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🧵 /med/ - medicine

Anonymous No. 16125002

Proper site for gluteus medius IM injection edition

Previous: >>16102781

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

Nursoids post tits

Anonymous No. 16125013

First for fuck you medcels on the $800 bill.

Anonymous No. 16125022

I really like Levin's symposiums. The man has me excited for the future. Am I just a rube?

Anonymous No. 16125071

suck my dick poorfag

Anonymous No. 16125077

Kill yourself you fucking parasite your entire industry is based on insurance fraud

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voltaire on medic....jpg

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16125082

Anonymous No. 16125085

do real med students/residents/attendings post here?
or is it a schizo larp thread?

Anonymous No. 16125130

Do any medfags actually like the subject they're studying? Idk if I'm just autistic or something but I find it really fun and if I had another chance I would study medicine.

Anonymous No. 16125165

no, it's only nursoids and optometry students. leave now.

Anonymous No. 16125171

nurses are good people sometimes!

Anonymous No. 16125174


Anonymous No. 16125192


Anonymous No. 16125201

Your seething proves why you are poor. You have a bill. It is secured to nothing. You are not obligated to pay it. Poor people are poor because they think it's real. They lose sleep over it and then take there limited money and actually pay toward it. Rich people just ignore their medical bills and virtually any debt that isn't secured. The fact you resort to a morally loaded insult to the guy also shows your poorfag mind at work. Oh no, not the heckin frauderinoooo to a trillion dollar insurance company!

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16125416

R3 (pgy-4) radiology resident.

I enjoy it.

Anonymous No. 16125423

I am envious of you. You're a DO and you're still in radiology.

Anonymous No. 16125461

med student here not sure why anyone would larp as one it's pathetic
yeah i just hate how i'm made to study it. hopefully clinical years are better, i finish pre-clinicals today. taking step 1 in about 2 hours.

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Anonymous No. 16125472

no known pre-existing cardiomyopathy and uncomplicated pregnancies undergoing cesarean sectio
* >>16123781 >>>>16123980

Useful not just for heart / 40yo mothers / adrenaline (epinephrine)

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Anonymous No. 16125479


Anonymous No. 16125490

Gram negative cocci
Examples of these cocci include the genera Moraxella, Acidaminococcus, Megasphaera, and Veillonella

Not remembering that though

Anonymous No. 16125495

only gm - cocci i care about is my cocci in ur mouth

also neisseria

Anonymous No. 16125501

Staph mouth
Strep throat

Barkon No. 16125504

Could you truly pervert someone and give them all diseases or would they have a positive reaction and become super immune?

Anonymous No. 16125506

They would probably just die

Anonymous No. 16125531

Anyone else work in medical tech?

Anonymous No. 16125599

What if I farted on him? Would he still die?

Anonymous No. 16125634

Show me your poo

Anonymous No. 16125860

Imagine outer spaceci wasn't all anti vax (2-4 years after the fact, mind, people going around trying to make people get mad) and race bait
Imagine a world without half or even more than half of the race bait you see every day. Imagine it wasn't shoved in your face every d a y

Anonymous No. 16125883

What is it about this board and general that attract so many schizos?

Anonymous No. 16125890

Cuz this thread is full of the children of the shitheads who pushed drugs on the occupants of the other boards when they were children

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Anonymous No. 16125909


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Anonymous No. 16125922

No, drugs are good. I'm not that other anon. And not "drugs are good" in the "this isn't supposed to be given to kids under 6" or not amphetamine for under 12, methamphetamine for them instead, kind of way But i digress

Anonymous No. 16125928

absolutely based quote

Anonymous No. 16125931

The only drugs we should give kids(infants) is tyrosine
Because they think they're changing your mind by (on the anonymous board) speaking confidently, to manipulate you
And the boards prestige or the prestige of science

Anonymous No. 16125935

And in those times they didn't tell the mothers to eat niacin and vitamins during pregnancy, like, telling (asking) them to eat almond nuts is a relatively new thing

Anonymous No. 16125943


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16125973



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Anonymous No. 16125978


The U.S. Public Health Service recommended that all women who could become pregnant get 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid each day to prevent neural tube defects.3


The Institute of Medicine’s Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Sciences recommended that all women who can become pregnant get 400 mcg of folic acid each day, in addition to consuming food with folate from a varied diet, to reduce the risk of neural tube defects.4

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) required that manufacturers add folic acid to cereal grain products labeled as ‘enriched’ to lower the chance of neural tube defects from occurring. This is mandatory fortification.5

Mandatory fortification is the most effective public health strategy to help prevent neural tube defects because
Almost half of all pregnancies are unplanned;6
Folic acid is only effective before and during the first weeks of pregnancy, often before a woman knows she is pregnant; and
It is not necessary to remember to take a vitamin each day before becoming pregnant.

And brain defects
And sunflower seeds are good!

Anonymous No. 16126024

BLS projects 3% growth of physician growth over the next decade, 38% for NPs and 27% for PAs

Anonymous No. 16126030

growth of physician jobs*
this is not a comment on the growth in physical size of the mentioned groups

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Anonymous No. 16126037

Yeah, I unironically find infectious diseases very interesting

Anonymous No. 16126053

BMJ predicts we don't need doctors any more and they will be replaced by specialities for every thing

Anonymous No. 16126058

Good intentions defeated by greedy bastards who use any kind of cheap toxic crap to fool tests.

Anonymous No. 16126084

Nah, pregnant need more nutrients because of the little person growing inside of them :3
They can also get scurvy, from a lack of vitamin C as well as with B

I'm going to read the "never without" part in the Oxford book of medicine for folic acid, and niacin i think

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16126102


It also says to do so until 12wk, which in sure is longer than wgat the Internet said for pregnancy
with folic acid 5mg/day PO for 4 months, never without B12 unless the patient is
known to have a normal B12 level, as in low B12 states it may precipitate, or worsen,
subacute combined degeneration of the cord (p334). In pregnancy, prophy lactic
doses of folate (400mcg/day) are given from conception until at least 12wks; this
helps prevent spina bifi da, as well as anaemia. (MACROCYTIC ANAEMIA)
It's folic acid "not without b12," in this case

Anonymous No. 16126106

do you mean mid-level specialists who patients are referred to by a PCP or something?

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Anonymous No. 16126111

>>16125978 (You) #
>>16126058 #
>>16125978 (You) #

It also says to do so until 12wk (even not in DM), which in sure is longer than wgat the Internet said for pregnancy
with folic acid 5mg/day PO for 4 months, never without B12 unless the patient is
known to have a normal B12 level, as in low B12 states it may precipitate, or worsen,
subacute combined degeneration of the cord (p334). In pregnancy, prophy lactic
doses of folate (400mcg/day) are given from conception until at least 12wks; this
helps prevent spina bifi da, as well as anaemia. (MACROCYTIC ANAEMIA)
It's folic acid "not without b12," in this case

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Anonymous No. 16126119

It was just a joke from this:

Anonymous No. 16126195

The cardiology section in the 10th edition is like 20 pages shorter than it is in edition 8

Anonymous No. 16126260

Do you guys know if AHCC is actually helpful in boosting the immune system or is it just some gay snake oil? Also, someone reccomended I take Artemisinin for my sinus problems. Are you guys familiar with that?

Anonymous No. 16126268

why are "ancient medicine" practitioners like this??

Anonymous No. 16126308

imagine how shit medicine is
multiply by 100 to get "alternative medicine"

Anonymous No. 16126329

A lot of movement disorders come from dopamin deficiencies from an inhibited gut flora. Sure a lot of people have a ridiculous diet and can't get ahead of their own self-destruction but others have an undiagnosed gluten intolerance. It's primarily a neurological condition (serotonin and dopamin deficiencies) decades before it becomes symptomatic from the guts. By then the patient may very well seem better helped by hacks like that, which makes gluten intolerance the most unfair social darwinistic selector.
It's everywhere, treatment of symptoms a gold mine and the root cause suppressed.

Anonymous No. 16126348

is the author being satirical with that first paragraph?

Anonymous No. 16126355

All of them titles in the comment section are supposed to be edgy haha

Anonymous No. 16126362

In the test for epinephrine IM injections for anaphylaxis reviews, they said it wouldn't be ethical to test against placebo for that although there are tests with rabbits they are doing on rabbits for sublingual b2 agonist drugs and both those things are good, but couldn't they test those effects of adrenaline for allergic reactions on severely asthmatic people to measure the effects if the cause is because of broncial muscle constriction or that also causing degranulation of the matt cells or basophil long as it doesn't fill them back to with the histamine
It would be more ethical to test what's basically the same thing on them, triggering am attack

Anonymous No. 16126366

Having a respiratory alkalodosis attack from getting up after supine postulation, need some energy drinking from the lateral flow chamber

Anonymous No. 16126378

fuck off retard

Anonymous No. 16126382

I'm not the third one you quoted and no I'm learning about those lungs

Anonymous No. 16126399

Yeah for bronchoconstriction it's more eosinophil degranulation, not histamine from mast cells. Do your homework.

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Anonymous No. 16126422

Oral adrenaline tablets in rabbits

Anonymous No. 16126425

can anyone redpill me on these antibody treatments for asthma
seems like a pharma meme desu

Anonymous No. 16126432

lmao, that's excellent

Anonymous No. 16126436

Oh okay thanks. It said inflammatory agents from those but I'll keep in mind wgat you just said. Also for allergen tests, histamine and methylcholine
But with the effects of an asthma attack being similar to anaphylaxis, with a different chemical. The adrenaline also helping in both and it might be a good way to study it
Probably for allergic reactions, infections can be screened for in a chest xRay to check for am alternate diagnosis, where the symptoms are caused by infection

Anonymous No. 16126454

Indeed, it doesn't make sense
Not to me (I'll be quiet)
I guess they can't just
Cure it

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Anonymous No. 16126464

Anonymous No. 16126469

Not a pharma meme. Anti-IgE monoclonal antibodies neutralize IgE so it can't bind to FcεRI on granular cells, therefore inhibiting type 1 hypersensitivity or anaphylactic shock.

Anonymous No. 16126502

Just take the fucking risperidone and leave

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16126505

Why dont I give you 20 suppositories instead fag.

Anonymous No. 16126546

Fuck off psychologist. And typical psychologist, trying to drug people they don't like. Psychopaths like you should be drugged, and have your medical license taken away - phne you're lucky and no one cares about mental people. Fucking psychopath

Anonymous No. 16126550

Threats and thoughts of aggressive behavior towards those you don't like? Time for your meds and involuntary therapy.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16126551

Fucking psychologist

Anonymous No. 16126553

Talking to your own projections you think are real? The projection agrees

Anonymous No. 16126556

Not at all. Your post is violent and aggressive, and you need medication and therapy.

Anonymous No. 16126557

Trying to fight and separate yourself from the delusion and projection of yourself is only going to make the hallucination worse. Give in. Take the medication like we're telling yourself to

Anonymous No. 16126558

>Samefagging psyche anon having an argument with himself

Anonymous No. 16126565

how 2 get LORs if I'm kind of an an autistic hermit?
do I just email a professor asking for a meeting and pretend to be charismatic or something?

Anonymous No. 16126567

Ps. Read from left to right so you're on the right side.

Clue. Then work from there to find the right thesis.

Anonymous No. 16126569

You go through the heart like light hitting a crystal and it creates a field.

Anonymous No. 16126580

That gay post wasn't me

Anonymous No. 16126584

Lick my bootel

Anonymous No. 16126634

so have any of you doctors accidentaly stidtched urself to de patient?

Anonymous No. 16126824

any openvibe users/neuro researchers here?

Anonymous No. 16126829

i shouldve been a pediatrician. whenever a kid starts screaming or crying, i just find it hilarious and smile. i have to try to not laugh.

Anonymous No. 16126847

>i shouldve been a pediatrician
You made the right decision to not be a pediatrician. They're poor lol.

Anonymous No. 16127169

(I meant BHL)

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Anonymous No. 16127172


Anonymous No. 16127212

I need methamphetamine

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16127213

If you're and undergraduate, usually frequent visits during office hours to ask questions about the subject in the course is generally the best way to get to meet a professor, and get a LOR.

Other things is to work for a professor's lab to get an LOR; but that's much more labor intensive.

Also, in regards to the "autism" thing. Generally speaking, I find that people who say they're autistic. Social skills, are like any other skills, you need practice and reps. Continuing to be withdrawn will only exacerbate the problem.

Anonymous No. 16127408

Can't methanol ad given with ethambutol to protect against color blindness? Even though it works the other around with alcohol constricting the optical blood vessels and nerves, the etha is messing with the eyes, so the other component might help?

Anonymous No. 16127575

good advice, I never go to office hours bc idk what's cool to go to them for

Anonymous No. 16127608

how did it go? I am taking mine in a few weeks.. best of luck!

Anonymous No. 16127615

Pleural effusion> constrictive pericarditis , cardiac failure , UP venous pressure

Anonymous No. 16127619

And fluid overload, and right pleural effusion and ovarian fibroma

Anonymous No. 16127730

How do I get over my inferiority complex with being a DO student?

Anonymous No. 16127823

count paper when you become an attending

Anonymous No. 16127844

which specialty is why-oriented rather than memorize-oriented. I do understand all specialties must have a degree in both but I can imagine internal medicine sits right in the middle, but I can also imagine that you need to know the whys as you cant possibly memorize all of it..? R-right?

Anonymous No. 16127896

Most of medicine is just memorization regardless of specialty. If you want to constantly be asking why, specifically in regard to disease, then you have the wrong perspective on medicine. Eventually you just end up memorizing everything you need to know for your specific field, and then you start coasting. That's why so many attendings seem like they are just on autopilot all of the time, it's because they are. If you want to expand your knowledge outside of your specialty, you just open yourself up to liability, because someone else who deals with it all the time is on autopilot and will do it better. Your best bet is to pick family medicine, psychiatry, radiology or pathology if you want a good life in medicine. FM and psych give you a lot of patient autonomy and have basically no risk. If you don't mind some risk and want to memorize the whole human body, pick rads. If you don't want risk and don't mind microscopes, pick pathology. Do not pick a surgical specialty at all costs

Anonymous No. 16127902

How hard is it really to pass the mcat if you are self learning everything from the ground up? If I did that and got a high score would that get more jobs or any other opportunities?

Anonymous No. 16128000

>dont pick a surgical specialty
not even ophthalmology or dermatology?

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16128004


People judge by specialty anyways, just don't do a cucked specialty and people will treat you with respect. Or you can stop being cucked by your ego.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16128009

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16128010

MCAT is like a conditional IQ test. Wouldn't be hard to self-learn the core concepts of biology, biochem, o-chem, and physics, and to score well assuming you have the requisite IQ.

As far as "get more jobs or any other opportunities". I think you have a fundamental understanding as to what the MCAT is for... MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test), is an exam designed and used by medical schools as a way to see if a prospective student has the requisite knowledge/IQ to be a physician.

So while, yes you could do well on a MCAT without taking any courses given the appropriate intelligence level, it would do nothing for you career wise, unless you planned to go into medical school (of which, you'd be required to do all the pre-req undergraduate course that teach the base knowledge for MCAT).

Anonymous No. 16128075

That seems silly. They should have an exam at the end of medical school but only with medical related questions. That way I can easily beat it and dunk on all the medfags.

Anonymous No. 16128123

I ate 12 cans of beans these last 3 or 4 days because I'm poor and didn't poo, and that's normal from such a huge change in fibre
I also ate 4 bars of chocolate and 3 those of tuna

And i didn't poo because i had no toilet paper any way, so when i saw some i needed to poo. But not a lot of poo came out, only like 2
And that's normal, except the texture was concerning

But my thought was, with a history of IBS, seizures, and after pooing some history of syncope and whatever, i thought it was parasympathetic having an effect over the lower part of my body, the opposite to how it should be

Anyway i did a poo and just threw up into my mouth. Normally my sick is acid but this wasn't
Now i can taste liver failure in my mouth
Also and unrelated too, i used to rub the side of my abdomen and it would make me throw up after having eaten a lot of paracetamol once

Try to discuss this matter (IBS/ACh/para/sympathetic nervous system)
It's okay if I'm wrong because if i wanted to be right i wouldn't be looking into me. But butt talk about the those things as a general thing and not advice to this made up scenario unless that helps

Anonymous No. 16128141

Beans contain choline!

Anonymous No. 16128187

For someone who wants to work in researching new drugs but as a md instead of pharmacy what are good alternative paths to a biochemistry undergrad? I've recently been looking at what different universities offer and something like chemical engineering coupled with biogeochemistry (really just more of a field research biochemistry) seems interesting.

Anonymous No. 16128269

What is the unfiltered opinion on lab workers from doctors. Curious as someone that works in a medical lab in a hospital.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16128469

>just don't do a cucked specialty and people will treat you with respect.
What are the cucked specialties? From what I understand, pediatrics and emergency medicine seem bad.
>Or you can stop being cucked by your ego.
This is a hard one, but I'll try to get over it.

Anonymous No. 16128475

>just don't do a cucked specialty and people will treat you with respect.
What are the cucked specialties? From what I understand, pediatrics and emergency medicine seem bad.
>Or you can stop being cucked by your ego.
This is a hard one since being a DO means I'm a below-average student and I'm paying out the ass in tuition, but I'll try to get over it.

Anonymous No. 16128485

we don't think about you at all
maybe pathologists have a gripe with you but I've never worked in pathology

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Anonymous No. 16128560

I just drank 4 yakults in 1 day am I gonna survive?

Saint. Barkon No. 16128590

You're not a turtle you're a piece of bread now fuck off

Anonymous No. 16129124

>We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor)
I have and I’m hopeless.
After a viral infection that spun out into meningitis, I’m left with debilitating chronic fatigue. My life has went to shit, no doctor can help me where I live. I’ve went through SSRIs and it didn’t help, I only had side effects. It’s been two years living in this hell.
Is there any way to cure this?

Anonymous No. 16129166

>They should have an exam at the end of medical school but only with medical related questions

they have 3 of them, retard
and you can't take them unless you're actually in med school

Anonymous No. 16129170

just the risk of burnout and getting replaced by an NP
get assaulted or stalked by your patients
extreme liability, your assessment of whether something is benign or malignant is end all be all

Anonymous No. 16129181

>What are the cucked specialties?
peds is the only truly cucked specialty
EM and anesthesia are not cucked but they will be

FM is alright but they have a massive chip on their shoulder. /r/familymedicine has some of the most delusional physicians on the internet

im a DO and Im going into neuro. people think its cucked but demand has never been higher and its no longer "diagnose and adios" like 20 years ago. even tPA has been replaced by tNK. lot of remote work sidegig opportunities as well. and while no specialty is immune to both midlevels and AI, neuro is a bit more protected cuz "brain scary"

Anonymous No. 16129197

Hey /med/fags, user of a different /sci/ general here. Where do you think you would go if the email verification system that /biz/ has right now gets introduced site wide?

Anonymous No. 16129200

I hope you find meaning in life very soon. Best of luck, anon!

Anonymous No. 16129202

I already have meaning dont worry about that but answer the question.

Anonymous No. 16129212

Yeah that's a weird response

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16129275

Punctuation mistake spotted
The double open bracket

Both junior tumors and the specific one, mesothelioma, can cause finger clubbing. Both also make bone tenderness

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Anonymous No. 16129284

Punctuation mistake spotted
The double open bracket

Both junior tumors and the specific one, mesothelioma, can cause finger clubbing. Both also make bone tenderness

Anonymous No. 16129287

id just stick to the other boards i frequent. /med/ is getting shitty with all the schizo spam, and i only go on med subleddits to laugh at retards every month or so when im bored.

why neuro and not neurosurgery?

Anonymous No. 16129338

What sort of questions are on the MCAT

Anonymous No. 16129343

I remember a question about HMG CoA enzyme came in the test when the majority of people leddit suggested it was "low-yield". I really do believe the test makers browse rapid review books and twist questions to make sure people know the essence of the concept rather than just brute memorization...

Anonymous No. 16129479

>why neuro and not neurosurgery?
because i dont want to do surgery and even if i did, 3 DOs nationwide get into neurosurgery each year (while a couple hundred MDs do)

Anonymous No. 16129516

>do no harm
only 5% of doctors are vegan
how do they cope?

Anonymous No. 16129557

plants also feel pain

Anonymous No. 16129654

what email verification?
I just posted on /biz/ without any trouble

Anonymous No. 16129656

you cannot exist without harming something
thermodynamics baby

Anonymous No. 16129702

NEETmaxxing and preparing for foreign exams to start my training abroad. Hopefully surgery

I enjoy it, but I know a lot of doctors who regret wasting five/six years of their life and a fuck ton of money which they could have put to better use elsewhere.
See anon it's not just studying, it's a lifelong commitment. Think about your hobbies, your family, your future goals. They all play second fiddle once you devote yourself to medicine. You will never be able to connect with those facets of your life the same way other people will be able to. 90% of the time all you would be able to think about are the next patient, the next on-call, the next exam, the next audit, and so on. It's the doctor life you would've needed to have found an interest in, not just the study of medicine. For a lot of people it's just too much, and they switch over to alternatives like biomedical engineering or public health, which are also very rewarding and respectable fields.

Anonymous No. 16129717


radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16129897

MCAT is not a medical exam test, so there's no medical knowledge on it.

Medical schools do have 3 sets of examination (USMLE Step 1,2,3 for MD; and Comlex Level 1,2,3 for DO); with Step 3 and Level 3 completed midway through your intern year (typically). Unfortunately, you're unable to take these exams without verification/certification from your medical school.

The only real thought is, why is it taking so long to get my results back?

Peds is ulticucked. FM/IM is regular cucked. IM subspecialties can range from cucked to chad (nephro/endo to cards/gi). Surgical subspecialties are chad. Derm and Rads are chad (biased of course).


Anonymous No. 16129906


Try to discuss this matter

Anonymous No. 16129963

Today my poos were ruined
I think because of too many plants, too much potassium, no meat for too long

Anonymous No. 16130180

Not an uncommon situation when it comes to post-infectious cfs. I assume you've been through the whole ringer of diet and exercise and have been officially diagnosed with ME/CFS? The truth is your condition is just not very well understood, and you'll have a hard time finding treatment options that aren't primarily symptomatic. You can look up teaching hospitals in your area and see if their faculties are doing research in that area and try getting a referal to see an actual specialist for your condition to optimise your treatment, but in terms of clinical medicine, you'll probably have to resort to clinical trials if you want more than symptomatic treatments. Honestly If i was in your situation I'd probably start throwing the kitchen sink at it and go for an alternative approach, the prognosis for actual ME is pretty shit anyways, might as well try eating a tub of coconut oil or hyperventilate in a redlight sauna

Anonymous No. 16130190

>FM/IM is regular cucked
Damn, I'm just banking on getting into IM if pathology doesn't interest me. I'm not sure what else to do.

Anonymous No. 16130193

>rad weirdo is a tripcuck
of course

Anonymous No. 16130298

almost like regulations will never work. why not quit relying on government, replace it with an unregulated free market?

Anonymous No. 16130342

unpaid medical bills eventually fuck your credit

Anonymous No. 16130395

Are you unironically going to let your future be decided by random internet people on a Chinese cartoon forum arbitrarily deciding how cucked something is?

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Anonymous No. 16130525

Is it truly that cucked over there? I just want to complete my residency in a relatively small city and then fuck off back home.

Anonymous No. 16130546

are you surprised that the people who use this website are often deeply insecure?

Anonymous No. 16130598

>Is it truly that cucked over there?
It depends, most departments are understaffed and personal is missing pretty much everywhere, but quality of care is still relativley decent overall. As for germany in general, it's pretty cucked. Pay is isn't great and you're paying close to 50% in taxes on that already not so great salary. Taxation and bureaucracy are a general malaise here that you can't get around, but if you're a euro that should be nothing new to you, though it's pretty extensive here. There are also a lot of "foreigners". They're mostly concentrated in the larger cities, but even smaller towns will usually have a few arabs or africans loitering around somewhere. Cost of living is relativley high, but more mangable in smaller cities. If you can somewhat speak the language most locals will be welcoming, but don't expect anyone over 40 to speak intelligible english. Apart from that the country itself is nice enough but germanic autism is definitely real

Anonymous No. 16130835

>Derm and Rads are chad (biased of course).

derm is not chad when derm PAs make 300k in las vegas

FM is only cucked in the east coast, everyone is a referral monkey. IM is more common in primary care jobs out there

FM is fine if you want to completely coast through med school, getting dogshit grades and failing your board exams multiple times. even the worst DO candidates received 50% interview yield this cycle

Anonymous No. 16131095

>take aspirin
>headache doesnt go away
>take ibuprofen
>headache doesnt go away
>take tylenol
>headache doesnt go away
medicine has fallen.
billions must suffer.

Anonymous No. 16131104

Do patients under the effects of botulinum toxin still experience erections, since those are controlled by smooth muscle, or are those paralyzed as well. If you received a handy, would you experience an orgasm without any of the contractions. I am struggling to find any medical literature that explores these questions.

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Anonymous No. 16131112

One year away from my Md

Anonymous No. 16131114

just don't live in America chud

Anonymous No. 16131167

Do any researchers have educational resources or textbooks that deal with the external re-oxygenation of red blood cells, I think doping is similar and the term used in sport science but not exactly what I'm looking for.
t. non-doc

Anonymous No. 16131171

why do nutritionists, pts, etc, have such a problem with MDs

Anonymous No. 16131217

>external re-oxygenation of red blood cells
>similar to blood doping but not exactly what I'm looking for
idk what you mean
you could be asking for regulation of erythropoiesis, Bohr/Haldane effects, reperfusion injury and everything in between

Anonymous No. 16131218

if we weren't so busy, we could easily do their jobs

Anonymous No. 16131235

Because it's so easy to just refer patients without doing an actual work up, you could just write "backpain or something" for PT orders and they have no recourse

Anonymous No. 16131646

nutritionists are hacks. dieticians are the real professionals

Anonymous No. 16131664

why do nurses act like plumbers and car mechanics while doctors and midwives act like they went to college?

Anonymous No. 16131673

>hopefully clinical years are better
4th year, yes. 3rd year, fuck no

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Anonymous No. 16131700

>high rdw and low/normal rdw
>procalcitonin slightly raised (0.3~)
>no infection, history of chronic obscure gi bleeding
>rest normal
What's the judgement, chief?

Anonymous No. 16131758

I wanted to be a doctor but I am grossed out by people's flesh and fluids

Anonymous No. 16131854

In my country the whole ME/CFS is not diagnosed/recognized, it’s treated as a psychosomatic disorder. Thus I was given antidepressants and other psychiatric medications, to no avail. That’s also why I don’t think I’ll find any actual help here. I’ll just keep hearing that I’m a hypochondriac / I have depression.
I’m on a diet but it’s related to the gastrointestinal issues that came along - specifically SIBO and giardiasis that just come back soon after any pharmacological intervention. I can’t exercise as I will literally collapse midway through, and will be drained for like a week, bed-bound.
I am willing to do anything at this point. I will keep fighting, even if I can’t stand up half of the days. But I’m also not suicidal as to try dangerous quackery or waste my scarce energy on bogus treatments that just have no chance of working.
I’m young, barely started my life, my career. I don’t want my life to be this mess I’m living right now. I know this place is far from ideal searching for answers but I’m a drowning man trying to hatch onto anything at this point.
The irony is, I was in perfect health just a few years ago. I’ve passed medical evaluation to be a fighter pilot, though I eventually chose to study aerospace engineering instead.

Anonymous No. 16131887

>The irony is, I was in perfect health just a few years ago
The something changed around that time that caused this. You probably know what it is

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Anonymous No. 16131894

So, I will pursue medicine next year, how fucked am I?
Also, anyone know with what book should I prepare for it during summer, started reading Campbell's Biology to improve my knowledge about biochem and fuckall, shit hurts my eyes too since I'm a eastern-european poorfag and can't waste 300 euros on a book, at least not now

Anonymous No. 16131937

Books are for boomerfags. Get an ipad and an apple pencil (or a logitech crayon if you're poor) and you'll have unlimited access to read and write on every pdf you'll need in your career.
Also why the fuck are you studying. Go outside and touch grass this summer, you may not get the chance to do it ever again.

Anonymous No. 16131947

I have an Ipad, but I prefer much more to work in books and notes I can spread all around the table
As for the summer part, that's why I want to study I will have too much free time in my hands as exams and things like that are not a problem for me

Anonymous No. 16132091

See >>16129124
>viral infection that spun out into meningitis
I had numerous neurological issues afterwards, but they all healed within a year (headache, shaking hands, vision problems, vertigo, numbness on my face). What left is absolutely debilitating fatigue and, weirdly enough, gastrointestinal issues, as described.

Anonymous No. 16132093

In the European Union, mannitol is indicated for the treatment of cystic fibrosis (CF) in adults aged 18 years and above as an add-on therapy to best standard of care.[4]

Anonymous No. 16132177

it sucked cock, to be honest, but I didn't know that 80 out of 280 were experimentals so that makes me feel better. I was scoring in the mid 70's on NBME and Free120 so I felt pretty confident going in. If I fail I'm going to be shattered.

Anonymous No. 16132243

>The only real thought is, why is it taking so long to get my results back?
There is no reason most tests should take more than 40 minutes unless the sample is bad, or the equipment is literally not functioning
95% of the time it's because the nurses drew either a hemolyzed sample, it's severely diluted, or it's mislabeled. The other 5% is when the lab equipment is catastrophically broken.
There was a time where a nurse sent a mislabeled sample, then the recollect was grossly hemolyzed, then the second recollect was diluted, and finally the third recollect was correct

Anonymous No. 16132249

Anon, literally nothing will prepare you for medical school. You can waste your summer relearning all of cellular biology, metabolism, and biochemistry and your school will cover all of it in one week and you'll be on to new stuff. You will have wasted your summer.

Just go enjoy yourself.

Anonymous No. 16132633

The statute of limitations for medical debt is 5 years sir.

Anonymous No. 16132793


Anonymous No. 16132860

Do you want to be a clinician? If not don't be a doctor

Anonymous No. 16132867

if you want research, just do a science bachelor with honours and then do a PhD
Don't do it though. Research is fucking gay and I only do it for career progression in medicine.

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Anonymous No. 16132876

They updated chronic fatigue syndrome (in the 10th edition) since the 8th
In that older one it's put in an info/questionbox that titled 'is fibromyalgia a real disease? '

Anonymous No. 16132959

how do i get into the cosmetic/aesthetic side of dermatology?
like i don't want to learn about rashes and fungi, but how typical skincare agents work.

Anonymous No. 16133042

Start by taking the mcat and applying to medical schools

That knowledge is a closely-held secret

Anonymous No. 16133043

Rising OMS-II here, and I'm personally interested in psychiatry.
I'm curious - do you have any pubs? Besides scoring high on Step 2, I feel like research is the best way for us to have a shot at landing at a decent program.

Anonymous No. 16133121

>We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
>Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
>Nursoids post tits
If nothing else proves that doctors are self-serving cunts, this does

Doctors are dishonest bastards who have a bias in favour of the treatments they offer. Because the appearance of safety and effectiveness is what keeps doctors employed. The list of medical interventions that have turned out to be harmful is very long, and you'll know many of those examples yourselves. But who gives a shit? When you're playing with other people's lives, they pay the price, not you.

Anonymous No. 16133176

yeah it reminds me of how my mechanic called me a retard when I told him I was going to put orange juice in my car instead of oil because obviously sugar will help with combustion and make everything run more smoother

Anonymous No. 16133215

>anon realizes that doctoring is a job

Anonymous No. 16133275

Even with a diagnosis, there's really no simple causal treatment at the moment. There certainly is a psychosomatic component to your condition, it's just not the whole story or the primariy cause. Going through any neuro-infection can be debilitating, and the fatigue you're feeling is imo at least partially psychosomatic (which doesn't mean made up or imagined) though your nervous system certainly is in a state of disarray. A big part of these conditions is that your autonomous nervous system is in a deranged state, causing a variety of downstream issues. Your best bet of getting a hang on that aspect is managing stress and relaxation while getting your nervous system to slowly adapt to increasing levels of activity. It's essentially simple conditioning, but you'll likely have to take very small steps. If all you can do is a 5 minute walk with a break, that's what you'll have to work with to turn into a 5 minute walk without a break, eventually into a 10 minutes walk with a break and so on. The point is keeping it within your limits and managing stress as much as possible so you can be more active while keeping your autonomous nervous system from locking up and inducing fatigue that keeps your from progressing. Being in this kind of spiral of fatigue is an awful situation to be in and truth be told, from what I know, most ME/CFS patients don't fully recover, but you can improve dramatically and become functional again. I don't want to get into a whole thing here about chronic-disease personalities and resilience, but if you're determined to get better, take every avenue available to you, and that includes psychological and psychosomatic treatment. You don't have to take meds if they do nothing for you, but you'll have to manage the psychological strain this whole thing is putting on you with more than just stoic determination. Get a support system, be it family, friends or therapists, it's important for your recovery that you have that covered

Anonymous No. 16133352

Order a SPEP for polyclonal gammopathy? Iirc this is some self limiting chronic and non progressive disease

Anonymous No. 16133496

no. research still isnt required for most neuro programs, its mostly having good letters and actual neuro experience. my DO school has a bunch of neuro rotations and a renowned faculty member so that hasnt been an issue. however, away rotations are becoming more common for DOs for neuro so im doing a few to be safe.

i have some other academic stuff though like tutoring, and i also took step 1 cuz its a filter (no one in neuro world gives a rats ass about comlex). i also have one or two really unique things on my CV that make good convo starters

Anonymous No. 16134175

Is taking statins for cholesterol bad?

Anonymous No. 16134190

everyday i study, i feel dumber than the last. i should stop studying to stay smart :)

Anonymous No. 16134521

Is anyone here a chiropractor? I'm interested in going to chiropractic school and I was wondering what it's like. How is the course load? I've heard it's easy to get into but it's hard to graduate.

Anonymous No. 16134715

Damn, I am certain you will pass if you're averaging in the 70's. What made it so different and difficult from the nbme in comparison to the real thing?

Anonymous No. 16135094


but unironically don't get into chiropractics it's a literal scam.

Well it's partly exam nerves, right? I don't get test anxiety - if anything, I'm inappropriately relaxed in exams. If I don't know the answer I try to reason for a bit but I don't get hung up on things or go over my answers meticulously. I find I'm frequently right the first time and make more "correct to incorrect" answer switches than "incorrect to correct" if I go back too much.

It's just a hard exam. The format feels VERY familiar if you do some of the NBMEs or a lot of uWorld questions. I would recommend uWorld over AMBOSS 100%. I have both and I love AMBOSS for studying but for pure exam prep uWorld felt more similar.

I wouldn't say it felt more difficult than NBME, other than the questions that were clearly experimentals. I had one question that was a very specific neuroanatomy question about pathways that we never discussed in lecture or on first aid, for example. It's more that it's such a high pressure, high risk thing to fuck up.

I feel like this all the time

depends on the lipid profile of the patient but they're first line with lifestyle modification, generally

Anonymous No. 16135136

Is liquid biopsy a viable method for early cancer detection, or is it merely a hoax?

Anonymous No. 16135198

>but unironically don't get into chiropractics it's a literal scam.
What's wrong with being a chiropractor? How is it a scam? Chiropractic care is covered by insurance for example.

Anyways, I'm really interested in its philosophy of addressing the root cause of symptoms without medication. Doing alignments seems really satisfying, I'd get to heal patients with my own hands.

Anonymous No. 16135223

>he thinks private insurance ISN'T a scam
El em ay oh

Anonymous No. 16135240

>Addressing the root cause of symptoms
anon you're literally just addressing the symptoms

Anonymous No. 16135252

I meant addressing the root cause of diseases as opposed to medicine which only masks symptoms.

Anonymous No. 16135254

>And typical psychologist, trying to drug people they don't like

you mean psychiatrist, dipshit
whats the point of being anti-psych if you cant even distinguish the people you hate

Anonymous No. 16135256

>Although cancers are the second leading cause of death in the United States, only 4% of centenarians die of cancer, compared to almost 40% mortality in the middle-age group

Anonymous No. 16135257

its called physical therapy, dipshit
and all you do as a chiro is crack, you dont do anything else

Anonymous No. 16135261

>and all you do as a chiro is crack, you dont do anything else
My chiropractor reads X-rays and does nutrition coaching among other things.

Anonymous No. 16135285

Is it realistic to run a business alongside med school? Won a competition for angel investor seed money recently and I head into clerkships next month
Bulged cervical spinal disks aren't going to get fixed by a quick crack moron

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Anonymous No. 16135315

What's the deal with hippys and schizos saying Root Canals cause heart attacks and cancer?
How can it be possible that extremely harmful bacteria just chill at the apex of a root canal treated tooth for years and your body does nothing to it? The root canal just seals whatever bacteria are left. So wouldnt it matter what kind of bacteria are getting sealed off?

How come your white blood cells can't get to the bacteria? How can the bacteria stay alive if your cells can't get to it? How can the bacteria infinitely secrete toxins if it's closed off from your blood supply? Your body forms a cyst around the apex of your root when it detects an infection post root canal. So the bacteria just avoid the cyst? Do they avoid antibiotics too?

Maybe Im just retarded but nothing about this makes sense and the more I try to read up about Periapical cysts and the exact mechanism through which harmful bacteria are able to survive antibiotics, survive the immune system, live perpetually, and secrete "toxins" with a minecraft infinite dupe glitch, the more I just get nonsense results like pic related

Anonymous No. 16135321

>Bulged cervical spinal disks aren't going to get fixed by a quick crack moron
Well, maybe not in one visit.

Anonymous No. 16135322

Not sure if this is the right place, but how bad are the trace amounts of cadmium and arsenic found in fruits and vegetables? Are they essentially non-issues for how small they are? Not a vegan I just really like carrots

Anonymous No. 16135323

What specialty/profession in medicine has the most schizo or neurotic people? I feel like medicine is a pretty normie field in general.

Anonymous No. 16135332

One of the rules of the universe is no matter where you work, you will be working with people who bore the fuck out of you

Anonymous No. 16135337

The job I worked with the most interesting people was ironically a night shift factory job

Anonymous No. 16135343

The more money you make the more boring people are

Anonymous No. 16135352

>run a business alongside medschool
depends on the business, if you want to get into a competitive specialty, and how much you hate your life.

Anonymous No. 16135355

Medical device, interested in surgical subspecialty, virgin even now so yes I hate myself

How the fuck do you talk to women in med school anyways, they all already have cliques in the first month or go home straight from class

Anonymous No. 16135363

people become more reserved when they have more to lose. also expectations of a professional qualification are higher

Anonymous No. 16135365

No I'm not talk about the fake, put-on presentation which people perform during work
I mean their hobbies are literally gay and retarded and boring

Anonymous No. 16135382

Not in any visits anon
The annulus fibrosus isn't going to suddenly anneal and contain the hernia because you did a twisty

Anonymous No. 16135392

Why is that anon? Why is there no medchan? There are not many popular medical anime for some reason.

Anonymous No. 16135406

dentistry is one of the least evidence based medical fields
I don't actually have data to back that up, but it seems like nobody actually knows anything about teeth

Anonymous No. 16135407

Im not a medfag, but I work a salaried position in a technical field
I just want to talk about Kabalistic symbology in Evangelion but my coworkers do nothing but talk about sports and cars it makes me want to kms

Anonymous No. 16135408

same way you talk to anyone, introduce yourself

Anonymous No. 16135409

expand your interests by talking to them about sports and cars
having narrow interests does not make you unique or special

Anonymous No. 16135412

They know who I am, now how do I get my crush to talk to me outside of required times

Anonymous No. 16135413

Sports as a conversation topic are one of the most gay and socially retarded things to discuss
There is literally nothing more insular and pointless
>hey did you see what dickfuck did at the 23 minute mark in the third quarter of the first half last thursday at 7pm?
>uh no
>oh you really shouldve seen it

Maybe dont be such a social retard and try talking about something that the other person has a chance to respond to

Just because you have normalfag interests doesnt mean you're not a social retard. You're just a social retard and a basic bitch at the same time

Anonymous No. 16135414

doesn't work because once you actually get into it you'll soon find it they know nothing about it despite claiming to be "huge fans", happened to me when I genuinely tried to get into sports for a year or two

Anonymous No. 16135416

Medfags will cope about how they're overpaid, how a med degree is closer to a trade school, etc. It's pretty hilarious to see.

Anonymous No. 16135418

I really just want to learn more about Periapical cysts because those things take 4 years to heal and can harbor some pretty fucked up bacteria potentially. But wouldnt you have inflammation symptoms if this was the case?

I feel like a lot of the schizo opinions on dentistry just ignore the fact that most normies are fucking insane and retarded and will ignore glaring health problems for years.

Anonymous No. 16135420

Lol I saw one guy who somehow ignored half his teeth rotting in his mouth for 5 years due to his candy and smoking habits
Came in for persistent idiopathic leukocytosis (idiopathic my ass, I hate PCPs)

Anonymous No. 16135426

get out of your head and just talk to people my man
even if you look like a sperg, just laugh it off and say some shit like "between covid and all this studying, my social skills are shot"

you guys have a lot of resentment for other people to get out of your systems
you can be a cynical jackass and still have friends, but you have to make an effort to meet people where they are

Anonymous No. 16135438

>just have shit friends
No thanks. I already have good friends.

Anonymous No. 16135447

>just talk to people bro
>just get friends
Thanks for that information, I can't believe I've never thought about doing that before.

Anonymous No. 16135463

>equating small talk with coworkers to making friends
shut the fuck up you dumb nigger, talk to me when you pay taxes

Anonymous No. 16135477

>but it seems like nobody actually knows anything about teeth

they literally do not teach anything about teeth in med school
nutrition is hit and miss but most likely you will never learn about that in med school either

Anonymous No. 16135481

>How the fuck do you talk to women in med school anyways,

you dont
get on the apps and fuck the local women instead

Anonymous No. 16135484

My med school has a dental school attached
We share dissection cadavers
Those toothfuckers never wrapped up properly.

Anonymous No. 16135502

that's literally the only option
aside from getting your social interaction from anons online, which just turns you into a fucked up weirdo like >>16135463

Anonymous No. 16135518

I'm interested in pretty much any STEM topic. I have so many interests that it is almost impossible for me to meet someone that I have nothing in common with. I have joined clubs, I have talked to lots of people. Most people that I have talked to are respectful but reticent. If I ask any questions they will give a terse reply and not ask anything back, or ask me the same question that I asked them. It seems that when people see me they think I am autistic or a that they have to be nice to or else. It is tough to see people immediately bond and become friends whereas a similar interaction with me would be completely different. Tl;dr telling anon to "just talk to people" is not really helpful.

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Anonymous No. 16135665


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16135687

>How the fuck do you talk to women in med school anyways
At the very least, make sure your personal hygiene is good. Get some hobbies (video games don't count); girls love it when their company is fun. And most important, be more confident.

Anonymous No. 16135693

>How the fuck do you talk to women in med school anyways
At the very least, make sure your personal hygiene is good; you need to take at least one shower a day and to brush your teeth twice. Make sure you're wearing fashionable clothes; you better not be wearing fucking video game graphic tees. Get some hobbies (video games don't count); girls love it when their company is fun. And most importantly: be more confident.

Anonymous No. 16135707

just be a homo (an actual faggot or an effeminate tool)

Anonymous No. 16135719

>he's sick of himself
lmao p0wned.

Anonymous No. 16135727

>universally despised retard
still zero bud.

Anonymous No. 16135744

there is no formula or secret code word you can whisper to force people to like you
the only thing you can do is emulate qualities you know other people are attracted to (being kind, honest, confident, funny, easy to talk to, etc . . .)

I promise you there isn't some id tag, only visible to other people, hovering over your head that says "lol this guy sucks don't talk to him"

Anonymous No. 16136007

After a month and a half unemployed I finally got a call to cover a weekend shift in anesthesia. Thing is it will be the same shift my momma works, hopefully it wont in the same placement. This adult/attending shit is wack lol.

Anonymous No. 16136341

>I'm interested in pretty much any STEM topic

most med students dont care about this shit. talk about normal stuff

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Anonymous No. 16136361

Talk me out of becoming an orthopod

Anonymous No. 16136373

is this why women talk to me...? I am depressed rn

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16136580

AFAIK, it's not really used for early cancer detection/screening. It's used after cancer has been diagnosed to help guide clinical management

Anonymous No. 16136584

I have all of those qualities except for "easy to talk to"
And that might make me seem cooler, but it is not causing people to want to be friends with me.
>most med students dont care about this shit. talk about normal stuff
I know, it sucks. I don't like normal stuff, I like interesting stuff.

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Anonymous No. 16136756

>rinse skin injury with water
>burns like hell
>keep washing
>suddenly it no longer burns
How is this magic possible?

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Anonymous No. 16136857

Psychiatrists should go back to calling themselves Alienists. Much cooler term.

Anonymous No. 16136919

whats the best specialty for someone who has really poor eye-hand coordination and poor dexterity

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Anonymous No. 16136920

What does this piss culture look like to you
By the way it was slimy before

Anonymous No. 16136950

Eye surgeon

Anonymous No. 16136961

What scrubs do you wear? Is there any practical difference between dedicated "underscrub shirts" and regular dri fit athletic shirts, or is that just a Jewish plot to make me spend more money? What about jogger cut scrub pants? Someone told me that yeah joggers look good but straight or boot cut are better to protect my ankles and shoes from body fluids. Are figs worth it or just a meme?
t. new hire PCT

Anonymous No. 16137004

what if im also retarded?

Anonymous No. 16137167


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Anonymous No. 16137195

not exactly medical advice but how do I get a female doctor to look at my dick. and then how do I escalate into a seduction situation. really just having her look at my dick is ok already though.

Anonymous No. 16137319

Find female urologist and say u have penis problem

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Anonymous No. 16137330

Going through a graduate degree in biomedical science before med school because I didn't try hard enough in undergrad. Why am I like this?

🗑️ B No. 16137338

Your dead today, which is nice. You'll do 200 years which is 175 more than you did to me under worse conditions. It's funny how shit you are because if I work out how to do I will defeat and punish you all by myself, and you won't be able to do anything about it. Your ideas are shit. Your darkness is shit. And the only thing forgiving people of this simulation is the fact they're death, they are shit. With so much shit around me and your hypo-hypo royal blowjob, I'm towering all of mankind on intelligence. I am more than poetic in fields you don't know about. I'll one day defeat you with ease, even if it is a leap into the future.

Anonymous No. 16137340

I am sorry to hear that. If it makes you feel better a lot of students in my class range from 26-28, and a student who is 30 (I am unsure how this guy entered). So you're not alone nor late...

🗑️ B No. 16137343

And don't get gobby with me either. Had you not touched me since I was born, I would have been more interested in pain. I would have had no trouble with the people who I've stumbled across, and you'd have no choice but to fear me. And this is the honest truth. You've preyed on the exploitable and you've made a living. You are going to pay one day trust me.

Anonymous No. 16137344

It seems like you forgot to take your lithium today. Please take your meds!

Anonymous No. 16137345

Rich fag.

Anonymous No. 16137347

I'm 31. I don't feel bad about being late or any temporal maladies, I just know that with the tiniest bit of true effort I could be a god. Idleness is retarded, I know, but man do I love it.

Anonymous No. 16137371

doctors pls state
>do you think you get paid enough
please answer sincerely about the pay, everyone thinks they deserve more usually but is what you are getting 'within reason' etc

Anonymous No. 16137405

Anon I make $50k a year, I just don't have any kids or debt.

Anonymous No. 16137443

I guess confidence is the real lacking part because the rest is checked already

Anonymous No. 16137500

>and a student who is 30 (I am unsure how this guy entered).

girl in my class who is 41
gonna be entering my 4th year once i turn 26. people think im "young" yet i still took a gap year to get into med school

Anonymous No. 16137512

Okay, but you're still spending an unnecessary amount of money for something you should have the qualifications for by the end of undergrad.

Anonymous No. 16137521

The same thing could be said for the entire nation of America, you could have entered medical just after high school. Why waste undergrad years?

Anonymous No. 16137581

Just took my MCAT last week >>16137330
This is literally my nightmare, if I dont get into medical school im just going to kms instead

Anonymous No. 16137585

I am tapering Mirtazapine which I was using for my sleeping problems due to rumbling in my left ear that was appearing at night. The rumbling has stopped few weeks ago and now I want to get rid of this drug. I used 7.5 mg for 8 months and right now I slowly tapered it down to 2.5mg without any side effects. I was planning to stop at 1 mg which but this is a very low dose. Can taking an antidepressant at a too low dose cause a problems? My fear is that the rumbling will come back as withdrawal symptom, I don't care about any other withdrawal symptom.
Yes I went to a doctor and he said me to stop at 3.75mg but I was too pussy to do that.

Anonymous No. 16137624

>if I dont get into medical school im just going to kms instead
It's just a job.

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16137645

75k as a resident. Will be attending in 2 years. 25th percentile pay for radiologist in the united states is 450k

Anonymous No. 16137652

i know someone who didnt get in the first year, took a year to do something else, then got in a year later. hes now a cardiologist. dont ever give up

Anonymous No. 16137657

optometry (student lmao). go on externships in ~1mo.
130-150k starting in my state for full-time work. i think it's fine since i only have to do 4y of school then can go out and practice. the 250k of debt sucks though but not bad wages.

Anonymous No. 16137712

I already spent 3 years working a shitty construction job to pay for the rest of my undergrad during covid. I have been scraping and grinding along for way to long to be told no.

It might be just a job but it’s the only job I’m willing to do for the rest of my life.

Anonymous No. 16137762

>Fuck no

>130-150k starting
>4y of school
>250k of debt
Why not just go to medical school at that point?

Anonymous No. 16137780

I didn't get in my first application cycle and I had a 516. It's cool anon. Don't give up and you'll get there.

Anonymous No. 16137809

Wgat do you feed gram positive bacteria or fungi

Anonymous No. 16137828

If you don’t mind me asking what was your gpa? Extracurriculars?

Anonymous No. 16137837

>I already spent 3 years working a shitty construction job to pay for the rest of my undergrad during covid.
Mommy and Daddy couldn't help you?

Anonymous No. 16137976

science gpa 3.79 overall 3.86 extracurriculars on first application cycle were:
Free tutoring on campus for STEM subjects
Eagle scout
Covid vaccine clinic volunteering in like march/april 2020
Employed full-time during all of undergrad
Raising children - doesn't really count, but made its way onto my application as an excuse for no research

Second application cycle I had spent 8 months doing virtual scribing and 10 months as a volunteer in hospice. I had worked my way up from hospice volunteer to a paid position as the volunteer coordinator and main hospice admin by this point as well.

I still didn't match to a medical school. I got in off the waitlist. Med school applications fucking suck but if you don't give up you'll eventually get in somewhere, maybe DO but that's fine, really. Better than being a service industry slave the rest of my life.

Anonymous No. 16137978

also it's unclear from my post, but I'm at a MD school. No offense to our DO counterparts, I just think I'm better than you and want to make it explicitly clear

Anonymous No. 16138061

>Raising children
lol wtf
>I still didn't match to a medical school.

Anonymous No. 16138075

i've kids

Anonymous No. 16138100

I thought you were talking about your little siblings or something. How old were you when you applied?
>inb4 you had kids at 20 or something

Anonymous No. 16138132

didnt want to do the time for various reasons, didnt want to risk not getting into the 1 specialty i wanted to either by not grinding hard enough and/or not being diverse enough, was happy with what optometry scope of practice covers (and how it keeps getting more scope expansions), was fine with the wages/lifestyle, etc etc.

if i was interested in anything besides the eyes, maybe i wouldve considered it as i wouldve had a fallback plan or 2, but i find the eyes the most fascinating and didnt really want to go into any other specialty.

Anonymous No. 16138179

I mean, I've made a lot of connections for medical research on the side of biochemistry, so I wouldn't say that. I could just as easily pursue a Ph.D. at this point, but an M.D. is the goal.

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costanza ishygddt.jpg

Anonymous No. 16138207

Sorry if this is the wrong thread.

Whats a good book on drug chemistey? Like how can you tell what a drug/substance really is?

>inb4 junkie, I have CKD and have found a study that said IGF-1 can improve kidney function

Anonymous No. 16138247

Applied in my late twenties. I started college at 25.
Also yes, TMDSAS

Anonymous No. 16138258

radsbro what are you going to do with all your money as an attending?

Anonymous No. 16138261

>Also yes, TMDSAS
I thought so. Texas schools are so hard to get into. I didn't match to any schools and I don't think I'm getting off the waitlist. I got accepted into some out-of-state DO schools and I'm just going to have to cope.

Anonymous No. 16138263

go to college

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Anonymous No. 16138273

Cant afforrd it. Help a retard out anon. I just need a book rec

Anonymous No. 16138333

>Like how can you tell what a drug/substance really is?
I'm not sure what you're asking. Use wikipedia if you want to know about the drug and follow all the links.

Anonymous No. 16138344

No. If I have a substance, what material/gear do I need to verify its identity? That is what I am asking.

Anonymous No. 16138350

you aren't going to be able to gain enough knowledge to treat your kidney disease by doing google searches/reading random books
the best option for you is going to be paying a doctor to manage your disease

Anonymous No. 16138354

you'll need a degree in chemistry and access to a lab with a mas spec at the very least
other useful lab techniques may be fractional distillation, chromatography, etcetera. If you don't have a degree and training you are unlikely to successfully do anything other than hurt yourself. I mean this in the nicest way.

Anonymous No. 16138355

anon please elaborate, what exactly are you trying to identify and why?

Anonymous No. 16138360

Cant anon mix it with some specific chemicals that only react to chemicals in the drug?

Anonymous No. 16138363

I understand but I have no other option- Doctors want me on dialysis. Im not doing that, it is disgusting. I found a study that looks promising (though there hasnt been any follow up since). Also its not a disease but decreased function due to severe injury.

>Insulin-Like Growth Factor–I Treatment to Enhance Renal Function in Advanced Chronic Renal Failure

Also, every modern doctor became a doctor by reading books, they didnt figure it out on their own.

A product sold as igf-1. I want to determine what it actually is. I intend to experiment on myself in the hope of warding off death but I want to verify what I'm using first.

Anonymous No. 16138366

what are the medical jobs which are most likely to be replaced by AI functions? I think hands-on jobs, surgery for example, would be the least likely, while something like radiology would be easier to replace. or am I just buying into the hype and this type of replacement is farther away than I think?

Anonymous No. 16138383

doctors spend many years going through very difficult training to gain their expertise; it's more than just reading books
this self-experimentation is not a viable path - you are likely going to end up in the emergency department

I am sorry to hear what you're going through
please just follow your doctor's recommendation

Anonymous No. 16138388

do people really fail step 1? I've basically done no prep aside from studying for my school's exams and easily passed a full length practice test

Anonymous No. 16138637

does eye bulging go away after hypothyroidism is treated? Is it permanent tissue growth?

Anonymous No. 16138750

Yes, people fail step 1
What was your studying like for pre-clinicals? Just first aid? Some schools have curriculums that are very VERY USMLE oriented so their students are very prepared for step. Others, like mine, use house exams and write their own questions that are very different from uworld/amboss so it takes some getting used to.

Glucocorticoids have been shown to be effective in reversing the retroorbital GAG deposits in thyroid disease-related exophthalmos. Uptodate also recommends teprotumumab, an IGF-1 receptor MAB.

Anonymous No. 16139017

any successful med school bros with the same story or am i cooked

i have a low gpa (3.3-3.5) range but I have a 525 mcat and like 3,000 research hours (~2 pubs before applying)

am i cooked for a good med school or is there still hope

Anonymous No. 16139026

You'll be fine.

Anonymous No. 16139134

>Doctors want me on dialysis. Im not doing that, it is disgusting

your renal function is in the shitter
no dialysis = death

Anonymous No. 16139137

>do people really fail step 1?
dont forget all the DO students that pussy out and dont even take step 1

Anonymous No. 16139150

You're fine

Anonymous No. 16139152

Dialysis = death and terrible quality of life.

From the IGF-1 treatment trial
>GFR was maximally increased on the fourth treatment day and exceeded both the control and post-treatment value b.v 17%

Anonymous No. 16139153

Ill look into getting a mass spec. They arent too expensive. Thanks

Anonymous No. 16139206

Bookmarking this post

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Anonymous No. 16139302

bookmarking my future Teledyne Isco CombiFlash NextGen 300+ Chromatography System. should be able to afford it in a year. once I own this baby, it's over for you Big Dialysis Shills.

Anonymous No. 16139305

Stupid /med/ggers take 10 days to reach bump limit

Anonymous No. 16139371

Perks of having an actually useful job I guess.

Anonymous No. 16139417

Moraxella catarrhalis is a big player, you can forget about the others

Anonymous No. 16139434

this doesn't work
t. a female urologist told me

Anonymous No. 16139494

you just werent pretty enough

Anonymous No. 16139517

Doesn't igf-1 also cause diabetes? so this will just make it worse and you will probably become blind and ruin your kidney further from hyperglycemia. I will also assume the reason you're put on dialysis is because of diabetes, so it's no wonder why its never used clinically..

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Anonymous No. 16139535

Is this fungi cultured
Possibly from noble rot

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Anonymous No. 16139537

Can you ask her what this human piss culture looks like

Anonymous No. 16139544

No, IGF-1 can help treat diabetes. Also, your assumption is wrong, I was injured. I think it has never been used clinically because it would bankrupt a massive part of the medical industry. I've only found 2 human trials and those were from the 90's and the 50's. Despite their success, there has not been any follow up.

Fernando C. Fervenza, Michael M. Friedlaender, John O. Ike & Ralph Rabkin
(1998) Insulin-Like Growth Factor–I Treatment to Enhance Renal Function in Advanced Chronic
Renal Failure, Renal Failure, 20:2, 349-356, DOI: 10.3109/08860229809045121

Anonymous No. 16139567

have fun slowly killing yourself then
if you're already at stage 3 ckd, your GFR is not permanently reversible

Anonymous No. 16139582

>that study
lol IGF-1 barely did anything at all
the one significant finding for inulin on day 4 was likely luck

Anonymous No. 16139608

>punched so hard you instantly progress to ESRD
damn what gym is this, I want to join

in all seriousness, fat fuck unless proven otherwise

Anonymous No. 16139614

What can improve kidney function? I've squared away my lifestyle, diet, fitness, sleep. Don't have any medical issues or abnormal vitals/labs except kidney function. So what can reverse (improve) kidney function?

I'm confused. what was lucky? IGF-1 improved the kidney function from day 4 onward. It started on day 4 and continued until they stopped taking it. I get the number of patients was small and that the average variance is kinda close (don't know technical term the plus minus for the average stats)

kek. I was in the military.

Anonymous No. 16139616

>needs to wait a year just to afford a chromatography machine
Wait till you see how much IGF costs without insurance LOL

>1 yr ESRD w/o dialysis
This nigga finna die before he even buys the chromatography machine

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Anonymous No. 16139618

I think surgery can be useful for cosmetic changes after

Anonymous No. 16139619

What lowered your bilateral kidney function? A bullet that somehow hit your right kidney, took a 90 degree turn and knocked out the left one too?

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Anonymous No. 16139622

>they hit the second kidney

Anonymous No. 16139627

yes. that is what happened. you're a pretty good doctor. do you accept TriCare?

guess I should start an ecoli farm huh?

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Anonymous No. 16139650

Here is why i bookmarked your post:
From a dialysis patient:When a patient on dialysis presents...
Ten years is a long time. For those ten years, or just over 3,560 times, I attached
myself to a peritoneal dialysis machine and underwent nine hours and fi fty min-
utes of nightly therapy. I subsequently learned to do a lot of crosswords and read
a ridiculous amount of books. In ten years I had just three incidents: an inguinal
hernia due to thinking that I could move a sofa (I could not), a parathyroidectomy
(my knees were much happier afterwards), and one unfortunate bout of peritoni-
tis (once was enough). Statistically speaking, I am an anomaly: the ‘average’ life
span of a peritoneal dialysis patient is four years.
Admittedly, I did not initially cope well with needing to be on dialysis. After hav-
ing lived successfully with a transplant, a return to dialysis felt like failure. I did not
want the hassle of treatment. I did not want piles of boxes cluttering up our home.
Mostly, I did not want a PD catheter jutting out of my belly. But what I originally
believed to be unacceptable, gradually became tolerable. This took time. It took
care and support. It took experiencing relative health, and seeing that dialysis life,
although diff erent to existing with a transplant, could be lived well.
Natasha Boone , author and illustrator,;

Anonymous No. 16139690

>I subjected myself to the degradation of having my body mutilated and entered into dialysis for years, pretending not to notice the wretched smell of decay, pretending not to see the hopelessness in the eyes of the wasted denizens of this ultra-fluorescent pee pee soaked heck hole, forcing a smile as I descended daily into this barbarous facility. I will endure! And then! Then against all odds, I managed to steal an organ from someone else. I emerged from that dank dungeon like a phoenix only to sleep through a surgery that left me bankrupt. Half awake and grateful, I trudged through a half life of gobbling pill after pill of anti rejection drugs that left me burdened with cruel side effects. This brief respite was interrupted when the transplanted organ eventually failed, as they all do, and I was forced back to the decay and misery of dialysis but I'm OKAY WITH IT!!!!

Everyone copes in their own way. I'd rather kill myself in a failed experiment than subject myself to that misery. I'm suprised doctors are so against experimentation

Anonymous No. 16139713

you were in the military, but can't afford college?
why aren't you eligible for the gi bill?

Anonymous No. 16139716

used it all up on a philosophy degree.

ever see Magnolia with Tom Cruise? The interview scene where he says he atteneded some Uni but never graduated? Thats me but without the charisma or good looks or working kidneys.

Anonymous No. 16139759

Anon I'm just playing around, but the fact is that your kidneys are too physically scarred to ever recover full function without a transplant if you're at ckd stage 3 or more
The only bet you have of GFR recovery is kidney transplant or 3d printing yourself a new kidney. Legitimately curious though, what injured you in the military to get ckd
>waahhh dialysis le stinky and depressing therefore... I'll bankrupt myself into somehow physically reversing years of kidney damage that has left my organs physically scarred
If there was a treatment that worked that you could afford, your doctor would have told you about it

Anonymous No. 16139788

doctors aren't against experimentation when it's done in a medically useful manner as opposed to doing the modern equivalent of chinese alchemists poisoning themselves in search of an elixir of immortality
are there any clinical trials you could participate in?

Anonymous No. 16139858

I get my step score back in like 48 hours and I'm petrified that I failed

Anonymous No. 16139905

you didnt, retard.

Anonymous No. 16140425

I copied this from a book hehe

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Anonymous No. 16140575

there are bio signals emitted from the tumor for the management of tumor microenvironment, like angiogenesis. I'm sure this signal can be detected early on to find cancers.
wrong thread anon

Anonymous No. 16140595
