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🧵 /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 940620

/wip/ - Works in Progress - Pixel edition
Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>936902

List of free resources:

/3/ Discord for those interested:

Anonymous No. 940622

>discord link
delete this and make a proper WIP thread

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Anonymous No. 940628

Here is a house based off of one in Morrowind I am working on. I want to eventually try and put it into Unity and be able to walk into it and whatnot in VR. What is your recommendation for building archways into walls? I was just doing it as a boolean but it makes the faces kind of wonky.

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ah shit.jpg

Anonymous No. 940659


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Anonymous No. 940663

how about you post something rather than complain

Anonymous No. 940664

There’s already a perfectly good WIP thread here: >>936854

Anonymous No. 940666

what's it to you

Anonymous No. 940680

Your /WIP/ thread will never be a real /WIP/ thread. You have no Hobbit hole. Your thread is a mockery of /3/'s perfection.

Anonymous No. 940687

>perfectly good
>no hobbit hole
Away with you, tourist.

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Anonymous No. 940695

would love some thoughts on pic rel, i really need to do a psx style render again.
le spin tool

Anonymous No. 940697

>I was just doing it as a boolean but it makes the faces kind of wonky.
JUst do that but you have to clean the mesh after.

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Anonymous No. 940745

Blocked out the pose and the clothes, now I'm going to work on the hair

Anonymous No. 940758

Ah ok that is what I have been doing so I'll just keep on going with that then

Anonymous No. 940759

Thumbnail made me think she was riding a pig.

Anonymous No. 940778

I'd be okay with this except for the implication behind OP image being a watch and the 'tick-tock' is that I am running out of time and getting too old to be doing this and soon I will have to find a real job and I don't appreciate any of that. That's a very mean OP post and I don't wanna be a part of a thread with that kind of doomer gloomer OP.
If anything, you made me believe even more in hobbit hole as a sort of space dominated by virtuosity and results yet welcome to everyone from all ages and walks of life. As long as you got WIP, you're welcome here, and that's a commendable thing. Much better than your tick-tock mockery of a thread.

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Anonymous No. 940779

Anonymous No. 940797

Please take your medication. It's just a watch.

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Anonymous No. 940802

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Anonymous No. 940817

I made her into a guy
But there's still something off in this model

Anonymous No. 940819

Nice work anon, her face looks really good. Will it be a figure?

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Anonymous No. 940859

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Anonymous No. 940864

I'd love some help. I'm getting giga filtered by eyelids and eyes in general as well as actually making her look like the reference.
Of course hair, lashes, brows and textures will sort the issue but I want to get as close as possible in the sculpt before moving on to those.
Any advice?

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Anonymous No. 940866

The eyebrows are fucked, you could move the eyes back a bit, and add volume here and remove these folds, I can't help you without the model

Anonymous No. 940867


This should work.
It would be great to see how it should look like.

Anonymous No. 940872

Here is my take, I can't work more on this, sorry, the resolution that you are using is to add fine details, to do this try to go from 20 to 100k faces or so.

Anonymous No. 940875

Ok the last one

Anonymous No. 940889

Appreciate it, now to learn detailing and hair particles.

Anonymous No. 940900

here's a new Discord Link:

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Anonymous No. 940907

what's the magic behind creases? mine always look like shit

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Anonymous No. 940915

sculpting the guy from the Bosch painting of hell

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Anonymous No. 940917

Maybe it's not a 3D art piece but I've worked on this tonight. Do you like it?

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Anonymous No. 940930

progress, callin it quits for now

Anonymous No. 940974

I like it. Definitely useful.
I wish there was a way to manually rotate the 3d cursor as well. Why they only give you its location to tweak and not its rotation always baffled me. Sure the rotation is used when aligning the cursor to something 90% of the time, but there's definitely instances where I wish I could just have it rotated.

Anonymous No. 940975

Actually, scratch that, I'm selectively fucking blind.
Rotation has been right there the whole time.
Still nifty to hide it though.

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Anonymous No. 940976

thinking of picking up a pen since sculpting has been so much fun. Even though this is stylized I went and tried to copy proper anatomy. Does this look imporved at all? I didnt have times to clean up the back/thighs

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Anonymous No. 940992

3D Cursor rotation was added past the 2.7
But still there is no way to hide it. If you think about it, most of the time you don't even need to see it because you're using it as a sort of coordinate clipboard.
When it's hidden you can still do 3D Cursor to selection and Selection to 3D cursor.
But at least up to 2.76, there is no Python API to hide and lock it. The patch is simple enough but you have to recompile everything.

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cursor hide.jpg

Anonymous No. 940993

>most of the time you don't even need to see it because you're using it as a sort of coordinate clipboard.
I'd agree there, but it largely depends on what I'm working on. Sometimes I'll be using it for 70-80% of my transforms, and other times I won't touch it at all. I find it useful to hide, for sure, but at the same time I don't feel like it gets in the way, necessarily. You're able to hide it with pic related though.

That being said, it's a bit out of the way, and I wouldn't mind it being near the other things for the 3d cursor. If I were you, I would put the code up on wherever it is people post fixes and stuff that way it gets actually implemented in the official builds. I don't see why this wouldn't unless it's dodgy code, though they might just not because of redundancy.

Anonymous No. 940994

Actually, I just realized you're working on 2.7x specifically. Once again me being selectively blind. I swear I need to pay more attention. Sorry about that.

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Anonymous No. 940997

That's good because that setting is probably accessible via the Python API now.
But still it's the placement of the toggle switch that matters. It has to be where it belongs. Right in the 3D Cursor panel, right next to the 3D Cursor position indicators.
I look at pic related and I assume there is no way it hide it. Then 5 years later, while doing something completely unrelated, I stumble upon that other option in the View panel.

As far as I can remember, the Hide 3D Cursor functionality has been proposed to the wise Blender Programmers for 15 years from now. They're not going to do it because they didn't think about it. They took it personally back then and they still hold the same grudge as is typical from 5 year olds and younger.

Anonymous No. 940999

>though they might just not because of redundancy
Yes. Not being sarcastic at all here. Because the rest of the Blender UI has been so tightly optimized for redundancy that to add a single rather useful toggle in the right place would make it unintuitive.

How do you become so indoctrinated? I'm fascinated because I don't seem to have that ability. How do you get to the point where you look at a product and assume it can do no wrong? How does it feel like? Does it feels like... love? That "love" thing everybody talks about all the time? I don't get it.

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Anonymous No. 941009

Been trying to improve at low poly characters.
This is all quad topology. Has some weird kites around the shoulders.
1,382 Verts. Not sure if i can go lower in some places. Seems fine for a base mesh.
Rate my Topology / "Anatomy" pls.

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Anonymous No. 941015

Proportions are ok. Topology... there are arbitrarily many issues but I'll point out one.
Your video card will ultimately output triangles to the screen.
If a quad more or less lies on a plane, then it's ok, but if it's very curved, then the rendering subsystem has to decide which diagonal to use to split it. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.
My advice is: try to go easy with the curvature, or force the split by hand if you have to.

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Anonymous No. 941016

Anonymous No. 941017

Looks like a wallpaper in Yume 2kki.

Anonymous No. 941018

looks sick

Anonymous No. 941033

>How do you become so indoctrinated?
I don't know if you're criticizing me or the developers at large. I just remember them saying shit like that on the little "Blender Today" videos I check out every once in a while. Which they have a bit of a point, but they don't have much of a leg to stand on considering almost every command is doubled up somewhere.
I personally don't care one way or the other. Having the toggle next to the 3d cursor transforms would be nice for convenience and I'd prefer having it, but it's still got an option elsewhere. If I really really wanted that convenience though, I could always add the toggle on my quick menu.

As far as "indoctrination" goes. There's plenty about Blender that I hate, I just put up with it because it's quicker (and cheaper) to just work around an issue with a fix that takes an hour or so, than to drop everything and take weeks to learn another program from scratch and get to the same level of proficiency. Some of that stubbornness probably comes from me liking working in the software (vomit inducing, I know), but I'm not doing everything in it, contrary to what the developers suggest I do with all its half-assed extra bits.
Don't know what's up with the people that fully drank the Kool-Aid though. Most of them are fucking insane. That's typical with FOSS autists, and autists in general.

Anonymous No. 941037

I looked at some more reference. And a lot of models have triangles in areas that bend a l lot during animation.
So i guess i have to make a rig and see where the iffy spots are on the joints and split some quads.

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Anonymous No. 941042

Started texturing a bit. I'm going for something a little stylized, if still "realistic". unsure if I'm going overboard a bit, then again my reference is pretty beat up.

Anonymous No. 941080

That's fucking cool, I love the overall look.
I hate the edges on the boiler plate, the rest of the texturework looks photoreal from a distance though.

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Anonymous No. 941093

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Anonymous No. 941095

use tris. avoid kites.

Anonymous No. 941097

>That's typical with FOSS autists
Because nobody challenges them. That's why they feel entitled to play with users.
They bury functionality and then they go: "tee-hee didn't you know it was here the whole time? Haven't you watched the latest Youtube tutorial by Blender Guru? Poor thing."
I'm a programmer as well and I can tell you word for word what goes through their head.
One can only conclude that Blender developers are extremely dissociated with their own sexuality.

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Anonymous No. 941116

Anonymous No. 941121

very nice

Anonymous No. 941127

you should just unwrap it and then texture it with AI

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Anonymous No. 941149

Thanks a lot for the reference.
Remade my hands as the old ones looked like some mangled sausages.
I think this is better now.

But i'm unsure about the shoulders, I just did a revolve of the upper arm into the body. Is this more square / box shaped shoulder better. Or does this collapse in on itself too when the arm swings forward or backward?

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Anonymous No. 941150


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Anonymous No. 941158


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Anonymous No. 941167

thanks for the drawing.
I was unsure of dropping the triangle in the center of the palm. But tweaking the edge flow a bid mate the the different sections of the hand more readable.
This will properly need tweaking after the rigging process.

So i guess the second most difficult part of the body is done. Not sure if i'll even attempt a face.

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Anonymous No. 941168

Wrapped up.

Anonymous No. 941172


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Anonymous No. 941179

animated gif version

Anonymous No. 941180

did you use goatse as reference

Anonymous No. 941183

don't tempt me...i'll do it

Anonymous No. 941220

i look like this

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Anonymous No. 941254

Ok, box modeling a face was not too difficult.
Still has some areas i'm not happy with. Mainly the temple and the space between the nose and the cheek.

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Anonymous No. 941296

Did a bit more texturing

the chair nerd No. 941300

BEAUTIFUL WORK ANON GG. How many locomotives have you done? Could you post an anthology?

I fucking love trains.

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Anonymous No. 941312

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Video Ambientes(1).webm

the chair nerd No. 941314

It's obviously lacking anon what are you trying to achieve? I could help, believe me or not I've done professional bathroom renderings for toilet brands before so yeah you just came to the right place.
Hurry because mods have already banned me twice this month for insulting brown people from India.

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Screenshot 2023-0....jpg

Anonymous No. 941322

Anonymous No. 941328

based polymodeler chad

Anonymous No. 941329

>I've done professional bathroom renderings for toilet brands before so yeah you just came to the right place.
and my dad works at Nintendo

the chair nerd No. 941330

How the fuck did you know?!?!

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Anonymous No. 941331

i know its super unrelated as shit but i'm losing my fucking mind
that one sculpt i posted here on this thread like months ago is frequently being used in some weird indian news site

Anonymous No. 941335

fucking hell this reply was painfully poorly worded
i meant, a sculpt i posted earlier in this thread is now being used in a few weird indian clickbait articles
sorry i was just laughing my ass off, i just kinda barfed that meaningless word salad without even thinking

Anonymous No. 941347

not going for photorealism it's for an animation

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Anonymous No. 941365

I've watched the Blender talk about bevels:
and I wanted to show some my bevels.

the chair nerd No. 941367

Oh ok nice. Tell me if you need toilet assets.

Anonymous No. 941368

use 3ds max

stop toilet posting

Anonymous No. 941374

>use 3ds max
It's Blender but I didn't use they method. If 3ds max bevel operator can do something like that I would be impressed. Maybe you can show me.

Anonymous No. 941375

It's gorgeous. The only way it could be better would be if one of the scenarios was the middle of a living room.

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the chair nerd No. 941376


the chair nerd No. 941380

Oh we wanted to add something crazy to that original 2017 campaign piece like the bathroom in the middle of a forest but the client sadly declined.

Anonymous No. 941384

The peak of Mt. Everest.

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the chair nerd No. 941385

Not my proudest moment but I've done it.

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Anonymous No. 941386

Started reading Loomis

Anonymous No. 941404

do u have a toilet brush? I could also do with a toilet roll holder. Everything is kind of 2x scale. It's also meant to look a bit decrepit. I'm using a lot of diffuse light so the render was really noisy.

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bathroom accesories.png

the chair nerd No. 941407

Yep i do. Enjoy anon.


Anonymous No. 941408

thats a VIRUS

Anonymous No. 941409


the chair nerd No. 941419

Yes it is.

No prob dude enjoy your infection.

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Anonymous No. 941424

let's go

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Anonymous No. 941430


Anonymous No. 941440

You win and no kidding years ago I used to work for a company that made bathroom furniture.
AAA Video Game chuds brag all the time about how much money is there in video games.
They don't know that it's a fraction of what it's in the bathroom industry.
Chuds don't understand. How can you play your silly video games without a bathroom?
Chuds BTFO.

the chair nerd No. 941468

OMFG you talk just like Chris wtf. Are you Chris? If so fuck you If not fuck you.

Yeah appliances may be boring but there is good money in that.

Anonymous No. 941482

All of these are awful. Go learn actual anatomy before you post here.

Soulless eyes.

Fuck off pedo.

Anonymous No. 941501

>before you post here
it's always those who don't post progress that cries the loudest

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Anonymous No. 941513



Anonymous No. 941520

Sculpt/Retopo chuds BTFO

Anonymous No. 941526

I mean... I don't really know how that model was made but I'm sure somebody somewhere is getting BTFO

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Anonymous No. 941528

Finally close to the finish line.
I might make a render with all my locomotives together once this is finished (if my computer can handle the millions of polys and hundreds of 4k textures lol)
Please kill yourself immediately.

Anonymous No. 941532

しかし、モデル カッコイイよね
やぱり ジーザースおすすめ

the chair nerd No. 941587

Fucking based anon good job might print into a poster I'll be on the look.

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the chair nerd No. 941589

Coding a custom furniture visualizer using aframe and threejs. Made it in order to ensure the carpentry that i'm currently designing for my mother's apartment is understood by the contractor.

If you want to test it please give me feedback on the texture loading, interaction with your portable device and internet browser. That would be useful.

Anonymous No. 941614

Que rico

Anonymous No. 941616

just make it in unity and publish it as webGL.

the chair nerd No. 941617

Where is the fun in that. I'm learning js the hard way.

Anonymous No. 941636

Do carpenters generally not understand how doors and drawers work?

the chair nerd No. 941645


In my country you can bet so.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 941666


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Anonymous No. 941768

If I may offer advice from a anonymous user of this shitty board, rust spots form and fade away to the bottom which blend softly with the metal paint due to moisture in the air. Yours shows rusting on the top and bottom of the long L shape piece. Otherwise, great texturing anon

Also if anyone even cares I've gotten lazy finishing this sculpt. I may start with a simpler character next time.

Anonymous No. 941777

That looks very nice anon. Do you have any tips for a beginner in zbrush who wants to do figure sculpts? I already have a solid 2D art background.

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Anonymous No. 941816

Been experimenting with using AI generated faces as a texture stencil. Not sure if this works on this mesh resolution.
With some smoothed and Averaged normal the areas with little curvature look decent, but it completely falls apart at the outline of the model.
Not sure what to do. Lower res texture, or higher poly texture.

Anonymous No. 941817

Looks fine to me. Add some oversized lowpoly accessory, some VHS shaders, some colored lights, some other bullshit and it'll look totally realistic to the average user of this board.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 941862

>>940745 here
Just wanted to share with you guys that today I was commissioned to model a garage kit for Treasure Festa Online. I'm a little nervous because I'm still learning, but can't pass up this opportunity for visibility at a Japanese event. I'm so happy anons

Anonymous No. 941863

>>940745 here
Just wanted to share with you guys that today I was commissioned to model a garage kit for Treasure Festa Online. I'm a little nervous because I'm still learning, but can't pass up this opportunity for visibility at a Japanese event. I'm so happy /3/

Finish it anon! It looks really cool

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Anonymous No. 941873

Finally finished it, decided to make a turnaround.

Anonymous No. 941874

The model looks really good. The colors are off in a way that makes me think of Blender. Maybe it's the environment light? Open a frame in photoshop or gimp and look at the white balance maybe.

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Anonymous No. 941875

Something like this maybe?

Anonymous No. 941877

show booty anon

Anonymous No. 941878


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Anonymous No. 941879

how comfy would you say this is?

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Anonymous No. 941882

Hard surface in Zbrush is JANK

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click click pow.png

Anonymous No. 941890

I always liked the M4 from Modern Warfare 2, the rail system was rad

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Anonymous No. 941895

Currently training sculpting clothing and folds from scratch.
Any advices/critiques please.

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Anonymous No. 941897

Which one is better?

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Anonymous No. 941898


Anonymous No. 941899

is the stock a single piece?

Anonymous No. 941903

Are you the same guy form here?

Anonymous No. 941904

how the fuck are you getting so good shadows/shading? I get weird shadows when limbs deform on low poly models

Anonymous No. 941905

Nah, the butt can be extended or folded in

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Anonymous No. 941907

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Anonymous No. 941908


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Anonymous No. 941910


Anonymous No. 941912

yes it is the same mesh

>>941877 the butt can be seen in the shitposts below

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Anonymous No. 941942

Anonymous No. 941943

that one looks better? do they look like space stations/ apartment complexs

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Anonymous No. 941972


Anonymous No. 941992

Look at the little fella go, fantastic.

Anonymous No. 941993

are you using a proper hdri?

Anonymous No. 942001

Anonymous No. 942019

you're the skyrim guy
i like you

Anonymous No. 942028


Anonymous No. 942039


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Anonymous No. 942084

More clothing stuff. Critiques welcome

Anonymous No. 942092

nice folds, i'd lose symmetry on pants tho

Anonymous No. 942116

i fucking kneel
good job.

Anonymous No. 942123

i like this one better, but i dont like how the lack of contrast between the nearest object and the 2 right behind it obscure the edges of the closest one. Do you get what i mean? i like the concept, and the 3 on the left look great, but the closes one becomes hard to make out easily because of the one right behind it. I also think it more so looks like a space telescope than apartments. That goes for design, aswell as scale. I did not imagine them being so large that people could fit insite, let alone apartments.
Looks sick though!

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Anonymous No. 942133

I will reduce the number of space stations and see if i can add a small spaceship or something to show the scale properly.
gonna dump a few more shorts that i would like feedback on

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Anonymous No. 942134


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Anonymous No. 942135


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Anonymous No. 942136

suppposed to be animated but the webm is like 8mb

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Anonymous No. 942137


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Capture d’écran (....png

Anonymous No. 942180

Why do I keep failing at making this bastard clothed, its driving me crazy

Anonymous No. 942182

Really like your style, anon. The color palettes are very soothing and the style in general is a nice blend of aesthetics.

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Anonymous No. 942185

ive almost finished hipoly for my hipower. I make my booleans in blender and send to zbrush to dynamesh and bool. its not in zbrush yet so some shading errors.

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Anonymous No. 942186

another angel

Anonymous No. 942192

Looking good. Do you have any tips for the dynamesh workflow? The polish settings are always fucking me up.

Anonymous No. 942195

there is a way to use sharp edges as polish masks i cant remember tho, you can use dynamic subdiv with creases and just do super highpoly that works for me. and its the live boolean i use to mess around till final result

Anonymous No. 942202

These are all pretty nice compositions and I like your color palette's hue. Maybe consider pushing the mid ground and background object colors value to contrast more or match it closer to the foreground. If you decide to flatten it by matching the all the values push the saturation a bit.

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Anonymous No. 942210


Anonymous No. 942225

Thank you anon
Which shot are you talking about anon? Is it the fishing one with the electric ,posts?

Anonymous No. 942242


there's some nice fold ref here anon

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Anonymous No. 942260

I think this is quite decent I've been following speedchar tutorial recently, before that my sculpt is absolutely dog shit, glad I discover his channel

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4 the trannies.jpg

Anonymous No. 942350

So far I'm left with this, looks okay but i could definitely push it more (I haven't opened painter yet, it's all tileables and polypaint). I'm also planning on making a proper xgen groom too, we'll see how it goes

Anonymous No. 942362

now sculpt her giving birth

looking top tier anon, keep it up

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Anonymous No. 942365

nit-picking but it feels like her booba might be a little low on the chest

Anonymous No. 942386

thanks man

oh yeah you're right, it'll be a pain in the ass to change so i'll see if i can find a simpler way to correct that

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tie wip.png

Anonymous No. 942401

always wanted to try modeling a tie fighter

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Anonymous No. 942436

been working on faces and shaders and stuff,

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Anonymous No. 942441

Working on a donut

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Anonymous No. 942444

Working on a donut

Anonymous No. 942445

That donut looks kinda sus
Are there advantages to staying on Blender 2.79?

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Anonymous No. 942470

Anonymous No. 942471

better performance, the Blender Fundation fucked the viewport in the 2.8.

Anonymous No. 942473

Mush lower hardware requirements. Internal render is better than Eevee. Way faster, more responsive, less cluttered and the integrated game engine is better than Godot.
Among other things.

Anonymous No. 942478

And most importantly: does anyone knows why they let an obviously color blind person work on HDR tonemapping for 2.8+?
I'm all for inclusivity but at some point you've got to face reality.

Anonymous No. 942482

>I'm all for inclusivity but at some point you've got to face reality

That reminds me of a few years ago when Channel4 (Bong channel that shows a lot of degeneracy and always has) had an announcer with a very obvious speech impediment that made it difficult to understand what they were saying. Do you know what film were they talking about coming up next without a single hint of irony? Harrison Bergeron.

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Anonymous No. 942527


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Anonymous No. 942625

Modeling some clothes for this nigga. I only sculpt + retopo my characters, everything else I try to get away with without sculpting and by using poly modeling instead. Breddy chill

Anonymous No. 942639

Sorry but the face sucks ass. Don't attempt to "finish" it I recommend starting over since as a begginer you should be more concerned about mileage over anything else. Quality improves over time provided you do it consistently.

Anonymous No. 942640

Cool, but creepy. Keep it up.

Anonymous No. 942645

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder :^)

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Anonymous No. 942660

this wine glass is the very first thing I made after the obligatory donut

Modeled a curve, applied screw, turned into mesh, did some adjustments and duplicated the inside to make the liquid.

I can't get the glass thickness right though.
Tried to apply solidify but the thickness of the glass is too even and cleaning it up lead to shading errors.

Is there a simple way to model the inside of a thin container with a custom distance between the layers? Or do I have to measure the distance between the loops manually?

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Anonymous No. 942693

Looks cool. I'm jealous of people who have the courage to do their sculpts already posed from the get-go. I stick to the unflattering a-pose until there's absolutely nothing else to do and even then, I only timidly, reluctantly break symmetry when it's time to pose and only do so after a couple of backup saves.
kill laplace, fuck maxwell, marry drake

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Anonymous No. 942702

babby's first gun

the chair nerd No. 942722

Beautiful model. I think the 1910 only had ridges in the outside part of the hammer safety, not in the whole cylinder.

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Anonymous No. 942723

Feel improvement, still takes me 10 years to sculpt a face like this.

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Anonymous No. 942726

Do the same thing you just did, but instead of just making the profile for the curve of the outside shape, actually go in and do the inside as well.
So it looks like a slice of the glass rather than the silhouette. Hopefully pic related makes sense.

If you already did that, you can also control the thickness of your solidify modifier by using vertex groups. Set your thickness to the max you'd like on the modifier, set the vertex group you made in the modifier, and all of your vertices in the group that are weighted to 1 will have full thickness, 0 no thickness, and the in between values will be inbetween. You can go in and set individual point's weight by adjusting the slider under the vertex group panel, and hitting "assign".

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lets gooooooooo.png

Anonymous No. 942728

finished a few hours the Coloso course, and holy shit i cant believe i was able to make the same model from the course with my shitty attention span, took weeks but IM HAPPY
I learn a fucking lot, cant wait to finally give it a shot with my own characters.

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Anonymous No. 942739

thx my fellow waifu maker. Since her pose isn't that far off from a A pose, I didn't have to seperate body parts into different subtools except for the hands and head. Home stage and target stage is fucking goat I am glad these updates made it before Maxon fucked Pixologic customers in the ass.

Anonymous No. 942740

That looks really good Anon, what's the course called? I really want to learn how to model characters properly again

Anonymous No. 942742

which Coloso course, anon-sama?

Anonymous No. 942745

not him but this

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Anonymous No. 942746

Well this looks great and made me happy to see it. But then I saw the top of this grip and it looks like it's just mercilessly clipping into the metal and that looks bad and then I got sad.

Anonymous No. 942748

poor cope

Anonymous No. 942749

thank you, based anon, may the cg gods be in your favor

Anonymous No. 942759

You're right, I've got like 20 reference images of that part of the gun and I never noticed. I'm pretty clueless about guns in general, so maybe I don't have much of an eye for them yet.

No clipping, just a pretty tight fit. Later models had larger grips that didn't seem to fit as well so you could see some gaps here and there, but pretty much all the reference images I could find for this one had them flush up against the metal.

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Anonymous No. 942760

Oops, forgot the pic.

Anonymous No. 942761

The thread is for work in progress you autist, of course it's not going to look amazing.

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Anonymous No. 942768

I'm trying to create a sci fi corridor but it's my first time doing this kind of stuff and I'm wondering if my uvs are good
I'm planning on adding more details later, any suggestion would be much appreciated!

Anonymous No. 942769

It looks like there's too many segments in the thin wide panel despite it being a flat surface. Or are you trying to bevel them as vents?

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Anonymous No. 942772

Thank you Anon!

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Anonymous No. 942774

Yes these are vents, but that's not very visible in the screenshot

Anonymous No. 942805

Very nice! Keep on truckin and learning anon!

Anonymous No. 942806

I feel like this is the perfect opportunity to be using trim sheets.

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Anonymous No. 942810

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Anonymous No. 942814

Shouldn't there be a bit of dust/detritus where this top part intersects with the metal though? You've wisely put some on the sides but neglected the center... it looks a bit uncanny to me.

Anonymous No. 942816

he didnt put it manually, its on edges and that part isnt an edge so it was skipped

the chair nerd No. 942820

Top shit anon I like it.

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Anonymous No. 942823

Working on the 4th model I've ever made but this time I'm free balling it without following along with a tutorial

Not sure what shape to start with for the head, I tried a cube a absolutely fucked it but I think i just made too many polygons

Advice would be appreciated

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Anonymous No. 942832

i always start like this

Anonymous No. 942839

seems ok. how do you make the arms and legs?

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Anonymous No. 942841


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Anonymous No. 942863

never heard of it, I'll look into it!
Here's some progress :)

Anonymous No. 942864

I like it, but I think it could really benefit from more variation on the wall and floor panels, and maybe decrease the amount of buttons and screens on the walls. Overall, good job.

Anonymous No. 942865

It's good, but I think it would benefit from better materials.

Anonymous No. 942891

Idk how to even start with that lol, in blender I can only add an icosphere made of tris, I tried to turn them into quads with alt+j but it looks weird

Anonymous No. 942898

Cube -> Subdivide -> Vertex Smooth until it looks round -> Sculpt Drag or Proportional Editing to move it down and into that shape -> Extrude the neck down.

Anonymous No. 942899

start with cube go to edit mode and
in best blender 2.79 press w and choose subdivide smooth
in blender 3 right click choose smooth and change the smoothness value to 1.0

Anonymous No. 942908


Anonymous No. 942909

yea i made the materials too fine, it looked different in substance painter

Anonymous No. 942910

Hope this helps with something. Sorry for the squiggles

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Anonymous No. 942911

Feckin capcha made me forget the image.

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Anonymous No. 942924

Arms are probably too long, anything else I should fix?

Anonymous No. 942925

he needs briefs

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Anonymous No. 942926

what do you guys think about my low poly character for game? is it shit? any pointers?

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a-wing and tiefig....png

Anonymous No. 942931

finished the tie a wing and i'm working on the Y-wing right now texturing in the past three days.

Anonymous No. 942939

>covering up all your hard work with copious motion blur
Why would you do this? It's not really adding any dynamism to the scene.

It depends on what you're going for. I could see it working fine with flat shading, provided you turned smoothing on.

Anonymous No. 942942

It's not low poly. It's the typical "it didn't work out as a subdivision model so I'm calling it low poly".

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Anonymous No. 942948

Gee, you might wanna be giving YOUR guy there a few pointers!

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Anonymous No. 942976

Anonymous No. 942979


Anonymous No. 942984


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goku lizard.png

Anonymous No. 942985

If there you needed to have a license to create 3D models this would have me revoked.

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Anonymous No. 942989

Attempting the uh-60 tutorial. This is by far the best documented step by step tutorial on zmodeler.

Anonymous No. 943001


Anonymous No. 943018

Very solid. The only thing that feels a little off, is the size of his feet. They're looking a little small. Maybe take his hips in a little bit, and spread the wings of his back a little more, for an emphasized V shape.
But I think you're going to make it.

Anonymous No. 943028

its a frame from an animation my guy like a 1 second shot

Anonymous No. 943034

>its a frame from an animation my guy like a 1 second shot
I would have picked a better frame then, friendo. Considering there's a lot of work between >>942401 and >>942931. It would have been nice to see how things look all finished without motion blur and stuff getting in the way.

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Anonymous No. 943047

I don't know. I made it and it looked kind of cool.

Anonymous No. 943059

this is a blue board you sick fuck

Anonymous No. 943063

The only thing I see there is a pink capsule and the cloth modifier.

Anonymous No. 943088

What's your goal here? Doing weird shit without and end goal is a waste precious time.

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Anonymous No. 943092

What's my goal here? I don't know... Let me think long and hard about it.

Anonymous No. 943093

I can't really make it out but if you just want to expel your white stuff it only takes 10 minutes nigga.

Anonymous No. 943094

Right but you see... I have particular tastes... Let's just say terrestrial creatures don't do really that for me anymore.

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tie a and y back.png

Anonymous No. 943101

i have two more i've done since i'm going to do the B-wing next.

Anonymous No. 943103

don't steal IP.

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Anonymous No. 943108

Thanks. This was my first attempt at the whole low poly game asset thing, and I didn't think it'd turn out this well.

I'm not sure if I could call this done, but I kind of feel like working on something new. Maybe I'll revisit it later.

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Anonymous No. 943110

Still a WIP, obviously...but comin' along.

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Anonymous No. 943126


Anonymous No. 943142

Not bad.

Anonymous No. 943153

pretty slick, anon

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Anonymous No. 943166

Current progress on my donut

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Anonymous No. 943236

Internal Render, I choose you!

Anonymous No. 943248

i miss it

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Anonymous No. 943254

I wanted to post a comparison with Eevee, but Eevee has very visible light leaks everywhere, indirect lighting doesn't work and it takes about the same time to render, so... I don't think Eevee is in a usable state right now.

The model is from There are kilometers of scenarios like this if you want to experiment.

Anonymous No. 943256

Man it's so nostalgic I spent hours on this game 7-8 years ago

Anonymous No. 943257

I wanted to try this because years ago the .obj export functionality didn't work very well. But now it does.

Anonymous No. 943324


By chance in Eevee did you try maxing out the cascade shadow map resolution to 4096? If so, did you lower the sun's shadow render distance?

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Anonymous No. 943325

Pic related is the same model in Eevee. There are half a meter light leaks everywhere and the indirect lighting has lower resolution than Quake 2. It's not usable.

>maxing out the cascade shadow map
I didn't have to do any of that with the internal Render. It just worked.

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How To Use Blender.jpg

Anonymous No. 943326


Heaven forbid you have adjust any settings when setting up your scene.

Anonymous No. 943327

If you have a whole town rather than a single cube in your contrived example you can't just pump up the shadow map size.
I can't even begin to tell you for how long it has been known that projected shadow maps don't work for architectural stuff.

Anonymous No. 943328

nice berga. i mean berghmann

Anonymous No. 943329


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Anonymous No. 943330

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Anonymous No. 943334

naked version when?

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Anonymous No. 943339

Let's get through the boring stuff so I can start making some hot 3d babes

Anonymous No. 943340

Broke still after years of 3d, should have stayed in school. Get a real degree you guys, keep 3d as a hobby.

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Anonymous No. 943341

Now I'll just come back here to die off with the rest of you.

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Anonymous No. 943342

What's the point of all this practice, it just wears you down

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Anonymous No. 943343

I still love art tho, still love art

Anonymous No. 943346

literally sell any of this models you posted, they are higher quality than many people can do. or just make furry art and make bank

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Anonymous No. 943347

You mean I spent all of my 20's learning all this stuff just so I could make 20 bucks a month on turbosquid? Nah man, I'm a hack, can't finish shit, it's all wips and sketches. Porn is next on the list tho.

Anonymous No. 943348

I just wanna make something clear, I'm a pioneer on this board, I'm not some angry failed artist who came here to vent, I was made here and on /ic/ (cause I'm also a drawfag) years ago, and I want you to acknowledge that. I'm not a fucking tourist.

Anonymous No. 943349

I stopped posting here several times cause I thought myself above the people who post here, but I realized I'm not, I have failed just like most people here and I know the struggle. Even tho I doubt I'll ever go pro I can deny my place here. Here is where I belong.

Anonymous No. 943352

I can't deny my place here, dying piece of shit board.

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Anonymous No. 943353

This fucking shit ain't even art, I can't even show it to anyone because they don't know what to make of it.

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Anonymous No. 943369

modeling hair

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Anonymous No. 943370

progress of the body

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Anonymous No. 943372

Real quick. Another map from Sauerbraten.

How were you able to model hair in 2.7? That's a feature that has been added only recently in 3.5. That's impossible.

Anonymous No. 943415

No faggot. You just completely lack the self confidence to move on.

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Anonymous No. 943416

Testing out some ideas in UE5. Too pixely?

Anonymous No. 943484

>How were you able to model hair in 2.7? That's a feature that has been added only recently in 3.5. That's impossible.
i dont know if youre joking but its just polymodeling

Anonymous No. 943497

I would never joke about Blender. Blender is serious business. Seriously.

Anonymous No. 943500

Why did you not get a job doing 3d?

Anonymous No. 943524

I'll take and guess and say he's probably the kind of guy who works hard when it's not expected of him, but then loses all motivation when it's expected of him to work. It's common among a lot of people, and explains why so many people fail to go professional.

Anonymous No. 943526

That's really nice. I would like to see more of your models.

Anonymous No. 943527

Are you japanese or a big tits loving weeb?

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Anonymous No. 943536

it is a blue board

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Anonymous No. 943537

Made with the Skin modifier. It has some issues but maybe it could work for some futuristic scenario.

Anonymous No. 943538

I'm a beginner so I can't give you advice but it looks very nice, would love to see more

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Anonymous No. 943547

I tried a few times but no luck yet.
I have been working consistently for the last 3 years, it's really never been about motivation, although right now I feel regret, I used to be a decent programmer and now I'm nothing
maybe so, but I have tried nonetheless.

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Anonymous No. 943548

I'm not a self deprecating looser but man, the amount of effort doing 3d takes vs the actual reward you get from it is abysmal, I'd be a high profile programmer by now if I had gone down that route, hope this is a warning for people wanting to get into 3d professionally, I mean I'm not even a pro so what the fuck do I even know.

Anonymous No. 943553

Yeah maybe they see you as someone who doesn’t work well with others or you are either a nervous train wreck. Trust me, Nobody wants to works with faggots in any job.

Anonymous No. 943554

lol nice

Anonymous No. 943558

Why is everybody in this thread on AAA level and I'm the only beginner with junk work

Anonymous No. 943561

everyone began with junk. post, get beaten, and you'll get better. you bet that most here deleted most of their beginner attemps in shame of how cringe it looked compared to what they are now. you gotta make cringe, to learn what it is, and then beat the hell out of it. but you gotta do, or you'll stay stagnant for years, that shit goes faster than you think

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Anonymous No. 943565

This is the first model I ever made. This was back in 2015 or something, back when I started going to university, just started having maya classes, and Nier Automata was just announced.
It's utter shit. Just plain unfinished. Very wasteful geometry density. Misshapen all over. The hair is like a sad mop. Face looks like a salmon. I didn't know how to make eyes even, so I covered it up awkwardly with bandages as a joke.
My stuff now is not 'AAA level'. It looks like shit to me still. The point is like anon said, Rome wasn't built in a day and everyone starts pushing vertices around. Keep going and you'll learn how you should do your work, what other software to use, what your workflow is, how to enjoy the process, and most importantly, how to disassociate yourself from other people's highlight reels somewhat.
You should think of this thread as a workshop we all share some space in and work in tandem, glancing over every now and then to comment on each other's pieces. Seeing it as some kind of competition is stupid. Just embrace your shittiness, post your stuff and be a part of the group, anon.

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jesus christ.jpg

Anonymous No. 943568

im the first one who replied to you, this is was my first attemp in 2015, and i got stuck to that level until 2021. you know why? because I didn't come to circles like these to get feedback because i felt shame of what i produced. without others telling you what you should improve uppon, it'll be very difficult to search and find what you need to learn. value your time more than your shame. the argonian i made last year is not AAA but it i believe is not bad either

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just why.png

Anonymous No. 943570

I hate working on lighting and it might be single way to salvage this shit

GQ No. 943571

And what does you work look like now?

Anonymous No. 943574

looks like child of megaman and xfiles ayy

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why you ask.gif

Anonymous No. 943575


Anonymous No. 943595


He looks to be some kind of Luddite that thinks he's superior for sticking to outdated versions of Blender. Don't take it seriously.

Anonymous No. 943603

Just steal the lighting from a similar, well put together setup. When you're not at the point where you're confident, try to take it as a learning opportunity.

Anonymous No. 943604

Dq/Mh anon, you can do it. I have no idea why you're not applying to big names like ILM or even going down the stylized route and applying to Japanese/American studios. Don't be so down on yourself your dingushead.

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Anonymous No. 943605

Dropped out of college + Latin american.
Puts me in a hard situation, i have applied to studios a few times but I don't even get a response back.
I'll l probably be doing my own thing for a while and post on these threads again.

Anonymous No. 943606

eres un tonto muchacho. as soon as you get that going you'll be richer than a lawyer if you truly are there

Anonymous No. 943608

Dude people have made it from Syria, don't even sweat it. And I agree with >>943606 this muchacho.

Anonymous No. 943609

You might have luck applying to a sweatshop studio like MPC first, then switching. That's the standard route for indian artists to get the big boy visas

Anonymous No. 943614

I literally posted my first donut just a few days ago

Anonymous No. 943616

It was clearly a AAA donut.

Anonymous No. 943617

lol this happens every 10 or so WIP threads
heavy hitters decide to drop in and flex a little

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Anonymous No. 943628

I have created pork

Anonymous No. 943671

Now show it's ham

Anonymous No. 943684

Lmao I would pass you as younger raf grasetti but unfortunately you didn't live in his era now everyone's mother is a blender user gunning for junior positions.

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Anonymous No. 943686

still not fan of it but feels warmer, more welcome than before

Anonymous No. 943693

get some better lighting, everything is too uniform

Anonymous No. 943707

Is that a candle burning on the table? It doesn't seem to be emitting much light.

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lol 3.jpg

Anonymous No. 943708


Anonymous No. 943709

Cool stuff, looks like a cutscene out of one of those late 90s games

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Anonymous No. 943722

Reminds me of Lords of Magic in a good way.
You need to have a heavier hand with the lights though, the way the intensity is now, it really do be looking a little bit like that late 90's pre-renders.

Anonymous No. 943728

this is one of those classic traps
>i've spent a lot of time modelling and texturing everything so i need it all to be well lit so everyone can see all my work

Anonymous No. 943746

>i have applied to studios a few times but I don't even get a response back.
From what you posted here, you're a good sculptor but to get into studios you need to showcase more than sculpts. You need to have examples of the whole pipeline/process, either for cinematic or game characters. Otherwise no one will hire you ever no matter how good your sculpting skills are

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Anonymous No. 943760

As long as it's decent right? I don't think I'm there yet, but I do enjoy working with the Unreal Material graph quite a lot.
Well need at least 10 years experience for a visa without a degree, and I got like 0 of that now, maybe in terms of skill I'm getting closer to what's required but it does not change the fact that i got no proper professional experience, I don't know if any company would hire me as a junior and give me a visa for that but who knows.

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Anonymous No. 943793

Having a really hard time getting the settings for thick vinyl right in the cloth simulation.

Anonymous No. 943813

>As long as it's decent right?
Studios are usually looking for excellence when they hire because there are so many artists from which they can choose. Basically you need to be at least AA level in the following: sculpting, texturing, optimization(uv-ing and retopology), real-time hair grooming/baking(you might get away without the real time hair skill if you go specifically for studios that do stylized only, but then you ability to stylize concepts takes the place of the grooming), presentation. You also need to have the right attitude to feedback. So you need a portfolio that showcases all that.
The only difference between someone hired as a junior at a studio and someone hired as a senior is the speed they finish their tasks(and sometimes not even that). At least that's how it is nowadays.

Anonymous No. 943815

Can you pick up some freelance stuff doing anime statues or similar? Seems pretty common for brazilian and indonesian remote artists

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Anonymous No. 943820

Didn't had much time to work on this project, glad some of you liked it for not so intended s90 aesthetic but I shouldn't complain, still looks like shit but I guess I should be glad that I wasn't aborted, I will check lighting tutorials later on, lighting is my biggest weakness for sure.

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bwing wip.png

Anonymous No. 943848

everything is stolen IP
Working on the B-wing now

Anonymous No. 943851

Your sculpt levels are definitely good enough, but yea, you do need basically >>943813 this anon's list. I thought I remembered one of your pieces having texture work done in substance, but perhaps I'm misremembering.

But yes, if your portfolio shows you can do this on your own and wow that style? The studios WILL want you.

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Anonymous No. 943883

My approach so far has been becoming very good at one thing and decent at everything else, can't say it's worked so far tho, but I do have a pretty solid understanding of all aspects of asset creation.
I'll be looking for feedback in the next thread, IDK who lurks in here but some people seem like they know what's up for sure.
good I hate those 3d printed super hero statues and all that shit, I wanna make games
I'm ok at substance but definitely I need more practice, you probably mean pic related, I'm trying to become better at texturing and lighting currently

Anonymous No. 943909

Why stay here? did somebody bully you in discord? lol

Anonymous No. 943914

Fuck discord, it's the cringiest shit ever, like it here much better.

Anonymous No. 943915

At least the schitzos here are funny

Anonymous No. 943925

Yeah I mean who the fuck puts the studio they work for beside their zoomer names as if it was a professional designation?

Anonymous No. 943932

And just the general pat in the back attitude, everyone's afraid to sound overtly serious so they have to resort to overusing emojis, plus the reddit banter, fuck that shit seriously.

Anonymous No. 943969

Looks pretty good to me, especially those random dents that don't pop out until it's full.
Only thing I would look into is staggering the inflation a bit. So some parts inflate at different rates based on where the nozzle would be, and how the pool constructed.
I don't know if that's doable with whichever sim you're using, but it's definitely something that would add to the realism a bit.

Anonymous No. 944007

I think you dodged a bullet there anatomy anon 3d is probably the most thankless job you could do on earth. I have way more respect for janitors keeping the workplace clean than some random 3d monkey pushing pixels nobody cares about. If you wanted money, you'd be better of as a programmer to be frank.

Anonymous No. 944131

>the argonian
let's see it anon

Anonymous No. 944132

>get some better lighting, everything is too uniform
better but less

Anonymous No. 944134

>'oh woe is me, look at these pathetic amalgamations of polygons I've shat out, you could not call this art even'
>'ah yes I truly belong here with you people, these threads are my home now, misery does love company and I am accepted nowhere else with my level of skill, oh how many years I've wasted on 3D but I've accepted my circumstances now'
>casually dumps work that surpasses the thread average by several orders of magnitude

Either autistic, unable to read the room and severely, massively lacking in self-awareness or as >>943617 pointed out, bit of a disingenuous heavy hitter who came to stealth flex on the rest of us. And I gotta say, I'm not buying the woe is me angle on this one.

Anonymous No. 944137

new thread