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๐Ÿงต /med/ - medicine

Anonymous No. 16166026

Moomin edition

Last thread
We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

Anonymous No. 16166065

Oh btw I ended up passing step 1 I think only foreigners fail it lmao

Anonymous No. 16166102

what percentage of psychiatrists would you estimate have a personality disorder

Anonymous No. 16166107


All doctors have at least one personality disorder. All psychiatrists are doctors. A = B, C = A, therefore C = B

Anonymous No. 16166283

not all, but most have mental illness
>i think only foreigners fail step
dont forget the thousands of DO students every year who pussy out and are content only taking comlex to match into primary care

Anonymous No. 16166324

Any books very similar to Harrison's internal medicine that isn't harrison's internal medicine?

Anonymous No. 16166354

what's wrong with Harrison's?

Anonymous No. 16166366

impossible to read on kindle. converting it to kindle's native formats makes it gibberish-y. don;t have money to by real one.

Anonymous No. 16166486

Your fault for being a retard and buying a cope e-reader instead of an A4 sized that can handle PDFs like the 13" Fujitsu Quaderno. Waaaah my heckin kids toy don't work and can't handle or convert the formats properly. Also pro tip, most epubs and Amazon proprietary format are riddled with errors, omissions and shit formatting, even if you buy the fucking thing from Amazon. The people have ZERO incentive for quality control and they only correct it once enough people complain. I've noticed entire paragraphs chopped off. They just OCR a book and some braindead editor is paid $15 an hour to skim through and viola you get your simple text format shit. Why do people like you do stupid things like deciding to get a kindle for medical school? I always noticed there was something mentally wrong with people who say " my budgets only $250" or whatever x amount for making virtually any decision within a discrenary purchase. Idiots like that don't realize if they simply postpone a purchase by some weeks or months, they can have something much better and much more capable. Same applies for people asking about muh heckin graphics cards. Bro I only have 500 bucks, I want to get a 3000 series even though a 4000 series is much better and could be had if I merely wasn't a retard and would wait a few weeks. I don't know what the prices are now but this was a great example of similar commonplace retard behavior. Just admit you fucked up badly, made no real exhaustive attempt when researching a purchase, and are actually a lower tier than an iPad user. I'm willing to bet you're going to be a shit tier doctor too. Noooo can't investigate the latest journals and put time in into researching novel and potentially superior drugs, therapies, let me use this flow chart to make a simpleton decision just like when Reddit said Kindles and epubs are the way to go. You'll never be a real pirated textbook consumer. You'll never have a real e-reader. You'll never be a real doctor.

Anonymous No. 16166491

Also, I hope you need to shell out the $300 for the textbook, and the pain of knowing the cost of your budgeted baby e-reader together with the books you had to buy in consequence, are more expensive than if you didn't budget and just bought a PDF capable device in the first place. You made your bed, now lay in it.

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Anonymous No. 16166514

I got into med school
Any advice for a newbie? Stuff to watch out for during the first year? Will a certain brand of stethoscope explode in my ears?

Anonymous No. 16166522

Is ODD actually real? Seems like a bullshit diagnosis that justifies someone being an asshole.

Anonymous No. 16166524

>I got into med school
Congratulations, anon. Did you just get off a waitlist? The application cycle just opened I think.

Anonymous No. 16166526

No, I got into 3 back in December, but the one I picked only handed me my campus assignment today

Anonymous No. 16166529

>but the one I picked only handed me my campus assignment today
This is a DO school, isn't it?

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Barkon No. 16166532

Like a white balloon with a bread loaf/cloud topside with a black hump on it, and a belly with a flatter side that was more circle.

Anonymous No. 16166534

MD. I did get into 2 DO schools with multiple campuses though

Anonymous No. 16166535

Oh, good. I was worried for a bit.

Anonymous No. 16166544

What DO school were u thinking of

Anonymous No. 16166561

I wasn't particularly thinking of any DO schools - I just know that some DO schools have multiple campuses because new DO schools are springing up like weeds and I was worried you were going to be a DO. I didn't know that some MD schools had multiple campuses too.

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Anonymous No. 16166567

What's the thread's take on DO? Personally, I didn't pick it after a DO doc told me to go for MD (he said the OMM wasn't time well spent unless it was for primary care).

Anonymous No. 16166572

>What's the thread's take on DO?
How are you applying to medical school but you don't know how bad DO schools are. They are to be discouraged. I never understood the MD = DO stuff. The ones who spout that nonsense would switch to an MD school if they had the chance. MD schools are so much better.
>they're cheaper
>better rotations
>MD schools are more likely to be pass/fail
>no worrying about OMM (and double boards0
>you get the MD title, no one who isn't in the medical field knows wtf a DO is, and you don't face the DO stigma for residency

I'm sure there are more reasons but that's what I could think of from the top of my head. You shouldn't even apply to a DO school if your grades bar you from getting into an MD school - just find another job desu.

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Anonymous No. 16166573

i did it, /med/bros. i passed part1 of optometry boards :). only 2 more left to go. time to hit the books again.

Anonymous No. 16166577

What are some common medical treatments which have little, if any, evidence to support their efficacy but which are quite commonly used by doctors? Or maybe were quite common in the past?
I'm thinking of things like
>transitioning for gender dysphoria
>lasering vaginas for menopause
>GPs telling patients at risk of obesity to eat less and move more
Obviously there is a spectrum here

Anonymous No. 16166581

>they're cheaper
the MD I picked is by far more expensive

>better rotations
wouldn't this be dependent on what hospitals you rotate at, not the degree type?

>MD schools are more likely to be pass/fail
Honestly I prefer a letter grade since it shows up good when applying for residency

>no worrying about OMM (and double boards0
yup, this was the big one for me. OMM could be nice for primary or ortho fellas

>you get the MD title, no one who isn't in the medical field knows wtf a DO is, and you don't face the DO stigma for residency

I feel like DO's a lot more common these days, just like NP and PAs. Plus, with how backed up offices are these days, I'm sure people will not care if it's MD or DO

But this gives me a better picture on the differences. Ty anon

Anonymous No. 16166590

>the MD I picked is by far more expensive
I'm beginning to suspect the DO school you got into was LECOM.

>wouldn't this be dependent on what hospitals you rotate at, not the degree type?
You're right, but DO schools don't have to have their own home hospitals and some DO students have to find their own rotations.

>I feel like DO's a lot more common these days, just like NP and PAs. Plus, with how backed up offices are these days, I'm sure people will not care if it's MD or DO
The DO stigma still exists for the average non-layperson. With the pass/fail of Step 1 and the proliferation of new, (even more shitty) DO schools, DO students are shit out of luck for competitive specialties. You don't want to find yourself at a DO medical school wanting to pursue something competitive.

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Anonymous No. 16166593

That's fair. Glad I picked the MD one then.
Also yeah, the first DO school was LECOM. The place felt kinda sketchy, like they were running some kinda chinesium metal factory. I noped outta there as soon as I got another offer. The other DO school was still cheaper, though not by as large of a margin

Anonymous No. 16166597

>Also yeah, the first DO school was LECOM. The place felt kinda sketchy, like they were running some kinda chinesium metal factory.
lol, what felt wrong about LECOM (besides it being a DO school)? The only positive I can think of is its low tuition.

Anonymous No. 16166602

Their interviews were recorded. You get a link, it shows you some questions, and for each one you record your response. Weird

The first really big red flag was their "Early Decision"
It's not actually ED, but rather you opt in after the "interview" and they'll look at your stuff first. The catch is if you do get in, you are then required to pay a $1500 deposit whether you go or not. It just screamed cash grab, feeding off of desperate pre-meds, and it almost seemed like they knew everyone would move away from them as soon as they got another offer.

After that, the admissions dean was really wishy-washy about my courses and decided to call me, bring up random stuff, and then ended up waiving all the issues I had? The dude was kind of a meanie, too. The students they let us talk to seemed really depressed, a bunch of reddit threads were shittalking the school, etc etc. Overall, people just seemed miserable. Not a place I wanted to be for 4 years. Honestly, I only applied because it didn't have any secondary essays and I was casting a really wide net


Anonymous No. 16166613

>Their interviews were recorded. You get a link, it shows you some questions, and for each one you record your response. Weird
Sounds weird, they could have at least done a virtual interview where you actually talk to someone.

>$1500 deposit
That's actually another issue with DO schools I forgot to bring up. They have huge deposits compared to MD schools because they know people would switch up to the MD school in an instant if they got the chance. This is the first time, I've heard of an "Early Decision" thing like that though.

I presume you want to be a radiologist, good job on getting into an MD school in that case. It's getting so competitive that even MDs are struggling to match in radiology now - if you went to a DO school you'd be shit out of luck.

Anonymous No. 16166622

No, I'd never want to be a radiologist. I wanna go be buddy buddy with my patients, so radiology and pathology are the farthest from what I want to do. Idk what specialty I'd like though. Something non surgical with a decent balance. Maybe derm, maybe infectious diseases, maybe endocrine. No clue. I'd really love to do primary care, but after working there and seeing the mountains of paperwork and in basket messages, ehhhh I'm not so enthused about it.

Anonymous No. 16166628

>Idk what specialty I'd like though.
I'm sure you'll find something you like during school.
How have you been spending your time from being accepted until your matriculation? I remember that time finally being a break from the application cycle and I just relaxed.

Anonymous No. 16166635

Been doing a masters at a pretty good uni. I won't say which for obv reasons, but I'm graduating from that on Saturday. After that, taking a vacation back to the old country, and maybe I'll stomp around in Japan for a week or two.
This week I'm just melting my brain on modded skyrim and cooking every dish I never had the time to make during the school year. I never knew how easy it was to make pie crusts once you get the technique down. Wings have been another massive success.

Anonymous No. 16166688

Enjoy your freedom now. You cannot prepare. I am not joking.

Congrats homie

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Anonymous No. 16166723

Sorry for the long post. but can I get any advice on leaving medical school? I'm currently studying for my second exam of M2 and I really hate it. I always wanted to work in a technical job in weird or remote places, like telecom technician, oilfields, merchant marine, etc... but opted to keep pushing during premed because I reasoned I could find rural or international work as an attending.

Now I realize I don't enjoy biology, suck at clinical skills, and have much less passion for the field than any of my peers. Thank God I've been academically okay so far, but really burnt out and I have 3 more years + step exams.

I don't want to start again or disappoint my parents, what do i do bros?

Anonymous No. 16166742

Not offering mifepristone and misoprostol to your mother during her ante-natal clinics

Anonymous No. 16166748

I am offended
Thanks for offending me

Anonymous No. 16166750

imo you should finish your MD. Even if you don't practice medicine, it's a nice qualification to have that impresses employers and you can do a lot with it that isn't medicine. Also there are more technical roles in medicine like rads and path that do not require patient/clinical skills.

As an example, if I hated med I would have done this:
>finish MD
>complete a chartered financial analyst qualification (or do concurrently during MD)
>work for investment bank as an analyst for biotech
>make fat $$$

Anonymous No. 16166753

>>work for investment bank as an analyst for biotech
What do people even do in these types of jobs? They seem like fake jobs in which all you do is send emails.

Anonymous No. 16166759

Essentially, you report on the health of an entity and whether it is worth investing in.
CFA trains in fundamental analysis so you would look at things like:
>quarterly performance
>executive personnel - are they retards? what is their strategy?
>future prospects such as R&D, product manufacturing etc. (e.g. in biotech, you'd be looking at results of drug phase trials)
>problems in market of entity that may reduce its sales etc.
>government intervention/laws that affect entity/sales

This is opposed to a Chartered Market Technician, who specialise in technical analysis which is mainly looking at current price/volume and price/volume history. The theory being that all the information from fundamental analysis is contained in the price itself and is a more up-to-date representation.

Anonymous No. 16166762

Thanks for the response, a friend from class recommended the consulting route too. desu I don't really enjoy business or finance that much either so think it would be hard to motivate me to do that.

I honored first year, but am barely above 50% percentile an my first test this year. Idk if I will be good enough for rads? Don't you need a ton of research and a high step2 score?

Anonymous No. 16166771

From what I understand (I'm Australian and not in radiology), rads is competitive so yes. Radsbro can comment further.
However, research is not that bad. In fact, it can motivate you because you can choose a more technical aspect of medicine and make it your own.
t. resident completing PhD

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Anonymous No. 16166776

Kidney stones

Anonymous No. 16166783

>Radsbro can comment further
I don't want to be a douche but he freely admitted he wouldn't be able to get into radiology if he applied now. But to be fair him being a DO isn't helping him either.

Anonymous No. 16166784

congrats on the MD/PhD! That's a really impressive accomplishment :). What is your research in?

I did a lot of chemistry research in undergrad which I liked well enough. I tried to get into chem research in med school, but couldn't devote enough time to satisfy the PI while studying for all my classes.

Anonymous No. 16166787

>what is your research in?
I'd rather not say on here.

>but couldn't devote enough time to satisfy the PI
Aren't you doing it for free? Sounds like your PI was a fag. Find a new one.

Anonymous No. 16166795

fair enough.

sadly he can get undergrads with more time for free too. My medical school colleagues "research" is typically formatting someone else's public health data for a spot at ...nth author.

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Anonymous No. 16166850

I'm into TERTIARY care

Anonymous No. 16166870

the obvious advice is to stick it out until you graduate, but if you cant do it you cant do it. you havent wasted a shit ton of money now, so you just have to make sure you have a solid plan going forward on what exactly you want to do, so you dont take out a shit ton more debt than you need to.

it's also common to have burnout, so maybe sticking it out would be worth it but only you know your circumstances. you'll probably disappoint your parents/have to start again, but it's your choice to make.

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Anonymous No. 16166975

ty amigo
I will savor it

Anonymous No. 16167183


LECOM grad here that matched radiology. Always remember to take everything you read online with a grain of salt. LECOM is very hand holdy when it comes to school yes, and while they do have some incredibly annoying rules (dress up every day, then switch clothes for OMM, then back into dress clothes, or no food/water in the lecture hall) they were actually a very good school. But I was also very good at self study and often times did not show up to lecture when boards got close (they "say" it's mandatory).

The DO stigma may still exist at some places, but don't kid yourself into thinking that's the only reason people don't get residencies they want. Outside of things like rad-onc (which people are abandoning anyway) there are very few specialties that are "MD specific."

At the end of the day, a physician is a physician. People can hate DOs all they want, but ill laugh all the way to the bank.

Anonymous No. 16167383

I am in my final year of med school. My dream is to become a cardiac electrophysiologist. Do Ameribros recommend I take my steps and move to the US? I am really poor and honestly the big bucks in the usa is enticing me.

Anonymous No. 16167404


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16167610

>At the end of the day, a physician is a physician.
This type of thought process is terrible. Yes, DO physicians have the same responsibilities and pay but you should always strive for self-mastery - to be part of the top. You shouldn't be proud, happy, or content being mediocre - you need to set high standards for yourself.

Anonymous No. 16167613

>At the end of the day, a physician is a physician.
This type of thought process is terrible. Yes, DO physicians have the same responsibilities and pay but you should always strive for mastery - to be part of the top. You shouldn't be proud, happy, or content being mediocre - you need to set high standards for yourself.

Anonymous No. 16167642

>You shouldn't be proud, happy, or content being mediocre - you need to set high standards for yourself.

This is how I know you aren't really a physician. You learn nothing when it comes to your real specialty in medical school. Everyone learns the same general knowledge regardless of if you are a DO or MD and neither medical school makes you a better physician. I've seen plenty of trash reads from people who trained at "ivory tower" residencies. Self mastery is just that, SELF mastery.

Anonymous No. 16167667

>You learn nothing when it comes to your real specialty in medical school. Everyone learns the same general knowledge regardless of if you are a DO or MD and neither medical school makes you a better physician.
I never said anything about learning anything about a specialty. My point was that you should always strive to be part of the top in anything - not just school. It doesn't matter if DO students learn the same thing as MD students - they didn't achieve mastery as evident by going to an MD school.

Honestly, it's so weird that you seem so hellbent on defending DO schools. They're objectively worse than MD schools and encouraging someone to go to one is a disservice to them.

Anonymous No. 16167668

Harrisson's is the kind of book that tells you "70% of studies say one thing. 60% of studies say opposite thing". It makes no conclussions and gives no possology either.

Anonymous No. 16167669

>$300 for the textbook
Nigger, that shit is up on libgen. Why would anybody pay for a textbook ever?

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Anonymous No. 16167685

>Honestly, it's so weird that you seem so hellbent on defending DO schools.

Merely stating facts is not hellbent on defending them. There are many reasons one might not end up in an MD school. A few of the reasons I did not was because I did not enjoy learning useless information instead of spending time with my loved ones (did shitty on the MCAT). I also didn't enjoy being a good goy and doing a bunch of volunteer or lab work to pad my extra curriculars. So I took the easy route and did a postbacc program which was year 1 of med school on steroids. I did exceedingly well and got into med school the following year. I then got the residency I wanted.

You are simply muddying the waters on medical school just because you honestly think you are superior and it's laughable. Being the top in medical school does not correlate in any way to being a good physician or a good person for that matter. Synthesizing said information is what is necessary. But hey, enjoy your life striving to be so important in your field that you neglect yourself and your family like so many physicians do. Ill be over here enjoying my work life balance with 12 weeks of vacation, 700k salary, and actually positively impacting patients lives.

Anonymous No. 16167717

>Merely stating facts is not hellbent on defending them.
MD schools are objectively better than DO schools. There is no disputing this.

>So I took the easy route and did a postbacc program which was year 1 of med school on steroids.
So basically you paid a needless amount of money on an extra program because you're a dumbfuck? You should have been in shape to apply to medical school by the time of your undergrad.

>because you honestly think you are superior
I don't think I'm superior. I know I am.

>But hey, enjoy your life striving to be so important in your field that you neglect yourself and your family like so many physicians do.
Who said anything about me neglecting myself? I understand that being a physician is just a job.

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16167749


I would say the difference between US MD and US DO isn't big enough to justify re-applying another cycle in hopes of getting into a US MD if you already got a US DO acceptance though.

Generally speaking you go to US DO because you didn't get into US MD. So it's not really a "choice" to go to US DO.

US MD schools are generally better supported in terms of rotations, funding, connections, research, etc. There's still some stigma against DO at certain academic programs, and some specialties, but I've noticed that's been decreasing overall. I think most of the specialty match difference you see between US DO and US MD students for residency is mostly explained just by difference in baseline matriculation population difference.

I wouldn't get in now, cuz i'm retarded (low step scores). Not, because I'm DO. This most recent cycle my program still matched 5 DO applicants for rads. Most rads programs don't discriminate against DO's even super academic programs.

If you're US MD I would recommend finishing your degree, just having the MD in your title will open up a world of consulting, finance gigs, and access to a lot more educational pivots (like MBA's at very good business school, like Wharton, or T20 law school, phd's, MPH, etc.)

based fellow LECOM rads bro.

Anonymous No. 16167922

Proteus mirabilis for treating gout ?
(Think cheaper rasburicase). Chromosome 3

Anonymous No. 16167979

>imagine spending 4 years at university to get an amerishart DO meme degree
there is justice in the world because I don't have to share the same degree as Mikhail Varshavski DO (jewish and not a real doctor).

Anonymous No. 16168113

Yeah, you only have to share a degree with Eugene Gu lmao.

Anonymous No. 16168128

>This most recent cycle my program still matched 5 DO applicants for rads.
This isn't as big an accomplishment as you think lol. My school matches 3 times that with a similar amount of students.

Anonymous No. 16168131

>faggot misses the point
congrats. are you going into family med?

Anonymous No. 16168134

You're the one missing the point, ESL.

Anonymous No. 16168153

no, retard-kun, the point is that DOs can still make it into competitive specialties if they try hard enough. of course less DOs make it into the competitive specialties since most DOs are typically people who couldnt make it into MD school and aren't as competitive.

this is the last reply you'll get from me and hopefully you enjoyed baiting me today. go back to the various schizo threads on /sci/.

Anonymous No. 16168156

>LECOM grad here that matched radiology. Always remember to take everything you read online with a grain of salt

rads match rate for DOs has dipped into the 60s. everyone and their mother wants to do it now

Anonymous No. 16168160

>So I took the easy route and did a postbacc program which was year 1 of med school on steroids. I did exceedingly well and got into med school the following year

imagine paying 1 year of tuition for a grueling yet useless masters degree, and you "only" get into DO school with it

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Anonymous No. 16168210

Lemon juice + Iodine (or I3, or I4/reverse-I3) for treating kidney stones and gout

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Anonymous No. 16168223

>rads match rate for DOs has dipped into the 60s. everyone and their mother wants to do it now

Rads match rate dipped in general because of popularity. It's hard to argue with significant job security that also offers a starting salary of 500k and 10 weeks vacation.

Ill be laughing all the way to the bank. Enjoy primary care.

Anonymous No. 16168287

will ghrp + ghrh make my dick bigger?

Anonymous No. 16168301

Patientoid here. Not soliciting advice but recent posts seem to be suggesting alternate remedies for gout. You all know this already but dad and I both take (the more conventional) allopurinol to ward off gout, and when I first got the scrip, I learned that that particular medicine is one of the WHO essential medicines, a list of 500-ish medicines that you people all know about. Also I swore off shrimp and oysters and that seems to have worked.

I'd be curious to know if you were/are aware of this particular list, or if you simply know most/all of the medicines cold as part of your training. it's a featured article on Wikipedia, which suggests that it's a rather important core topic of general human interest.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16168439

>Ill be laughing all the way to the bank
Too bad you can't buy any IQ points.

Anonymous No. 16168443

>Ill be laughing all the way to the bank.
Seems like money is the only thing you have in your life. Too bad you can't buy any IQ points.

Anonymous No. 16168458

>consultant tells 12y/o boy to git gud at fortnite

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Anonymous No. 16168500

thank you radsbros
I'm going into MD, but I appreciate your insight into the DO/MD divide. It's good that there's less stigma these days

Anonymous No. 16168514

Congrats senpai

Anonymous No. 16168524

Where do they post the textbooks full of information relevant to the MCAT specifically

Anonymous No. 16168527

If you change diet or take supplements/medications to not get something before you get it and you end up not getting it then it's kind of hard to prove that it was because of what you did, but if it makes you feel more at ease it's good. And you aren't asking for advice so I'm just telling you, but I'm not a doctor and am pre premedschool

Anonymous No. 16168646

>pre premedschool
So high school?

Anonymous No. 16168650

typically, no one gives a shit about WHO except middle aged females giving policy speeches who need to cite something when it hasn't been proved by real data.

Anonymous No. 16168697

thanks, friend. :)

Anonymous No. 16168775

What does a psychiatrist actually do?

Anonymous No. 16168785

bitch slap neurotic women and conduct brainwashing research for the CIA

Anonymous No. 16168876

I'm not sure if this is the right general to ask this, but I've taken my blood sugar this morning after not eating for ~14h and it was higher than now, 3h after I ate breakfast
Is this normal? I'm a type 2 diabetic

Anonymous No. 16168980

do you take insulin?

Anonymous No. 16168985


Anonymous No. 16168989

probs a shit reading.
unless you did something else to decrease your blood glucose like exercise but you're probably fat

Anonymous No. 16168990

I'm not fat, I'm big boned

Anonymous No. 16168992

yes this is normal

those "recent posts" are all one of our resident goobers who posts pseudoshit out of context. There's a reason nobody replies to those posts.

As for your medication list, I'm not reading all that. I got about halfway through TB drugs and I've learned probably 95% of those up to that point.

US 3rd year MD student.

Anonymous No. 16168999

Why do you make fun of fat people on the internet?

Anonymous No. 16169003

what? Where in my post did I make fun of a fat person?

Don't get me wrong, I definitely do, just not in the last minute or two.

Anonymous No. 16169007

You know that what this fatso >>16168876 posted is not a normal reading.

Anonymous No. 16169014

Since I don't know the actual number readings, no. I don't know that it's "abnormal." It could be 10 higher, it could be 400 higher. Without context it's hard to say.

Anonymous No. 16169018


too lazy to go find NIH article but dawn phenomenon is real

Anonymous No. 16169070

cortisol niggas repossessing my glucose stores

Anonymous No. 16169364

>I don't think I'm superior. I know I am.

gonna be ironic when a bunch of your MD classmates still go into family med and pediatrics
its an interesting list but no, we just learn the meds as part of training over time
only pharm techs memorize a "top 200 drugs" list for certification
round on patients, ask them if they want to kill themselves, leave at 2 pm and leave "as needed haldol" orders for overnight
see patients for 5 minutes, "adjust meds", lot of telehealth now

its literally a fake, joke specialty. they have piss easy residency because you dont do any actual doctor stuff except maybe order a B12/TSH/HIV panel, everyone just stays on legal hold

Anonymous No. 16169384

>Comes to 4chan
>Expects not to get heckled over the tiniest thing
Nobody actually cares about DO vs MD but I don't know a single DO who wouldn't trade for MD and I don't know a single MD who would trade for a DO. It just makes your life harder for no reason.

That being said I've seen OMM come up a few times and been glad there's a DO around. It's just ribbing.

Anonymous No. 16169386

>its literally a fake, joke specialty. they have piss easy residency because you dont do any actual doctor stuff except maybe order a B12/TSH/HIV panel, everyone just stays on legal hold
do they at least make bank? I'm watching Frasier and Frasier and Niles are loaded even though they're psychiatrists

Anonymous No. 16169394

Quick Google suggests ~$225k/yr is reasonable median estimate

Correlate clinically.

Anonymous No. 16169491

I just took step1 and I am worried that I felt it was easier than solving uworld questions.. I probably read the question wrong..

Anonymous No. 16169564

if there is one thing that will drive me to suicide it's the fucking paperwork

Anonymous No. 16169748

>do they at least make bank?
not surgeon money but more than primary care if clever about it
uworld is supposed to be harder, to train you
its a pass/fail test now, anon
>but I don't know a single DO who wouldn't trade for MD
there's always 1 nutjob student in every cohort who only applied to DO school explicitly to do omm
theres a girl in my class whos anti-vax, pro-life (yet had her own abortion) and wants to practice omm on newborns

Anonymous No. 16169893

>imblying DO isnt the superior degree
all you need is to pass DO school and optometry school, then you can have the credentials DOOD. are there any WEED or LMAO credentials to go with it?

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Anonymous No. 16169897

I'm great at medical microbiology but physiology made me vomit. Should I just go for a PhD instead of an MD?

Anonymous No. 16169900

>cell biology is so much different from physiology... just because!
filtered unironically

Anonymous No. 16169902

Alright, tell me about all the types of bacterial secretion systems in detail right now. Go.

Anonymous No. 16169909

Nta what dont you like about physiology

Fwiw clinical medicine is like 85%pathology 14%pharmacology 0.8% just being nice and 0.2%phys

Anonymous No. 16169956

so sick of STEM and medicine because so fucking feminized, too many cunts

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Anonymous No. 16170012

>Any advice for a newbie? Stuff to watch out for during the first year?
Admins will be out of touch and full of shit no matter what school you go to, so take everything they say with a kilo of salt. This is especially true for M2 year, UFAPS is still king. Some schools like mine have tried convincing students that in-house lectures are good enough for boards, with catastrophic results. Stick to the tried and true methods.

DO NOT buy an otoscope, some schools try to hawk them on first year students. A cheap Littmann stethoscope is really all you need.

Try to hang out with some M3/M4s and get real advice on how to manage your in-house lectures and shit. Most schools usually have a repository of ebooks and other goodies that gets passed down from class to class, so ask around. The study habits you had from undergrad don't really translate well to the volume of information you'll be expected to learn, there will be an adjustment period where you feel like you're drowning but if you can avoid an heroing you'll be ok.

Anonymous No. 16170061


steal sketchy micro

Anonymous No. 16170101

my male research supervisor is kino
classic master and apprentice relationship

Anonymous No. 16170210

it's just so weird everyone on reddit is spamming its the hardest exam when in reality uworld is much harder. I am so confused right now.

Anonymous No. 16170215

's step 1 community is 99% international medical students with their shitty IMG education.

Anonymous No. 16170308

its all foreign brown people
and the americans who say its the hardest test ever all are neurotic and score a 250 anyway

Anonymous No. 16170342

What is the point of your entire community, if you are not willing to even listen to abnormal cases in so the people are willing to agree that any and all suggestions are not taken as serious medical advice.

Anonymous No. 16170378

Ask your question again when you've learnt how to write a coherent sentence.

Anonymous No. 16170386

Maybe i could as i could if you all weren't careless, smug, cunts.

Anonymous No. 16170423

They pay me the big bucks to be smug.

Anonymous No. 16170443

Physicians are just apex wagies.

Anonymous No. 16170451

I want to stop working sooooo much. I wish I won the lottery.

Anonymous No. 16170531

Was foolish to expect anything else.

Anonymous No. 16170733

should I just lie about my URM status? I'm white but could say I'm half mexican.
Affirmative action is such a fucking joke. Some negro can get into any MD school because he has a 500 MCAT and 3.0 GPA, but I'd never get in with those stats.

Anonymous No. 16170861

It's 3 docs 3 med students an optobro and 3000 psyche patients itt

>Wants everyone to care about his """interesting case"""
>It's some fucking rash or vague symptoms
>We don't have labs. We don't have imaging.

Anonymous No. 16170865

>Don't even have a physical exam

There's a reason this thread does not give advice. On top of the above reasons, there's no way to verify that the advice you're receiving is from a doctor so there would be bad actors. On top of that it would cause you retards to come here instead of going to the doctor where they will have the above resources and can take care of you. It's bad for society if people think going to an online imageboard is going to a doc.

Anonymous No. 16170961

Just go to a DO school.

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16171078

Why bother coping this much if you're not actually gunna post your mcat and gpa.

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Anonymous No. 16171124

what is this bullshit?
i thought the palm was just one solid disc, not assorted pieces

Anonymous No. 16171477

So long to pinky here comes the thumb

Anonymous No. 16171479

If that's your attitude you should stay out of medicine

Anonymous No. 16171484

What if I can't get in
505 3.3c, 3.4s
yeah ik my attitude is horrible and i have been on and off depressed and suicidal every few months since i was in 8th grade

Anonymous No. 16171485

im not even gonna get into a DO school with my stats, too mediocre. It's literally just over for me. What do all the failed premeds do? This was my only plan to survive.

Anonymous No. 16171491

PA school

Anonymous No. 16171519

the GPA requirement for PA school is even more competitive than DO school. I would not be able to get into PA school

Anonymous No. 16171524

just say youre mexican, trans, and gay

Anonymous No. 16171910

>What if I can't get in
>im not even gonna get into a DO school with my stats, too mediocre.
If you can't even get into a DO school, I don't know what to tell you.

Anonymous No. 16172048

>there's no rheum in the body
made up specialty.

Anonymous No. 16172066

what do you think dead space is?

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16172252

plenty of rheum in your mom last night.
>505 3.3c 3.4s
lmfao, brother, you can't be doing this poorly and then blame the spics and nigs for not getting in.

avg nignog MD matriculant in 2023-2024 had MCAT of 505, and cgpa of 3.7 sgpa 3.5
avg spic MD matriculant in 2023-2024 had MCAT of 505, and cgpa of 3.8 and sgpa of 3.6

avg DO matriculant in 2021 has a 3.6 cgpa, and 3.5sgpa.

Anonymous No. 16172286

Congrats optobro! keep us posted

Anonymous No. 16172329

I think the worst part about being on placement is constantly changing teams and trying to make a new good impression every week.

Barkon No. 16172331

Where do we fart? How do we fart? And why do we fart?

Barkon No. 16172332

Objectively speaking.

Anonymous No. 16172370

hi everyone, I'm a resident in Italy. I'd like to get a better grip on critically reading scientific (and more specifically, medical) papers; what are good resources to learn about this? A statistic course that you liked, a manual on reading scientific papers that you'd suggest...I'm open to try different approaches you'd suggest me.

Barkon No. 16172372

Good. Keep up.

Anonymous No. 16172405

Is it possible to work during med school? When I look this up I mostly find claims that financial aid might be covered so you don't need to work, but that ignores work is also experience and allows you to not rely on handouts

Anonymous No. 16172416


radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16172509

it's possible, but you won't make enough to cover tuition + living. Had, and know of medical students that worked over the weekend as paramedics, and others worked as MCAT tutors. Knew a lawyer who was still finishing up some outstanding cases during first year, so he was still getting paid for that.

Anonymous No. 16172836

I hear premed advisors saying you should apply with stats less than mine if youโ€™re URM.
See the post I just replied to. I doubt I could even get into DO school.
So now Iโ€™m just going to have to do a post bac or masters and go into debt just to get more bad grades because I have a low IQ and Iโ€™m chronically depressed and then Iโ€™ll get rejected cycle after cycle and will have to get some shit job and live in a shit apartment and be lonely with no friends or girlfriend and Iโ€™ll just eventually KMS because Iโ€™ll be poor, miserable, alone, wonโ€™t like my job, wonโ€™t be happy with where I am, and Iโ€™ll just die

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16172864

To any premeds in this thread, this is the kind of person you're competing against. Getting into medical school isn't too hard once you learn that some applicants are like this anon.
.t on admissions committee at my school

Anonymous No. 16172865

To any premeds in this thread, this is the kind of person you're competing against. You guys need to realize that getting into medical school isn't too hard once you learn that a sizeable portion of applicants are like this anon.
>.t on admissions committee at my school

Anonymous No. 16172868

Sabatine's pocket medicine :^)

Anonymous No. 16172915

So what should I do then? KMS? Or keep pretending I have a shot at getting in and go into debt so I can inevitably fail and be miserable forever and end up just offing myself later in life rather than now

Anonymous No. 16172991

yes, but not more than 20 hours a week
my school offers workstudy so im able to tutor other med students (which is pretty easy, it's usually just pointing out whats on the exams, helping with board prep, and letting them vent)
>505 3.3c, 3.4s
my gpa was a bit worse than yours and my clinical hours were actual dogshit (my science gpa literally got me screened out and all my clinical hours were volunteering in high school) but i had a 513 mcat so i got into an established DO school (nonprofit, all local rotations)

you're gonna wanna retake the mcat. also, everyone wants a ton of clinical hours now

if you cant get into DO, theres always podiatry. you probably would not get into PA school

Anonymous No. 16172992

Pick a different career or fix your shit. Medical school isn't going anywhere. Improve your app and try another year.

Anonymous No. 16172998

>if you cant get into DO, theres always podiatry.
If he wanted to focus on feet he would have done that already. It's weird when people suggest podiatry as a fallback from medical school. It's medically related but you shouldn't go to podiatry because you can't get into medical school - you should already have wanted to do it.

Anonymous No. 16173009

I have more than plenty clinical hours. I did not study for the MCAT. Thereโ€™s no doubt in my mind that if I actually applied myself I could do a lot better on the mcat since I literally didnโ€™t study.
I donโ€™t know if Iโ€™ll be able to fix my shit Iโ€™m too chronically depressed and just plain stupid Iโ€™m not organized I forgot due dates and withdrawal dates and any sort of date. I have had this defeatist attitude since I was a child and canโ€™t seem to get rid of it
I actually shadowed podiatry and the work is cool but it feels like a giant scam, I think theyโ€™re making too many podiatrists

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16173214

anyone else kinda spooked for residency? my orientation is in like 40 days. i'm a mega retard and don't feel ready. on the plus sign i will finally be making money after near 30 years of being a broke fuck

Anonymous No. 16173216

thanks, buddy :). next test in a couple months, so we'll see how that goes.

Anonymous No. 16173236

I was rejected from med school last year. Applied with a GPA of 3.50, MCAT not required because not USA. I was told to bring up my GPA and work on extra-curriculars. I since went back to school and bumped up my GPA to 3.76 but now I am stuck on the extra-curriculars. I don't have the money to compete with the rich cats who volunteer in some poor African country. Do I just do time at my local hospital as a porter? Any particular things that would look good on the application?

Anonymous No. 16173394

I started college at 25 and med school at 29. You're fine. Take care of life stuff first, if you really want to do medicine it's not going anywhere.

Anonymous No. 16173405

the majority of podiatry students are those who couldn't get into med school but still wanted to have the legal title of "doctor"

Anonymous No. 16173416

I'd rather do a PhD than work on feet all day.

Anonymous No. 16173597

did anons go into medschool with a specialty in mind? did you end up pursuing that specialty or ultimately deciding on a different one?

Anonymous No. 16174150

I had primary care in mind when I was applying but once I realized how little I would get paid for all the effort, I knew I had to pivot. I already grew up poor in my childhood and I don't want to be fucking poor in my adult life.

Anonymous No. 16174185

My wife got a colostomy. Can I fuck it? It looks like it'd be pretty tight and comfy.

Anonymous No. 16174352

>did anons go into medschool with a specialty in mind?
i had primary care in mind, still like FM but switched to neuro. so i switched to something minimally competitive. i never wanted to do surgery and already ruled that out before starting

you would be shocked how many people want to do ortho and yet still enroll in a DO school

Anonymous No. 16174569

dont primary care doctors still earn $250k minimum? sure, it's not as much as a more specialized field, but it's still nothing to scoff at.

>never wanted to do surgery
any specific reasons? did you not trust your dexterity, didnt want to spend all your time in the OR, or something else?
>ortho for DOs
is it a lot of dude-bros who like muscles and bones but cant make it into MD school?

whyd you both have primary care in mind as your first option? from the few people i've interacted with, a lot had aspirations for the more well-paid specialties and then eventually had to accept a different specialty since they weren't competitive enough.

Anonymous No. 16174613

>dont primary care doctors still earn $250k minimum? sure, it's not as much as a more specialized field, but it's still nothing to scoff at.
Yeah, primary care doctors earn around that ballpark. I personally don't think it's a lot though considering the debt I'm in (I'm $400k deep) and the amount of work that medical school and residency entails. Not to mention the taxes that takes a lot of that money and the lost potential income during training.

>whyd you both have primary care in mind as your first option?
I didn't realize that I would actually be competitive for higher competitive specialties starting out. I guess I'm the opposite of those people with high aspirations you're talking about.

Anonymous No. 16174618

Medfags, is 'teeth' a simply fucked up feature of humans ? Aparently we're collectively getting ahead of the curve in understanding and treating almost every disease. We can treat almost everything.
At the same time it appears dental and oral diseases are at least immune to our efforts, if not surging. Is that the result of this fucked up interface between bone, dentin and gingiva ?
Perhaps our ability to design our food any way we like will lead to the evolution of no teeth human.

Anonymous No. 16174707

>any specific reasons?
dont like the OR at all, prefer my patients to be awake, and surgical residency is hell
even if I went to an MD school, wouldn't change my mind. i wanted to be a doctor, not a surgeon.

also, primary care is short residency with chiller hours, and you can work anywhere in the country. people forget that

neurology is 4 plus fellowship but still shorter than most IM subspecialties, and is going to be even more in demand in the future than it is currently

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16175031

I won bros!

Anonymous No. 16175201

I did some research on epilepsy in undergrad so I thought I might be heading to neurology.
I inhaled too much gas though.

Anonymous No. 16175812

keep at it bros. i almost quit med school...stuck it out... did family medicine. Met my wife, both family docs. we both work two or three days a week. Household income 300k. spend most of my time gardening and playing with kids.

Anonymous No. 16176059

Lost a patient during a code on my last ed shift
Almost made it without someone dying on me

Anonymous No. 16176087

Why did you want to quit?

Anonymous No. 16176440

you never forget your first, unironically. I can still feel the awful crunching from compressions. Still hate doing them.

Anonymous No. 16176650

>2 days a week in primary care
huge disservice to patients
no wonder NPs are filling the gaps, lmao

Anonymous No. 16176671

MD/DOs dont go full-time as often as old docs+women are taking over medicine and retiring when they get married. makes it really easy for midlevels to keep increasing their scope of practice when physicians dont want to work.

Anonymous No. 16176745

culture has changed since introduction of women unironically
become a misogynist
women should only be able to become GP/FM

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Anonymous No. 16176809

4 days with the nettle tobacco: day 1 a change in chronic cough (which I ignored) ! 10 leaves made this amount of tobacco less smoke, 24 cigarettes worth. I toasted some, which made the taste of the mix better

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Anonymous No. 16176811

This image has flash on

Attached picture is flash off

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Anonymous No. 16176812

The nuggets form on their own without grinding or cuts from big leaves

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Anonymous No. 16176813

Anonymous No. 16176865

Empyema is usually caused by an infection that spreads directly from the lung. It leads to a buildup of pus in the pleural space. There can be 2 cups (1/2 liter) or more of infected fluid. This fluid puts pressure on the lungs.

Emphysema is any air-filled enlargement in the body's tissues.[5] Most commonly emphysema refers to the enlargement of air spaces (alveoli) in the lungs,[5] and is also known as pulmonary emphysema.

Anonymous No. 16176927

wow, thanks for copy-pasting the first sentence on the wikipedia page into the thread. can you go do that in other threads instead?

Anonymous No. 16176932

I've been put on tapentadol for chronic pain. I am worried because I've read this is an SNRI. Can someone give me a run down on what exactly tapendatol is?

Anonymous No. 16177005

>I am worried because I've read this is an SNRI.
You are thinking of Tramadol

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Anonymous No. 16177024

All of them.
You'll suffer. A lot. A whole lot. The best advice I can give is just don't give up. Push through. It's not about being smart, about being orderly, about being polished, it's about just pushing through and through even if you fail 100 times.
Good luck optobro, may the eye lords bless you.
Antidepressants. That's the best I can think of. And you'd say "But there's lot of evidence of how they affect people!", yeah. That's it. So many of us who are medicated still struggle even with two medications. They have a moderate to decent effect, but that's it.
It's a type of antidepressant, anon. Selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, basically it makes the neurotransmitter norepinephrine last a little bit longer in your system. I took desvenlafaxine, another SNRI, and I had mild to moderate positive effects. If anything I had some slight hypomania symptoms. following with depressive episodes.

Anonymous No. 16177028

amitryptiline is very common as off label usage for migraine prophylaxis. older neurologists still prescribe it even though propanolol is much safer boomer docs prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine for covid, lol

Anonymous No. 16177032

>I never understood the MD = DO stuff
its equal licensing, you're still a physician
absolutely no DO student will agree its an equal experience to get there
>wouldn't this be dependent on what hospitals you rotate at, not the degree type?
my DO school has all local rotations for 3rd year.
one pro (or con) is that most rotations are cush at my DO school. granted, i got lucky on some things but my longest rotation was 55 hours a gen surg was basically part time and my obgyn was virtual (independent step 2 study month basically) due to lack of obgyn preceptors. definitely makes up for our hellish pre-clinical

Anonymous No. 16177038

good luck getting a residency.

Anonymous No. 16177049

ok anons give it to me straight, my fiance is a nontrad who worked for five years for NASA after college in a pretty impressive job. biology undegrad from an elite east coast school. she's getting 525+ MCAT scores on practice tests. interviews well, she's a smart little thing for what its worth.

yeah that elite east coast college? not one that believed in gradeflation. brutal grading standards and no grade forgiveness. 2.9cgpa, and this is after a year of transcript repair.

SDN is impossible to make heads or tails of. I refuse to go to reddit because its 75% lies.

I know the MCAT practice scores are to be taken with a big grain of salt, but for the sake of argument lets say she gets a 525. what are the odds for a decent (T25 nationally) in-state MD program? I don't trust anywhere else on the internet to give me a straight answer. i just want to know if I should be ready to pack my bags or if this she's an appealing enough applicant despite the gpa.

Anonymous No. 16177158

We know that college is Princeton, dude.

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Anonymous No. 16177164

bro does anyone have a collection of all the old lรครคkeapustaja images?
the old mega is dead and I've been searching for them for months now I'm a real doctor instead of a faggot med student like I was in 2019

Anonymous No. 16177275

>2.9cgpa, and this is after a year of transcript repair
she is gonna get screened out of almost everywhere, even DO schools. some schools do the "last 90 credit hours" instead but she'll probably have to do an SMP

but your fiance is also smart enough to know to avoid med school, its just a silly decision. especially if she needs an SMP, which is a 1 year masters degree thats useless except as a med school audition (only if you do well enough)

Anonymous No. 16177280

>good luck getting a residency.
if its family med, they have never been more desperate for applicants. tons of people use it as a backup specialty now

some DO on meddit last cycle, failed comlex 3 times and was bottom of the class, still received 30+ interviews out of 70 residency apps

IM is also not hard to get if you're a dogshit tier DO student, but dont expect a good program like FM

Anonymous No. 16177350

I have them on my hard drive. How would you like them?

Anonymous No. 16177445

>tons of people use it as a backup specialty now
When was that ever not the case?

Anonymous No. 16177456

yes please

Anonymous No. 16177480

Some people are poor retard

Anonymous No. 16177488

please give advice for someone who's about to graduate undergrad with a low gpa
should i do a postbacc? masters?

Anonymous No. 16177548

Do law or dentistry. I wish I had done those.

Anonymous No. 16177551

>When was that ever not the case?
its more than before
number of FM applicants went from 5000 to 6900 in just a 2 year period, ever since step went P/F and signaling started

Anonymous No. 16177563

>I wish I had done those.
What are you doing right now?

Anonymous No. 16177566

I'm a scribe slave in internal medicine.

Anonymous No. 16177585

slam dunk MD. 525 is an inhuman score. GPA is a joke these days, everyone knows they were giving out A's like candy during the coof. nontrads are given a huge pass on GPA since the whole thing is out of whack now.

and again: 525. 99% percentile. yeah you won't ge ta T10 or whatever, but the only people who score that highly are brilliant or lucky. if you're lucky it'll show in the interview, and that's what they'll be curious to find out. pass that and you're in.

fucking 525 going to a DO. people spend too much time stat comparing on reddit.

Anonymous No. 16177601

What are your personal gripes with medicine? How old are you? Is it too late to turn back to anything else?

MerLynn No. 16177602


The future of Medicine is 'electricity'

near 30,000 0f these have been sold mostly to alternate health practitioners.
over a million people have experienced a Miracle CURE or relief from their symptoms
PS I built the first one in the world in 1997
PSS its a CURE ALL device

Anonymous No. 16177642

>good luck optobro
thank you. i start externships soon and hope they aren't too bad.

consider optometry too :)

Anonymous No. 16177716

Law is so fucking boring and I don't like teeth. Why would I want to do dentistry when it's just as hard as medical school and I don't really like working with teeth?
Also law is incredibly boring.
I'd be happy with being a FM doc DO idc, what can I do besides hang myself?

Anonymous No. 16177720

>>consider optometry too :)
Optometry might be cool. If I were to do an allied health thing like that I think I'd like podiatry but I think that might be a bad choice since the ROI isn't good.
Basically it just seems like there's no good options for me at all.
Here's where I'm at:
>Do a postbacc or masters and keep trying to get into medical school to be a physician
>Become a nurse and maybe get NP or CRNA or whatever
>Become a dentist
>Become a podiatrist
>Become an optometrist
>Become a Catholic priest/monk
>Get a job in marine biology or marine conservation or something
what the fuck am I to do

Anonymous No. 16177721

>I'd be happy with being a FM doc DO idc
Imagine being this desperate.

Anonymous No. 16177722

yeah I'm that desperate to have a career that I enjoy and make good money so i can raise my kids and be safe in a dying country that is actively hostile towards me. fucking retard. see the bigger picture

Anonymous No. 16177725

Have fun being bottom of the barrel, retard trash.

Anonymous No. 16177728

dude what
I will never understand this type of thinking
miserable, retard prick

Anonymous No. 16177732

It's worked for Mike Jewishstein DO

Anonymous No. 16177735

can i just get a serious fucking answer

Anonymous No. 16177740

You got serious answer, asshole. You were too stupid to realize it, though. Do something other than being a DO FM physician. If that's the best you can hope for, do something else.

Anonymous No. 16177744

>Do something other than being a DO FM physician. If that's the best you can hope for, do something else.
OK, do what, and why is it so bad being a FM physician? Couldn't I even do a postbacc or masters and raise my MCAT and get into an MD still?
Look at the world and the state of things and tell me what other careers can provide as much security as physician. What else on my list is a valid option >>16177720

Anonymous No. 16177746

because all the dentists, nurses, NPs, CRNAs, podiatrists, optometrists will tell you become a FM doc instead. I shadowed surgeons and some of them told me it's miserable. Marine biology people are poor. Catholic priests are poor. Plenty of nurses are poor. What the fuck is there
The zoomer generation truly has no hope. What the fuck are we to do

Anonymous No. 16177752

Do you even know what an FM physician does day-to-day?
It's soul crushing wageslave tier. Wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Most FMs I've met who weren't mums working part-time were resentful as all hell.
What was your undergrad btw

Anonymous No. 16177755

My degree is molecular biology

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blunty star.png

Anonymous No. 16177779

this thread is pulling your leg. DO can reliably match EM, FM, IM, Surg, even Ortho. It all depends on how hard you grind.

getting bad grades in undergrad, though, it seems like you don't know how to grind.


Anonymous No. 16177783

>>this thread is pulling your leg. DO can reliably match EM, FM, IM, Surg, even Ortho. It all depends on how hard you grind.
yeah this is what i figured because I know plenty of DOs doing all these and even competitive ones.
My bad grades are due to me going through a semester of suicidal ideation and I ended up failing a couple easy classes (not even STEM courses) because I stopped showing up and doing work and had to go to the hospital

Anonymous No. 16177788

>My bad grades are due to me going through a semester of suicidal ideation and I ended up failing a couple easy classes (not even STEM courses) because I stopped showing up and doing work and had to go to the hospital

Anonymous No. 16177794

okay, well, hindsight is 20/20 but you should've seen about getting those as incompletes instead of affecting your GPA.

Do NOT bring up your SI if you apply. Make up another story where you learned a lesson about priorities or school or something and see if you can do a postbacc or masters or something to improve your GPA.

Or hell, just try DO.

again, DO NOT BRING UP YOUR SUICIDAL IDEATION IN APPS AND INTERVIEWS. Schools DO NOT want to invite you to come to their school, get stressed, and kill yourself.

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Anonymous No. 16177797

>all the dentists/etc will tell you to become an MD/DO
yeah, but they didnt do MD/DO for their own reasons, and you'll have your reasons on why you might want to pursue something else.
>nurses are poor
are you looking at forums from 30years ago? nurses these days make good/great money in most states these days especially if you go on to become an NP/do nightshifts/etc.
a lot of nurses are also just shit with money but so are doctors. however, doctors make enough that they can offset a lot of their poor financial decisions along with banks giving them highly advantageous offers.

Anonymous No. 16177807

why would i pick a job where i have to deal with people all day long. what the fuck was i thinking. i literally hate my life and i not only chose but competed for the opportunity. i would be a million times happier as a night security guard at an empty mall

Anonymous No. 16177816

Ignore everyone in this thread. Actual DO here who went rads but was going to do neuromuscular medicine/FM as a backup. Yes there are plenty of better jobs in terms of pay and lifestyle outside of FM, but if you play your cards right you can make it quite lucrative and have a great work life balance. Look into concierge medicine if you want to make bank as FM. OMM is just icing on the cake.

Even if you just did OMM, you could basically be making $100 a patient and each pt takes 15 mins or less to treat if you are actually good at it.

Anonymous No. 16177825

>i would be a million times happier as a night security guard at an empty mall
Then do that and quit your yapping.

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Anonymous No. 16177841


Anonymous No. 16177842

I am half a million dollars in debt

Anonymous No. 16177844

I'm yeeting out into pathology ASAP

Anonymous No. 16177847

just do path dude lmao
or rads

Anonymous No. 16177893


Anonymous No. 16177894

>fucking 525 going to a DO
youd be shocked but we have a 520+ mcat in my DO school lol
went to upenn for undergrad, destroyed their gpa though
>reliably match surg
get the fuck outta here lol. thats all self selection
yeah, med school isnt for you

Anonymous No. 16177910

>youd be shocked but we have a 520+ mcat in my DO school lol
Why are people talking about the MCAT in medical school? That's like talking about the SAT in college.

Anonymous No. 16178149

try not to fail anything
netters anatomy flash cards

if you do an anatomy lab final, put in the hours reviewing the donors, especially if it's a type where they tag different groups donor's parts and want you to ID them;

pathoma and sketchy are universally loved resources

get uworld early and start using it early; if your school comps uworld, use the shit out of it; this will apply to prep for Step 1-3 as well.

DONT ACT LIKE A RETARDED EGOMANIAC; YOU WILL NOT BE THE SMARTEST OR HARDEST WORKING ONE THERE. the one that is the smartest will likely be a reasonable person and the one working the hardest will be reasonable but heavily unseen. Don't rub somebody who can write letters the wrong way by acting like you know everything. Every year somebody gets a rude awakening because they think they're better than the other people who outcompeted thousands for the spot they're in. DO NOT BE A DICK TO NURSES/STAFF; EVERY LITTLE THING WILL REACH YOUR EVALS.

If you want something that's immediately highly competitive like derm, rad or high paying subspecialty that isn't a fellowship, get a research mentor, get some shadowing, join your specialties interest group/club on campus.

Step 1 is pass/fail but do not let that excuse you from preparing for it.

The school you go to will become irrelevant the moment you are accepted to a residency program. The classes are not nearly as effective as doing practice questions.

You will quickly get tired of professors trying to inspire you and every time you have a motivational speaker you will tell yourself "I could've done a block of uworld"

This goes triple for mandatory wellness sessions.

When you start rotations, prepare for them, do the relevant uworld questions for it; review surgical procedures you are assigned to attend, actively participate in attending chalk-talks; this is where you actually notice you are learning medicine.

3rd-4th year, listen to a relevant podcast about what you want to go into

Anonymous No. 16178154

You can always come to EM. I swear it's not just a wild ride where you will find yourself exclusively talking about metrics and RVU's and how corporate groups are destroying your profession and how it's a never ending onslaught of patients, oh god there's so many patient's; there's like 50 on the board and I just got here, I already saw 10 in the first hour, jesus when will they stop coming in?

Anonymous No. 16178164

Don't knock podiatry; they are our esteemed toe reapers who can control a sepsis source with a rongeur.


For the love of god make sure you at least go to social functions once in a while. You will be invited, your class will likely have several that they just post on facebook; even if you're weird and spergy. Unless you are already 30, you will be sacrificing your 20's to med school and residency and even if you have a lot of problems making friends, you are now in a group of a hundred or so who ALL HAVE THE SAME SHIT TO BITCH AND MOAN ABOUT AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU IS A HIGH STRESS NEUROTIC TRAINWRECK BEING INCINERATED BY HAVING YOUR COMPETENCE AND SOCIAL INTERACTIONS UNDER CONSTANT EVALUATION. You are literally getting a freebie on socializing and you will 100% feel like oyu have battle buddies if you have friends through this bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16178184

>go to social functions once in a while
I did this and now I'm ostracized by my medical cohort.

Anonymous No. 16178188

>Air in mediastinum

E) esophageal rupture

bronchial rupture is less likely to cause air in mediastinum, if they wanted you to answer that one then it would be probably have been called a bronchopulmonary fistula

diaphragm rupture would have shown Bowel-o-thorax;

he probably has a hemo as well but that's not the question

eventually needs a scoping or a contrast esophagram

pneumomediastinum is the key, crepitus is a small give as well but IRL, you can get crepitus as a result of putting in a chest tube.

Anonymous No. 16178292

ok but out of the 100,000+ people who sit the mcat every year how many get a 525 or better? a couple hundred, if that?

no matter what your gpa is you are a unicorn with that score. if you have even halfway decent EC's and come from a decent undergrad school many schools will be interested in at least bringing you in to talk to you. the idea that getting a B average in undergrad somehow disqualifies a 525 from MD is peak delusion from the comparatively massive horde of unremarkable 3.8+gpa / 75th-90th percentile mcat scorers who dominate the online discourse about the premed process.

525 is MD unless you have serious (actually serious) issues.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16178294

SMP/Postbac are the usual recommendations for those with low gpa (like sub 3.2 gpa).

If your gpa is closer to like 3.2-3.4; which would be lower than average matriculant, but not auto filtered, I would consider just focus prepping for MCAT, and look to score a 515+.

This, the only real subspecialties that get sorta hardcore gatekept for DO is plastic/nsgy/derm. Pretty much everything else is fair game if you score well enough on Step 2.

If you're having suicidal ideation mid undergrad, maybe you should look into a career that is less stressful? I appreciate your drive to be a physician, but if you're already psychologically suffering in undergrad, medical school is going to blow it wide open. This isn't a career worth dying for.

Hard to say where school exactly place their GPA filter, but I would not be surprised if 2.9 cgpa gets her application autofiltered out, no matter how good her MCAT is. That being said, I'm sure if she applies broadly enough with a banging GPA she'll get accepted to a US MD or US DO school, but I wouldn't expect a t20 school.

Like what the other anon said, go to social functions. Even if you're a cynical introvert, treat it as completely self serving networking event. The reality, these are going to your professional peers, and will be widely distributed throughout the united states. They'll be your ears on the ground in any regional areas that you may be interested in working at.

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16178297

SMP/Postbac are the usual recommendations for those with low gpa (like sub 3.2 gpa).

If your gpa is closer to like 3.2-3.4; which would be lower than average matriculant, but not auto filtered, I would consider just focus prepping for MCAT, and look to score a 515+.

This, the only real subspecialties that get sorta hardcore gatekept for DO is plastic/nsgy/derm. Pretty much everything else is fair game if you score well enough on Step 2.

If you're having suicidal ideation mid undergrad, maybe you should look into a career that is less stressful? I appreciate your drive to be a physician, but if you're already psychologically suffering in undergrad, medical school is going to blow it wide open. This isn't a career worth dying for.

Hard to say where school exactly place their GPA filter, but I would not be surprised if 2.9 cgpa gets her application autofiltered out at all the top and mid-level US MD schools. That being said, I'm sure if she applies broadly enough with a banging MCAT she'll get accepted to a US MD or US DO school somewhere.

Like what the other anon said, go to social functions. Even if you're a cynical introvert, treat it as completely self serving networking event. The reality, these are going to your professional peers, and will be widely distributed throughout the united states. They'll be your ears on the ground in any regional areas that you may be interested in working at.

Anonymous No. 16178301

I am generally a believer that the sense of purpose you get from med school can be a cure for some of the depressive episodes and listlessness that can sabotage undergrads for a semseter or two....but if you actually got hospitalized and went as far as suicidal ideation then you should not do this. it will break you.

Anonymous No. 16178314


C. Bronchus rupture can result in a pneumothorax and that air can track along the bronchus to the trachea resulting in pneumomediastinum as well as sub q emphysema.

An esophageal rupture or perforation generally does not track to the pleural space. Also, blunt force trauma resulting in esophageal rupture would be less common than a bronchial rupture in blunt trauma.

If it's any other answer it's a bullshit question.

Anonymous No. 16178370

Made a 2nd attempt on my life but pussied out again. I'm turning into a woman statistically.
See you guys in theatre at 8 am tomorrow.

Anonymous No. 16178384

Is that the actual answer

Anonymous No. 16178396

this is pretty good advice desu
i used a mix of these for practicals
>netters flashcards (goated for MSK and cardio/pulm)
>umich bluelink (goated for head/neck)
>rohens atlas (i used a highly condensed version id cram the day or two before)

they're all worth using, depended on the organ system
i never spent a lot of time in lab but i reliably got B's
>start uworld early
theres a caveat. use it early in 2nd year...its not gonna be as useful in 1st year unless you're doing an NBME curriculum. you also cant really sort by topics on uworld
this person had it listed on their linkedin lol
this. meddit acts like making friends in med school is impossible. my social life in med school is better than undergrad desu (i went to a really small school)

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Anonymous No. 16178425

In several species, both adrenergic and NANC pathways
coexist, but in human airways, the NANC response is the only neural bron๏ฟพchodilator mechanism [47].

Anonymous No. 16178457

>this. meddit acts like making friends in med school is impossible. my social life in med school is better than undergrad desu (i went to a really small school)
this is because, like everything else on that dump, its just aspirants. all reddit ever is just dreamers and wannabe's, never the actual doers of the things. they have no idea what actually is going on. it is the Worst Source for information online, even worse than this one.

Anonymous No. 16178645

>this person had it listed on their linkedin lol
I know a guy that has his MCAT on his LinkedIn too. The only difference is that he isn't even in medical school. But to be fair, he got a 519 and it's not like he can't get into medical school.

Anonymous No. 16178665

It was C.

Anonymous No. 16179036

>ETT tube is in the correct place
>patient is desaturating and has air reaccumulating in the pleural space

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Anonymous No. 16179074

A coworker sent this to me, does anyone know what these little specks at the top of the blood bags are? This blood has an anticoagulant added, it not transfusion grade

Anonymous No. 16179075

it's the blood sugar. this patient was incredibly diabetic.

Anonymous No. 16179084

Really? You've seen this before?

Anonymous No. 16179088

Wait kek I just realized that would be like a hundred times as diabetic as 200mg/dL for it to be that visible

Anonymous No. 16179138

yee boiii
still got it

Anonymous No. 16179407

dead field, dead general.

Anonymous No. 16179425


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Anonymous No. 16179508

> Calcium supplements > increased Ca intake.
>Vitamin D3 > increased Ca absorption in extra cellular > increased calcitonin secretion > increased osteoblastic activity.
>Apply pressure (e.g. Gelfoam) > induces bone remodeling and increased osteoblastic activity locally.
>RANK-L inhibitor > inhibits osteoclastic activity and completely excreted after 6 month (ideal since bone growth and remodeling takes aprox. from 3 weeks to 3 months).
>Plasma proteins (growth factors) > increase wound healing, remodeling and bone growth.
Thoughts? There are any dentists or dentistry students here?

Anonymous No. 16179624


Anonymous No. 16180676


Anonymous No. 16180687

this and this nigga not paying me

Anonymous No. 16180690

fuck the mouth. I have more respect for vets than dentists. Both are fake docs tho

Anonymous No. 16180784

Tomorrow some university has announced that they're managed to work out a synthesis of a drug which previously was very expensive to do but now with this new process it's far cheaper
Which drug in this scenario would lead to the greatest improvement of human well-being?

Anonymous No. 16180811

does it matter? it'll still cost you an arm and a leg.

Anonymous No. 16180823

all monoclonal antibodies

Anonymous No. 16180906


Anonymous No. 16180921

More fags and blacks in the world is not a good thing.

Anonymous No. 16181002

>fake docs
Dentists barely know any med it makes me go crazy, how can someone be so oblivious about something he had to study for 6 years.. I bet my colleague dentists donโ€™t know shit about any of what I just mentioned in the previous post, I also encountered a post by a dentist on ig that claimed Zirconium wasnโ€™t a metal baka I see a lot of dentists money is the only thing in their orbit, and med is prioritized #2 for them.

Anonymous No. 16181097

>get a lump on my index finger a week ago
>painful for a few days just from flexion
>painful just to touch a few days
>now no pain but the lump is still there
im dying of cancer, anons. how old do i have to be to get a wish from the make a wish foundation?

Anonymous No. 16181624

>What does a psychiatrist actually do?
In an inpatient setting the psychiatrist sees patients, thinks about what label they can give the patient, and then decides which drug to give them, on the basis of that label.

None of it is geared towards good outcomes for the patient, I think. Instead it's about modifying the patient's behaviour until they behave in a way that the psychiatrists approve of.

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Anonymous No. 16181900

i took my emergency medicine shelf the other day

that is all

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Anonymous No. 16182059

I did well on my MCAT anons, where should I apply this cycle? If I have the choice between a cheaper state school and a top 10 or 20 big name which should I choose? I figure the prestige would help me with getting competitive residency spots, but does this justify the extra cost (over $150k more)?

Anonymous No. 16182080

>a top 10 or 20 big name
You're not getting into a T20 with that MCAT unless you're a URM.

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Anonymous No. 16182256

Please recommend me an Anki deck for biochemistry.

Take into account I'm interested in it for veterinary purposes(small animals).

I don't know if there's any difference between Animal and human biochemistry(I'm an idiot).

Anonymous No. 16182269

What do you want to do in medicine? I would apply to high ranking schools as well as midrank and some state schools with that MCAT. That's a fine score.

In case of technical knowledge quote No. 16182271

And talked to your dreams

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Anonymous No. 16182286

>Be me
>Second year fag
>Constantly defend psychiatry both AFK and in this basket weaving forum
>Actually reached the point where I need to go to a psychiatrist
>Nigger doesn't look a single moment away from his laptop, never even looked at me more than a second
>15 minutes later I get a piece of paper signed by that kike that allows me to buy my meds
>Take them, feel a couple of hours of good times (or at least, decent times), a raging boner and then spend the next 12 hours thinking some glowie CIA faggot is going to bust a cap in my head
FUCK psychiatry. I guess that at a societal level it has the useful purpose of not putting psychotic patients in prisions or "normal" hospitals but the treatment sucks ass.
Yeah I'm not over that hill myself but I largely agree with this. Another thing that is important is that newbies have to learn to put in the long hours like you never had to do before, but don't wear yourself out too much, sleep and whatnot.

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Anonymous No. 16182345

Here's one I didn't know about, found on the simple wikipedia page:
Lipoid pneumonia

"Chemical pneumonia
Chemical pneumonia (usually called chemical pneumonitis) is caused by chemical toxins such as pesticides, which may enter the body by inhalation (breathing in) or by skin contact. When the toxic (poisonous or harmful) substance is an oil, the pneumonia may be called lipoid pneumonia.",lipoid%20pneumonia.

Anonymous No. 16182428

platelets and leukocytes

Anonymous No. 16182430

Long time no see /med/. How is everybody doing? I'm a peds resident now in my 3rd year (Yurop), two more to go.

Anonymous No. 16182436

going good. i start an optometry rotation on Monday. you must enjoy working with kids a lot to do peds. i've seen a decent amount of kids ranging from great to horrible, but i'd never want to specialize in it.
how are you doing?

Anonymous No. 16182441

doing great. had my genetics rotation and will start 2 months of psych peds, afterwards I'm going back to general peds for a year. I like working with them, most of them are really good kids and are not spoiled pieces of shits that I absolutely hate. Good thing there are few adolescents, they're a pain to work with. I'm very happy with what I'm doing.

Are you a resident? Optho perhaps? How's it going for you, anon?

Anonymous No. 16182446

no. optometry is a midlevel doctor in the US which can diagnose/treat/manage many ocular conditions while still performing refractions/fitting contact lenses in the US without oversight from MDs/DOs. yurop's (and most other countries') optoms mainly just do refraction and maybe contacts.

Anonymous No. 16182448

oh, okay. I get it now. How's the pay for a midlevel in the US? I guess it depends on the specialty but let's say for optometry.

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Anonymous No. 16182461

depends on the state too, but in general it's pretty good, but not nearly as good as any MD/DO that works full-time unless you own your own practice or make partner at a large clinic. there's also a decent amount of debt for optometry, so that sucks.

nurse practitioners make bank for their incredibly low amount of debt/schooling (for better or for worse). midlevels in general are seeing a surge in the US medical system for a variety of reasons, and opthalmology alone is expected to decrease by ~12% in the US and with an increasingly aging population, there's going to be more scope expansion for optometry.

what's medical school like in yurop (or your country)? i heard you guys don't need an undergrad degree to get in which would be nice. since socialized medicine is big there, are there any specializations that are incredibly competitive to get into since i imagine there's not a gigantic difference in salary between an ophthalmologist and an internist?

Anonymous No. 16182464

damn, that's a lot more than I dream of making, I wish I can make 2.5k-3k/month, now I'm making 1.7k euros/month. The difference is huge in pay, but the prices of housing, etc is also lower here. I can get a house for 160k for example.

Med school here is 6 years, then 3 to 6 years of residency depending of the specialty. You don't need an undergrad but the first two years you're doing the standard premed stuff like cell bio, biochem, etc. The most competitve specialties...psych, rads, derm, cards and plastics but not in that order, it depends by the year and what other candidates choose. Last year ENT was the most wanted but that happened only once in the 10 years I followed the residency top picks.

Anonymous No. 16182475

i knew yuro salaries were bad, but that's horrible lol. residents here make around 60k their first year on average which is close to the national average salary. a run-down shack of a house in a town of 10k people in my state costs 250k minimum and it keeps increasing every year. also have to consider that you're probably walking away with little debt which is nice.

what drives those specialties to be the most competitive? i know canada does socialized medicine and then more expensive/lucrative private medicine, so are those the easier ones to go into private and make $$$, is it more about work-life balance, or is it just yuros love those fields the most? kind of surprised at psych especially.

Anonymous No. 16182478

here 160k gets you pretty nice two story house, garage, etc. Yeah, the salaries are pretty fucking bad but it's livable. The upside is that we do medschool for free unless you're a foreign student, the english and french programs are paid only.

Work life balance and the fact that they make bank. A psych works a comfy 9 to 5, barely has any emergencies, rarely gets called in, most of them do ambulatory instead of working on the ward. The pay is nice too, they can easily make 4k/month which is huuuuuuge for my country. The same goes for derm. Rads has 12 hour shifts can work from home, also brings in a bunch of cash. Plastics because most of them go from burn injury patients to breast augmentations and other cosmetic surgery in the private sector.

Anonymous No. 16182485

when you put it like that, it makes sense. psychiatrists don't make the best money in the US compared to many other specialties. i've also known a couple psychs that get out and only practice for a few years before they break down themselves and quit from the amount of crazies they deal with or become somewhat crazy themselves.
>the other specialties
yeah, makes sense. it's similar in the US except a lot more $$$ for them.

do you think yurop will ever have midlevel problems, or is it avoided by pumping out enough doctors and them not taking home 250k minimum?
do a lot of doctors try to leave yurop to go to the US to make a lot of money, and if so how many actually succeed or are most just happy staying in yurop with their family/friends/etc?

Anonymous No. 16182527

idk, we don't have midlevels here. we have physicians and medical assistants, that's it in my country. not many leave for US. most of them leave for western countries like france, germany, belgium, etc.

Anonymous No. 16182644

Death to midlevels

Except optobro you're cool

radsbro !X3mZL5zRA2 No. 16182678

I'm assuming you have the requisite gpa. I would just apply broadly to as many schools as you're willing to write secondary apps to.

Then once you have a couple A's, I would then make the decision as to where you decide to go.

Anonymous No. 16182734

Why no love for NPs?

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Anonymous No. 16182752

How do I choose a specialty

Anonymous No. 16182761

You choose the one that gives the best lifestyle. Fuck working.

Anonymous No. 16182766

Such as?

Anonymous No. 16182772


Radiology, Ophthalmology, Anaesthetics, Dermatology or Pathology.
The first four pay well, pathology doesn't.

Anonymous No. 16182773

Vax clots

Anonymous No. 16182774

Pathology. Coast through medical school and you'll match anyways.
>but I'm not interested in pathology!
You're not supposed to enjoy your job, anon.

Anonymous No. 16182777

>The first four pay well, pathology doesn't.
Don't pathologists get paid like $350k? Where in the world is $350k not enough? It's not as much as the ROAD specialties but it's still a lot.

Anonymous No. 16182778

I'm talking about relative to other specialties.
Also not everywhere in the world pays as well as America does.

Anonymous No. 16183654

I know a path resident in the military who already has a job lined up for the year he gets out. 425k/yr in Alaska and he works 30 hr/week as a fuckin intern

Anonymous No. 16184103

>in Alaska
no thanks
everything also costs at least double in alaska

Anonymous No. 16184106

>Where in the world is $350k not enough?
not enough when med school costs $400k now
and some people have to pay off undergrad loans too

Anonymous No. 16184107

>do you think yurop will ever have midlevel problems

the uk already has nurses performing surgery

Anonymous No. 16184108

>Dentists barely know any med it makes me go crazy

at least they prescribe xanax, ibuprofen 800 and amoxcillin
pathologists dont even use their NPI

Anonymous No. 16184127

any audiologist fags in here? have a scarred up eardrum from years of childhood ear infections. hearing has been getting worse the past few years so i got all the imaging and hearing tests, etc.. finally saw a surgeon and he skipped right past the part where they replace the shot eardrum and went straight to pushing a bone conduction hearing aid. does this sound right? nothing wrong with the bones or fluids in the middle ear or anything, just a shit eardrum. sound transmitted through my skull bones doesn't sound as great as normal hearing.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16184160

>not enough when med school costs $400k now
If you can't get scholarships to knock off a decent amount of your tuition, that's on you.
>t. only paid 100k for all 4 years

Anonymous No. 16184163

>not enough when med school costs $400k now
If you can't get scholarships to knock off a decent amount of your tuition, that's on you.
>t. only paid 100k for all 4 years

Furthermore, there are a lot of schools that are tuition-free nowadays, so applying to those schools is an option.

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Anonymous No. 16184251

The field of medicine has been corrupted by Big Pharma

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Anonymous No. 16184950

you all heard of cholesterol crystals

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Anonymous No. 16185131

In the news today in my country (the UK) they've been talking about an infected blood scandal.

Over many years, haemophilia patients were given Factor VIII treatment which was infected with HIV and Hepatitis C. Doctors knew the risks but didn't tell the risks to patients. 30,000 patients were infected, and 3,000 died.

I hate doctors so much it's unreal.

Anonymous No. 16185143

New thread

Anonymous No. 16185407

>med school scholarships
generally not available to white males