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๐Ÿงต /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16195248

Spitzer Edition

Previous - >>16192128

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Anonymous No. 16195255

NGRS could be here, he thought. I HATE NGRS. The solar wind felt good against his deployed plasma magnet sail.

Anonymous No. 16195256

This is the IFT-4 waiting room.

Anonymous No. 16195260

>IFT 4
>No raptor reenlight
>No pez check

Fuck off, no orbital flights until next year, starship is a complete FRAUD

Anonymous No. 16195264

I want to see a realistic proxima centauri b mission in my lifetime so bad itโ€™s unreal. I wish zuckerberg was way more serious about starshot

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Anonymous No. 16195266


Anonymous No. 16195272

>no fun test payload
>no starlink deployment
no soul

Anonymous No. 16195275

What happened to the test article Mr McCulloch

Anonymous No. 16195276

tape outgassing to proxima as we speak

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Anonymous No. 16195287

Why is NASA so popular with trannys?
Is everyone in /sfg/ a tranny?

Anonymous No. 16195293


Anonymous No. 16195298

Why are you so obsessed with trannies?

Anonymous No. 16195302

no incentive by companies to go to the system. the biggest incentive for companies to go outside of earth is the lack of atmosphere and life on mars or the resource rich asteroids in between mars and Jupiter.

unless we so royally fuck ourselves that the entire fucking solar system, including the oort cloud becomes un viable for companies to extract minerals from we arent going to proxima centauri any time soon, but the technology will def be used to get to places far out like the oort cloud or the kuiper belt or jupiter's many moons

Anonymous No. 16195356

>male interest popular with males
big surprise

Anonymous No. 16195401

The head of US Space Force procurements is a tranny.

Anonymous No. 16195404

New eager kino:

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16195425

space travel is one of the 4 cornerstones of transhumanism, the other 3 are AI, body modification & immortality/life extension.
so trannys love spaceflight, expect them to wear NASA tshirts and expect them in this thread

Anonymous No. 16195426

fucking hate how trannies have coopted transhumanism

Anonymous No. 16195429

Robot vaginas don't make you a woman

Anonymous No. 16195443

no one said robot though

Anonymous No. 16195450

SLIM team from JAXA is trying to restore signal from the craft, but no response, they keep trying because they dont want to give up

Anonymous No. 16195451

You're going to have killed yourself long before cellular level biological reprogramming is possible and even then you would know deep down that you are still a man. So a robopussy is the best you're going to get if you can survive another few decades with an axe wound, receding hairline, male body proportions and everyone looking at you with disgust out the corner of their eye.

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Anonymous No. 16195454

is there a reason to keep the screens so blurry

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the atheist power....jpg

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16195457

trannys are transhumanism

Anonymous No. 16195461

I think /pol/ is the relevant containment board for this kind of "discussion".

Anonymous No. 16195465

this but with spaceflight

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Anonymous No. 16195471

God I just want to bend her over and destroy and humiliate her

Anonymous No. 16195486

this but her doing it to me

Anonymous No. 16195496

ITAR equivalent law

Anonymous No. 16195497

Was that the one that was on the rogue space satellite that had "mysterious" power problems?
Are they still arguing about which satellite they're gonna try it on next?

Anonymous No. 16195499

Anyone trying to make a post with words certain people are obsessed with should get redirected to /pol/ automatically.

Anonymous No. 16195500


Anonymous No. 16195501

Yeah. Either they did have power problems which caused failure or they didn't because the drive failed or succeeded and they wanted to keep the result quiet. Choose your tinfoil flavour. Next launch projected for 2025 just fuck my shit up.

Anonymous No. 16195513

I doubt a satellite company would say that their satellite failed just to cover something up, no matter how much people wanted to keep it secret.
>Next launch projected for 2025
Jesus Fucking Christ, how hard is it to slap an engine on a satellite, especially as iirc Ivo said they had more ready to go or they could make another one quickly.

Anonymous No. 16195517

Mating press RIGHT NOW!!!

Anonymous No. 16195524

>how hard is it to slap an engine on a satellite


Anonymous No. 16195528

>humiliate her
Boing is already doing a pretty good job of that.

Anonymous No. 16195532

Space travel fantasies are just a common gateway to full blown trannyism. Its not that they've coopted it, its that you haven't delved deeply enough into it yet to know what you're getting into

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Anonymous No. 16195564
>The Real Secrets of Rocket Design Revealed

New Eager Space video going into ULAs marketing material again, but this time looking at multiple pictures and the more popular memed ones that Tory Bruno is fond of posting still

there were two previous videos going deeply into one picture each

looking into a ULA marketing "scorecard" comparing ULA vs SpaceX from 2014
>NASA Scorecard: ULA - PR or Lies Part 1

looking at a marketing picture comparing booster reuse and "SMART" reuse and looking at how different assumptions can change required number launches to break even and reuse starting to make sense (ULA uses a single set of assumptions with no sensitivity analysis to say that SpaceX would need 10 launches to break even)
>Reuse - ULA: PR or Lies Part 2

Anonymous No. 16195582

They're waiting for room on a satellite since they don't want to pay for a dedicated launch+bus+downlink.

Anonymous No. 16195589

How do missiles work?

Anonymous No. 16195593

Buy an ad.

Anonymous No. 16195594

New TF on spaceclown

Anonymous No. 16195597

gb2 >>>/biz/

Anonymous No. 16195601

Someone already posted it, buy an ad. Your videos are good though and I do watch them.

Anonymous No. 16195604

Buy an ad eager dickhead. we know its you you lying fuck.

Anonymous No. 16195611

I'm not eager you retards, I just missed the video

Anonymous No. 16195618

JAVs on all screens

Anonymous No. 16195619

kek what an idiot in damage control.

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Anonymous No. 16195621

Oh lordy, she comin'. Again.

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Anonymous No. 16195625

>why are government misinformation agents so keen in subverting NASA and being annoying
Because it challenges the narrative. Can't have that.
Why do you think NASA has been shit for decades?

When you see a tranny anywhere, assume a blackmailed or brainwashed misinformation agent.

Anonymous No. 16195639

laughed so hard I spit my fucking coffee everywhere, fuck you

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Anonymous No. 16195648


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Anonymous No. 16195652


Anonymous No. 16195659

Tory is a fucking snake and I dislike how everyone dances away from the fact that the SRBs is the actual 1st stage.

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Anonymous No. 16195660


Anonymous No. 16195685

Tory is a snake. Has always been.

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musk jewed up domes.jpg

Anonymous No. 16195695

never forgetti

Anonymous No. 16195709

The cowboy hat is fucking ridiculous. It's like he's trying to wear "early nasa" as a costume

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kardashev 2 death....jpg

Anonymous No. 16195722

>Project Hephaistos recently identified seven M-dwarfs as possible Dyson Spheres (DS) candidates. We have cross-matched three of these candidates (A, B \& G) with radio sources detected in various all-sky surveys. The radio sources are offset from the Gaia stellar positions by โˆผ4.9, โˆผ0.4 and โˆผ5.0 arcseconds for candidates A, B, and G respectively. We propose that DOGs (Dust obscured galaxies) lying close to the line-of-sight of these M-dwarf stars significantly contribute to the measured WISE mid-IR flux densities in the WISE W3 and W4 wavebands. These three stars have therefore been misidentified as DS candidates. We also note that with an areal sky density of 9ร—10โˆ’6 per square arcsecond, Hot DOGs can probably account for the contamination of all 7 DS candidates drawn from an original sample of 5 million stars
its over Dysonbros...

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Anonymous No. 16195745


Anonymous No. 16195747

>"early nasa"
Should be wearing the white shirt with tie and pocket protector aesthetic

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Anonymous No. 16195749

*forgot pic

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Anonymous No. 16195753

he also rides horses on his ranch in colorado. I think he legitimately thinks of himself as a space cowboy

Anonymous No. 16195759

This faggot is the CSS for muskrats

Anonymous No. 16195764

Cool, now go back to /pol/, tranny

Anonymous No. 16195766

he actually knows what he talks about unlike CSS

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16195772

Honghu constellation will have 10,000 satellites. Hongqi submission to the ITU:

Anonymous No. 16195773

>Knows what he talks about
Dunning Kruger clown.

Anonymous No. 16195774


Anonymous No. 16195776

is that you CSS? I suggest you try to get a basic understanding of high school level physics before you start embarrassing yourself more
its pathetic and this comment is extremely ironic

Anonymous No. 16195778

Starliner does that to itself, thank you very much!

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Anonymous No. 16195780

Honghu constellation will have 10,000 satellites. Hongqing submission to the ITU:

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16195791

Apparently, JZYJ plans a 20,000m^2 production facility for a new 200t methane-oxygen engine. Earlier, their customer Space Epoch had said their next step after the XZY-1 rocket would be a new rocket with 100t payload capacity and "interplanetary" capability.

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Anonymous No. 16195794

Apparently, JZYJ plans a 20,000m^2 production facility for a new 200t methane-oxygen engine. Earlier, their customer Space Epoch had said their next step after the XZY-1 rocket would be a new rocket with 100t payload capacity and "interplanetary" capability.

Anonymous No. 16195800
>Everything Is Falling Into Place (For Starship Flight 4) | Starbase Update

Anonymous No. 16195802

Anything over 25T to LEO is just hypothetical for chinks

Anonymous No. 16195811

also astronomers: >>16195780 *crickets*

its obvious that the anti starlink movement is a huge astroturfed campaign. america is so corrupt its embarrassing.

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Anonymous No. 16195812

What do you mean by that?

They're building the pad for LM10 right now.

Anonymous No. 16195814

Reminder that it would require 10 flights for booster reuse to be profitable and spacex will never achieve that.

Anonymous No. 16195818

>ukraine attacked the early warning radar again today
oh boy

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Anonymous No. 16195821

Engines of every stage of LM9 have undergone successful tests, according to the last sentence in this slide

Anonymous No. 16195825

OH NO NO ameribros how are we going to cope when the chinks get to the moon first? (Apollo was fake btw)

Anonymous No. 16195829

hopefully the same way we coped with sputnik getting to orbit first. america needs a rival, otherwise we just get complacent

Anonymous No. 16195830

It's pretty pointless to whine now, because that ship has sailed already.

Though we might hear some additional whining once Hongqing has launched a few hundred of them, because that mylar insulation almost looks deliberately designed to give the maximum FU to astronomers.

Anonymous No. 16195832

>The most likely root cause for the early boostback burn shutdown was determined to be continued filter blockage where liquid oxygen is supplied to the engines, leading to a loss of inlet pressure in engine oxygen turbopumps.

>The most likely root cause of the unplanned roll was determined to be clogging of the valves responsible for roll control. SpaceX has since added additional roll control thrusters on upcoming Starships to improve attitude control redundancy and upgraded hardware for improved resilience to blockage.

What the fuck is in the tanks that's blocking the filters and valves? Don't they purge them with liquid nitrogen to get everything out? I've never heard this be a problem with any other rocket.

Anonymous No. 16195839

water and carbon dioxide ice

Anonymous No. 16195844
>NASA's in Trouble

Anonymous No. 16195865


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Anonymous No. 16195867


Anonymous No. 16195886

Preburner exhaust is used to pressurize the tanks because the best heat exchanger is no heat exchanger lol.

Anonymous No. 16195890


Anonymous No. 16195895

take your rhetorical source demand and shove it up your ass reddit fag. we all know you would dispuite the validity of any source povided.

Anonymous No. 16195900

Then just admit that you're making shit up.

Anonymous No. 16195903

I believe LM9 and LM10 (theyโ€™re going to take forever to come onlineโ€” but I do not doubt their validity) But all of these other โ€œhypotheticalโ€ chink rockets are just chinamen playing with excel. They throw out hypotheticals, claim they can pump out thousands of engines and get 100-200T to orbit at a time? Yeah no.

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Anonymous No. 16195905

So you get your opinion from random faggots on twitter?

Anonymous No. 16195912

>Musk told subscribers Sunday gaseous oxygen and methane are used for pressurization and that a major challenge is ensuring the gases do not get cold enough to liquify in the ultra-low-temperature environment inside the tanks.

Concern trolls BTFO

Anonymous No. 16195921

That seems like they don't have much faith in their product

Anonymous No. 16195923

>April 17, 2023

Anonymous No. 16195925

Nothing changed since then.

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musk silly.jpg

Anonymous No. 16195931

> tier-1 muskrats in full reality denial mode
sick and sad!

Anonymous No. 16195934

okay then what are the filters for?

Anonymous No. 16195935

Ullage collapse used to be the big problem with the Starship landing.
You would know this if you weren't a disgusting newfag.
Filter blockage is something else entirely and is not caused by liquifying ullage.
The preburner exhaust theory sounds very much like something Elon would make them do but there has been exactly zero evidence.
Can't they just figure it out from pictures of the new engines?
Stfu faggot

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B No. 16195938

There's a chance our brains are actually super brains. True or False? If you try to compute your brain under direct usage of its cubic-form, under the impressions it's a super brain of specific super brain parts, you have amazing connection and experience.

Anonymous No. 16195939

I've been here longer than you.

Anonymous No. 16195944

Then you wouldn't be posting unrelated ullage collapse shit when SpaceX has now made it clear repeatedly that the problem is filter blockage which can only occur when there's solids in the tank.
That can't be methane nor oxygen.

Anonymous No. 16195947

stupid frogposter

Anonymous No. 16195948


Anonymous No. 16195953
nork rocket just blew up

Anonymous No. 16195960

Pretty good videos, informative if you arent an uber autist. Also glad he doesnt show his face and rub his nipples like NSF/WhatAboutIt/EDA/etc

Anonymous No. 16195961

Like I'm inclined to be believe you but autists literally take picture of every single engine on every vehicle.
Where is this removed heat exchanger? It should be easy to conclusively show and determine the SN it was changed.

Anonymous No. 16195966

this is why we test

Anonymous No. 16195969

If Trump gets in Korea may sign the Artemis Accords. We could help them build better rockets and support the space future

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Anonymous No. 16195970

yes and "containment board" should be one of those words

Anonymous No. 16195973

unfortunate but I wish them the best of luck with their next attempt

Anonymous No. 16195987

its jsut not ice you fool. there is no proof. its probably gravel.

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Anonymous No. 16195992

This is likely the third launch of the Chollima-1 rocket and if so will also be its third failure.

Anonymous No. 16195994

This would be the fourth launch. The third worked.

Anonymous No. 16195996

Me when Iโ€™m a gay country trying to lauch bootleg 80-year-old rocket designs

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Anonymous No. 16195998

is Chollima-chan ok?

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muskrat ice.jpg

Anonymous No. 16196013

>uuuuh, what ice bro? source?

Anonymous No. 16196021

extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. you are making a bullshit claim with twitter screencaps as your source.

Anonymous No. 16196023

Read L2

Anonymous No. 16196027

Stop lying, retard >>16195905

Anonymous No. 16196028

Kill yourself baiting fag

Anonymous No. 16196053

the way things are going now they're probably getting clogged with fentanyl

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spacex raptor ice.jpg

Anonymous No. 16196056

Anonymous No. 16196057

The merlin engine is capable of ingesting raw iron ore and still execute the mission profile

Anonymous No. 16196059

baby has finally disovered aislop art!

Anonymous No. 16196077

This doesnt even look like Starship turbomachinery...

Anonymous No. 16196083

So which Soviet engines did they ape of this time?

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Anonymous No. 16196090

Our girl has done it. Clear on JAXA channel for the EarthCARE satellite colab!

Anonymous No. 16196119


Anonymous No. 16196124

didnt they just get help with their space and rocket programs from russia?

Anonymous No. 16196128

and why do nork ballistic missiles do fine but their space rockets dont?

Anonymous No. 16196138

because space is hard

Anonymous No. 16196151

solids are easy and liquid engines are hard

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16196154

100-200t? Not many are claiming that, certainly not in the near future. More than 25t? Seems very likely.

Picrel is Space Pioneer's new factory in Zhangjiagang. This is the assembly facility. It has three main assembly halls with two rails in each. On the empty field in the background is going to be built a component manufacturing facility (currently components are manufactured in Tianjin). CEO Kang Yonglai said they've raised 3 billion yuan so far (about 400 million dollars). Space Pioneer's TL-3H tricore variant will be 68t to LEO. They're assembling the first unicore TL-3 in that assembly area right now. So a >25t to LEO rocket by Space Pioneer doesn't seem like a pure hypothetical.

There are also other companies that are quite well funded, many of which have a Falcon 9 clone far along in development and intend to make tricore heavy variants in the style of Falcon Heavy. For example:
- CASIC: KZ-6 and tricore KZ-6C (big state-owned aerospace conglomerate)
- Orienspace: YJ-2 and tricore YJ-3 (had raised over 1 billion yuan as of middle last year)
- iSpace: SQX-2 and tricore SQX-2B (idk exactly how much money they have however they do have a working mox engine)

Another well-funded startup is Landspace, that has launched several rockets already. They're working on the BF-20 200t FFSC mox engine since 2021 which they intend to be ready by 2028 for a 10m diameter fully reusable rocket (e.g. Starship clone). They're probably getting full technology transfer from CASC (who develops the YF-215).

>1000s of engines
If you sum up all the stated or implied plans for liquid engine production, of companies that have liquid engines on the test stand right now and that have made such statements, you get well north of 2000 large engines per year. Perhaps not close to all of that will come to fruition however there's clearly a lot of investments being made into engines. Even if you only consider CASC, they plan close to a thousand per year.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16196162

>theyโ€™re going to take forever to come online
LM10A is NET 2026 and LM10 is NET 2027. That's not really "forever" in an aerospace context.
As mentioned, the pad is under construction. There isn't any obvious reason why there would be much delay once the pad is built; the engines have been on the test stand for a while.

Anonymous No. 16196164

>theyโ€™re going to take forever to come online
LM10A is NET 2026 and LM10 is NET 2027. That's not really "forever" in an aerospace context.

As mentioned, the pad is under construction. There isn't any obvious reason why there would be much delay once the pad is built; the engines have been on the test stand for a while and are based on a flying engine. The YF-100K is supposed to fly this summer on the LM12.

Anonymous No. 16196167

Amazing work beautiful girl!

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Anonymous No. 16196172

100-200t? Not many are claiming that.
More than 25t is not very hypothetical though.

Picrel is Space Pioneer's new factory in Zhangjiagang. This is the assembly facility. It has three main assembly halls with two rails in each. On the empty field in the background is going to be built a component manufacturing facility (currently components are manufactured in Tianjin). They've raised over 3 billion yuan so far (about 400 million dollars). Space Pioneer's TL-3H tricore variant will be 68t to LEO. They're assembling the first unicore TL-3 in that assembly area right now. So a >25t to LEO rocket by Space Pioneer doesn't seem like a pure hypothetical.

There are also other companies that are quite well funded, many of which have a Falcon 9 clone far along in development and intend to make tricore heavy variants in the style of Falcon Heavy. For example:
- CASIC: KZ-6 and tricore KZ-6C (big state-owned aerospace conglomerate)
- Orienspace: YJ-2 and tricore YJ-3 (had raised over 1 billion yuan as of middle last year)
- iSpace: SQX-2 and tricore SQX-2B (idk exactly how much money they have however they do have a working mox engine)

Another well-funded startup is Landspace, that has launched several rockets already. They're working on the BF-20 200t FFSC mox engine since 2021 which they intend to be ready by 2028 for a 10m diameter fully reusable rocket (e.g. Starship clone). They're probably getting full technology transfer from CASC (who develops the YF-215).

>1000s of engines
If you sum up all the stated or implied plans for liquid engine production, of companies that have liquid engines on the test stand right now and that have made such statements, you get well north of 2000 large engines per year. Perhaps not close to all of that will come to fruition however there's clearly a lot of investments being made into engines. Even if you only consider CASC, they plan close to a thousand per year.

Anonymous No. 16196174

Lower development priority. Hence they're not done debugging them yet.

Anonymous No. 16196176

Unclear if it is Chollima, since the tweet noted it was a new petroleum-fueled engine, and Chollima uses hypergolics.

Anonymous No. 16196211

Their space rockets are tranny modified ballistic missiles

Anonymous No. 16196219


Anonymous No. 16196224

Ignore him, hes a poltard with a penchant to bring up his fetish about us at every turn.

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Anonymous No. 16196231

lol do they not have spellcheck?

Anonymous No. 16196232

>about us
refer to this >>16196028

Anonymous No. 16196235

At this point I'm surprised they still have live humans writing their content

Anonymous No. 16196259

you can see more embarrassing fuckups from prestige media outlets pretty much every day depending how much news you consoom

Anonymous No. 16196291

Yep, official report clearly says that it failed during S1 ascent and that the first suspected cause is the "newly developped LOx-Hydrocarbon engine", Chollima-1 S1 was definitely hypergolic. Good chance this is an upgraded or new launcher.

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Anonymous No. 16196293

Anonymous No. 16196306


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Anonymous No. 16196313


Anonymous No. 16196319


Anonymous No. 16196320

Such a seething retard.
Shitting up the thread for months non stop.

Anonymous No. 16196343

>Billionaire makes it look like he is leaning left
>He is actually leaning right
Wow, shocking.

Anonymous No. 16196352

Who's that slut?

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Anonymous No. 16196373

Anonymous No. 16196374

It's a woman, have some respect.

Anonymous No. 16196376

As opposed to you, who will never be one

Anonymous No. 16196378

Yes, I will never be a woman just like you will never be a man.

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bezos leo b.jpg

Anonymous No. 16196383


Anonymous No. 16196387

gundam was right, we need yo move most people offworld. its long overdue.

Anonymous No. 16196392

it's over...

Anonymous No. 16196393

Love jewish whores

Anonymous No. 16196394

still not enough launches to fill up HLS

Anonymous No. 16196399

9 days

Anonymous No. 16196401

Wtf does this mean
Take your meds incel

Anonymous No. 16196402

can someone explain why they crash land in the sea?

Anonymous No. 16196405

>beautiful girl!
You're talking about someone so ugly and/or male that they hide behind a cartoon.

Anonymous No. 16196406

the LOOM

Anonymous No. 16196408

Those lines help you read the body language, apparently it isn't obvious to many people.

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Anonymous No. 16196412

orbit is a myth, if you want to go to space you have to go straight up

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Anonymous No. 16196414


Anonymous No. 16196418

It broke because they're incompetent

Anonymous No. 16196420

this is just how taller people pose in a photograph with shorter people

Anonymous No. 16196425

Space travel is a major part of the transhumanist fantasy world

Anonymous No. 16196428

some chick found something that can't be created naturally in the universe: a giant ring of galaxies

whatever created it is at least on the level of a stage 3 civilization, the power to shape large structures of the universe

Anonymous No. 16196430

it's manlet cope

Anonymous No. 16196452

lol, wrong

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Anonymous No. 16196454

It's telling that you look at beaytiful women and immediately your brain goes to ugly men with cocks and/or trannies. you are hopelessly sick, my frend

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Anonymous No. 16196461

there are a lot of big structures out there. don't read into it much

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chaika on the fir....jpg

Anonymous No. 16196467


Anonymous No. 16196479

do you have chaika prichal? or chaika starship flap wave gif?

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America superimpo....png

Anonymous No. 16196480

So who *owns* Mars?

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Anonymous No. 16196481

I do.

Anonymous No. 16196488

Reminder that the who *owns* the press tweet was taken completely out of context and in context it's clear he was saying that rich people own the press.
Literally wasn't a dogwhistle about jews. Elon is not a /pol/tard no matter how hard the right and the left both want it.

Anonymous No. 16196491

so we're just supposed to easily cover the mariner valley in a dome? It's huge as fuck.

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wernher explains ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16196492

The original post might not have been but all the Jews crawling out of the woodwork to seethe at him made him aware. The hebrews doth protest too much, methinks.

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musk tnd.jpg

Anonymous No. 16196494


Anonymous No. 16196496

Not a dome, tensile roof with support tethers.

Anonymous No. 16196497

why would the exhaust be expanding if it was going "down"?

Anonymous No. 16196502

You can do sections at a time.

Anonymous No. 16196503

I'm just not seeing how it's going to be possible any time soon

Anonymous No. 16196506

Familiarize yourself with Penrose's Conformal Cyclic Cosmology. The final stage of heat deathโ€”where all matter has dissipated through one process or another into energyโ€”is indistinguishable from the moment of the Big Bang.
Groups or entities with sufficient control over the universe in the black hole era will be able to influence the distribution of matter in the next cycle, and probably encode themselves into it in some way.

Anonymous No. 16196508

Read the Basedey Chadmer tensile structure canon and all his other blog posts and join the church

Anonymous No. 16196510

Materials wise it's doable. It's just a matter of payload design to actually build it.

Anonymous No. 16196511

If we can build something that big just to achieve 1atm pressure, it'd be easier to thicken the atmosphere and warm it up

Anonymous No. 16196513

No it wouldn't. The atmosphere is way nigger than the contents of one valley.

Anonymous No. 16196514

In fact it would be 10000 times easier.
Ponder the magnitude of your delusion

Anonymous No. 16196515

Bro, I just had sex with a beautiful East Asian woman with massive knockers (literally the size of her head) this afternoon.

My post doesn't mention cocks or trannies, but yours does. Curious! Perhaps it is you, the person who admits to being sexually attracted to cartoon characters, that is the sexual deviant.

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Anonymous No. 16196516


Anonymous No. 16196518

A thick mars atmosphere is a byproduct of completely unregulated and unfettered industrialization. companies will get incentives for pumping as much CFCs into the atmosphere as possible while manufacturing little plastic figurines and dishwashers. Freon is back baby

Anonymous No. 16196519


Anonymous No. 16196522

The universe isn't cyclical

Anonymous No. 16196523

>The atmosphere is way nigger
Agreed. Cheers!

Anonymous No. 16196524

it'd be neat if true. all the fermi issues (inb4 hurr durr there are none) would disappear if you had humans influencing each iteration of the universe so that they'd re-arise the next time.

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Anonymous No. 16196525

>The atmosphere is way nigger

Anonymous No. 16196526

>>16196515 just admitted to being gay in front of everyone

Anonymous No. 16196528

the one who takes control of it

Anonymous No. 16196529

No, I assure you dropping a few nukes on the poles is easier than megastructures. Go build your cuck tube if you want to toil away at impossible projects

Anonymous No. 16196530

>having sex with women is gay
The quality of "person" that lusts for v-tumors

Anonymous No. 16196531

if mankind survives all the way to heat death do you think we'll be able to come up with a way to make /sfg/ good again?

Anonymous No. 16196533

>Elon is not a /pol/tard
He escaped South Africa. What else is there to say?

Anonymous No. 16196536

Impossible. /sfg/ was never good.

Anonymous No. 16196541

if you've ever known any south african or rhodesian expats the ones who left are basically indistinguishable from the median american on race issues. it's the ones who stayed who got redpilled by reality.

Anonymous No. 16196545

not between starship launches
and by the time we get regular launches we will ignore those and it will only be good during manned Mars missions
And then we'll start ignoring those and it will only be good when a fleet leaves in either direction
20 years from now someone will post about a fleet carrying tens of thousands of colonists to Mars and everyone will reply saying it's not news

Anonymous No. 16196547

their nepotism hire "reporters" don't even pretend to care about reporting the mundane news to the plebs anymore, they seem only interested in putting out a scathing indictment of the Orange Man about once a week, that's it

Anonymous No. 16196549

god willing. I really doubt it though.

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Anonymous No. 16196550

No, I will keep shilling these threads on reddit, twitter, /k/, /pol/ and youtube comment sections and bring in more and more clueless tourists until this general collapses into a black hole of retarded normalfags for all eternity.

Anonymous No. 16196556


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51st state.jpg

Anonymous No. 16196571

we should send a slow moving soil-churning rover out to trace that shape on Mars, show people who owns it

Anonymous No. 16196577

you don't need 1atm any more than you need 1g, .5atm (or 500mb as we science minded call it) is quite sufficient

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Anonymous No. 16196578

The more the merrier!

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Anonymous No. 16196582

name ONE (1) good reason why we don't already have these

Anonymous No. 16196583

That claim is bullshit. If you ask most astronomers these "super-ultra mahoosive structures" probably aren't even real. There is no objective definition of what is and is not a structure on the scales, none of it is gravitationally bound. It is defined entirely by the algorithm (code) used to find it. The issue is that if you run these people's codes on random data, it still detects "structures" of equal size. Spurious structures emerging from pure noise. Just because a code has detected something doesn't mean it is really significant.

Despite the fact that all these claims having their own Wikipedia page they have basically no impact. The group has been pumping out the same lazy claims for more than a decade without advancing the argument of whether or not they really exist. Certainly no one has demonstrated it cannot be natural.

Anonymous No. 16196584

Why are lunar EVA suits such SOVL?

Anonymous No. 16196585

Look up chemtrails

Anonymous No. 16196587

Glushkotard when you won't accept hypergolic supremacy

Anonymous No. 16196595

dude, wouldn't you want to name a "super galaxy cluster" after yourself? even if it is bullshit? these astronomers have to get something for their efforts

Anonymous No. 16196602

aren't these like those engines the bad guys in Avatar used to burn up the jungle when they were landing? That's why, colonist.

Anonymous No. 16196608

>its that you haven't delved deeply enough into it yet to know what you're getting into
this, one day the innocent noobs of /sfg/ will learn what path they've truly put themselves on and they will be horrified

Anonymous No. 16196611

That's good except replace Slush Hydrogen with any highly enriched fissile liquid.
You can build it today!

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Anonymous No. 16196613

How about we move Ceres into Mars orbit and forget about those two shitty little asteroids we call Martian moons?

Anonymous No. 16196615

Or slam Ceres into Earth and forget all about it

Anonymous No. 16196622

If you have the power to move Ceres, then Mars impact would be the best thing to do

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Anonymous No. 16196623

how about we leave Ceres where it is and use it to jump start asteroid belt colonization. hadn't thought of that had you, huh!?

Anonymous No. 16196625

Isn't Ceres largely composed of volatiles that would be gaseous at Mars orbit?

Anonymous No. 16196626

Ceres is so small. you may as well turn it into a space ship

Anonymous No. 16196627

whoever decided to fill the universe with hydrogen had terrible taste

Anonymous No. 16196628

based nonsense refuter

Anonymous No. 16196630

ceres has enough surface gravity to prevent microgravity induced health problems like bone loss and eye damage and no one has scientific evidence to refute this

Anonymous No. 16196632


Anonymous No. 16196633

Notice how rocketgirl nigger (sbarky) never posts or makes planet or moon amine wimen. He actually just likes phallic objects because he likes dicks and is just making them in to women because thats how you make the most money because FAGGOTS are poor and dying out

Anonymous No. 16196634

>Is everyone in /sfg/ a tranny?
not everyone, but there is definitely a lot of them here.

Anonymous No. 16196635

He makes satellites and cute space force ships too but I dont post them here bc /sfg/ hates actual spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16196636

60 years of manned spaceflight, not a single experiment in 0< x <1 g makes me so mad

Anonymous No. 16196637

Plenty done in 0.17 and 0.38

Anonymous No. 16196638

is that from the onion mw3 video?

Anonymous No. 16196639

That's because the "ree popsci" autists have spent years pissing all over the actual interesting parts of /sfg/ like exotic propulsion discussions, 4ASS shitposting, colony design, and anything that isn't VTVL chemical rockets.

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dune timeline 1.jpg

Anonymous No. 16196640

Ceres is the future capital of the solar system

Anonymous No. 16196641

>noooooo you can't just cryogenically store hydrogen on a ship that has a 30-megawatt fusion reactor to power your active cooling system because reddit told me making hydrogen tanks is too hard

Anonymous No. 16196643

I shit on popsci sometimes and I contribute to 4ASS posting AND colony design. Also what popsci poster shits on colony design? Thats not popsci because it is literally within sight. Also people shit on non VTVL chem rockets because its either a shuttle redux which is self explanatory or some stupidly expensive and underdeveloped technology that makes no sense to use/develop, NOT because its popsci.

Anonymous No. 16196646

Not with people, except for a few days of Apollo.

Anonymous No. 16196650

>he doesn't know

Anonymous No. 16196651

>he doesnt know

Anonymous No. 16196652

how many of you relate to this?

Anonymous No. 16196654

>exotic propulsion
This >>16196611 is all you need.
The fact that noone is building it is very telling.
We discovered a material with unbelievably high energy density that we know very well how to ignite spontaneously into a crazy neutron inferno yet nobody is using it for propulsion.
Compare the laughable proposed NTR designs vs the specific impulse and thrust of a prompt critical HEU detonation heating reaction mass directly.

Anonymous No. 16196657

Well, there are a few rat studies done of various g done in centrifuges in orbit. Soviets did a bunch in the 80's iirc.

Anonymous No. 16196659

That's because people are pussies about putting HEU on top of things that might conceivably be turned into an ICBM by a GNC update.

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Anonymous No. 16196663

>noooooo you can't just cryogenically store hydrogen on a ship that has a 30-megawatt fusion reactor to power your active cooling system because reddit told me making hydrogen tanks is too hard

Anonymous No. 16196666

when will they learn?

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Anonymous No. 16196668

Andy Lapsa did it in field.
With a box of scraps!

Anonymous No. 16196669

METH(ane) heads never shutup

Anonymous No. 16196673

Better than than hypergolic schizos at least

Anonymous No. 16196674

This company is fucked royal lol

Anonymous No. 16196679

>t. eagerfag who doesn't know what another round of investment based on unarguably exceptional performance is
If there's one company who can just go get more money it's them.
Raising too much is what kills companies.

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goodfellas jimmy ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16196687

Anonymous No. 16196689

My sleepy dumbass for a moment thought the thumbnail was Elon's car mounted onto Spitzer telescope for some reason.

Anonymous No. 16196690

Counterpoint: Virgin Galactic

Anonymous No. 16196691


Anonymous No. 16196692

*fart noise*

Anonymous No. 16196694

Counter-Space: Galactic Offensive

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Anonymous No. 16196695

a boy has the right to dream

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Anonymous No. 16196697

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Anonymous No. 16196699

Coming to a fragile space telescope near you.

Anonymous No. 16196707


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Anonymous No. 16196710

Before I sleep I must inform you that over the last few weeks I've developed a mild obsession with the planet Venus. I am really down bad for Earth's hot twin for some reason.

I am compelled to model a coarse rendering of the panetary surface resembling the landing sites or known geographic features when I wake up.

Anonymous No. 16196712

He needs to get revenge on the nasa boomer and twitter troons. destroy hubble, damn the consequences

Anonymous No. 16196714

are you high

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astro helm mafia.jpg

Anonymous No. 16196717

This is just Mexico wtf

Anonymous No. 16196721

How are Artemis supposed to abort if anything goes wrong with the landing when they have to wait 6.5 days to rendeviouz with Orion, lol? Emperors new clothes type shit

Anonymous No. 16196723

>nooo muh safety in imaginary scenario
What abort would require a fast rendezvous?

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Anonymous No. 16196729

I am currently experiencing the effects of post orgasmic illness syndrome, so the answer to that could be interpreted as a yes. However, rest assured that my interest in this planet is purely scientific and environmental in nature here and not anything to do with romance.

I just think it has a very interesting color scheme and atmosphere. A mysterious and strange alien world that on paper should be as boring as a barren rock with all history erased, but isn't nonetheless. I much prefer it to Mars.

I wonder if any Sci-Fi writers or games have made proper use of Venus as a setting.

Anonymous No. 16196732

sure looks like a barren rock to me

Anonymous No. 16196734

how are artemis supposed to abort if anything goes wrong with orion when they have to wait 6.5 days to rendezvous with Starship, lol? Emperors new clothes type shit

Anonymous No. 16196737


Anonymous No. 16196738

We should accept that the first crews will die

Anonymous No. 16196739

Sometimes I wonder if that apparent global resfacing event from 600ish MYa is what caused the runaway greenhouse effect, when that gigantic fissure opened that.

Anonymous No. 16196740


Anonymous No. 16196742

Based reference.

Anonymous No. 16196744

fix and upgrade it like normal but then before leaving attach a picture of crystal in front of the lens

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Anonymous No. 16196749

What are the best places to go sightseeing on Venus? Any cool features to photograph?

Anonymous No. 16196751

>imaginary scenario

Read the orion clusterfuck report and tell me if it's really imaginary

Anonymous No. 16196753

basically any abort numbnuts.

Anonymous No. 16196757

>LM10 is real, we've seen it up in the satellite images.

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Anonymous No. 16196759

THAT'S Isaacman? This entire time I thought he was the pic related guy who created the Cardano scam blockchain.
I can see now I was mixing him up with Charles Hoskinson.

Anonymous No. 16196760

you've seen it down at wenchang

Anonymous No. 16196763

Active volcanism exists here and if you disagree you are just a doomer

Anonymous No. 16196766

It's such a buzzkill that Venus is so close and so aerobrakeable that you could send a decent science payload there entirely with SRBs and yet there's nothing to look at but gas and hot roggs.

Right up until Mariner 2 Venus was actually a close third behind the Moon and Mars for planetary scifi. Now it's limited to "ok first we terraform it and then..." plots or "mysterious alien creature actually likes the acid hellscape conditions" like The Expanse or the space dragons story from /tg/.

Venus Wars is one of my favorite movies.

Anonymous No. 16196770

>naming the planet with the thicc atmosphere after the thicc goddess
How did the ancients know?

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Anonymous No. 16196771

weird swirly mountain with metal snow and a flat top

Anonymous No. 16196773

>name a planet after a love goddess
>expected it to be wet, turned out to be hot air, acid, and pressure instead
The memes are fractal.

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Anonymous No. 16196776

THIS, it would make one hell of a generational ark ship if you dug it out and shaped it, billions of tons of water ice to be had, enough gravel to make billions of tons of concrete, it could take a million people to Alpha Centauri in a couple thousand years if you were able to nudge it that way.

Anonymous No. 16196777

The second largest "continent" with the tallest mountain is also named after Aphrodite.

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Anonymous No. 16196782

I should dip my balls in sulfuric acid

Anonymous No. 16196784

There's an astronomical rule that every feature on Venus gets a female name by default.

Anonymous No. 16196785

>hot roggs
i wonder what a mining operation would be like there

Anonymous No. 16196789

Men on Venus. When will it happen?

Anonymous No. 16196790

Regeneratively cryo cooled bendy straws, probably.

Anonymous No. 16196793

A free return flyby mission could be done in Starship as a shakedown cruise for Mars ops.

Anonymous No. 16196795

>on communist Venus you don't smelt metals they smelt you!

Anonymous No. 16196796

Are you saying we need to impregnate Venus?

Anonymous No. 16196798

It's easy to get to Venus but getting off of it is a unique hell given its Earth-like gravity and stupid thick atmosphere. It's the worst solid body in the solar system to try and launch off of

Anonymous No. 16196800

>on Soviet Venus, stronk woman FUCK YOU

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Anonymous No. 16196802

I don't understand why some cameras attached to the underside of some mylar balloons can't be dropped off, cheap and will just spread out and beam back (HD, hopefully) images from that supposed "1 atm and 70 degrees Fahrenheit" perfect layer in the upper atmosphere.

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Anonymous No. 16196805

Venus is just full of buzzkills, right down to the Venera missions. Measuring the compressability of the lens cap instead of the soil, along with with the lens fap failures were honestly some of the biggest JUST moments in space exploration thus far. Along with the fact the pressure and heat may not even be the main problem as opposed to the sulfuric acid dissolving everything. Oh and sending 2 probes for shits and giggles even if you already know they'll blow up is also kinda maddening but also morbidly amusing in its wastefulness.

If Venus had plate tectonics the greenhouse effect might have been delayed enough to form some more interesting features.

Anonymous No. 16196806

It needs corrective rape.

Anonymous No. 16196808

I would still like a surface photograph and audio recording mission to be attempted on the planet, targeting the tallest mountains if possible.

Anonymous No. 16196810

Quantized inertia SSTO is the only way.

Anonymous No. 16196812

that's why you float around in the "perfect" zone up above the clouds, even a big aluminum sphere filled with 1atm of breathable Ox/N gas would float like the fucking Hindenburg there. I wonder what the conditions are like on top of the highest mountain?

Anonymous No. 16196818

And instead of having a carbon cycle to breathe material in and out, Venus just sort of inflates and blows up every few eons in a fury of magma.

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Anonymous No. 16196820

>/sfg/ no longer friends with Mars
>Venus is new best friend

Anonymous No. 16196823

lol nah, just take atmosphere from Titan until there's enough nitrogen to make Mars nice.

Anonymous No. 16196824

Nah, way too much atmosphere. Hate that shit. Like a fat bitch but the planet version.

Anonymous No. 16196825

Launch nuclear robot landers to clamp on to icy KBOs, decelerate with plasma magnet sails, and steer them into Venus to increase spin, gravity, and hydrogen+water content.

Anonymous No. 16196828

That's a much higher effort endeavor than terraforming Mars. Save the high effort planets for later.

Anonymous No. 16196830

>decelerate with plasma magnet sails

That's not how it works, stay up to date on your schizodrives

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Anonymous No. 16196833

>if you were able to take just 1% of Venus' atmosphere and transport it to Mars you'd give it an Earth equivalent atmospheric pressure of good heat insulating CO2
if a Starship can hold a cubic kilometer of Venus gas how many trips to make Mars comfy?

Anonymous No. 16196835

Plasma magnet thrust vector is always antistellar, but for a large KBO it makes sense to use an array of sails with different tether lengths to angle the overall thrust such that it reduces prograde orbital velocity and thus drops the orbit.

Anonymous No. 16196837

and while we're evaluating harebrained schemes what if we tried using starship to harvest hydrogen directly from the sun

Anonymous No. 16196839

Kek, pop-sci kid thinks the sun's hydrogen isn't locked up as plasma

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mars canals.jpg

Anonymous No. 16196842

>Venus is disappointing
And Mars isn't?

Anonymous No. 16196847
Might be trying this again

Anonymous No. 16196848

Well, I guess not then

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Anonymous No. 16196852

Wow congrats Ria!

Anonymous No. 16196853

Ive figured it out. Atmosphere GOOD, but actually BAD

Anonymous No. 16196854

Mars is perfect. Enough atmosphere to aerobrake but so little that it's barely a factor for launches.

Anonymous No. 16196856

Here's your 4ASS membership card

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Anonymous No. 16196858

the female reproductive system is truly amazing

Anonymous No. 16196861

it's just about as massive as you can get and still be a vacuum I'll give it that

Anonymous No. 16196863

don't NTRs have like 650 isp and with enough propellant to reach a proper mass ratio considering how heavy the engine would be, there wouldn't be enough throost to take off?

Anonymous No. 16196866

sure but this has an ISP of 35,000s and it can probably take off from small asteroids

Anonymous No. 16196867

how many NTRs to push Ceres into Mars orbit? can they use dirty water as a propellent?

Anonymous No. 16196868

That's LANTR you're thinking of. Initial T/W is about 13 with 500s Isp even at a retarded 7:1 oxygen ratio. IIRC the minimum T/W for useful first stage NTP is 20, so you'd still need chemical boosters.

Anonymous No. 16196869

ceres has ammonia and you're better off using that for NTRs than water

Anonymous No. 16196872

Wouldnt it be funny if pulsars ARE actually alien beacons and we just have crackpot theories to discount them

Anonymous No. 16196873

It would be cringe and unlikely

Anonymous No. 16196874

>fusion reactor
I think that's your reason right there.

Anonymous No. 16196876

>It would be cringe
How can you say this?
The alien question is the most important question.

Anonymous No. 16196886

No it isnt. Get back to shitting out rocket ideas Zoobrine.

Anonymous No. 16196891

You need a staging platform in the high atmosphere , reached by balloon

Anonymous No. 16196892

There are no aliens. If there were we'd have already seen them and they'd already be here.

Anonymous No. 16196902

Even if there was some analogous alien civilization trying to get our attention, the likelihood of spamming a message into the cosmos and someone else being able to detect it is very minimal
>inb4 muh dyson spheres
Literally just a hypothetical. Who is to say a civilization canโ€™t figure out matter-antimatter or cold fusion or something, and never need the meme sphere around a star.
Any smart civilization would be trying its best NOT to be seen

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Anonymous No. 16196903


Anonymous No. 16196905

ganymede my beloved

Anonymous No. 16196908

Back to discord

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Anonymous No. 16196909

chads know Callisto is the money moon (and outside the radiation death zone)

Anonymous No. 16196910

Know your place titanfag

Anonymous No. 16196929

alright wise guy, and what's your excuse gonna be when commonwealth hits Q=20 next year?

Anonymous No. 16196934

Im a Callistodiety. I only acknowledge Titan for its fuel reserves and nothing else (fuck Dragonfly)

Anonymous No. 16196935

Van Allen belts can eat shit, no way or reason to go in person to Io or Europa in my lifetime because of them

Anonymous No. 16196937

implying humans can even make it past the asteroid belt in the next 5, 6, 7+ generations

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Anonymous No. 16196939

what is this fucking goblin

Anonymous No. 16196940

You can drain them, but you have to keep at it or they'll just fill up again with solar poop.

Anonymous No. 16196944

It comes from Io newfag

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Anonymous No. 16196948

it's the swing wing shuttle! started out as a triamese but then they ended up settling on a more conventional booster/orbiter two-stage concept. the vee-tail's all you needed for control during entry and then the wings popped out once you went subsonic. not a bad idea but nasa got skittish over what would happen if the wings failed to deploy.

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Anonymous No. 16196954

I wonder how they'd react to rigid-explosive-inflatable wings like LOFTID? Just hit the pyros and off you go.

Anonymous No. 16197007

Tony Bruno

Anonymous No. 16197008

Homo Sexual

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Anonymous No. 16197012

>Satellogic lays off 13% of workforce
>Commercial imaging company Satellogic has laid off 13% of its workforce as the company continues its efforts to reduce costs and seek new business from the U.S. government.

companies gotta stop relying on government gibs. its good to start with but alot of them become reliant on it.

Anonymous No. 16197021

Have they tried pulling themselves up by their bootstraps and giving the senator a firm handshake?

Anonymous No. 16197027

Make space profitable

Anonymous No. 16197029

I remember a NSF/tankwatcher schematic for an updated Raptor that was conspicuously missing the heat exchanger on one side, I think the creator said it might just not be visible anymore in photos he based it off due to redesigns but it was certainly another hint in the direction. I think it was some tweet somewhere so I doubt I could find it again unfortunately.

Captcha: XK TNKW

Anonymous No. 16197030

>its impossible for most people to get satellite pics of ukraine
sounds like an opportunity for chinese companies since western ones refuse to do business

Anonymous No. 16197031

Starlink has done this

Anonymous No. 16197032

An isolated example

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Anonymous No. 16197035

drug manufacture

Anonymous No. 16197042


Anonymous No. 16197043

everything is isolated in space

Anonymous No. 16197045

most people dont want to pay for data. they want a physical product in their hands, not ephemeral some bytes and bits. once the cost of going to space drops dramatically and there are destinations to go, then you'll see spaceflight become profitable.

Anonymous No. 16197048

Me when I handwave a fantastical future

Anonymous No. 16197052

sell shovels and pickaxes on mars

Anonymous No. 16197057

New Shepard [math]\unicode{x1F92D}[/math]

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Anonymous No. 16197066

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Anonymous No. 16197067

sell cigarettes on Mars

Anonymous No. 16197071

>100 publications
>only 297 citations
>fermi paradox
total bullshit

Anonymous No. 16197074

Vast and SpaceX are the only spaceflight company that posts updates regularly and I think that should change. I want to see what Stoke is up to but they only post updates monthly, meanwhile Vast hands out updates every week and SpaceX has a god damn ecosystem in tracking just Starship.

Anonymous No. 16197078

sell the iron ore and wooden handles to the anon selling shovels and pickaxes on mars

Anonymous No. 16197084

>multiverse is almost certainly real
scientifically speaking, how do you test for it?

Anonymous No. 16197086

i'm just glad we have two companies progressing fast enough to justify regular public updates

Anonymous No. 16197100

Almost correct. A space economy needs trade to happen WITHIN space. The ISS is like McMurdo, an isolated science lab with government contracts for crew transfer and resupply. There's no "antarctic economy," it all happens at home. Similarly, a "space economy" requires people in space conducting trade with each other. This could be transfer between stations, it could be batched downmass services, it could be mining NEAs and the moon, it could be Lagrange point colonies selling food and electricity.

Anonymous No. 16197103

if world war 2 had somehow never happened i wonder if we would've reached orbit at all in the 20th century

Anonymous No. 16197118


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Anonymous No. 16197122

Long cockship cancelled and /sfg/ is completely silent

Anonymous No. 16197123


Anonymous No. 16197124


Anonymous No. 16197126

Nobody pays attention to Elon tweets here as they never have anything of substance in them, this one being no different. Unless it pops up on the SpaceX website or twitter its not real.

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Anonymous No. 16197129

you do realize that WW2 used up a hundred times the resources/effort/money that the entire "space race" consumed, right? and if instead of WW2 breaking out in armed conflict it had become a "cold war" between the Allies and the Axis we could just as well have had a space race to the moon, in that timeline von Braun still would have landed men on the moon it's just they would have planted a different flag and it might have been in 1959 instead.

Anonymous No. 16197131

Elon works for spacex so i trust him

Anonymous No. 16197133

Will starliner launch on F9 after Atlas V retirement?

Anonymous No. 16197136

yeah but you're underrating how much and how fast perceptions shifted. in 1939 space travel was still a completely fringe idea with no reputable scientists advocating for it that no government was going to devote serious money to. the german VfR had to disband in 1934 for lack of funding and von braun was launching 900kg rockets 5km into the air for the army. it was only because of the war that the VfR alumni became the german rocket program in the first place.

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Anonymous No. 16197140

Some sort of nip RDE/jet engine for a spaceplane?

>World's first! Jet/Rocket switching engine (Mixed system) Practical level of thrust has been successfully demonstrated!
>PD Aerospace Corporation has successfully demonstrated the world's first combustion of a โ€œjet/rocket combined cycle engineโ€ based on detonation technology.
>In 2022, we successfully conducted an initial experiment of โ€œjet/rocket switchingโ€ based on detonation technology. We have now developed this technology to integrate a Rotating Detonation Rocket Engine (RDRE) with a conventional jet engine. The โ€œJet/Rocket Combined Cycle Engineโ€ was successfully developed and demonstrated, and a practical level of thrust was achieved. The engine has achieved a practical level of thrust (Jet: 1.6 kN, Rocket: 5 kN).
>The new engine is a simple, compact, hollow, circular rocket engine that has been developed using detonation technology cultivated up to now, and is fused (hybridized) with a jet engine. This allows the engine to fly at high altitudes where ordinary aircraft cannot fly. This enables flight at high altitudes (20 km or higher) where the atmosphere is thin and supersonic speeds (Mach 5 or higher) are possible, which are not possible for ordinary aircraft.
>In the future, further development of this technology will lead to the main engine of a spaceplane, which will realize space travel and high-frequency spaceflight.

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Anonymous No. 16197144

you're thinking of this gif

Anonymous No. 16197146

if it's not just your usual press release half-truth-but-still-mostly-lying bs they're about to get unlimited military $$$

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chaika starship w....gif

Anonymous No. 16197151


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Anonymous No. 16197155

i swear there was a chaika version in addition to this, but i suppose my memory is muddled

Anonymous No. 16197156

>in 1939 space travel was still a completely fringe idea
oh geee I didn't realize how close we were to having ZERO progress in aeronautics/rocketry during the 20th century due to those darn perceptions! You're right we probably would have taken a nice long refreshing nap as a civilization for about 60 years instead of doing what we did do, hey but maybe with all those resources freed up by not having that little kerfuffle going on from 39 to 45 we (or the Axis, or the USSR) could have at least put a man in orbit by 1999 don't you think? No, that would be pretty fanciful wouldn't it? Especially since there would have been no geo-political competition between power blocks in this magical alternate 20th century, oh and Nazi Germany was just kidding with all that Sanger bomber talk they had no interest in having any capabilities like that I'm sure.

Anonymous No. 16197157


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Anonymous No. 16197160


Anonymous No. 16197161

this is called a plasma magnet collection device, and we're going to install one in MSL1

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Anonymous No. 16197164

there was also a ohio ver

Anonymous No. 16197165

>we probably would have taken a nice long refreshing nap as a civilization for about 60 years
we took a 40-year nap after 1973 despite having proof positive of what could be done so i'm not sure why this would be an absurd idea
>Especially since there would have been no geo-political competition between power blocks
there was plenty of that before 1939 too and yet no military was interested in rocketry beyond its JATO applications

Anonymous No. 16197166

Interesting. As /sfg/ historian I'm surprised this slipped past me

Anonymous No. 16197167

looks more like a spitter or some spaceflight discord thing, I've never seen this one before on /sci/

Anonymous No. 16197175

I think they were all posted in the same thread as the original flap gif

found it



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Anonymous No. 16197178

Thank you for your hard work

Anonymous No. 16197193

Back to discord nigger
All samefag reddiscord trannies

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Anonymous No. 16197199

Go back newfag cocksucker

Anonymous No. 16197202

wow an actual tranny. back to >>>/a/ and >>>/lgbt/ with you

Anonymous No. 16197205

Dont reply to the nigger

Anonymous No. 16197207

thats my bad i shouldve taken away the troons (you)

Anonymous No. 16197211

a reminder that using discord words automatically makes you NOT a woman

Anonymous No. 16197212

Dont forget the colon three emoticon, anon.

Anonymous No. 16197213

Someone post the picture of space shuttle with a huge cock fucking the other space shuttle

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Anonymous No. 16197216


Anonymous No. 16197217

more rocket gooning material? bring it out i need something to finish this sesh to :3

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Anonymous No. 16197218


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Anonymous No. 16197220

Real rockets and planes are based. Women meant to represent them are cringe.

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Anonymous No. 16197222

Anonymous No. 16197223

Humanoid features detected, nigger identified

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Anonymous No. 16197225

Everybody ITT get your dicks out for Endeavor

Anonymous No. 16197226


Anonymous No. 16197229

damn I missed those

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Anonymous No. 16197230

Slut takes on 6 BBCs (big black cohetes) at once

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Anonymous No. 16197231

can we get a little love for buran-chan?

Anonymous No. 16197233

the ratbat piece? I don't save his works

Anonymous No. 16197237

not with her lower stages in orbit we can't

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Anonymous No. 16197238


Anonymous No. 16197240

We did it reddit!

Anonymous No. 16197241

This thread is actually great, lots of good art being posted

Anonymous No. 16197243

Yeah it grosses me out too but now would be a good time to post

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Anonymous No. 16197248

rip wheel_stop

Anonymous No. 16197251

This is not structurally sound (it will wiggle and break) I play KSP

Anonymous No. 16197253

>reddit fighting discord over who is more annoying
>no spaceflight discussion
>kspfags chiming in on physics
yep. late night /sfg/ at its finest. may as well just have janny delete the thread.

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Anonymous No. 16197254

vulcan-chan's first stage goes all the way to orbit, there's nothing to be ashamed of!

Anonymous No. 16197256

i culd hold her in one hand and f*k her like a flashlight

Anonymous No. 16197259

okay Tory
do not do this

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Anonymous No. 16197266

Does Electron even fly anymore?

Anonymous No. 16197268


Anonymous No. 16197271


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Anonymous No. 16197272

>he asks, 3 days after the last electron flight
fun fact: in 2022 electron launched nasa's CAPSTONE mission!

Anonymous No. 16197273

Didnt it almost shake it to death? and they could complete all mission objectives

Anonymous No. 16197276


Anonymous No. 16197278

your attempts at racism are primitive and uninspired, please cease at once
what did they launch three days ago

Anonymous No. 16197279


Anonymous No. 16197280

probably a token cubesat from dod/nasa to keep them alive

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Anonymous No. 16197282


Anonymous No. 16197283

>look mom! im homophobic and racist online!
>im getting so much negative attention online mom!

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Anonymous No. 16197284

>what did they launch three days ago
some infrared thing that's not even important enough to get a wikipedia article

Anonymous No. 16197286

>heh im totally owning this racist bigot chud
>this will get me so much karma ugh back to dilating my neovagina

Anonymous No. 16197288

>mom when i grow up i wanna become a transphobe just like jk rowling!

Anonymous No. 16197294


Anonymous No. 16197295

Time to migrate, this thread is dead

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16197296

holy shit what the fuck have you absolute retards done to this thread its fucking ruined.
ok go there

Anonymous No. 16197299


Anonymous No. 16197300

Trannies has always been welcome on /sfg/. it's people like you (anti-spaceflight troll from /n/) try to kill us

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Anonymous No. 16197301

My brain is fried. Why did I start this shitflinging war

Anonymous No. 16197302

I was 100% serious when I posted that we should migrate threads. You have to come with too

Anonymous No. 16197303

Im gonna bite this bait have my (You)

Anonymous No. 16197305

Times like these it would be wise to consider forming a space board

Anonymous No. 16197306

you can go there then if youre serious, its not page 10 i follow Da Rulez, sorry.

Anonymous No. 16197307


Anonymous No. 16197309

you talk like it wasnt half you in that retarded spastic war

Anonymous No. 16197310

the newfag hasnt written his constitution yet, implying we are completely unbound to any such rules

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Anonymous No. 16197314

A good point is a good point, no matter who makes it.

Anonymous No. 16197319

Why dont you just make your own rocketgirl spamming general then faggot. Call it /rgg/ and fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16197320

insufficient anime

Anonymous No. 16197323

no, this is the rocket girl thread and that's based
troons, amateur racists, people who think about troons, and frogs can all leave, go to /n/ for all I care
we practice competitive racism here and think about anime girl feet

Anonymous No. 16197324

it may surprise you sir, but I only posted the anthromorphic space shuttles. Ban me and delete all my posts, it's the truth you will see

Anonymous No. 16197327

/sfg/ constitution:
I. all disciplinary matters are to be referred through the shitposting operations missions directorate on the discord. if you are banned from the discord, please make a post accusing any posts you dislike of samefagging.
II. if you are accused of samefagging, you have one (1) minute to take a screencap of edited html to prove your innocence. no exceptions.
III. robert zubrin

Anonymous No. 16197329

Dr. Robert "Bob" Zubrin

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Anonymous No. 16197330

Historians will study this post for years to come

Anonymous No. 16197332

4ASS is founded on torturing frogs and subjecting them to cruel experiments

Anonymous No. 16197334

This is the most reddit this general has ever been tbqh

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Anonymous No. 16197335


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Anonymous No. 16197336

hello my baby, hello my honey

Anonymous No. 16197337


Anonymous No. 16197339

I miss Duluth anon, he was a based schizo

Anonymous No. 16197340

you're talkin to him

Anonymous No. 16197344

Port of Duluth remains the most attractive launch location in all of great lakes. just need to get the laws changed so rockets can fly over boats.

Otherwise perhaps south of New Orleans would be a southern alternative. Security would need to shoot intruders on site due to shithole proximity

Anonymous No. 16197345

>just need to get the laws changed so rockets can fly over boats.
an easier solution might be officially recategorizing all boats on lake superior as landing barges so there's no legal issue if something falls on them

Anonymous No. 16197350

We really need to allow overland rocket flights, this whole water thing is getting ridiculous

Anonymous No. 16197356

I'm telling you, launch east from Vandenberg and land in the desert west of Prescott, there's nothing that can be considered human living between those two points

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Anonymous No. 16197363

Time for your daily blackpill

>Strategic Implications of Chinaโ€™s Cislunar Space Activities

Anonymous No. 16197367

Skimmed through and it was a bunch of boomer china seethe. No worries, I'm sure the American space force full of outstanding high IQ white males will be able to counter this threat.

Anonymous No. 16197372

To everyone who posted in the past few hours, the chlorine trifluoride shots are on me.

No, no. I insist.

Anonymous No. 16197374

what will you store them in

Anonymous No. 16197375

Butt plugs

Anonymous No. 16197376

made of what material?

Anonymous No. 16197381

Not gonna turn down free

Anonymous No. 16197387

"it'd be bad if china takes over the moon" but padded out to 61 pages with MIC buzzword effluvia. the defense industry puts out more useless papers than every sociology department in the world combined.

Anonymous No. 16197408

another thread unusable, I haven't even read 90% of the posts because its all just off topic shitposting

Anonymous No. 16197445

>Kek, pop-sci kid thinks the sun's hydrogen isn't locked up as plasma
Literally who doesn't think this what the fuck

Anonymous No. 16197473

lot a insel energies in this thread as always. you will never get laid and never start a family.

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Anonymous No. 16197485

I think Boing will be happy to trash the whole thing once they run out of Atlas V launches.

Anonymous No. 16197548

oh no, probes and flags and footprints!

Anonymous No. 16197586

Your EDS tranny ideology is showing

Anonymous No. 16197592

Can someone explain why there is no concept to cleansheet design a lunar landing archietecture using falcon 9? You can assemble a substantial stack in LEO in under a month even if it takes 10+ lanuches. NASA have always been shills of orbital assembly, have they got cold feet all of a sudden now that the opportunity to actually do it has arose?

Anonymous No. 16197593

NASA is a jobs program, that doesn't create enough jobs

Anonymous No. 16197597

A company can only do update-worthy things so fast anyway.

If you want more space-related progress updates/news to discuss then you should also look at news from outside the US. For example, there are progress updates/news from some Chinese space company almost every day (because there are so many of them).

Anonymous No. 16197602

The crew will go up from and down to Earth in Orion/SLS for political reasons. The lunar lander will use Starship because that was what SpaceX proposed in their bid.

Anonymous No. 16197606

The Chinese have been quite clear about their plan for a moon base

Anonymous No. 16197609

now there's a crossover I never expected to see. Would work better for standard turbopump engine Chill la Chill
(I also never expected the /n/ sfg thread to to be better then the /sci/ thread, but here we are)

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Anonymous No. 16197619
>SpaceX Performs Second Wet Dress Rehearsal of Fourth Starship Flight Stack

second WDR happening

Anonymous No. 16197629


Anonymous No. 16197632

fuck off back to the tranny thread, this general was specifically created for spacex tankwatching

Anonymous No. 16197634

if you don't ignore the retarded shitposts, you are killing /sfg/
its as simple as that
do you want to talk about spaceflight or no?
if you want to blog/chat about your life, talk about trannies or whatever the fuck there are other forums for discussion like that

Anonymous No. 16197638

yeah, so fuck off back there.

Anonymous No. 16197642

you the cancer killing this general

Anonymous No. 16197650

i know you are but what am i.

Anonymous No. 16197653

a faggot

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Zubrin no profile 1.jpg

Anonymous No. 16197666

> helium-3 meme on page 31

Anonymous No. 16197667

Helium-3 is real.
Just like nazi bases on the Moon.

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Anonymous No. 16197671



Faggot central ->


Anonymous No. 16197691


Anonymous No. 16197927

Vulcan, so the shitbox can be shaken even more.