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📌 🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16212288

IFT-4 Edition

Previous - >>16210302

Anonymous No. 16212293

I can't wait to watch this blow up tomorrow!

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Anonymous No. 16212296

This is the one

Anonymous No. 16212299

Clearbro, paging Clearbro

Anonymous No. 16212301

i like resnick for the foot fetish content she produced.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16212308

We will recycle the other thread after this one, its actually a pretty good bake so I good job both OPs

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Anonymous No. 16212309

Just for you anon

Anonymous No. 16212316

Anonymous No. 16212317

Impressive zero-g 'fro.

Anonymous No. 16212318

Why so erotic? I'm not even a footfag.

Anonymous No. 16212319

they say sex in space is practically impossible but this is clearly just a lie right? a couple of freaks would obviously still make it happen no?

Anonymous No. 16212323

it should be nromalized and even expected for female astronauts to not wear socks. Judy was leading the way! So sad she was silenced. Challenger was a hit job.

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Anonymous No. 16212328

You know what really grinds my gears? Earthers

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Anonymous No. 16212330

I'll never forgive NASA for moving from short shorts to long khakis.

An astronaut couple got secretly married before their flight, and it's rumored they consummated it on the flight.

Anonymous No. 16212332

Uhhh... it's actually called Flight 4, sir.

Anonymous No. 16212334


Anonymous No. 16212335

alo je li neko zna u kolko sati sutra lansira Starship raketa?

Anonymous No. 16212336

According to Zack/CSI, extended Booster will be lighter and more streamlined than current one. Its gonna be wild

Anonymous No. 16212337

OK, will you use a better lubricant next time?
I assume you went with Earthers because they were cheap where you are, so I hope you've learnt your lesson.

Anonymous No. 16212342

>An astronaut couple got secretly married before their flight, and it's rumored they consummated it on the flight.
like we literally are going to have to wait for elon to send a couple up and allow it to be confirmed
fucking nasa decorum

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Anonymous No. 16212343

Anonymous No. 16212344

it's 'impossible' because the only people who fly in space are old and probably already have erectile dysfunction on earth.
There is a reason they call them ass-tronauts
Noone can convince me that you can't bounce a naked woman on your cock like a sex toy until you jizz in her womb. There is not a single reason why. Nobdoy has ever even tried fucking in sapce yet, so Idk why they jump to these conclusions.

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Anonymous No. 16212345

Anonymous No. 16212348

So, uh, they're just going to launch with missing tiles?
I thought they said they were focused on surviving reentry for this one?

Anonymous No. 16212349

yeah, friction would not be affected by gravity so I'm not sure where this myth comes from
might be mechanically more difficult and perhaps you would have less blood near your feet so it might be more difficult, but impossible?

Anonymous No. 16212351

why dont we just ask the astronaut couple?

Anonymous No. 16212356

they say it's something about bloodflow but I have my doubts
they can't admit to it as such acts are forbidden

I just think it's gay they have to maintain that it's 'not possible' to quiet any rumors
They're fucking scientists they could say "we don't know we've never tried" but they have to maintain the cover for squeaky clean image

It's literally gonna come down to musk sending up two pornstars or like. kanye and bianca censori or something "ye nigga you never thought you'd se ye fuck in space nigga"

Anonymous No. 16212357

>extended Booster
when are we getting that

Anonymous No. 16212361

>yfw the first sex in space happened during the apollo era

Anonymous No. 16212362

Had this shit on in the background while cleaning my apartment, did I get it right in that this shitbox doesn't have enough bandwidth to send video before it's docked to the ISS?
Jesus. Elon, send them a fucking starlink terminal.

Anonymous No. 16212363

Next year.

Anonymous No. 16212364

It will turn out that the missing tiles aren’t a big deal and he next starship will launch with thinner tiles and upwards of half of them missing to save weight.

Anonymous No. 16212365

>it was mike collins jorking it during comms blackout

Anonymous No. 16212367

they already started building those or not yet?

Anonymous No. 16212370

I was wondering why we didnt get to see video of the astronauts after orbit. Fucking boeing

Anonymous No. 16212375

>come to the dark side

Anonymous No. 16212376


Anonymous No. 16212377

Astronauts tend to get bloated heads and pale feet/legs in space (especially in the first week) due to your body being used to gravity. So there might be a little more difficulty in getting an erection?

Anonymous No. 16212379

surely it would be mechanically easier? you can just pull back and forth and turn her insides. No need to worry about positioning like under earth gravity, you can do it in any pose so long as you have arms. And hell, the woman could just do the fucking with her legs if you are a ukrainian war veterain with no arms

Anonymous No. 16212380

Surely. But is it impossible? Especially after a period of time?
Truly.. can the body adapt to zero gravity? proving sexual function would be kind of huge

Anonymous No. 16212381

You remember how much trouble SpaceX used to have getting a continuous stream on Falcons from launch to landing? The existing TDRSS network is just not built for high-bandwidth functions like that, and because it's riding on a Centaur Starliner goes a lot further downrange before staging so line of sign comms are impossible. "Just adding starlink" would technically work, but it's also a design nightmare that Boeing really doesn't want to have to address.

Anonymous No. 16212382

No. They are working on Raptor 3 and Block 2 currently. Block 2 is the biggest hurdle aside from Raptor 3, and Block 3 can't happen until Raptor 3 is being made at scale. If there are delays with Raptor 3 then I could see Block 3 being pushed to 2026/7. Block 3 is otherwise very easy as it's basically just a taller version of Block 2 where as the bulk of Block 2's changes are in the Booster/Starship and not the engine.

Anonymous No. 16212384

>the biocensor mutiny during XIII was so that swigert and haise could fuck without raising any eyebrows

Anonymous No. 16212385

viagra would work. Another earther export to the mars colony.

Anonymous No. 16212386

Do you remember Demo-2?

Anonymous No. 16212388

I haven't been paying much attention to any of the lead up to IFT-4, any obvious or known changes in the vehicle or launch procedures?

Anonymous No. 16212389


Anonymous No. 16212390

Improved RCS, which I said they were going to do.

Anonymous No. 16212393

interstage is getting jettisoned, new filters to try to stop ice blockage

Anonymous No. 16212396

>I FarT-4
terrible choice of names

Anonymous No. 16212398

When does the launch window close?

Anonymous No. 16212399

Oh that's interesting. Were there issues caused by it in the last flight?
Figures with all the control issues they've had.

Anonymous No. 16212400

OFT technically

Anonymous No. 16212403


Anonymous No. 16212407

Yeah, Zack proposed a theory that the stage separate damaged the hooks that hold the interstage to the booster and that's why it didn't release when it was supposed to which he backs up with footage and simulations in the video. This is potentially why the Booster lost control and came down at fucking Mach 1.

Anonymous No. 16212411

Jwu did the shartliner explode

Anonymous No. 16212413

>still using Russian engines

Anonymous No. 16212416

One launch a year starting next year until 2030 then it'll never fly again. Mark my words.

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Anonymous No. 16212419

A reminder and a request: when making the launch thread, please add the twitter link that does not have the /i/broadcast/ stuff in it, because it requires an account. Thanks in advance.

Anonymous No. 16212420

Mate I can Coom upside down with gravity working against me I don't know why you faggagots keep saying sex in space is impossible

Anonymous No. 16212424

>4 hour fucking recap
Thanks, Boeing.

Anonymous No. 16212425

How come I haven't seen that pic before

Anonymous No. 16212426

>Objective for IFT-4 is to make it farther than last time
How many more of these until SpaceX goes bankrupt?

Anonymous No. 16212427

I can cum under water baby

Anonymous No. 16212429

the window is 2 hours

Anonymous No. 16212431

They launched 90% of everything going up last year. They're not going bankrupt. Even should they completely mismanage like fucking McDonnel-Boeing, they won't be allowed to go bankrupt.

Anonymous No. 16212432

>Hot staging shielding on the booster weighs at least 9 tons
Wondering if applying tiles to the top would work

Anonymous No. 16212433

I believe the idea is zero ablation for max reuse. Tiles will ablate.

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Anonymous No. 16212434

He confirmed it

Anonymous No. 16212436

You mean "Finally runs out of the HLS money their NASA puppet forked over so she could further her career at SpaceX".

Anonymous No. 16212438

I didn’t notice it before but those are both on the engine skirt, aren’t they?
I suspect a burn though there would be less likely to be catastrophic than if they were covering part of the pressure vessel.

Anonymous No. 16212439

Elon's alt

Anonymous No. 16212440

At best, it would cause Ship to RUD later. It burns through the steel, damages engines and then the whole thing explodes.

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Anonymous No. 16212443
>Astra, which once traded at up to $209 a share, will pay investors 50 cents a share as part of its deal to go private.

Anonymous No. 16212444

What a great deal

Anonymous No. 16212445

Buy high sell low. It's the /biz/ method.

Anonymous No. 16212446

that covid QE stock bubble sure was ridiculous.

Anonymous No. 16212447

>"How does this guy smokes pot beat us?"

>"Why isn't the second string quarterback out there out there on the field with the regular quarterback?"
>"Why isn't the understudy singing a duet with the headliner?"
>"Why aren't the Vice President and President giving their State of the Union speeches at the same time?"
Are MuskRats so fucking retarded they don't understand how government contracts work?

Anonymous No. 16212448

it was actually 293, not 209

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Anonymous No. 16212451
>1st telescope removed from controversial astronomy hub on Hawaiian volcano

Does anyone know any good slurs for Hawaiians? Asking for a friend

Anonymous No. 16212453

The real reason why dearMoon got cancelled was because Maezawa couldn't get it up for the planned orgy on the far side of the moon.

Anonymous No. 16212454

cope, faggot

Anonymous No. 16212455

how is anyone supposed to get it up when you have estronaut baseding all over the place

Anonymous No. 16212463

Get madder and see if the truth stings less, groupie.

Anonymous No. 16212469

They can practice belly flop up to flip maneuver. Not too bad for the first time through max heating.

Anonymous No. 16212471

enjoy it before normies ruin the experiment. Elon used to try and look at every single reply he got on twitter, a long time ago. He only had a couple of thousand followers so it was maybe 30 replies at most. Now he is overwhelmed with replies every time he tweets something. Carcinogenic salad bowl of jeets and meatriders and cryptobros and 1s and cyber whores and reply guys. He isn’t reading through shit.
But back in the day (a long time ago) you could ask Elon stuff and get a reply. He lurked for a long time though

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Anonymous No. 16212472

why is he posting with the alt

Anonymous No. 16212473

Even in a best case scenario for IFT-4, it's going in the drink for a rather scheduled disassembly. Do you think they give a fuck about two missing tiles when it's going to lose many more on ascent alone?

Anonymous No. 16212477

>Until recently, the telescopes on Maunakea were managed by the University of Hawaii, but in an attempt to work more closely with indigenous Hawaiians, management of the observatories has been handed over to the newly established Maunakea Authority. The Authority contains representatives from local government, the university, as well as the observatories themselves. It is also intended to feature people with experience and understanding of Hawaiian culture in order to help guide the most appropriate use of the mountain.

>As part of the handover — and as part of a deal to hopefully obtain a permit for construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope — the University of Hawaii has agreed to decommission three observatories on the mountain. Now, the first of these — the University of Hawaii Hilo's 36-inch Hōkū Keʻa Telescope, which was used for teaching — has been removed.

>removal of the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO), which is much larger with a radio dish that's 10.4 meters (34 feet) in diameter. Having seen first light in 1986, the CSO actually closed in 2015 having been superseded by new instruments such as the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in Chile.

>The third telescope to be removed will be UKIRT, the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope, a 3.8-meter (150-inch) telescope originally owned and managed by the U.K., but which, in 2014, was handed over to the University of Hawaii. Since then, it has continued operating in an automatic, unassisted mode.

They're all cucks but couldn't give two shits about a tiny teaching telescope and two outdated one's being removed. EBO is going to die within the next 20yrs anyway.

Anonymous No. 16212478

~14 hours till official livestream up

Anonymous No. 16212479

This nigga got the gist of it.

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Anonymous No. 16212481

Anonymous No. 16212482

Unfortunately they don't do the belly flop maneuver anymore even though it is more efficient. They go straight back down as much as they can. I guess SpaceX decided it wasn't worth the trouble. At least we got that one clip of it happening

They should add them anyway. Elon said the whole goal of IFT4 is to get through the fucking reentry and he skips on tiles, lol

Anonymous No. 16212483

>empower shitskins
>they immedietaly fuck things up

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Anonymous No. 16212489

50s vid of the launch

Anonymous No. 16212492

Anonymous No. 16212493

Oh huh I totally wasn’t paying attention. Good for them I guess

Anonymous No. 16212518

they dont do the bellyflop? SOURCE!!?!???

Anonymous No. 16212522

why is the window always at the same time at 7am
it's just a test flight

Anonymous No. 16212524

They literally didn't do it the last time they landed a Starship by itself. They burned much earlier, higher in the sky and slowly descended using vectoring to correct any sliding

Anonymous No. 16212526

because it's gonna be sunset around the landing zone in the Indian Ocean I guess?

Anonymous No. 16212528

anon if you thought the bellyflop maneuver meant to land on its belly...

Anonymous No. 16212530

Watch the last SN landing. People were typing up a storm seething about them not doing it at the time

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Anonymous No. 16212533

>two tiles have already fallen off

It's over before it's even begun...

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Anonymous No. 16212536

Are you guys excited?

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Anonymous No. 16212541

It's hard to get excited for another suborbital test flight.

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drone dropping.jpg

Anonymous No. 16212545

they're all going...or else

Anonymous No. 16212548

Honestly surprised that they made the new launch date. I figured they'd spend like a month figuring out what caused the fan failure and the problems on the ground.

Anonymous No. 16212550


Anonymous No. 16212556

Let it be known, the only reason Starlink isnt flying on IFT-4 (or IFT-3) is the FAA would rip them a new asshole if it didnt go 100% as planned, regardless of successful deployment.

Anonymous No. 16212558

after elon bought twitter it was all downhill

Anonymous No. 16212559

Starlink isn't flying only because the world's best space company can't figure out how to open a door in space

Anonymous No. 16212562

I'll get excited if Insprucker returns.

Anonymous No. 16212564

that's still a bellyflop and in a full reentry it'd be holding that position for a long time until it goes subsonic, they're just flipping out of it a little bit earlier.

Anonymous No. 16212565

he was there last time, what do you mean man

Anonymous No. 16212566


Anonymous No. 16212567

They could feasibly do this forever

Anonymous No. 16212568

he wasn't on the ift-3 stream

Anonymous No. 16212571

The money ran out decades ago. Running on fumes ever since. Bankruptcy is not only certain, it already happened

Anonymous No. 16212572

Hard to be excited when it probably won't make it through reentry, no guarantees of the RCS being fixed, or half the Raptors not succumbing to the sloshing when they attempt landing, desu. I expect slight progress then another month or two of waiting, not as much progress as last time unfortunately

Anonymous No. 16212573

yes he was

Anonymous No. 16212574


Anonymous No. 16212575

Perfectly wrong lol
I don't remember people being so pessimistic about JWST

Anonymous No. 16212577

okay I guess not, I browsed through it, maybe it was another recent spacex launch then
but I remember him being shown at least, just not hosting it

Anonymous No. 16212578

>a little bit
SN10 does it dramatically faster and lower than SN15. 15 just sort of tilts down gradually using the Raptors, whereas 10 visibly slid horizontally through the air when it flipped. It is very anticlimactic

I agree

Anonymous No. 16212582

I mean if they can stabilize the orbit this time, they could start lifting payload with it after maybe one more flight with a dummy payload. Landing is optional for rockets may I remind you.

Anonymous No. 16212583

What are you even saying? SpaceX got it done five years earlier for a third the price. Boeing reported a $1.5bil loss on top of the $3bil from NASA. The guy who smokes pot is beating them

Anonymous No. 16212584

no way that's ai generated.

Anonymous No. 16212585


i couldnt tell the difrunse.

Anonymous No. 16212587

Great. Now I just remembered the cringe he posted from an alt at one of his exes once.

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Anonymous No. 16212588

Don't confuse shitty cancerous upscaling and webp artifacts of extremely low res images for AI.

Anonymous No. 16212590

Boeing and SpaceX got similar contracts, Boeing just got paid more money
how do government contracts work? Is there something there that means Boeing must take 4 years longer than SpaceX and still get paid more?
I don't get your point

Anonymous No. 16212592

you're welcome

Anonymous No. 16212594

oh right, it actually looked exactly like something dalle3 would pump out with all those random blurs and imperfect shapes on the letters, but the fact all of it was spelt correctly and as part of a coherent joke made it too good to be true.

Anonymous No. 16212596

They might as well separate the door if need be.
The interstage is expendable already anyway so full reuse went overboard anyway. And rapid reuse is a complete fantasy as long as they stick with the fucking tiles.

Anonymous No. 16212598

>/sfg/ isnt excited for yet another super heavy lift launch
That's how you know we're infested by newfags

Anonymous No. 16212599

Boeing actually did more work. SpaceX got gibmedat technologies from NASA which is part of why they got a lower funding. Dragon 2 was a NASA capsule from start to finish in all but the design frills. the one substantive design element Musk wanted (propulsive landing) never happened. Everythign else was done in house by NASA and given to SpaceX. Boeing took it upon themselves to do almost all the design on Starliner.

Anonymous No. 16212602

how do you think sfg is gonna be like during the 15 or so refueling launches?

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Anonymous No. 16212603

New Zubrin reaction image.

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Anonymous No. 16212604


Anonymous No. 16212605

They can keep boats and planes out of the launch corridor for two hours.

Anonymous No. 16212607

>Boing actually did it without messing up
I refuse to believe this timeline is real

Anonymous No. 16212610

Pretty decent bait, 6/10 some retards will bite.

Anonymous No. 16212611

The hosts for ift-4 will be the gayest darkest niggers they have, talking 20 minutes about being proud about homosex, because it's gay month. Screencap this.

Anonymous No. 16212612

lmao even

Anonymous No. 16212613

wait for docking

Anonymous No. 16212615

It hasn't even docked or come back yet

Anonymous No. 16212618

Wageslave here who couldn't watch the Shitliner launch. Am I really supposed to believe everything just worked?

Anonymous No. 16212619


Anonymous No. 16212620

Don't count your chickens before they open the hatch, anon.

Anonymous No. 16212621


Anonymous No. 16212622

Good job DrZ

Anonymous No. 16212624

Yes, yes, well done, whistleblower. Well done. HOWEVER

Anonymous No. 16212625

launch thread anon standing by for the flight 4 launch thread

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Anonymous No. 16212627

Anonymous No. 16212628

how have you prepared for the kino tomorrow?

Anonymous No. 16212629

please see >>16212419

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Anonymous No. 16212630


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Anonymous No. 16212632


Anonymous No. 16212635

I've been edging all week.

Anonymous No. 16212637

I've already taken my Imodium

Anonymous No. 16212639

I've lied to all my customers so when they call me I will ignore them to watch the launch and they will think it is becasue my wife has cancer

Anonymous No. 16212644

dont buy the psyop. they deleted all the original streams because it was BAD

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Anonymous No. 16212648

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Tatyana vodka.png

Anonymous No. 16212649

I am preparing to get drunk so that I wake up angry and hungover 2 hours after the launch window opens.

Anonymous No. 16212652

I don't like waking up so early.
But I am reasonably excited.

Anonymous No. 16212653

Fools in here making preparations when they know its just going to scrub

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davis tungusta ai....jpg

Anonymous No. 16212658

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elson Prime Number.jpg

Anonymous No. 16212660

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Firing Room 2 vie....jpg

Anonymous No. 16212662

Anonymous No. 16212663

already drunk. catch up homo

nswr supremacy

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Anonymous No. 16212664

Anonymous No. 16212667

>they unironically track every piece of debris
KSP is real

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US Air Force post....jpg

Anonymous No. 16212669

Anonymous No. 16212672

Did a beer run, so fridge is comfortably full.

Anonymous No. 16212673

Jessie better be hosting the Livestream. I want tits with my blastoff.

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Anonymous No. 16212674


Anonymous No. 16212675

>sex in space is practically impossible
women can't open their mouths in space?

Anonymous No. 16212676

based detester

Anonymous No. 16212677

Imagine working for IBM in the 70s and getting to rock a rad company jacket while you get paid to smoke cigarettes, drink coffee, and land man on the moon

Anonymous No. 16212679

This information source has been rated
by the Shitposters Association of Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16212681

>_< can't wait to watch another Starship flight with Clear.
I'll have to get up extra early but seeing starship fly and Clear happy will be worth it.

Anonymous No. 16212685

of course I am
I am old and dead inside, but this shit gets even me going

Anonymous No. 16212688

>starliner launches
>a bunch of space debris appears
everything appears to be in order here

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Anonymous No. 16212692


Anonymous No. 16212694

How do you become a billionaire selling clothes, what am I missing here?

Anonymous No. 16212696

Status of the second starbase tower?

Anonymous No. 16212698

all clothes in the store drop in price with each day, so chicks were all over that shit

Anonymous No. 16212701

Hop 12 hours

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backup crew for A....jpg

Anonymous No. 16212707

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Anonymous No. 16212711

even small debris can clap cheeks

Anonymous No. 16212712

>Growing the Lunar Economy
>…the future at the Moon holds promise for a robust lunar marketplace.
Oh interesting, like what?
>Anemic CLPS, a mismanaged spacesuit program, one dinky little rover
Oh… yeah, there is no such thing as a “space economy” is there?

Anonymous No. 16212714

glass landing pads

Anonymous No. 16212715

Is the USD going to be used on the Moon eventually? How does that work

Anonymous No. 16212718

>An update from CAPCOM just indicated there are new helium leaks.
Boing bros...

Anonymous No. 16212719
>A5/Starliner CFT: Flight controllers have told the Starliner crew they are isolating the spacecraft's port helium manifold, the one known to have a small but persistent leak. Mission control to the crew: "No action on the caution message. To catch you back up, we're taking a look at the port helium manifold, we just isolated it to characterize this leak rate."
>A5/Starliner CFT: NASA commentator: "The team here on the ground keeping an eye on the port side of the spacecraft, particularly the manifold valves, noticing some helium increasing (sic) coming out of that valve, so the team is going to step through procedures to close that valve."
>A5/Starliner CFT: These exchanges came down about an hour ago; mission control just now told the crew they're still assessing; no indication yet on whether this is a real concern or simply precautionary; managers said before launch leak would have to dramatically increase to be any sort of worry and for what it's worth, commander Butch Wilmore doesn't sound at all concerned; the crew is about to turn in for the night after a busy first day in space

Anonymous No. 16212720

are these new leaks or just the same leak getting worse?

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Anonymous No. 16212725


Anonymous No. 16212729

If they have to do an early abort, will they cancel Starliner?

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Anonymous No. 16212731

QRD, what is the cope script for when StarShit blows up tomorrow? Are we claiming we "got great data" or maybe blame sea turtles?

Anonymous No. 16212732

>my nudes in profile
I thought Elon would fix Twitter and remove all bots

Anonymous No. 16212737

Camping near Starbase for tomorrow

Anonymous No. 16212739

They will issue lunar scrip, like company dollars in the old west.

Anonymous No. 16212741

thank god they picked Starliner over Dream Chaser LMAO

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Anonymous No. 16212742


Anonymous No. 16212744

Don't forget that Dream Chaser crashed during that simulated landing and probably would have killed the crew, and then from what I understand vastly understated how bad the accident was.

Anonymous No. 16212746

They will obviously use loonies, anon.

Anonymous No. 16212747

they're good clothes

Anonymous No. 16212750

How does she score on wikifeet?

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Von Braun hauler.jpg

Anonymous No. 16212751

Boing-Boing needs to purge their QA/QC department like it's a faulty helium feed...

Anonymous No. 16212752

The richest man in the world sells handbags

Anonymous No. 16212754

There will be a currency of dessicated neapolitan ice cream bars, obviously

Anonymous No. 16212756

nothing a cock ring can't fix

Anonymous No. 16212757

Look at the french billionaire, that sells womens clothes and shits.

Anonymous No. 16212759

just got on,
so is Boeing being Boeing again?

Anonymous No. 16212761

We'll know if their morning wakeup exchange sounds like Alvin and the Chipmunks.

Anonymous No. 16212762

no, they haven't killed them yet

Anonymous No. 16212764

is the starliner crew dead yet?

Anonymous No. 16212766

85% of the economy is just women buying perfume

Anonymous No. 16212769

So wen are we launcheon?

Anonymous No. 16212771

T-minus 7 minutes until Eelon begins shilling NFT's

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Anonymous No. 16212772


Anonymous No. 16212773

starliner ground crew team all going home as their shift just finished during a mission critical anomaly, you cannot make this up.

Anonymous No. 16212775

Boeing needs to remove everyone from a management role who doesn't have a background in actual engineering

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Anonymous No. 16212777

Boeing has UFO technology which is why they have been wildly successful

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Anonymous No. 16212778

what'bout dis nigga?

Anonymous No. 16212780

True the problem probably does start from higher up

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Anonymous No. 16212781


Anonymous No. 16212782

Isn't Starliner a much simpler project...?

Anonymous No. 16212783

Mr. Didn't Earn It can get sucked out a jet at altitude

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Anonymous No. 16212784

2024... I am forgotten...

Anonymous No. 16212785

social media brain rot

Anonymous No. 16212787

Call him a nigger

Anonymous No. 16212788

Hey thats racist

Anonymous No. 16212789

Thoughts on racism towards belters?

Anonymous No. 16212790

Nobody is insisting that... literally everyone knows what iterative design is and that NASA and oldspace dont do it. Strawmanning pro-SpaceX side and doesnt mention how many delays it took and how much sooner and more often Dragon runs than Shartliner. Dishonest and shameful.

Anonymous No. 16212792

Dragon did it 4 years ago lol

Anonymous No. 16212793

What did I tell you? Negative attention

Anonymous No. 16212794

How does everyone think the flight will go?

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Anonymous No. 16212795


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Anonymous No. 16212796

Up. And then down.

Anonymous No. 16212798

Exactly the same as last time but no rolling out of control :(

Yeah I'd love a "lander" that spends 22 days sitting in one place drilling tiny holes before it freezes and dies, so based.

Anonymous No. 16212799

He's just a terminally online academic that gets a rush out of shitflinging. I count my lucky stars I am not as pathetically miserable

Anonymous No. 16212800

This, there's no actual reason to debate people anymore just hit them in the face.

Anonymous No. 16212802

Didn’t OFT-1 fuck up horribly? And then OFT-2 got delayed a year because of salt water?

Anonymous No. 16212804

>"lander" that spends 22 days sitting in one place drilling tiny holes before it freezes and dies
no way, jupiter radiation would kill it way faster than that

Anonymous No. 16212805

Nope, Juno probe proved it's completely harmless

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Anonymous No. 16212806


Anonymous No. 16212807

Starship/SpaceX IS this master project that is sure to transform humanity and I'm tired of pretending its not. Total earther death.

Anonymous No. 16212808

NASA gave it only batteries because they’re scared an RTG will contaminate Europa also it only hangs out on the surface and doesn’t drill into the ocean or whatever

Anonymous No. 16212809

I know a classmate of mine who was working on starliner something like 5 years ago. I should check if she is still with the project. Absolutely the corporate politics type to still be there milking this. I'll check LinkedIn later.

The one guy I know that went to SpaceX left years ago after burning out. I know he worked on engines, not sure if it was raptor or merlin.

Anonymous No. 16212810

We are posting on 4chud in the science board which is constantly flooded with retards and baiters talking about rockets because we are allowed to say nigger. I hate to say it but you, me and everyone else here are just as pathetic as he is, and the 'people' here make us miserable so.

Anonymous No. 16212811

Niggas said the same thing about dyna-soar / the space shuttle program when it was still on the proverbial drafting table

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Anonymous No. 16212812


Anonymous No. 16212813

I had sex with a chick who worked (works?) on raptor
it was pretty cool but the sex was dull she was dead in the eyes

Anonymous No. 16212814

The difference is I can go to Chris Combs' house and

Anonymous No. 16212815

Why are they like this

Anonymous No. 16212816

The more likely you are to find life, the less likely NASA wants you to go there

Anonymous No. 16212817

we should do the really shitty thing of contacting his university so he gets fired

Anonymous No. 16212818

Just a little reminder that SpaceX still cant even reenlight a raptor in space so were not having a orbital flight until next year

Anonymous No. 16212819

something on europa's surface would take ~15 days to get a bigger radiation dose than juno's gotten in its entire mission

Anonymous No. 16212820

earth = massive diverse welfare state that is highly authoritarian with mass surveillance
mars = military junta that expects everyone to be total bootlickers with mass surveillance
belters = free society but dangerous

Anonymous No. 16212821

Can there be a casino on Phobos?

Anonymous No. 16212824

Dig down to Martian groundwater? Nope.
Methane submarine on Titan? Nope.
Submarine on Europa? Nope.
At least let us go to the Enceladus geysers? Nope!

Anonymous No. 16212825

if you try interesting missions then the risk of something interesting happening is too great. don't ask questions, just consume jpl rock pictures and get excited for next rock pictures.

Anonymous No. 16212826

evety timr i shit my pa ts i think to myse f if i weres on mars wat if i did my space suit?

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Anonymous No. 16212828

>yeah we gotta put latinx bipoc transbian people on the moon to own the chinese. take THAT libruls. it costs too much for how much goes up? shut up, youre probably a chink arent you, or worse a commie.

Anonymous No. 16212831

As an American I can admit I fucking reek like shit right now! Haven't showered in three days. It's 107 in phx today and I turned the AC off. it's 87° inside!!

Anonymous No. 16212833

that would be too based

Anonymous No. 16212834

Bringing a Zamboni to Ganymede to make the world's largest ice skating rink? Nope.
I hate NASA.

Anonymous No. 16212835

Phoenix is not terraformed and is entirely uninhabitable by humans without extensive life support infrastructure.

Anonymous No. 16212836

Will Saturn and Jupiter turn into interplanetary Saudi Arabia? Exporting Helium-3 and whatnot

Anonymous No. 16212840

Nothing but a meme

Anonymous No. 16212844

I mean it's pretty good for clean nuclear power

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Anonymous No. 16212846
>A5/Starliner CFT: Apologies for the delay updating; as it turns out, flight controllers have detected two additional helium leaks, one in "top" manifold 1 and the other in "port" manifold 1; that's in additional to the small leak in port manifold 2 that was known before launch; top manifold 1 and port manifold 1 have been isolated, taking 6 reaction control jets off line; port manifold 2 remains open

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Anonymous No. 16212847






Anonymous No. 16212849

Sounds nice, where do I go to see such clean Helium-3 nuclear power being produced?

Anonymous No. 16212850

i like fusion fuels that don't get blown away by solar wind

Anonymous No. 16212851

Elon/Erryday Numale interviewing

Anonymous No. 16212852


Anonymous No. 16212854

Thank you. I kept asking when we were hopping but no body answer

Anonymous No. 16212855

it's over

Anonymous No. 16212858

They actually use Japanese steel at starbase. You fucked up romeposter.

Anonymous No. 16212860

when did anyone say about using it today?!
obviously it cannot be utilized right now, maybe in 100 years who knows.
I think you may suffer from some degree of schizophrenia, should get that checked before your cognitive capacity declines even further.

Anonymous No. 16212861

Jesus fucking wept

Anonymous No. 16212864

Shut the fuck up pussy

Anonymous No. 16212865

They're going to get waved-off from docking at this rate.

Anonymous No. 16212866

Absolutely fuming, kek

Anonymous No. 16212867

I got a math degree and the only time there was a black in any of my classes over several years was one who had wandered into a classroom on the wrong floor.

Anonymous No. 16212869

>taking 6 reaction control jets off line
i'm a retard but won't they going to have to abort if they can't get those back on?

Anonymous No. 16212870

jesus fucking CHRIST boing GET IT TOGETHER

Anonymous No. 16212872


Anonymous No. 16212873

>Artemis lands a bucket on the Moon that falls over rendering it useless
>this has multiple helium leaks
>Space X keeps launching and crashing ships

>somehow we went to the Moon almost a hundred years ago with no casualties

Anonymous No. 16212874

Depends what ones they are, 6 is bad though

Anonymous No. 16212875

>with no casualties
Yeah they happened before we even got off the ground back then and due to gross incompetence.

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Anonymous No. 16212877

Real life shit keeps me busy but I come back every now and then to lurk. I can't believe Starliner actually launched I expected that piece of shit to be canceled.

Anonymous No. 16212878

>no casualties


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Anonymous No. 16212879


Anonymous No. 16212880

Starliner has seven RCS thrusters on each of the four doghouses, for a total of 28. It's really looking like it was designed with hyper-massive redundancy as a necessary feature. "It doesn't matter that the shitty thrusters we bought from Aerojet fail all the time because we have so many of them!"

Anonymous No. 16212881

back then NASA engineers were mostly White Christian straight males most of which were Korean war veterans

Anonymous No. 16212882

you come here to say the nigger word
I come here to sneedpost
we are not the same

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titus pullo.jpg

Anonymous No. 16212883

Good thread, this

Anonymous No. 16212884

“we need to go there, now” vs “we should go back”
Two completely different mindsets, two completely different priorities, 1960s with the Russians ≠ 2020s with…. no space adversary, or any other means of rousing congress (the purse) to throw money and resources your way

Anonymous No. 16212886

most random celebrity death of all time

Anonymous No. 16212887

China and USA will wipe their ass with the "outer space treaty"

Anonymous No. 16212889

a lot of people forget the 60s space race was literally a war and also that landing on the moon was the only noteworthy accomplishment realistically possible and still is

Anonymous No. 16212890

another retard here. are they going to be able to come back alive?
also, how the fuck does that happen?

Anonymous No. 16212891

My schizo theory is that there were failures and casualties but the government had much more complete control of information at the time. This has been completely drowned out by retards who don't think it happened at all

Anonymous No. 16212892

I told you fags that the orbit insertion didn't look good. RCS was firing like crazy, as if trying to compensate for asymetrical thrust. You can see it in the stream, just before the claps.

Chances are a ton of RCS fuel was wasted on the insertion.

Anonymous No. 16212893

They will send a crew dragon to rescue them

>CNN EXCLUSIVE:NASA astronauts stranded because of faulty capsule, Elon Musk forced to send replacement

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Anonymous No. 16212894

How do we fix this?

Anonymous No. 16212895

Redundant Arrays of ThrusterS, RATS in space again.

Anonymous No. 16212896

>Chances are a ton of RCS fuel was wasted on the insertion.

Plus the helium leak

Anonymous No. 16212897

>Boing is now killing astronauts right in their path to the space station
is this the time to short the shit out of Boing?

Anonymous No. 16212899

OFT-2 made it back despite multiple thruster failures. NASA seems fake unconcerned, but they're not the kind of fake unconcerned you'd see if there was a serious crew risk. The worst likely case is that the thrusters fucked them on ascent like >>16212892 said and they have to abort the docking.

Anonymous No. 16212900

Wtf I didn't know he was dead, just last year too.

Anonymous No. 16212901

>That review did turn up something he called a “design vulnerability” with Starliner’s propulsion system where, in a rare circumstance, the spacecraft would not be able to perform a deorbit burn if two adjacent “doghouses” that contain RCS and larger orbital maneuvering and attitude control (OMAC) thrusters failed. That failure, he said, would knock out enough OMAC and RCS thrusters to prevent existing backup plans for carrying out a deorbit burn from being implemented.

>Engineers developed a new deorbit reentry mode that would use two burns of four RCS thrusters in that scenario. Such a failure mode would be “very remote,” Nappi said, appearing in less than one percent of potential combinations of failures.

as of right now they should be fine on coming back. they'd need many more failures before that'd be a concern.

Anonymous No. 16212902

>Leaky Boeing
Nothing new.

Anonymous No. 16212904

by doing what we're currently doing and waiting?

Anonymous No. 16212905
in case you missed it!!

Anonymous No. 16212906

QRD? I can't stand to listen to either of their voices.

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Anonymous No. 16212907


Anonymous No. 16212908

When are we going to get an all-in-one package von-neumann device/robot?

Anonymous No. 16212909

All the top engineering talent back then, versus whoever is left after the top engineering talent of today goes to AI/IT/cryptoscams/gamedevs/smartphones/microchips etc. etc.

Anonymous No. 16212911

how kino would it be if the starliner crew comes back in a dragon

Anonymous No. 16212914

I sometimes wonder how normies see space, then I see this post and realize whats happening. The inability to understand the core and the changes of the rockets must really make normies confused and angry

Anonymous No. 16212915

idk about the docking, but they will surely get short of RCS fuel for re-entry. If they can't orient the main shield front for re-entry, chances are they will burn uncontrolledly. I don't think they will risk that much.
Especially after many days docked at ISS while leaking He (it is a gas that likes to leak).

Anonymous No. 16212916

Mexican-American welders turning Japanese steel into a South African-American's dreams, looks like the melting pot is back, anons.

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Anonymous No. 16212917

>we went from landing on Luna, to crossing outlr fingers that the 5th attempt won't explode. What changed?
We need to bring them back and LISTEN
Black Women are Speaking;
You have one job.

Anonymous No. 16212918

Idk i missed it

Anonymous No. 16212919

Boeing humiliation ritual would be kino

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Anonymous No. 16212922

ITT great works of fiction

Anonymous No. 16212924

Lets see if they arrive safe first. A leak can rotate the capsule and the RCS will fire automatically to correct it, thus wasting even more fuel.
Worst case they are left tumbling in LEO preventing a dragon or soyuz rescue.
Starshit might get delayed just so that NASA can crisis-manage this shit.

Anonymous No. 16212925

thanks newsman

Anonymous No. 16212927

I'm going to seethe if starship gets delayed because of boing fuckery

Anonymous No. 16212930

So when is starship gonna replace shuttle as the default spaceship in popular media?

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Anonymous No. 16212931


Anonymous No. 16212935

IFT-4 in 9 hours

Anonymous No. 16212938

>boeing has an rcs problem on starliner's third test flight
>spacex has an rcs problem on starship's third test flight

Anonymous No. 16212939

How many people were on that Starship flight?

Anonymous No. 16212940

One has living people aboard

Anonymous No. 16212942

Them foolish whyboiz... [that she always thinks about, every time she schlicks herself to sleep [every single night]]

Anonymous No. 16212944

this MUST be bait

Anonymous No. 16212945

Nothing new, NASA has always played fast and loose with astronaut lives

Anonymous No. 16212947

it probably is. anon is fishing for (You)s.
welcome to 4chan

Anonymous No. 16212948

Switch them around and you're 100% right

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Anonymous No. 16212949

now in hindsight Boeing killing their astronauts was always to only plausible outcome to come out of this

Anonymous No. 16212951

I can never be too sure which one of us is more autistic

Anonymous No. 16212952

was always THE only plausible*

Anonymous No. 16212953

Someone mentioned Aerojet supplying thruster equipment.
Does BoingBoing learn from this helium leak, or do they continue taking thrusters from the same bin, secure in knowing today was a freak occurence?

Anonymous No. 16212955

They'll probably do the shuttle trick and assume that if nothing serious happend because of this leak then it's ok if it leaks, nothing to see here.

Anonymous No. 16212958

I'm sorry, but did Starliner already fail the mission? Oh, that's right. The mission isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only day 1. Does not having all your RCS jets on day 1 count as a mission failure? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make these posts when the mission is still on? Boeing is still financially solvent right now and they have been the best company in the Commercial Crew program for how many years now? They're up against one of the worst companies in spaceflight who just happens to be ahead in crew launch because they're feeding off the energy of having a competitive fixed-cost contract. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Boeing is one of the best fucking contractors in spaceflight, they launched the biggest rocket ever 2 years ago and would've launched it again this year if fucking Lockheed didn't choke. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the Chargers wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, S29 just lost another tile when it needed to keep it on, just like the S28 did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a post on this general again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Boeing topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the company because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking corporations on the general, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your posts now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

Anonymous No. 16212959

It not a freak occurrence. OFT-1 had its own share of thruster failures which were written off as "not a real problem." It looks like it's just a trait that Starliner isn't going to escape without a serious redesign that no one wants to do. Boeing has to ride with it because when it comes to propulsion the only real options anyone has are build their own thrusters of buy them from aerojew, and Boeing doesn't have a space propulsion division.

Anonymous No. 16212962

>Just reenter the earths atmosphere with less than 80% of your control authority bro

Anonymous No. 16212964

I just shit my pants

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Anonymous No. 16212965


Anonymous No. 16212967

I'm sorry, but did Starliner already fail the mission? Oh, that's right. The mission isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only day 1. Does not having all your RCS jets on day 1 count as a mission failure? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make these posts when the mission is still on? Boeing is still financially solvent right now and they have been the best company in the Commercial Crew program for how many years now? They're up against one of the worst companies in spaceflight who just happens to be ahead in crew launch because they're feeding off the energy of having a competitive fixed-cost contract. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Boeing is one of the best fucking contractors in spaceflight, they launched the biggest rocket ever 2 years ago and would've launched it again this year if fucking Lockheed didn't choke. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the Chargers wins and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, S29 just lost another tile when it needed to keep it on, just like the S28 did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a post on this general again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Boeing topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the company because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking corporations on the general, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your posts now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.

Anonymous No. 16212968

Fun to watch

Anonymous No. 16212970

Oh, right, it just the first day of this blunder, looking forward to what fails next

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Anonymous No. 16212972

Don't speak too soon, it still hasn't landed yet.

Anonymous No. 16212973

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

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Rome on Wikipedia.png

Anonymous No. 16212974

The Romans would be so proud.

Confused, but proud.

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Anonymous No. 16212978

The tweest is that SpaceX has already been covering for all the missions that Boing hasn't done yet because they keep scrubbing.
>How do we fix this?
with pic related

Anonymous No. 16212981

Dios mio....
La aborto de un avión cohete....

Anonymous No. 16212982

People say "it's a design from the 70's!" and I always wonder what, other than a better zero-g toilet and more efficient CPU's, would you even change?

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Anonymous No. 16212984

I report trolls instead of replying

Anonymous No. 16212987

Kek, nice one, but you missed one in the middle there.

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Anonymous No. 16212988

there is another way

Anonymous No. 16212989

Hey dipshits dont forget to wake up tomorrow

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yo soy senior jon.jpg

Anonymous No. 16212991

We need a space variant of this ancient meme

Anonymous No. 16212995

Dubs and helium leaks into Starliner's crew compartment

Anonymous No. 16212996

yeah there's just so many words in the thing

Anonymous No. 16212997

all great empires are founded on slavery and genocide. unfortunately there are no martians to genocide but 1/2 isn't bad

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Anonymous No. 16213000

>any obvious or known changes in the vehicle or launch procedures?
They are trying out spray paint tiles.

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Anonymous No. 16213003

What the actual frak did you just say about me, you little spacelet? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at the Astronaut Training Center, and I've successfully completed numerous classified missions for NASA, with over 300 spacewalks logged. I am trained in zero-gravity combat and I’m the top pilot in the entire Space Force. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will erase you from existence with the precision of a quantum laser, the likes of which have never been seen on this planet, mark my cosmic words. You think you can get away with saying that crap to me over ARPANET? Think again, spacetrash. As we speak, I am contacting my secret network of satellites across LEO and your IP is being traced right now, so you better prepare for the rods from GOD, maggot. The storm that annihilates the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re done for, kid. I can land from orbit anywhere, anytime, and I can neutralize you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just in a vacuum. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed space combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Space Command and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable existence off the face of the cosmos, you little snipe. If only you could have known what celestial retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your wormhole. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn terrestrial. I will guide an meteor storm of fury all over you and you will be obliterated by it. You’re star dust, kiddo.

Anonymous No. 16213012


Anonymous No. 16213013

If I had to guess I'd say the airspace over the gulf gets busier after 9am. Plenty of daily flights from ATL DFW and MIA heading to CUN and MEX. Probably easiest to schedule their NOTAM at that time window and still have day light for cameras

Anonymous No. 16213017

convenience for the lightening engine when rendering it

Anonymous No. 16213018

Looks like we have some allies on /pol/

Anonymous No. 16213020

Make sure to advertise the OFT-4 launch thread on /pol/ and everywhere else

Anonymous No. 16213022

Choke on a dick and die

Anonymous No. 16213024

If that happens the tears from Boeingfags will be delicious.

Anonymous No. 16213025

How about you stay there faggot?

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Anonymous No. 16213027

>NASA stream: Boeing has assured us the vehicle is safe

Anonymous No. 16213030

Nah i'll make a OFT-4 thread there. But I'll need some help to keep the brics shills from derailing everything

Anonymous No. 16213031

pls KYS

Anonymous No. 16213033

how 'bout you don't

Anonymous No. 16213034

It's ok we don't mind if you bring them here

Anonymous No. 16213036

The vehicles is safe, but what about its crew?

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Anonymous No. 16213037

g'night friends
see you all in the early early morning

Anonymous No. 16213038


Anonymous No. 16213039


Anonymous No. 16213040

boing antis and muskrats in this thread setting themselves up for ridicule tomorrow

Anonymous No. 16213041

Ok, I'll spam flat Earth memes

Anonymous No. 16213042

Goodnight, Kuria!

Anonymous No. 16213046

Hope you brought Clear to this launch too

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Anonymous No. 16213050

>When are we going to get an all-in-one package von-neumann device/robot?
Anon, you may need to sit down before you hear this...

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SLS cubesats.jpg

Anonymous No. 16213051

Why would you care if I spread spaceflight info on /pol/
Don't worry I wont

Anonymous No. 16213053

Because fuck you poltard, stay in your shithole

Anonymous No. 16213054

Is that even possible? The docking ports are androgynous, right? That would take some very tricky flying from SpaceX ground control if Starliners RCS is inop

Anonymous No. 16213055

I was in the threads here before /sfg/ was created. Who are you?

Anonymous No. 16213056

Your mom

Anonymous No. 16213058

Minsinformation is super duper gay

Anonymous No. 16213059

Shartliner blowing up the ISS will be very funny

Anonymous No. 16213060

>we are going to launch with a leak
>what could possibly go wrong

Anonymous No. 16213062

NSF live

Anonymous No. 16213063

They're gonna wave them off from the ISS aren't they?

Anonymous No. 16213065

>IFT4 succeeds in both water landings
>Starflop has to go back without docking
Wouldn't that be funny

Anonymous No. 16213066

does anyone know when tomorrow morning is?

Anonymous No. 16213068

Are you on drugs?
It's already morning

Anonymous No. 16213069

it is 7:30pm retard

Anonymous No. 16213072

Look again idiot, it's 7:30am

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Anonymous No. 16213073

>election season /pol/ tourists incoming
Just don't do it retard. We've already had one faggot trying to bring /pol/tards here and the general still hasn't recovered.

Anonymous No. 16213074

~T-7 hours 45 mins

Roughly speaking

Anonymous No. 16213076

unlike the crew of starliner

Anonymous No. 16213084

I'm not going to link this board at all. But I am going to make OFT-4 threads on /pol/ because it needs to be known.

Anonymous No. 16213085

can't you just wait to see if it's successful before announcing it soviet-style

Anonymous No. 16213088

It's the 4th launch. It's a success in of itself.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16213092


Anonymous No. 16213098

Why not make it on just about any other board, it's not even politics

Anonymous No. 16213106

It 100% is political and why are you afraid of /pol/?

Anonymous No. 16213107

because it's full of retards who come over here and become terrible posters

Anonymous No. 16213111

Go back there then and stay there faggot

Anonymous No. 16213114

Whoever made the other thread is a retard.
Starliner and Flight 4 are the biggest events going on right now, and the edition the faggot OP chose is the JPL and that mockable image of all female staff? It has to be a troll

Anonymous No. 16213116

pol doesn't think space is real

Anonymous No. 16213119

Not too fond of Mars Sample Return

Anonymous No. 16213120

IFT-2 was far worse. Also its not he seems like a genuine OP that just forgot.

Anonymous No. 16213123


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Anonymous No. 16213127

Of course it can't think. It's just a big rock.

Anonymous No. 16213130


Anonymous No. 16213135

nigger what?

Anonymous No. 16213136

How will they come over here without a link?
Blah blah blah

Anonymous No. 16213137

Before the flat earth bots /pol/ had excellent space elevator threads.

Anonymous No. 16213138

When does starliner dock with the iss?

Anonymous No. 16213140

not sure it's all bots. As a rule pol basically doesn't believe in anything mainstream. It's like if someone normal says something then the opposite must be true. Leads to funny contradictions/horseshoe effects

Anonymous No. 16213141

12 pm EST

Anonymous No. 16213142

Stop talking about /pol/ you stupid immigrant newfag baby we dont want you here go back RIGHT FUCKING NOW

Anonymous No. 16213145

So right after ift4...Busy day tomorrow

Anonymous No. 16213150


Anonymous No. 16213154

When it stops being adrift

Anonymous No. 16213157

As it stands, it doesn't. They have all the helium valves closed to try and stop the leaking. Carrying on with the mission like this is fucking madness, they need to abort. Although I wouldn't want to be riding the first shartliner with fucked up thrusters back through re entry. Non zero chance they open the valves to maneuver to the ISS and shit goes horribly wrong, leaves them tumbling, even if they manage to dock I'm pretty sure they will have to call off taking the shartliner back and call a SpaceX uber to collect them.

Anonymous No. 16213162

They said they were going to test the thing all the way to the ISS and boy are they getting their money's worth

I'm glad they have the instrumentation at least to know that they have additional leaks that were not detected on the ground

Anonymous No. 16213167

the foundation pilings have been drilled, filled with rebar and concrete and cured, a foundation rebar cage has been built on top and they should pour the foundation pile cap soon
new piling locations are being drilled as well
all but two tower sections are waiting at Sanchez build site/staging area

Anonymous No. 16213169

you are the only one new here
Its botted, we figured it out back when it started. I wish I would have saved the evidence.

Anonymous No. 16213178

Holy shit fuck off

Anonymous No. 16213190

reminder that this is /sfg/'s official ift-4 theme until somebody comes up with a better one

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Anonymous No. 16213193

I'm ready

Anonymous No. 16213198

>launch before Starliner disaster
Devilish, Elon. Devilish.

Anonymous No. 16213199

Anonymous No. 16213203

They have fitted the chomper fairing in secret to collect starliner when it starts tumbling.

Anonymous No. 16213204

~4 hrs 30 mins till live

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Anonymous No. 16213205

so two weeks?

Anonymous No. 16213209


Anonymous No. 16213210

Seethe harder fagboy. Excited to see how assblasted you can get when it hasn't launched even.

Anonymous No. 16213211

Does seething about Musk 24/7 really give you meaning in life? lmao

Anonymous No. 16213215

Holy shit go away

Anonymous No. 16213226

Samefag, notice the minute apart

Anonymous No. 16213229

We're all nevermuskers here

Anonymous No. 16213240

Goooood morning /sfg/. launch thread going up at T-1 bong

Anonymous No. 16213241

Starliner theme

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Anonymous No. 16213242


Anonymous No. 16213244

>punjabi music

Anonymous No. 16213245


Anonymous No. 16213257

chipmunk status?

Anonymous No. 16213263

This. God bless Elon

Anonymous No. 16213266

3.5h until stream start

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Anonymous No. 16213270
>Incredible things are happening in the LabPadre discord

Anonymous No. 16213275


Anonymous No. 16213278


Anonymous No. 16213279

the Chinese hacker?

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Anonymous No. 16213289

is this a troon?

Anonymous No. 16213290


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Anonymous No. 16213292

Bunch of livestreams, the ones below are live

NSF commentary
>SpaceX Launches Fourth Starship Flight Test

NSF non-commentary multicam
>Starbase Live: 24/7 Starship & Super Heavy Development From SpaceX's Boca Chica Facility

Everyday astronaut
>[4K] Watch SpaceX Starship FLIGHT 4 launch and reenter LIVE!

Labpadre multicam
>Starbase Live 24/7 Multi Plex - SpaceX Starship Super Heavy Launch & Production Facility

Labpadre commentary (not live until 1h 15min until launch window opens)
>WATCH STARSHIP IFT-4 - LIVE Commentary With Spaceflight Now

Spaceflight now, this might be the same stream as the one above (it starts at the same time and they mention LabPadre)
>Watch live: SpaceX launches Starship/Super Heavy Booster on fourth test flight

Link to official SpaceX stream on X, hasn't been posted by SpaceX yet so it might not work
going live 30min before the launch window opens so in 3h 10min

Anonymous No. 16213294

I'm going to join to tell them about my DMT and gateway tapes psychonaut history and how it applies to rocketry.

Anonymous No. 16213295

>grift stream
>grift stream
>soi stream
>grift stream
>grift stream
>grift stream

No thanks, I'll be watching the anime girl commentary.

Anonymous No. 16213297

>watching the simp stream

Anonymous No. 16213298


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Anonymous No. 16213305

Anonymous No. 16213306

i had this dream too

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SpaceX Starship B....jpg

Anonymous No. 16213308

Anonymous No. 16213312

that bitch cute

Anonymous No. 16213313

He lost a lot of money recently and isn't even gonna fly on Starship

Anonymous No. 16213314

Yes. Or in the process of being one. You can tell from the way he speaks, dresses and acts

Anonymous No. 16213316


Anonymous No. 16213317

Iscthe launch in 3 hours and 20 minutes?

Anonymous No. 16213322

Iscthe will not be launching today, sorry.

Anonymous No. 16213325

Don't worry, when Starship explodes again no one will notice Starliner's fate.

Anonymous No. 16213329


Anonymous No. 16213331


Anonymous No. 16213332


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Anonymous No. 16213335

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Anonymous No. 16213336

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Anonymous No. 16213337

Anonymous No. 16213338

will be launch be streamed on yotutube? I still don't have a twitter account

Anonymous No. 16213339

there might be re-streams, but officially no

Anonymous No. 16213340

there was a stream on yt last time though

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shuttle mir lasso.jpg

Anonymous No. 16213342

>They have fitted the chomper fairing in secret to collect starliner when it starts tumbling.
No, the tumbling Shartliner would make that too dangerous. Elon has contacted the top rodeo lassoists and they're on standby

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Anonymous No. 16213343

I had a quick goon sesh before launch, everyone get your popcorn ready its time to watch Starshit explode and prove that NASA is the best, most safe and reliable choice.
>pic unrel

Anonymous No. 16213344

BOOOING docking attempt going to happen basically right when Starship re-enters the atmosphere

Anonymous No. 16213346

not an official one

Anonymous No. 16213348


Works fine

Anonymous No. 16213349

i'm pretty sure it was official, only elon has enough money for the bitcoin giveaways they were doing

Anonymous No. 16213351

>We still dont have full picture of the helium system status
>We'll just dock with ISS and see from there

Anonymous No. 16213354

they can always hitch a ride back on dragon

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Anonymous No. 16213355

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Anonymous No. 16213358

cars going to the pad

Anonymous No. 16213360

excuse me, what the fuck is going on in the middle?
thats supposed to be someone helping a wheelchair bound girl on the tard-toilet right? right?!
because it kinda looks like a guy in a suit piping a girl in a school uniform.
not that this wouldn't be "efficient use of space", but japan is seriously taking their solutions to their fertility crisis too far if they have dedicated breeding chambers in the middle of their public restrooms.

Anonymous No. 16213361

They ded

Anonymous No. 16213362

>will be launch be streamed on youtube?
looks like it, it's cycling through the synopsis of the flight, kinda sounds like the speech was generated by ChatGPT

Anonymous No. 16213364

Boats cockblock the launch in 3 hours
>t. knower

Anonymous No. 16213365

you're not very smart

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Anonymous No. 16213367

be honest, how can Boeing even hope to compete?

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Anonymous No. 16213369

Any guess on Starship IFT-5 days before flight?

My guess is ~55 days

Anonymous No. 16213370

80 days

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Anonymous No. 16213372

ahh fuck, I hit a copycat page huh? These fucking things pop up like flies. I think the actual thing is streaming officially only on Twitter. Plenty of youtube restreams though

Anonymous No. 16213373

depends on how successful IFT-4 is, but I'd say around 70-90 days

Anonymous No. 16213374

All cryptofrauds.

Nice youtube there. Its unusable unless you want to be scammed like a good goy

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Anonymous No. 16213375

got it, turns out you have to type "@spacex" to get the actual page (no livestream on their channel btw). Fucking retarded if you ask me, but youtube has been getting worse and worse every year so I shouldn't be surprised

Anonymous No. 16213377

youtube should be lawsued

Anonymous No. 16213378

From what I understand, youtube botting is not cheap, to hit 100k+ CCV is really fucking expensive. I don't see how they are getting enough money back from their AI voice double your bitcoin scames to make it back, people dumb enough to fall for that font have the IQ level to figure out how to even buy bitcoin.

Anonymous No. 16213379

they must be doing something right, because they're fucking everywhere nowadays

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Anonymous No. 16213380

Anonymous No. 16213381

>youtube botting isn't cheap
Every single day for nearly a decade. Multiple SpaceX/Tesla live videos from scammers running 24/7.

Anonymous No. 16213382

youtube unironically peaked in 2016

Anonymous No. 16213383


Anonymous No. 16213384

they can't, neither can anybody else

Anonymous No. 16213385


Anonymous No. 16213386

There's a dude on /vt/ who bots streams and posts shit about it. It's seriously fucking expensive. I think youtube jews must be in on it, roundabout musk defamation method to try and keep their Tesla shorts in profit.

Anonymous No. 16213387


Anonymous No. 16213388

Revving their motors

Anonymous No. 16213389

youtube boating is out of control

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Anonymous No. 16213390


Anonymous No. 16213391


Anonymous No. 16213392

FYI - Current T+0 timing in different time zones:

New York (EDT) 8:20 AM
Los Angeles (PDT) 5:20 AM
London (BST) 1:20 PM
Paris (CEST) 2:20 PM
Moscow (MSK) 3:20 PM
New Delhi (IST) 5:50 PM
Beijing (CST) 8:20 PM
Tokyo (JST) 9:20 PM
Sydney (AEST) 10:20 PM
Toronto (EDT) 8:20 AM

Anonymous No. 16213398

53 years ago today, dobrovolsky, volkov, and patsayev launched aboard soyuz 11. they had zero rcs jets fail while rendezvousing with salyut 1 and at this stage in the mission they were having a more successful flight than starliner.

Anonymous No. 16213400

I like how he timed the launch so it's most convenient to watch for us Eurochads

Anonymous No. 16213401

Boing mogged by drunk soviet garage engineers

Anonymous No. 16213403

How come RCS issues only became a problem in modern times. Did they use different fuels back then or something?

Anonymous No. 16213404

I vaguely remember liking this.
Can't remember much about it though.

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Anonymous No. 16213406

berger talked about politics of space a bit and that it is important to show they are making progress so starship isn't the long pole

Anonymous No. 16213407

Starship can take my long pole, if you know what I mean

Anonymous No. 16213409

I don't follow

Anonymous No. 16213410

Yeah NASA will be watching this launch pretty closely.
How's the weather looking?

Anonymous No. 16213411

I want to fuck that rocket

Anonymous No. 16213413

before apollo every manned craft used HTP monopropellant for RCS. soyuz still uses it. it's always needed helium as a pressurant too so somehow they managed to keep helium leaks from being a problem back in the 1960s.

Anonymous No. 16213415

if we don't get a demonstration that the heat shield more or less works this time there's going to be trouble in congress.

Anonymous No. 16213417

frame is up

Anonymous No. 16213418

Berger thinks rapid reuse might not happen until Block 4 of starship
and that they will launch expendable starships before that, maybe even do artemis with expendable starships

Anonymous No. 16213419

Yeah, we'll start seeing a lot more senators grilling ballast over artemis. Will be easier to cancel and try to replace with a 'saner' option. Either way, it won't really affect SpaceX TOO much if they flop here.

Anonymous No. 16213422

yeah starship is already too far along, Starlink is printing money and Starship will just enable it more

Anonymous No. 16213425

We should probably start the launch threat at T-1h or so?

Anonymous No. 16213426

Berger doesn't expect Polaris 3 mission until 2030s, but is pretty confident it will happen
He wasn't surprised about DearMoon getting cancelled

Anonymous No. 16213427

i still figure they'll be able to get the basic tanker-to-leo-and-back ship fully reusable in time. but if anything that goes beyond leo gets expended that'd simplify a lot of things in the short term...

Anonymous No. 16213428

>start the launch threat
ULA snipers are already inbound anon

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dawn of a new day.png

Anonymous No. 16213429

Two hours left

Anonymous No. 16213430


Anonymous No. 16213431


Anonymous No. 16213434

getting giddy, its really happening
was kind of like meh before but its only 2h 12min left now

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Anonymous No. 16213435


Just found out they now do 1080p now. Neat.

Anonymous No. 16213436

>Shuttle & SLS: did not require any integrated flight tests to achieve a perfect mission
>Starship: requires up to 9 tests before it can do anything
not a troll but can anyone explain why this is the case?

Anonymous No. 16213437

you got us anon, elon doesn't understand that things should just work

Anonymous No. 16213438

hardware rich development
they test physical test articles instead doing it on paper (and taking much longer)

Anonymous No. 16213439

They have decades of experience and simulate every possible failure for the next few years until it is literally impossible for the rocket to fail

Anonymous No. 16213440

SLS is a 50+ year development project utilizing space shuttle components. Even formal SLS was a 10+ year project. Before that it was constellation project which is same as SLS. And so on.

Starship is rapid iterative project

Anonymous No. 16213442

that's my plan
t. launch thread anon

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Ed Emshwiller, co....jpg

Anonymous No. 16213443

RUD time soon muskrats, prepare your copes

Anonymous No. 16213444

and yet it still fails lmao
SpaceX has shown that the hardware rich approach is much better

Anonymous No. 16213445

You do this shit every fucking time. Stop pretending to be retarded and just stop posting altogether.

Anonymous No. 16213447

If you're not willing to destroy shit to make progress you'll end up making the same rocket over and over and over again because it worked in the past with similar margins.

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Anonymous No. 16213448

reminder we are 3 months away from the world's FIRST operational 40-ton SHLV sending a payload to mars. domination is coming to spaceflight.

Anonymous No. 16213449

snails pace

Anonymous No. 16213450

The engines are the biggest problem

Anonymous No. 16213451

Berger: NASA not going forward with Hubble servicing mission is a missed opportunity.

Anonymous No. 16213453

does anyone know when 2 hours from now is?

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Anonymous No. 16213454

Anonymous No. 16213455

Go on a diet, berger.

Anonymous No. 16213456

Nobody does, fa.m

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Anonymous No. 16213458

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Anonymous No. 16213459

Anonymous No. 16213460

I was distracted by berger, so I didn't notice the creature in the top right.

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Anonymous No. 16213461

Anonymous No. 16213462


Anonymous No. 16213463


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Anonymous No. 16213464

Dodd live now

Anonymous No. 16213467


Anonymous No. 16213468

Tank farm activity happening with venting

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Anonymous No. 16213469


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Anonymous No. 16213471

Anyone else not really feeling it? It hasn't reached orbit and yet it's already boring and routine desu

Anonymous No. 16213472

it's still gonna be a while until i stop worrying that it's gonna nuke the pad on liftoff

Anonymous No. 16213473

Maybe you should leave /sfg/ anon.
I'm feeling it.

Anonymous No. 16213476

It won't reach orbit even if everything goes perfectly this time anon

Anonymous No. 16213477

obviously not as excited as before but this is going to be very kino regardless and there will be new re-entry footage again

Anonymous No. 16213479

I know the filters are going to ruin everything again but please let the RCS work

Anonymous No. 16213481

honestly yeah, I don't know why but I just can't get excited for this one, though if it makes it through reentry I'll be happy

Anonymous No. 16213485

maybe because its basically a redo of the previous one mostly, people don't seem to confident it will survive re-entry with the tile problems

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Anonymous No. 16213486

i love how starhopper's still hanging around at the pad. so much autist sovl.

Anonymous No. 16213488

Fuck the tiles, it won't survive re-entry if it spins again like last time. I want to see the tiles fail or succeed on their own.

Anonymous No. 16213489

disagree. Hubble is a money pit.

Anonymous No. 16213490

The plasma was unexpected kino that made everyone shit their pants

Anonymous No. 16213491


Anonymous No. 16213493


Anonymous No. 16213494

estronaut repeating what i'm assuming elon told him last night: all 3 missing tiles are on unpressurized areas, considering having an ablative material beneath tiles as a backup

Anonymous No. 16213497

Hello, jokes aside, what's the deal with SpaceX spray painting the tiles

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Anonymous No. 16213498

Full reusability bros...

Anonymous No. 16213499

-5 starts to talk about that after someone asks about the tiles

Anonymous No. 16213501

How hyped would you be about Apollo 11 if you had religiously followed the development and all launches of Mercury and Apollo crewed or not. Normies just flicked on the channel when something monumental was happening and blew their dopamine then.

It is a very impressive rocket, but is kinda hard to get excited over engineering milestones if you have invested 0 personal effort on it.

Anonymous No. 16213502

experimenting with ablative material underneath the tile to see what happens

Anonymous No. 16213504

NASA and Boeing will announcement the death of two astronauts right after Starship explodes so nobody would notice the news.

Anonymous No. 16213506

everyone who'd followed it religiously blew their dopamine on apollo 4

Anonymous No. 16213507

Not to be le faggy doomer but it feels like the program has stagnated and it isn’t going to reach orbit this time either

Anonymous No. 16213508

You all have been spoiled by the last two launches.
What if today we go back to the good old last-second blueballing and 2-moar-weeking.

Anonymous No. 16213509

>tiles+thermal blanket+ablatives+pins+stringers








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Anonymous No. 16213510

the removed tiles are for A/B testing, might not even need the ablative material

Anonymous No. 16213511

>Tim claims reentry temperature has a cubic relationship with reentry velocity

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Anonymous No. 16213514

Anonymous No. 16213516

Why unpressurized areas?

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Anonymous No. 16213517

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Anonymous No. 16213520

Anonymous No. 16213521

i guess they'd rather not have tanks blowing up while they're investigating how much burnthrough you get when a tile's missing

Anonymous No. 16213522

It's the first step in the master project that will transform humanity. Other countries will need to develop capabilities like this, along with the development of many more in-space technologies. Hopefully they can speed things up with Starship to provide the initial pressure

Anonymous No. 16213523

launch thread is up:

no direct link for the X stream yet

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Anonymous No. 16213524

Musk said a thousand ships a year

Anonymous No. 16213526

Bit fucking early when launch window doesn't open for another hour and a half, isn't it?

Anonymous No. 16213530

have to catch the newfags early so they don't come here

Anonymous No. 16213531

>launch thread

Stop this shit. It's going to scrub and you will be embarrassed.

Anonymous No. 16213537

why is he in the wheelchair

Anonymous No. 16213541

I think he was in an accident and is paraplegic or something idk

Anonymous No. 16213542

Is the ablative on top of the blanket

Anonymous No. 16213543

Sawyer Rosenstein is a strange mutant that somehow was flimsy enough to get his spine broken from some very light (and deserved) bullying as a child. He later sued his bully and won a lot of money.

Anonymous No. 16213546

The biggest disapointment has been the tile system. They still can't get them to stick during liftoff, and elon said even one tile lost is expected to mean loss of vehicle. Should have went with active cooling

Anonymous No. 16213549


interesting, he got paralyzed for getting punched in the stomach
what in the fuck

Anonymous No. 16213553

I dislike looking at him and block all the NSF articles he writes from my feed.
I don't have a logical reason for this, I just have a gut reaction to him.

Anonymous No. 16213558

yeah too many possible points of failure. Methane cooling is way simpler but the trade off is that it [supposedly] comes with a huge mass penalty for some reason? Not sure why that is

Anonymous No. 16213559

(((((((((( Rosenstein )))))))))))))

Anonymous No. 16213561

>get hit in the stomach and fall to your knees
>your own weight snaps your spine like a twig
hes not built for space

Anonymous No. 16213562

he hasn't received his Neuralink yet

Anonymous No. 16213565

Kek I though the other anon was joking when he called him that.

Anonymous No. 16213566

This seems to be the way the vehicle is headed overall. They have supposedly added a lot of mass since the last flight to help with the sloshing and control problems as well

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Anonymous No. 16213568

Anonymous No. 16213571

because they need to keep dumping propellant to cool the vehicle?

Anonymous No. 16213579

probably a boater

Anonymous No. 16213583

No I think just installing the hardware itself to allow transpirational cooling adds a ton of dry mass to the booster.
i.e. you are penalized with a hardier starship with all the plumbing needed to do this. It’s even heavier than the TPS tiles

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16213594

>First for starliner yolo'ing straight into the ISS

Anonymous No. 16213597

estronaut: elon confirmed the payload door on ift-3 was not nominal but they're not retesting it for 4 because tiles took priority

Anonymous No. 16213598

Is transpirational cooling an existing technology? And why can't they just run tubes/coils on the outside to cool starship?

Anonymous No. 16213599

Gotta have time to scratch your balls in the morning before prop load and go.

Anonymous No. 16213601

Tim is holding out on info about the mitigations to filters getting blocked with ice
have to wait a few weeks for the starbase tour

Anonymous No. 16213602

it exists every time you sweat

Anonymous No. 16213605

but this this starship even have the door?

Anonymous No. 16213625


Anonymous No. 16213643

They're not going to do ~15 expendable starship launches to get HLS to the moon. If they're building and willing to waste starships at that rate, they'll have worked out reusability.

Anonymous No. 16213646

any streams without estronaut or nsf autists talking?

Anonymous No. 16213649

yeah >>16213628

Anonymous No. 16213660

this thread > launch thread

Anonymous No. 16213662

This Anon seems to be leaking helium.

Anonymous No. 16213665


Anonymous No. 16213669

just be an esl and watch your native coverage
it's literally THAT easy

Anonymous No. 16213703

I don't even know where I'd find that

Anonymous No. 16213707

Weather is giving me SN11 vibes

Anonymous No. 16213708

>They're not going to do ~15 expendable starship launches to get HLS to the moon
expendable would only require 5-ish

Anonymous No. 16213713

the taxpayer will foot the bill

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spacex seal of ap....jpg

Anonymous No. 16213715

What stream is he listening to?

Anonymous No. 16213716

>tfw the only "native coverage" is a short article by the national broadcaster about how EVERY SINGLE LAUNCH SO FAR HAS GONE WRONG
At least they didn't even bother giving Starliner any coverage at all.

Anonymous No. 16213720

I predicted that several threads ago when the helium leaks resurfaced

Anonymous No. 16213723

In b4 they have to do the Canadarm of Shame docking.

Anonymous No. 16213727

SpaceX stream started. GAAN status: we are

Anonymous No. 16213742

fugg anyone know how to open a X steam on VLC? It used to work last launch now they changed their URL it doesn't

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Anonymous No. 16213748

girl on the right is getting gigamogged

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Anonymous No. 16213749

While everyone is focused on Boca Chica, things are happening in lunar orbit
>And CNSA has just confirmed good ascent stage-orbiter docking in lunar orbit at 06:48 UTC, with the sample container transferred into the return capsule 10 minutes ago at 07:24 UTC.

Anonymous No. 16213753

>girl on the right
oh how the mighty have fallen

Anonymous No. 16213756


Anonymous No. 16213759

Why would she do that to her hair, wtf

Anonymous No. 16213761

Copypaste the youtube URL into VLC.

Anonymous No. 16213762

Pride month

Anonymous No. 16213763

Because she's sort of brown.

Anonymous No. 16213766

Damn its a busy day today

Anonymous No. 16213776

Can't find a single stream on youtube streaming the SpaceX stream right now wtf


Anonymous No. 16213779


Anonymous No. 16213780

Disgusting, I like SpaceX but want nothing to do with "x"

Anonymous No. 16213784

Stop posting pajeet crypto scam streams. SpaceX does not stream on youtube anymore.

Anonymous No. 16213786

Got it, you have to use the twitter URL. Probably have to update youtube-dl or something

Anonymous No. 16213790

>no plans to recover the rockets

Anonymous No. 16213796

Found this one

think its the least crypto scammy stream

Anonymous No. 16213802

Just watch Tim Dodd or NSF retards

Anonymous No. 16213805

Watch my balls hitting your face fag.

Anonymous No. 16213814


Anonymous No. 16213816

They're obsessed with themselves and not just relaying SpaceX's stream right now which is all I want

Curse you Elon

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Anonymous No. 16213828

Falcon 9 is big!

Anonymous No. 16213837

Why are you faggots watching donations plz soiflight streams

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Anonymous No. 16213840

Very busy. China also just launched their third Ceres-1 in under a week. And we still have Starliner's docking attempt to look forward to later today

Anonymous No. 16213851

they had eric berger there and everyday astronaut talked about the starbase tour
I tend to check in every 10-20min to see if there is anything interesting going on until the official stream starts, then ignore the other streams after that

Anonymous No. 16213856

Are they planning to vent main tanks before reentry to reduce mass?

Anonymous No. 16213860

Another one, color most closely matches the X stream, time to watch on TV

Anonymous No. 16213865

>T H I N T I L E S

Anonymous No. 16213877


Anonymous No. 16213879

>no Insprucker
>even Musk doesn't want to show his face
>only PR pretty faces

Anonymous No. 16213883

Why would you use cuckerberg's shitty video service?

Anonymous No. 16213886

u gey or something?

Anonymous No. 16213887

Launch thread is up btw

Anonymous No. 16213889

So I can watch on my TV??

Anonymous No. 16213891

Insprucker is off dueling Tory to make sure the launch goes well.

Anonymous No. 16213894

Still not acceptable

Anonymous No. 16213906

If you can't figure out how to watch X on TV then you are a retard.

Anonymous No. 16213918


Anonymous No. 16213923

insallah mission will success

Anonymous No. 16213926

Theres no app and browser apps don't work/keep lagging

Anonymous No. 16213935

The behavior on stream is pretty homosexual.
>this is just a test
>our payload is data
Stand behind your work like a man!

Anonymous No. 16213944

it's a bit after high noon

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Anonymous No. 16213957


Anonymous No. 16213967

there is no payload and this is literally a test you fag

Anonymous No. 16213983

2 towers at starbase
2 at Cape canaveral, to be built only when starship is ready to deliver payloads into orbit

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Anonymous No. 16213992

Anonymous No. 16213993

Okay retard

Anonymous No. 16213999

It is, but being guarded about it is gay. It's your best shot. Be proud of it.

Anonymous No. 16214005

Please don't delay because of boats this time...

Anonymous No. 16214009


Anonymous No. 16214014

Launch thread staged

Anonymous No. 16214022

nobody cares nigger neck yourself.

Anonymous No. 16214029

>Not Mach 25
its over

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Anonymous No. 16214042


Anonymous No. 16214047


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Anonymous No. 16214055


Anonymous No. 16214057

1 engine failed

Anonymous No. 16214060

>1 raptor dead
it's over

Anonymous No. 16214063

>One engine ded

Anonymous No. 16214066

Mein gott look at her go

Anonymous No. 16214067

>one failed to ignite
it's so fucking over

Anonymous No. 16214073


Anonymous No. 16214079

It's fucking over

Anonymous No. 16214081

they are not guarded, they literally fucking removed tiles on purpose to see what happens
its a test

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Anonymous No. 16214082


Anonymous No. 16214083

they only need the outer engines until stage sep right

Anonymous No. 16214089

ogrebros, we're so back

Anonymous No. 16214095

>Mach cloud

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Anonymous No. 16214096

>one engine failed
it's over...

Anonymous No. 16214097

best raptor no raptor you fucking doomers

Anonymous No. 16214104


Anonymous No. 16214107

yeah outer engines dont need boostback

Anonymous No. 16214113


Anonymous No. 16214118

>all center lit

Anonymous No. 16214119

>successful relight
oversisters, it's suicide time

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its working.jpg

Anonymous No. 16214121

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Anonymous No. 16214126

>Acquisition of signal Stennis

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Anonymous No. 16214130

jettisoning the hot stage

Anonymous No. 16214136

Cam caught the hotstage decoupling

Anonymous No. 16214137


Anonymous No. 16214138

>big ass steel jettissoned
RIP whover this fuck will drop on to

Anonymous No. 16214141

>"""fully reusable""""

Anonymous No. 16214145

Very Kerbal

Anonymous No. 16214150

it separated after the boostback, its landing in the oceans the same as the booster

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Anonymous No. 16214157

Anonymous No. 16214162


Anonymous No. 16214166


Anonymous No. 16214171

Fuck me. NICE

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Anonymous No. 16214174

holy shit splashdown

Anonymous No. 16214179


Anonymous No. 16214182


Anonymous No. 16214187

lol it would've landed 100% on ground


that was so stable

Anonymous No. 16214202


Anonymous No. 16214203


Anonymous No. 16214210


Anonymous No. 16214216

Falcon 9 is now outdated

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Anonymous No. 16214217

I'm sorry for doubting you Elon-sama

Anonymous No. 16214219

so next launch they could try tower landing already if it was accurate enough

Anonymous No. 16214225

What is chinese boats are in the area???? isn't that bad????

Do they have boats nearby the booster?

Anonymous No. 16214228


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Anonymous No. 16214243

nominal orbital insertion
RCS seems not fucked

Anonymous No. 16214246

Ummmm???? Whats venting

Anonymous No. 16214250

They need to test with fake chopsticks first so they don't fuck up their test stand........

Anonymous No. 16214254

>RCS seems not fucked
It has new RCS, so it better fucking work.

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Anonymous No. 16214273

It lost some kind of circular disk and started slowly spinning

Anonymous No. 16214280

>have 33 engines
>1 doesn't light
>0 fucks given
is this the true power of engine out capability?!

Anonymous No. 16214281

Are they venting?
Seems like a lot of gas

Anonymous No. 16214283

imagine being the fish directly beneath the booster when it landed

Anonymous No. 16214300

Is it spinning?

Anonymous No. 16214303

32 engines is enough
but if the 1 engine was in the middle, tehy would've been FUCKED

Anonymous No. 16214304

What's with all the out gassing from Starship?

Anonymous No. 16214305

it's fucking over...

Anonymous No. 16214308

>Blue Danube
I kneel.

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Anonymous No. 16214313

Entry at T+47

Anonymous No. 16214315

That's the hotstage ring between stages, it is temporarily disposable

Anonymous No. 16214318

>Blue Danube

Anonymous No. 16214332

Classical music deployed

Anonymous No. 16214335

I'm a bit more worried about how it kept venting something after engine shutdown

Anonymous No. 16214350

Random trapped atmosphere that came along for the ride inside the steel can? We saw some vent last time when they tried opening the door.

Anonymous No. 16214352

Purging lines.

Anonymous No. 16214358

Didn't this happen during IFT-3 too?

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Anonymous No. 16214361

>engine failure at launch
>engine failure at landing
>ship spinning like it's in the fucking docking scene from interstellar

Anonymous No. 16214364


Anonymous No. 16214365

Starlinkbros, what's happening?

Anonymous No. 16214375

>classical music for kino scene
>ruined by Starlink suddenly shitting itself


Anonymous No. 16214388

engine failure at landing? what are you talking about
the ship wasn't spinning at all this time

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so over so back.jpg

Anonymous No. 16214401


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Anonymous No. 16214405

No, at 3:29 you can see a small metal disk come out of the bottom of starship and the spinning starts.

Anonymous No. 16214408

Elon wanted to download some tranny porn for a celebratory wank.

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Anonymous No. 16214417

>Starship spinning

Anonymous No. 16214421

Isn't that the exact shape and size of a tile?

Anonymous No. 16214430

Looks like a heat shield tile.

Anonymous No. 16214437

It is a hexagon, of course it is a fucking tile. Anon is retarded

Anonymous No. 16214443

why are they purging lines

Anonymous No. 16214444

Why are you this much of a newfag

Anonymous No. 16214446

Starship will not be surviving reentry today

Anonymous No. 16214447

Where is this from?

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elon preggos.jpg

Anonymous No. 16214450

fake women can't get pregnant and that's his real fetish

Anonymous No. 16214454

>Anon is retarded
Yes, that's why I formulated my post like I did. Teach a man to fish and all that shit.

Because they don't want slush buildup in them?

Anonymous No. 16214461

At least it isn't dead

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Anonymous No. 16214468

It's unironically over isn't it?

Anonymous No. 16214471

von Braun would simply shit his pants if he saw that Super Heavy return footage

Anonymous No. 16214479

starship re-entry and Starliner docking attempt are going to happen simultaneously

Anonymous No. 16214487

No Starship has been in space this long before.
No Superheavy has made it down to the ocean at landing speed before.

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Anonymous No. 16214490

Anonymous No. 16214496

>No Starship has been in space this long before.
Did you forget IFT-3 already?

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Anonymous No. 16214501

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Anonymous No. 16214502

>We do actually have acquisition signal. 11 internal cameras are transmitting. Figuring out why external cameras aren’t.

Anonymous No. 16214507

>software issues

Anonymous No. 16214511

external cams died of kino overload

Anonymous No. 16214514

Why aren't they at least showing one of the interior camera feed? ITAR?

Anonymous No. 16214516

It was dead by this point in the flight, wasn't it? It popped just after MECO iirc

Anonymous No. 16214518

one of the Falcon 1 flights I forgot

Anonymous No. 16214519


Anonymous No. 16214523


Anonymous No. 16214528

Yeah, it's secret stuff, not for plebs.

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2024-06-06 08_13_....png

Anonymous No. 16214533


Anonymous No. 16214534

That was IFT-2, retard.

Anonymous No. 16214535

>y-yeah haha guys the cameras doesn't work but we TOTALLY landed it ok haha check the telemetry data!

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Anonymous No. 16214539

Yeah it's fucking over
1 step forward
2 steps back

Anonymous No. 16214540

To software! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.

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Anonymous No. 16214545

>We totally have camera signal bros just can't show it to you

Anonymous No. 16214547

>or else it gets the hose again.
Someone bully Elon into letting us watch the space ballet of bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16214548

The NOAA sniper got them

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Anonymous No. 16214549

Retard, it made the whole flight and burned up on reentry

Anonymous No. 16214550

At least they put extra cameras so they can check if the interstage in the future like it was last time

Anonymous No. 16214552

they need 11 minutes to launch their replacement ship to cover for the other one

Anonymous No. 16214565

you should be using yt-dlp instead anyway

Anonymous No. 16214567

hiding in the clouds, no doubt

Anonymous No. 16214583

Anonymous No. 16214585

>the NOAA weather control laser shot it down again

Anonymous No. 16214599

Someone please graph the speed and calculate the deceleration in Gs while I take a piss.

Anonymous No. 16214609

Do it yourself while taking your piss, casual.

Anonymous No. 16214611

Somebody better make a video of Starship reentering with interstellar music blasting in the background

Anonymous No. 16214612

Guys are we actually spinning?

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Anonymous No. 16214622

Anonymous No. 16214645

It has attitude control.
The little ship icon next to the mission timer indicates attitude as seen on previous flights

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Please be patient.jpg

Anonymous No. 16214646

I forgot which did what

Anonymous No. 16214652

graph it using a hydraulic computer powered by piss

Anonymous No. 16214653

yeah I don't understand where this spinning bullshit is coming from
maybe these retards are watching a scam stream

Anonymous No. 16214658

the whole engine is full of liquid when it shuts down, and once they turn it off all that liquid turns into gas and boils off
you can't keep it trapped in the lines, you need to let it out
I'm shitting my pants right fucking now

Anonymous No. 16214660

One of the engines literally blew up right before it hit the water

Anonymous No. 16214671

It was clearly yawing in the stream before elon shut it down.

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Anonymous No. 16214673


Anonymous No. 16214676

an engine failed during landing, despite that it still made a soft looking touchdown, so it has a fuckload of redundancy built in

Anonymous No. 16214682

oh shit i missed that

man idk if tower catch is ever gonna work, shit is wayy too dynamic in a way computer renders don't capture

Anonymous No. 16214706

falcons be landing every day thobeit

Anonymous No. 16214709

Hover ability allows for small corrections during catch, it's one of the big strengths of Starship compared to F9

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Anonymous No. 16214718

>raptor is still not reliable enough and built in redundancy have to make up for their fraudulence

Anonymous No. 16214720

My prediction from the start is that they're gonna frag a tower and then start landing it on droneships "temporarily". It'll be fine though cause they can already get an insane flight rate with falcons, tower landing isn't needed.

Anonymous No. 16214727

its been over 11 minutes

Elon lied, cameras died

Anonymous No. 16214728

Hoverslam isn't quite the same as what they have planned.
But the capability should be there, expecting them to get away with it without some expendable launch infrastructure is completely fucking retarded though.

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2024-06-06 08_25_....png

Anonymous No. 16214730

over bros...

Anonymous No. 16214736

Soft landing on water and they still needed to jettison the ring to reduce the mass. How big does the rocket need to be for them to have planned payload capability and hover margin for capture?

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Anonymous No. 16214749

Owari da....

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Anonymous No. 16214752

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Anonymous No. 16214753

Anonymous No. 16214754


Anonymous No. 16214757

As big as it is right now

Anonymous No. 16214765

This is elon-time

Anonymous No. 16214780


Anonymous No. 16214781

Its actually looking,,, stable??

Anonymous No. 16214786

And I have a freshly poured beer. Life is pretty good.

Anonymous No. 16214788


Anonymous No. 16214792


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Anonymous No. 16214795

signal acquired

Anonymous No. 16214799

>that garbage ass camera view
was it all they could make work kek?

Anonymous No. 16214808

Main screen on

Anonymous No. 16214816

>no uncontrolled roll

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Anonymous No. 16214822

Anonymous No. 16214829

maybe they want the view right next to the pretty plasma?

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Anonymous No. 16214842

Anonymous No. 16214860

how long until reentry

Anonymous No. 16214870

How many test flights until they attempt the chopstick maneuver? Are they waiting to complete construction of the second launch tower?

Anonymous No. 16214872

4 minutes

Anonymous No. 16214879

Angle of attack bros? Looking a little worried

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Anonymous No. 16214886


Anonymous No. 16214895


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Anonymous No. 16214896

another angle

Anonymous No. 16214901


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Anonymous No. 16214910

getting some of that advertising in there

Anonymous No. 16214925

thats the flap moving I think

Anonymous No. 16214926

Pretty effective product placement, isn't it?

Anonymous No. 16214927

This is bad because it's rolling again, yeah

Anonymous No. 16214930

can we get some geowizard figure out what river that is exactly?

Anonymous No. 16214932

What is that land?

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Anonymous No. 16214938

Anonymous No. 16214951



Anonymous No. 16214958


Anonymous No. 16214959

How far did it get before?

Anonymous No. 16214960


Anonymous No. 16214961

I see pink

Anonymous No. 16214962

we got glow

Anonymous No. 16214963

We have glow.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16214964


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Anonymous No. 16214969

plasma starting to build

Anonymous No. 16214985

just realised the flop will occur in the dark at night time, imagine

Anonymous No. 16214986

rock stable

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Anonymous No. 16214990

blew up at about 65km

Anonymous No. 16214997

from the thumbnail i was expecting a vogon demolition ship.

i am disappointed.

Anonymous No. 16215000


Anonymous No. 16215001

it wigglin'

Anonymous No. 16215003

stream is definitely frozen lol

Anonymous No. 16215014


Anonymous No. 16215015

looks like the sun desu

Anonymous No. 16215020

look at the top left retard

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Anonymous No. 16215026

no it isn't, look at the top condensation
its moving

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Anonymous No. 16215028


Anonymous No. 16215038

still too fast

but the plasma is beautiful violet

Anonymous No. 16215040

Yeah I think this is fake, the starship is actually entering the sun.

Anonymous No. 16215053

>peak heating

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Anonymous No. 16215057

71km, expected peak heating region

Anonymous No. 16215061

those 3+ missing tiles are about to cause an incident

Anonymous No. 16215076

Is there a video of that speedup reentry animation somewhere?

Anonymous No. 16215083


Anonymous No. 16215084

>temperature has stopped increasing

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Anonymous No. 16215088

temperatures have stopped increasing

Anonymous No. 16215091

Oh my god it made it through reentry

Anonymous No. 16215095

temps stable

Anonymous No. 16215103

plasma chads, we're eatin' good tonight

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Anonymous No. 16215104

These heat tiles are amazing

Plasma on the other side, Ice on the back

Anonymous No. 16215112

missing tile bros... I don't feel so good. how do we deal with the tiles not being needed?!?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16215114

Just a Starlink advert.

Anonymous No. 16215115

somebody is smoking in the corner

Anonymous No. 16215121

tile enjoyers, you win
I consneed

Anonymous No. 16215125

Stuck at 68km?

Anonymous No. 16215135

Spaceplane re-entry profile

Anonymous No. 16215136

Has pedotranny what his name killed himself yet?

Anonymous No. 16215137

Best part is no part. Keep deleting tiles until it burns up.

Anonymous No. 16215141

Elon exposed by a chainsmoker... This was all done with miniatures and dolls.

Anonymous No. 16215142

Surfing the atmosphere.
Starship is a spaceplane

Anonymous No. 16215146

Nice, bleeding off speed up high

Anonymous No. 16215150

would be pretty nice if they could just delete them

Anonymous No. 16215153

It looks like it's coming apart

Anonymous No. 16215158

the ice block on the back of the wing at the opposite of the plasma lmaooo

Anonymous No. 16215160


Anonymous No. 16215161

Livestreaming through plasma is almost as insane as Starship itself

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Anonymous No. 16215167

hot tiles, imagine the exposed stainless on the belly

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Anonymous No. 16215170

starting to chill some of the engines

Anonymous No. 16215171


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16215175

agree, now sparks

Anonymous No. 16215176

what the fuck green plasma?????????????????????????????????

Anonymous No. 16215179


Anonymous No. 16215181


Anonymous No. 16215189

You're like a minute behind, dude.

Anonymous No. 16215196

This looks so cool

Anonymous No. 16215200

Communications blackout is going extinct

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Anonymous No. 16215201

remains on a good trajectory, got deeper now than last time already (60km now, 65km last time)

Anonymous No. 16215202

holy shit what's going on

Anonymous No. 16215210

that green thing looks like VFX

Anonymous No. 16215213

Never fully appreciated how deadly re-entry is until now.

Anonymous No. 16215217

Nitrogen glows green;

Anonymous No. 16215220

holy fucking kino I'm going to nut
>Please wait a while before making a post

Anonymous No. 16215226

one post per minute

Anonymous No. 16215232

First time somebody's livestreamed through the plasma.

Anonymous No. 16215237

The fact that the signal has not cut out at all is amazing

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Anonymous No. 16215240

it's over

Anonymous No. 16215245

hexagonal chunks

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Anonymous No. 16215247

The wing is done

Anonymous No. 16215249


Anonymous No. 16215262

Not the flaps...

Anonymous No. 16215270


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Anonymous No. 16215275

flap starting to break down

Anonymous No. 16215280


Anonymous No. 16215283

F to the flaps.

Anonymous No. 16215288


Anonymous No. 16215290

we're losing the flaps

Anonymous No. 16215293

it's gonna be so hard to solve this

Anonymous No. 16215304

>flap is blowing apart
>camera feed still going strong

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Anonymous No. 16215306

camera got blocked by flap parts

Anonymous No. 16215315

LMAO literally melting

Anonymous No. 16215319


Anonymous No. 16215323


Anonymous No. 16215327

The little camera that could.

Anonymous No. 16215328


Anonymous No. 16215329

turn on the wipers elon!

Anonymous No. 16215330


Anonymous No. 16215341


Anonymous No. 16215361

lens cracked;
MaxQ soon

Anonymous No. 16215363

Max Q 2

Anonymous No. 16215365

still slowing

Anonymous No. 16215367

>inb4 is survives with only a destroyed flap

Anonymous No. 16215375


Anonymous No. 16215381

build like a fucking tank
stainless steel for the win. columbia could never

Anonymous No. 16215388


Anonymous No. 16215401

They're gonna need stronger flaps though.

Anonymous No. 16215409

jesus fucking christ this thing is a tank

Anonymous No. 16215412


Anonymous No. 16215416

need a stronger flap...

Anonymous No. 16215419


Anonymous No. 16215420

the camera that could...

Anonymous No. 16215434

Imagine riding that, must be mental

Anonymous No. 16215437

Literally hanging on by a bolt thread lmao

Anonymous No. 16215439


Anonymous No. 16215453


Anonymous No. 16215458


Anonymous No. 16215461

>flap is working

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Anonymous No. 16215462

the flap is still there just a bit smoky

Anonymous No. 16215463

the flaps are actuating????????????????????????????

how the fuck

Anonymous No. 16215464


Anonymous No. 16215465


Anonymous No. 16215475


Anonymous No. 16215485

what the fuck is going on

Anonymous No. 16215494

I was playing with my little toy Starship a few minutes ago and the flap came off. This was a portant.

Anonymous No. 16215500


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Skjermbilde 2024-....png

Anonymous No. 16215501

BIIIIIIG chunk missing though.

Anonymous No. 16215507

holy dick

Anonymous No. 16215512

a pivotal moment in human history

Anonymous No. 16215514


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Anonymous No. 16215523

landing burn started (apparently)

Anonymous No. 16215527


Anonymous No. 16215535

SHE FUCKING MADE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous No. 16215538

>half melted flap with 999 missing tiles
>melted metal tore through the hinge
>still actuating

Anonymous No. 16215540


Anonymous No. 16215541

Holy fucking shit

Anonymous No. 16215543

Did they just fucking land it? Fucking hell

Anonymous No. 16215548

jesus christ the engines actaully lit

Anonymous No. 16215552


Anonymous No. 16215554


Anonymous No. 16215557


Anonymous No. 16215576

Steel bros...I kneel

Anonymous No. 16215577


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Anonymous No. 16215584

No fucking way, it was missing a good chunk of that flap

Anonymous No. 16215585


Anonymous No. 16215595


Anonymous No. 16215600

fucking mods this is the wrong thread

Anonymous No. 16215606

>camera still working after splash

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Anonymous No. 16215617

>flap burns through
>doesn't give a shit
>keeps working
All other spacecraft must kneel.

Anonymous No. 16215619


Anonymous No. 16215622

Mexican welder bros I kneel

Anonymous No. 16215626

So this is the power of stainless steel...
I don't feel so good now space shittle bros...

Anonymous No. 16215627


Anonymous No. 16215633

It's been so many years, /sfg/. I can't believe it's happened.

Anonymous No. 16215635

I can't hear shit through this music

Anonymous No. 16215640

We're going to Mars
We're all gonna make it


Anonymous No. 16215644

lmao this music
this was basically full success? tiles got a bit toasty

Anonymous No. 16215645

the flap is very strong wow

Anonymous No. 16215648

KEK, I thought the music came from the stream

Anonymous No. 16215670

Reminder that Starship is yet to actually reach Low Earth Orbit (LEO)

Anonymous No. 16215671

It overwhelmingly proved how much better steel is than aluminum and carbon fiber

Anonymous No. 16215692


Anonymous No. 16215696


Anonymous No. 16215700


Anonymous No. 16215702


Anonymous No. 16215703

I still can't believe it was able to control its decent with burned flaps

how good are their computers???? holy shit

other rocket companies CANT even land

Anonymous No. 16215704

Whoever builds those external cameras does it right.

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Anonymous No. 16215709


Anonymous No. 16215710

>thread in now sticky

Anonymous No. 16215711

Why is this getting stickied too?

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Anonymous No. 16215717

>The thread is now a sticky.

Anonymous No. 16215718

this music is from /sci/? kek

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Anonymous No. 16215721

Attempt at tower catch next flight????

Anonymous No. 16215729


Anonymous No. 16215737


Anonymous No. 16215742

reminder starliner is docking with the ISS in 2 hours

Anonymous No. 16215745

this is an unqualified success on all test objectives

Anonymous No. 16215750

It was amazing, half the thing ablated away and it fucking shrugged it off to land just fine anyway.
This machine is the future.

Anonymous No. 16215756


Anonymous No. 16215758

Yeah who fucking cares. Five years too late to impress.

Anonymous No. 16215759

lol their algorithms are superior

Anonymous No. 16215760

>it worked
Today is going to be a good day.

How was the live Clear reaction

Anonymous No. 16215761

>two stickies

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Anonymous No. 16215764



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Anonymous No. 16215766


Anonymous No. 16215767

Reminder that Elon predicted this like two years ago.
Flap interface is most critical part.
He is indeed a genius

Anonymous No. 16215768

Absolutely based.

Anonymous No. 16215770

need some more robustness to make it rapidly reusable and not refurishable but I mean this means the tiles aren't really a problem anymore
not for an operational starship at least

Anonymous No. 16215772


Anonymous No. 16215776

>both stages of starship went through full flight and landing before boing made it to the ISS

Anonymous No. 16215778

what motors controlled those flaps? how could it still be so precise

Anonymous No. 16215783

mods = gods. And remember to stage at page 10

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Anonymous No. 16215784

This calls for a new mark on the ring. Any ideas?

Anonymous No. 16215785

rivian motors from rivian motors

Anonymous No. 16215788

tesla electric motors lmao

Anonymous No. 16215791


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laughing american.jpg

Anonymous No. 16215792

Oh my God

Anonymous No. 16215795



Anonymous No. 16215797

It has been an honor shitposting with you guys

Anonymous No. 16215798

They got clearance? The helium leak rate must still be low enough they aren't worried

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2024-06-06 Wapoda....webm

Anonymous No. 16215807

Anonymous No. 16215813

Nice job SpaceX.

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Anonymous No. 16215814

Anonymous No. 16215816

A single tile

Anonymous No. 16215818

Giving each flap its own Raspberry Pi was a good choice.

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Anonymous No. 16215820

Is Starship a spaceplane?

Anonymous No. 16215828

>meanwhile shartliner has even more leaks

Anonymous No. 16215829

A melted flap

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Anonymous No. 16215830

Anonymous No. 16215832

Tancred endures.

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Anonymous No. 16215837

this doesn't look rapidly reusable bros

Anonymous No. 16215842

nyet, fin is fine

Anonymous No. 16215845

What's the helium for anyway? A cooling system? Something to do with the thrusters?

Anonymous No. 16215847

I'll drink to that. Cheers!

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Starship Fleet.jpg

Anonymous No. 16215850

Reminder that entire fleets of these will fly.

Anonymous No. 16215856

might have to do both sides of the flaps with heat shield tiles

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Anonymous No. 16215857

Imagine burning up because of this, what a piece of shit, lmao

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Anonymous No. 16215858

Anonymous No. 16215859

structural fin is fine, so it needs to fix the heatshield and the problem is doable

Anonymous No. 16215862

>1 engine out on launch
>1 engine out of landing
>multiple tiles lost
>flap burns through
>massive structural damage
>flap still works
>ship still flips
>engines still relight and land
lmao what a fucking tank

Anonymous No. 16215864

How the fuck did it survive losing half a flap?

Anonymous No. 16215868

tank pressurization of the second stage

Anonymous No. 16215875

>People will talking about Starship Flight 4th for decades to come.

Anonymous No. 16215876

Well yeah, docking is a multi hour procedure. Rendezvous can take days, sometimes over a week.

Anonymous No. 16215877


Anonymous No. 16215879

The flap that could

Anonymous No. 16215881

Displaces the fuel in the fuel tanks I believe, since gravity can't feed it down into the combustion chamber in 0g

Anonymous No. 16215885

Propellant tank pressurization

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Anonymous No. 16215887

Holy fuck Starship is built like a WW2 bomber.

Anonymous No. 16215889

imagine how robust it will be once they fix all that?

Anonymous No. 16215892


Anonymous No. 16215896

Just make the entire fucking flap out of some carbon material with PICO-X or whatever they call it slapped on. Should bring down weight as well.

Anonymous No. 16215897

IFT-5 when?

Anonymous No. 16215898

HEEEYYYY I GOT MY FIRST STICKY THREAD ON /SCI/! Was busy watching and talking about all this stuff with my dad sorry I wasnt here bros but holy shit that was fucking swesome IT TANKED THAT MASSIVE FLAP AND STILL LANDED BOTH SHIPS WHAAAAAAAAATTTT

Anonymous No. 16215899

>you will live to go into orbit
>you will live to walk on the moon
>you will live to see naked babes play volleyball in the low grav gymnasium

Anonymous No. 16215901


Anonymous No. 16215911

Heatshield is pico-x they use on dragon

Anonymous No. 16215912

this was so much more kino than I thought it would be (yet again)
I've been excited for every launch and every time it has surprised with kino

Anonymous No. 16215913

I really liked the little flap wiggling at 70 to 60 km

Anonymous No. 16215914

FAA bro's our thoughts?

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Anonymous No. 16215916

Kek what a bitch, am I right?
STEEL > trashluminum confirmed

Anonymous No. 16215917

It shed its weakness and became stronger.

Anonymous No. 16215920

>how could it still be so precise
Divine intervention.

But really they have a built in way to compensate if it starts to turn or otherwise lose stability, and the engines do most all of the piloting once it gets subsonic. It's insanely impressive that the wing survived at all though, since it was already substantially weakened before hitting the most stressful portion of reentry. Just goes to show how sturdy stainless steel is, not like the tin—sorry, aluminum—can vessels of the past.

Anonymous No. 16215922

PICO-X is not reusable
IIRC it's ablative

Anonymous No. 16215924



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Anonymous No. 16215925

Can't believe a South African together with a bunch of Mexican wielders managed to build this

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musk tweet soft l....jpg

Anonymous No. 16215929


Anonymous No. 16215930

That sounds fairly important, is boing gonna end up trapping those astronauts on the iss?

Anonymous No. 16215931

I can see why EmxElon doesn't care if his competitors see the hardware. The secret sauce has always been the software.

Anonymous No. 16215933


Anonymous No. 16215935

Landed on top of a school of mackeral. Starship is finished

Anonymous No. 16215936

will now fap to flap, 1 yr of no fap

Anonymous No. 16215937

any word from mainstream media CNN on this launch?

Anonymous No. 16215938

give that man ten launch licenses NOW

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Space Wars.png

Anonymous No. 16215939

Nice rocket kids but the men are arriving to do a real review. Shouldn't take more than a year (or two).

Anonymous No. 16215948


Anonymous No. 16215951

Steel can tank thermal damage a lot better than titanium or Al-Li

Anonymous No. 16215953

I see you're Mr. Current Affairs when it comes to FAA licenses.

Anonymous No. 16215956

I missed the launch, did they do a raptor relight in space this time?

Anonymous No. 16215960

>sure it achieved all mission objectives, but it was on FIRE!

Anonymous No. 16215961

absolutely SEETHING

Anonymous No. 16215962

hot staging stage landed on a child in florida, 2^2^2^2 weeks required for investigation

Anonymous No. 16215963


Anonymous No. 16215966

>a damaged flap
I would love to see what the other one looked like.

Anonymous No. 16215967


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Anonymous No. 16215969
its over

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damaged but still....jpg

Anonymous No. 16215973

Need an image like this of Starship

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Anonymous No. 16215974

>but it was on FIRE!
S29 didn't seem care.

Anonymous No. 16215975

>Boeing successfully launches astronauts to the ISS as SpaceX rocket crashes into the ocean

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Anonymous No. 16215980


Anonymous No. 16215981

It was a very minor leak, basically zero incidence on the mission.
Still not good press for 'em.

Anonymous No. 16215982

Actuator wasn't damaged. I expected it to rip off though.

Anonymous No. 16215984

I crave the strength and certainty of steel

Anonymous No. 16215986

That thing has 1990s W220 merc quality lmao tank

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Anonymous No. 16215987

My attempt

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Anonymous No. 16215988

JP bros we're eating good

Anonymous No. 16215990

is it ok to basedface over this? Because I was squealing and basedfacing like a fucking schoolgirl

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jim burns planet ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16215991

>you will live to see naked babes play volleyball in the low grav gymnasium
can jiggle physics simulate that for us before the real thing? need a preview

Anonymous No. 16215993


Anonymous No. 16215994


Anonymous No. 16215996

no, they had a flap burn through on reentry though
still managed to soft-land off the coast of australia however

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Adeptus Mexichani....png

Anonymous No. 16215997

>Desde el momento en que comprendí la debilidad de los fuselajes de aluminio, me disgustaron. Anhelaba la fuerza y la certeza del acero.

Anonymous No. 16216000

Ok, now do New Glenn.

Anonymous No. 16216002

so what next? no investigation needed, so they could launch very quickly depending how much they want to change the flaps

Anonymous No. 16216005

>he doesn't know

Anonymous No. 16216006


Anonymous No. 16216013


Anonymous No. 16216017

Never talk to me of my wife's stainless steel toaster ever again.

Anonymous No. 16216018

2+2 weeks till next launch
not memeing, a genuine possibility

Anonymous No. 16216019

Tourist detected fuck off retard nobody insults Eric and gets away with it

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Anonymous No. 16216021

Incredible day

Anonymous No. 16216022

tell me what

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Anonymous No. 16216025

The OMNISSIAH has commanded that the stars belong to his sons and daughters

Anonymous No. 16216027

now thunderf00t's back on muh hyperloop, the absolute devastation

Anonymous No. 16216030


Anonymous No. 16216031

Quite possibly, what 'mishap' could the FAA even try to claim? Nothing went out of control at any point, unless you want to count the hotstage ring but that was planned too.

Anonymous No. 16216035

Good for him to have a fallback. Still not giving the wine aunt a view.

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Anonymous No. 16216036


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Anonymous No. 16216038

>Watching Thunderfoot's reaction to the flap melting and then still landing
>He is literally going "that's impossible" over and over like a cartoon villain when the hero comes back
You can't make this shit up.

Anonymous No. 16216040

They could launch in a month. At this point it really depends on how many update they feel they need to make. If they want to do a significant reinforcement of the flap joints it might be a bit longer

Anonymous No. 16216042

>it was never about reusing the rockets
>it was about building a successful economy around reuse
I see the problem. He's living in an alternate reality where SpaceX doesn't account for 90% of upmass with their uneconomical reusable rockets

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Anonymous No. 16216044

it tore a hole?????

Anonymous No. 16216045

I don't need to know anything you call yourself a faggot I'll call you a faggot lmao

Anonymous No. 16216050

No, that's stainless steel

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Anonymous No. 16216052


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Anonymous No. 16216053

Flap chan I fucking KNEEL before you

Anonymous No. 16216055

Go back you subhuman tourist. There's already a containment thread for you retard.

Anonymous No. 16216057

>be a raptor engine
>fail to light up on launch
>survive horrendous reentry and still relight

Anonymous No. 16216058

Plasma will do that to steel.

t. used a plasma cutter at work for years.

Anonymous No. 16216059

pure kino desu
F in chat for all the es ef gee anons who didnt make it

Anonymous No. 16216061

Did he BTFO himself? He was saying that a single tile being lost would lead to a loss of vehicle

Anonymous No. 16216063

the plasma tunnelled through the gap between the flap and body, the flap taking the damage instead of the body was good

Anonymous No. 16216064

Speaking of, I also recommend listening to this Mechanicus OST inspired album.

Anonymous No. 16216065

I find Elon Musk to be quite annoying, but you know who i find even more annoying? Edgy contrarians who make being against someone else their entire personality.
So yeah.

Anonymous No. 16216068

Yeah, especially with a HUGE FUCKING PIECE OF STEEL missing.

Anonymous No. 16216070

I like that more people are saying subhuman in /sfg/

Anonymous No. 16216075


Anonymous No. 16216077

Women should not be allowed out of earth orbit.
You know I am right.

Anonymous No. 16216078


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Anonymous No. 16216079

Booster landing

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Anonymous No. 16216082

Imagine the sticky during the first successful tower-catch

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Anonymous No. 16216086

Anonymous No. 16216087

this guy needs to stop to have an hateboner for musk, 95%of his videos is recycled footage of undelivered promises of musk
he makes good content besides that

Anonymous No. 16216088

nice, thanks for the webm man

Anonymous No. 16216091


Anonymous No. 16216094

LMAO, you can see the point where Thundercunt realises that it was able to successfully land and start to cope

Anonymous No. 16216095


Anonymous No. 16216100

imagine if this was a crewed mission and we got footage of that reentry

Anonymous No. 16216101

Late june bros... we can only dream for now.

Anonymous No. 16216104

We didn't like that engine anyway.

Anonymous No. 16216105

Wouldn't it be funny if all the other flaps were fine and that's why it was ok during the landing

Anonymous No. 16216112

>Drops from over 1000 km/h to 100 km/h in 10 seconds
>~9-10g of force

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Anonymous No. 16216113

>Draw watching ship melt apart around you during reentry

Anonymous No. 16216115

He's made over $650,000 from his videos. That's just YouTube revenue. Then he has eBegging platforms like Patreon. He's not giving up his cash cow. Hating Elon Musk is very lucrative.

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Anonymous No. 16216117

I have no idea where's my first /sfg/ folder. This is the oldest thing I could find around.

Anonymous No. 16216118

it's called efficiency

Anonymous No. 16216119


Anonymous No. 16216120

So what happened to the gripper actuation they said they were gonna do after launch

Anonymous No. 16216122

that's about right for this sort of vehicle doing that sort of trajectory
atmosphere is thick

Anonymous No. 16216123

Friendship with carbon fiber ended, stainless steel is now my best friend

Anonymous No. 16216127

Probably wasn't filmed because there was a giant fuckoff rocket to watch.

Anonymous No. 16216128

Also I think I saw 2.6m people watching at one point

Anonymous No. 16216129

didn't soft land the interstage. not impressed.

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Anonymous No. 16216130


Anonymous No. 16216131

those flaps were hanging on for dear life lol

Anonymous No. 16216133

at one point he said "what's the re-entry speed again?", in his mind clearly thinking that there's some constant speed all things fall at in the atmosphere.

Anonymous No. 16216134

Bro, that is a control surface. If that flap seperated the thing would've tumbled and spun and burnt up entirely. Or crashed down HARD.

Anonymous No. 16216140

I saw a 3 million at the reentry

Anonymous No. 16216143

It's shows total views, not how many watch it at one point. It reach 3.5m at the end.

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Anonymous No. 16216147

flap-chan is an inspiration

Anonymous No. 16216149


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Anonymous No. 16216151

>Okay It did land at sea BUT THEY LOST ANOTHER ENGINE
>Okay it came back down under control through atmosphere BUT IT LOST SOME FUCKING TILES OKAY

There for anyone who missed it that is the thunderf00t seethe stream. It was insufferable to watch I might have missed a few things when I stepped away for coffee, but that's the gist of it. Now shut up about that cow.

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Anonymous No. 16216153


Anonymous No. 16216154

I mean there kinda is but that doesn't apply to things falling from outside into the atmosphere.

Anonymous No. 16216155

maybe 3 months. they need to completely redo the heatshield and then do pressure testing. might need a new license since the vehicle will be too different

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Anonymous No. 16216156

>UNSC would be a reality in a few decades to come

Anonymous No. 16216158

*gridfins, I meant
What a fighter

Anonymous No. 16216160

that makes more sense.

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Anonymous No. 16216162

Anonymous No. 16216163

please can you timestamp it?

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Boing&#039;s Rhet....png

Anonymous No. 16216164


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Anonymous No. 16216165

I've got a decent amount of old stuff

Anonymous No. 16216168

I will NOT give up
because he never did...

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Anonymous No. 16216169

I remember when it was just a silly little water tower hopping around. Look at how its grown up.

Anonymous No. 16216172

Literally A FUCKING HOLE through it

Anonymous No. 16216173

Godspeed, Flap-chan

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elon Pharaoh.jpg

Anonymous No. 16216174

Kneel to da Pharaoh

Anonymous No. 16216176

Like I said earlier, the only thing that can brighten my day even more now is if they have to do the Canadarm of Shame.

Anonymous No. 16216177

can someone post the forum collage where people were like "it's just a water tower no way it'll be a rocket"

Anonymous No. 16216180

So since this flight was a success, when should we expect IFT-5? The flaps will need reinforcement, obviously, but there won't be a big investigation.

Anonymous No. 16216187

Thread theme:

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Anonymous No. 16216188

alright let's get back to business here

What's his endgame?

Anonymous No. 16216189

2 weeks

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Anonymous No. 16216191


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starhopper dat ass.png

Anonymous No. 16216192


Anonymous No. 16216194

Unironically 2 weeks to 1 months

Anonymous No. 16216195

>there won't be any investigation
FAA launch license says no investigation even if a mishap they stated in advance should happen.
There were no mishaps.

Anonymous No. 16216199

completely? why would they need to do that
seems like the flaps have some problem, but didn't seem to be a problem with the tiles themselves

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Anonymous No. 16216204


Anonymous No. 16216206

is this the greatest achievement by an African-American in the history of spaceflight?

Anonymous No. 16216207

eat tacos

Anonymous No. 16216209

Hey, I took that grab.

Anonymous No. 16216210

to make the moon cheese nacho dip

Anonymous No. 16216212

I'd bet my left nut he has a Chun-li body pillow at home

Anonymous No. 16216213

Nothing squishy on board so who gives a fuck.

Anonymous No. 16216215

I'm looking forward to him killing himself when it lands on Mars

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elon nogged.jpg

Anonymous No. 16216217


Anonymous No. 16216218

Surely Musk is going to fund an expedition to save flap-chan from the depths of the Indian ocean? She deserves a place in a museum.

Anonymous No. 16216219

what about the pajeet stowaway?

Anonymous No. 16216220

Starship Flap General.

Anonymous No. 16216221

Eating all of Boeing donuts.

Anonymous No. 16216222

That color during reentry was insane. Red, orange, yellow, VIOLET, CYAN, GREEN?????

Anonymous No. 16216223


Anonymous No. 16216224

why are their desks so messy holy shit

Anonymous No. 16216227

this how is the booster pilot supposed to stay conscious, its over elon

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SpaceX Starship s....jpg

Anonymous No. 16216228

Anonymous No. 16216229

pretty sure the thread theme is sweet victory

Anonymous No. 16216230

>thinderchud found dead in his moms basement

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Anonymous No. 16216231 ARE gonna tell her good job...right?

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Anonymous No. 16216233

As prophesied.

Anonymous No. 16216234

I'm imagining it blasting redneck horns while blasting on by.
Outta the way boung fucking shits!

Anonymous No. 16216238

Somebody with better skills then me do the japanese fisherman in the ocean screaming dont give up but replace his head with flap-chan.

Anonymous No. 16216240


Anonymous No. 16216241

that was fast

Anonymous No. 16216242

i stayed up all night and i don't think i'm gonna be able to go to sleep

Anonymous No. 16216243


Anonymous No. 16216246

My Hope Has Returned
Thank You Starship-Chan
You did a great job.

Anonymous No. 16216249

You did so well, S29-chan

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Anonymous No. 16216250

We're so back

Anonymous No. 16216254

SN10.. my beloved..

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Anonymous No. 16216255

It's from SN10

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Anonymous No. 16216257

Anonymous No. 16216258

The Flappening! All hail Flap-chan!

Anonymous No. 16216260

>kaiba exodia gif but it's thunderfoot and the life points are km/s

Anonymous No. 16216261

missed it. can someone suggest any good recorded/repeat streams, ideally without commentary? anyone of these >>16213292 is any good?

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Anonymous No. 16216263


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Anonymous No. 16216265


Anonymous No. 16216268

even the wikipedia seethers can not twist this

Anonymous No. 16216270

starship gets to paste one, as a treat

Anonymous No. 16216272

I'm lucky I got so drunk 2 nights ago I passed out at 10 and woke up at 4am
I was well-prepped to wake up at 5 today

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Anonymous No. 16216273

Nothing ever happens No. 16216278

>they don’t belly flop anymore
They literally did it today.

Vard No. 16216279

Alirn inside

Anonymous No. 16216281

How do you protect a hinge with such a wide range of motion. It's over again.

Anonymous No. 16216283

Early September. They're going to focus on building infrastructure first.

Anonymous No. 16216287

How long until they pull it out of the water?
Also, it can float, right?
Will they try to static fire the recovered booster?

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Anonymous No. 16216288
>Anybody else saw hot staging ring decelerating in the background?

Anonymous No. 16216290

>no longer a sticky
It's been an amazing time with you guys.

Anonymous No. 16216292

That little skirt over the top of the flap just isn't enough apparently.
No recovery attempts on either part.

Anonymous No. 16216293

a single tile in the wrong place. elon is not a precise speaker

Anonymous No. 16216294

watch the thunderfoot stream for max delusion.

Anonymous No. 16216297

>"Not much, you?"

Anonymous No. 16216298

just no more flaps

Anonymous No. 16216300

flap-chan, my beloved.

Anonymous No. 16216301

that's the most kerbal thing i've seen since proton flipped upside-down on launch

Anonymous No. 16216302

The only flap that had a visible burn through was the forward right flap

Anonymous No. 16216303

why not just watch the official stream?

Anonymous No. 16216304

When you say bellyflop you mean suicide burn.
The bellyflop is what's before it turns on the engines and rotates.

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Anonymous No. 16216305

Anonymous No. 16216308

Look at this doood

Anonymous No. 16216309

Make the entire fucking flap out of some carbon fiber composite. It doesn't have to be steel just because.
Saves weight and can take more strain than the rolled steel shite.

Also stage this thread, image limit.

Anonymous No. 16216311

kek, ok

Anonymous No. 16216312

>SN29 as a knight

Anonymous No. 16216313

Damn thats fast.

Anonymous No. 16216316

Replace hinge with compliant mechanism

Anonymous No. 16216317


Anonymous No. 16216318

hitting image limits on page 1 is nostalgic

Anonymous No. 16216320

>SS lands
>thunderchud can’t hide disappointment
>it was successful I guess
>calls everyone at spacex a moron
>says spacex will lie about it being a partial success or something
>starts talking about Tesla’s FSD

Anonymous No. 16216321

Absolutely amazing wow.

Anonymous No. 16216322

news is positive about the launch

Anonymous No. 16216323

Tis but a scratch

Anonymous No. 16216324


Anonymous No. 16216325


Anonymous No. 16216326

where is it?

Anonymous No. 16216327

>unironically linking to r*ddit
you're lucky we hit the image limit

Anonymous No. 16216329

uuuhhh.... spacemaxxing xddd

Anonymous No. 16216332

paizuri from starship chan!

Anonymous No. 16216334


Anonymous No. 16216337

>Ok, it landed but it's still trash because uhhhmmm... it just is
>Also Apollo did it from the Moon so it doesn't count

Anonymous No. 16216338

Hail your new steel god

Anonymous No. 16216339

It's just a list of articles.

Anonymous No. 16216340

>Starliner News
>The camera can’t find the station so the ISS is going to turn on lights to help guide it in.

Anonymous No. 16216341


Anonymous No. 16216343

It literally landed on a wing and prayer

Anonymous No. 16216344


Anonymous No. 16216345

This flight had so many little gold nuggets of kino

Anonymous No. 16216349

he thought he was going to play megaman, poor guy

Anonymous No. 16216350

It wasn't on page 1 until a janny stickied it, it was on 7 or something.

Anonymous No. 16216354

now no pictures for like 24h lol

Anonymous No. 16216356

the boeing thing is still happening today right?

Anonymous No. 16216357

Musk once commented on the possibility of removing rear flaps. Any news on that?

Anonymous No. 16216358

She is big girl

Anonymous No. 16216359

its happening right now, kind of boring relatively speaking

Anonymous No. 16216361

Man, I completely forgot about that helium leaking piece of shit

Anonymous No. 16216363

NASA really out here using windows screenshare on their streams

Anonymous No. 16216364

didnt they have a He leak? what happened with that? ive been playing civ all morning so havent been paying attention

Anonymous No. 16216365


Anonymous No. 16216366

They're done a couple more

Anonymous No. 16216368

I have already killed myself in apology

Anonymous No. 16216371

Our Gattai is better.

Anonymous No. 16216372


Anonymous No. 16216373

She's our knight in shining, glowing, fracturing armor

Anonymous No. 16216375

It's still there and they lost several thrusters due to leak iirc but decided to press on

Anonymous No. 16216376

>Tosses off her helmet
>Upper stage with it's face in the camera
>Eating a marshmellow
Based and cute

Anonymous No. 16216378

live reaction of thunderfoot seeing successful booster landing

Anonymous No. 16216379

>We have to wait for sunrise so we can see what’s going on and dock

Anonymous No. 16216383

They're getting so mogged it's almost painful

Anonymous No. 16216384

to be fair the astra rocket doing the horizontal drift when launching was pretty kerbal too.

Anonymous No. 16216385


Anonymous No. 16216386

Uhhh no headlights?

Anonymous No. 16216387

Bracing for Canadarm'd.

Anonymous No. 16216388

lmao that flap would have completely disintigrated if it were carbon fiber

Anonymous No. 16216391

Was there anyone waiting to film to upper stage?

Anonymous No. 16216392

How many flights until they'll attempt landing on land? I'd guess the flap issue would at least have to be fixed first. More importantly, how many flights until they actually start sending payloads on it?

Anonymous No. 16216396

waiting in the middle of the ocean?

Anonymous No. 16216398

and waste precious battery time when they could use it to wait for hours before they can see?

Anonymous No. 16216400

God I loved the memes from this

Anonymous No. 16216401

sunrise is never more than 45 minutes away at LEO you cretin

Anonymous No. 16216403

I'd guess no, no guarantee that it would come down in one piece so you probably don't want to be out there with shit raining down on you

Anonymous No. 16216404

I wonder if people in Madagascar/Reunion/Mauritius could see Stage 2

Anonymous No. 16216405

No because a big fucking rocket could have fallen on their heads.

Anonymous No. 16216406

And now Boeing is having an ad on stream for the sensor docking system that currently needs light to work because something broke.

Anonymous No. 16216407

Small aerospace company, please understand

Anonymous No. 16216412

Sentinelese tribesmen watching god come down a flaming chariot

Anonymous No. 16216414

have to demonstrate a deorbit burn with starship before payloads, so one test flight at least
the booster might be able to test landing on the chopsticks already, the ship needs to demonstrate multiple back-to-back controlled landings before attempting tower catch and when they do block upgrades, they need to do the demonstrations again
this is so the ship doesn't blow up and scatter debris all over brownsville

Anonymous No. 16216415

I think it was the joint, which IIRC Elon mentioned might be a problem
Elon was right again

Anonymous No. 16216418

Did they acknowledge Starship's success? like a small thumb up?

Anonymous No. 16216419


Anonymous No. 16216420
>Slow motion liftoff of Starship on Flight 4

Anonymous No. 16216421

All the boing higher ups should be committing sudoku on the livestream due to how shit starliner is.

Anonymous No. 16216422

>his is so the ship doesn't blow up and scatter debris all over brownsville
also destroying the launchpad would be bad

Anonymous No. 16216423

I must go. My planet needs me.

Anonymous No. 16216425

I didn't watch it live

Anonymous No. 16216426

>also destroying the launchpad would be bad
They did it before and it was fine in the end.

Anonymous No. 16216428

>have "problem"
>don't care
>have no problem
Reentry is overrated

Anonymous No. 16216435

yes but they they can try to land the booster after one successful demonstration and its bigger than the ship

Anonymous No. 16216437

They're probably too busy trying to sort out starliner, plus could you imagine morale if they hear that Starship and Super Heavy managed soft landings before they could even get a crewed starliner to the iss.

Anonymous No. 16216438

that'd be ironic if the most backward civilization Earth happened to be the only witnesses the most technologically advanced rocket

Anonymous No. 16216440

>flap scorched to a crisp
>hanging on by a thread
>just lands perfectly anyway
It really is that easy

Anonymous No. 16216441

Diversity hire

Anonymous No. 16216444

Something else on Starliner just stopped working properly. Something about an engine.

Anonymous No. 16216446

They roughed up some concrete. They didn't 9/11 the launch tower with a hyper sonic grain silo yet.

Anonymous No. 16216449

Seems like reentry isn't nearly as hard as NASA would want us to believe

Anonymous No. 16216450

imagine risking the lives of astronauts just so you can save face...

Anonymous No. 16216451

Probability of torpedoing the ISS?

Anonymous No. 16216453

Plasma melted half the flap. It was fine, obviously, but not good for reusability.

Anonymous No. 16216454

SPACE IS ... easy actually

Anonymous No. 16216456

>Inb4 starliners fails to dock and larps as a progress module by slamming into the ISS Russian segment

Anonymous No. 16216457

should I get a diet coke or a full-bodied dr pepper?

it's 8am btw

Anonymous No. 16216458

Given how fast they seem to be able to fix things it'll be fine, plus aren't they already building another tower?

Anonymous No. 16216460

you should get water
don't drink mutt feed, drink human beverages

Anonymous No. 16216462

I have water, you fucking pussy.

Anonymous No. 16216464

get covfefe

Anonymous No. 16216465

Anonymous No. 16216466


Anonymous No. 16216469

good, now toss that corn syrup slop in the garbage where it belongs

Anonymous No. 16216470

it just costs a hell of a lot

Anonymous No. 16216471


Anonymous No. 16216474

Yeah that's not happening.

Anonymous No. 16216475

I've been nursing this coffee since about 5:30 this morning
diet coke doesn't have corn syrup checkmate atheist

Anonymous No. 16216476


Anonymous No. 16216477

Today is a beer day, son.

Anonymous No. 16216478

RIP pad

Anonymous No. 16216480

>try to
it will happen. atleast the "trying to" part

Anonymous No. 16216482

It's the difference between ceramic-over-steel and unicorn-fart-fairy-dust-composite-over-aluminum material profile.

Anonymous No. 16216483

not a bad plan

Anonymous No. 16216484

I can't imagine them topping today's flight but

Anonymous No. 16216485

holy kino incoming

Anonymous No. 16216486


Anonymous No. 16216490

>haven't had fast food in months
>for no reason having an insane urge for mcdonalds this morning
I'm never gonna be an astronaut at this point...

Anonymous No. 16216491

>korea is greatest
>live in japan?????
I have never seen sadder fucks than the koreans in japan

Anonymous No. 16216493

>SpaceX delivers footage through the entire plasma phase sans a short cutout after the camera lens cracks
>Boeing can't deliver footage until they actually dock with the ISS and leeches off their internet
The absolute fucking state, man.

Anonymous No. 16216495

top kek its fucking awful

Anonymous No. 16216497

get something better

Anonymous No. 16216500

lotta killjoys in the chat tonight

Anonymous No. 16216501

Old space is just embarrassing at this point

Anonymous No. 16216502

you should be eating human food, not mcdonalds

Anonymous No. 16216503

At least buy Wendy's or something, fucksake.

Anonymous No. 16216504

I don't wanna get it at all if possible

Anonymous No. 16216506

oh so it's just one faggot
shut up

Anonymous No. 16216507

Sir, this is a spaceflight thread.

Anonymous No. 16216508

sausage egg and cheese mcmuffin is the best fast food item ever made, and it's not close

Anonymous No. 16216511

Can we please stage? Are we really going to be at image limit for the next 24 hours?

Anonymous No. 16216514

It would be funny if they hadn't put people on it. This thing seems like a proper russian deathtrap

Anonymous No. 16216517

The egg and cheese bagels they used to do here in bongland were amazing, I should have stole all the breakfast sauce I could when I was working there.

Anonymous No. 16216518

Go make yourself a sandwich, I just did and it was delicious. Don't eat like you hate yourself.

Anonymous No. 16216520

>Trying to get thrusters back

Anonymous No. 16216523

>Starliner RCS test upcoming

Anonymous No. 16216525

My friends mom got hospitalized from food poisoning at wendy's. McDonalds quality has gone up a lot in the recent years

Anonymous No. 16216526

>Jets fucked

lmao its ogre

Anonymous No. 16216527

Hope the visual sensors for VESTA aren't also coated.

Anonymous No. 16216530

The contrast is jarring with Starship surviving getting cooked to a crisp, lenses cracking and still landing perfectly

Anonymous No. 16216531

shouldn't the thread be automatically archived since it has reached 1000+ replies?

Anonymous No. 16216533

should we be worried about the boeing astronauts? Not memeing, seems like they're going through a bunch of problems

Anonymous No. 16216535

>2 jets turned off

Anonymous No. 16216536

fuck off tourist, these threads are the most kino

Anonymous No. 16216537

pray for them

Anonymous No. 16216538

Boeing leadership desperately trying to get a good weed connection at this point.

Anonymous No. 16216542

Are we going to ride this bird all the way to page 10 with image limit reached or should we stage?

Anonymous No. 16216544
>Reentry heat is wicked - I've survived it 3 times. Learning a lot about the difference between simulation and reality today @SpaceX. Congratulations on both soft splashdowns - pushing the envelope right to the edge. Excellent!
>Thanks Chris!

>A fully and immediately reusable orbital heat shield, which (as you know) has never been made before, is the single toughest problem remaining.

>Being able to iterate with many ideas on many ships is key to solving this.

Anonymous No. 16216545

please dont

The hardware is nowhere ready for reuse. So caught boosters would be scrapped for a long time. It's not necessary to do any missions. You have one tower and even if the damage isnt catastrophic it just delays launches that can be testing everything else. Just be patient and build another tower. There's also little question if the tower catch is possible, so it's not some uncertainty looming over the project that needs demonstration

Anonymous No. 16216546

Methane sweat bros, we have an opening

Anonymous No. 16216547

btw im trans you bigot chud cuckx failed

Anonymous No. 16216549
>The SpaceX Starship Launch #4 was a HUGE success.

>Re-entry went better than most expected. As you can see, approximately 5 minutes before splashdown some of the heat seals malfunctioned and the heat caused the camera to crack and lose a clear view, but the StarShip continued to slow down and make it’s way to Earth before performing a flip and a successful splashdown in the Indian Ocean.

>Speaks to the incredible resilience of stainless steel at temperature.

>We will further hone our SX300 alloy to withstand even higher temperatures.

Anonymous No. 16216551

there's no time for caution anon, we're pushing this shit to the brink, we have a planet to colonize

Anonymous No. 16216552
> Stainless Steel Rocket

Anonymous No. 16216554

Chariots would be incomprehensibly advanced technology to them. They have never seen horses or wheels.

Anonymous No. 16216555

if the landing is accurate enough to do, then even if the boosters are scrapped it still make sense to land them to iterate upon the landing procedure and get to inspect the engines and the booster

Anonymous No. 16216557

>Congrats on your noble work in the war against composites

Anonymous No. 16216558
>Congratulations and a huge thank you to our extraordinary @SpaceX

>Successful Super Heavy launch and landing, “orbital” ship (that’s one tough cookie!) entry, engine relight and splashdown. I hope you enjoyed the views, the music and see you back soon for our next flight!

Anonymous No. 16216559

>You have one tower
Haven't they already laid the foundations for #2 and got the pieces on site?

Anonymous No. 16216561
>A5/Starliner CFT: A second reaction control system maneuvering jet has failed off; mission control has told Wilmore to hold at 260 meters from the station, the point where he had planned to test ship's manual control system. Instead, he's been asked to hold position at that point for hot fire tests that may get the jets back in operation

Anonymous No. 16216563

Should've flown Dragon, many such cases!

Anonymous No. 16216564

Just fucking fire the retros and cancel the program at this point.

Anonymous No. 16216565

starship deployment at IFT-6?
so starship iteration as a secondary mission in some sense and starlink deployment still happening, might even make the test launches profitable

Anonymous No. 16216567

Artemis 1 had similar issues

Anonymous No. 16216568

i thought boeing being this dogshit was just meme'ing and banter
now im genuinely worried for the astronauts

Anonymous No. 16216569

in b4 the retros fail too.

Anonymous No. 16216570

>they lost ANOTHER (3rd) jet

Anonymous No. 16216572

thats going to take a while to build

Anonymous No. 16216574

They used dish soap as sealant lubrication in passenger jets

Anonymous No. 16216575

Don't worry. They'll start working once the sun comes up in Delhi.

Anonymous No. 16216576

It's so fucking over with those tiles

Anonymous No. 16216577

Weren't they going on about how sunita was really excited to be going back to the iss yesterday? Wouldn't it be funny if they have to abort and return to earth cause of all these problems?

Anonymous No. 16216578

Didn't take them that long to build the first and now they have the know-how.

Anonymous No. 16216579

Lmao, can they even make it with so many lost thrusters?

Anonymous No. 16216580

what a shitshow

Anonymous No. 16216582
In case anyone missed the link, here's a live disaster unfolding in NASA mission control

Anonymous No. 16216584

They have some redundancy for when they loose more

Anonymous No. 16216585

>starship tiles make reusability impossible/a sham
>Starliners is broken down next to the ISS
So this is the power of American space flights...

Anonymous No. 16216586

Bros I don't want the Astronauts to die.
They need to dock first for Dragon rescue to work.

Anonymous No. 16216587

Probably. Starliner has an absurd amount of redundant thrusters

Anonymous No. 16216588

Biden could redeem himself by issuing an executive order dissolving Boeing in the name of national security. I don't care if it is illegal.

Anonymous No. 16216589

Starship will be replaced and retired before Starliner has a flawless manned flight

Anonymous No. 16216590

If it's Boeing, you better not be going.

Anonymous No. 16216591

what is doug thinking right now?

Anonymous No. 16216592

what happened with boeing, they fell off

Anonymous No. 16216594

"Glad I flew SpaceX".

Anonymous No. 16216595

we gaan

Anonymous No. 16216598


Anonymous No. 16216599

they have 12, lost 6 before starting to rendevouz and have lost like 3 yet again?

Anonymous No. 16216600

why does their software look like it's made in visual basic 20 years ago?

Anonymous No. 16216601
>Starliner has been given a go to hold at 260 meters from the space station. During the approach two reaction control system jets have failed off. A manual flight test has been put on hold while flight controllers look to restore those jets with a hot fire.

The wrong people ended up in charge after they ate McDonnell Douglas

Anonymous No. 16216602

Because it is

Anonymous No. 16216603

>stuck outside the station
If it's boing you aint going

Anonymous No. 16216604

Some people are blaming diversity hires, but it's probably management cutting too many corners so they can get bigger bonuses.

Anonymous No. 16216605

Actually running in Linux virtual machines under windows. Note the Red Hat/Fedora icons.

Anonymous No. 16216606

Oldspace doesn't really care that much about aesthetics. Northrop's graphics for their Antarres/Cygnus launches have the same made in the 1990s vibe

Anonymous No. 16216607

they have way more than 12

Anonymous No. 16216609

don't be so hard on boeing, the soviets took 10 years before they could reliably dock in LEO too! then again the soviets were using 1960s analog computers...

Anonymous No. 16216611
absolutely seething

Anonymous No. 16216613

how many do they have, how many have they lost and how many do they need?

Anonymous No. 16216614

Fakest fucking laugh ever. Don't link that twat again.

Anonymous No. 16216616

if you want your shit to look like it was made for windows 98 today you have to do extra work to make it look like that

Anonymous No. 16216617

0:11 to 0:13

The upper 1/4th of the flap is completely sheared off. YOu can see where the weld failed and the thing just vanished in a clean line. Still, hella impressive with that much loss of a control surface, it managed total actuation and directionality for splashdown.

Anonymous No. 16216621

I really didn't need another space thriller today. Especially not one with actual people involved.

Anonymous No. 16216624

Shouldn't have flown Boeing.

Anonymous No. 16216628

stage it, i needs purty pictures

Anonymous No. 16216629

>it took the soviets 10 years
Hasn't Shitliner been in development since fucking 2010? 14 god damned years to do the aerospace equivalent of reinventing the wheel only to fail at every step of the process, resulting in an overpriced piece of junk that's obsolete before it's even finished.

Anonymous No. 16216631
>Four hot fire tests have been conducted on Starliner's failed thrusters. The crew reported hearing three of the four firings. Flight controllers are now reviewing data from the troublesome manuevering jets.
jesus fucking christ

Anonymous No. 16216632

I don't think they're actually making it today. In Northrop's case I'm certain they're just reusuing the same software that that Orbital Sciences was using for the first Pegasus launches. Boeing probably using something adapted from the Delta IV program's leftovers

Anonymous No. 16216633

starliner is stuck near the ISS with a flat tire lmao

Anonymous No. 16216634

say this piece of shit actually docks - what are they going to do with it then? they can't send people back on it

Anonymous No. 16216635

Who needs sensors on thrusters. Just dock by feel :)

Anonymous No. 16216637

Anonymous No. 16216638

Send a Starship to chomp it up.

Anonymous No. 16216639

>Mother, permission to dock
>I don't think so Doug

Anonymous No. 16216640

IFT5 will collect it and return it to boeing so they can perform repairs

Anonymous No. 16216641

>flat tire
More like an inline 4 with 3 jammed cylinders.

Anonymous No. 16216643

tell the russians they can have it if they want to reverse engineer a turd

Anonymous No. 16216644

Can SpaceX send a Dragon in time to save them if this goes more to shit?

Anonymous No. 16216645

The same thing that often happens to previously engineering run companies, sales and marketing take over. I didn't think it would have trickled into their space sector, but it looks like it has.

Anonymous No. 16216646

top kek

Anonymous No. 16216648


don't know how many were lost or how many they're willing to lose

Anonymous No. 16216650

I think they were planning to dock Starliner to IDA-2 because it's got better characteristics for automated docking but it sounds like they're coming in to dock manually anyway

Anonymous No. 16216652

Booster punched him in the gut, then flap-chan slapped him across the face

Anonymous No. 16216653

Someone needs to put this guy out of misery. Its just sad

Anonymous No. 16216654

I really really hope Canadarm2 has to tard wrangle it.

Anonymous No. 16216655

can the astronauts leave the starliner and spacewalk to the station in case of emergency?

Anonymous No. 16216657

Don't think the pressure suits are EVA rated

Anonymous No. 16216658

I don't think they have EVA suits

Anonymous No. 16216659

EDS allows him to have a sorta lucrative sideline with this shit. Doesn't matter if he's 200% wrong or not, EDS prevails.

Anonymous No. 16216660

...why the FUCK would you go into space without an EVA suit?

Anonymous No. 16216661

How? even if they had eva suits (they don't) they would have to jump and hope they don't miss the iss and go floating off into space.

Anonymous No. 16216664

You don't assume the capsule is going to fail catastrophically, they should be a solved problem

Anonymous No. 16216666

digits and this turns into a full blown emergency

Anonymous No. 16216667

that's not fair anon this is a slow thread.

Anonymous No. 16216668

They don't have EVA suits and even EVA suits don't come with jetpacks. So I mean, they could give it exactly one try but I wouldn't recommend it.

Anonymous No. 16216669

don't they train astronauts how to jump and not miss? seems like it'd be a pretty useful skill if you're on a boeing

Anonymous No. 16216670

Odds are they’ll just abort the docking and bring them back early and it will be anti climactic but very funny.

Anonymous No. 16216671

Oh fuck, anon, what have you done?

Anonymous No. 16216672

>6's at that
uh oh

Anonymous No. 16216674

Use The Martian as inspiration

Anonymous No. 16216675


Anonymous No. 16216676

this doesn't sound good

Anonymous No. 16216677

oh no no n on o no no no no devil-san don't do this do us
boing bros it's so fucking over

Anonymous No. 16216678

when you don't plan on doing EVA
people don't wear parachutes everytime they ride a plane

Anonymous No. 16216679

they could do a Leia leap into the airlock I suppose

Anonymous No. 16216681

fucking kek

Anonymous No. 16216682

Capsule is squeezing my massive balls.

Anonymous No. 16216683

what have you done

Anonymous No. 16216684

In the end it's all a grift after all.

Anonymous No. 16216685

From 200+ meters away that's a pretty risky putt

Anonymous No. 16216686

>SpaceX will save Boeing astronauts with Dragon rocket

Anonymous No. 16216687

...and someone just said something about not being technically cleared to enter the keep-out sphere but they're going to try it anyway?

Anonymous No. 16216688


Anonymous No. 16216689

Anon! Poor astronauts

Anonymous No. 16216690

They should if they're flying with boeing

Anonymous No. 16216691

maybe anticlimactic today but it'd be apocalyptic for boeing's contract

Anonymous No. 16216693

even if the money is good, still has to suck having to make an ass out of yourself live every spacex launch
that cannot be healthy
you absolute cunt

Anonymous No. 16216694

I wonder how quickly SpaceX could stand up a Crew Dragon in an emergency

Anonymous No. 16216695

nu-uh fuck off. I hope Boeing gets as much flak as possible thrown at them but God help the two onboard.

Anonymous No. 16216696

Boeingbros... I dont feel so good

Anonymous No. 16216697

Holy checked batman

Anonymous No. 16216698

space is real, but the iss is fake. starliner's having malfunctions because it crashed into the keep-out zone.

Anonymous No. 16216700

my fucking sides

Anonymous No. 16216701

now what

Anonymous No. 16216702

he just predicted an emergency not a catastrophe
emergencies can be solved

Anonymous No. 16216703
>Why is Starship made of stainless steel? This article from 5 years ago explains the reasons.

>Worth noting that the ship would have failed on reentry if made of aluminum or carbon fiber, as they can’t take the heat.
>We did switch to a passive (mostly) glass heat shield, rather than actively-cooled steel, as the latter was heavier, at least according to initial calculations

Anonymous No. 16216705

reminder that the ISS currently has a dragon and a soyuz already docked to it and they'd use those rather than launch another dragon in the event of an actual emergency

Anonymous No. 16216706
>Sped up video of Starship's re-entry! @SpaceX

Anonymous No. 16216707

nothing to see here, go home!

Anonymous No. 16216708

Can elon just buy this dogshit company and turn it around for the sake of the free world and humanity?
I gotta take a flight in 2 months and it's probably going to be a Boeing

Anonymous No. 16216709

New thread theme

Anonymous No. 16216710

To all those wondering if crew dragon can save starliner, no, no it can't. If Starliner can't dock or return home the astronauts are fucked.

Anonymous No. 16216711

>4 (four) thrusters being troubleshooted
oh no...

Anonymous No. 16216712

Don't know how but SpaceX will get huge PR boost if they save them.

Anonymous No. 16216713

>competent people make thing great
>competent people are replaced by retards
>thing ceases to exist
Mankind in a nutshell

Anonymous No. 16216714

Not sure a Dragon can dock to a Starliner, so they would need to eva regardless. If anything it looks like docking is out, but they probably still have the option to abort and return.

Anonymous No. 16216715

>starliner crew gets saved by dragon
Would be fucking hilarious

Anonymous No. 16216716

>troubleshooting 4 RCS on the service module prior to docking
Jesus christ, this thing is a death sentence for both the ISS and itself.

Anonymous No. 16216717

Remember when the RCS royally fucked up on the first flight, and Boeing was adamant that it was totally preventable “if astronauts were on board”

Anonymous No. 16216718

Use them to do what?
hollywood has fucking rotted people's brains.

Anonymous No. 16216719

oh fug

Anonymous No. 16216720

If Elon wanted to get into aviation he'd be better off just starting a whole new company. Most of the good things Boeing had were sourced from outside contractors anyway

Anonymous No. 16216721

don't worry anon, I flew a boeing in April and it was smooth as butter. Commercial air travel is still by far the safest form of transportation ever devised, even if you're flying on a boeing you have nothing to worry about

Anonymous No. 16216722

>not the movie version

Anonymous No. 16216723

this was 4 years ago...
how far it has come..

Anonymous No. 16216724

Sunita: its not possible
Barry: no. its necessary

Anonymous No. 16216725


Anonymous No. 16216726

i sure hope boeing learns their lesson and adds yet another redundant set of the same piece of shit thrusters

Anonymous No. 16216727

>Reduce distance from 200m to 25m
>ISS astronaut goes EVA
>Attaches tether to canadarm
>Tethers to capsule
>reels in that POS capsule to docking

Anonymous No. 16216729

They should be able to limp their way to the station at this point. It's just that they might need a different ride to get back to Earth after that

Anonymous No. 16216730

You're just saying that cause you don't want to get killed by boeing's assassins.

Anonymous No. 16216731

>inb4 RCS malfunctions and starliner rams the ISS

Anonymous No. 16216732

Do they still intend to keep going?

Anonymous No. 16216733

The official term is "Tard Wrangling".

Anonymous No. 16216734


Anonymous No. 16216735

are they gonna dock in the next 30 minutes or so? Need to go make my breakfast

Anonymous No. 16216736

Not to be a popsci soiboy fag but the docking ports are androgynous and they can fly dragon remotely right?
Undock dragon, fly it over to a drifting starliner, dock and transfer crew, fly back to iss.

Anonymous No. 16216737

how? they cant dock to each other.
worst case scenario starliner goes back to Earth and re-enters

Anonymous No. 16216738

Progress on MIR 2.0

Anonymous No. 16216739

At that point, would Starliner be able to re-entry? They would be over their max capacity on the station without available life boat seats and have to scramble a 2 man dragon to the station?

Anonymous No. 16216740

gravity was actually a documentary on starliner when the crew has to jump out tethered to each other

Anonymous No. 16216741

Boeing should learn their lesson and stop making manned space rockets and vehicles period

Anonymous No. 16216742

Go eat, man. This is gonna take some time.

Anonymous No. 16216743
>So apparently Starliner only has 6 thrusters operational right now w/ zero fault tolerance, so they can't even enter the keep-out sphere for now. Sounds like even in the better scenarios I think it's time to turn that manual control demo to real, if not...

Anonymous No. 16216744

So instead of killing 2 astronauts they end up killing more when this goes wrong?

Anonymous No. 16216745

no matter what.

Anonymous No. 16216746

capcom man ate the thruster

Anonymous No. 16216747


Anonymous No. 16216748


Anonymous No. 16216750

>competent people are replaced by retards
You're right; Boeing upper management did get replaced by McDonnell Douglas leadership.

Anonymous No. 16216751

How well would the ISS deal with starliner ramming into it?

Anonymous No. 16216752

Time to call Ed Harris and Gary Sinise

Anonymous No. 16216753

Yeah I'm getting hungry to, think I'll go make me dinner and watch some fallout instead of watching boeing kill 2 astronauts.

Anonymous No. 16216754


Anonymous No. 16216755

by manouvering it behind the capsule and pushing, nigga

Anonymous No. 16216756


Anonymous No. 16216757

If they had to, would the pressure suits be robust enough to make a brief EVA survivable? They just have to survive the temps and radiation for a minute or so to make it to the ISS. If the ISS had a hospital they could plausibly survive a short enough jump naked.

Anonymous No. 16216758

joking aside i'm kinda 50/50 on whether they're going to have to abort now

Anonymous No. 16216759

6 out of 28 operational
this doesn't sound good man

Anonymous No. 16216760

He'd be making a new company in either case, since the only way to fix it will be to do a purge that'd make Stalin impressed
He'd be lifting up the boeing name and sliding a new fucking company underneath

Anonymous No. 16216761

Anons get this man to nasa now, he's gonna save these astronauts goddamnit

Anonymous No. 16216762

what does "operational with zero fault tolerance" mean?

Anonymous No. 16216763

It's such a stark difference between the SpaceX and this control center. One has a bunch of energetic young people casually dressed in t-shirts and whatever, hollering like retards. This one has a bunch of old fat dudes formally dressed in button-up shirts and ties. You'd never guess which one had a successful flight and which one is experiencing a massive fuck-up

Anonymous No. 16216764

No lol their oxygen supply is in the spacecraft; they don’t have a transferable life support backpack

Anonymous No. 16216765

He already bought one turd, why would he buy another?
Also, anti-trust.

Anonymous No. 16216766

even if they could they wouldnt because they havent been trained to do that.

Anonymous No. 16216768

I bet you feel good right now huh?

Anonymous No. 16216769

they have enough operational thrusters right now, but if more fail then they are fucked

Anonymous No. 16216770

No backups

Anonymous No. 16216771

if i were them iwould want the fuck off that thing right now and not spend another 24 hrs coming back to earth. how tf are they supposed to align for reentry.

Anonymous No. 16216773

unfortunately this is real life not a hollywood film
also have you seen how old these guys are, I know astronauts are fit but I doubt either of them could survive vacuum.

Anonymous No. 16216774


Anonymous No. 16216775

I'm petty but I fucking hope it aborts and is forced to return to earth. Boeing deserves to fucking burn down with failures.

Anonymous No. 16216777

Anon. Ignoring everything else wrong with this plan. What if they fucking miss.

Anonymous No. 16216778

Anonymous No. 16216779

How bad will the congressional hearing be when Boeing kills 2 astronauts?

Anonymous No. 16216780

why is more routes to space for humans a bad thing? let them have this.

Anonymous No. 16216781

To be fair this is the iss control room, though boeing's starliner control wasn't really that different.

Anonymous No. 16216782

they've got plenty of RCS fuel and they're right next to the station if something else goes wrong. there's no rush at all.

Anonymous No. 16216783

Wait until the retro thrusters fail too.

Anonymous No. 16216784

It's wild how they managed to go from 28 RCS thrusters all the way to having zero margins

The capsule has 12 of its own RCS thrusters just for that job

Anonymous No. 16216785

What does being young or fit have to do with being able to survive in a vacuum

Anonymous No. 16216786

buy an ad
you should have the money with all the cost cutting

Anonymous No. 16216787

If those astronauts die because of Boeing incompetence, will the company be dissolved?

Anonymous No. 16216788

>Elon Replied
also when new bread? I want to post pics again

Anonymous No. 16216789

Meanwhile Starliner is older than that and it's still a complete shitshow :)

Anonymous No. 16216790

If it's any consolation, SpaceX has the ability to design a dock compatible with Starliner, construct it, fit one of their dragons with it, send it up in space, dock with Starliner and bring the astronauts down to Terra within 24 hours.

Anonymous No. 16216792

Not bad at all, Boeing pays good bribes to be exempt from the law
They'll burn all the records of management wrongdoing and hand out politically unreliable junior engineers to be the fall guys

Anonymous No. 16216793

>that pic

Anonymous No. 16216794

It isn't, but it shouldn't be with fucking Boeing and their malfunctioning capsule. I value Boeing's destruction above human spaceflight redundancy.

Anonymous No. 16216796

I don't see a problem with that, despite it's last decade the boeing brand name is insanely valuable and could be polished up by entirely new management

Anonymous No. 16216797

im not like those old pussies if it were me up there rn i would win

Anonymous No. 16216798

All the fucking fuel in the world won't help them if they can't squirt it out.

Anonymous No. 16216799

so whats the helium for? are these thruster failures do to a leak or just a failure of the thrusters themselves?

Anonymous No. 16216800

>missed the first docking window

Anonymous No. 16216803

They're giving up docking this window and waiting for the next one.

Anonymous No. 16216804

1 hour and 20 minutes from now

Anonymous No. 16216805

i don't think we know what the failures that happened today are about yet.

Anonymous No. 16216806

if someone was in a suit with oxygen would they have survived inside starship?

Anonymous No. 16216807

They can hold their breath.
If Starliner can't safely dock with the ISS (without risking many more lives) and can't de-orbit then extreme options have to be pursued. Only other option would be getting a Dragon to dock to it and rescue them, which would be a much better option if possible. They're up a very tall creek currently and their paddles keep breaking.

Anonymous No. 16216808

how much oxygen and food do the astronauts have?

Anonymous No. 16216809

Technically yes, G loads never reached lethal levels

Anonymous No. 16216810

Dragon and Starliner both use an IDSS docking port, so they should be able to dock to each other, provided their nose caps don't get in the way

Anonymous No. 16216811

Someone else can step up to the plate
Boeing is too far gone, too much irrecoverable corruption
it has to die for the betterment of all spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16216812

We don't know how hot is was inside though do we?

Anonymous No. 16216814

we're unstickied

Anonymous No. 16216815

I see, they would have to dock first though.

Anonymous No. 16216816

the 10gs at the end would have hurt like a motherfucker but would have been easily survivable because of how brief it was

Anonymous No. 16216817

i need a hype space song now

Anonymous No. 16216818

Anonymous No. 16216819

I think starliner has about a week's supply

Anonymous No. 16216820

Who would step in to replace them?

Anonymous No. 16216821

Should have more than enough to sustain them for their entire stay at ISS. No Doordash there after all.

Anonymous No. 16216822

No, but judging from the successful landing it never got crazy hot. Gotta wait and see if we get views from the payload bay to be sure.

Anonymous No. 16216823

If they could've gotten out in time before it sank too much probably, there were probably a couple other areas of burn through we didn't see

Anonymous No. 16216824

on paper*

Anonymous No. 16216825

To think just a few years back Dragon and starmeme were in a race for the first to ISS

Anonymous No. 16216826

They would die as they sank into the indian ocean

Anonymous No. 16216827

Is that how they work? there's not a "male" and a "female" docking port it there?

Anonymous No. 16216828


Anonymous No. 16216829

I'm actually surprised at how positive the media coverage has been so far

Anonymous No. 16216830

it surely didn't get too hot or it would have popped right?

Anonymous No. 16216832


Anonymous No. 16216833

wasn't that super heavy? starship didn't deaccelerate that quickly did it?

Anonymous No. 16216835

what if it was a scuba suit

Anonymous No. 16216837

>whoopsy oxy leek teehee

Anonymous No. 16216839

>victory music in the normal /sfg/ thread too
yeah, I call this KINO

Anonymous No. 16216840

besides the sinking part obviously
wait would starship actually sink?
its basically a fully sealed metal balloon?

Anonymous No. 16216841

You're actually backwards. In Hollywood space kills instantly (though this is changing as people become aware). In real life most experts agree, though obviously no one has tried it, that space would be survivable for at least some number of seconds if medical attention could be rendered fast enough. But it's not necessary. They have pressure suits. Like I said, it's just whether the temperatures and radiation could be tolerated for the time it takes to go a few hundred feet. I was just curious whether that would be feasible in an emergency.

Anonymous No. 16216842

>YoU'Re DoiNG gReAt

Anonymous No. 16216844

I hope Boeing doesn't ruined what would be a great day for US space program.

Anonymous No. 16216845

>backing away

Anonymous No. 16216846

i remember something about rescue balls being on shuttles
does the iss have something similar?

Anonymous No. 16216847

>The IDSS docking mechanism can be androgynous, uses low impact technology, and allows both docking and berthing

I'm not sure if anyone's ever seriously thought about doing it in real life, but it should technically work. The androgynous part means that there shouldn't be any technical difference between the stationary station ports and the mobile ship ports. You'd just designate Starliner as the stationary object and then have Dragon pull up to it.

Anonymous No. 16216848


Anonymous No. 16216849

god knows, but going by the absolute fucking state of all the present companies, it wont be any of them
spaceflight is currently corporate bugmen in hermetically sealed echochambers, building shit with absolutely no consideration to the market or its direction

Niggers are making shitty expendable small sat rockets and thinking they have a brilliant business model when Starship is doing flight tests
Oldspace are the only ones with an actual sustainable business model: in the form of bribing congress critters for billion dollar cost plusses to embezzle from
honestly the US is schizo all round. leading first world in some areas, Sub-third world in others

Anonymous No. 16216850

>hollering like retards.
That's every spacex launch stream though? Regardless if it's a fuck up or not.

Anonymous No. 16216851

i hope they do

Anonymous No. 16216852

Imagine the kino of a dragon rescue mission

Anonymous No. 16216853

Dragon nose cap might get in the way though.

Anonymous No. 16216854

jeet shipbreakers are demoing it as we speak. but yes it would float

Anonymous No. 16216855

Nah, both Sunshine and Event Horizon have people survive exposure to vacuum. Both films have people actually jumping into airlocks funnily enough.
>rescue balls
I think that was just a concept, they never actually made any.

Anonymous No. 16216856

Dragons nose cap can be jettisoned and its designed to be able to reenter without

Anonymous No. 16216857


Anonymous No. 16216858

>starliner we just want you to at 200 meters for awhile to wait and see if anything else goes. im going to lunch. hold tight.

Anonymous No. 16216859

Felt like they were a little more subdued this launch actually.

Anonymous No. 16216862

Why's that, just in case they can't get it open?

Anonymous No. 16216863

imagining them actually doing this and just leaving them to hang is hilarious

Anonymous No. 16216864

Anonymous No. 16216867

remove &name=small

Anonymous No. 16216868

They're going for it!

Anonymous No. 16216869


Anonymous No. 16216871

going to perform another hotfire

Anonymous No. 16216872

Whats the chance of US naval ships picking up Starship from the Indian ocean or destroying it with satchels?

Anonymous No. 16216873

No in case it doesn't close. Would make it tumble on reentry.
It's one of the manual buttons on the panel "Jettison nose"

Anonymous No. 16216875

not anime or cute enough

Anonymous No. 16216876

In an hour or so.

Anonymous No. 16216877

Let's just keep using the broken thrusters. Maybe they'll become unbroken somehow. I'm sure they won't catch fire or explode.

Anonymous No. 16216878

>17 minutes till entry attempt

Anonymous No. 16216880

>I think that was just a concept, they never actually made any.
>It was produced as a prototype but never flew on any missions.
fuck you were right
would be absolutely perfect for a rescue mission like this though

Anonymous No. 16216881
>Starliner is go to enter the keep out sphere in about 17 minutes, they will be hot firing thrusters T2A2 and S1A1 in the mean time to try and bring back full vehicle capability.

Anonymous No. 16216882

Starliner's toilet probably sucks too

Anonymous No. 16216883

God I fucking hate thunderf00t
Literally nothing could have gone better for spacex today and he will STILL call it a massive failure

Anonymous No. 16216884

too late, chinese fishing vessel that just happened to be in the area already picked it up

Anonymous No. 16216885

he looks like an old hag

Anonymous No. 16216886

can't believe nasa has a chat on their youtube channel

Anonymous No. 16216887

"There was a point where we should have stopped..."

Anonymous No. 16216888

Wine Aunt.

Anonymous No. 16216889

have they tried turning starliner off, waiting 10 seconds, and turning it back on?

Anonymous No. 16216890

don't waste your hate on subhumans
laugh at them instead
hate is for people, not lessers

Anonymous No. 16216891

The only toilet that seems tolerable is the Soyuz one, and that's simply because you can do you business in the orbital module alone.

Anonymous No. 16216892

I don't agree with your reasons, but they probably will take their sweet time with the next attempt. Probably because they're gonna try and catch the booster, they're gonna need to make damn it sure it doesn't smack into the tower or tank farm or something.

Anonymous No. 16216893


Anonymous No. 16216894


Anonymous No. 16216895

It's brutal, total boing humiliation

Anonymous No. 16216896


Anonymous No. 16216897

Though, they have ample opportunity to ditch if it goes sideways

Anonymous No. 16216899

if it is Boeing, I ain't going (to space)!

Anonymous No. 16216901

i was thinking they'll wait until the next tower is complete, that way they don't have to halt production for a year to wait for a new tower

Anonymous No. 16216902

You need an EMU to go grab them though, is that one they used on a shuttle launch in a museum somewhere?

Anonymous No. 16216903
>Today was a great day for humanity’s future as a spacefaring civilization!

>Nothing unites us more than working together towards inspiring objectives.

Anonymous No. 16216904

>muttstronauts have to shit in public like pajeets
Russia won

Anonymous No. 16216905

I like my starships well done

Anonymous No. 16216908

only boeing can make a ISS docking this dramatic

Anonymous No. 16216909

Actually, no, that wouldn't work
>Active and passive docking roles
>During a docking maneuver, one vehicle assumes the "active" role and the other vehicle assumes the "passive" role. A particular IDSS port can be manufactured to be able to act in the active role, the passive role, or either role. If a port (e.g., the ones on the ISS) is passive-only, then the other spacecraft must implement the active role. If a port is active-only (e.g., the ports on Crew Dragon and Cargo Dragon, and Starliner), then the other spacecraft must implement the passive role. This means that spacecraft with active-only ports cannot dock with each other using these ports.[

Anonymous No. 16216911

....the losing competetion

Anonymous No. 16216913

is starliner going to give us some Nauka tier kino?

Anonymous No. 16216914

>You need an EMU to go grab them though, is that one they used on a shuttle launch in a museum somewhere?
its so fucking sad that NASA refuses to do anything untethered
bunch of fucking cucks

Anonymous No. 16216915

They have a curtain for the shitlock on crew dragon right?

Anonymous No. 16216916

There is no way the astronauts get in this pos again after docking right?

Anonymous No. 16216917

I don't know if this is so much space as fighting the cyberweed cartel

Anonymous No. 16216919

Is there any point though doing untethered stuff though? the canadaarm can just move people around the iss.

Anonymous No. 16216920

they might have to

Anonymous No. 16216921

Dragon isnt available for plot reasons (a massive cat 6 hurricane is approaching florida)
It will have to be flight 6 that's the only rocket rugged enough to fly up the eye of the hurricane
It's the only way.
And we're gonna need a pilot

Anonymous No. 16216922

I know now's not the time but do you all trust astronautix as a resource? I like it but there are definitely parts of it which looks suspicious.

Anonymous No. 16216923

my want to offer my sincerest to condolences to our brave american astronauts - butch and sunny. F

Anonymous No. 16216924

this is ridiculous
I'm gonna shower, holler at me if anything happens.

Anonymous No. 16216926

nah, i think it's just gonna hover around until they either fix things or abort

Anonymous No. 16216927


Anonymous No. 16216928

They got back in STS-27 didn't they?

Anonymous No. 16216929


Anonymous No. 16216930

Shouldn't have blown the whistle

Anonymous No. 16216931

god, could you imagine them trying to steal a soyuz or crew dragon cause they don't want to go home in shitliner?

Anonymous No. 16216932

a flimsy curtain isn't the same as a module to yourself with the connecting hatch closed

Anonymous No. 16216934

This would be incredibly funny if there weren't actually guys in there

Anonymous No. 16216935

I want to see a space mutiny.
>Negative, I am not getting in that piece of shit again. I have kids at home.

Anonymous No. 16216936


Anonymous No. 16216937


Anonymous No. 16216938

>Is there any point though doing untethered stuff though?
the point is its cool and sometimes you need to rescue some dipshit astronauts

Anonymous No. 16216940

Doing validation testing 200 meters from the ISS is not the purpose of a fucking crew flight. This product is a perfect example of everything wrong with legacy business decision making.

Anonymous No. 16216941


Anonymous No. 16216942

god this would be a kino space movie
>can the spacex prototype save the day?

Anonymous No. 16216943

this is how diversity hires operate

Anonymous No. 16216944

Fund it

Anonymous No. 16216945

>and it's still going wrong

Anonymous No. 16216946

>american tax payers payed billions so the ISS crew can wave at starliner while it passes by.
Holly fuck oldspace really needs to be dragged behind the shed and shot like the sick dog it is.

Anonymous No. 16216947

Give Boeing's assets to /4ASS/

Anonymous No. 16216948

This Starliner situation w/ 200 meters outside the ISS is a perfect metaphor of why you shouldn't development in production. You cannot find a more poetic example. EVER. In the history of any business.

Anonymous No. 16216949

it's extremely unreliable if you're looking for specific engine data. one example - the infamous rd-270M? the crazy pentaborane meme engine? total astronautix invention, but the internet now accepts it as fact because it was on that site.

Anonymous No. 16216950

How nervous is everyone in the thread right now? I have a bad feeling about this.

Anonymous No. 16216951

If flap-chan refuses to give up then boeing can make starliner work.

Anonymous No. 16216952

I just feel bad for butch and sunny what a fucking nightmare

Anonymous No. 16216953


Anonymous No. 16216954

everyone's just acting like a bunch of pussies to own boeing.

Anonymous No. 16216955

Imagine having Boeing hardware between you and the vacuum of space

Anonymous No. 16216956

Hold on, it is just scrubbing in space

Anonymous No. 16216957

>starliner rcs malfunctions and rams the ISS so hard it punches right through it

Anonymous No. 16216958

I wouldn't trust Boeing's auto-hold.
The ISS commander should be sending people to the capsules now.

Anonymous No. 16216959

watching DEI fail make my dick hard

Anonymous No. 16216961

Didnt starliner also send the ISS in a spin the last time they docked because of problems?
And now this bullshit.
Stop killing whistle blowers and get your shit together boeing.

Anonymous No. 16216962

Pajeet code sending the starliner hurtling into the ISS and destroying it is possible, probably above 1% chance at this very moment

Anonymous No. 16216963

I would start praying

Anonymous No. 16216964

Starliner doesn't have EVA suits. If the hatch opens to transfer, the crew is doomed.

Anonymous No. 16216966

The abort motors haven't had any problems yet. They're waiting for their chance

Anonymous No. 16216967

SPACE IS HAAAAAARD(when you're flying Boeing)

Anonymous No. 16216968

>t2 a2 s1 a1 inhibit b2 a3.
easy enough

Anonymous No. 16216969

you're thinking of nauka

Anonymous No. 16216970

That was the russian Nauka module

Anonymous No. 16216971

They stopped using jeet code after the first demo fuck up r-right

Anonymous No. 16216972

you should delet this now kek

Anonymous No. 16216973

Slightly less thrilled than Starship part.

Anonymous No. 16216974

>control, we have a stick shaker activation on the pilot side only

Anonymous No. 16216975


Ah your right, my mistake.

Anonymous No. 16216976


Anonymous No. 16216977


Anonymous No. 16216978

Control, scrubliner is scrubbing

Anonymous No. 16216979

god imagine.....

Anonymous No. 16216980

They'll dock on the next try, but never be allowed to undock crewed.

Anonymous No. 16216981

No but the first test flight did have a bunch of RCS issues that required them to refly the test.

Anonymous No. 16216982


Anonymous No. 16216983


Anonymous No. 16216984

the interior of dragon is so close to a commercial airliner in terms of comfort and lack of jank.

Anonymous No. 16216985

man, america really has fallen

Anonymous No. 16216986


Anonymous No. 16216987

>yes, we are monitoring starliner in this room
nasa lady getting a little spicy

Anonymous No. 16216988


Anonymous No. 16216989

>"Ehhh, CAPCOM this is Starliner"
>"We are reading IAS DISAGREE"

Anonymous No. 16216990

Musk could not have picked a better day for his starship launch.

Anonymous No. 16216991

MCAS once again doing it's thing

Anonymous No. 16216992

I WOULD post a cool webm, but we have no images.

Anonymous No. 16216993

look at those fat fucks in Boings control room

Anonymous No. 16216994

My (least) favorite detail from those accidents is that the automated command to sink triggered an automated "Don't sink" announcement.

Anonymous No. 16216995

>plane calls you a retard in your last second alive
I always found that kind of cruel.

Anonymous No. 16216996

there was some twitterfaggot who bragged about boeing not needing to do test flights like spacex. wonder if he's doubling down right now

Anonymous No. 16216997

Also overwriting the terrain escape maneuver

Anonymous No. 16216998

The machine spirits lashes out before death

Anonymous No. 16216999

Your own fault for not breaking out the scented WD-40.

Anonymous No. 16217000

now let's see paul starliners interior

Anonymous No. 16217001
>Starliner has entered the "Keep Out Sphere" for the ISS! It is approaching the station at a blistering ~25 centimeters per second.

Anonymous No. 16217002


Anonymous No. 16217003

Of course! Retard.

Anonymous No. 16217004

Holy fuck they have so much room in there, it actually looks really cozy

Anonymous No. 16217005

Say hi to Jesus for me

Anonymous No. 16217006

>>Starliner has entered the "Keep Out Sphere" for the ISS! It is approaching the station at a blistering ~25 centimeters per second.
>~25 centimeters
Certified DEI moment

Anonymous No. 16217007

Bob and Doug got so fucking lucky with being assigned to Dragon. Do you think they were disappointed at first?

Anonymous No. 16217008

will the capsule Boing against the ISS?

Anonymous No. 16217009

>6666 on 6/6

Anonymous No. 16217010

Nah, i think they knew they got lucky.

Anonymous No. 16217011

>starliner was built out of rubber all along

Anonymous No. 16217013


Anonymous No. 16217014

fuck you

Anonymous No. 16217016

from the uncrewed flight test, not sure if it's missing some fittings or something.

Anonymous No. 16217018

it looks like it was made last century compared to dragon

Anonymous No. 16217019

>Waiting for light to dock
Jesus H Christmas what the fuck is Boeing doing?

Anonymous No. 16217020

Man, it's already a soft failure. Why you got to wish for the astronauts to be in danger....

Anonymous No. 16217021

bumper cars in SPAAAAACE!

Anonymous No. 16217022

Their camera can't lock on in the dark

Anonymous No. 16217023

Premium Option

Anonymous No. 16217024

Anonymous No. 16217025

Bumper cars are probably a safer vehicle than starliner at this point

Anonymous No. 16217026
>Starliner is inside the keep out sphere and slowly moving in. When they get to 10 meters, they'll hold for 6 minutes until they have optimal lighting.

Anonymous No. 16217027

>able to men in orbit
>don't know how to make dark not dark
Reality is stranger than fiction.

Anonymous No. 16217029

>Taking a vacation on the L2 O'Neill colony
>Check return flight tickets
>It's Boeing

Anonymous No. 16217030
>Most likely outcome of today's test is a clearer regulatory path to flight 5. Given that less than three months elapsed between IFT 3 and IFT 4, July does not seem out of play for the next test. Rapid iteration, indeed.

Anonymous No. 16217031

Happy for you anon.

Anonymous No. 16217032

why don't they use lidar like SpaceX?

Anonymous No. 16217033

Why do they need optimal lighting to dock if the system is automated or are they docking manually?

Anonymous No. 16217034

what if this is a false flag. they damage iss with starliner to justify ending iss early.

Anonymous No. 16217036

very good, happy?

Anonymous No. 16217037

Lidar too complicated, please understand

Anonymous No. 16217039

I fucking hope not

Anonymous No. 16217040

extended vacation, why not

Anonymous No. 16217041

>ey schlomo!
>its the goyim, I think they figured it out already
>you mean the goyim know?
>yeah, I think so
>slide it

Anonymous No. 16217042
>First Ariane 6 launch set for July 9

Anonymous No. 16217044

>Any other furries here?
>10 yards is 3 metres
>Send " Bruce Willis " up there
>Go Boeing!
this nasa chat is nuts. /sfg/ can't match this sort of power level.

Anonymous No. 16217045

One day i'm going to sit down with my children and tell them the story of the little flap that could.
And how boeing blew up the ISS the same day.

Anonymous No. 16217046

starliner 50m away
slowing down to 0.05m/s (I might have misheard)

Anonymous No. 16217049

>Han Han: Good evening NASA,I am watching on live streaming from Uzbekistan and right now is the time 22:02 pm and when is ducking of space ship

Anonymous No. 16217050


Anonymous No. 16217052

They could literally tape an iPad to the side of the capsule and get lidar capability

Anonymous No. 16217054

not minimizing the chat is a rookie mistake
how many tranny flags do you want to see anon?

Anonymous No. 16217056

kek i saw that. someone else is talking about ejaculation when starship docks.
there should be no celebrations, only sighs of relief and reflection on how people almost died

Anonymous No. 16217057

its over

Anonymous No. 16217058

based on their current speed they should dock within 13-15 minutes

Anonymous No. 16217062

>Hello Nasa, whats how many people are currently aboard the iss?

Anonymous No. 16217063

Mirin' that 1 frame per minute update, Boeing.

Anonymous No. 16217065

>hello nasa this is the space x dragon rescue center, how may i help you?

Anonymous No. 16217069

>indian ocean
imagine the smell :-(

Anonymous No. 16217070

Extra methane is a drop in the ocean(of poo)

Image not available



Anonymous No. 16217071

OH FUCK wikipedia has already added his death date

Anonymous No. 16217073

they're literally not updating the image

Anonymous No. 16217074

It already failed all its design goals before it ever lifted off.
They really thought it could compete with the F9

Anonymous No. 16217075

oh lol

Anonymous No. 16217076

you asshole

Anonymous No. 16217077


Anonymous No. 16217078

He’s 61?! Can we please get back to sending 20 year olds to space

Anonymous No. 16217079

>t. IP

Anonymous No. 16217080

a bit cringe desu

Anonymous No. 16217082

That single wave was the sovl that redeemed this mission

Anonymous No. 16217083

oh shit its in a shadow abort abort abort

Anonymous No. 16217084

Don't be so harsh anon, people's careers rest on this rocket.
A lot of people at Arianespace are going to be out of work soon.

Anonymous No. 16217085


Anonymous No. 16217088

>posted during image limit
hi janny

Anonymous No. 16217089


Anonymous No. 16217090

>that loud crunching noise
holy fuck bros

Anonymous No. 16217092

He had to delete this image to post it kek

Anonymous No. 16217093

starliner is glitching

Anonymous No. 16217094

Do it, fuck the rules.

Anonymous No. 16217095


Anonymous No. 16217097

nice IP bro

Anonymous No. 16217098

Today we saw what is at least in my opinion one of the greatest things in spaceflight happen on stream, and then just hours later this fucking shitshow that has lasted for fucking decades continue shitting itself, this time with people onboard to make it just a bit more exciting!

Anonymous No. 16217099

this would never happen if we had our own board

Anonymous No. 16217101

We need to save that fuel for the landing burn, hotstage now!

Anonymous No. 16217102

docking? kinda gay its like theyre touching dicks LOL

Anonymous No. 16217103

Somebody get Neil Hanks and Kevin Swigert on this, should be able to fix the problem with some tape.


>Final docking thrust ignites the Leaking helium and takes out the ISS, Boeing stocks become the first ever with a negative value

Anonymous No. 16217104

IFT-4 should have had crew on board

Anonymous No. 16217105

>Today we saw what is at least in my opinion one of the greatest things in spaceflight happen on stream
yeah, clear-chan's whistling was really cute

Anonymous No. 16217106

did anyone else see that wave?

Anonymous No. 16217109

>ignites the Leaking helium
holy retard

Anonymous No. 16217110

Should they be blasting rcs so close to the station?

Anonymous No. 16217111

Somebody said in the thread that both stages could have had monkeys on board and they would have been completely fine at the end.

Anonymous No. 16217112

coming in HOT

Anonymous No. 16217113

they sent a 61 year old because the want to keep the young guys alive for artemis

Anonymous No. 16217114

no way. EM drives only within 100m.

Anonymous No. 16217115

Anon what?

Anonymous No. 16217116

its life or death mang

Anonymous No. 16217118

>it fucking crashed

Anonymous No. 16217119

We have lots of tourists today. They are not very smart.

Anonymous No. 16217120


It’s still there lol

Anonymous No. 16217121


Anonymous No. 16217123


Anonymous No. 16217125

its still there because its still true

Anonymous No. 16217126

if you light helium 3 on fire you get a nuclear explosion

Anonymous No. 16217127

It's just a hand-off between relay satellites. TDRSS doesn't have seamless transitions like starlink does.

Anonymous No. 16217128

They're already dead, aren't they?
This is just damage control

Anonymous No. 16217130


Anonymous No. 16217133

spaceguy5 is fucking seething right now

Anonymous No. 16217134

JFC americans, fix your shit

Anonymous No. 16217136

notice how spacex mission control is significantly slimmer?

Anonymous No. 16217138

if the wiki is anything to believe, yes.

Anonymous No. 16217140

speaking of fatties I still haven't gotten that soda
should I get a diet coke or a full bodied dr pepper?

Anonymous No. 16217143

Who cares what a ponyfucker thinks?

Anonymous No. 16217147

dr pepper to celebrate boeings great achievement

Anonymous No. 16217148

you should go to your nearest mcdonalds and drink and eat as much as you can to celebrate Boings achievements of today

Anonymous No. 16217149

Alright back from a work meeting. Boing hasn't blown anything up yet right?

Anonymous No. 16217150

a diet coke.
If you can, get yourself addicted to sparkling water, this will replace soda.

Anonymous No. 16217151

they've mostly just waited a bunch of time sitting around

Anonymous No. 16217152

On it, sir.
nah I'm just gonna make a burger at home lol
I go off and on
drink soda sometimes, drink just water sometimes
I still drink plenty of booze so whatever

Anonymous No. 16217153

>I must personally respond to everyone who dunks on my twitter dot com
I don't think I've ever seen him quite this bad

Anonymous No. 16217154

check the wikipedia page for Barry Eugene Wilmore

Anonymous No. 16217155

doubles and docking port doesn't seal 100%

Anonymous No. 16217156

I don't care, but you should get some hot wings for lunch

Anonymous No. 16217158

Are these guys transmitting ultra low power from mars or something? Why the hell are they getting one frame per minute on these feeds?

Anonymous No. 16217159

Shit looks misaligned

Anonymous No. 16217160

Oh Fuggg :D

Anonymous No. 16217161

>woke up at noon
>catching up on the launch
>can only read half the thread since I need to avoid spoilers
40 minutes until I can look at the rest of the posts in the thread.

Anonymous No. 16217163

slow board but probably doesn't even matter. the leaks will just continue to increase

Anonymous No. 16217164

Premium Option package from Boeing didn't include actual bandwidth to do jack shit.
So no quality until they get to leech wi-fi from the ISS.

Anonymous No. 16217165

TDRSS is for telemetry and the occasional voice channel, not streaming video

Anonymous No. 16217166

The boinging manoeuvre is imminent

Anonymous No. 16217167

I want to believe

Anonymous No. 16217168

>he missed the launch thread
sux to B U

Anonymous No. 16217169

Starship crashed into starliner, but the astronauts rode down the booster back to earth and survived

Anonymous No. 16217170

>if nobody says it won't sell, it'll sell for sure
I'm sorry your bosses made you develop the wrong rocket for the past 10 years or whatever.

Anonymous No. 16217172

Watches a bunch of dragon dockings
Holy shit why is boeing so dogshit at this

Anonymous No. 16217173

> miss the most KINO launch
sad desu

Anonymous No. 16217174

heres ift4 thread anon

Anonymous No. 16217175

No thank you

Anonymous No. 16217178

aaaand some killjoy redditor reverted it. Sad

Anonymous No. 16217179

Not the booster, the hot stage.

Anonymous No. 16217180

>hellum valves start leaking again
>thrusters fail and become unreliable
>capsule starts moving uncontrolled
>destroys the port and makes the ISS spin
>capsule briefly moves away from the ISS and then crashes against it
>all astronauts die
>Boing did it again!

Anonymous No. 16217181

Because the bean counters sent a ship with malfunctioning rcs to a docking mission

Anonymous No. 16217184


Anonymous No. 16217186

This is just like that movie Interstellar

Anonymous No. 16217187

What happens if Boeing blows up the ISS, not even bribes can save them.

Anonymous No. 16217189


Anonymous No. 16217192

screw you for getting my hopes up

Anonymous No. 16217195

aaaaaaand I just came.

alright. now what

Anonymous No. 16217196


Anonymous No. 16217197


Anonymous No. 16217198

And it's done

Anonymous No. 16217199

holy shit they actually made it

Anonymous No. 16217200

Oh well, Starliner hasn't killed anyone, yet.

Anonymous No. 16217202

Boeing bros... we won

Anonymous No. 16217203

Earth=Backwards post apocalyptic warring states
Mars=Technocratic dictatorship sliding into militarism as the invasion and reclamation of earth nears
Belter=Free but highly decentralized society, also multicultural after the incorporation of the fleeing Martian revolutionaries and Marauders

Anonymous No. 16217204

Starliner has received approval for FAI

Anonymous No. 16217205

Post highlights.

Anonymous No. 16217207

Worth every billion

Anonymous No. 16217208

Still holding my breath tbhdesu

Anonymous No. 16217209

heh.... ez.... always bet on boeing, baby!

Anonymous No. 16217210

Elon suddenly and mystically dies, which would occupy the media for the next year.

Anonymous No. 16217211


Anonymous No. 16217213

Great. Boing didn't ruin this great day.

Anonymous No. 16217215

fuck space bros. im going to have a dopamine crash now. what a day

Anonymous No. 16217216

Wow... I guess Space really is hard.

Anonymous No. 16217218


Yeah, at this point I think it’s not a question of if, but when, it could be hardware or software related lol

Anonymous No. 16217220

Hang on, this was only the soft docking, they still have to connect all clamps, and open the hatch

Anonymous No. 16217221

America wins again!
do try to keep up rest of the world

Anonymous No. 16217223


Just like the crew when the docking port vents to vacuum

Anonymous No. 16217224

it still needs to return to earth

Anonymous No. 16217225


Anonymous No. 16217226

Same, was at work, had to watch the replay after. I miss being a neet

Anonymous No. 16217228

these starship flights are always amazing... I should have stayed up
watching the vod and I'm unironically rooting for this fucking flap

Anonymous No. 16217229

Two american private companies managed to achieve crucial milestones in the space race.
Truly, what a day.

Anonymous No. 16217230

Well, we've got another starlink launch tomorrow and maybe a Virgin Galactic flight on Saturday. The next big things are a Falcon Heavy launching a GOES comsat to GEO on the 25th and Starliner's undocking and return to Earth on the 27th.

Anonymous No. 16217231


That dumpster is either getting left in orbit or controlled burn in on entry, sans pilots or not

Anonymous No. 16217234

Hullo Scat Trannley here, and remember Dilate safe!

Anonymous No. 16217236

kys newfag

Anonymous No. 16217238

I meant for butch and sunny desu

looking forward to the virgin galactic flight and also the launch out of vandenberg at 3am saturday morning
praying for clear weather so I can see that one with my own eyes

Anonymous No. 16217239

>goal posts

Anonymous No. 16217244

Oddly enough that is normal for capsules with ablative heat shields. We are in the crazy world where not having parts of your ship burn away during reentry is the exception.

Anonymous No. 16217245

meant to be for
wtf moot

Anonymous No. 16217246

>the invasion and reclamation of earth nears
>can't even stand up in 1g
rustsuckers are delusion lmao

Anonymous No. 16217251

>successful starship
>successful starliner
what will the rest of the world's excuse be this time for not heavily investing into spaceflight? this has to be ringing alarm bells in national capitals.

Anonymous No. 16217255

Well done, SpaceX! Proud of my American brothers and sisters.

Anonymous No. 16217256

>successful starliner
This has been a disaster for Boeing, the only way it gets worse is if Starliner kills people and/or the ISS.

Anonymous No. 16217258

foreign leader here, can confirm. we're all shaking in our boots after seeing starliner's masterful docking maneuvers. we blew our chance. now boeing's going to be on top for decades to come.

Anonymous No. 16217259

>this has to be ringing alarm bells in national capitals.
Only China is the real competition left for the USA when it comes to space colonization, Europe and Russia can't do this because of insane corruption and bureaucratic red tape.

Anonymous No. 16217260

>what will the rest of the world's excuse be this time for not heavily investing into spaceflight?
For my country is that we don't have money anymore and we are sinking in debts.
The past government spent 135 bilion euros to give people money to rearrange their front porch, i wish i was fucking joking holy shit the amount of things we could have accomplished with all of that.

Anonymous No. 16217266

When I was in middle school (crazy that it was so long ago!) I bought a Plantronics mic for my xbox 360 (Halo 4), because it’s the headset company NASA used in mission control.

Anonymous No. 16217268

Only a 78% failure rate on the thrusters, not great, not terrible.

Anonymous No. 16217269

Working on building spaceports to be used in cooperation with the US and other countries. Fingers crossed that the space industry survives the bureaucratic environment here
Not enough money and too much bureaucracy.
Too poor, too corrupt and not enough expertise
>South America and Africa
Same as Russia but even worse

China is the only non-Western country that could feasibly compete in the new space race, but with their demographic and economic problems, it seems unlikely.

Anonymous No. 16217270

>hard dock still not confirmed

Anonymous No. 16217271

anyone know the ais for spacex recovery vessels? i wonder when we get pics of the booster

Anonymous No. 16217273

>only page 4
Can someone make a new thread? Is that allowed? I want to post images again

Anonymous No. 16217277

Ride it out bitch this is how we used to do it before image limit was bumped up and the general was way more active day-to-day

Anonymous No. 16217280

>middle school
>Halo 4

u-underage g-gtfo

Anonymous No. 16217281

it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.

Anonymous No. 16217282

>this is how we used to do it
Have you not paid attention to anything happening in space today? That's a terrible reason

Anonymous No. 16217283

Russia doesn't care for us dumping spent stages on them, so we're stuck doing polar orbits.

Anonymous No. 16217285

What happened today?

Anonymous No. 16217287

Your screencaps of Xitter hot takes can wait, anon.

Anonymous No. 16217289

i have a photo of the burger king running mcc that i worked really hard on but it can wait i guess

Anonymous No. 16217290

>"Make sure nothing smells fishy"
Uh ok flight director

Anonymous No. 16217291

bake a new bread, I dare you. no images for the next >10 hours while we wait to reach page 10 isnt worth it

Anonymous No. 16217292

Manley is claiming all the fins were melting away not one.
God i hope they had a boat out there that was filming starship while it came down.

Anonymous No. 16217293

>let us know if anything smells funny

Anonymous No. 16217295

And the never will, because no starship stage is ever going to be going that fast and still make the divert to catch attempt, moron
yup and you'll shut up and like it faggot
SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous No. 16217296

It's been spurting RCS fuel all over the place and hydrazines have indeed been described as smelling "fishy".

Anonymous No. 16217297

CAPCOM hid a dead mackerel somewhere in the Starliner as a prank

Anonymous No. 16217299

i missed it anon, did they actually say this?>>16217296
bet the iss crew is gonna love letting stinky fish smelling colleagues on board

Anonymous No. 16217300

I missed the launch, thus, it was successful. You are welcome, /sfg/.

Anonymous No. 16217302

>we were screwing around doing other things

Anonymous No. 16217306

why don't they send ships to wait at the landing position??

Anonymous No. 16217308

Stage separation when?

Anonymous No. 16217312

there you go my friends: >>16217307

Anonymous No. 16217319

Uh oh, that one autistic guy is going to get really mad! He's going to post angrily a couple times! Watch out!

Anonymous No. 16217320


Anonymous No. 16217322

Bye bye, 2050 post monstrosity

Anonymous No. 16217323

Your brain on academia

Anonymous No. 16217328


Anonymous No. 16217332


Anonymous No. 16217338

Looks like you got disappointed lol

Anonymous No. 16217342

Stage separation confirmed!

Anonymous No. 16217389

I wont cry for the fallen astronauts, but I will cry for one reason, and only one: If Clear Usui feelings are hurt

Anonymous No. 16217393

She should have an eyepatch for one of the cameras getting fucked up.

Anonymous No. 16217409

Based predictor

Anonymous No. 16217458

Add ketamine to the list and what else?

Anonymous No. 16217465

I think the camera facing backwards might've been obliterated, which was why they didn't switch to it at the end.

Anonymous No. 16217468

Testicles. A large pair.

Anonymous No. 16217495

so THAT's why the cameras were off! can't blame them for succumbing to their basic instincts in the face of certain death

Anonymous No. 16217496

>it's just whether the temperatures
Total physician here: but does temperature matter? ISS is in a vacuum, it has trouble getting rid of heat rather than losing it. Not enough particles to steal your heat by convection/conduction so you're only losing it by radiation.
Being on the moon is different though because there's a thing you stand on that has particles and it gets cold and hot.

Seems like the #1 issue is whether you have oxygen. So: if you strap a SCUBA tank to your face hard enough, would you be okay?
>inb4 your eyeballs boil

Anonymous No. 16217552

Thoughts on Japan, they basically have their own oldspace, but it is not degenerated to the same degree as the US's. They also have a tiny, basically unfunded new space.

Anonymous No. 16217562

only small part of it, stickies autodelete comments when it goes over 1000
that seems to start only after the coast phase, so it misses like 2h, misses the booster landing for instance

Anonymous No. 16217574

>do we have an another supply of undergarments
they shit their pants? lmao

Anonymous No. 16217594

How do you do laundry in space anyway?

Anonymous No. 16217599

The glowies on Diego Garcia probably had a chase plane filming. Not thay we'd get to see it.

Anonymous No. 16217602

making the staging more obvious



Anonymous No. 16217623

Metal and skin are 2 very different materials.

Anonymous No. 16217630

what does that have to do with temperature?

Anonymous No. 16217695

Based, thanks op