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🗑️ 🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16150150

Why do schizophrenics and spiritualist new age lunatics love /sci/ so much? Do they feel like their schizobabble gets some sort of legitimacy if they associate it with the word "science" by posting it here?

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Cult of Passion No. 16150156

Please, use the Royal 'They'.

We thank thee.

bodhi No. 16150159

>Do they feel like their schizobabble gets some sort of legitimacy if they associate it with the word "science" by posting it here?
Imagine being delusional and narcissistic enough to think anyone would think the opinions of the morons on this would "legitimize" anything. The people on this board never have the first clue what they are talking about and are always wrong about everything, me being the sole exception

Anonymous No. 16150160

They found a kindred spirit when they saw materialists huff smug hopium in the open.

Anonymous No. 16150169

So go post on /his/ and /x/ instead

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Cult of Passion No. 16150178

What "Math & Science" have you brought to this website?

What fields are you an expert in?

Anonymous No. 16150181

They get paid to do it

bodhi No. 16150185

go back to redit where you belong

Anonymous No. 16150188

I just find it funny that when the OP mentions "schizoprenics" and "spiritualist new age lunatics" they instantly feel targeted since they've been called schizos so many times here. One of them can barely even grasp english and just posts non-sequitors schizo vomit all the time, shitting up 70% of the threads on here.

On top of that, both are ban evading using proxies. Does this board even have a single janny?

Anonymous No. 16150191

>>16150188, > .postInfo > .nameBlock > .name:has-text(/^(?!Anonymous$)/))
I added this in custom filters in ublock and works fine. this board should just remove the name field

Anonymous No. 16150194

sacred environmental anal topologies

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Anonymous No. 16150200

This board used to have a lot of high level discussion in the early-to-mid 2010s. A lot better than anything else I've ever seen online. I suspect there were a lot of grad students on this board at the time, especially in physics and math.

Unfortunately, woke redditors started showing up and it really changed the board culture. Now you can't discuss anything beside entry level pop sci without someone calling you a schizo and a conspiracy theorist. If you genuinely try to have any sort of sophisticated or nuanced conversation, people will just tell you to "go back to pol." After all, we're not suppose to be doing our own research, and if you're trying to have a serious conversation, that's basically what you're doing: sharing facts and opinions, and linking to both popular and scholarly sources to support your claims. However, that's a big no-no for the woke/"""pro-science"""/Zionist/NAFO crowd.

Normies want you to shut the fuck up, and focus on talking about sports or reality Tv or twitch streamers. If you want to talk about science, then the normies want you to focus on VR goggles and SpaceX and other soiboi tier technofuturist pop sci consumerism. Anything that is really interesting or deep or that has significant social, ethical, or philosophical implications needs to be ignored and left to "the experts" to discuss. Probability, statistics, physics, evolution, cognition, the nature of complex systems, etc. these are the topic that are not to be discussed. You want to talk about the replication crisis or the inerpretation of QM or the lab leak hypothesis? Sorry chud, that needs to be left to """the experts""" (i.e. pop sci journalists without advanced STEM training who work for outlets like Wired or NPR). The chuds of sci should be content with discussing the latest VR goggles or electric cars or space ships or whatever faggoty shit the tech companies and hedge funds in California are currently shilling.

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Cult of Passion No. 16150207

I avoid some fields. See how others do it can make finding a new way impossible.

Like the topic of "Real Numbers", didnt know why until I constructed the number 1 from Pi.

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Cult of Passion No. 16150210

>posts non-sequitors schizo


bodhi No. 16150212

I didnt feel targeted NPD schizo. I shit on retards like you (and specifically you) all day long for your nigger tier retarded posts here. You wanna know how I know it was you who started the thread? Because you are an idiot who is incapable of making any threads/posts of value on this board because you dont know anything of value and lack the intelligence to contribute to any advanced topics. The only posts you ever make are to whine and start drama

bodhi No. 16150214

but of course since you are an NPD you will just write your own reality.

>if you disagree with some moronic shit I say it means you feel targeted!

No actually I targeted you because I always know your posts by how fucking stupid and narcissistic they are. No one gives a shit about your approval for anything because you are the stupidest and most unhinged and deranged motherfucker on this board

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Cult of Passion No. 16150217

Haha, anonymous scientific discussion in the age of information warfare and the only sources of information people trust are tied to reputations of truth tellers...

Im literally surrounded by agents of Satan, in this, the 5th year of the Petersonian era.

bodhi No. 16150218

sounds about right, nice post anon

Anonymous No. 16150223

Because ''scientists'' have sold us unscientific narratives and refuse to self-reflect. Scientists need to lie (but not lie) in the bed they've made and they need daily reminders to do so.

Anonymous No. 16150229

>Because ''scientists'' have sold us unscientific narratives and refuse to self-reflect.
what the fuck is this retarded take? doesn't make any fucking sense

Anonymous No. 16150243

The poster you replied to wrote:
>sharing facts and opinions, and linking to both popular and scholarly sources to support your claims.
This poster is shitting on people like you, who only babble whatever they think about without discussing science. Fucking moron.

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Anonymous No. 16150245


Anonymous No. 16150249

Nice selfie

Anonymous No. 16150256

>without discussing science
We can not refer to studies because the studies that need to be done don't get funded or get designed with such flawed methodology that they can't falsify The Narrative or get retracted for dubious reasons. We've seen through your trick and you're losing. Controlling public debate is the only means you've got left.

Anonymous No. 16150264

And having a bunch of low IQ schizos spout endless nonsense about new age shamanism drowns this type of discussion.

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Cult of Passion No. 16150293

You need to have a PhD in Psychology to perform competent medical assessments.

bodhi No. 16150295

this is what actual schizophrenia looks like, complete detachment from reality

Anonymous No. 16150297

>Controlling public debate is the only means you've got left.
>Accusation in a mirror (AiM) (also called mirror politics,[1] mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, or a mirror argument) is a technique often used in the context of hate speech incitement, where one falsely attributes one's own motives and/or intentions to one's adversaries.
seems to me like you're actually stifling public debate. whenever an interesting science discussion happens here, that goes into stuff which crosses zealots beliefs, all schizos start fucking up the discourse. that's as primitive as it gets. it's "uga uga stop talking about that because I don't like it".

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Cult of Passion No. 16150305

>all schizos start fucking up the discourse.

They call out the bullshitera in your modst, "Anonymous" is supposed to kill that in the rest of the threads BUT THE DONT.

Youre complaining about the schizo but not why the schizo blows up on people.

(Because Youre Bedazzled Too!)

Be awake when the schizo is gone...

>Dont tell me Im huffing poison, just let me huff it in PEACE!

Anonymous No. 16150308

This, every single discussion here on physics, the human brain, consciousness and more is killed by these schizos who start posting a bunch of nonsense and in many cases pure theology (which belongs on /his/)

You see this retarded nigger bodhi post spam threads on the catalogue with only a single "." for text. The thread gets removed and he's back to posting about buddhism and other assorted nonsense in every single thread again. So either jannies don't ban him (they're in on the spam, trying to stifle this board) or he's ban evading and jannies need to be more active.

Anonymous No. 16150326

Also cult of passion is a well poisoner also trying to kill discussion. On flagged boards he's been posting under a Cambodian flag (obvious proxy).

He's acting like an establishment hater in his sentiments to well poison the actual counter culture that is common on 4chan. When you criticize his schizo spam on here he will do some bit where he implies you love the establishment to try and legitimize himself. It's the same thing with the retards spamming "nukes aren't real" on /pol/ to try and kill discussion.

Anonymous No. 16150331

Why is it that whenever anyone mentions the word "schizos" Cult of Passion and bodhi are one of the first posters, and then they both proceed to spam it with their incoherent babble?

Anonymous No. 16150332

1. None of you ever discussed consciousness before I spoonfed you the science for a decade while you called me "schizo"

2. I have never posted a thread with a just a dot you unhinged psychotic

Anonymous No. 16150335

Religion belongs on /his/, dumbfuck. Also put your name back on so my filter catches you.

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Cult of Passion No. 16150336


Youre not some "investigator", chief...

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Cult of Passion No. 16150339

Because my thesis in Psychology/Cognition was centered on Schizophrenia.

Literally MY JOB....THATS WHY.

Anonymous No. 16150341

I have never discussed any religion here except the occasional aside when it is relevant when other people brought it up. But I will discuss whatever I want wherever I want. Making you cry and make threads about it is the best part. I am literally jizzing myself because of your meltdown right now.

> put your name back on so my filter catches you.
You are a cluster B narcissist, You would sooner cut off your own arm before you ever blocked me. You cant live without drama you create here on a daily basis with your constant whining like the little bitch you are. You are so feminine with your attention whoring and drama queen sperg outs you may as well a dress and get on HRT

HAHAHAHA, punk faggot

Anonymous No. 16150345

You literally posted about buddhism and linked videos to new age spiritualism and other buddhist shit here

You can discuss these very same things on /his/, so go there you fucking moron.

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bodhi No. 16150348


Anonymous No. 16150351

I bet you believe covid si real, lmao

Anonymous No. 16150358

Right, so you lied about not posting about religion. Go back to /his/.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16150360

I trained you to drop your name faggot

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bodhi No. 16150365

That video, that you didnt watch, is not about Buddhism. You are a stupid nigger and can suck wet farts outta my asshole while I LOL at you crying in your cheerios.

CRY for me CRY BABY wahhhhhhhhh

>so my filter catches you
The one you never had psycho narc

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Cult of Passion No. 16150370

>posting about religion
So either Psychology/Cognition, Phenomenology, or MetaPhysics, Physics Mathematics?


If you cant find the "science" in anything you by definition are *Not A Scientist*.

bodhi No. 16150371

You make these for your narcissism attention fuel. I am always willing to make a fool of you when you give me a layup. You wouldnt give it up for all the money in the world

Anonymous No. 16150372

science, music and religion are all fundmentally the same yet artificially separated

bodhi No. 16150374

these *threads*

he is way too stupid to ever understand this

Anonymous No. 16150376

It's about new age spiritualism, dumb faggot
>Akasha, the music of the spheres
Post it on /his/, sperg.

bodhi No. 16150378

>new age
I repeat, you are a stupid, clueless nigger and everyone knows it, including yourself. I will post my nuts right on your chin and you will love it and ask for more

Anonymous No. 16150381

Yes "all is physics" and you're posting made up physics which is schizophrenia.

bodhi No. 16150382

>5000 years old
>new age
you are stupid as all fuck boy

Anonymous No. 16150384

Philosophy is off-topic for /sci/

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Cult of Passion No. 16150385

>made up physics

Anonymous No. 16150386

Checked and truth.

Anonymous No. 16150388

Yea, new age lunatics like yourself are obsessed with that shit for some reason.

bodhi No. 16150390

Now watch when his "science vs religion" thread gets banned, the projecting schizo will ban evade after accusing other people of doing it. Always remember kids when you are dealing with schizos whatever they accuse you of is what they are doing. Their brain lacks the capability to properly assess reality or exercise insight or institution therefore the only thing they truly know is their own malicious motivations and malvolent actions

Anonymous No. 16150392

Yep, made up in your schizo mind.

Anonymous No. 16150394

new age == new cage

bodhi No. 16150396


Anonymous No. 16150398

I'd rather accept schizos like bodhi than the constant anti science bot spam. Schizo namefags can be ignored since they stick to one or two threads. Literal spam on the other hand ruins the entire catalog.

Anonymous No. 16150399

This thread saved /sci/ for a couple of hours by locking them up. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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Cult of Passion No. 16150400

Fractons, NASA images, electron microscope image of geometry...

FAKE?....the literal DATA is "FAKE"?

Are the numbers fake too???.....

Anonymous No. 16150401

I'm even ok if they stay in some retarded thread. ok to mention concepts if they are relevant but fully derailing some thread because you don't agree with the discussion is basically censoring scientific discussion. this applies to all zealots not only the new age crowd

bodhi No. 16150402

>delusions of grandeur after getting dunked on ruthlessly
>I did it for you! I am a martyr!
you psychotic narcs are something else

Anonymous No. 16150404

Classic schizo strategy, attach yourself to some legit things to make yourself not seem like a lunatic

bodhi No. 16150406

Are you saying Plato wasnt a mathematician? Your ignorance is no excuse for being this obtuse.I will decide what is or isnt off topic here not you undergrad hack psueds

Anonymous No. 16150409

>Are the numbers fake too???.....
The "complex numbers" you posted are definitely fake. There is no "square root of -1".

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Cult of Passion No. 16150411

>Classic schizo strategy, attach yourself to some legit things
Thats called work.

I did this stoned at a cafe in Thailand, Ive done this many MANY times. Its normal...its called "my job".

What do you do for work (that you wont say because I will know it too well for you to risk that...)?

I disagree with their definition of it, as my definition of Arith-Metic is different. I invented it on my own so I didnt recognize it when I saw it, I recently learned this this month.

t.Number Theorist.

bodhi No. 16150412

you people are so uneducated and so lacking in the most basic education it is fucking astounding

dont ever address me unless you come correct child

Anonymous No. 16150416

Goated thread that saved /sci/

Cult of Passion No. 16150418

>so I didnt recognize it when I saw it,
Namely, they use a SQUARE.

I do not, more of an inverted sphere.

bodhi No. 16150419

OP schizo samefagging, this is what you are dealing with. Schizo accusing you of doing what he is doing that very moment.

<taps glass> >>16150390

Anonymous No. 16150425

Go back

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Cult of Passion No. 16150427

Youre not a Mathematician or Psychologist...



Anonymous No. 16150428

I see the namefags reee-ing but I don't see their posts kek

Anonymous No. 16150430

I have a PhD in comp sci. You flunked.

Anonymous No. 16150431

I'm a psychology pilled math maxxer.

bodhi No. 16150433


this is why everyone abandons you, why you dont have any friends and your own family hates you. because you arent worthy of love of respect because you are defective. You know it is true so you lash out at others to try and feel better about yourself, but it doesnt make you feel better about yourself, it is just a temporary reprieve from the negative thoughts of self harm. Go to the bathroom and cut yourself so you feel alive for that one fleeting moment. When that moment fades, just off yourself. What do you really have to live for anyway? Nothing, just the black void of loneliness and abandonment. Just let go anon, there is nothing here for you, slip into the abyss and take the pain away

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Anonymous No. 16150436

This explains why neither of them have an education and no-life /sci/ all day.

bodhi No. 16150438

>he is now at the fan fiction psychosis
he's really cooking now boys. when they are just making up lies on the fly you really have them backed into a corner. -ACK is juist around the corner for you my friend. That sweet release

Anonymous No. 16150440

... and then you woke up

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Cult of Passion No. 16150442

>Youre complaining about the schizo but not why the schizo blows up on people.
>(Because Youre Bedazzled Too!)

I converted your CompSci child's play into Dynamic Chaos Theory...

I also did reaearch in Computer Architecture, similar to this but far more complex;

And I do research in AI, so matter this angle you will be checkmated.

Try again, Compie.

Anonymous No. 16150443

Watching youtube videos and smoking pot is not "doing research"

bodhi No. 16150444

there is nothing here in this life for you. you will never have a fulfilling relationship because you are broken, no one can ever love someone as defective as you are so why make yourself suffer? Just let go anon

Anonymous No. 16150445

I don't take tips from schizos

bodhi No. 16150448

it isnt your fault you were molested, you can leave this world. There is nothing for you here, you dont anyone anything, you can just leave, make the pain go away. There is nothing in this world for people as broken as you are

Anonymous No. 16150449

Sentences start with a capital letter, brainlet

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Cult of Passion No. 16150450

Ground breaking with applications across the whole of Mathematics and M.D.

Double Major because this isnt a fucking joke, son....AND YEAH, STONED...

bodhi No. 16150452

what future could you possibly have? Being abandoned again? Put back into the mental ward? It only takes one moment of courage to free yourself

Anonymous No. 16150453

You haven't got a degree in anything and you haven't invented anything.

Anonymous No. 16150454

You just look dumb when you can even capitalize your own sentences.

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Cult of Passion No. 16150455

In fact......fuck you.

bodhi No. 16150456

anon stop trying to deflect. we are talking about your future here. you dont have to live with this pain

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Anonymous No. 16150457

Brilliance and madness go hand-in-hand like peanut butter and chocolate.

This is Paracelsus, a hermetic alchemist, or proto chemist; also the greatest natural physician of his day, and a father of mineral medicinals.

He believed he could produce a slave creation, or a familiar of sorts—the Homunculus—by ejaculating into a chicken egg, or worse.

— ‘That the sperm of a man be putrefied by itself in a sealed cucurbit for forty days with the highest degree of putrefaction in a horse's womb ["venter equinus", meaning "warm, fermenting horse dung"[2]], or at least so long that it comes to life and moves itself, and stirs, which is easily observed. After this time, it will look somewhat like a man, but transparent, without a body. If, after this, it be fed wisely with the Arcanum of human blood, and be nourished for up to forty weeks, and be kept in the even heat of the horse's womb, a living human child grows therefrom, with all its members like another child, which is born of a woman, but much smaller.’ [3]:328–329

The original coomer, if you will.

Anonymous No. 16150458


Cult of Passion No. 16150459

>peanut butter and chocolate

Obviously banana goes with peanut butter, vanilla for chocolate.

Anonymous No. 16150460

Truly, the modern day wizard is the mad scientist.

Anonymous No. 16150463

>Schizo is wrong and achieves nothing of note
Reminds me of someone

Anonymous No. 16150467

The scientific community has become a collective of gargantuan pussies, to be sure.

Anonymous No. 16150470

Bodhi is doing some Hannibal Lecter shit on the schizo. That's cold man

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Anonymous No. 16150483

It can be entertaining to see them rustle each other's jimmies

Cult of Passion No. 16150486

You dont get it, dunce...its not "two geniuses debating", its one savant and a charlatan and youre cheering for the lying, charlatan, jackass....

>another thread on why the board cukture is absolutly shit.

Uttely lacking self awareness and perception two steps ahead, you only see one step....

Anonymous No. 16150488

Christ is king is a hypersphere is eternal consciousness field fluctutations.

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Cult of Passion No. 16150498

>you only see one step....
Amd that "one step" is the drug your brain releases when you smatch a "win" at the cost of another for the simple fact "you could".

Demons are drug addicts and the pipe is inside your brain...

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Cult of Passion No. 16150500

You just cant say no to (You).


Anonymous No. 16150660

Lol. This is stupid. Next thing you're going to tell me is that astral projection doesn't give scientific results or that quantum healing isn't really healing my atoms quantumly. You really need to seek Christ if you want to truly understand science. I am the science

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Anonymous No. 16150668

Truth + reality = matters. And the real truth is that NDEs are actually irrefutable proof that heaven really is awaiting us all because (1) people see things during their NDEs when they are out of their bodies that they should not be able to under the assumption that the brain creates consciousness, and (2) anyone can have an NDE and everyone is convinced by it:

So any atheist or materialist or agnostic would be too if they had an NDE, so pic related is literally irrefutable proof of life after death. As one NDEr pointed out:

>"I'm still trying to fit it in with this dream that I'm walking around in, in this world. The reality of the experience is undeniable. This world that we live in, this game that we play called life is almost a phantom in comparison to the reality of that."

If NDEs were just hallucinations then extreme atheists and neuroscientists who had NDEs would agree that they were halluinations after having them. But the opposite happens as NDEs convince every skeptic when they have a really deep NDE themselves.

So science proves the divine.

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Anonymous No. 16150828

Lmao, just clicked this thread now and holy shit, it gathered the schizos so fucking fast. Deep down they really do know that they're schizos spewing lies
This board was decent once; there was even jannies around before. Don't understand why the religious nutjobs still think they can manufacture useful consent on a the dead fucking mongol basketweavers site

Anonymous No. 16150838

If it wasn't for schisms this would be a homework and popsci board

Anonymous No. 16150857

Physics homework and popsci is infinitely more on-topic for /sci/ than new age shamanism.

Anonymous No. 16150974

Why do these threads always have frogshit in the OP?

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Anonymous No. 16150985


Anonymous No. 16151120

Do you have any actual proof that he makes threads with "." as the subject or is it something you just decided in your mind without having any actual proof, that you are now trying to present as fact (while accusing others of being schizo)

Anonymous No. 16151126

If I had to guess who in this thread is mentally ill, it wouldn't be Bodhi

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Cult of Passion No. 16151169

>If I had to guess
Good to know we have serious doctors in the thread, otherwise we'd all be dead, huh?

Anonymous No. 16151176

Unforuntately, Covid and lockdowns drone half the country utterly insane, so instead of people with math degrees posting on /sci/ you end up with pseudo-intellectuals like >>16150200 who think that skimming over a wikipedia article on the carbon cycle gives them enough expertise to start criticizing climate scientists.

bodhi No. 16151177

of course he doesn't. people who psychotic dont operate on facts, they operate on impressions. Once you understand how their (broken) mind works they are insanely predictable. I will explain to you how his simple mind came to this delusion.

There is a thread up right now where the janny deleted a lot of posts and I explain in the thread how the jannies on this board sometimes operate. I also explained that I made a thread that got 404'd and the jannies will often delete all your posts within a certain time period if they ban you.


Now here is the fun part. I never said what the thread I made was, but he is psychotic you see, so that doesnt matter, he will just fill in the blanks with whatever is convenient to satisfy his delusions. He doesnt need facts or proof, he just thinks of whatever he wants it to be to confirm his bias and he will then proceed as this IS fact and try to convince everyone else of it as well, until he gets called out to actually present some evidence of course at which point he will just scurry off like the little rat he is and pretend like it never happened ..... until the next time, when he does it all over again. These people are a broken record, they do not, they CANNOT change. They have literal brain damage, they are deranged and incapable of properly interpreting reality. 98% of their time they go through life accusing people of shit they just make up. I explained all this in detail here just a few days ago (and many times before that)

I dont mind going back over it however for unsuspecting anons to know what is really going on around here. 99% of the disruptive outbursts and thread derailments are perpetrated by this one psycho. He is a very sick puppy

bodhi No. 16151180

Oh and I forgot to mention, my thread that got 404'd was a rei thread I posted for fun, because there hasnt been one in a long time.

But we cant let facts get in the way of a psychotic schizo narrative! He wont learn a lesson from this about not jumping to conclusions, or how he should do more research before making false claims because he cant' He will just forget about this by tomorrow and act like it never happened and have new fresh schizo narratives he just makes up ready to go!

Cult of Passion No. 16151187

>climate scientists
Odd way of spelling GeoPhysicists, but whatev.

Not everyone with a PhD in STEM is a "scientist".

bodhi No. 16151188

Oh and when psychotics can't convince you that their delusions are real their response is to screech "schizo" YOU ARE THE DELUSIONAL ONE, so on and so forth. They will extrapolate an entire fantasy world out of a single sentence, nay a single word they misinterpret and attack anyone who exposes the gaps in their logic and their false narrative. They are real nasty little psychos

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Cult of Passion No. 16151197

Here, since youre new to science, here is a new source to help you get up to speed. Make sure to take lots of notes, and do lots of looking up and Wikipedia and you'll graduate with no problem, promise!

Im doing work too, very busy, VERY mildly stoned.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151205

Go ahead and make this your homepage, youre going to reference it A LOT. Basiclally your syllabus.

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bodhi No. 16151208

I will go ahead and post a screenshot of the post I linked too, thought he entire thread is about cluster B narcs so it is a good short read. But as you can see I predicted exactly what he is doing in this thread. As I said they are insanely predictable because they just repeat one pattern for infinity. They are incapable of learning from their mistakes, growing and changing so they are just a one trick pony who keeps repeating the same psychotic and malevolent behaviors over and over and over. If you have ever dealt with one, you have seen them all. They all behave the exact same way. They are just spastic attention whores who create chaos everywhere they go because they are incapable of fostering healthy relationships. All their "relationships" consist of abusively sperging out on people for shit they hallucinate until the person eventually just abandons them. Unfortunately we cant leave this psych like people in irl can so we will see him play out this same pattern for as long as he posts here

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Cult of Passion No. 16151218

I'd go as a far as saying these kinds of threads are by far the most interesting ones here.

Genuine, novel.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151224

Is *anyone* else doing lateral taxonomical research in Molecular Biology? Its parallel to BioMagmetics in its approach to EvoBio.

Do you people even know what those "mere words" means?

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Cult of Passion No. 16151246

Oh, look, this /pol/ thread again...the board culture is SO SCIENCE.


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Cult of Passion No. 16151254

>they still dont know race is a Cognitive/Phenomenological problem, not a Molecular one

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Anonymous No. 16151262

That egg is fucking raw. I hope it kills you. God I hate it when someone serves me a raw egg and thinks I should act like it's food. I would rather eat a new born panda than a raw egg.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151264

Its called "Onsen Egg".

Very common here in Thailand/Malaysia.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151266

Used to toss 3 or 4 of them in my protien shake.

Usually, when working out, I have this for breakfast.

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Anonymous No. 16151267

I don't eat raw chicken and I don't eat raw stuff that comes out of a chickens shit hole. You disgust me. I bet your culture eats raw pig blood too.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151269

I had duck ramen every day during Christmas in Hokkaido, Japan.
[adjusts tie]
Pssh...I dont even need to...tsss...

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Cult of Passion No. 16151271

This is my culture war.

Cult of Passion No. 16151274

>because Im stoned
Im thinking back and forth between taxonomy and molecular correlations, which directly ties toagriarchal and patrarchal bloodline, such as;

I noted those two meta-tribes particularly in Alaska and again in inward/outward Jews, which you humans only know of "outward Nose Jews". Pentagon/Hexagon, two tribes of Israel.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151276

>to matriarchal*
This is in reference to Inward Jew, and its Toxonomical connection to the human species.
>made in OUR image

Tick tock...every moment alive is a moment closer to death, human-mortals.

Anonymous No. 16151277

That egg, is cooked. See how it's no longer liquid.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151280

Liquid yolk in the spice of Life.

You will never be an Ubermensch....

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Cult of Passion No. 16151283

>You will never be an Ubermensch....
Before Absolute Unit, I am.

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Anonymous No. 16151294

>Lou (หลู้) is a traditional northern Thai dish of raw pig's blood mixed with spices, and often served with raw pig's kidney on the side.

I fucking knew it, you gods dammed savage.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151300

>Pot; Kettle

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Cult of Passion No. 16151301

Post more revoltion, less le'appitite.

Absolute Unit means Absolute.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151307

I want to vomit and expell toxins from my bowels internally, just from looking at it...

Like pooping to coffee, my body was born ready.

Anonymous No. 16151309

>Why do schizophrenics and spiritualist new age lunatics love /sci/ so much?
Because here you can meddle with ignorance and bigotry about the most ridiculous shizo themes. E.g. big bang, evolution, climate change (shizo talk in its wording) mass gene experiments aso. No disturbance of logic or common sense her. If threads even come close to the truth they would be pruned or deleted, bot flooded, media engineered aso. So you never be in trouble to doubt you*r idiotic shizo world you name science.

Anonymous No. 16151320

Is black pudding cooked?

>Yes, black pudding is cooked during the manufacturing process and is generally pre-cooked when you buy it.

Not even close to being equivalent you fucking savage.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151324

>you fucking savage.
Say that in my neighborhood.

We kidnapped Lord Miles, we'll kidnap (You).

We *Just* want to talk, thats all, promise.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151329

>Come with me on a One Way trip.

Anonymous No. 16151332

I love how they instantly feel targeted when you just say ”schizo” out loud. It’s like they know deep down.

Cult of Passion No. 16151334

So I can find PhDs, Doctors, who think they knew Schizophrenia, and lecture them about what reality it.

I am beyond Michael Levin, who worked for DARPA, but to understand where I am coming from, I point to him, in the realm of "Cognition".

Psychology would be a mix between Peterson, Weinstein, and Levin.

As in....these three people are in objectively different fields, I would lecture all three of them on each field.

Anonymous No. 16151336

Delusiona of grandeur is a symptom of schizophrenia.

Anonymous No. 16151337

>say schizo out loud
>on an text based internet forum
If you are hearing voices here you really shouldn't theorize on other people's mental health

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Cult of Passion No. 16151339

>Delusiona of grandeur
Are you qualified to discount is validity?

Peer reviewed, board certified, correct?

Just want to make sure there aint no funny business...

bodhi No. 16151341

obvious OP samefagging, so pathetic. He is too mentally ill to realize that people who arent mentally ill can pick him out of lineup a mile away

bodhi No. 16151343

I have breathed enough life in your narcissism attention fuel and tea bagged my nuts all in your face like I do every encounter we have.

ta ta you fucking psycho kys!

Cult of Passion No. 16151344


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Cult of Passion No. 16151360

>Psychology would be a mix between Peterson, Weinstein, and Levin.
Man....just saying this makes me see citations at the speed of MENOW.

Cool seeing Peterson venture into Phenomenology, correlated to Physiology and BioElectric (subMolecular) of Levin, who is Evolutionary Lens'd into Political Science and Human Migrations with Weinstein via Symbiotic Hybridization of Memetic (Kulture) and Eugenics (Molecular).


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Cult of Passion No. 16151365


I will have to wait my whole life to see the edge ofy research be touched by long...its unbearable.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151373

>200w (3).gif
My lab is the chalkboard in my head, pure theory.

When Eric Weinstein talked about Witten "not having touched reality", thats what he is talking about. All moves are at such a hyper-dimensional level as to be hardly to have been said to happen at all.

Triple Echo marx the spot.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151375

The Real (real number R) Zion be different.

Points if BioMagnetic focal points, meta directions of Earth's evolutionary direction. Defining the Species of Huemanity.

Intelligent Design by definition.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151377

New World Order.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151384

Of "The Beast" (Unknown Animal (Oyster)).

Classyfied and analyzed beyond comprehension, but one of Many.

When strictly looking at the differences in perceptions of Reality...they truly are, by definition, Alien.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151387

To intuitively sense the gravitational pulls of the various planets in the solar system, but Sun and Moon by far the most, creating a heartbeat like tug-and-pull between the three bodies.

Thats why there are temples to those two all around the world, Boaz and Jachin, obelisks or whatever they period uses.

Hence, "Three Body Problem", in a Geocentric model of the Universe.

Rememeber...people several thousand years ago had a GPS accurate survey ofnthe planet...

That is small math compared to Astronomy, measuring volumes of cepestial bodies and orbital equinoxes (WHEN IT TAKES MORE THAN ONE LIFE TO NOTE ONE CYCLE).

...but in One Life.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151388

Your genetics has felt these cycles for countless Eons.

You ALREADY know.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151390


So true.
[exasperated anime girl]

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Cult of Passion No. 16151393

Which, yes, the Emperor of Mankind (King of Kings but Servant to the Commoner) has inside of his head "The Chaos Gods" and has to "constantly keep it in control".

That is the plight of ALL Schizophrenics.

Anonymous No. 16151395

>check what /sci/ is doing after all these years
>see interesting meta thread about the current state of the board
>160 posts? damn
>namefagging self-replying schizos with 30 and 55+ posts
there is your answer op, 4chan is in a state of decay, avoid naming the "good boards" for their own wellbeing, lest it spreads

bodhi No. 16151396

samefag schizo

Cult of Passion No. 16151397

>filtered and desperate for certainty, he puts 100% in his arrogance and ignorance, a deadly combination...too bad he will never make that connection...

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Cult of Passion No. 16151409

I believe insects, like other invertebrates, are keen to ElectroMagnetism. More Magnetic/Gravity/Time for me, but can kind of peer into Electric.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151413

When I meditate I do this to my Central Nervous System. Sometimes dynamic, fluidic, others concrete and rigorous, cubic/tetra-whatever I need.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151420

Have an analogous to a Quantum Probability Generator internally.

And because it *isnt* a CompSci it has access to Fractal Reducibility, not linearly scaling, hence not inhibited by Moore's Law (Calculates the totals of Transcendentals et al).

Anonymous No. 16151424

Because mods refuse to moderate. Cult of Passion is a confirmed chatbot that hasn't ever been banned.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151425

Its a struggle finding problwms "big enough" to use the math without it being "How many combinations of Element Molecules are there possible."

Even with reducibility I found multiverse Math largely meaningless. Feels very cart before the horse.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151426

>hasn't ever been banned.



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Cult of Passion No. 16151433

One thing I noted during this whole ordeal, was I have not been shown all archetypes, all bloodlines/gene expressions.

Some hide from me, other kept hidden, Shadow Calculate, measure everything else in Existence...and find the Missing Link.

>I counted every soul on this planet...there is one extra and one odd...

Anonymous No. 16151435

OP has a hard on for Bodhi because Bodhi has embarrassed him so many times. It is his own fault because he pretends like he is smart when he is really stupid and never knows what he talking about.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151436

>This guy is intense.
Im only interested in your soul, not (You).

Anonymous No. 16151441

Makes sense. Seems it got trapped here for a good while.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151443

We are not from the same planet, human-mortal.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151446

The most difficult thing a human can do is be a genuinely positive force in the world, per Nature's rules, not man's, nor kingdom's, or even "the gods".

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Cult of Passion No. 16151459

Most people keep alive by taking something from another.

Be kind. Put holes in walls, not her.

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Cult of Passion No. 16151482

Emergent Order of Physics projected outwardly sub-Dimensional Geometrically.

To break all of reality down and rebuild on some new paradigm, then compare the two worlds. Banach Tarski, Vsauce. A map that is of many maps, many yet One reality.

Anonymous No. 16151535

stupid frog poster

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Cult of Passion No. 16151725