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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16197670

8 days - edition

previous >>16195248

Anonymous No. 16197674

Changs will win. Musk will fall. Scammer go to hell. I hate Muskians.

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Anonymous No. 16197678

Upcoming chinese rockets, many are F9 clones

Anonymous No. 16197679

I think you clicked on the wrong thread mate
but no worries, I got you the link here >>16178834

Anonymous No. 16197680

everybody cares.

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musk over.png

Anonymous No. 16197682

picrel makes muskrats seethe and cope. why?

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Anonymous No. 16197683

Anonymous No. 16197687

You and I care :3

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Anonymous No. 16197694

starlink launch in 1h

Anonymous No. 16197698

Daily reminder were not going to see orbital starship launches until next year, because spaceX cant even reenlight raptors yet

Anonymous No. 16197699

orbital velocity proves they can get to orbit.

Anonymous No. 16197700

war is peace, freedom is slavery.

Anonymous No. 16197703

Your schizophrenia showing again?

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Art nouveau space....jpg

Anonymous No. 16197705

Anonymous No. 16197707

listen I wish i could piss in your mouth but thats beside the point.

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Boca Chica, 1870.jpg

Anonymous No. 16197709


Anonymous No. 16197714


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Pournelle br.jpg

Anonymous No. 16197717

Anonymous No. 16197725

I know nigga, they cant get to orbit not because of a velocity issue, but because they cant reenlight raptors in orbit

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roman rocket2.jpg

Anonymous No. 16197728


Anonymous No. 16197732

>med monkeys mad at Persian space program excellence

Anonymous No. 16197734

got live landing audio again! nice

Anonymous No. 16197736

Skibidi rizz

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Anonymous No. 16197737

what's that

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Anonymous No. 16197738


Anonymous No. 16197740

anything special about this booster? this wasn’t a 22nd flight or anything was it?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16197747

how much this repair cost if you contracted boeing to do it?

Anonymous No. 16197748

how much would this repair cost if you contracted boeing to do it?

Anonymous No. 16197749

Its over

Anonymous No. 16197753

You think so? I’m going to have to disagree with your assessment. To me it appears to be only just beginning.

Anonymous No. 16197755


Anonymous No. 16197757


Anonymous No. 16197758

Why is it that jews want to take over all areas apart from pol?

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mr freeze.jpg

Anonymous No. 16197759

>What killed Starship? The Ice Age!

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Anonymous No. 16197764

Good Morning friends
~7hrs till SpaceX launch of EarthCARE sat

JAXA with Clear



Anonymous No. 16197765

There's no way it could possibly be this bad, right?

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elon launch if only.jpg

Anonymous No. 16197769


Anonymous No. 16197770

starlink will never work

Anonymous No. 16197771

that is in character for scammy Musk

Anonymous No. 16197773

this is a pretty long hold

Anonymous No. 16197776


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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 16197777

speak for yourself, faggot. many people hate Musktard overpromises, underdeliver and his scammy tactic, not just me.

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astro check em.jpg

Anonymous No. 16197779

checked, based muskrat exterminator

Anonymous No. 16197780

ok, newfag

Anonymous No. 16197792

it's amazing the main criticism of space is you're not good enough while they essentially dominate

You retards would get mad that if SpaceX didn't meet it's own goal of 148 launches a year when others are lucky to get off one a year, but it's ok because the other only advertised a single launch a year

Anonymous No. 16197795

Reminder that only newfags get buttmad at obvious anti-SpaceX bait

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Anonymous No. 16197796

Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend

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elon cult.jpg

Anonymous No. 16197797

>serious issues with Raptor 2
>noooooo! you can't discuss this!! i-its bait!

Anonymous No. 16197801

I did, thank you anon.

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Anonymous No. 16197808

It's because normies don't know anything about anything so they view life through a lens of social relations. They don't understand an optimistic estimate, revising opinions with new data, or even the difference between a tech demo and a design mockup. It's all super fucking shallow.

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General Zod is ad....webm

Anonymous No. 16197810

Bros why is it that when I stand outside with my head pointed towards the sun and my eyelids closed for around a minute, my eyes feel so much better afterwards?

If I go to my office without having spent time outside in the sun first, or if I use glasses/sunglasses first my eyes and head will ache for the whole day. But exposure to the sun in this manner eases all tension, and allows me to see sharper with a noticeable blueish tint to all perceived colors. Glare from the sun's is also much less of an issue afterwards.

Anonymous No. 16197812

your a homosexual and staring at the sun washes away the demons for a day.

Anonymous No. 16197813

Normies don’t know anything about space flight. You tell them Spacex is on track to launch 135 falcon 9s this year and they’ll ask if that’s more or less than the space shuttle will be doing.

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Anonymous No. 16197814

what happened to the wdr? i didnt stick around but did they use the deluge or not

Anonymous No. 16197816

Illogical, I am the straightest man in this city.

Anonymous No. 16197818

That city? San Francisco.

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Anonymous No. 16197824

What did he even think these posts had in common

Anonymous No. 16197832

LOL hobbitlab seething

Anonymous No. 16197833

anyone can edit html bozo

Anonymous No. 16197835


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Anonymous No. 16197836


Anonymous No. 16197842

are you guys retarded or what?

Anonymous No. 16197844

The article does the government contracts are subsidies thing in order to try to claim Elon is hypocritical.

Anonymous No. 16197848

That's where the street shitters live.

Anonymous No. 16197850

"wtf, why are they launching their rockets so cheap with their reusable rocket" the article

Anonymous No. 16197853

even more than that its a hitpiece that brings up his tweets instead of staying on topic. i would have taken it more seriously if they focused on SpaceX the company and not portrayed SpaceX as basically just another arm of Elon. it also takes out of context the price decreases, SpaceX has just been getting more and more efficient over time its not like theyre offering worse services at higher prices like a REAL monopoly would, they are continuously improving their services which means that they are able to drop prices and still say profit neutral in the first place. the entire article is just so disingenuous about its purpose and its sad to see. but what do you expect from non-spaceflight specific news reporters when they talk about SpaceX?

Anonymous No. 16197863


Anonymous No. 16197866

You don’t hate journalists enough
You think you do but you don’t

Anonymous No. 16197868

I'm phone posting from my real job at my company that I own, do you think I would spend one fucking second doing that? I just asked if the reality was as dire as the YouTube screenshot implied (because I doubt it)

Anonymous No. 16197874

>SpaceX is privately held, so it does not release revenue figures, but Payload, an industry research site, estimated that nearly 60 percent of SpaceX’s launch-related revenue last year came from the federal government.
>This means that despite Mr. Musk’s early disdain for government subsidies granted to his rivals, including Lockheed and Boeing, SpaceX’s own rise has been bankrolled in large part by NASA and the Pentagon.
Why do these retards not have a single clue was subsidies are?

Anonymous No. 16197875

nice subtle brag homo. the reality is that youre posting from the government welfare office.

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Anonymous No. 16197877

Anonymous No. 16197878

>I paid you money to do something so you can't be mad I paid someone else just cause

Anonymous No. 16197881

>subtle brag
If you interacted with small business owners in any capacity you'd know the only requirement is to not be afflicted with down syndrome (optional)

Anonymous No. 16197883

They actually do know what subsidies are. They're just used to thinking of government contracts as do nothing graft rather than an impetus to improve the service.

Anonymous No. 16197890

You are recharging your prana. During sunrise and sunset you can even do it with eyes open. Getting up for sunrise and sungazing is pretty much the best start of the day to get shit done.

Anonymous No. 16197893

What's the timezone of the anti SpaceX seether?

Anonymous No. 16197894

Seems to be US

Anonymous No. 16197895

The point isn't so much that SpaceX is using monopoly pricing power, rather that it wants to kill off the competition so that it can then fully exploit monopoly pricing power.

The implied conclusion is that the government needs to step in and create a separate shielded market for the companies that are behind SpaceX, because otherwise those companies will die off and the market concentration of the industry will remain bad or even become worse.

Anonymous No. 16197897

Any educated guesses for the next hop? Still two weeks?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16197899

Just because you buy something doesn't mean it's not a subsidy. If you overpay, it's a subsidy. If you pay for something you didn't truly need, it's a subsidy. If you buy just to give your customer better economies of scale, it's a subsidy.

Anonymous No. 16197902

They didn't say the money given to SpaceX was a subsidy, they just implied it.

Still: just because you purchase something for the money doesn't mean it's not a subsidy. If you overpay, it's a subsidy. If you pay for something you didn't truly need, it's a subsidy. If you buy to give your vendor better economies of scale, it's a subsidy. If you buy to give your vendor experience, it's a subsidy. If you buy to help your vendor pay off their factory and installed equipment, it's a subsidy.

Anonymous No. 16197903

spaceX failed yet another wet dress rehearsal, whats out cope this time boys?

Anonymous No. 16197905

i fail to see how its the governments job to hand out gibs because companies have bad business plans. are we supposed to just subsidize any old stupid business plan that comes along just because spacex is running an actual business compared to the other vc scams? thats exactly what oldspace did, take gibs for awful work.

Anonymous No. 16197907

no cope this time... i sold all my shares...

Anonymous No. 16197908

>look at me im a baiting fag
pretending to be a faggot is indeed being a faggot

Anonymous No. 16197909

The only problem is that we are talking about billions of tax payer money, hard to make argument why should people pay more for worse service

Anonymous No. 16197910

post body

Anonymous No. 16197912

>The implied conclusion is that the government needs to step in and create a separate shielded market for the companies that are behind SpaceX, because otherwise those companies will die off and the market concentration of the industry will remain bad or even become worse.
That's pretty much standing government policy. The whole reason ULA was allowed to exist as a monopoly is it preserved two dissimilar rocket options. Instead of whining about SpaceX these newspace guys should be gunning for ULA to take the number 2 NASA+NSSL spot.

Anonymous No. 16197913

so the mishap is done, but that didn't really matter anyway because the license for IFT-4 did not require it

Anonymous No. 16197914

fruity ahh post

Anonymous No. 16197916

What'd it do, stay dry?

Anonymous No. 16197917

>so the mishap is done
abysmal reading comprehension

Anonymous No. 16197919

So if the government pays market rates for something and the provider finds a way to do it cheaper than the rest of the market, suddenly the government is granting a subsidy?

Anonymous No. 16197924

Because, given the current state of the industry, there are no viable business plans that don't involve government intervention, or being a super-billionaire willing to spend out of pocket like Bezos.

Maybe you should try opening an introductory economics textbook sometime. You could read the section called "monopoly -> sources of monopoly -> barriers to entry", or something similar. You could also read about the negative effects to society of high market concentration.

SpaceX would never have succeeded without government industrial policy (commercial resupply).

Anonymous No. 16197925

SpaceX hasn't lowered Falcon 9 prices in years.
They could offer it for half yet they don't.
Doesn't seem very anticompetitive to me.

Anonymous No. 16197928

Didn't they increase the price at some point too

Anonymous No. 16197929

That is not what's happening. The startups are not really allowed to compete with ULA because the barriers to take over ULA's NSSL contract are so extremely high. What is needed isn't "SpaceX + ULA". What is needed is "SpaceX + free competition in a separate market where ULA is allowed to fail". A third provider for NSSL Lane 2 and creating NSSL Lane 1 is a good start however it needs to be expanded and it must be guaranteed that SpaceX will not be allowed to participate in NSSL Lane 1.

Anonymous No. 16197932

>just because you purchase something for the money doesn't mean it's not a subsidy
>list of things that do not apply to either SpaceX or Tesla

And this is setting aside that it is a deflection for companies like ULA getting hundreds of millions in direct subsidies.

Anonymous No. 16197936

It can be, although I didn't say it was a case of subsidy here. I just pointed out that a purchase can be a subsidy, and it needs more analysis to determine whether it has a subsidizing component to it or not.

>market price
It's hard to determine a proper "market price" is right now because there are so few actors on this market that there isn't much of a market. "Market price" is right now essentially whatever SpaceX decides, within a range. I.e. they have a lot of pricing power.

In economic theory, the ideal industry structure is one where no company has pricing power - "perfect competition". This is the industry structure that will deliver the best possible price to consumers.

Anonymous No. 16197938

You were trying to obfuscate the subject to rationalize the article spreading misinfo.

Anonymous No. 16197944

Didn’t get dressed

Anonymous No. 16197945

And this is why China is going to win the economic war in the end. The government is not afraid to intervene in markets and spend money for the purpose of long term industrial policy.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16197951

What is the misinformation in the article? I thought they were quite clear in avoiding stating false things. They just made implications for the reader to reach on his own. Maybe I missed something?

As for SpaceX subsidies: they wouldn't have existed in the first place if not for the NASA contract they got that paid for most of the initial product development and created a viable business case. If NASA had simply procured ISS resupply on the open market, they could certainly have bought it cheaper by buying Progress launches from the Russians. It would have cost more in the long term however each individual purchase batch would have been cheaper than developing a new rocket and cargo vehicle from scratch. So why didn't NASA just do that? Because of strategic industrial policy.

Anonymous No. 16197958

What is the misinformation in the article? I thought they were quite clear in avoiding stating false things. They just made implications and let the reader to reach conclusions on his own. Maybe I missed something?

As for SpaceX subsidies: they wouldn't have succeeded in the first place if not for the NASA contract they got that paid for most of the initial product development and created a viable business case. If NASA had simply procured ISS resupply on the open market, they could certainly have bought it cheaper by buying Progress launches from the Russians. It would have cost more in the long term however each individual purchase batch would have been cheaper than developing a new rocket and cargo vehicle from scratch. So why didn't NASA just do that? Because of strategic industrial policy.

Anonymous No. 16197960

What if the government makes a mistake?

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Anonymous No. 16197963

Starliner was built for Vulcan

Anonymous No. 16197970

Built for Shaken Astronaut Syndrome.
But actually, built for Delta IV.

Anonymous No. 16197972

It's inevitable that there'll be mistakes, because no one has a crystal ball that can predict the future or a 100% perfect understanding of a dynamic high-tech industry and its relation with the rest of the economy. It's guaranteed you'll overspend, that some money will be misappropriated, that some money will be wasted on dead ends, on duplication, on mismanaged companies that fail anyway, etc.

Anonymous No. 16197978

>they wouldn't have succeeded in the first place if not for the NASA contract they got that paid for most of the initial product development and created a viable business case.
How is this really a gotcha or some kinda bad thing?
It almost seems to me people prefer if the usual government contractors just squander tax money.

The decision to take advantage of a situation to grow a company instead of just pay executives I guess seems super easy on it's face but I doubt 99.9% of people or companies in the same situation would do the same.

Anonymous No. 16197979

By far the greatest difficulties in carrying out good industrial policy aren't mistakes, they're (a) the government lacking a long term view, and (b) the government being influenced by special interests. China has less of a problem in both of those regards because (a) the CPC isn't in danger of losing the next election, and (b) the CPC is a stable and self-perpetuating entity that doesn't depend on support from media moguls, industry tycoons and union bosses to get re-elected.

Anonymous No. 16197984

>How is this really a gotcha or some kinda bad thing?
It isn't. The whole point is that the government has done it in the past for SpaceX and should do the same thing again for more companies. The government should not just "let the free market take its course".

Anonymous No. 16197992

Small launch has received billions in venture capital to date, far more than SpaceX's initial COTS contract. The fact they dont already have an operational F9 clone is embarrassing.

Anonymous No. 16197998

Everyone capable of creating an F9 clone works for spacex

Anonymous No. 16198000

It's really not about the engineers.
It's all about management which ultimately derives from the CEO.
Blue Origin has great engineers.

Anonymous No. 16198001

It's spread over many companies.

It's not enough to merely have an F9 v1.0 clone. It would have been enough if the year was 2012 however the leading edge is a moving target, and the barriers to entry are becoming bigger. A startup can't just create F9 v1.0 style minimum viable product and then fund further development with revenue like SpaceX did. SpaceX did not have to compete with SpaceX, second movers do have to compete with SpaceX.

See for example how Stoke's Nova, Relativity's Terran-R or Rocket Lab's Neutron are aiming well beyond just a F9 v1.0 clone.

Also, it's also not just a matter of technology, you also need high cadence.

Anonymous No. 16198002


Anonymous No. 16198004

>By far the greatest difficulties in carrying out good industrial policy aren't mistakes
because bad industrial policy usually doesn't last long enough in a capitalist democracy to do lasting damage.

Anonymous No. 16198005

baitcuck kys

Anonymous No. 16198007

>need to bold the text for artists

Anonymous No. 16198011

>Relativity's Terran-R
>aiming well beyond just a F9 v1.0 clone

Anonymous No. 16198013

Also company culture which is basically a form of self management and derives from the CEO

Anonymous No. 16198016

Relativity Space is valued at over 4 billion and their first launch failed. They have more than enough money

Anonymous No. 16198018

1. methalox
2. intended from the start to be reusable
3. different manufacturing techniques
4. 50% more payload than F9FT, 200% more than F9v1.0
5. they were originally aiming even higher

Anonymous No. 16198024

That they were valued at $4 billion doesn't mean they have received $4 billion in investment. From what I've read, they've raised $1.3 billion. That will probably be enough to finish Terran-R development however it won't help them much if the Terran-R isn't going to be competitive.

Anonymous No. 16198030

>where was the misinfo, they only deliberately misled the reader

lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 16198032

The market is absolutely desperate for capacity, especially spacex alternatives. Amazon bought out 80 launches over the next decade from Ariane, ULA, BO. SpaceX capacity will continue to be Starlink focused. There is plenty room for dissimilar F9 clones

Anonymous No. 16198033

Vulcan will never be crew rated.

Anonymous No. 16198035

How tf does crew dreamchaser work? put astronauts in the fairing? lol

Anonymous No. 16198038

Amazon is a competitor to SpaceX both directly amd through Bezos' other companies and not representative of the market as a whole.

Anonymous No. 16198041

Thanks for proving you're a baiting nigger

Anonymous No. 16198042

Just load the astronauts before vehicle integration.

Anonymous No. 16198043

Depictions of a crewed Dreamchaser never had fairings, cargo Dreamchaser uses them for better performance.

Anonymous No. 16198044

>More recently, SpaceX started what it called Bandwagon, which offers satellite makers launches to orbits that provide them better coverage over key sections of the world. SpaceX is selling these flights at far below its own costs to undermine its competition, Mr. Beck said, citing his own estimates.
>“Bandwagon is like, the most bold and obtuse anti-competitive thing you can do,” said Mr. Beck, whose company charges about $21,500 per kilogram for its launches to specific orbits.

Anonymous No. 16198048

Kuiper only plans 3,226 satellites, at least as thing stand right now. The operating altitude will be 590km and higher, so the lifespan of each satellite might be longer than for Starlink. Amazon alone isn't going to keep paying indefinitely to compensate for the US government's lack of industrial policy.

Anonymous No. 16198050

Your disingenuous arguments getting called out is not bait.

Anonymous No. 16198052


Anonymous No. 16198055

it's literally not aerodynamically possible to launch dreamchaser without a fairing

Anonymous No. 16198056

>the CCP is immune to special interests and makes careful long term plans

too on the nose my wumao friend

Anonymous No. 16198057

Bezos is no stranger to money pits.

Anonymous No. 16198059

Rockets literally don't care about aerodynamic stability.
Have you seen the Starship?
You just use the engines for control.

Anonymous No. 16198063

Not true

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Anonymous No. 16198065

>Past two WDRs experienced uncorrectable faults with the plumbing around the booster common dome and downcomer. Majorly invasive work would be required to fix these. Expect booster rollback shortly followed by B12 rollout for SF test campaign. IFT-4 likely not happening in June

Anonymous No. 16198066

doesn't that already exist with NSSL? with phase 3 or something going to new launch providers that haven't really proved themselves yet
they also kind of glossed over Blue Origin, if New Glenn works there isn't going to be a monopoly

Anonymous No. 16198068

SpaceX was awarded contracts worth $396 million in 2006 for initial development and $1.6 billion in 2008 for 12 flights, which in 2024 dollars is $615 million and $2.3 billion respectively. Also the government bought the first three F1 launches.

Anonymous No. 16198069

nuclear grade cope

Anonymous No. 16198070

if anything, SpaceX is being underpaid compared to the competition
also when talking about ULA in the article they specifically seemed not to mention that ULA was just given a billion a year to do nothing, a direct subsidy just to be there

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16198071

>1. methalox
hydrolox and solids

>2. intended from the start to be reusable
>sustainer core
>intented to be reusable

anon I...

>3. different manufacturing techniques

cheaper to make than a Delta IV is an extremely low hurdle

>4. 50% more payload than F9FT, 200% more than F9v1.0

With six solids which put it in expended Falcon Heavy's price range, for less performance.

>5. they were originally aiming even higher


Anonymous No. 16198072

are you having a stroke?
delete your retarded post while you still can

Anonymous No. 16198074

SpaceX is allowed to participate in NSSL Lane 1, which pretty much defeats the whole point.

Anonymous No. 16198078

Are you talking about Terran-R, or are you talking about Vulcan, or what?

Anonymous No. 16198080

those implications are done on purpose to mislead
leaving out crucial information or only talking about specific things is misinformation even if it isn't technically outright lying

Anonymous No. 16198081

>SpaceX is selling these flights at far below its own costs
>Bandwagon is like, the most bold and obtuse anti-competitive thing you can do
>Mr. Beck, whose company charges about $21,500 per kilogram

Anonymous No. 16198082

L2 confirms

Anonymous No. 16198083


Anonymous No. 16198084

He might be willing to fund money pits however I'm pretty sure he will insist that they be *his* money pits

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x-20 dyna-soar a.jpg

Anonymous No. 16198086

> y-you can't launch a lifting body without a fairing! it's impossible!!

Anonymous No. 16198087

they'll say that 135 launches is a bad thing because that's obviously way too many and spacex is risking kessler syndrome

Anonymous No. 16198088

Wikipedia article on SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16198093

anon went full retard and started talking about Vulcan

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Anonymous No. 16198098

4 more days

Anonymous No. 16198099

He's not completely wrong about that. China is an authoritarian hell-state so anything that would be recognized in the west as a "special interest" was either absorbed or destroyed. "Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.” The communists are also big fans of multi-year plans, although the wisdom that goes into making them varies widely.

On the other hand, China might not have electorally driven politics, but it does have internal factions that fight for power, and this fucked over the Soviet space program on more than one occasion. Calling it "stable and self-perpetuating" is also completely ignoring the cycles of liberalization and crackdown that China passes through.

Anonymous No. 16198100

whoever the faggot is that voted 95 ack yourself immediatly

Anonymous No. 16198103

4 days until what? Certainly not the “space”craft in your picture launching.

Anonymous No. 16198105

ip grabber

Anonymous No. 16198106

Why is it disgustingly shitstained?

Anonymous No. 16198108

when is it launching?

Anonymous No. 16198109

>China is an authoritarian hell-state so anything that would be recognized in the west as a "special interest" was either absorbed or destroyed

China is infamous for book cooking which is enabled by the extreme top down authoritarianism of the CCP.

Anonymous No. 16198111

I refuse to believe it

Anonymous No. 16198112


Dammit, give more context, didnt see this until I tried posting.

Context: FAA doesnt see any issue with Flight 3, therefore launch license SOOOON. Possibly within this week

Anonymous No. 16198115

the united states had special interests wrecking our long-term planning abilities in the 1950s - they were called the army, navy, and air force. then in the 1958-1961 period a series of decisions were made to disempower the internal factions because american political leadership knew that was the only way to surpass the soviets.

Anonymous No. 16198117

the other thread is funnier than this boring rocket science shit thread

starship launch when?

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Anonymous No. 16198118

seems to me that there isn't really a maximum number of providers and it is specifically aimed at small launchers with 1000kg to LEO
does it matter if SpaceX can compete if they are just given one launch as a token for Starship or something?
then lane 2 has three providers, so even if SpaceX and ULA take two spots there is space for a new entrant

Anonymous No. 16198120

My best guess is 2 more working weeks.

Anonymous No. 16198126

two weeks rounding up

Anonymous No. 16198127

Read the thread edition retard.

Anonymous No. 16198128

Why wouldn't the most prolific small sat launcher in the world be allowed to compete in a small lift scale lane?

Anonymous No. 16198134

/pol/tranny malding that his thread gets ignored and laughed at.

Anonymous No. 16198148

Payload says SpaceX, ULA and BO were the ones that bid on Lane 1 at this time

There isn't a maximum number of participants however there is a maximum number of payloads to bid on

Anonymous No. 16198170

Shaniqua at Boing got a little out of control with a blowtorch while twerking for a TikTok video.

Anonymous No. 16198171

this was before they knew about aerodynamics.

Anonymous No. 16198173

its the same capsule they used in the last demo mission.

Anonymous No. 16198190

stingy bastards.

Anonymous No. 16198193

the search for heirs to the empire continues

Anonymous No. 16198196

Vitamin D or something
tl;dr sun good

Anonymous No. 16198202

crazy how everything gets a negative spin when its done by boeing lol

Anonymous No. 16198203

Enron Mollusk junior

Anonymous No. 16198210


Anonymous No. 16198213

Considering the last few years, they’ve earned it.

Anonymous No. 16198217

Almost like Boeing has had a decade of major fuckups including killing hundreds of people through pure corporate greed.

Anonymous No. 16198219

Slow and steady wins the race

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Anonymous No. 16198225
>Gateway is a vital part of @NASAArtemis. Built with industry and international partners, the next-gen space station will support:
> A sustained presence around the Moon.
> Crewed missions to the lunar surface.
> Deep space science and discovery.

Anonymous No. 16198229
>The Spaceport Company (TSC) was awarded a contract by the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) to deliver cargo and enable greater access to space by leveraging a unique, sea-going mobile space launch complex. This prototype is intended to demonstrate delivery to a mission-designed orbit and test autonomy-like features of the sea launch vessel.
>In Phase 1 of the Novel Responsive Space Delivery (NRSD) project, TSC will construct and demonstrate foundational maritime launch technologies within the next 12 months. Depending on TSC's Phase 1 outcome, DIU may award future modular phases to TSC. DIU's objective in this phased approach is to work with TSC as it constructs its self-contained, ocean-going space launch complex and creates the complex's capability to quickly deliver satellites to orbit from wide swathes of the ocean on a regular, commercial basis.

Anonymous No. 16198230

Holy shit gateway in the same infographic as starship hls!?! And published by nasa no less. It’s not to scale but I’m impressed that they’d even do that.

Anonymous No. 16198239
Falcon 9 is getting ready to launch an important European payload. This should be entertaining.

Anonymous No. 16198242

>The launcher is getting ready to launch an important European payload
fixed that for you

Anonymous No. 16198248

The weird short lady actually named the Falcon 9 earlier. It was nice, but their shame still isn't complete.

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Anonymous No. 16198257

JAXA live!

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Anonymous No. 16198259

Anonymous No. 16198262

Salivating over a species level achievement failing just so one rich guy you dont like will feel disappointment, you have to be mentally ill

Also we know a test article with heavy redundancy and in development hardware has shit performance. Also we know it has numerous design flaws. So even if this is all correct there's nothing unusual about it. Spacex either improves/fixes it or they fail.

Anyway that wasn't enough, so he lays on more icing because the HLS interior is just an interior volume mockup for suits to see. He expected it to be fully furnished with props that do nothing like a movie set, or like the competitor's mock ups, oh wait. He doesn't describe whats wrong with the plan or what nasa is objecting to. Actually it's just retarded in the first place to believe spacex can't design a habitat with an insane amount of space and mass or work with when dragon exists. Because they hire young people or something

Anonymous No. 16198282

war is peace, freedom is slavery.

Anonymous No. 16198283

the ESA kid is spergin out

Anonymous No. 16198284

I for one hope the actual interior of hls is just a cubic kilometer void with two cots and an airlock

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Anonymous No. 16198286

Might finally be able to see a launch in person, I don't live too far from the launch site. Never expected South Koreans of all people to be the one to utilize the newly built launch facility.

Pretty nice little rocket as well, I hope something comes out of this

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Anonymous No. 16198289

This one is probably closer to scale

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Anonymous No. 16198290

Wait a moment, this is official JAXA stream, not clear's channel.

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Anonymous No. 16198293

Need JAXA wife

Anonymous No. 16198296

I love Asian women so much it's unreal

Anonymous No. 16198297

ESA must be seething that they can't launch this on one of their own launchers

Anonymous No. 16198298

How does our girl just keep winning

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starship 60s conc....jpg

Anonymous No. 16198300

Anonymous No. 16198302

I just love women (beautiful) in general

Anonymous No. 16198303

Max Cute

Anonymous No. 16198305

Clear Max-Qute!

Anonymous No. 16198306

It was originally supposed to launch on a Soyuz, and then had Vega-C as a backup. I'm a bit surprised they didn't try penciling it in on an Ariane 62 before inking a contract with SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16198307

Max Qute

Anonymous No. 16198308

Oh it's got the gross nozzle

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Anonymous No. 16198311

Anonymous No. 16198320

They need to set these stream commentators up with some kind of audio delay system so they can work around the mission control callouts more naturally. Also they need to be banned from saying "good callout there"

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Anonymous No. 16198321

I still miss that nigga so much like you can't believe.

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Anonymous No. 16198325

>4 more delays

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Lucifers Hammert ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16198326


Anonymous No. 16198329

>literally who pajeeta published something on MuskBook
>gets posted ITT
tell me how I know this thread is full of actual shills without telling me

Anonymous No. 16198332


Anonymous No. 16198333


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Anonymous No. 16198336

fake link

Anonymous No. 16198337


Anonymous No. 16198338


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Anonymous No. 16198339


Anonymous No. 16198340

>90k watching now

Anonymous No. 16198342

bots streaming for morons

Anonymous No. 16198345

what would your last meal and your last words to your family be before being loading into the Boeing death capsule?

Anonymous No. 16198347

Bots streaming for bots. The only humans in the equation are the ones who set up the bots (probably pajeets) and the adverting execs who think they're doing a good job because the line is going up

Anonymous No. 16198349

its the mother of that kid

Anonymous No. 16198351

Double my bitcoin!?

Anonymous No. 16198355


Anonymous No. 16198359

in practice the central government tends to fuck with your life less than here in the US
in the US some group of faggots or subhumans can use the federal government to force everyone else to call them real people, but that doesn't really happen in the PRC
it's not democracy, but neither is picking one of D or R and the vote being ultimately decided by who can import more third world garbage from Somlia or Latin America or get a favorable supreme court ruling
it's true that the cops could just snatch you up and shoot you in the head for no reason (although it's a lot less likely if you're a foreigner because there would be political consequences at a global scale)

Anonymous No. 16198368

Im signing up. Ive got like $10000 in bitcoin, if elons willing to double it then ill send it no questions asked.

Anonymous No. 16198372

Be quick! He's not doing it for long

Anonymous No. 16198374

The account has been hacked from a vietnamese pop or drama channel or something. Thats how it has so many subs already

Anonymous No. 16198377

What I did was send $1 in BTC, he doubled it, I sent $2, $4, $8, $16, etc
im on $1,073,741,824 now after only 30 repeats!

Anonymous No. 16198392

Bros, I send 0.420btc and I didnt get double back yet. How long does it take? I'm getting nervous.

Anonymous No. 16198393

soon bro

Anonymous No. 16198399

My mom sent me one of these once. She has a master's degree

Anonymous No. 16198400

Our autistic king would probably need to be told why that doesn't work
>it's only one week? who would need more than a bed and a screen? should we add a chair?

Anonymous No. 16198404

University is a humiliation ritual so she's probably not smart

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Anonymous No. 16198405

What's the name of it again?

Anonymous No. 16198406

>the launcher

Anonymous No. 16198408

lmao, Eric can be such a shitter when he wants to be.

Anonymous No. 16198413

Who cares about this Eceleb?

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Anonymous No. 16198421

Would you share a Soyuz with this new cosmonaut?

Anonymous No. 16198429

sorry, I don't associate with Russians

Anonymous No. 16198431

Ethnic Georgian bro

Anonymous No. 16198432

No, I'm afraid of beautiful women.

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Anonymous No. 16198433


Anonymous No. 16198436

ESA is an eceleb to you?

Anonymous No. 16198438

lmao, this
a Muscovite is a Muscovite no matter where he comes from

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Anonymous No. 16198441

Anonymous No. 16198446

Rape is legal in space.

Anonymous No. 16198457

California looks mid af

Anonymous No. 16198460

HOLY SHIT, are they really launching this frequently? I count 13 rocket ships in that space train!

Anonymous No. 16198463

This actually is the first month we've have with 13 Falcon launches

Anonymous No. 16198468

When do the sex experiments begin?

Anonymous No. 16198485

Do you think any astronauts have smacked one out on the ISS?

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Anonymous No. 16198490


Anonymous No. 16198495

L2 bros...

Anonymous No. 16198498

Every single one of them.

Anonymous No. 16198499

OP was lying. see >>16198490

Anonymous No. 16198500

Does anyone have a tally of days between starship launches?

Anonymous No. 16198511

You can just see satellites.
This is so kino

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Anonymous No. 16198513
Boat's fixed

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mars fungi.jpg

Anonymous No. 16198528

mars is a biohazard

Anonymous No. 16198535

we should go decontaminate mars.

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Ten people Spacel....jpg

Anonymous No. 16198538

what's your crew size for the first manned mars mission /sfg/?

Anonymous No. 16198541


Anonymous No. 16198546


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Anonymous No. 16198548


Anonymous No. 16198550

1, just me, and I'm not coming back.

Anonymous No. 16198551


Anonymous No. 16198553

one per class

Anonymous No. 16198561

there is ZERO reason to bring the freaking scout to Mars

Anonymous No. 16198563
linus video about servers on the ISS

Anonymous No. 16198565

also the internet on the ISS is a fucking joke holy crap
just use starlink already

Anonymous No. 16198566

as many femboys that can fit in the pod

Anonymous No. 16198569

70 people would be a good number. Good redundancy and specialization.

Anonymous No. 16198571

how many starships are we launching?

Anonymous No. 16198594

Does he accidentally drop a satellite?

Anonymous No. 16198601

yeah, piece of it fell on my house
not his fault, blame the sat operator

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16198637

Claiming one's posts are on-topic does not mean that they are, indeed, on-topic.

Ad hominem posts are forbidden.

Thread trimmed of recent posts by dustinthewind and replies to those posts.

Edit: No, dustinthewind, my thread trim is not an invitation to explain your off-topic posts with yet another off-topic post.

Another post deleted.

2nd edit: No, Turgin's post from 2023 was off-topic as well. I deleted it as well. Thank you for pointing it out to me.

Yet another post deleted.

3rd edit: Thread locked

Anonymous No. 16198640

what the fuck are you on about nigger

Anonymous No. 16198642

NSF mods are insufferable little shit-stains

Anonymous No. 16198644

Back to reggit nigger

Anonymous No. 16198645

Thread locked. Let's try to be a little more civil next time okay?

Anonymous No. 16198646


Anonymous No. 16198658

I always send one Kerbal

Anonymous No. 16198662

>no one has died on the moon yet.

I still have a shot into immortality...

Anonymous No. 16198666

nobody has killed on the moon yet either

Anonymous No. 16198668

Would be really funny if off-world death was the trigger for the next step in the simulation and we've been dodging it for decades

Anonymous No. 16198669

plenty of bacteria in the shitbags they left behind perished

Anonymous No. 16198670

Non-sapients don't count

Anonymous No. 16198681

schizos not welcome

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Anonymous No. 16198713

is there a reason ESA is launching satellites to protect the Earth while Nasa is focused on flags and footprints/colonialism?

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Anonymous No. 16198716

Don't use EarthCARE for your low quality bait.

Anonymous No. 16198724

rape the earth

Anonymous No. 16198732

flags-and-footprints missions are a show of force to any aerosols or infrared radiation that thinks it can mess with us

Anonymous No. 16198733

holy based
fuck the earth, what did it ever do for me?

Anonymous No. 16198734

Eesa is the last bastion of hope for our dying world

Anonymous No. 16198737

radiation isn't even real, you ever seen it? don't think so

Anonymous No. 16198739

This argument has legs

Anonymous No. 16198740

3 of them

Anonymous No. 16198742

This is how you know Moon landing deniers are feds. Really? A Moon landing denier believes in invisible scary killer "radiation" in the Van Allen belts. Yeah OK

Anonymous No. 16198780

New hitpiece about SpaceX dropped. Laced with leftwing political talking points and feelings from other space companies about the intent of spacex launch contracts

Anonymous No. 16198784

Feat. Peter Beck(Rocket Labs), Jim Cantrell, Tim Ellis (Relativity)

Anonymous No. 16198813

The simulation is not a game. If it were we would likely be NPCs anyway.

Anonymous No. 16198814

Yes >>16197832

Anonymous No. 16198831

they themselves know perfectly well
but they think the average reader is ignorant enough not to know the difference
they are probably right

Anonymous No. 16198838


Anonymous No. 16198846

So whem are we laumchin?

Anonymous No. 16198849

two weeks

Anonymous No. 16198850

Hello I have been absent a number of days and wish to know how long until the next Starship test flight

Anonymous No. 16198852

tell the truth

Anonymous No. 16198853


Anonymous No. 16198854

hi /sfg/! i just read further up in the thread that ift-4 will be on june 5. can someone please tell me what day it will happen?

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He hop.png

Anonymous No. 16198855

Hop wen

Anonymous No. 16198856

how long away is june 5fth

Anonymous No. 16198857

Me on the right

Anonymous No. 16198874


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Anonymous No. 16198875

another seethe article from NY, but this was a week ago
the link is weird because its a gift article

but if you prefer, here is the archive link

Anonymous No. 16198881

>A community organizer in the city who opposes SpaceX’s intrusion into Brownsville, Bekah Hinojosa, told me at length about the material concerns she had — pollution, the cost of living, the fragile environment around the company’s launchpad. But Ms. Hinojosa’s core complaint was that her native city didn’t feel like it belonged to her anymore, and that it felt as though public officials were changing the city to become a center for space tourism. It was a kind of psychological burden. “It’s exhausting,” she said. “We are constantly being bombarded by Elon Musk and SpaceX news down here.” There was the ever-present threat that “Elon might show up to charro days, or sombrero fest,” she said, referring to some of the local festivals. Most of all, she wished simply to stop having to think about him so much.

Anonymous No. 16198882

>Bekah Hinojosa
this bitch needs to go away already

Anonymous No. 16198898

>Will any of it happen? It seems doubtful. SpaceX’s Starship has reached orbit. But regular safe transport to the Red Planet is a fabulously difficult proposition, the kind of project that could only be undertaken by sovereign governments. Once the light of consciousness does touch down there, what does it do? Mars may have water and other potential resources, but on top of its profound hostility to human life, the planet looks like the most charmless corner of the American Southwest, without the saving grace of being able to grab a Cherry Coke slushie from a nearby filling station.

Anonymous No. 16198904

They're going to get gentrified out of town by the performance of one company which does not employ the majority of its citizens, which is a new-ish phenomenon that doesn't have a word yet. Google did it to several cities, and Amazon as well with HQ2.

Anonymous No. 16198907

Throw these cunts out an airlock. After a decade of mocking SpaceX and laughing at them telling it will never work, they cry monopoly? Get fucked.

Anonymous No. 16198909

>There was the ever-present threat that “Elon might show up to charro days, or sombrero fest,” she said, referring to some of the local festivals.

Oh no the horror please don't come and eat the tacos and wear the funny hat Mr Musk. Fuck off back to Mexico you beaner bitch.

Anonymous No. 16198913


Anonymous No. 16198917

So why does Peter Beck think transporter missions are shady and $6000 per kg is unfair? Bulk pricing is ~$2000/kg. Thats unfair and too cheap about transporter missions?

Anonymous No. 16198926

because lowering your profit margin to compete with your competition is anticompetitive

Anonymous No. 16198928

Because Peter Beck sells rockets at 20000$/kg.
He's basically an impotently seething upmasslet

Anonymous No. 16198929

Business isn't fair
Transporter / bandwagon is taking away his customers

Anonymous No. 16198936

that is how competition works

Anonymous No. 16198937

He's just a malding little faggot, should have spent less time being a redditor and more time building rockets

Anonymous No. 16198939

That's not how it works. You can only bring in anti competition lawsuits if they are pricing below their cost to drive competition out and for the most part American companies get away with that anyway. Transporter is still making profit so how about the competitors compete instead of seething to the media and government?

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Anonymous No. 16198941

And Galactic Energy successfully launched their second Ceres-1S lifting four Tanqui IoT comsats to SSO. They may have two more Ceres launches planned for the imminent future with the first coming up as soon as tomorrow, but it's China so no one can really say for sure.

Anonymous No. 16198943

In a free market environment, you're supposed to see companies lowering prices, offering better products to attract customers.

Thats not being shady at all, thats market driven economies.l

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Anonymous No. 16198946


Anonymous No. 16198952

it's a neat video and all but i'm just not sure why china keeps pushing these all-solids startups. you can get them flying pretty easily but it's a total dead end as far as a path to a useful launcher.

Anonymous No. 16198956

Same reason America does, to keep on top of military missile technology which loquids suck shit for. They have plenty of liquid fuel reusable things in the works anyway.

Anonymous No. 16198957

America should scrap Artemis and partner with Thiokol to make a solid only lunar landing program. They can even burn solids to produce the oxygen for the crew like how the Soviets did on Mir

Anonymous No. 16198960

America doesnt have many solid booster rocket startup companies. In fact, there are none, atleast as far as functioning companies go.

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Anonymous No. 16198963

Chinese all solid designs are mostly a DF-26 or 31 ICBMs with an extra stage or two stuck on top instead of a warhead. It's an easy training wheels mode that lets a launch service company get practical experience without having to develop the entire rocket themselves. Once they've run a few launch campaigns they usually move on from solid fuel to designing their first liquid engine and shortly after that they're putting out powerpoints describing their upcoming Falcon 9 clone. Galactic Energy might have the first test flight of Palas-1 sometime later this year.

China also has a huge bottleneck in launch capacity right now and Chinese customers will take whatever they can get.

Anonymous No. 16198967

Satan trips demand a sacrifice in space

Anonymous No. 16198975

wasn't there one making nozzles in the very least

Anonymous No. 16198987

what is the next step in the simulation?

Anonymous No. 16198989

TND and system wide aryan expansion

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Anonymous No. 16198997
>Great video of today’s launch. It is said half population of the city come to see the launch.

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elon chariot.jpg

Anonymous No. 16199000


Anonymous No. 16199002

Rocketlab should realise that it's a doggy dog world.

Anonymous No. 16199008

>it's a doggy dog world.
what is the meaning of this phrase?

Anonymous No. 16199009

Do you believe its a caty cat world instead?

Anonymous No. 16199016

>being able to see a rocket launch from your wage cage
That's actually kinda kino.

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Anonymous No. 16199020

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Anonymous No. 16199032

Amazing things are happening in China.
Western regulations are frankly not needed.

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Anonymous No. 16199033

Anonymous No. 16199034

The only truly anti-competitive action with lasting consequences Musk ever did in space launch was to prevent Kistler from getting that pre-COTS NASA funding in 2004 or so.

Anonymous No. 16199039

Rocketlab and Relativity couldn't exist were it not for SpaceX singlehandedly transforming the market and boosting demand for launchers.
Neutron and Terran-R wouldn't be viable if SpaceX didn't succeed with Starlink.

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Anonymous No. 16199040

Anonymous No. 16199044


Anonymous No. 16199045

All journalists are low iq and their writings are worthless drivel without fail

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Anonymous No. 16199049

>The first Starlink was 5 years ago
>/sfg/ is 6 years old

Anonymous No. 16199065

That's a muffin, you lunatic!

Anonymous No. 16199070

I have bad news for you about Artemis

Anonymous No. 16199074

>Cherry Coke slushie on Mars
I'm sort of excited to see just how far we can get just by rearranging carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen with electricity. Is there a future where you have a cherry coke slushy from irradiated air and rocks powered by a solar panel? There's no physics reason why not

Anonymous No. 16199075

Someone should employ the services of a certain ULA snipar

Anonymous No. 16199076

I think there's definitely something there. No idea how the Martian lichen/crab that got photographed slipped through people's minds.

Anonymous No. 16199077

by all means fuck off back to mexico, puta

Anonymous No. 16199081

Nitpickers like you are a diamond dozen

Anonymous No. 16199083

Can I see the injector diagrams for your engines?


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Anonymous No. 16199085

>There was the ever-present threat that “Elon might show up to charro days, or sombrero fest,”

Anonymous No. 16199086

I wouldn't cry if 100 heads of state got the Kennedy treatment but I hope and pray Elon's security guys are good

Anonymous No. 16199089

I came here after Perseverance landed!

Anonymous No. 16199092

why is he gagging on that big pipe cleaner? Humiliation ritual?

Anonymous No. 16199094

Is this real?

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Anonymous No. 16199095

>*Gluck* *Gluck* *Gluck* *Gluck* *Gluck* *Gluck* *Gluck*

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elon slum.jpg

Anonymous No. 16199107

no bulli elon

Anonymous No. 16199114

It's sickening

Anonymous No. 16199131

to sow fear and terror in the local population

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Anonymous No. 16199157

Anonymous No. 16199164

el hombre basado

Anonymous No. 16199167

>Regarding the communication status with the Venus probe “Akatsuki”

>The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) launched the Venus probe "Akatsuki" in 2010, and after entering orbit around Venus in 2015, it has been in operation for about 14 years, achieving high scientific results. Akatsuki has completed regular operations based on the project completion review in 2018, and has been conducting observations in late-stage operations. After a long period of time, it became impossible to establish communication.

>Since then, various measures have been taken to restore the network, but communications have not been restored at this time. We are currently undergoing recovery operations to restore communications.

>Considering that the spacecraft has already exceeded its design life of four and a half years after its launch and has entered the late stage of operation, we are considering future measures. We will notify you as soon as JAXA's policy is decided.

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Anonymous No. 16199169


Anonymous No. 16199214

June 5th.

Anonymous No. 16199220

They'll probably fix the missing tiles at the same time they'll install the fts

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Anonymous No. 16199222


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Anonymous No. 16199233

its happening

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Anonymous No. 16199236

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Anonymous No. 16199238

Anonymous No. 16199240

Akatsuki was a real one
And also our last functioning mission to Venus, which is currently getting fucked over by MSR stealing all the money for Veritas. Scientists are getting close to retirement age and will have seen no US missions to Venus since Magellan

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Anonymous No. 16199253

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Anonymous No. 16199257

Anonymous No. 16199260

Starship will launch on June 5th. It came to me in a dream.

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Leviathan Aerobot....jpg

Anonymous No. 16199263

Our time will come, Venus chads

Anonymous No. 16199265

you will never be a star

Anonymous No. 16199271

I have high hopes for the roggidlab venus mission

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16199276

Anonymous No. 16199279

>stainless steel airship
Venus is so cool man

Anonymous No. 16199280

Thank you for your contribution. How’s the weather on mars this time of year?

Anonymous No. 16199282

What are your thoughts on the rocket coomer posts

Anonymous No. 16199287

>Venus is so cool
what’s behind the handwave of cooling?

Anonymous No. 16199294

Idiot. Can you literally shut the fuck up?

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4ASS logo.png

Anonymous No. 16199296

>NASA Venus missions canceled for MSR
>Russian neoVenera program dead
>Hobbitlab's Venus mission indefinitely postponed
Alright, gentlemen, it's time for a 4ASS mission to Venus. What's the absolute cheapest way we can get there and still do useful science?

Anonymous No. 16199299

I was going to point out that stainless steel really doesn't like sulfuric acid, but it turns out that almost all of that evaporates out of the air below about 10 km. This probably explains the 8 km flight ceiling.

>Hobbitlab's Venus mission indefinitely postponed
When did this happen?

Anonymous No. 16199300

Depends what you define as useful science.
The cheapest option though is to not bother building to withstand venusian surface conditions, and instead go with an atmosphere sampling flyer of some kind. I like the idea of an orbiter paired with a solar powered dirigible.

Anonymous No. 16199301

wasn't Rocket Lab proposing a Venus mission as a way to prove out Photon as a bus for long-term planetary missions?

Anonymous No. 16199303

how long would it take for Venus to turn into a dry-ice ball if we shaded it from the sun?

Anonymous No. 16199308

They're focusing on Neutron instead. They don't have the size to do both at once.

Anonymous No. 16199317

really interesting takes from a trained astrophysicist.

Anonymous No. 16199323

kill yourself

Anonymous No. 16199325

me and my body pillow

Anonymous No. 16199326

who hurt you?

Anonymous No. 16199336

You did, with your pop-science starring a tart video.

Anonymous No. 16199342

Do you need a hug?

Anonymous No. 16199344

>erm who hurt you
i'm going to rape your mouth shut

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Anonymous No. 16199357

Trump bending the knee now that he realizes how important SpaceX is to the countries needs

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Anonymous No. 16199365

>Qatar Airways raises in-flight experience to new heights!
>We are proud to be the largest global airline and the first in the MENA region to collaborate with SpaceX Starlink
>This complimentary, ground-breaking service will enhance our passengers' onboard experience with boundless entertainment and information options.

Anonymous No. 16199367

What did they mean by this?

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venus spin up.jpg

Anonymous No. 16199371

about 300 years iirc

Anonymous No. 16199380

Much as I like Beck, he's saying that because he can't compete at those prices and won't be able to for a while if ever, not because it's actually true. SpaceX probably still makes a profit at those prices, although far lower than for normal missions especially once you factor in all the extra costs of integrating multiple payloads. It's not a loss, but it is very much priced this way to pull up the ladder and make it harder for potential competition to arise. As I've been saying for a while, they've pretty much stated it's designed to kill small launch on stage and it comes after they resisted rideshares for years on grounds of being too much extra work and cost for the little gain (half a dozen missions a year at thin margins don't exactly make them significant money).

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SN9 and SN10.jpg

Anonymous No. 16199381

Anonymous No. 16199392

Yeah it'll kill small launch, which will remove any funding pathway for other startups to develop medium/heavy launch
Fortunately for small launch, launcher diversity is a highly sought after commodity for the biggest customers

Anonymous No. 16199397

lobbying congress to ban the rd-180 although that would've happened anyway

Anonymous No. 16199403

land an ant farm on the surface because putting an ant farm somewhere new is automatically scientific

Anonymous No. 16199404

If others cant compete against F9 rideshares, they're not gonna survive Starship rideshares.

Anonymous No. 16199409

hard for me to tell (and this may be me simping so take it with a grain of salt) but i think he may have been saying that nasa allowing rideshares on f9 launches for their missions is effectively a subsidy to spacex for smallsat launches and spacex wouldn't be able to undercut rocketlab so much if not for that. mind you, this is still a retarded position to hold but it would be a different kind of retarded than saying that charging $6000/kg in any and all cases is unfair.

Anonymous No. 16199411

What does it say?

Anonymous No. 16199413

Fermi paradox is solved if we jsut get rid of our colonial mindset and stop assuming that all alien races want to conquor and dominate to compensate for their insecurities like white Euopeans.

Anonymous No. 16199414

it paves the way for rideshare on starship and even if it starts out small you have to do it to induce elasticity on the market (takes time to develop cheaper payloads) which means you will make more money later as a result
it also aligns with their mission
cheap mass to orbit is the biggest intermediate mission for spacex

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16199426

All of those rockets are F9 clones, or at least very similar to F9. The possible exception is Kinetica-2, although it's a bit unclear; a future variant might be similar to F9.

The list forgot to mention CASIC's Kuaizhou-6.

Anonymous No. 16199432

It's a quicker and cheaper way to prove yourself to investors and to start earning revenue, not least because you don't need to build an expensive liquid pad. Solid startups such as iSpace, Orienspace and Galactic Energy are also developing liquids.

Anonymous No. 16199441

An American startup entrepreneur would probably rather gouge his eyes out than try to go through the ordeal of buying leftover Minuteman engines from the DoD, or to try to convince NG to sell from their SRB production line at marginal cost

Anonymous No. 16199444

>According to the WSJ
This is where I lost all interest

Anonymous No. 16199445

Yes it is quicker when your totally commercial company buys off the shelf SRM from the government.

Anonymous No. 16199453

What makes a company not "commercial" because they buy off-the-shelf components from the government or SOEs? Are American space companies not commercial because they lease government launch pads or rent time on government test infrastructure?

Anonymous No. 16199456

When they are staffed by people from China's state run launch providers and operate in accordance with the governments plans.

Anonymous No. 16199462

So since SpaceX hires ex-NASA employees and takes DoD/NASA contracts, that means they aren't commercial? Even though they also sell to private customers on a market basis?

CASC used to be the only game in town in China when it came to orbital launch, so if you were a space start-up it would've been hard to find experienced engineers elsewhere.

Anonymous No. 16199466

>Saturn V is shorter than the world's tallest tree

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nasa commies.jpg

Anonymous No. 16199467

many such cases

Anonymous No. 16199470

I'm not saying it's pointless and again, they probably still make some money from it, but the main reason is clearly dominating the market. Little of what they do on F9 will apply to Starship rideshares (unless they actually end up doing a chomper opening and even then the sheer volume probably necessitates other measures) and if Starship actually reaches the cost targets those prices will come much further down so that the little elasticity that F9 provides (it's not that much cheaper to really induce much more demand, just cheap enough that using anything else would be stupid unless you need the orbit) is negligible.

Anonymous No. 16199472

Nice greentext faggot why don’t you flesh out your point with sentences instead of a snappy quip.

Anonymous No. 16199474

back to redd*t then faggot

Anonymous No. 16199476

maybe technically little, but operationally its very relevant i.e. working with a bunch of small customers and developing something where you can launch heterogeneous payloads, so there is a lot of tech transfer there too actually
the cheapness of F9 rideshare means new businesses are possible that would not have been before it and in the very least it means startups can test and iterate on cheap payloads before buying a whole launch for instance (and cheaper than buying a dedicated smallsat launcher like electron)
Starship will of course drop this even further, but F9 doing rideshares still speeds things up considerably

Anonymous No. 16199479

yeah man brevity ain't the soul of SHIT

Anonymous No. 16199480

SpaceX isn't staffed by ex NASA employees. Taking a contract from the government is not building rockets and operating them in accordance to your governments desires.

China's government has a level of direct involvment with its "commercial" launch providers that is not mirrored in the west.

Anonymous No. 16199490

Very nice that it's complimentary, if this sets a trend then every plane will have free high speed wifi within 5 years

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Anonymous No. 16199491

>Moral Consideration of Microbial Life

Anonymous No. 16199492

Didn't SpaceX hire former NASA associate administrators Gerstenmaier and Lueders, as well as former USAF general O’Shaughnessy?

>Taking a contract from the government is not building rockets and operating them in accordance to your governments desires.
Uh... that's exactly what it is? By fulfilling the contract, you're doing what the customer desires?
Wasn't Falcon 9 originally developed and launched specifically for NASA's needs, under the COTS/CRS contracts?

Anonymous No. 16199493

>building rockets and operating them in accordance to your governments desires
that's exactly what launch companies do when they try to build rockets that can win government contracts and launch from government-run sites. each of the NSSL lanes is the pentagon issuing guidelines to companies for what sort of missions it wants rockets to be able to fulfill.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16199498

>2 people in administrative positions vs your entire engineering and development staff

As opposed to your

Anonymous No. 16199507

>that can win government contracts

See you understand. Private companies offering bids for government contracts vs. "private" companies building rockets for government launches.

Anonymous No. 16199509

>Didn't SpaceX hire former NASA associate administrators Gerstenmaier and Lueders, as well as former USAF general O’Shaughnessy?

3 people in administrative roles is not staffing your company with former government employees.

Anonymous No. 16199511

Reminder that SLS i necesary

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Anonymous No. 16199514

ChatGPT-4o is free now, seems to be pretty good

Anonymous No. 16199520

How about I bend you over
Shut up nigger

Anonymous No. 16199522

chatgpt isn't gonna make it

Anonymous No. 16199533

for what? The being gay competition?

Anonymous No. 16199539

though you get rate limited pretty quickly

Anonymous No. 16199541

You should use it to make all your posts

Anonymous No. 16199550

how do you know I'm not doing that already?

Anonymous No. 16199563

>Almost nothing but women
As always follows their presence, the progress inhibiting, social power fuck-fuck games will continue.

Anonymous No. 16199569

At least the quality of SpaceX images on Twitter is higher now. It used to be so dogshit.

Anonymous No. 16199583

but they abandoned Flickr

Anonymous No. 16199594


Anonymous No. 16199603

Are we at a special place in history now? Is AI really going to take over?

Anonymous No. 16199604

I've been doing this for half a year now.

Anonymous No. 16199616

I used to pay for it while I was in school cause I could just have gpt-4 solve all my screenshotted homework problems but after that I just don't use it nearly as much. The free 10 messages per 3 hours is more than enough for 99% of people.

Anonymous No. 16199623

if youve used ai for trying to actually do any task beyond writing a shitty ballad or asking what dildo to buy you would already know the answer.

Anonymous No. 16199629

i don't know what "take over" means. are people going to get even lazier because now any moron can get an LLM to solve complex math problems without doing even a modicum of thinking? sure. but that's just a continuation of a long-term trend. we're all lazy by the standards of 60 years ago because we use computers to solve stuff that could've been done with slide rules.
even if you could get an AI smart enough to do nobel-worthy research (and we're a long way off from that) it's still going to need money and time to get anything accomplished.

Anonymous No. 16199649

>any moron can get an LLM to solve complex math problems without doing even a modicum of thinking
and that's a good thing(if true)

Anonymous No. 16199661

Don't listen to Musk's AI takes.

Anonymous No. 16199670

Dont listen to Musk at all. His companies are cool but hes retarded. If you say otherwise you believe in every date he puts out for next flight immediatly after the current one

Anonymous No. 16199672

I don't but it seems true. Do you know any field where humans will still stay competitive in the following decades?

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Anonymous No. 16199676

I don’t think that’s true, I’ve heard the fairing/folding wings were added to the cargo variants bc there’s no need for abort and because the fairing reduces aerodynamic loads on the launcher and increases performance (slightly). It’s probably required with shooting star though

Anonymous No. 16199678

Any trait of musk, if you took it away his companies would end up less successful than they've been.

Anonymous No. 16199706

There wasn't any sign of a fairing back in 2007 when it was planning to launch on an Atlas V 431. Ten years later something that looks like SS shows up in a Sierra graphic that has Dream Chaser on top of an Atlas V 552 with a fairing. You might be able to launch without a fairing--NASA did a lot of research into launching something HL-20 adjacent on an unshrouded booster--but I bet you need a major redesign of SS which is probably why Sierra seems to be putting off all crew launch issues until the DC 200.

Anonymous No. 16199720

How practical would Space-shuttle be as a school bus?

Anonymous No. 16199721

>10 femoids and 1 dude
of course. dont these people have anything better to do?

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blade runner bowd....jpg

Anonymous No. 16199735

they're spending taxpayer money to advance gay race communism, what could be more satisfying than that?

Anonymous No. 16199748

absolute state of NASA. The aliens just wan't to voyeur us

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Anonymous No. 16199751


Anonymous No. 16199754

Prob for soft stuff, but not so much in rocket.

Anonymous No. 16199755

DAVINCI is still on, and way bettwr because of the lander

Image not available


now you're t....jpg

Anonymous No. 16199756

All we need is a portal gun, just fire it once on Mars and once on Venus, then stand the fuck back.

Anonymous No. 16199760

this is why China will win,
they do care about "Diversity, equity, and inclusion"

Anonymous No. 16199767

they do not*

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Anonymous No. 16199794


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Anonymous No. 16199796

The salt of your perpetual Starship seethe is delicious

Anonymous No. 16199810

Nice fucking green smoke (engine ingestion?) in the plume LOL

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Anonymous No. 16199811

There isn't any.

Image not available



Anonymous No. 16199812

Trusted Snopes Fact-Checkers Have Verified This Post.

With whispy blue, and white-hued clouds jetting atop a black background, an image shared to Reddit on May 29, 2024, claimed to show SpaceX's fourth rocket launch attempt exploding, bordered by a tweet by spacex admitting that they will be filing for bankruptcy. At the time of this writing, the post had received more than 26,000 upvotes.
Experts and anonymous whistleblowers agree that this is what will most likely happen when this flight occurs, therefore we've rated this claim as "True", but let's first describe exactly why Elon Musk should go to prison.

Anonymous No. 16199815


Anonymous No. 16199819

so did anyone ever find out when flight 4's gonna be?

Anonymous No. 16199820

2 weeks?

Anonymous No. 16199821

someone staging?

Anonymous No. 16199825

i'm trying but it's giving me a 5-minute timer before making a thread. how long has this been here?

Anonymous No. 16199826



Anonymous No. 16199829

hasn't happened to me before, never tried to make two threads in quick succession though

Anonymous No. 16199859

I miss the CC0 Flickr photos, I think with no clear copyright markings they're not considered free to use for stuff like Wikipedia anymore since the move to Twitter.

Anonymous No. 16199894

space shuttle is the opposite of practical in all contexts

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Anonymous No. 16200037

>Officially recognized ethnic groups receive or have received certain benefits over Han Chinese under the regional ethnic autonomy system, including affirmative action, exemptions from the one-child policy, designated seats in political organs and government support to preserve their culture. Ethnic minority autonomous areas receive additional state subsidies. Languages of officially recognized minorities are used in official government documents
Huaxiabros, I don't feel so good