
wip collage 2 .jpg

🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 847882

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Collage Edition 2: This Time, it's Personal -
More of your hard work!

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>843718
List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB

Anonymous No. 847891

love these collage editions, keep it up

Anonymous No. 847893

love how you get creative with this picture every thread, keep it up

Anonymous No. 847894

thanks for adding my model to the collage, makes me want to model more

Anonymous No. 847924

I get good material to work with. I'm having fun making the little hoard for the goblin in the cave.
>keep it up
Same to you!

>makes me want to model more
That was my hopeful goal with it. Give something for anons to have fun with and hopefully keep them making things. I know they're not making things to go specifically in the OP, but I think it does feel nice to get some recognition for something someone put time into. Maybe they'd want to keep doing more.
You keep modelling, I'll keep adding.



Anonymous No. 847937

Anonymous No. 847948


Anonymous No. 848028

>I think it does feel nice to get some recognition for something someone put time into. Maybe they'd want to keep doing more

It did for me. The only thing that puts me off now is that every time I open Blender, work on something for a bit, and then close Blender my computer starts running like complete shit. I think I need a fresh install of Windows.

Anonymous No. 848030

you didn't include mine so it made me want to model less

Anonymous No. 848033


Same. Not posting anymore. Only thing left are the schizos.

Anonymous No. 848037

cry me a river, faggot

nb: not OP

Anonymous No. 848050


learn how to hide and ignore obvious schizo posts or sit and cope like >>848037 suggests

you retards actually get baited and reply to threads made by people like that shit colored colombian baboon

Anonymous No. 848052

>they say in defense of a thread started with an image containing at least two bottom of the barrel garbage models with huge horse cocks slapped onto them



Anonymous No. 848056

as if your work is any better



Anonymous No. 848060


H CQB2.png

Anonymous No. 848066



Anonymous No. 848080

>horsecock amogus in the toiletcopter

Anonymous No. 848081




Anonymous No. 848084

Hello. A-Anon? Good to see you again.

Anonymous No. 848088

Oh, God...


Capture 2.png

Anonymous No. 848089


Anonymous No. 848092

If it wasn't included it was probably one that was too difficult to grab out, an environment, unfinished to a point where it wouldn't really fit, or it looked like it was still being worked on and I didn't want to put something in that might be finished in the next thread.
I realize there's unfinished pieces in the OP to begin with, but they either seemed like the people were done working on them and left them like that, modeled well enough to stand alright on their own, or I could use them in one of the existing "scenes" in the OP (like the guy in the jet toilet).

If you really want your stuff in the next image, just point out the post from the previous thread and I'll put it in. I'm not trying to exclude anybody on purpose, and I'd rather not have shit flinging start because someone wasn't in it. That's not really the point.



Anonymous No. 848094

slowly getting there chads.

Anonymous No. 848111




Anonymous No. 848114

why do I always lose inspiration so quick


if you read this ....jpg

Anonymous No. 848115

Anonymous No. 848117

I could have swore this was posted a year or two ago, but the glasses and wine glass were too small. Was that you?
>tfw gay


this thread was t....png

Anonymous No. 848119

Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels... his was the most...



Anonymous No. 848121

Something I've been drumming up.

Anonymous No. 848122

Because you're not a creative person.

Anonymous No. 848124

way too deep in the uncanny valley



Anonymous No. 848127

How do I fix this without seppuku?

Anonymous No. 848137

i have no idea what you're talking about

Anonymous No. 848139

I believe you...it just seems incredibly suspicious that it was that exact model and everything, right down to the retro computer, glasses, and wine glass. Unless it's part of a tutorial or a certain reference image or something. I've just never known two people manage to come up with identical ideas.
I'm not knocking it or anything btw, I like it.

Anonymous No. 848142

No worries. Just figured it needed to be said anyway in case someone really did feel like that.

Come on now, thread's just gettin started. Don't blow it out the airlock yet.

Anonymous No. 848143

make the limbs more animalistic, not human like



Anonymous No. 848146

Well, I went for the more human route on purpose, trying to create something a bit more 'relatable' on the anthromorphic scale.



Anonymous No. 848147

is not using majoirty of my uv map a bad thing?

Anonymous No. 848148

you'll find that the majority of people find uncanny characters less relatable than anthropomorphized animals

Anonymous No. 848149

you should be worried about consistent texel density
you can just crop the image to the nearset po2 size


wip map.jpg

Anonymous No. 848150

Exported superhuman Starfleet out of DAZ, been on that IK-less rig for so long. The plug-in rig generators in Blender could not solve for this mesh so I have been using the fbx rig that exported with it. Now, there is a Mixamo plug in for Blender. Uploaded mesh to Mixamo, downloaded new rigged character, used Mixamo to Blender plug in to generate nice IK rig. Tonight, we will run Hanna the same way. Hopefully we can come out with a nice shot. So let's see where we go from here. I Starfleet promise to post. Really the only question is: jazz or chill mix?



Anonymous No. 848151

tried to get a consistent texel density across the different models but what should i do when the islands are bigger than the uv map?
>nearset po2 size
what's that?



Anonymous No. 848155

long range trash rod

also thanks for including my models on the screenshot \o/


follow active quads.jpg

Anonymous No. 848159




Anonymous No. 848160

Oops, here



Anonymous No. 848161

another angle



Anonymous No. 848162

>what's that?
nearest power of 2
so if your resized dimensions are 1034x2040 you resize it to 1024x2048

>islands are bigger than the uv map?
just... scale them down?

average islands scale can help with getting their relative sizes correct and "pack uvs" can get you a good enough result
i reccomend UVPackMaster plugin if you want good auto packing

Anonymous No. 848163

thanks anons



Anonymous No. 848165

should I straighten this as well?

Anonymous No. 848166

there is always undo

Anonymous No. 848167

yeah my bad, i should start experimenting by myself



Anonymous No. 848183

Anonymous No. 848194

The guy who replied to you wasn't me, but if you want actual advice, he was pretty close.

soften-up the facial features. shrink the ears a bit, maybe make them floppier. looks more like a bat as-is. nose could be smaller.

most importantly - usually, even in very serious works, anthropomorphized characters are given a softer "cartoonish" appearance if you expect an audience to sympathize with it. when I say "cartoonish", i mean that the features are softened/smoothed (dewrinkled), the teeth become larger, smoother and more uniform, the behavior light and amicable, etc.

when you literally transplant a dog head on a human body, well - it's pretty self-explanatory. it looks like a victim of some unholy, schizo surgical procedure from the 12th century.

when you model, imagine what it will look like fully dressed - where the fur (texture or otherwise) will go, color composition, etc. this is the foundation. build up from there

Anonymous No. 848196

>12th century.
they did that in the 19'th



Anonymous No. 848203


Anonymous No. 848205

Post in the right thread, motherfucker: >>846099



Anonymous No. 848208


Anonymous No. 848210

I will go low, but I won't go that low.

Anonymous No. 848215

you're delusional if you think you're above that

Anonymous No. 848216

Why would I want to put a woman's head on a pair of balloons?



Anonymous No. 848218

But anon, I kinda wanted it to be edgy.
I was inspired by this image you see, I wanted something that looked dangerous. By relatable I meant "oh yeah he's got human features," not "oh yeah that thing looks friendly."
You are right on the nose though, and I'll soften it up a bit, but I sure as hell am not making it appealing. I need it to be raw.
Thanks for the advice though.

Well you know what they say about blacks...



Anonymous No. 848220

I was being hyperbolic, with the implication being that it would be ever worse.

Imagine requiring this to be explained to to, you autistic fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 848221

>imagine getting triggered on 4chan

Anonymous No. 848241

>all that effort so he doesn’t have to learn how to rig




Anonymous No. 848252

The current horrid accumulation of my uncanny work.


Inner World.jpg

Anonymous No. 848273

Working on a scene based off of Ichigo's inner world in Bleach.
I always though those scenes were pretty cool in the anime.
Still pretty early on, and most of the buildings don't have tops yet, but it's coming along.

Depending on things, I'll probably try to get Old Man Zangetsu in there. We'll see.

Anonymous No. 848274

>I Starfleet promise to post.
please don't. or, at least, don't do it here. this is not the thread for Daz content.

Anonymous No. 848277

not a fur fag but i like it

Anonymous No. 848279

are you using modular assets to make the buildings?

Anonymous No. 848280

Nah. Just been building out one floor with XY mirroring, and then just using an array to make them tall.
So I'm really only modelling 1/4th of a floor that I can turn into a skyscraper. Which for a simple building, I can knock one out in 5-6 mins.



Anonymous No. 848333

Arigato anon.
I'm no furfag either, I just like anthromorphs.



Anonymous No. 848349

The criticizer here - it actually does look pretty good.

I think it was the original pose that made it look awful, but with the facial emotions/attitude and scenarios you've used it's unironically a 9/10 for a base model.

I can imagine him being cool in a game, like the wolf in Darkwood.



Anonymous No. 848361

Yay, my dudes got in the collage!

I'm pretty much done with the rig and basic animations but I just can't find the courage to start making a proper character controller.

Anonymous No. 848368

just go ahead and texture it



Anonymous No. 848374

How do I merge the head and torso to continue sculpting ? tried to use a boolean modifier then join but when I sculpt they're not exactly joined and one mesh pushes the other for some reason.

Anonymous No. 848378

Join objects and use remesh

Anonymous No. 848406

average british citizen



Anonymous No. 848429

Sorry for the crappy resolution, but this is my first attempt at a Low poly Model (N64/PS1)

Anonymous No. 848431

Wouldn't he chop his dick off by swinging that.

Anonymous No. 848453

" consider the following "



Anonymous No. 848484

still a noob
working on a bowling alley animation

Anonymous No. 848485

This looks amazing, GMI



Anonymous No. 848488

with cycles



Anonymous No. 848500

posted this in /blg/ but thought i would post it here as well. can someone help me understand the difference between shaders and textures? can't i get the manga-ish style with just textures?

Anonymous No. 848504

Japanese artists managed to do it with just unshaded textures 20+ years ago, so can you.

Anonymous No. 848505

they did? can i get some references?



Anonymous No. 848507

Worked. It. Out.


sketch capute 2.png

Anonymous No. 848508

Anonymous No. 848510

obviously you can do it with just textures but you're going to have to do it for every object and it's a static thing so if you plan to aninate it then it's likely that it's going to look bad from a certain angle
ask these questions in sqt

Anonymous No. 848512

>it's a static thing so if you plan to aninate it then it's likely that it's going to look bad from a certain angle
didn't consider that, but i am mostly looking to make environments in 3d then animate characters in 2d.

Anonymous No. 848514

Some people (blender users mostly for some reason) tend to mistakenly use shader to describe basic materials. While not necessarily wrong, the term shader should be reserved for more complex all encompassing functions, such as those that apply to an entire scene to change it's appearance. An example being a cel shader.
Presumably you mean materials to which the answer is simple. A texture is a single map and a material/shader describes a complete set of instructions for how something will end up looking.
In other words, a shader consists of several functions and potentially several maps (textures).
A texture is just a flat image.

Hopefully that makes sense to you.

Anonymous No. 848516

Listen to this anon.

Anonymous No. 848559

the hair looks bad, is it because of denoising?

Anonymous No. 848560

>the term shader should be reserved for more complex all encompassing functions

Here you have a perfectly valid shader:

shader constant (
color Cin = color(0.49, 0.31, 0.10),
output color Cout = color(1, 1, 1)
) {
// nigger
Cout = Cin;

Anonymous No. 848565

Yes, I said should be. Not is.
It is my personal preference to separate the terms in this manner as it's quite evident that not doing so causes endless confusion for people.
No one would come here asking what a shader is if you didn't have a bunch of different applications using their own terms synonymously with it.
As for your example I believe that goes under "a complete set of instructions for how something will end up looking".



Anonymous No. 848569

this is what I am aiming for, so the crosshatching present in the frame is the texture for the floor as well as the reddish color and the cel shaded shader is for the characters. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJX2e8YhJ90



Anonymous No. 848571

Lights and denoising. Copy.

Anonymous No. 848577

What’s the point of having input if you do nothing with the values?

Anonymous No. 848578

They're cel shading everything in that clip.



Anonymous No. 848580

guess i will try setting up a cel shader, hopefully it wont look ass like pic related

Anonymous No. 848582

Shouldn't be too difficult with some researching online. Plenty of people have worked on different styles of cel shading for all kinds of applications over the years and most of it is available online.
I think one of the issues with your picture is the texture just doesn't look very good. It's a basic spray paint brush it looks like. Imagine trying to draw that.
The reason the video you linked looks convincing enough is that the texture have been done with actual drawing techniques in mind. Try using something that looks like pencil shading. In other words, lines.

The environment and lighting also isn't terribly dynamic because you've just started. It'll look better as you add more detail.

Anonymous No. 848585

yup going to collect some more references and I also noticed the texel density for the window and walls are off. thanks for the help anon



Anonymous No. 848588

Hey, trying to get the torso right, 1st time doing this but kinda lost, I am looking at references but would appreciate if anyone has any pointers

Anonymous No. 848590

It's like you completely forgot that the ribcage exists. Keep the egg shape in mind for the ribcage and then layer muscle on top of that. I usually think in terms of bone -> muscle -> fat -> skin. Don't be afraid to set up reference images in the orthographic views to get a sense of proportions because your sculpt is so unbelievably thick like someone pulled them by the nipples forward and then hung them so their body extended. This is like if the human centipede had no bones and turned into an actual, fleshy centipede.

Anonymous No. 848591

Don't mention it and good luck.

Anonymous No. 848596

Get the book anatomy for sculptors online somewhere.

Anonymous No. 848605

it's a constant shader, you can give some mesh a uniform color with that, regardless of lighting

Anonymous No. 848620

Yeah, but what if I just write Cout=color(0.49, 0.31, 0.10)
and skip all the previous value setting?



Anonymous No. 848625

Flame on.

Anonymous No. 848626

you need to define the input if you want to control the value from the shader network, otherwise it's hard-coded. in other words, that's just a default



Anonymous No. 848628

The overall shape of that model is bad. I would suggest some post processing and enhancement here

Anonymous No. 848640

Is it just me, or is Blender extremely shitty at sculpting? I used up my Zbrush free trial and reverting back to Blender is extremely depressing. At least Maya makes up for it by having a very nice retopology tool

Anonymous No. 848641

Blender is not a dedicated sculpting application. There's gotta be shortcomings.

Anonymous No. 848653

You sick fuck.

Anonymous No. 848657

It's mostly just performance now. Blender will shit itself way before you hit the big boy numbers. A few useful brushes are missing too.

Anonymous No. 848659

his corrections seem fair to me, especially around the knee and shoulder

Anonymous No. 848670

That is real good advice from comparing 2 layers in Krita. Thanks, Anon, nice tip, that means a lot. We will not destroy your planet now.

Anonymous No. 848671


Anonymous No. 848672

just pirate zbrush



Anonymous No. 848674

I am once more asking for advice. If anyone remembers I think I got the nose into a much better state.



Anonymous No. 848675

Now with Vertex Colors

Anonymous No. 848678

compare it against your reference and make a judgement - sometimes it help me to look at my sitting position, distractions around me, even rotating view upside down.

Anonymous No. 848679



Capture 2.png

Anonymous No. 848694

Working with the silhouette in sculpt mode the model was tightened as to a better shape. Thank you for helping to complete it with the good advice.

Anonymous No. 848714

ah, it's mostly just a blind model beyond anothr mesh I used to place the features accurately.
I think I will do body and clothes to detox myself of the usual mistake blindless I develop.
The moonface makes it difficult to tell both gender and age. If that was what you were going for well done because I don't find it uncanny.



Anonymous No. 848723

why do i suck



Anonymous No. 848726

>when actual seasoned artists and industry chads tackle a project
>FOSS weeb coomers need not apply

Anonymous No. 848729

>I think I will do body and clothes
lets continue - meet back here tonight - I got 2 models to pose



Anonymous No. 848730

Not too bad, my first working animation

Anonymous No. 848740

its not that bad.
Don't beat yourself over the head. Aim high, but pat yourself on the shoulder if you are better today than you where yesterday, even if you are not reaching that high level you aim for.
Constant dripping hollows out a stone.
If you're not satisfied with a project, either push yourself and do not stop until you are or if you feel you lack experience, increase the amount of projects you finish and see them as exercises. The more you do, the better you get - just observe and see that you don't stagnate, you want to slowly build up your comfort zone.



Anonymous No. 848742

fuck man, I wish i could understand lighting and making good textures. i thought i could finish a toon scene this weekend but it just looks ugly

Anonymous No. 848745

why not just screen record and handbrake it into WebM?

Anonymous No. 848747

-populate your scene with more props, and use saturated colors as your environment light's colors
-also let some light go through that window (i suggest area lamps),
-the shadows on your chair or whatever that is looks unrealistic, as it doesn't come from the window itself, and gives away the "closed room" effect you're going for
-last but not least, add a plane outside the window, and give it a texture of the night sky (ofc turn off its specular and roughness)

Anonymous No. 848785

Never noticed the arms on that thing.

Anonymous No. 848790

Quite good, actually

Anonymous No. 848791

Anyone got a good study on hand anatomy?

Anonymous No. 848792

to be fair, there's not a lot of improvement there, compared to what the other anon suggested. it's still wrong, but in different ways (thigh/ham, shoulder). instead of working just on the silhouette, sculpt the full correct shapes. lighting can easily reveal improper forms.

to save time in the long run, you should consider attaching better pose-space deformations to your rig.



Anonymous No. 848796

Practiced doing a face since I'm pretty bad at them, what should I do differently next time?

Anonymous No. 848799

>the shadows on your chair or whatever that is looks
fuck that dosen't look like a desk?

Anonymous No. 848802

It does, the other guy must have some kind of brain damage for going to chair before desk.

Anonymous No. 848806

- use a toon shader (a really basic one is just doing Diffuse BSDF -> Shader to RGB -> color ramp with high contrast -> multiply object color over that)
- dont use freestyle for cel-shading, use inverse hull (solidify with negative thickness, flipped normals, set its material to something appropriate)



Anonymous No. 848807

Faces complete



Anonymous No. 848825

final product (for now)

Anonymous No. 848833

Top of the head is too big. Ears go up too far. You shaped the skull to make the frown rather than using muscles.

Anonymous No. 848836

pretty cool anon.



Anonymous No. 848845

old repost, any design suggestions for my Protag.

Anonymous No. 848859

Looks cute anon.
I've got just the place for him in the next OP.

Anonymous No. 848863

could probably use more distinctive texturing, he blends in a lot with the environment
also, fix your normals


drop kills.webm

Anonymous No. 848864


its in unity, are the designs of these characters eye catching or just bland

Anonymous No. 848866

Hi Anons

Anonymous No. 848867

Yes, clothes, you said clothes

Anonymous No. 848868

not him but I like it, maybe give some outlines around the rings and see how it looks?



Anonymous No. 848871

>-also let some light go through that window (i suggest area lamps),
the light keeps glitching out



Anonymous No. 848873

>its in unity
I dont know why you have to specify the engine
>are the designs of these characters eye catching
its definitely going in the right direction, having characters based off of chess pieces, but you should definitely stop using a generic marble texture for them
bake some AO, make a real texture, and please -- fix the normals



Anonymous No. 848876


what kind of texture for these guys would you reccomend, all the characters in the game are going to be porcelain and marble construct type magic people.



Anonymous No. 848885

at my station, old lady is getting settled in.



Anonymous No. 848892

How to make better hair? Any good examples or advice on texture/normal maps for hair? As I won't use particle systems for this model. Thanks.

Anonymous No. 848899

pen glove

Anonymous No. 848904

wa ha I have complete control of the board!

Anonymous No. 848914

holy shit that face lmao



Anonymous No. 848919

>hideaki anno's evangelihole


Chess (harry pott....jpg

Anonymous No. 848943

The game looks pretty fun but i feel like you're stopping at mediocracy. pirate substance painter, Add some dirt and grime to things. Get reference pictures and add details to your environment. It looks so basic. So many cub shapes

Anonymous No. 848946

>add dirt and grim to things
>magically it will no longer be mediocre

Anonymous No. 848953

Isn't substance painter magical?

Anonymous No. 848955

i never said it would fix everything, it's a suggestion. I definitely think it would make it 15% better though.

Anonymous No. 848962

what am i looking at here?



Anonymous No. 848979


I am shooting for that early 2000's vibe as best I can, I'm no artist but I do have an aesthetic in mind



Anonymous No. 849018

does my sculpt look okey? I´m always unsure how much detail i should add if I´m just using the sculpt as retopo reference

Anonymous No. 849020

looks okay to me

Anonymous No. 849032

Watch this for inspiration.

Anonymous No. 849033

A schizo post.
Just ignore it.


Capture 2.png

Anonymous No. 849036

This is presenting challenges. Hard for my level of skill. How to achieve a natural render? Have not even tackled that yet. First, we have to get a natural pose with two characters. Started by roughing in two poses with reference as background. I see the Mixamo rig losing influence on the hand - checked weights and they look okay. I'm going to go ahead with it because I can still pose with the rig but I want to get it close with the rig and sculpt the detail. There is a lot of work to do here. That is where this WIP is at. This is where I'm at >>848885



Anonymous No. 849053

looking for any constructive criticism on this character's face poses and shape. I think it's pretty appealing so far but yeah

Anonymous No. 849058

you called it, lmao: >>849036

Anonymous No. 849059

Making gigantic spaghetti mess of a SD graph should be illegal. I'm trying to understand what the hell were they thinking, but it just goes in every direction. I need to create my own materials for a paid project, but this is just too much for me right now. Feel like crying, this shit is insane. I think I'll just have to do it manually in Painter. Goddamnit, if I'm an environment artist, that doesn't mean I should be an expert material artist as well. 3D salaries are horribly low when you consider how much knowledge you need to possess to achieve anything.

If I took the left path in life instead of the right one, now I could have been chilling and writing some dumb frontend code in Angular, being handholded by 10 different libraries and 70 github pages opened ready to be copy pasted, making buttons change colors and displaying user names in tables, all for big bucks. Not making whole animated scenes 100% from scratch just to survive.

Anonymous No. 849060

This is bait.

Anonymous No. 849062

nah, that's the reality for most

Anonymous No. 849076

looks decent, nice shapes, a bit more rounded geometry would be nice though
And how's the body? And how's the rig?

Anonymous No. 849086

>thinking he would have a job right now as a junior software developer
Maybe if you were a pajeet and did the needful to your pajeet boss by paying him 10% of your salary a year



Anonymous No. 849090

Textures control the color of a mesh, Shaders control how the mesh interact with light. Metal objects interact with light differently than nonmetal objects and so on. Getting the material right is something that comes with research.

Anonymous No. 849091

a normal map is a texture too and has nothing to do with color.



Anonymous No. 849093

I was just t-testing my rig, I swear!

Anonymous No. 849100

Normal and bump maps control where light and shadow is. Light doesn't interact with everything in the same way

Anonymous No. 849101


Anonymous No. 849102

looks cool, needs less subsurf scattering on the skin



Anonymous No. 849106

Texturing my waifu. Where do most people learn about hand-painted techniques?

Anonymous No. 849107

Ok well, I guess I need to put more care into making faces. No wonder this board is dead.

Anonymous No. 849112

suck fest

Anonymous No. 849114



Capture 2.png

Anonymous No. 849115


Capture 2.png

Anonymous No. 849130

Hardest part first then, the hands. Got them close with a rig. The meshes are roughed in as good as they're going to get with the two rigs. Got to sculpt the hands together next round. The hands I believe is the most important aspect of this, they convey something but I'm not sure. We know we need the hands nailed in the right pose so we can work into the forms from them. Think we can pull this off? Of course we can. The forms appear right in the space and Blender has sculpt mode, I got a pen. Aside from the technical details after the hands... you know the story, it's been written a hundred times. Anyone could finish it. But the hair. That has to fall correctly as well. So the challenges here are the hands and the hair.



Anonymous No. 849142

Rendered and composed a new desktop background for my own personal use. Got the model from smutbase. Background done in gimp with some images of the web.
Maybe i should have moved that main spotlight around for another couple of renders but I thought this one looked pretty decent.

Anonymous No. 849145

What software are you using buddy?

Anonymous No. 849169

how can his arm look like that -- like a noodle? is your rig broken? IMO you should fix that before continuing with the scene.

Anonymous No. 849172

i wan to know about this too.
Do people do hand painted textures in substance painter?



Anonymous No. 849175

So I was sculpting some leg and it came across as very lumpy. This would be very, very bad topology causing it, right?
I used dynamesh way too long and it got pretty wild, it's also why my lowest subdiv here is a bit high resolution despite remeshing and projecting it about three times.

Anonymous No. 849176

Yes, you can make hand painted stuff in substance. It even has a dota 2 preset shader. People say 3d coat is better, but I've never used it so can't compare.

Anonymous No. 849180

I've done a thing a few times and I'm not sure if I should be banned from the industry for this lol:

>having trouble achieving enough detail in albedo?
>just lightly overlay a photo texture on top of everything

Is this bad, bros? Right now I'm working on some wood material in SD and getting all those color variations is an absolute pain so I tried to overlay a photo, and it just werks. It still gets my own height, roughness variation, but it just mixes parts of my shitty albedo with the good one. Feels like I'm breaking some law by doing it though.

I actually heard that method was used a lot by pros in the past during Photoshop texturing times.

Anonymous No. 849201

only thing that matters is the end result. no rules only tools.

Anonymous No. 849203

>Feels like I'm breaking some law by doing it though.
If you're not licensed to that use, well, you're breaking copyright law on behalf of your employer, lmao.

Anonymous No. 849204

You're not supposed to have good topo on a high poly sculpt, you absolute moron. Add 2-3 subdivision levels to this and you won't see any 'lumps'

Anonymous No. 849205

at 3 million points it just gets harder to manage.

Anonymous No. 849206

which is why you only subdivide when you can no longer push anything out of your current level or when you need smoother surface.

Anonymous No. 849208

Look, I got this 700 euro zbrush course and that guy was all about the clean topology.

Anonymous No. 849209

then retopologize by hand, you lazy fuck

Anonymous No. 849212

I use free textures for that, so it should be clear. But yeah I guess the end result is the only thing that matters. BUT - I actually managed to get pretty close with pure SD now, might not even need to overlay anything. But then again, why NOT, if it still gives a bit more variation?

I've seen that people are experimenting with scans more and more now, there is no reason to chase that "100% made in SD" if you can achieve easier, better and faster results with combinations of sculpting, scans, proceduralism and handpainting. I'm thinking of putting these SD textures through SP as well and do some handpainting with stencils. I enjoy handpainting a lot and can achieve some specific details with it much faster.

Anonymous No. 849213

Then I don't see anything wrong with it. The opposite, actually. If it helps you get better results, and be more efficient with your time, the wrong thing should be not to do it.

Anonymous No. 849221

what course?

Anonymous No. 849230

The nice thing about 3dcoat is that you can also throw your textures, in layers, into photoshop and any changes you make in photoshop gets updated on the fly. I'm also interested in hand-painted textures since imo there's just nothing that looks better. So the work-flow above is what I'm planning on doing.
I don't know much about substance painter but I've heard it many times on here before and whenever you see professionals do hand-painted it always 3d-coat.
Now 3-d coat, although I imagine it probably is the best for this specific task, is still kinda sucky. I mean it's not bad but I'm already a bit familiar with photoshop and as far as painting is concerned it's the best. That's why I'm planning on doing the preliminary work in 3d-coat and then the fine tuning in photoshop.
You can even paint directly on 3d models in photoshop, unfortunately that setup is pure cancer, it's very uncomfortable navigating 3d objects in photoshop.
Hope this helps.

Anonymous No. 849237




Anonymous No. 849247

After a month's hiatus, I again modelled a new character. This is now the 13th character I've made. I still haven't bothered to learn texturing, though. I probably should, since I think this one could look half decent with proper textures.

Anonymous No. 849272

>I think this one could look half decent with proper textures.
yea looks decent, but the face does look a bit goofy, dunno if thats intentional
texture it and give it some toon shaders



Anonymous No. 849273

Anon commissioned me to make a vrchat model. I've been having struggle with the hair for days now.
I wanted this to be a decent model at least. But im getting shy because of how long its taking now.
And we havent even discussed how much the model would be because im autistic.

Anonymous No. 849274

>doing work for someone with no certain terms or payment

Anonymous No. 849275

yeah im retarded. We should've talked about it first.
im gonna ask for 150-200$ range. It looks like its much more expensive if its manually modelled instead of using vroid.

Anonymous No. 849282

can I ask for help with something maya-related here? or is there a better thread for help/questions? I'm just having trouble deleting an edge

Anonymous No. 849283

Someone here can probably help you I'd imagine, but you'll get better, and probably quicker, results in /sqt/.

Anonymous No. 849284

Thank you!

Anonymous No. 849286

the sooner you discuss payment, the sooner you'll come off your inevitable disappointment.



Anonymous No. 849294

Blender. I learned a lot from this project! Off to the next one.



Anonymous No. 849306


Anonymous No. 849307

>>849306 Cannot stop me. Get back to work you unproductive retard

Anonymous No. 849313

spot on lmao



Anonymous No. 849314

do you watch anime or you're just another normalfag who watches normalfag shit like evanghelion?
Your model looks like a granny. No offense. Its very far from the anime style too and it looks like westernshit.

Anonymous No. 849317

Not at all interest in anime, it's all around shit taste, I just thought it was a cute character. But I'm proud of my work nonetheless!

Anonymous No. 849323

Looks like retard Christian Bale

Anonymous No. 849328

>because im autistic
>yeah im retarded

don't treat yourself like this

Anonymous No. 849345

Call yourself a retard before agreeing to make a vrchat model for an uncertain price.

Anonymous No. 849350

was way too shy to ask about it.
I was used to lowpoly and he wanted like less than 70k tris. Im just gonna talk about it once im done with the model. Im taking a lot of time since im doing this while im wageslaving. Its been like 1-2 weeks already

Anonymous No. 849356

That's this spirit buddy! Keep practicing and you'll be making some art gains in no time.
Here's a super nice video for blender hair by Dunny:
Just bear mind the first minute or so he talks about hair in zbrush and then jumps to blender - but basically this is a blender tut (in case you can't read the description or fail to do so).

Anonymous No. 849372

make it Mike Stoklasa and Jay from RLM. your render will be 100% improved



Anonymous No. 849373

Finally able to capture the sun - just look at these shadows
Now i can make full 360° equirectangular high-range pro-skub unclipped nadir corrected hdri panoramas in 24k



Anonymous No. 849374

i hope one day to be as skilled as the master schizo posters



Anonymous No. 849375

Blob dragon thingy



Anonymous No. 849385

hello anons, today im just doing my first ever 3d commission and i dont think it looks nice. why?

Anonymous No. 849387

The windows activation message on the bottom right, lol.

Anonymous No. 849392

best ITT
hair looks fine, just maybe open the gap between the tufts in the bangs a bit further upward

Anonymous No. 849394

This is bait.

Anonymous No. 849401

may I poke it please?


download (2).jpg

Anonymous No. 849402


Why is it the talented always bring themselves down? Also where do schizos like asuka faggot draw there confidence from despite showing lack of improvement?

Anonymous No. 849406

Talented people are also aware of every mistake they make, even if the customer doesn’t notice. People like the Asukafag aren’t as critical of their work, so they continue to be unaware.

Anonymous No. 849407

I am guilty of not knowing my own mistakes. It's very hard to notice unless you give it time to cool off.

Anonymous No. 849408

you're alright man, relax. there's no written contract so not much is expected of you.

if you get it done, name a price - and if you don't like the payout, at least you learned how to make hair this time around and know what to charge next time.

keep going, you're doing fine



Anonymous No. 849448

What kind of tutorial should I do in order to use an imported (appended then localised) model of Judy Alverez to create lewd images with? I am very much struggling. The thing I used to hide the IK/FK displays for her body have disappeared, then while I was trying to fix that my game got stuck in Pose mode and now it won't come out of it again.

I clearly need some kind of tutorial, I did one where we made a donut but that knowledge didn't apply to this very much. Same with one where we made a treasure chest. I also did one where we made a basic rig, but that didn't help much either. I also did one where I learned to use the sculpting tools, and it was fun, but it also didn't help much with this.

So after all those tutorials I still need to know more, what is a good one I can do?



Anonymous No. 849470

Testing to see if this loop works on 4chan. I spent a large part of the day learning how to recreate something close to the render style of a gif I have in my inspiration folder. I'm pretty satisfied with my result, but I'm sure there are ways to do it better.

Anonymous No. 849471

Nice work anon, are you going for a late 80s/early 90s animation look?



Anonymous No. 849472

Pretty much. This gif is my inspiration, but I did a lot of experimentation, so I'm not really aiming for a 1:1 copy. I think it's also been torn up by being made into a gif or saved improperly. Maybe it was intentional for style though.

Anonymous No. 849473

Yeah, that dithering in your ref is caused by the gif format's limited color pallette. It's kind of neat, a shader could emulate it.

Anonymous No. 849478

Damn, nice. Proud of you.
I've been wanting to get into making my own HDRIs, especially since I live near the beach. It'd be great to grab nice wide cloudscapes without a grassy plain or trees to cut out.

For what it's worth, I think it looks pretty nice. It's got a certain charm about it. I do wish it had some brighter lighting with some crisp shadows to show it off though.
Why do you think it looks bad? Do you really think that, or are you just fishing for compliments like a teenage girl calling herself ugly?

Anonymous No. 849479

honestly i don't consider myself a very good artist, second, the commissioners looked at my portifolio, filed a request (a sort of stylized tractor) and offered me quite a bit of money for it.
the thing is i never got a commission before and i got a bit scared when i saw what they were offering, but as i showed them the final result and they liked it, but pointed out the tracks were a bit too sharp.

i'm just a bit shocked how this happened all of a sudden and i had no history of commission work before. anyways, i'm actually more happy with the fact that i worked for some people for the first time in my 3d "adventure" than the payment i got.

Anonymous No. 849480

Honestly, it comes from being apologetic and timid about my work for years and not finding any resolve. Embracing confidence is a lot less risky than you think and others are more likely to support your endeavors too, despite what 4chins would have you believe.
>Not showing any improvement
That doesn't even make sense because there's nothing to compare that snapshot of my work to (another reason you are miserable, you make up nonsense) I'm a novice and in fact I've improved a ton since I began this project. Probably, if I were to share what I learned more than a few of you lurking around would also learn something. Also, just because I didn't anticipate anons would jealously guard their favorite cartoons doesn't mean I'm not self critical or open to criticism kek bye now

Anonymous No. 849486

Anon was referring to our in-house schizoid , not you,,You overthink. I suggest letting the little things pass you by

Anonymous No. 849490

80s futureism?



Anonymous No. 849517

this part looks like shit
but the rest of the model is pretty neat


Player Character ....png

Anonymous No. 849543

I'm sort of stuck with this character, I didn't like my last one after looking at it for an hour so I went out and actually got a bunch of references and made this one over the last couple days that I like a lot more. It's far from optimized but I'm still going to rig it for exporting to Unity, and we'll see if I can update all the camera stuff to work with the arms appropriately.



Anonymous No. 849559

lesbian waifu progress



Anonymous No. 849568

Holy shit, I'm fucking trash.

Anonymous No. 849573


Anonymous No. 849599

just give up you'are too far behind

Anonymous No. 849603


I disagree. Keep it up anon, one day you'll make it! Make sure to look at the resources link in the thread, lots of useful stuff there

Anonymous No. 849605

Thanks. The topology references are priceless. Any others that you recommend?



Anonymous No. 849636

I bit more than i could chew and i will probable put this in the freezer for a time because i don't know how to continue.



Anonymous No. 849649

Some more playing with shading, freestyle, compositing, and render settings.

Anonymous No. 849653

Nah, I could see this being alright if you let some nice, handpainted textures do the heavy lifting.

>Looks like a Yakuza screenshot
That car has seen some better days too. Looks like he ran into one too many walls.

The buildings look pretty good. It's always a pain in the ass modelling them with that kind of density.



Anonymous No. 849656


Anonymous No. 849661

How do I get the sharp filtering on object borders

Anonymous No. 849662

I mean so that I have hard pixels like >>849656

Anonymous No. 849671

Can you be more specific? I'm not quite sure which part you are asking for an explanation on.

Anonymous No. 849678

so that the AA produces a hard edged alpha channel and the render is suitable for use in sprite graphics



Anonymous No. 849679

I didn't actually manage to do that. There's some semi-transparent pixels all along the outline, but it's over a black background. To turn off the AA to reach what I currently have, you set Filter Size in the Film area to 0.01. I was trying to get a hard edge effect so I could have it over a transparent background, but I couldn't quite figure it out. Maybe later I will.


RK Characters.jpg

Anonymous No. 849697

Been spending the last month or so putting together a bunch of characters for this one dude's clothing brand. They're all his designs, so what's there is what I had to go off of.
To be honest, I didn't have much to work with, since they were all pretty damn abstract (apparently they're all based on real life bugs).

It's my first time doing anything like this, but I think they've come out pretty well all things considered. I really tried my best to give each of them some kind of personality. Apparently the end goal is to have all of them together and animate them. So that's the next phase of the operation.

Anonymous No. 849698




Anonymous No. 849699


Anonymous No. 849701

Thank you for that very insightful comment.
For what it's worth, I noticed that too, and tried to not make them look like that, at least as much as I could.
Guess I didn't accomplish that, or that meme has addled your brain like a worm through an apple.
Probably both.

Anonymous No. 849724

does he actually make any profit off of those lmao

Anonymous No. 849725

Looks like globohomo shit

Anonymous No. 849731

I don't know. It's not my place to ask, nor is it really my concern. He's got the money to pay me for the work, and paid half in advance. So as long as the money's good, I don't care.

Cute, you know meaningless topical buzzwords.
They're spheres with faces. There's not many ways to interpret it without them looking like "globohomo shit". That's the common theme for that type of look, big ass rounded shapes and spheres.
If you've got a better way to go about recreating them that stays 1:1 with the designs, I'd love to hear it. Since I've only got my own perspective to look at the problem, and there's plenty of ways to skin a cat.
But you probably don't.

Anonymous No. 849739

your client is a hack and if it really took you a month to model those so are you.

Anonymous No. 849741

bit more surface detail would have been nice.
you've tried to go for it on the green one, but could push it a bit more.
the hat looks like it's made out paper mache or smth tho.
if you got paid and client's happy you've done your job so who cares what we think.

Anonymous No. 849744

It didn't take me a month like I spent the entire time slaving away at them. Each one probably took about a day or two, but I had other projects so it took a month. I think altogether it's somewhere around 10-12 hours for all of them. Though any time would be wrong for someone like you. I could say it took 2 hours for the lot, and that would be too short, or I could say the same thing and it'd be too long to spend on it. Since all you really want to do is be a dick.
I'm not about to badmouth a client just in case one of you faggots with nothing better to do gets extra vindictive and tries to trace shit back, but I wasn't too impressed with the shirt designs either. But that's just what I had to work with.

That's not really the point though.
Really, I think you're just being a huge faggot because you're a worthless no-modeler and anytime someone posts ANYTHING, regardless of quality, you can't help but feel threatened because they're actually working on something while you bitch and gripe on a slow as fuck basketweaving forum, while you wait for someone to post another thread about Blender.
But what do I know, I'm just someone who actually posted something to the wip thread.

Yeah I was a bit iffy to go super crazy with the surface detail, since I don't know how well it'll read at a distance. There is some of it on the other models, but I think a lot of it gets smeared away with the denoising. Which was pretty aggressive since they're just previews. I can see about pushing the texture and detail with some of them though.
I think the denoising fucked up the hat too, but it's also probably because of my lazy texture mapping.



Anonymous No. 849745

all fields


Capture 2.png

Anonymous No. 849747

Stardate: 47634.44 Setting off on a path to sculpt the hands holding so that we could work into sculpting the whole form. We then hid the girl and noticed the male hand was smaller than in our reference. Sculpting to match the photo was deforming it too much beyond normal. Knowing our only chance was to correctly place the hands, we wondered, and then decided our camera focal length was different from our reference. Then we peered into the metadata of the image itself from Properies to discover the reference had a focal length of 35mm, half of what our camera was set at. Changing and repositioning the camera and the male reveals that the hands in our camera space and the hands in the reference are close in size. Following our intuition we proceed. And although on planet Earth as the citizen Anons await word of our further progress, we travel near the speed of light, and what appears as days are only minutes, traces of thought lost in the trajectory of light.

Anonymous No. 849748

You and your client are both untalented hacks, with you diving into the cognitive dissonance of boasting over...this.

Anonymous No. 849753

you don't need to have a meltdown on literally the anus of the internet.

while you're right that most people here suck or don't even model at all, that anon is actually correct that these character designs are just terrible (maybe save for exception the last one, still bad) and taking one month to model simplistic designs like this just show that you're not very skilled or you're really busy IRL. I'd say it is the first.

But anyways, you're making bank off this, so who am i to judge? Good for you. Keep improving.



Anonymous No. 849787

hows my bazooka arm looking bros?

Anonymous No. 849792

I think there's way too many gears in the hinge part for no good reason. The entire arm is simple, but there's gears on the outside of the hinge because ??? Either balance the arm out with a bit of gear stuff throughout, or take it down by a lot. Besides, from a distance all those gears are just gonna mesh into a blobby gold shape.

Anonymous No. 849794

yeah i agree, gonna take that shit out and make a simple joint.

Anonymous No. 849797

Yo bros, how would you animate a tentacle if you have no experience animating in 3D? Currently my tentacle animation is very janky. Like it can't turn very organically. Any advice?

Anonymous No. 849803

>I think there's way too many gears in the hinge part for no good reason

Not related to the pic and not that anon. I know people say you should avoid including things that serve no purpose. I was watching Alien last night and the underside of the Nostromo is full of what seems like pointless stuff, most sci-fi spaceships and things have this kind of design. What gives? None of it seems like it has any function to it so why is it there?

Anonymous No. 849807

it's called greebling, and it started with star wars

Anonymous No. 849808

Thanks, I always wondered what the point of it was other than aesthetics.

Anonymous No. 849813

Inverse kinematics solve the issue 90% of the time if things don't look organic.

Anonymous No. 849818

this looks strange... like i get the aesthetic you're going for but it doesnt look like a gun, it looks more like a room decoration or something... but since its a wip what im expecting. you should add some more gun elements intonit

Anonymous No. 849821

Overwhelming onlookers with visual noise.
At least this is what 90% of modelers do.



Anonymous No. 849824

yup ill be adding a barrel to it and yea its not supposed to look like a realistic weapon

Anonymous No. 849839

i saw you on int hehe

Anonymous No. 849841

This is much nicer. I gotta say, I really really like the kintsugi thing you have going on with the edges near the joint— I'm curious as to how it'd look on the entire arm, or in some spots

Anonymous No. 849846

is this hell?

Anonymous No. 849855

Do your parents know your on the Internet? (Shhh. WIP zone.)

Anonymous No. 849860

>WIP zone
WIP is expected to go forward, not backward

Anonymous No. 849866

Fair enough, I just jumped on the defensive since everyone decided to dogpile me at the start for no reason except they don't like how it looks. If they would have at least given some critique instead of saying it like shit and I'm a hack for designs I have no control over, then I probably wouldn't have lost my shit. I posted to get some extra eyes on it, to see where I could improve them. If I had known it was going to cause such a stir, I wouldn't have posted it.

Like I said in the previous post, I had a number of other projects to complete for other clients, not just this one. So the month was taken up by more than just this, this being one of the smaller projects.
This type of project isn't my usual fare, but I accepted it because the dude comes to me for a bunch of other projects. It felt like it could be a learning experience since I mostly do animations and environments, and so characters would be something new. They seemed simplistic enough that I could model and animate them without worrying too much about the uncanny valley, or human motions looking off.
I'd post my actual work, but at this point I don't want to give anons the ammo.



Anonymous No. 849878

I managed to make a transparent gif, but I just can't figure out how to do a vp8 webm with transparency.

Anonymous No. 849879

PYW or piss off idk.


asshurt relief.jpg

Anonymous No. 849881

Eat a dick you pretentious POS

Anonymous No. 849895


Found this guy's channel who uses Bodypaint. Looks like he also made the anime girl for Marvelous Designer. I think his workflow could be used in any painting program.




Anonymous No. 849918


Anonymous No. 849926

I believe vp8 doesn't support transparency



Anonymous No. 849929

That would explain why I couldn't find a way after all my searching. I also learned that the artifact/glitch in my transparent rat spin was caused by a bug in my out of date version of ffmpeg.



Anonymous No. 849937


Worked really hard on this one!!!!

Anonymous No. 849940


Anonymous No. 849942

Not gonna stop It took a really long time and a lot of work im still pretty new to zBrush and Maya

Anonymous No. 849943

Not gonna stop It took a really long time and a lot of work im still pretty new to zBrush and Maya

Anonymous No. 849944

Looks really appealing anon, how did you do it?
i'll definitely be looking forward to your progress on this.



Anonymous No. 849945

For the linework, go to Render Properties -> enable Freestyle. Then you can change the Freestyle settings at the bottom of View Layer Properties. (This tripped me up for a bit, being on separate tabs) You can also select + right-click lines in line edit mode and Mark Freestyle. Then if you enable Edge Mark (pic related), Freestyle will draw lines over them. For the shading, you create a material that is just: Diffuse BSDF -> Shader to RGB -> ColorRamp -> Material Output (surface). Then set the colors of the ramp to whatever for your lighting and shadow. (This is all in Blender, to be clear. The blue battlecruiser stuff is mine too, but it's more complicated)

Anonymous No. 849947

A pretty big annoyance is that Freestyle is a post-process kind of thing (hopefully that could change?), so you have to render an image to check your settings and see if you like them.

Anonymous No. 849950

I too have a fetish for shiny / glossy things that extends beyond mere latex, but would you mind posting a clay render?
Also, in my opinion, you may as well have gone for the fat japanese heart shaped succubus tail.



Anonymous No. 849971

here ya go

Anonymous No. 849972

could make them as small as the other ones but it would take alot of time. might still try it idk



Anonymous No. 849974

felt inspired by >>847882
it's houdini, using FEM
it's also my first time using houdini and goddamn using this program makes you feel like a wizard

Anonymous No. 849975

woops, meant to point to this thread >>839450

Anonymous No. 850023

looks pretty soulful but fix her face it looks retarded



Anonymous No. 850024

how the fuck do you come up with cool ideas for projects to do for practice
all i want is to get good at 3D asap but i cant think of anything to make that i actually can make

Anonymous No. 850041

looks pretty fucking good
is this for a game ??



Anonymous No. 850059

it needs some shapes for visual interest. it’s hard to tell which end is the shooty one too



Anonymous No. 850093

Not really sure if I'm getting a good likeness with the textures



Anonymous No. 850107

Clothes truly make the waifu.

Anonymous No. 850117

Bumping to get rid of the garbage in the front page

Anonymous No. 850118

Time to make a new one OP

Anonymous No. 850134

Now he's on a Kart (for a Character mod of Sonic Robo Blast 2: Kart).



Anonymous No. 850135


Anonymous No. 850140

i like it. are you going for the original look of the gravemind?

Anonymous No. 850141

Yeah I know. I'm working on the OP image.
It'll hopefully be a while before the thread hits page 5. At least a day hopefully.

>i cant think of anything to make that i actually can make
Make them anyway, and learn along the way. What's important at this stage is for you to get familiar with the program and process of manipulating meshes. Do what you can, and when you run into a problem, look up how to solve it and continue on. It's a bit better than following a tutorial since you're taking that info and applying it to your own project. Which makes internalizing the steps a bit easier.
If you can't think of anything, just take random objects around the house and model them until you can think of something.

Anonymous No. 850145

>and when you run into a problem
i never do this
i just solve it pretty badly and move on
i wouldnt even know how to search for the specific problem that i run into



Anonymous No. 850161

can't believe i'm getting paid 500 smackaroonis to use my subhuman sculpting skills

vr peeps are so fucking free with their money lmao

Anonymous No. 850169

>i wouldnt even know how to search for the specific problem that i run into
It helps to have some basic vocabulary in your arsenal. That being said, search what you can, check out the results, and you'll more than likely find the vocabulary you need to actually make a proper search. Odds are there's probably plenty of people with your exact problem, and there's plenty of solutions.
If you don't find anything, just ask in the questions thread here on /3/. There's a handful of nice anons that will either point you in the right direction, or give you a full solution.



Anonymous No. 850235

Super early WIP of a "spider tank" I'm working on, inspired by the Command and Conquer series.
Questions for people who work with hard-surface modeling on curved surfaces:
>How do you manage your edge creases?
>How do you manage getting hardness under subdiv with the correct ammount?



Anonymous No. 850267

I gave up on creases and just used support edge loops. Topology is messier, but end result looks nicer, I think.

Anonymous No. 850284

do you live in africa or something?
yakuza was my 1st thought.
make it night, improve the car, add something futuristic in the background, more samples when rendering. you could add a suspended monorail on the street there.
could use a wider aspect like 21:9

Anonymous No. 850395

We're on page 5.
New thread up

Anonymous No. 850695

What is that pose and why is it showing up all over rule34?