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๐Ÿงต /wip/ - Works in Progress

Anonymous No. 944133

/wip/ - Works in Progress - ENHANCED VISUALS edition
Post your work-in-progress projects, recently finished projects, or things you'd like critiqued here.

Previous thread: >>940620
List of free resources:

/3/ Discord for those interested:

Anonymous No. 944149

fuck me in the ass what the fuck is this redshift hair shader
in fact what the fuck are both of these redshift hair shaders
why the fuck are they like this
why can't they just behave normally like arnold's shader
what the fuck

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Anonymous No. 944177

I have no reason to be disingenuous, specially not here, I am truly a bit disheartened, but it might just be burn out.

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Anonymous No. 944178

I'm gonna be doing more texturing, hopefully I'll get better by the end of this thread.

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Anonymous No. 944190

Anonymous No. 944196

mecha has prolapse anus

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Anonymous No. 944203

I've made a first attempt at fitting the Mixamo control rig to the Makehuman model. It failed (for now) because I've deleted the fingers. I though it would work anyway, but it requires all the joints to be present. With some more effort I think I can make it work.

Anonymous No. 944222

Just make a hardsurface concept with overdetailed, unnecessary topology lmao, nobody hires anatomyfags at the junior level lmao.

Anonymous No. 944245

For texturing human skin, best is to go the mari+texturingxyz way. At least for portfolio work and for hero characters, that yields the best results. For that stuff substance painter feels like painting with boxing gloves, really clunky

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Anonymous No. 944253

not that anon, but
>mfw tried projecting texturing xyz maps in painter recently
it's hilarious how much more performant mari is

the vface stuff takes a lot of pain out of dealing with those maps now though

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Coo render 02.png

Anonymous No. 944262

hampy haus

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AdjustedColorsC (....jpg

Anonymous No. 944263


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AdjustedColorsC (....jpg

Anonymous No. 944264

hampines fin

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Anonymous No. 944270

Nice Petscop vibes.
Maybe try some basic polygonal trees? Might fit the scenes a little better, might not.

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Anonymous No. 944271

I'll have to become very good at it then

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Anonymous No. 944278

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Anonymous No. 944282

I still have a variety of small issues to solve but it could work.

Anonymous No. 944285

>disciples of buddha
what exactly is the project, who are you modeling?

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Anonymous No. 944322

Getting there.

Anonymous No. 944325


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Anonymous No. 944328

i did disney c

Anonymous No. 944331

he gives off japan ugly bastard vibes

Anonymous No. 944340

That's not perverted enough to be from Disney

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Anonymous No. 944343

Joanna Dark based off of the art for the unreleased Gamecube version.

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Anonymous No. 944345

Will you take me to the club, buddies?

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 944352

i'm trying my best

Anonymous No. 944354

nothing, just a failed project

Anonymous No. 944356

No piercings and tattoos? (Don't do it please)

Anonymous No. 944363

kys pedophile

Anonymous No. 944364

Nice :)

Anonymous No. 944365


Anonymous No. 944366

>was going to post something
>Turns into a pedo thread
Welp dodged a bullet

Anonymous No. 944369

>that time the WIP thread got auto-saged because the words "cute" and "funny" were in the OP as a perfectly innocuous joke

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you fucking retard.png

Anonymous No. 944372

sit on a dick

Anonymous No. 944374

nice skinning, it's such a bitch to get good crotch deformation

Anonymous No. 944383

Fucking hate the mouth but everything else looks good, do you have a Twitter or anything where you lost cunnymations?

Anonymous No. 944387

what compels you to shit up the thread with something like this?

Anonymous No. 944414

so we gonna need a new wip thread or what.
pedoguy, listen bro, you do you, but like maybe make your own thread or something cause no one want to be posting things next to that shit.

Anonymous No. 944426

>overreacting this much to polygonal cunny
Let me guess, it's also your first day on this site.

Anonymous No. 944427

post your work and socials, m8.
go on.

Anonymous No. 944428

Yeah, get a load of all these prudes overreacting to you being a fucking pedophile. Newfags amirite?

Anonymous No. 944429

K but I have to warn you I'm an ironic lolicon

Anonymous No. 944430

I'm just a humble headpat merchant self-exiled away to Thailand. If it's cute and funny then the day is sunny.

Anonymous No. 944431

Team America World Police

Anonymous No. 944438

anon, your mental illness doesn't make you a martyr

Anonymous No. 944439

Anon you responded to two different posters. Again, you're the flustered guest here so expect more than a single cunny poster.

Anonymous No. 944445

Oh I'm sorry, mental illness doesn't make either of you martyrs.
Blue board, faggot.

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Anonymous No. 944490

What's going on here? How could I possibly have rigged and posed a sculpt directly without RETOPO. You guys told me that RETOPO is the best and that RETOPO is completely necessary. How did this happen?

Anonymous No. 944492

yeah sorry, I was wrong

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a,b,y,tie star wa....png

Anonymous No. 944495

i finished these last week I'm happy with them i guess

Anonymous No. 944498

Some polish, basic rig done, basic outfits implemented, not pictured, clothing.

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Anonymous No. 944499


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Anonymous No. 944507

It's ok. He forgives you.

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Anonymous No. 944511

sonic fans could be here... don't even give them the time of day

Anonymous No. 944513

That's lovely. It's from before she went to America and got her fake tits.

Anonymous No. 944582

This looks nice. Try to smooth out all the bumps and unevenness in the quills and legs. Maybe give her an anus like one of them Argento drawings.

Anonymous No. 944583

oh yeah it's a sketch, once im happy with the proportions i just remesh down and that smooths out the bumps. and no

Anonymous No. 944587

very nice, can we get some close up renders of the individual ones?

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Anonymous No. 944606

Getting better at jiggle physics.

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Anonymous No. 944610

been busy, this project seems finished, sure I could tweak light more but I'd rather model shit for now. Thanks for lighting tips and healthy amount of mogging.

Anonymous No. 944611

nice vibes

Anonymous No. 944612

Reminds me of the Belial monster from Basket Case

Anonymous No. 944613

Maybe try focusing on the bags and candles for now?

Anonymous No. 944615

add a tiny bit of fill to the right, just to lift the perfect blacks up a little.
don't think of it as adding another light source - irl you would just get a white piece of card to bounce some light into that area. you could actually do that here, but it's cheaper to just add a very dim light.
i would also add one more light, very narrow spread cutting diagonally across the elements you want to highlight (going forwards, maybe start with this sort of thing. narrow light that focuses on what you want, then build outwards).
but you're getting better, good work.

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Anonymous No. 944616

>I could tweak light more
You need to check the histograms in GIMP from time to time. Your monitor is set to way too much contrast.

Anonymous No. 944618

your image is worse than his, calm down. blendies parroting some faggot telling them to refit their levels so everything's burning hot.

Anonymous No. 944619

It's exactly the same image. Your monitor is set to way too much contrast as well.

Anonymous No. 944621

your eyes are broken

Anonymous No. 944622

Personally, I see white and gold.

Anonymous No. 944623

You mean histograms don't work and I should trust your eyes instead.

Anonymous No. 944624

I don't know what to tell you. Maybe that's what the new horrible Blender's dark theme has done to you. You just compensated for it by setting your contrast to MAX instead of verifying using instruments.

Anonymous No. 944625

Don't blame me because you have no idea of what you're doing and for having to throw your monitor in the trash in 2 years.

Anonymous No. 944626

Your brain doesn't work and yes my eyes are amazing

Anonymous No. 944627

That's great but when you post a picture, you're posting it of our normal human eyes to see.

Anonymous No. 944637

What's Mari, anon? I am brand new to Blender

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Anonymous No. 944641

following this tutorial and tried to animate the eye blinking at the end and it was the most frustrating thing in the world

also the clothes are kinda fucked

Anonymous No. 944643

How? All you have to do is move a few verts and the slider handles the rest.
Also, does Windows 11 really just have ads on the taskbar like that? Fucking disgusting.
I'm not enough of a fart sniffer to swap to Linux like I'm some elitist fuck, but Jesus, that's horrible.

Anonymous No. 944645

face proportions are fucked, eyes are too far apart, the space between the nose and mouth is too tall, the lips are all fucked lacking in shape, nose is really long, I'd say for the face the yes are too small, blinking is probably your smallest problem but the main issue is that you move the lower eyelid up too much, look at a picture of someones eyes closed, the top eyelid does most of the work.
Also don't be such a pussy, remove the clothes and post her naked censored you little bitch, or else how can we critique her body?
Clothes need a lot of work, but I really can't help that much, I still have not figure out an effective workflow for making clothes in Blender, I can make very detailed ones, but they would be stupidly high poly, and Blender mesh to mesh normal baking works like shit 100% of the time, so clothes with stiching and seams is something I just can't do well.
Materials is a big one you need to work on too, I can see you are using lookdev, she looks as flat as workbench.

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Anonymous No. 944646

selecting the verts on the eye area + the eyelashes was scuffed and annoying, also the proportional editing was weird and the circle appeared not where my mouse was. Also this is windows 10
its my first actual face I've made in blender so yeah fully expected, and she doesnt have any holes or nips or anything so I hope I dont get banned. also have no clue what lookdev is

(also think the tutorial kinda sucked in many aspects, this is like my 4th tutorial ever and for what its worth im somewhat happy with the result even if its bad in many ways)

Anonymous No. 944648

It's useful to have technical knowledge, so completing this until the end is good, but don't worry too much about how it looks in that case, you want to understand from the beginning how to sculpt, model, texture, rig, animate, it's all useful
Breasts and butt are way out of shape, well everything is way out of shape and could be improved significantly
After you complete the course don't polish your model leave it and start on a new project, consider practicing faces/anatomy.
>no holes
understandable they are hard
>no nips
Well she is ugly but they aren't hard to do.

Anonymous No. 944649

I didnt even sculpt at all with this since there wasnt any in the tutorial, I'm gonna do a sculpting one next tho, not sure what exactly yet but its gonna be another girl one since im a coomer

Anonymous No. 944650

>yet but its gonna be another girl one since im a coomer
Good, well remember to practice.

Anonymous No. 944688

It's not bad and it's probably 10 times better than anything this larper >>944650 who's trying to tutor you has ever made. Assuming he's ever made anything.

Anonymous No. 944691

it's a professional texturing program designed specifically for cinematic texturing. It's by far the best option for most things organic related

Anonymous No. 944692

i wonder how many of the piracy horror stories around foundry software are actually true, vs rumours started by the foundry to put people off.

Anonymous No. 944693

Nice constructive criticism faggot.

Anonymous No. 944711

they can catch you if you use a pirated copy along with a legit one. that's how they can get your email. Even then, unless you're from UK I really doubt they can do anything and would do anything to individual. They will go after companies tho, as will most software companies.
other than that, I'm willing to bet a lot of those horror stories are scammers. Get a copy with a crack from a shitty source, install it then get a message in your mail : dude, totally real Foundry here, you pirated Nuke, give us $3k or we'll pursue legal action"

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Anonymous No. 944735

From my understanding actual artistic skill will always be infinitely more valuable than your understanding of a tool, essentially just the software, anybody can learn any software in a couple of weeks, basically like learning how to use a pen or a camera, but doing art with your tools I think is way more difficult, if anything I'd focus more on the fundamental artistic side of things, you can get a lot of mileage out of a decently put together model even if your textures are simplistic.

Imo in terms of more important to less important:
Model(shapes, volumes, anatomy) > Lighting > Textures

But do correct me if I'm wrong.

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Anonymous No. 944736

I been slacking off recently nlg, but I'm trying some new techniques for anatomy.

Anonymous No. 944753

Isn't that the dude from MH World that wants to fuck the Kulve Taroth?

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Anonymous No. 944779

too lazy to model all the hardware maybe I can get away with imm brushing most of it

Anonymous No. 944790

This is from that zmodeller tut right?

Anonymous No. 944792

What a sperg, I even said that they should make their next project a practice for anatomy, did you even read? yes it is good to learn how to do everything so you can understand how they interact, learn some rigging to see how the mesh deforms so you can be better at topology, learn to sculpt because that's the foundation for a good model, it's always good to have an idea of how things are, and most concepts are independant of tools.
My god, get off your high horse.

Anonymous No. 944821

Yes. While I can understand staying in one software to do everything, Maya does a better job fixing meshes because you have better control of adding deleting single edges without ruining the model unlike in zmodeler, collapsing edges is a buggy piece of shit. Not only that, it does a piss poor job welding verts in radial symmetry

Anonymous No. 944830

I didn't disregard your previous point, I don't see how you think I need to "get off my high horse" and call me a sperg just because I gave my opinion on what that anon could do, you sound very insecure.

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Anonymous No. 944832

Just some stuff I'm working on

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Anonymous No. 944849

I'll be working on ACTUALLY finishing my stuff and posting it here.

Starting with V2 of one of my lion models:
* The idea is to convey more aggression through the facial expression.
* Bigger eyes for a more ferocious look.
* Separated several facial elements (tongue, fangs, eyes) into sub-tools for additional detail.
* Added additional secondary shapes.
* Added more pronounced cheek bones to convey expression better.
* Sculpting is rougher to emphasize certain shapes better.
* Added some poly-paint for better visualization.

Currently redoing hair and body almost from scratch, Current deadline May 15th to fully implement in unreal engine hopefully getting it approved for the market place.
I'll be making this model a statue prop since I don't have the time to turn it into a fully fledged
organic model.

Anonymous No. 944852

No, I love monster hunter tho. So maybe the design slipped into my sculpt.

Anonymous No. 944853

Meant for

Anonymous No. 944861

You remind me of that anatomyfag on discord who just can't shut the fuck up. Don't be that autistic fuck and actually finish your shit, anatomy anon.

Anonymous No. 944864

Please anon that guy can't even add eyes to his stuff, I get what you mean but like come on, don't compare me to him, we're leagues apart, he's spouting nonsense 24/7 and barely even posts anything to back up his shitty borderline schitzo feedback.

Anonymous No. 944882

yeah i'm always tempted by zmodeller and thought about doing that tut, but i always come back to "do i really need this?" and the answer so far has been no. i should learn a bit more though and actually give zbrush hardsurface concepting a fair shot.

Anonymous No. 944887

>i didn't do the thing that i did
>and call me a sperg just because I gave my opinion on what that anon could do
Not even remotely why I called you a sperg fag. No more (yous)

Anonymous No. 944904

seethe my guy, I can do whatever I want here

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Anonymous No. 944913


Anonymous No. 944917

wireframe please

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Anonymous No. 944921

Just because I made it today while hacking around.

Anonymous No. 944922


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b-wing 2small.png

Anonymous No. 944924

heres the b wing a little closer

Anonymous No. 945009

Why are you not hired by disney yet?

Anonymous No. 945011

bro i'd be happy to be hired by ANYONE. It's so fucking hard finding a paying 3d job without connections :'c

Anonymous No. 945035

beri naisu

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Anonymous No. 945038

More houses

Anonymous No. 945080

oh this cums so hard

Anonymous No. 945098

very cool amy

Anonymous No. 945106

I think itโ€™s worth it to know what it can and cannot do. I most certainly would not do the last part modelling all the fasteners that is so fucking autistic and he never really explained which fastener goes where but somehow people praise it as godlike for learning zmodeler.

Anonymous No. 945109

Also, he has a very neat trick for dealing with wires by using bend curves, adding in curve points gradually for the result without stretching the geo too much. His Boolean workflow is really nice granted Iโ€™ve not done much booleans myself. Ok end of my review lmao.

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flam model wip2.png

Anonymous No. 945138

a fuga character

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Anonymous No. 945157

after 2 years of not making any personal work I'm back again. I will move to the next level

Anonymous No. 945164

If you improve anything on this model please fix those tits.

Anonymous No. 945198

cool gun

Anonymous No. 945199

thanks homie

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Anonymous No. 945226

anime cummer figurine practice

Anonymous No. 945228


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Anonymous No. 945230

its the meta

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Anonymous No. 945231

Yesterday was Praise Friday or what?

Anonymous No. 945232

I don't know why I decided that today is May 5th.

Anonymous No. 945257

finally im a novice

Anonymous No. 945264

You should rig it and then you can make sex animations anon.

Anonymous No. 945270

tits too big
everything else, nice

Anonymous No. 945280

you shouldn't make so much progress with the face without adding ears

Anonymous No. 945328

I think the head is a bit too big

The skin softness looks unnatural when it's pressed by that underwear.

Look good except on the holes on the butt, are those really holes?

It's a bit too blocky, round it more specially on the chest/waist

I think these need more saturation.

Anonymous No. 945347

Your eyes are still broken

Anonymous No. 945364

Be more specif retard. Which comment are you disagreeing with? All?

Anonymous No. 945365

>Look good except on the holes on the butt, are those really holes?
not sure what you mean. Those are holes maybe ugly viewport shading is making them look weird.

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Anonymous No. 945406

Some web3 head traits,

Anonymous No. 945423

>too blocky
ok i'll subdivision it. gotta add details to the shirt and pants i guess

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Anonymous No. 945491

Current donut progress

Anonymous No. 945492


I hope your rug pull will be bountiful sir

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Anonymous No. 945494

First walk cycle. Am I doing good?

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Anonymous No. 945495

Moved on a bit since last time, I'm gonna try to have it wrapped up by the end of the month, any feedback is welcome

Anonymous No. 945496

you shouldnt have a panty shot if you want to be taken seriously

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Anonymous No. 945507

made a mayl legends model in which i literally have no use for.

349 vertices.

Anonymous No. 945508

Don't move the character forward keep him in place. Very hard to tell what's going on when it's teleporting like that

Anonymous No. 945519


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Anonymous No. 945525

Leg looks bent
Also get rid of that things behind her leg, looks like an artifact

Anonymous No. 945529

looks' cute. good lowploy

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Anonymous No. 945535

Anonymous No. 945537

do you have any tuts for making anime avatars in blender?

Anonymous No. 945538

nta but that's maya

Anonymous No. 945540

You can tell someone won't make it if they only know of blender.

Anonymous No. 945545

I'm afraid I didn't watch or reference any tutorials, I mostly developed the workflow hands-on by just doing a lot of these.
I'd be happy to try and answer any questions you have though.

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Anonymous No. 945556

Anime girl body no. 12345

Anonymous No. 945564

I personally would work more on the legs shape, looks too thin from the knee to the bottom, compared to the more bulky build from the top part.
are you using any reference? you should check the overall siluette using a flat collor from time to time
but overrall looks good, I think it only needs some adjust here and there.

Anonymous No. 945567

There is no contrast between her and the background aka everything is black when I squint my eyes. Adjust the background to something lighter with a bit of falloff.

Anonymous No. 945586

Yea idk it's hard to cover everything with that giant slit in her dress plus I feel like it's part of the design but since it's a portfolio piece I'll ask around to see other people's view
True and true I'll correct that thanks for pointing it out
Yeah it's exported straight from the render view but when I render all the passes I'll do a nice composite with a background glow, post processing and all

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Anonymous No. 945587

I'm trying to work on and define my artstyle but I feel there's something wrong about the lower part (beside the lack of penis and ass) of this body but I can't pinpoint it.
Any reviews, critiques, advices ?
It's even more obvious when I export this character to Marvelous and try to dress him. Upper part looks good but pants just look off

Anonymous No. 945589

your pubic area curves inwards. Yours has way too much mass

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truck gif.gif

Anonymous No. 945592

anyone here use Blockbench?
just started out, been getting filtered by Blender for too long and this seems easy enough for low poly (since it was designed for it)

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Anonymous No. 945608


Anonymous No. 945619

Yeah I see what you mean, I'll fix that.
Yeaaaah I knew the shape from the front view (not only the front btw) was off but couldn't say why. Thanks man.
I know it's an asshole move to ask for more but if you could do the same for the back view, I'd suck you peepee.

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Replay 2023-05-12....webm

Anonymous No. 945689

I dont have enough social credits to post to fucking reddit.

You have to play along with the fucking white people if you want to get upvotes. I dont undrestand what americans even talk about anymore. They are trying so hard to keep dreaming.

Anonymous No. 945702

u ok bro?

Anonymous No. 945709

Never touch that one. Even with a 9 ft stick, he's pure schizo juice.

Anonymous No. 945729

What in the God damn

Anonymous No. 945736

Son of a bitch.
I was joking about "I wonder what meakrob is up to". It never entered my mind that you actually were him.
Now that I know what you're up to, I feel kinda bad.
Doesn't matter who you are bro, being an artist is a struggle. Just gotta keep on truckin and make things that make you happy. If you're in it for the money, maybe it's time to switch things up a bit and try something new.
I feel like your old stuff would have worked pretty well on Patreon or something. I kinda had thought you had made it somewhere with it and that's why you weren't here.

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Anonymous No. 945756

Anonymous No. 945787

I want to lick those eye sockets.

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Anonymous No. 945811

I have returned, this time with a tank.

I wanted to do one that actually exists IRL at first, but then I realized that the ones in WH40K are like multiple regular tanks mashed together, which might make for better practice.

Anonymous No. 945815

Very nice, same for the gun. Been learning Hardops recently, are you using it?

Anonymous No. 945818

Beautiful, post topology?

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Anonymous No. 945821

No, I'm new to Blender and don't know if I'm going to stick with it, so I haven't really looked into paid add-ons yet.

Here you go.

Anonymous No. 945822

just awesome, ty anon

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Anonymous No. 945837

trying to make a snail look attractive

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Anonymous No. 945841

My first time doing creature sculpt, I honestly never got this far before when sculpting

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Anonymous No. 945848


Anonymous No. 945866

nice stealth flex faggot.

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Anonymous No. 945870


your need to fix the wood grain, its facing the wrong way

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Anonymous No. 945897

back to photorealism after a long time messing around in psx and toon shading shit
i have huge respects for character fags, keep up the great work anon
clean and smooth
some assets looks great then some looks really off and clashes with the style specifically the candle and fire
what is the appeal to hard surface modelling in Zbrush? is it easier?
neatt, i really want to get into modelling a cockpit interior next, any advice?
verryy neat, i get overwhelmed looking at details so i always choose things that have a clean look which are easier to model as well

Anonymous No. 945899

You can break most complex things down into smaller shapes that are easier to model on their own. Then you can just do a rough blockout to see if the dimensions and proportions work out and model the parts one by one.

There are very few parts on that tank that would present a challenge to someone familiar with basic poly modeling techniques. Planning it all out and having it fit together in the end is the hardest part.

Anonymous No. 945935

y tho

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Anonymous No. 945953

character for animation pilot cuz I saw someone else doing a PSX pilot and realized it's a fucking brilliant way to finish something as a solo creator.

Having said that: I'm mad that the texel density between the legs and torso is so drastic but all the solutions sound really annoying to do. Is anyone realistically gonna notice this or am I overthinking it?

Anonymous No. 945967

Why not just use UDIMs? That way texel density can be whatever you want.
Just because it has a PSX style doesn't mean you have to stay in the dark ages for workflows.

Anonymous No. 945968

>the best practice of having everything nice and atlased on a single texture map is now considered a "dark age" workflow
We deserve all the terrible performance and ballooning GPU prices we have currently, don't we?

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Anonymous No. 946002

Don't mind me. I'm just testing things.

Anonymous No. 946012

I'll be real I have no idea how to use UDIMs. I also have no idea if using a UDIM will let me easily change textures on the fly, which is gonna be a big part of how I handle certain animation tricks with this style.

This isn't me disregarding, I genuinely would like to know if this would fuck up the current workflow or not.

Anonymous No. 946014

I'm realizing I should've just googled them first. it sort of answered my question, so maybe I can find a use for it.
The whole point was to do the project mainly realtime, which it sounds like UDIMs are a bit resource heavy? I'll have to experiment honestly.

Anonymous No. 946021

>having everything nice and atlased on a single texture map is now considered a "dark age" workflow
That's not really what I meant. I didn't mean atlased textures are a relic of a bygone era, because they're not.
I mean that generally when doing retro styled stuff, a lot of people limit themselves to what's possible with the tech and workflows that were available at the time and make concessions (like texel density in this example), when you don't need to with modern day workflows. In some cases those concessions add to the charm, I'll admit, but if something like texel density is an issue and fixing it would mean a better end-product, I don't see a problem in being a little anachronistic.

>sounds like UDIMs are a bit resource heavy?
If you're using small textures (I'm assuming since it's PSX stuff), I doubt the performance impact would be all that large. You probably won't be using some of the modern stuff like bump/normal maps and would just be using diffuse, so really it'd probably be like loading those textures in the first place. Not to mention that really you'd probably only need to use 2 tiles, it should give you plenty of room to work with and keep the texel size consistient. I can't imagine having 2 tiles would be any heavier than loading 2 textures.

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Anonymous No. 946028

I was so naive to think the hair would take me a week, I don't know if I'm lazy or what, but I'm almost there.

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Anonymous No. 946029

I'm mogging v1 very hard, can't believe I thought it looked decent, I wonder if v2 will look shitty in a few months.

Anonymous No. 946038

What's it look like when you decimATE IT TO LOW POLY?

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Anonymous No. 946039

depends on how much I'll end up decimating them, but something like pic related as an example.

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Anonymous No. 946040

I refine the meshes quite a bit, so they're good for decimation and unwrap, since I won't be doing manual retopo for that.

Anonymous No. 946044

Great progress! v1 looked like he was just electrocuted.

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Anonymous No. 946049

If you're still here anon my dick sucking proposition is still up.
But seriously though, I need you, you corrected me to well for me to not try finding you again

Anonymous No. 946072

Manual retopo on that would be a nightmare, right?

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Anonymous No. 946088

anon that's v1 you're replying to

Anonymous No. 946089

yeah no way in hell, I'd have to take a different approach from the start if I wanted animatable geometry

Anonymous No. 946097

OG version looks better. The second one looks like he's going super sayan

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Anonymous No. 946107

I lost that version sadly, I'm gonna have to stick with the super sayan looking one.

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Anonymous No. 946109

Some experimentation from today.
Gonna try to make something similar but more visually interesting tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 946116

Just use reference while sculpting, try to focus one area at time

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Anonymous No. 946118

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fat stacks.png

Anonymous No. 946139

Y'all niggaz ain't even got no cash

Also fun fact: when making the texture atlas for the banknotes, Photoshop REFUSED to open the original banknote images I had downloaded. Motherfucker thought I was counterfeiting shit lol
I had to make the texture atlas in Krita, which made no fuss about this nonsense

Anonymous No. 946140

reported to the fbi

Anonymous No. 946144


Anonymous No. 946154

>Photoshop REFUSED to open the original banknote images
Yup I had that issue as well years ago when doing a project for school. The detection was pretty shit though and I didn't have to do much to circumvent it. I think I might have just added a pixel or two.
All I got from it was the thought of "What retard thinks they can counterfeit by bringing a note into PS and printing it out?" followed by "What retard software dev thinks this is a real issue?"

Fun fact, scanners will do the same thing. Or at least they did when I tried it.

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Anonymous No. 946162

ended up just making another donut with a slightly different technique.

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Anonymous No. 946168


Anonymous No. 946173

bro what if u stuck your pp in there
imagine the soft velvety feel

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Anonymous No. 946179


some better reference.

when you're done sculpting the hamstrings just smooth it over a bit, they don't really look good fully detailed like that even when stylized.

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Anonymous No. 946183

My cloth simulator bro.

Anonymous No. 946191

Really was hoping the ball would sink into it, and the cube would rapidly inflate and toss the ball into the air and catch it.

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Anonymous No. 946195

Wrapped it up, any thoughts? going for comfy realism

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Anonymous No. 946196

wrong frame my bad

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Anonymous No. 946198

the noise is added in post to get that comfy feels

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Anonymous No. 946199


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Anonymous No. 946207

I don't know if the Rigid Body simulator and the Cloth simulator can work together. Maybe I'll try that but But you know... it's Blender. I think it's a lot that at least one of two works.

Anonymous No. 946215

Wood grain looks like it's going the wrong way.

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Anonymous No. 946217

Bro I love you so for real you don't even realise. Thank you very very much

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Anonymous No. 946234

These shoulders took 2 days because most of the methods I wanted to use looked like dogshit. finally settled on making the entire area after the white bands part of the arm hull. it looks really good now.

I think this was the last particularly tough part, everything else should be way easier.

Anonymous No. 946235

I bought auto-rig pro, and I must say that it's one shitty add-on for its price. I don't see how it improves anything over rigify, and it has nothing on manually built rigs. The default reference bone positions are all wrong enough so that the user must position them manually anyway. The default weight painting sucks ass, so the user must paint it manually too. Hips and shoulders have no helper bones whatsoever, so they're completely and utterly fucked. Knees and elbows are of course also single-jointed, wrists lose volume, fingers behave like spaghetti, and the IK on feet is completely schizophrenic.

Seriously, what problem does this software solve? Why does it exist?

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fugaflamkish fnb.png

Anonymous No. 946242

i think im done.

Anonymous No. 946249

You need to start fixing those normals. Would look a lot better if you did.

Anonymous No. 946259

>whats a trim sheet?

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Anonymous No. 946260

I'm working on modelling the omnimatrix bracelet but with my own design, however i'm struggling to get anything done because Blender crashes if i use Modifiers alongside Subdivisions, and i can't get some of the mesh to fit in properly without clipping through each other.

Anonymous No. 946261

how? retopo?

Anonymous No. 946262

Nice stuff!

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Anonymous No. 946269

Trying out hard surface stuff. I have an ongoing suspicion that real-life proportions don't look good in renders and I need to scale up all the smaller details (buttons, etc).

Anonymous No. 946273

Are the lines on her face indicating that like, it opens up to reveal the stuff underneath?

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Anonymous No. 946304

does this look good? photorealistic? good too look at?

Anonymous No. 946305

not really

Anonymous No. 946308

Depends on the context. Looks better than backgrounds in most VNs.


See 1

Anonymous No. 946309

the lines on the sides and for the nose are effectively just break-up. they don't serve any other purpose than to help define the volume of her head and where things are placed when I draw her, but they just kinda stuck.

There ARE elements to her design that are meant to come across as 'off', like the fact she effectively has two rows of teeth and has exposed muscle fiber. There's other things, but they're contextual, with people in the story making note she's weird looking.

Personally I'm really looking forward to getting to the secondary protagonists, as I feel they could potentially be alot easier to make (less necessary key details meaning less fucking around.)

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Anonymous No. 946310


Anonymous No. 946311

what can i improve ?
bump up the hdri and sunlamp? could you elaborate on the histograms part

Anonymous No. 946312

There's a thing with creating 'real' environments that people often forget, which is that lighting for everything is never an extreme sharp angle, like wha'ts on that cigarette tray there. everything has a SLIGHT bevel to it, even if it's barely there, aside from things like knives and such.

Another issue is that there's just really any serious variance in the textures, they just kinda tile alot and there's no signs of weathering, water damage, edge scraping, etc.

It also doesn't help that there's not really any secondary refraction, which makes it feel like a 90s POVray videogame render.

You can fix this, but it needs some serious work.

Anonymous No. 946313

Please don't do what this post is suggesting. blowing shit out doesn't actually fix any problems. A bit lighter tone can help but this is overkill in every way.

Anonymous No. 946314

Open your render in GIMP. Choose Colors -> Levels. Look at the Histogram, move the arrows until the image data covers most of the available dynamic range.

Anonymous No. 946315

You still need to fix your monitor.

Anonymous No. 946317

I absolutely don't need to fix my monitor. I do pixel art professionally, if something was off with my monitor I would have had someone tell me by now.
I just really really don't like when people blow shit out, add extra contrast and sharpness, and suddenly think it looks *~REALISTIC~*. These things only help if you're willing to understand what subtlety is.

Anonymous No. 946318

What I'm saying is don't make your shit look like a Skyrim ReShade.

Anonymous No. 946319

>if something was off with my monitor I would have had someone tell me by now
I've just told you. Verify with the histograms.

Anonymous No. 946321


I'm not falling for a thing that's specifically intended to start a long, overly drawn-out argument.

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Anonymous No. 946322

Open >>946304 and >>946310 in GIMP
Go to Colors -> Levels for each one.
Notice that even after I've increased the contrast the left, it's still very far from overblown.

Anonymous No. 946323

Just fix you monitor setup and stop arguing then.

Anonymous No. 946324

mate you're absolutely fucking roasting images stop fucking giving people advice

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Anonymous No. 946325


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Anonymous No. 946327

post your work

Anonymous No. 946330

Would you like to see something specific? >>946002 is mine. That's my genre.

Anonymous No. 946331

oh mi god, >>946325 absolutely MOGS you. You have no excuse to be bitching this hard.

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Anonymous No. 946332

i have beveled most of the thing, the ash tray is just a place holder i have kept, for the texture variation thing i am stumped, could you link me some resources ? i assume i have to do it in substance painter since blender sucks in texture painting, what can i do about secondary refraction? i can make it glass instead of window grill.
didnt really check the histogram but i changed the sunlamp direction, my monitor does suck so i cant really fix the issue. but what does viewing the histogram help with? like i can up the brightness of my hdri and sunlamp? is there a golden ratio to histograms?

Anonymous No. 946333

How's new job >>945074 going?

Anonymous No. 946334

There is no hard rule for histograms. You decide but natural images tend to have an exponential decay shape, so that's what what you may want to try to approximate if you want your image to look natural.

Anonymous No. 946335

I'm not that guy and I don't know why you would come to that conclusion, on an anonymous basketweaving forum

Anonymous No. 946337

secondary refraction really is annoying to do PROPERLY, alot of the time the easiest thing is to just have really subtle seconday lights to fake it. If you need to do it properly, you're gonna need to do some raytracing and bounce light stuff that's honestly... not that great to set up.

As for texture? I'm not exactly the best to ask for this as I don't do alot of environment work. It's gonna be something where you'll wanna set up some node masks and vertex color or something to add secondary textures and decals to what you have. weathering is always kinda monotonous no matter how you look at it.

The extra brightness is helping alot there, it feels nicer already without looking blown out.

Anonymous No. 946338

How many severe mental cases maintain an archive of gifs with some sort of exaggerated expression from some actor or cartoon character and feel a compulsion to post them? I say it's you.

Anonymous No. 946339

you're a tourist and a schizo.

saving gifs and reaction images and then reposting them is extremely commonplace on this imageboard and social media in general.

Anonymous No. 946340

Of memes, yes. Of insane facial expressions from actors or cartoon characters, that's your thing specifically. I'm not a psychologist so I don't know why you do it.

Anonymous No. 946341

Why do you even care so much? What's the point in making some overly specific nitpick about a type of reaction? It doesn't actually help your case here.

Anonymous No. 946342

In dunno anon, I'm much worse than you in art, but "photorealistic" is a moving target, as people learn to recognize renders. That image was obviously rendered by a real-time engine, I won't even be able to tell why I think that.

Anonymous No. 946345

you're insane

Anonymous No. 946346

Light is better here but you need to add another light to brighten the room a little. Ignore everything the histogram guy says.
Your textures need work. I can see the tiling on your wall, pipes don't rust the way you've got yours going. Your plastic pipes have rust on them too lol. Go download some good maps from quixel .

Anonymous No. 946347

>Go download some good maps from quixel
this is the wrong approach

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Anonymous No. 946348

>That image was obviously rendered by a real-time engine, I won't even be able to tell why I think that.
nope it was in cycles path traced, really wanna try out UE5 but my shitty laptop takes forever to compile shaders.
i do get my maps from quixel and but my bad i meant to make it look like dirt and forgot to change the color
whats wrong?

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Anonymous No. 946349

>i do get my maps from quixel
Ah okay, man. Those usually specify scale so pay attention to that stuff. Don't tile like pic-related. It gives and old Vidya feel.
Maybe grab painter and/or mixer so you have a bit of help masking and blending a bit better. Be conservative with your bump values too. But yeah reference, reference, reference.

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Anonymous No. 946350

>Those usually specify scale so pay attention to that stuff.
completely missed it, thing is at the specified 2x2, it looks too big imo. i was thinking of breaking the repetitions with decals

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Anonymous No. 946354

le update, any ideas on how i can get the foreground wall to look better?

Anonymous No. 946355

something that you might wanna do is set up a wall behind the foreground, as I get this weird feeling that you don't, which means the light isn't bouncing back and is just escaping into the void. That or just add a secondary light behind it if that doesn't work.

Anonymous No. 946356

There is a wall behind since it's just a simple cube with the window cut out. I wonder if i reduced bounce lighting when i was working on the scene. Anything else i should change or improve ?

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Anonymous No. 946358

What about this? Aside from the histograms issue there's also a dominant color issue. You can check for it also in GIMP by doing Colors -> Auto -> White Balance. If there's a dominant, it'll show as the opposite color.

Anonymous No. 946360

just fucking stop, dude

Anonymous No. 946361

you're embarrassing yourself

Anonymous No. 946362

So I did good apparently. I've even airbrushed it a little bit and added a gradient to the wall to fake some light reflected from the floor. I like it.

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Anonymous No. 946376

testing out some thread animation thing.

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Anonymous No. 946377

20 hours and 3 rigs later I finally have something I can work with
Opinions? should I add anything?

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Anonymous No. 946379

~Cinematic~ ENB Reshade out of 10. Find literally anything else to do.

Anonymous No. 946380

He's a superhero who fights against global warming. As a child he had an accident where he fell from a boat into shallow waters where the seabed was covered in algae and he had trouble re-surfacing because he was entangled.
After that he realized that he had acquired a superpower that allowed him to instantly grow algae all over his body.
The algae intertwine to form a bullet proof suit so strong he can even survive a night in Chicago and that is also edible and nutritious after use. I'll leave the rest up to you.

Anonymous No. 946381

I have no idea what you're trying to tell me but I hope you leave Discord soon because it's not a good place. Maybe go twerk on TikTok instead. Even that is better environment than Discord.

Anonymous No. 946382

Make her nipples mouths with very fat succulent lips

Anonymous No. 946385

That's not even an insult. that's just a weird statement that makes no sense. What overly impenetrable bullshit does that even imply?

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Anonymous No. 946395

Did you forget to rename?

Anonymous No. 946396

I feel like it's too flat anon, but i will try replicate the light hitting the foreground wall

Anonymous No. 946397

That's my taste. For the most part I just wanted to show you how much you can do just by tweaking the colors.

Anonymous No. 946413

This literally does not change my statement or refute anything. Make your case or go away.

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Anonymous No. 946414

Honestly it's looking way better now. My only thought aside from the window area needing finalizing is this spot here almost looks like a weirdly stretched texture. I don't know what exactly you'd correct on it though? it just looks really wonky now that the rest has been refined.

Anonymous No. 946415

I would leave it like that just to piss people with severe OCD from Discord off.
That's what I do most of the time when I post my stuff. If I spot some small defect that doesn't really detract from the image I leave it there and they go insane over it. Try it. It's fun.
And the overall brightness of your image looks ok to me now.

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Anonymous No. 946417

i will color correct it in post but i wanted the render output to be the best i could make it
yup i changed it, i forgot to unwrap the pipe
thanks anon

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Anonymous No. 946418

put the other shot on hold for now and started blocking out the next shot, i really hope the end output is portfolio worthy

Anonymous No. 946422

there's a bunch of nits to pick on your image, but before i do that, can i know what your aim here is?
you said you're rendering in cycles, so are you trying for VFX tier photorealism? vidya cinematics? realistic vidya target render?

Anonymous No. 946423

>there's a bunch of nits to pick on your image
completely tear it apart
>vidya cinematics? realistic vidya target render?
i would say something in this field, i like making cinematics and environments

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Anonymous No. 946425

- green stuff is too low poly
- blue you can still see tiling, better than before but still a bit of an issue
- orange: would like to see edge damage - geometry and texture
- pink: this detail should be geometry imo. you're not making a videogame.

blue box should have more geometric detail
air conditioners and their stands should have more geo. the underside of the air con esp needs work

the plastic pipes should have more grunge in between the corrugations(?, you know what i mean, the foldy bits, it's in your reference >>946348)

foreground wall should be brightened up - similarish to how it's lifted in pic-related

yeah - more geo in general, less reliance on textures to fake detail. you're not very polycount constrained

Anonymous No. 946426

thanks anon, will definitely fix these. Initially i thought I fucked up something major

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Screenshot 2023-0....png

Anonymous No. 946432

doin some texturin for a car project

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Anonymous No. 946447

Progress dump

Went fucking ham with the knife tool today instead of being a quad obsessed idiot

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Anonymous No. 946448


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Anonymous No. 946449


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Anonymous No. 946450


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Anonymous No. 946451


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Anonymous No. 946454

Been working on a weapon mod. I've been obsessed with keeping topo clean without blowing the tri count out of the water. Think I've done okay with that, gonna be working on the hi poly soon.

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Anonymous No. 946457

mmm crunchy fireflies

been sculpting caves

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Anonymous No. 946458

learning how to do that FO3/NV style edge decal

Anonymous No. 946460

What are the two green bones on the hips for ? Also is it truelly better to insert a knee bone between the upper and lower leg bones?

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Anonymous No. 946466

le update, honestly i can see why people use asset packs now, after this project i am gonna get a some mega asset pack or make my own from my previous projects.
woah those are image decals? they look a bit wonky right?

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Anonymous No. 946469

>they look a bit wonky right?
I'm seeing how much depth I can give the boolean corner without the shadows getting fucky

Anonymous No. 946483

looking cute anon, can i fuck her?

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Anonymous No. 946487

Pretty new and after doing some basic household items I figured I should try to polymodel a human at some point. Started doing basic random body parts and I just want to get the topology right, so I do not have to relearn everything at a later point.

This is the first thing that I am confident in. Took me literally forever, and it is very basic, but it is a start and I hope that I can at some point join it to other bodyparts, so I will have an easily adjustable basemesh at the end, that I can combine. Like human legos.

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Anonymous No. 946500

Feel like I hit the dreaded plateau when it comes to anatomy. How do I get over this????

Anonymous No. 946503

Watching someone work has helped me. Exposure to someone else's workflow can help with perspective. This thread seemed like a good source, if you're sculpting. >>933568 Don't know of a good one for hard surface sadly

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Anonymous No. 946537

Added ribbons / shoes and legs.

no you cant
thats bad

Anonymous No. 946543

Looking good. Has using the knife been working out? I want to use it more, but I keep obsessing over my topology like I'm allergic to triangles. Had some bad workflow slow me down when I went to subd.

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Anonymous No. 946545

Making another train. Didn't post any wips this time, nearly done, but still felt like posting. Thinking of actually making something out of this one, a scene or something.

Anonymous No. 946546

Me like.

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Anonymous No. 946547

need some feedback again, how can i make the red platform look better? and general feedback on whatever is done so far, i have a few more pipes and wires to add. will try to make the lighting more golden hour ish as well.
boolean? arent decals just images tho?

Anonymous No. 946549


Anonymous No. 946550


Made a low poly vehicle on Blender and animated using Outerra

Anonymous No. 946551

thank you :)
what specifically doesn't look right?

Anonymous No. 946552

Make a little pink trailer attached to the car to invite people in.

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Anonymous No. 946553

Opinions on the hair?
You know the anatomy but you don't "feel" the form, the anatomical key points might be placed correctly but they don't connect in a cohesive way

Anonymous No. 946554

HAHAHA good idea

Anonymous No. 946555

The hips bones are helpers for hips duh, they move along with the leg bones at the half of their speed
Knee bones are essential, it's not hard to implement them and they help a lot in making natural looking movement

Anonymous No. 946563

Thing is Iโ€™m not sure how I should be grinding anatomy for something as simple as anime. There are some very good artists like lesly and Sakuramochi that take them to the next level but I guess itโ€™s really just putting the time in over a long period. Kek I just want to make cel shaded anime girls like in genshin but studying anatomy is a plus to me.

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Anonymous No. 946572

Will a kind anon redline the arm anatomy? I've looked over my anatomy notes the best I could but it still feels fucked

Anonymous No. 946584

looks good but keep an eye on the layering of the front left side of the hair, any reason they dont end be pointy maibe is a mix of a hime cut?
as a base mesh looks good, maybe adjust proportions and silhouette?? just select a character u like and try to make a finished piece

Anonymous No. 946586

horrible. You havent even looked at any anatomy book. Do not handhold this guy

Anonymous No. 946587

Paint over you own screenshot while looking for reference, and let's see what you got

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Anonymous No. 946590

God give me strength, I'm almost there, just 2 more days of sculpting, then I'm done, I'll be glad to move on to unwrapping.

Anonymous No. 946593

im going to do it anyway

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Anonymous No. 946594

n-no bully
reposting from /ic/ (second begging source)

its hard because the character I'm making isnt muscular, and I'm trying to create a balancing area of defining the muscles and deflating them because he's thin. I'm looking at touken ranbu and Free! figures to see how pros sculpt anatomy onto anime bishounens. It seems like they just smooth it out though

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Anonymous No. 946596

pic related on examples

Anonymous No. 946759

ready for vore

hair looks good to me

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Anonymous No. 947017

Yeah, proportinally bigger details seem to look better. Whatever.

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Anonymous No. 947033

I wanna get this down to 30k tris also which area should I focus all my polygons on????

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Anonymous No. 947067

things to improve imo
-the mane looks over the top
-ribcage looks weird, more bulbous rather then resembling ribs, needs refining
-a lot of places where you can make up the stroke of the brushes, needs of refinement
-skin in between the jaws is to smooth, shows no signs of stretching
-his claws are retracted, but a screaming lion would probably also have his claws out, if only to add more dynamism to the sculpt. Unless he's yawning, then nvm
-i think the claws are a bit too high off from the ground
-the contact of the paws with the ground is weird and too straight, cats have toe beans
-eye shape is a bit wrong and if he's contracting the upper brow muscles, then the eyes would be partially closed and less perfectly round(pic related)
-the whisker holes should lose depth as they approach the nose
-the upper teeth between the canines look weird are too close apart
-maybe it's the angle, but the skin at the lower jaw should sag down a bit at the middle point, it just looks straight in your sculpt

Anonymous No. 947070

>area should I focus all my polygons on
1. places that you are important for animation: elbows, shoulders, knees, mouth/face. etc
2.things that are round and you want them to keep their roundness: tits, ass, etc

Anonymous No. 947129

Checked, thanks for your feedback.
Some of the brush strokes I'm keeping rather rough for the style of sculpting I'm going for, but i appreciate the rest of your feedback since I have zero knowledge on lion anatomy and I'm mostly relaying on observation.

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Anonymous No. 947248

I don't know what I'm doing.

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Anonymous No. 947252

Just make anime girls anon.....

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Anonymous No. 947256

Realized I needed another cat.

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Anonymous No. 947312

Made a basic flocking solver this morning before starting on work.

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Anonymous No. 947477

Will probably revisit this for some material tweaking and proper final renders (this was rendered in Painter with default lighting), but I've gotten kinda bored with it for now.

Anonymous No. 947714

can i have this cat pls

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Anonymous No. 947715

my first attempt at texturing anything in blender

Anonymous No. 947716

why is her nose on her forehead

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Anonymous No. 947743

I forgot to post progress here.
I guess i drew an owl

Anonymous No. 947756


Anonymous No. 947757


Anonymous No. 947775

where is the og pic of wip thread from?

Anonymous No. 947920

Migrate time:>>947917