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22 Feb 2024 R3 ev....jpg

๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16166961

I can beat a solar flare.

Anonymous No. 16167165

We're so fucked`

Anonymous No. 16167584

Based. Fuck electronic devices.

Anonymous No. 16167983

Good for you

Anonymous No. 16168028

10% chance for killshot

Anonymous No. 16168066

bro just wear a hat wtf ez

Anonymous No. 16168098

postan links to related media on /sfg/

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Anonymous No. 16168253

Give it to me real.

Should I leave my PC unplugged for the next few days?
Do I need to stuff everything I own into a /diy/ faraday cage?
Should I start stockpiling toilet paper? Ya'll remember what happened to the TP during covid, right?

Anonymous No. 16168660

Bro, if the power surge we get is enough to destroy computers in residential areas its fucking over, the power won't be coming back for months/years
Chaos and violence.

Anonymous No. 16168662

i think you should strongly consider it because everyone will say lulzno, but when ur the only guy left in your city with a functioning computer you could help rebuild civilization.

Anonymous No. 16168966

Has the spot grown since this time yesterday? I could just be imagining things but it seems much more prominent and noticable through eclipse glasses than it was yesterday

Anonymous No. 16169158

Power went out in part of my building. Well, just the lights and nothing else for some reason.
t. Texas

Anonymous No. 16169209

>You can't beat that flare

Anonymous No. 16169457

Anons... nothing ever happens. You'll be fine.

Anonymous No. 16169480

Turns out they don't matter. Even engineered EMPs don't do shit anymore because of modern design practices.

Kind of sad too, lots of apocalypse fantasy is dead not since the sun is so boring.

Anonymous No. 16169486

Krakatoa -tier cataclysm when?

Anonymous No. 16169512

Are cataclysms even possible at this point? We'd need a meteor or some shit.

Instead we get mundane state-manufactured apocalypses and get told to be happy even though we haven't had a good supervolcano in centuries

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Anonymous No. 16169534

Anonymous No. 16169690

Got an email from work that they expect service outages because of it.

Anonymous No. 16169926

What will this do to airplanes?

Anonymous No. 16169970

Literally nothing. Planes are giant tubes of metal, so basically flying faraday cages. When the people in the planes land, they will find themselves the only people with still working smartphones and ipads.

Anonymous No. 16169979

at this point I'm just waiting for it to happen. are we going to have to resort to porno mags for material now? what a nightmare

Anonymous No. 16169986

My mother's school that she works at had issues yesterday just as it arrived.
And I've been hearing alarms and many devices are bugging in my house.

It's nothing drastic, just annoying.
But I'm worried about hospital equipment ay. You'd think equipment, that literally sometimes use EM to function, would be properly shielded from background radiation.

And this was barely S2. I wonder what happens at S5 now in our community. 2003 did NOTHING when I experienced it. This storm is weaker, a lot weaker, in solar radiation terms. That's clearly the indicator that matters now.

Anonymous No. 16169987

Just minor ones.
You get that from low level storms and I guess they're just unavoidable and mere annoyances.

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Anonymous No. 16170024

>and then one day in 2024, the hallways all stopped chirping.
>when night fell, all of the rooms were dark as shit
>some airplanes even forgot how to fly...

Anonymous No. 16170032

Is it really true that this is the weakest CME of the bunch?

Anonymous No. 16170053

Another one just popped off

Anonymous No. 16170057

I want to see the Aurora, but it is cloudy.

Anonymous No. 16170059

Nah this is definitely the strongest since 2003 and we're getting very low latitude auroras.

>but no protons, strangely

Anonymous No. 16170075

Large 50-100 MeV spikes just now

Anonymous No. 16170080

I am in north alabama and skies are clear. Am I gonna see it or should I just go to bed?

Anonymous No. 16170081

> when ur the only guy left in your city with a functioning computer you could help rebuild civilization.

more like you will get beaten and killed so jamal can watch pornhub on your pc. you should keep it unplugged for two weeks anon!!

Anonymous No. 16170227

>For example, solid state memory on spacecraft can be altered, which may cause data or software contamination and result in unexpected (phantom) spacecraft commands being executed.
That explains my SSD bugs occurring so frequently during these things.
Started in 2021.

All of my PCs at once.

Anonymous No. 16170237

How strong is this CME compared to carrington?

Anonymous No. 16170244

Spinning rust is a moving target; SSDs just lay there.

Anonymous No. 16170296

nowhere even close

Anonymous No. 16170321

Is it possible for a light you just shut off to come back on for a half second due to this cause that happened to me about an hour ago

Anonymous No. 16170326

>states are mobilizing national guard units

Anonymous No. 16170331

As always guns and lots of ammo are your best friends to keep goblins away.

Anonymous No. 16170333

LMAO, maybe military grade shit, not the Chinese crap for coonsoomers.

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Anonymous No. 16170341

No you can't.

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Anonymous No. 16170594

Knew I shouldn't have invested so heavily in railguns.