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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 944119

I'm following a guide on how to make a modular rig in Maya but the end result is the rig for "animators" which is different from and doesn't include a connected joint chain that is bound to a single polygonal skin mesh. Instead, he has a spline IK for the torso as well as squash and stretch and fk controls, too. The arms and legs are attached via parent constraints. He explicitly says there is a distinction in studios between the rigs given to animators and the rigs that are rendered and is not going to teach how to turn this into a skin rig. This is what I need though as the skin rig is unacceptable in render. I've been trying for over a week and failing. I get "unexpected cycle" warnings and limbs just going crazy whenever I try to use skincluster and his series of constraints at the same time.

What should I do? I'm really really far in to scripting and learning from this guy's lessons, but if I can't get a skinned rig, it is all for nothing. I've been thinking of jumping ship to mGear - thoughts?

This an older mel version of setting up this same animator rig from the same lessons ive been talking about but again, i need a skin rig and not an animator rig. My version is python and much more organized.

Anonymous No. 944143

Nobody here gets to the point where they even think about rigging and animating. They all get stuck way before arguing about topology.
Sorry OP. You may want to look at another forum.

Anonymous No. 944148

OP did you buy a decade old tutorial?
There has been many leaps and advances in rigging, especially in Maya.

>rig for animators are different from rendered

yes, in this regard it is because Skinned rigs to single mesh are usually what they used for render only 10 years ago. and instead used segmented 'outline' rigs which had usually 1/10th of the polygonal resolution.

thanks to recent advances though, if You have simple rig, you dont need to make 'animator' rig which encompasses just general outline for shapes.

Once You have Your modular rig just skin it normally.

if You want to be TD, You will need to learn to do Your own aumated rig creation, if You do not want to do that boring stuff, mgear or AS5 is an okay option.

Anonymous No. 944158

Obviously there is a way to drive a real skinned rig from this animator rig as the author was able to do it in film production and all his maya commands still exist. The main problem is how to have skincluster and constraints coexist without cycling. How?

Anonymous No. 944175

ofc you can, because You can use same bone system to skin both across Animatior Rig file and Render Rig file, then you just swap them in final production phase.

what are you, stupid?

Anonymous No. 944181

no, you have no idea what you're talking about and are making yourself look dumb.

The author, Jason Schleifer, now ex WETA explicitly says that making a skinned rig would take him an additional 15 hour demonstration and thus he is only focusing on a animation rig and he explicitly says thats the end of the discussion.

Anonymous No. 944210

Not him but i been working with rigs the longest than some people on this board. The script you linked is ok but not university accepted since we now have more freedom. None of the free scripts are acceptable usages for rigging. You are better off using Maya auto rig than the junk you find online.

The script is dong what is called deforming rig. A very old method and mostly used on side characters or characters with particles effects. This is an example from 2006 book:

If you using Maya, you are likely using the default stuff and that is why you are getting errors. No one (unless you are old like me) uses the old ways unless you know what you are doing.

I dont know what your settings are but i do know that Maya changed it to fit things their way. Also i recommend not attaching bones onto a certain part of the character without the fill skeleton to support it. Do you ever see a human without bones? no because bad things happen without our bones supporting us (no i'm not going into detail about how some insects are ok without bones).

Anonymous No. 944212

>Not him but i been working with rigs the longest than some people on this board. The script you linked is ok but not university accepted since we now have more freedom. None of the free scripts are acceptable usages for rigging. You are better off using Maya auto rig than the junk you find online.

Im not in university. I wrote my own version in python and its much better.

>The script is dong what is called deforming rig.
No, this is an animation rig. He specicially says it is for animators to work on and then have the work tranferred onto the production skinned rig. This was used in his workflow in the Lord of The Rings Trilogy as he says he designed the pipeline

Anonymous No. 944217

By not being a 'deforming rig', this should be very obvious as no deformation is taking place as every piece of geo is cut up and skinned to only one joint for visual s for the animator.

Jason made this series on how to create rigs for animators to work on for their dailies

Anonymous No. 944220

Everything he knew was years ago, the program he had does not work with current modern day rigging. The website support does not even work, Autodesk DVD is gone, ebook is over 15 years old.

We will have to talk technical level support to fix the script that is only build for maya 2010-12.

The "animation rig" isn't something many studios use either. Yes, it looks and sounds great in paper but if someone mess up it's wasted time on animation and redo on the entire model. It's why many studios want animators to at least know basic rig to fix the problem, not let one person/group handle it.

No one cuts models and skin it. That causes the very thing you see in the picture. We don't need to do that anymore.

Anonymous No. 944223

You are wrong. I did some more research and found there may be some user error on my part, i am now diffing jasons original save files with my own script... The error does not occur in his file if i do the following

>Combine the split geo and bind to selected yet still not all in one hierarchy joints and then try animating

Something is wrong with my script, but i am having two instances of maya open as well as pycharm, trying to fix the issue

I have the complete dvd series, all the pdfs, and all the scripts. The principles of rigging in autodesk maya have not changed and you can see from his results at weta in the lord of the rings 4k hdr blu ray dvds that his results are still of the highest quality and all driven by what he is teaching here. Everything you want to do with keyframe anim rigs on bipedal characters you can get there with his methods

Jason explains that people use an animation rig so they can get the movements down which they then transfer to their simulated muscle rigs which also drive clothing and hair simulation. They say the same whenever you search for muscle simulation and muscle sim plugins - you animate on a fast puppet rig or anim rig. Same exact thing.

They have the option to do exactly what he is doing with an animation rig in advanced skeleton 5 for example.

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Anonymous No. 944241

There are too many automatic rigging tools out there to be bothering yourself with that shit. Unless you're becoming a rigger or writting your own tool.

Anonymous No. 944242

wont argue with a retard who knows nothing.
thanks for proving my point.

Anonymous No. 944244

I don't really see why you can't just bind the skin to the joints in your existing rig? Assuming your rig doesn't have cycles to begin with I don't see why you'd get cycles just by adding a skinCluster.

mGear is the closest thing to a standard rigging toolset that exists.

It's correct that no one sensible uses cut up geo in rigs anymore. Feature animation uses the final render geo in their rigs. VFX use separate animation and simulation rigs. Jason is a VFX guy so of course he uses the latter approach.

Anonymous No. 944247

I wrote over 7k lines of python based on his lessons. My script is different from the script i linked.

Anonymous No. 944249

there it is, the 7k lines of code larp.
that means fuck all if it doesnt work and has cycle dependencies.

Anonymous No. 944288

your """RIG""" is all the silly arrows and logos you can manipulate with the move tools to run special effectors that move the joint hierarchy. When you are """RIGGING""" you are making those tools to make animating specific movements easier to do.
People often refer to drawing the skeleton and also binding that skeleton to the final render mesh also as """RIGGING""" and the hierarchy of joint objects itself as a """RIG""" but the joint hierarchy without any special constraints or effectors is easily called the """SKELETON""" the mesh is the mesh, and the connection between the skeleton and the mesh as """BINDING""" or an """ENVELOPE""" The influence of a joint on a vertice in the mesh is a """SKIN WIEGHT""" and if you are assigning skin weights in one way or another then you are """ENVELOPING""" the mesh.

Anonymous No. 944377

Instead of learning from an old person with nearly nothing to show in current times. You should learn current methods.

The rig is free, no scripts needed because it's from an actual professional.

The free rig is how current models work. This is why people like spiderman movements, this is how you get animators to love you, study from this rig and know how things work.

Yes, it's confusing at first but you must see something real to understand it than something fake from the community.

Anonymous No. 944416

Again, my senpai rigs for film and nothing has changed between when he wrote the lessons and today. I identified and fixed my cycle problem yesterday btw. I plan on posting a webm of my rig to show that its perfectly capable, but i have to go to my job now

Anonymous No. 944476

Yes things change, Mocap became a thing. Companies don't want people wasting time on keyframes when Mocap exist. Then there is pre-production assets that just sit there doing nothing, your boss wants to use it to save money, the viewer will never know the same walk cycle exist. ETC. Things have changed, using scripts is only used because companies are demanding you to use it. The Azri model doesn't require scripts to run, this is proof that we moved on from old fashioned ways of rigging, we have better computers than 10 years ago. Don't make the mistake of learning useless thing during Maya 30 day time trial.

Anonymous No. 944484

Jason wrote the pipeline for the Lord of the Rings which as you should know had mocap by Andy Serkis for gollum a full 10 years before creating his instructional rigging series. And yet, in recent interviews about his time in production on LOTR he mentions that a lot of stuff for gollum and other characters had to be keyframed because it things can be impossible to mocap. This is true today as well.

And about your scriptless rig - laughable.

Do not post anymore you absolute idiot. Shameful.

Anonymous No. 944508

That's why you are the noob and i am the expert, motion capture was used all the time. Fan wiki confirms this fact:'s_film_trilogies

Here is the set you are talking about:

they made this in the 3rd movie, all LOTR fans know this fact. Let me give you a history of motion capture and mocap. Lee Harrison III is the one that created the starting technology for all future videos and motion capture.

Lord of the rings did use motion capture under the condition of special cameras, not obtainable to this day.

To create Gollums motion on the first two films, Rygiel used rotomation, with keyframe animators mimicking Andy Serkis movements. Also used was a motion capturing stage, in which data was collected during motion-capture rehearsals, after which, the live actors performed to an imaginary Gollum on the real take. And there was much traditional key frame animation. But this year we took an experimental leap I wish we had done it a lot sooner, but it was just as technology was getting to this point. We actually put sensors on Andy Serkis, as he was acting, and we were motion capturing as Peter was shooting the scene. Despite the complexity of setting up equipment and lights, It ended up working perfectly.

This is Rotomation in a nutshell:

What you said is not complete picture of the Lord of the Rings. Too many special things needed to happen, the advancement of technology played a huge part of this and you only cared about small scenes that tell another story.

Today Motion Capture is different than 20 years ago. Example, your character you told me:

Why do your insist on being wrong, LOTR fans have documented the entire original movies. I don't know why you assume i wouldn't find this information.

In any case, learn real methods.

Anonymous No. 944510

Star Wars and Lord of the Cock Rings both suck. You should use them as examples of what not to do.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 944514

there was a ton of hand keyed animation and he says it on camera in recent interviews.

You and these fans literally need to jump.

Additionally, didnt i tell you not to reply anymore, idiot?

Anonymous No. 944515

there was a ton of hand keyed animation and he says it on camera in recent interviews. Especially when he mentions the height and body composition differences between the characters and scenes of gollum jumping on characters, hanging off of terrain, etc.

You need to take the word of people who worked on the actual film over some fans.

dont waste my time anymore. You have dunning kruger syndrome - a severe case

Anonymous No. 944516


Anonymous No. 944517

>To create Gollums motion on the first two films, Rygiel used rotomation, with keyframe animators mimicking Andy Serkis movements.

again, keyframe animation of any sort requires a keyframe rig and as shown in this scene, >>944516

The animators used serkis's movements as a reference, but had to really adjust what what he was doing to make it gollum. Setting keyframes is setting keyframes and you require a rig. You are laughable and have never done good vfx...

Anonymous No. 944556

There is no such thing has "keyframe rig", there is only the model, the controllers and the bone. Even if you try to name something from 2000, the offical Maya 5 document does not name such thing.

Keyframe is keyframe, no one changes that format. This book from 20 years will still help you learn how to make rigs than a person with only limit rig understanding. You have no excuse not reading this book.

Anonymous No. 944557

this is the rig i am building towards now by following his lessons my brother. I was able to get the geo as one skin, eliminated all cycles, have it scripted out in py

Anonymous No. 944560

this nigga follows 'tutorial' done 15 years ago
dont bother with this larper he doesnt know shit.

Anonymous No. 944562

dont cry now

Anonymous No. 944564

If you even bother reading the free book, you know what he is doing is wrong. This is how real rigs work in 2000:

checkmate, 20 years and Maya is almost the same thing. Just look at current maya 2023:

Anonymous No. 944593

>Advanced Animation
>Basic Rig

Damn, its almost like, technology advanced to a point where something that was advanced, is now basic.

Anonymous No. 944601

pyw to github larpfag

Anonymous No. 944602

I wont dox myself and give away my hard work simultaneously

Anonymous No. 944605

There it is.
no proof.
so fuck off
>Wont dox myself
Creating anon account is an option
>my hard work
nigga, you rewrote someone else's script.
overall 2/10 , bad bait

Anonymous No. 944639

>you rewrote someone else's script.
your dead wrong and showing how ignorant you are. The script I linked to in OP is based on the course by Jason, in which he does not provide an auto rig script and at the end of his course he recommends his students to go back and create their own scripted version - which I did. It took me months to translate 16 hours of video and 1600 pages of notes as well as adding my own spin at times. But, now I am confident that I'm in the top percent of riggers

I only looked at the highend3d script once, for how to connect a dWorldUpMatrix and dWorldUpMatrixEnd to a worldMatrix. Everything about that version is far worse and i don't even believe it works anymore. Yes, our scripts may be similar in spots because we are working from the same material, but you cannot say no hard work is being put in when they are made independently. Its just like when you are learning to draw and you follow a book. You have to do all the exercises yourself in order to progress or else you cheat yourself out of gains. Someday, you may understand this, but....i doubt it. No, I wont make a fake account at github nor post my code elsewhere. Its a security risk. The most I could do in the future is post video of the rigs in action. Good luck to you in the future.

Anonymous No. 944707

so basically,
>You are dead wrong! I only rewritten the script after being told how to write it!!
>top percent rigger
have fun finding work pajeet, you are unhireable.

Anonymous No. 944749

No one who is a rigger would ever try to use scripts and you know it. Oh you ant to make things easier for yourself? well boo hoo that is not how rigging works. More importantly, your little toy lacks key rigging of quadruped, certain items, plants, monsters and small children/babies.

You haven't even touch god level rigging like connecting different riggs from different bones during animation, something you see in transformers movie. This person did a better job than you.

Learning how to make scripts is not the answer to your rigging problem, you need to rig the model without scripts like real riggers.

Anonymous No. 944768

There he is
>tutorials are bad, because they just are, ok?!
>a tutorial that teaches you how something is made makes you less desirable!

I get it, you're backed against a corner and X number of posts deep, posting about a course you know nothing about. Go crawl back to your mcdonaldsgear ok.

Stop schizo posting

Anonymous No. 944773

Take your advice and read the free book that was made officially by the creators of Maya instead of some old person who did little rigging and lots of VFX.

Anonymous No. 944774

>doesnt realize that the course, Animation Friendly Rigging was taught in person as an Autodesk Masterclass - sponsored officially by autodesk and still hosted on the site


Anonymous No. 944789

I see now You are projecting kekw, like a textbook retard

I work as a Senior TD at a major studio, now get me some that bigmac and dont forget to make it large meal, chud

Anonymous No. 944799

>My dad works at nintendo

Get out of here, cris.

Anonymous No. 944800

>calls ppl cris
>acts like cris himself
nice try faggot

Anonymous No. 944811

>cris-like behavior

Anonymous No. 944848

Lucky there is a copy of the instructions in the internet for free.

Let's go over it:

1) Record movements and learn from it

Problem, this was during 2006, i know you don't understand being a child but no one had frame by frame tech like current phone technology. The best the students can do is pause quickly in the device machine and hope they understand. Very bad idea and should have been what my teacher did to me, learn from cartoons frame by frame in picture by picture.

2) Not teach people how FK works and make people use FK model. Very bad way to learn such thing, This is closer to Animation learning, not rigging. You first need to understand FK and IK to know what you are doing to the model. I bet many students are confused on why something new just suddenly appear to them. The ball example did not teach the students FK/IK, just in case anyone was wondering.

3) Real rigging for once, learning about the Joint’s Orientation. Although some things are very old that no longer require coding or doing it the long way, so can't be 100% used in a school setting because it doesn't exist in maya anymore.

4) Break the model AKA what you did and the reason you made this post anon. Reading though this is awful, stp doing this at once and build the model as expected not a bunch of bones to make it work.

5) Not teaching you how nurbs work and expect you to make one. Not teaching you controls and expecting you to do it. Very bad lesson on some of the very important parts of rigging. Oh, to make things worst, the lesson just gives you the file. I be you have zero understanding on how to make an arrow annon.

6) I do not know what this lesson is teaching you, does it really ask you to put bones within a bone? Oh and once again you are given nurbs but they never bother telling you to press the square nurbs.

part 1/2...

Anonymous No. 944851

You sound really new to this and are nitpicking horribly

Anonymous No. 944854

I'm just skipping part 7-9, they just expect you to understand nurbs and constraints.

At the very end part 10, you have..., a broken model that relies on script and awful lessons learn. The doc clearly doesnt state it's from Maya, this is from AutoDesk a completely different company that brought Maya. His way does not reflect the views of current Maya, remember this was in 2006, we no longer do things like break models. We don't do scripts, we don't overlap bones. This whole mess is just promotion, it lacks key understanding of character and life. Not once did it mention weight tool a very important tool to fix deformation. Zero lessons on how this effects dynamics like cloth and much much more that you have little understanding.

If anything you should be embarrassed for not reaching a better understanding on why current models don't follow the old ways. We have reasons and one of them does indeed is dynamics, any good rigger can make ncloth work with the model, a bad rigger tries to fake it.

Anonymous No. 944856

reading comprehension

>Animation Rigging Vs. Skinning
Before we continue on with the creation of the rig, I want to clarify one item.
This couse is focused on creating an animation rig that your animators like. It’s
focus is not on creating the final skinned character. That topic could easily
cover 4 more dvds, and is denifitely not the focus here. Standard practice in
studios does dictate a separation between the two systems. Usually there are
two separate rigs.. a skinning rig that deforms the geometry and has a full
skin/muscle system driving it, and an animation rig that is controlled by the

>animators. There’s generally some way that the animation is transferred from
the animation rig to the skinning rig. This can be done by copying the animation
from the skeleton on the animation rig to the skeleton on the skinning rig, by
constraining the skin rig to the animation rig, or a myriad of other ways.
This course will not cover that aspect of rigging. It is meant merely to introduce
you to interesting and useful techniques of creating an animation rig.
There. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s continue with our character!

this course ONLY covers a cut up, rigidly bind for ALL geo.


Everything in his lessons work as advertised in current maya. Looking at MGear today and it is a clear step BACKWARDS from this

>We don't do scripts, we don't overlap bones.
YOU dont script. YOU dont overlap bones because you are in an awful flavor of the week video game pipeline. Un believable!

Anonymous No. 944862

You are so dumb, what you call "creating an animation rig" is by definition named Baked. Also, we don't move the bones into another model, bad things happen when you do that. Maya keeps the entire bone information within the file, you can not export bones, you can not expect to easy move bones via export modeling method into FBX, you can not assume the bones will work in other programs.

This is by far the dumbest thing you can say, anyone who as worked in Maya knows you can't do anything to the bone outside of Maya. Try asking Blender users, they know wassup with Maya bones.

Another thing, final skinned character does not include nurbs, you add nurbs after you paint weight the model and are completely satisfy with the end result. The teachers handbook has fail to do that basic task, even worse is that even if you try to justify the methods, it still doesn't mean they are the best way, the handbook is only for you to learn a part of something in maya not follow it to death.

If anyone has a "READING COMPREHENSION" it should be you. This lesson fails at teaching you important matters of riggings, you cut the models which is not a thing anymore, you do not understand how to make custom nurbs, you do not know how constraints work, you are given the things that are otherwise easy to make in maya. Lastly, if you did read you know...


Oh you just assume you press a button and it works like magic, NO. Maya 8 is different from Maya 2023. No matter how much you try, skinning in the old ways is far different than today's Maya.

Anonymous No. 944863

>This lesson fails at teaching you important matters of riggings, you cut the models which is not a thing anymore
With ANY muscle simulation you need exactly what he has here, which is rigidly skinned geometry of actual skeletal geometry to bones which is what he JUST MENTIONED.

Take your meds

Anonymous No. 944866

The official maya defines Skinning as:,topicNumber=d0e335541

Current version:

They are the same and i bet if i look at version 7:

Yep same thing, you are wrong there anon. Also there is no such one way to Skin the character, using only rigidly skinned is going to end in bad results in other models.

Stop learning from this bad lesson and learn the current ways today. I have roven it's nothing more than promotional work by Autodesk, the old books made by Maya creators do not apply to your methods. Maya 2023 does not apply to your old ways. It's time to stop.

Anonymous No. 944869

Do you need a rigidly bound anatomical skeleton geo such as a rib, humerus, radius, ulna, etc to be bound to a single joint in order to drive a muscle simulation - yes or no.

Anonymous No. 944877

You tell people who correct your mistakes to take meds, you seem again - to be projecting alot

Anonymous No. 944943

>Muscle simulations
>skin them to bone

Anonymous No. 944961

OP here.

I'm jumping ship to Mcdonalds Gear. Fuck it. I wouldnt normally admit this, but I feel like after scripting the arm, the leg, the spine, the neck, etc, from Jason's tutorial and internalizing it that I still have a leg up over the babbies that use the mcdonalds geaar biped preset

Anonymous No. 945029

Anon... what the fuck are you doing?
>make a model
>give it deforming bones in the logical places they would be
>parent the rig with automatic weights
>touch up the weights a bit
>make some corrective drivers (you might not even have to do this)
That's it. It's not easy but it's a million times easier than this convoluted nonsense that's been outdated for 20 years.

Anonymous No. 945064

No, im using mgear, aka the standard.

its a very extensive open source addon with a ui.

What are You talking about? I assume you have No Idea what you are talking about.

Anyway, back to mGear

Anonymous No. 945065

and as such, the Top % rigger gave up on becoming hire-able, and now resorts to mid-tier software as a crutch.

he even now refuses to acknowledge how everyone is pointing his mistakes, and tries to avoid discussing the valid criticism

leave mGear alone, cris.

Anonymous No. 945070

I already have a job, not in the terrible 3d industry. I never said word one about trying to join this industry. I just want to rig and further my animation plans. You are just projecting, arent you? Sad... Get a life

Anonymous No. 945073

>I never wanted to get into industry
>Im just doing this as a hobby

alot of cope for someone who paid for 20 y'old 'tutorial'

And no, I already told you i work at a major studio.

Anonymous No. 945101


Anonymous No. 945169

You make no sense. The cost of the tut means absolutely nothing to me. I spend plenty on licenses, reference, and tuts per year. Following it and learning in depth and then going again for a second round and scripting it out how a biped rig would be set up by someone at the highest levels of the industry - truly a great mind - was a great experience. Now i can go into mgear and see the parallels. The reason you script your rig is so you can change it, mirror it, and rebuild it easily. Mgear does a lot of the same things as jasons tut. When i saw vids like this from mgear, and see easy tuts to get it into game engines, i was sold.

You, i know you want to get the last word in. So i'll let you have it. Know that You have some issues man.

Anonymous No. 945182

>Uses mGear
>Requires mGear to work
>Thinks a 20 year old tutorial is helping

Dude no one in the industry uses mGear, they hire professional riggers. They want real people with the ability to make any model they got people to make into a moving one for animators. mGear is missing lots of features, the thing works for normal common things but fails at random stuff and monsters.

You are not a rigger when you using mGear, you are a fake who is too scared to make common human and creature rigs.

Anonymous No. 945185

I read about pros in the industry using mgear all the time, on reddit and polycount.

Stop trying to troll, you just look like a kid.

Anonymous No. 945209

lol, lmao even.

studios have proprietary software for animation and custom built plugins, if you think they 'use' mcShit, you are so far up your ass you thinik you reached end of universe.

Anonymous No. 945211

Hurr durr

Anonymous No. 945214

>Reference community posts
You didn't know this but the community rigging sucks. Not because it uses scripts like you noob but because they don't understand animation.

Spiderman (Peter Parker) rig is such example where you need him to be flexible and bent but no the community rig fails to deliver basic flexibility and bent muscles. Spiderman (Miles) rig requires nGear and while yes it works, the problem is the unnecessary amount of controls. Controls within control is very bad for animator, the rig also doesn't hide the model, that is a sin because you learn that at day one in any tutorial. I'm sure there are more problems like weighs since the model is oddly doing things that should not be possible with weight but you get it.

Stop following the 20 year tutorial and stop using mGear. The community is wrong, their rigs don't make sense and they themselves never been in a job required to rig.

Anonymous No. 945216

just go away dude, tons of people on reddit and polycount in the industry use mgear, it can do 99% of what you want and thats it . Not that i care about the industry, as im not attempting to join it. Everything from major studios aside from japan is terrible.

Anonymous No. 945220

You know why Japan is great in 3D animation rigging, they are professionals without the requirement of mGear.

See how they used Maya, on the younger group and indie, they used MMD a program that does not work with mGear.

The rigging process for it starts with metasequoia 4, the only program that works with MMD. metasequoia 4 does not support mGear.

You are wrong about how things work, mGear is a joke to anyone who did actual rigging in any type of 3D program. It's sad that blender riggers are better than you since they themselves want mGear to work on Blender so badly.

Anonymous No. 945221


>this comes from a person who bought 20 y'old course.
>good at 3D rigging

You are not arguing with one person here you schizo, there are multiple ppl in this thread telling you , that you are retarded.

Anonymous No. 945223

Again, buying a course means nothing to me.

You claim to work at a major studio, yet you bully hobbyists for no reason. Take your fucking meds.

Anonymous No. 945242

shouldnt have stuck up to your retardede beliefs and acted like hot shit that you clearly are not.

Anonymous No. 945247

You're simply butthurt that I'm styling on your shit advice. The truth of the matter is for 99% of what I want to do I need biped with hand key. The course is about biped. From the tutorial was able to I write it into a script that has a placement of temp joints stage and a build / mirror stage as well as modularly add additional limbs, much like mGear. I learned the following from the lesson from Jason and feel great about it.

- combination fk / ik torso control
- ik/fk arm with ik/fk match
- radius / ulna forearm twist
- various palm rolls
- advanced finger SDKs
- leg ik/fk with no flip
- various heel rolls
- squash and stretch limbs
- nice nurbs controls

Now the transition to mGear feels seamless. Extremely similar to what I already have. Ofc I'll have to buy ngSkin license.

Anonymous No. 945248

lmao, basic shit, and you think you are now top rigger, you trully are a marvel of dunning kruger.

Anonymous No. 945250

tell me all about this proprietary secret sauce that i am missing that you need to make the new toy story 16, senpai

Anonymous No. 945251


just what i thought. >>945248 talked a lot of shit

Anonymous No. 945262


i cant be 24/7 on this board like (You), I have work to do.

And this software what I can tell You is based on Python, and C.
look up Fyber and Primo.

Anonymous No. 945265

Anon im not on 24/7 - i have work hours.

I dont see any results for fyber

Primo is definitely not supported in game engines at 120+ fps. Its a nothingburger.

Anonymous No. 945266

>doesnt know about industry software
no shit, because its inhouse stuff that You will never touch it.
>doesnt support game engines
You seem to think to know something about game engines, while You know nothing
this confirms one thing.
you are in a small puddle, thinking its an ocean.

Anonymous No. 945269

Yeah whatever dude call me when its green highlighted in maya and stock unreal engine. Until then you are just gatekeeping and saying 'hahaha you are an idiot because we have this ufo tech that cost our vast team many millions and many years to research and you will never ever sniff it haha"

Embarrassing attitude

Anonymous No. 945274

Give it up, we already proven mGear cant do rigging for odd stuff and monsters. You lack any skill to make them.

You fail to help the animator in the rigging aspect. The entire reason to become a rigger is to help the animator not yourself. As the rigger you are in the middle of the production team, yet you treat it like it's not important. You will never get hired with poor understanding of teamwork.

Your guy Jason isn't helping you, the lesson plans we can find online do not help you. They carry you, he sucks at teaching you real rigging.

Not once have you mention things like weight paint, locking, zeroing, motion capture, etc. While some person in Japan is doing motion capture with a Xbox kenic in a free program.

mgear users are not riggers, we made that clear to you. Believe in your fake fantasy world but you can never finish your project with junkware.

Anonymous No. 945275

so youre affirming that not only do the 3 major DCCs in the world - maya, houdini, blender, NOT have these otherworldly priMo surfaces that I should give up everything entirely because traditional linear skincluster is that awful.

However, Autodesk, SideFX, and blender foundation have not implemented into their programs since the paper came out in 2006. Its been nearly 20 years. Biggest DCCs in the world. Dont you dare type "hurr durr propretiary > commercial, write your own DCC or give up"

I have news for you. I dont give a fuck. I dont care about mocap. I dont care about a kinect. That garbage will never look good. Dont you get it yet?

Anonymous No. 945281


>So you are affirming that commercial DCC's dont have custom production tier level software
WEll color me surprised! What could have given this away retard!?

and yes you should give up, you dont have the atitute to finish any project, as you dont take criticisim.

All DCC's now support DQ weighting, Your game engine do not. go cry to whatever SFM bs you are using about it.

>I dont give a fuck
>Proceeds to show full sperg
this is a goldmine of a lulzcow

Anonymous No. 945282

So they dont have your primo surfaces. Your secret sauce. Curious why You are hyping up something so greatly that the greatest dccs and engines in the world dont even ship with, 20 years after the fact. And you have the nerve to attack my character and projects. Real sad.

Anonymous No. 945294

im not attacking your project
im insulting you for being overconfident idiot.

Anonymous No. 945299

The heck is DCC, even google is confuse on what you are saying. So i'm just assuming it's Digital Content Creation which has nothing to do with rigging and maya is not DCC, Autodesk clearly states it's a professional software.

mgear only works in maya, it's mgear awful developers who can't find a way around maya's nobe system and it's their fault for poorly teaching people like you bad lessons on rigging.

you are Gollums you are holding to the awful ring. Throw your selfish ego into the fire.

Anonymous No. 945300

>>945294 seems like you want me to "simply" turn the equations from the paper into working code, so I can be industry standard (despite not being found in any DCCs or engines), and then once i did that, have working primo Energy. But, at that point, I will be just a slightly larger puddle, and still get made fun of mercilessly by this guy >>945281

But, inevitably after that you will tell me to research yet another Siggraph paper and implement that, and repeat. Apparently, implementing Siggraph papers and living in Visual Studio / debugger is the only way you can get ahead, otherwise You should just give up. This fucking community man.

Am I wrong?

Anonymous No. 945302

im not telling you, retard, to research another paper.

Nigger, you asked for Industry software i would have to deal with day by day, and i teld you, were you dropped as a child or did you just act stupid for attention?

Anonymous No. 945303

are you this guy >>945281? Are you the same as this guy? >>945294

or like someone said here >>945221
>You are not arguing with one person here

I am Not interested in getting into conversations with people typing out hatespeech

Anonymous No. 945310

And yet anon, you are responding to them.

Anonymous No. 945411

ITT: one guy getting off on trolling

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Anonymous No. 945797

idk what the current dispute is about regarding tutorial content, but i'll take this chance to ask a question since it's closely related.

are there any tutorials that go over making rigs using advanced helper joints for the scapula and pelvis?

this one seems to go over using some fairly decent techniques and helps with building a solid base rig, but it's still basic for my needs since i'm trying to do a lot of dynamic poses.

this webm is what i'm going for. a lot of helper joints but i have no real clear idea of the underlying logic for how the constraints are defined, hence my issue. is it just a scaled down angle follow for some of them? or scale? both? i guess i have to just experiment, but if any of you know a good series or resource that goes over building something similar, please let me know. it'd be appreciated.

Anonymous No. 945814

Ok first of all, you are getting scam, Pluralsight AKA skillshare is a scam, the person is not a real rigger.

Second, you added bones that should not be added because weight painting exist. I'm sure a SFX person can say you can do something better but I as a rigger say you are doing dumb things that would be easier in another area of 3D modeling.

3rd, don't be like that guy above you, doing dumb stuff like not attaching a full body skeleton to the model. If you feel like it doesn't work then it means you either got the bones in the incorrect spot or you can't do that in a human body. Model also becomes a issue but that is if you are using a very bad model and not something that comes up. I don't know your model but looks like it is not the model, it's you doing bad things.

lastly, just in case anyone or you ask. helper joints are used in cloth, extra arms, monsters, odd animals, birds, etc. Understand,helper joints should not move, you don't make clothing become animation, that is the game engine working, that itself is another area of gaming that someone would say something about. As a rigger, helper joints means it should not move and should not be used unless it's necessary. Not used for moving stuff.

Anonymous No. 945816

t. retard who has no qualifications.

Anonymous No. 945824

People around here get tangled in all sorts of weird things. Like the "puzzle of topology".

He's right.

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Anonymous No. 945829

>Ok first of all, you are getting scam, Pluralsight AKA skillshare is a scam, the person is not a real rigger.

okay who is a real rigger and what resource isn't a scam and provides the necessary insight to properly implement joints, weights, constraints, and scripts to solve problems? i can think of it logically on my own, but i hit roadblocks on translating my own process to a specific package/environment.

>Second, you added bones that should not be added because weight painting exist. I'm sure a SFX person can say you can do something better but I as a rigger say you are doing dumb things that would be easier in another area of 3D modeling.

how can i weight paint in a way that i can preserve volume around the knee joint like that webm shows? not only is it preserved, but the hamstring volume is also filling the surrounding space when pressed in due to the helper joint spreading outward. any resource that covers this would be appreciated.

>3rd, don't be like that guy above you, doing dumb stuff like not attaching a full body skeleton to the model. If you feel like it doesn't work then it means you either got the bones in the incorrect spot or you can't do that in a human body. Model also becomes a issue but that is if you are using a very bad model and not something that comes up. I don't know your model but looks like it is not the model, it's you doing bad things.

I don't quite follow regarding "not attaching a full body skeleton". are you referring to the joints not being parented to the same root in a cohesive manner?

>lastly, just in case anyone or you ask. helper joints are used in cloth, extra arms, monsters, odd animals, birds, etc...

then how do you warp body landmarks in a way that makes them preserve volume in multiple axes? I don't mind using blend shapes too, but if i can get partially there without them, i want to do so i can expand my knowledge set in case a client states something isn't an option.

I can just keep analyzing i guess.

Anonymous No. 945830

Start here:
Pick a model or submit one and have it auto-rigged. It's free. Tweak it from there. You're probably not going to need any constraint or script.

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Anonymous No. 945831

i just tried out the auto rigger and it seems to do pretty good, although i still get weird volume collapsing around the hips/shoulders. also the volume for the arms and legs are pretty static, which is also fine for a base.

for tweaking, is weight editing enough to get something like the thigh here to bulge out? or is this only doable with shapekeys? my understanding of weights is basic, where i'd use them to smooth out any imperfections, but i can't think of a lot of creative liberties with it unless i have other joints to influence separate areas. why can't i just put joints around the surfaces to squeeze/stretch like they're muscle contours or creases?

Anonymous No. 945832

>is weight editing enough to get something like the thigh here to bulge out
No. For that you need a Shape Key or an auxiliary bone.
>smooth out any imperfections
It's called Corrective Smooth in Blender or Delta Mush in 3ds (I think) sometimes it's effective.
>why can't i just put joints around the surfaces to squeeze/stretch like they're muscle contours or creases
You can do anything you want. I told you to have an auto-rig of your model because that way you can have a baseline by which you can judge if the complexity is worth the effort or not.

Anonymous No. 945833

>Recommends Mixamo
lol, lmao even, how can You even take this bait

Anonymous No. 945834

Aren't supposed to be working on your donut?

Anonymous No. 945836

i see. thanks for clarify.
>No. For that you need a Shape Key or an auxiliary bone.
see that's my issue. auxillary bones are a hassle to grasp for me. in terms of the parenting and constraints, i have a little bit of a grasp, but is there a standardization i should follow? or is it just what works for me and i can do w/e i want creatively with the bones?

also is there a way to just have the legs separate from the hips and have the intersection point just be shaded as if it's merged together properly with smoothing? like doing a dynamic boolean join. it's probably dumb but it would be interesting to test out.

Anonymous No. 945838

>is there a standardization i should follow
Not that I know of. Take a look at the MetaHuman project. Maybe they're going to propose something.
>a dynamic boolean join
The armature system that's used in almost all of 3D software and game engines today is quite old and has limitations.

Anonymous No. 945844

The Only person who was working on my donut was Your mother last night.

Anonymous No. 945847

Just realize we don't know what software you are using, if you are using Blender you are following many bad advice that only work in blender and nowhere else. If you using Maya it works 99% of the time and can be learn in other programs.

I don't why you kids don't just read a book about rigging, look here is one by Autodesk:

There is one in their website for basic rigging:

Weight paint is the same in maya and blender so i see no excuse on why you think more bones = better stuff.

And yes, i am "referring to the joints not being parented to the same root in a cohesive manner". No, stop that thing and attach the bones normally like a real person.

Anonymous No. 945850

This thread is a fucking troll

Anonymous No. 945852

I know it's hard but there is no other way: you need to admit defeat and unlearn however many hours of garbage you've incorporated into your brain by watching Youtube tutorials.
The sooner you're able to do that, the sooner you're going to be able to make your very own first rigged character.

Anonymous No. 945893

>Weight paint is the same in maya and blender so i see no excuse on why you think more bones = better stuff.
i'm not thinking it's better. i just can't make it achieve the results i want for things like muscle deformation around multiple axes. if i twist the thigh and the hip has to deform a different way than when i bend it horizontally/vertically, i'm not certain i could resolve that with weights unless i have a setup using multiple weights mapped to each joint axis, which to me sounds more complicated than having a helper bone.

Anonymous No. 945894

damn the offset parent matrix might be what i need. thanks. this is pretty cool.

Anonymous No. 945906

Its a red herring and nothing of value is in that video or book. This guy is trolling hard and you're falling for it hook, line and sinker.

Anonymous No. 945923

Can you post a sample of your artwork?

Anonymous No. 945947

>Claims i'm wrong
>Doesn't offer any other alternative
Plot twist there is no alternative, you can't come up with new ideas.

You do understand the extra bones are the same as weight painting but with more of a mess. The area around the one bone can be the same as 4 bones. I'm I correct that you are painting the section as 1 or 0 value? You need to do it between the numbers like 0.5 or 0.2, within a area of the thighs you want. Also you need to check other bones and their influence to the thighs. No one said it was easy, yet it's way better because it offers more than extra bones.

Example. your toe in real life has always move your leg by a small amount. This can not be done with extra bones, you need weight paint to have that realism.

Anonymous No. 945952

Keep in mind that on this board there's always chance the guy who's calling you a troll or a "retard" or telling you to "git gud" is this guy >>943951

Anonymous No. 945959

Why is this board so retardedly hostile and autistic even by this site's standards? /ic/ is just down the road and anons there are generally much more laid back. Meanwhile everyone here acts like an actual sperg.

Anonymous No. 945961

It may be just one person and the jannies who know who he is but don't ban him because they hate us just as much as he does. That's my theory. Fuck jannies.

Anonymous No. 945996

the problem with /ic/ is its filled with pez and is disgusting to browse

🗑️ Anonymous No. 945997


Anonymous No. 946042

>The armature system that's used in almost all of 3D software and game engines today is quite old and has limitations.

so it wouldn't be possible with either the rigging system or with shaders to make a leg mesh look like it was bound to a torso properly with no intersecting geometry? the reason i want to do this is because i think that having detached geometry for the legs would help manage deformation around the hips when doing extreme leg poses, for things like fight or acrobatic sequences. it might be excessive, but it would be cool if i could somehow do this, although i guess blendshapes are sufficient.

Anonymous No. 946045

The Cloth simulation is the only practical way that I know of to avoid self-intersecting geometry.

Anonymous No. 946046

noted. that's gonna be interesting to look into. i assume the basic concept would be something like having a cloth wrap around the doll joint mesh and solve appropriately

Anonymous No. 946057

It's easier than that. Roughly, in do the following:
1. Add the Cloth simulation to the model
2. Add a vertex group and paint all the vertices to 0.5 weight
3. In the Cloth simulation, under Shape set the Pin Group the vertex group you've created and enable the Dynamic Mesh option
4. Under Collisions enable Self Collisions
5. Pose you model and run the simulation

You should see something like >>943673
Make sure your mesh has enough resolution. Paint soft/hard spots in the vertex group. The rest is up to you.

Anonymous No. 946059

And I know it looks horrible but >>944606 demonstrates a sculpt made with the Dyntopo option enabled, directly rigged with Automatic Weights, with soft/hard spots painted on and simulated.
If that's your thing, you can customize and refine it as much as you want.
Personally I'm fine with self-intersecting geometries.

Anonymous No. 946060

All of the above assuming you're using Blender. In Maya or 3DS it's a similar procedure but I don't know exactly.

If you somehow manage to get a good result with the Cloth simulation, you can then bake it into a Shape Key and use it later outside of the simulation. I know it can be done but I haven't tried that yet.

In general it's fiddly, it's annoying, it's slow, kinda looks like a party balloon, but it's the only practical way for a single person to get some interesting effects for your animations.

Because, you see, even in the example you've posted >>945797 there is some self-intersecting geometry. The reality is that no amount of extra bones with drivers or manually drawn Shape Keys can take into account all possible poses and scenarios. Also, all of the work you put in with manual methods is going to be specific to one single model and a single topology.

I'll let you draw the conclusions.

Anonymous No. 946061

>will not work in any game engine
>nobody can even notice

Anonymous No. 946062

No. The result of the Cloth simulation can be exported because you can bake them into Shape Keys. It's laborious and I haven't tried it yet, but the option to do so it's there.

Anonymous No. 946063

Also, some game engines do have something similar to the Cloth modifier in them natively. That's assuming you care about exporting and you care about any of this at all.

Personally, as I said, I've tried the Cloth simulation route and it works,, it may be what you need, but for my own projects I don't even care. I'm fine with just simple armatures and weight painting.

But, I mean, if jiggles are your thing, then I've shown you how to get them.

Anonymous No. 946064

AAA games by the best engineers in the business already literally run at 30fps without all this.

Anonymous No. 946065

I have no idea what you're talking about and nobody here, especially you, is the best AAA game engineer.

Also, in reference to the guy who was making fun of Mixamo earlier, >>944322 is a random Mixamo animation applied to a custom model and import into Blender. It works for me.

Anonymous No. 946066

I'm talking about recent AAA games that can only run at 30 fps and sub 60fps including Jedi Survivor and Redfall. Additionally these cloth sim things you're talking about being unnoticeable.

>Also, in reference to the guy who was making fun of Mixamo earlier,

Anonymous No. 946069

So go play your vidya then. What are doing here?

Anonymous No. 946090

Thanks anon, You proved him right to laugh at You and Mixamo.

Anonymous No. 946095

Can you show me how you do it?

Anonymous No. 946147

by Keyframing, and actually caring about animation and deformations.

what You show us is a step down to PS1 era mocap

Anonymous No. 946159

So you don't have anything to show.

Anonymous No. 946181

I have things to show, What I dont want to show is a traceback to my real name, you dumb nigger

Anonymous No. 946200

And so you're not going to show anything.

Anonymous No. 946201

You are unemployed.

Anonymous No. 946208

Did you forget to attach the sample of your beautiful hand drawn Shape Keys you wanted to show me?

Anonymous No. 946209

...You are not arguing with the same person

Anonymous No. 946216

I don't want to argue. I want to see pictures of beautiful hand drawn Shape Keys.

Anonymous No. 946244

'Hand drawn' shapekeys?
You are a blender user, and a jeet.