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🧵 A new 3D tool.

Anonymous No. 973917

I keep winning chuds.
Now I don't even have to waste hours making my own 3D pixel art models.

I keep winning.
You crabs keep losing.

Anonymous No. 973919

You always win, Cris. However I must notify you that according to the CODE_OF_CONDUCT, to call people "chuds" is not allowed unless you're an LGBT yourself. As such I have reported your behavior to the LGBT-HQ. They'll be in touch.

Anonymous No. 973920

>I keep winning.
Think logically for a moment, Cris.
You spent years developing an efficient AAA workflow/pipeline for low-poly character development, and now someone has made a generator so that anyone with $25 can generate unlimited low-poly pixel characters.
This isn't a win - your competitive moat just disappeared!
Better get cracking on your game before the market is flooded with low-fi 3d RPGs

Anonymous No. 973923

>25 usd

No pirate version?

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Anonymous No. 973929

Stop being poor.

Anonymous No. 973935

Unlike cris I specialized in something else however given how well thats going I wish I had ambitions that could be satisfied with this slop creator.

Anonymous No. 973936

Do they let you make porn games with this?

Anonymous No. 973940

This kek

Anonymous No. 973941

>Stop being poor

Anonymous No. 973946

>I love making sprites
>making sprites is a waste of my time
Pick one

Anonymous No. 973947

can I get a quick rundown on who the fuck cris is
yes im new to this board you dont need to tell me

Anonymous No. 973951

See >>969851 >>969395 >>970803 and countless others in a 10 years time span.

Anonymous No. 973952

so it's an aspiring game dev or whatever, who cares
why is he special? what has he done? just the local lolcow that everyone laughs at?

Anonymous No. 973953

Cris is the sovl of /3/ he is a renaissance man, he can 3d model, sculpt, draw, program, write and compose music, design videogames, and he knows the secrets of the perfect workflow. Other Anons here are sperging because they feel threatened

Anonymous No. 973954

Don't forget photogrammetry of mercury-gold plated statuettes and next level AI prompt engineering.

Anonymous No. 973956

He's a game developer, and Anons are angry because he's the only one doing something else than crying about their favourite software.
He made a videogame and prove the haters wrong. He is not the Lolcow, Anons discussing about which software is better are the Lolcows, not the game developer with self published work

Anonymous No. 973957

is he on steam or something? got a link?

Anonymous No. 973958

I know that he does stuff with Ai, so master prompter should be one of the listed specialities that he mastered, but believing that every Ai thread is made by Cris is ridiculous, and some people believe that

Anonymous No. 973959

You can find the link on his containment thread. I played it for some time.

Anonymous No. 973960

Because he may not realize it but items like these >>968019 >>972630 are treated with the same precautions as high grade nuclear waste in first world countries, due to the neurotoxicity and the hormonal disruption in wildlife that some of the components are suspected to cause.

Anonymous No. 973962

>believing that every Ai thread is made by Cris is ridiculous
But I want to believe it.

Anonymous No. 973964

He is from Venezuela, they don't care about danger, they care about Art!

Anonymous No. 973965

Me too but that doesn't make it real.
I go by proven facts, that's why I listed all his specialities

Anonymous No. 974008

Im completely insulated from competition. Only numbers or my own failings will burry my game

Anonymous No. 974014

Nigga you're the bucket. Just release a fucking game already.

Anonymous No. 974021

>3D pixel art
fuck you
and fuck everyone who wants to make this a thing
2D 8x nearest neighbor upscaled platformers are bad enough, but this will be the dumbest zoomer fad to date.
Go play palworld and continue seething that you never had a gameboy.

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mml roll.webm

Anonymous No. 974043

It's been a thing since the 90's you retard.

Anonymous No. 974045

Given the style is similar to Megan legends era I would say that it's late millennials and not zoomers, also it would be a playstation psp or a Nintendo 64 not a Gameboy.
Lastly the style is peak aesthetics and you are a jaded cod player with bad taste.

Anonymous No. 974047

>fuck you
your mom
>and fuck everyone who wants to make this a thing
>2D 8x nearest neighbor upscaled platformers are bad enough, but this will be the dumbest zoomer fad to date.
It already is a thing.
>Go play palworld and continue seething that you never had a gameboy.
Do you know what an emulator is?

Anonymous No. 974056

you come off as a complete retard but I still agree with you 100%. shit is so corny

Anonymous No. 974064

Man. This artstyle aged so well.

Anonymous No. 974066

Corny it's different to bad.
People love this style because it stands the test of time and that's undeniable.

Anonymous No. 974106

For a moment I thought you made this soft Cris, I guess I overestimated you

Anonymous No. 974107

It’s literally low poly without antialiasing on the texture. Anyone with good art skills can do it.

Anonymous No. 974109

>Anyone with good art skills
And there it lies the problem. Most Anons here don't have that

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pony creator.jpg

Anonymous No. 974125

Hate to bust your nut on the wrong hamster, but if this shit gets popularized, then everyone who uses it will get a reputation for being cheap and lazy.
I makes me think of the pony creator and how deviantart was flooded with this shit back in the day.

Anonymous No. 974128

It's just assets dude, everyone uses assets

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Anonymous No. 974129

That's the medium, not the style. Mega Man Legends was a Ghibli film translated into 3D action platformer RPG. Using rapidly cycling textures synced to predetermined camera angles to create the illusion of anime-styled facial animation was pulled off masterfully. I don't know if anyone else had even done that before.

Anonymous No. 974132

of course. The problem is what will happen when EVERYONE begins using it to save time? people will notice.

Anonymous No. 974171

Have you ever seen games on steam? Most of them are just asset flips. Nobody cares

🗑️ Anonymous No. 974192

There's a difference. One is working with the limitations of old hardware and the other is nostalgia milking.
It's the polar opposite of what you'd call SOUL.

Anonymous No. 974193

There's a difference. One is working with the limitations of old hardware and the other is nostalgia milking.
It's the polar opposite of what you'd call soul.
You know what we call that? Slop we call it SLOP.

Anonymous No. 974194

seems pretty fuckin based to me

Anonymous No. 974196

And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking inspiration from it, or anything for that matter. Why do you feel the need to police what other people create? Do you think the people who created the “rubber hose” style weren’t working with limitations? People had a concept of cartooning before animation, but it was mostly exaggerated and simplified realism that needed to be drawn relatively quickly so it could be put in newspapers. Animation faced this problem to a more extreme degree since hundreds or even thousands of frames needed to be drawn to create even a minute of animation. The shapes needed to be very simple so they could be drawn quickly, and so the audience could interpret things easier. Every modern cartoon style branched out from the designs of early cartoons and worked with those principles to create things the people in the past never would have thought of. Should animators start using AI to enhance their frames to look like renaissance paintings because they no longer have the excuse to make art that looks “bad”? No they fucking shouldn’t just because technology got better. Limitation literally is what spurs stylization, and you would know this if you had any actual artistic inclinations and weren’t a contrarian shithead who needs to hate on whatever the new thing is, and additionally acts like he’s living in 2009 when the latest and greatest AAA game just came out and everything before it is garbage because it has “bad graphics”.

Anonymous No. 974206

>And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking inspiration from it, or anything for that matter.
My issue with it is that it's not innovative but derivative.
What about this: Instead of using lowpoly meshes with lowres textures go with a similar amount of geometry for the base mesh and model surface details with actual geometry and no textures, just vertex / face colors. That way you'd be innovating on the style instead of parroting it.
>Why do you feel the need to police what other people create?
I don't mean to nor can do that, I just dislike all media that pretends to be something that was before without being it.
For example I fervently hate startrek reboots, new superhero movies and AAA reboots of video game classics.
While "3D pixel art models" are not as atrocious they give me a similar aftertaste.

Anonymous No. 974248

>a similar amount of geometry for the base mesh and model surface details with actual geometry and no textures, just vertex / face colors
I don't like the textureless low poly look.

Anonymous No. 974344

It would be sort of mid poly at that point. I'd experiment some ambient occlusion for depth after that...
Anyway I think I've made my point.

Anonymous No. 978066


There is a major difference between artists who could to far more, and people who do that art style because it's the best they can do.

I bring this up alot because it shaped how I view art as a story telling medium,

look at the cartoon mission hill, specifically the animatic of episode 16, crap gets in your eyes.

largely there is almost no difference between that animatic and an actual episode, however that animatic may take someone skilled enough do draw it fast a week, while animating even 3 minutes on your own could take half a year

if I want to go from idea to finished product drawing, I could be working on a single piece for weeks, but if I am ok with a well done pencil, I could be done in several hours,

for 3d, let's not kid ourselves, shit takes a retarded amount of time to make something perfect, and if you want animation, takes an even more retarded amount of time to render, so we find out what corners there are to cut and cut them. I look at unreals rendering engine, and honestly would I actually need anymore?

now take this style >>974043 into consideration, you could probably double or triple the poly count and it would have an impact on how everything looks, but at what point is it good enough that it doesn't get in the way of storytelling or gameplay? gameplay wise I honestly dont think we need more than ps1 level graphics, not the same limitations but overall detail, see battlebit, it was probably the best battlefield game since 3 or maybe bad company 2. look at any number of 3d metroid vania games, and then look at hollowknight... hell scratch hollowknight, any of the 2d metroidvania.

graphics =/= quality

putting an artist in a limited box gets them to produce the best they can, while giveing them an unlimited sized box just inflates the costs to make the games for near 0 gain.