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🧵 /med/ - medicine

Anonymous No. 16140594

Serina Edition

Previous: >>16125002

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

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Anonymous No. 16140829

What genes/proteins determine aptitude?

Anonymous No. 16140832

it's not the sole determinant! We are always in balance between nature and nurture.

Anonymous No. 16141094

Starting EM rotation today how long until I get assaulted by a nurse

Anonymous No. 16141103

I almost went on a date with a service's front desk receptionist first sem of ms1 - the woman proceeded to try cancelling our date 1.5 hours before the agreed on time, then when I thanked her for her time and said good bye she wrote a giant screed over text about something (IDK, too long)
I blocked her, don't stick your dick in crazy

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Anonymous No. 16141189

Can Embryonic Stem Cells form newer tissues to reverse fibrosis damage?

Anonymous No. 16141250

Fuck you guys
The amount of normal children Ive seen get their entire lives fucked over by pills and drugs they never needed is fucking disgusting. I hate this society for ignoring this blatant abuse. In 2013 the DSM got rid of the GAF scale which helped determine of the childs "behavioral issues" were caused from abuse. Fuck this money seeking industry


Anonymous No. 16141379

>he hasnt already been assaulted by a nursoid
how ugly are you?

Anonymous No. 16141480

Really hope the guy from the last thread comes back, I have so many questions
>how the fuck did you get shot in both kidneys with one bullet?
>how are you still alive (assuming this happened -years- ago in the Middle East and didnt get clapped by tyrone recently)
>why not take out loans/credit cards to buy that machine since you’re going to die anyways?
>do you have any close family members to steal a kidney from?

Anonymous No. 16141492

why would you even respond to that in the first place? just ghost that shit

Anonymous No. 16141493

Uh, no. Collagen is gonna stay collagen.

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Anonymous No. 16141497

>totally unbiased retelling of events
take your meds schizo

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Anonymous No. 16141504

>he responded to the faggot whining about psychiatry
Off to the sanitarium with you.

Anonymous No. 16141516

You really cant see how that unbiased retelling of events could be happening the other way around? Like, probably to the dude whos taking the fucking drugs? Theres no logic to your point.

Anonymous No. 16141546

>don't stick your dick in crazy
you didn't even fuck her, let alone meet her
psych patients are all nasty, non-compliant, and a drain on the system's resources. particularly borderline and bipolar patients, such evil people

Anonymous No. 16141547

cannot believe neuro and psych are under the same specialty board

one is a real specialty, the other is pseudoscience and money hungry "physicians"

Anonymous No. 16141553

I probably would have fucked her if she had just shut her mouth and shown up, but I ain't about to go through mental illness for a piece of ass

Anonymous No. 16141554

I'm hoping to match into psychiatry so I can put whiney faggots under lock and key legally.

Anonymous No. 16141846

>psych patients are all nasty, non-compliant, and a drain on the system's resources. particularly borderline and bipolar patients, such evil people
How about you don't lock us up and drug us against our will? Maybe then we wouldn't hate you so much?

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16141899

Married to another physician, probably work part time desu. My plan is to work like .5-.75 FTE (full time equivalent), make 250-350k.

Want to raise a family, and get jacked.

>amount of normal children
>describes absolutely fucked up childhood
yeah, these kids weren't normal dumbass. You're complaining that pills fucked up lives that were already beyond repair. That's not to psychiatry isn't half quackery, but it's ridiculous to blame the psychiatrists for the crazy people's living situation.

Anonymous No. 16141907

do any new doctors work full time? i keep hearing all the old docs that are retiring worked full-time and all the new ones dont work enough to replace them.

Anonymous No. 16141908

>Married to another physician
The rich get richer.

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16141915

It's a two fold issue. The days of private practice, or small group owned practices are dying, so there's no incentive structure in place to work "more". Back, in the day the private practice/group was extremely profitable, where maintaining services was tantamount to your bottom line, there's also an aspect of responsibility of ownership of both patients and business to work the extra as well. Nowadays most physicians are either hired by a big healthcare system, or are hired in much more consolidated massive group (often backed by the healthcare system, or PE group), so there's a diffusion of responsibility to work extra. That being said, there's also a component of bleak pessimism and laziness among millennials and gen z, that probably bleeds into it all as well.

Anonymous No. 16141924

not as much as you'd think. assuming he isnt a fag, his wife will probably quit medicine or heavily cut back in a few years.

Anonymous No. 16141937

How about you stop being mentally ill with a high potential for inflicting harm on yourself or others? It's for your own good and the good of others, freak.

Anonymous No. 16141977

>his wife will probably quit medicine or heavily cut back in a few years.
This is exactly why it's alarming that women are now the majority of medical school students. In Japan, they actually modified women's test scores in Japan to combat this.
>One of Japan’s most prestigious medical schools has admitted deliberately altering entrance exam scores for more than a decade to restrict the number of female students and ensure more men became doctors.
>The investigation found that in this year’s entrance exams the school reduced all applicants’ first-stage test scores by 20% and then added at least 20 points for male applicants, except those who had previously failed the test at least four times. It said similar manipulations had occurred for years because the school wanted fewer female doctors, since it anticipated they would shorten or halt their careers after having children.

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Anonymous No. 16142197

yeah it pisses me off having to compete with DEI roasties who are all going to quit, they're a waste of a seat.
>55% of medical students are 'moids
>40% will retire/go part time within 6 years
>there will be 22% less full time docs
>this doesn't even account for the jeet problem
>mfw midlevels are going to get paid even more soon

Anonymous No. 16142231

>describes absolutely fucked up childhood
Your parents dying means you need to be drugged up on Antipsychotics?
Youre most likely a 14 year old indian boy, grow the fuck up.

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Anonymous No. 16142249

Should I go for PA or NP?
I'm in year 3 of my RN program, when I complete it I can go right for PA or NP after 2 years of full time RN work expierence. From what I can tell they're pretty similar so it seems like a no brainer to go straight to PA afterwards.

Anonymous No. 16142263

thats one reason i became a midlevel (which is also flooded with women lmao).
NP has better outlooks on scope of practice expansion compared to PA since they dont have physician assistant in their name. several states allow NPs to practice independently while PAs cant.
id personally recommend NP, but im not a nursoid and dont know much more than what i typed above for NPs vs PAs.

Anonymous No. 16142266

I'm guessing you're not a medical professional. If you are, God help us.

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Anonymous No. 16142270

How plausible is it to actually find mob work as an M.D.? Asking for a friend.

Anonymous No. 16142278

go for NP anon, it's the right career decision
just know that I will fight tooth and nail to keep your ilk from independent practice

Anonymous No. 16142280

>just know that I will fight tooth and nail to keep your ilk from independent practice
You won't do shit. Physicians are pussys. NPs will continue to get stronger.

Anonymous No. 16142294

okay :)

Anonymous No. 16142296

What's nice about asses they fart and shit at you but are nice to lick

Anonymous No. 16142298

>Nursoid babble

Anonymous No. 16142303

That won't do shit. NPs will continue to practice independently. NPs are the future. Simple as.

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Anonymous No. 16142307

>see NP in gastroenterology
>anything else bothering you today?
>yeah, I think my left ear canal is inflamed
>uhhhh...I forgot how to check ears. Let me call a physician.

Anonymous No. 16142313

precisely how much shit getting together is required for a random autist to qualify as a pharmacist? ive found myself drifting towards this lately and i dont know if i wanna just fuck about at home and read the occasional textbook or if i should consider actually doing something with this

Anonymous No. 16142315

Nice story.

Anonymous No. 16142317

Nice fag.

Anonymous No. 16142318

We will replace you and there's nothing you can do about it.

Anonymous No. 16142320

Nice mediocre career choice

Anonymous No. 16142323

I make $150k yearly for a fraction of the effort you dimwits put forth and my patients love me.

Anonymous No. 16142325

Nice lying and mediocre career choice.

Anonymous No. 16142331

Keep coping and slaving away in the hospital while I enjoy a robust life.

Anonymous No. 16142347

Okay, keep lying and having a mediocre career.

Anonymous No. 16142354

stop talking to the nursoid

Anonymous No. 16142368

It's hilarious how physicians take so much pride in working needlessly hard and sacrificing so much.

Anonymous No. 16142379

well, it did take them at least 12 years to reach that point.. only autistic or religious people can maintain that level of patience and resilience.

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16142427


I'm stay-at-home-dad-maxxing. My wife wants to work FTE. I rather be cooking, cleaning, taking care of the kids.

I'm radiology, i have no bone to pick in the fight. I think psych is a fake field as far as i'm concerned, but a kid life is fucked cuz both his parents died, not because he got put on SSRI and vyvanse afterwards.

Just my 2c having worked with both, PA's are way more dependable, teachable, professional, and intelligent. Most of that has to do with the fact that PA school actually has an IQ filter to get in, and at least teach the basic of medical science, meanwhile NP schools have absolutely no quality control or filter mechanism for any of their matriculants. That being said, the job market for both has a decent overlap. Financially speaking if you're already and RN, it's a shorter path with same pay off to just be an NP than being a PA.

Anonymous No. 16142568

can someone tell me why papillary rupture causes mitral regurg and not mitral valve prolapse?

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16142644

Well, mitral papillary rupture is a form of mitral valve prolapse.

As far as why it causes mitral regurgitation, it's because left ventricular pressure is greater than left atrial pressure.

Anonymous No. 16142746

The kid Im referring to was on Antipsychotics + other shit and literally tweaking the fuck out every day. He had tardives at the age of 16. He didnt deserve that just because he fucking parents died dude. Yes, those ruin your life. And you dont need a drug cocktail because of it regardless.

Anonymous No. 16142776

>I'm stay-at-home-dad-maxxing. My wife wants to work FTE.
I don't see this arrangement lasting.

Anonymous No. 16142780

>mitral papillary rupture
>causes regurg because left ventricular pressure is greater than left atrial pressure
powerful rads pathophysiology knowledge on display, everyone

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16142863

Even if it doesn't, 600k combine income is more than enough to live quite luxuriously for a family of 4.

Anonymous No. 16142947

not always. i've seen several physicians make 400k+ and still manage to barely scrape by since they love wasting money so much. i also heard they didnt have any investments for retirement.

Anonymous No. 16142987

Thank you. I was just a bit confused between the two. Technically, MVP is a form of mitral regurgitation however it's a specific type of regurgitation. I wonder if this is the right way to categorize it..

Anonymous No. 16142993

>since they love wasting money so much
What are they spending their money on? The physicians I know spend a lot of their money on their kids' private school and vacations.

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16143029


Sure, but we're both pretty low maintenance people. Also not hard to save for retirement by shoving 100k a year into a couple well diversified ETF's a year, when you're making 600k a year.

I would think of regurgitation as just the backwards flow of blood through the mitral valve. The mitral valve prolapse is just a descriptive class of a couple pathologies who's end result is regurgitation.

So I would just think of it more mechanically. Where regurgitation is just the opposite flow of fluid; and prolapse would be a description of the valve malfuction (portion of the valve going backwards) that would the flow to reverse. There could be other non-prolapse causes of mitral valve regurgitation such as endocarditis, mitral annular calcification, dilated cardiomyopathy, etc. etc.

Anonymous No. 16143209

>I'm stay-at-home-dad-maxxing.
enjoy your future divorce. this outcome is very common

Anonymous No. 16143409

>DO NOT offer advice
Saar, dully noted..

Bencholds will not be advised!

Vary good way of stating this statement. Could not have said better by myself. There is not a simpler better way of saying such a wording for use in a sentence. Perfection.

Anonymous No. 16143450

shit for their wives, not paying back their debts on time (they will still get loans because theyre doctors but the interest goes up), getting loans for multiple new expensive cars, getting rid of the cars after just a few years and getting new ones, paying for all their kids' random expensive shit, etc.

Anonymous No. 16143570

is pursuing an MD a good idea if I want to be a rich stud that fucks?

Anonymous No. 16143650

Why bitch wife cheated on me with an MD.

Anonymous No. 16143686

Do not fucking redeem it

Anonymous No. 16143700

I grew up on 150k family income as a kid and we had a huge house in a nice district, this was as recent as '20 that I graduated. How the hell do doctors waste that much money? Beyond a decent car, a gaming PC and some other electronics, and maybe home decor stuff I really can't see the point in wasting all my money on dumb shit or even WHAT I would spend it on (IDK maybe vacations? But I like hostel experience at least till my 40s because I'm a loner otherwise)

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Anonymous No. 16143701

So how does college teach you an entire section in like a month efficiently?

Anonymous No. 16143739

What's wrong with vitamin K anyway
The other vitamins are shilled harder

Anonymous No. 16144010

You are welcomed sir

Anonymous No. 16144093

Is fungi growth in urine really normal?

Anonymous No. 16144100

Do you mean there's fungus in your urine, or fungus grows in your urine when you leave it in the toilet for months on end because you have zero hygiene skills?

Anonymous No. 16144110

It grows when i leave it in bottles to check it for fungus

Anonymous No. 16144138

So you haven't gotten it tested in a sterile lab, you just piss into bottle and then leave it? Of course fungus is gonna grow eventually. Fungus is everywhere, and it uh, uh finds a way.

Anonymous No. 16144267


Anonymous No. 16144274

i am really starting to hate medicine, i don't believe in it no more
i will finish my residency and then fuck off to do something else or work part time somehow just to get by

Anonymous No. 16144317

>i am really starting to hate medicine, i don't believe in it no more
What happened, anon?

Anonymous No. 16144337

Don't tell me you were trying to self diagnose by pissing into bottles and letting it culture lmfao

Anonymous No. 16144392

Was culturing my piss from drinking water
Pretty sure i have a yeast infection but that's unrelated

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Anonymous No. 16144394

Also look at my piss
Like diamonds

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16144400

Pretty sure there's a 50 percent chance that i get kidney stones within the next 2 years

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Anonymous No. 16144402

Pretty sure there's a 50 percent chance that i get kidney stones within the next 2 years2

Anonymous No. 16144434

Holy fuck man drink SOME water

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Anonymous No. 16144437

I haven't drank water on purpose since i was 14 years old
No fluoride in me

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Anonymous No. 16144444

70% water solution

Anonymous No. 16144449

checked but wasted on tranny thread and tranny comment

Anonymous No. 16144535

i can see fucking off after you paid all your debt, but not right out of school.

Anonymous No. 16144774

You finna get gout my negus

Anonymous No. 16144816

Nothing money. Federal, state, FICA (fica up to 170k) and local halves it so 600k might as well be 300k and 400k might as well be 200k if you're a single filer. If you started from nothing you realize it's nothing to be grateful for especially with all the retards who were magically born with money like the dumby in this thread with parents making $150k a year. My parents had nothing and inherited nothing and I will inherit nothing in the literal sense. The guy with 150k parents is in for a million plus dollar inheritance. Meanwhile sportsball players make millions and the people who own them make billions. If you ever met multi hundred millionaires you'll realize they have often are average or above average intelligence and simply have what they have from generations of wealth.

As for WHY these chads would choose to maximize expenditures and minimize savings, it's quite obvious they're content with being a physician and value money now over some imaginary potential sum to be realized in their 60s. Not to mention nice houses cost 2M plus. It's called lifemaxxing.

Unlike midwits like you who went into medicine for "prestige" or to "help people" (this intention often paradoxically inflicts the worse decision making outcines as its rooted in moralizing not a genuine desite to allay a disease) and then realize they don't give a shit about any of it and just want to budget and save and pay off their heckin debterinoos and retire in your geezer years. You sort are actually the most greedy and least generous. You'd never consider leaving early or periodically to just live your pathetic fantasy because of your nest egg.

It's like Mussolini said. Better to live like a lion for 10 years than a sheep for 100.

Anonymous No. 16144823

The debt isn't secured by anything. Why should he pay it off? Retard and midwit move. He should take on more debt while he can qualify for physician mortgages and then never touch the student debt which would qualify him for prolonged deferment time and again. I can't imagine how big of a cuck you need to be to think universities, banks and the state deserve their money back. He shouldn't give them a dime.

Anonymous No. 16144831

150k kid here. My parents hustled from third world poverty to get us into the US and make their money (I was born when my dad made 30k and 150k was only by the time I was 12 with us still in the poverty mindset beyond the house).
Besides the rest of your schizobabble, I don't even have student debt thanks to scholarships through college and t20 med school monies so it's not like I'll be lugging around loans. I just genuinely don't see the point of dumping money on McLarens and shit instead of a
1. Nice colored new Porsche Cayman that I can actually rev out on the streets and keep in good condition for cheap ($70k)
2. Royal Enfield motorcycle to putt around town in style ($5k)
3. Gaming PC ($1k)
4. Apartment near hospital or house in nice school district (variable but I'd say $700k is a good median in the near future IDK where the fuck you're pulling 2mil from)
5. Yearly vacations where I can slum it ($2k/vacation)

Other than that, legit what is there to buy? Other than the house I can easily afford all of that in one or two years of post-tax salary as any specialist

Anonymous No. 16145113

good taste
I also grew up poor and the only thing I would add to your list is nice clothes

and maybe paying for a house cleaning service

Anonymous No. 16145173

>I am from a povo background
It shows.

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16145178

you should probably get back on your meds... nothing you said even makes coherent sense.

for the most part I agree, once you hit around 150k-200k the material living condition for families doesn't change much until you start hitting 7 figure income levels.

the main difference will be savings though; with how compounding investing works out, the main difference between retirement and inheritance.

Anonymous No. 16145261

Why would it give you gout
And i can't get that i have metabolic acidosis

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Anonymous No. 16145276

Anonymous No. 16145294

How so? His urine doesn't have the coloration of high uric acid content.

Anonymous No. 16145297

>what is there to buy?
NTA but you have no imagination. I used to net $4000 a month after expenses. Couldn't use it other than for occasional big purchases because everything I wanted costed between $10,000 to several million dollars.

Anonymous No. 16145476

Nice clothes to me is like 4 REALLY nice full suit separates in different colors, probably adding up to $6-8k total with the associated shirts and ties and such. And I don't need them all at once either, so that 6-8k will probably be split over multiple years. Beyond that, regular nice polos and shirts and shit isn't much especially since I'm a Costco man through and through
What did you want to buy that was so much? I derive a lot of joy from finding and haggling on good deals

Anonymous No. 16145741

>What did you want to buy that was so much? I derive a lot of joy from finding and haggling on good deals
Property, vehicles, watches, technology and gadgets, sartorial clothing, livestock, trailers, RVs, Peterbilt 18 wheelers, books, audiophile equipment, motorcycles, aircraft, medical procedures both therapeutic and cosmetic, medical equipment for the same ends, credential enhancements, fine dining, appliances (Subzero, Wolf), grills, hardwood and stone flooring, fragrances, massage chairs, 20th century paintings and sculptures, musical instruments, non tax vehicle protected investments, and personal tutors and assistants, expensive furniture. Hundreds of thousands of dollars. I want these things for myself. If you've ever been to an expensive area, you see obscenely wealthy people who are interested in such items solely for conspicuous consumption.

Anonymous No. 16145744

Stupid fucking /med/cels

Anonymous No. 16145777

Conspicuous consumption is unironically the most retarded part of being wealthy. I've already seen my mom succumb to it as our ancient Volvo is breaking down and she wants nothing less than the latest in German """luxury""" thanks to corporate brainwashing. I like the cheap versions of all those things because they're cheap and accessible. No point in even getting shit like cosmetic surgery or ridiculously expensive appliances, wearing your wallet just to flex on the poors is moronic - how many ways can somebody build a stove to hike its price to 10k?
You can want these things for yourself but ultimately Mammon is evil and not the reason I entered medicine (not even Christian, just is). I could easily have just gone for industry with my 80k entry level engineering job offer and invested the remainder to make more money long-term, but Virchow is my hero and I want to follow in his footsteps of power

Anonymous No. 16146059

There are, at most, 6 people itt that are med students, residents, or doctors. The rest are schizos or nursoids. Also the optometry bro. Remember this.

Anonymous No. 16146172

what % of your patients dont speak English? im looking forward for when i get out of here and don't have to deal with every other exam being in spanish.

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Anonymous No. 16146255

I'm pre premedschool

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Anonymous No. 16146266

>The rest are schizos or nursoids.
As in..w-women?

Anonymous No. 16146271

Yeah, or gay Hispanic men with amazing hair

Anonymous No. 16146273

How to delete posts on

Anonymous No. 16146280

mousey you are quite literally brain damaged and don't have the executive function to hold down a minimum wage job, let alone attend college, let alone become a doctor

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16146282


Anonymous No. 16146285

Wow mean

Anonymous No. 16147167

New patient to room 17 from EMS

Anonymous No. 16147417

Fine fuck I'll go see them.

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Anonymous No. 16147464

No, let me go see him

Anonymous No. 16147472

Thanks for volunteering 45 y/o male ffs after drinking 750ml of vodka over 2 hours he's still drunk and didn't tolerate the CT cervical spine so he's still in the collar but we got the CT head and he's cleared there so go ahead and clean him up and see if there's anything to repair btw he has a lot of hair and it's all caked up with blood bye.

Anonymous No. 16147475

OK well I'm not a nurse so the other anonymous can do it

Anonymous No. 16147477

Oh. Then nevermind let's just sit and shittalk the surgery team I'll get one of the students to clean that guy up.

Anonymous No. 16147662

Can melanin be folded like a prion disease

Anonymous No. 16147665

Can calcitonin be folded like a prion disease? For interesting effects with lithium

Anonymous No. 16147694

I don't care about blood but poo is gross

Anonymous No. 16147749

Where can I find black market alteplase or streptokinase asking for a friend

Yes I can feel my face
No I'm not stroking out

Anonymous No. 16147788

Medically speaking, how do I stop feeling lonely all the time

Anonymous No. 16147867

I got accepted into medical school. I'm so fucking happy.

Anonymous No. 16147915

Congrats anon, US?

Anonymous No. 16148181

find a satisfying addiction

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apu thinking.png

Anonymous No. 16148198

How did you guys get started with studying medicine? What are some good resources for a retarded idiot who aint never finished 11th grade but wants to learn about drugs and hormones and stuff?

Anonymous No. 16148247

Don't bother.

Anonymous No. 16148256

The important part is that you need a motivation. This could be as simple as being interested in how caffeine affects our body or as complex as trying to understand ontogenesis/embryogenesis (which I don't recommend).

Anonymous No. 16148277

As a hobbyist, check out YouTube videos or read Wikipedia it's the most you'll ever need. If you want to learn medicine you'll unironically need to start with biology. From the ground up. At a university.

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Anonymous No. 16148315

I like reading wikipedia and I understand some simple stuff, but shit like picrel gets overwhelming because every single thing it its own article that links to like 10 other articles you need to read beforehand, and it feels like reaching some sort of a starting point is near impossible (or maybe I'm just a brainlet, I also have zoomer attention span and I just get stuck on wikipedia for hours). It's difficult to stay structured.
>need to start with biology
Yeah I've been trying to find biology 101 courses but idk if I want to pay like $300 for something that may or may not be good at all. I vaguely remember some basic concepts from hs like a few enzyme and hormone interactions, immune responses, antibodies, etc. Should I just go to a book store and buy some textbooks?
>At a university
I unironically want to enrol in an online "undergraduate certificate" thing that supposedly lets you get into uni in australia, but I feel like I should already know a bunch of things before I start that.

Anonymous No. 16148366

Actually I also got filtered by Wikipedia neurology.
t. >>16148256

Anonymous No. 16148812


Anonymous No. 16148839

i had to suture this girls head at 4am in the ER last night, 6cm laceration on her head after her drunk boyfriend punched her in the face and she hit the wall. frontoparietal fx and subdural bleeding, she'll be fine, but damn.

Anonymous No. 16148855

Good work anon
I was on peds ED so it was mostly viral infection bs

Anonymous No. 16148921

respect, i struggle with kids below 10y. im in surgical ER, so when they come with super vague belly aches and their parents are understandably stressed, and i got to explain why im not going to put their kid into a CT just to "check".

Anonymous No. 16148974

I'm placed in obgyn in an empty labour room. I'm bored as shit.

Anonymous No. 16149502


Anonymous No. 16150119

Cum is only 2-4% sperm, and only 3 to 10 % of sperm is active

Anonymous No. 16150541

I understand people being worried because they lack medical expertise, but the inefficiencies introduced by hypochondria must be enormous

Anonymous No. 16151047

last few finals of optometry school this week then it's off to externships for a year (and more nationalized tests woooo....) wish me luck, /med/bros.

Anonymous No. 16151820

best luck

Anonymous No. 16151838

Luck to you eye man

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Anonymous No. 16151924

all in one go or 1.5-2L a day?

Anonymous No. 16151947

So you're...good at eyes?

Anonymous No. 16151963

I do not like this image

Anonymous No. 16152043

thanks, friends :).

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16152142

Going to fill the sci wiki /med/ page up with lots of information from sources

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Anonymous No. 16152143

Going to fill the sci wiki /med/ page up with lots of information from sources

Anonymous No. 16152169

there's a /med/ page?

Anonymous No. 16152187

What specialty will allow me to work 2-3 days a week after residency?

Anonymous No. 16152188

I don’t like alcoholics either

Anonymous No. 16152346


Anonymous No. 16152349

The 1.5 a day (drain slowly) i read in the lungs section and i forgot what trick question was in this image that i saw previously. It also doesn't look like an emergency unless they're pregnant

Anonymous No. 16152381

>personal tutors
That's a good thing to spend money on. I'm hoping to get better at drawing and I'd want to hire a teacher for that. Learning to play saxophone might be another good one too.

Anonymous No. 16152559

Is there any risk in smoking nettles? I mean the terpinols, vitamins, chlorophyll, etc.
I want to offer free nettle leaf nuggets that people can smoke with their tobacco to cut down on that or pad out buying it, but without giving them cancer

Anonymous No. 16153003

inhaling any smoke is carcinogenic and bad for you

Anonymous No. 16153054

is there any risk to taking ginseng + ginkgo + st john's wort?

Anonymous No. 16153098

List all the nasty shit that happens when you get older, 50-60+, that schools dont teach and docs dont talk about much.
Here's some.
You get long thick hairs growing out of your ears. If you pluck them out you will eventually get some sort of infection in the follicles which will then drive you nuts itching and you will not be able to sleep for days. Bonus points: Also long thick hairs growing out of your nostrils. Triple bonus points: Some poor cunts get hairs growing out of the bridge of their nose.

All those injuries you got when you were younger and they healed? No they didn't. Not really. All those injuries will come in later life. You will rediscover all sorts of aches and pains arising from decades old fractures, severe sprains, torn ligaments. Only they dont get better this time. Fun!

Your digestive system starts to malfunction slowly. You will fart more, lots more, and you get shitty pants because every time you fart a little bit of shit is expelled. Expect to have to shower two or three times a day and change clothes every time. Got to love doing extra laundry. Also you will less have control over your bladder. Get used to having to waggle your dick for a good minute after taking a piss otherwise a few drops will seep out after you tuck it back inside your pants. Ever wondered as a kid why old people smelled funny? Well now you know. Its was a faint whiff of piss and feces you were getting.

Well that enough happy thoughts about your future from me. List some other cunty shit that happens when you get older that most people dont know or talk about.

Anonymous No. 16153229

I have an exam of general pathology in 2 weeks and I only know a fraction of the program. I'm so disappointed in myself

Anonymous No. 16153300

Inhaling smoke isn't inherently bad for you
>bbbttbut it is!
So is eating hot food (carcinogenic)
I will avoid saying that it's better than cigarettes because no added chemicals, so answer the question please

Anonymous No. 16153399

Smoking nuggets of nettles (the scum you can get off the top when boiling them) is the same as smoking tobacco and all effects were placebo. But i wouldn't like to smoke it all the time. Putting it in my tobacco will make that last longer and is the exact same in texture and burn and effects are made up trying to expect something, smoking it on its own unmixed. Adding the salts back in which form when nettle water is evaporated (avoiding mannitose in dead nettle, maybe flowering nettle) by using them in water to spray back on to the nuggets while drying with hydrophobic/baking soda and heat, or ether/chloroform spray with salts dissolved
Smoking it with tobacco will probably take multiple pouches
Maybe nuggets can be sprayed with whatever and smoked, especially nettle salts. Producing effects with the nettle salts would be good to make it actually do something. All that matters right now is the nuggets not having negative effects or causing cancer

Anonymous No. 16153658

I'm going into my senior year of undergrad and I already feel fucking burnt out. Tired of putting up with shitty teachers, retarded classes, extreme social isolation, etc. What should I do? I'm too deep into it to not at least try to get into medschool. Had a slightly above average MCAT and a mediocre GPA that will need a postbac, just around 3.1 cum and 3.3 sci. Just so sick of this shit. I wish someone told me in highschool I could have been a monk for a career and just play my organ music and make beer and garden and pray all day. This world is such a scam.
What am I to do? Part of me wants to just run off to the mountains in Germany with my accordion when I graduate and just figure things out there (Im American)

Anonymous No. 16153664

Can anyone recommend any postbac or masters programs to me? Thinking of UNE's 1 year anatomy cert thing. This shit is all just so expensive and if I don't get into medical school I'm going to be actually fucked.

Anonymous No. 16153682

>you didn't say what I wanted to hear
If you want to smoke nettles like a drooling retard, go ahead.

SpamiAm No. 16153700

T. Some guy taking to whoever invented tobacco

Anonymous No. 16153725

Just got bad news.
Due to bone density braces are a risk that I can't take. I have developed a malocclusion, it's a cross bite. I am worried about TMJ and sleep disorders. Should I blow my brains out or can I just live with this for now? It does scare me when I am taking and I hear a small crack on that side on my jaw joint

Anonymous No. 16153743

Alright fuckers
Can you give me resources to understand biochemistry and human biology?
I am unironically too fucking stupid to understand most of what they talk about in my classes, got like a month-ish to prepare

Anonymous No. 16153779

You've already posted this, asshole.

Anonymous No. 16153809

Is 20 yo to old to get in to medical research? It would take about 6 years to get a bsc + MD + PhD. My current field is in medical health and it's underwhelming.

Anonymous No. 16153837

Are you fucking kidding me? Shut the hell up you newborn.

Anonymous No. 16153847

All great scientific discoveries are done by people in their early mid 20s if not earlier. Now that this is proved through data analysis, what is the point of getting a phd at such an old age except vanity and cope?

Anonymous No. 16153922

you can always go to optometry school instead or drop it all and do nursing for that sweet 6figure salary right out of school.
my buddy went to undergrad with me then went to grad school, dropped out, and went into nursing and he's much happier now.

Anonymous No. 16154039

More shitty stuff that happens as you get older!

Your finger nails become ridged and the nails begin to split. This is a real cunt as split nails will catch on absolutely fucking anything. Very ouchy when you give them a good tug. They never heal either, so get used to it.

You start getting a variety of weird skin conditions that defy exact diagnosis so the docs tell you it is probably some virus and so you realize they have absolutely no fucking idea and furthermore dont care. They give you an expensive prescription and tell you to try rubbing some of this messy greasy ointment on it, so you do that for weeks and it does absolutely nothing, but now you have some stains on your clothes that will not come out in the wash.

The fillings in your teeth that you got as a kid or young adult? THEY FALL OUT! And that root canal you got five to ten years ago? Bet the dentist didn't tell you it was temporary fix. You were always going to lose that tooth.

More fun shit as you get older in the next post. Share your insights and stories so we can all learn what a horror growing old is.

Anonymous No. 16154042

Fleming was 47 when he discovered penicillin, Pasteur was 63 when he first tested his rabies vaccine, Koch was 40 when he discovered the cause of tuberculosis, and the list goes on. You're very stupid, anon.

Anonymous No. 16154188


Anonymous No. 16154193

it's time to watch pathoma! (3 times at least)

Anonymous No. 16154196

guys help me get pp hard plz

Anonymous No. 16154221

You are drinking too much shit. Like sodas, coffee and tea. It fills up you bladder constantly and that in turns kills your erection. I bet as soon as you lose your erection you have to pee, right? And then its only about half a cup or some stupid little amount. Yeah, that's exactly what is happening when you constantly drip feed your bladder as a result of drinking shit all the time. Just drink a shit load of water a few times a day, cut out sipping the crap drinks, and you will be fine. Give it a day or two to kick in. Report back and tell me I was right.

Anonymous No. 16154251

sorry anon you'll have to ask a fucking filthy shiteating cumsucking goddamn motherfucking dentist or maxillofacial surgeon

Anonymous No. 16154598

In regards to sublingual drug administration, is the half life the same as oral, just with initial higher concentration levels?

Anonymous No. 16154621

yes, assuming the drug component does not change.

Anonymous No. 16154781

wish me luck at conference bros
might be able to win presentation competition
med student vs consultants and the consultants' poster is copy+paste of their abstracts

Anonymous No. 16154898

good luck, bro.

Anonymous No. 16155561

Ah may as well ask here why the fuck not. I have a relative with stage-4 prostate cancer, spread a bit to spine and hip. He's on the androgen-deprivation shots, but for whatever reason the urologist hasn't ordered scans to track progression. Is this normal? The relative has nephrostomy tubes in both kidneys, and he wants them out - but we can't know what the timeline is for that unless we know the blockage from the PC is cleared. Which leads me to wonder, why aren't there any scans being done? He's due for another shot in a month (they're done 6 months apart), I would think you'd want data on progress.

I am not sure if I should tell this doctor to get his shit together or not or if I've over-reacting.

t. fully employed masters in biomedical engineering

Anonymous No. 16155640

2025 med school admissions cycle has officially opened, how fucked am I?
>3.1 overall GPA (3.3 science)
>Non-trad 25 y/o biology major
>Spent 3 years working construction
>fucked around in community college for several years
>embarrassing amount of retaken classes
>good letters of recommendation
>2 years of volunteering at a free clinic (direct patient care)
>emt card and ~1 year of paid research experience
>fluent in Spanish
>diverse on paper (1st gen immigrant from Argentina) but actually white

Also I’m just not going to apply to DO school, ugh I know, sorry. yeah sure I know it’s “the same thing”, but I’m just not gonna. Caribbean time?

Anonymous No. 16155740

You already asked this multiple times, asswipe.

Anonymous No. 16155818

if you need to ask, just become a nurse. you obviously dont have the chops to be a varsity medstudent.

Anonymous No. 16155892

Look dude I’m not going to be a DO, I know it’s the same thing. Not doing it

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Anonymous No. 16155905

500+ grams of protein, fat, carbs, respectively. Actually 400g of fat
26 grams of fibre
5000 grams of arginine alpha keto glutarate
(And a bottle of water. Also had mannitose - a diuretic - a week ago and i poo and peed out my kidneys)

The picture is unedited
Also i have been tasting egg or gluten all day in my mouth. I didn't die on the toilet like i have been mouth doing for a while

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Anonymous No. 16155906

2D poo
2D poo

Anonymous No. 16156057

Been fucking my exams up for days, feel suicidal. How do you guys manage these feels?

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Anonymous No. 16156075

been a while since I was in the oncology space, but usually incline/decline in PSA is an easy and decent enough way to track response to therapy. the PSMA PET/CT for imaging prostate cancer is just sometimes used more conservatively, depending on the oncologist, since the prep is more uncomfortable for the patient, it's expensive, and like any PET, it might just pick up on residual signal from the treatment itself and fudge things (any inflammation will be PET-avid). but if it really has been 6+ months since the last scan, I wouldn't think it crazy to raise an inquiry as to why another hasn't been done.

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Anonymous No. 16156165

Horse of the day: generally opportunistic diseases but more specifically the ones that are fungal >>16140594
See image. See also: Fungal involvement of the adrenals, pituitary, thyroid, pancreas, and gonads is well recognized. On the other hand, individual with diabetes mellitus and Cushing’s syndrome are susceptible to fungal disease as a result of immune dysfunction.
individual with diabetes mellitus and Cushing’s syndrome are susceptible to fungal disease

HORSE of the day: Disease, fungal

Anonymous No. 16156207


"involvement of the adrenals, pituitary, thyroid, pancreas, and gonads is well recognized. On the other hand, individual with diabetes mellitus and Cushing’s syndrome are susceptible to fungal disease as a result of immune dysfunction. Mucormycosis, candidiasis, and dermatophytosis occur more commonly in diabetes. Exogenous as well as endogenous Cushing’s syndrome is another endocrine disorder that predisposes to systemic fungal diseases",systemic%20fungal%20diseases

Anonymous No. 16156246

If you had to take an antidepressant, would you take an SSRI (mild side effects, besides sexual dysfunction) or mirtazapine (no sexual dysfunction, but makes you fat and tired)?

Asking for a friend who's a doctor

Anonymous No. 16156316

probs fluoxetine

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16156346

^ this is pretty accurate. PSA is pretty good biochemical marker for progression. Imaging would not add much unless the PSA is increasing.

Why did you even bother posting if you're not going to give an MCAT score?

The GPA is within range of USDO consideration depending MCAT score.
Most USMD will straight up filter you based on gpa, unless you were to score 520+ on MCAT.

Anonymous No. 16156400

I get my scores back in 2 more weeks, I’ll be back

Anonymous No. 16156415

I have erectile disfunction unless I take capsules of oregano oil. I feel like I have untreated prostatitis. What do I do? I'm from Canada where seeing the doctor is free.

Anonymous No. 16156506

i dont believe hospitals are hiring. its lies.

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Anonymous No. 16156516

Then you are either an idiot or you don't actually want to be a physician. Don't worry though, you will save more patients by not going to med school lol

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Anonymous No. 16156517

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Anonymous No. 16156625

Hey everyone, I'm a newfag around these parts, I've always been a bit skittish to roam around in boards where I have no expert knowledge of the topics talked about, but I do love medicine and studied it before my economy just went completely to shit. I hope you all have a good day/week and fuck analytical chemistry.
I'm taking fluoxetine for MDD and some other stuff, so far it's been the one antidepressant that works the best for me. I've taken sertraline and that one just never seems to work for anyone I've met, regardless of their condition. I've taken desvenlafaxine + aripiprazole (doc said it could help as a mood stabilizer somehow?) and it kinda helped, but it didn't completely work for me.
Now I'm just on fluoxetine, 40mg a day and I can REALLY notice if I forget a dosis. It does help me quite a bit with motivation and getting enough energy in the day to do the stuff I need to do.
Shitposting and looking at cute animal videos. Or music.

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Anonymous No. 16156648

>Hairs becoming a lovecraftian nightmare with their own mind and just taking over when you grow older
Damn, I wonder why that happens. Specially since so many old folks have issues with their head hair falling out, but then they have these thick ass hairs on their nose, ears, chest, and other body parts.
Seems like all these issues happen because the body becomes less elastic as we grow older, and we can't restore our tissues as effectively as we did when we were young. I'm particularly curious as to why DNA replicating gets worsened over time in us humans and most mammals, considering some other animals seem to have the ability to never lose that capacity to correctly restore their DNA, like axolotls for example.
I feel like one of the most worrying things about the future is Alzheimers and dementia becoming more and more common as we prolong our lifespans, but not manage to learn how to stop the accelerated aging we're experiencing, somehow.
Some of my dentists have told me throughout life that teeth fixing are not permanent and will not assure you that your teeth won't fall out. Hell, even root canals have a probability of making you lose your teeth in the future since the pulp's not in it providing fresh blood to the tooth anymore. It's more like trying to prolong it's useful life.
Is it common for nails to become uhh... Bendy, as you grow older, though? Or is that a me issue?

Anonymous No. 16156952

>ibuprofen gives me a stomach ulcer within a week
>try fighting it with gaviscon but it keeps coming back
>get rx'd famotidine
>stay on it for months, eventually escalating to like 80mg a day
>no sides and bloodwork is fine but just isn't cutting it at all
>doc gets me on esomeprazole
>first day, literally piss blood
>say fuck it, throw the box away
>start applying transdermal melatonin (300mg) to my stomach
>toss in bpc-157 arginate to boot
>symptoms remiss within a day

wow, it's that easy

Anonymous No. 16156972

well, did you win?

Anonymous No. 16157075


thanks anons

Anonymous No. 16157182

>Piss blood

Lmao what a fag

Anonymous No. 16157356

Should i cite statistics on fags gaping destruction of their rectal health to my proctologist so he knows im based and does a good job

Anonymous No. 16157409

it hasn't happened yet
I'll let you know when it does

Anonymous No. 16157537

Is 3g/6g (1/2 boxes) of quetiapine enough to od on? i know its not even worth trying to od on my other drugs because that will just cause serotonin syndrome or some shit

Anonymous No. 16157652

>I'm stay-at-home-dad-maxxing
Ahh the cuckold route, interesting choice

Anonymous No. 16157684


Radfag here. PSMA PET CTs are also only really good for well differentiated prostate cancer. The more differentiated the cancer is, the more like normal prostate it will act, and it will produce a lot of PSMA. Like the other anon said, sometimes other things can actually produce PSMA or cause uptake of the tracer such as inflammation, but generally you ignore low levels of nonsuspicious uptake. For instance, if you see relatively homogenous uptake in the prostate/prostate bed (depending on if surgery was done) that doesn't correspond to a mass or lymph node, it's almost certainly not prostate cancer. And if there's ever any doubt, you just check it on a follow-up scan. But they are indeed expensive and they aren't really "that" necessary because a standard CT chest/abd/pel can generally find prostate mets. A bone scan is also a very cheap method of screening bones which doesn't rely on the cancer being differentiated.

As the other anons said, if the PSA is stable or declining and there aren't any new/worsening symptoms, then there's no reason to look for new mets. I think it's standard to pretty much only do one scan a year unless they are monitoring a high grade malignancy and need to track treatment response a little closer.

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Anonymous No. 16158020

>take drugs
>take drugs
>take drugs


Anonymous No. 16158174

A lot of fungal infections (including histoplasmosis) can affect the thyroid
So now it is interesting that my doctor took a TFT when i saidi have one

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Anonymous No. 16158340

Got all A's this semester again

Anonymous No. 16158350

not seeking advice, sharing because i have no one to discuss this with
have some scary skin changes on my peepee, got a biopsy today. post biopsy peepee looking pretty bad, very big black scab, i really hope it heals well. also i really hope it isn't cancer or something similarly terrible / incurable. health anxiety is a bitch. anyways, thats all.

Anonymous No. 16158380

i'd take bupropion

Anonymous No. 16158488

even if i don't reply I read your posts anon

Anonymous No. 16158498


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Anonymous No. 16158543

Although there is generally poor findings between radiography and pathological findings

Anonymous No. 16158774

>always wanted to do anaesthesia
>recently completed ICU placement
>like it a lot
shame it doesn't pay as well and consultant jobs are harder to get in my country

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16158935

radiographic and pathological correlation is weak, pretty much every radiologist acknowledges this. That's why the meme of "clinical correlation" exists.

Anonymous No. 16159055

yknow I once had an abdominal CT scan that the radiologist had indicated showed abnormal thickening of part of my bowel wall

a full colonoscopy showed nothing

it still spooks me to this day

Anonymous No. 16159319

gigabased and ez-pilled
oh fuck anon, hope it resolves peacefully. Keep the area clean and use small quantities of iodine povidone if possible, I had skin infections before on my feet and oxygenated water just made a capsule form around the infected skin, due to the high humidity of the area. If the biopsy was a bit big or took a lot of skin it's probably just black because it's trying to regenerate as fast as possible. DON'T TAKE THE SCABS OFF.

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Anonymous No. 16159390


Anonymous No. 16159519

Another ED shift hopefully I get to do some cool stuff tonight. My prediction?

4 new patients because there are no beds upstairs and we have no room in the ED.

Anonymous No. 16159554

What makes med school hard? If it's simply the volume of information and memorizing many concepts does it mean that starting earlier would make it much easier? For example, a kid who wants to go into med school starts studying anatomy in high school or even before that (since a lot of it is just memorizing, there is no reason to keep a kid from attempting that other than teachers artificially trying to stifle development)

Anonymous No. 16159579

Yeah I (am pre premedschool) think that a lot of jt is memorisation, but talking to doctors and psychiatrists has made me realise that you do also need tricks, you need to know maybe less like every single disease word for word (and there are databases they can search symptoms on) and more how to navigate a conversation and ask questions ans interpret
A child would also need to learn how to communicate is what I'm saying

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16159581

Code black! You need to put the patients in the hallway for some time :3
And look at discharging some available patients

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16159585

CAPTCHA: POTS >>16159519
Code black / event!

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Anonymous No. 16159588


CAPTCHA: POTS >>16159519 #
Code black / event!

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Anonymous No. 16159600

O o a a

Anonymous No. 16159601

But that's not what people in med school usually complain about, most of the time you'll hear them saying they have to study a lot and have barely any free time. But learning how to deal with people isn't something you hit the books for nor something you can do by yourself. So again it seems like if someone started early then med school would be much easier. The difficult part would be getting many hours in the hospital to train that human side, but that makes the job demanding, not school difficult.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16159605

There are lots of mnemonics to help you learn ans it can be grouped together. Also working in hospitals
A good thing to do is to remember than eventually it will all be daily stuff you'll be used to. Something that I've heard people complain about is long hospital working hours
It would be good to teach kids because they have more neuroplasticity at that age, but during the brain formation it would probably still be good to socialise them, teach other things, and make sure they get a lot of sun and fresh air :)

Those are just my opinions ans I don't study nearly enough, but I am getting the info I think. I'm also > 25 yo

Anonymous No. 16159607

There are lots of mnemonics to help you learn ans it can be grouped together. Also working in hospitals
A good thing to do is to remember than eventually it will all be daily stuff you'll be used to. Something that I've heard people complain about is long hospital working hours
It would be good to teach kids because they have more neuroplasticity at that age, but during the brain formation it would probably still be good to socialise them, teach other things, and make sure they get a lot of sun and fresh air :)

Those are just my opinions ans I don't study nearly enough, but I am getting the info I think. I'm also > 25 yo
It might also be cruel to do that to a child. The same thing with actors. You can't know theybwill want to do that up until the proper age - it's bad to live precariously through your offspring. It could traumatise them or leave them stunted!

Anonymous No. 16159630

Medfags, I suffered a Rockwood type 5 injury lately. I got the hook plate fix. Im experiencing alot of crepitus / popping / movement in the joint. The joint is not immobilised besides the plate. I'm assuming this is normal. Or should I be worried ?

Anonymous No. 16159815

other countries let you go to medschool right out of HS and dont make you stay as long either. their doctors also dont make 300k starting either.
people are also shit at time management in general and like to procrastinate, so the extra material means they have to spend more time studying (and wasting more time inbetween studying) than they would in undergrad. not to say there isn't a lot of studying, but most people you hear bitching are lazy.
lastly, keep in mind that a majority of medstudents are now women and women bitch about everything.

Anonymous No. 16159928

take it from a "nerd"
don't waste your high school and undergrad on studying unnecessarily. Yes, study to get into med school etc. But absolutely no more.
My personal experience with med school is not so much the hours, but rather permanent mental load of medicine. I can't come home after placement like a nurse and switch off completely. I have to always have in the back of my head: study, research/audits, extra-curriculars (society shit, teaching), part-time work etc. I also was silver-spooned as fuck and adjusting will make you complain.

Anonymous No. 16159942

Your incontinence is unironically just you being a disgusting cunt. Most of the patients I see are >70 and don't have half of these issues.

Anonymous No. 16160003

>watching medical infuencers

Anonymous No. 16160034

i dont understand people who just watch other retards yapping all day about nothing. the only med guy i can watch is glaucomflecken and i just watch his videos once a month or so.

Anonymous No. 16160038

I just read the textbook and watch a YouTube video if I need simplification/clarification.

Anonymous No. 16160052

my specialist society is brining in that guy for their annual conference
I'm dying of cringe

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Anonymous No. 16160093

Glaucomfleckem is based and I was thinking about you today anon (you mentioned him before)

Anonymous No. 16160110

>dr mike
bro is literally just react videos and saying the same meme phrases over and over (yes ive watched a lot of his content, it doesnt mean its good)

Anonymous No. 16160148

He's so cute and smart
Has stopped saying chest compressions lately I'm pretty sure

Anonymous No. 16160154

hes definitely smart though i know theres been times where ive disagreed with him, i think on some psych stuff in particular (cant recall what exactly)

Anonymous No. 16160201


Anonymous No. 16160307

is there anything that can reduce DAT expression directly?

Anonymous No. 16160434

he's jewish so I'll pass

Anonymous No. 16160473

is he? i thought he said hes not jewish

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Anonymous No. 16160482

>that face
>that last name
>lives in New York

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first sentence in....png

Anonymous No. 16160485

it's literally the first line in his early life on wikipedia

Anonymous No. 16160658

wages are low af in flyover states. you make as much as fast food workers on the coasts.

Anonymous No. 16160664


you dumb as hell boy

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Anonymous No. 16160697

The hardest thing for me when I studied (still haven't finished, due to economical reasons) was trying to remember the correct names and procedures or locations of things, some names can be really complicated or sound very similar, it's a shit-ton of information that is extremely specific and ONE little word can change everything. I genuinely believe we should study at least some of the bases of medicine growing up, like, more anatomy, more biological functions, what meds NOT to mix or overuse...
A lot of people just don't know anything about how the human body works, or how to do first aid procedures. How to clean wounds, how to close a wound, simple techniques that can save lives. I feel like it's vital to know stuff like that.
This is important too. I feel like rushing a health/medicine-oriented career is just awful. It's better to take it a bit slowly but KNOW correctly what you're studying and not just hurrying and memorizing stuff just to approve an assignature. I feel like modern colleges and schools even just force students to memorize everything and not reason why things work, connect, or are that way. And that's why so many people get stuck in concepts, me included.
Go to a doc to check it, it might be getting out of place. Probably not something life-threatening but very uncomfortable to deal with. And don't make any risky or sudden movements, you could sprain your joint further.

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Anonymous No. 16160710

It's really good to pass the time, he's upbeat, bright, and loves his job honestly. Just his attitude is enough to want me to watch his videos. Dr. Karan is also very entertaining.
Although the one medical-related youtuber I always stop to watch when one of his videos comes up is Fire Department Chronicles' EMT shorts.
This dude's amazing at acting and it terrifies me seeing how some people just refuse to go to the ER for things like these.

Anonymous No. 16160787

Im >>16159630 I have an appointement sceduled for thursday anyways and I am very certain I'll be told 'it's okay / normal' and I'm hoping that healing of the tendons that have been sutured when I got the plate will reduce movement soon. I believe the displacement is not much but just highly uncomfortable.

Anonymous No. 16160940

Rad salary in the midwest commonly exceeds 800k lol

Anonymous No. 16160945

>What makes med school hard?

Nothing in medical school is difficult. It just requires time and effort. It was far harder getting in than completing it.

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Anonymous No. 16160994

Hey there anon. So, I'm looking a bit more into this type of injury and ouch. Just, ouch. If you got a Rockwood type 5 injury yeah, it'll take quite a looooong while to recover. I'm no doctor, just a med enthusiast, though. If your clavicle bone was completely snapped out of your scapula/shoulder bone.... Yeah.
If you already got surgery for it now the only thing left to do is recovery. I'm wondering why the doctors didn't immobilize your collarbone if I understood correctly, specially since it's a type 5...
I wouldn't say you should be worried, but obviously if you feel your collarbone is moving all around your body and it's not really staying put, tell the doctors. And if there's like extreme pain, tell them too. If it's just some slight, typical movements you'd feel when you're cracking any bone, I'd say it's normal seeing the nature of your traumatic injury. And if you see any weird discoloring on the skin take note of it too, if it seems darker there could be bruising/bleeding inside your shoulder. But you'd probably feel that.

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Anonymous No. 16161027

Psychiatry is inhumane

The only time someone should be given ANY medical intervention against their will is if they are literally about to die, in an emergency setting.

Psychiatric drugs should not be given to people against their will, especially since psychiatric drugs have terrible side effects, and we don't know all of the effects they have on the brain and body.

Fuck psychiatry.

Anonymous No. 16161266

Thank god for psychiatrists putting the mentally ill and potentially dangerous behind bars and rehabilitating them.

Anonymous No. 16161279

Thanks for the input anon. I made sure to ask 3 doctors, prior to my release from hospital, and all 3 independently confirmed that the surgery did everything needed to sufficiently immobilise the joint and I may and should leave the Gilchrists bandage I was wearing during the days prior to surgery off. I may also move and use the arm / shoulder as much as I am comfortable with.
I figure the reasoning behind this is that, as noted, the joint is stabilised and additional atrophy of the surrounding structures wouldnt help anyone.
Aparently the plan is to remove the plate in 3 months, again to restore the original range of motion (I hope I get that back) as soon as possible. The implant takes up space in and impinges on the joint, especially the rotator cuff. I was especially cautioned not to raise the arm past horizontal (I wish I was getting anywhere near that currently) or adduct it across the chest.
Any yes they took xray and determined IV or V and during open surgery narrowed the diagnosis down to V.
The literature I've read so far seemed quite promising, im not familiar with the intricacies of UCLA shoulder score but it seems I may get a functioning shoulder back within a year and may be pain free if all goes well.

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Anonymous No. 16161468

Psychiatry isn't rehabilitation. It's abuse of people who behave in ways that psychiatrists don't like.

Pic related, which refers to lobotomised patients as "nice household pets".

Anonymous No. 16161471

Fuck off, psyche patients

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Anonymous No. 16161478

And it's ironic when I actively researched for a medication used in cases similar to mine, and is literally used FOR more than one condition that I suffer from, my psychiatrist just goes "haha it won't work for you"
and i'm like
"bitch i have smoking cessation and extreme mood shifts what the fuck do you mean bupropion won't work but you're just leaving me rawdogging my depression with fluoxetine and clonazepam WHEN I ALREADY HAVE A BENZO ABUSE PROBLEM"
You don't want meds? You'll get them!
You want a certain med because it'll probably work better for you since others they gave you have NOT worked correctly, or at all, for you? Fuck you! Get some sertraline and do yoga! Ugh.
I can't help but wonder in what type of accident you got in to get such a hardcore injury, or the pain you went through with the surgery and first aids/rehabilitation, dear Lord. I'm actually really surprised you don't seem to be severely in pain or in extreme discomfort aside from the usual post-injury healing process. I mean, since it's a type V, your bone literally went SNAP like a stick. And in the -joint- specially, ugh.
Maybe they didn't put anything to hold down your collarbone so it has a better range to heal itself and not disturb the muscles or any other formation inside of your shoulder when you need to move or change position. I can't really say since I can't see it (and don't feel forced to show pics, it's okay!). also 1/2 fuck this post is getting long

Anonymous No. 16161505

>ablates section of brain to make mentally ill dangerous liability into a docile and agreeable person
Wtf I love psychiatry now.

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Anonymous No. 16161524

It doesn't make people completely docile. They can still be aggressive, delusional, and now have no concept of disgust and shit theirselves and throw shit at others. It's like speedrunning dementia. Not a solution.
Oops, sorry for taking a while to finish my answer, it was dinner time where I live. But so far judging by the kind of injury or accident you were in, it's a miracle you still have a chance of recuperating your shoulder almost completely. The best thing to do after, and I mean, AFTER you're decently healed, like 3-4 months from the last surgery you get, is to train your shoulder again, to regenerate the muscle mass you'll loss since- it'll get a bit atrophied due to lack of usage. If you're under 40 there's still a very good chance you can get your arm working completely again and that you can lift semi-heavy objects with it, although I wouldn't recommend it. The worst possible outcome is developing arthritis in the bones/artrosis in the joints affected, but you haven't mentioned anything of the sort yet so you're still on a good road.
Still, be REALLY CAREFUL AND AVOID ALL FALLS IF POSSIBLE, imagine your shoulder is playing everything is lava and moving it makes you lose the game.
Also avoid the cold or it'll make your bones hurt even more. And the heat too. Don't carry heavy things either. And mind your posture too! 2/2

Anonymous No. 16161550

If you don't have MD or DO after your name, or you aren't pursuing the same, or you aren't optometrybro, fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16161562

after choosing (and getting accepted into) a specialty, how much of your medical knowledge deteriorates that isnt related to your own niche? do you just remember the basics and easy mnemonics, do you remember even the most niche aspects, or is it solidly in the middle?

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Anonymous No. 16161577

If psychiatry makes the mentally ill seethe this much, I think I'll pursue that.

Anonymous No. 16161580

I got tested for diabetes, a1c, and I was fine
I am very thirsty but I'm not sure to what degree it is an issue
For example if I go out, I will feel like shit if I don't drink water in 2 or so hours but the people I go out with can go for 6-7 hours without drinking any water and seem to be fine
I will usually need to piss every hour or so
My urine is usually clear
I wake up 1-2 times each night to piss
If I don't drink water I get headaches and feel weird, usually I drink about 4 litres of water each day
I also drink a lot of coffee and tea and have a high salt diet

Anonymous No. 16161599

stop drinking so much coffee and eating so much salt.

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Anonymous No. 16161662

this >>16161599
caffeine will make you poop and pee 24/7
check for prostate problems, although we tend to need a lot of water throughout the day. It goes from 2 liters for women and 3.7 liters for men depending on size and needs, don't overdrink or underdrink, your body will signal you if you need more or less water (you also get water in food, meat, etc)
I urinate frequently but due to biological conditions, if you feel pain, discomfort, see blood, or feel fatigued or feel nausea or dizzyness, go to the doctor
Also be careful with your salt/sodium intake, and if you drink alcohol you'll need to pee more often too

Anonymous No. 16161981

What do you eat most of the time and have you experimented with your diet?

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16162021

I would say most of it deteriorates pretty quickly, that being said you pick it up pretty quickly if for whatever reason you come by it again.

I would say this is a pretty accurate take. If you just treat studying in medical school like a full time job it's not bad at all. I think if you're a borderline student, then it's much more difficult experience, you're just going to have to study more to compensate not being able to memorize and learn concepts as quickly as your peers.

Anonymous No. 16162056

>type of "accident"
fucking cagers.
it wasnt really much of a deal, post surgery pain was worse, firt two nights suck somewhat
>bone went snap
no. all bones are fine, its the ligaments that gave up, that means the ac joint capsule is completely torn, the discus lost, and the ligaments attaching the clavicular to the acromion have too come apart entirely. The clavicula now loose then penetrated the surrounding fascia tearing it up.
The ligaments and capsule are now sutured... as far as that is practical to do (I wonder) and I am still unsure if this is realistic but I plan to at least regain the old strength in all directions and positions. I imagine the scar tissue being either stiffer, less strong or both resulting in a decreased ultimate joint strength, reduced range of motion or both.
I believe most adults have athritic AC joints and most aren't bothered. I hope I wont be bothered, it's clearly possible.
>train shoulder again
this is prescribed and I am supposed to try and incorporate the shoulder into daily activities already. Rehabilitation of the shoulder is scheduled right after the next and last surgery that is for removal of the hook plate. Aparently the implant takes up all the joint space i need to be able to move in ways that make rehab possible.
I am hoping I'll manage a routine to regularly load the ligaments using increasing static submaximal loads. Literature on the hypertrophy of ligaments describes structures sensitive to loading triggering the relevant pathways.

Anonymous No. 16162106

Not him but I don't think it could be the prostate because he said he's always thrifty and gets a headache when he doesn't drink water

Anonymous No. 16162215

>It was far harder getting in than completing it.
If DO students can finish medical school, that's how you know it's not too difficult.

Anonymous No. 16162386

I will continue being neurotic and doomposting in /med/ until I get accepted to medical school.

Anonymous No. 16162390

Shut the fuck up faggot you know at these MD schools they're accepting blacks and mexicans with 500 MCAT scores and they don't like white applicants, same with colleges in general, in a premed required course im in right now Im the only man enrolled. On campus it's all Chinese, Indians, Blacks, Jews, women, hardly any white men, and the white men that are here are trannies or gay.
Can I check the URM box and say I'm half Mexican or something?

Anonymous No. 16162438

I have invented a new medical procedure:

Anonymous No. 16162579

I like doing this in the shower and spraying cold water into my asshole as HRT treatment (hippocampus reset treatment treatment)

Anonymous No. 16162697


Dementia/Alzheimers/Parkinsons >>16161334

Anonymous No. 16162933

Lithium for uric acid kidney stones?

Anonymous No. 16162938

Lithium for calcium phosphate, from hyperthyroidism (calcitonin) kidney stones?

Anonymous No. 16162944

Never-mind it is T3 T4, which is to do with the basal rate and increasing the amount of energy the body requires. And with frequent urination this could lead to an even worse ion gap if it is used too much and they have kidney stones, so need to urinate more often. Though it seems as if the inhibition of the thyroid would fix it double; or even using I1 or I2 medicines to inhibit it and make it use up energy to attach more Iodines to the medicine
So maybe ionised potassium will help with calcium phosphate stones (caused by hyperthyroidism)?

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Anonymous No. 16163021

And salts :)
And phosphate

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16163060

>Shut the fuck up faggot you know at these MD schools they're accepting blacks and mexicans with 500 MCAT scores and they don't like white applicants
I'm Asian at an MD school. You're just a dumbass. Medical school admissions isn't as hard as you think it is.
>in a premed required course im in right now

Anonymous No. 16163066

>Shut the fuck up faggot you know at these MD schools they're accepting blacks and mexicans with 500 MCAT scores and they don't like white applicants
I'm Asian at an MD school. You're just a dumbass. Medical school admissions isn't as hard as you think it is.
>in a premed required course im in right now

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16163090

>Medical school admissions isn't as hard as you think it is.
Adding on to this, I'm on the admissions committee at my school so I know that getting into medical school isn't that hard.

Anonymous No. 16163094

>Medical school admissions isn't as hard as you think it is.
Adding on to this, I'm on the admissions committee at my school so I know that getting into medical school isn't as hard as people think it is.

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16163126

I mean it depends on what you define as hard, but the filter for US MD and DO is not insignificant.

Just based on MCAT scores; the average USMD matriculant is a 510-511 MCAT which is 80th percentile, add onto GPA average of like 3.6-3.7, You've already filtered out a large swath of applicants, and potential applicants.

Not to mention additional hoop jumping with tailored extracurriculars (such are clinical experience, research,etc), getting LOR's, and shadowing a doctor.

Anonymous No. 16163169

>I mean it depends on what you define as hard, but the filter for US MD and DO is not insignificant.
It can be an obstacle but it isn't as hard as people seem to think it is. I emphasize that I'm Asian because that puts me at a large disadvantage automatically but despite that, I got multiple interviews and acceptances. I also grew up poor (I'll be the first doctor in my family) so that adds to the bullshit I had to go through yet I was able to have a very successful application cycle.

>You've already filtered out a large swath of applicants, and potential applicants.
I don't think this is a very good indicator that getting into medical school is hard. From my experience on the admissions committee, you can wipe out a good 90% percent of people applying. That seems bad at first glance but many of these people had no business applying in the first place. Believe me, the average medical school applicant isn't impressive. I know I sound like an asshole but when you get into medical school, it's not because of talent for the most part, you're just beating mediocre applicants.

>Not to mention additional hoop jumping with tailored extracurriculars (such are clinical experience, research,etc), getting LOR's, and shadowing a doctor.
From my experience, the only difficult part was getting shadowing from a doctor. I mentioned earlier that I will be the first doctor in my family so I didn't have any connections - I remember spending weeks going to clinics to ask for shadowing lol.

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16163183

The average IQ of US physicians is 130, which is 98th percentile. I think by most metrics, that's a definitely a high bar, and thus "hard".

Also, trying to play the race card to another 1st gen asian radiology resident in america, who was first in his family to go to med school is toppest kek.

Anonymous No. 16163206

>The average IQ of US physicians is 130, which is 98th percentile. I think by most metrics, that's a definitely a high bar, and thus "hard".
IQ can definitely be a limiting factor but I believe that a person with an average IQ can get into medical school with persistence. And with the Internet and so many free resources out there, getting into medical school is as easy as ever.

>Also, trying to play the race card to another 1st gen asian radiology resident in america, who was first in his family to go to med school is toppest kek.
I pulled race because the dude I was replying to was complaining about how getting into medical school is difficult if you're not a URM.

Anonymous No. 16163316

Actually it's hyper- parathyroidism

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Anonymous No. 16163331

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Anonymous No. 16163340

Anonymous No. 16163564

What if you have hypoalbuminaemia and take iodine?

Anonymous No. 16163641


Medical school isn't hard to get into but it is time consuming. If you choose to do no extracurriculars and not waste time learning to the retarded exam that is the MCAT, your only other option would be a postbacc program (which I did).

Anonymous No. 16163762

how do I get into informatics? I just want to stare at computer screens all day and push for ehr system or clinical changes that piss off nursoids.

Anonymous No. 16163769

I think some psychiatrists are alright, but some are not.

Okay anon I am just going to remove the part of your brain that makes you a mentally ill dangerous liability so you will become a docile and agreeable person.

Please do, it will be even more hilarious when your industry is shut down.

Anonymous No. 16163776

just go PA or nursing. Time commitment and suffering only awaits you in med school, and all the Stacies collecting MD PHDs will just laugh at you anyways.

do your 2-3 year grad program and live life.

Anonymous No. 16163826

You can still be a monk. The real world seems too difficult for you.

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Anonymous No. 16163863

so in recent times I get a surge of patients with feeding problems. all related to alleged diagnoses like gastroparesis, hEDS, ME/CFS etc.

the request is always to either put in some form of feeding tube, either a G or a J-tube or a port catheter.

some of these patients seem anorectic (descriptively spoken) but most do not. it is always girls in or after puberty/young women.

after performing the desired procedure, most of these get complications after two weeks at most. the port-caths less so but the G-tubes/J-tubes a lot, with dislocation/dysfunction of the tube obviously the most.

when we have them on the ward for revision the whole staff most of the time gets an uncomfortable feeling like some kind of abuse/factitious disorder/etc. is going on. suggesting psych counsils most of the time has them leave the hospital immediately. getting authorities involved does not lead anywhere.

a lot, but not all, of these patients most of the time have a social media account with lots of posts about their condition and shit and a lot of views/attention being generated which also seems kinda weird. the team always tend to split in the group that gets upset because they have the feeling everything these patients tell is a lie and the ones that thinks patients should be trusted unconditionally.

anyone else getting what I mean and having similar patients like these? what do you do with these? do you have some sort of constructive management for them or is it always a shit show? any literature you found about this?

Anonymous No. 16164190

>patients doing things for attention, making disorders - YOUNG GIRLS attentionwhoring or wanting help with their EATING DISORDER some girls or general young people get
>you, allegedly: "yeah sure. I can do that procedure for you. Let me put a feeding tube in you because u do what teenagers tell you to do"
All of your story is made up

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Anonymous No. 16164299

Anonymous No. 16164546


Immune system gene on chromosome 7 (responsible for the CFTR causing CF the (sodium reten t ion and) too low Cl secretion)

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Anonymous No. 16164662

German med student here

I horendously fucked up my first practice patient-talk. The patient did not feel like I took her seriously and got aggressive very quickly and I had no idea how to handle her.
I spent a lot of time preparing from the theory and watching example videos. German isnt my first language and feel like there was so much misunderstanding between us. If we spoke in my native language, I feel like this would have gone a lot better. I dont know if I will ever be able to express myself as elegantly and sympathetically like my native classmates
Is it over for me...? Should I get the rope?

Anonymous No. 16164683

it's not ogre. you were dealing with a retarded woman who was ready to freak out over anything. just unlucky is all.

Anonymous No. 16164692

I appreciate it and I hope you are right. It really just killed me afterwards and was incredibly embaressing. I just wasted the past 3 hours laying in bed feeling horrible about it

Anonymous No. 16164739

just think about how you could word things better when talking with patients, but also realize some patients are just retarded/crazy and nothing you do will satisfy them.

Anonymous No. 16164787

Hey anti-psychiatry poster, post your doctorate.

Anonymous No. 16165125

Standardized Patients (actors pretending to be patients for the sake of training med students) are fucking pricks. Going from SPs to regular, actual patients is a super pleasant change.

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Anonymous No. 16165533

Actors are not representative of patients at all. Your performance really has no reflection of your ability for patients in the future. As long as the university passes you, you're fine.
Also you're going to get difficult patients: drug seeking degens and homeless taking up beds and you can't discharge them because muh patient social safety, neurotic parents who think they know what is best for their child despite being completely unhinged, and non-whites in general.

Anonymous No. 16165589

get over it or your ngmi, being sneered at by retards is a somewhat regular occurence in german clinical practice, this is something you'll just have to brush off and not give a shit about, holding on just makes you resents the patientoids even more which is not very helpful or healthy imo