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🧵 /sfg/ - Space+Flight General

Anonymous No. 16201928

going back to the moon edition

previous: >>16199824

posting while we wait for IFT-4

Anonymous No. 16201931

Six more days

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Anonymous No. 16201933

>early stage

Anonymous No. 16201936

The thread was on page 10

Anonymous No. 16201938

Total earther death

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Anonymous No. 16201941

page 10, discord tranny

Anonymous No. 16201958

I prefer the space-flight general

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Anonymous No. 16201959
Breaking news: also Peru

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Anonymous No. 16201968

asking again because we staged before I got an answer
is there somewhere online I can find like a compendium of maps of gravity assists that different probes have taken?

Anonymous No. 16201970

not that I know of, you could start by compiling a list of every space probe

Anonymous No. 16201972

Can any cosmic perspecto paypiggers get the full uncut high speed ift3 video please? puhleeeaase

Anonymous No. 16201973

space/flight general

Anonymous No. 16201976

ok now what

Anonymous No. 16201980

go through them, one at a time, and compile a spreadsheet of every planet they've visited in order
doesn't NASA have some open source trajectory software?
uh somewhere in here maybe I dunno

Anonymous No. 16201983

ah here we go, this is a good one

Anonymous No. 16201984

You forgot to fill in Puerto Rico as part of the US, dumdum.

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Anonymous No. 16201987


Anonymous No. 16201991

can you turn the saturation up a bit more please?

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Anonymous No. 16201995


Anonymous No. 16201996

Im gonna not cause a shit storm about this since we already have another fucked thread on the log but you fuckers are forcing my hand, I VILL be making threads again and you VILL be happy that its not the current threads on the catty.

Anonymous No. 16201998


Anonymous No. 16201999

chill your autism bro, thread is fine

Anonymous No. 16202000

This is why you include that screenshot when you stage mein friend.

Anonymous No. 16202001

I have chilled it I just said I wont be causing a shit storm. On with the thread, which IFT will be dropped on Blorigin HQ?

Anonymous No. 16202004


Anonymous No. 16202007

anyway I hope you understand that the reason I keep spelling it differently is specifically to piss you off, right

Anonymous No. 16202027

Yeah but you make others angrier than me. I dont even split threads or nothing thats another anon.

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Anonymous No. 16202057

Holy shit Im so bored. Someone start up the fucking Boeing explosion capsule already

Anonymous No. 16202078

Boeing is too cowardly to kill a few astronauts.

Anonymous No. 16202110

The only probes to have used gravity assists left the earth-moon system, so the list is actually pretty short

Although it could be argued the Apollo free-return trajectory was gravity-assisted

Anonymous No. 16202145

Extremely gay thread, at least the pic is somehat space related

Anonymous No. 16202205

Isnt Trump done for? He cant run for president now

Anonymous No. 16202207

>While only possible on Earth in a car or bike, running around the inside wall of a vertical cylinder on the Moon for exercise might be possible on foot and could be a viable way to get exercise in ⅙ g (paper).

Anonymous No. 16202208

Even if jailed nothing prevents him from running from the can. It would probably make all blacks vote for him too.

Anonymous No. 16202210

you could create your own antigravity

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Anonymous No. 16202214

these have been posted about but the chinese cadence is getting pretty good
>Long March-3B launches PakSat-MM1
>Ceres-1 launches five satellites
sea launch in front of a city

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Anonymous No. 16202220
>This month’s experiment validated ThinkOrbital’s core welding technology by performing autonomous welding tests of aluminum samples during the suborbital flight, the company’s CEO and co-founder Lee Rosen told SpaceNews.

this is the startup planning to do spherical space stations modules by launching the parts and then welding it together in space

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Anonymous No. 16202231

He will be the Republican nominee officially after July and be on ballots in every state. His campaign donation website crashed under load today. He is MORE likely to win now.

Pic to keep this spaceflight related. Text is from a speech he gave after Bob and Doug successfully reached orbit.

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Anonymous No. 16202235

All of these animated gifs on Wikipedia are made by one guy

Anonymous No. 16202246

Internet autism is magical.

Anonymous No. 16202356

Neat. I'm a shill for space welding

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Anonymous No. 16202369


Anonymous No. 16202429


Anonymous No. 16202433

I make everyone around me upset because I literally only care about space when it comes to politics. They try to argue but I'm like "Trump was better for space". Still can't believe how good Jim Bridenstine was at playing the game. Meanwhile Bill Nelson missed the opportunity to tell congress that China has already put a lander in the far side of the moon because he thinks we still don't know what it looks like back there. He could've doubled the budget with one sentence. Fuck I hope trump wins, just one person needs to tell him he could be the president that lands on the moon before China and he'd emergency executive order $1t to NASA

Anonymous No. 16202436

>he'd emergency executive order $1t to NASA
this is why if Trump wins it's the best possible timeline. Landing wouldnt have been possible if he was serving his second term right now.

Anonymous No. 16202444

You could executive order a hundred trillion to NASA right now and nothing would change except boing and friends would make more money. It's not a funding problem, the whole institution is fucked from the top down and it's pure fucking luck that SpaceX happened or we would still be in the dark ages and begging Russian for Soyuz rides, which would be sort of awkward after we sanctioned the shit out of them.

Anonymous No. 16202448

I think starliner would be fasttracked to fly crew a year into the Russia Ukraine war and would nearly kill crew but ultiamtely work

Anonymous No. 16202453

why do you think more money would solve it? look at how much time and money has been used for SLS
its a competence problem and a management problem, not a money problem
you have diversity hires forced to work on retarded projects trying to jump through retarded hoops due to congress
not sure what is worse in this case but looking at something like JPL then giving more freedom without sensible management might not work either
but at least the rube goldberg machines that JPL is doing is more interesting than SLS
the problem is then that they try to monopolize the whole area and block anyone else so their funding doesn't get cut (which in retrospect was warranted, but perhaps they should have just worked on non-retarded shit=

Anonymous No. 16202456

>why do you think more money would solve it?

It's a standard reddit take. "If NASA had the US military budget we would be star trek and shieeeet". He's a newfag transplant.

Anonymous No. 16202464

One of the things which baloons budget is the amount of time wasted. I'm saying if there was political will then Starliner would just fly sooner even if it was less safe, so it would overall cost less. Likewise if SLS simply had a higher cadence then it would cost as low as 400 mil per launch instead of 2+ billion.

Anonymous No. 16202465

It's at least partially a funding problem. Most of the bad parts of Artemis and JPL's coonery were built to avoid Congress or a President sperging out and canceling them. That's also why NASA keeps punting on Venus missions.

Anonymous No. 16202466

Tweaking on optimism about mankind's future in space? Good job, I'm doing the same, feeling ecstatic.

Anonymous No. 16202468

If he appointed someone smart like Bridenstine he would award Starship some contract with clever public-private free market wording. The game is about tricking congress

Anonymous No. 16202470

I don't think you're fully considering the counterfactual. In a world without spacex it wouldn't just be starliner that nasa funded, there were other options. BO's biconic capsule and dreamchaser. BO bowed out itself so the second award would've certainly gone to dream chaser.
If dreamchaser got commercial crew funding, would it be flying right now? Maybe, since it looks like the cargo version is gonna fly before starliner does I think it's a good bet it beats boing.

Anonymous No. 16202471

Thats what I'm fucking talking about

Anonymous No. 16202484

SLIM gravity assisted off the moon to save fuel on going to the moon.

Anonymous No. 16202497

Can this thread provide a single rebuttal to this paper?

Anonymous No. 16202500

Yes. The authors are European.

Anonymous No. 16202501

>Include more (international) partners, incl. possibly political organizations (of the space sector or others) to enhance the necessary technology development in relevant fields such as ISRU, Power generation, ECLSS
>include more bureaucratic bloat or your program will fail ;)
The authors are nasatards aren't they?

Anonymous No. 16202504

I got a little bit into this "paper" and decided it was not worth a read, so unfortunately I'm not able to provide rebuttal.

Anonymous No. 16202508

Oh, so it's more like
>please don't leave us behind america!

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Anonymous No. 16202509

SpaceX was always about missile defense, the Mars And Beyond! stuff was for the stupes

Anonymous No. 16202513

Yeah, it's the same rebuttal as always. SpaceX is focused on step one. I don't know why these retards don't understand that. Imagine if step one is delayed or fails because they devoted resources to step 2 through 100,000. Cheap mass to Mars is the only thing that matters because literally everything beyond that step is reliant on it.
>umm actually the toilets won't flush in Mars gravity
I DON'T CARE!!! That'll be easier to solve than building a fuckhuge paradigm shifting rocket. Fucking retards

Anonymous No. 16202526

yeah and if these people are so keen to solve those problems, why don't they start doing it then? Musk has said multiple times that he is open to other companies doing stuff so SpaceX doesn't need to do them

Anonymous No. 16202528

they are poopy heads and me no like them!

Anonymous No. 16202531

>pregnant moon concubines forced to run continuously for 9 months naked and barefoot in the gestation towers
the future looks bright, boys

Anonymous No. 16202532

There's so much text that it becomes a chore to go through it all.

Anonymous No. 16202535

executive order the money to SpaceX

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Anonymous No. 16202543
>What's different and new on Starship Flight 4?

Anonymous No. 16202554

MUCHO texto

Just going to go ahead and give my rebuttal that they are homosexual communists and probably Jewish too

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Anonymous No. 16202560

"Blow it out your ass"

Anonymous No. 16202561

I've been saying that if NASA were smart they would've already started working towards mass production of various space worthy doodads, but they've spent 60 years specializing in the specialized. There are silicon valley startups in a better position to mass produce Mars rovers than NASA. That fact is only possible because someone somewhere is fucking up

Anonymous No. 16202569

The paper assumes that the current hardware is what's going to mars, that SpaceX is going to be the only people involved and it uses the ESA's science mission feasibility criteria, remind me when was the last time the ESA ran a manned mission by itself beyond LEO?
It's a glorified ackhtually, that was only published because shitting on SpaceX is cool for academics.

Anonymous No. 16202595

Why would SpaceX build hardware which knowingly cant do the mission lol? Thats like NASA building a rocket which cant even take people to the moon.

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Anonymous No. 16202616


Anonymous No. 16202623

Beautiful words

Anonymous No. 16202630

for a convicted felon.

Anonymous No. 16202631

For the best president for space in a while, keep it thread relevant

Anonymous No. 16202636

You can always count on experts to tell you how something can't be done

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Anonymous No. 16202639

DM1 was such a rad moment.
Felons are cool, rules are gay

Anonymous No. 16202644

fElon Muskrat

Anonymous No. 16202648


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yutu rover first ....gif

Anonymous No. 16202649

I am excited to see if it makes it or not, they've got some good momentum after their first Mars lander made it on the first try. I'd bet a dollar that it lands fine, not sure how sample collection and return will go but we'll see.

Anonymous No. 16202650

Wake me up when the Chinese actually livestream something.

Anonymous No. 16202657

This time the plobe has a rover with a camera, I hope it films the ascent with the samples, just like they did in apollo 16 and 17

Anonymous No. 16202664


Anonymous No. 16202679

>Would tiles falling off kill starship?
>Would tiles falling off ruin its reusability?
Yes, and that is why musk finds it so concerning.

Anonymous No. 16202680

you are the most idiotic dickhead ive ever heared.

Anonymous No. 16202682

You cant kill whats alreasy dwas

Anonymous No. 16202686

where are my ice in the tanks schizos at?

Anonymous No. 16202687

Can a water hammer unclog ice from the filters?

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Anonymous No. 16202690



Anonymous No. 16202691

ULA snipers have specialized ice bullets that melt after firing and leave no ballistic trace.

Anonymous No. 16202694

thats a brilliant idea kek

Anonymous No. 16202696

Holy shit maybe??

Anonymous No. 16202702

wheel_stop is back and she's gone schizo :(

Anonymous No. 16202706

that's only because you haven't heard me yet

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Anonymous No. 16202707

Beautiful words...

Anonymous No. 16202708

some sloshing would probably help

Anonymous No. 16202711

may I see their reusable orbital rockets and world spanning satellite megaconstellation?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16202716

Don't worry space bros! Trump is our go- uh I mean our guy!! MIGA! Or I mean... MAGA!

Anonymous No. 16202719

everyone knows his mars plan is unrealistic. Musk always does that shit so that he hypes up his product. Man has to sell his fish afterall. Of course we aren't ready to send humans to mars in 2029...

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Anonymous No. 16202725

You know what Mars mission *is* feasible?

Anonymous No. 16202727

>Stich says Starliner uses a similar parachute system to Blue Origin's New Shepard capsule.
Good luck

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Anonymous No. 16202733


Anonymous No. 16202734

yeah, that sounds about right
My estimate was about 20 people, if they were to bring a service module that would provide power and a dozen cargo starships already waiting and at least partially unloaded by robots

100 people is doable for orbital station or Lunar base ferry, but not Mars.

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Anonymous No. 16202740

>Thats like NASA building a rocket which cant even take people to the moon
Pic related

Anonymous No. 16202754

Wrong architect.

Early on mass build up of cargo/robots. With no return trajectory. Later on small crew for lifetime duration colonization missions with lifetime supply of basic necessities (dry compacted food/energy/health care). ISRU/green house to be established early on during the early cargo missions with robots for proof of concept. You build up from there.

When you start with wrong assumptions, you fail to reach accurate conclusions.

Anonymous No. 16202755

They never promised these ones could do it though, unlike Starship. Saturn V didnt need to get upgraded and stretched to maybe do the job

Anonymous No. 16202758

the ability of you guys to deflect from reality is astounding. Musk has said countless times that being able to return is essential. Now all of a sudden its not I guess lol.

Anonymous No. 16202763

Being able to return is essential. For later stage colonization process. Not early on. Early on, its a detriment. For the first 10-30 years, its an absolute waste of energy. All the energy used by ISRU for return fuel could have instead been used to build up a base and power the entire early colonization process.

You missed the fact that Musk isn't taking SpaceX to mars as a rich tourism flight. He wants a full on self sustaining colonization. Not a 30 day stay and return nonsense.

Anonymous No. 16202779

And also, once a colony has been built after ~20-30 years of stay by permanant residents of Mars, there would be some growing need to export stuff back to Mars by the residents as a means of trade. After 20-30 years, hopefully couple hundreds could be on Mars living as a family/society/functioning civlization. It would still depend on earth for resources but hopefully enough to establish food and energy independence via solar/carbohydrates and green house. Maybe some chemicals needs to be exported from earth every now and then.

Anonymous No. 16202780

how do i buy this starship toy

Anonymous No. 16202783

OK sweaty

Anonymous No. 16202785

Proont your own

Anonymous No. 16202793

just buy the one on

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Anonymous No. 16202811

I hate to use the term "kerbal" but this rocket sure is. They strapped a bunch of Mercury cores together because they didn't have the tooling to make a single tank that diameter. More weight, less propellant.

Anonymous No. 16202812

SpaceX is constantly upgrading their hardware. Do you even know how the first Falcon 9 looked like.

Anonymous No. 16202813


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Anonymous No. 16202816

This is getting bad

Anonymous No. 16202818

Of course you fool. What, do you really think people posting on a space forum would have no idea about early SpaceX lore?

Anonymous No. 16202820

i don't have much of an issue with the paper itself. having new numbers to chew through is fun. it would have been a fine blog post, but it owns elon so that qualifies it for publication in nature instead.

Anonymous No. 16202837

>reposting old stories as if they were new

Anonymous No. 16202838

Welcome to Space FUD General.

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Anonymous No. 16202840

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Anonymous No. 16202843

there's kerbal all around if you know where to look for it

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Anonymous No. 16202847


Anonymous No. 16202851

It's breaking news, meaning "fresh off the presses". I know your ESL and have trouble understanding the language but please do better

Anonymous No. 16202853

weeks old news is neither breaking or fresh off the presses

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Anonymous No. 16202854

Who will live and who will die?

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Anonymous No. 16202855

Visit South Padre Island

Anonymous No. 16202863

Literally posted on X yesterday retard

Anonymous No. 16202868

>Starliner explodes
>National tragedy
>Biden speech
>All rockets grounded for one year so the government can figure out what's going on

Anonymous No. 16202870

And then China mysteriously builds an exact replica of Starship by November?

Anonymous No. 16202897

Kek I'm joining the bugs if anything like that happens

Anonymous No. 16202904


Lmao pathetic

Anonymous No. 16202907

if someone tweets a weeks old story today it is still a weeks old story anon

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Anonymous No. 16202915


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Anonymous No. 16202944

Anonymous No. 16202947

Nothing to talk about we're just waiting at this point.

Anonymous No. 16202951

China's thing is going on but not 'til tomorrow, and even then they probably won't publish shit right away if at all.

Anonymous No. 16202965

We've got a boring ole starlink launch in five and a half hours and an electron launch an hour after that.

In the meantime, Relativity posted a full duration test of their Aeon-R engine

Anonymous No. 16202967

If the Starship program utterly fails (it won’t, if God wills it) all the scrap from the prototype ships/infrastructure will end up around random places in poor ass Brownsville.

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Anonymous No. 16202970

I think this looks good, do I have AIDS?

Anonymous No. 16202972

Im afraid its terminal

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Anonymous No. 16202979


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Anonymous No. 16202980

>final stack

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Anonymous No. 16202984

> Noooo!! You can't launch crews with solids!! Their fragile bird like bones will be shaken to pieces!!

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Anonymous No. 16202990


Anonymous No. 16202991

We must secure the secrets of the walnut.

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Anonymous No. 16202996

By FAR the best moon of Saturn

Anonymous No. 16202999


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Anonymous No. 16203003

Another good month, gentlemen.

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Anonymous No. 16203008

wasted trips defending a shithole

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Anonymous No. 16203012
>VulcanRocket GEM63XL solid rocket motors are stacking up in our new storage facility. 21 SRMs, 2.5 million pounds of propellant, so far! (No smoking zone…)

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Anonymous No. 16203020

this one was fun

Anonymous No. 16203028

can i get an early life check on that asteroid

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Anonymous No. 16203030


Anonymous No. 16203036

Chang'e 5 worked, and the Chang'e 6 lander is the backup copy for that mission. It's a slightly more complicated mission this time however I'd still say >95% probability it works.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16203044

Seems a bit misleading to count mass of GTO/TLI launches the same as LEO launches

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Anonymous No. 16203045

I've done this so many times in KSP.

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Amazon woman.webm

Anonymous No. 16203048

>be earther
>get a worker visa on mars to get away from Brazil 2.0 (formerly named earth)
>your first night on mars your restless, you go out to explore and find a local martian pub.
>while you try to order a beer this martian amazon woman walks up to you and slaps your ass and tells you they dont serve universal income babies here.
What do you do?

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Anonymous No. 16203052

New aurora just dropped

Anonymous No. 16203054

Seems a bit misleading to count the mass of payloads to geostationary orbit or the moon the the same as payloads to LEO

Anonymous No. 16203056

Grab her with my superior Earther muscles and carry her back to my hotel.

Anonymous No. 16203059

why the fuck should we care?

Anonymous No. 16203060

There's probably a good "energy applied to payload mass" metric, but I've never seen anyone suggest anything like that before

Anonymous No. 16203066

Fucking IRAN put more mass in orbit than Europe did this month. We need to rectify the mistake of WW2 and annex them as non voting non citizen colonies.

Anonymous No. 16203067

there's a few threads on the topic on NSF

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Anonymous No. 16203074

As a euro i'm wondering what the upcoming elections will do all over europe for euro oldspace.

Anonymous No. 16203075

Well, that's just what happens when all of your rockets retire or have catastrophic accidents all the same time

Anonymous No. 16203077

do any voters even know what ariane 6 is?

Anonymous No. 16203088

God no.
Most euro's here dont really give a fuck about space exploration.

Anonymous No. 16203089

Little to nothing. Europe has perfected the art of only applying elections to officials who lack real political power

Anonymous No. 16203103

Basically nothing. No one cares or thinks about space, definitely not to the point of mentioning it even briefly as part of their campaign.

Anonymous No. 16203107

Jesus fucking christ, the SpaceX stream calls a flight delay then immediately fade-cuts to a 10 minute long infomercial, of Elon selling you bitcoin & etherium tokens
What is this clown shit

Anonymous No. 16203113

trips reveal you got shit on by God

Anonymous No. 16203114

SpaceX doesn't start their streams until a few minutes before launch. Their next launch isn't for a few hours. But you already knew that, right?

Anonymous No. 16203115

>boring ole starlink launch
still blows my mind that this is routine. what, 50 landed boosters this year?

Anonymous No. 16203117

Has YT still not cracked down on those,

Anonymous No. 16203119


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Anonymous No. 16203120

Are you really this retarded? if not, see pic

Anonymous No. 16203121

bots and pajeets have jannies across the internet back on their heels

Anonymous No. 16203131

wen we gaan?

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Anonymous No. 16203133


Anonymous No. 16203136

lol, retard

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Anonymous No. 16203138

Anonymous No. 16203139

herro everynyan

Anonymous No. 16203140

Why do you keep posting your fake photoshop? loser

Anonymous No. 16203141

Does anyone really know what time the launch is?
Does anyone really care?

Anonymous No. 16203146


Anonymous No. 16203147


Anonymous No. 16203159

Hop never

Anonymous No. 16203163

Weird how nobody has drawn the tower-chan carrying little Starship-chan yet
If I was rich I'd pay one drawfag

Anonymous No. 16203165

I don't think even Reddit is so stupid as to think it's all a Proper Funding Problem, although I do see the sentiment on YouTube (and here unfortunately)

Anonymous No. 16203167

t. zoomer who doesn't get my EPIC and COOL reference.

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Anonymous No. 16203169

I have this

Anonymous No. 16203173

Worse than 'this month'. This is for QUARTER 1. Europe hasn't done shit.

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Anonymous No. 16203179


Anonymous No. 16203181

t. NASAcels tomorrow

Anonymous No. 16203182

would be a shame if a SpaceX ninja were to plant some explosives in this tent

Anonymous No. 16203184

Considering that these ULA storage sheds are on a National Guard base that might not be the best idea

Anonymous No. 16203185

longship is looooong

Anonymous No. 16203186

stop trying to force your cringe meme schizo incel.

Anonymous No. 16203189

They're ninja's for a reason

Anonymous No. 16203193

shut the fuck up, kid

Anonymous No. 16203194

>ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Anonymous No. 16203195

Racist chuds WNGTS

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Anonymous No. 16203201
>Weather is 70% GO for launch down in New Zealand where @RocketLab is set for PREFIREandIce sending the second and final CubeSat to the ends of the Earth! PREFIRE will study the planet’s heat emissions and its impacts on the arctic regions.

Anonymous No. 16203204


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Anonymous No. 16203216

who were the most racist pre-shuttle astronauts?

Anonymous No. 16203222


Anonymous No. 16203224

I assume Starship was going to be used as cargo lifter/shuttle to build the real spaceships that will transport crew to Mars. Imagine making ISS but twice as large and can move around independently in space and has modules to carry at least two Starships as shuttle/cargo lander for Mars..

Anonymous No. 16203227

Flybys are not missions

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Anonymous No. 16203228

A manned Venus flyby would be way cooler than a Mars one, in my humble opinion

Anonymous No. 16203233

>It would still depend on earth for resources
Why though? What particular resources do you have in mind? They might prefer to import some goods but I can't see that there'd be anything vital that couldn't be found or made on Mars

Anonymous No. 16203235

i care

Anonymous No. 16203239

Ive seen it somewhere

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Anonymous No. 16203240

Anonymous No. 16203241

One package, unlimited home internet and cellular. Maybeeeee $85 a month? I feel like you’d need to charge like $200-300/month to actually turn any sort of profit but that’s not going to attract a lot of people I reckon

Anonymous No. 16203242

this is for deadzones so increases coverage but not much more than that at this point
still quite useful

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Anonymous No. 16203245

launching it without starship, what a shitshow lol

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Anonymous No. 16203252

I cant wait

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Anonymous No. 16203254
>The Hubble Space Telescope has entered safe mode due to a gyro issue, NASA says, adding "Hubble's instruments are stable, and the telescope is in good health;" equipped with 6 new gyros during a final shuttle servicing mission in 2009, only 3 are required for normal operation; but 3 of the 6 failed earlier, leaving the observatory without redundancy in a key system.

Anonymous No. 16203257

I would let Elon Musk kill my whole family if it meant I could enlist to rim his asshole on Mars

Anonymous No. 16203258

Orion could go service it

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Anonymous No. 16203260

>I feel like you’d need to charge like $200-300/month to actually turn any sort of profit
If only you knew how much money the big wireless companies made each month...

Anonymous No. 16203262


Anonymous No. 16203264

It's in good health

Anonymous No. 16203267

No fucking way
Well there's the Mars city paid for

Anonymous No. 16203274

>new gyros

Anonymous No. 16203288

>le head in the rafters man

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Anonymous No. 16203297

who was in the wrong here TIM DODD OR ELON MUSK?

Anonymous No. 16203307

it wasn't estronaut's idea to get rid of the heat exchanger

Anonymous No. 16203308

broke: colonizing space to make The Culture series real
woke: colonizing space to make Cosmic Casanova real

Anonymous No. 16203310

NASA would rather see this die than let a private mission fix it for free

Anonymous No. 16203316

the actual blockage material is still unknown so this is speculation

Anonymous No. 16203318

Back to >>>/pol/

Anonymous No. 16203323

Back to >>/lgbt/

Anonymous No. 16203324

>couldnt even link boards properly when i just did it
Holy fucking shit how new are you??

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Anonymous No. 16203326

who cares, it's obsolete and we can do way better these days

Anonymous No. 16203331

and the ceo of YT is an indian

Anonymous No. 16203333

So if it doesnt matter, why not let them do it?

Anonymous No. 16203334

Yeah well youre a subhuman piggoid

Anonymous No. 16203335

that'll be 120 billion of tax payer money

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Anonymous No. 16203340

Strokin my shit rn (this is my pov)

Anonymous No. 16203352

fucking footfags

Anonymous No. 16203353

because they're a bunch of spergs who pitch a fit when someone else wants to touch their stuff? it's embarrassing for them but irrelevant for everyone else besides astroonomers
just don't make it a flagship mission and it might slip under lockheed's radar

Anonymous No. 16203354

you guys are extremely sensitive

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Anonymous No. 16203356
In an hour it'll be that time again

Anonymous No. 16203361

Crazy to think that we'll have shuttle like capabilities here in a few years with star ship. For now this is lost ancient technology

Anonymous No. 16203365

I regularly reply to random anons insulting them just because I find it funny btw. Its not serious.

Anonymous No. 16203366

even better actually since they will be non-crewed, we won't have to check almost everything 50 times over which majorly delays every launch/

Anonymous No. 16203370

why would you have to check it if its crewed??? if astronauts die just dont care, then its not a problem. Give their family a bag of onions or something and move on like the russians

Anonymous No. 16203375

Genuinely the most hideous rocket/capsule combo ever created. It's awful.

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Anonymous No. 16203376

Here is the breakdown according to /sfg/.

Anonymous No. 16203378

you just know if a PoC dies and becomes overcooked mincemeat there will be riots & looting on the streets

Anonymous No. 16203386

Green and purple are retarded. Pink is the only reasonable answer and the others are trolling

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Anonymous No. 16203387

>No fucking way
>Well there's the Mars city paid for

Starlink is starting to print money for SpaceX, but the cellular industry has been doing it for years. This is certainly for more cash flow to fund Starbase/Starfactory.

Anonymous No. 16203392

I am not lazy I was just born in the wrong era
I can tell ya for sure if I was born in the 2100's I would love to be waging away off world helping to build our colonies and cities off world

Anonymous No. 16203395

they used starship v1 numbers to calculate its delta-v

Anonymous No. 16203397

no its for funding oscar isaacsons joy ride to nowhere

Anonymous No. 16203403

Might take lot to chemicals to develop chips industry. Along with medicine. Some of the key medicines require animal ingredients and others herbs and shits.

Anonymous No. 16203426

stop being a fucking naysayer, troll.

Anonymous No. 16203449 official launch stream

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Anonymous No. 16203450

Clear Live for Starlink Group 6-64 Mission!

Anonymous No. 16203455

Clear Max-Qute!

Anonymous No. 16203456

she is so adorable!! her voice is cute

Anonymous No. 16203459

WHy are there two very different looking MVac nozells?

Anonymous No. 16203461

it was getting boring to fly so many missions with just one

Anonymous No. 16203464

Save money. If they don't need the efficiency from the larger nozzle, they will make the smaller one because Inconel is expensive as fuck and you aren't retrieving the engine.

Anonymous No. 16203465

Because the niobium alloy the engine bell is made of is fairly expensive. Shortening the nozzle wrecks the MVac's isp, but it also saves a lot of money, so it makes sense to shorten it when the Falcon is launching a payload that would normally be way to small for its capability. That's why you always see the short nozzle used on RTLS launches.

Anonymous No. 16203467

the nozzle looks smaller when the rocket is cold

Anonymous No. 16203471

Thanks, anons; that makes sense.

Anonymous No. 16203472

Are you making a comparison to something anon

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Anonymous No. 16203479

Clear Live again for Electron PREFIRE And Ice Mission

Anonymous No. 16203480

Starlink launch went off without a hitch, and Electron PREFIRE 2 stream just started:

Anonymous No. 16203481
Rocket Lab is live

Anonymous No. 16203483

Tubby bitch

Anonymous No. 16203484


Anonymous No. 16203485

uptruthed good sir

Anonymous No. 16203486

>prefire is an acronym
I am reminded once again that jpl has a monopoly on good space acronyms

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Anonymous No. 16203487

Anonymous No. 16203488

>Aeon R full duration test
What the fuck is Beck doing
He needs to stop seething about prices he can't match and get the fucking engine to the stand already or he risks losing his spot as the top dog of the also-rans

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Anonymous No. 16203489

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Anonymous No. 16203491

They haven't posted any test footage but they do have some kind of hardware and it is at least physically present on a test stand

Anonymous No. 16203494

fucking this

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Anonymous No. 16203497

So... When are they launching this kino?

Anonymous No. 16203499

>when are they going to launch this powerpoint rocket

Anonymous No. 16203501


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Lockheed Martin M....jpg

Anonymous No. 16203502

>So... When are they launching this kino?
too kino looking for modern humanity
similar to picrel

Anonymous No. 16203503

you kiwi fucks

Anonymous No. 16203505

showed this to my wife and she started biting her bottom lip for some reason

Anonymous No. 16203506

>Some of the key medicines require animal ingredients and others herbs
Like what

Anonymous No. 16203507


Anonymous No. 16203509

2 weeks

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Anonymous No. 16203510

Anonymous No. 16203512

neutron will turn into a falcon 9 clone

Anonymous No. 16203513

cute and dangerous

Anonymous No. 16203517


Anonymous No. 16203518

start the count

Anonymous No. 16203521


Anonymous No. 16203524

stop the count again

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Anonymous No. 16203525


Anonymous No. 16203527

>lox detank
it's ogre

Anonymous No. 16203528

Like thats ever gonna happen

Anonymous No. 16203529

It’s over

Anonymous No. 16203530

The launch window doesn't have enough time for another recycle today

Anonymous No. 16203531

It would be funny if they just ended up with the original teaser image after all

Anonymous No. 16203533

I bet it does lol

Anonymous No. 16203534

Space Flight is dead and buried

Anonymous No. 16203535
>Launch update: We are standing down from today's launch attempt due to an out-of-family sensor reading. The window for today's attempt has now closed, but we have plenty of back up opportunities in the coming days so we'll be on the pad again very soon for the PREFIRE and Ice launch.

Anonymous No. 16203537


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Anonymous No. 16203540

23 sats deployed. Nice. F9 chugging along just fine.

Anonymous No. 16203543

>This landing is special because the recovery team just chattered our fastest ever landing to landing turn. Roughly 84 hours between two booster touchdowns on ASOG. It traveled roughly 640 nautical miles in that time with only 3.5 hrs at the dock to drop off a rocket. Unreal!!! Well done recovery team!!!
>At this rate, 4 drone ships could support 400 launches a year if you didn't have downtime, weather disruptions, or scheduling gaps. And that's ofc not including RTLS flights.

Anonymous No. 16203544

starlink only benefits musk and his big fat bank account

Anonymous No. 16203546

and that's a good thing!

Anonymous No. 16203547

>400 launches a year
Jesus. Hopefully we'll see it by 2030.

I want to see this happen.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16203551

Genuine question: How do I cut off my frenulum while ensuring they won't necrotize? All of them btw, phallic, tongue, lips.

Anonymous No. 16203552

of fuck I posted it on a random thread by accident :/ sorry guys I haven't used 4chum in a while.

Anonymous No. 16203553

Niobium too, that goes in the MVac skirt.

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Anonymous No. 16203557

I posted this on /k/ but didn't get any traction so thought I'd repost here.

Infantry-infantry engagements on the Moon won't really exist.

>>There will be no Fog of War.
In the early days of Moon colonization, a Moon variant of Starlink will be deployed to the Moon, and it will have a constellation of hundreds or thousands of satellites in orbit. Each of these satellites will have many sensors and relays, so a real-time tracking of everything on the surface of the Moon is likely. Because there are so many satellites, the system is robust to losing a few with no system degradation. Also, with the way the orbits would be set up (assuming orbits of 100km, the satellites are going ~1.633 km/s and completing orbits in 117.8 minutes, plus precession) you won't see the same satellite for a long time. Also, because there's no atmosphere on the moon, all adversary rockets and satellites can be trivially tracked because altering course by burning propellant is quite easy to see.

Ok, so hypothetically the adversary has a bunch of infantry that leave their habitat and trek across the Moon surface (on foot and/or in rovers) and head towards your base. You would first warn the troops and their leaders. If they do cross your border, you can attack them with missiles. They cannot hide from the missiles. And because there's so little gravity and no atmosphere, missiles are hugely better than on Earth. The size of lunar ballistic missiles will be tiny. Like MANPADS tiny. Using some basic assumptions on a Javelin, if you shoot it at 45 degrees on the Moon it will go 2500km and hit in 30 minutes. Obviously with lunar-optimized systems these could be improved. The Javelin has about a 1kg explosive payload, which means a lethal radius of ~100m on Earth. On the Moon, the lethal radius of 1kg warhead would be far bigger (no atmosphere to slow down the splinters), and the spacesuits would be far more fragile.

Anonymous No. 16203559

90% of those will just be starlink launches that only benefits elons bank account

Anonymous No. 16203560

SpaceX is going to keep pushing Falcon 9 as hard as they can for as long as that's their best option, but the launch rate is going to fall of hard once Starship starts finding its legs. A could easily see a 200 launch year, but 400 wouyld need either a major setback with Starship or an outright failure of the project. Also, you can't really dodge the "w/o weather delays" issue. There are not 365 good launch days in a year and 400 launches would functionally have Falcon 9 launching daily.

I still really want to see it too. Falcon 9 is what the Space Shuttle was originally sold as. With Falcon 9 as it currently is we could handle all commercial launches, build a Freedom-class space station, and then use that station as a staging point for a permanent manned lunar program.

Anonymous No. 16203565

and that's a good thing!

Anonymous No. 16203566

Is it even possible to have like a small capsule or ride ship that only traverses in the orbit in an extremely efficient manner? Ideally carrying ~1-2 tons of cargo+2-3 crews. As a means of transportation between different space stations. Between Earth/Moon orbit. It would only be for orbital flights to/from orbital stations

Anonymous No. 16203567

general for flight in space

Anonymous No. 16203569

Awesome. Imagine Gigabit sats with <20 ms latency everywhere on Earth, Mars, Moon and tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of starlink users.

Thats my wet dream

Anonymous No. 16203572

seems mostly right to me but i think you might be underrating the possibility that EMPs could significantly degrade the ability of some starlinkesque system to track the entire surface

Anonymous No. 16203573

Alright Mr. Aschbacher you aren’t making SUSIE relevant here

Anonymous No. 16203574

say starship comes online it currently has zero clients worldwide that would actually need to use that much payload sent to orbit unless it's one giant shared mission.
it will be a while yet before companies start using SS to build there own in orbit projects like space stations or luna colonies

Anonymous No. 16203576

only if you have multiple space stations in the same orbit

Anonymous No. 16203581

nta but couldn't some “intra orbit” spacecraft fuel up at a depot or fuel

Anonymous No. 16203584

There are already multiple companies launching private station modules who are working on starship sized payload newfag

Anonymous No. 16203585

if you're trying to transfer to an orbit with more than a couple degrees' difference in the longitude of the ascending node or the inclination then it'd use way too much delta v to be practical

Anonymous No. 16203586

400 f9 launches annualy isn't happening even in the wild type 1 delusion

Anonymous No. 16203588

Even then a regular old 5.56x45mm out of a 20" barrel is basically suborbital artillery. It would look more like mortar duels than infantry engagements.

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Anonymous No. 16203591

RIP. Dear Moon cancelled.

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Anonymous No. 16203592


Anonymous No. 16203594

What would be an extreme example? Maybe one station in polar orbit and another in an equatorial orbit? Suppose you had to send 2T of cargo from one to the other - would it be “cheaper” (Delta V wise) to just land the cargo on Earth with a Starship and send it back up to the other station?
Sorry if this is a dumb question but I imagine it would be too costly to try this in one burn while in space

Anonymous No. 16203599

I guess Elon unfollowed him for a reason. Who wants to take bets on why?

Anonymous No. 16203601

When push came to shove, his manhood did not greet him with energy. Shameful

Anonymous No. 16203602

Taking longer than expected is primary reason.

Anonymous No. 16203606

>What would be an extreme example? Maybe one station in polar orbit and another in an equatorial orbit? Suppose you had to send 2T of cargo from one to the other - would it be “cheaper” (Delta V wise) to just land the cargo on Earth with a Starship and send it back up to the other station?
for a situation like that the cheapest way to do it in terms of delta v would be a bielliptic plane change and it'd probably cost like 6 km/s. you'd also have to pass through the van allen belts to do it which is something you'd really rather avoid if you had crew. if we're imagining a world where starship launches are cheap and reliable then that'd be a much better option.

Anonymous No. 16203608

SpaceX simply do not have time for it is my guess. Very bottom of the totem poll. Hell, hubble resupply and crazy shit like MSR might be higher than dear moon right now on SX radar.
Berger says he knows but isn’t ready to say anything yet
Tim looks like he is low key seething, and wasn’t really made aware until it was too late

Anonymous No. 16203612

starship's heatshield is nowhere close to being able to handle lunar returns

Anonymous No. 16203613

Are they giving him his money back, he spent a lot

Also get fucked estronaut lmao

Anonymous No. 16203614

Starship belongs to Isaacman

Anonymous No. 16203615

Based Isaacman led team will be the first.

Anonymous No. 16203616

came here to post this

Anonymous No. 16203617

>zero clients worldwide that would actually need to use that much payload
Constellation launches have no issue with filling whatever capacity a rocket has available

Anonymous No. 16203618

Other space companies plan on using capacity of Starship. I think Varda or vast or something was planning on flinging a huge space station of their own.

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Anonymous No. 16203619


Anonymous No. 16203622

Dark Maezawa arc where he becomes the ‘Jared Isaacman’ for Blue Origin out of spite

Anonymous No. 16203624

??? Broken link?

Anonymous No. 16203625

He'll be waiting three times as long.

Anonymous No. 16203626

Go back to /k/

Anonymous No. 16203627


Anonymous No. 16203628

No refunds!

Anonymous No. 16203629


Anonymous No. 16203631

Ladies and gentlemen, the humbleseethe

Anonymous No. 16203632

geeze estronaut, either be mad or don't be, just don't be a bitch like this.

Anonymous No. 16203639

Standard estronaut cringe reddit post. Could have just posted "sucks about the free moon ride, oh well"

Anonymous No. 16203640

Notmar on 6th/7th of June.

Anonymous No. 16203641

>No refunds

Anonymous No. 16203642

I just realized there'll probably be a huge dropoff in total flights per year once SpaceX switches to Starship for most payloads. There might even be a few years before total flight numbers start increasing again.

Anonymous No. 16203645

They need 100 flights just to finish Starlink v2.

Anonymous No. 16203647

doubt it. they'll be launching starlinks as fast as they can still and all of the other payloads that get moved over from f9 are still gonna be launched individually because insurance won't let them co-manifest shit.

Anonymous No. 16203651

But why?

Anonymous No. 16203654

Berger said he thinks he knows, but he doesn't have enough confidence yet to publish an article about it. And that the delays are simply a way for both parties to bow out. Personally? I am betting that Maezawa had money problems.

Anonymous No. 16203655

Why does God hate estronaut and love Manley?
(hullo missed the application date)

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Anonymous No. 16203657

my bet is that elon took one look at the crew and realized it wasn't worth the money

Anonymous No. 16203658

Someone edit clown noses and afros on to all of these faggots for thinking theyd actually ever into space.

Anonymous No. 16203661

did the japanese guy actually believe in elon's timelines?

Anonymous No. 16203664

>sitting on his couch looking at these clowns
>man how many of these retards are going to go bugfuck live on stream being stuck in a steel tube with these other retards
>fuck it, just can the whole thing

Anonymous No. 16203670

> Yusaku Maezawa went up with a fucking soyuz while only being allowed in the Russian part of ISS rather than just waiting an extra year or two buying himself a dragon ride
Was he retarded?

Anonymous No. 16203674

Bird in hand is worth 2 in bush

Anonymous No. 16203678

Joe Baseball from New York oblast approve this statement

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Anonymous No. 16203685

Don't worry Tim, there's always the B mission

Anonymous No. 16203687

Shit in your mouth. There is shit in your mouth you filthy shiteating dog

Anonymous No. 16203690

Fishtank season three, this time in space. Brought to you by SpaceX.

Anonymous No. 16203696

“Hey Maezawa your moon trip might be delayed a few years but you’re still definitely flying!!!”
>Quits and starts pouting
Why did he do it?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16203698

Because the japanese are an impatient subhuman filth menace to the civilized world and this is their normal behavior.

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Anonymous No. 16203699

So he’s mad it didn’t happen in 2023?

Anonymous No. 16203700

When it comes out what JSC did you won't be laughing about the fate of dearMoon

Anonymous No. 16203702

The Javelin has about a 1kg explosive payload, which means a lethal radius of ~100m on Earth.
That's some aggressive rounding you're using.

Anonymous No. 16203704

Because he knows starship is a complete fraud, 2024 and not even a orbital flight yet, HLS is not ready until 2029-2030 (according to elons time, so 2033) and it wont be cretification for manned starship mission in 15-20 years if were lucky, so this chink knew hes just wasting his money

Anonymous No. 16203705

>Amerimutt calling subhuman to a japanese

Quite ironic

Anonymous No. 16203718

Did Maezawa really think developing Starship would happen entirely on time?

Anonymous No. 16203719

Not a dig at SpaceX, but everything spaceflight is delayed. Orion, Starliner, Shuttle, Dragon. All of it. Could be not realize that a few extra years might be needed?

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Anonymous No. 16203722


Anonymous No. 16203723

Then why the fuck did he wait half a year to call it off?

Anonymous No. 16203735

See >>16203698

Anonymous No. 16203754

Nah, its just reality hitting him.

Anonymous No. 16203774

I wonder if its due to politics? I.e the japanese guy not apprrciating what Musk says

Anonymous No. 16203776

Prob not directly, but there could be other pressures on him from other people who might be pushing. But its likely just a matter of time. What do you imagine is the most likely and probable safe time line for when a hypothetical dearMoon project would come to be? 2024/2025 is an absolutely no go imo. 2026 is possible. 2027 too. Now that I think about it, there maybe other constraints like NASA being prioritized which may push dearMoon off further into 2028 or so.

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Anonymous No. 16203777

You know what really grinds my gears? Earthers

Anonymous No. 16203782

Yeah 2028 sounds likely, have to fi us on HLS soon and after that Polaris takes peiority over DearMoon
Could be that maezawa wanted to be first or something as well

Anonymous No. 16203785
Long post about the cancellation, longer than the instagram post but with some of the same text
>Sucks man. Keep doing your thing and you never know what doors may open.

Is this some hint from isaacman?

Anonymous No. 16203787

I dunno if he can deal with his faggotry for several days in a tin can.

Anonymous No. 16203789

They're flying with the leak.

Anonymous No. 16203817

Its over

Anonymous No. 16203822

Its only just begun

Anonymous No. 16203823

Mars was never going to happen anyway, Starship is a Starlink launcher

Anonymous No. 16203843

should have called it muon.

Anonymous No. 16203883

They are actually going to kill these mfers aren't they? Imagine being the Astronauts and reading the starliner shitshow on top of the boing aircraft shitshow and corporate hitmen shenanigans, dudes must be shitting bricks. It's only a leak in the maneuvering system bro it's fine KEK

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Anonymous No. 16203895

Anonymous No. 16203907

Imagine if it launches around the time of IFT-4
>Musk's mega rocket fails AGAIN
>Three astronauts lost

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Anonymous No. 16203914

Lol lmao even

Anonymous No. 16203925

Nice they're making way for Tower 2.

Its gonna be insane seeing 2 towers there.

Anonymous No. 16203930

Starliner will need recertification, it was only approved for up to 10 delays

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starlink launched.jpg

Anonymous No. 16203935

Starlink has ~250+ TBPS bandwidth capacity now.

Anonymous No. 16203939

This is premium grade soi salt
He's hoping Elon notices and still picks him for a free flight as a test subj- I mean, pioneering first flight crew member.

Anonymous No. 16203941

Bullish chart but is going to pullback, too many early investors up big and going to dump their bandwidth. Looking to enter around ~150-200.

Anonymous No. 16203946


Anonymous No. 16203947

/sfg/ is full of clowns, but it's smarter than this
you must have posted the poll during euro hours

Anonymous No. 16203950

I had a nightmare last night that the Starship launch tower with a stack on it keeled over and collapsed.

Anonymous No. 16203957

>just build a first of its kind giant reusable rocket that goes to the moon and back in 5 years bro

So are all rich people just really bad at time tables? Do I need to get bad at time tables?

Anonymous No. 16203963

I'm usually awake during euro hours and I don't recall seeing it.

Anonymous No. 16203979

mf brah so cooked.

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Anonymous No. 16203980

like this?

Anonymous No. 16203981

Ok, can I collect an apology from everyone who claimed DearMoon was still active these past few weeks?

Anonymous No. 16203984

retarded opium, see >>16203612 for the real answer. Dearmoon is impossible.

Anonymous No. 16203987

So, when starliners thrusters shit the bed due to this leak that will no doubt be exacerbated or even blow out because of the launch and the astronauts are left stuck floating in some random orbit, what options to save them even are there? Can they scramble a dragon to dock with starliner? It's the same docking port as ISS so I assume so. But if starliner is tumbling badly then they are pretty much fucked right?

Anonymous No. 16203988

I'd sell you puts.
That's how that works, right?

Anonymous No. 16203991

IFT4 can pick them up

Anonymous No. 16203996

so let me get this straight, this jap dude got scalled out of billions only for the project to be cancelled? LOL!

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may launches.png

Anonymous No. 16203999

14 launches alone in May.

Holy crap.

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marooned 1969.jpg

Anonymous No. 16204017

its gonna be kino

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Anonymous No. 16204028

Quick prep for the inevitable

Anonymous No. 16204041

how is thrust supposed to be transmitted to the core?

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tomboy spacesuit2.png

Anonymous No. 16204044

I just want to watch randos go to space instead of air force dorks, for once in my life. Can't even have that, though.

Anonymous No. 16204045


Anonymous No. 16204051

I don't see what's so hard about just affixing tiles so they don't fall off.

Anonymous No. 16204053

Because there are 999999999 of them and they employ retarded beaners to do the tile integration

Anonymous No. 16204058

beaners can tile roofs so why cant they tile ships?

Anonymous No. 16204061

Use gorilla glue, 4ASS approved adhesive solution.

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EXINT Pod p 38.jpg

Anonymous No. 16204066

your house doesn't explode if the tiling is a bit wonky

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[1920x1080] vtime....jpg

Anonymous No. 16204074

Anonymous No. 16204075

>one house tile is put on poorly
>probably nothing happens
>maybe a small leak a few years down the line

>one starship tile is put on poorly

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Anonymous No. 16204077

>if only you knew how bad things really are

Anonymous No. 16204083

wait it's actually hapening?

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marked for death.jpg

Anonymous No. 16204085


Anonymous No. 16204092

if the ship exploding with crew is uch a big deal then mars will never ever happen.

Anonymous No. 16204097

insane chin

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Anonymous No. 16204100

FAA delays have put Starship way behind schedule.
>Personally? I am betting that Maezawa had money problems.
B*denomics and its consequences have been a disaster for the space race.
>Don't worry Tim, there's always the B mission
Or the B ark...

Anonymous No. 16204102

Wicked witch of the west phenotype

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Anonymous No. 16204123


Anonymous No. 16204126

it didn't get cancelled, seems like he didn't expect it to take this long (which is retarded) so he cancelled it himself
berger also had some info about it but didn't want to disclose it yet because it wasn't fully reliable

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Anonymous No. 16204128

>everyone knows how bad things really are
>like Komarov were are forced to proceed anyway

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Anonymous No. 16204131

La goblina...

Anonymous No. 16204134

put a witch hat on her and it becomes uncanny

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Anonymous No. 16204136

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[1920x1080] vtime....jpg

Anonymous No. 16204138

One last hug before death

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dafoe joker n.png

Anonymous No. 16204139

>Williams is expected to become the first woman to fly on the maiden crewed flight of an orbital spacecraft type
what a (posthumous) honor!

Anonymous No. 16204141

She's gonna crack her helmet visor

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[1920x1080] vtime....jpg

Anonymous No. 16204142

Anonymous No. 16204149

I must sleep now. Rip in advance those poor niggas.

Anonymous No. 16204153

why is that dude wearing pads on his neck?

Anonymous No. 16204154

well exactly, he got scammed out of billions and decided to cut his losses because its clear that its impossible and musk will just keep scamming him for a decade.

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Anonymous No. 16204166>>16204154
>A5/Starliner CFT: With Wilmore in place (and possibly napping), Williams is strapping in; now 2 hours 37 minutes to launch

Anonymous No. 16204170

>and possibly napping
Wrong, this man is contemplating inevitable death.

Anonymous No. 16204172

/sfg/ - Severed Frenulum General

Anonymous No. 16204178

the last year has been insane progress, this is a weird spot to cancel it
I think it might partly be also due to getting put on the back of the line, NASA and Polaris go first but I don't see why he expected anything else in this case either, DearMoon is a tourist mission pretty much, NASA is partly making responsible for making this happen in the first place and Polaris missions are high-risk dev missions
DearMoon is just a bunch of retards going on a cruise pretty much

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Anonymous No. 16204179

Anonymous No. 16204181

god damn they don't look happy

Anonymous No. 16204182

holy fuck kek
Boeing is going to fucking kill these people. I really really hope they scrub.

Anonymous No. 16204183

Baba Yaga getting ready to fly her mortar and pestle.

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Anonymous No. 16204186


Anonymous No. 16204187

A little early for obituary photos

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Anonymous No. 16204191

Every picture of these two has this deeply grim energy around it

Anonymous No. 16204194

flying on their last journey to save the earth

Anonymous No. 16204196

the text and that picture combined with the rest in this thread somehow gave me SCP vibes (it wasn't as gay and retarded now previously)

Anonymous No. 16204197

rip bozo

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Anonymous No. 16204200


Anonymous No. 16204201

this feels ominous

Anonymous No. 16204206
>Starliner CFT: The Anomaly team is looking at a valve issue.

Anonymous No. 16204209

fucks sake JUST END IT

Anonymous No. 16204210


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Anonymous No. 16204212


Anonymous No. 16204213

>DearMoon is just a bunch of retards going on a cruise pretty much
That's what I liked so much about it, I need to see regular people fly in space, not just richfags and air-force brats. Space is not for the specialized, it is for all.

Anonymous No. 16204214

An SCP like the basketball game tape, only its a tape of a failed rocket launch that killed the crew. Every time you play it the crew seem to remember more of the previous plays, deja-vu becoming true recollection and horror at their trapped state.

Anonymous No. 16204216

I'm not saying its bad, I'm just somewhat surprised MZ expected it would happen by the end of 2023
or in the very least was not prepared for it to get delayed
almost everything spaceflight related gets delayed, makes this seem like he was absolutely clueless and kind of still is

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Anonymous No. 16204217
>A5/Starliner CFT: ULA engineers are discussing an issue of some sort with liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen topping valves; this is not the same issue that derailed the May 6 launch try, but no details yet on what the problem might be or what impact, if any, it might have; in the meantime, liquid oxygen and hydrogen topping has been halted for troubleshooting

Anonymous No. 16204218

every fucking time

Anonymous No. 16204220

>eyes still closed
he's preparing for death, isn't he

Anonymous No. 16204222

that implies the rocket flies

Anonymous No. 16204227

>I'm just somewhat surprised MZ expected it would happen by the end of 2023
Certainly, I definitely didn't think Starship would fly people this early, even 2025 feels a bit soon even with the rapid rate of progress.

Anonymous No. 16204230

Why do rockets still use hydrolox?

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Anonymous No. 16204231


Anonymous No. 16204233

No can do, contractual obligations to fly.

Anonymous No. 16204238


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Apollo 13 blow up.jpg

Anonymous No. 16204241


Anonymous No. 16204245

>Centaur valve malfunction
>No safety concerns

No concerns if you don't care

Anonymous No. 16204247

Dearmoon is physically impossible because of the heatshield. It's the same material as the shuttle shield, which cant withstand lunar entry velocities. That's why NASA didnt reuse shuttle tiles for Orion, you know they would if they could.

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Anonymous No. 16204248

Anonymous No. 16204249

>have a problem
>ignore problem
>have no problem

Anonymous No. 16204251

the heatshield on starship is not identical to the shuttle heatshield, its derived from it but improved

Anonymous No. 16204252

A SOLUTION HAS BEEN........................... analyzed

Anonymous No. 16204253

Most reliable rocket btw


Anonymous No. 16204256
>In the meantime, Maezawa's priorities also likely changed. According to Forbes, when the plan was announced in 2018, the entrepreneur had a net worth of about $3 billion. Today he is estimated to be worth only half of that. Additionally, he scratched his itch to go to space in 2021, flying aboard a Russian Soyuz vehicle for a 12-day trip to the International Space Station.

Anonymous No. 16204258

buddy you know this is bullshit. Or maybe you don't know, I'm not sure which is worse.
It's the same material, same kind of melting temperature, same inability to survive lunar entry velocities. All objects designed for those entry velcoities use ablator because non ablatives arent viable. But ask musk said ablator would weight too much.

Anonymous No. 16204261

>Maezawa, however, always came off as a bit non-serious.

Anonymous No. 16204264

its derived from the same material, not the same material
like you have different type of concrete or steel, not all of those have identical properties

Anonymous No. 16204266

Scott Manley must be so smug right now. He was seething so much when he uploaded his entry video for dear moon too late.

Anonymous No. 16204270

Oh please... Is this the latest bullshit you are going to stick to? You will conveniently forget it when in 3 years the are developing a new heat shield for actual inteprlanetary velocities.

Anonymous No. 16204275

Yes, that one

Anonymous No. 16204277
>The issue is that ULA stopped getting data from the liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen topping valves on Centaur. They're going to switch to redundant control circuitry to resume getting data. Testing it in a simulator right now before implementing.

Anonymous No. 16204282

I'm just saying you are speculating prematurely
and yeah if it doesn't work out then they will develop some new heat shield (probably are on iteration N right now), which might or might not be derived from the shuttle heat shield material or it could be something entirely different like perspiration cooling or whatever

Anonymous No. 16204283

>1kg explosive payload, which means a lethal radius of ~100m
a 155mm artillery shell with 10kg of HE has maybe a ~50m kill radius
you're claiming 40 times higher effectiveness

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Anonymous No. 16204284

>have redundant system
>need to test if they can switch to the redundant system

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hovercraft icbm l....jpg

Anonymous No. 16204286

> muh heetsheeld
just build ships that can kill your orbital velocity by thrust alone

Anonymous No. 16204288

>150lb urine pump

Anonymous No. 16204291

gotta keep those pisslocks topped up

Anonymous No. 16204294

Just piss into your own mouth. Saves 150lb of useless junk!

Anonymous No. 16204306


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Anonymous No. 16204308

It's over

Anonymous No. 16204310


Anonymous No. 16204311

>20-30 years
wrong, faggot
There will be 1 million people living on Mars in 30 years
I would bet your life on it

Anonymous No. 16204312


Anonymous No. 16204313

>we are retopping on the LOX side, some of the messages are expected
>its still a little bit open, we will see what is going on with the LH side

Anonymous No. 16204318

They'll soon have topped up this fucker so many times that hydrogen eats through it and it falls apart like termites had taken root.

Anonymous No. 16204319

>no more helium for maneuvering thrusters
>starliner does a 9/11 on the ISS
what happens next?

Anonymous No. 16204320

Comms are a fucking mess

Anonymous No. 16204322


Anonymous No. 16204325

>After working through some transients when they switched to the redundant system, LOX replenishment has resumed. Still working LH2.

So maybe it's not just the valves, or an issue with the groundside valve control

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Anonymous No. 16204333

peak moonman aesthetics
>English: Moonman as seen executing a group of minorities via firing range and an AK47
>11 February 2016
>Own work

>Own work
I can't stop laughing

Anonymous No. 16204334

Looks like we're back

Anonymous No. 16204335

hatch closing

Anonymous No. 16204338

They're both highly sedated, like the living sacrifices to the cruel gods of the Aztecs

Anonymous No. 16204339

>There are no pages that use this file

Anonymous No. 16204341

>Waiting for a weather briefing.

There's still hope

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Anonymous No. 16204343


Anonymous No. 16204348

wtf are they doing with the camera

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16204349

Anonymous No. 16204352

Hey now. They might not explode at T-0. They could have an extra few hours orbiting helplessly until they suffocate.

Captcha: Verification not required.

Anonymous No. 16204354

>Cabin PP high
Boing strikes again

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[1920x1080] vtime....jpg

Anonymous No. 16204355

Anonymous No. 16204356

>Concerns: Ground Winds
I think you have more to be concerned with, Boeing.

Anonymous No. 16204357

>Weather is looking "fantastic" per Derrol Nail. Hatch is closed. Leak checks underway.

Anonymous No. 16204359
Berger has gone live with his dissection of the falling out between Yousuck and the Elongated Huskrat

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Anonymous No. 16204361

he doesn't look very chilled out

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16204363


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Anonymous No. 16204365

That's it.
Its done

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Anonymous No. 16204367

Anonymous No. 16204368

Too much onions in one picture

Anonymous No. 16204374

page 8 retard

Anonymous No. 16204375

For a second I forgot about that guy and thought tim changed his channel name in his seethe

Anonymous No. 16204378

Nobody is going to fix hardware like gryos for free. They were only ever talking about boosting the orbit, which is becoming ever more pointless because it's going to fail before it burns up. Polaris doesn't have the hardware or the experience to actually consider a real servicing mission.

Anonymous No. 16204379

a bit early, yeah?

Anonymous No. 16204380

I didn't know there were rules :(

Anonymous No. 16204381

they were going to add a module with new gyros

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Anonymous No. 16204383

newfags shouldn't start threads

Anonymous No. 16204386

lurk moar, don't make threads if you're a newfag
this is simple chan etiquette

Anonymous No. 16204387

Polaris Dawn? No. But some other Dragon servicing mission could do it. Bring in some actual astronauts, train them to do the mission, Isaacman pays for the mission.

Anonymous No. 16204390

fucking newfag, fuck off

Anonymous No. 16204392

I've been here for 12 years

Anonymous No. 16204393

This thread will still be up for the next 8 hours

Anonymous No. 16204395

It's okay, everyone makes mistakes.

Anonymous No. 16204396


Anonymous No. 16204397

don't worry, Elon is a generous god

Anonymous No. 16204398

This is not okay

Anonymous No. 16204399

generous (you get a quick execution)

Anonymous No. 16204400

yeah just a ride on starliner, top kek

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Anonymous No. 16204401

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Anonymous No. 16204402

Clear Live!

Anonymous No. 16204404


Anonymous No. 16204406

is it a national priority to launch post-wall female astronauts into space? why?

Anonymous No. 16204407

yet you're clearly a newfag to /sci/, or to any slow board at all
>oh noes itz da bmup limit, i must saaaaaaaaave the thread!
because clearly the regulars don't know what's about to happen?

Anonymous No. 16204410


Anonymous No. 16204412

and now you do. hopefully you and any other newfags in the thread can learn from your mistake

Anonymous No. 16204414

Guys, just move threads. It isn't like we're going to split by making a third thread. Come on, be serious.

Anonymous No. 16204417

my schizo theory is that it isn't a newfag but deliberate faggotry

Anonymous No. 16204418

where is your fumo
it is impolite to be on location without bringing your fumo

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Anonymous No. 16204419

Anonymous No. 16204420


Anonymous No. 16204421


Anonymous No. 16204422

haha lol no, why would I do that

Anonymous No. 16204423

you are schizophrenic, I'm just new to slow boards and also the thread isn't deleting.

Anonymous No. 16204424


Anonymous No. 16204427

>and also the thread isn't deleting
Yes because you're such a newfag that you don't know 4chan disabled deleting threads fucking years ago. Like so long ago that I don't even remember how long.

Anonymous No. 16204428

lurk moar you fucking newfag

Anonymous No. 16204431

Little known fact that STS-61-C was for him as "Payload Specialist" to put his phylactery in orbit.

Anonymous No. 16204432

that's only on certain boards, IIRC, but I could be wrong (who the fuck tests that)

Anonymous No. 16204433

>Time out of sync
Name a more iconic duo.

Anonymous No. 16204434

Astronauts are too old. We should be sending people in their 20s.

Anonymous No. 16204435

you should have your keyboard removed

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Anonymous No. 16204436

We used to. Now they are youtubers and tiktok stars.

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Anonymous No. 16204437

anon I think they picked old ones for this flight for a reason

Anonymous No. 16204440

Please be kind to our fellow 4channers

Anonymous No. 16204442

Been a long time since I checked in with /sfg/, how are we feeling about the launch?

Anonymous No. 16204444

sorry I meant to say 10s

Anonymous No. 16204445

they're too busy autistically complaining to care

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[1920x1080] vtime....jpg

Anonymous No. 16204446

He looks like he's gonna cry

Anonymous No. 16204447

I asked my magic 8 ball if the crew would die. It said yes
Can someone inform NASA to cancel this mission?

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Anonymous No. 16204448


Anonymous No. 16204450

Fucking newfag I know that's you

Anonymous No. 16204451

there was a poll that got posted earlier about it but basically 6 anons think 100% chance of success, 6 think 75%, 6 think 50% and the rest dont matter

Anonymous No. 16204452

He knows his time draws near

Anonymous No. 16204453

Fighting off a panic attack.

Anonymous No. 16204454

Zoomers can't qualify because they are too dumb

Anonymous No. 16204456

I kind of feel sad for the white guy

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Anonymous No. 16204457

Gimme the best launch stream link RIGHT NOW.

Anonymous No. 16204458

If dumb millenials can qualify, so can zoomers.

Anonymous No. 16204459

>>>/x/ has a stream with WvB's ghost

Anonymous No. 16204460

There is a launch escape mechanism right?

Anonymous No. 16204461

stupid frogposter, say please

Anonymous No. 16204462

god I wish

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Anonymous No. 16204464

Holy shit, Ship is being lifted!

Anonymous No. 16204465

Standing by for HOLD HOLD HOLD scrubbadub.

Anonymous No. 16204466

How did the last unmanned starliner launch go?

Anonymous No. 16204467


Anonymous No. 16204470

Good luck today everyone!

Anonymous No. 16204477

Get your memes ready boys

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Anonymous No. 16204479

Do you think they send it even though its fucked? If they dont send it today they dont have another opportunity for a long time and NASA would probably be pissed

Anonymous No. 16204480

Post your prediction of how Starliner will fail

[_] Immediate explosion prior to lift off
[_] Explosion before orbit
[_] Break up during launch
[_] Launch escape failure
[_] Explosion in orbit
[_] Loss of control in orbit
[_] Loss of control during docking
[_] Russian intervention while docked
[_] Loss of control during reentry
[_] Heat shield failure
[_] Parachute failure

Anonymous No. 16204481

>all these fucking issues and they are still going to fly

JWU in time to watch these poor bastards die didn't I. Look at the dudes face, man.

Anonymous No. 16204484

100% success

Anonymous No. 16204485


Anonymous No. 16204486


Anonymous No. 16204487

thruster failures force abort before docking to space station. parachute fails on decent but crew survives unharmed

Anonymous No. 16204489

>[_] Immediate explosion prior to lift off
>[_] Explosion before orbit
>[_] Break up during launch
>[_] Launch escape failure
>[_] Explosion in orbit
>[X] Loss of control in orbit
>[_] Loss of control during docking
>[_] Russian intervention while docked
>[X] Loss of control during reentry
>[X] Heat shield failure
>[X] Parachute failure

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 16204490

Reaction coming in on Twitter from one of the dearMoon candidates, responding to the cancellation of dearMoon.

Rhiannon Adam

Anonymous No. 16204491

well yeah, that's a given, but what minute before launch will it happen?

Anonymous No. 16204493

Nobody fucking cares.

Anonymous No. 16204494

I care

Anonymous No. 16204495
Go Boeing!

Anonymous No. 16204499

>[_] Immediate explosion prior to lift off
>[_] Explosion before orbit
>[_] Break up during launch
>[_] Launch escape failure
>[_] Explosion in orbit
>[_] Loss of control in orbit
>[_] Loss of control during docking
>[_] Russian intervention while docked
>[X] Loss of control during reentry
>[_] Heat shield failure
>[_] Parachute failure

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Anonymous No. 16204500

Well, this would have been nice for a launch happening any time other than the middle of the fucking day

Anonymous No. 16204503

Then go fucking care on twitter. The nip using his contract out option because things are starting to drag on does not change anything.

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Anonymous No. 16204505

Hey, I turned away and suddenly the clock has three hours on it?
>[X] Scrub

Anonymous No. 16204506

Nah im good here senpai

Anonymous No. 16204512

It's ogre.

Anonymous No. 16204513


Anonymous No. 16204514

So many damn issues, this flight is cursed

Anonymous No. 16204515

>uh suit warning light...

Anonymous No. 16204516

>literally over 100 manual steps to launch this thing
>push button

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Anonymous No. 16204518

wow look at all that merch

Anonymous No. 16204519

uh oh suit stinky

Anonymous No. 16204520

Is it really ogre? Im not watching

Anonymous No. 16204522

Boeing expected SpaceX to fail and this program to turn into cost plus.
When that failed, they threw this shit so far on the backburner there's no wonder a billion issues pop up every time they near a launch.

Anonymous No. 16204523

suit fan malfunction, they're continuing though

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Anonymous No. 16204524

[X] Astronauts roasted due to suit fan failure

I did not see this coming

Anonymous No. 16204526

who had "crew gets heat stroke in their suits" on their starliner failure mode bingo card?

Anonymous No. 16204527

I think they want it to fail to prove fixed price doesnt work. they will kill astronauts to do it

Anonymous No. 16204528

Dragon has an entire capsule for ground testing and training with environmental control and life support systems

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Helga waiting.gif

Anonymous No. 16204529

>turn it off and then on again

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Anonymous No. 16204530

Anonymous No. 16204532

It's too bad that SpaceX managed to prove that it works wonderfully well.
Starliner is proof that "Boeing does not roll out of bed for anything less than $1bn".

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Anonymous No. 16204533

Anonymous No. 16204534

>not stopping


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Anonymous No. 16204535

Anonymous No. 16204536

uh guys, I think I used the wrong O ring on the atlas V... should I tell anyone?

Anonymous No. 16204538

>saying L minus instead of T minus
what a gay company, please blow up

Anonymous No. 16204539

>Starship IFT-4 has been delayed to the 6th and potentially the 7th
What the fuck.

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Anonymous No. 16204542

Stand by and await events that are to come.

Anonymous No. 16204545

>proud of boeing
>proud of ula
>proud of nasa
I puked a little in my mouth

Anonymous No. 16204546


Anonymous No. 16204547

>that doubt in pneumatics

Anonymous No. 16204551


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Anonymous No. 16204552

>one last inspirational speech before they leave this mortal plane

Anonymous No. 16204553


Anonymous No. 16204554


Anonymous No. 16204555


Anonymous No. 16204556

I do not consent

Anonymous No. 16204557


Anonymous No. 16204558

That's it then.

Anonymous No. 16204559

>goes to actual countdown
>instant hold hold hold

Anonymous No. 16204562

humiliation ritual

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16204564


Anonymous No. 16204565

>Instant window
Yup, ogre.

Anonymous No. 16204568

why would you go for launch and then hold? are they stupid?

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Anonymous No. 16204569

I just tuned in and its already over and scrubbed

Anonymous No. 16204570

This is bad

Anonymous No. 16204573
>HOLD HOLD HOLD. That's it for today with the instantaneous launch window.

Anonymous No. 16204575

What's the odds on it being helium/valves kek

Anonymous No. 16204576

how embarrassing to have to repeat that speech again for the next attempt

Anonymous No. 16204577

I am once again reminding you that this is the world's most reliable rocket.

Anonymous No. 16204580

if its boeing....

Anonymous No. 16204581

so, it happened AGAIN.....

Anonymous No. 16204583


Anonymous No. 16204585


Anonymous No. 16204586

the crew is safest if the rocket never leaves the pad

Anonymous No. 16204589

I wonder what Tony Burno will say about this

Anonymous No. 16204591

lol its actually over

Anonymous No. 16204593

KEK. he must be pissed.

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Anonymous No. 16204594

it's so over

Anonymous No. 16204595

boeing is literally americuck humilitation ritual jesus

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Anonymous No. 16204597


Anonymous No. 16204598

Even safer if they don't even bother fueling it and scrap the entire fucking program.

Anonymous No. 16204599

If the same outcome happens 100% of the time (scrubbing) I'd say it's pretty reliable.

Anonymous No. 16204600

Ahh I once again was correct in not bothering to make a launch thread.

Anonymous No. 16204601


Anonymous No. 16204602

Someone ask Tony if he has Scrub data for ULA rockets

Anonymous No. 16204604

Clear actually said "scrubliner" lmao

Anonymous No. 16204606

get real

Anonymous No. 16204611

Just one more HOLD bro... one more HOLD and the problem will go away

Anonymous No. 16204612

loss of control in orbit but its not fatal for crew, they just can't get to the ISS

Anonymous No. 16204613

we gaan back to the VIF to destack

Anonymous No. 16204620

Getting a little defensive there ;)

Anonymous No. 16204623

holy shit what a wall of text, she must be devastated

Anonymous No. 16204629

I fucking would be, if I'd spent the last few years eagerly looking forwards to a trip around the moon.

Anonymous No. 16204630


Anonymous No. 16204634

I guess the >>16204362 OP ended up being correct

Anonymous No. 16204636

From their press conference yesterday, they said that if they delay another couple days, they'll need to roll back to swap out the batteries. Since some are deeply buried, it's a 10 day process min.

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Anonymous No. 16204638


Anonymous No. 16204640

Women are overly emotional

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Anonymous No. 16204642


Anonymous No. 16204644


Anonymous No. 16204646


Woke, pro-Palestine Queer artist and author.
The rage in her 'WHAT ABOUT ME' text wall has given me an erection beyond comprehension.

Anonymous No. 16204648

>Scrubliner Scrubbed
Back to our regularly scheduled ship lift

Anonymous No. 16204649

it's over

Anonymous No. 16204651

lol, what a dumb bitch

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Anonymous No. 16204653

>they'll need to roll back to swap out the batteries.
>Since some are deeply buried
This is what cost-plus does to a nigga.

Anonymous No. 16204654

therapy session? lol

Anonymous No. 16204655

Glad the entire shitshow is over and done with.

Anonymous No. 16204656

He doesn't owe this bitch anything.

Anonymous No. 16204657

>computer becomes self aware
>realizes it was built by boeing
>"fuck this shit!"

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Anonymous No. 16204658

Anonymous No. 16204660

oh no no no no

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Anonymous No. 16204663

Why are we even trying to fly this thing anymore? Dragon's been doing the job for years now, what's the point?

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Anonymous No. 16204664

She looks awful what the fuck is that

Anonymous No. 16204666

>And not so much as an offer of a therapy session
Jesus Christ. Most fragile and entitled generation in history.

Anonymous No. 16204667

Jesus christ imagine being trapped in a steel can with this psycho, she would probably end up spacing the whole crew when she realises Starbucks is no longer available

Anonymous No. 16204670

Because the pork barrel demands it

Anonymous No. 16204671

she used a quality bowl

Anonymous No. 16204672

Redundancy is good in case something should happen to F9 or Crew Dragon. You don't want to go back to begging Russia for a ride.
Also they already got paid, and they're struggling to deliver.

Anonymous No. 16204673

fuck off old man, its a rich broad who has had everything handed to her in life, they exist in every generation.

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Anonymous No. 16204674

Anonymous No. 16204675

redundancy would be a good thing if it wasn't supplied by boing!

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Anonymous No. 16204676

>if only you knew how much worse it could get

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Anonymous No. 16204677

Alright nerds explain to me what went wrong.

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Anonymous No. 16204678

>at the time of the scrub it didn't appear to load into the proper configuration

Anonymous No. 16204681

Where to even begin

Anonymous No. 16204683

Government considered Boeing to be the premium option. Boeing thought they could turn this into cost plus and when that didn't happen, threw it on the backburner with literal fucking interns running the skeleton crew assigned to it.

Anonymous No. 16204684

they're still sitting on top of a fueled rocket. it's not to late for sunny and butch to die

Anonymous No. 16204685

God, imagine if on the third attempt they have to use the crew escape system, it will be an epic finale.

Anonymous No. 16204687

It starts with a capital B

Anonymous No. 16204689

The government should seize a bunch of Boeing's stuff and have a big garage sale to recoup losses, I'd buy an airframe or two at yardsale prices.

Anonymous No. 16204692

Boeing is sadly a company considered too big to be allowed to fail.

Anonymous No. 16204693


Anonymous No. 16204694

Despite despising the term I can't really disagree. What do you call these very public and repeated failures where the public is more interested in seeing how they fail than if they succeed other than ritualistic and humiliating?

Anonymous No. 16204695

They looked like they were making their peace with god at the end there. Think either of them will bail on the next launch after their family tells them they want them to not fucking die?

Anonymous No. 16204698

>What do you call these
"Boeing doesn't roll out of bed for less than $1bn".

Anonymous No. 16204699
>A5/Starliner CFT: NASA says the GLS did not load the proper configuration files when the countdown resumed; not clear what that actually means, but if it's a software problem, another launch try tomorrow might be possible. No way to know at this point

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Anonymous No. 16204703
>Oh and I doubt the integrity of the mission when my early dearMoon proposal seemed to be copied by MZ on his ISS trip. Seems weird to rug pull your own crew’s ideas if you believed there was a chance they’d be able to do it on a moon mission.

MZ did on the ISS flight what the woman proposed in the applying process (take a picture from space and turn it into a NFT)

Anonymous No. 16204704


Anonymous No. 16204705



Anonymous No. 16204706

Congress mandated.

Anonymous No. 16204707

>not clear what that really means but fuck it yolo

The amount of times this is happening is staggering.

Anonymous No. 16204708

This is the first time someone has ever used this proverb and it has made sense to me

Anonymous No. 16204711

>it was a rugpull all along
I kneel, jap.

Anonymous No. 16204713

so one of the articles was basically correct that they haven't done any integration testing at all pretty much? two separate software teams that are mad with each other so they don't communicate and the only time some weird problems crop up is when they actually try to run the system from end-to-end

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Anonymous No. 16204715

This, even if we make fun of their space division, there's no way that the US govt. would allow domestic aviation to be dominated by Europeans and Canadians, plus they work on a good chunk of the strategic air assets like the B-52 and Stratotankers and work on the F22 and Apaches

Anonymous No. 16204716

Yeah umm Inspiration4 already did that 3 years ago

Anonymous No. 16204718

MZ send me to space please please please, I don’t care if it’s a dragon to LEO I WILL BE HUMBLE UNLIKE THESE FUCKS

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Anonymous No. 16204720

>sit in capsule, worrying its your last moments
>know you have to go through it again in a few days time
this is like the fake executions the KGB used to do to prisoners

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Anonymous No. 16204721

>the GLS did not load the proper configuration files when the countdown resumed
I'll say it again, just check in your configurations and passwords in the repo. It's fine. Literally I could have avoided all of those problems.

Anonymous No. 16204723

>software problem
What the fuck is with boing

Anonymous No. 16204725

have these retard done a few wet dress rehearsals before?

Anonymous No. 16204726

dearmoon cancelled because the crew turned out to be a bunch of entitled earthers

Anonymous No. 16204727

What part of "skeleton crew" don't you understand? This entire program is something Boeing would rather forget about and file in some disused dumpster somewhere.

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Anonymous No. 16204729

I hate earthers

Anonymous No. 16204730


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Anonymous No. 16204731

Dude’s mad lol

Anonymous No. 16204733

with hydrogen that fucks up the rocket gradually

Anonymous No. 16204734

you guys are awful racists

Anonymous No. 16204735

He's relieved the execution's been delayed.

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Anonymous No. 16204736


Anonymous No. 16204738

By the time this shitshow finally launches, it'll disintegrate into fine powder from hydrogen embrittlement.

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Anonymous No. 16204740

thank you for noticing

Anonymous No. 16204741

Install a toilet ranjeet, sick of you shitting all over the github

Anonymous No. 16204742


Anonymous No. 16204743

You just know this shit will delay IFT-4 too, since there's no chance they'll allow a big ass test article orbiting at the same time even if in completely different orbits.

Anonymous No. 16204745

Anonymous No. 16204746


Anonymous No. 16204747

Wtf even is the point of Starliner if it flies once a year? Dragon has already picked up the slack since 2020

Anonymous No. 16204749

Redundancy also already paid for that handful of flights. How many times must we repeat this shit?

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Anonymous No. 16204750

Anonymous No. 16204752

What redundancy, they haven't launched yet

Anonymous No. 16204762

What do you think happens if F9 has a single failure, even if it's not related to Commercial Crew program?
The entire fucking rocket gets grounded for human flight until bureaucracy considers it safe for flight again and while that happens, who the fuck else flies?
Russia? Nobody wants to beg Russia for jack shit in today's climate.

Anonymous No. 16204764

>and while that happens, who the fuck else flies?

No one, apparently

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Anonymous No. 16204765

guy on the left wasn't tethered to the fall arrest system like the guy on the right while he was messing with the guardrail

Anonymous No. 16204767

And that's the end of the ISS program since there has to be both NASA and Roscosmos personnel on board at ALL times.

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Anonymous No. 16204768

Anonymous No. 16204769

>starship will have a successful test flight before starliner launches

Anonymous No. 16204772

He didn't care if he fell

Anonymous No. 16204774

F9 has abort system and the rocket is currently the safest rocket in the world, single failure wouldn't change that fact

Anonymous No. 16204775

Tell that to boing, not me m8

Anonymous No. 16204776

I want to formally apologize

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Anonymous No. 16204777

Please God let this happen because it would be so fucking funny.

Anonymous No. 16204778

>single failure wouldn't change that fact
Are you fucking 12? I'm not ragging on the rocket but rather how bureaucracy works, something you're completely oblivious to.

Anonymous No. 16204780

unhinged woke cringe

Anonymous No. 16204785

>f9 has failure and is grounded
>Ok we launch on starliner
>delay delay hold scrub delay hold scrub delay launch boom woops they dieded

What's the next step in the master plan

Anonymous No. 16204786

Just makes me happy the entire shit was dumped. I said it was a stupid idea when announced and I haven't changed my opinion.
Space does not need histrionic bitches.

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Anonymous No. 16204787

Anonymous No. 16204788

>What do you think happens if F9 has a single failure
SpaceX diagnoses and fixes the problem in a week or two, like a competent company would

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Anonymous No. 16204789

who would win?

Anonymous No. 16204790

i like your art <3

Anonymous No. 16204791

Sorry to say you'll be drawing loli guro soon

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Anonymous No. 16204792

So apparently it is delayed 6 months until a spot opens up to dock at ISS

Anonymous No. 16204794

Now draw it being put in a fucking trashcan where it belongs.

Anonymous No. 16204797

morale would be so bad at that point, the mission is bound to be fatal

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Anonymous No. 16204798


Anonymous No. 16204800

what are we thinking, was it the FAA or spacex?

Anonymous No. 16204801

if that is the case Starship might be able to launch like 3 times before that
SpaceX might fucking land and catch a booster before Starliner reaches the ISS, lmaooo

Anonymous No. 16204803

SpaceX doesn't need to hire snipers when their competition hires pajeet

Anonymous No. 16204806


Anonymous No. 16204809

it was boeing's worst enemy, boeing

Anonymous No. 16204811
>Because Starliner has an instantaneous launch window, the hold scrubbed the launch attempt. There are backup launch opportunities June 2, 5 and 6.

Anonymous No. 16204815

it was starliner, boeing pushed ift-4 back

Anonymous No. 16204816

>helium leak
>LOX and LH2 sensors faulty so had to switch to backups
>problems with air circulation fans for the suits
>unknown problem with the configuration causing a hold and scrub due to instantaneous launch window

Anonymous No. 16204819

>Yeah so anyway we had a software integration problem, don't really know what it is but we are launching you guys tomorrow, promise we fixed it and not just pressed override :)

Anonymous No. 16204820

and you just know the only one theyre going to fix before they try again is that last one

Anonymous No. 16204821

A slip beyond June 6 could lead to a significantly longer delay. Steve Stich, NASA commercial crew program manager, said at a May 31 prelaunch briefing that ULA would need time to replace batteries in the rocket if the vehicle does not launch by June 6. Gary Wentz, vice president of government and commercial programs at ULA, said that battery replacement work would take about 10 days.

Anonymous No. 16204822

reminder: when the commercial crew program started the risky SpaceX Dragon was the redundant backup option for the safe Boeing CST-100. Totally proves that having redundancy is a good idea.

Anonymous No. 16204824

>problems with air circulation fans for the suits
Imagine having to spend the entire flight marinating in your own farts.

Anonymous No. 16204827

Is this orgasm denial for rockets girls?

Anonymous No. 16204829

This is all getting too embarrassing, they are just going to say fuck it take the risk and hit the launch button regardless before the 6th

Anonymous No. 16204832

>An MSIB has been released, indicating the launch may now happen on June 6th, with backup dates afterwards.

Anonymous No. 16204833

>ULA, said that battery replacement work would take about 10 days.
Why does swapping a battery take 10 days?????

Anonymous No. 16204834


Anonymous No. 16204836

If they're buried behind god knows how much insulation, cables and plumbing, shit takes time.

Anonymous No. 16204837

Because they have to pull apart half the craft to get to them. Only the best engineering from boeing.

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Anonymous No. 16204838

Anonymous No. 16204839

Would you not plan for this and have the battery in an easy to reach spot??

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Anonymous No. 16204840

>June 6th
>Death Day

Anonymous No. 16204842

>a setback is a step forward

Anonymous No. 16204843

Saar you are not of the engineering degree, boeing design very good for the space mission

Anonymous No. 16204844

We're not talking some small li-ion battery.

Anonymous No. 16204847

Wait why the fuck does it even have to be replaced
Just recharge it wtf

Anonymous No. 16204848

>ULA, said that battery replacement work would take about 10 days.
>Why does swapping a battery take 10 days?????
Theyre retrying tomorrow, shut the fuck up

Anonymous No. 16204849

Recharge a Aerospace Grade Battery? That's heresy.

Anonymous No. 16204850

And what if it scrubs again?

Anonymous No. 16204851

sometimes I need to swap out my car battery. I pop the hood, unscrew the leads, lift it out, and stick in a new one.
takes 15 minutes tops. really more like 3.

Anonymous No. 16204853

They need to keep the 3 person battery company in business.

Anonymous No. 16204854

It won't, they got the tap on the shoulder to just press launch next time.

Anonymous No. 16204855

Aerospace grade batteries have to be hand picked out of Alabama rivers, inspected for charge and robustness before being considered for use.

Anonymous No. 16204857

>white room
uhm sweetie it's called an 'allow room'

Anonymous No. 16204860

Joking aside, do you really think oldspace would recharge a battery past its allotted amount of recharges?

Anonymous No. 16204861

To be fair, for the cost of a new battery, I wouldn't fuck around with rechargeables on a crewed flight for NASA either. Doesn't excuse ripping apart the capsule to get to it though.

Anonymous No. 16204862

If nobody was looking, maybe.

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Anonymous No. 16204867

Anonymous No. 16204872


-live conversating from the launch pad today

Anonymous No. 16204897

Well now what. Any news from Boeing

Anonymous No. 16204898

Most reliable rocket btw

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Anonymous No. 16204902

It is reliably not-launching!

Anonymous No. 16204904

Press conference in an hour, apparently.

Anonymous No. 16204905

>ift-4 was delayed because I wasn't racist enough
I'm not going to let it happen again

Anonymous No. 16204909

>If it's Boeing, it's not going

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Anonymous No. 16204914

Anonymous No. 16204921

You cant even launch a rocket with that many engines

Anonymous No. 16204933

Where's the lie? He said it was a goal and it was. SpaceX is always late

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Anonymous No. 16204935

So apprently SpaceX delayed Flight 4 by one day and stacked Starship early for Everyday Astronaut's tour.

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Anonymous No. 16204939

No tankwatching for Mexicans

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Anonymous No. 16204942

> hasn't read the paper debunking Musk's Mars plans in Nature
oh no no no

Anonymous No. 16204943

they have the best views of orbital launches thoughbeit

Anonymous No. 16204948

I addressed it in the dedicated thread. The paper is impotent seethe that wouldn't make it past academia. Step one is cheap mass to mars, spacex is solving step one. That's it! It is that simple. If you see holes then you should get to work filling them so the future biggest company in the world buys your product. Or you could write a seethe paper and do nothing

Anonymous No. 16204952

when is the tour happening?

Anonymous No. 16204955

that's Massey's test range, isn't it?

Anonymous No. 16204964

In 2016 I remember thinking this was impossible, not because the rocket might not be finished, but because they were not putting any work or money into the equipment needed to build a base on mars. The only comparison is the ISS life support system and they were casually mentioning a life support system that was many times more complex and 20 times bigger.

Anonymous No. 16204970

it's literally that easy

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Authentic Alabama....png

Anonymous No. 16204976

>Alabama rivers
My God, I totally forgot about that

Anonymous No. 16204981

It might be fair to say the rocket is more than half the difficulty

Anonymous No. 16205003

Why not just make it 20 times bigger? You have more launch capacity so it doesn't matter

Anonymous No. 16205006


Anonymous No. 16205038

>they were not putting any work or money into the equipment needed to build a base on mars.
They have limited engineering resources. The smart thing to do is figure out landing Starship on Mars first.

Anonymous No. 16205047

Yes but it would make their timeline impossible and Musk knew that in 2016.

Anonymous No. 16205055

It is two separate issues. Having the rocket doesn't change base development time.

They said this about solar panels and batteries. That just isn't the same as what would need to be a triple redundant life support system. This is a complex piece of engineering. It might take a decade of development time itself. ISS requires constant resupply from Earth and it is a quick escape pod ride home. This is not easy engineering.

Anonymous No. 16205228



Anonymous No. 16205273

The point is it's impossible to return from Mars because 1. the delta v requirementis greater than what the ship has, and 2. the earth entry velocity would destroy the ship. 2. is the same reason why dearmoon was impossible actually, and at some point the jap guy realised.

Anonymous No. 16205418

Simply increase the ship's delta-v

Anonymous No. 16205456

need 18m variant for that unironically.