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šŸ§µ /med/ - medicine

Anonymous No. 16102781

late night data collection edition

Previous: >>16087005

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

Anonymous No. 16102786

Medically speaking, how often is too often as far as jerking off?

Anonymous No. 16102845

researching a dr for umbilical hernia repair.
laproscopic seems like a bad idea, because you're just putting more holes in the peritoneum. those are more failure points for potential hernias later on, no? compared to just one incision that a mesh is put over.

i'm in my late 20s, and i powerlift.i've been calling different surgeons and getting differing advice.

Anonymous No. 16102982

sounds like you're doing a good job being an informed patient anon. i can't imagine that port holes from lap procedure significantly increases risk of hernia but you do you i'm not a surgeon

Anonymous No. 16103210

I hate bureaucracy.

Anonymous No. 16103316


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Anonymous No. 16103337

Emergency childbirth pdf
Because the women will probably get pregnant in the barracks

It's actually pretty safe to pull on the baby AFTER the shoulders are out -; ONLY AFTER

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Anonymous No. 16103341

US army first aid field manual
(Older) US army first aid for soldiers, field manual

Anonymous No. 16103398

I'll ask you medfags too as some of you know about the outside world.
>Be me
>Soon to get B. Sc. CS in Germany with around 25 ECTs worth of Physics
>Want to learn about the human body, diseases, anatomy, but mostly in conjunction to the deeper levels and biochemistry

So here's my idea:
>Do grad school in BioChemistry
Idk if they'll let me in, but some anons claimed they probably would with <1 year of catch-up material.

If they won't let me in OR if it's shit for job outlooks, I'll do
What do you think? I already read fringe literature on medicine and biochem, so I have a "passion" for this.

Anonymous No. 16103443

>all of a sudden: been a 7 on the Bristol scale for the past two days
>gone 5-6 times per day. getting dehydrated.
>no vomiting, only slight nausea and very decreased appetite
what the fuck could it be?

Anonymous No. 16103449

Anyone know if an Impella pump would be used in any way during a mitral valve replacement procedure? Just saw the story about the increased perforation risk. Was curious because a family member almost died during said procedure due to a tear.

Anonymous No. 16103566

It's not the number of holes that matter, but the size. In lap the holes are barely a few mm wide, which are easily sutured up, heal quickly, and are far too small for abdominal contents to herniate through. In an open procedure with a midline incision, you get a hole several cm long that compromises the integrity of the rectus sheath, thus putting it at higher risk for herniation.

Anonymous No. 16103853


And then, one day, all the antibiotics just stopped working.

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Anonymous No. 16103967

Catch up!

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Anonymous No. 16103991

Legionella pneumophila

Anonymous No. 16104019

i dunno i just want a sanity check. i don't mind getting open surgery if it means a lower recurrence rate in the future. ideally i never have to get hernia surgery ever again.

that does make sense actually. if you have a tiny hole, you're unlikely to push your intestines through it. it's very strange, reading the literature. there's data on both sides for long term pain, or with recurrence. i don't like that there's not a universal consensus.

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Anonymous No. 16104029

Time to shove FOUR bananas down my
Rabbit hole (mouth) and go to sleep. Edit: I feel not so good

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Anonymous No. 16104039

Three bananas is enough actually
Also in CF, Clm secretion is down and HCOO absorbtion is up
But I don't know if it's the same as CO2 coming out of the body via gas/cell exchange alongside Hydrogen for valency and as part of the NADP-H / citric acid cycle, in that it's starving the H (as well as making respiratory I guess more acidic or altering the anion gap with no K change and lower Cl) - or actually, no anion gap acidosis

Anonymous No. 16104040

I'm pretty much doing what you're wanting to do except the opposite where I did medicine and I self-taught data science and coding.
It's interesting and it is all-encompassing in medicine, but I'm really only doing it for career progression in medicine. I wouldn't do it for academia only. Get a comfy job with a pharma company and I think you'd do quite well for yourself. Good luck.

Anonymous No. 16104172

>I don't like that there's not a universal consensus
I hate to break it to you, but there almost never is a universal consensus when it comes to medicine, because everyone's anatomy and physiology is different in the subtlest ways. That's why for doctors a lot of their expertise depends on critical thinking skills and experience, rather than just bookish knowledge alone. It's why their training period is so long compared to that of other professionals.

In any case, you should expect your surgeon to:
- clearly define your diagnosis with reference to the tests or scans they've done
- educate you about the disorder, what the underlying pathology or structural abnormality is, the prognosis etc.
- offer you various treatment options including the choice to not do anything about it, the pros and cons of each, the outcomes of patients treated before, and what could potentially go wrong

This last part is where the subjectivity comes in, because there are so many factors in play even between similar studies. The doctor would recommend a particular course of action not because it's scientifically been proven to be flawless, but because he/she would have observed that it has the highest benefit to risk ratio, corroborating with observations published by other doctors

At the end of the day it's entirely your own choice on how to proceed, but make sure the doctor you see is fully transparent with you throughout the process and takes the time to addresses your questions and concerns in a way that benefit you.

Anonymous No. 16104327

Try reading Guytons textbook of phisiology. Thatā€™ll give you enough ā€œhooman knowledge ā€œ to drop your retarded plan.

Anonymous No. 16104337

What a shitty book.
Silverthorn if ure a brainlet, Boron if you think you are hot shit. No shame in going back and forth betwixt these two.

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Anonymous No. 16104368

bored OMFS resident, currently in medical school AMA

Anonymous No. 16104379

>OMFS resident
Why do you do this to yourself?

Anonymous No. 16104383

This is a weird question, but every time im in the psych ward i always see people that have dressings/bandaids around their archilles tendon. is there something particular to this or is ti just weird coincidence?

Anonymous No. 16104388

idk money I guess. I hate working and doing anything besides drinking and hanging out desu, but if I have to have a job this is the best one I can think off. surgery is fun.

Anonymous No. 16104394

>surgery is fun.
Why not do something like general surgery? The mouth doesn't seem fun.

Anonymous No. 16104397

>general surgery?
pay is shit and lifestyle sucks. also boring to me, I like head and neck anatomy and the surgeries we do. if I had to pick another specialty I guess I would have done ENT but again money is worse

Anonymous No. 16104412

>surgery is fun
have you ever been in surgery?

Anonymous No. 16104430

are you that dental student who talked about the different paths to get into it in a prior thread?
what's debt/salary like, and what's lifestyle like?

Anonymous No. 16104442

of course, many
I dont think I made a thread like that when I was a dental student. dont remember tho I guess its possible
>what's debt/salary like, and what's lifestyle like?
debts pretty bad bc dental school is expensive and if you do a 6 year MD program you often have to pay for the 2 years of medical school.
private practice salaries that I heard from recently graduated residents typically ranges from 600K-1.5m on 3-4 days a week of work.
Obviously lifestyle sucks in residency but as mentioned once youre done you can work PP 4 days a week and make 7 figures lol. You do need to maintain hospital privileges to be board certified so most people will take call

Anonymous No. 16104447

what's the best painkiller for tooth ache after tooth extraction?

Anonymous No. 16104459

how could your tooth ache if it was extracted? tylenol and advil taken together is best tho

Anonymous No. 16104460


Anonymous No. 16104485


Anonymous No. 16104712

No I don't think it is
Don't dentists use lidocaine or something

Anonymous No. 16104910

>no physical withdrawal/dependency
>no significant side effects/interactions known
>specifically, no danger of dying due to combination with alcohol
How can Zolpidem (Ambien) be more harmless than aspirin, when it's also a Z-class drug like benzos, which are by contrast pretty much the most dangerous drug among those that are handed out like candy?

Anonymous No. 16105006

Thank you anon. My goal is a comfy job rather than academia also + I want to learn. Maybe I'll consider it then.
Give me reasons at least faggot. Why is it a retarded plan rather than instantly going in industry and continue as a dev (which I will do part-time anways)? What am I fucking up on?

Anonymous No. 16105052

Infectious disease anon here. I'm at the point where I have to carry my med micro book with me wherever I go since my professors think I know shit. God I'm tired.

Anonymous No. 16105137

Why is it suck a meme that anesthesiologists are the best paid doctors? Is it true, and if so why?

Anonymous No. 16105451

how do i find a rich specialist dr wife who will take me as a house husband? i've seen it before, but all the house husbands are druggies and i dont want to do drugs.

Anonymous No. 16105522

>Why is it suck a meme that anesthesiologists are the best paid doctors?
never has been a meme. the fuck are you talking about? it doesn't even make the top 10 list in "highest hourly rate"
women marry the same level or up. they will almost never marry someone like a murse

Anonymous No. 16105680

I think the meme is more they get paid very well to mostly sit on their ass and look at instagram

Anonymous No. 16105710

my surgery rotation was nonstop "twitter chirps" from the female CRNAs phone (while the boomer jewish surgeon ranted in the OR about muslims and vaccines)

Anonymous No. 16105724

It's absolutely a meme, faggot.
That's it. It's pretty catastrophic when, or if, they fail at their very simple job, thoughever.

Anonymous No. 16105756

Get an ipad (mini or regular) and an apple pen medbro, I promise it'll make your life so much easier. You'l have access to a bunch of text book pdfs wherever you go, along with tools to write notes and highlight in them. Plus you can quickly search Medscape or NICE CKS for information
Yes you can do this on your smartphone as well, but a tablet gives you more real estate to read stuff on without zooming in and it looks more professional.

Anonymous No. 16105763

novocaine (theres a song about this)

Anonymous No. 16105782

was thinking about killing myself via IV lidocaine, but remembered it causes seizures before cardiac arrest

Anonymous No. 16105791

just shoot yourself with a shotgun, nigger. you do live in the USA right?

Anonymous No. 16105794

no gunz unfortunately

Anonymous No. 16105796

as in it'd take me probably 1.5 years to get loicence for a 9mm

Anonymous No. 16106004

>>no physical withdrawal/dependency
>>no significant side effects/interactions known
>>specifically, no danger of dying due to combination with alcohol
all of these are false
zolpidem is a terrible drug that shouldn't be marketed

Anonymous No. 16106014

>women marry same level or up
but i see so many female doctors marrying the absolute dregs of society. why cant they say 'i can fix him' to me?

Anonymous No. 16106071

because you give them the ick

Anonymous No. 16106328

Damn. Here in Georgia I can just walk into a store and walk out with a gun if I want. That's how my AR-15 went. Bought the rest of my handguns online.

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Anonymous No. 16106336


Anonymous No. 16106949

Happy Easter fellow Christian doctors.

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Anonymous No. 16107130

Second year in a Muslim country again.
Our community medicine professor supposedly fainted (... or, in their words, fell, rolled his eyes and started speaking in tongues) and students are saying it's because he criticized visiting shrines as a medical treatment in class for first years. This criticism is exacerbated by how they think community medicine is a sham and that health education is useless, and they project their hatred of all things not-anatomy on our (admittedly lackluster) professors.
Sorry for the Easter blogpost.

Anonymous No. 16107141

>i don't like that there's not a universal consensus.
The consensus would be that the human body wasn't made for powerlifting.
Hope that helps.

Anonymous No. 16107218

That is right. Powerlifters trascend humanity, they're above the human condition.

Anonymous No. 16107249

Are you the same guy from an earlier thread who said you'd be beaten for speaking out against pseudo-science?

Anonymous No. 16107257


Anonymous No. 16107261

Have you tried not being a mud slime?

Anonymous No. 16107268

Depending on your definition of "mud slime," I might have. It didn't make my fellow students any less insane, though.

Anonymous No. 16107273

>>16107268 what happens when a patient dies because of the alternative medicine shit? Do doctors still get the blame?

Anonymous No. 16107290

just LARP as a persian lel

Anonymous No. 16107304

I haven't asked the more extreme ones. Most of them seem to think that praying/cupping/visiting shrines/herbal stuff works, but they wouldn't prescribe them to patients for a reason they can't identify, opting for EBM instead. Classical presentation of compartmentalization. The more extreme ones might suffer the same cognitive dissonance, or maybe only prescribe these treatments when they get a private practice.
I'm still optimistic that most of them will forgo this hideous ideology or at least compartmentalize so hard they'll be mildly competent practitioners, but not researchers, by the time we're done with med school.
Most people in my country are illiterate/sub-6th grade reading level and very religious so they wouldn't blame a doctor for using prophetic medicine. Physicians do get killed/asked blood money all the time though.
What do you mean?

Anonymous No. 16107311

You can fuck right off with this bullshit, we don't appreciate /pol/tards around here

Anonymous No. 16107316

I'm curious to know which country you're from. Here in Pakistan they specifically taught us how quacks and herbal/spiritual healers operate in order to not be like them and also educate our patients about the risks of alternative medicine

Anonymous No. 16107319

>Here in Pakistan
Do you do anything about the inbreeding?

Anonymous No. 16107326

how many people on /med/ are brown?

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Anonymous No. 16107329

Oh, and almost every doctor here has an anecdote about a colleague who was prosecuted (either through the legal system or tribal law, usually the latter) over "killing" a patient despite being innocent. One that comes to mind is the formula of a pediatrician blamed for treating a child poisoned by a nondescript herbal mixture that later dies in his care. Between the witch-doctor who had been a reputable source of knowledge in her community for decades and a physician in his late 20s who doesn't know what the femur is called in his native language, it's obvious who killed the kid.
One of these. We were taught about the dangers of quackery, it's just really badly covered and most students remained unconvinced. Many students seem unreceptive to subjects besides anatomy in general.

Anonymous No. 16107340

Be bold and make a poll.

Anonymous No. 16107346

>polls are a perfectly reliable measure on an anonymous imageboard

thank god I don't live with brown people

Anonymous No. 16107359

I'm going to hope you're not trolling and will answer your question. Yes we do attempt to educate our rural populations about the dangers of consanguineous marriages, but so far it has been difficult because of access and social acceptability issues. Basically a lot of them think that it's fake news because how come they can't see the diseases we're talking about.
However, by highlighting the growing problem of thalassemia in relation to inbreeding, we're making better progress in reaching out to the general population. This is because thalassemia is a) very common in society, with a beta thal trait present in 5% of the population, and b) a disease that manifests with physiological symptoms.
This is something I think is very important in the sphere of public health: raising awareness about an epidemic among backwards communities only works if the above two requirements are met.

Anonymous No. 16107361

The fathers of modern medicine were brown

Anonymous No. 16107380


Anonymous No. 16107409

Ibn-e-Sina wrote the canon of medicine, the first ever medical compendium.
Jabir ibn Hayan, the father of alchemy, bridged the gap between medieval herb-sniffing and early pharmacology.
Abu Bakar Al-Razi devised many home remedies based on the principles of alchemy.

There were a lot more, but these are the more prominent names. Early physicians and scientists from Europe used to come to Arabia to study under them, where they were honoured with robes (this is the origin of the gowns worn in graduation ceremonies today, as they became a sign of being the highest educated).

Anonymous No. 16107415

>I'm going to hope you're not trolling and will answer your question.
It was a genuine question. I know that Pakistan has one of the highest inbreeding rates in the world and I wanted to know if anything was being done about it.
The moment at 1:08 where he just wants to be able to drive really bums me out. Thanks for answering.

Anonymous No. 16107436

I've seen this documentary, it's a hard reality check for us. The Pakistani mullahs are some of the vilest scum to exist in our society and are a major hinderance to medical advancement in our country. They've given fatwas declaring all sorts of stuff haram, ranging from polio shots to organ donation. They've taken the worst thing about subcontinental culture, inbreeding, and inculcated it as a part of Islam.
I strongly believe they need to be culled off en-masse. If anyone wants to learn about religion they should do it based on their own reading, and not following what someone tells them.

Anonymous No. 16107459

>they are all Persian
what could he have possibly meant by this?

Anonymous No. 16107469


>DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor)

Saar, language worded beautifully. I commend. Bloody bencholds will NOT be advised. Pls refrain from engagement all queries for consults to which advisement is to be offered in recompense. Solicitations for advice is forbidden. Bastard bigot use different words for this and think advice means colloquial. It is grammatical to standardized english in america and britian. No other superior way to state this, quite certain pass with O 100% in spoken word courses. Elegant exercise in English dearly. Native speakers are lost.

Anonymous No. 16107471

Explain what's wrong with the quote.

Anonymous No. 16107479

Nobody who speaks English as a first language considers responding to personal questions to be "offering advice". Native speakers exclusively would think this means talk about school, test, speciality, career information because that's when "advice" is wanted and offered. Answering unsolicited medical questions isn't offering advice.

Anonymous No. 16107484

weird how i've never heard of any of these. maybe it's because they just copied the greeks/romans and didn't really innovate anything.

Anonymous No. 16107571

You asked if they were brown, and Persian counts as brown. What exactly is the point you're trying to make?

You might know them better as their latinized names: Avicenna, Geber, and Rhazes, respectively. If it still doesn't ring a bell you might be a little retarded.

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Anonymous No. 16107577

hello /med/. tourist from /x/ here. i was wondering if anyone could identify any medical equipment in this alleged photo of an alien. in particular there is what looks like a blood pressure monitor with a tall aspect ratio, and some sort of surgical light fixture with a large white rim around it.

Anonymous No. 16107633

try again arab

Anonymous No. 16107638

>what is medical advice
The context given in the parentheses is more than enough. You're the only autist to complain about it.

Anonymous No. 16107699

You seem to be insinuating that persians were white. That's straight up nigger tier wuzzery lmao
I bet you didn't even know Arabs and Persians were different people until you googled it

Anonymous No. 16107768

You are correct in that there is a ring light and a blood pressure monitor. The reason it's so tall is that in OTs they also need to monitor all the other vitals, along with ECG and respiratory curves too. It seems to be on a broad base, which is usually a computer module and/or cylinders containing inhaled anaesthetics. There's also a backup monitor in case the first one stops working.

Anonymous No. 16107770

Can I consider myself an amateur anesthesiologist if I can knock myself out with my own doodoogas?

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Anonymous No. 16107893


Anonymous No. 16107973

>modern medicine
Pretty much every scholar before the 18th century (and a majority thereafter) were basically mystics by the broadest definition. To say "modern" medicine" in any reasonable form was invented before the advent of scientific theory seems like a stretch. The heavy lifiting for modern medicine wasn't really done by medieval or early modern physicians, but by the material sciences, chemistry, math etc. I'm not saying these early physicians were quacks or unimportant, but the stuff they got somewhat right and managed to perserve wasn't really the key factor for the development of modern medicine.

Anonymous No. 16107986


Anonymous No. 16108352

You're overthinking this. That's just there for legal purposes and to prevent the flood of easily answerable questions.
kek, tell me you don't believe in this bullshit. Everything about it screams AI, including the fact that it shows a tiny pulse on the screen

Anonymous No. 16108413

Don't respond to /x/enos, they're literally retarded.

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Anonymous No. 16108478

Is the Ayatollah brown? No, he looks like Sean Connery. I rest my case.

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Anonymous No. 16108520

And I have a picture of pete davidson right here
(Hint: It's not actually pete davidson, but a black guy with albinism. Almost as if ethnicity is determined by genetic make up, and not skin colour)

Anonymous No. 16108528

What do you think codes for skin color? Surely not genes, as you're suggesting.

Anonymous No. 16108531

>muh skin colour
he still has obvious negroid features
ayatollah is indistinguishable from a scotsman
learn your physiognomy jeez

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Anonymous No. 16108572

Well in that case, I'm white too and this whole conversation was irrelevant

Anonymous No. 16108581

Okay mutt.

Anonymous No. 16108606

lol that rug, mudslime for sure...

Anonymous No. 16108630

And? Your initial complaint was that I was brown

Anonymous No. 16108655

you are

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Anonymous No. 16108659

But you literally just said persians aren't brown because they have white skin

Anonymous No. 16108661

I didn't say that. You completely missed my reference to physiognomy.
How are you in med school? You have shit comprehension.

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Anonymous No. 16108663

Help me /med/
>get hellish hayfever like a motherfucker
>even second generation antihistaminse make me drowsy
>telfast (fexofenadine) is ok but if I need to take a second tablet (60mg) or I take it for too long at once it starts making me drowsy/brain foggy too
>my life is a choice of not being able to focus or be around people because of constant sneezing and weeping eyes/nose or being a total dope because I'm only half conscious
There's gotta be something else

Anonymous No. 16108667

Go see your doctor pls
Softin (Loratidine) 10mg once a day should do the trick though. It doesn't induce sleepiness and it's very safe, up there with Panadol. If the main problem is runny nose, get a beclomethasone nasal spray but don't use it all the time, only in peak pollen season

Anonymous No. 16108669

Also dust your home, change your bedsheets, and deep clean your carpets and upholstery every once in a while. A lot of the times hayfever is just a dust allergy

Anonymous No. 16108670

Claratyne is loratidine and it knocks me out way worse than fexofenadine.
I get an itchy throat and itchy/watery eyes as well. I've got the nose spray but yeah only use it in peaks, I still have on/off hayfever the rest of the year (anytime it goes from being dry to wet or from being wet to suddenly hot etc)

I've had allergy testing and surprisingly I'm not actually allergic to dust mites (my parents always thought I was). So I've always been pedantic about dust but apparently it's not a trigger for me anyway.

Anonymous No. 16108674

Physiognomy is a meme, I have yet to read it in an actual medical textbook.
But even if I do humour you for a moment and admit you're right about the physiognomy of an Iranian, then once again I have the same physiognomy, because I am directly descended from Iranic clans who settled in Pakistan. Your point is moot.

Anonymous No. 16108685

That is very strange indeed. I suppose you can ask your GP for a referral to an ENT specialist, they might have some novel treatments that could work in your case, like immunotherapy to get your body acclimatised to the allergen

Anonymous No. 16108755

desu you act like an arab. I'm not convinced. you need to post face

Anonymous No. 16108773

Is federal legalization my only hope for being able to smoke weed (off duty of course) and still work in a hospital? I live in a legal state but employers still have the right to drug test and fire you for THC, and all hospitals do. Is it like that everywhere currently?

Anonymous No. 16108813

weed is for pooftas, faggot
get a VB long neck in ya

Anonymous No. 16109043

>be anon
>diagnosed with dust allergy and asthma when baby and had it throughout childhood
>be adult now
>drinking with water bottle for 3 months
>forget to clean it
>meanwhile I've been having a resurgence of asthmatic symptoms especially at night, coughing, difficulty breathing, etc
>realised that my water bottle was full of mould and stop drinking out of it
>haven't felt the need to use my Salbutamol once at night since, no coughing

Anonymous No. 16109129

Why don't more doctors go part-time after paying off their loans and buying a house? Part-time still brings in a lot of money and you get more time to pursue your interests.

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Anonymous No. 16109808

>oops I murdered your baby by accident

Anonymous No. 16109839

Alcohol just makes me say stupid shit and feel sick. Weed actually helps me relax

Anonymous No. 16109896

Eastern European and Chinese doctors are by far the worst doctors to exist today. You can pretty much get through medical college over there without attending a single day if you have enough money to bribe your way through exams.

It's really telling of their calibre when my shithole country of Pakistan requires them to pass an exam before they can practice. Imagine that lmao, fucking Pakistan.

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Anonymous No. 16109970

Anonymous No. 16109987

Thoughts on this and autoimmune disease and minerals in general?

Anonymous No. 16110018

can you fuckers stop prescribing GLP-1 agonists holy F U C K
i am getting blasted by fat fucks calling me all day asking about ozempic/mounjaro/zepbound
>t. pharmacist

Anonymous No. 16110056

We tried telling them to diet and exercise, but it didn't work. Sorry, pharmbro. Thanks for constantly helping to fill my patients' doxycycline prescriptions. They are nasty fuckers.

Anonymous No. 16110067

Voltaire was also a major influence in the French Revolution and we all know how that turned out

Anonymous No. 16110225

I don't have a problem with being against personal medical questions. I have a problem with writing to the Raj Crowns Kings English Standard where this somehow a response constitutes "advice". No native speaker would consider responding to some schizo asking about his hemroids to be "offering advice". They are responding to an imbecile, they are not advising him even if was answered correctly. You could phrase it as no medical questions. And it you want to have a disclaimer that states no online diagnoses, ok. I would hope the person that wrote that initially in the OP is from India, which is pardonable. It would be a massive disgrace (to the originator) were he an ESL from a European country and having such a miscommand of the language.

Anonymous No. 16110268

>GLP-1 agonists
Stop glorifying these by the mechanism which isn't even directly responsible for the weight loss. These are just convoluted behavioral modifiers that work by backing their digestive system up so much they can't force it down food anymore so they "feel full" and stop eating so much.

Brainlet doctors and ozempic seeking patients are kindred spirits. That is to say, retards. They think it's new and hot shit. Meanwhile Contrave exists and works better for the portly. This not only makes them less full but they have even less reward for having consumed their slop. The problem is, like drug addicts, compliance. There needs to be a long acting IM injectable for it so they don't have a choice to stop taking it.

Patients 35 and under should honestly just be prescribed one of the two stimulants indicated for obesity and binge eating disorder, assuming they're normal but you can't trust the big ones. I assume they'll go off the rails and end up blaming you for getting them addicted. Still if you had immunity from such reprocussions and there was actually a fat guy who wasn't stupid, then it's the right way to go. Intuitively it makes more sense to speed the metabolism for weight loss rather than slow it down to the point your meals are rotting in your intestines for days.

Anonymous No. 16110715

What are the most intellectually stimulating medical specialties?

Anonymous No. 16110740

I take step in 8 days
I am so fucking sick of studying but I'm terrified of failing a fucking pass/fail test. I'm doing fine in U world but what if I fuck it up?


Anonymous No. 16110762

Family medicine. I canā€™t imagine myself diagnosing 10+ patients correctly, from all ages, from all walks of life with an open world of possibilities around them.

Anonymous No. 16110769

stfu benzos are awesome, SSRIs are pure poison

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Anonymous No. 16110791


Anonymous No. 16110827

Dr Peterson I am your biggest fan.

Anonymous No. 16111011

Depends what you mean by intellectually stimulating. Critical care specialists require logical reasoning and critical thinking skills the most because minute changes in interventions can have major effects on patient outcomes. Surgeons have the best visualisation skill, as they have to remember a ton of anatomy and then apply what they remember when they open a patient up. Radiologists have the highest spatial IQ, because they need to be able to construct 3-D figures in their brain from 2-D images and understand the position and orientation of different body structures.

If you take other mental aptitudes into consideration, like EQ and stress management ability, you often see family medicine and trauma/emergency doctors coming out on top.

Anonymous No. 16111029

Shut up, Michael.

Anonymous No. 16111110

im not asking for medical advice, i just wanted to post this because i have no one to otherwise talk about it with

ive had this dark lesion / discolored skin on my peepee (glans) since maybe late last summer. i got a derm to look at it last jan, prescribed me something called protopic. it had zero effect, and since then ive seen some additional discoloration over my glans. i can clearly feel my pelvic lymph nodes when trying to find them which im not used to

i have a follow up with the derm in a month. i have been so anxious about this im just mindbroken. i cant work, i dont eat right, im just so convinced that i have cancer and im going to die. did you know penile cancers that have lymphadenopathy in the pelvic nodes have survival rates of 0% past 5 years in many studies? i can feel them on both sides, clear as day

the healthcare system moves so slow. ive been a loser my entire life but i got a good job and ive been making money finally. im gonna die a loser too man, i just feel so skullfucked. and what a sad and embarassing way to go

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Anonymous No. 16111158

I don't think you're a loser, fren

Also, if it's cancer you're worried about then I think it'd be best to go to your GP and get them to give you an urgent referral to see an oncologist.

Anonymous No. 16111258

Lap holes are tiny hence why theyā€™re usually the go to for repair. Recovery is also 10 times easier. However as with many laparoscopic abdominal surgeries thereā€™s always the chance the surgeon would have to convert to an open abdominal surgery which gets the job done fine but is one hell of a recovery

Anonymous No. 16111263

CRNA here, The memes mostly that the job is easy compared to pay compared to what some other specialties do.

Anonymous No. 16111333

Why are you a CNRA instead of an anesthesiologist?

Anonymous No. 16111343

i need a therapist
i cant talk to anyone about anything
my health problems and my life problems
right now my ceiling is leaking theres water everywhere my landlord wont do shit he never does shit
this world is rotten
if i die at least i leave the bad stuff behind

Anonymous No. 16111355

>Stop glorifying these by the mechanism which isn't even directly responsible for the weight loss
it's just a grouping for conversation's sake you fucking sperg

Anonymous No. 16111359

I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Especially since you have no one else to talk to about it. How old are you?

Anonymous No. 16111376

Until you get a therapist, /med/ will be happy to hear you out (we won't judge, promise)

Anonymous No. 16111390

You can tell us, anon. /Med/ is your friend.

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Anonymous No. 16111411

>Be me
>Shoot up hot water over body
>Clean up anus too
>Use some soap from surrounding area (retarded, I know, this is the first time I did that shit and went too far) + waterjet hot water there
>Water starts to get hotter, because shower is a bipolar fag
>Scald fucking penis skin, anus and skin around ass area
>Mfw it hurts like shit next morning I wake up
I'm a fucking retard, now I'm sitting here with pain and am afraid to sleep then wake up with an infection or some shit. I don't wanna go to the doc for this, God pls don't let it be bad.

Anonymous No. 16111447

Redpill me on the latest research on sebhorreic dermatitis on the scalp.
What causes it?

Anonymous No. 16111457

>Latest research
You'll take what I was taught in med school and like it
Supposedly it has something to do with m. furfur so I'm supposed to recommend selsun blue or other selenium sulfide shampoo

Anonymous No. 16111478


i dont even think its possible to see a therapist without waiting years where i live (canada) unless you have severe mental illness or are a criminal

you guys want to talk about crispr
im convinced im going to die soon but crispr sounds so unbelievable, like some god in the machine shit. do you imagine you will see regular use of magic crispr treatments in your lifetime? like crispr to replace traditional antibiotics or targeted cancer therapy. it always sounds so exciting on paper. im cool with all the morally ambiguous designer baby genetic engineering if it

Anonymous No. 16111484

>m. furfur
That is fucking BS, which is why I asked for the latest research.
Why would a fungus destroy its chances by shedding flakes of the skin it inhabits?

Anonymous No. 16111501

>do you imagine you will see regular use of magic crispr treatments in your lifetime?
Not the way things are right now, no. Science, especially medical research, is far too deeply entrenched in politics and big businesses for there to be any major therapeutic breakthrough anytime soon, especially in oncology. Big pharma is highly dependent on patients with long term illnesses to keep their conveyor belt of drug production running, and they won't want to fund any research that would change this.

Anonymous No. 16111506

Thoughts on the dating coresident to stay at home dad pathway?

Anonymous No. 16111508

crispr seems relatively simple and cheap, which makes me think that people in developing countries will use it even if big pharma in the west tries to shut it down. also crispr itself might be a multibillion dollar industry bigger than current pharma.

instead of limping some poor sucker along on stupid expensive medication, you can replace that with cheaper crispr treatments but also at the same time make your money by selling designer crispr treatments for basically genetic engineering. mom and dad to be choose to make their kid male, give their kid broad shoulders 6'x height, well defined jaw and eliminate all those pesky genetic markers or whatever for alzheimers and so on. feels like that would be way more lucrative and fruitful

i read that the two main teams working on crispr commercialization in the US had a patent battle a few years ago

Anonymous No. 16111516

>nigger thinks organisms are smart enough to not destroy their habitat

Anonymous No. 16111518

>he doesn't think it's an immune reaction to the fungus


Anonymous No. 16111520

>limping some poor sucker along on stupid expensive medication
That's the point of it, the patient has to keep buying the medicines (which aren't near as expensive to produce as they sell for) their whole lives. For gene therapy it's a one-time treatment; once the targeted genes of the patient are changed, the cells would continue to replicate those good genes for the rest of their lives. They won't need any more therapy for that condition, and neither would their offspring.
Developing countries don't stand much of a chance of developing their own crispr technologies either. As with other medical research, it boils down to a lack of laboratory facilities and the brain drain caused by doctors/scientists emigrating to the US in search of greener pastures.
Speaking of offspring, don't you think creating a phenotypically different child to one's self would have a negative psychosocial impact on the child? As in they'd grow up knowing they have no parents, because they're genetically different.

Anonymous No. 16111568

>don't you think creating a phenotypically different child to one's self would have a negative psychosocial impact on the child
depends how extreme the genetic changes are. if you snipped out the chance to contract a rare genetic disease because your parents have the rare chance of giving it to you, does that make you any less their offspring?

>For gene therapy it's a one-time treatment
only if done to the embryo. otherwise, for say treating disease in kids/adults, i dont think its a one-time treatment

>Developing countries don't stand much of a chance of developing their own crispr technologies either
crispr is supposed to be relatively easy and cheap but i dont know enough details to comment

Anonymous No. 16111598

>depends how extreme the genetic changes are
I think that's going to be one of the reasons it'll be held back from being used in embryos in the near future; where would the line be drawn on how much genetic modification is acceptable? Answering this question would require a lot of evidence from experiments on animal models before anything resembling a guideline can be made by a designated body of doctors.

>i dont think its a one-time treatment
By one time treatment, I mean a course consisting of several "doses" to make sure the desired DNA sequence gets to as many of the target adult cells as possible. The genetically altered adult cells would continue to replicate to form more genetically altered cells. Once a certain number of cells have been reached, they will "outcompete" the original cells, and the treatment would be completed. Theoretically, you wouldn't need to undergo another course to keep the effects lasting.

>crispr is supposed to be relatively easy and cheap
It's not so expensive or difficult to carry out the experiments in a test tube; the real difficulty is figuring out how to get it to work in-vivo. There needs to be a feasible and technically sound method to help the crispr genes reach their target cells against the harsh body environment. Last I read about this, there was work being done on using viral vectors implanted with the desired DNA to go directly into the nuclei of cells.

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Anonymous No. 16111659

>A physically healthy, 28-year-old Dutch woman has decided to legally end her life due to her struggles with crippling depression, autism and borderline personality disorder, according to a report.

>Zoraya ter Beek, who lives in a small village in the Netherlands near the German border, is scheduled to be euthanized in May ā€” despite being in love with her 40-year-old boyfriend and living with two cats.

>Ter Beek, who once aspired to be a psychiatrist, has been dealing with mental health struggles throughout her life.

would you kill her if the state told you to

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Anonymous No. 16111669

>tfw mcat tutor who never went to med school bc of mental health issues

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Anonymous No. 16111670

My 23 year old male friend has this and high TSH (and high LDL). Is he fucked?

Anonymous No. 16111676

She lives a good life and yet doesn't want it. Those resources could be used by someone else.

Anonymous No. 16111695

Don't you get paid a lot at least? I think I saw some gigs going for like 50 dollars an hour. That's better than most.

Did you have some sort of break down before applying or matriculation?

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Anonymous No. 16111712

I charge $100/hr., and yes it is very lucrative.

I actually did two years, took my step 1 (277) and had my third year semester canceled due to COVID and a lot of things have happened since then.

Anonymous No. 16111713

So you took a break and profited from a illness that doesn't exist. You charge nothing for anything, because you literally don't do anything, and nothing ever really happens in your life? Am I getting this straight? If so, you're retarded.

Anonymous No. 16111744

>I charge $100/hr
That's more than I was expecting. Like I said earlier, that's better than most.
>took my step 1 (277)
I hope you're not Nepalese... if you're not you're killer on exams holy shit.

Do you plan on ever going back to school? You must be well-off to just stop going to school.

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Anonymous No. 16111758

>That's more than I was expecting.
Sure, but it doesn't offer much job security or benefits especially because it isn't a traditional 9-5.

>I hope you're not Nepalese.
Nepalese? What's the consensus on them?

>if you're not you're killer on exams holy shit.
I'm very killer on exams. Perfect SAT scores, etc.

>Do you plan on ever going back to school?
No. I'm pivoting to SWE. I trade forex aside from that.

>You must be well-off to just stop going to school.
The irony is that school will cause you to not be well-off. It's expensive as fuck. 4 years undergrad, 4 years med school, 3-7 years residency.

Medical schools treat you as a liability if you have mental illness. The school I went to had two suicides back to back my last year there. It reflects poorly on the school so they sweep it under the rug despite being medical professionals who are supposed to treat such things. I call it the Hypocritic Oath.

Anonymous No. 16111759

If it was a fungus, why does the skin get better under steroids, which disable the immune function, while actual fungi like Tinea Capitis gets way worse under the same treatment?
Steroids are counterproductive for treating fungi. It is well known.
So SD must have a different cause.
Is this the absolute state of medfag research?

Anonymous No. 16111766

>Nepalese? What's the consensus on them?
Just a joke on how a lot of Nepalese students got caught cheating on the USMLE. Your score is so high it's like you're cheating lol.

>No. I'm pivoting to SWE.
I see. Even though you technically won't be finishing up school, I still consider you /med/, friend. I hope you have a better time in SWE.

Anonymous No. 16111768

>I still consider you /med/, friend.
That's very kind of you, man. Thank you. I wish I could've stuck with it.

Anonymous No. 16111770


Anonymous No. 16111922

why not rape her before putting her down?

Anonymous No. 16111966

I'm going to fuck your ass

Anonymous No. 16112032

>No. I'm pivoting to SWE
hi friend, swe here
it may not be a very lucrative field for longer, choose wisely

Anonymous No. 16112149

>I'm a fucking retard

Anonymous No. 16112180

Do you get sick more by working in a hospital? This will be my first time working in that setting, and Iā€™m thinking about starting vitamin C supplements and PrEP

Anonymous No. 16112294

The biggest risk for healthcare workers is infection from needle stick injury. Be very careful around sharps, don't recap needles after use, and dispose them in the sharps bin immediately. Also check your Hep B titre and get a booster shot if needed. Assess for HIV risk in patients by asking them if they're a faggot, a whore, or both while taking the history.

Other than that there shouldn't be much to be worried about. Wash your hands before and after examining patients and before going to eat. Wear a mask if you work in the respiratory ward, you don't know what germs might be floating around.

Anonymous No. 16112715

>borderline personality disorder

not a big loss. these people are extremely hurtful and destructive to their loved ones
im surprised she managed to actually do it. most BPD people just cut themselves or whatever over and over to get attention

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Anonymous No. 16112739

I do not enjoy surgery.

Anonymous No. 16112779

I'm in med school atm and I use anki to study. I get A/Bs but I always drink vodka when I study. Is this retarded?
The doctors at the hospital seem to like me because I answer their questions correctly.

Anonymous No. 16112810

Is excessive usage of hearing protection harmful for the auditory system?
I am sleeping with earmuffs due to mild disturbance from neighbour and I wonder how the overprotection of the ears will harm them in long-term

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Anonymous No. 16112833

how concerned are we about closed-loop anaesthesia?

threadly reminder this is ana anaesthesia general

Anonymous No. 16113060

Just how big of a deal is this pig kidney transplant? Is this truly scalable or is this being blown up by news media?

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Anonymous No. 16113079

alright so now that ai is advancing much faster than expected what specialties are over?
chatgpt can alreadly list differentials and apply diagnostic algorithms and guidelines, so its pretty over for internalists in a few years time
ai is already being applied in histopath and radiology so anything of that sort is gone too

i can imagine only primary care, psych, and surgery is somewhat safe, what do you anons think?

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Anonymous No. 16113314

What do you mean? The job outlook seems good. I see nothing below 6 figures. Also, any advice for a non-trad who's way past undergrad? I've just been reading picrel and doing leetcode problems.

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Anonymous No. 16113339

This is bullshit. I'm a caregiver for my mother and father. Getting controlled substances for either parent is an absolute cluster fuck headache.

I'm really pissed off at the government for making opiates a nightmare to try and get. The doctors are scared shitless to provide them and pain management doctors MUST got through these stupid ass check lists to keep their jobs.

Anonymous No. 16113529

>the overprotection of the ears will harm them in long-term
Not gonna happen, especially with earmuffs you're only wearing at night, only real side effect from wearing hearing protection is associated with ear plugs cloging up your ear canal with ear wax and even that is avoidable with proper cleaning.

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Anonymous No. 16113540

If only the government would round up all the fentanyl druggies and put them in camps rather than let them rot in the streets

Anonymous No. 16113676

>but I always drink vodka when I study. Is this retarded?
yeah. you gonna be an alcoholic during residency?

Anonymous No. 16113680

>pain management doctors MUST got through these stupid ass check lists to keep their jobs.

you WILL do your mandated trial of tylenol and like it
any procedural job or job with physical exams is safe
the foreign doctor bill and midlevels are far bigger threats, honestly

Anonymous No. 16113714

None, because AI cannot take liability for medical errors.
The algorithms and guidelines we currently have are based on observation rather than experimentation, and as it goes humans are a very diverse species that have minute anatomical and physiological differences from person to person. There are many situations where doctors can't find the answers to their clinical queries in textbooks or research papers, and they have to proceed on critical thought. If anything goes wrong, it's also their responsibility to explain themselves in a medical tribunal and take responsibility for their actions. This is something a computer simply cannot do, unless we somehow develop AI to the point where it develops sentience (by which time it won't matter anyways because humans would already have been replaced).

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Anonymous No. 16113789

oh no no medsissies

Anonymous No. 16113799

Edge cases are a huge problem. Driving should have made this abundantly clear, but system complexity essentially means these models operates well below 10^-6 % of all possible states. Environment models use heuristics to pretend this isn't the case, but there is essentially no denoising in the abstraction stack. It is purely unmitigated risk. This is the sort of thing insurance companies hate to hear.

Anonymous No. 16113839

Why are there so many pajeet doctors? Is med school literally just easier over there and American hospitals are ok with that? At least half of the hospitalists at my local hospital are Indian.

Anonymous No. 16114150

wheres susguy?

Anonymous No. 16114154


Anonymous No. 16114256

>closed-loop anaesthesia
I was not aware of this term. Googled it real quick and it looks rough on the edges.
I live in the 3rd world so it is unlikely AI assisted shit will take my job anytime soon, and even if it did I'd just invest in it and then profitmaxx from having the whole floor under my control.

Anonymous No. 16114259

Fake paperwork, fake publications, fake grades and know for cheating their exams. It is not like the american doctors are dumber than pooratians, it just happens that indians have no morals when it comes to profit.

Anonymous No. 16114278

I have an Associate's and an unfinished Bachelor's :(

Anonymous No. 16114280

How many trainers of champions won a championship themselves?

Anonymous No. 16114433

>Why are there so many pajeet doctors?
because black people dont go to med school?

Anonymous No. 16114440

lock on right in liberalism panel

Anonymous No. 16114828

thank you

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Anonymous No. 16115394

if i'm in my 30s and start crying whenever i get into a conflict do i suffer from soft bitch syndrome or stress?

Anonymous No. 16115605


Anonymous No. 16115611

it's hard to say without more details, don't worry about it though

Anonymous No. 16116140

Why is my spinchter clenching when I try to piss and prevents me from doing it? I tried searching different terms but nothing shows on Google, is it over for me? I know about the pelvic area and have been focused on it being relaxed even before this problem.

Anonymous No. 16116193

youre pissing too hard

Anonymous No. 16116198

How do I piss lightly, I have been relaxing that area already because I retain urine but now it's getting even worse.

Anonymous No. 16116213

bad bacteria overgrowth is possible, as weird as this sounds try eating some improperly washed leafy greens to get a dose of ecoli. it's worked for me.

Anonymous No. 16116284

Try pissing while sitting down. Also note the character of your piss. If it's burning or foul smelling you might have a UTI

Anonymous No. 16116306

Hey retards, just like at the doctor's office, if you're asking for 'advice,' you need to give some patient history, symptoms, and recent changes in diet, exercise etc etc.

Anonymous No. 16116325

I tried that and pretty much every other known thing like having water running and sometimes they help but for a bit.
This has been going on for many years so it's not that and I don't have these symptoms.

Anonymous No. 16116374

you should have your urodynamics done
sounds like some sort of obstruction maybe a stricture

Anonymous No. 16116410

I don't think you can request that and it looks really bad anyway.

Anonymous No. 16116437

THC is already federally legal in the form of hemp-derived products. This doesn't stop any entities for firing you over it.

Anonymous No. 16116484

>its looks really bad anyway

Anonymous No. 16116507

Putting these things inside you borders insanity.

Anonymous No. 16116519

Itā€™s extremely difficult to find a job. I was a software engineer at Amazon for 3 years and still unemployed after several months (tons of applications) itā€™s fucking exhausting and if anyone has a stable career in healthcare they can suggest I will send it. Love to read and study this kind of stuff. Why are 4chan captchas so motherfucjig hard.

Anonymous No. 16116520

It's already legal and possible but would prove extremely difficult for a brainlet. You're just a dumb stoner and probably a nurse so you haven't been able to figure it out yet.
You were on the right track with your first 5 words and then everything you say after is irrelevant. Minus the irrelevancy, you're totally wrong on your final point. Think real hard, smoothbrain.

Anonymous No. 16116634

>doctors are just applying algorithms and guidelines
good doctors don't practice like that

guidelines are the bare minimum and are most often not applicable. Patients are way too unique. The proof is in the pudding - if guidelines and algorithms were so important they wouldn't be updated every 5 years (at beast), they'd just have figured it out the first time around. Guidelines constantly being updated also indicates that there is no clear answer anyways.
Also, guidelines are as good as the evidence their based on - and evidence in medicine is garbage.

Not saying capitalists won't replace doctors with AI bots, but unless the AI possesses AGI then human doctors will still be better than just a bot looking at blood work (also often irrelevant) and algorithms
medicine is 80% the patient doctor interaction and 20% all other shit.

Even today, with human doctors we have a lot of algo/guideline brain rot. Muh scores lmao.. bro your score finna be deprecated in 5 years tops

I'd say AI will potentially lead to severe overdiagnosis and harm. Just like CT-pa for PE.
Technology will NOT save you

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Anonymous No. 16116678

sore throat remedies

Anonymous No. 16116691

gargle your own cum

Anonymous No. 16116704

Overbrew a big batch of chamomile tea, wait for it to cool and gargle a batch of it every so often

Anonymous No. 16116713

A chamomile tea with 50-100mg of diphenhydramine HCl and getting under my throw blanket and duvet and putting on a 4 hour documentary is peak comfy.

Anonymous No. 16116716

doesnt work

Anonymous No. 16116881

Works for me. It makes me sleepy.

Anonymous No. 16116886

why are p*tients like this
i thought they were supposed to be 'patient'

Anonymous No. 16116949

Not a doctor, but how I overcome my anxiousness and despair of seeing blood, cuts, etc? And actually making a tourniquet, etc

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Anonymous No. 16116970

removed a circumcision and was left with numerous 'tattoos' any way of getting these off?

Anonymous No. 16116975


we're looking to reintroduce all males back into the main river and to destroy gore -

Anonymous No. 16117238

Well anon, then finish that up. Keep going bud, you'll get there.

Anonymous No. 16117287

why do they always insist on getting antibiotics prescripted?

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Anonymous No. 16117457

Are there still german medbros here? Would like to ask a couple of question

Anonymous No. 16117471

Do you want to kill anon? Jeez

Anonymous No. 16117646

stop being a little bitch. that's it.

Anonymous No. 16117935

doctors of 4chang, how do you stand working with nurses? they are some of the most vile and stupid people on this planet. how can you stand it?

Anonymous No. 16117971

we do not like working with nursoids
but we thank god that he made them the most promiscuous women to walk the planet

Anonymous No. 16117983

>but we thank god that he made them the most promiscuous women to walk the planet
I must be doing something wrong then because I'm a Wizard.

Anonymous No. 16118004

you have to flirt with them while they're cleaning the bed pans
they love that shit

Anonymous No. 16118008

Very funny, anon.

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Anonymous No. 16118014

Why does my cum smell of chlorine?

Anonymous No. 16118023

slow as fuck general, when was the last time you guys even got above 350 posts, let alone a pin. big fuck you from /sfg/ for charging me hundreds for a visit

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Anonymous No. 16118031

Seriously does anyone have a clue why cum smells like bleach I am very concerned.

Anonymous No. 16118033

Why are you sniffing your jizz.

Anonymous No. 16118049

Post diet

Anonymous No. 16118063

It is a strong enough smell that I notice it after cleaning myself off without it getting close to my face.
Lately it has been a lot of processed grains like cereal. Some dairy. I drink only tap water (live in an area with the cleanest water in the USA). Usually eat a lot of meat, but switched over to a high carb diet to start exercising more. I also take a pre workout, multivitamin, and vitamin C daily.

Anonymous No. 16118119

>only charged hundreds
he was being generous

Anonymous No. 16118120

Why are you interacting with nurses? Did you not go into the right specialty?

Anonymous No. 16118162

we have more important things to do than s o y face over musk

Anonymous No. 16118398

Do big or frequent blood glucose spikes cause insulin resistance even if you are healthy, have low body fat and exercise regularly?

Anonymous No. 16118518

Yes still here, if one of the question is "should I migrate to germany?" the answer is DO NOT under ANY circumstance come here, even if you're white, you don't want to do that to yourself.

Anonymous No. 16118581

Such a shame that the one country that tried to throw off the shackles of jewry is now a brown shithole.

Anonymous No. 16118783

we have to import health care professionals from other countries because all the good doctors are migrating to big cities or abroad (so did i haha leckt mich am arsch)

Anonymous No. 16118826

>because all the good doctors are migrating to big cities or abroad (so did i haha leckt mich am arsch)
I thought about leaving too, but the idea of being an immigrant somewhere else just disgusts me

Anonymous No. 16120218

just let nursoid practitioners take over like the US is.

Anonymous No. 16120267

Stop practicing medicine and just use hitlers strategy 1:1, plagiarize his speeches. Don't use the over symbols but say you want to get rid of all of these different parties and point to their failure. I bet it would be easy for a doctor guy to try it. Even if you aren't a Nazi, seems like a good idea anyways because the pay of a German physician sucks and your society sucks and this is one means of trying to remedy the situation. Have Germans never thought of this?

Anonymous No. 16120292

this raises a good point.
why aren't there more politicians with medical backgrounds?
I assume it's because we're all anxiety-riddled neurotic shut-ins

Anonymous No. 16120331

When I went to UK for my clinical electives I noticed that 90% of the doctors were brown, which caused the a lot of the nurses and PAs (who were mostly white) to seethe relentlessly and try and subvert them wherever they could. Which happened a lot because browns in general are a rather servile bunch (I don't mean any of this in a racist way, it's purely from my own observation).
This is in contrast to several hospitals I've worked in here in Pakistan, where nurses are basically worked like slaves and made to do the shittiest of the shitty work and call all doctors "sir".

Anonymous No. 16120682

Anons for 10 days now my stomach has bloated like crazy , my appetite has gone and i shit once every 3 days. If i eat even a bit i will feel full immediately. Went to the gastroenterologist and he just gave me laprazol , said my bloodtest came good and if it doesnt go away to meet him next week. Pls god let it not be gastroparesis or anything chronic.

Anonymous No. 16120733

>and call all doctors "sir".
And rightfully so!

Anonymous No. 16120746

They don't call you 'doctor'?

Anonymous No. 16120773

occasionally with an eyeroll around the time the "t" starts
sir is better and excites me sexually

Anonymous No. 16120862

Any of you guys know where I can get a simens software package for testing 3d ct reconstruction monitors?
Asking for a friend

Nah-edge !!KNexzf4wD+c No. 16120872

> Be me
>soon to graduate from Biotech
>interested in hacking but also in humans
>gonna learn history,computer(focusing on hacking) and gonna do research into biotech stuff like genetics,gene editing,evolutionary science and some disease stuff
If you're interested dm we can discuss stuff and provide me your discord
Coz I am biot3ch geek and your Cs geek let's discuss stuff

And you need to be sure what aspect you need to and you need to face the difficulty coz Biochem is vast

Anonymous No. 16120936

I'm a 23 y/o adult male and my voice is 165 Hz. Which falls into deep female voice category. How do I deepen my voice?

Anonymous No. 16121077

How does delirium cause death? I cannot find anything with a quick online search. All of the books and articles I read or skimmed only mention the increased mortality rate, but not how it would cause death or contribute.

Am I understanding this incorrectly (mortality rate)? Why would someone who has delirium be more likely to die? Is it just statistical because the change that they have a serious illness is higher if they're also delirious?

Anonymous No. 16121088

You will never be a male you serve to other males as femboy prostitute

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Anonymous No. 16121335

Have you ever come across a case of DIC due to sepsis?

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Anonymous No. 16121341

I call every single doctor I come into contact with "doc"

Anonymous No. 16121652

idk delirious idiot falls out of bed, wanders into traffic, engages in reckless behavior etcetera
same reason pcp intoxication is associated with trauma. Not because trauma causes phencyclidine tox, but because pcp retards get all hopped up and try to fight traffic

Anonymous No. 16121657

taking step 1 in two days
i feel pretty prepared but i'm dreading sitting for an 8 hour long test
anyone got a pearl or two of wisdom?

Anonymous No. 16121699

dont shit your pants. dont drink too much and piss your pants.

Anonymous No. 16121720

small amount of honey/sugar in your water

Anonymous No. 16121793

Disseminated intravascular coagulation? God damn what a fucked up fate.

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Anonymous No. 16121826

STOP Making New Thrombi
Sepsis, Snake Bite
Obstetrics complications
Pancreatitis (acute)
Nephrotic Syndrome

Anonymous No. 16121899

Thread theme?
Based, thanks Doc

Anonymous No. 16122089

>patient self medicates on amoxicillin (an antibiotic) whenever they get the common cold (viral infection).
>then they self medicate on lansoprazole (stomach ulcer/sever reflux medication) for "tummy pain"
just third worlder things.
btw we have no formal prescription system so the pharmacy just gives the patient whatever they ask for except for narcotics.
in that case the pharmacist just calls the doctor that prescribed it....

Anonymous No. 16122693

Welcome to the alcoholic resident expert. See ya at the strip club.

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Anonymous No. 16122694


Anonymous No. 16122722

>in that case the pharmacist just calls the doctor that prescribed it....
They should do the same for antibiotics. A decent quality unpublished seminar study made by students in our teaching hospital found that 90% of urinary tract staph infections were VRSA. Likely very distorted as most UTI patients self-medicate with OTC amoxicillin and only go to the hospital if it doesn't work.

Anonymous No. 16122774

Is parapsilosis (as in candida parasilosis) like psilocybin like an infection or disease etc (the sis) is it a psilocybin

Anonymous No. 16122779

I sniffed my urine and it smelled like poo...

Anonymous No. 16122799

You have PiƟ-Schneifer syndrome. It's fatal.

Anonymous No. 16122802

Why does my nut taste like chlorine

Anonymous No. 16122833

Cuhm-Sipperz Ataxia

Anonymous No. 16122847

Can I make a final wish? Before you say yes, please piss in this cup for me

Anonymous No. 16122850

Would you like to see a picture of this urine

Anonymous No. 16122861

I will show you a picture later. I want to see if it's yeast and ferments if given sugar/cellulose

Anonymous No. 16123169

Is step 2 like step 1 where there's a focus on knowing a shit load of pointless zebras

Anonymous No. 16123353

>new body arrives in our morgue
>as always, homeless man, no family, friends
>he hasn't been opened yet, only thing out of the ordinary is a broken knee
I always feel bad for the former owners of these bodies. What is the quality bodies do you firsties get?

Anonymous No. 16123393

>university in another state lost their dissectors licence because some Indian incel was a necrophile

Anonymous No. 16123437

Are autopsies usually performed on everyone who dies? For example, if someone with no underlying conditions was poisoned with something common like cyanide, would that spark an investigation or would it just be written off as a freak heart attack or something?

Anonymous No. 16123443

>Are autopsies usually performed on everyone who dies?
The example you've written would probably be referred to the Coroner's office though.

Criteria for reportable deaths:
>the personā€™s identity is unknown
>the death was violent or unnatural
>the death happened in suspicious circumstances
>a ā€˜cause of deathā€™ certificate hasnā€™t been issued and isnā€™t likely to be
>the death was related to health care
>the death occurred in care, custody or as the result of police operations

Anonymous No. 16123506

>first date with a nursoid
>I wanted to die the entire time
checks out

Anonymous No. 16123556

i've never been on a date...

Anonymous No. 16123560

whose fault do you think that is?

Anonymous No. 16123570

Who asked

Anonymous No. 16123575

im a med student and dont ask me any questions

Anonymous No. 16123576

anon you need to go outside , ask for their phone numbers then a date

Anonymous No. 16123582

it's your fault, anonymous.

Anonymous No. 16123627

How is this possible? Are you medfags not surrounded by women constantly? It is understandable for me, because my profession doesn't have any women, and there are also no ways for me to socialize.

Anonymous No. 16123629

>poo the same good texture
>changed to be more darker, even was darker when i looked but had to be flushed twice and at the start was the lighter color

Anonymous No. 16123633

Hey guys
And poo cultures

And piss, and urea and ammonia

Anonymous No. 16123635

And cum

Anonymous No. 16123643

Tell me about risperidone and the VMAT gene, /med/

Anonymous No. 16123682

the girls in school that arent shit are all married or in longterm relationships. of course, that's a cope because even if they weren't, i'd be too much of a pussy to ask them out.

Anonymous No. 16123695

he's probably our resident Pakistani
he'll be okay though because his parents will organise a marriage for him
rip to the girl though

Anonymous No. 16123781

>neonatology next week
fucking kms

Anonymous No. 16124108


Image not available



Anonymous No. 16124111


Crystal histamines
I'll post it next thread tomorrow, but probably after reading it

Salicylic acid

Anonymous No. 16124126

It looks like in a study that women over 40 opting for c section (with only the <10 studies included being elective, and not for any emergency) developed broken heart syndrome
As in, the older women from the reviews studies references, had the atrial section affected

Anonymous No. 16124252

>being an immigrant somewhere else just disgusts me
it aint that bad if you are a tall white cis male, or just handsome in general
people are pretty respectful towards me unlike how germans treat their immigrants taking the better jobs

Anonymous No. 16124289

Waiting for new thread postcount before making my own thread, not med, I'll link here as it's about pharma

Anonymous No. 16124297


Anonymous No. 16124340

You should clear the pipes whenever you feel the urge. I made a mistake fucking around with NoFap, now my libido is fucked at 20 years of age and Iā€™m in permanent ā€œflatlineā€ as they call it. I havenā€™t had proper sexual desires in years now...

Anonymous No. 16124385

That makes sense, but what if it's about delirium inside an ICU? Why are they more likely to die in an ICU compared to someone who is not delirious?

Anonymous No. 16124397

B1 receptor agonists within plants in natural form
Like B2 agonists (or bronchodilators) for allergic reaction
Beta2 before Alpha1 OR after holy shit, but allowing it to work unopposed
Some types of fluorinated plant extracts for the heart but actually the opposite of the normal results! Like epinephrine at low dose

Anonymous No. 16124401

In addition to pericarditis
Tdmpgmmpmdtmaw tension and pneumothorax, restrictive pressure on the heart while pericardial pack is constrictive
^ cold weather as a source,
Risk being eg pneumonia and a fever coming as the pneumonia leaves

šŸ—‘ļø Anonymous No. 16124407

The fibreglass and asbestos disease both with their names and affecting mostly factory workers,
And toxoplasmosis, and histoplasmosis,
Avian flu,

In brain and backk pain (also masks) meningitis, ruling out the DA as sepsis affects the heart and can produce the same distinct rash, vegans with b12 deficiency

All and with am immunocompromised person

Anonymous No. 16124410

Reactive oxygen species

Anonymous No. 16124413

The fibreglass and asbestos disease both with their names and affecting mostly factory workers,
And toxoplasmosis, and histoplasmosis,
Avian flu,

In brain and backk pain (also masks) meningitis, ruling out the DA as sepsis affects the heart and can produce the same distinct rash, vegans with b12 deficiency

All and with am immunocompromised person from plants or previous disease, previous MI
Thrombosis as well as emboli

Anonymous No. 16124439

5 slices of bread, bologna sandwich, half one can of beans because i didn't want plain bread but it is not good
4 pemmiccan. 400 ml or so glucose energy drink
As much fibre
Soon paracetamol eating

Anonymous No. 16124444

4 slices of bread = 150% RDA of wholemeal
Today i ate 2ft plant based footlong and drank tonic wine

Anonymous No. 16124554

Delirium is sign of a patient decompensating due to an underlying condition, your brain usually doesn't just spazz out for no reason and most delir patients are older people decompensating due to some severe primariy condition, usually something metabolic, neurovascular or simply post-operativley. As for ICU patients, everyone in the ICU has a relativley high mortality rate and every sign of of further decompensation in an ICU patients tends to come with a spike in mortality statistics.

Anonymous No. 16124740

Thanks, that makes sense.

Anonymous No. 16125003

morning report