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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16108116

Star Trail Edition

Previous - >>16105886

Anonymous No. 16108121

I could've made some god awful april fools thread but I restrained myself because the last thread was punishment enough. Hope you all make it through this awful day well enough.

Anonymous No. 16108122

I hate april fools

Anonymous No. 16108124

why they build expensive reusable rocket meme?
they should just make cheap dumb rocket instead.

Anonymous Mogul No. 16108142

They already have F9

Anonymous No. 16108143

Why they make expensive reusable car meme?
They should jusT make cheap dum car instead

Anonymous No. 16108144

Why isn't elon using electric rockets? He could just borrow some batteries from Tesla

Anonymous No. 16108146

>cheap dumb rocket
such as?

Anonymous No. 16108148

If you put hydrochloric acid and some aluminium foil in a bottle and put the lid on it explodes real good. Just do that

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Anonymous No. 16108149

Anonymous No. 16108152

What type of rocket propulsion is promising?

Anonymous No. 16108155

The ISS is passing over the west coast around 7ish today
and starlink launch 7-18 at 7:23 maybe some Kino today

Anonymous No. 16108157

Immediate term:
>Nuclear thermal
>Solar electric
Near future:
>Fusion drives of various potential sorts

Anonymous No. 16108158

Kek thanks

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Anonymous No. 16108162

Holy shit, they actually did it

Anonymous No. 16108166

just kidding, I actually love april fools
fooled you guys!

Anonymous No. 16108168

>>Fusion drives of various potential sorts
Such as? I want to get into rocket science, (switching majors) what does the space industry need more of, nowadays, in terms of jobs? Or; potentially in the near future?

Anonymous No. 16108170

I could see a cryogenic oxidizer combusting with a cryogenic fuel working well. Might be unrealistic though.

Anonymous No. 16108172

unrealistic why? any papers you recommend reading, about this stuff?

Anonymous No. 16108178


from the Earths surface

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Anonymous No. 16108183

It may confuse you but this is the peak human form we will have when we live in space.

Anonymous No. 16108187

As the wise man has said prototypes are easy production is hard.

Anonymous No. 16108196

Nuclear/electric, specifically nuclear powered Microwave Electrothermal engines. They extremely simple designs, they can use water for propellant so propellant storage and cost are no where near what you'd get if you're putting up with xenon or LH2, you get 1000+ sec isp, and they're far easier to cluster than classic ion engines. They're power hogs like every other electrically-driven propulsion system, but if you're including a multi-megawatt reactor that's not an issue.

Anonymous No. 16108197

Detonating nukes underground to launch steel plates to multiple times earths escape velocity

Anonymous No. 16108200

A wise man only says that when he's coping about competition hot on his ass

Anonymous No. 16108203

The funny thing is a tricore Vulcan with SMART engine reuse would be cheaper than a single core with six expended GEM 63XL.

Anonymous No. 16108207


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Anonymous No. 16108212

It's that easy in rocketry

Anonymous No. 16108218

SMART is not happening

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Anonymous No. 16108227


Anonymous No. 16108231

Tim should ask him why he snubbed yusaku maezawa. make the video into a well deserved hit piece

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Anonymous No. 16108236

>water propellantMicrowave Electrothermal engines
>nuclear powered
no, solar can cut in inside Jupiters orbit

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Anonymous No. 16108242


Anonymous No. 16108248

But what does it do?

Anonymous No. 16108249

Because dearMoon is not happening this decade and the jap has no patience.

Anonymous No. 16108256

>guys these meme drives will totally beat out methalox!!1!
too bad faggot, not economical. get used to methalox because thats all you will ever see in your lifetime.

Anonymous No. 16108261

mars will be a pedo planet where billionaire could just fuck off there and nuke earth

Anonymous No. 16108264


Anonymous No. 16108265

Spacecraft need onboard propulsion and station keeping with cryogens is not economical. Even assuming you're right about nuclear thermal and fusion thrusters, solar electric's niche as a low-thrust, high ISP station keeping or maneuvering thruster is secure.

Anonymous No. 16108267

is sea dragon even possible?

Anonymous No. 16108268


Anonymous No. 16108278

It's probably been hacked by the Russians. You should inform the relevant authorities

Anonymous No. 16108281

>evolve steel handholds
>can't evolve proper spacesuits

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Anonymous No. 16108282

>solar electric's niche as a low-thrust, high ISP station keeping or maneuvering thruster is secure.
plasma magnet sails will replace them outside magnetospheres

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Anonymous No. 16108286


Anonymous No. 16108295

You should dilate your neovagina pedotroon. YWNGTS disgusting rotting slimeball.

Anonymous No. 16108296

I hate this place so much.

Anonymous No. 16108297


Anonymous No. 16108298

>inb4 4cuck kulcha
not martian culture you fat nigger

Anonymous No. 16108308

>dood just make a gigantic pressure fed rocket
>and launch it from underwater

no its a joke

Anonymous No. 16108309

Sea Dragon sized Starship when? With 200 engines

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Anonymous No. 16108313

>dood just make a gigantic pressure fed rocket
they do that all the time newfriend.

Anonymous No. 16108316

solid boosters are not pressure fed
They are just large candles

Anonymous No. 16108318

You're a retard if you don't see the analogy.
Pressure fed rockets have to contain the chamber pressure in the fuel tank.
So do srbs.

Anonymous No. 16108323

Fuck off nigger

Anonymous No. 16108325

>seething immediately
like pottery

Anonymous No. 16108328

Chemical, solar electric, nuclear electric, in that order

Anonymous No. 16108329

Speaking of SRBs, how do large SRBs cool the nozzles?
Liquid rockets run fluid over the nozzle, hobby rockets have very beefy nozzles and only burn for a few seconds. The nozzles on the shuttle SRBs and GEMs look comparatively thin and don’t have a large pool of cold fluid to draw from. What’s their trick?

Anonymous No. 16108330

They're ablative nozzles.

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Anonymous No. 16108333

what are these trails that don't match rotation?

Anonymous No. 16108334

That makes sense. Any reason expendable liquid engines don’t also?

Anonymous No. 16108337

The Shuttle boosters burned away several inches of steel during their flight. There was no cooling, the thermal flux was high enough that it overwhelmed the thermal conductivity of the steel and burned it away. Just another point against solids for space launch.

Anonymous No. 16108338

They do. The first merlins used ablative chambers.

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Anonymous No. 16108339

Plenty of them do. The RS-68 was semi-infamous for having ablative nozzles.

Anonymous No. 16108340

Ablative nozzles fucking suck. They're heavier and they aren't any cheaper than a modern regeneratively cooled nozzle (which have come waaaaay down in cost)

Anonymous No. 16108342

The nozzle insides are phenolic and carbon.
You cant just use steel without an ablator.

Anonymous No. 16108351

>modern regeneratively cooled nozzle (which have come waaaaay down in cost)
only if you're a gay proonter fag which would be gay and faggy

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16108362

Gimme ur bussy

Anonymous No. 16108368

more like nearMoon because they don't land
or queerMoon if you look at the passenger list

Anonymous No. 16108377

They are solid steel inside of SRBs. No phenolics.

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Anonymous No. 16108381

Martian methane production has been solved

Anonymous No. 16108382

No, the modern way of making regeneraticely cooled nozzles (a sandwich of milled channels) is as cheap as the older ablative nozzles and far cheaper than the bundle of tubes method.

Anonymous No. 16108383

>thing that doesn't exist will replace cheap and effective thing in widedpread use

Anonymous No. 16108387

The nozzle certainly has and that is what was asked about. Inside the casing there is fuel which insulates the walls from the combustion until it's almost done.

Anonymous No. 16108391

>fuel tank

at least use hybrids as your example to not look dumb

Anonymous No. 16108395

ablatives are cheaper but offer lower performance and cannot do any sort of expander cycle

Anonymous No. 16108398

I said SRB can you not read?
>You're a retard if you don't see the analogy
It's confirmed you most definitely are.

Anonymous No. 16108405

The old /sfg/ is still on page 9

Anonymous No. 16108406


Anonymous No. 16108410

its a fake picture

Anonymous No. 16108417

>posts picture of some contraption or gizmo with no meaningful elaboration
Inexcusable behavior

Anonymous No. 16108418

jannies like to juggle threads

Fledgling Investor No. 16108423

they hated him because he told the truth
Jannies on a deletion spree

Anonymous No. 16108424

I included a screenshot of page 10 in my stage post for a reason anon. You know that janny only gets on once a week to mass clear threads and this stuff happens.

Anonymous No. 16108427

>ablatives are cheaper
Not significantly, not anymore. Raptor is less than $1m apiece in total, the nozzle probably takes up no more than 5% of that cost, ie around $50,000. I bet the ablative nozzles of the RS-68 cost more than Raptor's nozzles.
>cannot do any sort of expander cycle
Total non factor for pretty much any engine in existence. Lack of reusability is the real killer.

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Anonymous No. 16108429

>doesnt know about time lapse photos

Anonymous No. 16108432

cool when can I buy one for my new mexico earthship hippie commune?

Anonymous No. 16108434

anon hybrids use a liquid oxidizer, they are not an SRM

Anonymous No. 16108437

>reading comprehension
I said SRB. You said hybrid. I am not talking about hybrids.
You taking issue with the word fuel tank for SRBs is just due to your mental retardation.

Anonymous No. 16108438

and an ablative Raptor would be cheaper still, at the cost of dry mass and reusability

Anonymous No. 16108439


Anonymous No. 16108440

Yes I pointed out you were being retarded and now you want to wear that retardation as a badge of honor.

Anonymous No. 16108444

>I bet the ablative nozzles of the RS-68 cost more than Raptor's nozzles
Like all good oldspace projects, AJR outsourced parts of the RS-68 to subcontractors. Thiokol was selected to produce the ablative nozzles owing to their similar work on nozzles for the Space Shuttle SRBs. I think being more expensive than a SpaceX project is a given.

Fledgling Investor No. 16108445

be less wrong please, he is not retarded

Anonymous No. 16108446

>I included a screenshot of page 10 in my stage post
easily shoop'd, why'd you stage early?

Fledgling Investor No. 16108450

you're a nigger

Anonymous Mogul No. 16108459

>Fledgling Investor
How embarrassing

Fledgling Investor No. 16108460

I don't care about the numbers I just want to be able to put the funny on my post
kinda like how in the real stock market once you've hit about $2 million you can just retire and don't need to keep playing

Anonymous No. 16108461

daring today, aren't we?

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Anonymous No. 16108465


Anonymous No. 16108466

how do I get the cool frog next to my name

Fledgling Investor No. 16108468

play the stupid april fools game at the top of the catalog

Poor Investor No. 16108474

invest in CHAD for now since PEPE will be too expensive for a starter

Anonymous No. 16108480

why would you need gas at a hippie commune?just use solar directly

Anonymous No. 16108482

just buy the cheapest thing on the board at the start, if it goes down you delete your account and cookies and do it again until whatever you bought just does a 10x randomly

Anonymous No. 16108484

Is this how real stock market works?

Anonymous No. 16108485

there are some similarities but no

Anonymous No. 16108488

nooooo you can't just make fuel out of sunlight and air we need grinding poverty and creeping global authoritarianism to stop climate change noooo

Fledgling Investor No. 16108498


Anonymous No. 16108506

It would not be appreciably cheaper.

Anonymous No. 16108509

For fire dumbass, there's no wood in new mexico

Anonymous No. 16108511


April fools dumb ass.

Fledgling Investor No. 16108512

Why not just use the solar power itself and cut out this inefficient and expensive middle man of hydrocarbons?

Anonymous No. 16108514

for storage and rocket fuel nigger

Anonymous No. 16108515

The ELF thruster is wacky because it's most of the way to a pulsed magnetic fusion confinement system. That's why its inventor currently works for a fusion startup.

Anonymous No. 16108516

I want to say one word to you. Just one word.

Anonymous No. 16108519

Hydrocarbons are very efficient for storage density and on-demand utilization, and it's very cheap to store and transport. Electricity, by comparison, is not cheap to store at all.

Anonymous Mogul No. 16108522

it gives the desired wok hei aroma to the food when you stir fry over a high btu gas burner.

Anonymous No. 16108526

>most of the way
no, it's very very far from being a fusion propulsion system.

Anonymous No. 16108544

Helion's reactor design is just two big ELFs pointed at each other running in reverse.

Anonymous No. 16108560

Living beings were never meant to leave Earth's atmosphere. Outer space is just too cold and too rough.

Anonymous No. 16108563

it is definitionaly carbon neutral to take hydrocarbons out of the air and burn them for fuel by the way

we can utilise in situ ESG gibs to fund R&D for mars colonization. the earthers will gibs us the rope with which we will hang them

Anonymous No. 16108565

Pussy talk.
They said the same thing about your mother but I conquered her all the same.

Anonymous No. 16108568

>babby's first syngas
we figured this out 200 years ago lol

Anonymous No. 16108569

space is actually warm and soft like two bags of sand

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Anonymous No. 16108573

Hominids were never meant to leave Africa. Eurasia is just too cold and too rough.

Anonymous No. 16108574

no man, helios' reactor needs to produxe far higher energies and compression ratios to approach fusion conditions, and even so, if they do achieve a self sustaining fusion reactor, it won't be trivial to turn that into an engine for spacecraft, and that engine would be very different from ELF, too.

Anonymous Mogul No. 16108575

they are decreasing the idiot factor which is all that matters

Anonymous No. 16108599

Anonymous No. 16108605

have they collapsed yet or are we still pretending they are viable?

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Anonymous No. 16108607

ISR (You)

Anonymous No. 16108609

Our governments hiding the truth about negative energy and warp drives recovered from the crashed space vessels of extraterrestrial origin.
We could be doing intergalactic travel RIGHT NOW if it wasn't for them lying to us.

Anonymous No. 16108611

Back to >>>/x/ nigger

Anonymous No. 16108624

I agree. you should blow up the SLS the force them to come clean

Anonymous No. 16108647


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Anonymous No. 16108686

>The Delta 4 final launch, Atlas is nearly dead, SLS barely launches, shuttle has been dead for a decade, Antares is dead
The American empire is failing

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Anonymous No. 16108689

Ok guys. What's a way I can contribute to the space industry in the least effortful way possible, while also making millions per year?

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Anonymous No. 16108690


Anonymous No. 16108699

Kys wojak spammer
Kys MIGAtard spammer

Anonymous No. 16108700

>American empire falling
no, just a transition to th Musk Dynasty, hopefully. Enough sons to head one major business each, with backups.

meanwhile, YASL in a few minutes

Anonymous No. 16108703

how do you plan on getting rid of the hippies, smartass?

Anonymous No. 16108704

short Boeing

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Anonymous No. 16108705

>goon X
>immediately see F9 launch on timeline

Anonymous No. 16108711

oh, wait, it's been collagefag this whole time

Anonymous No. 16108714


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Anonymous No. 16108716

Greetings from Arizona.
I could see the booster stage's return burn arc too but didn't catch a pic.

phone is a cheap POS while my s23u is in the mail for repairs, sorry!

Anonymous No. 16108718

How tf did you see it? can't see shit from where I'm at, too many clouds

Anonymous No. 16108731

Lucky lucky is what it was. I had just got home from the store and was fiddling with my old cars voice commands to delete all the previous owners bluetooth phones when I looked up and there it was.

I saw the stage seperation (at first i thought i was watching a minuteman test and saw a destructive event) and burn arc then could see about 90 more seconds of travel before it headed off yonder Mexico and out of sight.

I'm in central AZ btw in between tucson and phoenix so i bet that helps visibility

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Anonymous No. 16108745

the Soviets should have made a commie Sea Dragon instead of that useless "Caspian Sea Monster" ground effects plane, their experience at sub construction would have been key, and launching a Morskoy Drakon from the Caspian would have been the coolest thing the CCCP ever achieved.

Anonymous No. 16108762

Should wait until the factory part is finished

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Anonymous No. 16108781

what happened to this thread, did everybody die?

Aspiring Investor No. 16108800


Anonymous Magnate No. 16108808

everyone is busy playing the game

Anonymous No. 16108829

what game?

Anonymous Mogul No. 16108845


Aspiring Investor No. 16108846

The one you just lost

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Anonymous No. 16108852

>april fools is a good holiday
genuinely worst thing to happen to this general since ift-2

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Anonymous No. 16108865

>genuinely worst thing to happen to this general since ift-2
>since ift-2
That's a real thinkaroo there

Anonymous No. 16108874

the worst thing to ever happen to this general was in 2018 when some fag decided to turn the "what is SpaceX even doing on the Rio Grande" thread into a recurring general

Anonymous No. 16108876

Spoken like the genuinely ass-pained about SpaceX's efforts.

Anonymous Magnate No. 16108878


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Anonymous No. 16108883

Regardless, I'm enjoying the party

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Anonymous No. 16108885


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Anonymous No. 16108888

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16108891

Quads and also gooning to this image rn

Aspiring Investor No. 16108901

When is New Glenn supposed to fly?

Anonymous No. 16108902

Blorp is claiming an entire NG based system of orbital hydrologgs depots for their HLS bid.

Anonymous No. 16108912

>in orbit fueling
>requiring multiple rapid launches of an unproven in house launch system
huh. sounds immensely complex and high risk to me

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Anonymous No. 16108938


In Baltimore, Maryland, the Francis Scott Key Road bridge over the Patapsco River collapsed.
The container ship MV Dali, which collided with a support beam, with a length of 300 meters and a displacement of about 100 thousand tons, was sailing under the flag of Singapore from Baltimore to the largest city of Sri Lanka, Colombo.
Now the port is blocked and navigation is impossible until the debris is removed and the bottom is cleared. Naval ships are also stuck at the berths. The management of the port and the city is going to create a temporary canal in the northeastern part of the main canal, in the area of the bridge. This will allow ships with the most important cargoes to pass through the channel.
Satellite image of "Canopus-V"

Anonymous No. 16108939

MAXAR has better resolution than this lmao
even the budget brand satellites have better resolution than this

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Anonymous No. 16108944

Launched in 2012. Resolution 2.1m

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Anonymous No. 16108956

>Mars only has 0.3% of Earths water
its over

Anonymous No. 16108965

>Russians staring at satellite imagery of destroyed bridges.
This is foreshadowing.

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Anonymous No. 16108979

>The shuttle could have had pressure-fed boosters

Anonymous No. 16108987

>ten years old
>this shit
Making fun of Russian spaceflight just feels cruel at this point

Anonymous No. 16109103

frankly, Earth has too much water

Anonymous Mogul No. 16109105

umm you can't say that. so lets unpack this. that water is important for the ecosystem and is home to many disadvantaged and endangered species. the oceans have been sacred to indigenous peoples for millenia.

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Anonymous No. 16109112

Honestly don't know if this is April Fools or not

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Anonymous No. 16109113

>Earth has too much water
settle down monkeyboy

Anonymous No. 16109127

Dont ever call me "Frankly" again

Anonymous No. 16109128

Frankly, you need to calm down

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Anonymous No. 16109130

I doubt it
> Footage from 2020 shows Astra rocket exploding during prelaunch testing

Anonymous No. 16109131

Russia is actually 3rd power in Space. And we have really bright future. Soyuz-5 coming next year. Soyuz-7 coming 2028. And we will join Moon race. We will build first Orthodox church on the Moon in 2030s

Anonymous No. 16109132

> Meanwhile, Astra CEO Chris Kemp told TechCrunch at the time that the rocket “suffered an anomaly following an otherwise successful day of testing in Kodiak in preparation for a launch this week.” He added that the company’s hardware “was the only thing harmed.” He told a separate publication that the company would not be attempting a launch after that week, and that it would “wait until conditions with coronavirus improve before making another attempt” — when in actuality, there was no longer a rocket to launch.


Anonymous No. 16109144

How does this even happen? There are literally no ignition sources on the pad.

Anonymous No. 16109145


Anonymous No. 16109146

Also we are coming to mass production of satellites. Sphere project is Russian alternative to starlink.
You can think whatever. That we don't have money and that we take chips from washing machines. We will speak with our achievements. We are becoming to produce everything locally. No longer need EU to produce sensors for satellites and landers. Yeah Luna-25 failed because of our hardware failure but as we say in Russia "the first pancake is always lumpy".

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Anonymous No. 16109148


Anonymous No. 16109149

Sound suppression seems to active before explosion, possibly was a launch attempt?

Anonymous No. 16109151

Kelp played us for fools...

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Anonymous No. 16109152
>This space junk consisted of depleted batteries from the ISS, attached to a cargo pallet that was originally supposed to come back to Earth in a controlled manner. But a series of delays meant this cargo pallet missed its ride back to Earth, so NASA jettisoned the batteries from the space station in 2021 to head for an unguided reentry.
Not my problem!

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Anonymous No. 16109157

I wonder how long along SpaceX is with something like this? if this works well enough, they don't really need to do it themselves

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Anonymous No. 16109159


Anonymous No. 16109161


Anonymous No. 16109170

Put sanctions on NASA if we want this to STOP. Safety of people should be the number 1 concern

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Anonymous No. 16109175

this, but with an astronaut

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Anonymous No. 16109178

It's been done

Anonymous No. 16109182

thank dr zubbrin. here is your 10k nasa contract award.

Anonymous No. 16109184

needs to be cheap and scalable
this is something like 10-20x the cost of natural gas, but with some iteration of the system + solar energy becoming cheaper then it has the potential to be on par with natural gas
might have some applications at this level already like remote locations with plenty of solar energy

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Anonymous No. 16109188

*blocks your grift*

Anonymous No. 16109194

irrelevant, what matters is the scalability and cost

Anonymous No. 16109197

It's as if you fundamentally misunderstand the whole point of energy storage

Anonymous No. 16109218

I want to taste the meat, not the heat.

Anonymous No. 16109220

Hydrocarbons are the perfect battery

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Anonymous No. 16109222

>storing energy when you can just sink a borehole and get all the hydrogen you want
You're not gonna be rich, Casey, so come to terms with it

Anonymous No. 16109223

this is about methane, not hydrogen

Anonymous No. 16109225

If it's that easy, Casey makes more money btw. Saves him money splitting hydrogen, instead he only needs to split CO2 and combine with free ground hydrogen as you say. He'll be fucking rich

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Anonymous No. 16109233

Radian Aerospace unveils its redesigned space plane

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Anonymous No. 16109237

>muh sled launch
gets you very little, Black Horse is the only space plane that makes any sense

Anonymous No. 16109238

VC bait. lmfao

Anonymous No. 16109243

With this plus dragon and starliner, America becomes unstoppable

Anonymous No. 16109248

gusion deive

Anonymous No. 16109283

>Budget brand
You just described Russia's space program
They don't have a lot of money to put into it, nor can they easily buy parts off-the-shelf for their projects

Anonymous No. 16109292

>from sunlight and air
did they also invent alchemy or are journalists retarded?

Anonymous No. 16109294

It's literally what they did: direct air capture + solar power

Anonymous No. 16109296

whats the problem? sunlight -> power
air -> CO2 + water vapor -> methane with impurities (artificial natural gas)

Anonymous No. 16109298

Well you need water to lyse too ofc.

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Anonymous No. 16109300


Anonymous No. 16109304

Won't it just burn up entering atmosphere?

Anonymous No. 16109311

okay let's see the same pic from that Resurs imaging satellite they just launched

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Anonymous No. 16109313

Holy shit bros, Vulcan flight tomorrow O_O

Anonymous No. 16109314

Dream Chaser? Thought that was months away.

Anonymous No. 16109319

>Even more than ethanol, enormous tracts of land are used to produce livestock feed.
>Terraform Industries is pioneering direct solar synthesis of molecular fuel, and natural gas is just the first in a long line of reduced carbon products which will soon include gasoline and kerosene and eventually include starches, fats, and proteins.
>In other words, we can produce more animal feed, more cheaply, at higher quality, and with less land using the solar PV-synthesis route, than by planting corn and waiting for it to grow.
>There isn’t enough productive land on Earth to agriculturally produce enough food to supply eight billion humans at US standards of living, but the Terraformer shows how we can produce much more with much less.
Is it really that easy in livestockery? Can you actually just create starches, fats, and proteins out of thin air if you have enough electricity? Cows on Mars confirmed?

Astranon No. 16109325

Yes this was one of the early Rocket 3 launch attempts. It's legit.

Anonymous No. 16109328

Every attempt at chemical synthetic food for large animals has been a disaster. This is just Casey talking out of his asshole to justify stealing farmland as solar farms.

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Anonymous No. 16109336

He's such a patently evil little shit, I hope some brownoid in his beloved California merks him

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Anonymous No. 16109339


Anonymous No. 16109341

Yes, you are shit for posting 19 hours old April's Fools jokes

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Anonymous No. 16109344

>April 1

It would be an incredible auspost if he was trolling but he appears to be serious.

Anonymous No. 16109345

maybe, might be even possible to skip the livestock alltogether and just manufacture animal protein in vats but not sure if air has the chemicals in sufficient quantities

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Anonymous No. 16109349

>Cows on Mars confirmed?
They'll be feeding any solarslop directly to humans you nincompoop

Anonymous No. 16109377

I don't like outer space. It's cold and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.

Anonymous No. 16109391

Elon will personally populate Mars.

Anonymous No. 16109394

>lol it was an april's fool guys

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Anonymous No. 16109428

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Anonymous No. 16109432

Yep I still want to live in a tropical climate. Something like a wet hawaii rainforest

Anonymous No. 16109448

Damn..., there is no space flight going anywhere. no new news nothing.

Anonymous No. 16109455

>space flight
yup space flight confirmed demoralization troons.

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Anonymous No. 16109462

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Anonymous No. 16109463

There are numerous advantages to inflatable tensile structures especially in space infrastructure

Anonymous No. 16109467

How do these sorts of things get made?

Anonymous No. 16109480

Jesus dragging his peepee across the landscape

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Anonymous No. 16109482

I was gonna say karst topography but evidently not

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Anonymous No. 16109484

doesn't quite explain why such formation aren't seen elsewhere.

Anonymous No. 16109500

geologists do be making a lot of ad hoc claims

Anonymous No. 16109501 being a vostok pilot seems so comfy

Anonymous No. 16109502

>being a zigger seems so comfy

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Anonymous No. 16109504

This is what I think is going on

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Anonymous No. 16109506

Yeah. I'm glad I'm more of a physicist

Anonymous No. 16109508

like bryce canyon?

Anonymous No. 16109511


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Anonymous No. 16109512


Anonymous No. 16109533

mars doesn't have anything close to this so it never had much liquid water.

Anonymous No. 16109538

Mars had liquid hydrogen

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Anonymous No. 16109540

>/sfg/ is being tricked by chinks with off topic landscape images
would you retards get back to rockets??

Anonymous No. 16109542

Hilarious video

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Anonymous No. 16109552
>Collecting a sample of Enceladus will be one of the mission’s primary aims. The report proposed using either a lander or a probe that would fly close enough to the surface to sweep up material ejected by plumes to collect samples from the moon’s south pole.
>While Enceladus has been identified as the most promising target, Titan and Jupiter’s moon Europa were also identified as promising.

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Anonymous No. 16109554


Anonymous No. 16109557

gay music though

Anonymous No. 16109590

you can trap moisture from air

Anonymous No. 16109597

He really is a bastard. Cattle droppings are critical to making marginal lands fertile and able to sustain plant growth, and it's a hugely important ecological niche for improving landscapes all around.

Anonymous No. 16109599

if we can use less land area for the same amount of calorie production for humans, then old farmland and cattle grazing area etc can be rewilded
actual wilderness is a much bigger improvement compared to farmland

Anonymous No. 16109602

Cattle graze *on* wild landscapes. They're not waltzing around in maintained pastures, they're eating in what's almost nothing but useless shitty barrens that are no good for farming.

Anonymous No. 16109605

those are not wild, for one there are no predators that hunt cattle freely, and the landscapes do not support wild grazers as much because you have cattle there and so on
grazing lands are now wild

Anonymous No. 16109606


Anonymous No. 16109611

The lack of major predators doesn't make any real difference. The Great Plains of the United States didn't have any major predators either, and tens of millions of bison roamed them.

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Anonymous No. 16109615

Not spaceflight shut the fuck up

Anonymous No. 16109616

Not a rocket scientist, but I suspect they want to make the rocket cheap by making it reusable

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Anonymous No. 16109619

why keep an area like that to graze cattle when you could rewild it and use it for recreation, biodiversity and so on

lol yes they did

Anonymous No. 16109621

if "biodiversity" means wolves taking over i'd rather live somewhere with grazing cattle

Anonymous No. 16109626

>why keep an area like that to graze cattle when you could rewild it and use it for recreation, biodiversity and so on
Because getting rid of the cows reduces biodiversity and makes it worse you mouth breathing dumbfuck

Anonymous No. 16109627


Anonymous No. 16109630

nope, actual wild animals would populate the area
the biodiversity would obviously increase massively after rewilding

Anonymous No. 16109632

You're one of those guys who would have gone all-in on Mao's crusade against birds. Stop trying to inflict your misanthropic hell on the rest of us.

Anonymous No. 16109634

Moon time zones

Anonymous No. 16109636

amazing that all of the places that wolves weren't around to save are somehow still around and doing fine and in fact are much more suitable for human habitation than yellowstone

Anonymous No. 16109637

complete non-sequitur

Anonymous No. 16109639

Not even slightly. Your anti-humanist viewpoints are entirely exposed by your crusade against valuable and important species for nutrition and even environmental well-being with faux-environmentalist viewpoints seated in ignorance. Now kindly fuck off, either back to your Beijing masters or some women's club group. It's clearly one or both of those two.

Anonymous No. 16109640

What happened to Mars? Wasn't it near enough the same size as Earth? Did the NPC admins decide to shrink it and buff it so that going there isn't a mistake?

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Anonymous No. 16109642

humans habitate cities mostly, you could rewild big patches of land in the hypotethical scenario we are talking about and have some non-farm,non-grazing but still not-completely rewilded areas for people to live in that don't want to live cities

Anonymous No. 16109650

are you retarded? the point here is that if you could make the same food synthetically using solar power, the land would be much more valuable to use for solar power
but that would be so much more efficient that you wouldn't need to use nearly as much as agriculture and grazing use nowadays
grazing cattle and farming monoculture grain or something is worse for biodiversity than actual just wilderness, no matter what kind of weird mental gymnastics you are trying to do here
and obviously you wouldn't do rewilding before you had something like this running and it wouldn't be forced
it would happen naturally (and I'm saying its good it would happen) just by solar powered artificial foodstock outcompeting farming and grazing

Anonymous No. 16109653

Why the fuck are you blaming cattle for a deer problem?
You literally can't do that you dense motherfucker! Humans are omnivorous! Our biology IS NOT OPTIMIZED for the exclusive consumption of plants! Every single human being, outside of mutations, genetic defects, and similar cases that are irrelevant rounding errors, benefits from having significant quantities of meat in their diet! Harping about efficiency is the height of malice or idiocy.

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Anonymous No. 16109656

What kind of fast food joints will there be on Mars?

Anonymous No. 16109658

plants? you can create proteins with yeast
you might be able to recreate most foods without actual animals in the future and more efficiently than actual using the agriculture -> animal -> meat route
I think you just might be retarded and not understanding what I'm talking about

Anonymous No. 16109661


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Chicken vs chicke....jpg

Anonymous No. 16109663

Chicken tendies.

Bugs eat our trash&shit
Chickens eat the bugs
We eat the chicken
And then then the circle starts again.

Anonymous No. 16109668

>Drive a Tesla
>Automatically get a 50% bonus to GBP to use to purchase tendies

Anonymous No. 16109678

invitro meat sucks because it has no fat in it.

Anonymous No. 16109681

And none of the texture and non-meat content that comes from it being a functional muscle group.

Anonymous No. 16109683

The hardest part of Mars chickens is coming up with a way for birds or eggs to survive launch and transit. It's one of the few usecases for 30 day Mars transits that can't be cheesed around with more cargo mass on a free return.

Anonymous No. 16109692

its also carcinogenic

Anonymous No. 16109696

converting natural hydrogen into methane is an interesting and powerful application of this technology actually

Anonymous No. 16109704

I love chicken so much it’s unreal. Eggs for eating. Poultry for eating. Milk for drinking.
Perfect animal.

Anonymous No. 16109712

chicken milk?

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laser-thermal pro....jpg

Anonymous No. 16109714

Elon will build a laser thermal rocket to guarantee tendies for Mars

Anonymous No. 16109726

Its funny all the anti musk schizos dont sperg about that metal plate anymore even though they were sure it would never work

Anonymous No. 16109728

Same as literally everything SpaceX has accomplished

Anonymous No. 16109740

Don't forget the FUD/concern trolling about hot staging.

Anonymous No. 16109742

Starship has a long way to go, but shitting on the anti-Musk lunatics feels like bullying at this point. We've passed 10-15 "impossible" milestones already.
>Raptor will never work
>Raptor will never be reliable
>You can't just weld a rocket together out of stainless
>Okay, it won't make it through max-Q
>Okay, it can't handle the flip and burn
>The pad won't survive
>Okay, the pad won't survive a dozen launches
>The booster won't survive hot staging
It's just silly at this point. It reminds of Falcon 9, you still meet people out of the loop who are still saying things like-
>Reusability is a meme, they have to refly each booster FIVE TIMES for it to be profitable
They're just totally unaware that boosters are hitting 20 flights reliably now. Just ignore them, it's genuinely some kind of psychosis. For whatever reason they can't learn, it would break their minds.

Anonymous No. 16109750

Derangement Syndrome is seizing increasingly large portions of the internet. It started with Trump, and without him in the White House, it shifted targets to Elon Musk and foreign affairs.

Anonymous No. 16109753

Next will be landing the things because muh too accurate. After that it will be refueling in orbit and maintaining depots. Once that goes flawlessly it will be landing on unprepared surfaces like the moon. After that it will be anything to do with setting up a colony and consistency.

Anonymous No. 16109762

They just move to the next goal post lmao. The more ambitious the goal post, the more anti-Musk seethers have something to cling on to their claim of Musk being fraud/fake/etc

Anonymous No. 16109780

3% of Earth's water is fresh. Only 1% of Earth's water is fresh and liquid. Only ~0.3% of Earth's fresh liquid water *isn't* stuck inside the Great Lakes, Lake Baikal, and/or the african great lakes.
Mars' has the same amount of land surface as Earth. Mars has an almost exactly Earthlike amount of water. I started this as a shitpost but now I'm actually spooked by how close the numbers are lol

Anonymous No. 16109791

How much fresh water rains on Earth every fucking day. Earth's fresh water is not locked in some lakes, it flows and flows.

Anonymous No. 16109792

>Russia is actually 3rd power in Space
1- SpaceX
2- China
3- the rest of the USA

>but muh soyuz-
Designed by soviets 80 years ago, built and operated today by a zombie organization that runs the production line without understanding any of the technology.
>but crew spaceflight-
Not difficult or impressive in 2024 and their capsule spacecraft keep leaking radiator coolant lmao
pockocmoc is already dead, russia is dying

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Anonymous No. 16109795

Almost forgot this ACME shit was real.

Anonymous No. 16109800

Most places on Earth have more humidity in the air than CO2 anyway, so may as well just use air as your only material input.

Anonymous No. 16109806

>There isn’t enough productive land on Earth to agriculturally produce enough food to supply eight billion humans at US standards of living
Fucking what? This is bullshit lol. I get it when people argue we don't have enough lithium or whatever yet to make every himan able to live as an american, but food production limit is legit not a real problem in real life, the problem is that brown nations cannot sustain the advanced societies which lead to rich populations because brown nations have too many dumb people.

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Carter Emmart for....jpg

Anonymous No. 16109811

how salty is the ice on Mars? any data?

Anonymous No. 16109813

You could tell me this was a photo taken from an african cargo cult and I would believe it.

Anonymous No. 16109814

the chicken centrifuge

Anonymous No. 16109821

Chicken feed goes into the hub, eggs shoot out the sides.

Anonymous No. 16109825

I think he means specifically with the sheer beef consumption of America.

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Anonymous No. 16109829

chickens are short so you can spin them even in the radius of a Starship for gravity

much more interesting than chickens is tilapia, shrimp and crabs

shrimp are VERY important

Anonymous No. 16109836

All of the above. You need chickens to handle things the fish, shrimp, and crabs will ignore or that can't be thrown into water.

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lunar nuke saturn.jpg

Anonymous No. 16109837

> nuclear engine boosts payload delivered by 60%
HLS-N when?

Anonymous No. 16109846

good troll

Anonymous No. 16109848

Never nobody wants to use your shitty nuclear meme drives. Methalox is the future

Anonymous No. 16109849

The "standard Saturn vehicles" were pretty piss poor.Today, any perceived gains from nuclear fail to outweigh the cost, increased tankage mass, hydrogen management, and regulatory hurdles. This is why oldspace loves it so much, because it's a new boondoggle after SLS where SpaceX wont follow them

Anonymous No. 16109850

60% compared to fucking what?
What engine architecture? What fuel volume?

Nuclear is based but it makes no sense for anything happening near-earth.
NTR shines the most when doing missions to mars or further because of the ISP gains, but it give you fuck-all for thrust.
It also relies on hydrogen for for all that ISP, which you get double pounded in the mass with NTR. That nuclear reactor is fucking heavy, and the containment for the hydrogen is a massive bitch as well.

Anonymous No. 16109853

they survived being taken on boats for 100+ days across the world with nobody giving a shit whether they lived or died. they will be fine on a spacecraft with people caring for them. literally not an issue.

Anonymous No. 16109859

Boats don't have chicken bone snapping 4g peak acceleration.

Anonymous No. 16109861

>Russia bait
>/sfg/ sleeps
>Chinese mountains
>real shit?

Anonymous No. 16109862

Compared to a Saturn 5. Starship HLS utterly crushes it.

Anonymous No. 16109864

chickens can survive much higher than 4g acceleration my dude

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Anonymous No. 16109868


Anonymous No. 16109869

>/sfg/ back to discussing how to grow food
/sfg/ is live

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Anonymous No. 16109871


Anonymous No. 16109873

I want to see a chicken in a tiny spacesuit in one of those rotational gravity test setups from the 60s.

Anonymous No. 16109874

chickens are also good for turning and fertilizing small plots of soil and compost

Anonymous No. 16109875

goddamn, that's pretty cute.

Anonymous No. 16109876

SpaceX must be absolutely shitting out second stages what the fuck. One launch every 2.5 days

Anonymous No. 16109877

how dos he do that

Anonymous No. 16109878

because the whole rocket has the same diameter, it was apparently pretty easy for them to convert more booster production over to 2nd stage production.

Anonymous No. 16109879

chickens have reaction wheels instead of brains.

Anonymous No. 16109880

I want someone to draw this kek

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Shusei Nagaoka as....jpg

Anonymous No. 16109881

>Nuclear is based but it makes no sense for anything happening near-earth.
Yet the Space Force wants an NTR for cislunar ops. Curious ...

Anonymous No. 16109884

there's a difference between the demands of the warfighter and the demands of a logistics mission
kinda like how you don't bring a semi truck to the battlefield, fighting in space requires obscene dv requirements compared to doing things efficiently and predictably

Anonymous No. 16109886

the use cases for military craft and commercial or scientific craft are completely different. how many commercial submarines do you know of any how many are nuclear powered?

tbqh the cross section of people who both understand spaceflight and warfighting is pretty slim, at least on anime image boards

Anonymous No. 16109887

The old Triton design makes sense for unmanned cislunar patrol craft.
>higher thrust than SEP
>higher endurance than storable chemical
>LANTR for fast boosts (past the Van Allen belts, pursuit burns, etc.)
>a megawatt of power for sensors, comms, and laser weapons
>ISRU from NEA/lunar water

Anonymous No. 16109888

The Space Force has been sold a dream. And that's all it will remain

Anonymous No. 16109890

>tbqh the cross section of people who both understand spaceflight and warfighting is pretty slim, at least on anime image boards
This goes for Space Force too, at least currently. They will learn eventually, but it will cost them decades and 100s of billions

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Anonymous No. 16109892


Anonymous No. 16109894

Doug Chafee was based.

Anonymous No. 16109895

yeah i think that's why they want some inexplicable shit like a manned earth orbit space force station. the only sure I can think of is learning how to run space force manned missions and particularly long duration "deployments" in a controlled and familiar environment. otherwise it really doesn't have a practical purpose. well, they may also just think it's cool or politically necessary. their white papers and journals are fun to read in the mean time, they're total dweebs

Anonymous No. 16109898

I wonder how cheap they could actually get F9. I hope we eventually learn where the marginal cost per launch ended up when that rocket gets retired.

Anonymous No. 16109899

Also as an anti-ASAT tripwire platform.
>yeah we'll shoot down your gay missiles
>and if you shoot us down it's an act of war

Anonymous No. 16109906

From Elon a couple years ago, it was 15 million marginal cost. I wouldnt be surprised if they're closer to 10 million now

Anonymous No. 16109908

and for comparison, also from Elon, the current Starship IFT prototypes cost about 100 million all up

Anonymous No. 16109909

Baltimore should hire spacex to rebuild their gay bridge

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Anonymous No. 16109910

They have wings. In free-fall they WILL fly around.

Anonymous No. 16109911

they're too busy making white people uncomfortable, that's the mayor's priority #1

Anonymous No. 16109919

that's not a problem as long as they never leave their centrifuge box

Anonymous No. 16109923

Do freeze-thaw cycles happen past the frost line when water begins to behave like ice rock on terrestrial planets?
Like could tidal heating or internal nuclear heat or soemthing be enough to continuously melt ice on rocky/icy planets/moons past the asteroid belt and create weird geology?

Anonymous No. 16109926

either way you still got to deal with their poop

Anonymous No. 16109928

On Mars the water will all be indoors. Every habitat will be a temperate paradise of comfortable humidity and regularly occurring rain, forever.

Anonymous No. 16109929

dealing with chicken poop is gross but a solved endeavor as long as you put them in the chicken centrifuge

Anonymous No. 16109931

Or, you could just send frozen sperm and embryos.

Anonymous No. 16109933

Not salty (the ice we dug up sublimated away to nothing, if it was salty there would be white crust left behind), and if it was it wouldn't matter anyway

Anonymous No. 16109938

>if nuclear doesn't make any ecomonic sense why does an entity with unlimited capacity for burning funding want it?

Anonymous No. 16109946

>$100m for the biggest rocket ever
>demonstrated cadence of over 3/year

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Anonymous No. 16109952

scientifically speaking, what is the point of putting a pelton wheel water turbine in an ostensible anti-satellite weapon?

what actually is this thing? Just a spooky arrangement of random hardware found in a shed?

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Anonymous No. 16109957

time zones on the moon or something I haven't read this yet

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Anonymous No. 16109960

what the fuck is that supposed to be and where did you find it

Anonymous No. 16109964


Anonymous No. 16109965

you can tell a Russian is lying because he is speaking

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Anonymous No. 16109989

> it held 96 casings with solid propellant arranged in a globular fashion like the petals of a dandelion around a central combustion chamber. Upon their ignition, the chambers/grenades might have fed hot propulsive gas into a single or multiple combustion chambers at the center of the contraption, producing either the main thrust and/or steering the vehicle. When the missile reached the proximity of the target, according to its guiding radar, the entire vehicle would explode and the small solid chambers would eject under their own propulsive force in every direction acting as shrapnel.

Anonymous No. 16109990

it's probably part of the system that spins it up somehow

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Anonymous No. 16109991


Anonymous No. 16109994

what fluid/gas impinges on the pelton wheel though? it just doesn't make sense to me

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LM2D Y102 240402.webm

Anonymous No. 16110002

Long March 2D doing the usual

Anonymous No. 16110006

maybe they just had a pelton wheel lying around and spin it up normally

Anonymous No. 16110009

chinese rockets are boooooring

Anonymous No. 16110014

>Falcon Heavy can’t launch Orion because… because it can’t okay????
Oldspace lies that (((you))) ate up

Anonymous No. 16110022

If the bridenstack is too much, an expended Falcon Heavy/Helios might be able to get Orion to TLI, and certifying that would be a lot easier than the hell of getting an ICPS to work on top of a Falcon.

Anonymous No. 16110024

could you realistically put Centaur V or Space Launch System’s Exploration Upper Stage on top of a Falcon Heavy

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Anonymous No. 16110025

What's this guy's name? i forgot

Anonymous No. 16110029


Anonymous No. 16110033

No, and very no. ICPS has a 5m diameter and that really doesn't like the idea of having to perch on a skinny boy like the 3.7m Falcon. Centaur V is even worse at 5.4m, and the EUS is an absurd 8.4m across. If you really wanted to try making a nightmarish frankenrocket you could maybe put an EUS above a bundle of 3-4 Falcon boosters, but you'd need to subtract the standard Falcon second stage and engineering that cluster would probably be as much a headache as getting the Falcon Heavy to work originally. It's within the realm of possible but not the realm of the recommended.

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Anonymous No. 16110037

>mogs your space stayion

Anonymous No. 16110040

>tags: gay, frotting, size difference, raceplay

Anonymous No. 16110042

>It's within the realm of possible but not the realm of the recommended
Heh well said

Anonymous No. 16110053

you have issues.

Anonymous No. 16110059

Except no known material can withstand the hoop stress of a dome diameter of more than 100m or so. You will only have rain in your habitats if you stand under the sprinkler

Anonymous No. 16110060

Take the tensile roof pill.

Anonymous No. 16110065

S. Pace
currently director of the Space Policy Institute, previously Executive Secretary of the National Space Council under Trump

Anonymous No. 16110066

you ever just name your kid space

Anonymous No. 16110072

you ever consider dilating your neovagina

Anonymous No. 16110075

Big Scotty P

Anonymous No. 16110088

Starliner scrubs are astounding

Anonymous No. 16110094

The absolute best part is that they haven't certified for Vulcan yet so once the last Atlas V goes, Starliner is dead.

Anonymous No. 16110095

hearty kek

can't believe you don't know

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Anonymous No. 16110103

There's a Titan I standing right next to a Krystal in Cordele, GA.

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Anonymous No. 16110112

Have you seen a close up picture of any of the icy moons?

Anonymous No. 16110122

instead of chikin, why not consider blue quail?

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Anonymous No. 16110129

you gotta be shitting me

Anonymous No. 16110132

I'm in a 25% cloud cover zone right down the middle let's go

Anonymous No. 16110137

pisses me off cuz i was seriously considering flying to rochester since i have family there. decided it's lower risk to drive to tx, and ofc cloud cover would surely be worse in the northeast. nope

Anonymous No. 16110151

glad I took the time six months ago to do the annular eclipse, and clouds barely went away in time for that one too

Anonymous No. 16110158

Clouds often part right before the eclipse, due to atmospheric cooling

Anonymous No. 16110165

Just excreted s huge pile of feces into the toilet at my place of employment. Not sure if the water sparing toilets on Mars will be able to handle this.

Anonymous No. 16110166

Are you on the toilet now? I am, just finished dumping about a gallon of liquid shit. Not sure what I ate exactly. Splashed everywhere

Anonymous No. 16110168

Titanbros. we're only a decade away. They recently changed the person responsible for the flight algorithms though which makes me nervous.

Anonymous No. 16110198

Martians will literally NEED all the shit they can get for fertilizer. The more you shit the better. Just gotta hope none of it gets in to your water supply or you'll get Cholera.

Anonymous No. 16110202

Kill yourself Dragonflycel the entire mission should be cancelled just like MSR because THEYRE NOT GOING TO THE FUCKING LAKES WHATS WRONG WITH THESE RETARDED NIGGERS AT NASA

Anonymous No. 16110222

I hate the EU so much

Anonymous No. 16110230

They can regulate themselves. Doesnt mean shit anyways, good luck you French froggy fucks America is blasting off up and away from you fat fucks and theres NOTHING you can do about it.

Anonymous No. 16110238

Like I said a few threads ago in response to someone quoting Shotwell on regulatory hurdles: if they don't get input on those rules they're going to be run over by them. Right now the ITU is busy making angry noises at NGSO operators because they don't respect national frequency allocations or borders, and this is one hundred percent about Ukraine and Starlink

Anonymous No. 16110247

>If space companies want to do business with the bloc, they'll have to abide by the rules, said Niklas Nienaß, an MEP with the German Greens who has long pushed the Commission to set rules for space, adding the draft was shaping up to create “one single market in space.”
Welp guess EU wont have Starlink. Not like they made many sales there anyways since most of EU is just cities. Thats too bad, but theyre 100% going to try to limit how many satellites each company can put up so SpaceX cant be part of that. Not like anyone would EVER want to have launch pads in Europe either.

Anonymous No. 16110249

>The EU Space Law will set standards to curb light pollution caused by growing satellite constellations and limit greenhouse gas emissions and pollution caused by rocket launches.
>greenhouse gases
So Europe doesnt want to participate in the methalox future. Alright, become the next Africa then, be our guest.

Anonymous No. 16110250

>this is one hundred percent about Ukraine and Starlink
I doubt that it's about Ukraine since they allowed SpaceX to operate, broadcasting without permission as a non-state actor is generally frowned upon I'm pretty sure, the ITU works because everyone mostly respects spectrum allocations and broadcast rules, if people were to get away with just ignoring them it could lead to a shitshow.

Anonymous No. 16110251

>“In over 60 years of space activity, we have more than 60,000 objects that need to be tracked in space, and over 1 million [pieces of] small debris,” said Grudler. “If we do nothing, we will no longer be able to launch satellites because space will be too cluttered."
Yup theyre using the Kessler syndrome meme to take as much control as they can under the guide of environmental safety. They do this with literally everything, the entire continent is one massive beuracratic system that makes any company, organization or person bend to their pathetic, slimy wills.

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Anonymous No. 16110253

Anonymous No. 16110254

Fucking hate Europe so much but what are you gonna do? Atleast this is one of the least impactful places that couldve been taken out of SpaceX's grasp. The entire thing seems to just be some sort of power play for control and probably some shady scheme so that outside competitors like SpaceX cant push out the moldy fucking fossils that are Arianne since they just REFUSE to do the bare minimum of staying with the times of reusability. Absolute joke of a continent

Anonymous No. 16110255

water in the stratosphere is a significant greenhouse gas, anon
they're straight up trying to make it illegal to launch a rocket

Anonymous No. 16110258

I cannot understate how much this is underselling totality

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Anonymous No. 16110261

Whenever Mars becomes an independent state, first order of business should be orbital bombardment of Yurop.

Anonymous No. 16110266

This entire regulation operation REEEEEKS of Arianne those fucking french niggers. How much you want to be they were a key advisor during the creation process of this bullshit? Probably specifically built so that home grown launchers (literally only Arianne) are exempt or get a significant advantage over foreign launchers even when prices will soon be literally 50x cheaper with Starship.

Anonymous No. 16110275

lmaoing hard @ all you redditroons
there were just just as many underage heckin scifierino troons back in 2016 creaming over le self driving meme, you'll ack in due time too

Anonymous No. 16110280

Awful, awful bait. You will not be receiving any (You)s. If you had spread out the replies it wouldve been more believable.

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Anonymous No. 16110290


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Anonymous No. 16110326

When will space pirates with juryrigged spacecraft be a thing?

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Anonymous No. 16110343

end the misery

Anonymous No. 16110344

when we stop using brittle al-li for everything

Anonymous No. 16110350

sorry didn't see your comment I had to get back to pretending I'm doing something ASAP

Anonymous No. 16110351

what would you rather have another 2 week lunar lander?

Anonymous No. 16110363

Hey no problem man!

Anonymous No. 16110365

That's it, we're goin to Durango boys. Pray for me

Anonymous No. 16110370

they could use a small solid rocket to give it tangential spin
kind of like turbopumps are basically rocket engine pointed inside a turbine

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Anonymous No. 16110385


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Anonymous No. 16110387
>Watch a REAL Spacesuit Pressure Test (I Swam With Astronauts Underwater) - Smarter Every Day 296

didn't realize this one had a HLS mockup underwater so I skipped it completely when I saw it came out the first time
the thumbnail has also been changed now
probably a shit video anyway

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Anonymous No. 16110389

pic is from 45:25 when the NASA guy starts to explain the HLS mockup

Anonymous No. 16110417

Destin finally starting to realize the reason it needs 12+ refuels might have something to do with the fact that the airlock alone is larger than LEM

Anonymous No. 16110452

>he assumed a dome
fuck off

Anonymous No. 16110460

The simplest solution is to eschew domes and build column supported arches.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16110463





Anonymous No. 16110464

columns are immensely complex and high risk. 3d print a buttplughab out of martian dust instead

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Anonymous No. 16110468
>The Armstrong limit or Armstrong's line is a measure of altitude above which atmospheric pressure is sufficiently low that water boils at the normal temperature of the human body. Exposure to pressure below this limit results in a rapid loss of consciousness, followed by a series of changes to cardiovascular and neurological functions, and eventually death, unless pressure is restored within 60–90 seconds.[1]

Anonymous No. 16110470

kek okay you got me with this one

Anonymous No. 16110471

and this could be done with current SLS budget if Starship works out

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Anonymous No. 16110474


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Anonymous No. 16110475


comments about the temperature dropping noticeably as the totality happens makes it sound pretty cool

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Anonymous No. 16110478

not sure what "low altitude" actually means in this context, but having pressures high enough in the hellas basin for example for colonists to not immediately die if there is a big breach would make things much easier

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Anonymous No. 16110480


map with some names, hellas basin is the blue hole in the southern hemisphere

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Anonymous No. 16110484
>Welding: ! Gateway's HALO (Habitation and Logistics Outpost) is one step closer to launch following welding completion in Turin, Italy. Provided by @northropgrumman, HALO will offer space for crew to live, work, and prepare for lunar surface missions.

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Anonymous No. 16110485

So what payloads are being built right now to be sent up by Starship and how many years until they're finished? It's not like the nebulous Mars colonization shit has even left the planning stage.

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Anonymous No. 16110486
>Our engine test team at @NASAStennis is looking more like a Formula 1 pit crew these days, moving with remarkable speed and precision.
>In < than 4hrs, the crew seamlessly transitioned from a thrust chamber assembly (TCA) hot fire, to removing the TCA, swapping an injector, and mounting it back onto the stand for test.

Anonymous No. 16110492

why do you spam /sfg/ with twitter links?

Anonymous No. 16110494

Starlink v3, 2 weeks

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Anonymous No. 16110498

A big tent with a big airlock pressurized to 0.2 bar with just atmospheric CO2 would be invaluable for the 1st Mars bases. You could work on faulty machines with just an oxygen mask and warm clothes, so much easier than trying to fix shit in a pressure suit.

Anonymous No. 16110506

they're really not bad tbqh. I'm glad he does it

Anonymous No. 16110510

starlinks will probably be ready to go right away when starship works
a number of starship-class space stations are being planned: Gravitics Starmax, Airbus-Voyager Starlab (2028) and Vast Starship-class unnamed module (2028)
vast also has plans to send a haven demo this year and a standalone F9 class singular module in 2025

Axiom is planning to build a space station as well but the diameter is 4.2m so can be sent with F9 I think, the launch is planned for 2026 and will be attached to the ISS

K2 is developing a big cheap satellite bus that would be launched with Starship, though i don't know when
their representative did visit starbase recently

you have polaris 3 dearmoon, and dearmoon2 with dennis tito that are going to be crewed starship missions and HLS itself of course
the wikipedia page for future flights also mentions superbird-9 in 2027, some kind of geosat but I have no idea if its a "normal" satellite or designed specifically for big launchers like starship

Anonymous No. 16110512

to start a discussion

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Anonymous No. 16110522

To the anon that didn't know what a commode was, they use it in the official shuttle documentation.

Anonymous No. 16110533

And you could have a functioning extremophile ecosystem and rainfall cycle well below the armstrong limit. Water boiling at 20 degrees would work just fine.

Anonymous No. 16110534

Partial eclipse is nothing like a sunset. It's noticeably dimmer, but you still can't look at the sun. Partial eclipse is ass and fail.

Anonymous No. 16110538

Oh ok so you're going to live in a series of tubes maybe a dozen meters wide.

Anonymous No. 16110541

you can look at the sun, you just gotta be cheeky and quick about it

Anonymous No. 16110542

It's like looking at the boss's daughter's tits

Anonymous No. 16110544

Precisely kek

Anonymous No. 16110553

>umm the only way to make a big habitat is to build a dome
I told you to fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16110555

whatever works, extremely wide open domes with ambient mars pressure on the other side might not be possible like you said, but you could have something like multiple concentric domes, other shapes with reinforcement
the whole dome thing is kind of a mass autism thing if you think about it, most possible volume for least building material
seems like a bad thing to optimize for

do you need a 100m diameter dome? what about some smaller but still massive windows so frequently it might as well be a dome

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Anonymous No. 16110556

> 'duuude, you gotta get totality, partial is shit!!'
How much is Big Shadow paying you shills?

Anonymous No. 16110558

Phobos is big
I thought it looked just like a point of light

Anonymous No. 16110560

> multiple concentric domes, other shapes with reinforcement
This sounds good. If you're going to have a habitat fit for a white man it needs to be large enough to develop its own rainfall and snow in winter.

Anonymous No. 16110570

Clouds often part as totality approaches

Anonymous No. 16110573

if I have to clean to keep chickens, I might as well clean my room and use gbp to get tendies instead

Anonymous No. 16110575

that astronaut looks like he's about to make america great again

Anonymous No. 16110578

250 meter high canopy tethered to the ground at regular intervals resembling a gigantic air mattress stretching for hundreds of square kilometers.

Anonymous No. 16110591

>doesn't know about generative AI

Anonymous No. 16110593

I saw the eclipse in NM last October and was amazed how bright the sun was despite 98% coverage. Everything around was slightly dimmer but it wasnt anywhere close to what I expected

Anonymous No. 16110601

Yes I will float confortably inside a 2 meter wide tunnel now fuck gravitationally attracted faggot

Anonymous No. 16110608

Wanna run that by me again, shortstop?

Anonymous No. 16110610

makes sense considering that a house comfortably lit at night is like 1/1000th as bright as a typical day. Blocking 98% of the Sun's light still leaves the day about 20x brighter than the inside of a house

Anonymous No. 16110619

Hoop stress is counteracted by using a thicker material, dumbass. Hoop stress is not like breaking length, where there's an exponentially larger taper necessary and at some point it becomes infeasible to construct a tether of X length hanging in Y gravity. You can literally just wrap more basalt fiber sheets around to take the force.
Also, a 2km diameter sphere made of 2.5 cm thick steel with a young's modulus of 100 GPa (ie weak as fuck steel) pressurized to 100 kPa would have exerted upon it less force than 3% of the failure limit. Pressure containment is not a limiting factor on habitat scale on Mars.

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Anonymous No. 16110625


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Anonymous No. 16110628

DOD commercial space strategy released
how much more money is this going to funnel into space in general?

Anonymous No. 16110631

> to enhance both organizations’ capabilities and collaborate in the development of advanced liquid rocket engine, rotating detonation rocket engine (RDRE) technologies, and on-base rocket flight testing capabilities using Astrobotic reusable rockets.
>The collaboration will help Astrobotic design, develop, test, and demonstrate emerging commercial capabilities with critical applications to air and space military operations, including tactically responsive space access, hypersonic propulsion and testing, and tactical point-to-point rocket transport of cargo.

Anonymous No. 16110636

huh, had no idea astrobotic was doing more than just satellites and landers; they've apparently already got a small hopper

Anonymous No. 16110640

>hella basin'
>catharsis rise
>amazonian' planitia
mars sounds kino as fuck

Anonymous No. 16110642

>Commode restraints

Anonymous No. 16110644

it's the masten hopper newfriends.
astrobotic bought masten

Anonymous No. 16110656

Wouldn't you still get CO2 poisoning through your skin?

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Anonymous No. 16110661

barrier cream or whatever takes care of that, anything is better than pressure suits

Anonymous No. 16110665

You've been mindbroken.
MCT suits just work.

Anonymous No. 16110671

I've never heard of such case
pretty sure your skin isn't gas-permeable enough
if you could breathe through skin you wouldn't be able to hang yourself either

Anonymous No. 16110675

lack of oxygen isn't the same as too much CO2, necessarily. I don't think it'd be a good idea though, very easy to lose your mask and die of CO2 poisoning

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16110683


Anonymous No. 16110687

May I see them?

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Anonymous No. 16110698


Anonymous No. 16110700

And the production model?

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Anonymous No. 16110703

>very easy to lose your mask
why would it be? mountaineers manage to keep mask discipline, why wouldn't an astronaut?

Anonymous No. 16110713

btw the inspiration for this post>>16110498
was this: >>16109463

Anonymous No. 16110716

The CO2 diffusion rate into your skin would be much lower than the CO2 diffusion rate out of your lungs into the CO2-free gas of the respirator. Basically the maximum CO2 exhalation rate a himan body can support is way higher than the maximum skin absorption rate of CO2. It helps that your skin has a total surface area of about 1 m^2 while your lungs have a total surface area of ~100 m^2.

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Anonymous No. 16110717
Mars may have a profound impact on Earth's deep currents

Anonymous No. 16110719

It's hard to "lose your mask". In real life a Mars respirator would have multiple independent self contained breathable air supplies, and would usually be relying on a tethered are supply anyway. He'd also have a second mask hooked up and ready to swap to if his primary mask got fucked somehow. As a last line of defense, it's a lot easier to rescue aguy in 3/8th's gravity if the need arises, and even if someone was entirely without a respirator, there would be several minutes between passing out and brain damage occurring.

Anonymous No. 16110720

>mars is causing climate change
go back schizo

Anonymous No. 16110722

Bullshit title.
Better one would be "researchers find evidence Earyh and Mars may affect each other's orbits on long time scales more than previously expected".

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Anonymous No. 16110726

>Clouds often part right before the eclipse, due to atmospheric cooling
that's for thin, high-level clouds. for low, rain producing clouds you are FUCKED

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Anonymous No. 16110731

What a retard. No way 100 TW at mars distance would cost $10-20 Billion.
He says mars has 4e15kg atmosphere when it has 2.5e16kg, which is the number he uses for the amount we need to vaporize. So the real amount to x5 is atmospheric mass is 1.2e17kg.
But he never states where any of this CO2 would even come from.
>muh ice caps
No! One cap at its greatest extent is 25-30% of mars atmosphere. 30% of 2.5e16kg is 7.5e15kg. this is atmost the total CO2 content of the dry ice on mars in one winter hemispheres. So about 20x too little, assuming this x5 number is correct which it probably isnt seeing as he got other basic facts terribly wrong.

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Anonymous No. 16110732

The 1925 NYC eclipse :-
After the Moon’s shadow passed over Manhattan, it was another second before it was over the eastern end of Long Island and the dirigible Los Angeles. The scientists onboard had made the last adjustments to their equipment. There was a battery of cameras loaded with a various types of film so that different aspects of the eclipse could be captured. There were electrical and magnetic receivers to record any sudden changes in those fields. The junior officers had been assigned to assist the scientists. They would record the readings of dials. Some had been given instructions on how to sketch the eclipse and were told to note whether any comets were near the Sun.
But the man who had the most challenging—and, in the opinion of those on onboard, the most enviable—task was Navy Chief Quartermaster Alvin Peterson. The Navy’s best and most experienced aerial photographer, his assignment was to climb to the top of the dirigible and do what no one had ever done: take a motion picture of a total solar eclipse.

Access to the top was through a vertical shaft that ran the hundred feet from the top of the gondola to the top of the dirigible where there was a trapdoor that opened to the outside. Peterson made his way up by use of a ladder attached to the wall of the shaft. He carried a tripod, a movie camera, and several reels of film, including one that had been sensitized to low light that he would use during the darkness of the eclipse.
About an hour before the Moon’s shadow would pass over him, he opened the trapdoor and set up his tripod and camera. The wind was a steady forty miles per hour. The air temperature was somewhere far below zero. Twice someone climbed up to check on him and offered to relieve him. But he wanted to see it through. In all, he would spend more than two hours standing on the top of the dirigible.

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Anonymous No. 16110734

As soon as totality came, those in the gondola began their work. The scientists and their Navy assistants operated cameras. Someone called out the seconds to keep track of how much time had passed. The corona-sketchers began to sketch. Commander Klein, looking outside, would remember the scene succinctly as “a most spectacular sight.” The sky overhead was a blue-black. All around, miles away at the horizon, beyond the limits of the shadow, was a flood of merging orange and red light.

Peterson was ready. He had switched to the reel of special film and was cranking the movie camera steadily. But it was at this moment, when the Moon completely blotted out the Sun, that the extreme cold finally gripped him. He braced himself against the cold and the sudden darkness. The loss of light meant he could no longer see the airship beneath his feet. Stars and planets could now be seen in the sky all around him, as well as a totally eclipsed Sun.
Later, back in the gondola, he would tell others “it was the weirdest sensation I have experienced.” He had lost all sense of time and of place. He had been in an ethereal state. Though a strong wind had been blowing in his face, there were none of the common sensations of motion, no vibrations, no accelerations.

A doctor examined him and discovered he was severely frostbitten across his cheeks and chin and on several fingers, something he had not yet noticed. His thoughts were still about what he had just seen. He was probably also thinking of the fact that, at the moment of the eclipse, when the great cosmic coincidence occurred and he was seeing the white light of the corona alone, he was in a privileged place: He was standing closer to the Sun than any of the millions who were watching from below.

Anonymous No. 16110737

Anyone who makes any claim about the ease of terraforming Mars is talking out of their ass based on wanting something to be true. If Mars was that easy to tip into quasi-habitability, a natural disaster would have caused that tip to happen long ago.

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Anonymous No. 16110750

Anonymous No. 16110751

They know they have until Starship works to live

Anonymous No. 16110753

They're super smug considering they're basically announcing that if war breaks out they're going to force SpaceX to work for them

Anonymous No. 16110756

Keep in mind the sun is also smaller from mars

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Anonymous No. 16110757

handmer made a blogpost about this two years ago as well
didn't read it fully yet, but seems like the idea is to sublimate from the regolith in general, not just icecaps specifically, by increasing the total heat energy load on the planet slightly, which would increase the temperature slightly, which would allow some volatiles to sublimate

>The pitch is to mass produce small scale solar sails in terrestrial cell phone factories, launch them into Low(ish) Earth Orbit (LEO), and have them fly themselves to Mars where, hanging out near Sun-Mars L2, they would reflect additional sunlight onto the night side of the planet.
>It is uncertain exactly how much extra heat is needed to heat Mars to the point where volatiles outgas from the regolith and trigger a positive feedback loop preventing radiative heat escape, but even if we brute force it, a decade of launches will increase the effective solar collection by 4% and, with 1.5 billion sails above Mars’ night sky, the view would be spectacular. As a rough estimate, a 4% increase in energy input would require 4% higher thermal radiation to achieve equilibrium, which depending on some geometric factors of order unity, would result in a 1% temperature increase, from 210 K to 212 K. This is twice what we’ve achieved with 250 years of industrial effort on Earth, burning a trillion tonnes of fossil fuels!
>We can be smarter than diffuse light brute forcing. Given sufficient control of our sails, we may be able to focus the sun’s heat on discrete locations on the surface of Mars, heating and calcinating ancient carbonate deposits and greatly increasing the quantity of CO2 available for warming. The problem is all about leverage and a Watt of power directly reflected is good but not as good as a Watt of power spent releasing a couple of grams of fresh CO2 every hour, in addition to its own heat.

Anonymous No. 16110759

I think it was more about starting to build the capability already before a war breaks out
one of the cornerstone ideas was to not try to rely on one technology or provider too much as well

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Anonymous No. 16110760

>Just got invited on a road trip up north to be in totality

Anonymous No. 16110761

I mean, considering how WWII worked out for aircraft manufacturers, that might not be entirely terrible. The Cold War didn't have many formal nationalisations, but oldspace didn't do too badly either.

Anonymous No. 16110766

I don't doubt it, considering ULA/BO's entire reason for existing right now is "we're not SpaceX"

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Anonymous No. 16110767


Anonymous No. 16110781

stupid frogposters

Anonymous No. 16110782

>launch (small scale solar sails) into Low(ish) Earth Orbit (LEO)
good luck solar sailing through the thermosphere and the van allen belts I guess
>he's oversimplifying for brevity
Little oversimplifications like this can compound into being orders of magnitude off of your cost estimates.

Anonymous No. 16110784

>superior in every signel way to NASAs balloon suits
>isn't used

Anonymous No. 16110785

how can you even compute the surface are of the lungs considering they have a fractal structure.

Anonymous No. 16110787

Based, space should be militarized ASAP

Anonymous No. 16110788

We can compute it because we know how big each alveoli is and how many each person has.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16110793





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Anonymous No. 16110795


Anonymous No. 16110804

I want to move to Lord Howe island or something similar. Fuck Euroclimate

Anonymous No. 16110820

Yuropeens that repent can move to goymerica

Anonymous No. 16110831

how does it feel to wake up every day and know you're a retarded nigger forced to lightly annoy people on an imageboard for attention?

Anonymous No. 16110833

Self driving is already here tho. Waymo has a small one or two city experimental robot taxi going on. Tesla just released v12.3 to 2 million customers in the US.

Anonymous No. 16110842

>If Mars was that easy to tip into quasi-habitability, a natural disaster would have caused that tip to happen long ago.
Not that I disagree about Handmer, but he asserts that Mars alternates between cold and dry, and less cold and wet. Like our glaciation periods.

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Anonymous No. 16110846


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Anonymous No. 16110847


Anonymous No. 16110849

He also claims that the best way to power a moon base is power beaming from earth.

Anonymous No. 16110861

go back trannytor

Anonymous No. 16110899

okay, but even if that's the case I also doubt that what he's describing would be enough to force Mars towards the warm & wet phase, simply because I know the universe conspires to be disappointing

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Anonymous No. 16110916

Today I learned there's an abandoned Shuttle External Fuel Tank just laying on the side of the road in FL

Anonymous No. 16110922

imagine squatting in it and declaring it your personal wet workshop

Anonymous No. 16110941

I wonder how many burger bucks I'd get for this at a scrap yard

Anonymous No. 16111070

And where do you get the CO2 from? Mars' icecaps don't have enough CO2.

Anonymous No. 16111076

>rotting construction foam
The reason it's abandoned there is because it costs too much to move the fucker and there's nothing of value to be had.

Anonymous No. 16111103

the idea here is not full on terraforming for plant life, just to raise it at the lowest points of mars Hellas Planitia where its at 0.0114 atm to the armstrong limit of 0.0617 atm

Anonymous No. 16111136

>cut off small pieces of foam and sell them on ebay as "AUTHENTIC SPACE SHUTTLE FOAM"
pure profit