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🧵 Meshy General

Anonymous No. 986251

I was going to learn how to model but I saw there's a text-to-model AI software. It's got textures too.
Has anyone tried this out? How is it?

Anonymous No. 986254

Buy an ad

Anonymous No. 986266

You are getting replaced. It's fucking over...

Anonymous No. 986270

I don't care about that you faggot, buy an ad.

Anonymous No. 986564

>Everything has gross stains and weird growths.
It's fun to make aberration monsters but that's about it.

Anonymous No. 986567

>cherry picked examples
>blowup toy style to hide artifacts
>still glitches all over the place
buy an ad

Anonymous No. 988859

AI getting better each day.

Anonymous No. 989312

It's about as good as it gets with LLM, LLM is inherently not AI, there is no though process going on, it just looks at other stuff and then regurgitates something similar
When you think about it, text-to-3d model is not really that different from how you can currently buy models out of marketplaces, except for that the models in the marketplaces don't look like shit.

Anonymous No. 989314

AI can’t make public domain Mickey Mouse because there’s no 3D classical Mickey Mouse. The thing is a scam.

Anonymous No. 989320

Good, if ai has dissuaded you it is obvious you wouldnt have made it from the start

Anonymous No. 989350

> He doesn't know.
After training, circuits/algorithms in the LLM can process brand new data not in the training set and give useful output.
Good topo structure will have similar regularities that will be distilled to circuits in a model, billions are being spent with the bet that everything in the world does.

Anonymous No. 989368

Until i see public domain Mickey mouse as 3D figure, what you’re claiming is nonsense.

Anonymous No. 989384

Chuds btfo! I'm using this neat thing a lot for my retro artstyle assets. Helps a lot.

Anonymous No. 989399

Yeah it can be trained on new data, you're absolutely right, so what? It's still just a statistical function that gives what statistically should be right, but it has no idea of right or wrong.

Anonymous No. 989400

That means you will be replaced soon, chud. That's the same thing people said in the early medieval ages when printing was invented.

Anonymous No. 989402

No it means it can be filled with toxic waste and become just like Google. These scam companies only copy the original coded content and failed promises. The LLM can not understand the difference between a rabbit and a rabbi because no connection between them exists. Yet you get the error because the LLM doesn’t care about your business.

Anonymous No. 989403

I don't even work with 3d you mong, I work with programming, and I doubt I am about to be replaced there anytime soon either.

Anonymous No. 989407

I use chatgpt to program on my company
I used to pay a few programmers but not anymore.
Soon you will be fully replaced like everyone else

Anonymous No. 989410

Chatgpt makes code monkeys like you obsolete.

Anonymous No. 989418

Chatgpt creates viruses inside the programmed environment because someone taught it to do it every time.

You are an idiot on the programming side and art. You’re a scammer to us.

Anonymous No. 989437

What you use chatgpt for is nothing different from what you could have done with the internet before, people like you think programming is only writing code and implementing algorithms, that's because you're fucking retarded, I won't even bother describing what else goes on.
If my company could get rid of me, they'd so by now, because I am expensive and NOT a code monkey.

Anonymous No. 989463

That's called cope, I know 0 coding and now I can write my own tools
This is what ai bros called democratisation of art, but they forgot about democratisation of code.

Anonymous No. 989581

This fucking shit sucks. Tried generating titta a day ago and it generates fat niggers no matter the prompt.

Anonymous No. 989582

>I was going to learn how to model
You was not going to learn how to model, Cris.

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Anonymous No. 990176

>AI getting better each day.
The problem is hardware.
Hardware will not let you work with the demands of real CGI and everyone in the industry can fart out better simplified models in minutes.
You fucks are on your last legs since AI regulation is coming and the investors who blew ungodly amounts of money into your corporations are getting nervous since they are not seeing a way to get their money back.

>AI getting better each day.
Tell that to the investors breathing down your neck.

The 2020s AI craze
1) Promise investors heaven on earth with AI magic
2) Get shit loads of money
3) Use money to hire Africans (yes for real) to manually by hand tag pictures (or in this case models) and feed them into learning algorithms to fart out a AI who basically learned to photo bash only from the content it has stolen.

4) Get access to billions of content under the pretenses of """le research and le non profit"""

5) No monetization. No way to get the investors their money back.

6) Investors get angry
7) MSM 24/7 tells the investors that the AI bubble burst.
8) Get regulation on the horizon to shut down your nonsensical picture stealing.
You are here right now.

See the cyberpunk convenience store it does not even look like a box. This is because for a AI to not fuck up polygons you convert them into voxels....
However voxels are large and impossible to work on current hardware.....
So you reduce the voxel count...
And you feed this reduced voxel count into the training AI ....
And get this crap out.

AI 3D art can not work on modern hardware.
You will run out of investor money to pay your army of Africans who steal content before anything happens. Also regulation will hit you in the face.

PS: This model took me literal minutes to make on my own.

Anonymous No. 990549

>AI getting better each day.
One day it might even show you how to buy an ad!

Anonymous No. 992034

certified based post

Anonymous No. 992065

you sound mad and afraid, you have to understand, AI is the golden ticket to fire 50%+ of the population, and you can bet your sweet asshole they'll be throwing money at it

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Anonymous No. 992069

This is what your scam ai did, a badly altered creation of Public Domain Mickey Mouse and the ai inability to display anime hair correctly. Ai is the one to die, not artist.

Anonymous No. 992070

I can get almost the exact same results with ComfyUI and TripoSR or even with DreamGaussian online if your PC isn't strong enough.
I don't subscribe to any service online for 3D AI models because their results are shit tier for production and there's minimal difference compared to TripoSR.

It's great if you want to make some quick blockouts, but then again, some views will be fucked up, specially the areas that the image wont show, so you're better off making blockout with traditional concept art, which you can actually do with a good Stable Diffusion model.
You need some quick models which people will literally not pay attention for more than 2 seconds? Go ahead, they are still shit tier for being a sub model.

Anonymous No. 992075

yes, I get it, you're way better than AI, for now

Anonymous No. 992077

>No plz don’t use it for anything but simple things
Oh shut up, your scam got exposed. Block images have been a thing before you were born. It’s still a thing in current times. The AI program can’t do decent work for things that do not exist. It’s literally just covering what it sees with gloo 3D printing technology. Scam is a scam.

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Anonymous No. 992080

test dreamgaussian

Anonymous No. 992081

The fuck? I just said that AI is shit tier for 3D models.

Anonymous No. 992091

Artist bros... It's so fucking over...

Anonymous No. 992099

I'm Gonna cum

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Anonymous No. 992110

test meshy :

It's aight

It looks ok-ish for background but it's still an uneditable mess, but instead of jumping through different niche micro services /plug-ins you can do it on a single software/site

Before AI I used to use this niche research paper demo on a site called aaronsplace(it's been removed for awhile) lol

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test meshy 2.jpg

Anonymous No. 992113

I realized I should have actually used the service instead of looking at their model viewer . They are giving new account free bux to try so you guys could use it with a burner email account or sth
blend file
The animation they provided looks like some worse version of Mixamo . The material only has 1 diffuse map with every lighting information from the AI image baked in

I could see myself using these as BG props and paint over for illustration works or game icon but it's not something I would commission 3D artist in the first place.

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rodin ai test(1).jpg

Anonymous No. 992116

I tried the HyperHuman Rodin AI being shilled on the other thread (>>991751
). I think that one gives you better models .It gives you all quads meshes . But it looks like somebody using out of the box quad remesh tool and merge every pieces into a singular mesh, then do projection painting on top

blend file (blender 3.1):

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Anonymous No. 992124

I don't see AI ever getting good enough to figure out what I want to make since all the current solutions out there right now make completely different looking models even though I give them a shitton of reference material. I DO think SDF will get good enough that it will eventually replace modeling/sculpting especially once people realize how good the modeling tools were in Dreams.

Anonymous No. 992127

what's sdf

Anonymous No. 992327

I fucking NEED a good SDF modeler man. after using Dreams, nothing can compare to how easy it was to get quick good looking results