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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16105886

we gaaan edition

previous >>16102667

Anonymous No. 16105888

5/10, op and edition name feel unrelated + op is just trump but nasa in background. couldve been a better trump picture related to spaceflight if u wanted to make a trump op.

Anonymous No. 16105890

the mods will ban him for the Trump OP btw

Anonymous No. 16105893

There's another trump thread that's been up for 15 days

Anonymous No. 16105897

Donald Trump is individually responsible for the Artemis program
>Beginning with missions beyond low-Earth orbit, the United States will lead the return of humans to the Moon

Anonymous No. 16105900

Unbeatable Boeing

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space force.jpg

Anonymous No. 16105909

I've always loved how happy he looks in this pic

Anonymous No. 16105914

Now thats a good OP image, make it Space Force Edition and you have a 10/10 OP right there.

Anonymous No. 16105928

Trump has and will always be spaceflight related

Anonymous No. 16105941

Should be the Mars flag. Or 4ASS

Anonymous No. 16105943

Trump is not spaceflight related himself. Talking about Trumps achievements IN spaceflight is spaceflight related i.e. Artemis, Space Force, not impeding SpaceX like current admin. That type of discussion would always be allowed but political ramblings about muh Biden immigrants is not.

Anonymous No. 16105946

Thats not really something you want to be remembered in history for. If only Artemis didnt use SLS and instead SpaceX roggets it would be perfect

Anonymous No. 16105950

He can fix it after he is reelected

Anonymous No. 16105962

Id hope, for his sake. If nothing gets done it would be a stain on his otherwise good reputation for spaceflight at large.

Anonymous No. 16105963

Think about who he was working with in term one. He had to personally protect Big Jim from Shelby's wrath for even a drawing of Orion+ICPS on Falcon Heavy. Demoting SLS to capsule booster, replacing it with Falcon Heavy for Gateway and Europa Clipper, and using Starship for HLS was the best he could get past the Senate.

Anonymous No. 16105967

>putting humans back on the moon isnt something you want to be remembered for
maybe you don't, but thats undeniably a huge legacy. starship or not SLS can do it too.

Anonymous No. 16105971

>SLS is good
Not loving the shape of this thread. RUD on pad?

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Orbital Reef’s mo....jpg

Anonymous No. 16105972

So, yeah. This is supposed to happen:

Anonymous No. 16105979

Its retards like you that proliferate the wasting of tax payer money on stupid useless government managed projects that could be done for far cheaper in the private sector. Stop using all our money to pay your cronies and bureaucrats free wages with your pork barrel gravy train politics you cowardly rat.

Anonymous No. 16105980

ESA with SLS's budget would not be able to produce an SLS, the EU's 'geographical return' is all the worst aspects of oldspace dialed to 11

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Anonymous No. 16105981

Soyuz is allowed to refuel, we will meet live at 11:50 Moscow time
A new satellite, Resurs—P No. 4, is being sent into orbit today. He will observe our planet – explore natural resources, control environmental pollution, search for a mineral deposit, assess the state of the ice situation, monitor emergencies.
Launch from the 31st site of Baikonur - at 12:36:45 Moscow time.

Anonymous No. 16105984

>Thats not really something you want to be remembered in history for.

What an absolute retard.

Anonymous No. 16105985

so it's a spy sat

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Anonymous No. 16105986

Why is /sfg/ suddenly infested with SLS trannies? Is it because we're back on page 1 that redditor newfags are invading?

Anonymous No. 16105987

It would be this >>16103760 anon

Anonymous No. 16105988

doesnt change the fact that Artemis will triumph and land on the moon before you chink bastards ever do (if ever)

Anonymous No. 16105992

>Everyone who doesnt like SLS is a chinaman
Its not trannies, its glowies. You played your hand too quick nigger, and its also obvious youve been samefagging. Hang yourself, doesnt change the fact that the SLS porking is so obvious that anyone with half a brain can say that Starship in its entirety shouldve been chosen, not just HLS

Anonymous No. 16105996

I love all rockets. We should unite and share technologies and build more spaceships. I wish I was spaceship myself being launched into space what an excitement journey

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Anonymous No. 16105997

the wumao has overplayed his hand and is flailing in an attempt to change the topic from him

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Anonymous No. 16106002

So that's a spy satellite. Hope for another Roscosmos moment

Anonymous No. 16106008

Will Triumph in leeching resources that could be productively spent.

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artemis 1 pad flag.jpg

Anonymous No. 16106010

SLS was always going to get funded because of Senate graft. Shelby was willing to torch the whole manned space program to protect it. Artemis at least gave it a purpose and forced Boing! to actually finish building it.

Anonymous No. 16106013

>if you hate SLS you’re a chinaman!
Hello nufaggot, crawl back to whatever shithole you came from

Anonymous No. 16106015

>attack Artemis
>get called out
>deflect to SLS

see >>16105997

Anonymous No. 16106017

Musk should be made dictator for life of earth
On mars he will be the Elon of Mars

Anonymous No. 16106034

This will be the first flag on Mars and the rest of the world will do nothing but seethe

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Anonymous No. 16106042

can this be the second

Anonymous No. 16106043

>worshiping entrepreneurs
I bet you would suck steve jobs aids riden cock too if he was still alive.

Anonymous No. 16106045

Steve jobs was a faggot

Anonymous No. 16106046

I would

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(1) Трансляция за....png

Anonymous No. 16106048

T minus 1 minute

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(1) Трансляция за....png

Anonymous No. 16106050


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(1) Трансляция за....png

Anonymous No. 16106052

this one is better

Anonymous No. 16106058

good to see Russia launching scientific payloads for peaceful research purposes

Anonymous No. 16106061

I kinda feel like the next step in the powerpoint space race is making stuff in KSP to "prove" that it would totally work in real life if they got eleventy billion dollars.

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Anonymous No. 16106062

Anonymous No. 16106064

Then you're perfect for each other.

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Anonymous No. 16106088

>we gaaan
What's the van zanten moment in space industry?
The brazil space program snafu? the russian N1? The space shuttle disasters?

Anonymous No. 16106089

Next Starship flight when ?

Anonymous No. 16106090

5 weeks

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Anonymous No. 16106092

2,5 fortnights

Anonymous No. 16106093

POCKOCMOC has better coverage than most launch providers.

Anonymous No. 16106099

Shepard pissing himself.

Anonymous No. 16106110


Anonymous No. 16106122

>3 Commodes
Who under the age of 80 unironically uses that word for toilet? Or is that actually some regional shit like soda vs pop vs coke?

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Anonymous No. 16106131

What is the "soda vs pop vs coke" of spaceflight?

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Anonymous No. 16106132

Appalling. Insulting. Distasteful!

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Anonymous No. 16106133

>three of the six sensors
>upside down
That's some high-tier ork quality.

Anonymous No. 16106134

astronaut vs cosomaut vs taikonaut?

Anonymous No. 16106137

Texans say commode and water closet. Outhouse, too, if it’s literally outside.

Anonymous No. 16106138

Trump victim complex.

Anonymous No. 16106140

I can see why /sfg/ is dead. This general sucks ass now.

Anonymous No. 16106141

suit up and EVA to the outhouse. Don’t shit yerself, son!

Anonymous No. 16106146

I'm in Texas you mong. I have literally not heard that word used in years, except for referring to the C64 as a "commode door".

Anonymous No. 16106151

Happy Easter!

Anonymous No. 16106153

Well I can really only speak for Houston and the southeastern hill country area—but a lot of Mexican restaurants and ice houses have it posted on the wall or on the door to the shitter. It’s usually written more than it is spoken out loud. “Water closet” is pretty common anon; idk where in Texas you are.

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Anonymous No. 16106156

Yeah nah, around here in Alamo land you're more likely to see this on the door.
And "water closet" is britbong speak.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16106159

>in less than a year
Not from scratch, they couldn't. The lead time for a new rocket engine is several years minimum. And the Prometheus engine is not ready. Maia is NET 2025Q4

I think you're referring to this interview

His excuse bad, however that's just because he has to invent some kind of excuse that the average person can grasp. The average person does not understand the concept of economies of scale. They think cost is perfectly linear to number of units because that's how it usually works when they shop at the grocery store. Nor do they understand concepts like first mover advantage, funding R&D with margins on sales and having customers pay for iterative testing. Most peoples' idea of how R&D works comes from the Iron Man movies.

Note, he says reusability might work if he could get 30 launches per year.

On the contrary, they have a very clear vision of the market and see that there are no openings. The Americans and Chinese are moving in on a massive scale and with first mover advantage. Their preeminence in the market will be defended by the deep war chests of American megacorporations and the American and Chinese governments, and there isn't much hope for a European latecomer who can't secure similar backing. Amazon's Ariane 6 orders are a temporary anomaly caused by delays to the launcher they really want to use. Ariane 6 only had about 5 guaranteed payloads per year, so a 11 launches per year aim was pretty ambitious.

>What they need to do is go all in on payloads.
And what if American launch providers or government decides to rugpull them? Should they go to the Indians?

Anonymous No. 16106162

>in less than a year
Not from scratch, they couldn't. The lead time for a new rocket engine is several years minimum. And the Prometheus engine is not ready. Maia is NET 2025Q4

I think you're referring to this interview

His excuse bad, however that's just because he has to invent some kind of excuse that the average person can grasp. The average person does not understand the concept of economies of scale. They think cost is perfectly linear to number of units because that's how it usually works when they shop at the grocery store. Nor do they understand concepts like first mover advantage, funding R&D with margins on sales and having customers pay for iterative testing. Most peoples' idea of how R&D works comes from the Iron Man movies.

Note, he says reusability might work if he could get 30 launches per year.

On the contrary, they have a very clear vision of the market and see that there are no openings. The Americans and Chinese are moving in on a massive scale and with first mover advantage. Their preeminence in the market will be defended by the deep war chests of American megacorporations and the American and Chinese governments, and there isn't much hope for a European latecomer who can't secure similar backing. Amazon's Ariane 6 orders are a temporary anomaly caused by delays to the launcher they really want to use. Ariane 6 only had about 5 guaranteed payloads per year, so a 11 launches per year aim was pretty ambitious.

>What they need to do is go all in on payloads.
And what if American launch providers or government decides to rugpull them? Should they go to the Indians?

Anonymous No. 16106163

>Most peoples' idea of how R&D works comes from the Iron Man movies

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Anonymous No. 16106166

Delta V
d e l t a v
v d e l t a
v d l e t a
v d l e a t
v d l c a t
v d l c a n
v u l c a n

Anonymous No. 16106167

Let us say Planet Nine is an ice giant 8x more massive than Earth, what would the surface gravity be, approximately?

Anonymous No. 16106168

real schizo hours

Anonymous No. 16106169

i'm actually high af rn

Anonymous No. 16106170

>reusability might work if he could get 30 launches per year
But you don't get to 30 launches per year without already working on reusability.
>hon hon hon

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Anonymous No. 16106172

Will never forgive Tory for not continuing Delta just to get this name

Anonymous No. 16106173

/sfg/ - shitter formalities general

Anonymous No. 16106174

idk. 10-11 m/s^2

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Anonymous No. 16106177

why does oldspace do these rituals with the rocket costumes

Anonymous No. 16106178

sfg/ shitting my self shiting myself shiting myself general /

Anonymous No. 16106180

He won't get 30 launches per year even with reusability. Because
(a) there is a trend toward vertical integration of launch provider and payload provider for the big constellations (e.g. SpaceX), or incestuous ties between them (e.g. Amazon and BO)
(b) as a European launch provider, he won't get American government orders, and no Chinese orders whatsoever
(c) launch tech keeps moving forward, and his reusable rocket wouldn't be competitive by the time it is finished, at least not for a sufficiently long time to recoup costs (e.g. Starship and NG will be better)

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Anonymous No. 16106183

why does it have such thick lips
is this the american worshipping thing again?

Anonymous No. 16106184

>monitor emergencies
I can think of one emergency that might be of particular interest for the Russians, one on the southwestern border

Anonymous No. 16106185

those are supposed to be teeth, anon.
i'm afraid you're clinically retarded, it's terminal.

Anonymous No. 16106187

those are teeth you dumb butt

Anonymous No. 16106189

don't look like teeth to me

Anonymous No. 16106190

Let's say I am in the Int Space Station and I ate a quarter cup of mustard. what are the implications scientificaly speaking ?

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Anonymous No. 16106191

this is teeth? come on now

Anonymous No. 16106192

Most people will just remember astronauts getting to the moon. They won't care about the project management intricacies and engineering details of how those astronauts got there. If anything, people who will credit Trump with Artemis will also say he was the one who got SLS "back on track" and "salvaged value from Obama's mess"

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Dancing Starship.webm

Anonymous No. 16106193

au contraire

Anonymous No. 16106194

Objective evidence of mental impairment

Anonymous No. 16106197

>two rows of teeth in the middle
>insides of the mouth to both sides
that they were too retarded/low budget to make the inside of the cheeks a darker color doesn't not make what you're looking at teeth.
you guys are blind.

Anonymous No. 16106199

I'd say it'd have less than 1g at its surface, like Uranus. Depends on the density.

Anonymous No. 16106200

I think they’re supposed to be teeth
>there is a trend toward vertical integration of launch provider and payload provider for the big constellations (e.g. SpaceX), or incestuous ties between them (e.g. Amazon and BO)
NTA but this post, either purposefully or inadvertently, made me realize how stupid Neutron is. Beck is trying to sell New Tron as a “dedicated Constellation launcher” which I guess implies that RocketLab intends to make profit from everyone and their mother wanting their own constellation & needing a ride to orbit. But that’s clearly not happening! (As you said, the market seems to be trending toward everyone independently launching their own self-owned constellation) What’s more: if constellations truly were the future of the market (which Beck seems to be banking on) then why wouldn’t RocketLab just make their own constellation?!

Anonymous No. 16106201

these are clearly lips, I’m confused?

Anonymous No. 16106202

considering the in-house satellite manufacturing capabilities they have acrued over time, i doubt they're very worried.
it's still a solid launcher regardless even if it's mostly optimized for LEO, and they have the capability to pivot and start making their own constellation if they get no outside demand.

rocketlab was very smart in diversifying and not just sticking to launch business, anyone going into the space market now should not be putting their eggs into one basket if they have the money to help it.

Anonymous No. 16106203

>i'm retarded
yes, we know
>haha i was pretending to be retarded
yes, you're retarded, we know.

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like this.png

Anonymous No. 16106204

why not just have one line like this?

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Anonymous No. 16106205

Anonymous No. 16106206

Those are teeth you obsessed tranny

Anonymous No. 16106207

>they have the capability to pivot and start making their own constellation if they get no outside demand.
What would be the business case for such a constellation, considering the state of the competition?

Anonymous No. 16106208

because now it deadass looks like weird lips, and I think the person who cobbled this together needed to force it to look like teeth because they needed it to be white, as the viewing port is cut out right behind the mouth area
Thus you get the weird lines on the side—to further showcase that they are TEETH. Not lips. This also explains why they didn’t color in the sides (because the person inside the suit needs it to be white so they can see)

Anonymous No. 16106209

A whole psychoanalysis on a strawman suit builder for a fucking children’s rocket costume. Bravo.

Anonymous No. 16106213

What would happen to my internal organs?

Anonymous No. 16106215

bevause then it wud look like lips knumb nuts

Anonymous No. 16106217

to be fair, that was a labpadre guy, not condoned or participated by spacex themselves

Anonymous No. 16106220

it already looks like lips

Anonymous No. 16106221

are you truly so fucking retarded that you can't visualize mouth cheeks?

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Anonymous No. 16106222

The suit reminded me of this

Anonymous No. 16106223

This is the most cohesive, intelligent post I think I've ever seen on here

Anonymous No. 16106225

>the mouth on a fucking vulcan costume has become the object of debate/a new meme
the collective insanity is reaching critical levels, starship launches are like a drug that makes everything else too boring and not worth discussing.
this general is suffering form withdrawal, starship should have never been built.

Anonymous No. 16106227

Wait, are they lips???? Not look like teeth

Anonymous No. 16106228

that’s supposed to be his nose

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Anonymous No. 16106229


Anonymous No. 16106230


Anonymous No. 16106231

>the USA flag is the mouth
What the fuck dude

Anonymous No. 16106232

fuck this shit, i'm going to bed.

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Anonymous No. 16106233


Anonymous No. 16106235

>lips don't look anything like the teeth on the ULA rocket
what was the point of this post?

also fuck gamefreak, that thing should have stayed coal black.

Anonymous No. 16106236

the point was that if you take away the side accents, the teeth inadvertently look like lips a la the pic I posted

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Anonymous No. 16106237

thought i take a swing at it

Anonymous No. 16106238


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Anonymous No. 16106239

Anonymous No. 16106240

look at it's smug, soulless eyes, it knows you the taxpayer is going to have to subsidize it's useless existence, and it loves it.

Anonymous No. 16106244

this one must've carried an israeli sat

Anonymous No. 16106248

if i went to mars id bring my steam deck on the ship and play simcity 4, listen to simcity 4 ost for 6 months in total peace

Anonymous No. 16106249

It's actually kind of crazy this could be the case. Surface gravity is so mildly scaling, even super-earths are habitable.

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Anonymous No. 16106250


Anonymous No. 16106251

soneome please fix this misinformation. teeth must be coloured white

Anonymous No. 16106252

we really should just build a giant shell around uranus, imagine the sheer amount of living space.

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Anonymous No. 16106253


Anonymous No. 16106254

>ULA rocket hungers for blood and killed someone to death with it's bare teeth

you shoulve drawn trails of blood coming down the open mouth, off the teeth.

Anonymous No. 16106255

like what i build a glass ceiling in minecraft to keep the rain out

Anonymous No. 16106256

Does the Lunar Gateway offer any objective benefit over a lunar program that dispenses with it?

Anonymous No. 16106258

more pork for oldspace

Anonymous No. 16106260

Are you implying those aren't in fact lips?

Anonymous No. 16106261

Until what?

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He hop.png

Anonymous No. 16106263


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vulcan with blood....png

Anonymous No. 16106264

only a total retard would draw this and think they're lips.
clearly this is a terrifying genocidal rocket now.

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Anonymous No. 16106265

Greatest country in the world

Anonymous No. 16106266

nice try

Anonymous No. 16106268

Maybe SHE (yeah it's fucking a girl) just has running lipstick? She is sweaty at the club and crying and dripping

Anonymous No. 16106270

are europeans called estronauts?

Anonymous No. 16106274

no one knows because euros cannot into space

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Anonymous No. 16106275

blame calarts

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Anonymous No. 16106280

For me, its vyomnaut

Anonymous No. 16106282

are they gonna gang rape this thing on-orbit?

Anonymous No. 16106287

>37 launches
>36 successes
>0 failures
Is this some autistic shit over IFT-3?

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Anonymous No. 16106289


Anonymous No. 16106293

Yeah. It's labeled as partial success

Anonymous No. 16106306

IFT-3 is an undisputed success

Anonymous No. 16106312

gibs me dat contract

Anonymous No. 16106323

The Ariane 6 is supposed to replace both the Ariane 5 and Soyuz-ST. Eleven is the max flight rate of the Ariane 5 (seven) plus the max flight rate of the Soyuz-ST (five). There is exactly zero ambition in that number.

>they could see that there are no openings
Pre-SpaceX there were a lot of commercial payloads flying on the Proton-M, and if you go back a bit further there were still more launching on the Zenit-3SL through Sealaunch. What Arianespace felt was that while there were more payloads to be had it was pointless to try and compete for them. This is exactly the same thought that ULA had when looking at Arianespace back in the early 2010s. Total unwillingness to try and compete with your competition is the best possible definition of a lack of ambition and vision.

Anonymous No. 16106330

Test article, not production rocket.

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Anonymous No. 16106343
>I Swam at NASA's NBL to Observe a Lunar Spacesuit Test - It was AMAZING - Smarter Every Day 296

Anonymous No. 16106354

>A new satellite, Resurs—P No. 4
new, in that they redesigned it from previous Resurs to use completely domestic parts. Probably a post-Ukraine mandate

Anonymous No. 16106360

Every country you can rope into the project to build an airlock, robo arm, or solar panel is another voice that can bully congress into continuing to fund moon missions.

Anonymous No. 16106364

It’s considered a partial failure by Wikipedia

Anonymous No. 16106376

Theses space suits are ugly as hell, apollos EVA were comfy and looked based

Anonymous No. 16106378

it comes with a sharpened iron rod and is programmed to beg for death in several Indian languages

Anonymous No. 16106382

kek, das rite

Anonymous No. 16106384

They were only comfy from the outside.

Anonymous No. 16106399

The /sci/fication of /sfg/ is complete, you can thank the anti-anime autist who threw tantrums everytime someone posted any image with anime in it

Drove off all the old guard of /sfg/ with his constant drama.

Anonymous No. 16106401

Keep in mind Uranus is probably mostly water by mass and has a thick gas envelope.
A better comparison is between Mars and Earth. Mars is 1/9th the mass and has 3/8th's the surface G. A terrestrial super earth with 9x Earth's mass and roughly Earth's density would have about 2.5 Earth g's at its surface.

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Anonymous No. 16106402

>Bringing back this shitty cart again that Apollo 14 discarded and never looked back

Anonymous No. 16106418

we're clear for exit -

Anonymous No. 16106422

Hey retard. I specifically called out SLS in my first post >>16105946 it literally says that as the main focal point in the second half of that message. You glowies really need to learn that misconstruing a part as the whole doesnt work when only the part has been targetted. Go ask your manager to retrain you, because this is just god awful work.

Anonymous No. 16106432

(nearly) Nauka headbutting the ISS

Anonymous No. 16106433

Fuck, man. I just can't wrap my head around how fucking obsessed people are with decrying Musk.

Anonymous No. 16106436

Some of them lost money betting against him. The rest hate him because he deboonks some narrative that they cling to. This ranges from schizophrenics claiming he's the Antichrist to plebbitors hating him for not being a super lefty.

Anonymous No. 16106446

the really really obsessed ones are the ones that are culture warriors and hate him from that perspective AND also lost a bunch of money betting against him through direct betting or shorting his stocks.
teslaQ generated a large amount of people with EDS that have made it their life long mission to try and impotently slander anything he's involved with.

Anonymous No. 16106448

Yeah, some guy I saw was even saying that SpaceX is a pure failure. Absolute mindbreak.

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Anonymous No. 16106467

>not pressurizing your electronics

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Anonymous No. 16106470

Could you imagine what an underice Europan colony would be like? Do you think it would be one big vertical elevator to go from the surface, then down to the colony layer, then down to the ocean? Or would it be more of an angled elevator with a big platform to transport lots of stuff up and down from surface to colony?
Also, what would the walls of the colony be made of if not the bare ice? Would it be a metal or wood or something else? Id imagine metal may not be the best material due to their high thermal conductivities both melting the surrounding structural ice and making the entire colony a freezer but Im not sure what other materials could be feasibly used.
When you get down to the ocean layer, do you think there are any fish we could import and breed there to have a stable 'farm' of food in the (obvious) case that there is no life there? Im not 100% sure but isnt the salinity of the ocean supposed to be super high? Im wondering if that leaves any room for farms in the ocean or if colonists would have to make their own lakes near the colony in order to start large scale aquaculture.
Also, how would the colony be stabilized in the ice? Would it be massive auger bits that would anchor the entirety of the structure of the colony but then how would melting ice affect the beams in both embrittlement of the metal and displacement of the support and its effects on the colony.
One final thing, how would plants be grown in this colony? Could artificial light be used maybe but then where would the power come from? Id assume nuclear right? I mean theres so much water there that it would only make sense since you wouldnt have to import so much or would you set up massive solar farms on the surface and run cables down to the colony.

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Anonymous No. 16106472

I wrote a telluric Planet 9 expedition chatbot thingy. It's sort of a beta still, feedback needed.

Anonymous No. 16106473

Definetly a virus, thanks but no thanks.

Anonymous No. 16106474

wood? you want 2 by 4s be shat space-side to end up on a potential alien habitat? bruh...

Anonymous No. 16106475

Im asking questions on purpose anon.

Anonymous No. 16106476

Did the triple header happen?

Anonymous No. 16106480

>blue origin's culture is "think tank", not "startup"
perfectly describes everything wrong with them

Anonymous No. 16106481

It would be horrible pitch blackness the second you were out of line of sight of the surface. There will be enormous domes over holes carved in the ice to illuminate the layers below, actually a lot like Z'ha'dum from Babylon 5. These false color cross sections are making Europa seem a lot more welcoming than it is.

Anonymous No. 16106482

I'm not going to read all that

Anonymous No. 16106485

it is, in fact, character ai share link format
I don't think most of your questions are warranted. Pretty sure ice sheet is moving, so you either build something or have something to off road it, so to speak. If you can install an elevator, no point in having it at an angle, most likely. Fish are out of the question. Only thermo vent trash could possibly survive there and you cannot just contaminate everything. Colony placement depends on the function. Habitation would be silly, there's cylinders for that.

Anonymous No. 16106493

People still use character ai? I thought everyone moved on to tavern or angai

Anonymous No. 16106498

"people" is a very broad term. Nerds known as anonymous moved on since it doesn't offer cooms, but the model will be soon updated and I think it's worth to keep a presence in case of a young yt scenario.

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Anonymous No. 16106515

tory confirms that the only problem with DIVH is that nasa doesn't understand how to pump n2 through a pipe

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Anonymous No. 16106525

I ain't clicking that shit nigga

Anonymous No. 16106529

Vibrant Diversity at work.

Anonymous No. 16106530

stupid frogposter

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Anonymous No. 16106531

What is Tory thinking?

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flatspace vs curv....png

Anonymous No. 16106533

saw a chaika image in the wild and had a blast from the past
anyone else remember this?

Anonymous No. 16106535

new nasa video from this homo

Anonymous No. 16106538

not a statement on the correctness of that action, just an observation of the past
it appears I was wrong

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Anonymous No. 16106540

GN2 at the cape is contracted out to Air Liquide SA.
>Air Liquide Large Industries U.S. LP today [August 14, 2013] announced that NASA has renewed its agreement to supply nitrogen and related pipeline launch support services for NASA’s current and future space programs. Since 1968, the Air Liquide plant has provided personnel, materials, and gaseous nitrogen at Kennedy Space Center and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.

There have been some issues with them in the recent past
>Meanwhile, teams from Air Liquide will upgrade the gaseous nitrogen supply that leads into the spaceport through a pipeline. NASA found that the nitrogen gas supply was not sufficient for the high demands of the Space Launch System, a rocket larger than any other currently flying from the Florida spaceport.
>Petro described a challenge the center faced supporting the Falcon Heavy launch of USSF-67 from Launch Complex 39A in January. Delays in the launch of Artemis 1 from the center had postponed planned maintenance of facilities run by a contractor, Air Liquide, which provided commodities like gaseous nitrogen needed to support the launch. The lead engineer for Air Liquide “was getting really nervous about maintenance, safety and risks associated with the system going down, that was going to impact this national security mission.” Ultimately, SpaceX brought in its own equipment to provide gaseous nitrogen to support the launch.

That said, it's not immediately clear if the current problems are due to AL, the fact that a lot of the Cape is still running on infrastructure from the 1960s, or the fact that Cape Canaveral is busier than it's ever been and its commodities support is getting badly overstressed.

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chaika on the fir....jpg

Anonymous No. 16106544


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Anonymous No. 16106546


Anonymous No. 16106547


Anonymous No. 16106556
>Wow! SpaceX Is RACING Towards Starship's 4th Integrated Flight Test! - SpaceX Weekly #108

Anonymous No. 16106557

haha yeah good stuff

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Anonymous No. 16106575


Anonymous No. 16106597
Rogozin's dick status?

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Anonymous No. 16106599


Anonymous No. 16106605

Obliterated. Completely blown into pieces and scavanged by wild animals on the Ukranian font. He's currently having a prosthetic.

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Anonymous No. 16106611

You don’t hate journalists enough

You think you do but you don’t

Anonymous No. 16106612


Anonymous No. 16106616

yknow, i didnt hate russian spaceflight before. was only saddened at how far they had fallen, but rogozin is really pushing me over the zigger hate line and i dont even like ukraine or jewlensky. hoping putin gulags him so russian spaceflight doesnt have that absolute lolcow tumor equivalent hanging around.

Anonymous No. 16106619

i really just have to ask whos still falling for the helium-3 meme.

Anonymous No. 16106621

He has been irrelevant in Russian spaceflight fo years now

Anonymous No. 16106624

it's for the good of humanity that they must be exterminated

Anonymous No. 16106629


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nasa heli gunner.jpg

Anonymous No. 16106634

eeh there's plenty of anons here who think rods from god isn't a meme

Anonymous No. 16106636
>Orbital Launch Mount Repaired for Next Starship Flight | SpaceX Boca Chica

Anonymous No. 16106642

Why are Russians such subhumans?

Anonymous No. 16106643

Let me be a door gunner for the starship.
I promise I'll hit all the space-rice farming peasants be they bezos or chinese.

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Anonymous No. 16106647

seems like the hoses are fixed now

Anonymous No. 16106649

im watching this

Anonymous No. 16106668

Thank you anon

Anonymous No. 16106673

thank you for your brave sacrifice

Anonymous No. 16106704

russia is god's end funniest mistake after india
it's only natural you start to despise them after being exposed to their subhuman antics for a while, slava ukrainer or not.

Anonymous No. 16106707

get an ad

Anonymous No. 16106716

poojeets are catching up really fast. allot of them are subhumans but with a population of 1.3b coming from asia thats kind of expected. the ones that arent subhumans are the only hope of that country. the rest is stuck 1000 years in the past eating and bathing in cow piss and shit, scamming people for their money because they cant get a job, etc etc. their caste system existed for a reason.

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Anonymous No. 16106723

Why does China have so many rocket variants?

Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy can do what 90% of these rockets can do

Anonymous No. 16106725

I hate niggers so fucking much

Anonymous No. 16106730

How many of these are actually real and not on paper or some CGI powerpoint?

Anonymous No. 16106734

Most of these are basically variants of each other with significant parts commonality. The CZ-2 through 4 series are all derived from the DF-5 ICBM and the CZ-7 and 8 series are very similar.

Anonymous No. 16106742

Wow, that's so rude.
Do better.

Anonymous No. 16106747

isnt it crazy that almost all of these are falcon rip offs? and ripping off falcon is what gets them to the second most powerful country in space? just a testament to how revolutionizing f9 is, sad that they cant even get their starship ripoff done by 2040 though

Anonymous No. 16106748

The LM-2/3/4 are plug-and-play combos of two booster stages (L176 & L186) and four upper stages (L15, L36, L54, H18) with some Ariane 4-style LRBs. They're all built to the same diameter tooling (3.35m) and aside from the hydrogen-fueled H18 they all use the same propellant and modifications of the same YF-20 engine.

They also suffered from a bit of the Soviet impulse to take a basic launch architecture (the R7 / 8K71) and then produce a whole range of variants of it customized for carrying specific payloads.

Anonymous No. 16106754

Ahhh so I’m nta but i’ll oust myself as a retard:
I know lunar helium-3 mining is seen, more or less, as a reddit meme on /sfg/; but I’m not entirely sure *why* that is. All I know is that popsoience champions lunar helium-3 mining as some sort of “future of space industry”
But evidently this is just a scam because… it’s not really concentrated on the Moon compared to anywhere else? Do I have that right?

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Anonymous No. 16106760

Is the ISS REALLY in space if it’s just in the ionosphere barely above the F2 layer?

Anonymous No. 16106765

It's not just the low concentration, it's also that you can produce Helium-3 on Earth from fusing deuterium, and deuterium is in seawater, or is produced in water moderated fission reactors. This makes mining the moon for 3He extremely silly because if you have D-D fusion you can also do D-3He fusion with the exhaust products and more D. The atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn are abundant sources of both D and 3He but their absurd distance and gravity make mining there scifi at best.

Anonymous No. 16106768

This is not even mentioning how underdeveloped the fusion industry and its reactors are, they can barely get a net positive energy output as it is. Just making the fuel cheaper doesnt change the fact that the amount of transport and refining and mining costs to get the shit off the moon into a reactor just to be some universities test subject and not actually generate any money means that it just isnt a good way to make money. This in itself is ignoring the MASSIVE effort and funding required just to get a lunar economy going, with mining being another thing all together. Theres just too much prep work and funding needed for too small a market that doesnt even intend to make money with it.

Anonymous No. 16106770

Jupiter's gravity makes skymining completely impractical until after you've got the kind of scifi engines that make it nearly obsolete. Saturn's smaller gravity well makes it a lot more practical, if you're willing to put up with stupid long shipping times to get the fuel back into the inner system.

Anonymous No. 16106782

imagine trying to harvest something at a concentration of fucking 50 ppb

Anonymous No. 16106783

why bother with retarded helium mining that takes forever and is highly dangerous when titan is literally right there and we all know that methalox will reign supreme for the next 50 years at minimum with starship and its variants?
meme drives will literally only start being used when interstellar travel gets seriously considered.

Anonymous No. 16106800

>I am a real cowboy and I am a real CEO. I work for a real launch provider. It's not just some government subsidy made manifest. I AM HIGH ENERGY AND GOD DAMN IT PEOPLE LIKE ME!

Anonymous No. 16106801

Aren't all these soviet tech hypergolics rockets?

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Anonymous No. 16106816

imagine if apollo had continued

Anonymous No. 16106820

will spacex ever get sovereignty over their martian colony as the us isnt the ones going there with nasa? or do you think the us will pull some legal loophole out of their ass to claim that the colony is their property even though spacex would have basically made everything themselves from the ground up? im not sure if they can due to the outer space treaty of '67 saying that no national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, especially with it saying NATIONAL appropriation and not private appropriation. though the us could always be a backstabbing rat as usual and just pull out of the treaty and do whatever they want.

Anonymous No. 16106821

kill yourself immediatly footnigger

Anonymous No. 16106824

The lowest grade operational gold mines are ~.5 ppm or 500 ppb, but of course they don't operate on the fucking moon and their product is literally gold.

Anonymous No. 16106828

the good things about gold and helium is that they're both pretty easy to isolate

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atmospheric layer....png

Anonymous No. 16106842

No it isn't, only the exosphere is space

Anonymous No. 16106844

they will be under the jurisdiction of the US as long as they aren't

Anonymous No. 16106845

Shouldve been thermothads.

Anonymous No. 16106853

revive yourself immediately footchad

Anonymous No. 16106858

can you finish your sentences please. this makes no sense.

Anonymous No. 16106862

at first they will be, then they won't be
simple as

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16106864


Anonymous No. 16106866

This makes me want to go to space even more

Anonymous No. 16106869

see >>16106821

Anonymous No. 16106871

Wait, you don't like beautiful women? Oh wait yeah I forgot, Trans visibility day. so your tranny I guess

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gtfo troon.jpg

Anonymous No. 16106873

dilate projecting troon

Anonymous No. 16106878

oof. your a tranny confirm :/

Anonymous No. 16106880

>footnigger degenerate
>actually knows what day 'trans visibility day' is
yup projecting troon AS I SAID. gtfo YWNGTS

Anonymous No. 16106882

oops forgot to add YWNBAW and go join the 40%, absolutely disgusting degenerate footnigger deviant

Anonymous No. 16106887

none of these are falcon 9 ripoffs

Anonymous No. 16106891

FakeX shill btfo

Anonymous No. 16106894

these are the Long Marches, not the start-ups
not quite
hypergols were domestically developed (CZ-1 to 4)
their kerolox is mostly RD-120 derived (CZ-5 to 8)

Anonymous No. 16106898

>not a 10000x10000 transparent png

Anonymous No. 16106914

Anonymous No. 16106924

isnt this the pseud that thought he was saying something smart to a bunch of nasa employees in a presentation but was really just stating the obvious?

Anonymous No. 16106927

You know about trans day? tramny :(

Anonymous No. 16106940

He knows the milking game, all of his redditor audience are lapping it up

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Anonymous No. 16106944


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Anonymous No. 16106965

I haven't watched this boomer in a while is going full doomer?

Anonymous No. 16106987

no he went full schizo and became an ayy truther. thats basically his entire audience now.

Anonymous No. 16106988

Does he have any full on schizo videos?

Anonymous No. 16106996

Yep, why would I post here when the quality of post is
>you’re Chinese if you don’t like Artemis!
I bet that faggot doesn’t even know about red dragon or the problems with moon to mars mission architecture

Anonymous No. 16107001

all of that dogshit started because trump was put in the op btw.

Anonymous No. 16107002

Last I saw he was in the boogie-woogie content about massless/propellentless drives and interstellar alien Amoyamoya probes.

Anonymous No. 16107004

Is it that Trump OPs attract retards or the people that make Trump OPs are the retards in the first place.

Anonymous No. 16107005

porque no los dos?

Anonymous No. 16107010

The great autism days

Anonymous No. 16107013

Hes right you have to be a complete retard to think were going to mars in the next 100 years

Anonymous No. 16107016

Tbqh the invasion of Ukraine resulted in him being replaced by a much more competent man so he’s completely irrelevant now. He was literally “promoted” and then nearly killed by a suspiciously precise artillery strike, and his replacement has reversed almost everything dimi was known for

Anonymous No. 16107017

lets hope next time they dont miss then

Anonymous No. 16107020

Considering the Artemis apologist is the OP, both. Imagine saying the best thing trump did for spaceflight was Artemis and not appointing Big Jim

Anonymous No. 16107021

Creating space force was actually an inspired move on Trumps part. WTF was the impetus for it though? It doesn’t seem like a brainwave that would could Trumps way normally…

Anonymous No. 16107037

Anonymous No. 16107039

DoD was the impetus

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Anonymous No. 16107042

Why don't we have fission fragment rockets yet?

Anonymous No. 16107048

It wasn’t trumps idea, the space force has been on the docket for literal decades and was first proposed in IIRC 74. If anything space force should have started 5 or so years earlier. Letting trump take all the credit for it was probably a smart move though, but it means normies perform outrage about it all the time.

Anonymous No. 16107049

>why doesnt x meme drive exist yet
because humans are retarded

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Anonymous No. 16107051

But the whole point is that we can do it with current technology.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16107053

stupid frogposter

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16107055

dumb frog/fruitposter

Anonymous No. 16107056

Test Ban Treaty

Anonymous No. 16107057

intelligent froghaver

Anonymous No. 16107060

>normies perform outrage about it all the time.
There was a ton of this in 2019 but normies seem to be over it now. They act like the Space Force always existed.

Anonymous No. 16107061

intelligent toad/vegetablehaver

Anonymous No. 16107062

Seethe more pedo fag

Anonymous No. 16107074

The American nuclear industry is being choked out by regulation.

Anonymous No. 16107077

I understand boomer o&g tycoons, progressives, etc. have royally cock-blocked nuclear from a power production standpoint, but why is it gatekept for space travel as well?

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orbital flight.jpg

Anonymous No. 16107078

We were robbed

Anonymous No. 16107083

That one japmutt physicist made his name convincing Americans that reactors on spacecraft would end all life + there’s a lot of treaty regulation on nuclear fission in space. Blame boomers for having a sky is falling attitude towards nuclear power

Anonymous No. 16107087

bunny ear ass gridfins

Anonymous No. 16107088

Michio Kaku or something. Two bombs were not enough.

Anonymous No. 16107091

I....I really don't know :/

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Anonymous No. 16107092

>will spacex ever get sovereignty over their martian colony as the us isnt the ones going there with nasa?
Imagine the civil war against Britain back in 1776. If they are on Mars, they are their own world unless there is active transport back and forth. If Mars becomes self sustaining, they can cut agreement from Earth any time they want. Unless Earth sends military to Mars to disband the government, they can do whateva they want.

Anonymous No. 16107099

As long as the colony is not truly self sufficient, Earth will have the upper hand. That was another lesson of the American Revolution, and why Americans still drink coffee instead of tea 250 years later.

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Anonymous No. 16107101

Anonymous No. 16107104

Wake me up when they actually launch those powerpoint ripoffs.

Anonymous No. 16107105

tory wants a cock in his mouth clearly

Anonymous No. 16107108

All of those are active. The 5 is their big launcher and the 2F is their Shenzhou crew taxi.

Anonymous No. 16107111

Omfg they really are lips

Anonymous No. 16107112

No, because if SpaceX has literally an assets on Earth, then they are liable to Earth laws. If they try anything with independence, then all of their assets get seized.

Anonymous No. 16107121

then where are the powerpoint ripoffs?

Anonymous No. 16107124

Neptune and Triton

This image was returned by the Voyager 2 spacecraft on July 3, 1989, when it was 76 million kilometers (47 million miles) from Neptune

(Credit: NASA)

Anonymous No. 16107125

Fascinating picture

Anonymous No. 16107127

incredible image. i wish wvb couldve seen it

Anonymous No. 16107128

DSN failed

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Anonymous No. 16107136


Anonymous No. 16107137

Non Premium 4chan Pass peasants can't view this image, lmao.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16107142


Anonymous No. 16107144

funny meme macros aside, Fission fragment rockets are a narrow branch of an already narrow branch of fission rockets.
The cost of maintaining an electromagnetic field of the strength required is just too extreme.
No one is going to argue against the the THEORETICAL power of these rockets. But once you plug in all the bullshit required is just too much.
Thermodynamics is a nigger.

Anonymous No. 16107145

Fuck off with AI spam.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16107151


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Anonymous No. 16107152


Anonymous No. 16107156


Anonymous No. 16107158

is this a new /sci/ spambot or something that i dont know about yet? i saw this image in a different /sfg/ but didnt know its ai spammer.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16107160

i dont post ai

Anonymous No. 16107162

off topic hit the three dots to get rid of this tranny

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16107163

the dolphin is space adjacent

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Anonymous No. 16107164

>the three dots
phoneposters am I right?

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i can see that fi....png

Anonymous No. 16107169

im both on my pc and my phone when posting to /sfg/ just depends on whats more convenient. if im busy doing homework or playing a vidya im on pc. if im doing anything else im on mobile. usually just say whichever im on but switched just now back over. also good job pinpointing my age group kek.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16107171

i'm a phoneposter and i cant even find the dots
how do i get rid of this tranny

Anonymous No. 16107175

>Yes, I also have a question for you, idiots: why do you always write about ass? If you mean mine, then I have it in perfect order. I was wounded in the right shoulder and neck, I underwent the operation normally and already in January 2023 I returned to the front to kill your degenerates. I've already interrupted a lot.
based rogozin colony dropping the haters

Anonymous No. 16107177

im assuming everyone knows that a plush shark is something that nigger troons always have after they get their twig and berries chopped of correct?

Anonymous No. 16107178

Source? Sounds like shit you just made up

Anonymous No. 16107182

im pretty sure this is a scrotum btw

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Anonymous No. 16107183

Anon, you might be deranged

Anonymous No. 16107186

I’ve said it before but the way in which the Russian language crudely translates to English just cracks me up. I love the way slavs phrase things.

Anonymous No. 16107189

>final Delta IV Heavy will launch just a couple hours before the eclipse

Anonymous No. 16107203

Heres hoping it blows up. Solar eclipses are considered a bad omen anyways so maybe my wish comes true.

Anonymous No. 16107210

The eclipse will scrub

Anonymous No. 16107211

I like how thin skinned they are, absolutely zero chill. Rogozin could have said
>actually the incident improved my ass, I can fart a lot more powerfully now

Anonymous No. 16107212

I remember the troon with his emotional support shark. I think he killed himself later

Anonymous No. 16107219

>Now targeting Monday, April 1 for Falcon 9 to launch @Starlink satellites to orbit

Is this a joke?

Anonymous No. 16107221

250 something countries and only 2 have successfully jump started their newspace economies: america and china

Anonymous No. 16107223

the solar system will have 1000+ countries some day

Anonymous No. 16107231

that's not even a shark, it's a dolphin

Anonymous No. 16107232

every man a king

Anonymous No. 16107237

There are no oxygen-atmosphere planets within 100 light years

Anonymous No. 16107248

>Ooops, got wires crossed, launched IFT4 instead.

Anonymous No. 16107251

i could only imagine the retarded land wars that belter scum would have meanwhile Cerians sits around and eats them all up as they infight, simultaneously being fought off their planet by Jovian insurgents, who are all back on Jupiter having their own retarded wars about who controls the trojans.

Anonymous No. 16107255

reminder that Artemis 3 will land 2 people therefore there will only be a nigger and woman.

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Anonymous No. 16107256

Anonymous No. 16107258

>no mars

Anonymous No. 16107260

Mars is the main antagonist during the campaign Titan Rising which takes place during the First Colonial War of 2238.

It is unknown if Mars will be a playable faction.

Anonymous No. 16107262

why is mars always portrayed as the badguys in media??

Anonymous No. 16107263


Anonymous No. 16107264

It’s literally called mars dumbass

Anonymous No. 16107265

and yet every bad person in history came from earth. really makes you think.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16107267

Europa became the fifth colony to be established. Tereshkova colony was founded in 2098 on the edge of the Clix crater deep beneath the ice. The vast underground oceans provided a source of water for the production of fuel that would later support the expansion in the solar system. During this expansion Europa colonized Tethys and Titan.

During the First Colonial War of 2238 Europa became the first to sign the Colonial Expeditionary Pact and declare its independence from Earth. The Artemis refueling station in orbit around Jupiter became the location of the first conflict in the war. Europian special forces destabilized the stations orbit killing 38 people from Earth, Mars, Luna and Ceres.

Anonymous No. 16107269

cringe søy wars

Anonymous No. 16107271

Don’t need ‘em

Anonymous No. 16107272

In 2034 humanity colonized the moon with the creation of Armstrong colony with an initial population of 326. The first child born away from Earth was on September 27, 2035. As commercial flights became cheaper and safer Armstrong colony started to grow rapidly to tens of thousands. Advances in bone and tissue manipulation ensured generational survival to those born in low gravity settings. By 2084 Luna declared itself an independent state and worked in harmony with Earth ensuring valuable resources were sent to the home planet. During the First Colonial War of 2238 Luna became the second to sign the Inner System Defense Treaty (ISDT).


Anonymous No. 16107275

What the fuck is Europian forces, everyone knows its Europan.

Anonymous No. 16107276

more like Europeean

Anonymous No. 16107278

Ceres was colonized in an effort to rapidly replenish resources used during the colonization of the Moon and Mars as well as to provide resources for further colonization of the Sol system. New mining, habitation and interplanetary technologies were created for the colonization of asteroids. Initially Ceres and Vesta were colonized but Vesta suffered a catastrophic power failure in 2075 resulting in the death of all its colonists. By 2082 there were a total of 40,000 colonists residing in Ceres and it became known as the lifeblood of the Solar System. During the First Colonial War of 2238 Ceres joined the Inner System Defense Treaty (ISDT) as the fourth signer.

The absolute state of Vestafags

Anonymous No. 16107284

been watching this. all the nasa people describing sls and comparing to shuttle have a strange insincerity and depression in their voice

Anonymous No. 16107287

>tethys is soi
how come?

Anonymous No. 16107292

Søy wars death star moon. The only reason it gets any attention is because of that.

Anonymous No. 16107295

It's the lamest world

Cassini colony was founded in 2145. Much like Titan its colonists originated from Europa and became known as the second proxy colony of Europa. Upon colonization Earth declared trade and travel sanctions on the outer colonies in an attempt to limit further expansion. During the First Colonial War of 2238 Tethys became the third to sign the Colonial Expeditionary Pact.

Anonymous No. 16107297

Why dont you shut up with your stupid fanfic retard

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Anonymous No. 16107298

that would be Meme-as

Anonymous No. 16107300

shit looks like it got nuked by the death star instead

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16107302

Pluto became the third proxy colony of Europa with the establishment of Drake colony in 2153. During excavation of the colony a new material, Ti-82, was discovered which would revolutionize space faring technology. This caused tensions and sanctions with Earth leading to the culmination of the First Colonial War of 2238. Pluto became the fourth to sign the Colonial Expeditionary Pact (CEP). It supplied large amounts of Ti-82 to Europa for the war effort.

Pluto's faction starting technology and buffs are yet to be announced.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16107305

I bet you got a tight bussy

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Anonymous No. 16107306


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Anonymous No. 16107308

Anonymous No. 16107309

Me after I finish shitting in the water closet

Anonymous No. 16107310

moist ass nigga. you sound ZESTY

Anonymous No. 16107312

The semicircle is starships hull. Is the interior circle the airlock? Or perhaps an internal elevator or set of stairs? Just wondering why it’s positioned so weird

Anonymous No. 16107314

Yup, airlock should be as small as possible

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It's Over [s....png

Anonymous No. 16107323


Anonymous No. 16107328


Anonymous No. 16107333

Krystal finally killed her.

Anonymous No. 16107338

And it's still bigger than the Apollo era Grumman Lunar Lander's interior volume all by itself.

Anonymous No. 16107342

Is blue origin going to do anything soon?

Anonymous No. 16107348

Are you asking this seriously.

Anonymous No. 16107353

>bought CHUCK right before it started crashing
Alright, see you guys in another life.

Anonymous No. 16107357


Anonymous No. 16107358

Back to >>>/biz/ retard. Hope you get rugged more and kill yourself so I never have to see your shit here again.

Helpless Investor No. 16107377


Anonymous No. 16107391

same (((reason))) the Nazis are

Helpless Investor No. 16107397

pump $WOJK

Anonymous No. 16107403

Hit the arrow on the namefag everyone. You know the drill.

Anonymous No. 16107411


Faggot Investor No. 16107414

pump $MYASS

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Anonymous No. 16107455


Anonymous No. 16107461


Anonymous No. 16107462

The three dots for mobilefags

🗑️ Fledgling Investor No. 16107464

are you retarded

Helpless Investor No. 16107472

Another thread derailed

Anonymous No. 16107478

For you

Anonymous No. 16107491

It’s not the right toy, but he is right that there is a plushy that trans people buy:
>On Tumblr, BLÅHAJ gained an association with the LGBTQ+ and transgender community in particular, which is reflected in multiple memes posted on both Tumblr and Reddit in the late 2010s … an official advertisement by IKEA in which BLÅHAJ was used to express support for LGBTQ+.

Anonymous No. 16107508

WTF Clearbros, She was a man all along??

Anonymous No. 16107518

Never heard that one before. Owachatta?

Took a dive to figure out it's a contraction, and means someone regrets something is over.

Anonymous No. 16107519

I want to go to Mars to KILL BRITISH SOLDIERS

Anonymous No. 16107536

total jeet death

Anonymous No. 16107546

Clear browses /sfg/ confirmed

Anonymous No. 16107551

>yellow line on tory is traced over literally nothing
thanks for proving you're retarded lipnigger
they're teeth

Anonymous No. 16107556

Worst esefgee this year?

Anonymous No. 16107558

apart from the retarded lipposting? yeah.

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Poor Investor No. 16107559

しまう or ちゃう is pretty commonly used
for example, a "shotgun wedding" is called できちゃった結婚

let's hope so

Anonymous No. 16107562

The yellow is the outline of tory's lipmouth. Are you fuckin dumb?

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Helpless Investor No. 16107569

Starship to the Moon

Anonymous No. 16107573

I want to rape her stupid smile off her

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dune timeline 1.jpg

Anonymous No. 16107574

your timeline gay

Anonymous No. 16107575

They always use white people to safeproof spacecrafts first.

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Anonymous No. 16107579

Anonymous No. 16107582

What if she refuses?

Anonymous No. 16107583


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Anonymous No. 16107586


Anonymous No. 16107589

I'm so sick of B&W logos.

Anonymous No. 16107594

you're fucking retarded, those are very clearly teeth to anyone who's not visually impaired/retarded

Anonymous No. 16107596

Dune pt2 is overrated and so is Arrival. Rendezvous with Rama better be good, Mr Villeneuve

Anonymous No. 16107598

that's the spirit!

Anonymous No. 16107599

I think...I think you might genuinely be autistic. Why do you think Tory is clasping his lips that way? He is obviously immitating the LIPS of the character Vulcan costume

Anonymous No. 16107601

nobody cares

Anonymous No. 16107602

i can tell you smell like shit based on your response. why do dune fans always smell so bad? my theory is cheeto dust mold in your jelly rolls

Anonymous No. 16107603

I read the Dune when the movie was announced, but once they revealed the cast, I immedietaly lost my interest.

Anonymous No. 16107607

at this point they should be aiming for one launch every 2-4 weeks if they intend to reach the moon by 2025-2026.

Anonymous No. 16107609

>i don't know what stylized mouth cheeks look like
i know, you're autistic and you don't know why people are making fun of you for it.

Anonymous No. 16107611

i didn't watch dune, nobody cares

Anonymous No. 16107612

Yeah, the cast is the worst part. It's like watching a Disney movie

Anonymous No. 16107614

You clearly don't understand basic human behavior enough to recognize faces, nor correlate artistic representation of faces with adjacent real ones. I completely understand now, you aren't retarded but autistic. Or maybe both, but I can't fault you for being born with a mental disorder

Anonymous No. 16107615

I know what NASA says Arty3 is happening, but Elon straight up came out and said HLS aint gon be ready till 2029-2032 time frame

Anonymous No. 16107620

The real redpill is that NASA lies much more than Musk.

Anonymous No. 16107637

>no u
confused retard remains confused for eternity
i feel pity for you, you will never learn to recognize teeth

Anonymous No. 16107646

This teeth bullshit better not carry over to the next thread

Anonymous No. 16107648

The suits are even more behind. The UAE only took the airlock contract for the gateway project in 2022. The gateway HAS to be completed for A3. Have you seen the UAE build any payloads? Have you seen ANY completed gateway hardware? What is going to launch it and when?
There HAS to be a new version of sls, and there also has to be an SLS before that for A2. There HAS to be a new mobile launch tower for this new version of SLS (if anyone remembers that drama). And of course there HAS to be suits.
That’s just the absolute necessities outside HLS, not including rovers and equipment. For HLS they need to design starship, design a depot, design tanker ships, master the full rapid reuse, demonstrate prop transfer, design the HLS itself including shit SpaceX hasn’t don’t before (luckily NASA is helping and dragon provides experience) and they also have to do a demonstration/test landing of the HLS on the moon, and train astronauts on the system.
It’s all a clusterfuck and HLS is possibly the least fucked cluster.

Oh, and they’ll need a fresh batch of Alabama river rocks.

Anonymous No. 16107649

Artemis (and China's) program isn't real.
It's nationalistic chestthumping.
The real stuff are what commercial companies are doing in the wake of the disastrous Shuttle Program.

Anonymous No. 16107651

It's really sad seeing you writhe like this so publically. Hopefully your family can afford to give you a lobotomy

Anonymous No. 16107659

This is true, but like this anon says >>16107620, both lie. NASA does more, but if Elon really thought boots on Mars was absolutely needed as soon as possible, he sure seems to be moving slower now that Starlink eeked out profitability on F9. SpaceX is beginning to drag their feet on Starship. and considering how long Crew Dragon took to develop, I dont see boots on Mars until 2040 at the earliest. Elon will be in his 70s if it happens at all. By then he will have stepped down from CEO roles, and Mars wont happen without him. He needs a succession plan, and a way to ensure his assets fund colonization after he dies

Anonymous No. 16107661

>There is exactly zero ambition in that number.
Maintaining launch cadence in a far more competitive environment is pretty ambitious

>Total unwillingness to try and compete
For a European company to try to compete with SpaceX on space launch seems like trying to compete with Chinese companies on photovoltaics

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16107666

Three reasons:

* Strong competition. There is CASC-CALT, CASC-SAST, CASIC, and 10+ start-ups. All have their own rocket models, though many of those rockets have a great deal of commonality in their supply chains. Though your pic only shows the CASC rockets

* CASC is caught in the middle of five technological paradigms that they are trying to transition through simultaneously. Modular DF-5 derivatives -> modular Energia/Zenit -> megaconstellation-optimized Zenit -> Falcon 9 -> Starship. Examples of each paradigm are CZ-3B, CZ-822, CZ-8G, CZ-10A, and CZ-9 full reuse variant

* The DF-5 derivatives and Energia/Zenit style rocket family are designed with the modularity paradigm in mind, i.e. have lots of variants, each optimized for a particular payload and orbit so that no capability is wasted

Also, the CZ-1, 1d, 2, 2E, 3, and 4A are long retired, and your pic lacks the FB-1 and a lot of the more recent CZ series rockets

Anonymous No. 16107669

Depends on your definition of "soon". If you're using the Blue Origin definition, then yes, it very much seems so

Anonymous No. 16107678

The solar system will have 0 countries some day.

Anonymous No. 16107679

Villeneuve is doing a Rama movie? What chance is there that it'll be a straight copy of the first novel instead of some mash up that includes the gay Gentry Lee shit from the later novels? It's zero right?

Anonymous No. 16107680

>more confused wailing
it's okay anon, some people just aren't cut out for detecting and identifying faces, you'll learn to live with it, and if you live in a white country you can always get a few tardwranglers to aid you.

Anonymous No. 16107684

People keep saying the kid that he takes everywhere (did he call it X?) is his succession plan.
Or hell, maybe Elon thinks he's gonna live forever, immortality is just like fusion in that they're always just 10 years away.

Anonymous No. 16107687

Yeah he is. It might actually be his next project. Denis is a lot of things but he’s definitely a sci-fi loving Gen-Xer. I think he’ll probably stick with the first book, arrival is a very slow movie so I don’t think he’s afraid to be seen as boring. His favorite movie is apparently 2001 a space odyssey so I think he might be trying to capture that magic with Rama

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vulcan teeth.png

Anonymous No. 16107688

Anonymous No. 16107690


lipniggers completely BTFO

Anonymous No. 16107691

Three reasons:

* Strong competition. There is CASC-CALT, CASC-SAST, CASIC, and 10+ start-ups. All have their own rocket models, though many of those rockets have a great deal of commonality in their supply chains. Though your pic only shows CASC's CZ series rockets

* CASC is working on transitioning through five technological paradigms simultaneously. Modular DF-5 derivatives -> modular Energia/Zenit -> megaconstellation-optimized Zenit -> Falcon 9 -> Starship. Examples of each paradigm are CZ-3B, CZ-822, CZ-8G, CZ-10A, and CZ-9 full reuse variant

* The DF-5 derivatives and Energia/Zenit style rocket family are designed with the modularity paradigm in mind, i.e. have lots of variants, each optimized for a particular payload and orbit so that no capability is wasted

Also, the CZ-1, 1D, 2, 2E, 3, and 4A are long retired, and your pic lacks the FB-1 and some of the more recent CZ series rockets that are currently flying

Anonymous No. 16107693

Wells vs Spin
Hydrolox vs Methalox
Nuclear vs Solar
Teeth vs Lips

Anonymous No. 16107694

Elon detests immortality. X will be far too young and inexperienced to succeed him

Anonymous No. 16107695

>it only works when you completely bastardize it
Jesus you people are the most retarded autismos this general has ever seen

Anonymous No. 16107697

Hey Zhang, learn to greentext >>16107693
Hydralox vs Methalox has been solved this is no longer one of the Great Debates.

Anonymous No. 16107700

I couldn't help but notice your sentence structure and cadence matches Isaac Arthur's exactly. Tell me, do you eat shit and like it?

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Anonymous No. 16107706

>Rendezvous with Rama better be good, Mr Villeneuve
Yet another film with Zendaya

Anonymous No. 16107709


Anonymous No. 16107710

>Elon detests immortality.
Does he?

Fledgling Investor No. 16107711

Stack vs destack

Anonymous No. 16107714

He believes that old people must die to make way for young. people are stubborn in their ideas, and old people cultivate stagnation

Anonymous No. 16107718

If medical immortality was like every other medical treatment and birth rates remained constant, in a few generations the world would be more than 99.9% the horrible offspring of the very worst criminals and welfare queens.

Aspiring Investor No. 16107721

Anime rocket moon

Anonymous No. 16107728

pig disgusting
he's either blind or delusional or willing to make trash when ordered to do so

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Anonymous No. 16107732

she's hot af fr fr

Anonymous No. 16107734

THE NROL National Security Mission (NSM) is now "NET APRIL"

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Anonymous No. 16107735

Hope everybody had a great Easter :)

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Anonymous No. 16107736


Anonymous No. 16107738

>lips don't even work when you draw over every single line
you got BTFO, it's over for you, you should find something else to get BTFO at next

Anonymous No. 16107740

i don't have to eat anything soft like shit, i can eat carrots because i have teeth

Anonymous No. 16107741

You Reddit election tourists seem to have stunted vocabulary development

Anonymous No. 16107742

you're rekt, and your obsession with nigger lips proves you're a tourist from some retarded blacked subreddit

Anonymous No. 16107743

she's mid af

Anonymous No. 16107746

i think they keep picking her for these movies because she looks somewhat like a human when her face is neutral, but as soon as she starts emoting the nigger nose becomes incredibly prominent.

Anonymous No. 16107747

2016 was 8 years ago, anon. I'm sorry your favorite subreddit (r/The_Donald) was banned, but you really don't need to shit up this general. You have to go back

Anonymous No. 16107749

cant wait to see her get DP'd

Anonymous No. 16107751

Drop partied?

Anonymous No. 16107754

mid as in fucking hideous?

Anonymous No. 16107755

Is that what the zoomnigger word means? Fr fr no cap on god fanum skibidi tax?

Anonymous No. 16107759

>I can only bear the pain a little longer
>please kill me now

Anonymous No. 16107762

she's pretty

Anonymous No. 16107771

He'll find a way to fuck that corpse too.

Anonymous No. 16107774

smells bad

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Anonymous No. 16107776


Anonymous No. 16107778

Is the april fools bit this year that /biz/ spambots get inserted into threads?

Helpless Investor No. 16107782


Anonymous Mogul No. 16107786


Anonymous Mogul No. 16107787

im rich nigga

Anonymous No. 16107791

It seems so. This is the worst 'holiday' ever invented.

Anonymous Mogul No. 16107801

>>get your bags up faggot
>>poor people will never go to space

Anonymous No. 16107806

Why does my dishwasher run whenever it wants

Anonymous No. 16107811

Does anyone have the Nauka launch attempts picture from before Wikipedia editors just completely changed the article and removed the huge fucking list of all the attempts and fuck ups?

Anonymous No. 16107817

Do you remember when it was there? is from 2021-08 just before a big round of deletions but I don't see what you mean about a picture.

Anonymous No. 16107830

It was a picture someone took of the wiki article. It was probably from around this time, but I swear it was about twice as long.

Anonymous No. 16107847

Oh, I think I might've found what you mean. has a funny ToC.

Anonymous No. 16107861


Anonymous No. 16107865

Some butthurt ruski saw that and edited that all out?

Anonymous No. 16107875

It could also be a tankie slavaboo with too much time on their hands.

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Anonymous No. 16107896

Reminder, SpaceX is fake and gay

Anonymous No. 16107898

I have a feeling that powerpoint is old enough to buy beer.

Anonymous No. 16107903

In Australia, maybe

Anonymous No. 16107906

Point still stands.

Anonymous No. 16107910


Now update it

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Anonymous No. 16107927

Anonymous No. 16107933
>The Cadence Picks Up At Starbase! | SpaceX Starbase Update

Anonymous No. 16107934

I see Felon Husk has posted his April Fools joke.

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Anonymous No. 16107936


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Anonymous No. 16107939


Anonymous No. 16107944

>calls someone deranged
>posts a pic only extremely deranged people would have
pot, kettle, kys

Anonymous No. 16107946

Where do you think you are?

Anonymous No. 16107947

not in /a/ or /v/, so a relatively mentally stable place of town
take your mental illness out of here

Anonymous No. 16107951

Not yet, but legal age for sex in SEA is getting close

Anonymous No. 16107954

/sci/ is worse than both of these

Anonymous No. 16107960

Still not /a/ or /v/ fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16107961

we're not /sci/, we're /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16107962

># of States Involved
>this is presented as a bad thing

Anonymous No. 16107964


Anonymous No. 16107967


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Anonymous No. 16107971

oh great it's this asshole again

Anonymous No. 16107972


Anonymous No. 16107978

lmao, how things have changed in ten years

Anonymous No. 16107987

>no YOU are from r/The_Donald
go back please, i know it was harrowing you had to leave your favourite shithole, but you're not welcome here either

Anonymous No. 16107995

r/The_Donald sissies on all sides of this slap fight. Its funny watching plebbitors fight online but all of (You) need to gtfo

Anonymous No. 16108013


Anonymous No. 16108025


Anonymous Mogul No. 16108030

Thanks OP for the garbage thread

Anonymous No. 16108036

when will water hammer come to save us from the teeth and lipniggers?

Anonymous No. 16108043

hopefully soon. this was one of the worst vs arguments in /sfg/ history.

Anonymous No. 16108044


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Anonymous No. 16108077

>Atlas V Heavy would've had a payload capacity of 39t
wtf how is it better than DIVH?

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Anonymous No. 16108082

Looks like yep, you're deranged :)

Anonymous No. 16108087

it would've been way cheaper than DIVH thanks to kerolox

Anonymous No. 16108104


Anonymous No. 16108108

Worst thread since the schizo, rare to see an /sfg/ so fucked just from the OP

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Anonymous No. 16108117

Lets get the fuck out of here



Anonymous No. 16108123

this makes me rock hard

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Anonymous No. 16108205

Why do you come to a website that makes you so angry?

Anonymous No. 16108505

Turns out strapon hydrologgs boosters are fucking retarded and nobody uses them for a reason.