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🧵 /sfg/ - Spaceflight General

Anonymous No. 16218956

Previous: >>16217307

Anonymous No. 16218959

still on page 9 faggot

Anonymous No. 16218960

space sex with big fat starship tits

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Anonymous No. 16218963

We are so back

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Anonymous No. 16218965

It's another great day in space! Thanks, Boeing!
>“Today marks a great milestone towards providing additional commercial access to low Earth orbit, sustaining the ISS and enabling NASA’s goal of returning humans to the moon and eventually to Mars.”

Anonymous No. 16218977

Can you imagine the absolute conniption fit some people would have if Trump were President during the Artemis missions?

Anonymous No. 16218981

So what's our next best hope for estronaut's immolation/asphyxiation now dearMoon is canned?

Anonymous No. 16218990

If starship is 2m/launch we can crowdfund to send him into the sun

Anonymous No. 16219014

Any rumors on IFT-5 possible mission goals?

Anonymous No. 16219019

death to chinese pedo cartoons

Anonymous No. 16219031

Objective: Survive

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yes we can.jpg

Anonymous No. 16219034

Anonymous No. 16219036

Elon talked about maybe landing the booster on the chopsticks this time.
I think they'll probably save that for when they have a spare tower, but who knows?

Anonymous No. 16219037

CATCH on tower

Anonymous No. 16219039

Apparently a second tower is being built at Boca Chica right now. I'm hyped as fuck for all things Starship, but not gonna lie the chopstick tower catch seems incredibly sketchy right now

Anonymous No. 16219043

you made a new thread at page 9 using a cartoon picture. Also no edition. Everyone ignore the newfag

Anonymous No. 16219044

I'm worried about Starliner having to do a re-entry right now

Anonymous No. 16219052

This. Thread exploded on the pad. Fuck that pedo

Anonymous No. 16219072

>not "oft-choking.jpg"

Anonymous No. 16219085

How many failed tests has these been?

Anonymous No. 16219090


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Anonymous No. 16219109


Anonymous No. 16219110

You failed an English test, apparently.

Anonymous No. 16219113

Presumably they have proved to the relevant authorities that Starship can make orbit and remain in control, so that will be tested. I doubt the cargo door will reappear until v2. Beyond that who knows, I think they will keep testing the Stage Zero lighting sequence and figure out why the shockwave is still occasionally putting engines out. Maybe they have a solar panel design that needs to be flight proven? I've seen renders of some wacky fan panels.

Anonymous No. 16219124

Is it too soon to attempt orbit?, i see it as the logical next step for starship before sending humans.
If sending humans is too soon perhaps they can attempt with animals.

Anonymous No. 16219126

What animals should attempt? In my opinion, a monitor lizard.

Anonymous No. 16219133

i was wondering if mechazilla was the largest robot in the world
then i found out about autohaul
>2.5 km long
>28,000 t.
mechazilla still has to be the biggest robot with arms though

Anonymous No. 16219134

She is big girl.

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Australian space ....webm

Anonymous No. 16219136

>Australian engineering
world class

Anonymous No. 16219139

That would be a bad idea: lizards are reptiles and as such they are cold blooded and would need heating inside the payload.
Send a monkey or an orangutan instead, they are very similar to human beings so that they will make the best test subjects.

Anonymous No. 16219147

wtf spinlaunch looks like this?!

Anonymous No. 16219153

I don't believe in reusable flaps

Anonymous No. 16219155

um retard question here
couldn't you refuel starship in orbit then do a deorbit burn to basically just fall straight down?

Anonymous No. 16219157

That would take a truly ludicrous amount of DV, more than starship could output.

Anonymous No. 16219158

How would the refueling starship go back tho?

Anonymous No. 16219166

it would just do the classic way its doing right now
the one that does the deorbit burn would be for crewed missions
couldn't it handle it with barely any payload?

Anonymous No. 16219173

There's not been a rocket in history that could just negate it's velocity from orbit to go straight down, even a fully fueled and empty starship already in orbit wouldn't be able to do it

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Anonymous No. 16219174


Anonymous No. 16219175

Same principle at least.

Anonymous No. 16219177

I can't fucking wait for the dream chaser bros, the last test was 6 years ago and it still amazes me.

Anonymous No. 16219179

Well, you're gonna have to wait.
And wait.
And wait.

Vard No. 16219180


Anonymous No. 16219181

I'm still mad they chose scrubliner over it

Anonymous No. 16219192

>even a fully fueled and empty starship already in orbit wouldn't be able to do it
could it not reduce the speed by a large fraction to make reentry easier?

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Anonymous No. 16219193

skepticism from 2019

Anonymous No. 16219196

in-orbit burn that was skipped in IFT-3, test new flaps (probably already designed mostly), maybe try tower landing with booster

Anonymous No. 16219197

sure, but the extra heatshield you need from not doing propulsive breaking always ends up weighing less than the propellant you'd need to do the breaking

Anonymous No. 16219199


Anonymous No. 16219200

they need to demonstrate a de-orbit burn before going orbital

Anonymous No. 16219201

man Starship really does bring out the worst seethe in people for some reason. It's like a big stainless steel middle finger to old space

Anonymous No. 16219203

>sure, but the extra heatshield you need from not doing propulsive breaking always ends up weighing less than the propellant you'd need to do the breaking
well this is ignoring the weight and just focusing on safety
if you were a billionaire and could afford it, refueling and then reducing your speed would be safer right?

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Anonymous No. 16219204


Anonymous No. 16219212

it's always going to be more cost-effective to get a bigger/tougher heat shield. if you like throwing money away, your idea would work too.

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starlink scam.png

Anonymous No. 16219214

I collected 723 screenshots from mainly 2018-2020. There were some not-BFR-specific ones that are also funny now because they talk about Crew Dragon / starlink / F9, like 'ah yes but they haven't even re-used a F9 over 10 times yet' sorts of things... anyways

Anonymous No. 16219217

they really couldn't see shit from spadre, huh? i don't feel nearly as bad for not making the trip yet...

Anonymous No. 16219220

The Starliner mission-salvage must have been a significant development, because I saw a bunch of Russoid / Eurasianist faux-smug seething in video comments.
Or maybe they're always that way, I dunno.
>t. Tourist

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Anonymous No. 16219223

Or, here's an idea, you could skip the going to orbit part at all, you could just launch a rocket straight up, see the pretty sights, and then have it come straight down. You could use a much smaller rocket that way, even, maybe make it even more phallic than usual for a rocket if it's just a billionaire's dick stroking machine.

Anonymous No. 16219227

well this would be for guys who went out to the moon/mars etc for a holiday
you could do both
maybe a ultra safe heavy starship could be possible
its not like you have to launch with the weight, just refuel in orbit

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Anonymous No. 16219228

Hella based
I appreciate the reference to the burned fin.

Picrel: doxxed (You)

Anonymous No. 16219233

I'm trying to find news pieces about starship's launch on YT, but my god the search function is so fucking broken. It's all garbage clickbait and stuff not actually related to the search query.

Anonymous No. 16219236

guys you can stop posting in this faux thread I'll bake a legitimate one in a second.

Anonymous No. 16219239

Reminds me of ogre Fiona from Shrek

Anonymous No. 16219241

this is idiotic

Anonymous No. 16219242

The answer really is that the amount it would cost to fly tanker Starships up to refuel a crew starship so it can take the world's least efficient path to the ground is more than people think it would cost to just figure out the Starship heatshield thing. Maybe that'd be wrong in the future, but even if it were, it'd be more efficient to have an unmanned starship in orbit that's just loaded with Dragon capsules and have people deorbit in those, rather than sending up unmanned starships to refuel a Starship and have it land like a suborbital mission.

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NASA MissCon Gov ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16219244

NASA has no Fiona but it has tomboy waifus at your monitoring station, who wear the same plaid button down shirt as you.

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in flap we trust.jpg

Anonymous No. 16219249

Anonymous No. 16219251

seems like a lot of anons thought stainless steel was a meme and they'd switch away from it eventually.

Anonymous No. 16219255

That's not a tomboy, that's a bull dyke. You can tell by the tie. Tomboys don't wear ties.

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Schweickart outsi....jpg

Anonymous No. 16219262

Anonymous No. 16219263


Most Australian thing I will see today!

Anonymous No. 16219269

Is the round shape the most optimal for coming down? I just keep thinking like what if the heatshield side was just shaped a bit differently to direct the plasma where they want, like how cars take in account airflow. But maybe that doesn't really matter, if the main issue was just the flaps

Anonymous No. 16219276

Different considerations at these speeds anon. Airflow doesn't turn the protruding bits of your car that direct it in useful ways into molten metal, because the speed differential is much lower.

Anonymous No. 16219277

this is going to serve as a very good slap in the face for any idiot 10 years from now that tries to say "N-NOBODY EVER S-SAID THAT WE ALL T-THOUGHT IT WOULD MAKE IT!"

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Anonymous No. 16219278

>three generals in 24 hours
>thousands of posts
/sfg/ is ALIVE

Anonymous No. 16219279

underrated post

Anonymous No. 16219280

Would you fuck off you stupid tourist? No /sfg/ regular would be asking these obvious questions that have been answered literally half a century ago. And no I wont be spoonfeeding you the answer, go back to whatever shithole you came from and ask them.

Anonymous No. 16219281

The New Shepards' launches are not just rich dick stroking, they are a very valuable way to experiment with the dynamic of the Earth and the hardware of the rocket.
Every New Shepard's launch get us forward to the New Glenn with more security and stability, that's why they are useful.

Anonymous No. 16219282

Here's what the japanese thought of the second stage splashdown:

Anonymous No. 16219284

/sfg/ is full of tourists that are shitting up the general.

Anonymous No. 16219286

>those peaks on the Starship tests
Also what the hell happened in August?

Anonymous No. 16219288

if trump hears that people cna land on the moon in his second term maybe he will emergency executive order 1 trillion to artemis and get it done

Anonymous No. 16219290

>$995bil to ULA

Anonymous No. 16219291

The LK-99 RTSC hoax.

Anonymous No. 16219294

I didn't even notice. That certainly seems like a topic that would get the schizos and academics hollering and screaming at each other for weeks

Anonymous No. 16219295

what causes this utter PIG phenotype /sfg/?

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sfg alive a.jpg

Anonymous No. 16219297


Anonymous No. 16219299


Anonymous No. 16219300

I love the optimism anon. Manifest that September launch.

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mmu jsc astro.jpg

Anonymous No. 16219302

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Gemini B, Gemini ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16219304

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16219309

mfw spacex starship

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comet scientist s....jpg

Anonymous No. 16219315

mfw spacex starship

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SR-71 Pilot Compo....jpg

Anonymous No. 16219316

I'm not that flap-anon,
But I am a tourist. I'm from /k/
.... do you hate me, anon...? @_@

Anonymous No. 16219320

Well you're regular old grinch, very rude

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Podkletnov antigr....jpg

Anonymous No. 16219322


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Anonymous No. 16219323


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Anonymous No. 16219324

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Anonymous No. 16219325

two unethical manipulators.
Fuck Elon.

Anonymous No. 16219327

is that middle one a hooker? very feminine foot posture if male.

Anonymous No. 16219329

Funding secured

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Anonymous No. 16219330

>blatant bait posts
Why even save these?

Anonymous No. 16219331

Can we talk about the fact that the strongest first stage in human history is basically fully operational now?
I mean even if they abandoned second stage reusability at this point and instead just built big dumb corn silo second stages on a long assembly line we are already guaranteed to have a never before seen capability to yeet untold amounts of raw stuff into orbit.

Crazy too. The Starship program may be 5 years old, but Superheavy was just slapped together maybe 2 years ago and it already manages to go through its entire mission including the propulsive landing that no other company can do.

Anonymous No. 16219332

iirc I may have misnamed the file, because the suited people may include ground crew, not just pilots

Anonymous No. 16219333

Imagine if Trump gets relected and Moon landing happens on his watch

LMAO. The amount of seething it would generate. Holy moly.

Anonymous No. 16219334

>it'd be more efficient to have an unmanned starship in orbit that's just loaded with Dragon capsules and have people deorbit in those, rather than sending up unmanned starships to refuel a Starship and have it land like a suborbital mission.
why not just have a dragon inside the starship fairing
double safety

Anonymous No. 16219335

we arent sure if the landing was nominal yet. it didnt seem to hover like they said it would, instead descending at a constant rate for the final few seconds, and we dont know if it landed within tolerable bounds of the targeted location.

Anonymous No. 16219337

because you can't abort during launch from inside the bay

Anonymous No. 16219338

who says we can't?
its only a few mm of steel

Anonymous No. 16219339

Dragon production line is shutting down. All that will be made have been made There won’t be many around to use for something like that. They’re all going to be booked for ISS/ISS replacement missions

Anonymous No. 16219341

is nobody going tlo talk about the gridfins on superheavy? i think they got overshadowed by the spectacualar return of the ship, but those thigns were crazy, vibrating back and forth like they were about to fall off and actuating side to side multiple times a second

Anonymous No. 16219342

Can we just take a moment to depreciate the image in the OP? The biggest thing in spaceflight in decades just happened and the best image this absolute basement dwelling perma-online neckbeard could come up with is a drawing of a humanoid rocket drowning.

Anonymous No. 16219346

Astra disagrees.

Anonymous No. 16219347

Yeah I noticed the entire ship was slightly oscillating and the gridfins were trying to suppress that? Remember it was oscillating last flight too?

Anonymous No. 16219348

at least its not furry

Anonymous No. 16219349

she is happily floating

Anonymous No. 16219350

I think the bit where I was saying it'd be more efficient to launch Dragon capsules in a Starship and have crew land in those is somehow being viewed as me seriously thinking that is a good idea, and not a dumb idea somehow less dumb than a propulsive deorbit of Starship.

Anonymous No. 16219351

can we take a moment for you to take your meds?

Anonymous No. 16219353

>less dumb than a propulsive deorbit of Starship.
what is so dumb about it?
the fuel will be waiting in orbit
all you have to do is transfer it and do another burn
not saying do it for every mission but maybe when elon wants to go a trip or someone important

Anonymous No. 16219354

i thought it was about to lose control because they kept actuating into the oscilations making them worse like on ift3. Their models of the air through the landing regime must not be perfect

Anonymous No. 16219355

Google has been finding new and creative ways to shovel shit down our troaths so yt, google search, etc... is all even more shit now.

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Anonymous No. 16219357

Can we just take a moment to depreciate the sculpture on the bow? The biggest thing in seafaring in decades just happened and the best image this absolute basement dwelling perma-online neckbeard could come up with is a figure of a humanoid fish asphyxiating.

Anonymous No. 16219358

yeah and maybe propellant slosh is playing a role. But I noticed after the engine lit the oscillations stopped.

Anonymous No. 16219361

Yeah absolute state of youtube search. I could design a better search algorithm lol. Google and Boeing are such garbage companies how are they even getting along.

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Anonymous No. 16219362

Can we just take a moment to depreciate the painting on the fuselage? The biggest thing in warfare in decades just happened and the best image this absolute basement dwelling perma-online neckbeard could come up with is a figure of a humanoid strumpet come-hithering.

Anonymous No. 16219364

>But I noticed after the engine lit the oscillations stopped
true, and even without the engines it seems to gain control right before splashdown, it straightened out like that on ift3 too

Anonymous No. 16219365

hit a nerve faggot?

Anonymous No. 16219366

Anon, the moment that one of we perma-termina-giga basementdwelling neckbeards gets our act together, another engineer is born.
Let us not impede the process of inspiration and appreciation

Anonymous No. 16219367

They have more work to do than F9 gridfins, which aren't exactly static on the way down either.
Because there's no fucking entry burn.

Anonymous No. 16219374

how to get an act together? (asking for a friend)

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F- Lewd Thunderch....jpg

Anonymous No. 16219375

Can we take a moment to depreciate the painting on the nose? The biggest thing in melting Charlie just happened and the best image this basement dwelling perma-online neckbeard could come up with is a Marylin-Monroe wannabe going spread-eagle for a gasoline-filled penis.

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apollo 11 ticker ....jpg

Anonymous No. 16219377

Then Trump and the Artemis astronauts have a tickertape parade

Anonymous No. 16219378

>bfr will cost 2 billion dollars in engines alone
whew lad there are some serious gems in here

Anonymous No. 16219379

spacex vindicated.

Anonymous No. 16219380

he's already been found guilty on one of his several criminal trials. It's over for Trump.

Anonymous No. 16219382

$50 million per engine X 39 engines = 1950 million. And that's a conservative engine price estimate.

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Anonymous No. 16219384


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bezos figuehead lol.jpg

Anonymous No. 16219385


Anonymous No. 16219389

The best I've been able to manage is:
1) Get a few indulgences. Like some food or drink.
2) Get your math textbook or language workbook or whatever ready at your desk or whatever.
3) Read or watch some discrete packet of whatever your stupid vice addiction is. Or if it's Chans or SocMed, then it could be "one full round of checking the threads. While doing this, binge in your comfort food/drink.
4) While riding that high, just launch into that book involved with whatever you should really be doing with your life. It's painful to pull away from an addiction so step 3 is meant to sort of wash that out.

Gradually the dauntingness of that more virtuous route should fade. As you get into it and get a better handle on what you need to learn and how long it will take.

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Anonymous No. 16219392

Space Pioneer has now raised over ¥4b ($550m)

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Anonymous No. 16219393

Pay your respects.


Anonymous No. 16219394

there's a woman who's seen some depreciation

Anonymous No. 16219396

B-b-but...muh first woman of color....

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astro helm burger m.jpg

Anonymous No. 16219397

Anonymous No. 16219408

God bless you anon, checked

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Anonymous No. 16219410


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Anonymous No. 16219414

(reposting this because it's pretty cool, from

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Anonymous No. 16219415


Anonymous No. 16219419

I REJECT the bad flap design

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Anonymous No. 16219426


Anonymous No. 16219430

20 minutes from entry interface to touchdown compared to 30 for shuttle.

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Vard No. 16219433


Anonymous No. 16219434

wait it doesn't even pull 2Gs on the way down?

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Anonymous No. 16219439

I was a really big composites-fag and I was hellbent on it being the future. But after yesterday I have seen the error of my ways. I apologise Flap-sama..

Anonymous No. 16219442

How can one be a compositefag in the year of our Elon 2024? Its many flaws have been known since forever, and ITS was widely criticized for intending to use composites at the time too.

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Flap-chan refuses....webm

Anonymous No. 16219443


Anonymous No. 16219444

i'm not sure i've ever seen elon be so smuggy on twitter as he was over the steel yesterday

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Anonymous No. 16219446

Me too anon, me too.

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elon checks recur....jpg

Anonymous No. 16219447

Solving the riddle of steel gives you the right to be smug

Anonymous No. 16219448

>sparks flying around, it's over
>landing burn reveals flap is still there and functional
We were watching it at the office and literally cheered.

Anonymous No. 16219452

The ITS looks like a black kinder egg capsule.

Anonymous No. 16219453

Oh say can you see,
That Star-ship flap, it stil waa-aaves

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starship btfo.jpg

Anonymous No. 16219455

Anonymous No. 16219456

Yeah, a real kino moment, shit was straight out of a movie or anime.

Anonymous No. 16219463

what made it so cinematic was how there were like 5 moments on the way down where everyone thought that had to be the end. i thought it, you thought it, thunderf00t thought it.

Anonymous No. 16219465

We're all going to make it

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Anonymous No. 16219472
>With Thursday's success, Boeing became only the second private company to build and fly a human orbital spacecraft, joining an elite club of just three nations: Russia, the United States, and China, alongside SpaceX. For the first time in history, three different crewed vehicles, Starliner, SpaceX's Dragon, and Russia's Soyuz, were all simultaneously docked at the station.

Anonymous No. 16219474

the station is useless and should be abandoned asap.

Anonymous No. 16219476

how many starships are required to land on the moon? ive heard these claims about 20 times refuelling and it sounds way too high, especially if starship is supposed to have at minimum 150 ton mass to orbit

Anonymous No. 16219477


Anonymous No. 16219478

Are we all just gonna ignore the day the SpaceX capsule instantly exploded into a cloud of cancerous red smoke?

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The Cast.png

Anonymous No. 16219479

Nobody cares

Anonymous No. 16219480

pad testing vs testing in orbit with people inside
pretty fucking different situation

Anonymous No. 16219481

Something that happened half a decade ago during testing?

Anonymous No. 16219482

>aug 2023


Anonymous No. 16219483

You are the only anon who keeps bringing it up and it's painfully obvious

Anonymous No. 16219484

note that it doesn't include the acceleration due to gravity, but yeah it's pretty soft
(good values for other spacecrafts here in section 2.5

Anonymous No. 16219486

Depends how much the final design can carry. This is in turn determined by how much they beef up or slim down the rocket and how high they can push the engine performance. All of this is work in progress right now.

Anonymous No. 16219487

Really it's been a decade already?

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Anonymous No. 16219489

>Why don't you just give up?!
>Because she never did.

Anonymous No. 16219490

Reminder, all concerns are modeled, understood to a degree and are either considered completely safe or if its in question, workarounds are already in place for the next stage of development after verifications.

Its a non stop process.

Anonymous No. 16219492

Yes, but biden shit himself on stage.
You want a dude who shits himself in confusion or a dude who fucks pornstars?

Anonymous No. 16219493

I'm not really in the market for plague or cholera.

Anonymous No. 16219495


Anonymous No. 16219496

Zion Don is not our ally

Anonymous No. 16219497

the altitude hold at 68km is quite visible.

Anonymous No. 16219498

do they don't know what is causing the (multiple different) helium leak issues and do not know why 5 of 28 RCS thrusters failed
on top of that, the most difficult part (re-entry) is still ahead of them
maybe they aren't really that big of a deal like Nappi says but I mean its Boeing

>This could happen as soon as June 14 but could also be delayed, Stich said.
>Undocking, initiating a de-orbit burn, and surviving reentry through Earth's atmosphere will be one of the most challenging parts of the Starliner mission. Two sources told Ars on Thursday evening that NASA had a lot of issues to work through before Starliner would be cleared to fly home. Both helium supplies and the reaction-control thrusters are necessary for a successful departure from the station and entry into Earth's atmosphere.

Anonymous No. 16219499

Here is hoping they find a big problem and they cant use starliner anymore and they need a dragon capsule to get them back home.

Anonymous No. 16219500

I just checked the KSP forums, its full of commie trannies crying about Musk today. LMAO

Is the entire fanbase like this?

Anonymous No. 16219503

Ars Technica comment section being very positive, which is somewhat surprising to me

Anonymous No. 16219504

I wouldn't know, I just play the game instead of paying attention to forums.

Anonymous No. 16219505

Clark and Berger articles are the only saving grace for that reddit owned site.

Anonymous No. 16219506

"Communities" have been infected by the rot for over a decade. Why are you surprised?

Anonymous No. 16219507

Good job

Anonymous No. 16219508

And the article writer dictates/prompts the temperature of the comments.

Anonymous No. 16219511

I know that this is not the place to talk about this, but the dude didn't just "fuck a pornstar": he paid her hush money to sign an NDA and then falsified business records in order to hide the payment.
That's why he is a convicted felon, he was convicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records by a jury of peers, if a convicted felon cannot join simple law enforcement agencies such as the FBI or the DEA should he be considered eligible for the office of commander in chief of the armed forces? Should the US give the security clearance to a person that has been indicted for mishandling classified documents (wich is something that will get the s.c. revoked)?

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Anonymous No. 16219512

Small Rockets
>Firefly lands massive launch contract.
>It’s now Sir Peter Beck to you, commoner.
>Account of Astra’s dire fundraising efforts.
>Rocket Lab's back-to-back missions for NASA.
>Air Force ramps up Minuteman cadence.

Medium Rockets
>Starliner roars into space but encounters issues.
>Ariane 6 gets a launch date.
>Chinese firm raises big money.

Heavy Rockets
>Starship launches, survives reentry.
>Japanese billionaire cancels Starship flight.
>Military may seek Starship test in FY 2025.

Anonymous No. 16219514

Why did he choose a literal demon as a girlfriend? Even Musk has a better taste.

Anonymous No. 16219516

its not me, I just reposted it

Anonymous No. 16219517

>I know that this is not the place to talk about this
and what did you do with this knowledge?

Anonymous No. 16219519


Anonymous No. 16219521

>I know that this is not the place to talk about this
Your right, take your own advice.

Anonymous No. 16219522

Lil bro just shit his diaper in /sfg/ baka

Anonymous No. 16219523

I talk about it, that's what i do, deal with it.

Anonymous No. 16219525

talk about it somewhere else

Anonymous No. 16219527

Just like his president.

Anonymous No. 16219532

The spacex thread is talking about the launch like everywhere is

Anonymous No. 16219533

The one on the leddit, but then again, its leddit, so i'm not surprised one bit.

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Anonymous No. 16219536

Anonymous No. 16219537

bit off topic but Wasn't there rumours Trump was shitting himself on stage constantly. Also neither are good for space

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Anonymous No. 16219542

Anonymous No. 16219543

Most people are just getting btfo by replies in that first link lol

Anonymous No. 16219544

there is a world of difference between biden and trump with respect to space

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Anonymous No. 16219547


Anonymous No. 16219548

I appreciate the irony of a place called enoughmuskspam that does nothing but obsessively talk about elon musk.

Anonymous No. 16219549

Not just space but everything. One is completely goner and has no idea where he is, what he's doing, what's going on, etc there's so many videos of him like this, its now not just sad and pathetic but also cruel and unusual. The other is a lively one but still acts like a retard from time to time.

Anonymous No. 16219550

astronauts shit themselves

Anonymous No. 16219551

Elon with Ellie on catching on tower chance

Anonymous No. 16219552


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Anonymous No. 16219554


Anonymous No. 16219555

Seems like a case of not paying off the right people like Hollywood does with it's arsenal of fully automatic weapons and explosives that rival small countries in size.

Anonymous No. 16219556

reminder that trump literally smells like shit and its been confirmed by republicans

Anonymous No. 16219557

we can't place 100% of the blame on the fact that zoomers don't live in reality. i blame video games.

Anonymous No. 16219558

NASA’s Mega Moon Rocket

Anonymous No. 16219559

Epic video to see for sure. Where's the link?

Anonymous No. 16219561

As long as he stays out of Musks way I don't care at all
Biden is openly hostile and using similar lawfare he is using against Trump against Musk

Anonymous No. 16219563

Musk's women have been pretty normal. Even Grimes is normal once you hose her down.

Anonymous No. 16219564

I just farted. Can I be astronaut and president now?

Anonymous No. 16219565

hullo and at least one anon were saying they'll want to wait until the second tower is ready before trying a catch, but i don't really see how waiting helps you. the second tower's going to be finished regardless of whether the first one gets destroyed in july (inshallah) or december.

Anonymous No. 16219566

yes actually

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Anonymous No. 16219567

the whole interview should be dropping in 2h 20min assuming 10:30 AM is Texas time

Anonymous No. 16219570

Possible strategy.

1) try with tower in ~1-2 months from now
2) in 1-2 months from now, 2nd tower will be half way finished
3a) tower catch fails = speed up 2nd tower
3b) tower catch succeeds = speed up 2nd tower
4) next flight after that is another 1-2 months (so total of 4 months from today)
5) 2nd tower will be finished
6a) if 1st tower was damaged 2 months earlier, it would be either repaired or will be in the process of being repaired
6b) if 1st tower wasn't damaged, it will be usable
7) now there are 2 towers

There's no real loss scenario

Anonymous No. 16219572

Depends if the new tower is just a tower or tower + OLM
If the new tower is just a catch tower, then you'll have to wait till it's up to do the catch less you blow up your only pad, if they are building an OLM then the old OLM might be able to be sacrificed

Anonymous No. 16219573

if there is something they wanted to test which they couldn't do on IFT-5 or didn't succeed then a destroyed tower might delay flight 6 due to tower repairs/new tower construction being the long pole
you have four Starship/Super Heavy v1 vehicles waiting already
not to mention there might be some enviromental assessment shit again
is it worth it to not test tower landing if you can squeeze in a launch or two which might be blocked by a damaged tower? maybe

Anonymous No. 16219574

Also basically there will always be atleast 1 usable tower in the next 4 months.

Anonymous No. 16219578

Starlink now has preliminary approval to operate in Sri Lanka.

Anonymous No. 16219579

what if they are able to spam out launches once a month now?
one launching next month and then getting delayed 3-4 months due to tower repairs would mean they have 3 outdated stacks waiting around that they could have launched and perhaps even used to test or launch some starlinks

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Anonymous No. 16219580

Was looking at IFT-4 videos on bilibili, the users there seem to have a very positive view of the flight and Starship in general. Also lots of Boing shit-talk which is funny to see

Anonymous No. 16219581

getting concerned about elons shape.
beginning to look like a vogon.

Anonymous No. 16219582

recovering the booster is by far the most important thing they need to test right now. nothing else comes even close as far as being a necessity for ramping up cadences.
it's gonna be tower + OLM because they're gonna need two pads to launch the two ships for the prop transfer demo

Anonymous No. 16219583

Can someone catch me up on why they are even building a second tower right next to the first one?
It's not like they could prepare a second stack for launch on one pad while they're actively launching from the other.

Is it really just redundancy if one gets damaged or closed for upgrades?
Is the new tower higher since they said they would stretch the tanks?

Anonymous No. 16219584

Its possible, they'll try whatever is the fastest route.

>1 month launch rate
a) tower 1 fails, next wait is ~3-4 months after
b) tower 1 works, next wait is 1 month after

Or they could buffer a bit

>2 month launch rate
a) tower 1 fails, next wait is 2-3 months after
b) tower 2 works, next wait is 2 months after

Either way, they'll hit the launch limit I think this year.

>No account
>only 2 comments seeable
>video limited to 1 min or so

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Anonymous No. 16219585

>Also neither are good for space
Not true. I don't like Trump, but he did lots of good things for space.
>Appointed Jim Bridenstine (the best Administrator that NASA has had in years).
>The first spaceflight launched from the US since the end of the Space Shuttle occurred during his Administration.
>Established the Space Force
>Had policies specifically around space in his 2020 campaign platform.

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Anonymous No. 16219586

maybe, despite all our differences, we are all the same...

Anonymous No. 16219587

My gu as is it's close to the factory

Anonymous No. 16219588

i guess we can delete the flaps

Anonymous No. 16219589

doesn't this pretty much prove that even with the bulkiness of this early prototype, starship has a much better mass/drag ratio?

Anonymous No. 16219590

There is another possibility.

Build barebone 2nd tower asap that basically acts as a dummy catcher tower with reduced risk to integral tower parts, aimed away from the rest of the starbase facilities

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Anonymous No. 16219592

I will shitpost on both 4chan and reddit, my power level can't be contained by just one website alone.

Anonymous No. 16219593

I think china sees NASA as the political foil, and SpaceX as the technical foil - both worth emulating (copying I guess)
Long Lehao had a conference a few years ago at I think the university of hong kong and all the students were wearing SpaceX occupy Mars shirts lol. I think there’s huge respect for SpaceX in China. The same thing exists on Dvach with russia.

Anonymous No. 16219594

you could get yourself down to only a handful of km/s, so about mach 6 or whatever, which might be too hot for just bare steel maybe but yeah
if you did this you could bring an HLS Starship back from orbit

Anonymous No. 16219595

We can take a megalodon-sized bite out of them to save weight.

Anonymous No. 16219597

the mesosphere sure as hell tried to delete them

Anonymous No. 16219598

Elon is huge outside of western media propaganda goyslop world, especially in China because they understand hustle culture. They grew up in it and got rich/prosperous as a result. They understand hard work leads to prosperity.

In American and in the west today, the marxists promote the idea that hard work = stupid and that the smartest is to not do any work. How does a society function like this? You need hard work + smart work. Not one or other. We haven't created a society where we have abundance yet, so if we slow down the progress all that would lead is decay and misery.

Anonymous No. 16219599

hey pete

Anonymous No. 16219600

this is great an all but how is this going to impact unique species to the area like the ocelot, piping clover, or kemps ridley sea turtles? im sure all the boca chica flea beetles are dead now from the deluge water run off. The only plausible outcome is that starbase is moved to florida.

Anonymous No. 16219602

The threat of chinks stealing data is too bit BUT I think an Artemis-ILRS meetup on the Moon would be so, so kino. I have huge for China spaceflight but I see why people view them as the antagonist, especially if we want/need some sort of new space race

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Anonymous No. 16219603

It took more tries to get Superheavy landing right than Starship reentry lol

Anonymous No. 16219604


Anonymous No. 16219605

China has multiple probes on mars and the moon. They're the 2nd most prolific space power after SpaceX/US.

Anonymous No. 16219606

look at that fat cock
not as big as mine though.

Anonymous No. 16219608

*threat is too BIG
*I have huge RESPECT for
Damn wtf I cannot type this morning

Anonymous No. 16219609

it's the re-entry juices flowing through your brain
the entire general is in an elevated mental state right now, partially disabling our cognition. we're pretty much all on space cocaine at the moment, prepare for the after effects of it wearing off and an increase in IT'S SO OVER or NOTHING EVER HAPPENS in a few days.
after fortnight we'll likely have re-adjusted to regular dopamine levels and everyone will be back to the usual 2 weeks routine.

Anonymous No. 16219611

Not sure why everyone keeps saying this, but the tower doesn't really matter as much as the OLM. They can throw up a new tower in a few months. A new OLM will probably take 12+ months to construct

Anonymous No. 16219612

Meanwhile we that watch rocket videos are so much better

Anonymous No. 16219613

elon is talking about moving the flaps further inward, won't that change the stability and control parameters, may also violate faa license, why not just make them titanium or solid steel instead of the cardboard form they are in right now

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Anonymous No. 16219614

How realistic is this?
I pulled the points after 4 out of my ass

Anonymous No. 16219618

So they're third.

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Anonymous No. 16219619

Anonymous No. 16219620

Booster crashing on top of OLM wont make OLM completely disappear. OLM is extremely robust enough that it can hold a completely filled starship + booster stack. 5000+ tons filled vs ~200-250 tons empty.

250/5000 ton = 5% mass. Its like an empty coke can falling on top of a brick

Anonymous No. 16219621

reminder that I was on actual cocaine for IFT-1 (april 20eth 2023)

Anonymous No. 16219622

looks a bit optimistic.

Anonymous No. 16219623

redundancy and there is really no way to build it somewhere else quickly

Anonymous No. 16219624

musk was saying at least 6 flights this year before IFT-3. unless we want to believe that he underestimated how easy things would be for the first time in his life, i'm gonna say 40 days is the absolute minimum turnaround time in 2024.

Anonymous No. 16219625

stainless steel is better for reentry than titanium, and solid steel would be too heavy lol

Anonymous No. 16219626

i went to ift-1 and saw sts-112. spaceflight is actually real and not just pixels on a screen. you might be surprised at what happens outside your basement.

Anonymous No. 16219629


Anonymous No. 16219631

then increase the motor's power, aren't they powered by a motor, i think its a small price to pay than redesigning the entire thing, then having to test the new flaps once again

Anonymous No. 16219636

It's like that orgy scene in Dune

Anonymous No. 16219638

The tower and OLM are extremely overbuilt. The booster is an empty soda can by comparison, it would fold like tin foil on the tower. Minimal damage

Anonymous No. 16219639

Clearly we didn't watch the same dune movie.

Anonymous No. 16219640

hey you and I posted the same thing lol

Anonymous No. 16219642

I'm more worried about fire from leftover propellant

Anonymous No. 16219643

You're right, but it would look worse than it really is. The actual danger is if it lands of the farm or some other equipment that will take time to replace.

Anonymous No. 16219645

They run the deluge while it is coming down. It's a solved problem.

Anonymous No. 16219648

The clamps can, sure. But I would be concerned about the booster falling on the ring itself. They've been working on that thing nonstop for the past, what, 3 years?

Anonymous No. 16219650

Continuous improvements/upgrades over time. Not a single one time design that took 3 years.

Anonymous No. 16219651

August or September is likely, depending on the modifications they needs to make

Anonymous No. 16219656

Let's be honest, that booster landing could have been a bit more "precise". There's no margin for error with the catch arms

Anonymous No. 16219657

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Anonymous No. 16219658


Anonymous No. 16219659

How could you tell how precise it was. It's really hard to tell how high it is from that camera's perspective

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Anonymous No. 16219662

Has Jeff reached orbit yet?

Anonymous No. 16219663

Jeff has not even tried yet.

Anonymous No. 16219664

The booster still oscillates upon landing, cant afford to do that and expect the arms to catch you

Anonymous No. 16219665

Again - to anon's point - even if the second stage reusability never works, we've now got the most lift capability since Saturn V functional. Forget about launching comm satellites, we're gonna be launching stations in a decade and servicing crews.

I can think of at least a dozen companies that would jump at the opportunity to try and be the first company to maintain its own orbital research platform.

Anonymous No. 16219667

A huge difference in energy between 33 engine flowing downward with dense explosive energy vs near empty tank crashing and exploding. Also before the intense upgrades to the entire structure

Anonymous No. 16219668

I have devised an alternative way of catching the booster that's way more robust

Anonymous No. 16219670

very good article that i wish /sfg/ would read. going by their numbers, a drone ship f9 launch is around $1600/kg now. by comparison, the infamous 1971 mathematica paper on shuttle economics dazzled congress with cost estimates that come out to $2700/kg today, adjusting for inflation.

Anonymous No. 16219671

The 3 engines made the booster float on the water for few seconds. Thats enough margin for catchin

Anonymous No. 16219672

Has the 4'11" malding manlet with f250 driver energy made a comment about starship yet?

Anonymous No. 16219674

Are you talking aboit the guy who always wears a baseball cap

Anonymous No. 16219675

Starship V1: 40-50 tons to orbit with reuse
>Minus Headers: +30 tons
>Minus Flaps and Tiles: +10 tons
>No booster Recovery: X1.5
The IFT-4/Block 1 stack could probably put 120 tons into orbit pessimistically, and 130 tons when fully expended. And it launches once every 3 months right now. Crazy

Anonymous No. 16219676

Another Boeing engine mishap on take off

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Anonymous No. 16219679

congratulations to spacex on landing both parts of their fully-reusable suborbital rocket. welcome to the club!

Anonymous No. 16219680

>Oh... uh, and Boeing is here too, I guess.

Anonymous No. 16219682

Seems like an engine manufacturer or maintenance issue rather than a Boeing problem

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Anonymous No. 16219683

Reminder that NASA blacklisted the brilliant Thomas Gold for challenging shuttle cost estimates
>In the 1970s and 1980s, Gold was a vocal critic of NASA's Space Shuttle program, deriding claims that the agency could fly 50 missions a year or that it could have low budget costs. NASA officials warned Gold that if he testified his concerns before Congress, his research proposals would lose their support from NASA. Gold ignored the warning and testified before a Congressional committee headed by Senator Walter Mondale. In a letter to NASA administrator James C. Fletcher, George Low wrote that "Gold should realize that being funded by the Government and NASA is a privilege, and that it would make little sense for us to fund him as long as his views are what they are now".

Anonymous No. 16219685

>don't fucking talk about fight club you fucking retard
I knew there was something behind these videos...
spill the beans, faggots

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Anonymous No. 16219688

In light of the flap, imagine what Columbia would have looked like. God I wish someone has the balls to make a photorealistic CGI render of the wing disintigrating.

Anonymous No. 16219689

Christ, that's basically a third-of-an-ISS in one go.

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Anonymous No. 16219692

>It's done for! (about the booster that made a perfect landing 1 minute later)

Anonymous No. 16219693


Anonymous No. 16219694

Bad way to go.

Anonymous No. 16219695

Interesting that Starlink profitability is so dependent on launch costs. I mean, obviously, but if simply adding $10 millions to a Falcon 9 launch cost dooms the whole thing, I can't see how Kuiper will work

Anonymous No. 16219698

He is a closeted SpaceX enjoyer

Anonymous No. 16219703

V2 can do 100 tons to LEO, so that number increases to 210 tons per launch fully expended, 140 with Superheavy reuse

Anonymous No. 16219706

the accident report is fascinating. they were basically blended into chunky soup inside their suits from the shaking. it says they passed out before that but i doubt it. that moment it started to roll beyond the point of no return had to have been surreal.

Anonymous No. 16219708

Because space... is HARD.

Anonymous No. 16219709

I hate Boing, but they don't make the engines and don't do the maintenance on the ground.

Anonymous No. 16219710

This particular problem was probably maintenance and not a Boeing problem. However I don't see how you can say that in general Boeing can absolve themselves of fuckups done by their suppliers. Boeing is the one who decides which suppliers to pick and which not to pick. They decide which engine options they want to offer to customers. If Boeing outsourced 100% of design and manufacturing, would that mean Boeing would have 0% of the blame if the plane crashes due to manufacturing or design flaws even though they are the ones who decided who the jobs were outsourced to?

Anonymous No. 16219711


Anonymous No. 16219713

>Ariane 6 launches the 9th july
I'll actually be in french guyana from the 12th so if it could get delayed by a few days by weather or something that would be great

Anonymous No. 16219714

the 'it has no fuel left to land' cope he and css push is such a self report of novice levels of understanding. Weird how they have been pushing that cope for a year and then get humiliated watching both booster and ship land with the fuel they had.

Anonymous No. 16219717

no one is discussing solutions to the flap problem, its all about boing and bezos, where the fuck did the engineers of sci go to?

Anonymous No. 16219718

have they found the starship remains in the oceans yet?

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Anonymous No. 16219719

>V2 can do 100 tons to LEO
Nein, eine Tonne Erde zu Erde

Anonymous No. 16219720

it's not a flap problem, it's a hinge problem. they're moving the hinges out of the airstream on v2. simple as.

Anonymous No. 16219721

The obvious solution is expendable flaps

Anonymous No. 16219722

RGV seems to have found the booster, and someone else claims that there was footage of Starship.

Anonymous No. 16219723

The brainrot is so real that merely existing as an alternative is enough to get companies and other people to pay any amount of money for said alternative

Starlink is deemed too irrational, ambitious and unproven. It's how viasat is saying in business, they are the "adults" essentially saying to companies do you want your internet delivered by an overcomplex constellation developed by 25 year olds and a meme lord or do you want the company ran by 60 year old farts with a "proven" system (no matter how slow or expensive it is in comparison)

It's how it's going with out constellations, it's made by companies deemed more rational, no matter if their system is slower or even less reliable

Anonymous No. 16219725

Someone needs to put it to this

Anonymous No. 16219726

>it says they passed out before that but i doubt it
No, that's just one of those white lies of comfort investigators tell families.
>He died on impact
>He died instantly
>He wouldn't have felt any pain
Because nobody wants to hear that their spouse/child/parent/sibling/friend/etc. spent their last moments in horrible, painful agony, calling out for them in utterly hopeless terror and despair.

Anonymous No. 16219727

armchair engineer here. Basically the solution is to hide the hinge behind the cylider so it's not in the plasma. This has a high mass penalty.

Anonymous No. 16219728

>they were basically blended into chunky soup inside their suits from the shaking
werent they constantly reboosting the flight computers up to the moment it disintegrated?

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Anonymous No. 16219729

no, but they found something else...

Anonymous No. 16219730

this guy is the best troll ever if he makes people seethe this much.

Anonymous No. 16219731

These guys designed Saturn V

Anonymous No. 16219733

so will they fly any more v1 ships?

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Anonymous No. 16219734


Anonymous No. 16219737

I wonder if it would be possible to make two crafts reenter at the same time and almost the same place so one could observe the other to get in-site data on reentry (+unbelievable video)

moar heatshield

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Anonymous No. 16219738


Anonymous No. 16219739

pretending to be retarded or actually being retarded is not trolling. it's making a mockery of yourself and then calling the mockery "s-seethe" out of insecurity.

Anonymous No. 16219740

Kuiper will have access to better launch vehicles in the future (e.g. NG). Amazon can afford to lose money for an interim period if that's what's necessary to launch sooner and to secure spectrum rights. Besides, Amazon probably wants Kuiper for synergy reasons, to make their data service offerings more complete, not just to make money by itself.

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Anonymous No. 16219743

Let's say starliner works flawlessly from here on out.
I know, I know, but humor me.
Will it ever fly private missions? Crew dragon has done 4 already and has several more scheduled. or will it only do the contractually required NASA missions and immediately retire?

Anonymous No. 16219744

>they were basically blended into chunky soup inside their suits
that's total bullshit too.
the suits neck ring might or might not have broken their necks.
that's all.
muh vibration is a total cope. humans survive eject airplane at supersonic velocity and riding rocket sleds and crashing f1 cars with 200g impact

Anonymous No. 16219745

Starliner seats cost almost twice as much as dragon, I don't see why anyone would fly on it over dragon especially considering it's constant problems.

Anonymous No. 16219746

This is the most damning question of all

Anonymous No. 16219747

the fact that they saved old atlas Vs for it (just enough to fill out the cc contract) instead of going through the trouble of qualifying it for vulcan should tell you all you need to know

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Anonymous No. 16219749

Commercial LEO destinations maybe. But I don't see space tourists or thrillseekers buying Starliner seats just to go into space; Dragon is literally the cheaper option.

Anonymous No. 16219751

According to Elon it saves mass lol

Anonymous No. 16219752

it literally doesn't have the launch systems to spare
they only have atlas V's reserved for their contract missions, and as we all know they're not building any more of those.
so if they want this thing to get slaughtered in the commercial market, they're going to have to go through the whole certification process again for vulcan.
or create the most glansy rocket ever and fly it on falcon.

Anonymous No. 16219753

Any chance boeing is gonna bow out of spaceflight altogether once starliners contract is up?

Anonymous No. 16219755

What will it fly on after Atlas V's immediate retirement? Will they really wait around for years before it can fly on Vulcan/New Glenn? Or will they go to the always available F9?

Anonymous No. 16219756

I don't understand orbital queefs rationale for using dreamchaser or starliner. there is no commercial space station at present because the ride to and from it is too expensive. how do they expect to make one commercially viable with ride at the present oldspace ticket price?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16219758

And yet SpaceX charges $6000/kg for rideshares. This is why competition is necessary.

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Anonymous No. 16219759


Anonymous No. 16219760

no, too expensive

Anonymous No. 16219765

so they will be internal hinges?

Anonymous No. 16219769

Plans can change.
Boeings space division has been hemorrhaging cash for the past few years. Before this it never had an unprofitable year.

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Anonymous No. 16219770


Anonymous No. 16219771

can someone sketch this because i am having a hard time imagining how it would move

Anonymous No. 16219773

yesterday was a dream. imagine not being interested in starship development.

Anonymous No. 16219774

BO will probably eventually build a crew vehicle in-house. It can be cheaper per person if it is big enough to make full use of NG's capablities and thus benefit from scale. And also launch frequently. However it makes sense they don't want their entire space station project to depend on just their own capsule project, because that introduces more risk of costly delays.

Anonymous No. 16219776

Has RGV posted booster pics yet?

Anonymous No. 16219782


Anonymous No. 16219783

He didn't fly over the ocean you can see it on the track.
It's 65 km out probably didn't want to risk it with a shitty cessna.

Anonymous No. 16219784

BO has been working on a reusable upper stage for New Glenn, i imagine it will be like starship but more risk averse as in it will have a traditional capsule ontop of the starship style propulsion module, which can jettison in an abort scenario. it will have too much dry mass for operation beyond leo but will be a safer leo truck than starship

Anonymous No. 16219786

$28m per launch works out to ~$2400/kg to 500km SSO. And yet SpaceX charges $6000/kg for SSO rideshares. This is why competition is necessary.

Anonymous No. 16219788

China's going to have an interesting domestic launch market in 2025. Between this and the Zhuque-3 they'll have two Falcon 9 clones trying to undercut each other on price. We never got that here in the west because the closest anyone's come to trying to really complete with Falcon is something like Vulcan.

Anonymous No. 16219789

Any news on that? It feels like jarvis has been completely silent lately.

Anonymous No. 16219791

So if a /sfg/ott was inside starship’s payload bay with a spacesuit, they would’ve survived?

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Anonymous No. 16219793

i can't find that anyone's made a good render of it so the best i can think of are concordski canards, if you imagine it bellyflopping

Anonymous No. 16219794

they earned that profit margin. but yeah, I agree it would be better if someone gave them a run for it.

Anonymous No. 16219796

Yes but the payload bay probably crumpled when tipping over.

Anonymous No. 16219797


Anonymous No. 16219799

if it was me yeah

Anonymous No. 16219800

putting them that deep inside leaves a huge vertical hole exposed and the plasma will just be waiting to wreck that?

Anonymous No. 16219801

Page 263
Conclusion L2-3. Lethal injuries resulted from inadequate upper body restraint and protection
during rotational motion

imagine riding a roller coaster with a fish bowl on your head

Anonymous No. 16219802

That's some derpy ass lookin' shit.

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Anonymous No. 16219804

Rideshares are more complex missions more constrained by volume than mass

Mass to cost ratios are only relevant for actual high mass missions of single sats or constellation sats, where the actual limitation is mass to orbit rather than if it fits in the faring

If your mass is under what an RTLS mission costs, you're going to pay a high $ to kg ratio because that mission is going to be fixed cost

Anonymous No. 16219805

I kneel. All glory to The Flap!

Anonymous No. 16219806

>the hotstage ring floating by like stack separator in KSP

Anonymous No. 16219807

as with everything BO it's all computer generated with one or two panels laying about in a factory as the only real hardware. Allegedly Bezo is copying Musk and making it out of stainless steel now. Which may slightly complicate mating with New Glenn since they are made out of different metals with different expansion ratios. From the little hardware that exists its safe to say Jarvis will be a starship scaled to Zubrins liking.

Anonymous No. 16219809

What about if you were chilling in the engine bay?

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Anonymous No. 16219810

you mean like this?

Anonymous No. 16219811

Nah he makes a living by being the go to Musk hater
Jealousy, hate and resentment can be turned a profit. Dude knows the game.

Anonymous No. 16219813

That news is like 2 years old. Has seriously nothing notable happened in 2 years?

Anonymous No. 16219814

then the heatshielded rvac nozzles will protect you

Anonymous No. 16219815

since it was so small i thought it was a part from the lower end of the booster

Anonymous No. 16219821


Anonymous No. 16219823

it's BO so no lol

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Anonymous No. 16219824

all these big space stations planned need crew escape options

Anonymous No. 16219825

i'm pretty sure they gave up on it after the one test article

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Anonymous No. 16219826


Anonymous No. 16219827

Sad that they're only just starting to catch up...

Anonymous No. 16219829

stright outta KSP

Anonymous No. 16219830

What do they charge for unitary payloads? I compared with the SSO rideshare cost because they publish that number on their website.

500km SSO figure from NASA's performance website is 11.7t, already cut about 1/3 compared to the commonly cited ideal 17.5t to 28.5° low LEO. If volume is still the constraint on rideshare launches, then why not use fairings that are stretched or otherwise enlarged?

Anonymous No. 16219836

If companies were allowed to just "earn" extra profit margins from pushing technological boundaries, then society wouldn't benefit much from technological progress.

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Anonymous No. 16219838

fuck you for making me try to draw something

Anonymous No. 16219843

won't the plasma eat away at the edge where the flap meets the groove?

Anonymous No. 16219844

>they'll have two Falcon 9 clones
There'll probably be a bunch of others as well e.g. Hyperbola-3, Gravity-2 and Kuaizhou-6, and also lighter launchers like Pallas-1 and Nebula-1

Anonymous No. 16219845

There actually is some news, renamed it to clipper and they have a test stand for it at LC-36.
Probably it's just on the back burner while they rush to get new glenn up and running for their mars mission in september.

Anonymous No. 16219847

Anonymous No. 16219848

This happens every time I try reentering with a spaceplane in KSP, any slight adjustment to the angle of attack just sends me into an uncontrolled spin. I hate spaceplanes.

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Anonymous No. 16219849


Anonymous No. 16219852

Fuck the flap problem. The entire tile heat shield goes against the system's design goals and needs to be replaced by ~something~ else.
Don't ask me what that something's supposed to be though. Apparently thousands of fragile tiles being loosely attached one by one by hand is the peak of human technology in that field.

Anonymous No. 16219854

woah, how'd I fuck that up?

Anonymous No. 16219858

It's the old "passed away peacefully" bullshit we tell one another to try and make dying less scary.

Anonymous No. 16219859

you need better yaw control

Anonymous No. 16219865

You need to invent a spray on coating that's extremely thermally insulative.
There's not a physics reason why it can't exist just need to adhere it to the steel chemically

Anonymous No. 16219868

>then why not use fairings that are stretched or otherwise enlarged?
Just hasn't been worth it when the current fairing serves 95% of customers

They have an extended faring for some national security contracts being worked on but with falcon 9 being a heritage rocket it's going to take time

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Anonymous No. 16219869

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Anonymous No. 16219871

Anonymous No. 16219873

i remember elon started with the idea of a sweating skin for starship but it never amounted to much, they were going to cool the internal skin with some cryogenic but seems too complicated when you can just stick some tiles on the outside

Anonymous No. 16219875

it wasnt due to being complicated, it weighed more than the tile system according to their calculations

Anonymous No. 16219882

hooker in space.

Anonymous No. 16219884

The solar system's oldest profession

Anonymous No. 16219890

The first thing they said was "we're gonna polish the steel and it'll reflect some of the heat radiation and it'll be otherwise fine because it's steel".
I really don't know why the fuck they said that.
But yes, after that they talked about methane sweating or internal cooling. Then they completely gave up and decided to go with Shuttle 2.0 as what they must've thought was an easy interim solution. Except it's not easy and actually a pain in the ass.

Anonymous No. 16219894

>However, there appears to be rising concern in the ISS program at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. The space agency often uses a 5x5 "risk matrix" to classify the likelihood and consequence of risks to spaceflight activities, and the Russian leaks are now classified as a "5" both in terms of high likelihood and high consequence. Their potential for "catastrophic failure" is discussed in meetings.

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Anonymous No. 16219896

Anonymous No. 16219899

What we need is something flexible and durable enough to withstand reentry. We need a reentry-proof heat blanket you can just wrap around shit.
There MUST be a material with a high enough heat tolerance and dissipative properties that ISN'T fragile terracotta bullshit, we just haven't made it yet.

Anonymous No. 16219901

while we're doing wishlists for not-theoretically-impossible materials i still want lk99 that actually works

Anonymous No. 16219907


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Anonymous No. 16219909

>I'm flap, and that's good.
>I will always ablate, but that's not bad.
>There's no one I'd rather be, than me.

Anonymous No. 16219916

Yeah, the return capsules moron.

Anonymous No. 16219939

Plasma won't envelop the rocket. Flappy's problem was that there's the tiniest of gaps right in the middle of the plasma stream.

Anonymous No. 16219943

>ship was 6km off geographically but was able to maintain control
>I was surprised the flap lasted so long

Anonymous No. 16219947

>I don't think it will be very difficult to survive on Mars

Anonymous No. 16219948

Gotta pay your bribes in the US or they smack your nuts

Anonymous No. 16219951

Just bypass this entire issue with fancy ufo propulsion tech. If those things really can go from 80000 feet to sea level in a second then clearly reentry heating is not an issue for them at all. No need for heat shields if you can prevent the air around your craft from compressing using warp bubbles or whatever.

Anonymous No. 16219952

Of course the russian shit is breaking down. The only surprise is how long is has held to western standards.

Anonymous No. 16219953

seethe some more, retards

well, he's making money. that's all that matters in this shitty society.

Anonymous No. 16219954

International Smekalka Station

Anonymous No. 16219955

made me chuckle

Anonymous No. 16219956


Anonymous No. 16219957

>Ship damaged on reentry
>still lands fine

Anonymous No. 16219958
>it landed in a pretty precise location
>6km off technically
Yeah um no we are not gonna catch it on flight 5

Anonymous No. 16219960

>t.paranoid retard
anon, take a look at a mirror, go touch grass or maybe take your meds.

Anonymous No. 16219961


Anonymous No. 16219966

Depends on precise
if they weren't even trying to go for hardcore lawn dart accuracy, and just cared about getting the water landing down at all, it could be fine

Anonymous No. 16219967

a clockwork orange except forcing prisoners to listen to elon musk interviews

Anonymous No. 16219971

>"we're gonna polish the steel and it'll reflect some of the heat radiation and it'll be otherwise fine because it's steel".
>I really don't know why the fuck they said that.
>But yes, after that they talked about methane sweating or internal cooling. Then they completely gave up and decided to go with Shuttle 2.0 as what they must've thought was an easy interim solution.
No. They just ran the calculations and found the first one infeasible and the transpiration too heavy.
Reminder that SpaceX likely has the most advanced GPU fluid dynamics and vehicle simulations in the world.

Anonymous No. 16219972

>>6km off technically
oh, I was wondering about this. interesting.
what else would you expect from a half molten flap, though?
also I'm wondering about 1 out of 33 engines not starting. how does that affect trajectory?

Anonymous No. 16219976

Of course it affects trajectory. The booster is coming in really fucking spicy, so shit needs to be ironed out.

Anonymous No. 16219977

The tiles are made of silica fibers that are actually flexible as individuals fibers.
They harden because they are sintered together with glass.
The fibers themselves don't need sintering to be heat tolerant but the porous structure the sintering makes gives them the extreme insulative properties.

Anonymous No. 16219981

Me outside the Chink station looking in for some baddies

Anonymous No. 16219983

I thought the orbiter landed 6km off, not the booster

Anonymous No. 16219984

i don't really need to, your seething is enough.

Anonymous No. 16219985

>retard seethes about some other retard
>somehow I'm the one seething
anon, this is sad. just admit you are obsessed with some e-celeb because he talks shit about your idols.
btw, this website is for adults of age 18+. you really shouldn't be here

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Anonymous No. 16219986


Anonymous No. 16219992


Anonymous No. 16219995

The trade-off for being super heat tolerant is being super brittle. Could a theoretical lightweight material exist with similar heat tolerance? Maybe. But we know of no such material even hypothetically.
The best bet is to either do either
a) methane sweat cooling
b) metallic TPS
But both of these will require a ton of R&D time and money.

Anonymous No. 16219996

Imagine the mating

Anonymous No. 16220003

booster was on target, ship was 6km off

Anonymous No. 16220006

>6km off technically
this seems incredibly impressive considering how unsmooth these charts look >>16219414 then add engine loss and melting flap

Anonymous No. 16220009

>metallic TPS
What? Like metal tiles?

Anonymous No. 16220010

wow i wonder what stream the capcom guy is watching?

Anonymous No. 16220012

raptors are not going full throttle during tests, right?

Anonymous No. 16220014

Question about the Starship tests. Are these tests of Starship or not? Meaning, are they meant a functioning Starship or are they mis-named iterative design process flights? If the latter why is FAA involved in making SpaceX address problems? If the goal of a design testing flight accomplished then what failure is the FAA addressing? When will they reach a full flight cycle test stage, is there a roadmap? I’m super confused.

Anonymous No. 16220015

didn't know this guy had this bad EDS

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Anonymous No. 16220016

funny when i saw that flap disintegrating the first thing i thought of was Columbia

Anonymous No. 16220022

Shut the fuck up about Thunderfoot or other retards of the same kind. Whatever they're saying is completely irrelevant. And the meta-discussions about whether they're actually deluded or just profiting from retards is even more useless.

The data for these charts is taken from the webcast, so it's very imprecise and the occasional telemetry dropouts don't help

Anonymous No. 16220025

>seethe becoming so hysterically delusional it doesn't even make me mad

Anonymous No. 16220028

He was talking about Starship, not Super Heavy.

Anonymous No. 16220029


Anonymous No. 16220031

makes youtube videos
usually very snarky in those but I thought it was just joking
seems like he actually has pretty severe EDS

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Anonymous No. 16220034

is there any way to view earlier posts on archived threads or are they gone forever?

Anonymous No. 16220036

we just don't know

Anonymous No. 16220037

>easily replaceable mass produced tiles on the uniform mostly flat belly of starship
>custom shaped glued on tiles on all the parts with the most heating
Could this paradox be solved?

Anonymous No. 16220038

warosu was dead during it

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Anonymous No. 16220040

He's a braindead fintech scaremongerer, but he's bri'ish so of course retards listen to him like he has authority

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Anonymous No. 16220041

wrong screenshot

Anonymous No. 16220042

i found it on

Anonymous No. 16220044

why can't they just 3d print them in the exact shape needed?

Anonymous No. 16220045

aaargh this means it might take a couple of months till they can rebuild, static test it, etc, i think the faa are going to step in and make more delays but it might not be so because they change their engine designs all the time

Anonymous No. 16220046

Dude looks like he's eyeing up my liver for whatever red wine he has left.

Anonymous No. 16220051

Obviously hoping to birth his twelfth little Musk.

Anonymous No. 16220052

Starship reuse is going to take a while, won't it? Booster reuse I can see happening soon, but not starship

Anonymous No. 16220053

corn and plastic

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Anonymous No. 16220060

Next time they should partner with Taco Bell to give everyone a free taco if Starship hits the target.

Anonymous No. 16220061

Depends what state it's in after they've moved the flaps.

Anonymous No. 16220062

the one they plan on sending to the moon isn't reusable anyway

Anonymous No. 16220063

Start packing up Starships with gear and throw them all at Mars now, don't even bother landing just start parking mass amounts of shit in Mars orbit.

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Anonymous No. 16220064

forgot pic

Anonymous No. 16220068

no its not lmao, but why can't they demonstrate refilling in space on ift 5, it would be nice while they build the next design to repair the flap mechanism, launch two starships, then demonstrate flight refill, and that's it, that's the last milestone if you can imagine it, its crazy to think they could be done with all these by the end of the year

Anonymous No. 16220070

elon is weird. he's way less spergy in the presence of this hot woman compared to for example estronaut.

Anonymous No. 16220071

True, if it's in stable orbit it could always be retrieved later. Not like shit won't keep in the vacuum of space.

Anonymous No. 16220073

Orbit, rendezvous, docking (A2A? Dolphin fucking?), THEN fuel transfer. Otherwise yes, I share your optimism.

Anonymous No. 16220075

Probably don't want to add such a huge variable during the next iteration as that might obscure other variables they're more interested in.

Anonymous No. 16220076

Man what is it with commies and trannies?

Anonymous No. 16220079

That was actually a really good interview with nice questions, this woman clearly knows what she's doing.

Anonymous No. 16220080

>>>Military may seek Starship test in FY 2025.

Anonymous No. 16220086

E2E logistics, I imagine. Logistics is a fucking nightmare.
Imagine being able to drop munitions to the other side of the globe in a couple of hours.

Anonymous No. 16220087

i never even talked myself about thunderfag tho.
i just pointed out that calling the people who mock him "seething" is utmost retardation.
i'm guessing you took personal offense to this because you yourself are also someone who pretends to be retarded and this notion offends you.

Anonymous No. 16220088

Speaking of Mars, the return to Earth is going to be toasty, though in this case they won't care whether the heatshield will be rapidly reusable or not

Anonymous No. 16220089

The BOOSTER you moron the BOOSTER will be caught, not the ship. They said the ship will take multiple very good simulated landings before they will try to catch it.

Anonymous No. 16220090

i can imagine dinosaur mating noises from jurassic park.

Anonymous No. 16220097

it's just gonna be NSSL certification

Anonymous No. 16220098

Weird to think that that picture (minus Musk) contains a few million dollars.

Anonymous No. 16220106

>Ellie interview with Elon
>full and rapid reusability
>imagine if you had to reuse airplanes
>multiplanetary species

Anonymous No. 16220108

EDA is like "get off my turf!"

Anonymous No. 16220110

fully and rapidly reusable interviews

Anonymous No. 16220112

didn't the announcers say during the ift4 stream that docking would happen in 2025?

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elon musk a clock....jpg

Anonymous No. 16220113

I was cured, alright!

Anonymous No. 16220115


Anonymous No. 16220121

>order of magnitude
>holy grail of rocketry

Anonymous No. 16220122


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Anonymous No. 16220123

Anonymous No. 16220127

No fucking way

Anonymous No. 16220128

CGI? The lighting on the booster kinda looks like it.

Anonymous No. 16220129

Mars will be hard

Anonymous No. 16220134


>AFRL’s fiscal 2025 budget plans show that the lab hopes to complete testing of the capability to air-drop cargo pallets down from Starship during FY25, and to launch a demonstration flight to “transport 30 to 100 tons of cargo to an austere site” in late FY25 or early FY26.

And possibly related.

Anonymous No. 16220137

Sierra Space x SpaceX lets fucking gooo

Anonymous No. 16220139

Evidently not.

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Elon porn king.jpg

Anonymous No. 16220145

Elon is uplifting the lesser races of the planet with starlink, giving them a taste of the first world.

Anonymous No. 16220147

Some people on twitter are saying it's a render, but it's still a good one

Anonymous No. 16220150


Anonymous No. 16220151

>Somewhere in the Amazon a tribe is fighting to the death over the right to goon
Not the cyberpunk dystopia I wanted, but I'll take it.

Anonymous No. 16220163

Could aerocapture over several orbits help spread out all that energy, as opposed to just screaming in from interplanetary velocities?

Anonymous No. 16220164

ah yes, the world needs more scammers

Anonymous No. 16220165

Entirely imaginary story by the way.
They were degenerates before just like all first generation tribespeople when they get modern amenities handed to them.

Anonymous No. 16220169

Just realized, its 100% CGI, missing all the vapor cloud off the side of the booster

Anonymous No. 16220171

could be legit. maybe shot with a telescope/DSLR and then cropped. lots of digital zoom noise. we had similar shots of the Saturn V

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Anonymous No. 16220172

So you've unloaded your Starship in bongo bongo land, what happens next? Somehow get tankers full of lng and lox to fly it back or abandon it where it landed?

Anonymous No. 16220182

I'm who you replied to. I'm doing that after work

Anonymous No. 16220184

With no cargo and a full fuel load Starship should have pretty impressive range as a suborbital vehicle.

Anonymous No. 16220190

Starship Troopers soon bros

Anonymous No. 16220191

Iirc starship is an SSTO without payload

Anonymous No. 16220195

So it should be able to get itself home from anywhere in the world

Anonymous No. 16220196

are they saying its possible to launch, land then relaunch the ship by itself back into sub orbital then land again? that would be most impressivissimus

Anonymous No. 16220198

I don't think thats true, super heavy was fully fueled during ift4 and it barely had any fuel left to do it's landing burn. Starship had to burn for a while to get to near orbit and it also barely had fuel left for it's landing burn.

Anonymous No. 16220199

it's not

Anonymous No. 16220214

>newfag hasn't followed starship long enough to understand why orbital fuel tanks in space are a thing

Anonymous No. 16220217

What's useful, shelf stable at extreme temps, doesn't need a lot of engineering work, and won't get outdated in 10 years?
>Steel beams, sheet metal
>earth dirt (not sure if this is shelf stable, can dirt "die"?)
>clothes, pillows, sheets, towels, lots of cleaning rags
>rice? flower?

Anonymous No. 16220218

>social media
Bringing them to our 21st century ways

Anonymous No. 16220219

I remember some Elon interview maybe with Estrogenaut and Elon said that the hinges are an issue and that they would like to move them more back but that would then be structurally inefficient or something.

Anonymous No. 16220224

Probably, aerocapture has never been tried (Mars landers land directly and Mars orbiters make a capture burn then some use aerobraking, which is reducing your apogee with aerodynamic braking), but if there's any payload advantage, SpaceX will definitely use it

Anonymous No. 16220226

big pile of copper wire
structural material

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Anonymous No. 16220227

more like this

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Anonymous No. 16220233

I forgot Elon was talking about moving the flaps before we knew the gridfins would be fixed.

>This has a high mass penalty.
>it came to me in a dream

Anonymous No. 16220234

>'I'm a fan of EVs, I'm a fan of Elon'

>Donald Trump had big things to say about Tesla and Elon Musk

Biden never said anything like that, never even praised SpaceX once...

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Flameholder confi....jpg

Anonymous No. 16220239

Wolfram/tungsten tiles with a thin ceramic coating like they do with jet engine turbine blades?

Anonymous No. 16220247

No, the hinge is still outside the body, it's just at 10 and 2 o'clock instead of 9 and 3.

Anonymous No. 16220249

By the time Starships are going beyond LEO the vehicle is going to look retarded

Anonymous No. 16220253

Will Estrogenaut confront Musk on fucking over the Japanese guy?

I see $100 million in rocket engines

Anonymous No. 16220257

anybody got the Boring tunnel article from 2045?

Anonymous No. 16220260

>all first generation tribespeople when they get modern amenities handed to them
citation needed

Anonymous No. 16220261

Just make the flaps out of tungsten if its gonna be reused anyways

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Anonymous No. 16220262

Based Boeing???

Anonymous No. 16220264

if the dearmooners on twitter are any indication they're more mad at maezawa for not telling them he had the option of pulling out than they're mad at elon

Anonymous No. 16220265

explain why they didn't do that in the first place if it's so easy

Anonymous No. 16220269

That one Irish lady is actually pretty cool. She’s been talking very positive about starship and is pissed that Maezawa didn’t understand how delayed spaceflight normally is

Anonymous No. 16220270

Starship reuse will probably be achieved before refilling is perfected. Rapid tanker reuse is required for Artemis

Anonymous No. 16220271

>still obsessing over some retarded e-celeb
hahahaha, retards ITT are completely mind broken

Anonymous No. 16220274

How does that even work? They have a contract or something, and if Maezawa pulls out he gets money back?

Anonymous No. 16220277


Anonymous No. 16220281

He probably posts here

Anonymous No. 16220285

>can dirt "die"?
Certainly, if not protected properly.
>shovels, pickaxes, post diggers, hammers
>wrenches, allen keys, screwdrivers, pliers
>pre-fab DIY pressurized habitat kits

Anonymous No. 16220290

Anonymous No. 16220296

this would tilt the centre of mass and make the vehicle more unstable, i don't think it has anything to do with mass, and it would still suffer from the same problem, the internal hinge, i think is the best fix

Anonymous No. 16220300

And so far no sign that they'll pull the booster and sn29 out of the water

Anonymous No. 16220301

>That one Irish lady is actually pretty cool

The far left progressive one who rambled about how oppressed palestinians were in her response?

Anonymous No. 16220304

the center of mass can be accounted for by moving things internally

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Anonymous No. 16220307

Starship start up sound is cooler than Titan II start up sound

Anonymous No. 16220308

Palestinians aren't oppressed?

Anonymous No. 16220309

no, that's too much change, install internal hinges, change the flaps to a more durable metal alloy and that's it, you need to think like an engineer on a deadline, the simplest solutions always get priority

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Anonymous No. 16220312

There anons are too young for that

Anonymous No. 16220313

no, they are not

Anonymous No. 16220314

Kestrel hybrid rocket startup sound is pure sex.

Anonymous No. 16220316

>+5 shekels have been deposited to your account

Anonymous No. 16220318

is this the one that sounds like a fart

Anonymous No. 16220319

or he gets some fraction of his money back if dearmoon hadn't flown by the original date, since he almost certainly hadn't paid spacex the full price yet

Anonymous No. 16220320

More like one of those old bank drive thru tubes

Anonymous No. 16220322

Does that account for all the landing hardware not being needed? Fully make the rocket substantially lighter.

Anonymous No. 16220323

it is a good idea and ultimately the goal of returning from space will not be slowing down by becoming a meteor but by propulsive change in speed until you reach zero upon landing in a controlled decent through the atmosphere, a hundred years from now this almost melting your ship to slow down will be seen as a primitive way to achieve a surface landing

Anonymous No. 16220328

Have you ever heard of the rocket equation?

Anonymous No. 16220329

yeah and in a hundred years airplanes are gonna turn around ass-first in the sky and brake to a dead stop before descending for a vertical landing instead of using the atmosphere to bleed off energy like a noob

Anonymous No. 16220332

VTOL planes exist.

Anonymous No. 16220335

as of yesterday, VTOL orbital rockets exist

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Anonymous No. 16220336

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Anonymous No. 16220337

I really love hybrids. It's a real shame that they're an idea whose time has clearly past everywhere that's not Europe

I do this for free

Anonymous No. 16220343

Thinnest /sfg/ poster

Anonymous No. 16220344

What about 4?
Just run the numbers

Anonymous No. 16220345

he will get in trouble for this no doubt

Anonymous No. 16220348

Trump says whatever he thinks will get him praised by his crowd
Now fuck off back to /pol/

Anonymous No. 16220353

Do you have the full PDF of that article?

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Anonymous No. 16220356

Ahhhhhh, the Riddle of Steel.....
Do you know what it is boy?

Anonymous No. 16220357

It’s probably a few tons higher desu. I was trying to be pessimistic

Anonymous No. 16220359

How about both of you niggers go back together.

Anonymous No. 16220360

was great to see it still intact through all that shit on the lens. ITS STILL WORKS!!!!

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Anonymous No. 16220364

>The Aquila launch vehicle: A hybrid propulsion space booster

Anonymous No. 16220369

Based on this alone, I'm voting for Trump

Anonymous No. 16220370

Hear me out guys: first stage powered entirely by hydrazine

Anonymous No. 16220371

he is finished

Anonymous No. 16220373

will we ever know?

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Anonymous No. 16220374


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that's YOUR ....png

Anonymous No. 16220377


Anonymous No. 16220382


Anonymous No. 16220383

We have to protect our geniuses

Anonymous No. 16220384

We might now ever know. I’m sure he got his money back but I bet a fraction of it was some sort of non-refundable deposit. For a long time, before Jared was on the radar, everyone was saying MZ’s money for dear moon was bankrolling a lot of Starship r&d. So either people were just assuming/making that up, or MZ has given SX a lot of money he isn’t going to get back

Anonymous No. 16220389

would be pretty cringe if he actually shilled out a lot of money and isn't going to get anything. Bet Jared was more cunning when negotiating his contract.

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dropping bombs.png

Anonymous No. 16220395

Congrats to all the SpaceX employees, all except Elon Musk, the sponsor.

Anonymous No. 16220398

>mars only circumnavigated halfway with a hyperloop tunnel, yet another Musk overpromise

Anonymous No. 16220399

yeah that one, might have retarded politics overall but she seems to be very excited about Starship and understood a project like this would inevitably get delayed

Anonymous No. 16220400

they keep the price down by having the same engines on both vehicles so no

Anonymous No. 16220402

The Falcon payload users guide 2021 mentions an extended fairing as an option that exists.
>SpaceX can also provide an extended fairing as a nonstandard service. The extended fairing has the same diameter as the standard faring (5.2 m, 17.2 ft) and an overall height of 18.7 m (61.25 ft)

Do they already use it on rideshares? If not, why not use the extended fairing on the rideshares if it would let them pack more revenue-generating payloads?

Anonymous No. 16220403

According to the title of this video I didn't watch cybertruck is a failure

Anonymous No. 16220404

Hear me out guys: both stages powered entirely by hydrazine

Anonymous No. 16220407

9 seconds into the video and he's already glorifying a literal nazi

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Anonymous No. 16220409


Anonymous No. 16220411

and that's a good thing

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Anonymous No. 16220412

I give it the CCP stamp of approval.

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Anonymous No. 16220413


Anonymous No. 16220415

I've ridden in one, and can attest to it's being a cool truck. Very heavy, very roomy. Nothing super crazy about it, hope they bring some of the features to more affordable models

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Anonymous No. 16220417


Anonymous No. 16220418

The only payloads that actually need the extended fairing are Gateway and some DoD birds that aren't ready to fly yet. It isn't finished yet but they're not feeling any need to rush it. Rideshares could probably manage with a smaller non-hammerhead payload fairing if SpaceX had one available.

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Anonymous No. 16220419


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Anonymous No. 16220421


Anonymous No. 16220423

Is that twink wearing eye shadow/liner? What the fuck

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Anonymous No. 16220425

>nitrogen fuel

Anonymous No. 16220426

>at very cold temps the strength of stainless steel increases by 50%

wtf is this true?

Anonymous No. 16220427

which book is this again?

Anonymous No. 16220428

Churchill's predecessors probably deserve more credit than Churchill for winning the Battle of Britain due to building up Britain's aircraft industry and inventory. Churchill became PM one month before the Battle of Britain began.

Anonymous No. 16220429


Anonymous No. 16220430

So rideshares aren't actually volume-constrained then since they apparently don't really need the bigger fairing?

Anonymous No. 16220431

We're you up from the night before, or did you just wake up an decide to get after it?

Anonymous No. 16220433

bless those based workers

Anonymous No. 16220436


Anonymous No. 16220437

how about all three stages made out of nuclear bombs?

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Anonymous No. 16220438

so I'm in Europe and it was about midday if I recall. I just decided to snort a line before the launch. I wasn't up the entire night before.

Anonymous No. 16220439

i'd be like that

Anonymous No. 16220443

>Should the US give the security clearance to a person that has been indicted for mishandling classified documents (wich is something that will get the s.c. revoked)?

I'm going to say something about this without talking about it because I think 50% of the country needs to connect some neurons

I don't think the country would be "secure" if the top polling candidate for the presidential general election was stopped from taking office before a vote was cast. Do not unleash hell on us, thank you

Anonymous No. 16220448

>liquid oxygen and nitrogen fuel
Isaacson pls

Anonymous No. 16220451

>I don't think the country would be "secure" if the top polling candidate for the presidential general election was stopped from taking office before a vote was cast.
correct. But there could be a even bigger problem on the horizon. What is he gets convicted and sentenced to prison while president (a real possiblity)?

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Anonymous No. 16220453

>Elon talking about Werner von Braun being big on reusability

Anonymous No. 16220457

sad, he's normally funny.

Anonymous No. 16220458

He didnt understand the reusable britons meme

Anonymous No. 16220460

The constitution allows you to run for president from prison, and it also allows you to BE president while IN prison. If anything, the founders messed up in not codifying that you cannot BE president if convicted of a crime, as that would completely undercut Trump's ability to go any further.

As much as I dislike his personality and mannerisms, it would be democratically catastrophic to deny a statistical majority of the nation, outside the margin of error, to not be able to cast their vote for their preferred candidate. If Trump becoming president ends Democracy, but occurs through the democratic process, then the loss is tragic but just. If democracy is saved by denying the merit of the democratic process, then democracy is already dead and the successor would be no better than Trump.

The only way American democracy survives is if on November everyone casts their vote and Trump loses on the count. In which case, he's done. Even if he refuses to concede or claims its rigged or whatever other nonsense, it won't matter; because the process was followed as designed and the outcome is as ordained.

Anonymous No. 16220462

>believing in commie propaganda
Alert! We have a live NPC here!!

Anonymous No. 16220463

This launch seems to be a litmus test, outing the most retarded amoungus

Anonymous No. 16220464

can you imagine if Braun was still alive? all the oldspace shit just for his prophesized Elon to colonize mars

Anonymous No. 16220466

lmao, I was thinking the same thing

Anonymous No. 16220468

Ellie interview with Jared Isaacman on Polaris Dawn

>NET July 12th

1 MONTH!!!

Anonymous No. 16220469

>personality and mannerisms
fairly irrelevant.

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Screenshot 2024-0....png

Anonymous No. 16220471

Has anyone asked his children?

Anonymous No. 16220472

>If anything, the founders messed up
They did things that way very specifically because they knew that a corrupt government would just declare anyone it didn't want in power a criminal. Just like what's happening right now, when you think about it

Anonymous No. 16220474

>If anything, the founders messed up in not codifying that you cannot BE president if convicted of a crime,
Completely wrong, such a restriction would enable tyranny.

Anonymous No. 16220477

>If anything, the founders messed up in not codifying that you cannot BE president if convicted of a crime, as that would completely undercut Trump's ability to go any further.
Wrong. If anything founders understood that presidents cannot be jailed or sent to prison while the public votes for them. They understood that wannabe dictators would jail their opponents in hopes of stifling democracy.

We see the banana republic play out today as a result.

Anonymous No. 16220478

>the founders messed up in not letting an administration jail their competition
are you retarded or just brazilian

Anonymous No. 16220479

Can we just take a minute to appreciate that Jeff Bezos is 5'7"? Elon Musk is 6'2". Any suggestion of competition between Elon and this "man" is ludicrous.

Anonymous No. 16220480

looks like one of those spherical chickens used in physics story problems

Anonymous No. 16220483

>the founders messed up in not codifying that you cannot BE president if convicted of a crime
Disagree. This would just bring more politics into the already fucked up judicial process.

Anonymous No. 16220484

I'm afraid to look these people up because it would break my heart to discover they're just dumb boomers who might even disavow their father.

Anonymous No. 16220485

Jeff would be picked first to be an astronaut. Manlets have much less mass

Anonymous No. 16220487

they had a pretty good handle on human nature. not many other places even construct their laws in terms of protecting inherent rights against the government in the first place.

Anonymous No. 16220488

America has almost never voted for someone based on what their policy positions are, so its relevant to the vote; otherwise Biden would be polling far in excess of Trump. It's very much relevant to the conversation about national electoral vote.

Technically, true. But then the wording on treason and aid of enemy statements are a bit vague as well, and don't offer any clarity on someone like Trump. Which results in a catch-22-esque outcome. At some point, something has to give.

The problem with that logic "presidents cannot be jailed", then makes it such that any elected leader is in essence a short lived king. A veiled monarchy elected by the people is not a democracy. The assumption that the system would keep itself in check was a right call early on, but as the last 10 years have proven, neither side is all that interested in maintaining the balance. In which case, the "president cannot be jailed" means that if an elected refuses to give up power and aligns other branches of government to his/her interests in enshrining control, then the system is compromised.

I'm among you, so both.

Is that before or after SCOTUS went full retard?

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Anonymous No. 16220489

Anonymous No. 16220490

oh no, this is turning into /polisci/

Anonymous No. 16220491

fucking based

Anonymous No. 16220492

>starship mars sample return
>just bring a huge mining rig and fill her up with roggs

Anonymous No. 16220493

I can't believe I thought this guy was intelligent

Anonymous No. 16220494

>It's very much relevant to the conversation about national electoral vote.
well, not to me. im more concerned about their values and the horde of other people (and their values) that they bring with them as part of the administration. anyone who would change from trump to biden because of a mannerism probably shouldn't be voting anyway (and yet they are are, i get it)

Anonymous No. 16220496

Treason is narrowly defined, so narrowly defined that nobody has been convicted of it for anything done after WW2. Even the Rosenbergs who gave nuclear secrets to the Soviets weren't convicted of treason, being executed for espionage instead.

This is a good thing. Everybody likes to say that their rivals are treasonous for doing things they think are counter to the interests of America. If treason weren't narrowly defined we'd have everybody constantly convicting their political rivals of treason for the "crime" of having the wrong political beliefs.

Anonymous No. 16220497

arrogance oft marred that which intelligence once was

Anonymous No. 16220498

manlets don't looks as good at the ticker tape parade. you have to think about the pr angle of who you send to space

Anonymous No. 16220499

I think he had some pretty decent analyses early on, but then he found on that just dumping on popular thing was way more profitable under the algorithm. Now he hasn't really turned his brain on in years

Anonymous No. 16220500

Personality and mannerisms are as much a basis of values as anything else. How you compose yourself and how you behave with others is defined entirely by the values you hold. Trump's personality and mannerisms do not inspire confidence that his values are anything but a vehicle to enrich his own personal bottom line and anything is up for sale if it comes with more zeroes following some number left of the decimal.

Anonymous No. 16220501

The fact that current political party is trying to jail its opponent in an election year and has created a fraudulent case where the jury isn't told of the crime, where the judge has a clear bias problem, and the supposed crimes is a frivolous one about something unrelated to actual presidency and not even an unethical behavior but rather simply clerical filing order shows you the corruption and the pettiness of the political party. Its the bending of the law to create a political prisoner just so they can win at election

Anonymous No. 16220502

Somebody have a link to the musk interview by the big booba girl?

Anonymous No. 16220503

Didnt the judge at some point before the trial say he was going to put trump in jail, how the fuck can you call that a neutral judge?

Anonymous No. 16220504


X >>16219896
Youtube >>16219958

Anonymous No. 16220506

Your perception of Trump's mannerisms is completely based on a derogatory caricature created by people who hate him. Please start using the five brain cells God was generous enough to give you.

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Anonymous No. 16220507

Anonymous No. 16220508

Yes, but thats not the point. They're trying to keep Trump out with the death by thousand cuts.

Same lawfare is used against Musk with Biden appointees going after Musk for every little thing.

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Anonymous No. 16220510

thx, anon.

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Anonymous No. 16220511
>List of companies that won contracts from NASA to perform 90-day studies "to examine more affordable and faster methods of bringing samples from Mars’ surface back to Earth as part of the agency’s Mars Sample Return Program."

Some of these look like real winners

Anonymous No. 16220512

Yes, I know. That's my entire fucking point. That denying a statistically significant portion of the country the right to vote for their preferred candidate is undemocratic, even if the person in question, is the worst possible candidate (in my opinion) for the office, and that even if democracy itself dies as a result of electing this person, it's failure as long as it occurred through the electoral process correctly, would be an unfortunate but just conclusion to the saga. Opposed to the opposite, in which case democracy never existed in the first place.

Everyone got hung up on the ancillary point about the lack of clarity regarding criminality and statues in the constitution due to vagueness of certain wording. In which, some of the criticism is justified, but ultimately not relevant to the original point.

Anonymous No. 16220514

This is exactly what they had in mind when they wrote the "placement of an explosive device on an aircraft" law obviously

Anonymous No. 16220515

Bullshit. I watched many of his rallies. He's a bloviating idiot. You're literally implying that what he said in front of a mic to huge crowds of people is not what he said. North Korea is the other way, retard.

Anonymous No. 16220519

I want the first mars sample collected by a bulldozer.

Anonymous No. 16220521

i disagree with this, and your assessment of his values. you should take this shit to /pol/ btw

>North Korea is the other way
the NK Trump managed to get talking and to step down hostilities with the south, unlike everyone else? yeah, i liked what he did there.

Anonymous No. 16220522

>worst possible candidate
Aside from media remarks and Trump being bit outspoken/rude about some things, I think Trump isn't that bad at all. Whats the worst policy that he has endorsed/put forward? Stop the war in middle east? Stop the war in Ukraine/Russia? Enforce border immigration? Deport illegal immigrants? Cut the number of laws? I dont see it. Unlike the current president/party which is fueling illegal immigration by not enforcing the borders, by not deporting criminal illegal immigrants, by pushing for escalation of war in Ukraine, etc?

The worst and possibly the strangest thing from Trump was his penchant to make peace with America's enemies like China/North Korea/Russia in order to reduce the chance of escalating into a war. Not sure how effective those were, but atleast he is doing something.

Anonymous No. 16220523

I wish I didnt read this

I was expecting elon spectators who dont know anything about space saying what you know they are going to say. But the comments pretending to know basic lurker knowledge about rockets were too much. I had to stop when a redditor said the rocket needed to be made out of aluminum because its easier to cool

Anonymous No. 16220525

quantum what now?

Anonymous No. 16220527

As I understand it, it's that this was done on federal land and not on private property and/or was done without a permit to do this. In which case, even though its a "stunt", the actions endangered the person flying the helicopter, any other person on the helicopter, and any number of people in the vehicle itself. In films, this exact activity is done all the time. But it's done with proper permits and approval by the local and/or state government.

So, he deserved it. If you want to do batshit crazy shit, get a sign off from the correct authorities when you involve their land. Otherwise, had something gone catastrophically wrong, it would have pulled a ton of resources away in the form of emergency services to assist the culmination of a Darwin award that would have removed unnecessary genes from the pool.

Anonymous No. 16220531

He's the only high level guy i ever heard talking about how socialism was not for us, and how it was a bad thing. no one else talked like that. he rejected the UN and all its world government agendas. theres no great picks at this time, but he's the clear choice above the democrats and their filthy crap, whether you lik how he comports himself or not. Its not just about him, you ken?

Anonymous No. 16220532

>redditor said the rocket needed to be made out of aluminum because elon musk said otherwise*
Thats the theme of the entire reddit. If elon musk said he loves to breathe in air and eat food, the whole of reddit would commit collective sodoku

Anonymous No. 16220533

go to /pol/, the shit you talk about has nothing to do with spaceflight at this point

Anonymous No. 16220534

Then go live there, it's perfect for you.

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Anonymous No. 16220535

Artemis II's core is headed to the Cape

If you can't get past the man talking like a late night 1-800 commercial that's your problem, leftie. You're not giving anyone a lot of confidence in your ability to observe the world or form useful opinions. You're like a thunderf00t fan; you hate what your told to hate because you're told to hate it.

Anonymous No. 16220536

yeah, we've all too much taken the bait, me included. no more.

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Anonymous No. 16220538


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Anonymous No. 16220539

The same can be said to you. All talk, no substance.

Anonymous No. 16220540

oh no, i disagree with you AND love space flight, whatever shall i do?

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Artemis3 No. 16220541

>Any rumors on IFT-5 possible mission goals?
One, maybe two more checkmarks. Three would make me buy Tesla stock, lol.

Anonymous No. 16220543
>I need to state this again because I don’t think people get this. Falcon 9, in 10 years, makes up 17% of all US launches ever, in a tradition going back to 1958. That is insane

Anonymous No. 16220545

I'm worried about not structural things taking a hit or a small explosion

Also there would be an FAA investigation even if the tower wasnt damaged. Wit the FAA taking months to study the question of "what will spacex do to prevent this accident in the future" and the answer is nothing more complicated than "dont miss next time"

Anonymous No. 16220547

Whose version of events is this? It sounds not very credible that Elon just randomly pulled the idea for stainless steel out of his ass like that and then pushed it through based on a hunch.
I mean, it might be true. But it kinda reads like a stylized legend that took some creative license to make him look exceptionally good.

>it worked
I mean, a bunch of the early tanks blew up. Also Star hopper certainly wasn't 4 fucking millimeters thick. That thing was built like a dreadnought.
So it worked, but not as immediately as the text suggests. Again a bit of mythologizing.

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Anonymous No. 16220548
>TEMPORARY ROAD DELAY ON STATE HIGHWAY 4: On June 8, 2024, SpaceX will transport a booster vehicle from the production facility to Massey’s between 12:00 a.m. – 3:00 a.m. This 2-hour operation may cause short traffic delays, but the beach and highway will remain open.

Next Starship flight is getting ready

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Roy Gjertson shut....jpg

Anonymous No. 16220550

I'd gain a little respect for Bezos if he gave up his launcher ambitions and focused on making deep space equipment that Starship enables. Put $ into plasma magnet test vehicles, lunar mass drivers etc.

Anonymous No. 16220552

Just wanted to say thanks to the anons who helped me get the spacex stream from yesterday downloaded. i asked for help in the last thread and im at 94% complete on the 1.2gb file from x-downloader.

will be enjoying it this evening with a few beers. all hail flap.

Anonymous No. 16220554

they should hook up. need it or keep it?

Anonymous No. 16220555

Should have gotten yt-dlp and it would have been just fine.

Anonymous No. 16220557

all hail flap

Anonymous No. 16220559

I really appreciate how SpaceX just keeps submitting Starship for everything and just completely moggs these small scope proposals.
They are really trying to force Nasa to massively scale up their ambitions.

Anonymous No. 16220560

This is why I supported Hitler

Anonymous No. 16220561

running an old mint version and the repository doesn't have it. that program does seem to be the cure all however.

it is to be praised

Anonymous No. 16220562

You shoulda seen /sfg/ during 2020, it was a riot

Anonymous No. 16220565

>Trump says whatever he thinks will get him praised by his crowd

Trump's position on EV's, buy them if you want but don't force them on people, has been cosistant.

Anonymous No. 16220566

Yeah sounds like bullshit. I'm sure the stainless steel thing came around after they were realising how fucked the carbon fibre was going to be so they locked a bunch of autists in a room with some tendies and said "find us the right material"

Anonymous No. 16220567

I hope in the future, NASA makes the conscious decision to actually award more than one contractor for a sample return, but in the context that all missions are essentially flown on a Starship to Mars for it. Effectively, SpaceX yeets one to Mars, with a couple of automated rovers whose purpose is to go do collection of samples in addition to the Percy samples and bring them back to the Starship area. From which the samples would be launched back towards the Earth. In the interim, the rovers would then return to doing science missions in a circular pattern spiraling away from the Starship, which acts as the main communication hub with Earth until humans arrive. Would be an amazing public/private synergistic expansion of mission scope. Then, if there's any delays, SpaceX yeets two Starships. One with the first set of payloads, and then later, another Starship with the second set of payloads. Nobody gets left behind.

Anonymous No. 16220570

There's even a leaked video about Trump being excited about Tesla long ago and one of the oil execs inserts himself claiming Tesla is failed or some shit.

Anonymous No. 16220572

What? No. NASA used stainless steel back in the day. It's a proven material for aerospace use. If anything, your explanation is more bullshit than reality.

Anonymous No. 16220574


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Anonymous No. 16220577


Walter Isaacson followed Musk for two years from August 2021 and the change from carbon composite to steel happened in 2018, so I guess this is second hand information
who knows if its from Musk himself or some other people Isaacson interviewed

Anonymous No. 16220578

Literally every day of the year there is 5 vaxx threads up at minimum

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Anonymous No. 16220579

why do we cheer over an abject failure in every regard?

Anonymous No. 16220582

Go away /pol/troons, you're not welcome here.
We've learnt this lesson before: It doesn't really matter which old man's name you put a tick next to in regards to spaceflight.

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Anonymous No. 16220583

fuck, wrong post

Anonymous No. 16220584

What does that have to do with anything? Like I said I'm sure it came about as a result of engineers comparing different materials rather than le ebin musk moment

Anonymous No. 16220585


Booster 12 needs to be static fired, Ship 30 has been static fired already
so I guess it might be a Booster 12 static fire attempt?

Anonymous No. 16220589

Sweet, thanks.

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Anonymous No. 16220592
>Bye bye Ariane 6 passengers, next time we see you will be in space!
Yesterday, the payloads that are flying first on Europe's new rocket Ariane 6 were enclosed inside their protective fairing – Ariane's nosecone that splits into two after liftoff.

Launching in a month

Anonymous No. 16220594

I think its ironic that a hedge fund manager is hung up over the definition of a success when most of his job is musical chairs

Anonymous No. 16220595

>the coolest, largest rocket ever with the most kino test flight profile ever and the promise of fun surprises along the way
>a cuck capsule 10 years too late; with CGI because they can’t even downlink a video stream on launch

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Anonymous No. 16220597

Here's the poor, damned souls that get to go first

Anonymous No. 16220599

I think the engines are hard to reuse, not so much the vehicles.

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Artemis3 No. 16220601

>completely moggs these small scope proposals
This is why I created this image: >>16220541

SpaceX took $3 billion in tax monies for the HLS and they have two more years to complete everything on that list in order to avoid delaying Artemis III. The date will slide, sure, but until there's significant progress on that checklist, it doesn't seem rational to allocate any further funding for "loftier" goals.

Do-able goals? Absolutely. Even in its current state, their booster is a marvel of engineering. A lot could be done with that beast.

Anonymous No. 16220602

An overbudget capsule that had a catastrophically bad first test flight, followed by a second test flight which faced a multitude of delays due to gas leaks, followed by a launch to orbit where before it could raise its orbit to match the ISS encountered systemic failures causing backups to kick in, followed by failed RCS thruster issues. Which then after recovery, led to an orbital raise to the ISS, only to encounter ADDITIONAL failures with thrusters, leading to the ISS actually denying approach, leading to missing the first docking window; leading to the astronauts flying the capsule in manually, which negated the automated approach capability of the vessel. And finally, upon docking with the station, another set of leaks were detected from the capsule AND Boeing engineers on the ground are completely in the dark with regards to the cause of the thruster issues being encountered on second test flight, which were a known quantity from the first flight, and appear to have not been fixed or not fixed well enough to prevent recurrence.

And people are wondering why that isn't exciting? What is exciting about any of that? What is exciting about being worried about the lives of two astronauts in orbit without EVA suits, stuck in a capsule that gives off 787-Max8 falling out of the sky vibes?

Anonymous No. 16220603

yeah i can imagine.

Anyway, thanks again to the anons who helped with the launch stream download. enjoying the LOS music. tomorrow, the whole show...ah, it is right and salutary to praise the flap

Anonymous No. 16220606

Only reason I watched Starliner was on the off chance it killed astronauts in true Boeing spirit.

Anonymous No. 16220609

watching people pretend to be interested in Boeing's nonsense purely out of spite for Elon Musk is the strangest thing.

Anonymous No. 16220610

it was interesting due to the trainwreck aspect

Anonymous No. 16220612

I mean the people pretending to be hype for Boeing, obviously. Not the trainwreck enthusiasts.

Anonymous No. 16220618

Four years since hopper did its hop.
Go watch IFT-3 again, then go back to IFT-4. Two months and change between flights.
As long as bureaucracy doesn't fuck them, it's looking pretty bright.

Anonymous No. 16220619

especially css hyping the docking with iss and reposting it on his X. nigga, spacex has done that a dozen times already

Anonymous No. 16220622

its weird seeing people actively pretend that Boeing is less evil than Elon Musk lmao

Anonymous No. 16220624

This Ellie bitch wants to fuck Elon SO bad God damn you can feel it through the screen.

Artemis3 No. 16220626

It's pretty funny how you carefully catalogued all those Boeing issues, but except for telemetry data saying both the Super Heavy and Starship landed correctly, we're all kind of in the dark as to what was absolutely achieved on that mission. At this point, neither section seems to have any sort of flight control sufficient to guide it into the vicinity of some independent observers who can verify that all the mission objectives were actually achieved.

We saw some water splash, that's it.

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Anonymous No. 16220628

>except for telemetry data saying both the Super Heavy and Starship landed correctly

Anonymous No. 16220640

>We saw some water splash, that's it.

Amazing levels of cope.

Anonymous No. 16220641

hi css

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Anonymous No. 16220642

>I didn't see it so it didn't happen
You need to go back

Anonymous No. 16220643

bait post

Artemis3 No. 16220647

We got a ways to go before a Super Heavy chopstick grab and an ensuing Starship tarmac touchdown. Just being realistic.

Anonymous No. 16220648

Oh yes, there's a long way to go but you can't deny the speed has been pretty fucking exponential.

Anonymous No. 16220650

what's the cope going to be after a successful catch and\or orbital refuel?

Anonymous No. 16220651

Artemis III is already delayed out to 2027. There's no way Orion is flying again with craters in its heat shield with a trip around the moon. Until NASA has a solution for that, that doesn't have a massive LOV risk associated with it, there's no launch.

Anonymous No. 16220659

haven't demonstrated moon landing, obviously.

Anonymous No. 16220660

>lol big deal, musk said we'd be on mars by 2024, now its 2025

Anonymous No. 16220662

Starship is 100% going to be ready before that pile of shit so long as they don't get faa cucked again

Artemis3 No. 16220663

Super Heavy crashes, Starship tumbles wildly before burning up on re-entry
Super Heavy splashes down, Starship survives re-entry (minus at least one wing), splashes down (apparently)
Super Heavy Mechazilla grab, Starship tarmac landing

That progression would be "exponential". Don't exaggerate. I'd be pleased if either section was fully recovered on the next flight.

Anonymous No. 16220665

I saw the splash with my own eyes.

Anonymous No. 16220666

I'm not making a nigger account
post a threadroll

Anonymous No. 16220667

>starship tarmac landing
you do realize they want to do a tower catch with that also

Anonymous No. 16220668

i thought they broke up?

Anonymous No. 16220669

>That progression would be "exponential"
Take the time between launches into consideration. You're not being intellectually honest here.

Anonymous No. 16220671

There's no mishap investigation for IFT4. The license specifically stated that there would only be one IF Starship or SuperHeavy experienced something OTHER than: non-engine failure RUD, flight deviation from landing corridor, and for the ship: tile failure or engine failure. SuperHeavy lost an engine on flight, but was not impacted and on landing lost another engine, but did not impact landing either; showing up to 2 engine out capability. For Starship, it suffered tile failure and a compromised flap structure, but landed in the Indian ocean successfully per license agreement of the test flight. Which satisfies all conditions of the mishap exception clause.

IFT5 is safe for next flight to relaunch without needing an updated license. When SpaceX is ready to go, all they have to do is submit the request to FAA and likely within 24-48 hours, they'll have another license to yeet into orbit and back down.

Anonymous No. 16220673

she walled too had. her forehead is like a raisin

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Artemis3 No. 16220674

>There's no way Orion is flying again with craters in its heat shield with a trip around the moon.
D00d, the gaps in the hinges on Starship's wings are burning them off.

Anonymous No. 16220675


Anonymous No. 16220676

nah, you can go back home to bunkerchan instead :^)

Anonymous No. 16220678

First and second stage: Hydrazine
Orbiter and injection stage: Aluminum
Lander: Orion-style nuclear
Return: Aluminium again lol
Reentry and landing at houston: Fission fragment

Anonymous No. 16220679

they already have legs for starship which were used in the hops, so why risk the tower for the first landing?

Anonymous No. 16220680

It's exponential in the sense that in the time that Artemis has launched once, SpaceX has launched 4 SLS class vehicles.

Anonymous No. 16220681

>You're not being intellectually honest
is it even possible to dislike musk and be intellectually honest about it? Like in theory it should be, he says some dumb stuff on X, he can be kind of an dick. but everyone who dislikes him needs to bend so far backwards to justify it that they stick their head up their own ass and start spewing shit from their mouth

Anonymous No. 16220682

And it landed with a almost fully compromised flap anyway. Tis but a flesh wound.

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Anonymous No. 16220683

I'd gain a little respect for Bezos if he grew a long white beard and wore a pointy red cap.

Anonymous No. 16220684

it was kind of meh honestly, a bunch of examples of thunderfoot being ignorant and retarded but the clip where he is calling spacex employees morons is more interesting

Anonymous No. 16220685

HLS doesn't need a reusable starship

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Anonymous No. 16220686

Anonymous No. 16220687

>binliner almost fails at doing something dragon does regularly with no fanfare
>starship almost fails at doing something unparalleled in human history
yeah, so weird

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Anonymous No. 16220688

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Anonymous No. 16220689


Artemis3 No. 16220690

>SpaceX has launched 4 SLS class vehicles.
Artemis I did a lengthy polar orbit of the moon and returned a capsule. To the best of my knowledge, IFT-4 was a sub-orbital flight (the best to date) where both sections currently reside at the bottom of the two different seas. How are these comparable?

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Anonymous No. 16220691

hey, boeing may be killing workers and customers but they're not platforming transphobes while wacked out on ketamine!

Anonymous No. 16220692

hybrids are great. They are the most metal of wind instruments, closely followed by the Shuttle's re-entering SRBs

Anonymous No. 16220694

Need it. I don't know what the fuck Bezos is thinking. If he really cared about space then he'd stop suing and start buying. Cheap mass to LEO is what he needs and someone already did it for him

Anonymous No. 16220698

did i hear this right? elon musk says making rapid reusable rocket which can go to mars is a harder challenge than living on mars from a technological standpoint? or is just my esl kicking in?

Anonymous No. 16220700

I don't think the hotstaging ring is reusable ore than ten or so times. The amount of metal being cooked off the surface during staging is substantial

Anonymous No. 16220701

>How are these comparable?

SLS, the rocket, only went to LEO and is also at the bottom of the ocean.

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Anonymous No. 16220702


Anonymous No. 16220703

who the fuck cares nigger
>oh no, this one part has to be replaced every ten flights or so so the booster is out of commission for a day

Anonymous No. 16220706

Run the numbers and get back.

Anonymous No. 16220708


Anonymous No. 16220709

I don't think there's any intention of reusing the hotstaging ring, or even including it in the final design.

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Shusei Nagaoka as....jpg

Anonymous No. 16220711

Anonymous No. 16220712

They must be huge fans of the vastly more successful crew dragon.

Anonymous No. 16220713

its good for him to be optimistic about the other challenges but obviously elon is ignorant of things he doesnt know well. Even ISRU which is the most straight forward issue is a major task. luckily Casey Handmer with Terraform Industries is tackling that challenge. Living on Mars will be a herculean task. Absolutely herculean. Just look at any historical space stations like Mir for context. For example fungi growing behind panels which eat away at metals and glass (maybe a reason for the ISS leaking?). All the life support systems on a space station will be needed on Mars, and there has never been a closed loop space station.

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Anonymous No. 16220714

Anonymous No. 16220715

This has always been true and people have a really hard time with it. There is no problem on Mars not made easier with cheap mass to orbit

Anonymous No. 16220716

Will they have a second and third SLS and second and third Orion ready in the next two years to start with?

Anonymous No. 16220718

Dont worry bud, NASA is in the loop ;)

Anonymous No. 16220719

Living on mars is going to be the same as living in a submarine + hydroponics + dusting off solar panels. It's all been done before. Starship hasn't been done before.

Anonymous No. 16220722

literally why

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Anonymous No. 16220723


Anonymous No. 16220724

>Terraform Industries
I'm optimistic about this guy. I personally think he's hoping to get SpaceX as a customer well before he's actually price competitive just so Musk can say the methane is carbon neutral.
If he's successful, Starship could technically be solar powered. Kek

Anonymous No. 16220725

would be a kinda cool carnival ride

Anonymous No. 16220726

>some psycho cuts youre ballon cables
no refunds

Anonymous No. 16220727

>+ dusting off solar panels
Making it a nuclear sub would cut this part out.

Anonymous No. 16220728

Nice thing about Mars is it isnt truly closed loop. You dont need to wait for resupply missions, the resources will be available for extraction

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Anonymous No. 16220729

Artemis II's core is on the move (>>16220535) and it's boosters are currently stacking in the VAB. A3's core tanks were bare metal back in February, but I think both A2 and A3's ICPS have been completed.

It's not a fast rocket to build, but producing one a year doesn't seem a real trial at this point. It's the production cycle + all of the launch delays that really kill the program's cadence.

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Anonymous No. 16220730

uh yeah Im fuckin kneelin

Anonymous No. 16220731

this webm cuts out the splash and tip

Anonymous No. 16220732

there would then be the danger that Rocket Hobbit would try launching him into orbit

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shuttle invert 1.jpg

Anonymous No. 16220733

> ice and foam impact muh fragile tiles
just turn the orbiter around dummies

Anonymous No. 16220734

You get to spend a long time up there, chill ride up and down, drinks bar, presumably cheaper than bezos gay ride. Also very scalable. I think it's a pretty cool idea.

Anonymous No. 16220739

I don't think Elon is in much better shape rn desu

All you need in order to survive on Mars is to deliver a metric fuckton of solar panels, the Sabatier process does the rest. Radiation is a meme and you don't even need to make a farm if you don't want because nonperishable food lasts for literal years when stored properly

Anonymous No. 16220742

now, THAT is interesting. I wonder how they got that info without much ADS-B data...

Anonymous No. 16220744

I mean a station on a planet doesn't have to be entirely closed loop. There's water and gasses outside. You just need equipment to source them.
That's the beauty of going somewhere that's actually a place instead of building orbital cuck barrels.

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Anonymous No. 16220745

>Mars ends up as cosmic Canada
horrible fate

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Anonymous No. 16220746


Anonymous No. 16220747

>passengers are in space
>still have to look down to see the earth
kek, that design is fucking retarded

Anonymous No. 16220748

True. It seems clear that Handmer really wants to help with Mars and the business vibility on Earth is just a side show to make it happen. If Starship actually gets an MSR contract Musk better fucking hire Handmer fast.

Anonymous No. 16220751

isnt disabling your transponder a federal crime

Anonymous No. 16220752

now you're talking. quit measuring dicks and get something fucking going. human nature has such issues.

Anonymous No. 16220753

Why is star trek so uniformly shit?

Anonymous No. 16220756

Tower catch recovery for the booster and ship still makes me nervous. I wish they would have gone with the oil rigs as landing spots out in the Gulf and operated a few ferry barges to bring them back via the Brownsville ship channel.
That gives you
a) redundant landing pads in case of a mishap
b) no risk to the GSE needed for launch
Even if the turnaround for one booster to get back to the pad is like 24 hours, you can still reach arbitrarily high cadence with a larger fleet, which they intend to have anyway. The tower catch method cannot maintain cadence in case of failure, while offshore landing with two or more rigs can.


Anonymous No. 16220757

colony fiction is always bad. Always watering things down to two monolithic factions. In reality an American colony would be more conservative than the homeland because of the harsh conditions. Chinese colony would be split between shills that love the cccp and anti shills that realize that maybe they don't have to listen to them anymore due to distance.

Anonymous No. 16220758

Godspeed anon.

Anonymous No. 16220760

>balloon company sells tickets "to space" to rich dumb boomers
>puts them in a "space suit" and everything
>boomer thinks "being in space" means he can float
>jumps off
you know it's going to happen

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Anonymous No. 16220762

Dark Sky Station
one day...

Anonymous No. 16220763

would be hilarious

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Anonymous No. 16220767


Anonymous No. 16220770

There's no way they will be able to go outside without a tether, airlock won't cycle until it detects your tether connected or whatever.

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Anonymous No. 16220771

Anonymous No. 16220772

The body language...

Anonymous No. 16220775

At least he'll have some time to think about his mistakes going down.

Anonymous No. 16220777

explain to an autistic person what it tells us?

Anonymous No. 16220779

She's on two inch platform heels and he still is looking down at her. She's also dressed up and dolled up basically to get wined and dined.

Anonymous No. 16220781


Anonymous No. 16220785

incels have become obsessed over judging who will and wont fuck

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Anonymous No. 16220786

Anonymous No. 16220787

She wants to have sex with him

Anonymous No. 16220788

Alright here, I never learned how to make a webm

Anonymous No. 16220789

Kek, why is Musk dressed like Zelensky?

Anonymous No. 16220791


Anonymous No. 16220793

as if this is up for debate lol. What mishap could have even occured apart fromlanding 6km off target in a gigantic ocean?

Anonymous No. 16220794

>>16220789 free?

Anonymous No. 16220796

Fuck them, name the fucking mishap you vipers

Anonymous No. 16220797

threat to the health and safety of krill

Anonymous No. 16220798

Some jewish dude who lives in a country where lots of Russian soldiers die fo some reason

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Anonymous No. 16220800
>The Water-cooled Steel Plate has turned an interesting shade of gold after Flight 4's launch.

>Here's a comparison of the OLM after every launch.

>Watch our Starbase Flyover Update analysis video to learn more about Starbase's condition post launch!

Anonymous No. 16220805

keep /k/oping lol

Anonymous No. 16220806

I'm going to REDACTED

Anonymous No. 16220808

Why dont we send a ship to their federal headquarters? No reason why desu I just think we should

Anonymous No. 16220809

what do you mean? I don't even follow the 3 day SMO.
>mention zelensky once as a joke about musk's fashion sense
>rent free apparently

Anonymous No. 16220810

I would be surprised if the water plate lasts more than 10 flights or they have to increase the flow rate from the "shower head" so that it absorbs much more energy from the Raptor scalpel before deflecting it away.

Anonymous No. 16220813

I mean, let's hope the tickets are as cheap as possible so all boomers are able to jump at the same time
in fact, just make it a suicide platform (without telling the customers)

Anonymous No. 16220814

>boomer spends the rest of the trip hanging from the balloon by his tether

Anonymous No. 16220818

here's an idea: for water launch platforms, simply have a hole below the launch ring and let the engines fire into the water. if saltwateris a problem they could use a freshwater lake.

Anonymous No. 16220819

>>The Water-cooled Steel Plate has turned an interesting shade of gold after Flight 4's launch.
was it made of copper or some copper alloy?

Anonymous No. 16220820

>if saltwateris a problem they could use a freshwater lake

Never ever going to happen, that would be like throwing a few thousand sticks of dynamite into the lake, total fish death

Anonymous No. 16220822

>Steel Plate
>was it made of copper?

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Anonymous No. 16220824


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Anonymous No. 16220825

What are the chances they solve the hinge on the next test? Starship V2 will have the altered flaps, but IFT5 won't be using V2. Hopefully they solve the door and deorbit burn next so they can start yeeting Big Starlink

Anonymous No. 16220827

i K,NEEL Flapsama Onikuragaishiamasa. Hai!

Anonymous No. 16220830

it's literally just the angle of sunlight

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Anonymous No. 16220831
It's that time again

Anonymous No. 16220833

she's all flopsy and floosy and such and he's all stiff and wide and resolute. its clear.

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Anonymous No. 16220834

No V2 for awhile

Anonymous No. 16220836

Bros... what if they ACTUALLY attempt a catch next time and its not just Elon bullshitting as usual. I know I know this is impossible but what if?

Anonymous No. 16220838

So next flight we will have more flap-chans toasty adventures.

Anonymous No. 16220839

wat is the point of ship 26

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Anonymous No. 16220840


Anonymous No. 16220841

new semen receptacle secured

Anonymous No. 16220843

reminder to save everything for a flight to mars. earth will be a second Venus soon.

Anonymous No. 16220844

The Glorious Flap has proven its worth. IT shall prevail.

Anonymous No. 16220845

>wasting a post with spam/trash
lol ok

Anonymous No. 16220847

Musk is know to be a breeder.

Anonymous No. 16220848

nobody knows, people thought it was going to get scrapped previously but they keep testing it
so its some kind of test article but unknown still

Anonymous No. 16220849

Probably a depot testing prototype

Anonymous No. 16220850

>watching the NSF stream instead of SpaceX with the actual good views and commentary

Anonymous No. 16220852

right, I'm retarded. kek

Anonymous No. 16220856

no way he would breed her. nigga could breed anyone.

Anonymous No. 16220858

i gave up on the other streams with FT3. dont need all their bullshit and stuff, just a few little comments from those close to the action and thats it. everyone else just waffle and bluffs to try making themselves relevant. yawn

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Anonymous No. 16220859


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Anonymous No. 16220861


Anonymous No. 16220863

he seems willing to breed most anything. i think he's preparing to call the family together for a mars shot. it'll be a muskmars, with all comers denied.

Anonymous No. 16220865

damn straight it is. he knows

Anonymous No. 16220866


Anonymous No. 16220868

The only reason to wait is so they can keep flying Starships without any failure-induced delays. The tower will probably take six months to fully fit out with chopsticks, propellant handling equipment, all the various electrical and data devices, etc. Much like with building a house or an office building, assembling it takes about half the time, and fitting it out takes the other half. Since assembly's been done early, the majority of the time is going to be in completing fit-out and making sure everything works.

Anonymous No. 16220871

I wonder what the erosion rate is for the shower head.
I doubt they would want to replace the whole thing. maybe they could add material back to the plate and legs with something like wire arc spray.

Anonymous No. 16220874

They should start stacking starlinks on the test flights once a relight is successful. If it fails then they just lose some sats which kind of sucks but a success saves at least 3 falcon flights (assuming 45t payload, could be more who knows) which is a lot of money.

Anonymous No. 16220876

Just mill out new top plates and weld on top simple as.

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Anonymous No. 16220879
>Photoshopped image to show the orientation of the second tower at Starbase.

Anonymous No. 16220888

are they going to charge grenade drone operators in ukraine too?

Anonymous No. 16220894

A pathfinder for new internal layout (going from the SN series Starships to what's flying nowadays). Also serves as a way to test the Massey's test site ground equipment and flame trench

Anonymous No. 16220895

Exactly. You can literally just scoop up dirt to get water (in a very small amount) or dig a deeper to hit permafrost. You can also get oxygen from the atmosphere. In many respects, keeping a free floating station supplied around mars would be more difficult than the surface

Anonymous No. 16220896

he seems careful about who he goes for. all the women hes been with are conventionally attractive, and he would bever breeda black bitch in 1000 years

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Anonymous No. 16220903

Anonymous No. 16220905

The US attorney for central California has jurisdiction in Ukraine?

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Anonymous No. 16220908

I'm cautiously optimistic that they might've gotten footage of the booster and Starship.

Anonymous No. 16220911

NASA will share the footage, if not immediately, then with a FOIA request.
That Australian flight could get away with keeping it to themselves.

Anonymous No. 16220912

>conventionally attractive

Max jej

Anonymous No. 16220914

I feel like anyone chosen to be sent to a Chinese colony would have to be a true believer who also has family back home the Party can use as leverage. Where things will get messy for the Party is when the first generation born there starts getting it's own ideas.

Anonymous No. 16220917

I like thin girls with almost no curves.
I don't know what else to say.

Anonymous No. 16220919

Correct, dumbass
that's why its called a colony

Anonymous No. 16220920

this is fucking chaos

Anonymous No. 16220922

They are allowed to "just do that" because everyone else is free and clear to copy them after some amount of time, even if the technologies involved are patented. These ones are not: everyone else is just incompetent.

Anonymous No. 16220923

They might pull the bullshit they did with IFT-3 where they classified their footage of hot-staging

Anonymous No. 16220924

I only watched NASA Shill Flight for the suborbital flights where they didn't stream anything. As soon as spacex actually started streaming stuff they were the only ones worth watching. NSF literally just exists to extract as much money out of idiots as possible while development is ongoing.

Anonymous No. 16220925

it's a little depressing when i realize that my lazy halfassed trolling in /sfg/ comes up with exactly the same material as these ecelebs who make hating spacex their full-time job

Anonymous No. 16220928

I don't think china has any modern or historical experience with long distance colonies.
Would be really interesting.

Anonymous No. 16220929

Have you ever considered going into the business?

Anonymous No. 16220936

surely the market's saturated at this point

Anonymous No. 16220938


Anonymous No. 16220941

It sort of does and doesn't depending on how you view geography
the imperial center was typically in the northern plains, while far the south was extremely rugged and as such had an independence streak the palace(s) weren't a fan of
the definition of "Chinese" has always been fluid because of all the raping and conquering over the millennia
south could be conquered peoples, colonies, or both

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Anonymous No. 16220942

Anonymous No. 16220944

Ever heard of Vietnam?

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Star trails earth....jpg

Anonymous No. 16220945

Anonymous No. 16220946

Historicaly, a lot of colonies have been made up primarily of people who are either rejecting, or being rejected from, their origin country (and slaves). Only the ruling classes had any real loyalty to the colonizing power. A hand picked cadre of Party loyalist whose mission it is to set up China 2 on mars is a totally different dynamic
I think they will struggle mightily if they try to micromanage everything from Beijing. Unless whatever Party commissars they send are given the latitude to exercise their own initiatives and are also willing to use that latitude, they probably won't be able to break out of the initial stages of colonization.

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Anonymous No. 16220947

Anonymous No. 16220949

NTA, I was considering going into EDS content but it seems the niches are indeed filled. CSS filled the utter retard niche a while ago. A dide called Mises Economics has been trying to break into themarket but he gets only a few thousand views per video.

Anonymous No. 16220953

Literally my two favorite space ships ever

Anonymous No. 16220955

An Apollo 8 astronaut died on camera. Someone caught his plane auguring in to the water in Washington.

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Anonymous No. 16220959

Anonymous No. 16220961

The guy was 90, had no business trying to pull off a loop in a single seater prop that close to the ground

Anonymous No. 16220962

Imagine flying all the way out to the moon and back then dying because you misjudged a loop-de-loop over a shitty lake.

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Anonymous No. 16220964

less than a year after borman died too. RIP

Anonymous No. 16220965

It was the Pacific Ocean so it's more like "failed the splashdown this time."

Anonymous No. 16220971

>condition unknown

To shreds you say?

Anonymous No. 16220972


Anonymous No. 16220977

hydroponics is retarded compared to roaches for quail and quail for eggs

Anonymous No. 16220978

jesus what a wild way to go out

Anonymous No. 16220979

no igers

Anonymous No. 16220980

If i make it to 90 I wouldn't mind going out like this desu. My grandpa died at 90 gasping for breath from congestive heart failure

Anonymous No. 16220982

Let's be real this guy probably died from the strain partway through the loop and the crash just messed up his corpse.

Anonymous No. 16220983

exactly, they have nothing to say really.

Anonymous No. 16220984

How many astronauts died in plane crashes? Him and Gagarin off the top of my head.

Anonymous No. 16220986

At the very least lost consciousness

Anonymous No. 16220989

Vietnam fought many wars against china.
I hear that they hate the chinese a lot.

Anonymous No. 16220993

a bunch if you count astronauts who hadn't flown yet

Anonymous No. 16220994

>Following the fourth test flight of Starship on Thursday, SpaceX is preparing to launch its workhorse rocket, the Falcon 9, from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. The Starlink 10-1 mission is targeting liftoff from pad 40 at 8 p.m. EDT

>SpaceX pushed back the launch time of the Starlink 10-1 mission. The new T-0 liftoff time of the Falcon 9 rocket from pad 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station is now 8:28 p.m. EDT

>SpaceX adjusted the launch time of the Starlink 10-1 mission again. The new T-0 liftoff time of the Falcon 9 rocket from pad 40 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station is now 9:02 p.m. EDT

>SpaceX pushes back the launch time of the Starlink 10-1 mission once more. The T-0 liftoff time is now 9:32 p.m. EDT

You miss all the rain delays you don't try to launch on

Anonymous No. 16220995

its grim how everyone gets old and dies.

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Anonymous No. 16220996


Anonymous No. 16220997

People like to ignore this usually.
It's more important than most think to figure out how you'd prefer to die.

Anonymous No. 16220998

WHAT THE FUCK OLD MAN lmao. Went out like a badass though; I respect the hustle
Fly high sky king

Anonymous No. 16221001

There's a lot of people out there similar to Patrick who's content I enjoy and they tend to be very well-informed and intelligent on specific subjects, yet they turn into screeching braindead idiots whenever any subject to do with Elon comes up. EDS isn't a meme, it's very real; these otherwise smart and aware people seem to be completely blinded by tardrage and snark if you even mention his name.

It's utterly bizarre how incapable of reasoning and objectivity they become in this state. They're so confident in their preconceived idea of reality that they don't seem to realise how much of a loon they look like to others, even to many of their own fans. They spend years building respect only to start wittling away at it like this.

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Anonymous No. 16221003

>Fly high sky king
Same state.

Anonymous No. 16221005

She used to be a TV news anchor apparently

Anonymous No. 16221007

its spinning, that makes you use entire thing

Anonymous No. 16221009


Anonymous No. 16221010

you cant park in orbit, you need to park by landing

Anonymous No. 16221011

True disruptors are like that. Trump is the same way.

Anonymous No. 16221012

Time is a dick, and makes wrecks of us all if we linger.

Anonymous No. 16221014

You can park your ass in the corner and be quiet

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Anonymous No. 16221019

Is Aerojet Rocketdyne gonna use something like this?

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Anonymous No. 16221020

It genuinely makes more sense to use starship's YUGE upmass to build a mars gateway in leo and send it to mars orbit like lockheed martin is thinking about doing.

Use that as a base camp to stage early exploration missions using a safer lander and build up landing pads, refueling depots, starter habitats, and other infrastructure. Then you send the starship fleet with thousands of tons of cargo to land on the pre-constructed landing pads.

Anonymous No. 16221022

wow, the only things that made it were the high data rate telescope (Hubble), and the grand tour (Voyagers). The Shuttle ate up the budget for everything else.

Anonymous No. 16221025

More proof shuttle was a colossal mistake

Anonymous No. 16221026

EARTHER gravity claims another.

Anonymous No. 16221031

that its not rapidly reusable

Anonymous No. 16221033

the shuttle didn't eat the budget. the budget got eaten by the OMB and congress. the IPP assumed that nasa was going to maintain apollo-era funding levels in terms of money as a percentage of GDP. shuttle development actually ended up cheaper than the 1969 planning was calling for because they ditched full reusability - from $10-$12 billion down to $7 billion.

Anonymous No. 16221040

There never was going to be any budget for a permanent lunar base or Mars expeditions, Shuttle or no Shuttle

Anonymous No. 16221041

We are already at
>there's no market for it!
Meanwhile the market for it is being created as we speak. Multiple commercial space station companies have 9m class modules planned already. Airbus is going all in with their module being 9m exclusive, literally only starship can launch it.
Important point made by the airbus guy. Spacex has a good track record with falcon 9 and businesses know and trust them to get the system working. Potential customers are watching the progress of starship just as much as we are, and once they are confident enough they will start to design around starships capabilities. Some already are.

Anonymous No. 16221042

paizuri from starship chan!

Anonymous No. 16221047


speaking of the devil

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Anonymous No. 16221050

Anonymous No. 16221053

I like that. Starship enables the type of orbital construction that has always been scoffed at before due to cost. Bigger modules and less flights, all for less money. I for one have always been a doomer when it comes to starship landing on an unimproved lunar/martian surface. Using starship's capabilities to put other systems into orbit and then down to the surface to build initial infrastructure like landing pads is how I think things will eventually end up.

Anonymous No. 16221056

ufo is a spinning disc, they use entire ship, not one side when aerobreaking

Anonymous No. 16221057


Anonymous No. 16221060

It really would be ridiculous to try and land starship on Mars Raw. I don't see why people think that is in any way a good idea. Moreover, it's overkill for how many people we are going to be sending. Early missions will send a handful of people. Starship could send a hundred. Without infrastructure, sending a ship that can house 50-100 or so people makes no sense.

Also building up a really good base camp with all of the things you could ever need in orbit around earth and then sending that to mars is infinitely easier than arriving on a barren mars with just a starship and having to build up that base from scratch.

The tic tac ufo from the nimitz incident weren't disc shaped. They also ignored air friction and compression. According to the radar data, It (supposedly) went from near space to sea-level in like a second. Only way to do that without burning up would be to have the whole craft isolated from the atmosphere somehow.

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Anonymous No. 16221062

go starlink go falcon

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Anonymous No. 16221067

Anonymous No. 16221069

>Without infrastructure, sending a ship that can house 50-100 or so people makes no sense.

So you send your handful of people and fill the rest up with construction materials? It has to get to get to the surface anyway and you are just wasting mass (yes it matters when you are only sending a few ships), fuel and making it needlessly more complex. Being on the surface gives you easy access to stuff that is impossible in orbit like water and gasses, not to mention you have zero (0) radiation protection in Mars orbit, the atmosphere does quite a lot of work in that regard.

Anonymous No. 16221077

where does spacex archive their videos now that they only stream on twitter?

Anonymous No. 16221078

+1 successful launch

Falcon 9 now has 59 successful launches to the year out of 113 total for the world

Anonymous No. 16221080

300th successful landing!!!!!

Anonymous No. 16221081

>does a barrel roll and calls it a life
fly high moon king

Anonymous No. 16221088

>0 Radiation protection
Just build that into the space station? Are you like just forgetting starship can do 100+ tons to leo or what. The water tanks alone would be ample shielding.

>it has to get to the surface anyway
And it will be much easier AND safer if you had infrastructure there first. Using a more traditional lander staged from an orbital mars gateway for the first few missions is just way safer than trying to land starship on mars direct from Earth with zero (0) support infrastructure.

>being on the surface
Dingus, you send crewed reuseable landers like alpaca etc along with your space station. Those can bring things back and forth from the surface and help establish early surface habitats.

You also didn't address any of the benefits like the fact that building a base station in orbit around earth would allow you to put all manner of amenities like modules for growing food, science labs, etc that you get access to IMMEDIATELY rather than having to set up all of those things on the surface over many months. This is a massive advantage compared to the direct to surface approach.

Anonymous No. 16221089

ffs my Starship addled brain immediately thought that timestamp in the thumbnail was an NSF watermark, after seeing loads of silhouetted pictures against an orange sky.

Anonymous No. 16221099

>sending a ship that can house 50-100
lucky that ain't starship then. Starship can house about 12 maximum for long term missions. you could pack about 100 people for a point to point trip but probably not for 6 months unless they will eat, shit and sleep in one economy class chair

Anonymous No. 16221102

nowhere. it's over (for historians)

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Splashdown Ship.webm

Anonymous No. 16221107

Probably the saddest thing about the whole debacle for me. I can't download the raw 4K VOD from the source, and have to rely on some shitty reupload from Youtube
>t. webm maker

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Anonymous No. 16221108



Anonymous No. 16221109

I don't get it, what's so bad about this? as long as he was alone and didn't hurt anyone in his path, I'd say it's a great form of suicide. I've thought about it and while I'm not a pilot, I'd love to kill myself like this.
also, sucks for his family but hey, one less boomer breathing air on this earth...

Anonymous No. 16221133


Anonymous No. 16221136

Didn't look like a suicide, he was def tryna pull up

Anonymous No. 16221145

>born in 1933

Anonymous No. 16221166

No reason not to park shitloads of Starships in orbit to await their landing pads while you're constructing them too, each synod should have 100+ vehicles heading out towards Mars.

Anonymous No. 16221170

Young people don't know that "boomer" doesn't just mean "old person", but applies to a specific generation.

Anonymous No. 16221223

this is why it pisses people off so much, btw
you should really consider stopping

Anonymous No. 16221239


Anonymous No. 16221242

no, you get pissed off too easily and need to grow a thicker skin

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Anonymous No. 16221249


Anonymous No. 16221277

>they just join the American colony

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Anonymous No. 16221425

>anybody got the Boring tunnel article from 2045?

Anonymous No. 16221720

they lost a couple during Gemini..Elliot something and another one i think. Crashed on landing.

RIP Major General Anders. Went out doing what he loved. Thanks for the original photos of earth rising over the moon.

Anonymous No. 16221748

it's not surprising since most of them were test pilots before becoming astronauts
test pilot just means a pilot who's willing to die in a plane crash

Anonymous No. 16221751

it also means a very capable engineer and precise pilot.