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๐Ÿงต NSFW Blender Thread Vol. 1

Anonymous No. 971647

This is a thread dedicated to your experience, problems, goals, and achievements in the NSFW Blender Sphere.

For me, I started learning Blender and making NSFW content almost 2 weeks ago and I'm having a lot of fun with it.
I already have 2 major fans that I have contact with outside of twitter, 1 minor trying to request furry porn, talked to some big league players, got almost 50 followers (including bots of course), random people posting my shit on boorus and I'm currently working on my 8th art piece which I'll post tomorrow.

This is a nice hobby for me and I love how I learn more every time I use it. I'm even thinking about going to university to study animation and illustration, which isn't that far away.

How is it going for you?

Anonymous No. 971650

This is a blue balls board, no fun allowed

Anonymous No. 971652

That's why we can keep it classy in here, just don't post explicit pictures. Nobody gets banned for talking about it.

Anonymous No. 971666

Is there a ranking for the boorus? which ones should I care about?

Anonymous No. 971667

The ones that I pay attention to are:
>rule34. xxx
>rule34hentai. net
>r-34. xyz

I chose those 3 because they seem to have a bit of a different audience. So I upload on all of them

Anonymous No. 971689

If Cris can get away with it then so can you.

Anonymous No. 971705

But Cris is a literal God and you are a filthy peasant

Anonymous No. 971725

I should add the rule34. xxx moderation team is very behind and doesn't edit things chronologically. I just had the case that my own upload was still waiting for a mod approval while someone else was able to upload my own picture immediately because he is an older account with many posts.

In my case, this is "complaining at a high level", but you should still be aware of it that this might happen

Anonymous No. 971740

These threads only last a week or so. The mods here nerf that shit pretty quick unfortunately. I would like to have a thread like this. The closest I came to seeing a great thread was someone posting a mega link with a shitton of nsfw blender/3d tuts and resources.

Anonymous No. 971744

I remember a thread with cylinders penetrating donuts and deforming them, boobs being pressed into a table and moved around. It was alive for a month at least. Don't lose hope

Anonymous No. 971749

Nah I think You can safely talk about it without crossing the line.

But if everyone is complaining about the "Le bad mods" instead of engaging with the topic, you basically kill this thread before they even get the chance.

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Anonymous No. 971753

>1 minor trying to request furry porn
You will face a grooming allegation soon.

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Anonymous No. 971764

Can't wait lol
His profile was full of america bashing and basedjacks. Couldn't even understand a single sentence he uttered and punctuation marks were also new to him.

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Anonymous No. 971773

Another one in the DMs today congratulating me.
>"Gonna follow your journey on this one"
>He doesn't follow me
What did he mean by this?

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Anonymous No. 971777

Reached 50 followers on twitter a moment ago after not even 2 weeks.

Anonymous No. 971822

Also looking to do the same, my end goal to make pinups and maybe some looped anims and eventually maybe VNs to satisfy my self and anons, total newfag to 3d and currently doing the donught tutorial, one question I have is that I know I'll need to learn lighting, texturing and rigging, but how important is sculpting for this kind of stuff, say I wanted to make a generic tifa pinup using a model from smutbase, would I need to sculpt to make any adjustments needed or can I get away with editing the model the normal way?
Also found this channel the other day which some anons may find useful
I you can get hard at cris' work you need help, like a 10mm to the head kind of help

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Anonymous No. 971824

I got this tip in another thread >>970438
And not even a day later I figured it out why it was so important.
The best example in your case I can give to you is to check out 6+1,7,or seven (I don't know what his name is now. I feel like everytime I check, it's a new one)

Nevermind, did the work for you:

He does a lot of sculpting
I also listened to this while I did something a while ago:

Anonymous No. 971844

give link to full image

Anonymous No. 971845

This version is what I use as a banner, here is the public version I've posted:

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Anonymous No. 971857

interesting. things i would change:
- add more volume to the shoulders
- make stronger foreshortening on the arms

Anonymous No. 971863

cool, thank you. Trying it right now and got the hands in place, but the rig doesn't really allow the shoulders to get up high. I will try to find a solution

Anonymous No. 971864

seems like I have to modify it first which will take longer than expected.
I wanted to rig this body completely new anyway since it's in my opinion one of the hotter wonder womans out there.
But thank you for your input! I appreciate it very much.

Anonymous No. 971885

>started 2 weeks ago
you or anyone else got any tutorials you'd recommend? I have no idea who I'd ask or where I'd look since it's nsfw

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My Donuts.png

Anonymous No. 971889

I literally started with the donut tutorial, this will teach you the basics of Blender:

After that I checked out the Blender Porn tutorial:

But I only watched the first video before I started, because in my opinion:
>You don't learn by watching tutorials without working with the stuff they teach you.

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Anonymous No. 971951

Another example of sculpting that I like from here

Pic related is the before

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Anonymous No. 971952

And this is the after

Anonymous No. 971953

Looks really good. Which Pokemon model did you choose to trace it from?

Anonymous No. 971954

what are you even talking about

Anonymous No. 971960

I started 3D around 2014 and a little bit of sfm. Then switched to drawing for like 6 years but realized id rather draw for me than porn. Then switched back to 3D porn cause I enjoy animating.

Papa elon unbanned my old twitter account so Ive been using my @cerbskies account ever since.

Its been a journey.

Anonymous No. 971961

>but realized id rather draw for me than porn
as in you use your own photos for reference instead of stealing them from porn?
weird flex but ok

Anonymous No. 971971

that's a good point, thank you bro, I'll check these out

Anonymous No. 971974

of course mate, no problem

Anonymous No. 971975

Does this kind of shit gives you money on patreon? I have checked some dudes making lewd sculptures and making a decent living, but I don't know if it's worth it, it's the market saturated?

Anonymous No. 971976

Cris characters are really hot, stop denying it

Anonymous No. 972012

It not only depends on you skill, it also depends on your creativity and consistency.
Keep in contact with your audience. don't just "leave" and come back anytime you want. Give a signal that you care and working on something new

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Anonymous No. 972017

Any good resources other than smutbase for character models?

Anonymous No. 972034

best way to do this is probably by adjusting your camera fov btw not scaling her bones
also if you're using rigid's wonder woman the rig is already great and you shouldn't need to replace it
for ready made porn capable characters that's the best place
if you just want game rips deviantart is extremely good

Anonymous No. 972036

there's no centralized place other than smutbase
people post them on their own patreons usually
nyl has his models there for free

Anonymous No. 972049


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Anonymous No. 972056

Is there a good website/resource for generic animu models? Not female, I need a generic looking male model that has basic facial armature so I can emote with it.

Anonymous No. 972061

The shoulder part he suggested is nothing a fov can help with. Everything else is true.

This isn't rigid Wonder Woman, otherwise I wouldn't have these problems. It's from Wolfy3D here:

Have you tried checking the sfmlab or mods in general?
You will need the crowbar tool to bring them into blender if needed. but normally they should have a lot of anime characters since they put it there since you can mod the source engine.

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Engagement rate.png

Anonymous No. 972064

What do you all think about this?
I'm just trying to understand how I should analyze this correctly.

I think the engagement rate is more important than impressions, even if it met more than twice as many users. But does it only mean I cater to the followers I already have?

Anonymous No. 972065

you know what, If I had for example 50.k followers and an engagement rate of 10%~ I would probably kill myself. Fuck Impressions

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it's so over.png

Anonymous No. 972066

it's all ogre for me...
stop looking at your stupid analytics and make more stuff

Anonymous No. 972098

as in id rather draw weird shit i like instead of drawing shit I dont care about (porn).

Anonymous No. 972099

id disagree on creativity.
consistency is the key as soon as you get a good retweet which can be purchased.
dont even have to interact with your audience, they beat off to your porn not you. if you dont do it, 50 others do

Anonymous No. 972110

>He didn't build a custom Python/JS control pad so he can upload art without ever having to interact with the site itself or the private messages therein.

Anonymous No. 972113

So is there a good human model on smutbase to just use to pose with?

I also tried to find furry genitals, but the only genitals I could really find was Bag of Baginas. For Blender, what are the options there? Can I pay for a better solution?

Anonymous No. 972115

just use the minimal twitter addon and hide the message button
>So is there a good human model on smutbase to just use to pose with?
most of them are designed for exactly that purpose so just pick one which doesn't look shit
>I also tried to find furry genitals
or do you mean you need hyper realistic dog dicks because i don't think there are any on smutbase so you'll have to go to some weird furry place to get them

Anonymous No. 972120

sorry, I meant a male model that looks like generic hentai man

Anonymous No. 972122

like a faceless guy? you could probably take icedev's model and do some stuff with a plane with a gradient placed over the face to make him seem faceless. that or clever lighting

Anonymous No. 972188

I'm pretty sure has everything you have mentioned

Anonymous No. 972189

Amateur question: if I can't find a porn ready model of a character and have to make my own, is it up to me to sculpt the entire thing? Or I can just grab a puss, dick, other assets from smutbase or ripped from a game and just slap it on there? Is that frowned upon and seen as theft or no?

Anonymous No. 972195


listen here retard, every single model on smutbase (unless specifically stated) is ripped from Daz using diffeomorphic.

Every single Daz character from a game is ripped from the game itself or made custom (usually shit).

Coomers dont care. Theyre there to coom. End goal is all that matters.

Anonymous No. 972196

>sculpt the entire thing
not unless you're making some weird furry model which isn't in a game
learn daz+wrap to blender

Anonymous No. 972197

You can put everything on anything you wan't. I do the same. In my case, I only tag creators who made the things I needed and that's it

no reason to be a cunt

Anonymous No. 972198

you can also headhack the game head onto a daz body

Anonymous No. 972199

Thank you all! I'll bookmark that tutorial, it was very helpful. Hopefully I won't have to ask any more stupid questions.

Anonymous No. 972200

The name of the model by icedev? I ended up getting "The Dude" and "Traveler" which looks like it's from Journey.

Fortunately, I am trying to mod some Pals. I'm worrying my topology is either too sharp (too lowpoly) or too dense.

Anonymous No. 972210

Try to credit the person you're getting assets from unless you're making a brand new character from it.

Anonymous No. 972260

One thing I have trouble to find a solution for. How do I simulate pressure on a skin in terms of a hand grabbing a tiddy or ass for example and the skin deformed to the hand. Is that what sculpting is? do I place the hand on the skin and then deform it?

Anonymous No. 972262

Can I get some feedback on this (particularly the lighting)? I picked up Blender not too long ago and would like to create size-fetish based art with it.

Anonymous No. 972263

Your best bet for a still render yes is to just make a shapekey then sculpt the deformation. Otherwise for animation you can use cloth simulation as a cage, look up Lewdineer if you don't know how.

Anonymous No. 972264

In my opinion as someone who just started, so don't take a thing I say as high value:
The lighting is all over the place, in a literal sense. There are hints of shadows but it seems like every lightsource (or maybe just one) has the same value. try to think about reflection of surfaces. since the picture takes place outside in the open, try to simulate the sun which is coming from one direction and then adjust the reflection of surfaces with small or bigger lamps.
you can add a sun in the world setting. quick google search should help. and dont forget to change the lighting in your render setting, the small arrow at the top right next to you vievport render settings.

that's a perfect response, thank you very much!

Anonymous No. 972271

if you dont know about the sculpt mode, you should mask the parts you dont want to sculpt first

>after posing select the rig, go to object data properties, set to rest position
>select mesh, in object data properties add a new shape key with the + icon, set the value to 1
>go to sculpt mode, press M to select the mask brush, mask the tiddy, press A and invert mask
>select the rig again and set to pose position
>select mesh go to sculpt mode and now sculpt the tiddy

Anonymous No. 972272

very nice! but why do I need to put it in rest position first and then back to pose? I'm can't see it for myself right now to check what happens otherwise I would just try it.

Anonymous No. 972273

to keep the hand and the tiddy separate, the same reason you need to use the mask to begin with
if the hand is on the tiddy and you start drawing the mask it's going to be on both of them

Anonymous No. 972276

Thank you for your feedback. Yeah, I incorporated an HDRI to the scene, but wanted the floating girl to be the focus of the shot so I may have overdone it with the lighting.

I'll experiment more with a singular source of light. Thank you.

Anonymous No. 972309

of course man! Keep me updated on your result!

Anonymous No. 972311

Is making cum with a elipsoid mesh that is merged by distance and so on still the best method or did we make progress in that and it flew by me?

Anonymous No. 972314

fluid painter is good, can probably get it free from renderstate or zonegfx

Anonymous No. 972332

like this one?

As long as I can change the fluid with the cum asset library, It should be good

Anonymous No. 972333

yeah. pretty sure it used to have a cum preset but i could be wrong. author might've deleted it in the name of going more mainstream

Anonymous No. 972334

smutbase has nsfw fluid painter

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Anonymous No. 972336

yeah found it. Seems like it's even the same guy who made it.
there is also another one. will try both out later

Anonymous No. 972338

Anyone knows why the fluidpainter doesn't show up in my properties/addons like in his videos?

Its there in the asset library but I cant work with that

Anonymous No. 972339

you have to install it as an addon and enable it
then open the asset browser, drag the fluid to the main viewport, go to edit mode and draw

and dont extract the zip file, just install from the zip in blender

Anonymous No. 972342

I did
>'In Blender, go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons, select the zip file and enable the add-on.
>Open the Asset Browser and choose the Fluid Painter NSFW Library. Select Append as import method (if not set by default).
>Drag a preset in the scene, Edit and Draw!
and everything you said but it still doesn't show up hmm

Anonymous No. 972343

when you say it doesnt show up, what exactly do you mean
does the object not show up in your scene collection
when you're in edit mode do vertices not show up when you draw
or those work but the fluid itself doesnt show up

can you post a video or at least a screenshot

Anonymous No. 972344

>make a decent base loop for an animation
i want to mix up the speed but every time i touch the NLA editor it catastrophically breaks my shit

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Anonymous No. 972345

yeah of course, sorry
top is what I want bottom is what I get

Anonymous No. 972348

you appear to be drawing annotations
you drag the cum object from the asset browser, it'll appear in your outliner
you select it, go to edit mode, use the draw tool, set it to surface then draw

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Anonymous No. 972349

thank you. still doesn't show up in the properties, but I can change the value now in the modifiers

Anonymous No. 972350

for the addon panel to appear you need the non-nsfw version of fluid painter installed as well

Anonymous No. 972351

gotcha, will have to buy it then

Anonymous No. 972352

you can try this
gotta register to get the link tho

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Anonymous No. 972353

Nah I'm going to pay that guy. He put the effort in, and I use it. It's the least I can do. Also it's only 7,90$. So no reason to complain.

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Anonymous No. 972363

While we are at it:
Anything new you guys want to share that you wished you would have known sooner? There is always something.
For example:
> Don't render something while your viewport shading is set to "rendered" otherwise you run out of memory (depending on the project of course)

Anonymous No. 972385

Tickling is a profitable niche

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Anonymous No. 972427

>look up porn animation tutorial
>106 mins

Anonymous No. 972455

>you are not going to make it

Anonymous No. 972457

If you want to become good you will need to spend several of thousands of hours in your 3d program of choice, if you can't sit through an hour and a half tutorial its over for you

Anonymous No. 972460

Sit on a cactus faggot.

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Anonymous No. 972464

the fuck are you yapping about?

Anonymous No. 972466

any time i try to animate something more complicated than a basic loop it looks like shit
why is this so hard

Anonymous No. 972472

What exactly are you having trouble with?

Anonymous No. 972512

Uploaded my 10. Picture today! Small milestone for me. Had a problem with this one and could improve and fix it by doing a little sculpting.

Just work on it. You learn every time you create something

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Anonymous No. 972566

Might be kind of a niche thing but I enjoy animating 3d chicks doing combat-related stuff like sword-swinging and spell-casting. Not sure if it's enough to interest anyone so I keep it to myself as a hobby. Here's a low-res render of an anim I made today.

Anonymous No. 972590

There is a target audience for everything. As long as you keep working on it and share your stuff with others.
It looks cool enough and would like to see your progress. maybe someday you have a whole sword dance animation

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Anonymous No. 972627

Surprised this hasnt been posted yet

Anonymous No. 972633

Poll for making nude people

Anonymous No. 972694

how is this done

Anonymous No. 972695

also who is she???

Anonymous No. 972707

I should call her ...

Anonymous No. 972724

Ignore >>972590 if you want money
If you want money you know how to get it, we all do

Anonymous No. 972726

>so I keep it to myself as a hobby.
he never said anything about "wanting money"
not everything is about money, you nasty kike

Anonymous No. 972730

Wonder Woman
neither him or I said ANYTHING about money you dumbass

Anonymous No. 972731

Is it abso-lutely neccecary to render stuff for a good looking images?

Anonymous No. 972732

what else do you wanna do? make a screenshot of your viewport?

Anonymous No. 972734

Well, sort of, maybe? My pc render speed is abysmal.

Anonymous No. 972746

Buy a new one, or try to make good npr

Anonymous No. 972749

check on some render guides on youtube how to get faster results. Sometimes you overestimate what you need and some of these tips made me shorten my time by the 1/10

Anonymous No. 972751

this sounds like a good answer, does npr not need "render" to look as it should, or is it just lighter on PC?Also, care to suggest any specific "style" that would be a good fit for smut? Cause Im skimming through yt right now, and its a little bit too "for kids" looking.

Anonymous No. 972799

i barely made 700 last yr, its tax season, i didnt itemize shit other than paypal invoices, how fucked am i?

Newbie No. 972825

Im having a shitty experience right now, my stuff is not working anymore i have 120k followers and almost no one big retweets my stuff and less than half my followers look at my stuff, also the way my animations perform is so weird, i made a 1min animation and it did terrible but the 10 second loop i posted before did double the numbers, i think i need to evolve in some way, maybe make longer animations or start adding audio to my own stuff.

Anonymous No. 972830

>i think i need to evolve in some way
Yeah, stop doing porn retard

Anonymous No. 972831

you could try to invest in your animations and let some of the audiodesigners put the sound on them then? might wanna share your name so I can take a look and give you a perspective from outside as someone who is not competing with you?

Newbie No. 972837

I like making reload animations in 1rs and 3rd person sometimes, i think i will try to do that a little more so i dont burnout.
I am sfmnewbie

Anonymous No. 972842

O.K, I took the time to go through your stuff and here are some things that catches my eye.
-you know your stuff. Lighting, face animation and setting are for the things you do, above average quality
-you have found your niche, and your fanbase

-People give you feedback but you don't acknowledge it. (Literally why?)
-You don't take your time to do some networking with other creators. Especially those who can help you out like VA and Sound Designers for example
-You are complaining, undermining your work and/or sharing your self doubt in public (A LOT). Which makes people believe you habe no trust in your work and in your own capabilities
-You follow 0 (zero) people out there, which combines problem 2 and 3. If you would just put your stuff out there, It would be fine. But as someone who seemed desperate for help and acknowledgement, this is not the way to go

Your work is good. And I say that as someone who has absolutely no foot in the Futa circle. Have some faith in yourself. The people are telling you what they want. Listen to them.
Follow some people. Get in contact with a few.Compliment their work and you might get a compliment back. (Would be an honor if you decide to follow me: JerichoSmut)
Give your posts some love, have a title, tell your audience what you are proud of, and soon everything will change. I promise that

Anonymous No. 972843


Anonymous No. 972844

that 1 min animation is an awkward position and you can't really see anything except two dicks kind of awkwardly penetrating, probably why it didn't do too well
also you only make resident evil stuff which already decimates your potential audience
>You don't take your time to do some networking with other creators. Especially those who can help you out like VA and Sound Designers for example
i disagree with this because sound people only want to make money, VA girls especially. they're not going to do anything for free because you network with them except become aware of you and add sound to your shit if you post it without sound to give themselves patreon content
>You are complaining, undermining your work and/or sharing your self doubt in public (A LOT)
this is true though, nobody likes seeing people despair posting

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Anonymous No. 972851

Got my first Patreon Subscriber! People have faith in me!

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Anonymous No. 972852

I have around 21 months to go from 0 skill to 1k$ a month on patreon because that's when my government gibs run out
Thankfully as a NEET my free time is unlimited, hope I can make it bwos

Newbie No. 972853

What am i suposed to do then? Blacked overwatch?

Anonymous No. 972855

Whatever you like. Cyberpunk futa has a big fanbase or the DC Characters since you use rigids models anyway.

Anonymous No. 972856

if you want to farm big views then sure
you're already in the top 1% of blender porn makers i wouldn't despair too hard you had a few duds

Newbie No. 972857

Do you guys think rotoscoping is a good idea to improve my animation skills? I havent improved in 2 years.

Anonymous No. 972873

I can't really help you with that, except to tell you what you should do in all areas if you want to improve:
>Challenge yourself
If you are not improving, you are probably just very comfortable with the things you are already doing. Do things you haven't done before.
>Overcome your fears
Tick off your list of things you've been afraid to do because you thought you couldn't do them. At least give it a try.
>Take notes as you work
If you get stuck, document where you are and write down what the solution might be. Look online for similar problems, then write down what others suggest and experiment. Then write down what the solution is.

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Anonymous No. 972885

Shout out to the guys who do this for a living and have an output like their life depends on it, with the bonus of actually enjoying the process. I could not do this for 12 hours a day, holy shit, I'm so glad I kept this as a hobby. But also, wow Blender has come really fucking far in the past 10 years when I initially messed around with it.

Anonymous No. 972893

> The in my opinion worst work is one of my top posts on twitter and will probably reach top 1 by tomorrow
What do the people mean by this

Anonymous No. 972895

Twitter changed the algorithm last year to bury offensive and sexually explicit imagery more than they already were, everyone had an engagement dip. You're psyching yourself out. Find some people with similar content and chat them up so they'll retweet your shit. Of course, if this is not your sole source of income, you shouldn't even worry about reach and either focus on self-improvement or completing the projects you want to see made manifest. If you're only doing it for number go up, you have brain damage anyway and are likely beyond saving.

>they're not going to do anything for free because you network with them
This is generally true with the big name ones, but you are dead wrong if you think coom VAs don't do freebies for people they like or want to piggyback off of long-term, especially the ones trying to get their name seen. I know of at least one audio guy and two VAs that regularly do sound for some of my buddies at no cost. Just a couple months ago this girl joined my friend's Discord server and every time lewd wip is posted, it's "can I do the voice pls pls pls", and he's only sitting at a 5-figure follower count. I expect a good deal of that is from mutual interest outside pumping up numbers though. Mr 120k over here would have plenty of pull if he bothered playing the game, assuming he has some passion for what he's making and that gets across in how he talks about his work with peers.

Anonymous No. 972897

What are some good guides for lighting and compositing?

Newbie No. 972898

I dont know what to say i dont want to talk with other artists but i want to get retweeted, bad luck for me.

Anonymous No. 972900

What is preventing you from doing it? what are you scared of? Serious question

Newbie No. 972903

Im not interested on doing that, i dont like talking.

Anonymous No. 972906

Your follower amount seems fine to me, but your free to payed follower ratio is abysmal. Why are you neglecting your patreon page? Your last post there is from 2022. You need something there to attract people, whether it be early access or higher resolution content. But most importantly, it needs to look like it's not abandoned. Post something, preferably at least twice a month, if nothing else, at least a status repost saying you're alive.

At best your free to paywall ratio is around 0,002%, if all your followers are on the lowest patreon tier. In comparison, I have under half your followers, but have around 2000 people who pay, for a ratio of roughly 0,04%. While content quality is what matters most, you also do need to put in some effort on all the other stuff as well. Also, make sure to have at least your name, or preferably website address, clearly written in the corner of your content, so people know who's content they are lookin at, when other's re-post it elsewhere. Directly writing your patreon page can be a risk, if your content has anything that could be against their guidelines though. I would personally also branch outside of just doing resident evil, but since you have a decent following, maybe it's not an issue?

Anonymous No. 972907

Also, add sounds. If you can't afford a VA to record you some moans, then at the very least do sound effects, it's better than nothing, and is the biggest, and simples improvement you can do right now. You can probably get a good amount of moans that you can re-use for many videos, just for a few hundred $. Although, if they're going to be re-used, it usually costs a bit extra, but depends on the VA.

Anonymous No. 972941

my best pic got literally 10x my normal numbers and i have no idea why
i'm pretty sure it's all rng

Anonymous No. 972945

i don't retweet people bigger than me unless i really like what they've made and i bet other people feel the same. so now that you're in the very high tiers of follower count the amount you get retweeted is now entirely on how good people think it is

Anonymous No. 972946

Dude your work is fine as it is. I'm such a fan of your work I googled sfmnewbie 4chan because I wanted to see discussions about one of my favorite artists. That's how I found this thread.

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Anonymous No. 972964

Is francis brown trolling on his free models or am I just too dumb to understand what is going on here.

I want to make something with conduit and he shares his free models here:

How do I work with that? I'm used to work with models who has way more features for posing and I can't even see her face here or what I am changing

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Anonymous No. 972967

ok, I got it more or less, but now I need to figure out what is the jaw

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Anonymous No. 972968

found it

Anonymous No. 972969

>She wanna fuck, but keep her clothes on, I only want the jaw

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Anonymous No. 973000

What a journey

Anonymous No. 973002

Can anyone here tell me the netiquette on how to approach art requests and commissions and so on?
I've just done an art request for someone and it's going through the roof and now obviously other people want it too.
I don't really know yet how I handle these, like where I draw the line between paid commission and a request?

Anonymous No. 973013

The difference is if the artist already had plans to do something similar to your request, otherwise you'll have to commission.

Anonymous No. 973019

thats why you are still a wagie and im... a wagie with extra steps... k and porn

Anonymous No. 973032

>where I draw the line between paid commission and a request?
you can ignore requests unless you really like them because they're just requests why the fuck would you feel obligated to do them

Anonymous No. 973039

to spread your work and attract more people to see it?

Anonymous No. 973040

Patreon for you guys laggy too in some cases? Like when you try to edit a lot of text?

Anonymous No. 973044

you get requests from people with large followings or something? i just get random <10 follower people dming me about their totally amazing idea for an inflation fetish pic or some other weird shit

Anonymous No. 973046

yes, the last few people are between 400 and 1000 followers and the "weirdest" request was just an after cumshut scene on feet and I see it for me as an opportunity to figure out new mechanics or techniques since I'm not into that at all. Also It's always clear what is something from me and what is a commission /request since it's marked like that and it is a different category on my patreon and so on

Anonymous No. 973105

i cant get the multires modifier to work
it works in sculpt mode, but doesnt show up in the viewport or renders
and yes i know there are different levels for viewport, sculpt and render in the multires settings, that's not the issue

Anonymous No. 973108

Do you have simplify turned on in your render properties?

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Anonymous No. 973126

Hope there will be a better conduit out there since this one was a pain to work with. I have no Idea how this dude work with these, unless he keeps them not optimized for the public on purpose. But I genuinely hope it's just my lack of skill

Blint !!dFi9y8xX0lX No. 973134

yeah, his models are super weird to use. I'm not too skilled in blender, but I definitely think the armature he uses isn't good compared to traditional models.

Anonymous No. 973141

simplify was the issue, thanks

Anonymous No. 973143

I wonder if there is a Tier list on open available Models. Because datquil is in my opinion at the top. his models does exactly what i want. Rigids are ok too and basically everything that uses the mustard addon.

I'm looking forward to dzooworks models when he releases them. he made an announcement that he will start with some overwatch 2 models

Anonymous No. 973153

i hate how porn addiction has completely mindbroken the modern man. I'd enjoy making some tasteful pinups/simple animations or appealing to some more niche innocuous shit but the market is so oversaturated with nasty degenerate shit I wonder if it's even worth putting in any effort. as it stands I also struggle with the morality, am I good enough to make art that can stand on its own or will I just be another in a sea of smut contributing to societal degradation.

Anonymous No. 973154

there are people who make "sfw" pinup style blender art and are plenty popular, if that's what you want to do
like that billy guy

Anonymous No. 973159

literally just do it. no one is holding you back but yourself. If you do them sfw you even have better ways for marketing.
you literally just have to do it

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Blint !!dFi9y8xX0lX No. 973192

can anyone tell me if I can fix this model in 4.0? the principled bdsf change screwed with the udim textures, and I'm a bit inexperienced to fix it.
I'll wait patiently for the apex models if he releases them, and hopefully they have the standard amateurs.

Anonymous No. 973195

Is there any good sound resource you folks would recommend for videos?

Anonymous No. 973200

to add on to the above comment, wondering if there are any ai tts resources that I can use for lewd purposes, moans dialoge etc. don't want to fuck with VA whores. also don't care if it gives me a bad rep. free obviously preferred but paid is fine too if reasonable.

Anonymous No. 973218

Elevenlabs is the best TTS you can have today. Othes don't even come close.
If you don't want to pay for voice cloning - learn about RVC and its model training and use the free tier 11labs voices for the base speech you will transform into needed voice through it.

Anonymous No. 973219

>>973195 is probably the best one. You can sort stuff by license as well, so you know which are safe to use without potential trouble down the road. If you make money with your content, I recommend sticking to cc0.

Anonymous No. 973228

can you not use shapekeys with the multires modifier?

Anonymous No. 973233

pretty sure if there are shapekeys dialed in when you add the multires modifier and press the subdivide button they still apply to the general shape. but you can't modify the mesh with existing shapekeys later (or if you try the multires will explode) and any sculpting you do with the multires modifier enabled is going into the multires modifier, not a shapekey you may have selected

Anonymous No. 973236

if you make animations then rule34video .com is the best one

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Anonymous No. 973238

Hey, me again. thank you for the detailed description. I seem to understand a bit now how it works and figuring shit out. But I'm stuck on the mechanic a bit since I don't get the result I expected.
I thought you would let the hand glitch on it a bit so you use the inflate/deflate tool to go around the fingers which sometimes work and sometimes not at all, it just does nothing.

Pic related is an example.It works for a bit and then just stops. I tried a different radius and different strengths. nothing is happening

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Anonymous No. 973240

maybe there's not enough geometry, try turning on the wireframe

or it could be some modifier, like corrective smooth, they can cause sculpting to either not work at all or break the mesh unless you turn them off in the viewport first

Anonymous No. 973241

did you actually mask something? press alt+m

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Anonymous No. 973243

I think its because there is not enough geometry since increasing the radius works but always in way to extreme steps

yes, the tit is masked. it's moving, but the fingers not which is perfect

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Anonymous No. 973244

was thinking about going to the edit mode, clicking the mesh and subdivide it but now I fucked up lol

Anonymous No. 973245

use the multires modifier instead, you can always delete it if it doesnt work out
better to use things that dont permanently change the base mesh

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Anonymous No. 973247

I tried it but then I tried to fix the spot where the "Orange" is resting on the arm and this was too annoying for me so I will try something different out and come back later to this issue

Anonymous No. 973256

did you try the smooth brush

Anonymous No. 973257

what brush are you even using to make that ugly lumpiness? are you using a really small sculpt brush or something?

Anonymous No. 973263

not yet, will try them all out next time!
a relatively big inflate/deflate one. still have to figure out which strength is the best and so on

Anonymous No. 973265

it shouldn't become lumpy like that, something weird is happening

Anonymous No. 973266

I know, that's why I was annoyed and stopped working on it and started something else until I get a new perspective to solve this problem

Anonymous No. 973279

>1 month into learning blender and 3dcg art in general
how many people actually model from scratch when making 3D smut? i suck shit at sculpting but using bases kinda feels like "cheating"

Anonymous No. 973280

>how many people actually model from scratch when making 3D smut?
hardly anyone does that

Anonymous No. 973281

I doubt that anyone starts with creating own models as a complete beginner. Doesn't make any sense

Anonymous No. 973283

Twitter algorithm didnt bury shit. If you follow and like porn posts itll show in your "for you" section. Thats just a cope for those who cant play the game.

Anonymous No. 973284

All that matters is the result if all you care about is numbers and cash do what works. It aint hard. If you're not improving its cause you're not trying too. Or your just retarded but happen to get lucky with your account.

Anonymous No. 973285

Dont have to output quick. Make good shit along the way and just retweet older stuff in a cycle every other day. Works.

Anonymous No. 973286

truth right here, I only retweet smaller accounts if i feel like helping and i aint even that big

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Anonymous No. 973287

Reaching 100 followers in under a month in about a few minutes. I'm HYPED!
Working on a 100 Follower special as we speak.

Anonymous No. 973288

I hate how modern retards confuse addiction with casual enjoyment. Addiction is non stop gooning multiple times a day. Casually enjoying it like once a week or twice at most aint addiction.

Anonymous No. 973289

Thats not hard anymore. Can easily reach a 1000 under a month assuming you have bare minimum skill in making something look good.

Anonymous No. 973291

So What? It is my goal and the challenge I set to myself and I made it.
If you are good at what you do and are successful with it, then congratulations, and I hope you can reach your goals too!

Anonymous No. 973292

you gonna start depri-posting here too now?

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Anonymous No. 973298

jericho i love ya man and you inspire me to get off my ass and work harder at this. i like how you're writing shit to go along with your pics and I absolutely will be copying that for my own shit (used to writefag smut in exchange for league skins over a decade ago before my top whale went batshit insane, long story). are you using ai for that btw or is that your own work?

also no offense but your colors fucking SUCK. some of your stuff is painfully washed out. learn about color grading and color theory and all that bullshit, especially if you plan to do animations. davinci resolve is the industry standard and it's fucking free and there are a million tutorials for adjusting color with it. you have no excuse. please take my advice with a grain of salt as I am an autist who would have everything look like a Caravaggio painting if I had my way. but still, look into it.

Anonymous No. 973299

Thanks man, that's nice to hear!
I despise AI with every fiber of my body. Everything I write is my own work.
>also no offense but your colors fucking SUCK
Aye I will take it to heart! Thanks for the feedback!

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Anonymous No. 973324

Todays Topic:
just learned about this term today and I'm about to dive into that shit.

Also I keep being fucking scared of the shader editor. It reminds me of some factorio bullshit. But I will have to go through it sooner or later.

Anonymous No. 973366

any good places to get background models?

Anonymous No. 973368

If you mean HDRI's, then Poly Haven seems like a good spot

Anonymous No. 973370

i mean models, like rooms or outdoors scenes that could be used for porn
i know about open3dlab of course

Anonymous No. 973379

bros I want to try this shit out
should I go Blender or Maya

Anonymous No. 973382

you can check animenyan on youtube for some basic blender porn tutorials

Anonymous No. 973389

Looking to hire someone to hold my hand and guide me through learning to animate through blender. I have a little bit of experience, rendered one static image but otherwise assume I'm absolutely retarded.

If you're interested email me at [email protected] with your experience/a few examples of your work and how much you're looking to get paid and we'll go from there.

Anonymous No. 973398

Might as well boil it down to
Blender for plug and play
& Maya for learning the entire CG pipeline

Anonymous No. 973399

Do you want to get paid or no?

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Anonymous No. 973400

I love futanari
is there market for it

Anonymous No. 973401

it's like the most popular thing with 3d porn

Anonymous No. 973402

so it's saturated

Anonymous No. 973403

people always want more porn to goon to

Anonymous No. 973405

Hey man, I've taken a look at colour correction, especially in Davinci, and it's really helpful. Future projects should not look so "milky" anymore. Thanks for that!

Anonymous No. 973407

>aye nigga i cant sling dis crack mane there finna be too much on dem streets already yo
said no drug dealer ever. view the product through an addict's eyes. always looking for the next fix.

yeah for sure. juggling too many sfw projects atm but gonna jump into this soon i swear.

Anonymous No. 973410

I love futa, it's hot as fuck, a girl dominating another girl with a dick, or a girl basically having a dick and feeling the uncontrollable lust for sex and penetration that having a dick makes you feel. Hot.

also the whole idea of sex it's like, a primitive desire fueled by lust and futanari portrays that perfectly. you can refer to common futa art and you will see what I mean by uncontrollable lust.

Lots of futa doujins are about a normal girl suddenly growing a dick and starting to have this lust, this primitive NEED of cumming, of emptying her balls, the primitive NEED of pinning down another girl and fucking her brains out and nakadashi her while going in pure extasy.

A futa might have an erection in school time and have another non-futa girl suck her dick in the school bathroom because she just can't hold it in anymore, she can't focus on anything else than releasing the cum and feeling the pleasure. It's like her female brain isn't wired to properly control the amount of lust that a dick makes them have and that we (male) have grown to control (up to a point)

It's beautiful, so primitive, I love it. There aren't many animated hentai about futa but "Futa-bu!" is one of my favourites, that one will absolutely show you the concept of futa lust

Anonymous No. 973411

weakest bait I have ever seen. Don't fall for it

Anonymous No. 973412

and don't fall for samefagging a reaction to the weak bait

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Anonymous No. 973414

Basic question: I just want to combine a character model from smutbase with a location from open3dlab, put her in some simple poses for renders, for a start.

But most of these characters use addons and other misc crap like MustardUI that don't seem to work too well when I import them into an existing scene (import collection that contains the character's armature and mesh + localize objects). Is this normal? Or is the only workaround to start with the character's .blend file and import the location instead? Then what do I do if I want to have two characters?

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Anonymous No. 973429

appending the "location" file is what i usually do
when you append, make sure everything you need is in the same collection

and mustardUI should work with appending the characters to the location file, just go to the scripting tab, select the and click run script (the play button)
and it works with multiple characters, it adds a character tab when there's more than one character that uses it

as for other addons, make sure you have them enabled in blender and the setting is saved

Anonymous No. 973431

thanks anon

Anonymous No. 973434

>having no passion for your fetish
lool this is why you don't make cash, viewers can tell

Anonymous No. 973447

no reason for you to exist and yet here we are

Anonymous No. 973448

imo only credit those who look like they retweet.

no point otherwise. youd just be giving them free exposure with your 10 followers. even more so when you hit 100k. importing daz models isnt hard nor is it worth an eternal advertising spot on your post

Anonymous No. 973449

you dont need to be good, just consistent

Anonymous No. 973451

probably cause you have no genuine interest in it but you think itd be easier than working a regular job so you keep slamming your head against it thinking its easy.

its more profitable to work a regular gig. the chances of you making decent money consistently is slim.

everyone making decent cash were there during the boom of covid. you missed your chance. so dont expect much.

Anonymous No. 973452

i make money at 5k followers, if your dumbass aint earning and reinvesting into yourself at 100k then holy shit you should quit.

Anonymous No. 973453

anon they were just bragging but spinning it as a help post in the hopes someone would ask for their username. they dont actually care nor actually want advice.

Anonymous No. 973454

theres always someone willing to give a dollar for coom. you can earn more for less by working a real job

Anonymous No. 973456

is it worth making oc or do people only care about overwatch and 2b and tifa and that shit.

Anonymous No. 973462

Seems to me that best practice is to do FOTM(Robot Twins, Meme Formats(Iced Latte), Jack-O Pose, etc) and Staples(Overwatch, Final Fantasy, Lara Croft, etc) and then branch out into OC's which can either flop or make gangbusters (Jackerman, Nyl)

Anonymous No. 973464

how do you manage to do FOTM if you can't model properly?

like if I like a new seasonal anime and want to make porn of it

Anonymous No. 973465

>how do you manage to do FOTM if you can't model properly?
pray some Jap makes an MMD model that you can port to blender and headhack onto a naked body

Anonymous No. 973499

What could I do if most of my ideas involve original characters? Should I take any popular character and treat him/her as my own, ignoring his/her personality and backstory?

Anonymous No. 973511

There is a big leage animator who does his "OC's" by literally picking an existing character, slapping a tattoo on them and says " Hey that is totally not 'Obvious Game Character' , that is my OC, called 'Any other random name'.

If he gets away with this, then you do too.
People don't care that much. Otherwise there would be a successful canceling about Tracer from Overwatch getting piped, but she is canonically lesbian.

Anonymous No. 973514

>Otherwise there would be a successful canceling about Tracer from Overwatch getting piped, but she is canonically lesbian.
good thing widowmaker is canonically futa, or all the animators would be getting cancelled

Anonymous No. 973515

I keep seeing people talking about baking textures. What does that mean?

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Anonymous No. 973544

You sexless niggers will never make it as pornographers because you only consider the tools and not the erotic craft.

The lowlevel replies and discussion here are the same bargain bin conversations you'll find in every other adult 3DCG community that's full of beginners and hopeful, dimwitted faggots.

Everywhere the eye looks it's hyperfocused autism. This is the pornographic equivalent of overclocking your CPU with a nitro-glycerin watercooler to get those extra sweet Mhz for games that you won't play and for programs you don't use.

Totally lost in the sauce.

Real gamers will play a game at low graphics just to experience the story. Real coomers will whack it to 2D or 3D or half-a-D so long as the shit makes their dick rockhard.

Muh tesselation, muh seamless meshes, muh raytraced liquid physics--SHUT THE FUCK UP!

What makes your art fucking HOT? What triggers my EMOTIONS into desiring that mess of pixels you've created?

You can be shit at everything 3D and still make money if you nail the essence of HEAT. In the /ic/ community they call this "appeal."

I'm no expert but I've been at this shit a year and I earn about $400 bucks a month on Patreon making nasty 3D smut. And the more nonsense that I read from experts in the erotic 3D industry, the more I realize you faggots know very little about the shit you talk about.

The only proof that people want your art is that they'll pay to have it. So as a nigger who must be doing something right, listen up:

Learn how to tell visual stories that excite men. Make art to stir emotions! If you can't get hard off your own art then YOU HAVE ALREADY FAILED.

How the fuck is it gonna excite someone else if it can't even excite you?

This works across ALL art fields:

-If you come up with a funny joke, hearing it aloud should make you laugh.
-If you write a sad scene, reading it should make you want to cry.
-If you pose and render good porn, viewing it should make your fucking dick rise.

Anonymous No. 973545

what kind of shit do you make anon

Anonymous No. 973548


Anonymous No. 973550

would anyone be interested in a houdini softbody/jiggle for animated characters tutorial.

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Anonymous No. 973554

exaggerated for effect a little but pic-related demonstrates:
1. booba growth (instantaneous here, but can be animated)
2. proxy mesh where the sim happens
3. sim transferred back on to original geo

and it sims pretty fast. on my 7900x this is like 10ish fps, but lots of room to improve quality if you want more detail.

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Anonymous No. 973555

I make NTR comics and animations about Krystal (and other female furries, but mostly Krystal) getting stolen from Fox McCloud by humans and evil shotas with huge dicks (like Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog).

Super specific shit, right? That's because to excel in porn (and in business) you find your niche and you specialize in it.

But why should you specialize? The benefits are many:
- You understand what you're doing because it's what you already know.
- You enjoy what you're doing because it's what you like.
- People know to come to you for that thing and this builds consumer trust and a reputation for doing that thing.

What most artists lack is an awareness of their art. All art is a representation of something, told through your unique perspective, and shared to a specific audience.

If you're making PORN you are representing DESIRE and SEX. All the bullshit like render cycles and color grading are built upon this foundation. Without it you have nothing; your art is inert.

If you want your dead art with barely a hundred views to fill Twitter then go ahead and listen to the unproven smut peddlers in this thread and join the tens of thousands of Twitch streamers with 1-to-2 viewers and 3D animators without careers as another artist who tries all day long but gets nothing done.

Take a moment instead to become aware of WHAT you're making, HOW you're doing it, and WHO you're making it for.

If someone tells you that "the market is saturated" then they're deathly afraid of trying.

Listen to this sad truth: I make all my art using SourceFilmmaker. The abandonware 3D program made by Valve that hasn't seen an update since 2015. The potential for money in this industry is staggering if coomers in 2024 will pay for SFM renders of pornography.

You have the path to coomly success if you can recreate in your art the same feelings as the porn which turns you on. With 8 billion humans and a universal want to fuck, there's an audience who speaks in your desires.

Anonymous No. 973559

you have a good point, fuck it, im making foot fetish shit then. didn't even consider comics too, what program do you use to make the captions and all that shit? i dislike animating honestly, but I force myself to do it because I know it's a good skill to have.

Anonymous No. 973560

what do you think about my thesis on futanari >>973410

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Anonymous No. 973563

I use Clip Studio EX, a program built for comic-making.

I believe that you'll sooner find success by making erotic visual stories and by injecting meaning into your porn than by seeking to titillate by visuals alone.

The internet has no depth and neither does most porn. Yet we're on the internet communicating through flat screens in search of something meaningful.

3D Porn is so ubiquitous that men are growing desensitized to it. Meaningful porn is so rare that it is a niche in itself--and you want to work within niches. If you competed with the porn market as a whole then it would swallow you whole, but a niche narrows your competition, protecting you.

AI Art and AI Porn is the natural evolution of meaningless drivel: It's visual noise by assembly. If you're competing against AI Art by increasing your artistic fidelity then you've already lost. And if you're trying to out-jiggle the coom veterans who have figured out the perfect sequence of nodes to make their titties bob like water balloons, then you're absolutely fucked.

You're fighting an uphill battle when there's a path right next to it that's level and barely traveled: That path is the path of meaningful faps.

A meaningful thing imperfectly made is rich and engaging (and made even richer by imperfections); a meaningless thing that looks good is technically impressive, but who the fuck cares, man? Neat! Now let me scroll past that shit onto the next one.

If your art can linger in a man's mind and excite him on a deeper level near his eros, that sticks with him. And that stickiness reeks of coom money.

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Anonymous No. 973569

It reads like cope from a submissive man who digs futanari.

If you're dishonest with yourself and never seek to understand your fetish, you'll never be able to communicate back out to an audience that fetish.

You can't do it because you don't really get it.

According to the book on sex searches by men and women ("A Billion Wicked Thoughts"), men who search for futa content tend to be overwhelmingly straight men who also enjoy submissive searches like feet.

If you want your audience to be triggered by your porn you gotta know what emotion triggers inside of you. This takes introspection and honesty.

Look, let's take my nasty fetish for example: Shotacon NTR and Furry bitches. On the surface it's pedophilia, but what else is there?
- Misogyny: Every woman in NTR is a despicable, undignified whore.
- Power Imbalance: A shota fucking a grown women is akin to a woman fucking a fat man or a dog. It denigrates the woman to prostrate herself before such lowly things.
- Taboo: Cheating and mismatched ages.
- Manchildren Self-Insert: A man who feels he is emotionally immature might see himself in a shota, and he might also have developed sexually too early (read: internet) and therefore associates his youth with peak virility.

So on and so forth, you dissect and pull apart the elements that give your fetish its charge. Once you fully understand it you can assemble it back in any number of ways. What's important is to trigger the correct emotions at the heart of the fetish.

Everyone desires sex, but our minds travel a neural pathway to communicate to our penis. That pathway--your associations of your desires to sex--is a fetish. Men tend to form them in adolescence and stick with them for life.

So your art should hit those targets inside of a man's mind. And how do you know what those are? Simple! People are like you; if you know yourself and you can trigger yourself, you are very, very likely to trigger someone else.

We all cry, we all laugh, we all fap.

Anonymous No. 973571

>you're not dumb; you're retarded
funniest shit i ever seen
your shit is mad degenerate but I like you and your approach to this. i will definitely ss your posts and reference them later. have you been doing 3d for a year or just nsfw for a year with more 3d experience behind that?

Anonymous No. 973572

post your progress nigga
also just posted my first wip today, hope I can bring in something more than my 30 bot followers kek

Anonymous No. 973573

cope for what? futa is all about uncontrollable lust, it has literally nothing to do with submission and I think you're looking too deep into it like an armchair psychologist or something.

For example one of my favourite futa animations is this one
it's so hot, I agree w what you said earlier, storytelling is what makes everything hot, not visuals, that was done in just shitty MMD.

But FutaBu is the prime example of that fetish, what triggers me and the viewers is the uncontrollable lust a futa has, it's seeing a woman feel the same sex lust of a man.

For example if I were to animate futa I would do a basic story about a girl shy girl being in school, eating a weird candy (or something) that makes her grow a dick during class, making her start twitching and feeling hot, suddenly finding herself peeking at the other girl's asses, and having to go to the school bathroom to jerk off her new dick and having the most uncontrollable orgasm in her life, then maybe a second part about convincing her best friend to suck her out in the school bathroom.

Anonymous No. 973574

what kind of settings do you use for cum with fluid painter?
i've never managed to make it look good
i have both the regular and nsfw versions

Anonymous No. 973575

Not that anon but I've got a third perspective:
>for a heterosexual audience, half of hetero porn is by necessity taken up by someone they don't find attractive
>the obvious solution is to instead consume homosexual porn of the opposite sex
>for the male side of the audience, if they turn to yuri then the characters have fewer and less physically relatable sex acts available than a hetero couple (unable to get anywhere close on either account without resorting to a literal plastic imitation)
>futanari solves this problem by letting the girls still get dicked and experience the pleasure of being cummed inside
It's basically just the male equivalent of women enjoying yaoi, where instead of having half the screen filled by someone you're not interested in, you get to pick two people you are interested in and slam them together instead.

Anonymous No. 973577

I downloaded SFM about a year or more ago and used it immediately for porn. It's all the 3D that I know.

That said, 3D renders by themselves are weak things. They're too flimsy to stand alone; that's why animations are so popular. They're nothing but a thousand renders stapled together to form a tome.

So from the beginning I assembled renders into crude porn comics. Then I admitted to myself that I was ignorant to everything artistic so I sought out books about posing, lighting, and the power of sequential art.

The fundamentals to visual storytelling are a constant. You can see the same lessons practiced in photography, in paintings, in statues, in comics, in films. It convinced me that one must understand the make-up of components to build with them anything of value; anything less is mimicry without comprehension and your results are diminished.

I could be wrong about futa. If that's what gets you off about it, explore it. Others will likely like it too.

The top three porn searches for men (according to search statistics) are tits, asses, and dicks. Straight men love penises way more than women do.

That's why dicks are essential to porn for men and it is, as you say, part of the appeal of sticking dicks on chicks.

Anonymous No. 973578

Is there a market for scat?

What about fat fetish?

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Anonymous No. 973581

The stranger and more underserved the fetish, the greater potential for you to stand out in that market.

If you like it others like it; you're not that special. There's artists out there sticking centipedes in vaginas and making bank.

Stop being a pussy! Own it and do something.

Anonymous No. 973583

Yaoi and Futa don't hit the same nerves.

Yaoi is about male vulnerability (read: emotions) between men. Women love all that emotional sensitivity and turmoil in the heart of men.

Futa is a largely visual thing for men to see an overwhelming amount of femininity with a piece of relatability (read: phallus).

One is visually stimulating while the other is emotionally stimulating.

Women also love the visuals of other women; such is the power of feminine beauty. This helps to explain the effeminate looks of most men in Yaoi and also the general distaste by straight sexes for gay male porn.

Anonymous No. 973604

any recommendations for hentai-proportioned bodies for headhacking? I want something like these
voluptuous proportions, puffy niples, chubby but still some muscle definition etc. but I'm sick of the KabalMystic body that gets' used all the time.

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Anonymous No. 973624

Fug it. This thread gave me the push to share all the Blender smut I make on the side. Posted my first pic on X. Wish me luck, frens.

Anonymous No. 973627

i like you anon. I'm gonna follow your approach, make storytelling a big aspect of my future shit. gonna figure out clip studio as well and try my hand at comics. how did you build your following to begin with? did you just post your content and the people just came or did you have to work to find your niche? to claim you make $400 per month with less than a year experience is interesting. not sure I believe it but I definitely want to believe it. furries are always weirdly wealthy though, so it wouldn't surprise me.

Anonymous No. 973646

>5k money hungry retard telling me i got into this to get rich

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Anonymous No. 973654

Why aren't people impressed by my generic Overwatch sex loop #12891!!! I'm supposed to rake in millions on Patreon!!

Anonymous No. 973656

literally no one is saying that here

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Anonymous No. 973666

any tips on better fitting clothes? weight painting seems to give mixed results and sculpting with the grab brush and bringing them above the surface usually ends with it looking ok from one angle but not the other.

Anonymous No. 973667

forgot to say shrinkwrap and face snapping works but really fucks the topology in some places

Anonymous No. 973671

>post one pic to my 0 follower account
>immediately shadowbanned
so how the fuck do I create a following? is it too late?

Anonymous No. 973678

How can you tell you're shadowbanned?

Anonymous No. 973679

if you're only posting on twitter then you're a dumbass
post on other sites too and link your twitter there

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Anonymous No. 973680

>This is an easy bait. Watch him posting his @ in hopes someone will check himnout or follow him

Anonymous No. 973683

like r34?

idk i got a warning almost instantly after posting something so I'm assuming that's a bad sign.

Anonymous No. 973684

>like r34?
that or pixiv, deviantart, whatever
no one will find you if you just post on twitter

Anonymous No. 973705

What are even the first steps for something like this? I've only really worked with geometry nodes, is it enough to just download a model, make a scene and learn some basic ass animation

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 973709

At first I obsessed about making hot renders and I jacked myself off into a frenzy over my creations.

Then I made shitty comics and posted them to Ehentai where nobody cared about them. I kept making different comics and then spent months making a huge, autistic 200+ page NTR comic about Krystal and released it; then people began to care.

The lesson learnt is that the adult field is full of frauds and halfwits so you have to prove you're serious about your smut before people begin to care about it.

Art is a conversation so you need to talk to your fans. Over time you build relationships and a trust that you're "that guy who makes that deranged shit that I like."

This walk of life is a marathon not a sprint but most people will quit at the first hurdle. Happens with all pursuits, the tourists get filtered.

I got my times wrong BTW; I'm in at the end of my second year making 3D porn. To get good and to make a name for yourself will take time and consistency.

But above all else I want to remind you and everyone else here that what you are making is PORN.

Do you have real sexual experience from which to draw from? No one wants a virgin's interpretation of sex.

Are you able to talk dirty to chicks in bed or to even utter the word "pussy" to a girl when you're having sex with her? Your art will never excite if this shit ain't what you're about.

Let's put aside the 3D and take erotica (written smut) as an example. It's only words, right? To write it how fucking hard can it be? Anyone with a pen and paper has the tools necessary to be the next big erotica author.

And so you get autists (like in here) who will gather thesauruses and grammar books and the finest fountain pens who are mistaken and believe it's the tools that will bring them success.

Just because you hear notes doesn't mean you can compose music.

Make PORN that is HOT. Above all else! The only way to succeed in this is to make men's dicks hard (women do not spend money on visual porn).

Anonymous No. 973710

anyone able to recommend a decent generic male model? some of the ones I've tried are either broken or have freakish proportions. kinda want a smaller chap, considering just taking that popular link model and changing the face or something.

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Anonymous No. 973711

At first I obsessed about making hot renders and I jacked myself off into a frenzy over my creations. Then I made shitty comics and posted them to Ehentai where nobody cared about them. I kept making different comics and then spent months making a huge, autistic 200+ page NTR comic about Krystal and released it; then people began to care.

The lesson learnt is that the adult field is full of frauds and halfwits so you have to prove you're serious about your smut before people begin to care about it.

Art is a conversation so you need to talk to your fans. Over time you build relationships and a trust that you're "that guy who makes that deranged shit that I like."

This walk of life is a marathon not a sprint but most people will quit at the first hurdle. Happens with all pursuits, the tourists get filtered.

I got my times wrong BTW; I'm in at the end of my second year making 3D porn. To get good and to make a name for yourself will take time and consistency. But above all else I want to remind you and everyone else here that what you are making is PORN.

Do you have real sexual experience from which to draw from? No one wants a virgin's interpretation of sex. Your art will never excite anyone if being a pervert ain't what you're about.

Let's put aside the 3D and take erotica (written smut) as an example. It's only words, right? To write it how fucking hard can it be? Anyone with a pen and paper has the tools necessary to be the next big erotica author.

And so you get autists (like in here) who will gather thesauruses and grammar books and the finest fountain pens who are mistaken and believe it's the tools that will bring them success. Just because you can hear notes doesn't mean that you can compose music.

Make PORN that is HOT. Above all else! The only way to succeed in this is to make men's dicks hard (women do not spend money on visual smut).

Anonymous No. 973713

what kind of warning? people crying shadowban are usually coping about their latest work not getting 1 million likes

Anonymous No. 973714

"we put a warning on one or more recent posts because they might have sensitive content"
assuming that means the algo hates me now but idk. i never used twitter before this place is an actual hellhole

Anonymous No. 973719

you need to manually flag your account yourself, or they will put you on the no-no list.

Anonymous No. 973804

Good luck, man. Seeing this thread is really encouraging me to get started too

Anonymous No. 973853

Jericho wtf

Anonymous No. 973869

has he responded to the allegations?

Anonymous No. 973870

I am surprised as you mate. Perfect peak for my 1. Month

Anonymous No. 973876

>this nigger with stiff generic ass renders is blowing up while people with actual talent get no recognition
i HATE it when mediocrity gets rewarded and I HATE coomers for having no taste whatsoever

Anonymous No. 973879

>this nigger with stiff generic ass renders is blowing up
>while people with actual talent get no recognition
referring to yourself i suspect

Anonymous No. 973883

just put mercy next to bbc and you'll be a millionaire within the week

Anonymous No. 973884

or doxxed by seething chuds

Anonymous No. 973916

lmao, look at how miserable you are

Anonymous No. 973980

lol it's me blowing up, don't @ me anymore i'm in the big time now

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Anonymous No. 974022

So even if I'm all for making porn

Say I want to make porn of an anime show like idk Akebi or whatever

If I can't find any free downloadable models to rig and then animate, then what? Then it's fucking over and I should forget about making porn about that show?


Anonymous No. 974023

can you morph an existing anime model into a decent likeness? if not just give up because making something from scratch like that and having it look good is borderline impossible unless you're already very talented

Anonymous No. 974026

Find a SFW model of the character. Headhack her onto an NSFW model. If necessary paint or blur the seams between her neck and collarbone in a photo editor.

You faggots make things more complicated than it needs to be to avoid doing the work.

Real shit: If you haven't the will to get over the first hurdle that gets in your way, you're dead in your tracks at the next one. Those who care commit themselves to their growth and do not let problems stop them, they overcome them.

Worst comes to worst you make porn with your second favorite girl who does have a downloadable NSFW model.

I guarantee you only 1 out of 100 men who see this thread will go anywhere in 3D porn because the rest of you defeat yourselves before you start.

Anonymous No. 974027

God I fucking voice actresses, their voices aren't even sexy at all it breaks all immersion hearing their shitty voice everywhere

Anonymous No. 974028

Holy shit I'm literally asking something I don't need your retarded ego jerk 2/3 of your reply is complete garbage I don't care about

Also I'm asking if there's really NO 3D MODEL AT ALL. NIGGER. KYS

Anonymous No. 974029

what kind of reply are you expecting, nigger
you either: make it yourself, pay someone to do it, or give up and forget about it

Anonymous No. 974030

Idk, some workaround or something

What about Koikatsu

Anonymous No. 974031

nevermind. I'm reading that it may be possible to export from it, I'm gonna read more abpur it

Anonymous No. 974034

it's worth looking around for MMD or Gmod/SFM models too if you're really stuck. both are pretty easy to port into blender with an addon

Anonymous No. 974035

You want people to solve your problems for you.

Are you a Zoomer, by chance?

Anonymous No. 974037

jesus christ you are insufferable

Anonymous No. 974042


Sorry. I'm frustrated at this industry and take it out on you guys. Good luck.

Anonymous No. 974052

success in this field is 99% attrition, 1% luck. anyone able to prove me wrong?

Anonymous No. 974060

agreed, the moaning etc is usually fine but the cringe dialogue they're asked(?) to do is horrible
at least we're past the sfm era where videos constantly had inner monologues of cringe shit like "wow he's really fucking me right in my pussy i can't believe it"

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Anonymous No. 974097

>decide to try my hand at this
>make some accounts, make some shit, start posting
>begin constantly feeling anxious, heart pounding, can't sleep
>keep this up for a few weeks
>finally uninstall and delete everything
>feel significantly better almost instantly
ah well, figured it would be nice to get a trickle of coombux but if my body is hardwired against being a jewish puppet then so be it. i'll give it another shot if they try to lock us down again.

Anonymous No. 974098

what were you anxious about?

Anonymous No. 974099

>Muh jews/lockdown
he's a chud probably something about god

Anonymous No. 974101

As an atheist I'm glad this person found Jesus.

In a roundabout way he really is the savior since he brought us salvation from what otheranon was making.
Praise the lord.

Anonymous No. 974103

Any good tutorial on hip/ass rigging?

Anonymous No. 974120

if you get into a hobby for the purpose of making money from it instead of simply enjoying it you are already trapped and enslaved by the jews, retard

Anonymous No. 974126

Rigify works pretty well in general.

Anonymous No. 974127

Hmm/. Im making my own rig, from scratch (heh), cause I want to have a good understanding, what does what, and, more importantly - why. Ill check out rigify tho, thanks.

Anonymous No. 974131

rigify doesn't even add ass bones by default, just stick a bone in and weight the cheeks to it
more important is good weights on the thighs so the ass and thighs don't deform really weirdly

Anonymous No. 974135

For me, blender will never be good for nsfw and i will tell you why. It has no vellum based muscle and tissue. It has no fem. Its animation, rigging, and scripting is terrible.

The only way to do quality nsfw is with a combination of maya and houdini. Otherwise, you get piss poor nsfw

Anonymous No. 974136

>rigify doesn't even add ass bones by default

Anonymous No. 974137

isn't there a muscle system addon for blender? i've never seen anyone use it but it's there

Anonymous No. 974138

its beyond shit

Anonymous No. 974142

Any examples of nsfw that uses methods youve described? Maybe particular artist.

Anonymous No. 974144

I have an entire folder of webms of characters using muscle rigs, but i cant post them here

Anonymous No. 974145

Post literally anything at catbox.
But again, is there any artist that uses this?

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Anonymous No. 974147

yes, like i said, i have an entire folder. For example, does this screenshot of one of those webms that uses a muscle rig ring any bells? The deformations in this webm is unbelievable...

Anonymous No. 974148

No idea. Catbox?
My interest is "how much it differs on practice"

Anonymous No. 974149

>vellum based muscle and tissue
Did some research on that and I couldn't find any examples of a joint like the knees/elbow bending +45 degrees. If it can't do that, then there isn't a point to it because good topo and correction bones already simulates how the body bends well enough.

Anonymous No. 974150

I found this (gues this is the thing from his image)
And, uh...

Anonymous No. 974151

look for other examples

Anonymous No. 974153

It gives me dogs and dragons, if I search. Can you name any actual artist, or is it too much of a secret club going on?

Anonymous No. 974154

lustgard mate, can you read?


Anonymous No. 974156

Eh. Yeah, blender is good enough.

Anonymous No. 974157

I found this, but couldn't great examples of the knees bending. It looks like vellum can handle the knees but adds too much volume/jiggle to a mesh.

Anonymous No. 974158

if you want to reduce jiggle then change the parameters and simulate again

Anonymous No. 974160

Yeah, it seems its not worth it. Also, it steps too much into the uncanny valley effect, feels offputting

Anonymous No. 974161

you're just lazy af and people like lustsgard dunk all over you

Anonymous No. 974162

lustguard, please, log in before posting

Anonymous No. 974165

nothing you cant do in blender
seems like you lost this argument

Anonymous No. 974166


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Anonymous No. 974169


Anonymous No. 974174

lustgard use blender so if it is a muscle system it's probably just shapekeys+drivers

Anonymous No. 974178

you're blind

Anonymous No. 974187

i think you're just really excited about vellum muscle systems and don't know what blender is even capable of. not only that, his animations aren't even that elaborate and wouldn't need a complicated muscle simulation to achieve. the jiggle is clearly proxy meshes with cloth sims applied to more than just the tits/ass plus a bunch of corrective morphs driven by shapekeys and probably an extra knee bone since the bitch has thick legs and it'd look bad without it, the back of the knee still doesn't look very good (which it would if it were properly simulating the muscles+tendons)

Anonymous No. 974188

>#Thicc #Bunny #blender #blonde #booty #pawg

Anonymous No. 974195

so my fetish right now is slime, but the slide material I got from Gumroad doesn't work in Blender 4.0 for some reason, it's rendering pure purple even though it's supposed to be green. It's Blender 3D: Slime and Bubbles Material

Anonymous No. 974197

check the shader nodes, blender changed a few in 3.4ish which fucked up some stuff from before then

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Anonymous No. 974198

fluid painter has slime, but i dont know if it's the kind you're looking for

Anonymous No. 974230

told you this thread will last

Will make Vol. 2 when this thread reaches page 10

Anonymous No. 974247

You're fucking lazy is what you are.

Anonymous No. 974270

It looks bad. The style itself isnt for my taste, but im not even talking about it - it feels like an made out of clothing, not human skin. Human skin inst just flapping around like that, unless the person is obese. American much?

Anonymous No. 974273

>unless the person is obese
have you seen the lustgard model???

Anonymous No. 974274

That is what I meant, yeah. But even then, they arent as obese as the jiggle would suggest. So its doubly revolting

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funny rayman toy.jpg

Anonymous No. 974275

>Can't decide on the pose for animation because either the woman gets cut off by the POV, or the guy's ass will be in focus 30% of the time
Any animators that might share good tips regarding that?

Anonymous No. 974276

first person, no?

Anonymous No. 974277

>the woman gets cut off by the POV

Anonymous No. 974278

Futa it is.

Anonymous No. 974279

>or the guy's ass will be in focus 30% of the time
Now you see why so many animators do futanari stuff

Anonymous No. 974281

Go fuck yourselves.

Anonymous No. 974283


this is why your father never fucked you, unlike your brother.

Anonymous No. 974284

find references. animating is hard as fuck without references

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 974350

This thread is full of degeneracy. Make wholesome things instead with your 3D tools, like women hugging their dogs.

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Anonymous No. 974351

This thread is full of degeneracy. Make wholesome things with your 3D tools instead, like women hugging their dogs.

Anonymous No. 974353

are you still using sfm wtf

Anonymous No. 974607

that looks amazing, I'm gonna get it now!

Anonymous No. 974671

so what are you guys working on right now?

Anonymous No. 974672

Gonna do some L4D2 Stuff. I've found some models I really like and the last time I used one of them it turned out pretty good. Also Have to do some extra Smutwork as text, since it is one of the things I do on my Supporter Sites.

Anonymous No. 974673

gross. anon. Make your own stuff

Anonymous No. 974675


Anonymous No. 974685

any retard can play dress up with daz models. what have you actually made anons? what have (You) made yourself, with nothing but your own creativity and vision?

Anonymous No. 974686

omg just shut the fuck up

Anonymous No. 974689

what a pathetic way to be snobbish, in this kind of industry especially

Anonymous No. 974691

It's not only that. Do you know how far up your own ass you need to be, to be like that in a thread like this. Dedicated to beginners, newcomers and hobbyists?

Anonymous No. 974693

can someone here help me? >>974680

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default cubechan.webm

Anonymous No. 974798

i made cubes have sex

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mesh cage.png

Anonymous No. 974803

look up the mesh deformer modifier and using mesh cages
if you want something as small as fingers causing indentation you'll need a high res (many vertices) mesh cage and a high res object to shrinkwrap the mesh cage to otherwise it wont detect it very well
if you're just doing an image use the sculpt tools instead

Anonymous No. 974807

cant you also do something like that with material displacement maps connected to an object
maybe not for skin since it would be too thin, but for other things

Anonymous No. 974811

you can use displacement maps to add extra detail yeah but they're not typically used to do things like dynamic indentation. you could do it though with a dynamic paint modifier driving displacement strength but that sounds kinda retarded

Anonymous No. 974822

thanks I got it. the pic really helped me.
I don't get what I need the mesh cage for tho. Why can't I simply put the shrinkwrap modifier on my character for it to be affected directly?

Anonymous No. 974823

you can but the performance will be very bad. the cage is ~900 verts when subdivided, the character model is like 80k subdivided
again - typically you use this method for animation so the performance of it is important. if you're doing a still image just use the sculpting tools and a multires modifier

Anonymous No. 974824

alright thanks

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Anonymous No. 974845

It's a good webm, but my retard brain can't figure out how to make it loop properly without the "resting" pause at the end and make it continuous.
It feels very slow and twitchty, almost as, if it was code, it was executing a "Single Fuck" command, returning to base, loading up the command and executing it again, instead of looping into a series of thrusts. You can see it in the webm too.
Something tells me it's a very easy thing to figure out, but i just can't point my finger at what to change in the curve to achieve the effect.
Any graph gurus here?

Anonymous No. 974846

select curve and press ctrl+e to make cyclical then adjust the tangents of the start and end (select both keyframes + the tangent handles) so it flows nicely without a pause
don't forget to set your frame range to not include both start and end keyframes or you'll get a pause

Anonymous No. 974847

shift+e not ctrl+e*

Anonymous No. 975034

>200 page NTR comic
You have piqued my curiosity. Source?

Anonymous No. 975284

>been modelling and rigging a cartoon proportion 3d BBW
life is good, mates. Fuck AI

Anonymous No. 975286

how are you dealing with the thickness and joint deformation?

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Anonymous No. 975288

I'm running maya and zv as well as houdini. I've used zv for 2+ years. I build the rig procedurally through script and then hook it up to either zv or houdini muscle and bone. I have copied the scapula rbf, radius ulna twisting and double knee function from zv example files and made it automated based on this input skeleton.

I have everything at real world scale.

There was a big zv update last week which I'm trying to get to use which they say improves collision between the tissues / bones significantly.

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Anonymous No. 975289


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Anonymous No. 975355

I host the comic on my website Be aware that it's furry shota NTR so you're diving deep into a pit of degeneracy.

I'm hard committed to it tho. You gotta be shameless to create porn regularly.

Anonymous No. 975396

is that sfm? that truly is degenerate

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Anonymous No. 975397

>I'm hard committed to it tho. You gotta be shameless to create porn regularly.
No, you don't lol. You just say shit like that to think you are above someone or everyone else. You aren't better than any Harry Potter or Warhammer gatekeeper loser. You use the mildest form of degeneracy and are actually convinced that you stepped into a ring of fire, others wouldn't dare and saw the face of god. But you don't realize it's just a boring ass kink. nothing more. So pipe it down

Anonymous No. 975398

>You aren't better than any Warhammer gatekeeper loser
LMAO you are right. He sounds like every Tau Player I've met

Anonymous No. 975400

if you're not crying and shaking from embarrassment every time you post some porn you're doing it wrong

Anonymous No. 975464

Yes. The tool never really matters.

You're right. I protect my ego when there's no need for it.

Anonymous No. 975522


Anonymous No. 975598

theres no such thing as uncanny from jiggling retard. you can get the same effect with cloth binding

Anonymous No. 975599

he just uses that maya deformation system i forgot what its called but unity bought it. uses alembic to switch from maya to blender. can do it all in blender easily

Anonymous No. 975600

any NLA users? what's the 'correct' way to set things up to avoid a fucking mess occurring? pose my character in its initial pose, autokeying everything then make that the bottom-most track with extrapolate:hold then add more tracks on top of that?

Anonymous No. 975910

I personally want to learn how to make animations like redmoa/slayed.coom/generalbutch/nly2/amazonian
they all make high quality shit. Is there any tutorials for the models/animation/sweat or wetness/cum. basically the whole thing.

I used to work in 3ds max but now I wanna restart the entire thing on blender.

Anonymous No. 975918

anime nyan on youtube has beginner blender porn animation tutorials

there's also a paid animation course called "alive" by pierrick picaut that i've seen recommended for blender animation, though you can get it for free on rutracker
i dont know how good it is, but it's like 8 hours long so it's pretty extensive

Anonymous No. 975919

Thanks Friendo! I'll check them out

Anonymous No. 975920

the alive course ramps up difficulty pretty steeply, it really needs another intermediary step before the squirrel but it's decent
for sweat/wetness look at rigid's models and the shaders he uses
nyl's bg3 models i believe have a cum coating option for the dicks so you could also check those but beware the bg3 shader is fucking huge

Anonymous No. 975956

>i want to sculpt like Michelangelo, are there any tutorials?
i was gonna elaborate further but I have decided against it.

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Anonymous No. 976475

what causes this?

Anonymous No. 976476

you tell me lol.
Did you accidentally deleted the vertices on the side?

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Anonymous No. 976477

no, it only happens in the render
it looks normal in the viewport

Anonymous No. 976566

found a solution? Genuinely interested in what could cause this

Anonymous No. 976569

i think the model is just haunted

Anonymous No. 976717

did you accidentally add some vertices to a mask modifier vertex group?

Anonymous No. 976780

no, all the masks are disabled and i've tried deleting them too

Anonymous No. 977135

how do you guys put the essence of horny into everything you make? i have a theory i'm going to try where i only jerk off to stuff i make in blender. maybe it'll make me better at making porn

Anonymous No. 977163

I mean, it helps when you are liking what you are doing. There will always be someone who finds your stuff arousing. But if (You) make something you think that is genuinely hot, people will see it in your art.

Conditioning yourself to find stuff that you made hot is not helping and is a dumb idea. If (You) need to do that, then what do you think about your audience? It helps having actual sexual experience but it's not 100% necessary. Otherwise I would just mimic what you have seen in porn that turns you on and remembering the details that you think are hot.

Anonymous No. 977168

i agree and i'm not trying to condition myself i just think jerking off all the time maybe dilutes my ability to make things that are really hot

Anonymous No. 977179

deviantart? just grab a MMD model?

Anonymous No. 977180


check normal's make sure there all facing out?

since backface culling may be in affect.

Anonymous No. 977300

nothing wrong with the normals, they are all facing out

Anonymous No. 977428

boolean modifier? maybe you're just cursed

Anonymous No. 977529

Blender or maya for physics and deformation?
I want to be able to import animation and export it back out with the added features.

Anonymous No. 977530


Anonymous No. 977532

While Vellum seem superior, I doubt the community made tutorials aren't anywhere near to the other two.

Anonymous No. 977619

what are you animating in originally? exporting out to add physics then reimporting sounds like a massive pain in the ass. just use whatever you're already animating in unless you need some crazy shit

Anonymous No. 977652

it's not any modifier

Anonymous No. 977676

I read somewhere RE: adult gigs that if you get caught ANYWHERE selling or even endorsing adult content that major banks (debit / credit) and payment processors have to terminate all accounts with you. Thus, adult content isnt really viable. Is this true?

Anonymous No. 977677

need the source on that bullshit lmao

Anonymous No. 977678

supposedly its a well known fact, and one of the reasons why this very site can only deal in crypto

Anonymous No. 977679

If that's the case, then how do sites like patreon function?

Anonymous No. 977680

>Paypal has taken a rather anti-nsfw route and is quite strict on what you're allowed to process through them.
You have to switch to alternate, much smaller payment options like payoneer that have high fees

Anonymous No. 977749

patreon has very strict rules for the kind of nsfw stuff you can have

Anonymous No. 977753

so it is true.....

Anonymous No. 977755

you can do porn on patreon but you can't do anything with questionable consent, underage stuff, incest, beastiality or beast-looking humanoids
the incest is why all those h-games have step mothers and step sisters or other non-familial relations

Anonymous No. 977831

and now it seems you need to make the characters express consent even if they're fictional lol

Anonymous No. 977906

maybe a mask modifier where you accidentally added vertices into a verix group you didn't mean to?

Anonymous No. 978044

I'm doing the render in ue5.
Rather than just using one software, I'd like to get the best from each one.
I need the "crazy shit".
So body deformation done in maya/houdini, does that simply export as an fbx?

Anonymous No. 978046

The botnet just gave me a video about it in the recommendation list.
So alembic is the common filetype to use between multiple softwares.
I understand the workflow now, with the pros and cons.

Anonymous No. 978080

>the alive course ramps up difficulty pretty steeply, it really needs another intermediary step before the squirrel but it's decent
I actually think the course is mildly out of order. I think you should go from the bouncing ball(s), to the robot, then back to the squirrel. The robot actually has relatively simple movement, and a lot of the animation is just making the other parts follow the main body control in a kind of automatic, "robotic" fashion. It's effectively just a really heavy bouncing ball. The squirrel animation has a lot of squash and stretch from various independent moving parts, and it's hard to know what to exaggerate on the squirrel when you're doing it for the first time. Of all of the chapters, the squirrel was the hardest one for me to do. I think by the last section of that chapter I was just fucking tired of working on the squirrel. Great courses, though. If can support the creator and/or get them on sale, I'd really recommend it. If you use it in conjunction with The Animators Survival Toolkit book, you'll learn a ton. You gotta actually practice though, that's the most important part. Don't spend a crazy amount of time on the practice and add a bunch of bells and whistles, but you do have to practice.

Anonymous No. 978306

you're right actually. the robot is inorganic motion which is usually way easier to animate plus it teaches you about secondary motion. the squirrel is like animating 4 balls at once and very difficult