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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16102667

Omega Centauri Edition

Previous - >>16099556

Anonymous No. 16102687

:D spaaaace

Anonymous No. 16102688

I agree with the previous anon

Anonymous No. 16102689

I disagree with the previous anon

Anonymous No. 16102692

mm nyo

Anonymous No. 16102693

Any gore anons?

Anonymous No. 16102695

Space gore obviously, Challenger and Columbia reenactments, maybe that guy that burnt to a crisp?

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Anonymous No. 16102699


Anonymous No. 16102705


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🗑️ BUG EATER 9000 !k2zMNVVmaM No. 16102712

coaly star kys

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Anonymous No. 16102727


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Anonymous No. 16102729


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Mecha Jesus.jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16102741

God won't let earth be destroyed, and if he does he wanted it to happen so it's wrong to try to avoid that ending. He said to multiply and replenish the earth, not the fucking universe. For god so loved the world he gave his only begotten son, who died for the sins of the world. If you sin off planet Jesus did not die for you and you are doomed to rot in hell. Besides how are you going to pray towards Mecha if your spinning in orbit?

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Mecha Jesus..jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16102742

God won't let earth be destroyed, and if he does he wanted it to happen so it's wrong to try to avoid that ending. He said to multiply and replenish the earth, not the fucking universe. For god so loved the world he gave his only begotten son, who died for the sins of the world. If you sin off planet Jesus did not die for you and you are doomed to rot in hell. Besides how are you going to pray towards Mecha if your spinning in orbit?

Anonymous No. 16102743

Joe Lieberman is dead.

Anonymous No. 16102747

Fuck off with that leave that derailment in the other thread. I rushed the thread to page 10 staging so we could start talking about rockets again and SPECIFICALLY avoid that off topic shit.

Anonymous No. 16102748

Precisely coordinated gyroscope prayer rooms that always point at the mecca. More accurate than anything on earth as you can move more freely in 3d space to point directly at it rather than handwaving away the curvature of the planet.

Anonymous No. 16102749

hacking the sandscopes to point at Rome instead

Anonymous No. 16102753

The Goyim will get their own separate living quarters in that case.

Anonymous No. 16102761

Wow I get here giddy for a new thread and its immediatly ruined. Thanks guys, and thanks janny for being dead.

Anonymous No. 16102764

are you retarded? that never fucking works

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Anonymous No. 16102780


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Anonymous No. 16102784


Anonymous No. 16102787

>haha bro just pave the planet with solar
>no don't count on Starship making orbital solar/compute launch cheaper than buying land by the square degree that would be silly
Casey is falling into the Tory Bruno trap of shit talking SpaceX to promote his own business.

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Anonymous No. 16102789


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16102793

uh-oh shartship bros
this doesn't look good for us >>16102790

Anonymous No. 16102799

At least wait until it drops a couple pages before you come here to shill your shitty bait thread

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Anonymous No. 16102801

>Casey is falling into the Tory Bruno trap of shit talking SpaceX to promote his own business.
People are very good at not getting things when their livelihood depends on it.

Anonymous No. 16102805

Does anyone have a webm of Firefly Alpha's tumble and FTS?

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Anonymous No. 16102808

Soyuz-2.1b in the arms of Baikonur
In the Kazakh steppe, the gates of the assembly and test building opened at the first ray of the sun and the rocket with Resurs-P No. 4 on board went along the rails to the launch pad.
We are enjoying the atmosphere and waiting for the launch on March 31 at 12:36:45 Moscow time!

And Angara is on a launchpad of Vostochny cosmodrome. Launch April 6-10

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Anonymous No. 16102812

>Starbase launch pad 1 will be scrapped

Anonymous No. 16102817

Says fucking who

Anonymous No. 16102819

casey knows the cost of Starship, land is cheap, you're dumb

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Anonymous No. 16102822


Anonymous No. 16102829

shut up Crappy Handjob

Anonymous No. 16102846

oh shi-

Anonymous No. 16102848

Delete this, it is offensive to my people.

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Anonymous No. 16102853


Remember all the stacking issues they had with IFT-3?

>Improperly built/rebuilt pad sinking into the marshlands
>Second pad being built (rushing this one too)

Can you reply without sounding like an angry muskrat?

Anonymous No. 16102856

They'd just replaced the stabilizer arms on the chopsticks after IFT-2 with new parts; I'm pretty sure they were just dialing the new arm bits in, because the issues did not persist.

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Anonymous No. 16102858

>Can you reply without sounding like an angry muskrat?


Anonymous No. 16102865

>When I first came here, this was all swamp. Everyone said I was daft to build a launchpad on a swamp, but I built in all the same, just to show them. It sank into the swamp. So I built a second one. That sank into the swamp. So I built a third. That burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp. But the fourth one stayed up. And that's what you're going to get, Lad, the strongest launch pad in all of Texas.

Anonymous No. 16102885


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Anonymous No. 16102901


Anonymous No. 16102966

On boeings leadership culture, engineers were thought to be fungible, experience overrated
Explains a lot

Anonymous No. 16102969

The world will be utterly enveloped and it will be fucking glorious

Anonymous No. 16102971

Are you retarded?

Anonymous No. 16102978

>try not to sound like angry musk fanboy

Anonymous No. 16102987

I don't care how I sound like to a retard, what you posted was fucking retarded

Anonymous No. 16102991

Can you elaborate please?
Who are your people?
This is sad. What happened to the person on the bench?

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Anonymous No. 16103004

Anonymous No. 16103092

Is there a single proof? All I have seen is useless rambling on xitter or nsf.

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james burke rocke....jpg

Anonymous No. 16103148

is it possible to learn this power?

Anonymous No. 16103149

It was staged

Anonymous No. 16103153


This was the most rare shot ever made, probably impossible to replicate. They didnt even know it was gonna launch

Anonymous No. 16103154

not from a jedi :D

Anonymous No. 16103159

They did know.

Anonymous No. 16103160

They didnt.

Anonymous No. 16103165


Anonymous No. 16103174

you are wrong.

Anonymous No. 16103175

Who is "they"? because this is a well known fact. it gets posted on Reddit every week. it's next f*cking level:

Anonymous No. 16103203

it was an insane shot because nobody knew apart from james burke. thats a well known fact.

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Anonymous No. 16103213

Anonymous No. 16103215

what onboard views could there even be that weren't shown on the broadcast?

Anonymous No. 16103216

He knew it was going to launch. He didn't know if it was going to scrub.

Anonymous No. 16103222

Except it was done in 1 take, so he knew it wouldnt scrub. if it scrubbed it would take 2 takes minimum

Anonymous No. 16103224

There are cameras inside the hull watching where the plasma cuts through

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16103233


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16103241

I'm a girl, so be polite

Anonymous No. 16103246

go back, /pol/troon

Anonymous No. 16103248

Dilate tranny YWNBAW

Anonymous No. 16103249

I love taking big cocks in my ass. Jealous?

Anonymous No. 16103252


Anonymous No. 16103255

Austin is a budding tranny screenshot this and look back in 4 years
>Verification not required

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Anonymous No. 16103263

The fuck are you talking about?

Anonymous No. 16103269

Did I accidentally post in Spanish or something, you fucking idiot?

Anonymous No. 16103270

The Mars Aptitude Test will just be a tiny little potted plant. You just have to keep the plant alive for a year and a half. If you fail, you get blacklisted from going to space altogether.

Anonymous No. 16103272

Lo siento, no hablo inglés.

Anonymous No. 16103284

I am not he, but I wouldnt mind taking him inside

Anonymous No. 16103296

In general, there must be a shitload of amazing videos in some SpaceX internal server

Anonymous No. 16103302

tits or gtfo

Anonymous No. 16103310

It will be upgraded to the new design (used at the second tower and Florida) once the second tower is operational.

Anonymous No. 16103331

video of the secret crew of black african pygmies being destroyed as the vehicle disintegrated

Anonymous No. 16103344

>the pigeon video

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Anonymous No. 16103358

Probably inside the starship engine bay to monitor hotstaging. Apollo 6 tier kino you don't get to see because of ITAR

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Anonymous No. 16103362

Maybe apollo 4 is more appropriate

Anonymous No. 16103369

Funfact: the Apollo 6 command module is owned by one of the Atlanta area's school districts

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Anonymous No. 16103376

Forgot pic

Anonymous No. 16103381


>Title: Suicide Mission
Accurate in more ways than one. Company is effectively dead at this point and it is a lumbering corpse kept alive by government money

Anonymous No. 16103387

Nvm, the site is leftist communist propaganda. So they're promoting the failure of Boeing as anti-communist drive.

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Anonymous No. 16103392

>strip down a super heavy booster with reduced engines and removed gridfins.
>50 tons to LEO

completely obscene.

Anonymous No. 16103401

>non-reusable SSTO

Anonymous No. 16103402

>Use docking mechanisms and orbital refueling ports as payload.
>Dock with Starship in orbit.
>Refuel both stages.
>Use full stack's worth of Delta-V on orbit for truly gratuitous C3

Anonymous No. 16103405

The boosters performance would be significantly reduced due to its sea level engines, you might as well just use a normal booster to launch a tug.

Anonymous No. 16103409

A few seconds of lost specific impulse doesn't magically turn a tug that fits in a 250 ton payload envelope into a superior option to 3000 tons of methalox.

Anonymous No. 16103414

Your container for that 3000 tons of methalox fits in the 250 ton payload envelope.

Anonymous No. 16103418

A “non-reusable SSTO” is, in essence, the same philosophical idea as a “partially-reusable TSTO”
I would include Falcon 9 and Shuttle into this definition btw

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Anonymous No. 16103422

Anonymous No. 16103425

With dubious margins, and it's already expendable, so you might as well have the thing launch itself.

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Anonymous No. 16103456

Anonymous No. 16103478

kino jap scamming.

Anonymous No. 16103479

Only if
>no refunds
instead of full refunds.

Anonymous No. 16103483

obviously musk wont refund him. hes already spent the money lol.

Anonymous No. 16103490

so this means the estronaut moon trip might happen after the first people land on mars
makes sense though

Anonymous No. 16103492

To start with, think of all the different views that were seen during the broadcast, then consider that internally, they almost certainly have continuous video of all of them.

Anonymous No. 16103494

Currency, when not exchanged, is the very definition of a fungible commodity.

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Anonymous No. 16103495

article from November 2023

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Anonymous No. 16103498

Anonymous No. 16103507

whats with the relationship drama shit? maybe musk doesn't want his feed full of random shit in Japanese. has absolutely no bearing on dearmoon

Anonymous No. 16103508

Kek Tory cant even launch his old crusty and musty rogget correctly even on its last flight. The absolute state of oldspace

Anonymous No. 16103513

because of weather, not because of anything with the rocket. but you knew that already baito-san

Anonymous No. 16103522


Anonymous No. 16103525

The nitrogen gas feed system was malfunctioning as well, and its the reason they aren't making an attempt until Monday at the earliest.

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Anonymous No. 16103527

>scrubbed due to an issue with the gaseous nitrogen pipeline which provides pneumatic pressure to the launch vehicle systems

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Anonymous No. 16103528

>The Delta 4 final launch, Atlas is nearly dead, SLS barely launches, shuttle has been dead for a decade, Antares is dead
The American empire is failing

Anonymous No. 16103529

dont play stupid, everyone knows he will not refund him.

Anonymous No. 16103533

>everyone knows
Go fish somewhere else.

Anonymous No. 16103535

And yet Elon is still following Dear Moon, it's almost like the grifters are doing engagement bait.

Anonymous No. 16103538

These payments are structured as Kickstarter almost, provided there was a "good faith effort" there won't be any refund

Anonymous No. 16103540


Anonymous No. 16103541

This is a subtle ploy to assert Falcon 9 is not an American rocket.

Anonymous No. 16103544

honestly baffling that you think im trolling. Clearly SpaceX won't suddenly hand over 1.5 billion to this guy. Near 100% certainty it was in the contract that he will never see the money again

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Anonymous No. 16103549


Anonymous No. 16103550

Since you've hard-equated not following Maezawa with cancellation, yeah, you really are.

Anonymous No. 16103559

>SLS barely launches
Go bite another pillow to accompany your sweet summer wine, eurofag

Anonymous No. 16103572

lol, lmao even

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Anonymous No. 16103587


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Anonymous No. 16103596


Anonymous No. 16103598

is this SLIMs sock?

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16103603

Interesting view of the inside of Starship tank on IFT-3, showing the leak.

Anonymous No. 16103606


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Anonymous No. 16103608

What does Black Science Man (TM) say about Martian colonization? Is his attitude different towards Lunar colonization?

Anonymous No. 16103610

And janny will do nothing. The absolute state of this board.

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Anonymous No. 16103611


Anonymous No. 16103612

That's a Falcon 9 second stage's LOX tank and Krystal porn.

Anonymous No. 16103616

Im assuming we've all hit the 3 dots next to that post correct?

Anonymous No. 16103617

SLS's launch cadence is measured in years, even Delta IV managed to average once a year.

Anonymous No. 16103618

did that just now

Anonymous No. 16103630

First it's cold, then it's hot.
That is indeed how the combustion cycle of liquid oxygen goes.

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Anonymous No. 16103655


Anonymous No. 16103659

lmao so she really is just eyecandy. kinda based ngl

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Anonymous No. 16103697

It's only been two weeks since IFT-3. How many 2 + weeks are left to IFT-4?

Anonymous No. 16103702

probably 2-4
IFT-4 will probably launch in late april or may

Anonymous No. 16103714

thank you anon, it’s been a while since I’ve seen a good old fashioned honest to god krystal post.

Anonymous No. 16103726

now that dear moon is kill, is isaacman's polaris starship mission still on the table? or is that going to be kill too?

Anonymous No. 16103735

They already cancelled Starship altogether; they’re bulldozing Starbase as we speak!

Anonymous No. 16103737

>now that dear moon is kill

Anonymous No. 16103747

didn't Elon mention having infrared cameras inside the tanks to monitor hotspots?

Anonymous No. 16103753

>Elon is starting to cancel contracted starship launches
lol musk bros?? how concerned should we be???

Anonymous No. 16103756

Did I hear right? Elon Musk said to Maezawa-san "You suck" in an X direct message and then they unfollowed each other? Why would Elon say that to the man who paid for the whole program?? Fucks sake

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Anonymous No. 16103758

>Krystal posting in gifs
Truly, nowhere is safe

Anonymous No. 16103759

elon's twitter account is no longer following maezawa's twitter account
that's literally it

Anonymous No. 16103760

Friday-Weekend /sfg/ sucks

Anonymous No. 16103761

I wish this one had a cock in her pussy too

Anonymous No. 16103764

anal is absolute vile and disgusting lol

Anonymous No. 16103767

thanks doc

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Anonymous No. 16103770


Anonymous No. 16103777

Honestly, how big of a burger was this? Surely the sustained g-forces at launch would be a greater stressor compared to a quick impact. I mean, it crushed some of it, but structurally speaking it should be fine? The rest is just oldspace grifting for repairs.

Anonymous No. 16103779

We are talking old space here, the entire satelite was most likely taken apart and most of it was replaced.
(on paper)

Anonymous No. 16103781

Yesterdays /sfg/ was about as bad as this one so far

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Anonymous No. 16103790

It's the time when the /sfg/ anons with families are occupied and the autists&trolls remain.

Anonymous No. 16103795

Id hate to be you.

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Anonymous No. 16103799

Somebody needs to stay behind to keep the lights on.

Anonymous No. 16103821

I should get a job

Anonymous No. 16103822

Hang yourself

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Anonymous No. 16103831

Beautiful depiction of forbidden love

Anonymous No. 16103833

Your life is shallow.

Anonymous No. 16103843

>Surely the sustained g-forces at launch would be a greater stressor compared to a quick impact.
falling on the floor can subject points of an object to hundreds or even thousands of gees for a split-second. there are roller coasters out there that give you higher g-forces than a rocket launch but you're not gonna break your phone screen riding on one of them.

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Anonymous No. 16103848

it's a short love.
But most importantly, i normaly only use these pics to spam HOP WHEN??!!!

Anonymous No. 16103881

>dedicated deep space variants
Neat, I don't think they really talked about this before, even if it's the most sensible and obvious way to send stuff BLEO
Next thing is making a (refuellable) tug with big tanks and one raptor.

Anonymous No. 16103913

>Three scheduled Falcon 9 launches in a sub-five-hour window

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Anonymous No. 16103919


Anonymous No. 16103922

>Janky and poorly designed
>Better launch success rate than almost the entirety of the space industry
You're not making the point you think you're making.

Anonymous No. 16103933

Not "almost." The Falcon 9 block 5 has the best reliability rating of any launch vehicle, past or present.

Anonymous No. 16103937

Anyone else shitting bricks about SpaceX/Musk? I dedicated my life savings to going to Mars but now he's going full Howard Hughes?

Anonymous No. 16103941

you're not and you didn't

Anonymous No. 16103973


Anonymous No. 16103982


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Anonymous No. 16103984


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Anonymous No. 16103987


Anonymous No. 16103989

>you don't get to see because of ITAR
Nah, they're just pussies and don't want to show it because muh proprietary info even though hot staging is nothing new

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Anonymous No. 16103999


Anonymous No. 16104002

Yes, we see all those aborts and failures on these launches.

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Anonymous No. 16104003


Anonymous No. 16104004

What manner of incandescent cope will this man radiate when an astronaut snaps a hilltop selfie with HLS in the background

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16104007

potentially three Falcon 9 missions within 5 hours of each other

Anonymous No. 16104009

You're just whiny.
Hughes went insane and reclusive and started keeping his toenails in jars, Musk woke up and realized that he hadn't been properly leveraging his wealth, sociopolitically. He also correctly identified the right-wing overcorrection that's rapidly approaching and began distancing himself from the left by dismantling the single biggest censorship apparatus and employing some strategic schmoozing.

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Anonymous No. 16104011
>Space Tug Or Not

Anonymous No. 16104012

It's a long waaayyyy to Phlegra Montes,
It's a long waaayyyy to goooo!

Anonymous No. 16104013

He'll just ignore anything that undermines his ability to be snide and dismissive

Anonymous No. 16104014

That particular spaceflight revolution is so passé, I'm just here for the next one.

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Anonymous No. 16104020


Anonymous No. 16104021

Your bussy belongs to Tory

Anonymous No. 16104026
>Ship 29 Completes Its Static Fire Tests! Up Next: Orbit! - Starbase Gallery [Mar. 20th - 28th, 2024]

Anonymous No. 16104031


Anonymous No. 16104088

>It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it

Anonymous No. 16104118

keeek he's obsessed

Anonymous No. 16104128

to me, if its not a reusable, permanently in space craft then its not a space tug. like if its a lunar tug going from LEO to LLO taking smaller craft with it then thats a tug in my eyes.

Anonymous No. 16104135

concern troll is concerned

Anonymous No. 16104152

What industries will be possible in 10+ years after it is cheaper to put things in space

Anonymous No. 16104169

>in space manufacturing: semiconductors, high grade alloys
>in space pharma: growing high purity crystals of certain drugs
>in space health: 3d printing organs
>in space tourism
>research and development of space technology in orbit
in addition to all the stuff we have now with military/civilian earth observation and telescopes.

Anonymous No. 16104177

Offshore datacenters in space. These are also likely to be the first satellites to get point defense lasers capable of burning through an antisatellite missile to keep cranky governments from deorbiting them.

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better hope you d....jpg

Anonymous No. 16104180

Imagine it.

Anonymous No. 16104191

Nothing because freefall manufacturing is a larp

Anonymous No. 16104193

All negatively convection sensitive materials will turn out better in microgravity, including a lot of organic synthesis.

Anonymous No. 16104197

>negatively convection sensitive materials
Name three

Anonymous No. 16104200

Souffles will never collapse in zero g

Anonymous No. 16104227

The Hughes comparisons were valid maybe 5 years ago, but Musk singlehandedly breathed new life into an industry that had been moribund for a generation. Aviation would have exploded regardless of whether there'd been a Howard Hughes or not.

Anonymous No. 16104239

Space is just a distraction and a very expensive excuse for war profiteering.

Anonymous No. 16104250

If war profiteering makes us multiplanetary, sign me up

Anonymous No. 16104251

in space tourism and selling tickets to a martian colony (plus taxing the settlers for everything on the colony and tariffs on sellers from earth once they get big enough) would be the main 'industry'. medical industry stuff is gonna be a meme for a long time unless an actual factory is set up and not just some shitty capsule that goes to orbit once makes a few then comes down. orbital powerstations i feel could make a killing if you can just get that much power. p2p flights is a total meme. mining asteroids will be a legitimate business for specifically off planet in orbit stations to make them massive or en masse for cheap (or literally just make your own fucking moon to live on near mars or ceres or some shit). once colonies become big enough again the industry of off planet shipping is a big one, and that would also include fuel shipments from titan to anywhere in the system for methalox rockets (literlaly only starship) and water exports from enceladus/europa will also be big.

Anonymous No. 16104257

The transitional phases between Austenite and Martensite alloys. Fluoride glass. Three-dimensional cultured cell structures.

Anonymous No. 16104269

If you go to any other planet in such primitive state you will end up fucking up that other planet as well.

Anonymous No. 16104274

oh im taking structure and properties of materials right now, theres pearlite, bainite, cementite, ferrite (sometimes proeutectoid i think), spheroidite if you pearlite for 24 hours at temp, tempered martensite if you want to count that, and i think thats all i remember

Anonymous No. 16104289

Why stop there?

Anonymous No. 16104301

what a depressing landscape

Anonymous No. 16104303

You're right, it needs a Whataburger.

Anonymous No. 16104304

Orbital Queef

Anonymous No. 16104308

im still waiting for satellite servicing to take off

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Anonymous No. 16104309

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Anonymous No. 16104311

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NS-23 abort.webm

Anonymous No. 16104312

I hate entropy so much bros

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Anonymous No. 16104316

Orbital Beef

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Anonymous No. 16104317

Anonymous No. 16104325

>he doesn't know about Auntie Carmack's Spherical Muffins

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Anonymous No. 16104335

>Baby, I got a plan
>Run away fast as you can

Anonymous No. 16104336

the alloys maybe I guess but is there a point to doing it in space?

Anonymous No. 16104342

Make some music about Spaceflight

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alpha boom.webm

Anonymous No. 16104351


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Anonymous No. 16104353

Based, thanks Anon

Anonymous No. 16104370

I don’t even want to imagine a time frame for a mission as simple as this. Even if they were halfway through building it right now, I don’t think we’d see it in our lifetimes hahah

Anonymous No. 16104371

Retarded pseud

Anonymous No. 16104376

silicon wafers are crystals. the crystals grow to a certain size before breaking because of torque from earths gravity. in microgravity they can grow indefinitely.

Anonymous No. 16104389

Wait i’m nta but is torque really the problem?? I’ve never heard that before that’s interesting

Anonymous No. 16104390

Not gonna be much Starbase action going on for a while, the next major test up would be B11 static fire but OLM is currently under going work. Unironically two weeks.

Anonymous No. 16104393

May or June at best

Anonymous No. 16104398

May 4th

Anonymous No. 16104399

Silicon wafers are staying at 300mm because the investment needed to pay for 450mm wafer infrastructure would leave TSMC, Samsung, and Intel as the only people who could actually make chips because nobody else could afford the equipment. The equipment itself would take decades to pay off. The economics of handling large silicon killed large silicon, not the engineering.

Anonymous No. 16104400

May at best. June is assured launch. And May isnt even that bad of a chance, it would be on pace with the 6 week estimate. This time they dont have nearly as much paper work to do since they got to the point where no manor deviations to path happened.
>Le funny søy wars date
Time to dilate your axewound

Anonymous No. 16104419

"Ascension Island is a small island in the south atlantic belonging to the British
Charles Darwin and Joseph Dalton Hooker decided, for a laugh, to slap plants on that bad boy from every corner of the globe to see what would win out
They turned the desolate island mountain into a lush cloud forest and provided a reliable source of rainwater"

What's gonna be Ascension island of spaceflight?

Anonymous No. 16104424

First of all, learn to greentext. Second, if anything probably either underice Europan colonies or Martian lava tubes that have been domed in to make one massive hab.

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Anonymous No. 16104427

Are there any known cave systems in Europa that we could possibly take advantage of?

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Anonymous No. 16104428

Anonymous No. 16104431

alright gramps time to go get your prune juice

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Anonymous No. 16104433

It has many vertical 200 meter cliffs

Anonymous No. 16104434

>tubecuck spacecraft

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shuttle built dep....jpg

Anonymous No. 16104435

Anonymous No. 16104439

If you think about it the ISS is just many interconnected tubecuck cells.

Anonymous No. 16104443

it will be superceded by superior commercial space stations.

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Anonymous No. 16104444

Anonymous No. 16104463

something kind of lewd about this 2bh

Anonymous No. 16104470

I want to terraform the moon.

Anonymous No. 16104471

Mars is a waste of time anyway. Venus is the only planet suitable for long term human colonization because muh near Earth-normal gravity desu.

Anonymous No. 16104476

go look up what age hughes started doing that shit and you'll see exactly how long musk has left. look at hughes behaviors for the 3 years before he jumped the shark. literally identical brain patterns

Anonymous No. 16104478

With all the agitprop in this general lately, someone's feeling pressured.

Anonymous No. 16104480

love designing an orbital rocket with 10kg of margin to spare

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Anonymous No. 16104481

Arrest and execute all the people who spread these obvious lies for sake of tenure. FUCK ACADEMIA WITH AN IRON ROD

Anonymous No. 16104484

I'm inclined to agree

Anonymous No. 16104490

>wow this rubble is slightly wet
>lets indicate literally everything it could be without any supporting evidence of which is more likely
>come on guys you need to fund The Science (TM) so we can keep this gravy tra- i mean this university going
there are times when academia is good, and times when it is bad. this is very obviously the latter

Anonymous No. 16104506

what's the connection between Hughes and Musk?

Anonymous No. 16104514

Imagine a heavy lunch being the difference between orbit and a failure

Anonymous No. 16104539
Ok guys check THIS $H%@#!T out

Anonymous No. 16104541

Just brap it out for the thrust

Anonymous No. 16104548

What are these brain patterns exactly?
Juat repeating this doesnt make it so, i dont think they have much common at all

Anonymous No. 16104553

Hughes QRD?

Anonymous No. 16104554

Off topic

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Anonymous No. 16104556

Can someone give me more propellant balls images?

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Anonymous No. 16104582

i robot x ghost in the shell, but on mars. the animated movie.

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Anonymous No. 16104593

>From Jérémie Périn
Of course

Anonymous No. 16104609

howard hughes wikipedia

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Anonymous No. 16104615


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Anonymous No. 16104616

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Anonymous No. 16104618

Anonymous No. 16104660

no chance with how much (clean) water the fabrication process requires

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naturaly occuring....jpg

Anonymous No. 16104670

Reminder that aliens have probed our solar system in 2017 and the armada is coming.

Anonymous No. 16104683

>jet exhaust blowing directly on the vertical stabilizer
wew, lmao

Anonymous No. 16104689

his company was a major player in spaceflight history. they made early commsats like telstar and syncom, the surveyor probes, and the first commercial payloads to be both launched and retrieved by shuttle. greg jarvis who died on challenger was a payload specialist from hughes.

Anonymous No. 16104695

Wouldn't data center waste heat be a bit of an inconvenience in space?

Anonymous No. 16104697

We will use Starship + Helios to intercept them

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Anonymous No. 16104698


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Anonymous No. 16104701

There is always the "if we cant have it, nobody can" route and we burn earth and take as many of the xeno fuckers down with us as we can.

Anonymous No. 16104702

Communications, observation and navigation, same as today, except on a far greater scale, and with more advanced and diverse systems

Space-based solar power - less of an intermittency problem, and without needing to build long high voltage transmission lines. The Chinese seem particularly enthused about this prospect for some reason

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16104704

They lost interest after they confirmed that our system is void of intelligent life

Anonymous No. 16104706

Helios can only boost something like 450g from LEO to GEO lol...

Anonymous No. 16104707

They lost interest after they confirmed that our system is devoid of intelligent life

Anonymous No. 16104709

So your saying we need to build nukes that weigh 450grams?

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Anonymous No. 16104710

4000kg, retard.

Anonymous No. 16104715

>thousand year project
Why are people so fascinated with the creation of an Earth copy that will never be good enough? Doming and digging would give results faster, the supply would be scalable to demand, and the end result would be better. Not to mention that the result would probably be a lot more predictable with less potential for nasty surprises that throw a spanner in the works

Anonymous No. 16104717

A bit, but once you get to measuring solar panels in square kilometers, pairing that with radiators isn't so hard. Immersion cooling per rack should make it feasible.

Anonymous No. 16104719

Do the new “suitport” style space suits have a simple water-cooled garment layer?
These things are surely pretty easy to slip in and out of, I’d imagine. No pre-breathing, no complicated cooling layer (hopefully), just get in seal up and detach

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Anonymous No. 16104720

Is this Russian SSTO BS still ongoing? I fail to see the point of an SSTO

Anonymous No. 16104721

if you’re asking if it’s ever going to advance past the powerpoint stage then the answer is no

Anonymous No. 16104725

>hydrologgs aerospike SSTO
Are they trying to do Venture Star 30 years late?

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T34 surrounded by....jpg

Anonymous No. 16104726

Russia is sending it's planes to india to be maintained, they are not a nation that can build anything new anymore.

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Anonymous No. 16104728

What made the Russians wake up one day and say "what we should do is spend resources on a Soyuz replacement that can carry far more people than we have any use for and is way too fat for the Soyuz-2 launcher, however we should not develop a Progress replacement that would let us actually retire the Soyuz-2 and Soyuz bus"

Anonymous No. 16104733

Of course not. Though I don't understand how it can even still exist as a powerpoint rocket in this day and age

The Corona project started in 1992, and for some reason it apparently isn't fully and properly dead yet

Anonymous No. 16104742

They actually do have a replacement! I can’t remember the name off the top of my head though.

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The future they d....jpg

Anonymous No. 16104743

It will be glorious.

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Anonymous No. 16104750

Found it; it is called ‘TGK PG’. I am not sure of its current status though (probably delayed indefinitely, no doubt)

Anonymous No. 16104751

lol wtf

Anonymous No. 16104753

the good news is that you don't need to replace soyuz OR progress if you're not gonna have a space station

Anonymous No. 16104754

>china tier CGI mockups.

Anonymous No. 16104756


Anonymous No. 16104764

TGK-PG is still supposed to launch on Soyuz-2. The project is not going anywhere anyway, as far as I can find, certainly not before 2033. If the project does proceed, it just makes the issue even worse, because it implies they intend to keep Soyuz-2 around for a very long time

Anonymous No. 16104778

Just because you enter the suit in a different way doesn't remove the need for a water cooling garment

Anonymous No. 16104782

Don’t check the Neptune wikipedia page, it’s a huge blackpill

Anonymous No. 16104787

>1 Angara A5M to launch 2 guys to LEO
Holy hell
Is Fat Orel a project designed to ensure more launches for Krunichev's expensive rocket, or what else explains this? Orel itself is from Energia; I don't see why they couldn't just keep building Soyuz. Am I missing something?

If this is how things are going to be run and how precious aerospace resources are going to be allocated, I think it is safe to write off the Russian space program permanently. Not to mention the quality of this camerawork, which leaves much of the slide unreadable

Anonymous No. 16104795

Orel+Angara+Vostochny is intended as a domestic stack to avoid depending on foreign parts or launchpads. It's stupid economically but they have *some* reason.

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Anonymous No. 16104804

Why couldn't Energia instead have spent those engineering hours on developing modern versions of the Soyuz LOK and LK? And Krunichev could instead have their A5Ms launch tugs to send them to LTO, or build the A5V to launch them directly to LTO.

They got the Soyuz LOK in under 10,000kg in the 1960s, they could probably get even lower today, especially if the LK gets its own propulsion module. Soyuz LOK could launch on a Proton and on N-1, so why couldn't it launch on an A5M or A5V. They could licence or buy lunar suits from China, just like Russia sold an Orlan-M suit to China 20 years ago.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16104816

I don't understand that logic.

Can't they launch Soyuz from Vostochny to an orbit that is viable for a space station, even with Soyuz-2.1b? Doesn't Soyuz-2.1b give lots of slack in capacity for launching from Baikonur to ISS, hence why they thought about replacing Progress with PKG-TG in the first place? Aren't they going to launch Progress from Vostochny to their new space station?

Anonymous No. 16104818

I don't understand that logic.

Can't they launch Soyuz from Vostochny to an orbit that is viable for a space station, even with Soyuz-2.1b? Doesn't Soyuz-2.1b give lots of slack in capacity for launching from Baikonur to ISS, hence why they thought about replacing Progress with PKG-TG in the first place? Aren't they going to launch Progress from Vostochny to their new space station? Does Soyuz depend on foreign parts that they can't substitute, and if so, how come Progress does not?

Anonymous No. 16104820

Soyuz and Progress both depend on foreign parts, they're just impossible to kill outright for political reasons.

Anonymous No. 16104822

What does Russia need a space station for? They don't even have the money for it with all they're spending on the war.

Anonymous No. 16104824

Bragging rights, same as it ever was. There have been slav stations in orbit continuously since Mir, maybe even the Salyuts, and they don't want to stop.

Anonymous No. 16104828

What are those foreign parts? How can it be easier or comparable in effort to develop a brand new craft than to substitute imported parts for Soyuz?

Don't they need to substitute them anyway for Progress? Even if something can't be killed today due to the ISS, it's going to get killed after the ISS ends, unless it's from Belarus, though why would they be particularly worried about Belarus?

Anonymous No. 16104831

I think it's from Ukraine lmao.

Anonymous No. 16104841

> with all they're spending on the war.
Russia's military spending in 2024 will be 7.1% of GDP, compared with 4.1% in 2021, according to SIPRI

>They don't have the money for it
They already have a space station module construction and operations program, they just need to continue it. They need to spend much of that military money on space anyway, because they need more satellites, so there should be scale benefits

>What does Russia need a space station for?
National prestige, directed at audiences both at home and abroad. I'd say a Russian space station is now more important than ever since the previous Cold War ended

Anonymous No. 16104842

How can that be? Haven't Yuzhmash and other Ukrainian aerospace industrial facilities been bombed repeatedly?

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Anonymous No. 16104843

The 2-1b does have enough lift to launch a Soyuz-MS to the orbit intended for the ROS, but there's a bit more involved than just hitting the desired trajectory. Right now the only active R7 pad that can load crew is Site 31/6 at Baikonur. Site 1S at Vostochny could be upgraded for crew launches, but that's not something Russia wants to spend money on if they don't have to since Site 1A is already planned to handle crew with Angara. On top of that there is the issue that launching into a ~97d orbit is going to take you out over a lot of water, which the Soyuz-MS isn't really designed to abort into. Soyuz-MS could be upgraded for water landings, but the Orel is already planned to be capable of that so there's little desire to spend more rubles on yet another block upgrade for the Soyuz.

Launching Progress-MS on a Soyuz 2-1b from Vostochny doesn't run into any of these problems and will probably fill Russia's cargo delivery needs well enough to keep something like the TGK-PG trapped in the powerpoint realm forever. I wouldn't be surprised if there were still a few foreign-sourced parts in the Soyuz, but most of the upgrades from the TMA-M were done to switch over to domestic suppliers.

Anonymous No. 16104847

Hoe did this bypass the onions filter?

Anonymous No. 16104849

lurk more

Anonymous No. 16104855

>Orel is already planned to be capable of that so there's little desire to spend more rubles on yet another block upgrade for the Soyuz.
Yet how much money would have been saved by (a) not developing a brand new spacecraft in the first place, and (b) using A5M's higher payload capacity to launch or co-launch other things instead?

>Site 1S at Vostochny could be upgraded for crew launches, but that's not something Russia wants to spend money on if they don't have to since Site 1A is already planned to handle crew with Angara.
Couldn't they just as well have inversed those investments, so that 1S received the crew facilities?

Anonymous No. 16104857

We should do both, starting with what you said in the near term but working up to the second over the next few hundred years.

Anonymous No. 16104864

I think, if you've been doming and digging for a thousand years, then there's not much benefit left to be had from changing the atmosphere to one that still wouldn't be good enough

Anonymous No. 16104866

just like my 3 body slop!!

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Anonymous No. 16104868

Wen Starship brap?

Anonymous No. 16104871

The Soyuz is a good spacecraft because it's reliable, domestic, and cheap. It's not a good spacecraft because it's cramped and doesn't have much if any down-mass capability. It's just not very capable compared to modern competitors like Dragon and Mengzhou. One of Russia's biggest problems in spaceflight right now is that the old capabilities are just good enough that developing something better isn't seen as a necessity when it really should be.

Anonymous No. 16104877

Would you even need much cooling on Mars? It's not hard vacuum.

Anonymous No. 16104887

so why don't they make the rockets spin with a drill head to diffuse the air pushing against it?

Anonymous No. 16104895

There's so little of it that it might as well be a vacuum right?

Anonymous No. 16104899

Well there's enough for that little drone to fly. And I don't think there was any issue with rovers getting superheated in the sun like on the moon.

Anonymous No. 16104900

It’s a vacuum for all intents and purposes

Anonymous No. 16104901

>It's not a good spacecraft because it's cramped and doesn't have much if any down-mass capability.
> It's just not very capable compared to modern competitors like Dragon and Mengzhou.
Why does a Russian spacecraft need to compete with Dragon or Mengzhou one-on-one? Why does a Russian spacecraft need to be spacious, have much down-mass capability, or carry more than 3 people? It gets 3 people to LEO and that's all it needs to do to let Russia maintain a space station. In the extraordinary case that Russia might need to launch more people or bring down a lot of mass, it can launch an additional Soyuz.

Dragon's size makes sense because SpaceX's only rocket at the time was Falcon 9, and Dragon is appropriately sized for that rocket.

Mengzhou's size originally made sense for China because it was appropriately sized for CZ-7 and they are going to retire all their hypergolic rockets anyway including CZ-2F. It still makes sense today even though the CZ-7 won't carry it anymore, because (a) they're likely going to expand their space station to a level such that carrying more than 3 people in one go is meaningful, and (b) it is appropriately sized for CZ-10 and CZ-10A to launch.

More importantly, America's and China's space programs have funding levels that Russia's doesn't, and they don't really need to husband money or aerospace engineering resources to the extent that Russia needs to.

>One of Russia's biggest problems in spaceflight right now is that the old capabilities are just good enough that developing something better isn't seen as a necessity when it really should be
This is true but I don't think a crew taxi is one of the things that would benefit much from a brand new replacement, in fact Orel+A5M seems like it could be a downgrade compared to Soyuz+Soyuz in terms of running cost considering Russia doesn't really need to send 6 people in one go

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Anonymous No. 16104918

>Russoids are so pathetic they cant even get the training right to use the ISS entirely

Anonymous No. 16104933

space tug muh junk

Anonymous No. 16104935

what, bc scientists lied about the color?

Anonymous No. 16104937


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Anonymous No. 16104939

Is this for real? In what universe does this clunky monstrosity make sense? How about finishing the RD-0169 instead?

In my mind, the obvious path forward for Russia would be to develop the largest rocket Falcon 9 style reusable rocket that is possible with RD-0169 engines. Even if it means they have to build the tank structures in the Far East. They build fighter jets in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, it shouldn't be an insurmountable task to get a workforce that can build fuel tanks and assemble rockets in the Far East by 2030. If necessary, they take a page out of SpaceX's and Landspace's playbook and build it entirely out of steel.

Is there a good reason why they don't even seem to plan this? Are the Samara/Omsk people terrified of the idea of competing structural manufacturing in the Far East? Or is there something I am missing?

Anonymous No. 16104941

did u really write all that about russian space vaporware cgi ppt #17956?

Anonymous No. 16104942

Why are they talking about this clunky vaporware, instead of better vaporware that would actually seem to make a bit sense on paper?

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Anonymous No. 16104946

>China wants to launch a hypersonic space plane weighing 50 tonnes and measuring longer than a Boeing 737. It is part of the Tengyun project unveiled in 2016

This destroys F9.

Anonymous No. 16104955

Just maintaining a space station isn't a great goal. You want to do something with it that's worth the cost of keeping the lights on and a useful station needs more capacity than a Soyuz capsule can easily deliver. Downmass is important and Soyuz has no real capability there. Cargo Dragon regularly comes back with around two tons of experiments and equipment. Some of this is keeping up with the Robinsons in America and China, but if you don't have the ability to do much more than send up cosmonauts to take up space, you'll never attract any interest from groups outside Roscosmos. It is a losing argument on cost, but that's mostly on the Soyuz-2 killing off the Angara A3.

Anonymous No. 16104962

china just caught spacex with their pants down and s*domized them

Anonymous No. 16104966

Still waiting on those battery powered hall thruster airplanes China supposedly had.

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Anonymous No. 16104973

Anonymous No. 16104975

>What does Russia need a space station for?
A destination for manned flights. A nation of Salyut, Mir and ISS can't just say we can't fly to space anymore once ISS is retired and deorbited.

Anonymous No. 16104977

need some pain meds for your raw ass pigdog fuck?

Anonymous No. 16104982

You underestimate how limited their budget it, how low of a priority space is, and/or how fucked the system is.
China is what Russia used to be, and China now firmly occupies the second place try-to-catch-up-and-keep-pace role of geopolitical spaceflight. Even India is arguably more ahead than Russia—or will undeniably surpass them in the next 5-10 years

Anonymous No. 16104985

Just keeping the lights on in space has massive value just by itself, for prestige reasons. Hardly anyone in the public knows about downmass or experiment recovery, so there is hardly any additional prestige to gain from doing that.

Prestige is the primary value of a space station. The science is mostly a bonus. The biggest science questions for which a zero-g laboratory is needed have been researched to death already. So why is downmass important? Why can't the Russians just let the Americans and Chinese do the kind of experiments that require recovery? Is there anything secretive about it, that won't be published?

If the Russians really want to do large secretive space exposure experiments and bring them down again for study, developing a functional equivalent to X-37B, perhaps some kind of Soyuz derivative, would seem like a cheaper option than Orel. The X-37B and the Chinese equivalent launch very seldom, it is not something that requires launch and recovery once every 6 months.

If the Russians really want to bring down large experiments from a manned space station, they could remove one of the astronauts and just launch 2, or send up an occasional special purpose cargo Soyuz once every few years to bring up and down particularly large objects. What stuff do the Russians need to bring down, that warrants a brand new spacecraft that needs to launch on A5M?

Anonymous No. 16104986

I have seen too many CGI chink wunderwaffen to believe china is ever going to get past the stage of building cheap russian knockoffs.

Anonymous No. 16104987

I had imagined that after the Ukraine war demonstrated the immense military value of space, and after Putin kicked Rogozin sideways and replaced him with Borisov, we'd see serious efforts to right the ship. Yet apparently not.

Anonymous No. 16104995

People need to learn to recognize what is a long-term high-risk experimental project that mostly just exists for research purposes.

CASIC is working on a methalox Falcon 9 clone and that is their primary project in the area of reusable space launch.

Anonymous No. 16104998

the one exception to that is SpaceX with both F9 when it was first being developed and now Starship.

Anonymous No. 16104999

>In what universe does this clunky monstrosity make sense?
That would actually be easier to land than the Falcon 9. With one Merlin 1D throttled down as far as it can go (~340 kN) Falcon is still pulling about 1.5g of acceleration. An RD-191 can throttle down to around 520 kN, but five URM-1 modules bolted together with landing gear weighs more than twice what a Falcon booster does so a reuseable Angara could get less than 1g on its landing burn. It'd look more like the hover-and-touchdown that New Shepard does than a precisely timed suicide burn. The problems start when you realize you need to disconcert all of the modules so you can ship them by rail back to the spaceport.

It hard to set up infrastructure in the far east. It's not impossible to build a factory out there, but getting workers to relocate to somewhere even less exciting than rural Idaho is a lot harder than it was in Soviet times. The fact that it's so remote and undeveloped also means that there's no equivilant to the Utah congressional delegation insisting that boosters be built in their district.

While the design is a kludged together mess, it doesn't require new and untested engines, a new factory, new tooling for that factory, or a relocated workforce.

Anonymous No. 16105009
>Starbase Weekly, Ep.111: Starfactory Expansion Continues!

Anonymous No. 16105029

It's exempt because jannies are commies.

Anonymous No. 16105034

It might be easier to land, but that's just because of how much useless dead weight it has. The boosters become a drag rather than a boost when it keeps them on like this instead of staging.

Furthermore, the engine will only be 10 times reusable. Which is not surprising. Intuitively, an ORSC engine design that was not originally intended to be reusable seems like it would be inconducive to long and problem-free engine life without a very thorough redesign.

The rocket looks like the A5V design, and if it uses three engines for the upper stages, that means it expends an average of 3.5 engines per launch. So the savings aren't that great.

If the RD-0169 is 100 times reusable, which I believe I read somewhere it is supposed to be, then a rocket with a Falcon 9 layout would expends 1.09 engines per launch. Even if just 20 times reusable, then it is 1.45 engines per launch.

Are places like Komsomolsk-on-Amur and Khabarovsk really like rural Idaho? The former is like Boise in size and the latter is even bigger. KnAAPO aircraft factory in Komsomolsk-on-Amur had 13,500 employees in 2011. That's more than SpaceX had in 2023 in total. Komsomolsk-on-Amur and Khabarovsk both have shipyards, and the latter has a bunch of metallurgical industry.

For a rocket factory, they don't need to relocate all the workforce there. They just need people for manufacturing tanks and for final assembly. All parts that can be brought by rail or truck would be brought in from existing factories.

Anonymous No. 16105044

That’s retarded. A KKV scar would just look like any other crater. It’s clearly from a laser weapon.

Anonymous No. 16105107

Why do they need to do anything when they can just get their hands on starlink terminals and use the same shit ukraine is?

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Anonymous No. 16105112

Packed day today Clearbros.

Anonymous No. 16105113

Three launches today

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Anonymous No. 16105115

Anonymous No. 16105129

Three launches within 4 hours and 38 minutes.

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Anonymous No. 16105134

3 scrub a dubs today

Anonymous No. 16105153

They need their own Starlink that is reliable, that works in much of the relevant areas, and that they can use for datalinks with missiles, aircraft and spacecraft

They also need massive EO and space weapons

Anonymous No. 16105171

>it doesn't require new and untested engines,
I don't think Russia will have enough payloads to really require a reusable rocket until the 2030s anyway, so there's still a lot of time to finish a new engine

>a new factory, new tooling for that factory
They should start preparing for an eventual Russian Starship anyway

>or a relocated workforce.
If they created a new rocket factory in the east, I think it would be done by relocating just a small kernel of people from Progress or Krunichev, who would then through local recruitment gradually build up a team that can handle tank production and rocket assembly. Besides, they need the current workforce in the west to keep building R7s and URMs, they can't just stop that production

Anonymous No. 16105179

Was the laser used before, during or after the Martian thermonuclear war?

Anonymous No. 16105222


Anonymous No. 16105224

NSF interview of Dr Phil Metzger for his work on IFT-1 pad explosion

Anonymous No. 16105237

having a few starlink terminals that you can use for a while until they're disabled is different from having reliable access to them

Anonymous No. 16105254

what if they only want us for our silicon

Anonymous No. 16105256

>niggers on Mars
Yeah I think I'll pass

Anonymous No. 16105260

why did they choose these rocks? didnt they have to import them from alabama? lol?

Anonymous No. 16105261

if you spell Soyuz exactly correctly it doesn't get filtered, but if you do something weird like pluralize it or whatever it becomes Baseduzes

Anonymous No. 16105265

why wont they install spinning wheel inside starship to steer it in space?

Anonymous No. 16105268

senator shelby from alabama

Anonymous No. 16105270


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Anonymous No. 16105286

Taobao made an agreement with Space Epoch to use their rocket for research and tests of rocket delivery to anywhere on Earth within an hour

Space Epoch also released a render of their XZY-1 rocket. It might look familiar. The rocket is 4.2m in diameter, will be built in stainless steel, and use methalox engines from JZYJ

Anonymous No. 16105296

those need to be very big and heavy in order to stabilize an object as large as Starship

Anonymous No. 16105298

of course

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Anonymous No. 16105301

Landspace confirmed that construction of the ZQ-3 pad in Jiuquan has started. This is also confirmed by satellite imagery

Satellite imagery suggests that construction has started on Space Pioneer's TL-3 pad at in Jiuquan

Satellite imagery shows construction progress on WSLC pad 3

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Anonymous No. 16105312

Space will be Chinese.

Anonymous No. 16105317

i miss the orbital depot meme's.

Anonymous No. 16105320

They have done some ground firing tests

JZYJ said they recently tested 3 flight hardware engines that will be delivered to their "second customer" soon. These engines will be used for 10km and 100km hoppers
JZYJ has two customers that I know of: Rocket Pi and Space Epoch

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Anonymous No. 16105323

they will have to take it out of our cold, dead hands.

Anonymous No. 16105326

that won't be an issue though?
just sell the fuckers some sand

Anonymous No. 16105329

>tfw you will never get cool insect powers and murder the fuck out of martian roachdindu's

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Anonymous No. 16105333

Jielong-3 will have 5 launches this year.

Also, Jielong-4 will first launch this year. It uses a 3.5m diameter SP150 solid rocket motor

Anonymous No. 16105334

Sand is a finite product and the concrete industry is already doing some really questionable things to keep the supply of sand going.
Let the xeno shits go somewhere else to get their sand.

Anonymous No. 16105335

what about roggs
we have plenty of roggs

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Come home, white ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16105338


Anonymous No. 16105346

Is this Chinese Falcon 9 clone number 14 or number 15? I lost track long ago

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Anonymous No. 16105355
>ntuitive Machines $LUNR consortium awarded NASA LTV contract. On the fpds website (, Intuitive Machines recorded on March 27th a $1m payment from NASA for:

>"The Lunar Terrain Vehicle (LTV) Services (Services) contract will provide NASA increased lunar surface unpressurized mobility for suited Extravehicular Activity (EVA) crew members."

Anonymous No. 16105368


Anonymous No. 16105369

If we run out of roggs we can always give them muffins instead

Anonymous No. 16105370

Are you saying it isn't already?

Anonymous No. 16105373
episode 2 is out!

Anonymous No. 16105374
First launch stream of the day is live; Falcon 9 launching Eutelsat 36D in T-55:00

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Anonymous No. 16105379


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Anonymous No. 16105380

Wtf Angara is still flying test flights

Anonymous No. 16105386

It's not just kneecapped by the fact that Soyuz eats 95% of Russia's domestic payloads. It's also taking hits from the fact that there are still about ten Protons left in the stockpile and those are as both cheaper and more reliable. With Russia only having 1-2 payloads per year that need something like a Proton there's not much room in the market for the Proton's replacement.

Anonymous No. 16105388

Who cares about this zigger rocket?

Anonymous No. 16105391

so it possible

Anonymous No. 16105392

yeah, they might be useful for depot Starship or other Space Station Starship

Anonymous No. 16105415

>EDS ramblings
so no proofs?

Anonymous No. 16105425


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Anonymous No. 16105434

Next you're going to claim the oceans aren't Chinese despite the patently red reflection of the evening sun

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Anonymous No. 16105437


Clear Live!

SpaceX steam

Anonymous No. 16105443

nice daytime launch

Clear max-qute!

Anonymous No. 16105447

they can't keep getting away with it

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[1920x1080] vtime....jpg

Anonymous No. 16105454

>off center
It's over.

Anonymous No. 16105455

Just 5 years ago the French were gloating about SpaceX being a small issue. Now look at the launch market. Falcon 9 is dominating everyone and everything, and France is becoming irrelevant

Anonymous No. 16105459

Landing confirmed.

>SpaceX 289 recovered boosters
>NASA 133 recovered shuttles and some SRBs
>Rocketlab a few recovered Electrons
>USSF a few flights of one X-37B
>Soviet Union one Buran flight
>China a few flights of one chinkplane
If Europe had any ambition at all remaining they'd be scrambling to catch up, but they don't.

Anonymous No. 16105462

damn it exploded (into space)

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Anonymous No. 16105467

Anonymous No. 16105469

Uhh why is it stuck

Anonymous No. 16105470

i'm a euro and burgers can be obnoxious sometimes, but this is one of the things where they absolutely 100% deserve to be.
there are no words to described how dissapointed i am, ESA need to kill themselves.
also fuck the beurocracy that makes commercial spaceflight development so difficult for europeans, beurocrats need to be bullied into submission.

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Anonymous No. 16105471

Anonymous No. 16105472

>one X-37B
there's two they rotate

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Anonymous No. 16105473

India's working on their own X-37 clone as well, and they plan to eventually develop that into reusable second stage tech

Anonymous No. 16105478


Anonymous No. 16105479

>Moon and thunder/lightning in the Earth


Anonymous No. 16105481

>lightning in the Earth
damn I thought it was actual proof of aliens

Anonymous No. 16105489

so long as esa is just a grouping of small national programs there's no hope, only way to catch up is to nuke geographic return (good fucking luck) and subsume the individual programs into a more top-down structure
also nuke EUSPA and divert all the funds going to that moneypit
also also kill all the DEI bullshit but that's even more wishful thinking than the other stuff

Anonymous No. 16105492

so boring its kino

Anonymous No. 16105493

funny how they want this thing to get catched by the chop stick arms and they cant even land it straight.

Anonymous No. 16105494

>fades away into the darkness
spooky end

Anonymous No. 16105495

so next one in a few hours?

Anonymous No. 16105498

wish satellite deploys were more cool than watching a glowing golden or silver box float away quickly into the distant darkness

Anonymous No. 16105501

Alas, the ground team for the satellite itself still need to wait to get their operations connection and perform payload checkouts before turning on their engines.

Anonymous No. 16105503

sadge, wanna at least see automatic solar deployment or something

Anonymous No. 16105504

Once they get those Starlink satellite uplinks in place, they can probably start doing continuous uplinks on their satellites from launch to payload deployment.

Anonymous No. 16105507

that would be sick, imagine the sat separating then immediately turning on those ion engines and deploying solar arrays, that would look so fucking cool from the payload camera

Anonymous No. 16105509

It would still be very slow. Satellite solar/radiator origami is done gradually to avoid torquing the whole satellite.

Anonymous No. 16105510

That would look absolutely awesome. I bet some of SpaceX's customers would like having the chance to show off their payload after the launch like that too

Anonymous No. 16105513

ugh I hate how slow space is sometimes in all aspects

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Anonymous No. 16105514


Anonymous No. 16105526

At least soyuz deploy their solar panels within seconds of separation.

Anonymous No. 16105532

yeah I've seen that a few times, cool to watch

Anonymous No. 16105543

nobody fucking cares lol

Anonymous No. 16105545

>brr troon normie meme
go back to discord

Anonymous No. 16105547

Damn that booster is dark

Anonymous No. 16105549

just like Californians

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Anonymous No. 16105550


Anonymous No. 16105551

ariane 5 launched 2 times in 2023, 3 times in 2022 and 2021

Anonymous No. 16105557

>not including Vega launches
kill yourself lardass

Anonymous No. 16105565

why would I include them?

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Anonymous No. 16105569

Oops, I was a little distracted while sucking multiple cocks. I meant to post this one.

Anonymous No. 16105570

>EDS concern trolling
They're not trying to catch F9 on a suicide burn with the chopstick arms. SS and SH can hover long enough to be caught.

Anonymous No. 16105571

If you're going to do that there's a pair of Soyuz-ST launches that need to be tacked on

I'm so sorry to hear about your watermark allergy.

Anonymous No. 16105574

As a euro i hope ariana space gets its shit kicked in hard.
Ariana is old space as fuck, they have all the resources and knowhow to shit out a falcon 9 clone if they really wanted too in less then a year, but doing that would destroy their business model.
Thank god for this south african dude rocking the boat.

Anonymous No. 16105583

>they have all the resources and knowhow to shit out a falcon 9 clone if they really wanted too in less then a year
no they don't

Anonymous No. 16105593

the iconic american rocket of the 21st century even if spacex goes bankrupt tomorrow

Anonymous No. 16105597

Yes they can, but at the same time they never will with the current state of ESA&the european space market, how europe works in general.
For example, spaceX as a company could never have become what they are now if they started out in europe instead of the US because of EU laws.
All the workforce&engineers&production capability&etc... that spaceX uses in the US is also here in europe, but regulation&unions, etc... would never have allowed musk to bruteforce spaceX in europe like he did in the US.

Anonymous No. 16105600

I really look forward to what they do with this tech in the 2040s lmao

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Anonymous No. 16105606

Others can only dream, while SpaceX does daily work

Anonymous No. 16105608

it's insane that this dude is actually an engineering team lead for NASA at Alabama working on HLS and SLS. he really gave himself EDS because he was butthurt people don't like SLS. I thought he was lying because clearly no one with a real job would post this much or act so unprofessionally online in discussions about their actual field, let alone their actual job.

Anonymous No. 16105609

they could not do it in a year

Anonymous No. 16105610

Starlink 6-45

Anonymous No. 16105611

Always fighting to the bitter end. F9 is now the safest rocket vehicle in history of the universe.

Anonymous No. 16105613

I wonder how long it will take for Starship to take that crown from F9
before they land on mars?

Anonymous No. 16105616

Guess on how many Starship will fly before (unmanned) Moon. Mars will be another ~50 launch after that.

Anonymous No. 16105617

Like they are now, sure, never ever.
If they took the spaceX approach, with the money&knowhow they have, they could, but that will never happen.
i'm not trying to start some US vs EU thing here, i'm just saying that while the capability is there to have a EURO version of falcon 9, the will is not.

Anonymous No. 16105620

They cant take the SpaceX approach because they dont have an Elon.

Anonymous No. 16105624

Elon in the EU would never have reached the level he has now in the US.

Anonymous No. 16105625

SpaceX couldn't do it in a year, no way in hell the french could, even with an unlimited budget
they could do it eventually and probably will, but a year? please

Anonymous No. 16105630

that's because europe is racist and he's african

Anonymous No. 16105632

Yeah, the EU is really anti white now.
this is not a joke btw.

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Anonymous No. 16105633

>SpaceX has pushed back its second launch of the night to 9:30 p.m. EDT (0130 UTC).

Anonymous No. 16105636

what's with euros and thinking their country can do X in one year if they really tried? there was that German who was convinced Germany was secretly still the greatest engineers on earth and could build Starship in one year if only they tried

Anonymous No. 16105643

>What's with americans thinking they can steal the glory of non americans achievements in space exploration?

it's that easy to troll, i'm not here to start shit, and the "1 year" thing was stupid, but i'm also really tired of US /sfg/ posters being smug as fuck about the achievements of spaceX while only a few years ago you guys where riding bitch on a soyuz like the rest of us.

Anonymous No. 16105644

It's cope to avoid having to ask for reasons behind decline. It stinks in exactly the same way as Americans (mostly leftists) insisting we could recreate the feats of industrial production and mass combat we did in WW2 today.

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Anonymous No. 16105646

Astroforge, I want to like them, but can they really pull off asteroid mining?

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Anonymous No. 16105651

Anonymous No. 16105652

btw do you know why A6 isn't reusable? because I do, because the director told us in an interview. it's because a reusable rocket would be reusable, IE they wouldn't need to build a rocket for every launch, and then the factories would have less work, and that wouldn't have been acceptable.
Much respect to the french generally but Jesus Christ. You euros need to get your shit together, you need to decide on a strategy and stick to it. You are going to be two or three generations behind.

and the botched transition from A5 to A6 is inexcusable. there was concern across the industry the moment the plan was announced and it was arrogantly brushed off

Anonymous No. 16105655

Anon, i get you, i really do, but you say these thing while SLS in the US is still talked about as the fucking rocket that will get people to the moon to this fucking day.
ESA would shit itself in confusion over getting the budget that goes in to SLS.

Anonymous No. 16105656

kek yeah fair enough we all have our sins
I wonder what the Chinese equivalent of Alabama river rocks is

Anonymous No. 16105661

>SS and SH can hover long enough to be caught.
It's not that easy.

Anonymous No. 16105662

>I wonder what the Chinese equivalent of Alabama river rocks is
hypergolic first stages droping on rural chinese towns and the CCP harvesting the organs of the survivors.

Anonymous No. 16105664


Anonymous No. 16105665

Producing the wafers is not the problem with semiconductor manufacturing. Semiconductors aren't going to be produced in space in "10+ years" unless you assume very large amounts of +. I guess you could produce the wafers? Also bigger wafers come with other problems for the semiconductor part so that wouldn't be that useful, either.

Anonymous No. 16105666

we literally can't, we lost that technology and it would be a painful process to build it back up again

Anonymous No. 16105668

>a reusable rocket would be reusable and then the factories would have less work, and that wouldn't have been acceptable.
This is because they lack ambition and vision. They can't see a launch market that's larger that eleven payloads per year. Falcon 9 is reusable and the factory at Hawthorne is going at 110% seven days a week churning out second stages.

What they need to do is go all in on payloads. They're never going to be able to catch up with launch vehicles but they're not nearly as dysfunctional when it comes to building probes and satellites. The problem there is that there are a number of newspace companies that are getting into satellite bus manufacture and they're probably not going to be too much longer before they overtake Airbus, Boeing, Lockheed, etc.

Anonymous No. 16105671

I agree with you. by focusing on payloads they can also create a market for rockets down the line. just mandate certain "national security" launches have to be on yuro rockets and you can at least keep some sovreign launch capabilities going.

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Anonymous No. 16105673

Jap twitter artists mog western even when its not anime

Anonymous No. 16105674

There is no market for big payloads yet outside of LEO, oldspace knows this.

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Anonymous No. 16105675

Anonymous No. 16105682

Congratulations to them?

Anonymous No. 16105687

35 minutes to launch, propellant is flowing into Falcon 9 for tonight’s mission taking 23 @Starlink
satellites to low-Earth orbit from Florida. All systems are ready and weather looks perfect for launch

Anonymous No. 16105699

shut the fuck up.

Anonymous No. 16105701

digital art isnt art

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Anonymous No. 16105703

Anonymous No. 16105708

its 2024 not 2004

Anonymous No. 16105711

People claimed movie wasn't art a hundred years ago.
Radio before that.

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Anonymous No. 16105715

Clear Live!

Anonymous No. 16105718

I feel nothing

Anonymous No. 16105719

too much lag.

Anonymous No. 16105720

What you do not feel is called Iocaine Powder. It is odorless, tasteless, dissolves instantly in liquids, and is among the more deadly poisons.

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Anonymous No. 16105721

>spacex launches

Anonymous No. 16105726

And they were right?

Anonymous No. 16105729

Anon, sit down and watch the first shrek movie, and then come back here and say to my face that it isnt the penical of modern art.

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Anonymous No. 16105730

twilight launch 2nite?

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Anonymous No. 16105733

>ULA holds it

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Anonymous No. 16105742

Anonymous No. 16105747

>hypergolic first stages droping on rural chinese towns
You burgers also have a history of napalming a 60 mile radius

Anonymous No. 16105774

Exclusion zones are a thing for a reason, my wumao friend

Anonymous No. 16105776

>angry bug noises

Anonymous No. 16105784

bugman upset he has to subsist on pumpkin spice fumes and will never experience the joy of an uncontrolled ammonium percolate fire

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Anonymous No. 16105789

>>hypergorric first stagers dwopping on rura chinee town
>yu burga awso have a histowee of napamingr a shixty miwe wadius

Anonymous No. 16105811

So no?

Anonymous No. 16105812

SpaceX double-header today made my local news for some reason, pretty cool

Anonymous No. 16105815

Square profile picture
Mar 14
Watch Starship’s third flight test
Square profile picture
Starship's Third Flight Test
Square profile picture
Up next, teams in California are readying to launch Falcon 9 from pad 4E while also keeping a close eye on the weather

Anonymous No. 16105816

Just shit my panets

Anonymous No. 16105818

2>days ago
oh s/fg/ is dead, ded

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Anonymous No. 16105824

Anonymous No. 16105829

did it also fire all its guns at once?

Anonymous No. 16105833

but you just called it art

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Anonymous No. 16105835


Anonymous No. 16105837

this shitty tweet got 29m views? holy shit SpaceX is dominating the website.

Anonymous No. 16105838

This.. this is true arte

Anonymous No. 16105840

Square profile picture
Up next, teams in California are readying to launch Falcon 9 from pad 4E while also keeping a close eye on the weather
10:57 PM · Mar 30, 2024

Anonymous No. 16105843

Anonymous 2 minutes ago No.16105837>>16105840>>16105815
this shitty tweet got 29m views? holy shit SpaceX is dominating the website.

Anonymous No. 16105847

For a ship of this shape and proportion, I'd recommend playing J-Pop and hetero kissing videos in their general direction.

Anonymous No. 16105862

Square profile picture
Standing down from tonights launch of Falcon 9 from pad 4E while also keeping a close eye on the weather
12:09 AM · Mar 31, 2024

Anonymous No. 16105863

>SpaceX adjusted the launch time again for its third Falcon 9 flight of the day. The new T-0 liftoff of the Starlink 7-18 mission is now 10:28 p.m. PT (1:28 a.m. ET, 0528 UTC).

Anonymous No. 16105864

Keep me posted.

Anonymous No. 16105887


Anonymous No. 16105919

I'm really surprised that no one thought to start using Soyuz as an insult on this site to bypass the filter.

Anonymous No. 16105921

I think it only works on /sci/ but I haven't tested it

Anonymous No. 16105924

Movies existed before radio.

Anonymous No. 16105975

It's just not that easy in rocketry.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16105978

ESA with SLS's budget would not be able to produce an SLS, the EU's geographical return is all the worst aspects of oldspace dialed to 11