
wip 4.jpg

🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 850394

/wip/ - Works in Progress
- Collage Edition 3: Select Difficulty -
We gettin crowded now

Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>847882
List of free resources: https://pastebin.com/cZLVnNtB

Anonymous No. 850426

fucking finally this thread is back, i'm tired of the garbage in the catalog

Anonymous No. 850427

Whoever has been doing the OP images, thank you. They're always a good laugh.

Anonymous No. 850447




Anonymous No. 850454

still havent wrapped up the meshing phase, but here is current progress

Anonymous No. 850528

I've got 55 threads hidden and 90% of them are from a single dude. We definitely need a janny here. I'm thinking of applying, but I don't really know how /3/ would react to having one.

Glad to hear it! Thanks. It's been pretty fun seeing it all come together. My thanks goes out to all the anons posting their work. You all make it possible!

Hockey Pads edition.


download (2).jpg

Anonymous No. 850536


how do I know it's a single schizo posting the other threads? How do I block em especially the symmetrical sphere schizo?

Anonymous No. 850538

>I don't really know how /3/ would react to having one.
I'm fine with it as long as the janny only removes obvious crap, like schizo ramblings, and off-topic or extremely low quality threads.

Try installing the 4chan X extension and hiding their threads. You have to do it every time, but it's better than nothing.

Anonymous No. 850539

I don't see the problem with having a janny as long as it's for the reason that this anon says >>850538
I think it would be a pretty easy do too because it's a slow board.

Anonymous No. 850541

>We definitely need a janny here.
I would disagree. The purpose of an imageboard is to display content, so moderation is anti imageboard. Trolls get bored eventually and you combat them by creating interesting posts that get bumped. This place will never be a polycount or the like because people wont post serious work here due to anonymity. When someone does post a personal project they are told to go to the wip thread, therby reducing the amount of interesting threads. I could go on and on with other issues here, but you would have to change the entire culture here to make the board work in any meaningful way.

Anonymous No. 850542

Asuka anon has posted here for years. I know we are all here forever, but he's clearly not actually trying and/or retarded.

Anonymous No. 850543

Do it anon. Just apply, maybe you can get accepted. Id rather have the wip guy removing garbage posts than having nobody at all.
I applied, probably never gonna get accepted but if you're lucky you can.

Anonymous No. 850547

I disagree with you.
This place is not close to polycount and i'm happy it isn't.

What makes this unique is that it's probably the only anonymous 3D related forum. And i love it. Here's why:
I can freely post my work in this board without being recognized.
I don't have to obey the rules of some crappy discord server, with sweaty mods constantly checking on us.
I can tell anyone to go fuck themselves here and so they can. I'm not attached to a specific username that people will instantly attribute to me whenever i post.
In some way it's an insecurity. But i enjoy it.
I also notice that people in this board are much more honest than the people in polycount or a shitty discord server. They don't have an username or anything that identifies them, you can harshly critic some person's work without any problem.
But it's also a bit of a hinderance. The lack of moderation allows all kind of mentally ill nolifers such as asukafag or cris to relentlessly spam this board.
Now i wouldn't care if it was as active as /ic/, since schizo threads there are often ignored and just die quickly.

/3/ on the other hand is pretty slow. There are few posts. This means schizos and trolls can just shit on this board, spam and do whatever they want.
Hence why i think we're in dire need of jannies. There are slow boards like /pw/ or /mlp/ that aren't abandoned like this one, and they do actually get rid of shit threads without killing the lawless spirit that 4chan does have.

I like this board a lot. There's always a beginner posting here, and seeing them improve over the months is pretty nice. The threads aren't bad too.
What i do not like is a group of sweaty third worlders actively flooding this board with threads that don't contribute to anything.
What angers me even more is that there are gullible retards that reply to these, im almost thinking its a group of people that are trying to bring this down.


best cup ever.png

Anonymous No. 850548

g'morning fellow anons
post current work

Anonymous No. 850551

If anything, the sphere guy isn't even a problem. He keeps his ramblings confined to his own thread, occasional reply but it doesn't bother anyone.
There have been a few temporary ones too, like the trans fetish guy and the skyrim cree but they eventually gave up.

However there are people that are seemingly obsessed and keep posting here endlessly, like Asukafag, cris and this new muslim nigger.

work of a complete pro.

Anonymous No. 850552

>>850536 #
If anything, the sphere guy isn't even a problem. He keeps his ramblings confined to his own thread, occasional reply but it doesn't bother anyone.
There have been a few temporary ones too, like the trans fetish guy,duckfag and the skyrim creep but they eventually gave up.

However there are people that are seemingly obsessed and keep posting here endlessly, like Asukafag, cris and this new muslim nigger.

>>850548 #
work of a complete pro.



Anonymous No. 850553

Based or cringe?

Anonymous No. 850554

>Based or cringe?
Depends. Will it be worn by a male or female character?



Anonymous No. 850557

Back view.


Anonymous No. 850562

whats the character going to be? looking pretty based for now

Anonymous No. 850564

Wip anon here.
The main purpose of my applying was to clean up those threads about walk cycles, or more recently "what should be in my portolio, what's popular, etc" threads, all being posted by a single person.
I'm fine with them being posted, as discussion is good for the board and they are topics that should be discussed, but each question from the dude doesn't need its own thread.
I mean for fuck's sake, one of them was asking for clarification of what some dude said, without even posting any context. "what did he mean by visual library and how do you fill in that quota?". The board isn't a google search.

Personally, I'm fine with pretty much everything else on the board (except for software war shitposts, or the constant pepe posts). Those threads mentioned above though are a real plague, since they bump off threads that DO have significance.
/3/ can become better, it used to be better, it's possible to improve the board with everyone's help.

I respect your position, but I'd offer my perspective on it.
You say that moderation would be counter productive, and that moderation reduces the amount of interesting threads, but I believe that the few anons that post countless threads are the people that are doing that. By constantly posting 1-response threads or worse, they bump off threads that are interesting. I don't think that everything should be relegated to assorted generals, in all honesty we're fine with the ones we have. They cover a good amount of topics.
I don't think those people are actual trolls, and they genuinely WANT a proper response (but actively ignore them for a response that suits their exact needs). Since they're not trolls, they won't stop, since it's not a game for fun that they'll get bored with. There's no doubt that they do leave from time to time, but they do come back.
You wouldn't want to walk on a sidewalk filled with trash and sewage, so why would you want to browse a board with the same problem?

Anonymous No. 850566

>I don't have to obey the rules of some crappy discord server, with sweaty mods constantly checking on us.
The rules are a necessary evil, otherwise you'll get plenty of the garbage threads that you see on /3/. You get people who can't do their research while ignoring the advice given to them.
>I can freely post my work in this board without being recognized.
That's hardly a good thing, you want people to guage your improvement.
>I also notice that people in this board are much more honest than the people in polycount or a shitty discord server.
There's plenty of 3d communities that can harshly criticize you, you're just afraid to go on them. It's best to remain motivated to do 3d because it's a pain in the ass to learn. All of the bitter people I knew never improved in 3D.

If you're going to get any criticism, it'll be from people who work in the industry to give practical advice as opposed to clueless people who have a theoretical idea of how things go.



Anonymous No. 850596

mildy based, but you got some fuckiness with the topology here
nevermind its incredibly gay



Anonymous No. 850637




Anonymous No. 850639

Still trying and hopefully improving lol here is my Moxxie, I am having issues with the faces though because they are so stylized I can not seem to get the look right

Anonymous No. 850641

I feel so worthless



Anonymous No. 850650

What does a fit butt look like?

Anonymous No. 850661

youre close, although you're nearing hank-hill levels
a fit butt will have its mass made from firm muscle instead of fat, so dont be afraid to play with the size -- just make sure to keep its form taught, not droopy



Anonymous No. 850665

>work of a complete pro.

Go the BIG GAY COOMER ASS route senpai
now, off to retopoing this shit

Anonymous No. 850702

What is that pose and why is it showing up all over rule34?

Anonymous No. 850706

I choose to call it presenting.



Anonymous No. 850762

>tfw became much more productive when i stopped giving a shit about perfect topology
I wanna see just how far I can push shitty geometry and it still being visually viable in order to DISMAY topology obsessors



Anonymous No. 850763

Post some topology gore.



Anonymous No. 850766

This is the way, efficiency trumps all.

Anonymous No. 850767



>Muh retopo has to be perfect
>Muh 30k tri count
>Muh uvs have to be straight
>Muh texture maps have to be clean

One thing I learned is nothing has to be right the first time. Focus on finishing first. All the optimizations will come in future work. The goal is to mass produce enough turd to realize how shit you are that you have to learn to optimize.


Zweihander Compre....png

Anonymous No. 850770

Finished my first personal project to model (blender) and texture (substance painter) a zweihander and pose it with an anvil I made the other week. The anvil was made by following blenderguru's anvil tutorial. Vegetation made with the graswald addon.
Some obvious issues are the anvil has texture warping in some places and I don't feel satisfied with the leather on the zwei; feels too flat and I couldn't get it to look how it did in the reference.
Other than that, what do you like about it and what can be done better?

Anonymous No. 850778

>feels too flat
well did you try adding height? because it just looks like a flat base color texture and nothing else
did it look better in substance? maybe you exported very low res textures? or didn't set up the materials properly in blender?

Anonymous No. 850785

that's a big anvil

Anonymous No. 850795

become ungovernable: use ngons

Anonymous No. 850802

more like "become undeformable"



Anonymous No. 850835

Quick 1080p render with suggested touch ups
>well did you try adding height?
added more height and details, re-exported at 4096 resolution, set it it properly, nodes and all, brightened it a little. Still doesn't feel hot. Hard to think of much else to do another than write it off as noob work and keep learning. This is how it looked in Substance before changes and a reference https://imgur.com/puYPYCl
I rescaled everything according to how big it should be in real life and added a tree to hopefully help with scale perception. Anvils are way smaller than I thought. Look better?

Anonymous No. 850840

I can't think of an appealing way to composite your image. Your centerpiece is a spindly thing that's hard to frame, 85% of the image is just noise and together with the camera angle makes me nauseous. The grading is cold.

Maybe just lay the sword flat on the ground with some nice beams & specks of warm light filtered through the forest canopy for a full shot, a closeup of the blade against the anvil, maybe a third shot to show off the handle but IMO it needs more love to be presentable on it's own.

Lighting and grading is what'll make or break your project.

Anonymous No. 850861

A shot from below might be nice with ridiculous abuse of bloom and lightshafts to give it a sword in the stone kinda feel.



Anonymous No. 850878

This is the negro in question your honour.
I'm not a furfag.

Anonymous No. 850888

>I'm not a furfag.

Anonymous No. 850905

jesus christ, anti-based, fuck goddamn



Anonymous No. 850910

Damn I should've just posted here instead of make my own bread, apologies.

Anonymous No. 850913


You there's denoisers you can use right, also the hair on the bottom left is poking thru.


Zdrada Render.png

Anonymous No. 850929

How's this Zdrada looking?

Anonymous No. 850930

yoo awesome



Anonymous No. 850932

Yea forgot to fix that before posting, did it while doing some of the makeup

Looks cool anon!


FullSizeRender 4.webm

Anonymous No. 850938

Finished scultping the facial expressions and testing it out. Pretty happy about it. I still need to bake normals for more wrinklage.

Anonymous No. 850942

All these fucking characters, where's my environment bros at?

Anonymous No. 850943


mouth needs to be lower unless ur going for a specific expression also lower lashes would make the eyes look less weird me thinks

Anonymous No. 850946

Hmm aite thanks! Yea I was wondering about if I should add them in or not, I'll give it a go anon.

Anonymous No. 850974

how are you controlling the facial expressions? a bone with a driver controller blendshapes?

Anonymous No. 850977

Yeah, I’d use a bone normally. Here I just used an empty to test how it blends together without setting up the whole rig.

Anonymous No. 851010

>Only ever finished one thing because I was sick of leaving them half done
>Persevere with help from /3/ and /wip/
>Finish it
>Few anons think it's pretty cool
>Get new idea for environment scene
>Start it
>Everything going more or less fine
>Doesn't have a lot of stuff going on
>Add model I download to the scene
>Computer starts running about as well as someone with no legs
>Can't quite get addon to work
>Need to use the model and the addon to complete scene
>Haven't touched it in about two weeks because of it

Why does nothing ever go straightforward for me

Anonymous No. 851059

Well if it makes you feel any better, I felt kind of bad leaving the environment anons out of the OP, so I figured a way to add them in, and retroactively added work from the previous threads.
Next thread will have environment art, so no one will be left out.

Anonymous No. 851066

Imagine being a grubby little environment artist. Glad I'm a character chad.

Anonymous No. 851069

can't coom to environments



Anonymous No. 851091

New render. Decided to not have the whole sword in the shot to avoid an awkward camera and hide some weaker parts of the sword while giving more attention to the stronger parts. Felt that having it propped horizontally against the anvil was the easiest way to do that.
Gave it depth of field and a touch of godrays, fog, and bloom. Also warmed up the colors, per suggestion (maybe too warm?) and added a butterfly on the sword to add some color and thematic contrast against the blade.

Let me know what you think and thanks for the feedback and ideas

Anonymous No. 851097

Big improvement, kudos. I get the impression the sword isn't resting against the anvil, a stronger contact shadow would help.


ducks hq2.jpg

Anonymous No. 851127

I've been learning C4D for about a week now, I wanna get a tablet soon so I can start using ZBrush but I'm broke.

Anonymous No. 851132

Tbh any cheap tablet will probably be fine enough, I'm sculpting on an ancient Wacom bamboo tablet at the desk and it works just fine.



Anonymous No. 851154

pls don't bully.
I hope to get it all done before this thread closes.

Anonymous No. 851158

i bought some $50 gaomon tablet years ago and still using it today



Anonymous No. 851162

more progress on the spider tank.
Now it's either starting on the tracks, or that big thing in the back. I have 0 clue on how to detail that thing , although I do know what it's supposed to do. Maybe I need to grease pencil it.....

Anonymous No. 851172

How does anyone get good at modeling really complicated things? Practice? Is it just lots of experience?

Anonymous No. 851173

Like, actually modelling complicated things? You break it into smaller parts.
Or you mean like clothes and faces and crap? That's just sculpting which is ultimately just pushing clay into place for hours.



Anonymous No. 851189

No, as i understand it i sculpting is very skill based. I meant like machinery, vehichles and complicated shit.

Anonymous No. 851194

head's too big

Anonymous No. 851217

jesus the dog one was okay i guess, if a little uncanny, but you're hitting maximum uncanny valley here
>>851194 is right

Anonymous No. 851218

Question : Are support edge loops to pinch/sharpen subdiv frowned upon?
Are they bad topo?

I fucking hate working with edge crease it gives really shitty results.

Anonymous No. 851220

like support edges?
it's the 'right' way to do things.



Anonymous No. 851224

How do you know I'm the same guy?
Yeah it might be too big, I wanted to go for something a little more cartoonish, ala STH.



Anonymous No. 851226


Anonymous No. 851228

>How do you know I'm the same guy?
you're the only person posting furry stuff lol
>something a little more cartoonish
might need to turn down the realism on the proportions and design, then

Anonymous No. 851237

Instead of crease you can try bevel modifier and bevel weights. Also, I'm sure there are cases where creases and bevels don't quite work



Anonymous No. 851256

i decided to do more mods for a game, i'm about to include weapons but i don't feel like making an half assed jobs, so i decided to make custom animations for hand positions and reload anims, this is a reload animation for AK rifles i just finished today, i need to improve but i'm happy with the result so far



Anonymous No. 851266

looks like a robot with a big ass in a breeding pose

Anonymous No. 851267

>lol the coomer is opening it's third (4th?) eye to behold things that aren't even th...

I.. can see it too.



Anonymous No. 851273

Friend commissioned me for a Fox 3D print figurine. This is still lacking loads of details, but it's slowly getting there, Zremesh is great.
What's the point in detail when one should print with plastic or resin? Does a cartoon anthro fox merit spending more on resin?



Anonymous No. 851274

This is pretty cute, anon. But the stands not being aligned to the base is triggering me

Anonymous No. 851276

generally for sculptures you only need just enough detail to make distinct shape on the figure and then do the rest with handpainting

Anonymous No. 851277

That's super pretty. The middle of the blade gets kind of lost against the anvil, though. I think it's caused by it reflecting the darker colors and texture of the anvil behind it. I think if you had some kind of way to separate it from the anvil, it would look even better. Something as simple as having a flower and a weed or two placed behind the sword might help. I also see dead leaves on the ground. If you had a large-ish dead leaf in midair between the sword and anvil, where the silhouettes intersect, I think that would also do a lot to help separate them. You could artificially increase the silhouette of the leaf by implying its motion with a little bit of motion blur, which would help to further separate the two. With the blood on the blade, the dead-leaf solution may help to reinforce the theme of death or violence.

Anonymous No. 851279

I'm working on it.

Anonymous No. 851281

I have loads of environment ideas, but fanart of characters just bring more attention and I need the clout



Anonymous No. 851286

Making a video for my autistic music project

Anonymous No. 851293

It's coming along pretty good anon. I was wondering about this project the other day.
Make sure to fix that z-fighting with the guitar, but I'm pretty sure you know that already.

Are these keyposes that you'll animate inbetweens for, or is that how they'll look in the final?

Anonymous No. 851294

Are you talking about the arm flickering? I don't know if I'm doing it right - but I've just been drawing everything around the guitars to avoid such things. I'll just erase the lines/fills that are overlapping it.

I don't think I'll be doing any inbetweens. Right now I'm more concerned with finishing it so I have less things on my mind.

Anonymous No. 851296

Are you talking about the arm flickering? I don't know if I'm doing it right - but I've just been drawing everything around the guitars to avoid such things. I'll just erase the lines/fills that are overlapping the guitar. I don't think I'll be doing any inbetweens. I just want to keep things simple as I am still a Blender noob.


Zdrada Pose Turna....webm

Anonymous No. 851311

Nothing stands out as being off?

Anonymous No. 851364

Yeah the flickering with the guitar. It's because both objects are occupying the same space.
>I've just been drawing everything around the guitars to avoid such things
Why not just cut off the arm that's in front of the guitar, then sandwich the guitar between the body and the arm? They don't even need all that much distance between them, even an infinitesimal distance will fix it.



Anonymous No. 851396

I made an elven princess.

Anonymous No. 851397

nah that's perfect man nice work



Anonymous No. 851406

I made this from scratch with no references.
I can tell you what it's supposed to eventually be.
That big-ass thing on the back is supposed to have these helicopter rotor-drones in it.
The tank shoots a big laser from that thing in the front at the drones, which then bounce the laser into the target.

If anyone in this thread ever played Command and Conquer 3, you know exactly what I'm referring to.
Since I had no reference/sketch , I just inserted "spider-y things" wherever I could". Some webbing here, some legs there, the abdomen like a spider etc

Anonymous No. 851414

>Why not just cut off the arm that's in front of the guitar, then sandwich the guitar between the body and the arm?
I've kind-of been doing that. I would position the guitar slightly behind the character and in orthogonal-front view I would draw around it.

Anonymous No. 851440

very cute
feet could use some work, knee deformation too. slap a lattice on the hair and bend it towards gravity

Anonymous No. 851446

>very cute
Thank you.
>feet could use some work, knee deformation too
Yeah, the knee is killing me. I've already added extra bones to shins and thighs, but I suppose I need to add yet another one for the knee caps.
>slap a lattice on the hair and bend it towards gravity
Oh wow. I didn't even know about such a clever trick. Thanks for the great tip.



Anonymous No. 851534

I'm creating a mirror edge inspired corridor, any idea what I could add/change to improve it ? I'm working on the night lighting right now but i've quickly boost the light on the middle left pic just so you can see better. it's missing a few textures and some need to be rework. This would be for my portfolio, only static images

Anonymous No. 851535

I was thinking of adding graffiti decals on the walls, but i'm not sure if it's fit mirror edge cause the game is super clean in general. I wanted to make it as realistic as possible but i've come to the point where I know i'm not gonna get there

Anonymous No. 851536

more fill. your boosted scene looks best. rest bad. dial back displacement/normal str on tiles.


images - 2021-09-....jpg

Anonymous No. 851545

chin/mouth are looks too protuding, makes her head look like Dababy's.

Anonymous No. 851546

wish i could actually pick zbrush.. but wouldnt that gun be easier to model with a conventional software like blender, maya or max? sculpting hard edged objects like this one seems like a pain

Anonymous No. 851549

More 'hidden' fill to just brighten the scene in general ? because since it's at night i'm struggling to find places where the light could be. I've added the yellow bar on the ground but it's not enough


Screen Shot 2021-....png

Anonymous No. 851561

How shit does this mushroom look?



Anonymous No. 851566

Updating my WIP of >>849636

Originally I didn't intended to be a futuristic scene, but when i sketched the file i named it as "Future" because it was gonna be a "future project", and the name just stuck.

Both anons who comented it said that it looked like a Yakuza screenshot, which is funny because it was that game which inspired me to create the project, so i guess it was successful in that regard.



Anonymous No. 851574

I was kind of using Vanripper's style as a base. They have weird pony head muzzles. Then again, maybe bringing in the chin a little bit would be a good idea.

Anonymous No. 851596

the bunny got the rona m'nigga

Anonymous No. 851599

use lots of bounced + baked lighting
get rid of most specularity
use a lot of detail textures
get rid of clutter

Anonymous No. 851604

is this, the stupid questions thread and the blender thread the only worthy threads in this board? the other threads are just software war coping and schizo garbage

Anonymous No. 851605

Piracy thread is pretty handy...although I've never had anyone fulfill one of my requests.

Anonymous No. 851607

yeah, that too



Anonymous No. 851626

Here is my latest work! I think its comming out better and better but I had weird shadows on the necklace... I checked the geometry and the UVs and couldent figure out why though




Anonymous No. 851627

Here is a better pic with the weird creases



Anonymous No. 851628

Ill post a few more images

Anonymous No. 851630


the human head ruined it :(
t. furfag

Anonymous No. 851631

I think it came out nicely lol but thanks for the feedback I guess lol.... maybe I should make it look a little different next time

Anonymous No. 851640

There used to be good threads, until the schizo nation attacked.
There's the occasional good thread that pops up here and there, but software faggotry has poisoned the well beyond all repair. Now you can't make it 5 posts without some chump bringing up what software someone is using or what they should be using, or why they should kill themselves because of what software they currently use.

The generals you pointed out don't suffer much from that sort of thing since it's a small rotation of anons that post in them. Generals are good for keeping things focused, but can also be a bad thing when there's too many of them and it stifles "free-posting" with everything having to be contained in the relevant channels that not all anons frequent.

Anonymous No. 851641

Yeah I also think the human head is a bit lazy.
You could tell me it's just an edited basemesh and I wouldn't even doubt it.
A more animalistic head would have taken a bit more skill and separated it from the whole "it's just an edited daz mesh lol" look (not saying it is a daz mesh).

Anonymous No. 851642

Cool stuff, but be careful with the thickness of some parts like the gun, holster and that thin strip at the back of his head if you want to print it.
And rather than adding more details, imo it's better to polish the secondary form you already have there.

Anonymous No. 851653

what are clutter ? areas where there's too much going on ?

Anonymous No. 851669

discord and telegram 3dcg is superior because they have actual industry people who give good advice and resources



Anonymous No. 851679

Ok modeling on this thing is done.

Anonymous No. 851698

reminds me of something



Anonymous No. 851719




Anonymous No. 851724

same guy that posted this,
wanted to try making my first character, modeled with primitives in C4D, definitely kept asking myself if this would've been easier with ZBrush, but I started reading that it's easier to rig a character modeled rather than sculpted, so I figured I'd just try.

Was using some Ape Escape pipo monkeys as a reference, still plan on adding a helmet kinda like the Gnomish Mind Control helmet from World of Warcraft.

I tried rigging last night using the character rig in C4D but hit a deadend because I was following a guide and then he said click the Add Deformers button but mine didnt have it so I had no clue what to do once I had all my markers aligned.

I threw the model into Mixamo and got some pretty sick results, but I couldnt get my mats/textures to import over to Mixamo, and it was a pain in the ass to retexture the character once the character was imported with a rig, all the primitives kept moving and rotating weird



Anonymous No. 851726

I made a human warrior.

Anonymous No. 851727


Anonymous No. 851736

How come you're such a bad person?

Anonymous No. 851737

honesty is not a vice

Anonymous No. 851740

Why does he have clay superglued to his face?

Anonymous No. 851741

Honesty isn't your glaring character flaw either. Something far more detestable is.

Anonymous No. 851742

which is?

Anonymous No. 851743

Obtuseness makes that two glaring character flaws.

Anonymous No. 851748

most of the wiring, the trash/debris on the floor, smaller containers, like half of the electrical boxes

Anonymous No. 851749

maybe whoever pointed out that 80% of all users in /3/ don't ven model anything was right all the time

Anonymous No. 851750




Anonymous No. 851765

Maybe he looks better, if I hide all the anatomy.

Anonymous No. 851776

Hide the hair next

Anonymous No. 851779

Currently 6/10
Put a higher res texture on the cap, and atleast give the stem a normal map and it will be 7.5/10 easily. The smaller shrooms and flowers look really good. The rabbit looks stoned out of his mind (which I guess is fitting for the subject matter).



Anonymous No. 851783

Working on making my own ground cover. I think this came out fairly well. Where the leaves join is a bit ugly, so I definitely wouldn't want to bring the camera any closer to it.

Anonymous No. 851794

>80% of all users in /3/ don't ven model anything was right all the time
The OP is proof against that statement.
I'll agree though that most anons aren't posting their work. They probably DO model, but for any number of reasons they don't post here.
Can't say I blame them, but thems the breaks.


nihilanth temp.jpg

Anonymous No. 851797

i started this Nihilanth today to relax, I dont like the BMS remake one, so perhaps it will be a more true to the original Nihilanth, if I finish it...

Anonymous No. 851806

quality work
but you'll have to do the shitty source porting proccess

Anonymous No. 851817

Maybe center the wrist guard a little more and it's golden man. Nice work.



Anonymous No. 851939

just finished sculpting the body for my character. Next gonna have to retopo everything any tips for retopo in bledner? usually using the default retopo tool and shrinkwrap modifier, but it gets tiring.

Anonymous No. 851944

Far from finished, especially the cursed head.
As for the retopo, I just use shrinkwrap with face snapping enabled and set the new mesh to show on top. It's imo better than the clunky retopoflow in most cases.

Anonymous No. 851998

that face gives me strong independent black woman vibes

Anonymous No. 852005

Decided to make a dead game ( CS:GO) look up to date a bit. Basically baked the lighting to the models in blender. Got a bit lazy with the UV spacing and padding ngl senpai

Anonymous No. 852006

>holy shit why didnt i post the fucking link

Anonymous No. 852010

great job.
imo creating foliage is exhausing work


Zdrada Pose Turna....webm

Anonymous No. 852019




Anonymous No. 852022

Much better.
Maybe retouch the boobies so they're not hanging too much, give a little bit more of juice to the hips and ass or make the shoulders just a tiny bit larger to form a better sillhouette and i think you're good to go.

Afer you're finished, you know what you gotta do anon.



Anonymous No. 852027

hi anons, how do i make my head sculpts look cute and not weird


also please critique as much as you want this model.

Anonymous No. 852030

>critique as much as you want this model
Can I critique your life choices instead.



Anonymous No. 852031

Anonymous No. 852032

it's a matter of stylization, art style, design, etc
id say you should use 2D references drawn by yourself.

but first you should learn how to actually do 3d sculpting and there are many tutorials on the net. a quick search on youtube should teach you the basics of whatever software you're using, i'm unfortunately stuck with blender for now.

also, take a look at this channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe6aK54HfaRmoU2-DChVJkQ/videos and many other artists that do anthro sculpting.

aim for the 3hr long streams, you don't need to watch all of it but just a bit just to get a general reference on how it works.

i mostly learned to make anthro models by myself by studying how other artists actually sculpt them first, so then later i can adapt it to my "artstyle". tips from a fellow learning furfag :)

Anonymous No. 852034

I should've mentioned everything in image attached is what I've sculpted, using blender. They're supposed to be a cat but ended up looking more like a feline Barney rn. I like how I've got the body going so far, I just want to make the head have less... Suiter head looking proportions? Is it the cheeks, the eyes, or something else causing this appearance?

What would you personally change?
Sure, if you want to.


blank doughnut.jpg

Anonymous No. 852035

Anonymous No. 852037

as i said, it's a matter of preference.

i don't know how you plan it to look like. is it accurate to your reference image? you said the cheeks "are looking like this" but what's this? i can't just judge.

i sadly can't just go there and point it out what's wrong or not. maybe posting your reference would help

Anonymous No. 852038

matter of reference* fuck



Anonymous No. 852040

O yeah I should've posted that. Here's the ref


medium doughnut.jpg

Anonymous No. 852041


Malina Pose Turna....webm

Anonymous No. 852043

I made a Malina as well and made a similar adjustment to her head.



Anonymous No. 852046

Kept going throughout the week, a sculpt I finished up today.

Anonymous No. 852047

look at kemono artists like Kikurage, they essentially have a human head with a snout that has a small jaw.

Also, work on your head model first so that you can get correct body proportions afterwards

Anonymous No. 852053

I really, really, really, fucking hate modeling. I hate doing any kind of drawing or modeling artistic work, I just fucking hate it.

.. But, I've come to accept the fact that I'm never going to be able to make the 3D games I want without being able to produce my own models.
So, what's an artstyle I can try that doesn't require me to become an artist but that doesn't look like shit either. So far the only one that doesn't seem to make me angry are primitive-mech modeling, because modeling non-organic stuff seems to work better with my programming brain.

Anonymous No. 852054

houdini would be perfect for you



Anonymous No. 852063

working on characters for animation dezu

Anonymous No. 852071

Is that his idle animation in battle HEH



Anonymous No. 852074

The rig is coming along nicely

Anonymous No. 852075

shoo gains goblin shoo

Anonymous No. 852076

Funny that you mention it. Gains goblin was my main inspiration for this char



Anonymous No. 852086

Anonymous No. 852112

I think you should redo the whole thing again.
Poor moxxie looks like a deformed lizard

Anonymous No. 852124


Ass anon, where are you? Those are some quite fine looking asses

Anonymous No. 852142

I would ask in /sqt/, but I think I'd get a better response here. I'll try to keep it as short as I can to not fuck up the thread

>Have something made to look like wood
>Used the node wrangler to add the maps that will give it that more realistic touch
>Looks better
>Switch it to Cycles because realism (or as realistic as I can make it) is easier in Cycles than in Eevee
>Maps are really strong to where the wood looks more like stone
>Easy fix, just tone it down
>Tone it down
>It looks even stronger and more like stone
>Maybe I need to increase it
>Also looks stronger
>Looks the least strong when it's set at the default value but is still too harsh at that value
>Both decreasing and increasing the value make it much more prominent
>On top of that a boolean I did looks really clear in Eevee but is barely discernible in Cycles

Does anyone know why this is happening or how I've fucked it up? I think the boolean problem wouldn't look so bad if the map wasn't so intense but nothing I do with the map seems to work.


images - 2021-09-....jpg

Anonymous No. 852148

does it look grainy? did you tick "non color data" in your normal maps? do that if you didnt
does it look like this? did you bake it on another program? are you sure you baked with openGL and not directx?


brick wood.jpg

Anonymous No. 852161

I wouldn't say it looks grainy, it's more like when you look at a piece of wood and the divots and things are kind of subtle but when you look at a rock the divots and things are clearly noticeable. In fairness the object itself would be sanded and varnished anyway so it probably should be smooth, but this has happened twice now. An anon pointed it out on the last thing I posted but the same thing was happening and I couldn't get it to tone down.
Non-color data is ticked, yes.
I wouldn't say it looks like your pic, but that might just be because mine has a material on it and I'm too much of a brainlet to know the difference.
I haven't baked it at all in any program, not even in blender.
I've included a pic to try and help explain it better than I can. Those aren't rendered btw, they're just screenshots from the regular viewport.
The first one is with the scale set at 1, the second is it at 0.1, and the last one is at 2.

Anonymous No. 852185

how do you have the normal map plugged in?



Anonymous No. 852186

That's the whole thing. I just used the node wrangler. They're all set at defaults in the pic, I haven't touched anything.

Anonymous No. 852187

unplug displacement and render again

Anonymous No. 852189

Based that works great. Thanks!
Should I just not bother with the displacement in future or am I using it wrong?

Anonymous No. 852194

No point in having both displacement and normal plugged in. Displacement actually displaces the geometry, so use that on very high poly models. Normal is just a light trick that allows details to be present with low polycounts.

Anonymous No. 852195

That's cool to know, I'll keep it in mind for the future. Thanks again.



Anonymous No. 852204

Not really wip but I don't wanna do more with this, we got zbrush last week at school so designed this robot guy

Anonymous No. 852208

one of the best pieces of work i've seen here, good job

Anonymous No. 852211

Does blender not have micropolygon displacement? Pathetic.

Anonymous No. 852223

Reminds me of Jin Roh, very cool.

Anonymous No. 852226

Thanks, ye that was a big inspiration

Anonymous No. 852233

I think its cool....def not realistic, but I'm kind of getting old-school runescape vibes from this for some reason. The anatomy around the upper biceps/shoulders could use some tweaking. Also thigh needs more volume

Anonymous No. 852243

It does have micropolygon displacement.

Anonymous No. 852246

Unplugging displacement is a good trick, but sometimes flipping the roughness helps too I've found.
Your wood looks way too glossy which is also contributing to the stone look.
I'd either throw a gamma node in there and tweak it, or invert and adjust it till it looks better.

Anonymous No. 852255

Then use it you certified mongoloid

Anonymous No. 852278

Try popping a colorramp between the roughness img and node, use it to adjust the highlights and shadows.



Anonymous No. 852290

Is there a way i could accentuate the ridge of the roof? its already marked sharp. Or should i shade it a bit lighter so it will be seen?



Anonymous No. 852297

here's a funny little thing i made in 4 minutes



Anonymous No. 852303

Ornamentation always draws attention. Pic rel. Of course, this isn't really an option if this is meant to be a commoner's house. I think part of the issue is that the lighting and materials look very flat.



Anonymous No. 852304

Also, look at this pic. Notice how the shingles essentially make lines that force the viewer's eye to the edge. It looks like your roof is made of sheet metal/corrugated metal instead of shingles, but you could probably use ambient occlusion to slightly exaggerate the low parts of the roofing and create a similar effect. Another approach might be to add some grime/dust in the low parts, where it would have a tendency to collect. You might also consider adding a bit of weathering to the edges (but don't over do it).

Anonymous No. 852310

seems complicated to do but id lije ti try my hand and model this



Anonymous No. 852312

PSA: Animation Schizo - This is where he has chosen to practice his English- Fucking playing half the board to give him free conversation to practice his broken English. I'll give him props, for actively practicing something; and he's good at fishing for the replies with his absurdly stubborn responses to anyone who bites



Anonymous No. 852313

Its an asbestos roof tile, i could go for the asian look, but my goal is to make it Easter European, many houses still use it here. I think if i add 2 lines and extrude them it will be looking better.

Anonymous No. 852315

also what is missing is the inconsistency of hot they tile on each other i think, they look as if its one big ass tile.. that could also work i guess

Anonymous No. 852318

another anon said this but i'll reiterate, unplug displacement or the normal map
by default displacement acts like a bump map, you can change it to "Displacement Only" if you want to use it with adaptive subdivision



Anonymous No. 852320

Like this i guess.


download (5).jpg

Anonymous No. 852324


I can make a better house in sims 1.



Anonymous No. 852326

how's my skull /3/
I followed a tutorial then did touch-ups by looking at various ref.



Anonymous No. 852330


Anonymous No. 852348

what impresses me is how anyone even replies to his posts. people are fucking stupid its unbelievable

it looks like a skull... i see you killed someone and took the flesh out of their decapitated head to use as a real life reference for sculpting

Anonymous No. 852352

looks like woody allen

Anonymous No. 852354

No you can't. Don't even try.

Anonymous No. 852373

Rooftiles scales are off the roof, pun intended
Make it WAY smaller.
entryway ladder is too wide, no one with limited landspace would waste it that way. Make it narrower.

Anonymous No. 852374

Not bad. You´ll want to decimate polygons and use normal maps to keep the details if you plan to use it in animation or games.
...that´s your objective, i hope.


2nd sculpt.jpg

Anonymous No. 852376

/beg/ here. Would I get more value out of trying to finish this (and how do I do that) or go to the next thing?

Anonymous No. 852377

Next thing and learn to control mesh resolution



Anonymous No. 852410

I'm kinda new to zbrush and everything that goes with it like UV Unwrapping, so this model is on like 56 mil polys and the lowest sub div i have for it is 3.5 mil. I thought i could clone it, remesh then take copy paste UVs from that but apparently I can't. Is there any way to get to a much lower poly for the same subtool so that I can bake the details and texture it in substance? i tried projection and stuff but it doesn't work very well because the remeshed model always breaks in some places or looks like shit.

Anonymous No. 852411

>I'm kinda new to zbrush and everything that goes with it like UV Unwrapping, so this model is on like 56 mil polys and the lowest sub div i have for it is 3.5 mil. I thought i could clone it, remesh then take copy paste UVs from that but apparently I can't. Is there any way to get to a much lower poly for the same subtool so that I can bake the details and texture it in substance? i tried projection and stuff but it doesn't work very well because the remeshed model always breaks in some places or looks like shit.
There is a topology brush you can use, but if you want something fast and do not need clean geo you could try the Decimation Master in the Zplugins



Anonymous No. 852420

Fixed the stairs and the roof.


fugly musket2.png

Anonymous No. 852430

textured this musket, first time doing this kind of thing it turned out kinda........uh.......

Anonymous No. 852431

If you want fine details, resin for sure
The best option though is to print it, clean/sand it, make a mold, then cast with a better/stronger material (which also lets you make multiple copies)

Anonymous No. 852433

Clothes don't work that way, anon
No sane person tucks their clothing underneath their breasts

Anonymous No. 852444

use. substance.



Anonymous No. 852455

Van designed them with pretty tight clothing. It's not tucked, just form fitting.


mal testrender.jpg

Anonymous No. 852461

Well, either way. How would you fix it? I'd be willing to have a proper "boob tent", but I "accidentally" made her chest several sizes too big.



Anonymous No. 852462

im 2D artist and this is my first model ever, I want to do low poly stuff, am I on the right track?


nihilanth temp 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 852466

wasap, im the Nihilanth faggot again,
does anyone have any link to the rip of the hl1 model with uvs and textures to use as a ref??, I could only find one with no uvs

Anonymous No. 852477

yeah, is fine I guess.

Your first models will be shit anyway, just like your first 2D drawings.

The more your practice the better you'll get.



Anonymous No. 852485

Probably a sign of NGMIness but i'm not quite done with this guy yet, and it has been a long time im making him.

Well shit, turns out getting my ass bombarded with shitty school assignments doesn't leave much of a vague space of time to really keep doing my model work. But tomorrow i don't really have anything to do, and i'll stop procastinating shit when i finally have some time so i'll try to just finish this once and for all.

Anyway i digress, i'm just remaking this because the last low poly model was downright awful and way too out of scope from my original tri count budget. But now i'm just gonna make the body a single piece to save up on performance.

I also remade the pockets and made a vest, it's not gonna be visible or used anywhere but i just made it for fun.

Anonymous No. 852486

thanks, yea I know how progression goes, I just wanted to make sure I'm not failing catastrophically or smth



Anonymous No. 852489

I don't think i've posted this here before, but yeah i was autistic enough to attempt tank interiors. There's even a little animation of the shitty magic autoloader system.

Enjoy this rip i took directly from the game (if that works for you), recommend importing the .smd file to the program you're using instead of the .obj since it's better. If you can't load .smd just install the source engine import/export tools

If you can't get it to work in your software just install HLMV, you can get a detailed turnaround of the model and inspect it more upclose. Just plop the nihilanth .MDL file there and you're good to go. https://gamebanana.com/tools/4779



Anonymous No. 852494

green beam

Anonymous No. 852495

thanks 3ro, nice layout dud

Anonymous No. 852497

no problem. i'm a big valve nerd so i kniw almost everything about their games except for coding
Also that's one of the most HD renders of Nihillanth i've ever seen, great job

Anonymous No. 852498

Not that anon but I think its cool that you know a lot into Valve stuff- It is all unknown to me, Never had the chance to dive in. Is SFM truly bad? You know Ross scott, When I found his channel and heard how he was making a movie- I said cool! But as I learned more on his hesitation to learn dedicated 3d tools, it seems pipe-dream-teir

Anonymous No. 852499

its almost like clothes can be made to fit around certain shapes

Anonymous No. 852500

I would add some clothes wrinkles under the booba see >>852455
Also I would suggest using some flat material for the eyes, the shadows in the eyes can either be painted or have another mesh on top.

Anonymous No. 852502

Can't really say much about SFM since i tried it one time and gave up because i found the UI and the proccess to make a simple animation absolutely horrible. Maybe i didn't get the hang of it, who knows.

There are a few quality SFM animations out there, yes. I'd say it's not 100% bad but now that we have SFM2, it might be even better.

Anonymous No. 852504

Yeah I'm still figuring out what to do specifically for the eye. I've been meaning to get an animation with Zdrada and Malina, but I'm still unsure how to tackle parts of the face specifically since I'm not using pre-drawn shadows. I'll probably just end up normal editing the whites of the eye as well to get them to look less weird. I'll get to working on Malina's vest. Though, would you say similar has to be done to Zdrada's shirt as well?

Anonymous No. 852525

>Clothes don't work that way, anon
It's amazing what a tailor is capable of these days.



Anonymous No. 852567

looks like carrot top and the clothes belong in the dumpster- Looks like she is in line at the doctor's office for a Breast reduction surgery

Anonymous No. 852569

As in, too frizzy? Or not enough polys?

Anonymous No. 852574

Mostly the face, the features- It appears as if your model has had plastic surgery on her face to look more like a Who from the grinch-canon. And right now, it looks a lot like a glamorized template which you added onto with your OC (i know this isn't your OC, but if you didn't mention the ref artist, I would have assumed it was OC). I think the style of the body and head, the color tones and values- It all suits poorly for what you are working towards. Take this comment, try to internalize what I am saying. I don't want to aimlessly shit on the work you've done thus far. I want you to make cool things - I want everyone to make cool things. I suggest: Not so rigid. Play with the proportions- Saturate the colors. Stray from reference; Make the form more you



Anonymous No. 852575

Does anyone know some in-depth UV texturing course for c4d? It's high time i took one of those

Anonymous No. 852580

no anon sorry, C4D is not my thing, there has to be some in youtube tho



Anonymous No. 852616

New Green Beam

Anonymous No. 852641

I think I'm getting that it's in the uncanny valley, but I'm not sure how to fix it. And straying too far from the reference feels like it kind of ruins the point of what I'm trying to make.

Anonymous No. 852658

You are miles from the reference- You are also nitpicking my comment to make yourself feel better. Stop that shit, grow up , and take a long look at your work versus the reference. You have humanized the reference in a way that takes everything it originally was (A cartoon, with big cartoon eyes, a squiggle mouth; a Drawing with life) and you have put some human clothes- a costume ear and hair piece on a female's anatomical form. What your showing me is some weird hybrid spawned from that reference that does not fit. This is not a point of whether I like the reference or not, this is me speaking objectively as I can about where you went wrong during the process of making this. Because let's be real, it looks like fucking garbage to you, me, and dupree. The motivation is good, the work you've done is poor. The character work is poor quality

Anonymous No. 852659

>blah blah blah ad hominiem blah blah model shit blah blah
Not him, but go fuck yourself, crossboarder. Your replies contain nothing but insults and and no constructive criticism.

Anonymous No. 852664

Yeah it's pretty clear this dude's never modeled a day in his life, and wants to be the center of attention.

Anonymous No. 852665

Yeah, I'm getting that, but I'm still not sure where to go with all of this. You're essentially just telling me my model could be better, but you're also telling me to figure it out on my own. The only problem is that I'm not sure what to do specifically to fix it.

Anonymous No. 852668

how do you work this fast? i could barely make half of a second beam in the same time and you've done four whole ones.

Anonymous No. 852672

You're projecting- You must be- Because no part of me aims to belittle or shut down. My harshness is warranted. Would you rather someone continue on a skewed path of character work. Picture a musician Never hitting the right notes and instead of addressing the issue, you instead tell them to adjust the instrument's volume up and down? That is what NPC responses to bad character work is like- You don't comment on how the notes being played fucking suck, you instead suggest the volume be up... no no maybe down a little. Yeah should be good. Great! that's a good volume! You miss the point. The poster of the character needs to A) study cartooning and the styles for creating cartoon characters, before modeling a cartoon B) do the best they can to try to reach for a more dialed approach to recreate based on reference

I have no answers on how to fix the current model you have there. I believe in your next project though, it is always better than the last. And don't let my words hurt you. I wish you the best path forward. I typed some brutal honest opinions- But again I commend the work you've put in

Anonymous No. 852673

>dialed approach
What do you mean by this?

Anonymous No. 852675


This GDC has good information on character design: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmGb-jU3uVQ

I'll suggest the book 'Cartoon Animation' by Preston Blair
Has a lot of great illustrations into the construction of a cartoon character (All types and forms)

Maybe lastly I'll suggest you watch Aeon flux, or some of the surrounding information on the art design of that program. The way the director chose to stylize the figures in that show, might give you insight on how to apply that side of the imagination while doing the initial steps of bringing characters into 3d

With this knowledge and some light study, you "tune in" to the process on a better foot, than if you were without

Anonymous No. 852678

>The purpose of an imageboard is to display content
I agree with your general idea but I mean if you really want to count anything as content then the sphere torturing lunatic is a content creator and if I post daily pictures of my own shit then so am I.
Quality of the content maters. I'd be the first one against any even remotely strict moderation but some of the shit posted here is just plain obvious troll garbage that should simply be deleted. Keep the rules very loose but cut the crap that is obviously just spammed by a few schizos just to irritate and bait people.

Anonymous No. 852679

The boot looks alright. The post is cringe because you're spamming those zoomer meme words

Anonymous No. 852682

that looks pretty good. I think some bevels around the metal sword guard parts could make an improvement, right now those edges look a bit unrealistically sharp.
There is also something a bit uncanny about the dark green plants but I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe they need some SSS / translucency ? Good work overall.



Anonymous No. 852684

used unity for the first time for a school assignment, we had to blockout a small level, we weren't allowed to use textures and could only model in probuilder, my assigned theme was indiana jones esque temple

Anonymous No. 852685

>Both words are older than zoomers are

Anonymous No. 852686

Cool center platform as well as the facade I like- do you have exp. in other 3d software? Coming from a handful of other software, blockouts in Unity were really clunky for me. What do you think of probuilder?

Anonymous No. 852688

thanks, ye i have some experience in zbrush and roughly know how blender works but i'm not that used to traditional box modeling. probuilder felt pretty good for just blockout actually. It's fairly quick to get a scene going but it was pretty difficult doing anything other than basic shapes

Anonymous No. 852691

what kind of school is this. let me in

Anonymous No. 852697

I don't wanna dox myself too much but it's a 3d game school in Sweden



Anonymous No. 852699

>Vi lär barnen 3D -grafik här

Anonymous No. 852702

I'll get started on the book, but I'm not entirely sure what I should be noting down from the GDC video. A lot of it seems more on the animation side of things more than the design and interpretation of things. Unless you think I should be looking at 30s cartoons as well?

Anonymous No. 852708

thought it was an actual school that had optional game dev classes, but cool anyway

Anonymous No. 852730

faggot, but you get 2/10 for making me reply



Anonymous No. 852740

almost done.....
how horrible is the topology??

Anonymous No. 852750




Anonymous No. 852758

Wanted some better-than-usual shoulder deformations so made this fucking mess today



Anonymous No. 852759


Anonymous No. 852761

I don't get what's happening but it looks cool.

Anonymous No. 852773

Topo looks good, to be desu. Not bad.

Anonymous No. 852825


Anonymous No. 852829

Tris not quads?

Anonymous No. 852830

>Need to login to watch
>Don't have an account

Anonymous No. 852839

I applied triangulate modifier to have consistent triangulation for facial shapekeys bakes.

Anonymous No. 852841

>get 4chan X



Anonymous No. 852867

I made an Arch Wizard Waifu.

Anonymous No. 852904

i've got a nice round number of triangles at this point



Anonymous No. 852905


Anonymous No. 852906

Now make him go through a tunnel at high speeds

Anonymous No. 852916

Even if he doesn't, I'll make sure it happens in the next OP.



Anonymous No. 852918

Old model that I originally used as reference for drawing. Still need to add decals and tweak the lighting.

Anonymous No. 853012

Not bad anon not bad



Anonymous No. 853078


Green beam three

Anonymous No. 853080


How dare you make Megumin's face without reference! Sorry try again

Anonymous No. 853101

Did you have a reference video or anything? It looks good.



Anonymous No. 853121

More music video autism/practice

Anonymous No. 853150

Seems too much like one smooth motion, gotta feel the clicks and stops but maybe it just needs an interpolation change.



Anonymous No. 853154

Hey /3/ How'd I do? I can't ever seem to get textures right. where the hell do I even start?

Anonymous No. 853161

it looks really good

Anonymous No. 853166

Thanks for the tip.
The wood is supposed to look a bit glossy though because it's varnished. I'll tone it down anyway though because that might fix a different problem I have. Overall I think it looks alright in the scene.

Thanks, I'll try this too for the other problem I have because a different anon in another thread said it's a shadow problem (the new problem, not the one I posted itt).

Yeah I pulled out the displacement and it fixed it immediately.
>you can change it to "Displacement Only" if you want to use it with adaptive subdivision
I'll keep that in mind for the next thing I try. Thanks.



Anonymous No. 853167

pretty satisfied with how this turned out, I know it looks like shit but its pretty much exactly what I imagined and I wasnt shooting for like pixar/disney quality, I just wanted a character I could rig and make dance to music. I could not figure out how to bake arnold shaders so I had to replace all the materials I used with whatever the basic c4d material is, and just eyedropped the colors off the old materials I used. Also when I export the model after baking, I cant figure out how to get rid of the black seams that show up, I've tried different resolutions, pixel borders etc.

Model in this image has a mixamo rig on it. I really wish I had a RTX card so I could render some loops of the rig in action in a reasonable amount of time.



Anonymous No. 853179



Anonymous No. 853180




Anonymous No. 853181

Anonymous No. 853182

Now, textures



Anonymous No. 853183

No talent for textures.

Anonymous No. 853186

Then do the catgirl next

Anonymous No. 853188

Come now, you wouldn’t just give up like this?



Anonymous No. 853191

Is there a way to overcome the hell that is unwrapping?

Anonymous No. 853196

nah, it's comfy brain rest

Anonymous No. 853197

only time

Anonymous No. 853200

which one is the render

Anonymous No. 853202


god I love blender users. you don't texture in blender it's junk unless you spend mad hours learning how to and at that point it's still useless because it's not used in any pipe-line, so you're better off learning how use substance painter or mari.

Anonymous No. 853206

You're supposed to use krita or gimp if you're a poorfag who can't into piracy, right?

Anonymous No. 853207

I don't know what prevents you from pirating substance but use quixel mixer or armorpaint then, I think they're free



Anonymous No. 853214

Think i'm done with this.

Anonymous No. 853227

This is nice

Anonymous No. 853234

No way anon, there is so much you could do to add to it- Give it a few days and return to it with some sketches



Anonymous No. 853236

This is hard

Anonymous No. 853241

Amateurish, boring, ugly and half-arsed - is this your first project? Sorry for being harsh, but its the truth.
I am pretty sure you could do better if you would put some more hours of effort into it and I would strongly advice you do so for various reasons.
Either you don't know any better, which is damning because of the amount of learning material available to you, or you have no motivation / discipline / passion.
Do you at least realize that this work isn't good?
Did you bit more than you can chew?
You got tired of it, ran out of time or want to do something else?
Either way, don't stop now - it would be a waste of the effort you've already put in, not finishing it means you leave a good opportunity to learn and grow and derive yourself of an success experience.
You've walked 65% of the way, the actually fun and rewarding part is ahead if you would keep on pushing.

Anonymous No. 853242

No, you're supposed to learn how to pirate.
Using a 2D program to texture in 2021 is like cleaning your room with a toothbrush instead of using proper equipment.
It will hold you back, fuck your over, wastes your time, compromises your results, will demotivate you, stop you from advancing and becoming good, derive you of pleasure and makes you look like an retard.
Go there >>841796 and ask some anons for help, pirating painter is a walk in the park, you only need the files.
Quixel Mixer is still not really a great solution for texturing, only for some uses-cases.



Anonymous No. 853244


You should redo it in Sims 1. It will look 10x better.

Anonymous No. 853250

Thanks anon. Subsurf scattering is a huge part of it. It's hard to make it look good when the meshes don't have any volume.

Anonymous No. 853252

you're doing rather well, honestly. Good job.



Anonymous No. 853253

Second shot at general form. This time, I'm trying out how to use Substance designer generators to get the rough shape of scales down. I wasn't caring too much about the color, but I think we're getting closer.

Anonymous No. 853255

I don't think you're done.

Nah, sims 1 buildings look even worse than this. I'd say he should do it in half life 2's hammer editor. It'll look a lot better.

Anonymous No. 853258

I'm definitely no expert, but I think it at least needs some kind of backdrop to it. It looks a bit like an overcast day with grey clouds except they don't look like clouds, it looks like a grey wall if you know what I mean.

Anonymous No. 853260

much better sculpt



Anonymous No. 853281

new thread time guys



Anonymous No. 853294

One last fish to finish up the thread.

Anonymous No. 853298

So long, thanks for all the fish.
Don't forget that the thread is still considered "active" even though it hit bump limit.

OP here guys, putting together the next OP as we speak. It should be done by the time we hit page 5.
Depending on how crowded things get in this next one, I think it might be the last collage. Start thinking of ideas for OPs, or we could start up another collage.

I was thinking it might be cool to create a showcase in Unreal, where its the /wip/ landscape and your models were in it and you can walk around it and check them all out. Of course that has its own issues, mainly the posting of models to use in it, and all that jazz. Still, it's an idea.



Anonymous No. 853307

I agree with you, there are some things i suck at making in blender, for example the bricks, and the shading, its on the border of realism and it looks like something is missing, but i never watched a rendering, so i don't know how to achieve a better result, all i did was fuck around in blender with no goal in mind.

Even if i put more time into it and i get better, its impossible to get work in 3d in my country sadly. Maybe il "finish" it after watching some render tutorials, i mostly did game assets for modding anyway.



Anonymous No. 853335

Maybe done this time?

Anonymous No. 853343

I liked the lighting from the first image better.

Anonymous No. 853354

I like second lighting here- It is crazy but: Give everything a bump map- make everything a bit specular- render it a bit smaller- saturate the colors a bit- You will be looking like pixar in 99



Anonymous No. 853387

Like this?

Anonymous No. 853396

I think that one's better than the other two, though it looks like one of those assets you'd find in an MMD video.

Anonymous No. 853397

The wood and the chimney will be fixed in the next one hopefully, im working on it right now.

Anonymous No. 853402

youre getting there, although i'd say you should probably try to improve the lighting before focusing on the nitty gritty like textures
it looks very uniform and lifeless (is that your intention?)

Anonymous No. 853410

Not at all, i just put a sun spot and i'm just rotating it, the strength is at 3.5.

Anonymous No. 853411

you should probably give it some color + set the worlds color to a nice complementary one
e.g. sun color to a pale yellow, world color as a pale blue (or even better, make it a gradient)



Anonymous No. 853412

Thanks for the tip, too much blue right?



Anonymous No. 853417




Anonymous No. 853419

Seems like displacements work better in evee but that might be just me.

Anonymous No. 853425

material properties, settings , change from bump only to bump and displacement (while in cycles this choice will appear inside a dropdown in the settings of the material)

Anonymous No. 853433

I did it, the result is what u see.



Anonymous No. 853476

K i added some subdivision modifiers and played a little bit more, but i think i'm done with this little house it was a good learning experience, i originally started it as a low poly prop for "games" but then decided to fuck around and see what happens. I'm satisfied with the result, some thing could improve that's for sure, but rendering is not my goal, at least for now.

Anonymous No. 853477

Your picture looks alright if you crop the lower half away. The ground and the foundation of the house look awful. Why not just use actual displacement for the foundation and add some proper ground scattering with geonodes? A bit more work and you can proudly show it to your mum.

Anonymous No. 853481

Foundation and ground already uses displacement, if i were to continue this project i would need to watch some tutorials about shading and light, i know that there are some on the internet, but like i said, i'm not pursuing a career in rendering, just playing around as i learn stuff. I usually start something and make it until i reach a point where i have no idea how to do it and then start searching what i need, no more no less, i watch the video until i see what i need and i stop there, sometimes i come back and watch the entire thing but only because the guy who made the tutorial made a mistake and i followed that mistake too. I know it can be made amazing, but i would rather start a new project and then come back to this one once i have more knowledge.

Anonymous No. 853485

>Foundation and ground already uses displacement,
They clearly don't. They look like they have normals, but definitely no displacement. I guess you're using Eevee, which explains it. So either switch to cycles or use a displacement modifier, if you want to see actual geometry-level displacement.

Anonymous No. 853566

New thread up.
I'm going to be busy the next couple of days, so I figured I'd just get the wip image and thread out of the way rather than wait until I can do it again.
The thread's basically on page 5 in any case.



Anonymous No. 853610

REST IN PIECE Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces President of **** the lord anon



Anonymous No. 853811
