
wip collage.jpg

🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 843718

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Collage Edition -
All your hard work!

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>840057
List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB

Anonymous No. 843720

Apologies if your work isn't featured in the OP image. Doubly so for the environmental artists, you all work hard, but it's hard to fit an env inside an existing one
I tried to focus on finished and close to finished projects, notable posts, and posts where it's easy to grab the subject. Thanks to the anons that posted transparent PNG files too, they made the job a lot quicker.
If you're not here this time, and really want to be in the next one, let me know and I'll try to fit you in somewhere if I can.

Let's get this show on the road.


its happening.png

Anonymous No. 843721

i don't do hard surface often and am not too familiar with it but I am learning and the camcorder is taking shape you guys and I go onto 3 after working on it and we've got a beautiful collage for the work in progress picture. everything is gona be alright

Anonymous No. 843723

the last thread is on page 6. there's no need to make a new thread so early on a board this slow.



Anonymous No. 843741

What's the best way to model this area with "variable rate bevel", when curve with big radius curves into curve with small radius?

Anonymous No. 843743

By using two different pieces, like in the actual object



Anonymous No. 843749

Paneling is 2 operations.
Fixing this is a fucking torture.

Anonymous No. 843752


This, break down your object into manageable pieces



Anonymous No. 843755

Do you even model? You can't read?

Anonymous No. 843756

What the fuck. You extruded a cube twice, added bevels, ended up with a huge mess of a topology and expect it to work?

Anonymous No. 843760

I made it into the WIP image for the first time. I'm adding this to my portfolio and résumé.



Anonymous No. 843763

this is my alarm clock from the other thread

Anonymous No. 843764

Well, I'm trying to explain the problem.
How to make a big bevel flow into a small bevel without fixing topology by hand.

Anonymous No. 843768

Very nice work on the OP. I love it how the helicopter monkey made the cut.



Anonymous No. 843771

I posted this on another thread, anon suggested I use a toon shader but I don't even know if I'm going to texture it.



Anonymous No. 843775

I'm making this for my college app portfolio but I'm concerned they'll btfo me because pepe is nazi frogger according to normaloids

Anonymous No. 843776

what renderer did you use?

Anonymous No. 843779

Does Maya have a patent on their quad-draw program? There is no way Zbrush's topology draw tool is supposed to be this shitty and convoluted.



Anonymous No. 843780

I continue to reiterate on the same stuff I just don't know anymore

Anonymous No. 843819

If you don't know, then let it rest for a couple of days, you may want to come back to it with "fresh" eyes.

Anonymous No. 843821

It's a gamble. If someone(s) based is reviewing your work, you're in 100%, if someone who doesn't know about the frog- or can critically examine things honestly- reviews it, they'll probably evaluate it purely on it's artistic mertis, but if you get a 50YB0Y, it'll be an instant rejection. I don't think the odds are in your favor.
This will definitely frighten the norms, especially since he has no pants. We all know that the Nazis are feared for their shirt-only marches.

Anonymous No. 843822

quick suggestion, might not work, flip the mesh upside down and work on it that way you might come up with some ideas

Anonymous No. 843823

makes sense, thanks anon i'll see it through cause I'm having a lot of fun with this. Clown world we fucking live in.



Anonymous No. 843824

Use better references. With this one, you don't need to have any doubts about how normies see your frog.

Anonymous No. 843825

>i'll see it through cause I'm having a lot of fun with this
The most Chadly course of action.

Anonymous No. 843834

There's no point in trying anymore isn't it?

Anonymous No. 843836

Don't give up, at least you're not a furfag like >>843771

Anonymous No. 843837

>tfw made it into the OP

Pleased with that.

Anonymous No. 843848

Will do



Anonymous No. 843858

There was an attempt.

Anonymous No. 843860

He could use some ears, cheekbones, and a brow ridge. The skull should also be thicker in the back. Now it looks like he doesn't have back of the head at all.

Anonymous No. 843863

handsome stonks

Anonymous No. 843866

why does it feel like the camera is zooming in when i expand the image

Anonymous No. 843868

what does this mean?

Anonymous No. 843869

"5150 is a code in the California state law for an involuntary psychiatric hold, meaning that that a person can be detained by police for evaluation if they pose a danger to themselves or others as a result of mental disorder."

Some tough guys in prison get this as well as some z-grade celebrities

Anonymous No. 843871

I waste ungodly amount of time on my own designs and scene compositions that could be spent on actually creating more assets and projects, but I simply refuse to copy concept art because my end game isn't to be a 3D monkey for the rest of my career anyway.

Anonymous No. 843873

great artists steal

Anonymous No. 843874

Yes, but that is not the same as straight up copying concept art like majority of 3D artists do.

Anonymous No. 843876

Stop regurgitating hollywood meme garbage. The people who say this shit haven't created anything great since the great depression.

Anonymous No. 843877

>t. starving artist

Anonymous No. 843903

same wtf

Anonymous No. 843916

>page 6
I've been making WIPs at page 5 (when I can) for the last 2 years. Though some people handle it before I get to it from time to time.
Gotta remember that most newfags don't know the board is slow, so keeping the thread fresh keeps "I just made this, what do you think?" threads down since it's higher up on the list, thus easy to spot. Or it's just a placebo, since it still happens from time to time, since you can't expect them to take the board in and get a feel for it before posting.
Page 5 is just how it's how it's gonna be.

An accomplishment to be sure. Make sure to put it down as a collab so people think you work well as a team too.

Couldn't leave it out.

Congrats anon!

Anonymous No. 843928




Anonymous No. 843937

learning fspy

Anonymous No. 843941

Materials and modelling are pretty good, but there's something off about how the numbers look, they don't really look like they're part of the model/materials.

Anonymous No. 843954

>Stop regurgitating hollywood meme garbage.
"great artists steal" is picasso paraphrasing ts elliot you uncultured retard

Anonymous No. 843955

doesn't change the fact that it's become a crutch for retards wanting to larp as artists.

Anonymous No. 843960

>corporation spews out the same generic garbage PRODUCT over and over
>hobbyist plays next gen sims with other people's assets
dude great artists steal lmao

Anonymous No. 843965

So I'm at a weird position right now where I have the same scene set up both in Blender and UE, and I can't decide in which one should I finish it.

Both provide equal amount of pain, just in different areas. With Cycles it is slow to change things (and I'm the most undecisive person in galaxy), visualize animation (because this will be animated) and render times are ridiculous.

In UE4 on the other hand, lighting isn't as good and requires additional AO maps etc. to make things look right, glass materials are fucked up and the final result will look worse. But also, since it isn't as annoying to tweak things in it compared to Blender, final result can actually be better because I won't give up as quickly and can always tweak final shots practically minutes before publishing.

Idk what to do, I pretty much stopped working on it for months because I was burnt out and now when I think about this I'm already not feeling like even finishing it.



Anonymous No. 843979

more screenshots with some polypaint
let me know what you guys think

Anonymous No. 843980

You should have separated the parts u beveled before beveling it...



Anonymous No. 843981




Anonymous No. 843982


Anonymous No. 843983

Strong light on a black background willl make anything move.

Anonymous No. 843984

You answered your own question.
Stick with UE4 because chances are higher that you'll finish it.
The ability to do a higher amount of iterations cannot be underestimated. It keeps you moving, doesn't hinder your motivation and you don't have to wait for external factors like render time.
Also can you isolate the glass material? Meaning, are you glass objects strongly embedded in the scene or could you render the glass in cycles and compose it in?
Don't think too much about a final result that'll look worse, the alternative is not a better Cycles render, but no render because you probably wont finish it.
Finish it, put it out. A result that is finished, but looks slightly worse than a result that'll take you 2 more months is better because 80/20 rule. 2 months is enough to do several other projects.
Also you have always the option to come back later and do a cycles version.

Anonymous No. 843985

Imagine not rendering in Godot... what a waste.

Anonymous No. 843992

Thanks for your opinion, I agree. I do a ton of iterations both in scene composition, lighting, camera movements etc. These things were a pain to do in Cycles. + I miss some nice features UE4 provides me with. At the end of the day I'm focusing on game art anyway. Thought it could be nice to showcase Cycles render in one project, but eh, I don't think it matters anyway. And as you say, I can always render at least some stills in Cycles if I want to.

Idk if I can isolate glass materials, I have some water effects and glass objects in the scene I wanted to focus on in some shots, but if they don't end up looking nice at the end, I'll just ignore those shots and keep them at distance.

Anonymous No. 844011

>I wanted to focus on in some shots, but if they don't end up looking nice at the end, I'll just ignore those shots and keep them at distance.
Maybe rendering just those shots with cycles might be an option?
Think about it, make some tests, see if it is too jarring (the difference in quality) and if its worth to do them at all.
If you can prioritize your project more cleverly you might get a good production efficiency. Do everything else first, keep the problematic shots for last.

Anonymous No. 844050

damn, nice image OP, I especially like the goblin under the bridge, and the reflection in the water

Anonymous No. 844053

I know this is a little late, but when you do turntables, make sure your keyframes are set to linear so it loops properly— the spline keyframes are giving you that nasty slow in-slow out effect. Really nice work otherwise!

Anonymous No. 844110

yeah I noticed, I thought I did, but as you can see I fucked up

Anonymous No. 844140

it is because your mother fucks niggers

Anonymous No. 844150

It's really all of /3/'s hard work that makes it special, I just got rid of the backgrounds and put them all together.
Though I did add some shadowing to make the things under the bridge fit-in.

But yeah, the idea for the next set of OP images is to keep the train going, and add things from this thread into the previous OP image.
Hopefully by the end, we'll have a wip image that's filled to the brim with everyone's work.
It'll make it seem like we've got some kind of board "culture" at least.


Difficult prog.png

Anonymous No. 844154

defining the shapes of my block out to be more accurate to the camcorder's dimensions. How do I go from a couple shapes with a bevel modifier into... A realtime model?

Anonymous No. 844160

Wouldn't this be easier to poly-model?

Anonymous No. 844162

>How do I go from a couple shapes with a bevel modifier into... A realtime model?
You'd take the same model, turn off the modifiers and use that as the low-poly, then use a program like Substance painter to bake the details from the high-poly model to the low-poly one. So you get the nice bevels and stuff as texture data instead of actual geometry.

Anonymous No. 844217

I'm done with him anons any suggestions regarding the composition or the model?



Anonymous No. 844219

toilet/jetpack I'm currently working on
any suggestions?

Anonymous No. 844220

it better fly by shooting out jets of human waste.



Anonymous No. 844224

Early WIP of a raygun I 'm working on , inspired by Warframe



Anonymous No. 844242

rig looks like ass at the moment but i ended up making a cool pose

love this, so silly

Anonymous No. 844251

Just make it a different frog? You can probably make it look a lot more eye-catching that way too.

Anonymous No. 844290

this could be a team fortress 2 asset

Anonymous No. 844296

I am poly modeling it
Thanks I'll continue working and search on the details of that workflow when I'm there



Anonymous No. 844308



Here is some ass and abdomen I made to motivate you anon.

Anonymous No. 844322

Name of the matcap you're using?

Anonymous No. 844344


Search Zbro matcap on gumroad. They are free.

Anonymous No. 844348


Anonymous No. 844357

Thanks cutie buns

Anonymous No. 844369

make it fatter



Anonymous No. 844372


>2 clicks of inflate brush

Anonymous No. 844373

Don't listen to the retard, the first one was better.

Anonymous No. 844437



Untitled 1.jpg

Anonymous No. 844439



Anonymous No. 844461

grabbed Skuddbutt's model of Pacifica Northwest and did a bit of retopo, started building the mouth and eyes

Anonymous No. 844463

What did it look like before? Did it really need retopo?

Anonymous No. 844478


Anonymous No. 844479

where do u get those figure base models?


Screenshot 2021-0....jpg

Anonymous No. 844480

Sup /3/, where can I find the group render you did of this?



Anonymous No. 844494

Here is 10 month progress of my grinding anatomy. Will I gmi bros?

Anonymous No. 844496

That's UE mannequin.

Anonymous No. 844497


Anonymous No. 844509




Anonymous No. 844526

Learning lighting, so it currently looks like it was lit by a 5 year old



Anonymous No. 844528




Anonymous No. 844529


Anonymous No. 844531

Switch to UE5 and save yourself the pain. Dynamic light looks shitty and baked lighting is painful to work with. At least in comparison to amazing Lumen that just werks like in an offline renderer, except it is realtime. No need to make lightmaps, no problems with low lightmap resolution, no bake errors you spend hours to fix, no lighting hacks and on top of that everything looks great.

Anonymous No. 844532

Thanks for the tip man. I'm still crazy early in the process so I'll probably switch to ue5



Anonymous No. 844536

this is the original



Anonymous No. 844540

blender is fun

ALL HAIL UE5 No. 844554

you forgot nanite. Building meshes for nanite will change your workflow completely. So much easier than the pants on head retarded way we've been optimizing meshes before.

Anonymous No. 844563

You're retarded.



Anonymous No. 844567

I'm a little concerned about how the eye area looks— not the topology, but how "bug-eyed" it feels. Is there more temple, or is it just the angle of the picture? I know Gravity Fall's characters have their eyes come out pretty far from their head, but yeah

Also, I feel like these planes here are kinda unnecessary, you might as well add some loop to the lips, and continue the big loop going around the nose, just for ease of deformations.

Body topo looks really clean, though, nice work so far

Anonymous No. 844571

you're out of date

Anonymous No. 844574

Nanite doesn't even support transparency my dude.

Anonymous No. 844586

Yeah I see, it's missing a face/eyes and the head is a separate mesh. Apart from that it doesn't seem too bad.
Makes you wonder why the dude half-assed the head when that's arguably the most important part in recognizing the character.

Anonymous No. 844588




Anonymous No. 844601

Anonymous No. 844610

Just came here to say, GG to whoever did the misty model. Look through last thread after seeing OP and she's cute. Do one of May next and I'll ask for your blog, Good luck to you anon.

Anonymous No. 844622

>it has now been brought to my attention that I accidentally chopped off her ponytail when removing her from the background to put in the OP
The new subject selection in Photoshop is great, but I guess I got a bit overzealous with how much it sped things up that I didn't even notice her ponytail was gone.
I'll fix it in the next OP.

Anonymous No. 844632

stop cramming nanite down our throads. Outside of very specific cases, nanite is completely useless buzzword nonsense

Anonymous No. 844648

go back the s&box discord, braxen

Anonymous No. 844649

what is your use case?



Anonymous No. 844679

just the shoes.

Anonymous No. 844709

nice blaze you have there anon

Anonymous No. 844783

Make him yellow and give him some spots or something. Do the bare minimum to throw them off your trail.



Anonymous No. 844796

goddamn that looks sick

Anonymous No. 844807

just show them Boy's Club

Anonymous No. 844925

didn't expect to see any other s&fags here



Anonymous No. 844956

Anonymous No. 844959

oh no



Anonymous No. 844975


I'm starting to use 3D blender backgrounds for my animations so I can do try better camera angles....Still rendering the 2D animation in Moho because I'm hesitant to mess with greasepencil...

i didn't know this board existed until recently, hello /3/


images (1).jpg

Anonymous No. 844976

so I can try*** gah sorry for that.


This one has a few more camera angles than the video I posted but it's a much weaker environment.



Anonymous No. 844988

thanks anon, started texturing a while back.

Anonymous No. 844994

alright, fuck this board

Anonymous No. 844996

There's no way I'm ever posting my work again here until mods clean this board from degenerates

Anonymous No. 844999

why biker outfit tho?
looks interesting but still why?

Anonymous No. 845000


Anonymous No. 845002

not like your work was any good to begin with



Anonymous No. 845005


Anonymous No. 845006


Are you triggered by boobs and ass? Are you gay?

Anonymous No. 845019

Welcome anon. Hope you enjoy your stay.
Maybe try out grease pencil for something to see how you like it, since the drawings would be in the same space as your environments, but if your existing workflow ain't broke there's no reason to switch unless you really want to.

Anonymous No. 845026


Anonymous No. 845033

thank you king. yeah the lighting possibilities alone would make it worthwhile...definitely going to keep experimenting.

Anonymous No. 845039




Anonymous No. 845299

I'm using the Kyo Nest Outfit as a base.



Anonymous No. 845300

anyone else get sick of it all sometimes or is it just me

Anonymous No. 845305

like with anything, taking a long break can reignite the passion you had for it
also try weighted normals so you dont get balloon looking shading

Anonymous No. 845307

thanks for the help on both fronts

Anonymous No. 845312

nice ass



Anonymous No. 845479


Anonymous No. 845495

proportions look odd... i think the head is too large

Anonymous No. 845499

Start over man



Anonymous No. 845501


Grats, now make her lewd.



Anonymous No. 845515

part 8 character in the style of the ps2 jojo game
only thing I'm not confident in is the creases of the clothing



Anonymous No. 845531

few wips for my shitty half life 1 mod

Anonymous No. 845567

ahahaha, awesome



Anonymous No. 845609

she turned out really nice anon, congrats on your finished work
might want a nail trimmer tho

meanwhile there's my puny attempt at making blaze head for 3d printing
sculpting hates me so the only thing i'm remotely capable of is subdivision modeling



Anonymous No. 845653


Screenshot 2021-0....jpg

Anonymous No. 845678


Anonymous No. 845721

extremely soulful

Anonymous No. 845727

idk why, but somehow it resembles Elliot Rodger for me



Anonymous No. 845853




Anonymous No. 845854


Anonymous No. 845856

What's really kicking my ass is getting a nice cut into the body so I can have those turbine thingies stick out.
I tried booleans but they result in a ton of those normal artifacts, so I eventually used slide vertex to rougly aproximate the shape of the cut and deleted the faces like an ape.

Any suggestions would be great

Anonymous No. 845857

that looks extremely unwieldy to hold

Anonymous No. 845861

at this point , you should just rework it into a GPU

Anonymous No. 845865

Yes, look up some basic tutorials on topology so you can use the booleans to get the result you want.

Anonymous No. 845868

I know this isn't the thread for it but does anyone have any idea on what is up with this? >>845753 another anon said to change the material properties, which I done, but it didn't make any difference.
I tried it again, the way I'd done it originally, with just a cube and it worked fine. The only issue with it was that the top of the cube always looked flat, but the sides looked the way they should.
I've changed the height from everything between 0.2 and 50, even when 1 is normally way too strong, and it just looks exactly the same.



Anonymous No. 845883

My workaround for having the cut look nice. I think it turned out decent.
But yeah, hard surface modeling and bools is what I'm looking up next. I heard of some kind of box cutting tool, but that seems like cutting corners (no pun) since in the back-end it's still booleans.

Anonymous No. 845891

What makes this look so cg? Is it the lighting? I think it may be the lighting



Anonymous No. 845900

Sup /3/ I modeled this in 3h (in blender) based on this shitty video game model https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4117316

Rate my end result 1/2



Anonymous No. 845901

2/2 The claw in close up.

Anonymous No. 845904

It's immediately clear on what it was based. That's a plus.

Anonymous No. 845905

>It's immediately clear on what it was based. That's a plus.
Can you elaborate on this?

Anonymous No. 845907

Didn't open the link but it looks like those Quake 2 annoying bastards that shoot you with the railgun.
That or some old silver age comic book robot



Anonymous No. 845908

*Your guy is too front-heavy. His feet need to be bigger
*Head and that lower torso are too curved and don't jam with the straight shapes of the rest of your model
*His Claw arm is too long. The arm, not the claw.
Here's a robot of the type you want to make I think, maybe that helps?

Anonymous No. 845911

it looks like a protoss weapon, but tiny



Anonymous No. 845912

If you want to make that Quake 2 guy, make him stockier and buliker. Wider torso, thicker legs etc.
Add bevels to his armor bits to emphasize he's wearing thick armor. For his limbs just make the thick armor bits and join them with a "meat joint" , Sculpt some veins or cables on it to differentiate it from the armor bits.
Put more detail on the gun.
If you won't wanna mess around with getting the head right, add this guy's head instead. It's fully metalic and easier to model



Anonymous No. 845922

Anonymous No. 845928


My first animation.

Anonymous No. 845930

Fangs are a bit too loud.

Anonymous No. 845931

I don't hear anything.

Anonymous No. 845938

If you retire can you add a new manager to the same save or do you have to start a new one?

Anonymous No. 845946

Thanks for this insight

Anonymous No. 845962

dude just ad a slight slight slight normal map that raises the number edges a little bit, just to simulate the extra paint/plastic layer of the numbers



Anonymous No. 846014

made some progress with lr300 customisator

Anonymous No. 846016

not an ak platform? cringe

actually this looks great anon, probably one of the most detailed models in this thread. nice

Anonymous No. 846020

im huge fan of stalker games, whole project started as a joke at first, and it went out of hands. I'd like to make an AK version of this, but im afraid Ivan will hunt me from the grave if i put too many rails on it.
But hey, you have the underfolding stock transplanted from AKM, so its something

Anonymous No. 846059

Now make him naked

Anonymous No. 846062

>that transitional quad

Anonymous No. 846067

hi jack, keep going!

Anonymous No. 846113

you're into stocky manlets? lol
maybe one day i might make an "anatomical reference" version


ZBrush Document.jpg

Anonymous No. 846150

this is what im working on in my free time, its the high res for a real time model, still have a long way to go

Anonymous No. 846151

nice, is it for printing?

Anonymous No. 846152

give the toilet seat some more loops, It looks great dud , keep adding detail like some pipes.


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 846158




Anonymous No. 846182

Making a short music video



Anonymous No. 846191

this inspired me, thank you

Anonymous No. 846193

As an UL pilot this bother me. WHAT is that engine? How do you induce yawing?

Anonymous No. 846200

with the magic of goofy 3D mixed with cartoon logic, anything is possible.

Anonymous No. 846206

Probably not a great idea to have the exhaust pointing directly at the back of the pilots head regardless.

Anonymous No. 846210

My recently finished work, made this dumb thing in 2ish hours. I wanted to have more than one of these red fuckers one for different pitches in the song but you can't edit baked F-curves to and audio file, low effort but check it out


Anonymous No. 846220

you're literally flying a toilet... getting a third degree burn in the back of your head is the least of your concerns i guess

Anonymous No. 846221

I'm not talking about realism. If you want to animate effects like smoke or fire shooting out of there, deformations etc, having to work around a person sitting directly in its path will be a hassle.

Anonymous No. 846224

let him sniff the fumes

Anonymous No. 846225

Form follows function. In that regard it's shit.


Musketta Man.png

Anonymous No. 846229

r8 fantasy musket. its like a breach loading muzzle loading hybrid.

Anonymous No. 846230

i dont know if you realized but this is just a 3d equivalent of a shitpost (hehe) and i won't animate or really use it anywhere and it was specifically made for this thread and for that reply
its really a low effort 3d shitpost if theres such a thing

quite literally


open breach.jpg

Anonymous No. 846231

open breach version, magic splody crystal goes into the vice which gets crushed, than when you pull the trigger it lets the pressure out into the barrel

Anonymous No. 846233


interesting concept.



Anonymous No. 846238

I am right about where you are on the left so its pretty inspiring seeing you grind it out to the right which is my goal. I have to ask though, do you feel like the zbro matcap is better than the normal grey? Also how is that background for late night sculpting because it looks like it would be pleasant to sculpt in the day time, but tiring to look at during the night. Pic related is a 3D printing project im working on.


スクリーンショット 2021-08....png

Anonymous No. 846260

model that I've been sculpting is there anything horribly wrong im doing?

Anonymous No. 846263

fingers are all sorts of weird
you have a hand (hopefully), please hold it up to your screen next to your model.

Anonymous No. 846266



Maybe its just me but she feels too stiff. Look at random figure drawings and see how everything flows like an S curve.

Anonymous No. 846268

Very cute face anon, pretty jealous.



Anonymous No. 846272

true I'll work on the hands more it's definitely something I struggle with

feels hard to get nice curves when youre doing an A pose but I'll see what I can do to try to get it dynamic

too kind!


2021-08-24 22_39_....png

Anonymous No. 846290

I spent the entire day on a ropucha class landing ship. It's intended to eventually be 3D-printed in 1:600 scale. I'm pretty happy with it but I don't know how to do the final important things.
Does anyone have any good guides on how to do truss masts in fusion 360? That's one of the important elements as the radar mast has that construction.
Railings will probably be hard to print and I'm considering just getting 1:700 scale photoetched railing bits once I've printed it, even if those are usually a pain to work with.
On the real ship the bow splits open to land troops and it would be extremely cool to have a version with open bow gate and simple interior, but I have no idea how to make that. The bow area was easily the hardest part of the ship to get somewhat right

Anonymous No. 846292

>ropucha class
anon z polska?

Anonymous No. 846295

no, that's just what they're called. They were built in Poland though IIRC

Anonymous No. 846297

Yes, that they were.

Anonymous No. 846342

any reason why you're still on 2.79

Anonymous No. 846351

The proportions of those fingers make me wonder if you have ever seen a human hand before.

Other than that, she's looking ok

Anonymous No. 846352

Maybe he like having more than 5 fps in viewport.

Anonymous No. 846354

silence, esl

Anonymous No. 846362

yeah do a new captain america funko pop instead


2021-08-25 13_11_....png

Anonymous No. 846406

there we go. Went easier than I would have thought actually after I got some sleep. The bow gate is a hackjob but it's good enough to plop down as a centerpeice on a gaming table

Anonymous No. 846412

lol I always have a really hard time scultping fingers in Zbrush they always turn super noodley

Anonymous No. 846430

thats not how it works
if you actually make the outer sides of the arse a little less round it would look more natural and hotter
but also asses come im many shapes and sizes so some might be rounder and some might be fatter but also flatter they are all nice in their own way
BUT what you made looks like a fake arse which is the only type of ass that doesnt look aesthetic to me
i think it looks that way because the thighs are pretty skinny relative to the arse
t.ass expert



Anonymous No. 846444

My second character attempt, is it any good?


image (4).png

Anonymous No. 846454

Starting to look like an actual town

Anonymous No. 846459

loos like a tranny, sorry

Anonymous No. 846461

maybe bump up the subsurface scattring a little bit you can barely tell it's there

Anonymous No. 846463

actually, yes.
If that is truly your second character attempt than you might have natural talent and you are already better than 95% of noobs who start with characters. The style is pretty unique (and not buttugly like that of most of your competitors), the design is pretty good overall, the colours are great, you're off to a great start.
The SSS is way to strong, the hair coming off her scalp at the top look kinda strange and her ear is clipping through the hairs, but compared to what you've done right the second time, this is nothing.
Keep on pushing and you'll get somewhere, in contrast to many who attempt to do characters and post their stuff here, I can see lots of potential in yours.
Godspeed anon.

Anonymous No. 846505

not him but the ui looks much better than this new minimalist garbage

Anonymous No. 846506

Why the fuck does UE5 look so bad? Even source 1 looks better in terms of lighting

Anonymous No. 846508

>prefers muh nostalgia over functionality

Anonymous No. 846510

It doesn’t if you set up the lighting correctly.

Anonymous No. 846511

Guy literally said he was practicing lighting for the first time.



Anonymous No. 846527

does it look too much like that weird rifle from fortn ite? practicing

Anonymous No. 846538

looks like a hunk of junk, and thats a good thing

Anonymous No. 846541

Does it have to be that low poly these days.

Anonymous No. 846551

Make those holes nice and round, also don't have any faceting visible. Don't be scared to add more geo, we're living in 2021, dude. Especially if this is not a game asset, make it look nice for a personal project.

Anonymous No. 846552

Cam confirm, basically no idea what I'm doing. Just slapping up random lights to make the textures visible that I'm using

Anonymous No. 846559

I can't stop getting unreasonably pissed about the amount of attention some colorful stylized environments get on social media, those artists get featured literally everywhere and they don't even make their concept art. I'm even doing fine by myself and am getting featured in various industry publishings as well (+ I always make personal artwork instead of copying others), but I don't think I'll ever be able to reach this level of attention, mine are usually small features compared to those artists giving long interviews left and right about how they copied something. It's not even technically interesting, these are all students btw. It's just flashy and colorful and people coom all over it. It's not even just me, I stumble upon godlike artworks on ArtStation every so often where those artists get even less attention than me. It's painful and it sucks.

Anonymous No. 846561

Also, I think I'm triggered by it because of the fact that coming up with an actually interesting concept / idea and pursuing that vision until the completion is the hardest thing and at least for me the most soul consuming part. They skip all of that shit and go straight to shutting their brains and grinding out the assets. No thinking about textures, lighting, mood, shapes, visual language, composition, storytelling, shot order etc. They have all of that at the start. And then they dare to call themselves artists. Fuck that shit, barely anyone in 3D industry deserves that title. I don't even consider myself a true artist yet, even though at least I'm trying to say something with my personal artwork.

Anonymous No. 846562

post some examples of what you mean



Anonymous No. 846566

Alright, added a couple more little details to kinda break the boredom of it. I`ll eventually add more geometry and details to it but what do you guys think so far?



Anonymous No. 846591

First attempt at sculpting a head. How is it?

Anonymous No. 846611

I don't know anything about sculpting, but your ears are too high. The top of an ear (where it attaches to the head, not the tip) is roughly parallel to the corner of the eye. It's why glasses sit so well on the face. Something feels off about the eyes too, like they should be more forward facing.



Anonymous No. 846633

u like dags?



Anonymous No. 846642

an atlas beetle

Anonymous No. 846664

why does this look like fetish shit



Anonymous No. 846715

Coom has destroyed your brain.

Anonymous No. 846750

the model outlines near the belt look all sorts of weird, might be better to paint those

Anonymous No. 846759

looks cool



Anonymous No. 846761

I find heads hard. Especially noses. I'm also not sure about the eyebrow area, but that's probably because people have eyebrows.

Anonymous No. 846764

watch this:

Anonymous No. 846767

I'm not so sure about this one.



Anonymous No. 846768

creating a tombo.

Anonymous No. 846772

Straight out of the box I noticed metallic objects have a much nicer shine.

Anonymous No. 846799

>haven't practiced 3d regularly in about a year
>want to get back into it but can't muster up the effort and feel like i'd just drop it again within a month or two



Anonymous No. 846802

radio shack flyer looking mother

Anonymous No. 846812

Anon how did you make those textures?


abeja 2.png

Anonymous No. 846818

New render, what do you think?

Anonymous No. 846824

Looks like he used actual photos. Then you just match the UV islands to the correct places on the photo.

Anonymous No. 846825

very nice, reminds me of 2000's videogames

Anonymous No. 846828

>radio shack flyer looking mother



Anonymous No. 846843

a lot of pix of my camcorder make mini atlas's on my phone- continue to optimize the collage atlas on my PC and then yeah, dive in with UV square dance- anon >>846824 got it
I had this in mind- there's still clean up I need to do- originally I wanted to do a really high poly (blendswap locomotive autistic old man mode), and really accurate model, which then I would bake- (I dont know ) But I think I'll try out that type of workflow on a simpler prop next time- this camcorder is pretty odd shape and its my second attempt at modeling/texturing the specific model- I have other work that needs my attention now so I got to move forward
radio shack flyer looking mother

Anonymous No. 846844

do it. i'm trying to help you.

Anonymous No. 846855

It's a lot more in depth than the cheap udemy course I bought, so thanks for that. ngl, was pretty sure it was dolphins.



Anonymous No. 846858

Looks comfy



Anonymous No. 846860

scott is the GOAT and a trve artist

Anonymous No. 846903

very nice

Anonymous No. 846911

I like those; what's your texturing workflow?



Anonymous No. 846915


Anonymous No. 846926

The fuck are those teeth?



Anonymous No. 846943


Very basic. Mark seams, unwrap, straighten the UV layout and paint over that.



Anonymous No. 846944


the new UI gives me aids so im on 2.79. im not actually good at blender so i dont care about the new shit. 2.79 is much comfier.



Anonymous No. 846946

I meant more which software are you using? Maybe they fixed it, but trying to do pixel art in Blender was painful when I last tried; the brushsize was only able to go down to 1, and it was for radius, so the minimum was 2. (If you're using Blender)

Anonymous No. 846948

Just unwrap and use photoshop or gimp or whatever. This is standard procedure outside of using substance painter.

Anonymous No. 846949


Anonymous No. 846950

>favoring the new gay UI for anything that isnt sculpting

YOU are ngmi.

Anonymous No. 846953

just watched this video, I wanna make something like this

Anonymous No. 846961

Yeah I use photoshop.
I can't do pixel stuff in Blender.

Anonymous No. 846962

CSP is a great alternative to substance imo, let's you paint a texture and preview it live on the model

Anonymous No. 846969

>Didn't like the new UI so didn't update Blender
>Everyone convinces me I should
>It's a good decision
>Have to upgrade to 2.9 because of an addon I want to use that won't work with 2.8
>They've changed things like how you apply modifiers and the layout of certain panels that there was absolutely nothing wrong with

You wouldn't believe how much things like this piss me off. The modifier one is the most irritating because you had a big button there saying "apply". Now you have to use a drop down menu that you can barely tell is a drop down menu. Hate it.

Anonymous No. 846973


yea that all looks like a big gay headache. im sure there are million improvements and all my freinds meme on me for using 2.79 but i just dont care lol. sometimes the user experience is just more important.

Anonymous No. 846979

I definitely think 2.8/9 runs a lot better than 2.7, and it's really handy having Eevee, but I hate stupid changes like the one I mentioned that seem to get made for no reason. The Firefox update is the same, I really fucking hated that.
I'm surprised there's not some kind of skin you can use to change the UI or something when you update Blender, assuming it would be possible.

Anonymous No. 846991

It runs better and sculpting is... pretty decent. The next update 3.0 or something is meant to take the engine into polycounts that can match zbrush instead of half dying if you go over a million.

Anonymous No. 847001

Will that performance carry over into the conventional modeling side of things, or are they still leaving us out in the cold?

Anonymous No. 847005

if something really that small is bothering you that much then i highly reccomend Modifier List
it's pretty great

Anonymous No. 847007

polygons are polygons anon, i dont think theres a difference between polygons made from sculpting



Anonymous No. 847011

My first sculpt, does anyone know how I should do the teeth? I can't get them looking right.

Anonymous No. 847013

Yes, it should be even stronger there since they showed off moving 2 mil polys in edit mode.
There always was. It was easy to sculpt but the same model in edit mode would have seconds to minutes of lag.

Anonymous No. 847014

You make little boxes and just kinda shove them in there.

Anonymous No. 847017

That's good to hear then.

Anonymous No. 847027

Sweet thanks I'll look into trying that out. I just hate changes that are unnecessary and interrupt me trying to do something.



Anonymous No. 847182

going to do some kawaii game character fanart since that stuff seems to do well on artstation with minimal effort



Anonymous No. 847234

I'm practicing modeling lowpoly cars.



Anonymous No. 847256

use dental cross-sections as reference

i personally would sculpt a quick tooth mesh, copy and resize them into place them boolean those into the sculpt but you can also just sculpt them directly on the model

Anonymous No. 847257

very nice

Anonymous No. 847259

There's no reason to sculpt teeth as part of the same model when Dynamesh would destroy them anyway.

Anonymous No. 847261

Looks good.



Anonymous No. 847262

I tried almost every trick in the book to get this demo sculpt to look hyperrealistic and i almost succeeded if not for my xgen becoming corrupt and all things that involved it in any shape or form caused an instant crash so no hair today. Still learning painter and maya.



Anonymous No. 847301

note: this was before i learned about texturing...
good maps make all the difference, eh?

Anonymous No. 847310

add lighting to that.

Anonymous No. 847323

>lumpy shit
>lumpy shit with different color
Not sure

Anonymous No. 847340


not to get you confused - my most recent work is >>847262.

is old, untextured

Anonymous No. 847341

is this joe biden?

Anonymous No. 847342

its so awful it looks like one of those weird experimental band album covers

Anonymous No. 847347

its good enough, crab.

Anonymous No. 847348

What fresh hell is this.

Anonymous No. 847351


Will smith, it's been 1 year of WIP threads and you still haven't improved. Please stop before you hurt yourself further.....

Anonymous No. 847355

funny that you say that, because all i see is hyperrealism now in >>847262

Anonymous No. 847373

Never stop posting please you're the only reason I still visit this board



Anonymous No. 847384

Put on the eyebrow and the upper eyelash. Not happy with my substance painter experience, feel like i need more control. Im going to try Mari - its industry standard and should be proven.

Anonymous No. 847389

Will smith? Is it another schizo?

Anonymous No. 847394

I see you're not familiar with Woll Smoth.
He's /3/'s most "skilled" artist.

Anonymous No. 847395

is that your way of saying that >>847384 is somehow "unskilled" ?

Anonymous No. 847399

Yes, Mari will clean that right up.



Anonymous No. 847400

Anonymous No. 847401

what makes you say that? Is it better software?



Anonymous No. 847402

I've never modeled anything before, or used Blender for that matter. I learned how to make one of those low poly PS1 styled designs. I followed a tutorial but it didn't go so well, so I made my own character instead. What do you guys think for a first run?

Anonymous No. 847403

Yes, Substance Painter is only used for AAA. Your quality is clearly at at least AAAAA level, so Mari would be a good choice in this case.

Anonymous No. 847404

Why are you being sarcastic?

Anonymous No. 847407

Your troll posts don't deserve anything else. In a tiny chance you're just another schizo, you need to understand software has nothing to do with this, it's all about your lack of skills, taste and talent.

Anonymous No. 847411

why do you think im trolling? Do you think im capable of better and this is all just a joke or ...?

Anonymous No. 847418

Anyway to delete a face in blender and maintain your vertice selection?

Anonymous No. 847422

>look at CoC's source code to see how fenoxo structured things
>its a fucking mess
good lord this guy is a hack jesus christ
i wonder if the TiTS source is any better

Anonymous No. 847446

>is somehow "unskilled" ?
Oh, he's skilled.... he's a very accomplished caricature artist.

Anonymous No. 847447

Very good /3/ post.
Was there any doubt that Fenoxo was a hack?

Anonymous No. 847454

listen i meant to post that in /agdg/


Shizune Rem.jpg

Anonymous No. 847457


Making a waifu. Is she cute?

Anonymous No. 847464

yeah although not sure about those FAS lips



Anonymous No. 847481

This is my second human sculpt. I'm noob at blender but worked myself around the tools. Body is the worst for me, it always looks small compared to the head. Eyes aren't something I'm good at aswell. Tips for human anatomy?



Anonymous No. 847490

Pew pew



Anonymous No. 847505

I'm making this fella in blender and if I was not wanting to animate it I would have added some bevel modifiers to the armour so that the edges wont look so fake. Anything I should do to make it look better?

Anonymous No. 847506

For what it is it looks nice :)

Anonymous No. 847507

Reminds me of the original Driver for ps1

Anonymous No. 847508

Looks like you have a good grasp of the tools but im sure it will not come as a surprise to you when i say that you need to work on the anatomy lol. As that other guy said the ears and too small and too high, the nosdrills or the side of the nose lookin sus, the eyes i thing generally do not turn that much to the sides, and finally the neck muscles that go from behind the ear to the collarbone looks like it does to the adams apple on your sculpt. WHEN ALL OF THAT IS SAID I think that for a first sculp it is totally fine, I just remember a ear ago when i started sculpting i could see that my shit looked wonkey but i couldnt see exactly what was wrong so i how this helps you. Stay pimpin G B)))

Anonymous No. 847509

Is this a creepy pasta? Is my computer haunted now that i have seen this image? Soul???

Anonymous No. 847511

What do you mean real time model?

Anonymous No. 847516

Put a big ass moon behind him.

Anonymous No. 847524

Please teach me how the fuck to use fspy correctly. Every time I do a solve it makes the room waaaaay too long

Anonymous No. 847537

Bruv that is literally genius



Anonymous No. 847559

Robot dude I did inspired by



Anonymous No. 847578


fracturing this statue, i'll finish this project and render this week



Anonymous No. 847599

Ending this thread with my torso.

Anonymous No. 847600

I wouldn't add hair early, it would just cover up mistakes and other things

Anonymous No. 847602

i really like this style, do you have any tips for achieving it?

Anonymous No. 847605

Kek. What's the mod called?

Anonymous No. 847884

Page 5 reached
New thread here



Anonymous No. 848235

What can I use for materials that isn’t substance painter? I’m not giving Adobe any more neet bucks.

Anonymous No. 848594

Don't join teeth to the model. You can just leave them as a seperate object and use parenting to connect it to the rig.
No need to complicate your model unnecessarily.