step I was missing. Whenever I would try to smart-UV it would make thousands of tiny islands so this is a step I was definitively missing. Because I have modding experience it is "interesting" to see the way mythic did a lot of these things. Like their unique libraries, that I had to wrestle with to even get this data are similarly.... "unique".
>bake "selected to active", but in your model's case this left some nasty overlap artefacts.
I got this far as well, where I had several bakes that looked almost right albeit with showstopping bugs like that, yes. I just never knew what to do to fix it.

>addon (for packing) or possibly use some other program.
I'll see if I can find one, aye.

>if you're serious about 15000 models, post some contact, I can shoot you my custom atlas script.
Opening every library it comes out to 13.6k, but aye. It's a lot. If I can convert it all then it will be the biggest WHFRP model pack on the workshop to date.

Triton#5912 or https://steamcommunity.com/id/Aquadad/

Anonymous No. 845689

thank you anon



Anonymous No. 845753

I know this has to have a really simple solution, but does anyone know why my height map doesn't seem to work in Cycles? It's supposed to have the gaps between the sections like you can see happens in Eevee in the first pic, but when I switch to Cycles it goes flat.

Anonymous No. 845758

while in cycles, go to the properties window, scoll down to the bottom of your material properties....drop down settings menu: Bump and Displacement, or Only Displacement; not sure which with your specific case

Anonymous No. 845761

I just tried that, I even tried all three options to be safe,, but it didn't make any difference neither.
Thanks anyway though.

Anonymous No. 845767

how do i edit a mirrored subtool so that i can stretch out the surface that's intersecting? i keep getting only weird flattening at the clip region.



Anonymous No. 845809

i want to learn 3d to do stuff like pic, a mix of 3d/2d/photobash

@asteroid_ill @HAGURUMA_C @laxyiii
how do i do it like these artists? how much 3d do i need? what workflow and what ratio of 3d/2d/photobash?
does anyone have any courses or stepbystep resource for this sort of style? idk how to describe it... anime mixed with 3d/photobash concept art? pls send help

i asked /ic/, they just parrot >loomis and >hard round brush, who can i ask about this shit sincerely frens..



Anonymous No. 845811




Anonymous No. 845812




Anonymous No. 845815

How can I copy the rotation of the empty to the cylinder object while keeping the mesh in the same place?
I want the z or y axis to align with the lower cylinder.

Anonymous No. 845816

create transform orientation from empty, enable "origins only" mode in top-right, then "object > transform > align to transform orientation".
that's in 2.9. if you're on 2.7 for some reason, there is no "origins only" mode so your best bet would be to instead add a new object, align that object to the transform orientation, then merge your cylinder with this dummy object.



Anonymous No. 845824

cant run ngSkinTools in maya 2022

import ngSkinTools2; ngSkinTools2.open_ui()
# Error: ModuleNotFoundError: file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2022\Python37\lib\site-packages\shiboken2\files.dir\shibokensupport__feature__.py line 142: No module named 'pymel' #\

but if i run 2022 in python 2 mode it will work

Anonymous No. 845934

Never mind, I'm a retard. I didn't rotate it in the UV editor. Still seems strange that it worked in Eevee immediately, but needed to be rotated in Cycles.
It's still not perfect, but I think that's to do with the scale.

Anonymous No. 845937

What's your nodes look like?



Anonymous No. 845955

what should my thought process be to make modular assets for a game? I tried my hand at making some modular buildings at it worked to some degree.

Anonymous No. 845956

It's cool now. Thanks anyway dude.

Anonymous No. 845957

Keep a consistent scale.
Make sure to pick a measurement and stick to it. Like if you want each environment asset to be 2x2m, stick to factors of that. As far as props and shit goes, just try to keep to real life scale and things should work naturally.
The biggest thing is find a snapping interval and stick to it, unless you absolutely need to go off of it. Try to keep origin points for similar objects in the same places too. Like for props, have them in the bottom center, and shit like walls/floors on the bottom corner.
That way if you ever update an asset, you can swap the mesh easily without any hassle.



Anonymous No. 846047

Is this the way to go for double sided modular walls? I made sure to have proper dimensions and pivot points, but I experience Z fighting at corners when I place them together. If I remove the inner parts (which will be invisible anyway) and just leave front and back wall, I think it fixes it, but is this the right approach or am I still messing up my placement?

Anonymous No. 846070

What is a better way of modelling stuff like table legs? Extrude them from the table top or simply attach separate and independent polys to the table top?



Anonymous No. 846071

Almost no experience myself, but in a lynda tutorial the dude made walls with splines and extruded them afterwards to the desired height.
The splines looked something like pic

Anonymous No. 846079

Is it still possible to get assets from Quixel to use in Blender or have they stopped it? Every time I try I'm told to add credits or I'm told I don't have a license attached to my account.

Anonymous No. 846090

I've been doing it just fine.
You know you can close that little popup right?
I've got like 200 credits left, which feels like a bottomless pit now that I've grabbed everything I need. I occasionally pop back in to grab something here and there, and I get those popups, but you can just close them.

Anonymous No. 846092

Make and login with an epic account. Then you can export anything anywhere.

Anonymous No. 846101

Wadda fug, I just signed in to try it and seems like it works now. I was trying for days and the same thing kept popping up where I was told to add credits and get a license.

I had the Epic account already, but then it was telling me to download UE (which I did in the end, I just didn't install it). Like I say it seems to work now so I don't know if it needed time to "verify" or some other bullshit.



Anonymous No. 846102

extreme /beg/ here and very stupid question.
Recently been thinking about trying to learn how to use blender.
Do you need a super beastly pc to be able to make good animation?
Truth is, I was messing around and put some hair on a cube, and then made a ball that blows wind into it, just for kicks. Unfortunately tho, while viewing such simple animation my fps can barely stay at 30, frequently dipping below 20.
With that in mind, I'd assume that I should probably give up on anything involving animation with blender correct?
Maybe I should just learn how to sculpt or smth.

Anonymous No. 846106

Do I need to learn 2D drawing before learning 3D?

Anonymous No. 846110

For props and environments, not really. For characters, it would be a good idea.

Anonymous No. 846136

No, incorrect. 3D animation of the kind made using 3D modelling software isn't meant to be realtime. It's expected that it's going to dip, it's heavy simulation/compute stuff, it's not like a videogame where it fakes most stuff. If you want to preview things at a fixed framerate, you either lower your settings into something you can play in realtime or, more frequently, bake the simulation, and it will generate the data once and use it for playing from that point on instead of generating it every time. Look up how to do it.

It's the advantage of the medium, you pre-compute your animations by rendering them and then playing them back, so you can get as crazy as you want. A single frame could take days to render and it doesn't matter, because you stitch all those frames together into a single animation once it's done.

Anonymous No. 846137

>seems like it works now
Dunno what to tell ya. Technology is fucking retarded sometimes. Happy to hear it's fixed though. At least for now.



Anonymous No. 846154

So I've got this fbx that was taken from some sort of CAD program, and I need to remesh or rebuild it to have reasonable UVs. What methodology would you guys use for this? I'm trying to avoid just literally building the entire thing from scratch again because hard surface REALLY isn't something I know well at fucking all.

Anonymous No. 846157

I... think I understand...
Basically I shouldn't worry about being able to see the animation in real time because I'm supposed to render it before actually seeing it?
Then in that case, the only problem with my low end pc would be how long it takes to actually render everything.
I should probably just find a basic animation tutorial and see if it works for myself or not.
Thank you so much for clarifying it to me anon!

Anonymous No. 846245

Does anyone know the hotkey for bringing back up the add box, where you add vertices and things when you first add something, but after you've already moved the object?
I'm not sure if I've explained that well enough. For example

>Add mesh
>Choose cylinder
>Little panel that says "add cylinder" is in the bottom left
>Open it, you can increase or decrease vertices, radius, depth etc
>If you move the cylinder first the panel changes to a "move" panel with seemingly no way to get the "add cylinder" panel back
>But the hotkey does bring it back

I've searched high and low for it because it's really handy. Every answer I've found is people saying no such thing exists and you can only undo it to get it back. But I know it exists because I used it.

>Watch one of those "top tips" kind of videos
>Dude is moving things around to show how to do something
>Adds a mesh and moves it, resizes it and everything
>Then brings the "add" panel back up
>Makes offhand comment about that's a pretty useful tip to know too
>Comments are all how that was the best tip in the video
>Open up Blender to try it
>It works no problem

I can't find the video again because I've watched too many of them to know which it was.
It makes me feel like it's not that well known because I've never seen anyone else mention it before and the places that usually have the answers don't this time.

Anonymous No. 846259




Anonymous No. 846261

I got a problem, the front of that car from pic related has its own low poly and it bakes great, everything else is done using only low poly, how do i do it right? My take on it would be to duplicate all low poly models and replace .001 with _high using batch rename, because they are already made using sharps. Is there any other more efficient way to do it? Asking becasue i found out very recently that using sharps is overpovered.
>Inb4 blendlet
Fuck off

Anonymous No. 846262

My bad, the front of the car is low poly and it has its own high poly to bake from* Pic rel is baked lp in substance

Anonymous No. 846289

Nah it's not F9, that just brings up the panel you're currently on or if you unselect the object it brings the panel back up for what you last done.
So if you moved it, clicked another object, clicked back on the first object and pressed F9 it would just bring up the move panel. This was if you moved it, resized it, or done whatever, you pressed something that specifically brought up the add panel.
It was more like ctrl+something or alt+something, there was definitely two keys involved.


Screenshot 2021-0....png

Anonymous No. 846371

Help anons. I'm following donut man's tutorial. I tried to recreate the burning monke.
>Add monkey
>f3, select quick smoke.
>play animation
>change flow type smoke to smoke and fire, nothing changes.

Then i created another monke added quick smoke, and changed flow type to fire and smoke before playing the animation, it produced smoke and fire. Tried to change it to smoke from fire and smoke, nothing changes.

Basically, once I set stuff and play the animation, consecutive actions does not affect the animation.



Anonymous No. 846375

I'm mediocre at a lot of different work flows due to only having been at this for a couple months now. I can do basic character shit, basic hard surface shit, and I can use substance painter.
What's the best way to turn this skillset into cash by fleecing furries and various other degens? Learn animating and make an animation patreon? Learn programming and make a garbage porn game? Learn VR shit and make custom coomer vrchat and vtuber models? I'm looking for whatever needs the lowest possible skill level to start making cash with. I'm trapped in my small locked down town and I need to get some money to get outta here.

Anonymous No. 846393

Did you bake it?
Baking it would essentially lock the sim as it is.

Anonymous No. 846509

>Downloaded a model of a human
>It isn't rigged
>Never rigged anything before
>No time like the present to try
>Do it
>Seems to work
>Also want to dress the model
>Isn't in a T pose, it's in hands by the side
>No problem, it's rigged so I can just put it in a T pose
>Shoulders end up all kinds of distorted

Is this a problem with my rigging or with the model? I'm assuming rigging.
It doesn't have to be animated which makes it not too much of an issue, but will I be able to dress it without it being in a T pose or am I going to run into issues? Or if I put it in a T pose with its fucked up shoulders will it be alright once I position the arms and things the way I want them after it's dressed?

Anonymous No. 846579

sounds like a weight painting issue

Anonymous No. 846753

Sweet thanks I think that should fix it.

Anonymous No. 846773

in XGEN i can't move my guides after I've placed them, i can only add more. This is bullshit. What do i do?



Anonymous No. 846814

Can somebody explain this pic a bit, or show what the loops for leg deform should look like?
I have some problem with limb deforms on my creations.
Can't find any text tutorial, and youtube videos seems an hour or more longer and goes too much into depth.

Anonymous No. 846815

Also, my issue is that some edges cracks thru the front when deforming more then 90 degrees. Like the leg bend in the third row in that pic.

Anonymous No. 846904

what is a good video of a video game artist making a character in zbrush? all i can seem to find is people making super detailed models far too big to go in a video game.

Anonymous No. 846984

is there a way to convert *.max into fbx or at least *.ma/mb? i dont have max

Anonymous No. 846998

Nah it's totally proprietary.

Anonymous No. 846999

ok im gonna pirate that shit

Anonymous No. 847032

Try for a student license first. They give that shit out like candy.
I've been out of school for like 5 years and they still give it to me. Every program.



Anonymous No. 847380

Where can I find decent FCP plugin torrents?
Thank you.

Anonymous No. 847514

Thanks for answering him, I was going to ask something similar. I guess I'll start learning to draw again while I practice sculpting.



Anonymous No. 847705

Trying to model a vent like pic on top. Anyone know how I could go about the cross in the middle of it ? Is it texturing ? Is the mesh pulled outward ? I tried doing it by texturing in painter with height, but I can't get the different lighting on each side of the cross, and it looks bad (pic on the bottom right) my guess would be that the face is very slighty pulled outward in the shape of the x. cheers

Anonymous No. 847712

it's a pyramid-shaped normal/height-map.
sanest way to go about this is to make/find a premade vent duct material and just use that in painter.
if you want to do this with geometry, poke the faces with offset, set edges to sharp, add a shader bevel, bake to itself (or whatever, depends on the rest of the model).

Anonymous No. 847715

tutorials for learning how to create plants/trees/flowers/foliage?
any tips on creating these?

Anonymous No. 847716

donutman used to have a thing called "nature academy", but everything shader-related is now completely outdated.
or you could pirate some model packs and pick them apart (spoiler: it's often a clusterfuck under the hood).

Anonymous No. 847719

thanks anon, gonna try



Anonymous No. 848254

Is this good enough to get a job?
. Sculpted in zbrush. If not, what should I focus on?

Anonymous No. 848316

Heres a Sqt from an absolute beginner. What do you anons do to keep yourself in that creative/learning mood.
I keep leaving and returning to 3d and i feel like the first few steps are so daunting. I always wonder how the people who have a vague idea of what there doing motivate themselves, and what helped you/them get there?

Anonymous No. 848324

I have never needed to force it, once I picked up 3d I never dropped it. It is extremely hard in the beginning but that's when you learn the most, you get to double your skills every week or two, if you can't enjoy that you won't enjoy the canyon of diminishing returns that comes after a few years.

I keep myself interested by giving myself new challenges, my interests naturally shift with time so I don't fight it, I started off doing character work then I caught the enviro bug after a while, right now I'm learning houdini for unreal and toolmaking. 3d is wide, there's always room to explore.



Anonymous No. 848376

I wonder if someone could help me with this.

>Downloaded a model
>Opened it in Blender
>Went to edit mode
>Only one side of the object is mesh and can be edited and the other side stays like it's solid
>Try to join it together
>Blender crashes but if I leave it it's eventually okay and it's joined
>Then there's this really weird bump down the middle, like when two tectonic plates (pic related is the closest example I can find)

I'm not sure how to solve any of this.
I'm trying to put it in a scene, but I need to edit the colours and things, but I'm too retarded to append it as a collection and all of the materials, and mesh for that matter, have been left with generic names like "cube 01", "material 01" and there's fucking loads of them. Am I better off opening it in it's own project, renaming everything in there, and potentially solving the mesh issue there, THEN saving it separate to append straight into the scene?

Anonymous No. 848385

I'm going to school for animation and I'm going to be using all of adobe's programs, toon boom, mudbox and maya
The system requirements just on toon boom reccomend an i7 and an i5 at minimum and a decent GPU. Am I really going to have to shell out and buy a new computer? I don't know anyone in the program that really knows this stuff

Anonymous No. 848396

those nipples are hilariously cartoony compared to the rest of the body.

Anonymous No. 848403


something funky about that ribcage at the front
someone that ripped on the top half will have a more defined ass/legs
also the foot is too flat, you havent left room for the foot bones
the lower down hand needs more bones also

overall pretty good, keep it up

Anonymous No. 848407

Puffies look cartoony irl



Anonymous No. 848409

Sculpting something for the 2nd time in Blender. I followed a tutorial.

As I was sculpting, I had to keep remeshing because whenever I pulled out from the mesh, it got very blocky. After it reached over 2 million faces, my PC started lagging a bit. So I applied some Decimate modifiers, and now it's only got around 40k faces. But now it's more laggy than ever? I can't even sculpt on it properly now because every action requires a big loading. also a small fly landed inside my eye as i was typing this and its not comfortable

Anonymous No. 848411


Anonymous No. 848414

decimate as a modifier is just an extra computing step to draw less triangles, it is only faster if you actually apply it and lose your original model (press ctrl+A on the modifier)

Anonymous No. 848513

>also a small fly landed inside my eye as i was typing this and its not comfortable
in my mother tongue, those flies are literally called "eye flies". hope u have nice day anon and best of luck for your scultp

Anonymous No. 848608

Did most people here transfer their skills from drawing to this?


Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 848623

What tools were used to get this topology?

Anonymous No. 848648

Anything, that's just the result of being subdivided, the mesh as authored would be much more simple, all you have to do is see where the poles are and you have what the low res looked like.


dress test.png

Anonymous No. 848665

When I'm baking a normal it goes all the way to the back, how to stop it?
The bake is from a high detailed part to a dress

Anonymous No. 848666

recalculate normals on all involved meshes including the cage

Anonymous No. 848710

I think I did apply it though? I definitely hit CTRL A, and then the modifier disappeared.



Anonymous No. 848711

just re-checked, and yeah you were right. The first two times I applied it, but the last time I didn't. Thanks Anon

Anonymous No. 849118

i dont think anyone uses houdini here, but might as well ask
is there an easy way to get point attributes going from 0.0 to 1.0 based on it's weighting to a bone
basically i just want to get all points that that are weighted to some bones in order to do some operations on them

Anonymous No. 849121

i haven't really played around with rigging or character stuff in houdini so i'm probably useless, but how do weights show up on the geo spreadsheet?



Anonymous No. 849136


Anonymous No. 849137

forgot text
im guessing i'll have to write some VEX to iterate over points, look for a bone capture region that matches the one im looking for, and add an attribute if its higher than a threshold?



Anonymous No. 849138

might as well also ask this: is there any way to get the insides of a tetconform mesh to bind to a skeleton?

Anonymous No. 849139

you're probably better off making a new thread.
there's a few houdini people on this board who might be able to help, but who knows if they come to sqt. also these aren't really sqts.

Anonymous No. 849140

>also these aren't really sqts
i dunno, i sure feel stupid for asking them, lol
I couldnt find anything on google, closest thing was "use a bone capture node's colors" BUT im using FBX character import

Anonymous No. 849141

lel, it's definitely not a stupid.
i've managed to find some test geo.
that bonecapture attribute was a bit weird, so looking into it, it's apparently a packed index pair:


you can unpack the data with that and then pack it back up after.

also, probably very naive, but does a pointdeform completely fail here >>849138?



Anonymous No. 849146

ah, i havent thought of using a point deformer
cheers anon
now to figure out this weights business

Anonymous No. 849149

when i had a quick look, the unpacked data looked quite messy, but probably workable.

you want to find the index number of right bone from the arrays in detail attribute and then just check if your point has value above threshold on the array in the corresponding point attribute array.
there's a find function to search arrays and return index numbers iirc.
good luck, mang.

Anonymous No. 849150

thanks breh
thankfully in addition to your post, houdini docs have an example file that should also provide some hints



Anonymous No. 849285

I'm a beginner using Maya and trying to model a simple birdhouse, but I ran into this issue where I can't delete this floating edge (orange one in the pic). I tried selecting it & hitting the Delete key, shift + right click > Delete Edge, and Edit Mesh > Delete Edge/Vertex, and none of these worked.

The edge was created after I used a cylinder & difference boolean to create a hole in the model. One side of the hole is fine, but the other side has this floating edge I can't get rid of.

Anonymous No. 849308

anyone know if I can use LMB as a shortcut, doesn't seem to work. i.e Ctrl+Shift+LMB?

Anonymous No. 849325

Is there a place I get free/cracked/pirated hq models? I need a good looking realistic iphone model for my scene but every 3d site I checked they charge $$ for anything decent.

Anonymous No. 849359

do I need to reduce mocap keyframes for videogames or can I leave it 1 frame = 1 key?



Anonymous No. 849389

Is there a video/s of someone creating animations for a model in max or blender then importing that model into Unreal engine and getting it to work as a new mannequin"player model?

The unreal tutorials I found just downloads some model or alters the mannequin and the 3d program tutorials for animations are usually not for a set of animations (Walk, Run, Attack01, Attack02 etc) but just one animation.

Anonymous No. 849483

I downloaded this addon for Blender called Simply Cloth Pro, but whenever I move the cloth, for example a shirt, the shirt stays static and only the origin point moves until I let go and then the shirt will appear wherever the origin point is. Does anyone know why it's doing this? By origin point I obviously mean the orange dot is the only thing moving in real time.
It's impossible to line anything up because of it and it's really frustrating me.

There are free ones on turbosquid and unblast. I'm not sure what software you're using or if they're high enough quality but they both look good enough.

Anonymous No. 849496

Just Google bro



Anonymous No. 849549

Brehs, do you know if there's some guide on how to create you own 3D library in terms of reusable assets/models/meshes/animations/poses/etc/...
Like what are the most reused X of for each of these fields and some time gaining tips

Anonymous No. 849552

right so i dont know if im retarded or something but this point VOP only seems to be running on the first point...



Anonymous No. 849558

nvm it was my retardation, i didnt see the point num output on the globals node
now to figure out how to do conditionals in VOPs
i should probably put this all in VEX once i'm done, these nodes are a pain

Anonymous No. 849594

hmmmm well theres one thing i havent considered, inside portions of the tetrahedral mesh technically arent weighted so they dont any attributes written to them ...... anyone got any ideas?

Anonymous No. 849601

I have zero knowledge about rigging in houdini, but can't you run nearpoints() or xyzdist()+primuv() query in a tet-appropriate wrangle and copy the data from the skin to the tets?



Anonymous No. 849606

turns out i had another retard moment and was generating my attributes after i had tetrahedralized. works fine if i tetrahedralize after
i moved everything to a nice and clean VEX, now we're getting to the fun stuff: tweaking parameters

Anonymous No. 849614

What is the proper way of creating lightmaps in Blender? Should I use Lightmap Pack or not? Aren't lightmaps basically the same unwrap as normal, just with more padding, all islands with the same ratio (no scaling less visible islands to improve TD) and no overlaps?

Anonymous No. 849619

How can I word my retarded explanation in a way that Google can understand? Every time I try it's always things like
>How to reset origin point
>How to move origin point
I thought it might be some kind of memory issue or something, but it's weird how it only happens with that and nothing else.



Anonymous No. 849646

Anons, i have a question.
I have decided to pick up hard surface sculpting and i have a question - how do i make my things not look like crudely shaped pieces of clay?
Having thoughts of dropping the idea entirely and go back to subdiv modeling

Anonymous No. 849651

What does that have to do with pirating blender addons and whether or not they have a virus?

Anonymous No. 849652

when you hard surface sculpt you have to retopo

Anonymous No. 849669

Is all of this modelled and rigged procedurally?

Anonymous No. 849723

it's remeshed from a base mesh (which was already weighed)
however im a lazy fuck so i used houdini's animation retargeting tools to just slap it onto a miaxmo animation
i use the weights of the breast bones to generate the stiffness attributes, technically i could plug any model in here and just change whatever bones i want to be vellum enabled
my ultimate goal is building a fairly drag n drop way of adding titty + ass physics for uhhhhhhhh Research

Anonymous No. 849727

glad it worked out, anon.
remember to push those vellum substeps up.


much thinking.jpg

Anonymous No. 849729

tip #1 pirate zbrush dumbarse

tip #2 watch Pavlovich zbrush for ideation series.

Tip #3 search "hard surface" on the official pixologic YT channele.

There you go.

Anonymous No. 849730

for some reason, increasing substeps actually makes the simulation more jittery
i might try my hand at doing this with FEM, since its supposedly better suited for fleshy materia

Anonymous No. 849732

>tip #1 pirate zbrush dumbarse
already consideredd that after reading a couple of threads
is blunder really that bad for anything more than organic sculpting?
>tip #2 watch Pavlovich zbrush for ideation series.
>Tip #3 search "hard surface" on the official pixologic YT channele.
thanks for advice anon, appreciate it

Anonymous No. 849733

could be any number of things. check the thickness of your cloth constraints.

it might also be a result of the point deform on the tetconform. is that thing moving smoothly?

Anonymous No. 849743

>check the thickness of your cloth constraints
yeah i just realized you can (and should) change this parameter
>point deform on the tetconform. is that thing moving smoothly
yes, the vellum sim runs after the point deform so it shouldn't be interfering



Anonymous No. 849819

I'm learning Unreal Engine 4 (I know Blender... okay ish) and I want to recreate this old computer game in VR as a project, since it's primitive already.

Check out the weird art-deco-ish style on the walls, the circles and the curved lines. They look like they're either raised or sunken in to the wall with a soft bevel. Would it be best to model that into the geometry, or is a normal map enough? Especially considering this is for VR so I'd want it to hold up even when you're really close.

Anonymous No. 849822

It doesn't have a virus though. Even if it did how would Google help with that?

Anonymous No. 849832

Will cgpeers ever have open invites?

Want to get in but i don't know anyone who has a free invite... Being friendless sucks

Anonymous No. 849834

probably best to do it via parallax mapping

Anonymous No. 850375

>Will cgpeers ever have open invites?
Nope. You're just gonna have to swim around the right ponds in hopes of getting an invite.



Anonymous No. 850376

in a non VR game I would probably do that with a deferred decal + parralax occlusion mapping, that way you could just set up the wall materials however you like and plaster the patterns and things on later.


However I believe VR in unreal engine is forward rendered so it'd be best to google whether you can abuse decals like that in VR.

Anonymous No. 850380




Anonymous No. 850908

Is there really NO way to hide the transpose line while using it in Zbrush!?! I'm gong crazy, it's blocking my view while I'm using it. What schizo morons designed this program?!

Anonymous No. 851018

Mocap + clean up vs traditional animation

Wich is the best option for a solo dev with no money and space problem ?

Anonymous No. 851019

obviously the traditional way if you have no money and no space.

Anonymous No. 851065

What is the simplest 3D sculpting (not modelling) program (free/opensource if possible) and which controllers I need to made work easier (instead of KB and mouse) and more like real sculpting? I'm never try 3D graphics, like to sculpt IRL but want switch to digital. I don't care about "industry standards" etc.

Anonymous No. 852259

Sometimes i see that a curved monitor is not so good for making models etc will i actually notice this?



Anonymous No. 852343

How much better has Zremesher gotten? Is it good enough for animated characters in games? I remember back in the day people said it wasn't good enough but Pixologic say it's good enough for animation.

Anonymous No. 852351

Is Arnold considered a good render engine?

Anonymous No. 852355

arnold is very good.

Anonymous No. 852379

Its not good for animation and will never be.
Its great for doing base for sculpting though.

I tries to include it in my retopo process but is stopped doing it.



Anonymous No. 852399

I see, do you use any retopo tool like 3D Coat or do you do everything by hand?

Anonymous No. 852808

How do I make some money with 3D without having to market myself?

I have a lot of experience with archviz and furniture design, are any of these 3D model websites worth uploading shit to?

Anonymous No. 853556

K boys this is the deal I'm an industrial design student so I'll probably end up making like furniture and shit anyways but just in case I need to be a 3DCG PRO PLAYER, wtf do I need to learn? I tried Blender once and the interface made me wanna kms but I'm willing to learn from a cool tutorial I guess

Anonymous No. 853558

My ideal modeling job I guess would be computing-related consumer electronics like phones, laptops, desktop PC shit and stuff like that, even headphones, idk if this is important

Anonymous No. 853810

What is the easiest way to make the clothes deform to the body normally in blender?

I tried data transfer from body to clothes but it got all screwed up. Also the mirror function stopped working with weight painting so i have to weight paint both identical sides.

My clothes are just a regular hard object. Should I use cloth simulation for better results?

Anonymous No. 854006

This is awesome, cool share