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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16217307

Previous: >>16212288

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16217311


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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16217316

Yes because fuck the janny who stickied the previous thread that was at page 7 or thereabouts at the time.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16217317


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SpaceX Crew Demo ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16217321

So, when is SLS getting deep sixed?

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Flap-chan refuses....webm

Anonymous No. 16217324

The little flap that could.

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Anonymous No. 16217325

here i just wanted to post this. im going to back to the /comfy/ thread

Anonymous No. 16217327

>you don't get to bring flaps

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Anonymous No. 16217329


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16217333

>spamming / flooding
Report submitted! This window will close in 3 seconds

Anonymous No. 16217334

So no way they use starliner for reentry right?

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Tis but a scratch.jpg

Anonymous No. 16217336

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Anonymous No. 16217340

gentlment, a toast
>to starship
>to starliner
>to the jannies

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Anonymous No. 16217343

oh thank god we have images again

Anonymous No. 16217345

Exceeded expectations

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Anonymous No. 16217349


Anonymous No. 16217350

Why tho? SLS is made for deep space manned missions, starship is made for desploying starlinks in LEO

Anonymous No. 16217352

If the astronauts have a say I doubt it. Butch sounded fucking pissed during docking

Anonymous No. 16217355

I want one of those starship blowtorches.

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Anonymous No. 16217356

Uncanny, isn't it?

Anonymous No. 16217357

they wouldn't risk killing two astronauts to prove a point, right?

Anonymous No. 16217360

i just woke up what's going on

Anonymous No. 16217361

Got some work to do to fix those expendable flaps though.

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Anonymous No. 16217363
>Exact coordinate within a hundred or so meters.
>25°58'8.19"N 96°30'45.47"W
>65km downrange

Anonymous No. 16217364

starship is designed only for low energy high payload launches. its not like they could just use it for low payload high energy launches

Anonymous No. 16217365

flap-chan never gave up

Anonymous No. 16217366

Thunderfoot is on suicide watch.

Anonymous No. 16217367

>SLS is made for deep space manned missions
SLS is made to suck up NASA's entire budget and nothing else. Starship was made to do everything cheaply and inefficiently

Anonymous No. 16217368

boeing saved face and are back on top of the space race

Anonymous No. 16217369

They need 6 thrusters to dock but how many to return to earth?

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Anonymous No. 16217371

Okay, kids. Here we go...rather than sit on the sidelines potshotting Musk and SpaceX, here's the full rundown of where Starship stands in relation to the Artemis HLS, as I see it. Will update as the mission progresses, of course.

Feel free to comment.

Anonymous No. 16217372

I hope we get pics of the ship if there’s a recovery effort
Display her in a museum!

Anonymous No. 16217374

common now. half that list will be completed on IFT5.

Anonymous No. 16217375

I still can't believe the flap held on. What an accomplishment.

Anonymous No. 16217379

Anyone got a link to a download of the full stream? I wanna make some VP9 webms.

Anonymous No. 16217380

SLS will cost a fortune for every launch, and it can only be used once. The technology is massively behind the curve.

Anonymous No. 16217381

You missed. EVERYTHING.

Anonymous No. 16217382

Yeah but why are you guys comparing a rocket to get to moon to a LEO deliver?, I dont understand

Anonymous No. 16217383

A long way to go, but to be fair NASA chose private landers really, really late—so ANY lunar lander provider would have needed a ton of time and work.
And it’s not like HLS Moonship is holding the program back in any additional way when you factor in space suits having the same problem and SLS literally not being able to maintain 1 or more flights a year right now

Artemis will happen, it’s just happening with slips and delays moving all the timetables down the road by 5, 6, 7 years at worst

Anonymous No. 16217385

How does this checklist compare to SLS?

Anonymous No. 16217387

Did the second stage blow up or land?

Anonymous No. 16217390

Landed in the drink. Rather toasty though.

Anonymous No. 16217391

I can't believe the ship managed to stay steady with large parts of its control surfaces missing.

Anonymous No. 16217392

I don't think we fully know what starships capabilities are yet and it could very well exceed SLS, right?

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Anonymous No. 16217394


Anonymous No. 16217395

It was the wildest reentry I've ever seen, straight from a movie, flap almost melting off but in the end a perfect landing. Signal all the way down.

Anonymous No. 16217396

The SLS has parts from the 60s. It's just an outdated way to do it. If you have a fully reusable ship that's really good at LEO then it can also go anywhere with refilling. In the real world, efficiency is measured in dollars, and science fags have a hard time understanding that.

Anonymous No. 16217397

Flaps failed and it burned up.

Anonymous No. 16217398

what this about boo-urns

Anonymous No. 16217400

>Successful booster recovery

No, to be a successful recovery the booster should be captured by mechazilla

>Successful starship recovery

No, starship was totally destroyed, and it should land on land

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lil flapper.png

Anonymous No. 16217402

That flappy, he's just such a trooper
Got such a strong... one hinge...

Anonymous No. 16217405

Go home wine aunt Phil, you're drunk.

Anonymous No. 16217406

signal all the way down is crazy. how come they lose coms on dragon but starship gets hd video the whole way down?

Anonymous No. 16217407

And then it landed successfully.

Anonymous No. 16217410

Hey I don't actually know anything!
Would starships payload bay big enough to say like, idk deliver apollo's CM and LM to orbit? Theoretically?

Anonymous No. 16217411

>straight from a movie
>Signal all the way down.
Even more hollywoodesque, it lost sigal for a fez seconds at some point making everyone think that was it, but it came back

Anonymous No. 16217412

Kino and Dread.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16217414

Big wale in the plasma

Anonymous No. 16217416

I dont think so, elon told me current starship could get 150T to LEO but it turned out to be 40T

Anonymous No. 16217417

3 starlink antennas, one pointing away from the toasty side. Plus it's a fairly big chonker.

Anonymous No. 16217418

but then shuttle should have had comms then no? i guess they didn't have starlink then and it was all ground based

Anonymous No. 16217419

One of the flaps was destroyed by aerodynamic stress live on stream so of course it still managed to achieve a soft landing in the ocean.

Anonymous No. 16217420

I was literally shaking

Anonymous No. 16217421

Big wake in the plasma

Anonymous No. 16217422

Spic faggot the prototype can do that because they aren't optimizing for mass yet

Anonymous No. 16217423

Tell me about what I said its wrong

Anonymous No. 16217424

>i guess they didn't have starlink then
No shit.

Anonymous No. 16217427

Starship is fucking big it leaves a hole in the plasma for the signal to get through

Anonymous No. 16217429

why is there no ship in the landing zone taking footages

Anonymous No. 16217431

>i-it's a successful landing I guess
sparkpaw coping for two hours straight

Anonymous No. 16217432

Because it's not fucking safe to sit in a boat if the FTS goes boom?

Anonymous No. 16217433

NASA: it's impossible to communicate when the plasma bubble is around the spacecraft
also NASA: it's impossible to survive reentry if you lose parts of the spacecraft
astronauts died cuz NASA lied. murder investigation NOW!

Anonymous No. 16217434

So then Starboi could legit just be like a CM in itself and drop a lander while in lunar orbit yeah? Like it clearly has the capability to completely replace SLS in all regards yeh? Yeh??

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Sinews of Strengt....jpg

Anonymous No. 16217435

A 375% increase in payload? hmmm...

Anonymous No. 16217437

Are the grid fins for f9 are also so spastic? They looked like they worked incredibly hard for starship booster

Anonymous No. 16217439

but unironically

Anonymous No. 16217441

Think of the odds of getting hit in the middle of the ocean. It's a perfectly acceptable risk.

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flap 8x-speed.webm

Anonymous No. 16217442

Anonymous No. 16217443

>/sfg/ getting more grouchy as the excitement fades

Anonymous No. 16217445

Starship cant even get to the moon, so I dont get it why muskrats keep comparing it to SLS

Anonymous No. 16217446

Yeah, I wouldn't be out in the middle of the fucking Indian Ocean at night getting pelted with stainless steel rings and heat tiles.

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Anonymous No. 16217447

Schizos are gonna have a field day with this one.

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Artemis3 No. 16217448

Namefagging as "Artemis3" for clarity.

Next four could, if it lives up to the hype.

Changed second one to "re-entry" so I didn't ding them, but you're right. Also changed "chopsticks" to "Mechazilla".

Anonymous No. 16217452

it would just need refuel which is as of now part of the plan yeh?

Anonymous No. 16217453

They do bump around somewhat on F9 but this was way harder.
It doesn't do an entry burn and it can't glide in like the ship so it just hits the lower atmosphere like a brick wall

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Anonymous No. 16217454


Anonymous No. 16217457


Anonymous No. 16217459

>also NASA: it's impossible to survive reentry if you lose parts of the spacecraft

And they were right, or are you stupid enough to think people would survive in a reentry like starship did?

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Anonymous No. 16217460


Anonymous No. 16217461

you need the webm to make your point sir

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Anonymous No. 16217462

God DAMN, flap-chan that GANBATTE the shit out of everything despite being completely beaten up, never giving up, is straight out of a shonen animu. Pure Kino.
You'll, never be forgotten, flap-chan.

Anonymous No. 16217463

The rocket is not even filled to the top for these launches.
You're coping
Once there is tanker ships focus will shift to min-maxing the upmass

Anonymous No. 16217466

you don't have to man the ship

Anonymous No. 16217471

Yeah only 20 LMAO

Anonymous No. 16217474

its just like one of my japanese animes!

Anonymous No. 16217475

I just realized something, once humanity fucks off into space, nobody will care about /pol/ or politics anymore.

Anonymous No. 16217477

Ok I kneel. I'm rebuying all my SpaceX stock rn

Anonymous No. 16217478

starhopper has sat through many ruds and its perfectly fine. dont make excuses.

Anonymous No. 16217479

god I wish spacex had public stock

Anonymous No. 16217481

>drop a lander while in lunar orbit
>$3bil for ten tons in lunar orbit
Kill yourself
Yeah they would've lived

Anonymous No. 16217482

I don't
No Mars that way

Anonymous No. 16217483

It'll be great

Anonymous No. 16217484

Fuck that. Then they'd be responsible to shareholders and would fall into oldspace complacency.

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Anonymous No. 16217486

your honest odds for a succesful landing the moment you saw this?

for me it would have been like 1/100 lol

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Anonymous No. 16217487

Anonymous No. 16217488

I was expecting Scheduled Disassembly from hitting the water before launch, so didn't clench anything. Extremely surprised when it moved though.

Anonymous No. 16217489

I told you bare steel can handle reentry

Anonymous No. 16217490

Anyone have a comprehensive list of future starship customers?

There is Vast
Sierra space
Nasa hls
There is like one satellite company

Those are all the ones i am aware of.

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Anonymous No. 16217492

Public stock only available after a period of vetting by /sfg/ autists and a knowledge test.

Anonymous No. 16217493

I don't think we really know that anon

Anonymous No. 16217494

I just thought "It's over, we're about to lose feed"
I guess 1 in a million.

Anonymous No. 16217497

I'd make so much money though

Anonymous No. 16217498

Everyone at my job today was standing around watching it, and when that happened we were like
>yeah it's over

Anonymous No. 16217499

I went "It's over". But then we were back.

Anonymous No. 16217500

You should have more faith in flap-chan, she never gave up.

Anonymous No. 16217501

I'm jumping on it the second it goes public (if it does).

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Anonymous No. 16217502

When the FUCK is he making Starlkink go public

Anonymous No. 16217503

Refueling is the easy part. Trying to land starship on non-ideal terrain is the hard part. They really need to construct a landing pad on the moon first

Anonymous No. 16217504


Why is it taking them so long to go and pick the ship off the ocean?

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Anonymous No. 16217505

The DoD

Anonymous No. 16217506

They are at the bottom of the sea anon.

Anonymous No. 16217507

After the way Tesla is treating him, I doubt he'll ever do it. It would just be another opening for them to come get him

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Anonymous No. 16217508

bros starship actually fucking works
if the catching works then starship works
it fucking works bros.....

Anonymous No. 16217509

>Sept 29, 2020

Anonymous No. 16217510

Odds on the residue killing or incapacitating ISS crew?

Anonymous No. 16217511

The astronauts have not died yet but now they have to find a way home.

Anonymous No. 16217512


Anonymous No. 16217513

me when i build my lunar resort

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Anonymous No. 16217515

Anonymous No. 16217516

Does Elon really have enough money to do this another ten times before they're read to start catching it?

Anonymous No. 16217518

Once costs are down and flights are normal, I'm betting on Marriott. Look at what a new hotel on Earth costs.

Anonymous No. 16217519

sir please stop goofing on the comms

Anonymous No. 16217520


Anonymous No. 16217521

i feel tps is dead tech as it's right now without hope becoming better and suited for reuse

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xdownloader Rjabh....webm

Anonymous No. 16217522

The Changs also succeeded last night in the next step on their sample mission

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Anonymous No. 16217523

Anonymous No. 16217524

If it did I would be rich as hell. The moment I saw Elon's first SpaceX tour from like 2006 I knew he and SpaceX were the real one.
I've never had that sense with another space CEO. They are all grifters, even the stoke space and RFA guys. Stoke space guy is an unremarkable tech CEO and RFA guy is pulling a forced imitation of Elon. They would be happy to sell their companies if they got rich, and if the going got very hard they would liquidate it and move on. Musk won't unless he's dead.

Anonymous No. 16217525

>well they made it through max heating, it’s over but they met their goals for the flight
>well they made it though max q, they won’t make the flip but it’s cool that the ship survived all that
>holy shit the flap is still moving, they stuck the landing!

Anonymous No. 16217526

If they just close the valves they should both float

Anonymous No. 16217527

>who is matt
ok now this is getting creepy.

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Artemis3 No. 16217528

No Mars until Moon. Eat your vegetables first.

I fully agree with Mr. Thunderf00t that Musk has ended up duplicating the Space Shuttle and all the Moon and Mars talk is hype, but if that's all, it's still quite a lot. If this thing's up to 100T or more that's a ridiculous leap in capabilities for the US. They'll forgive him for walking off with the HLS money once the military leaps to his defense...

Anonymous No. 16217529

Why don't they just design space docking around violent impacts like this?

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Anonymous No. 16217530


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Anonymous No. 16217531


>SpaceX found to have enabled cheats during Starship Flight Test 5
>FAA officials investigating
>FAA mishap report and fines imminent

Anonymous No. 16217532


Anonymous No. 16217533


Anonymous No. 16217534

They most likely cracked open when falling over.

Anonymous No. 16217535


Anonymous No. 16217536

To add to this it doesn't even have to be an SDI reboot, Star-Shield is already ramping up

Anonymous No. 16217538

if you mean splashing down intact, i was thinking 30%, since it was already past peak heating

Anonymous No. 16217540

I'm Matt. The fuck do you want from me Boeing?

Anonymous No. 16217542

Are they also looking at cargo anywhere in 90 minutes or less?

Anonymous No. 16217543


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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16217544

Anonymous No. 16217545

If they did they would have exploded, even empty there's still quite a bit of pressure + flammable gases

Anonymous No. 16217547

stop shitposting and open the hatch already

Anonymous No. 16217548

>simulated arm catching
>pez dispenser
>engine relight in LEO
what else will be tested on IFT-5?

Anonymous No. 16217550

They will catch the booster on flight 5

Anonymous No. 16217551

It won't sink or anything will it? They should be able to get the cameras eventually for an uninterrupted view?

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flap 8x-speed 1280.webm

Anonymous No. 16217553

looks better at 1280

Anonymous No. 16217554

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Anonymous No. 16217555

Anonymous No. 16217556

Not burning through critical hardware

Anonymous No. 16217557

Chinese already towed it away if it floats

Anonymous No. 16217558


Anonymous No. 16217560

good reference
need more images of starliner, since we couldn't post them last thread

Anonymous No. 16217561

Give me a few minutes. I want to see if I can make them come out with high helium voices.

Anonymous No. 16217565

>need more images of starliner
You're gonna have to wait, since Boeing seemingly charge extra for actual bandwidth.

Anonymous No. 16217566

landing in hawaii

Anonymous No. 16217567

i didn't know they could take pets to iss

Anonymous No. 16217568

Damn, look at that steel flowing like candle wax

Anonymous No. 16217569

god the way it INFLATES

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Anonymous No. 16217570


Anonymous No. 16217571

I doubt he'll make a separate video on this launch. Starship sexually abused Thunderf00t today.

Anonymous No. 16217573

Plasma does not give a fuck.

Anonymous No. 16217576

>uh shitliner this is houston - save those poop filled undergarments for the ride back please

Anonymous No. 16217580

lithobraking tests in tel aviv

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Anonymous No. 16217581

Everything is proceeding exactly as predicted by our scenario.

Anonymous No. 16217582

I used to watch him back in the day. He became a total clown, what happened to him?

Anonymous No. 16217585

Designated space shitters.

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Anonymous No. 16217586

>This NASA stream

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Anonymous No. 16217587

Unironically what happens if Boeing fucks the space station? This would be one of the most pivotal moments this decade

Anonymous No. 16217588

kek houston just told them they have to wear their pissy poopy undergarments back. butch is pissed

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Anonymous No. 16217589

I'm going back through my timeline and most of what I'm seeing is just the standard Starliner front view from various different distances. That's the big reason why I posted the centaur detach clip; we actually get to see the capsule from a different angle for once.

Anonymous No. 16217590

looks like he began balding. clear sign is brain is rotting

Anonymous No. 16217593

>Those are the only set you got.
>OK, thanks... I think.

Anonymous No. 16217596

uh oh

Anonymous No. 16217597

were there any planes over indian ocean?

Anonymous No. 16217598

maybe 1% yeah, I expected the feed to cut suddenly at any time.
In the other view (before it stopped) we could see a lot of sparkles coming from the bottom, so i guess the rest of the heat shield also suffered, even if was much less. I really wonder what the complete exterior looked like before splashdown.

Anonymous No. 16217601

pic related could have happened with dragon if they'd had that capsule explosion docked rather than on the ground.

Anonymous No. 16217604

Why would they blast the abort system while docked to the ISS you fucking idiot

Anonymous No. 16217605


Anonymous No. 16217607

Is there any ground to ground payload that would warrant the cost of Starship launch?

Anonymous No. 16217609

>One of the fags abord is acting like a NEETfag
I fucking love it

Anonymous No. 16217610

Neither booster nor Starship reuse is strictly necessary though booster reuse is probably a good idea due to needing 33 raptors each

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Anonymous No. 16217611

did they post any new footage from the SF4 flight? any new angles, new data etc?

Anonymous No. 16217612

Why the fuck is no-one talking about this?
I need to find my MH370 saves spaceflight fan fiction

Anonymous No. 16217615

atomic bombs

Anonymous No. 16217617

and also, didn't Starship vertical landing happen?

Anonymous No. 16217618

dey got muh cocoa shea butter on dat sturrrrliner?

Anonymous No. 16217621

>Why the fuck is no-one talking about this?
Who fucking cares what China is doing.

Anonymous No. 16217622

I think they're banking on the utilization rate being better than a plane because the flights are shorter. That would theoretically bring costs down. Exclusively passengers. I don't see it. Just use it for Mars.

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Anonymous No. 16217624


soft landing in the ocean

Anonymous No. 16217625

The indomitable American industrial spirit.

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Anonymous No. 16217626

I still can't get over that flap, that was the GOAT of that test.

Anonymous No. 16217627


Anonymous No. 16217629

Maybe organs that need to go to patients in a very short time?

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Anonymous No. 16217631

anon we already have that part figured out, i was referencing ground to ground in one piece

Anonymous No. 16217633

so I guess it was just the one flap

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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 16217634

Another L for Musk fanboys.

Anonymous No. 16217635

this is already a lot more than what thundercock and common cuck skeptic were thinking lmao
to the mooooooooooon!

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Anonymous No. 16217637

Now that you mention it...
>While waiting for starship I managed to catch tonight's Minuteman III ICBM test launch from Vandenberg SFB streaking through the sky, incredibly impressive sight. Worth noting this test was planned months ago and is not carrying a live warhead.

Anonymous No. 16217638

That would happen to the entire ship if a single heat tile got loose and fell during launch

Anonymous No. 16217639

who the fuck is this guy

Anonymous No. 16217641

It was fucking over lol

I was so close to give up the stream until I remembered this was something American that might as well been built on a picnic table, it's going to do something even under extreme duress

Anonymous No. 16217642

spacex sisters our response???? im feeling very btfo by Boeing™ right now...

Anonymous No. 16217644

an extremely based individual obviously

Anonymous No. 16217645

Both burgers and slavs would flip their shit when over 20 years of work goes down the drain fully. The countries that would be receiving orbital debris would also want Boeing hung.

Anonymous No. 16217646

fuck boeing lmao
what a bunch of clown losers
1 whistleblower dead every month lmao

Anonymous No. 16217647

I'm middle aged. I have a functional sarcasm detector.

Anonymous No. 16217648

I thought it was about to burn through everything at that point

Anonymous No. 16217650

I knew it was fucking over, but that one bit inside my left nut knew it wasn't over. And it was right.

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xdownloader wtvzw....webm

Anonymous No. 16217651

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xdownloader cEjFc....webm

Anonymous No. 16217652

Anonymous No. 16217653

I will never get over how fucking AWESOME the shockwaves are.

Anonymous No. 16217654

yeah, though ron baron said spacex would ipo soon (probably meant starlink)
SpaceX might have got some funding rounds with the promise of IPOing starlink at some point so the investors can cash out easier, but who knows if those are enforceable in any way

Anonymous No. 16217655

would get that checked out if i were you

Anonymous No. 16217656

I saw a video of japs in vr sperging out to the flap moving and the splashdown but I can't find it now.

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xdownloader BrIwT....webm

Anonymous No. 16217658

Anonymous No. 16217659

That little flappy just would not give up!

Anonymous No. 16217660

I was watching with my GF, I said at least 5 times "Well it's over"

Anonymous No. 16217661

And they're going to just let it sink and we'll never know why that single engine failed

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xdownloader aoN70....webm

Anonymous No. 16217662

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Anonymous No. 16217663

Artemis3 No. 16217664

Reuse of both is essential for HLS, if the refueling estimates are correct (somewhere between 6 and 20 tanker missions, depending on who you ask).

I'm defining it as complete when it's a bona fide launch and return to dry tarmac.

>Why the fuck is no-one talking about this?
Starship and Starliner hogging the Western press, but yeah, that's pretty fucking neat.

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xdownloader 7jDtf....webm

Anonymous No. 16217665

Anonymous No. 16217666

>Reuse of both is essential for HLS, if the refueling estimates are correct (somewhere between 6 and 20 tanker missions, depending on who you ask).
No it isn't, Starship is made to be mass produced

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Anonymous No. 16217667


I loathe the Chinese, but I am absolutely cheering for their efforts in space. Please hold the candle under my faggot government's nutsack so we can start putting more actual effort into spaceflight, Chang.

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xdownloader -qSx5....webm

Anonymous No. 16217668

Anonymous No. 16217669

look at how much prop the booster had, landed on fumes.

Anonymous No. 16217670

every university ever
once starship is motoring, the cost to put their own satellites up becomes entirely viable for the bulk of them, rather than just the aristocratic ones

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xdownloader hEwct....webm

Anonymous No. 16217672

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Anonymous No. 16217674

there is a writeup already

Anonymous No. 16217675

Don't think that takes header tanks into consideration.

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Anonymous No. 16217680


Anonymous No. 16217681

Like 10%, was honestly expecting it to blow up due to the onboard fires during descent below 10km or rip itself apart during the flip manoeuvre.

Anonymous No. 16217683

And it's already linked to in this very thread.

Anonymous No. 16217685

no word on the dead engine?

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clear iss.jpg

Anonymous No. 16217686


Anonymous No. 16217687

if they start deploying starlinks soon then they don't have to, these test flights might be actually profitable in that case
they can deploy starlinks and then still test the landing procedures of both stages

Anonymous No. 16217688

unironic mental illness
he's one of the sorts that is mentally incapable of handling being proven wrong
this is on top of him also being one of the sorts to base his entire personality around being a smarmy contrarian
He thought spacex would be an easy mark, got owned for it, and death spiraled into impotent ass rage ever since

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Anonymous No. 16217689
Looks like Vast was serious when they said foreign government organizations would be a major market for them.

Anonymous No. 16217691

imagine the smell when the hatch opens

Anonymous No. 16217692

oh no, stinky

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Anonymous No. 16217693


Anonymous No. 16217694

ISS has been marinating in farts for over 20 years. I don't think they'll notice.

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Artemis3 No. 16217696

Have it your way...technically, the tankers could be disposable. Note the asterix. ;-) One last edit for the day.

Anonymous No. 16217697

A war criminal

Anonymous No. 16217698

They're chockfull of sensors anon, this flight was great because not only did it validate redundancies and the upgrades they did but the data was uninterrupted throughout

Anonymous No. 16217699

helium leak made boeingnauts sound like mickey mouse

Anonymous No. 16217700

Not sure why people are posting a fake tweet.

Anonymous No. 16217701

Only as a desperate last resort. Shareholders only care about short term profits so any project related to Mars and beyond will be scrubbed

Anonymous No. 16217705

They should make a crew dragon tugboat and launch it with a falcon heavy

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xdownloader FYDQX....webm

Anonymous No. 16217706

Anonymous No. 16217708

if they need to, i dinno, abort???? idiot.

Anonymous No. 16217710

>starship deploys payload
how is that required for artemis?

Anonymous No. 16217711

reuse is obviously critical for the Starship programme to be the paradigm shifting launch vehicle its supposed to be, but reusing starships isn't strictly necessary for HLS so they might do expendable refueling flights just to get on with it

Anonymous No. 16217712

Yeah but that isn't better than looking at the thing and seeing a loose screw blocking a valve or something like that

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Back when the ros....jpg

Anonymous No. 16217713

Still not as bad as MIR.
From the wiki
>On a 1998 visit to Mir, bacteria and larger organisms were found to have proliferated in water globules formed from moisture that had condensed behind service panels

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Anonymous No. 16217715

don't need a yuuuge vehicle for that, just build picrel

Anonymous No. 16217717

make it more obvious next time

Anonymous No. 16217718

I didn't post it and it's not my fault you can't use ctrl-f.

Anonymous No. 16217719

So if it made a soft splashdown, are they going to try to retrieve the stages?

Anonymous No. 16217724


Anonymous No. 16217725

You could deploy soldiers and military equipment aywhere in the world within 30 minutes

Anonymous No. 16217727

next day delivery sex dolls

Anonymous No. 16217728

im bored

Anonymous No. 16217730

youre an idiot.

Anonymous No. 16217731

Most likely
It's a bad idea to have all that tech floating around ripe for the taking, nevermind the environmental drones being considerably butthurt

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Anonymous No. 16217732

>haha station go boom

Anonymous No. 16217733

A 2million dollar starship launch is comparable to a cargo plane operating for however long it takes to get to the destination but its also faster.

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Artemis3 No. 16217735

My way of saying that it's demonstrating that 100T lift capacity, but yeah, not an Artemis requirement. Final, final edit to merge that goal with "Orbital refueling demonstrated".

Anonymous No. 16217736

are any soldiers really that valuable?

Anonymous No. 16217739


meanwhile Russia killed some villagers!

Anonymous No. 16217740

im gonna deploy my seed down your throat

Anonymous No. 16217741

>cleaning up after herself?
pajeeta made a stinky?

Anonymous No. 16217745

Didn't Starship do a vertical landing during the soft water splashdown? they had to do a flip manuever i.e. vertical landing to land softly on the water

Anonymous No. 16217746

>open the hatch and a torrent of shit floods in

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Anonymous No. 16217749

>butch and suni both shit themselves on the way up
i don't blame them

Anonymous No. 16217750

and they also did this a few years ago while doing starship hop tests, they did the same flip now

Anonymous No. 16217752

Not if I drop mine in yours first

Anonymous No. 16217753

Starship will not cost $2 million a flight

Anonymous No. 16217756

It's not a landing unless it's on land.

Anonymous No. 16217758

>t. thundercel

Anonymous No. 16217759

What we had today was a watering

Anonymous No. 16217762

It'll be shot down during descent and landing unless you already have significant enough presence at the destination to clear and hold the area, at which point you don't need such an express delivery. You'll also get nuked in response because its flight profile up until reentry is identical to icbm and nobody's gonna sit and wait to see what it is. And if you're against someone without nukes you again don't need anything like that.

Anonymous No. 16217763

I doubt they are going to do that

Anonymous No. 16217765

it will cost 20k a flight. you cant prove otherwise.
if you have 100 employees on 60k a year just fly it 300 times a year.

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Anonymous No. 16217766


Anonymous No. 16217770

Do yourself a favor and look up the going rate of bulk lox and lng, then look up the wet mass of ss/sh

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Anonymous No. 16217771

she looks like a witch kek

Anonymous No. 16217774

20k is a nonstarter. It needs to be 2k.

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Anonymous No. 16217776

Anonymous No. 16217777

Sunni's hair is insane. Medusa offspring?

Anonymous No. 16217778

just synthesize the lox and methane like you would on mars. make it make sense.

Anonymous No. 16217782

I don't think there are any children on board so she might go hungry for a while

Anonymous No. 16217783

it will cost 20 dollars in the future with starship version 3.

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Anonymous No. 16217784

Can anybody explain if thunderf00t is just acting a role so he can suck out money from the anti musk reddit crowd or does he genuinely believe all he says? Because he sure as fuck acted so utterly petty and pathetic on his stream that I would be hard pressed to believe he was acting.

Anonymous No. 16217785

>starliner didn't depressurize itself and the ISS
genuinely surprised

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Anonymous No. 16217786


Anonymous No. 16217787

You think there's aerospace-grade eyes of newt?

Anonymous No. 16217790

yeah, id like to get all the footage from launch to LOS, and then the descent of the Ship because i could stream at 224p. pliz help

Anonymous No. 16217791

I hope she dosn't lay any eggs up there.

Anonymous No. 16217792

la goblina

Anonymous No. 16217793

Who cares? Don't let some retard on YouTube live inside your head.

Anonymous No. 16217798

I'm genuinely curious, used watch him like a decade ago.

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Anonymous No. 16217801


Anonymous No. 16217802

I got Twitter & X Video Downloader for my browser and I was able to download the broadcast from spacex's feed page.

Anonymous No. 16217803

I think the US can already do that lol

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Anonymous No. 16217805

fr fr why they spend government money on blowing up Musk's rocket instead of feeding the poor?

Anonymous No. 16217808

I am a natural optimist and thought it still had a chance

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Anonymous No. 16217809

You now remember KSP2

Anonymous No. 16217811

it will need quite some fuel but look at the difference between what SLS will put on the lunar surface V what starship can. SLS/Orion probably wont be doing much more in terms of payload than Apollo was, while starship will be dropping 100 ton per landing. Its all fine, i like that theres multiple systems being developed.

Anonymous No. 16217813

now I'm imagining pez dispensed odst pods

Anonymous No. 16217814

damn if she has any boys they're gonna be giga-chinned chads

Anonymous No. 16217816

was last thread sfg with most replies ever?

Anonymous No. 16217819

>calling the woman's daughter lame
damn newspapers were racist as fuck back in the day

Anonymous No. 16217820

nope, the simultaneous booster landing thread was probably the biggest

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Anonymous No. 16217822

>tfw starting up RSS KSP with literally +100 mods making it take half a hour to get past the loading screen
Still prefer it over KSP2

Anonymous No. 16217824

Even though it was a soft landing, super heavy did land in the sea and salt water would fuck up a lot of stuff.

Anonymous No. 16217825

Boeing has the families of the astronauts hostage. They cannot refuse.

Anonymous No. 16217826

>half a hour to get past the loading screen
Fucking hell are you on an nvme?

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Anonymous No. 16217827

I genuinelly cant wait for the common sense skeptic BANGER about IFT4. will be a great watch.

Anonymous No. 16217831


the goal isn't to land in salt water.

Anonymous No. 16217832

won't he just ignore it?

Anonymous No. 16217835

But it's stainless steel, not toilet paper

Anonymous No. 16217836

>Mr. Thunderf00t that Musk has ended up duplicating the Space Shuttle
thats a pretty lame way of describing it, because SS is fully reusable and wont take 6 months to cycle for another launch, which will itself be WAAAAAY cheaper than each shuttle launch. And of course, the moon and mars talk is what they're making it for.

Anonymous No. 16217837

There won't be one unless he finds some shoddy article about endangering schools of vulnerable sardines or something to "back it up" with.

Anonymous No. 16217839

Once everyone has neuralink Elon Musk will become a trillionaire as he lives rent free in the heads of these mongs and can get ad revenue.

Anonymous No. 16217840

>rent free
They'll be paying rent

Anonymous No. 16217841

>I fully agree with Mr. Thunderf00t
Trolling outside /b/ is against the rules.

Anonymous No. 16217842

>he doesn't know
It's balsa wood with a tin foil covering

Anonymous No. 16217843

How do Elon fanboys cope now that Boeing has proven its superiority?

Anonymous No. 16217844

Nah, I'm using an old as shit SSD

Anonymous No. 16217845

Why did they jettison the hot stage adapter? I didn't realise that was a thing.

Anonymous No. 16217847

I like to call him tendertoe sometimes

Anonymous No. 16217849

never heard of him before todays test flight thread. im glad about that.

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Anonymous No. 16217850

Anonymous No. 16217851

International Stench Station

Anonymous No. 16217853

I am now playing KSP1. I started messing around with Kerbal Konstructs recently and I'm improving my Laythe colonies with runways and shit.

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Anonymous No. 16217855


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Anonymous No. 16217857


Anonymous No. 16217858

We cope by remembering spaceX has been delivering cargo&crew to ISS for years now for a fraction of the cost that boeing does.

Anonymous No. 16217859

>an American invasion of Lebanon is likely before the end of the year
Space Force about to get it's first real war as Iran knocks out American satellites

Anonymous No. 16217863

Can somebody explain to me what the point of fuel transfer even is if you're not going to do it ass-to-ass?

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Anonymous No. 16217864


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Anonymous No. 16217866


Anonymous No. 16217867

i'll have to try it with one of those online downloaders. if you can choose the time frame to grab it should work with the filesize limits etc.

Anonymous No. 16217868

Well, if it happens I hope it won't affect SpaceX.

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Anonymous No. 16217871

He's already got plenty of material for the next video
>burnthrough on the flap
>two engine losses on the booster
>both vehicles being lost at end of mission
that is all he needs to spin it as another catastrophic loss. Then mix in stuff about how it's far behind on the schedule unlike starliner which SUCEEDED first mission.

Anonymous No. 16217878

>all that clanging around
they have no style, they have no grace.

Anonymous No. 16217880

Fuck off pedo

Anonymous No. 16217881

iirc he's been pissing and shitting over Musk for well over a decade now
I am still to this day amazed his heart hasn't detonated like a hand grenade from the stress

Anonymous No. 16217883

its like, you know, heavy man

Anonymous No. 16217886

He doesn't know

Anonymous No. 16217887

Lol, are you still here?

Anonymous No. 16217892

he first got "internet famous" for making about fifty thousand youtube videos dunking on the stupidest christian creationists he could find; basically picked the easiest possible target to make himself look smart. He was doing this when internet atheism was on the rise, so he rode that trend and in years sense has been trying to ride the anti-elon trend too. Chasing the dragon, looking for more dregs of relevance and success.

He's honestly pitiful.

Anonymous No. 16217893

why would he be under stress?

Anonymous No. 16217898

This was such a thrill, when it started coming apart I was just expecting the ship to blow up at any moment, but then it went and completed the flight

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Anonymous No. 16217902

no it wouldn't

Anonymous No. 16217906

weird. did they reject his job application or something?

Anonymous No. 16217907

please leave the internet if you cannot get irony

Anonymous No. 16217909

oooh ok i understand better now thanks. imagine not letting go of your initial skepticism once you see things working well. definite character issues.

Anonymous No. 16217910


Anonymous No. 16217912

those tiles werent where the fuel tanks are.
There was clearly burnthrough and im astonished the engines relit at the end. the sensors on them were fucked which is why it never said they were lit on the diagram.

Anonymous No. 16217920

/g/ here

Can someone explain why you all hate thunderf00t now? I haven't seen him in a while but his debunk of popular scam science shit like solar roadways was cool. Did he go woke or something to piss you all off?

Anonymous No. 16217921

I gurantee you one tile fell off the fuel tank too.

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Anonymous No. 16217923

Anonymous No. 16217929

look at his YouTube channel

Anonymous No. 16217930

no way bro. how would they have any liquid propellant if the fuel was superheated?

Anonymous No. 16217934

he has been whining about spacex forever and completely clueless to boot

Anonymous No. 16217938

Lucky Number 4
magic is real.

Anonymous No. 16217939

>she's floating
witch confirmed

Anonymous No. 16217940

Ok, we have the launch vehicle now
LUVOIR-A when?

Anonymous No. 16217942


Anonymous No. 16217943

He's a decent chemist who should stay in his fucking lane of chemistry because he's consistently wrong about every space and rockets.

Anonymous No. 16217946

Not at first no. But once they start successfully reusing boostsers and ships it could
Turns out "skeptics" are all retards who think they know more than they actually do. Just wait till the aliens show up and reveal they have been here for a bajillion years or whatever they will all collectively commit sepuku out of shame

Anonymous No. 16217947

It has a lot of thermal mass

Anonymous No. 16217948

man the future is going to be filled with so many fucking references

Anonymous No. 16217950

*everything space and rockets.

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Anonymous No. 16217952

Solarfag on suicide watch

Anonymous No. 16217954

What's the most perfect rocket according to a chemist again?

Anonymous No. 16217956

>He once tried to do transfer orbit calculations without taking into account the fact that planets move.
>He tried to argue Falcon 9 was more expensive than Shuttle because he didn’t understand the figures he was pulling from Wikipedia
>He made a spreadsheet claiming that re-use wouldn’t be viable before 10 flights (which SpaceX now exceeded) but even with his toy model had to lie about what it said to make that case

Anonymous No. 16217957

Don't ask me. I'm not a fucking chemist. Phil is still like an electrician giving unwanted advice on plumbing because he also did trades.

Anonymous No. 16217961

The problem is that /g/ is just as gay and retarded as he is
Being an “intellectual” isn’t a lifestyle; it’s a faggy, pretentious peacock act to look smart and seek validation. And in his case, he leans too far into the grift. Yeah you can point out flaws in tesla, or make fun of the hyperloop idea. But phil mason acts like SpaceX itself is some sort of scam act who are laundering money and burning the books and making up numbers and figures despite the more-than-obvious success of the company

Anonymous No. 16217964

I don't think he's actually that stupid but he knows his audience is.

Anonymous No. 16217967

Scifi books seem to favor metallic hydrogen

Anonymous No. 16217969

Yeah I think that as well, to an extent. I think he found out where the money is. And you can’t blame a man for a hustle.
But my goodness he has said some VERY obliquely stupid things about rocketry and spaceflight and I have to question where the scam ends and where his actual lobotomized reasoning skills starts

Anonymous No. 16217970

>Pylon is a standalone power generator that transmits electricity wirelessly
how long until we unlock zerg tech too?

Anonymous No. 16217973

>the most perfect rocket
Whatever reactionless drive that uap use to propel themselves.

Propellant is for suckers

Anonymous No. 16217975

I was thinking about that infographic about what the perfect rocket is for each of the disciplines. Can't seem to find it.

Anonymous No. 16217976


Anonymous No. 16217977

Nuke chads... we won...

Anonymous No. 16217983

I think they should just use disposable solid fuel rockets to launch starship

Anonymous No. 16217985

Chemists would hate a reactionless drive.

Anonymous No. 16217986

And I think you should go in the pisslock, but here we are.

Anonymous No. 16217988


Anonymous No. 16217990

Well i think you're a fucking retard. What part of fully and rapidly reusable do you not get?
Good. Chemistry is gay. physics is chad and based. Instead of using gay chemical reactions where particles fuck each other in the ass to produce a meager propulsion, reactionless drives harness the power of physics exploits to achieve superluminal speeds.

Anonymous No. 16217992


Anonymous No. 16217993

As kino as flight 4 was, imagine how cool it’s going to be watching a first person flip maneuver from a camera that isn’t smudged with flap and a cracked lens.

Anonymous No. 16217997

didn't they have another camera or did it go bust which somehow I doubt it considering what this camera has survived.

Anonymous No. 16217998

Just more things to look forward to

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catching superhea....webm

Anonymous No. 16217999

Watching the catch is going to be surreal

Anonymous No. 16218004

I think the other one was directly on the side rather than slightly on top.
There's no way it survived.

Anonymous No. 16218005

Remember when we got the first video of a Falcon 9 landing on the ocean except the video was corrupted and it took great effort to reconstruct anything from it?

Anonymous No. 16218007

why was there clearly burnthrough

Anonymous No. 16218009

sparks and green shit flying off the back of the ship, same as what was happening on the flap but less severe. that was metal melting and burning away btw

Anonymous No. 16218011

I think this woman could stand to be a little bit hungry.
Or maybe at least share some food with her kids.

Anonymous No. 16218012

>>He tried to argue Falcon 9 was more expensive than Shuttle because he didn’t understand the figures he was pulling from Wikipedia

he's not wrong Musk has probably swindled billions from tax payers, look at hyperlool

Anonymous No. 16218013

so sparks don't happen at all if everything is intact? makes some sense

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Anonymous No. 16218014

Anonymous No. 16218016

Did SpaceX or Musk release some images/info we didn't get from the stream?

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Anonymous No. 16218018


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Anonymous No. 16218020

Anonymous No. 16218023

This has to be thundercuck himself shilling his latest xeets
Nobody cares

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16218025


basically living in an alternate reality, I think you could call this dogmatic, ironically almost religious
like has been often joked here, I'm pretty sure these people are still going to be whining and talking in the same way when there is a mars colony and just say that it was 10 years late or something, only had 10k people at some deadline instead of 25k that musk said or whatever

Anonymous No. 16218026

Wasn’t that camera mounted to the fin that got fucked?

Anonymous No. 16218028

>muh timeline estimate from 10 years ago
Holy shit he has fallen off

Anonymous No. 16218029

Can someone remind him of the time his country launched a satellite, in which his own country cucked themselves from the launch so needed austrailia to launch it, and it failed after 5 minutes of sending any data.

Imagine the space debris and trash up there!

Anonymous No. 16218030

What a douche. Everyone knows that elon's timeframes are unrealistic. We've known this since day 1. What matters is they still manage to get things done even if it takes 5-6 years longer than elons overly optimistic ideas of how long it will take

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Anonymous No. 16218032


basically living in an alternate reality, I think you could call this dogmatic, ironically almost religious
like has been often joked here, I'm pretty sure these people are still going to be whining and talking in the same way when there is a mars colony and just say that it was 10 years late or something, only had 10k people at some deadline instead of 25k that musk said or whatever

people were talking about him and he seems to be doubling down

Anonymous No. 16218033

The man can't take an L, but he also has some points at times. Broken clock and all that.

Anonymous No. 16218035

there should not be the firework show we actually got. the tiles arent supposed to react with the plasma like that

Anonymous No. 16218036

>nasa did way better

Nasa never returned a 40 story tall booster from space

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Anonymous No. 16218037

Anonymous No. 16218038

Yeah but they got to the moon. That has to count for something.

Anonymous No. 16218041

Shuttle reentry had tons of sparks too.
The bright green is concerning though

Anonymous No. 16218042

Starship hasto become fully and rapidly reusable. with all the shit flying off the booster idk if they could have reused it.

Anonymous No. 16218043

Do these people think that the government awards contracts to the first that happens to pass by? Dear if they won those contract is because they brought results on the table, if they weren't sucessfull no one would have awarded them anything.

Anonymous No. 16218044

And spacex and other commercial companies will help colonize it. Something nasa alone will never be able to do

Anonymous No. 16218045

Far as i'm aware of the 4 Artemis missions that have flown so far (Artemis 1, the launch of the CAPSTONE satellite by Electron (success), the launch of Peregrine by Vulcan (failure), and then the launch of Odysseus by SpaceX (partial Success? It landed on the moon and fell over). There are 2 Falcon Heavy and 3 Falcon 9 missions until Starship will do a lunar landing sometime next year (which we'll see if that actually happens) There's also the Artemis 2 launch in September next year which will involve a crewed lunar flyby.

Anonymous No. 16218046

can someone splice together all of his best copium scenes from his livestream
I dont want to comb through it myself

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Anonymous No. 16218047
>Here is Starship shutting down at the end of the second stage burn as seen from Tampa, Florida this morning! Be sure to click the link for the full 4K video and the main telescope view, but here's a clip from the refractor riding piggyback on the scope!

Anonymous No. 16218049

Well that was unnecessarily mean-spirited and uncalled for.

Anonymous No. 16218050

its just a cope mythos to explain away what Musk has accomplished
Musk is dumb, but this just by itself would be in contradiction to his companies being as successful as they are, so they need some explanation (emerald mine money, given money from the government and actually not successful, somebody in the companies is actually responsible for the success etc take your pick)

Anonymous No. 16218051

It's not NASA's fault that Congress is giving their budget away to Wall Street

Anonymous No. 16218052

By giving unlimited money from an unlimited budget to various private companies.

Anonymous No. 16218054

the engineers did still do it, but the original diversion is kind of moot anyway
NASA doing something 50 years ago is kind of irrelevant, what matters is what they are doing now (SLS) compared to private entities (SpaceX)

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Anonymous No. 16218057

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Anonymous No. 16218058

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Anonymous No. 16218060

Anonymous No. 16218061

NASA pisses away over 20 billion per year achieving next to nothing. The Starship program in 6 years hasnt even hit 10 billion

Anonymous No. 16218062

just glad the astronauts made it to the ISS safely at this point

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Anonymous No. 16218063

Anonymous No. 16218065

To be honest i find Elon Musk to be quite annoying and attention seeking, but we need to give credit where it's due Spacex is doing the work of the lord.
In the span of a single year they passed from having a rocket that explodes mid-air to have a nearly perfect landing and we are not talking about some extremely small probing rocket that weighs 10 kg, we are talking about one of the heaviest rockets ever made.

Anonymous No. 16218069

>The Starship program in 6 years hasnt even hit 10 billion
SpaceX is a private company and doesn't have to tell you how much they spend on anything

Why is the bright green concerning?

Anonymous No. 16218070

>one of
Pretty sure it's got everything else beat on just about every metric.

Anonymous No. 16218071

You can do the math yourself, all the hardware is plain to see

Anonymous No. 16218072

I don't want to do the math myself. I want you to tell me what those raspberry pis cost. Clearly they were too expensive for Boing.

Anonymous No. 16218073

At this point, why should we even bother funding NASA, Boeing, etc. anything and just give it all to SpaceX? I guess DoD can keep their money.

Anonymous No. 16218074

SpaceX doesn't own any senators currently.

Anonymous No. 16218076

It would look bad.

Anonymous No. 16218081

It's an ego thing with him. Just listen to his voice and the way he talks - some form of narcissism there. He's unable to understand criticism of himself or his mistakes. Same for most of the people who actually watch his videos too I think, some amount of his fans are just bog standard boomers who have no idea about space yet hate Musk for whatever reason, but the rest of them clearly have a screw loose. Go argue with them on youtube and you'll see what I mean, they are incapable of accurately observing reality at all. Low-IQ and leftism is a repulsive combination

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Anonymous No. 16218085

Are beans good food for a mars colony?

Anonymous No. 16218089

Bullshit. If they dropped all money from big aerospace and gave it all to SpaceX, everyone would mostly cheer.

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Anonymous No. 16218091

about fucking time, boing

Anonymous No. 16218093

Methane ain't gonna produce itself.

Anonymous No. 16218095

rice and beans are rich eatther food. martians get the bug paste.

Anonymous No. 16218100

banana leg bugs...

Anonymous No. 16218104

NASA should focus on science missions
but yes giving money to NASA to build SLS is retarded

Anonymous No. 16218106

So where does all the infrastructure to make the actual missions that goes on rockets, go to?

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Anonymous No. 16218107

space sex

Anonymous No. 16218110

Earth her? I barely even know her!

Anonymous No. 16218112


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Anonymous No. 16218113


Anonymous No. 16218114

So no faa nigger investigation right?

Anonymous No. 16218118

Shouldn't be one, no. Not a lawyer nor do I work for the FAA.

Anonymous No. 16218121


Anonymous No. 16218124

how do you solve the flap gap problem?

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Anonymous No. 16218125

What's the mishap?

Anonymous No. 16218127

buddy elon said they spent 2 billiona year running starbase, this was before any orbital launch attempts and didnt even inclue cost of vehicles and cost of starship things from outside of starbase. its definitely exceeded the nasa yearly budget at this point.

Anonymous No. 16218128

Going to need at least two more launches to get the necessary data.

Anonymous No. 16218130

they need to investigate impact on life in the ionosphere. please understand!

Anonymous No. 16218131


Anonymous No. 16218134

FAA commendation for landing that shit with holes in its control surfaces

Anonymous No. 16218135

I propose a fixed delta wing. maybe even mount the starship fuel tank externally for greater performance in orbit.

Anonymous No. 16218137

Flaps will work flawlessly next flight in following the pattern that every step they fail one flight is trivial the next

Anonymous No. 16218140

I didnt know spaceX can build mars rovers, telescopes, interplanetary plobes.

And btw, falcon 9, crew dragon and starship exist thanks to NASA money

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Anonymous No. 16218142


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Anonymous No. 16218143

yes that was what he posted you subhominid

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Anonymous No. 16218145
>Starship reentering like a meteor

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Anonymous No. 16218147
>Starship separates from booster

Anonymous No. 16218148

Ground views of either craft while they're coming back when?

Anonymous No. 16218150

He's back

Anonymous No. 16218151

how the fuck do they recover from this? is there an actual fix for the flaps melting?

Anonymous No. 16218152

add more flaps

Anonymous No. 16218154

No. It’s over, starship reusability in shambles.

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Anonymous No. 16218155

It's over for Elon.

Anonymous No. 16218156

Move them leeward, bleed methane at the interface, stuff it full of glass fiber insulation.

Anonymous No. 16218157

>The night before #Starship's 4th flight, @elonmusk described one of the main concerns about Starship's heat shield. He turned out to be right as it was the exact spot that burned through. More video to come!

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Anonymous No. 16218158

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Anonymous No. 16218159


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Anonymous No. 16218160

he thicc

Anonymous No. 16218162

work on why the plasma flow seemed to concentrate there. add extra heat shielding. get drunk, cry, give up etc. take your pick

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Anonymous No. 16218164

big chungus

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Anonymous No. 16218166

How hyped was she during the Starship flight test?

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Anonymous No. 16218167


Anonymous No. 16218168

Spacenews says an environmentalist group is going to try and sue SpaceX over the wastewater thing

Anonymous No. 16218169

We've all been saying it for years. Flaps are an insurmountable problem in space.
They'll never solve it. It's over.

Anonymous No. 16218170

of course they are

Anonymous No. 16218171

she came

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Anonymous No. 16218176

I used to watch this guy a long time ago. Now it would be really funny to watch his seeth empire crash if the Starship is successful

Anonymous No. 16218177


Anonymous No. 16218178


Anonymous No. 16218179

GUYS. does anyone have a youtube video of the official spacex launch stream? i wanna download it in HD

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Anonymous No. 16218180

not a software problem, not a hardware problem
what the fuck is it then?

Anonymous No. 16218181

why put the flaps on the side? just put them on the back and make them a little wider to reach more air

Anonymous No. 16218182

user error :)

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Anonymous No. 16218184


Anonymous No. 16218185

Morality problem

Anonymous No. 16218187

it means they didn't design the software to expect the values they're feeding it. It's not "broken" they just didn't design it right

Anonymous No. 16218188

They look like bouncers at a club lol

Anonymous No. 16218189

that sounds like a problem
something can not be broken but still be a problem

Anonymous No. 16218190


Anonymous No. 16218191

Do not redeem RCS thrusts

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Anonymous No. 16218192

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Anonymous No. 16218195

>it means they didn't design the software to expect the values they're feeding it.
>It's not "broken" they just didn't design it right

Anonymous No. 16218197

>takes ozempic
>still fat as fuck
wat da fak

Anonymous No. 16218199

this is so disgusting

Anonymous No. 16218200

>Flap-Chan being gaped by hypersonic plasma
Sir this is a family board

Anonymous No. 16218203

I'm all for spending money into engineering AIs that will manifest in flesh as sexy artificial beings. And catgirls, of course.

Anonymous No. 16218205

He has tweaked spine and a huge rib cage for some reason. It's not all fat

Anonymous No. 16218209

If you think about it, it's basically pitfucking.

Anonymous No. 16218212

There is not supposed to be an actual hole in the pit.

Anonymous No. 16218214

some fused disks due to trying to throw a sumo wrestler and weak back/core due to never exercising make it probably more pronounced

Anonymous No. 16218216

assuming this isn't bait, there are quite a few Starship based startups right now working towards the mass production of cheap space hardware.
JPL is really good at spending 50 billion dollars developing around constraints that will shortly no longer exist.

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Anonymous No. 16218217



Anonymous No. 16218218

I liked the part where rogget went up.

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Anonymous No. 16218219


Anonymous No. 16218220

Humans on mars was really cool so I’m going to have to say that one

Anonymous No. 16218222

look at the video in the xeet, he's fat as fuck

Anonymous No. 16218226

Thought the flap would get cut clean off followed by the ship tumbling out of control and loss of signal soon after. I didn't even think of the possibility it might have held together until we got below like Mach 2

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Anonymous No. 16218228

Anonymous No. 16218229

Elon dying of obesity before he gets to Mars would be peak American

Anonymous No. 16218230

god damn he is seething lmaooo

Anonymous No. 16218231


Anonymous No. 16218232

el cretura! dios mio...

Anonymous No. 16218233

this nigga havin a meltdown

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Anonymous No. 16218237

>a large, opaque mass of water the size of a basketball was found behind an avionics panel
ground control found the cum closet

Anonymous No. 16218240

As if falcon 9 didn't need multiple flights before they got the hang of landing and reusing it
What an absolute clown

Anonymous No. 16218243

>and larger organisms
such as?

Anonymous No. 16218244

why is he in denial?

Anonymous No. 16218247


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Anonymous No. 16218248

Anonymous No. 16218249

molds that could potentially eat metal glass and rubber

Anonymous No. 16218250

They need more money, please understand.

Anonymous No. 16218253

some of those aren't needed for artemis even if they will be achieved first

Anonymous No. 16218255

the flap never failed, it worked until splash down

Anonymous No. 16218256

Or kill a thousand beetles trying.

Anonymous No. 16218257

I doubt places like the NRO is going to give their projects to startups of all things.

Anonymous No. 16218258

No shit sherlock.

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Anonymous No. 16218259

Anonymous No. 16218260

the heawt of a champeun

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revert rollback.png

Anonymous No. 16218262


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Anonymous No. 16218264


Anonymous No. 16218265

Combo of error detection with a hair trigger and larger transients than they expected.

Anonymous No. 16218266

yes why are you even bluffing being a retard

Anonymous No. 16218267

Why not just have bars that are just nutrient complete and forgo having all the variety?

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Anonymous No. 16218268

Anonymous No. 16218269


Anonymous No. 16218270

there are a few hundred other ones I couldn't fit in this

Anonymous No. 16218271

jesus. also most of those are probably bait and not genuine

Anonymous No. 16218272

Mental health is a thing you know? Imagine eating the same thing 24/7 for any extended period of time.

Anonymous No. 16218274

In Surviving Mars my colonists eat nothing but Quinoa. Been meaning to try that myself.

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Anonymous No. 16218275


Anonymous No. 16218276

U vill eat ze undifferentiated food like product

Anonymous No. 16218278

its over thunderfoot sisters, what is our next move
pivot to hating something else?

Anonymous No. 16218280

Revert to clowning on hyperloop.

Anonymous No. 16218281

i like his confidence! So he says next flight will be a complete sucess then?

Anonymous No. 16218282

You dont, just move goalposts and thats good enough

Anonymous No. 16218284

Technically this one was. Even wikipediacels agree

Anonymous No. 16218285

In my fortress, we only drink plump helmet wine. We dont need food basically

Anonymous No. 16218287

You joke but I still believe the the biggest wall for a Mars colony is finding sufficient amounts of people that won't just kill themselves or each other from getting stir-crazy,

Anonymous No. 16218288

reject reality and substitute your own

Anonymous No. 16218289

>believing Elon Musk
holy newfag

Anonymous No. 16218291

They completed all the milestones and it was fucking epic, but having burnthrough on the hinges means the starship as is cannot be reliably landed. It's miraculous that they made it

Anonymous No. 16218292

>Yes yes SpaceX, well done. HOWEVER, the warp coil overheated as it passed light speed! Good luck with reusability when you have to recalibrate the drive core every flight you morons! HOHOHOHOHO.

Anonymous No. 16218293

needs a part info panel with ablative: 0

Anonymous No. 16218294

You're better off pulling your own opinion from your ass than concurring with someone that knows nothing about spaceflight

The shuttle was really expensive, it used solid fuel boosters that had to be refurbished, dumped a giant tank, and the tiles had to be refurbished or else a single one could kill the crew. Starship architecture is entirely reusable, uses all wet fuel, and a flawless tps is necessary for rapid reuse but not surviving. Also the shuttle was hydrogen which boils rapidly in space so orbital refueling was out of the question. It was a crewed spaceplane so the payload performance would always be worse than a normal rocket.

Anonymous No. 16218295


Anonymous No. 16218296

New lawsuit threat

>The same day as the FAA issued a new launch license, an environmental group announced its intent to sue SpaceX, alleging its ground systems were causing water contamination.,

>SaveRGV, a group focused on the environment of the Rio Grande Valley region of Texas, announced June 4 that it informed SpaceX it would file suit against the company, claiming “ongoing violations of federal law,” specifically the Clean Water Act.

>SaveRGV says that the water deluge system that SpaceX installed at Starbase, intended to limit damage to the pad during Starship launches, discharges “industrial wastewater” that includes contaminants like metals that can travel as far as one kilometer from the pad. SpaceX lacks a permit for such discharges from Texas state regulators, the organization says.

>An environmental review conducted by the FAA before the second Starship/Super Heavy launch in November concluded that the additional of the water deluge system resulted in no significant environmental changes. The review concluded that the water from the deluge system “is expected to be less than an average summer rainfall event” and “would be unlikely to alter water quality.”

>The organization said it will file suit against SpaceX within 60 days, seeking civil penalties and injunctive relief that could prohibit SpaceX from using the deluge system or even performing launches there.

Eric Roach and his lies

Anonymous No. 16218298

Day of the Pisslock when.

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Anonymous No. 16218300

So today on the radio news, the regular on-the-half-hour news, they were talking about the SpaceX Youtube stream, and how halfway through it broke into Elon on a stage in California somewhere saying scan this QR code and get a special deal on buttcoins!
And I know everyone here is now hurting from their heads suddenly hitting their desks. SpaceX doesn't do Youtube streams anymore, it was a fake stream run by crypto pajeets.

Anonymous No. 16218301

My favorite cringe fuel was he described it as Orwellian and Soviet to call the flight a success, right after he himself begrudgingly called it a success at splashdown

Anonymous No. 16218302

I think its a fair bit of both, but I'm not one to try and determine it myself outside of the most blatant ones (which I left out)

Anonymous No. 16218303

Makes you wonder if those environmental groups are being paid to do these lawsuits just to stall spacex

Anonymous No. 16218304

>nice job spacex, but next time maybe put more than 10 people on mars. Far off from being a sustainable city!

Anonymous No. 16218305

>and the tiles had to be refurbished or else a single one could kill the crew.
and also every single tile was a uniquely shaped and fitted piece. lol

Anonymous No. 16218307

until they get the hinged fix they should stuff the flap full of insulation

Anonymous No. 16218308

HAL 1000 was feeling grumpy

Anonymous No. 16218309

He's already gone into complete denial

Anonymous No. 16218310

Another group tried this before and it went nowhere. This lawsuit will be the same.

Anonymous No. 16218311

unreasonable faggot.

Anonymous No. 16218312

He's acting like an angry woman

Anonymous No. 16218313

Become a flat earther and deny the moon landings happened. I think he'd fit right in with that little bunch

Anonymous No. 16218316

Redesigned to reduce the risk that is already highlighted before the flight. IDK if he's saying "newer version" as the "next Starship" or not, but if he is, then it should be solved

Anonymous No. 16218317

why does some random youtube makes you goys this mad? like, why do you care so much? do you faggots have mental issues?

Anonymous No. 16218318

Can thundernigger not be a colossal faggot for two minutes and just say OK yeah that was pretty cool

Anonymous No. 16218319

it seems like he does and it's funny

Anonymous No. 16218321

reminder that multiple right leaning figures have all come under government hammer this week including Trump, Alex Jones, and Elon. Political purges are ongoing and nationalization of SpaceX is not out of the question.

Anonymous No. 16218323

question: does starship need pressure in its main tank to survive entry? I know its not an issue for fuel because they use header tanks for landings. But say it got a hole in it, could it survive?

Anonymous No. 16218324

me when I am schizophrenic

Anonymous No. 16218325

I mean, yeah, for a place like 4chan with its dumb games, it's funny. the guy literally makes retards ITT seethe and gets free (You)s from them.
but for people who actually care about the science and engineering? hmm...
is this general full of kids?

Anonymous No. 16218326

not spaceflight

Anonymous No. 16218328

Maybe if it's the methane tank that's breached
If it's the LoX one, the whole thing will blow up in seconds

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chink atlas.jpg

Anonymous No. 16218331

the crazy ideas you gweilos come up with!

Anonymous No. 16218332

You know, maybe, just maybe, he said really retarded things on the topic of spaceflight for years, never admits when he's wrong, and its his own fault. Also he can't tell the difference between "scam science" and a company that lifts more mass into space than everyone else on planet earth combined.

Anonymous No. 16218333

You're also asking a state of maturity from /sci/ of all places. Just a quick look at the catalog shows how bad it can be.

Anonymous No. 16218334

So they intentionally removed few of the tiles and the the ship survived just fine.

Tile just needs to be more robust in placement it seems like.

Anonymous No. 16218335

Trump - convicted of felonies
Alex - Infowars ordered to dissolve by the court
Elon - SEC investigating insider trading
Giuliani - getting disbarred or something
Scott Ritter - passport revoked on a flight by state department, no reason given
some Proud Boys leader getting something too
Steve Bannon - ordered to jail

t. thundershitter

Anonymous No. 16218336

And they're still not going to fish it out of the ocean

Anonymous No. 16218338

>hes not wrong

Whats it like going through life just claiming shit on a whim

Anonymous No. 16218339

and all of those are deserved and legitimate. what exactly is your point? go back to pol please.

Anonymous No. 16218342

compromising your ship in general has got to be less-than-ideal
Didn’t columbia break up because plasma entered the airframe and essentially ate it from the inside out and broke the airframe apart?

Anonymous No. 16218343


Anonymous No. 16218344

watch his stream after splashdown, I think he actually has dementia

Anonymous No. 16218346

there were a handful of other STSs which almost ended in disaster too; Discovery I believe, where luckily a steel component was below the burned through title rather than aluminum orbiter frame

Anonymous No. 16218348

No, next starship still has the "old" version of the hinges.

Anonymous No. 16218350

Its interesting how elon is always "supposed" to meet his stupid timelines but no one is "supposed" to hold a candle to spacex. Falcon 9 is ancient and its still the only rocket with any reusability

Anonymous No. 16218352

Before spaceX picked that place no greenfag ever even heard of the place, now they are all up on arms to save it.

Anonymous No. 16218354

pretty sure this particular general gets a lot of tourists during events like the starship launch

Anonymous No. 16218355

kys yourself

Anonymous No. 16218356

yeah it counts for the mass they were able to get there, which isnt comparable to starship which is trying to get over 100 tons

Anonymous No. 16218358

it may explode due to the fuel being heate, but i saw a lot of venting on the reentry so maybe they have it set up to vent when presure gets too high

Anonymous No. 16218359

Foreshadowed chad steel domination over weak virgin aluminum

Anonymous No. 16218360

>there will be popcorn on the moon

Anonymous No. 16218361

It ain't that much better even outside events.

Anonymous No. 16218362

Hows spaceguy5 coping?

Anonymous No. 16218363

NASA will land the first werewolf of color on the Moon

Anonymous No. 16218365

They also dont think how elon receiving contracts could possibly be cronyism. He was a young guy with a new company and no background or connections with the existing complex. It's almost like he bids the lowest and the officials like his pitches.

Anonymous No. 16218366

How many martian werewolves could you take?

Anonymous No. 16218371


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Anonymous No. 16218372

Is thunderf00t transitioning?

Anonymous No. 16218374

>They're abusively telling me I'm wrong
This is your brain on twitter

Anonymous No. 16218375

he's just balding

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Anonymous No. 16218378
>Update on my marshmallow
>#Starship #IFT4

Anonymous No. 16218381

Imagine being in space for months, not being able to masturbate because zero g semen is a hazard, then you open the airlock and see this

Anonymous No. 16218383

hey what the hell is this

Anonymous No. 16218384

What the hell, just use condoms

Anonymous No. 16218385

finally. You can't just dump water that has touched steel pipes into the environment, that's fucked

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solar system moon....gif

Anonymous No. 16218386

Quite a few; full moons are very brief on Mars and the tininess of them probably matters

Anonymous No. 16218388

You won't believe me, but it won't change a thing. He's been like this for falcon 9 which is the greatest rocket of all time now, and he never took the L

Anonymous No. 16218389

An even bigger hazard
What needs to be done is just swallowing the coom

Anonymous No. 16218393

Your feelings are vulnerable at the hinges

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Anonymous No. 16218399

Anonymous No. 16218401


Anonymous No. 16218402

Flap-chan would take offence to that.

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Anonymous No. 16218403


Anonymous No. 16218404

what if they vented the lox before re-entry?

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Anonymous No. 16218405

All of them.

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Anonymous No. 16218407


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Anonymous No. 16218408

FUD pieces coming through

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Anonymous No. 16218410


Anonymous No. 16218411


Anonymous No. 16218412

Drinking my mega pint, pondering the success of the mega rocket

Anonymous No. 16218413

Yeah but a catastrophic hole is always a non zero possibility in space, micro meteors etc.

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Anonymous No. 16218414


I mean I don't see much if any damage this time

Anonymous No. 16218415

>Anyone got a link to a download of the full stream?
Too big for Catbox or even Litterbox, so I put it on WeTransfer:

Anonymous No. 16218416

Your lack of faith will give her the ick

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Military spacepla....jpg

Anonymous No. 16218418

Anonymous No. 16218419

unironically lol

Anonymous No. 16218420

member when the hot plate was never going to work and doom the program?

Anonymous No. 16218421


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PTM moon LANTR LTV.jpg

Anonymous No. 16218423

Anonymous No. 16218426

lol, they really couldn't find any flaw at all.

Anonymous No. 16218427

Looks like they just got rid of the fence they kept blowing over lol.

Anonymous No. 16218428

>common aero vehicle
if orbit really becomes cheap then every great power worth their salt will store many of their warheads in orbit and deorbit them at ther target when necessary

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Capsule To Aid Mo....jpg

Anonymous No. 16218429

Anonymous No. 16218433

>dual human hamster ball
outlandish but inspired

Anonymous No. 16218434

Spacemen are stored in the balls.

Anonymous No. 16218435


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Robert Watts Luna....jpg

Anonymous No. 16218437

Anonymous No. 16218438

stinky farts general

Anonymous No. 16218439

how long is it going to take to make flap modifications?

Anonymous No. 16218440

just guys being dudes, you love to see it

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Anonymous No. 16218441

Honey, CSS cope just dropped!

Anonymous No. 16218442

flap-chan doesn't need any modifications, she's perfect just the way she is

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Anonymous No. 16218443

Raja was at the launch.

Anonymous No. 16218445

I don't think that math shakes out

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lunar delta v hi ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16218446

Anonymous No. 16218448

Then they wouldn't be able to relight the engines

Anonymous No. 16218449

>can make reusable rockets
>can't make reusable towers
ah, yes, spacex """engineers"""

Anonymous No. 16218450

if these launches become as common as air travel, what would be the implications of dumping loads of co2 into and above the ozone?

Anonymous No. 16218452

That's illegal, and even then, warheads could be easily sent up on existing launch vehicles, they're not that heavy

Anonymous No. 16218453

lmao it's mostly water. there's a path to carbon neutral methane anyway, genius musk strikes again

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Anonymous No. 16218455

Anonymous No. 16218456

>if these launches become as common as air travel
that will literally never happen, ever

Anonymous No. 16218459

Planet will catch on fire.

Anonymous No. 16218460

i don't know, that QD arm look twisted

Anonymous No. 16218461

>launches become as common as air travel
literally impossible because of the noise.

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Ron Miller titan ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16218462

Anonymous No. 16218463

What are you going to do about it, nuke them?

Anonymous No. 16218464

>one of the heaviest rockets ever made.
It's THE heaviest rocket. There's no need to reflexively put in the "one of" qualifier.

Anonymous No. 16218467

wouldnt it be faster to drop the bomb if its already in orbit? if you launch a fresh one it could take half an hour more even with zero prep of the launch vehicle

Anonymous No. 16218469

>That's illegal
Who cares lmao

Anonymous No. 16218471

Someone PLEASE post the CSS schizo posts about lunar landings

Anonymous No. 16218472

I hadn't thought of this til now but it kind reminds me of Steve Jobs actually

Anonymous No. 16218474

wear headphones.
so musk was lying :/

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Anonymous No. 16218475

"Boeing Starliner reaches ISS without killing even one astronaut or whistleblower" -objective journalism

Anonymous No. 16218476

I love you, flap. Please marry me.

Anonymous No. 16218477

Anyone have a webm of today's Chang'e 6 orbital capture?

Anonymous No. 16218478

>so musk was lying :/
Did he say that? Jesus
Did he mean in like 50 years or something?

Are you sure he didn't just say as regulated and as safe as air travel?

Anonymous No. 16218479

My point is, you can have warheads loitering in orbit using current technology, no need for bigger or cheaper rockets
I'd even wager that there are some up there already

Anonymous No. 16218482

None, they've already made a pathfinder for flap v.2

Anonymous No. 16218483

I fired up the woodchipper and was moving the diving board into place

Anonymous No. 16218484

listen to that nigga speak about starfactory. he says he wants multiple ships a week being built and each ship flying multiple times a day. Ambition on a mega scale.

Anonymous No. 16218485

any reason why they stuck with the broken flap camera, and not at least cycle to the one looking down the rocket's tail end?

Anonymous No. 16218487

looks like some plating was eroded, but not catastrophic.

Anonymous No. 16218488

i would wager that the feed died since plasma was eating all the joints

Anonymous No. 16218489

>listen to that nigga speak about starfactory. he says he wants multiple ships a week being built and each ship flying multiple times a day. Ambition on a mega scale.
oh so you don't actually have a quote

do you have any idea how many planes fly per day all over the world anon?

Anonymous No. 16218490

Also, ground based warheads are more advantageous, you can point them anywhere you want and launch at any moment
Orbiting warheads would need to line up to the target before you deorbit them, which could take many hours in a worst case scenario

Anonymous No. 16218491

it broke or it was showing something even worse.
Scott manley is claiming all flaps where burning up.
But if that is true it would be even more amazing that starship made it all the way down and did the flip.

Anonymous No. 16218493

there are 100k airplane flights per day

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Anonymous No. 16218495

>do you have any idea how many planes fly per day all over the world anon?
Hundreds. Literally, hundreds.

Anonymous No. 16218496

>show only areas of concern that are off nominal
Keeping with old spacex tradition of only relaying information if something is of concern

Anonymous No. 16218497

Flying is the most common form of interstate travel anon

Anonymous No. 16218498

bullshit, its hundreds.

Anonymous No. 16218499

>Hundreds. Literally, hundreds.

Anonymous No. 16218501

Thunderf00t has been obnoxious for over a decade and it started with that solar roadway shit, he only needed to make one video about it by tried to milk it for hundreds of videos with nothing new to say, and when that dead horse decomposed fully he decided to start opining on shit he doesn't understand by trying to tear down space x only for space x to continue succeeding despite his claims.

Anonymous No. 16218502

You're such a stupid faggot. Lmfao

Anonymous No. 16218503

>Flight Tracker Overview
>Tracking 14,438 airborne aircraft with 703,266,049 total flights in the database.
>FlightAware has tracked 177,689 arrivals in the last 24 hours.

Anonymous No. 16218504

this is for the US alone.

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Anonymous No. 16218505

Each flight has made significant improvement over the last. Smoother process, further milestones. Relentless progress, one iteration after the other.
So... gradatim ferociter?

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Anonymous No. 16218506


Anonymous No. 16218507

how hot did the backside of starship get during reentry? would you be able to strap an animal to it and have it survive?

Anonymous No. 16218509

So is there any point to mlre v1 launches when v2 are in the works (done?)

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Musk riding on st....jpg

Anonymous No. 16218510


Anonymous No. 16218512

You assume that they've learned all they can with V1 by now.

Anonymous No. 16218513

I still want to get strapped to the inside of a fairing in a pressure suit

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Anonymous No. 16218514

I want a more exciting ride

Anonymous No. 16218516

Air breathing engines, now that in space refueling will become more common.

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Anonymous No. 16218517

falcon 1
>too small to be that useful for itsdesired role
>failed 3 times, worked on 4th flight
then falcon 9 was made and it was paradigm changing

>too small to be that useful for itsdesired role
>failed 3 times, worked on 4th flight
I can't wait for galaxyship to be made

Anonymous No. 16218520

If the Saturn v is so great where is it right now?
How come congress didn't order more?

Anonymous No. 16218523

the relight lox is all in header tank right?

Anonymous No. 16218524


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Anonymous No. 16218526

Anonymous No. 16218527

I have never heard of the journal Science referred to as "Science magazine" before

Anonymous No. 16218528

>Orbiting warheads would need to line up to the target before you deorbit them, which could take many hours in a worst case scenario
Just make a big swarm of satellites and put pencil sized projectiles in them

Anonymous No. 16218529

He'll just move the goalposts

Anonymous No. 16218530

I'm more curious about the engines, given the angle of reentry it seems like they should get toasted a bit. They are engines so I guess they can handle heat but I don't think it's the same

Anonymous No. 16218531

those are expensive, hard to get right (i.e. dangerous) and worse for you than real food

Anonymous No. 16218532

He should have said "Science blog" to be more accurate

Anonymous No. 16218534

What a cringe contrarian faggot.

Anonymous No. 16218535

They also spoil at whatever ingredient (fat/oil usually) goes bad first

Anonymous No. 16218537

we prefer laowai or baigui, thank you very much

Anonymous No. 16218540


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Anonymous No. 16218543

So, what do we call today? The Flappening?

Anonymous No. 16218544

I'm pretty sure I know what's going to be in the center of the Martian flag

Anonymous No. 16218546

Please understand, Hyperloop isn't functioning so that makes todays flight invalid

Anonymous No. 16218548

Earthfags in the future: a fucking trapezoid!

Anonymous No. 16218549

We own before the game started, everyone else is just retarded

Anonymous No. 16218550

Starship-chan masturbation footage

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Anonymous No. 16218554

I used to be subscribed to him back in 2009/2010.
he looks like the pisslock inventor, with a glass of piss

Anonymous No. 16218557

rods from god don't work

Anonymous No. 16218558

Wasn't hyperloop just a white paper elon released that another company ran with? thought it was meant to be used on the moon/mars anyway

Anonymous No. 16218561

Let alone how retarded hyperloop is on earth,
Why would you bother making a vacuum tube on the moon

Anonymous No. 16218562

Look at him, he's turning into a cat lady tranny

Anonymous No. 16218563

Yes, that's precisely it. His involvement otherwise was to poach a few engineering students who did their own hyperloop projects.

Anonymous No. 16218565

dude there are 100,000 flights per day

Anonymous No. 16218568

where do they all come from? there can't be more than five airplanes at my local airport at any given time

Anonymous No. 16218570

Seems easier to do without any existing atmo but I'm not learned in that kind of stuff

Anonymous No. 16218573

>wasnt it just a hyperloop
It was initially a white paper for other companies on this Earth to bring to life. Earth failed in its mission.

Musk then started Boring Company to solve key challenges to bringing this to life. Namely fast/cheap travel with the least resistance to regulatory building. That is underground tunnels. Overground infrastructure would cost 10-100X as much, with 10-100X as delay due to all the regulatory approvals for all the stake holders in all the blocks of traffic, etc.

Its also one of the games that Elon worked on at The Rocket Sciences, where there is a hyperloop type system on the moon.

Anonymous No. 16218574

they come from ur anus

Anonymous No. 16218575


Anonymous No. 16218576

>local airport
It isn't all people. MEM handles so much freight per day that the planes land less than a minute apart. Watching the machine work is sort of insane.

Anonymous No. 16218577

my local international airport has about 70-110 per any given moment, and they cycle every hour roughly, and its only a mid sized airport in the Midwest (excluding the freight terminals also)

Anonymous No. 16218580

>with the least resistance to regulatory building.
Ironic that the thing that killed it was people refusing to let Elon dig under their house

Anonymous No. 16218582

Nah, it was LA playing politics because Musk called them out. Musk rightfully moved the company out of California and into Texas as a result.

Anonymous No. 16218583

that looks so good

Anonymous No. 16218584

So many obvious tourist scum around /sfg/ right now. AS ALWAYS the general is unusable after a launch. Clear off our board already you dumb cunts.

Anonymous No. 16218585

Isn't vegas paying to expand the tunnels?

Anonymous No. 16218586

should I make a new thread?

Anonymous No. 16218588

go back to >>/r/eddit faggot

Anonymous No. 16218589

Yep. They're getting 50+ stations 40+ miles of loop that connects lot of the cities and areas of interests.

Anonymous No. 16218591

Looks like it

Anonymous No. 16218592

you must show dem da way

Anonymous No. 16218594


Anonymous No. 16218598

It is ironic how all those walking city people hate elon so much they can't get behind underground traffic tunnels

Anonymous No. 16218599

Youre right

Anonymous No. 16218600

It's "not a problem" to Boeing because they're actively trying to murder astronauts.

Anonymous No. 16218602

Forgot >>>/v/ but there have been no kerbaltards here so we're good on that front.

Anonymous No. 16218603

The day flap-chan was born, she never gave up.

Anonymous No. 16218605

This. There hasn't been a single krystal posted recently.

Anonymous No. 16218607

Its not the people, its the elite beurocrats who profess a socialist ideology.

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Anonymous No. 16218609

No, i was here before you.

Anonymous No. 16218610

hours later and I am still trembling with excitement. brilliant pebbles will soon be a reality!

Anonymous No. 16218613

How tf did those engines survive?

Anonymous No. 16218614

Engineered to survive.

Anonymous No. 16218615

What a great day for Boeing and SpaceX! Who else here #TeamSpace?

Anonymous No. 16218616

Ellie got Elon interview video tomorrow. Damn she made it big. I remember her starting out just few years back with corny camera shots

Anonymous No. 16218617

engines live for the heat

Anonymous No. 16218618


Anonymous No. 16218620

who is that guy behind her?

Anonymous No. 16218621


Anonymous No. 16218622

some fat fuck

Anonymous No. 16218623

That's the Bull

Anonymous No. 16218625

errrrrmmm where is the video Tod Dodd?

Anonymous No. 16218626

>corny camera shots
you mean the ones of her honking sweaty feet?

Anonymous No. 16218627

Maybe. Or maybe we've been too much of doomers since the beginning the cold war. Humanity has generally had a pessimistic outlook towards the future. We always assume we won't make it. But maybe we really will make it. We were meant to be among the stars

Anonymous No. 16218628

Anonymous No. 16218629

would what? what would you do?

Anonymous No. 16218630

Wow you out another cool guy emoji. Great work.

Anonymous No. 16218632

shit on her chest.

Anonymous No. 16218633

Would serve her a bowl of eggs

Anonymous No. 16218634

you are a rancid fellow

Anonymous No. 16218640

Then it's just a train with a useless tube around it
It's better (like it is on earth) to just have a normal train

Anonymous No. 16218643

getting reviewed for ITAR compliance :|

Anonymous No. 16218644

He's gonna make another kid with her, isn't he?

Anonymous No. 16218645

One of his trooned out so he needs to increase the brood

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Anonymous No. 16218647

VR Chat will see the way of /sfg/ inshallah

Anonymous No. 16218649

I feel that sls would be received a lot better by people if it was called 'jupiter'. sls is a gay and nonsensical riff off sts for no reason. if It was called jupiter it would automatically gain credibility from sharing a naming theme with Saturn.

Anonymous No. 16218651

>sls is a gay and nonsensical riff off sts for no reason.
This is made 1000% worse by the fact that only space nerds even know the "STS" term exists let alone what it means. To 99.999% of the public it has no other name than "The Space Shuttle"

Anonymous No. 16218652

It actually stands for "shuttle, less shuttle" because it's basically shuttle but without like, the shuttle part

Anonymous No. 16218653

Somebody said some Japs in VRChat were watching the launch and going wild, but they couldn't find the video. I'd like to see it.

Anonymous No. 16218658

Let's guess how many new leaks will they find in the starliner capsule. I think 4 more.

Anonymous No. 16218659

I heard someone suggest that it should be named Typhon as a reference to its monstrous existence.

Anonymous No. 16218664

at last I truly see

Anonymous No. 16218667

for years i think everyone assumed it was gonna be renamed, just like people didn't call shuttle "STS" or atlas V "EELV". i almost wonder if it was nasa's passive-aggressive way of reminding congress that they were the ones who mandated this shit, since "space launch system" is taken word-for-word from the bill that mandated it.

Anonymous No. 16218668

Shelby saw Garfield Minus Garfield and inspiration struck.

Anonymous No. 16218675


Anonymous No. 16218677

i hear normies call it the Artemis rocket

Anonymous No. 16218681

Literally the Greek femcel god

Anonymous No. 16218689

They should have gone the other direction and called it ‘uranus’

Anonymous No. 16218691


Anonymous No. 16218694

it's not Sls it's the Artemis rocket:3

Anonymous No. 16218697

It's only reasonable to assume the flap we couldn't see (which the other camera is in) was undergoing similar events to the one we could see; the camera or its wiring was probably cooked.

Anonymous No. 16218703

there were some people in the nixon white house who unironically wanted to name the space shuttle program uranus

Anonymous No. 16218706

they could launch two startships and have one record the other ones re entry

Anonymous No. 16218707

Hop 5 wen

Anonymous No. 16218711


Anonymous No. 16218714

4th of July

Anonymous No. 16218715

fun fact: Hydrazine is noticeably and acutely toxic at levels of like 0.3 ppm and you begin to smell it at levels of 2-3 ppm
once you can smell it you're fucking cooked and will be suffering from liver and kidney and nerve damage

Anonymous No. 16218716

*wen 5 hop?

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Anonymous No. 16218717

stupid frogposter

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Anonymous No. 16218720


Anonymous No. 16218722

holy shit now I FINALLY get why they go overkill full PPE for X-37B return

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Anonymous No. 16218723


Anonymous No. 16218724

Jupiter came before Saturn, and they were just missiles

Anonymous No. 16218726

does boeing only engineer death traps?

Anonymous No. 16218728

I learned that today from watching a vid of dug making it

Anonymous No. 16218729

Do we think IFT-5 tries for a booster catch?

Anonymous No. 16218730


Anonymous No. 16218731

sounds like hell...

Anonymous No. 16218733


Anonymous No. 16218734

Video for anyone interested

Anonymous No. 16218735

Yes, confirmed by Elon on Twitter


Anonymous No. 16218736

Goddamn, what if it misses or something?

Anonymous No. 16218738

Clear should get some flaps

Anonymous No. 16218739

>hostage all 6 engines
>shutdown nominal
>relight center engines

Yep, I think Ship is ready for in-space relight

Anonymous No. 16218742

Nope. Elon used a qualifier "should" admiting it wont happen on OFT-5

Anonymous No. 16218743

3 weeks downtime, unless the prop tanks are damaged. Remember, a crater beneath the launch pad was fixed in 3 months and operational in 4 iirc

Anonymous No. 16218745


quick launch edit

Anonymous No. 16218746

Control in Zero G too.

Anonymous No. 16218758


Anonymous No. 16218762

I don't know why, but them losing control in LEO is probably my biggest fear.

Anonymous No. 16218763

that's some crazy shit

Anonymous No. 16218764

They maintained it for half an orbit today. Baby steps

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Anonymous No. 16218765

Reminder, we'll see 3-5 more launch this year.

Anonymous No. 16218766

3 maximum

Anonymous No. 16218767

modified modified license to launch 10 this year from starbase

Anonymous No. 16218768

Ok tourists and newfags exit the thread, two more weeks gang is back in charge

Anonymous No. 16218769

>f16 hydrazine cleanup

Anonymous No. 16218773

not approved

Anonymous No. 16218774

Where the fuck is V2? We need those flying ASAP

Anonymous No. 16218776

>In February 2011, while operating an F-16 aircraft inside an underground hangar, a voltage fall occurred. As a result, the plane's EPU entered into operation. The hangar dome space filled with hydrazine vapor. Four ground crew technicians in their twenties, previously healthy, were in the hangar and inhaled the hydrazine fumes. None of them was exposed to hydrazine in the past. They were between three to five meters away from the EPU exhaust. Two fighter pilots were on the plane with a closed canopy and did not inhale the hydrazine fumes. All the technicians wore plain clothes without masks. The ground crew left the hangar and the plane took off. The exposure time was less than one minute. The ambient temperature was estimated to be around 10°C. The concentration of hydrazine vapor at the affected hangar was not measured, but visible vapors took some (unmeasured) time to dissipate with the plane’s jet exhaust fanning the fumes.

Anonymous No. 16218777

Camera angles keep getting better and better.

Anonymous No. 16218778

my FAT ass
that green is either the tiles (boron or something idk) or the stainless ablating
any color that isn't random white sparks (rough edges breaking away) or purple (the atmosphere itself) is very concerning

Anonymous No. 16218785

IFT-4 was the ratsat of the starship program. we needed this one.

Anonymous No. 16218788

Can they make the hinge actively cooled?

Anonymous No. 16218791

did the chinks get to the debris?

Anonymous No. 16218795

History rhymes

Anonymous No. 16218797

No, just a huge fishing fleet, I'm sure its nothing

Anonymous No. 16218800

With them changing the flap position they likely won't need to

Anonymous No. 16218803

Making Texas Proud

Anonymous No. 16218808

To be clear, what would happen if I stood at the top of the launch tower during launch? would I die?

Anonymous No. 16218810

estronaut streamed the launch from the tower base and only got slightly eviscerated

Anonymous No. 16218812

Uhhh was there not a Starliner press conference?

Anonymous No. 16218814


Anonymous No. 16218815


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Anonymous No. 16218816


Anonymous No. 16218817

>posts bullshit debunk videos
>gets proven wrong
>posts bullshit debunk videos
>gets proven wrong
>posts bullshit debunk videos
>gets proven wrong
>posts bullshit debunk videos
>gets proven wrong
>posts bullshit debunk videos
>gets proven wrong
this goes on forever

Anonymous No. 16218820

have you shiftless faggots never heard of "cross range"?

Anonymous No. 16218824

just got through the Scottish Manerly video. he said Starship creates lift or something, doesnt that mean Starship is a kind of space plane? Thanks

Anonymous No. 16218826

I kill reddit wherever I see them

Anonymous No. 16218828

>Mr. Calhoun, a fourth helium leak has hit the Starliner.

Anonymous No. 16218831

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16218833

stupid frogposter
don't fucking talk about fight club you fucking retard

Anonymous No. 16218836

>when you get liquid in a vacuum, it cools down. it freezes
i thought thunderf00t was a chemist

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Anonymous No. 16218842

stupid frogposter
don't fucking talk about fight club you fucking retard
that's how you freeze liquid oxygen and liquid methane and liquid nitrogen, btw
get them liquid at ambient pressure and then drop the pressure to vacuum, everything that's left will be solid

Anonymous No. 16218843

he's a professional seether, makes living off of seething about other people

Anonymous No. 16218844

will they still go back to the earth on a starliner? what if the fucked up rcs makes it spin like crazy?

Anonymous No. 16218845

I keep rewatching the reentry part, still can hardly believe it's real, this shouldn't be possible

Anonymous No. 16218846

Then they will surely die

Anonymous No. 16218848

nasa should just send a crew dragon

Anonymous No. 16218849

the glow started and the burn-through occurred near when the call-out for "peak dynamic pressure", right? That's the perfect time for "peak gas intrusion into seals" to occur, and thus the burn-through

Anonymous No. 16218850

their software must be so good to accomodate landing with a fucked up flap

Anonymous No. 16218851

Watch his stream reacting to IFT-4. He is literally cheering for failure, and every time it doesn't come he goes deeper into coping mode. He also calls the people working as SpaceX who are cheering over the second state doing a soft splashdown "morons".

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Anonymous No. 16218853

How the fuck did this janky heatshield work?

Anonymous No. 16218854

talking about the boing starliner

Anonymous No. 16218855

uh yes correct I responded to the wrong post
I was trying to reply to >>16218845
it's designed well

Anonymous No. 16218856

Wait a second, why can't you just make big half-ring tiles like the sections of Starship itself, rather than making ten gorillion little ones?

Anonymous No. 16218859


Anonymous No. 16218860

Sheer strength and certainty of steel behind it

Anonymous No. 16218862

can't transport those on the highway
also they'll just break

Anonymous No. 16218870

No launch webms?

Anonymous No. 16218872

>people sleeping on scrubliner because they made it to the station

That piece of shit is still attached to the station and could do anyhting retarded like spontaniously combust or leak so hard it deorbits the station. It ain't over until they're back on dragon and that abomination is detached from the ISS and burned up in the atmosphere.

Anonymous No. 16218877

helium is the most volatile substance known to man. we could be looking at 10 million dead minimum when starliner deorbits the ISS.

Anonymous No. 16218878

Even if it was falling apart they would still force astronauts into it and have them burn up.
We are talking about the same NASA that send Challenger up to it's fiery but peaceful death and didn't even bother looking at Columbia leading edge damage after they saw the foam strike.
They have complete disregard for astronaut survival despite constantly mumbling platitudes about safety.

Anonymous No. 16218881

It would be extremely painful.

Anonymous No. 16218883

I half expect a crew mutiny. I would not feel safe getting back in that thing.

Anonymous No. 16218885

NASA is #1 killer of astronauts

Anonymous No. 16218886

I feel like the scrubliner situation was worse than they were letting on. Everyone on that livestream looked extremely stressed.

Anonymous No. 16218888

rumor is nelson's threatened to send boeing hit squads after their families. absolutely despicable.

Anonymous No. 16218899

So now what? I’m not off my Starship high yet

Anonymous No. 16218901

Now we wait for IFT-5
I wonder if their booster accuracy this flight was good enough to attempt the catch next flight

Anonymous No. 16218903

I'm thinking the catch will be IFT-7 or 8

Anonymous No. 16218905

They should probably wait until the last Starship Block 1 is about to fly so that any delays fixing the site of debris won’t impact cadence too much

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Anonymous No. 16218906

it's time

Anonymous No. 16218911

Finally, a functional high energy launcher

Anonymous No. 16218914

how are old space reacting to that starship launch

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Anonymous No. 16218915


Anonymous No. 16218919

A lot are congratulating SpaceX. Some coping and saying that this proves nothing. Most haven’t really reacted

Anonymous No. 16218926

>Most haven’t really reacted
catatonia is a symptom of shock, checks out

Anonymous No. 16218927

Nice boomer rocket. Is it fully reusable?

Anonymous No. 16218933

wow, nice one dude. experts have confirmed there's no point in even attempting reusability before the 2030s. enjoy your molten control flaps in the meantime.

Anonymous No. 16218934

Those experts also said falcon 9 reuse was impossible lmao

Anonymous No. 16218935

nobody will be able to go to mars cuz all the jobs are gone. neo feudalism is here.

Anonymous No. 16218940


Anonymous No. 16218944

ok, so an expert makes ONE mistake and all of a sudden nobody's supposed to listen to him ever again? is that what you're saying?
the bottom line is ariane 6 is good. in fact, it's scary good. as far as i'm concerned it's the best operational rocket in the world.

Anonymous No. 16218947

Make a thread in the next five minutes or I will.

Anonymous No. 16218948

Experts are funny, they're always people who've studied a field but for some reason they've gone into media. They're often super rusty or straight up wrong if they don't have real life experience

Anonymous No. 16218950

has elon actually admitted that payload is 40t or are shills just making that up

>implying it matters when the alternative launcher is $2B/launch

Anonymous No. 16218954

why don't you spend 1 minute on google checking

Anonymous No. 16218958

Stage this bitch

Anonymous No. 16218961

you're a nigger

Anonymous No. 16218962

on one hand, early
on the other, anime girl
hard choice

Anonymous No. 16218964

nobody is going to post in your thread, we'll just make a new one when its time.

Anonymous No. 16218966

we stage on page 10 retard.

Anonymous No. 16218967

Their problem is that people around them, and even experts themselves, keep forgetting that they're only experts in one small area and not all things conceivable under the sun.

Anonymous No. 16218968

>the rules don't apply to me!
>I'm a super special snowflake!!
why are the anime pedos all such massively narcissistic attention whores?

Anonymous No. 16218970

>NASA pisses away over 20 billion per year
way, way over that much. their budget never adds up, they quote lowball numbers to make it seem less wasteful than it really is, they're closer to $100 billion than they are to 20

Anonymous No. 16218975

Is the next Starship launch going to be a productive mission of some sort or another test flight?

Anonymous No. 16218976

given how low a priority they placed on fixing the door problems from IFT-3 i really doubt it's putting any payloads into orbit this year

Anonymous No. 16218988

It was a priority. It was fixed. Just in v2 and they have 4 v1 rockets to burn through

Anonymous No. 16219002

elon posted that you're a faggot

Anonymous No. 16219003

clearly a false flag thread by an anti anime schizo, do not fall for their psyop

Anonymous No. 16219020

It has been very good I would say
Questions are so etimes good discussion starting points, and it has been pretty much all on topic

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Anonymous No. 16219027

Next launch in a month*?

* - pending regulatory approval

Anonymous No. 16219028

yeah yeah i remember when ift-4 was gonna fly in april too

Anonymous No. 16219035

Ellie in space musk i yrrview should drop soon, EDA starbase tour should start soon too
IFT-5 should be happening in like a month now as long as they can modify the next ship quickly (4 v1 builta amd mostly ready)

Anonymous No. 16219041


Anonymous No. 16219042

are the v2 ships gonna use raptor 3?

Anonymous No. 16219046

God Elon looks like shit.

Anonymous No. 16219047

Did spacex or elon share some new pictures that we didn't see during the livestream?

Anonymous No. 16219053

Anonymous No. 16219057

I don't think so

Anonymous No. 16219059

WDR and full engine static fire?

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lil X is pleased.webm

Anonymous No. 16219061

Anonymous No. 16219063

They were using 3/4 inch methane mechanical shielding with 9mm polyurethane foundation. Looks like just a matter of bumping those numbers and it should be fine.

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Anonymous No. 16219064

thunderf00t? Oh shit he was streaming from the control room this whole time?

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Anonymous No. 16219067

>Btw everyone, I’ve been up since 5am and I am editing this all by myself so I can publish tomorrow!
>Support the one woman band citizen journalist!

V>ideo drops tmrw morning on X and YouTube.

Anonymous No. 16219068

They knew the gap in the hinges would be an issue, IFT-5 should have no gap there

Anonymous No. 16219070

I'm triggered by the 'nuke mars' t-shirt. I have PTSD from worrying about nuclear war, like a lot of people. Watching this gave me anxiety and I hope that can be more sensitive next time.

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Anonymous No. 16219071

>The midnight oil has been burned.
>Time for me to sleep.
>See y’all in the morning.

Anonymous No. 16219073

who is the guy that was sitting next to Elon?

Anonymous No. 16219074

isn't that the raptor lead

Anonymous No. 16219075

you're right, it should say "nuke earth, space war NOW"

Anonymous No. 16219078

I want that big bitch (raptor)

Anonymous No. 16219079

are they filming a documentary? why are there two cameramen with massive cameras

Anonymous No. 16219080

both merlin and raptor look way bigger than they are in that shot

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Anonymous No. 16219082

Anonymous No. 16219091

Next launch July 4

Anonymous No. 16219099

same interview the >>16217871 came from

Anonymous No. 16219102

I do not appreciate the implications of this

Anonymous No. 16219115

I liked Tim's Starbase tour series, looking forward to the interview he did with Elon this week

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Anonymous No. 16219116

sure it can survive reentry but can it survive a sledgehammer attack?

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Anonymous No. 16219117


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Anonymous No. 16219120
>Number of employees, Boeing: 171,000
>Number of employees, SpaceX: 13,000

>Market cap, Boeing: $117 billion
>Market cap, SpaceX: $180 billion

Anonymous No. 16219121

prediction: thunderf00t has livestreamed his last starship launch and he'll decide that it's too boring from now on

Anonymous No. 16219130

I know we're all excited about the splashdown of starship, but now it's time to focus on all the shortcomings this flight has demonstrated. first of all the Raptor engines is still extremely unreliable and prone to RUD. and second Starship ALMOST burned up during reentry. This will take years to iron out.

Anonymous No. 16219132

Landing IN the moon or ON the moon? Big difference. That's the point.

Anonymous No. 16219149


Anonymous No. 16219150

it's flap-CHAN.

Anonymous No. 16219151


Anonymous No. 16219159

NTA, but -sama is gender neutral, and you will treat her with the respect she deserves.

Anonymous No. 16219160

I waited 6 years to post this, perhaps I expected more (you)s lol. well still worth it.

Anonymous No. 16219161

(you) deserve more, i remember when you told you where going to do this way back.
We need more anons like you.

Anonymous No. 16219162

fast-moving threads where everyone wants to talk about the thing that just happened are pretty much the worst to get your own original content over

Anonymous No. 16219164

Too big and we were all too giddy after yesterday's launch to give a fuck about retarded seethe.

Anonymous No. 16219165

post it again later, too much stuff happening right now

Anonymous No. 16219169

Found it, will post to /wsg/ once the video is done webmizing or whatever you call it.

Anonymous No. 16219176

>nuke mars
Holy based

Anonymous No. 16219178

Of course they're filming historic shit for their corporate reels.

Anonymous No. 16219183

there are a few of these where the posters are making some decent points. especially the one where the guy's bashing BFR for relying on carbon composite tanks and the one saying nasa would never allow it to replace SLS.

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Anonymous No. 16219188

Staging (not my thread but lets not split)


Anonymous No. 16219206

true but I think they could get away with reusing the name since those missiles are no longer in service and they were never known about by a huge number of people to begin with. jupiter sounds more impressive than Saturn since jupiter is larger. it would be a good mask of the anemic performance of sls.

Anonymous No. 16219208

I shall have the honor of having the 1000th post here

Anonymous No. 16219213

there have been rumors that boeing wanted to rename it delta v

Anonymous No. 16219232

/sfg/ is already 6 years old?

Anonymous No. 16219234

lol you retard

Anonymous No. 16219248

or thereabouts.
t. made a couple of the first threads, and the first proto-threads before that ("large launch vehicle discussion")

Anonymous No. 16219271

i agree with you but you should have posted it a bit later once the afterglow had cooled down.

Anonymous No. 16219275

here it is:

Anonymous No. 16219287


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Screenshot from 2....png

Anonymous No. 16219321

Oh no no no

Anonymous No. 16219352

Probably didn't heat the header tanks too much

Anonymous No. 16219370

Absolute Chad

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16219388

Space Pioneer has now raised over ¥4b (= $550m)

Anonymous No. 16219398


Anonymous No. 16219418

Mega Moon Rocket

Anonymous No. 16219460

Yup, as enthusiastic as Elon is getting, there's no way the programme managers and NASA liaisons are going to be happy if they blow up their only OLT

Anonymous No. 16219475

i'll give you one. based grudgeposter i kneel

Anonymous No. 16219485

>nuclear war
Calm down, hippie

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Anonymous No. 16219541

Oh jeez

Anonymous No. 16219568

I agree, this is why we need to use their exceedingly based thread

Anonymous No. 16219628


Anonymous No. 16219634

>don't fucking talk about fight club you fucking retard
I knew there was something behind these videos...
spill the beans, faggots

Anonymous No. 16219666

I thought Starbase was just for testing? Won't HLS and the tankers launch from Florida?

Anonymous No. 16219757


Anonymous No. 16219828

This is a KSP general, deal with it

Anonymous No. 16220057

as of yet untested:
>life support
>Block 2 BOLE SRBs, needed for delivering some parts of gateway to NRHO
>Block 2's upper stage, the EUS, functionally doesn't fucking exist, at all; thanks boeing (ICPS cannot deliver some parts of gateway, too low dV)
>new tower still coming together too slowly for Block 2

Even with all the upgrades Block 2 was supposed to get, they still couldn't get down to the moon with SLS anyways; but it's becoming more and more likely that Block 2 will never exist and Block 1B will have to suffice.

Both the HLS and Blue Moon landers require multiple refueling flights from as-of-yet unproven rocket systems - though seeing as starship has technically expended enough dV to reach orbit twice and blue origin has yet to put a single milligram of anything at all into orbit there's a pretty big gap between how close they are to having functional depots (and blue still needs to figure out zero boil-off hydrogen storage too omegalul)

Anonymous No. 16220069

Can any anon help me out with getting a way to download the full official spacex stream from yesterdays launch? Ive tried everything i can think of but nothing will give me a link to get it.

Someone mentioned twitter x video downloader for a browser add on, but it just redirects to an online downloader which won't see the video on this link

i cant find the official stream posted to youtube without some faggots mumbling their worthless extra commentary over the top of it, or id download from there which is easier.


Anonymous No. 16220074

can't you just use yt-dlp

Anonymous No. 16220078

>>16220069 worked for me. 1.12gb 1080p file.

Anonymous No. 16220081

Wouldn't know how well it works if you're not using adblockers out the ass, but worked for me.

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Anonymous No. 16220082

yeah, yt-dlp works

Anonymous No. 16220118

i'll look for that on linux thanks

ok great, that site is working. Thanks for that anon, its coming down now.

could stream at 224p yesterday and looking forward to seeing the booster land and, of course, to see the Glorious Flapenning in HD. What a thing that was.

Anonymous No. 16220120

it's bundled with mpv and also packaged standalone in all the major package managers
it's also packaged for windows

Anonymous No. 16220136

>packaged standalone in all the major package managers
i see one called youtube-dl which seems to be the same kind of thing. will try it if the current download doesn't work out. Thanks guys, was starting to wonder what to try next!

Anonymous No. 16220138

youtube-dl should be the older version, last I checked it was abandoned